Domination Ch. 04


Thank you for your comments. Please keep them coming

Big thanks to WA001 for help with editing this story


As I walked through my door, I heard odd sounds coming from the living room. From the sounds, it was like someone was having sex and I wondered if I had walked in on my parents getting it on. Though I had seen Myra's and another strange car in the driveway. Since my parents generally parked in the garage, no one would know who is home.

When I reached the living room, I saw a thick looking brunette with a pink sheer thong that had something poking out between her legs. From my first sight of her thick thighs and big ass, I hoped it wasn't a dick between her legs but I have been disappointed before. She seemed to be nude other than that with her hair in a ponytail that was raised a bit and came down just past her shoulders. She hadn't noticed me as she was wagging her ass as she was too preoccupied with her current job.

My eyes then darted up and I noticed that her head was buried inside my sister's pussy and my anger began to rise. Her eyes were closed as she seemed to be getting close to orgasm. Then just as I thought she was going to cum and feel my anger break, she pushed the unknown brunette away from her as she yelled out, "NOO! I can't cum until my Master allows me!"

Just as she finished saying this, I could see her chest heaving as she was trying to stop her orgasm and hold it just at the breaking point. Her eyes then opened and she smiled and screamed, "MASTER! MASTER YOU'RE HOME!"

"Just what the fuck do you think you are doing?" I growled loudly. At that moment, knowing she had disappointed me, I knew punishment was in order.

"Master I-I was waiting for you to cum. Please let me cum Master. I have been holding it..." Myra said only for me to put up his hand.

"You directly disobeyed my orders. My second rule was that I own your body which means you are not allowed to be touched like this by anyone without my express permission," Freddy responded with anger in his voice.

Myra could see the anger in his eyes as a tear fell from her eye. All thought of her orgasm subsided as she felt she had failed her Master. She then quickly jumped up, pushing away her friend who looked confused at her as she ran up to Freddy and knelt before him burying her face into the hardwood floors while her hands sat right next to her head in a submissive position. "Please forgive the misconstrued reasoning for allowing your slave to be pleasured by her slave."

"I don't know if this is forgivable," Freddy sneered.

"P-Please Master. I will do anything. Please don't release me for my misjudgment," Myra begged between her sobs.

It was apparent to me that she was crying on the floor as I could hear her sniffles. I crouched down in front of her using my hand to bring her chin up to look me in the eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy and it looked like she had been crying for longer than she had but I realized it must have really upset her more than I had initially thought. I stared directly into those greenish-brown eyes and made myself very clear. "Myra. This is your one get out of jail free card. I didn't expect this from you, so I am giving you one more try. If you defy me like this again, we stop this and nothing you do or say will ever have me being intimate with you or allowing you close to me like we have been the past couple days. I want you to first go over and release your slave. Then you are to go upstairs and bring down a strap-on dildo that you have up there, and make sure it has something to please the other person, along with a crop as well and a pair of handcuffs. Make sure you take at least 10 minutes before you come back downstairs as I need to talk to your friend there. If you complete your punishment, then I will consider the matter closed and we will no longer speak of this. Do you understand me SLUT!" I stated drawing out the last word.

She nodded vehemently, "Yes Master. I will do whatever it takes to get back in your good graces."

I stood back up, "Good. Now complete the tasks I have set for you."

Myra jumped up quickly and forced her brunette friend to kneel before her, luckily she was on a blanket and pillows so that she didn't hurt her knees. She gave her the same speech she had given Allie and the brunette was released from being her slave. The girl stood and they shared a light kiss before hugging each other.

"Permission to be excused to get the items you requested Master?" Myra asked as she walked up and bowed her head before her while also keeping her hands clasped together with her left over top of her right before her.

"Granted, slave. Now get to it," I answered though still showed my anger through my voice. Normally I would have swatted her ass showing her how much I loved that cute butt of hers, but this time I had to refrain from doing it as I wanted her to know how angry I was.

Once Myra was gone, I turned my attention to her brunette friend. "And who might you be?" I asked.

"I'm Krystal, Myra's friend and former slave," she responded with a smile.

Krystal was definitely a chubby girl with thick thighs, a chubby tummy, and large breasts. Her figure reminded me of a tad bit smaller version of my mother but with smaller breasts and probably a lot less sagging as Krystal's breasts did not seem to sag as much from what I had seen of her tits so far. Her skin was also tan much like Myra's. One thing I could say is that she was a goddess in her own skin and she definitely looked comfortable being close to naked in front of me. I was extremely glad to see that the thing between her legs was not a dick but more a vibrator that had been stuffed into her pussy.

"I'm Freddy, Myra's brother," I responded putting out my hand to her as she gasped, her eyes going wide in shock. "What? Don't see too many brother's dominating their sisters?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"No I don't. I have seen a couple husbands and boyfriends but never a brother," Krystal said, blushing as she put her hair behind her ear.

"Well. I guess that leaves us with one question now doesn't it. I'm building up my newly found harem of slaves and would love to have you join. Are you looking to have a new Master since your Mistress has released you?" I asked, almost giddy if she said yes.

She sauntered over to me shaking her hips as she brought her lips close to mine, "I was actually going to ask Myra for my release as I found a guy that I want to try to have a normal relationship with. However," her lips curved to a lustful smile, "if it doesn't work out between us. I will definitely take you up on your offer."

Just as she went to take a step back, I brought my hand up to behind her head and put my other arm around her pulling her back close to me as she gasped at the sudden movement. "Well you aren't dating him yet, now are you?" She shook her head. "Good. Then why don't I give you a preview of what I have to offer."

She was biting her lip as my lips took hers. I then pushed my tongue into her mouth and let me say this woman really knew how to use her tongue. Her arms went around me as I brought my other arm down and gripped both of those large orbs she called an ass as she moaned into my mouth. I slapped both ass cheeks, one at a time as she squealed into my mouth with each slap. I then pulled back from her lips and smiled at her, "Why don't you show me how you can handle a cock?"

Her lips curved into a seductive smile as she nodded, "Yes sir, but are you asking or telling me?"

"Drop to your knees and show me how good you are with a cock in your mouth, slut," I replied in an authoritative voice.

She moaned at my words and without any further hesitation, she dropped down. I kicked off my shoes and she unbuckled and unbuttoned my slacks and pulled them down along with my boxers. "I can see why Myra submitted to you."

"Actually, I tied her up and force-fucked her and made her submit to me. She then told me I was what she was looking for the whole time and from then on out, she has been my loyal slave. Though she does need to learn her place as she still sees herself as a Mistress," I replied.

"Please don't be too angry with her. I have never seen her act around a man like she does with you. Yes I've seen her fuck guys, but it was always on her terms. The way she dropped to her knees in front of you and started to cry as she begged for forgiveness made me realize how much she wants... no needs, to belong to you. Just know that if you release her, she will never be complete and will become a shell of her former self. She is strong willed and may test your boundaries but she is a loving and caring person," Krystal stated. She had some good points and I did already know how loving and caring my sister was but she also needed to be taught her place if she was going to serve me. A slave, to a Master, who did what they wanted and broke the rules was a slap in the face to the Master. Her devotion to me needed to be complete for me to give her exactly what she wanted. Little did any of them know the truth behind why I was really doing this and why it had to be a certain way.

Krystal kept eye contact with me as she licked the tip of my cock. Slowly she licked up each side of my cock, even running her tongue around it in ways I didn't know was possible; then she engulfed it. Now I wasn't one to be a huge fan of deep throating, but when this girl did it, man did it feel fucking fantastic. Her mouth felt sublime as she pulled back and went up and down on my cock.

I stood there getting one of the best blowjobs of my life as I heard someone coming down the steps. Though I hadn't asked about our parents yet, at the moment I just didn't give a fuck who it was and would deal with the consequences.

"Master, I have the items you requested," I heard Myra say almost in a whisper as she stood behind me.

"Come over here so I can see you slave," I ordered. She came around to stand in front of me and glanced down at her friend sucking my cock. No doubt about it, she was thinking about how she wanted to be the one doing that. "Good job slave. Now tell me. Where are our parents? I don't want to have them interrupt us while we are doing the next part of your punishment."

"Mom is upstairs in her room, tied up at the moment, and won't bother us. Dad had to fly out this morning for a business trip and won't be back until later this week," Myra answered.

In her voice I could still hear her sniffles, and she was still teary eyed. I did feel bad for how she felt, but she did make the decision to disobey me and needed to be punished. I had thought of something much worse but didn't want to hurt my sister and didn't know if I could cause her any physical pain, other than a series of spankings or something else like that.

"Excellent. Now we may proceed then." I looked down to Krystal who looked like she was enjoying herself way too much, not that I was complaining, and tapped the top of her head causing her to stop and look back up at me. "Time to stop now sweetie. Though you did look like you were having the time of your life."

As she stood up and came nose to nose with me again she smiled with that seductive smile again, "You have a wonderful cock and I truly hope my soon to be boyfriend has something close to what you have here otherwise I may just have to come back to you."

I smiled back at her with a sinful smile, "You are always welcome to take your side by me. But now I need your help with something else." She arched her eyebrow at me as I kissed her lips for a moment, knowing this would upset Myra. Once I released her lips, I looked to my sister and smiled, "Your friend here has decided to not become my slave as she has found someone she is willing to give a try for a normal relationship. Though I am going to ask for her help with your punishment." I took the strap-on and handed it to Krystal as I looked her in the eyes, "Please put this on and sit on the couch over there," I said pointing to the seat.

Krystal nodded and I waited for her to get into position. I then took the other two items from Myra and took her by the wrist over to the couch. "Sit on the plastic cock and face away from me," I told Myra, "And don't you dare fucking cum until I say so." I grabbed her hair just as she was getting on the cock and forced her to look at me, "OR ELSE!" I growled.

"Yes Master," she responded in a whisper.

Once Myra was in position, I took the handcuffs and hooked up her hands behind her back in an L formation. She would be able to slide her hands back and forth but not release the cuffs without assistance. "Now Krystal. Myra will need your help to keep her body up straight but she will also need you for something else as well."

Krystal nodded understanding the first part but waited for further instructions. I got behind Myra and used some lube from Krystal's pussy juice as I put a finger to my mouth to tell her to be quiet about it as she slyly nodded. I lubed up my cock with her well lubricated juices and once ready I set my cock to her dark hole.

I slowly pushed my cock into Myra's ass and I could feel her body shutter. I could see the expression on the face of Krystal that she knew what was going on and was watching Myra's face.

"HOLY FUCK MASTER!" Myra screamed out as my cock head passed her rosebud and slowly went inside her ass.

Once I got about halfway in, I stopped and whispered into Myra's ear, "How does it feel to have a cock buried in your tight ass slut."

"It hurts Master... but it also feels good as well. I had wanted you to be the first to have me back there, but not like this Master," Myra responded.

"This is your punishment slave. Now you may not orgasm until you have made your friend cum and made your Master cum. I don't want to hear you begging me for orgasms or anything other than how good it feels. Then and only then can you ask for your orgasm and I will only allow you to have it if you are good. If you fail at any part of this, I will release you right here and now and will no longer have anything to do with you," I said to her.

"Yes Master. I will serve you faithfully and will not disappoint you at all. I know it was my hand that forced this and for that, I will never forgive myself. But I do hope that you can forgive me one day," Myra replied as she turned her head back to me and I could see the tears in her eyes.

I kissed her full lips and felt her tongue enter my mouth. Once we stopped kissing, I spoke up again, "Like I said before. Once you have fulfilled your punishment, the matter is closed. And I don't expect to hear about it again. Though if you would like, you can explain your mistake to your sister slave so she will know not to make the same mistake but, I don't want her coming to me asking questions about it!"

Myra then nodded as I used the couch to push myself back up. "Krystal. Since you are not under my control, you are allowed to cum as much as you want. And my slave here is not allowed to cum until both of us have cum either. So if you want, you can hold back as long as you want. Or you can just let it go and allow her to cum sooner than she should be allowed to."

Krystal then nodded knowing that Myra's life was practically in her hands at the moment. I then pulled my cock back and started to fuck Myra's ass. Each time my cock would go in as far as I would allow it, Myra would grunt though I didn't know if it was in pain or pleasure. Other than her grunts and the occasional moan, not a word came out of Myra.

After a good ten minutes of me and Krystal fucking my sister hard, Krystal announced her orgasm. "Oh God!" she yelled out, "I'm CMMMMM...!" she screamed as her orgasm took her over. Though it looked like a good one, it wasn't one of those earth-shattering ones that I had given Myra or Allie. I knew I could give her so much more but she declined to join my group.

I kept pounding away at Myra's ass hearing her making noises but not a word came out of those lips. "Are you ready to give in slave?" I whispered into Myra's ear.

She shook her head, "Not ... a ... fucking ... chance ... Master!" she replied through ragged breaths. I could see that her nails were digging into her skin as she looked close to drawing blood.

Just as Krystal was coming down from her orgasm, I saw her starting to buck her hips. I then leaned forward and whispered into Myra's ear, "I want you to kiss your friend slave and I had better see some tongue in there as well." As I pulled back from her, I bit her earlobe causing her to moan.

Myra's body shuddered and then shook as I knew she was near orgasm and she was going to lose her battle and disobey me. She moved her face closer to her friend and licked Krystal's nose.

Krystal then looked up and brought her hands up to cup her face and the two women started to make out. This had given me better access to Myra's ass as she tilted her hips ever so slightly and to add to the lady's pleasure, I reached down beneath me and was able to run my fingers around Krystal's slit.

"FUCKING SHIT!" Krystal screamed out as I started to play with her.

I then used my other hand to pull Myra's hair back thus pulling her body closer to me. "You have been a good slave so far. However, I have decided to release you from your pain since I am a caring Master." I saw tears in her eyes as she looked over at me. "When your friend cums, I want you to cum with her and show her the orgasms I can give you." I then kissed her lips and she immediately pushed her tongue into my mouth as I made out with my sister. My cock never missed a beat as I continued to plunge her asshole.

"Cum for me Krystal. I want to see you soak this couch with your nectar," I called out. My fingers were able to get around part of the strap-on that was inside of her pussy and flick her clit back and forth giving her that extra nudge.

"What the hell?" Krystal yelled out as she didn't know it was me playing with her. She then arched her back as she screamed out in orgasm.

I pulled my hand back from her pussy and reached around Myra to pinch, twist and pull on her hard nipple. With my other hand still tied around her hair, I only had one hand to play with them. "You may cum now slave," I told Myra in a commanding voice as I pounded her ass with everything I had.

Her ass had been tighter than any pussy I had been in and she had worked her anal muscles to the limit as I could feel her starting to loosen her grip on my cock. It still felt wonderful to me but I realized that Myra was losing all control of her body.

She then screamed out, what I didn't know as it just came out sounding like a loud screaming baby's babble. Her body shook violently and I had to release her hair and nipple as I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from jerking us off to the left or right or even forward and hitting her friend in the forehead. The last thing I needed was for them to get knocked out and both get concussions from this.

Then just as quickly as it had started, her body went limp. I quickly pulled out of her with a 'plop' sound and picked her up off the strap on and had Krystal move over, who was in the midst of her own orgasm, as I laid Myra down on the couch. After a few seconds, she started to breathe, though I hadn't realized she stopped. Her chest heaved for a few minutes while I sat there with her, running my hands through her silky hair and rubbing her tummy. When her breathing returned to normal, she looked to be out of the world as her body was still limp.

I stood up getting ready to make my way upstairs and get cleaned up, also wanting to check on my mom as something about how Myra explained what Mom was up to didn't sit right to me.

Just as I turned to walk away, I felt a hand on my wrist as I turned back around. Krystal had pleading eyes that were mixed with lust as she spoke, "You haven't cum yet. Please let me be the vessel of your desire so that you can cum since your slave is currently out of commission?" As she begged for this she looked down at Myra with a smirk on her face making me think she was either jealous or envious of her situation. When she looked back to me, she was biting her bottom lip and had moved a hand under the strap-on that was still attached.

"Let me go get cleaned..." I started to say only to have her jump off the couch in front of me.

"No need," she stated picking up her panties and cleaning off my cock. "Though do you have any Vaseline or lotion close by?" she asked.

I arched an eyebrow at her as I wondered why her well lubricated pussy would need it. She looked up at me and smiled, "I want you to fuck my ass just like you did Myra and send me into never-never-land too."

The look on her face made me think that I was prey to this lioness and one way or another, she was going to have me. I glanced over at where my mother usually sits in her chair and saw a bottle of lotion. She always preferred the berry scented ones over the floral ones.

I quickly moved away from her and got the bottle and brought it over, "This should work. Though I do need to ask if you have ever done this before?"

Krystal nodded, "Yes, though I have never been double penetrated before. Myra was the one that took my anal cherry and she had allowed two guys to fuck me back there as well a couple times."

"Duly noted. Though I think I can help you with your double penetration fantasy if you are interested?" I asked her. She nodded vehemently at the idea and I helped her up to which she quickly took the strap-on off.

I picked up Myra and moved her to one of the recliners after I had opened it up into a sleeping position. Once she was out of the way and safe, softly snoring away, I turned my attention back to Krystal.

I guided her to the armrest of the couch and set the strap-on down. Krystal then moved herself into position facing the back of the couch and keeping that thick booty pointed toward me. Once she had her pussy filled, I smiled at her, "All snug?"

"Not even close to what you have, but I would rather have that thing in my ass instead," she purred as she smiled and winked at me.

I felt a shiver run down my spine at the way she was devouring me with her eyes. This woman was definitely comfortable with her sexuality and knew what she liked. I felt a little envious for the guy she was going to start dating after today, but then again, I had two of the most beautiful women as my personal sex slaves at my disposal. I shrugged my shoulders; guess I can't have all of them.

Then I moved behind her and gave both of her ass cheeks a slap causing her to gasp and then moan as she tilted her head back, that long brunette hair snaking its way down her back making her look incredibly sexy. I then squirted some of the lotion on my hand taking my fingers and pushing first one and then two into her ass. She moaned loudly and even pushed her ass back trying to get more of them in her.

After I felt she was lubed up enough, I got some more lotion and covered my cock before grabbing my shirt and wiping off my hands. I moved into position and as soon as she felt the depression in the armrest behind her, Krystal moved her hands to her ass cheeks and spread them as much as she could. I saw that dark little pucker staring right at me as my cockhead was now just inches from it. I hadn't realized in my haste prior with Myra just how tight these ladies were back there. I glanced over my shoulder hoping that I didn't do any permanent damage but had to rely on my slaves to tell me when I took it too far.

Slowly I slid my cock into her ass. She hissed as my cockhead popped past the threshold but I kept slowly pushing. After a little over half was inside of her, she put her hand on me telling me to stop.

I sat there for a few minutes allowing her to get accustomed to the size and she finally moved her hand and I was able to push onward. After a second break, I was finally able to get my entire cock deep in her ass.

Her breathing had changed as she tried to take me as best she could. As I had felt with Myra but didn't really notice as much but more due to me focusing on her punishment, I felt the plastic phallus pushing against my cock, as just a thin piece of membrane separated the two. I shivered knowing that this could be with another guy's cock but also knew that some women do like this sort of thing. Needless to say, I may have to give that opportunity to my slaves. Though I may just use a rubber cock instead of a real one when I do it with them. I'm not into sharing with other men.

I started to pump her ass slowly while my hands held onto her hips. She had a tramp stamp above her ass that had some Asian writing going about halfway up her back. As I got a good rhythm and started to speed up, one of my hands snaked its way up her spine and grabbed her hair. I pulled her back to me causing her to hiss though I knew it was more out of pleasure than anything. "You like having your ass reamed, don't you?" I asked her.

"By others, it was okay. But by you," she said her eyes darting to meet mine with all the lust she could muster up, "It feels phenomenal. It feels like you are breaking my ass and hurts a lot. But the mix of pleasure I'm getting from that and the strap-on that is deep in my cunt is bringing me to new heights."

My cock jumped in her ass and she yelped. I smiled and bit her neck causing her to gasp. Once I left a nice little mark which would unfortunately be gone in a couple days, I moved so I could speak directly into her ear. "It's too bad you won't become mine. I could definitely get used to fucking your thick juicy ass."

"Yesss! Too bad indeed. Though I will say that if he is not the man I expect him to be, then I will be back begging to come back to you," she responded with a small hint of regret. To me it almost sounded like she didn't want it to work out, but I knew she had made up her mind already and I wasn't about to force her to do anything.

"Now I think it is time I filled your ass with my cum. Don't you think so?" I asked her.

I expected her to start begging for it but instead she looked at me with pleading eyes, "Please don't cum in my ass sir. I beg of you to paint this slut's face with your cream. I want to remember this for as long as I can."

"FUCK!" I yelled out as she giggled and moaned louder now. It was so fucking hot how she said that I just about nutted then. However, I was able to hold myself back. After fucking Myra's ass and now Krystal's, I was close but there was one thing I needed to do before I got myself off. "In that case, I need a favor from you first."

She looked back at me again, "Anything for the man who would be my Master."

"I want you to cum for me. You may have cum before with my assistance but this time, it will be me giving this gift to you. Cum for me Krystal! Cum for me my little slut! My little ass slut! Cum for me like you would if I were your Master and I was forcing you to cum for me," I commanded her.

I watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body began to shake. Then I felt and unbelievable tightness around my cock as her ass closed up, stopping me from fucking her but keeping me hilt deep inside of her. If I couldn't move, then I was going to help her along another way. I started making my cock jump as my other hand started to slap her ass. "CUM NOW! CUM LIKE THE DIRTY SLUT YOU ARE!" I yelled.

Krystal's body began to shake violently as I had to stop slapping her ass and holding her hair just to keep balance and keep her from jumping right off me. I watched as ripples ran over her flesh up and down her back and along her ass cheeks. It was definitely a sight to behold as this woman came for me.

To help keep her steady, I wrapped both arms around her. One went across her tummy and the other bisected her breasts and grabbed onto her shoulder. If she had been trying to scream out or say anything, it was a moot point as her mouth hung open, saliva dripping down from her bottom lip, and only a low animalistic growl/moan came out as she grunted. Her chest started to heave as I felt her grip on my cock slowly release.

I gave her a good five minutes or so to regain herself, as I still held onto her, to which I was rewarded with her sweet voice again, "Holy fucking hell! That was the best orgasm I have ever had. Just what are you since there is no way you are a man?"

Her eyes were wide as she was staring into my face. I released my grip on her and she was able to hold herself up without assistance. "That is where you are wrong. I am but just a simple man. Nothing more and nothing less. I just enjoy making women orgasm is all," I replied with a sly smirk. "Now, however, is my turn. Since you want my cum on your face so bad, I will make Krispy Kreme Glaze Donuts turn away in shame with what I will do to that pretty face."

I then kissed her hard, my tongue forcing its way into her mouth as our tongues wrapped around one another and were practically fucking the other. My hands moved to her hips as I got my previous pace going again but within a minute, I was at my top speed fucking her ass like a jackrabbit.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fucking ream that ass. Make me walk funny for weeks Freddy! Make that ass yours!"

"You won't... allow your... new boyfriend... back here will you?" I asked through ragged breaths as I got closer and closer to my own orgasm. At my top speed, I wouldn't last long either in stamina or from my orgasm.

She shook her head like a child rejecting anything green for dinner, "Not a fucking chance! This is your ass now!" I saw her cringe up as she let out a deep guttural moan. "FUCK I'M CCCCUUUUUU...!" she screamed out as her orgasm took her over.

Her ass clamped down on my cock again but not as bad as before. I had to slow down slightly but it didn't matter as I felt my balls boil knowing it was only a matter of seconds before my cum was rushing out.

Quick as a fox, I jumped backwards pulling my cock from her ass. I grabbed onto her and moved her to the floor. Luckily, the blanket was still there from before where I had slid it out of the way but was perfectly positioned to the right of the couch. I jerked my cock a couple times as she smiled at me as her body shook, making sure to keep her eyes closed.

My cum erupted as I grunted a couple times. I watched as rope after rope painted this woman's face. Even after my encounter with Allie this morning, I was still able to cum enough to make her look like the glazed donut that I promised her. "Fuck you look hot!" I said, excited about the work I did on her face.

Her eyes slowly opened, cum dripping down from her eyelashes. She had this cute little smirk I hadn't seen before. "I really didn't think you would cover my face but damn if I can't feel it all over." I watched some of the bigger globs of cum drip down her chin onto her neck and run across her breasts.

"Well I'm glad I didn't disappoint," I smiled back at her bending down and grabbing her panties to clean my cock. I then tossed them over to her, "Would you like me to show you the bathroom so you can get... cleaned up?"

She shook her head very carefully so as not to spill any. "No. I think I will stay like this a little while longer. Though I may just get Myra up and have her lick it off me since she loves your cock so much."

"Oh really?" I asked, amazed that Myra had been talking about me.

"Ummhmm. Though I didn't know you were her brother. But when she called me up today and had me come over here for the first time, she told me about her new Master and how he was everything she always wanted. I asked her about your size knowing it would be a reason I would submit to a guy, but she told me it wasn't your size but the way you commanded her and made her feel that gave her the greatest pleasure. I'm just glad I was able to meet you. Though I will say I wasn't disappointed by your size even if it isn't the biggest I have seen," she responded with a smirk.

Before I could move, she took my cock in her mouth and bobbed back and forth a few times, swirling her tongue around it. It only lasted about a minute before she pulled her mouth off of me. I looked down at her confused and she just smiled, "I didn't want my sir to leave with a soiled cock. Especially one as nice as this one. And who better to clean my juices off than me!" she had this cute look on her face and I so badly wanted to lift her up and kiss her pretty lips as I held her close to me. But seeing how much cum was there, I knew there wouldn't be a chance for me to kiss her without tasting myself and she even shook her head almost like she knew what I was thinking.

As I was heading towards the stairs, I glanced over my shoulder and watched her stand up seeing her ass and thighs jiggle. "When Myra wakes, let her know Allie won't be over until later this week after her parents come in."

Krystal quickly turned my way, "Y-You know Allie?" she asked perplexed.

"Yes. She is my other slave. I did say I was building a harem of slaves, didn't I?" I replied plainly.

I saw a new hunger blossom in her eyes as I smiled and turned away heading up the stairs. When I was about halfway up, I heard her trying to wake Myra, "Sweetie. Sweetie wake up. I have a present for you from your new Master." I could only smile wondering what Myra's face would look like seeing her friend's face covered in my cum as her eyes opened.

When I got to the top of the stairs, something didn't sit right with me. I kept remembering how Myra explained what our parents were up to. "Mom is upstairs in her room tied up at the moment and won't bother us." My mind started racing, wondering if I should take what she said literally or was I just overthinking it. If I broke this down and really thought about how my time with Myra had gone, then from what she told me Mom was upstairs tied up and couldn't get free.

I let out a chuckle at that thought thinking how preposterous that sounded. Then I heard something. What it was I couldn't quite make out, but it seemed to be coming from my parent's room, which by coincidence, I was standing right next to. The door was ajar but was not wide open, otherwise I would have seen right into the room upon ascending the stairs.

Slowly I pushed the door open as I heard the hinges lightly squeal. What my eyes saw, I would never forget. My happy, loving, beautiful and innocent looking Mother was strapped to the bed by her arms and legs. As I looked up her body, she was wearing fishnet thigh highs that looked sexy as hell on her legs. Her skin looked silky smooth; she had a lighter tan than Myra, yet clearly had tan lines around her breasts and crotch. It looked almost like she had been wearing a bikini when going out in the sun even though I had never, ever seen my mother in a bikini. She was always too self-conscious about her weight. Yes, she was a thick woman, but she carried it well and was by no means fat.

As I followed her body up, her legs were spread wide and a bullet type vibrator was taped right over her clit while she had a larger vibrator inside her pussy. At that point I didn't know if it was relief, or just something I may have not been able to handle, or maybe something that would have pushed me further over the edge, but seeing her butt-hole free and clear of any toys made me think that at least a part of my mother was still inside this woman.

I noticed a clip with a chain attached to her clit that was rattling, due to the small bullet, and I followed it up her round tummy to her large breasts seeing she had clips on her nipples also. Her areolas and nipples were nothing special but nothing bad as well. They were exactly the size I had always pictured them to be on most women, though in reality I had found out that all women's areola and nipple size are different, just like each one of them is different.

Finishing my tour of my mother's body, my eyes finally saw her face. She was breathing hard but had a ball gag in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. Something told me that she had been setup for me and I was going to take advantage of her situation.

A thought popped into my head that this was Myra's doing, but instead of getting angry at Myra for doing this to our mother, I was angrier with Mom. What parent would allow their child to do this to them? The job of the parent is to protect the child, both through physical and other means. Sometimes punishments and rules have to be in place, but the parent needs to keep the authority. If Mom had fallen under Myra's control, then she no longer had authority over her and she was now the child while Myra was the parent. No wonder my sister had become so harsh over the past few years. Then again, I didn't know how long this had been going on between the two of them. If it were much shorter, Mom would have been screaming to be released, and unless Myra used some kind of drug on her, Mom would have overpowered her. Not that Mom was stronger, but that she was a bit heavier than Myra.

I walked around to the left side of the bed, letting my fingers trace up her stockings, over her stomach and her breasts and coming across her neck and ear. "Mga gaerae gareafe wetija afea," I heard my mother say though with the gag in her mouth it was nothing but gibberish.

The buckle for the ball-gag was expertly placed right in front of me, though I didn't know if this was by chance or on purpose. Either way, I removed the ball-gag from her mouth and tossed it on the opposite side of the bed.

Mom readjusted her jaw before she spoke up, "Please Mistress! Please let me cum. I have been a good Mommy-slut. I've been holding it for so long hearing you cum over and over again. Please let me cum so I can drink the creampie from your perfect, tight, little pussy," she pleaded with me.

I stood there for a moment deciding what to do. When I made my decision, I leaned over and whispered directly into her ear, "Your Mistress is preoccupied at the moment. I'm her Master and if you really want to cum like the filthy Mommy-slut you are, then you had better beg much better than that."

Her head jerked back and forth almost like she was looking around the room, though her eyes were still covered. "Look. I don't know who you are but please release me. My husband should be home any moment and he owns a gun."

"I know your husband slut and I know he flew out early this morning and won't be back until the end of the week. Now if you want to cum, you need to beg like the good little Mommy-slut you are. Otherwise I will lock the door and leave you like this and check on you tomorrow," I whispered into her ear. I had to change my voice slightly so she wouldn't recognize me, but then again, in her current state I doubt she would notice my voice. Especially since I haven't whispered into her ear like this since I was little and was telling her secrets about my sister just to get back at Myra.

She jerked around the bed for a few minutes fighting against the restraints and I saw the bullet that was taped to her clit become detached and fling off the bed and onto the carpet.

I then laughed and she started to fight even more. "Well. I guess you will just have to deal with this through the night," I said loud enough so she would recognize my voice as I turned up the vibrator in her cunt to high and picked up the bullet and reattached it to her clit.

She had stopped struggling against the restraints and had frozen still. As I started to walk away, I heard her start to sob as she spoke up again, "F-Freddy? I-Is that you?"

"Yeah, it is me, Mommy-slut. You know, I had known something was going on between you, Dad and Myra for a while, but I never expected this." I paused for dramatic effect letting that sink in. "Well... have a good night." I then stopped in my tracks once more. "Oh, and by the way. Myra won't be up to release you as she is passed out with an ass full of my cum. Sooo... good luck trying to get free, if you can."

Just as I was about to leave the room, "WAIT!" she yelled.

I turned with a mischievous grin on my face, "Yeeeeeessssss?" I asked, drawing out the word.

"Please be a dear and release your poor old mother," she begged through her sobs.

As I went to respond, I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked over and saw Myra standing there. I could see some of my cum on the side of her mouth and knew she had woken up and was licking her friend's face. Though I had no clue why she wasn't enjoying her friend's company and instead up here. "Please Master. Let me explain before you get upset."

"Please do, because I was about to punish this Mommy-slut right here," I replied plainly.

"Dad was helping the previous CFO of his company with stealing money. When the CFO was fired, Dad was forced to commit different acts of humiliation for the company's executives or lose his job. Also because of this, and the fact he had to payback all the money he took, they took half his paycheck. Mom found out about this and she started to steal money from the company she works for to help keep the bills paid." My eyes were wide in shock as I heard this. To think my parents who always acted like they were the perfect little middle-class family was doing something like this was mind boggling.

"I found out about Mom first and made her submit to me or I would tell everyone. Then I confronted Dad and made him submit to me as well. From what I have seen so far, Mom likes her role as a submissive and Dad gets off on humiliation, though it doesn't need to be his own," Myra finished saying.

"Is that true Mommy-slut? You enjoy being a submissive slave to your daughter. A submissive incest slut?" I asked her.

I could see her body trembling, but as I thought she wasn't going to say anything, she suddenly blurted out loud, "YES! I love being a Mommy-slut! I love being a submissive incest slut to my own little girl! I love eating the creampies out of her, and her other slave's pussies! I love it when they coat my face with the creampie as they push it out of their tight pussies!" Her chest was now heaving I could tell this excited her to no end.

"Then I only see one way forward," I stated smiling mischievously at Myra who giggled knowing what I was thinking. I pointed to my chin and she quickly cleaned her face and ran to the bathroom brushing her teeth before returning a few minutes later. Then I pulled her close to me and kissed her hard on the lips before I pointed her to our mother and she nodded. As with most times when I was happy with her as my slave, I slapped her cute ass which caused her to gasp and then moan as she shook her cute backside.

Myra walked over to where I had been standing and removed Mom's blindfold. Mom blinked a couple times letting her eyes adjust to the light and saw Myra standing over her. Myra gave her speech releasing Mom from being her slave and I was amazed by how Mom cried, like a good amount and definitely more than I thought she would.

Once they were done, Myra turned to me, "Master. This slave has released her slave."

"Thank you," I replied plainly, like it was expected of her.

Mom's eyes then looked over to me and her eyes went wide as she finally saw me standing there, still in the nude. My cock was standing fully erect due to seeing how lewd my mother was and having Myra's body so close to me again. I saw her lick her lips and the look in her eyes reminded me of Krystal's from before, but with a lot more hunger. Maybe the taboo nature of it added to it, but who knows. Either way, she was hungry, and I was on the menu currently.

"I shall take my leave now then," I stated turning on my heel to walk away.

"B-But Master," Myra exclaimed, "I released her for you to take."

"That may be true, but it is my choice with whom I take and, so far, I haven't seen anything to tell me that she is worthy to serve me," I responded coldly.

"P-Please sir. Give this old woman a chance," Mom begged. I saw how her bottom lip was now quivering as she seemed on the verge of tears. Then I noticed how her eyes changed from the hunger she had before to something that was more like Myra's when she found out how angry I was earlier. Mom had a look of desperation as she begged me with her puppy dog eyes.

"FINE!" I responded in a commanding voice, "But as far as I'm concerned, you have already used up your first chance with me. Myra will teach you my rules and if you break any of them for any reason, I will release you and you will lose me. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes, Mast..." she responded.

However, I cut her off, "No. You don't get to call me Master until you submit to me." I walked to the side of the bed, released her from her wrist and ankle restraints, forcing her to the floor, by her hair, at my feet. With my hand firmly entangled in her hair I jerked her head back, bringing her face up to look at me, and with my rock hard cock pointing at her face I began my spiel... to make my mother my slave.

"I Frederick Lynch, do take you Joslyn Lynch as my slave to worship me, serve me and heed my will. You will be bound to my will and will always follow my instructions no matter what instructions I give. Do you submit?"

Mom shivered in anticipation and I could see how wide her eyes were as she was also salivating, "I Joslyn Lynch, do hereby submit to you Frederick Lynch, my Master. Until death do we part or when you no longer have use of me. I will serve you faithfully and uphold your will."

I took my cock in hand and pointed it at her face, "I do hereby take you as my slave. Now... you will worship your Master and seal this blood contract as it is burned into your soul."

Joslyn wasted no time in taking me into her mouth, showing me the experience she had gained over the years as she gave me one of the best blowjobs I have ever had. She must have used every skill she had as I felt my orgasm building up quickly. I abruptly stopped her, knowing I was close to my breaking point and wanted to save my cum for another place on/in her body.

Joslyn looked up like she had done something wrong and I watched as her bottom lip quivered. She probably thought she did a bad job and I was going to released her. Instead, I put my hand under her chin, trying my best to keep my emotions from my face, as I raised her to her feet. She was maybe a couple inches shorter than I was as I whispered to her, "You have done well my slave." A smile rose on my face as I saw her get all giddy knowing she had pleased me. "But now, I do believe my slave was asking for her orgasm. Are you still close?" I asked.

"Oh yes Master!" she replied bouncing on her heels, "It has been difficult holding it back, but knowing that I was making my new Master proud of me, was well worth the wait."

I then surprised her by pulling her face to mine and kissing her, my tongue pushing its way into her mouth. Though I have kissed a lot of beautiful women, kissing your own mother is on a whole different level. I was like all the nerve endings in my body, every one of them, fired off at once. When she wrapped her arms around me, and our bodies mashed together, it was surreal. Other than kissing Myra for the first time, this was one of the best kisses I had ever had.

Once our kiss was done, we were both panting, trying to gather our breath. I watched as Joslyn's breasts moved with her heaving chest and it was a sight to behold. I took her by the hand and guided her back onto the bed. I spread her legs, for the first time getting a clear view of her pussy, this time the toys were out of the way. Biting her lip, she watched as I traced the outline of her fully prepared cunt; it was obviously ready for action, looking more like a mouth ready to devour its next meal -- my meat and the gravy that follows -- than most of the vaginas I had seen in any of the porn I had watched.

I had half a thought to taste her but knew that I needed to show my dominance first and some of the fun, like that, could come later. Plus, this woman's eyes were practically screaming that she wanted to get fucked. Through the chaos of this all being played out, I hadn't asked Myra how many guys had been with any of her slaves. However, from what I was seeing with Joslyn, I had guessed that it hadn't been as much as some of her others. Perhaps even in her Mistress state of mind, my sister had refused to let a bunch of men defile her knowing that it was her own mother. There could also be other reasons, but I held onto that thought hoping it was the case.

With her toys out of her cunt, I left the clit clamp in place knowing it would add to the stimulation she was about to receive. I did however remove the nipple clamps as her breasts were begging for me to suck on them, causing her to yelp as the blood rushed back to those stiff little buds. My mind tried to jump back to my childhood to when I was a toddler as I fed on these same breasts. I shook that thought from my head as I was a man now and at this moment, this woman was not my mother. She was a woman who had a need to orgasm as well as a need to help bring her Master to orgasm as well.

I slowly kissed up her tummy, feeling the muscles tremble at my touch. Joslyn started lightly moaning. As I reached her breasts, I ran my mouth around each of her mammoth sized orbs. Even for their size and her age, they only sagged so much. I would have imagined seeing a lot more sagging and even more stretchmarks, due to her having my sister and I, along with her age, but I was pleasantly surprised to see she cared for her body. Not that sagging and stretchmarks could be stopped in a sense but she had done her best to stop it.

When I reached her nipples, I sucked each one into my mouth, one at a time. They were not overly large or that small but the perfect size. She moaned even louder as her hands came to the back of my head. "Oh Master! That feels so fucking good! I still remember when you used to suck on them as a child. You would scream for hours until I let you suck on them again. You made your Mommy-slut's breasts hurt so bad from how much you sucked on them."

"I do love some lovely breasts, my slave," I responded before attacking the other breast.

"OH FUCK! Master! Master I'm close! Please let me cum!" she begged.

I knew it wasn't just from me sucking on her breasts but probably more about how she had been holding back her orgasm for so long. I could understand how that could easily be torture for anyone, "Cum for me my slave. But know that you only cum when I give you permission."

"EEEEAAAHHHHH!" she screamed as her back arched and her hips bucked upwards. She screamed out something else as her orgasm shot through her body, but like hell if I could understand her words.

"M-Master," I heard Myra's voice quivering as she stood at the edge of the bed by the doorway.

I had almost forgotten about her as I became immersed in my mother. As I looked over at her, I knew exactly what she wanted. "Hop on the bed slave. You may not join this time, but you are permitted to play with yourself. And I also give you permission to cum as much as you like while I use my slave for my pleasure."

"Thank you so much Master," Myra happily replied. She was giddy as she jumped up onto the bed. I had noticed that she winced a little as her ass tightened when she sat down, but she did her best to hide any pain she may have been in. She opened her legs and I took in the vision of that lovely little cunt I had pleasured many times before. For a few minutes I watched as she started to rub herself, guiding two fingers inside her already lubricated hole. As I looked up at her, she smiled, winked and then blew me a kiss. I doubted she would be taking her eyes off me the entire time, but I had someone else I needed to focus on instead of her.

My eyes went back to Joslyn as I brought my lips down to kiss her again. She quickly wrapped her arms around me as she ran her nails up and down my back. I was lucky that neither of my three slaves had very long nails otherwise I would have enormous scratch marks all up and down my back and would be getting first-aid on a regular basis. Though it would have been well worth it.

My right hand went to her breasts and she whimpered as I pulled and twisted her nipple. As we broke the kiss, I stared into those dark brown eyes as her blonde hair was splayed out over the pillow her head rested on. In that moment, she looked like a goddess and I once again felt like the luckiest guy on the planet.

"Are you ready to receive your Master now?" I asked her with a smirk on my face.

She giggled as she nodded her head vehemently, "Of course Master. Your slave is always willing to receive her Master. Any time and any day at any moment. This body belongs to you now."

I moved my hand to guide my cock into my own mother. The same woman who, over 18 years ago, gave birth to me. The same woman who used to wipe my butt when I soiled my diaper, who was there when I would get injured as a child and tell me that I would be okay. The same woman who was also there for me whenever I needed her, up until high school that is.

Knowing how wet she was as I could see her juices already leaking out from her orgasm along with how turned on she was, I didn't hesitate as I pushed a little over half my dick inside with one thrust. "OH SHIT!" she yelled out as her eyes went wide. Her head looked down at where we were joined as a smile grew on her face.

"That was only halfway. Do you think you can handle the whole thing?" I asked her.

"You are definitely thicker than your father but please take it slow Master. I don't have as much sex as you would think being a previous slave under Myra," she responded as she started to breath heavier.

My head looked over to Myra and she shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe some of me still felt like she was Mom still so I rarely let guys fuck her Master. But now, you are in control and can fuck her, or not, as often as you like."

I reached my hand over and pulled Myra in for a kiss, which caused Joslyn's hips to buck at me a couple times as she moaned. "I do like the way you think sometimes. But don't let it go to your head too much now."

"Of course not Master. My place is always by your side as your submissive." Her lips turned to a wicked smile, "Or under you or any other way you want to fuck this slave's little pussy."

"Don't go giving me ideas now. I have other matters to handle," I responded with a smile. She just giggled and continued rubbing herself, watching. I looked back down at Joslyn and pulled my cock back and then slowly pushed my entire length inside of her, emitting a low guttural moan as her vaginal walls gave way to the invading member. Once my pelvis hit hers, denoting that I was hilt deep within her, I smiled down at her, "Now it is time for me to pound this sweet pussy of yours, slave."

"Yes Master! Please fuck your slave's willing pussy. I need you sooo bad," she replied.

I started with a good medium speed rhythm as she was already soaking wet and I could save a slow love making rhythm for later on. The sound of our pelvises hitting and the squishy sounds coming from her cunt made it even more awesome.

I watched, almost mesmerized, as my mother's large breasts bounced back and forth, my head suddenly jerked up as I heard Myra scream out as her orgasm crashed over her. I listened as her fingers were making the same squishy sounds but she refused to let up at all.

I then looked down at Joslyn, whom I could tell was getting close, as she was in a full pant as she was calling out, "Yes! Yes! Fuck that pussy Master! Pound me hard!"

Then I leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Cum for me slave. I want to feel your walls squeeze the life out of my cock as you cum. I want to feel your female juices coating my cock."

"Yes! Yes! "FUCKK YYYYSSSSS!" she screamed as she came hard. I watched her eyes roll back into her head as her mouth hung open.

Instead of letting up and giving her time to enjoy it, I sped up hoping to initiate another one. My plan worked to perfection as my hips were now moving a few notches just under my fastest speed as she screamed out again. This time only gibberish came out as she was shaking her head back and forth.

Just as Joslyn went into orgasm, Myra followed suit as her orgasm peaked, "This is for you Master! Only for UUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed as her orgasm hit her.

I felt Joslyn's walls clamping down on my cock, almost like it was begging me to release my seed into her. Myra was able to keep her legs open though they were trembling and her hand had stopped for a few minutes.

Once both women had recovered, I sped up and hit my fastest speed. Myra's hand was a blur as she tried to mimic what I was doing. Joslyn had lost complete control of herself as her nails dug into my arms. Her breasts were bouncing back and forth and jiggling in such a way that they had almost become deadly weapons.

"I'm gonna fill my slave with my seed directly into your waiting womb," I yelled as my orgasm got near its peak.

"Yes Master! Fill me up with your baby batter. I can't get pregnant anymore so you can fill me up as much as you want without any risk," she moaned as her orgasm got close.

I groaned and then grunted as my cum shot forth, splashing against her walls and filling her to the brim. Personally, I was amazed I had cum so much since I was nearing my limit for the day but then again, I was fucking my mother, who was now my slave, while my sister, also my slave, played with herself and brought herself to orgasm as well.

The second my first shot hit her, Joslyn screamed out in pleasure as she came again. Knowing that her Master had seeded her must have set off her own orgasm. Myra was not far behind her as her will had broken and her legs clamped shut as she turned to her side.

I barely held myself up from collapsing on Joslyn's chest as both women's chests heaved, their lungs trying desperately to gather breath. Damn if it wasn't hot as hell to see the both of them in their orgasmic glow!

Myra was the first of the two to stir as she pushed herself up using her shaky arms. As I pulled my cock out of my mother's freshly fucked cunt with a 'plopping' sound, I smiled at Myra who gave me the best smile she could muster, "I have a treat for you if you would like it," I said pointing down to Mom's cunt. She smiled and crawled over to Mom as I backed off.

This was another hot thing I saw as my sister ate my mother's cunt and cleaned out my creampie. When she was finished, she looked up at me with a mess all over her face and I kissed her forehead. "I need a shower and no, this time I will take it by myself."

"Yes Master," Myra replied as she looked down, almost disappointed.

"I will allow you to wash me in the morning, but we can't take a lot of extra time like the other day," I stated.

Her head darted up as her eyes were wide with happiness, "Oh thank you Master. You are most gracious."

"However," I said in a commanding voice as she started to look upset again, "I do need to have a beautiful woman sleep with me tonight, and since your slave sister hasn't learned the rules yet, you are the one who will be given that pleasure."

"Thank you Master," she smiled, then giggling, "I will make sure she understands the rules and what you expect tomorrow while you are at school."

I nodded leaving that part up to her. I turned on my heel and headed to the bathroom, stopping to grab a towel in the hallway closet on my way.

The shower was more refreshing than I had had in a long time. What a day I had as I came more times than I had in a long time, other than jerking myself off.

I exited the bathroom being dried off and didn't bother covering myself with a towel since I had already had sex with the only two other people in the house and both were my slaves. I headed to my room as I heard Mom humming in the kitchen. Part of me wanted to go down there and fuck her again, but my now limp cock told me it wasn't happening. I guess a guy can have too much sex in one day. Though I did hope that days like today would help to boost my stamina as I would need to keep my slaves pleased: it was my job as their Master. However, there are those who believe the role of Master is so that others serve you and you are the center of the world. That wasn't what I was and I cared for each of my slaves. Then again, I was related to two of them so there was that extra love for them. But I felt myself falling for Allie as well; she was a loving and caring person who needed someone to control her but she was the type who would do anything for those she cared about.

As I entered my room, I saw Myra sitting on the bed in a pair of panties. These did not look like the kind she would wear as they were a normal, pink colored ones. I had always pictured her in thongs or lacy panties at all times, looking as sexy as possible. "Master. Please forgive me but I need to wear panties today."

I arched my eyebrow while looking at her, "Are you starting your period?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No Master. But you hurt me a little back there and I needed some padding and ointments so I will get better. This doesn't mean that you can't take me,"

I dropped to my knees right in front of her, as her head was down, and took her hands into mine, "Myra I'm sorry. I never intended to hurt you. I love you more than you will ever know."

Somehow, I was able to feel her eyes go wide as she spoke, "M-Master, please don't..."

"I don't give a damn about that master/slave shit right now. The only thing that matters to me is that you are okay and I betrayed that by hurting you," I growled, getting angry. It was true that I more cared about her than to have her or any of my other slaves. I wasn't mad at her but more at myself for letting this go too far and hurting my sister.

Myra looked up at me with tears in her eyes as she kissed me. I was shocked but I accepted her kiss. When she pulled back, she gave me one of her cute smiles that made my heart melt. "Freddy, you are way too kind, always thinking about others over anything else. This is one of the reasons I fell madly in love with you and knew I needed to protect you. However, even though my ass does hurt right now, I needed to be punished; I was the one who pushed you into this and was in a sense controlling you. You haven't accepted anybody I didn't plan on you not taking." She paused for a second taking a deep breath before she continued, "When I woke up and saw what you did to Krystal's face, even after she rejected you and realized that you took control with my punishment, it made me realize that I need to be better in not forcing my will upon you. You are the one in control and need to keep that control. Otherwise we may end up with me controlling you and I may hurt you, though it would be more emotional than physical, and I would hate myself if I ever did that. I love you. As my brother, as my Freddy and as my Master."

"I will promise to not try to hurt you in the future sis. I love you as my sister, my Myra and my slave," I responded back as tears ran down my face.

Myra stood up as I did and we embraced in a hug. I held her almost nude form close to me as I stopped myself from crying. "Thank you for this Master. I think you needed it more than I did, but I did need to express myself." I nodded holding her tighter, feeling my dick start to wake up. However, I knew I'd had enough for the day.

As I released her, she smiled at me again and gave me a quick kiss before sitting back down on the bed, "Now, what would you like to do while Mom makes dinner?" she asked.

"Well, since I have some time to kill, why not look at slave collars. I need to get them out of the way just to be safe," I responded shrugging my shoulders.

"Sounds good Master." She picked up the small purse she takes almost everywhere with her and rummaged around for something. I looked at her quizzically for a minute before I heard an "Aha," as she had found what she was looking for. She handed me a small piece of paper, "Master please use this site as I have an account and can pay for them and anything else you decide to purchase."

"Still trying to guide my hand?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No Master. I know your funds are limited and I gave you cash before. We won't be able to see my other slave until next weekend so she can set you up an account and make sure your finances are in order."

I smiled, "Just messing with you. I know you learned your lesson."

I heard her say "Uggh," as she fell back on the bed. I took that quick opportunity to lean down and kiss her navel. I heard her giggle and then moan as my hands roamed over her body. "Mmmm. I love your hands on me Master."

"As do I slave. But I think we have both had enough sex for the day," I responded. She nodded as I knew her little pussy would need a rest due to the pounding I gave her earlier along with what her fingers had done to herself as well.

It took me about an hour to decide on what I wanted. I decided on black leather collars with a D ring on the front, with the word slave on the right side and a left side, with enough space where something else could be added. The word slave itself had was in metal wording that was gold in color. Attached to the D ring was a metal tag which could be engraved. I added the engraving to say, "Property of Frederick Lynch." This added that extra touch that would show to anyone who saw them these women belonged to me. Knowing I had three slaves with room to grow, and possibly a fourth if Krystal's new boyfriend didn't work out, I decided to purchase six of them. I was also able to search and find someone who could add words to the other side as well as it had given me a thought.

Since my mother and sister were now my slaves, people out in public may not like the fact that I was not only dominating them, but having sexual relations with them as well. Due to this fact, I decided that they needed slave names. However, I needed each one to be unique and special. Perhaps I could do further research into this during one of my classes as I didn't want to let Myra in on this idea just yet.

Just as soon as I was done purchasing the collars and setting up next day shipping -- they would be here by Tuesday -- Mom called out to us dinner was ready. I turned to see Myra stand and let her know to go help get everything ready for me and that I would be down in a minute.

The second she was gone, I brought up Amazon's website and found what I was looking for right away. The black velvet chokers were perfect for when we went out and I wanted them to have something to show that they still belonged to me. On top of that, they were adjustable and could fit just about any woman's neck, per what the description stated. In the middle right under the chin, sat an intricate metal piece that had a diamond looking gem with a metal back that could be engraved. I set up the engraving to be similar to the slave collars but instead of my full name, I put "Propty of F.L." I paid for the chokers, six of them again, and set Amazon to have them deliver on Tuesday as well before I shut down my computer and headed downstairs for dinner.

Dinner was a quiet affair. I was escorted by my slaves to the head of the table and served one of my favorite dishes, Chicken Parmesan with Pasta Salad (instead of spaghetti noodles). Once I was served and had everything I needed, I nodded to Myra who proceeded back to the kitchen to get her plate.

However when she came back and took her place at my right, Mom protested but I interrupted her, "Myra will teach you my rules tomorrow while I'm at school but for now, one of my rules is that I expect all my slaves to eat with me. I am not some chauvinist asshole that would force hungry women to watch me eat while they stand and suffer. Now go get a plate before I end up punishing you," I said in a commanding voice.

"Thank you, oh gracious Master," Mom replied.

I led the initial conversation but let Myra and Joslyn talk freely. Once everyone was done eating, I got their attention for an announcement. "I have two things for you both. One is that I have a rule to add. That rule is that I will provide what time I want or need to be up the next morning and I expect to be woken up by blowjob. Alarms have become too annoying so I decided this was a better way to wake up. I do not care which slave wakes me up or if you do it together, but I do not want to hear any bickering regarding who will do it. If you two or any two other of my slaves can't come to a decision on who will do it, then I will start dishing out punishments or even release said slave that won't adhere to my will."

Both women nodded in agreement. I then continued, "I also have a surprise that I will be working on for my slaves. I'm not going to go into details at the moment, but when it is ready, I will let you all know." I then looked directly at Myra, "Myra. You being the caretaker of my will means you are in charge of letting all my slaves know of any additional rules, as well as any changes, I decide to make." She smiled and nodded happily that I was giving her this task. I knew this would help her fulfill that need to dominate others while still being subservient to me. "Also, when you are training Joslyn here, I expect you can do this without doing anything... sexual. As I will be in class, I won't be able to provide permission for you to orgasm, thus I don't want either of you touching yourselves for anything other than a shower or something to that effect. The other rules still apply as we are the only ones home."

"Yes of course Master," Myra responded in a seductive tone. If I didn't know any better, she was getting turned on by this. Which would be true for a submissive. "Also Master. My sister Allie called during our activities and she would like permission to come stay the night on Wednesday and Thursday."

"I will call her back and let her know my decision," I responded. "Now with us being physically related, if at any time you feel the need to tell me something that is outside of our Master/slave relationship, please use my first name. However, this should never apply during our sexual adventures." Both women nodded and then giggled. Probably due to how I called them 'sexual adventures' but I couldn't think of anything else to call it at the time.

We retired to the living room with Mom sitting on my left and Myra sitting on my right on the couch. Myra had brought in a towel to dry the couch and I laid my head between my mother's large breasts with her legs on my sides while she ran her fingers through my hair. Myra then laid her head on my stomach and luckily did not have to fight with my dick to get comfortable as it was asleep for the night.

Together as a family, we watched a movie and a couple shows and before I knew it, Myra was passed out. As I looked up to Mom, she looked to be tired as well and I stated that it was time for bed. I picked up Myra and carried her upstairs, allowing Mom to kiss me and Myra goodnight. Though my kiss had some tongue in it as she held me as tight to her as possible. "I love you Master and son. Sweet dreams."

"You too my loving slave. After tomorrow, I will allow you to sleep with me as well," I replied.

"Thank you Master. My room is always open to you anytime you want or need it," she responded as I watched her hips sway away. I wanted to swat her thick ass as she walked away, but with Myra in my arms, it would have been impossible without dropping her. As I walked away to my room, I could hear her humming and this reminded me of when Myra and I were younger and Mom was really happy, she would hum like this around the house.

I carried Myra over to my bed and gently laid her down. She quickly moved into a fetal position as she held onto her legs. Though her panties blocked my full view, her ass still looked amazing and I would never grow tired of stating at that perfectly round and juicy bottom.

Heading back to the bathroom, I had a quick piss and brushed my teeth before I came back in my room. I snuggled up against Myra while my arm wrapped around her sexy body. She involuntarily moaned lightly, almost like an angel's whisper and I could only smile at how sexy this goddess was.

As I drifted off to sleep, I my mind began to race wondering what the week would have in store for me. I didn't know if it could top what happened on this crazy weekend but would be happily surprised if it did.