Domination Ch. 05


Thank you all for the comments. This has been a fun one to write and I have plans to take this a ways.

Big thanks goes out to WA001 for editing this story.


Side note: due to all the feedback regarding the name change and the confusion, I have decided to re-submit this story without the name change. My intentions was to make new names for some of the characters (along with others coming soon), especially since some are related and calling that person by their name in public could be an issue, but it came out confusing to all of you, my readers, and I decided to remove the change.


I woke up the next morning to a familiar feeling. Familiar but extremely awesome as I felt warm wet lips around my cock. As I reached up to wipe the sleepiness from my eyes, I was able to focus and see who it was. Surprisingly, it was my mother, Joslyn, whom I had taken as my slave the night before. However, this woman was not giving me a blowjob or just sucking a dick. She was making love to and worshiping her Master. It still amazed me at how different a blowjob was when it pleased the woman just as it did the man.

Mom moaned around my cock as she took me as deep in her throat, wrapping her tongue around as much of me as she could. When she would come back up, she would lick the head and then run her tongue up and down each and every inch before bobbing up and down a few times.

I moaned involuntarily as this felt that freaking good. Then I noticed movement to Mom's left as I looked directly at Myra who was smiling like a fool as she was biting her lip. She was most likely waiting her turn or even taking pointers from Mom as Mom clearly was the best at what she was doing currently.

"Good morning Master," Myra said as she finally spoke up.

"Good morning slaves. You two really know how to wake up a guy," I responded as I put my hands behind my head enjoying the pleasure my mother's mouth was giving me.

I then felt her pull back and whispering along with some giggling before I felt something different entirely. It was still warm and wet but was not like a standard blowjob. Then I sat up and saw that both women had their lips locked onto my cock from either side as their tongues played with each other around my hard member. They moved up and down and their dual pleasure felt phenomenal.

As I looked over at the clock and noticed I had about ten minutes left before I had to get up, shower and go get breakfast before I had to leave. "That is enough slaves," I stated as I sat up.

They both pouted and whimpered wanting to continue, but I had other plans. "As you have not learned my rules just yet, you are not permitted to join in. I will allow you the same courtesy that I did to Myra yesterday. Please take your place next to me and you may cum as much as you like while I fuck my slave," I said to Mom who looked sad but forced a smile on her face. If she was good in her training, I would be including her in my fun a whole lot more.

"Myra," I said looking to my sister as I got off the bed, "Lay down on your back and let me get a good look at my pussy."

"Yes Master," Myra replied. I then realized that Mom didn't reply the same way and would need to bring it up to Myra later when we were alone to make sure she understood.

Myra laid down on the bed and slowly opened her legs up letting me get a clear view of her cunt. "Are you wet slave?" I asked, though I should have known the answer already.

"Of course, Master. I almost always am when I'm around you." she replied with a sinful smirk, "But sucking Master's cock makes this slave's cunt soaking wet," she finished saying as she smacked her tight little cunt.

I crawled up the bed and dove into Myra's cunt, giving her hole a few good licks so I could get her taste on my lips before I sucked on her clit. "Oh God Master! That feels soooo good!"

"Tastes good too my slave," I replied before I sucked on her again.

This had the desired effect as she was quickly begging for her orgasm, "Please Master! Can I cum?"

"Yes you may slave. Give me your sweet nectar," I replied. Her legs clamped shut around my head as her body jerked back and forth as she screamed in orgasm.

My eyes darted over to Mom as she was starting to cum herself. However, I knew I didn't have much time and needed to get my own before I headed to the shower or I would be stuck here all day and I needed to go to class today.

Once Myra's legs released my head, I forced her legs opened and crawled up her body, kissing along the way and feeling her muscles tremble with each kiss. It truly was amazing at how even my touch could send shivers up and down her body like this.

By the time I made it all the way up her body, her hips were moving on their own as her body could somehow sense what was coming next, either that or I gave away way too much and she knew she was going to get a good fucking.

My lips met hers and our tongues began to dance as I ran my cock through her wet slit. Since I knew she was already soaked down there, I didn't need to take it as easy and instead thrust hard into her hearing her whimper and then moan.

As my cock pounded into her, feeling how wet, warm and squishy her welcoming hole was, she started moaning much more loudly before she broke the kiss, "Yes Master! Fuck your slave and use me for your pleasure."

"You belong to me don't you slave?" I asked as I started to speed up the intensity of my thrusting.

"Mind, body and soul Master. Now and forever," she replied. The look in her eyes was not one of pleasure, but more one of satisfaction. Somehow, I realized that by being inside of my slave and satisfying my own needs, it brought her great satisfaction and made her feel whole. That is the only way I could think she would feel satisfaction and not pleasure in that moment as I pounded away at her tight cunt.

"We don't have much time slave. But I expect you to cum with me. Are you close?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, "Yes Master. I was holding it back so you could pleasure yourself and not have to worry about this slave," she responded.

I kissed her hard, not bothering to push my tongue into her mouth before I pulled back, "God I love you Myra."

"And I you Master, now and forever."

I then sat up, grabbed onto her inner thighs and pounded into her in fast, short thrusts. At this speed and intensity, I knew I wouldn't last long, one way or the other. After about five minutes, I spoke up knowing my orgasm was about to burst, "Cum for me slave. Cum as soon as you feel my seed hit your walls," I grunted through ragged breaths.

Within ten seconds of me telling her to cum, my cum rushed up from my tightening balls down my shaft and exploded into my sister slave as I moaned and grunted. The second I felt my first shot leave my cock, Myra's body jerked and flailed on the bed as her own orgasm, which she had been holding back, erupted. Her legs wrapped around me in an instant and squeezed the life out of me as her knuckles turned white from gripping the bed sheets.

She must have had a big one as her orgasm lasted longer than it usually did. Once it subsided, her grip on me loosened and I looked over at Mom who seemed to be enjoying watching her kids have sex even more than I thought she would as she had just orgasmed as well. Her thighs were trembling as she had clamped her legs shut and turned over towards us so that her head was right near Myra's.

"Mommy-slut. I left a treat inside of your slave sister. Clean her up and don't let a single drop spill. Once you two have recovered, I want you two to make me breakfast. Two eggs over medium, one whole slice of toast cut diagonally and buttered, four sausage links and a glass of orange juice."

"Y-yes Master," she was only able to reply as she started to come to.

"Oh and make sure you make something for yourselves as well. As Myra and I told you last night, I don't expect to eat alone," I finished before pulling my dick out of Myra's pussy and started to head for the bathroom. I watched for a second as Mom was still trying to get her body to work but was amazed when no cum came leaking out of Myra. I knew my morning loads were the biggest, as with most guys, but didn't know that Myra was coherent enough to hold it in. Maybe it was just instinct her body had learned, though that would have been a feat of human evolution to learn something like that in just a couple days. Either way, I smiled and turned around and headed to take a shower.

I made my shower quicker than usual as I had used up too much time being with Myra and Mom, but I wouldn't regret any of this as it brought all three of us happiness. When my shower was finished, I dried off quickly and got dressed before heading downstairs.

The smell of a freshly cooked breakfast hit my nostrils as I descended the stairs. As I turned into the kitchen, I was greeted by Myra who was still fully nude, which was to be expected. "Master, please have a seat. Your breakfast will be ready momentarily," she stated as she pulled out the seat at the head of the eat-in-kitchen table. The table was not as large as our dining room table but had just enough space for the four of us to sit and enjoy breakfast, lunch or light snacks.

As I sat down, my OJ was already waiting for me along with my silverware and napkin. When I was seated and brought up my phone to check my emails and messenger app to see if there was any updates for practice, Myra quickly moved away from the table and returned a few seconds later with a small plate with my toast. About a minute later, Mom came over with my plate of eggs and sausage.

"I hope breakfast is to Master's liking?" Mom asked as she stood in the nude as well with her head bowed and her left hand on top of her right in front of her as Myra stood to her left and was in the same fashion.

I looked at my plate and saw there were four sausage links along with two eggs. I cut into the eggs and tasted them and they were cooked perfectly, "Most excellent slaves. I usually prefer multi-grain bread but this is quite good."

"Thank you Master," they both replied in unison.

"We will get some multi-grain bread for you Master when we go shopping today," Myra stated. "Is there anything else we could get while at the store?" she asked.

I gave Myra a small list of things I would need that I normally got myself. I then handed her the key to my footlocker where I kept my bread and other dried goods as well as other things. "Feel free to bring them down here now since I don't have to hide them from anyone anymore."

Mom looked up and directly at me confused, "Yes Mom. I have been buying my own food since you and Myra acted like you didn't give a damn about me before this weekend. Did you really think that I would just eat air each night?" I stated, referring to the countless times dinner would not be there for me and I would state I would just eat air.

Her head dropped down and I could hear her sobs. "Don't worry about all that. It is in the past and I don't hold grudges. But from here on out, we will try to be better a family together, whether this Master slave thing works or not, understand."

She looked back up at me as tears ran down her face and only nodded as this had hit her hard. I knew it would have since she hadn't come to the realization that she was pushing her own son away or was too naive to know that she wasn't. It was possible that she was too caught up in being Myra's slave that she lost track that she was a mother to her son, but her hesitation when she would apologize for not having dinner told me otherwise.

Myra hugged Mom knowing that they may have taken this too far previously. They both moved back over to the kitchen counters and finished making their own breakfasts before joining me, with Myra on my left and Mom on my right.

When I was done with my meal, I stood up and both women stood immediately but since they hadn't finished eating, I told them to sit back down, to which they did though part of them wanted to reject my order and not make me clean up after myself.

I grabbed my bag and gave Mom a loving kiss and whispered in her ear, "If you are a good slave today and you learn my rules, I will have a treat in store for you tonight. I have wondered just how my own mother's pussy would taste on my tongue," I whispered right into her ear as I licked her earlobe causing her to shudder and moan as she bit her bottom lip. That look in her eye made me regret not fucking her this morning too, but I knew she needed to know my ways before she got what she wanted.

I then moved over to Myra and kissed her lovingly just like I did Mom. I then whispered in her ear, "Your job is to teach Mom my rules. Remember that you are no longer her Mistress but you are allowed to punish her if she doesn't learn, just not too hard without my permission. Oh and no orgasms for her or you, but you can play around with each other while you wait for me." I then nibbled on her ear for a second before pulling back.

"Master? What time should we be expecting you?" Myra asked.

I then noticed that she was wearing her "SLUT" collar that symbolized that she belonged to me. It was going to be so much better when she no longer had that word on her neck but had my collar on her instead, "Around 5:30 or 6pm. I have practice after school through Wednesday this week."

Myra looked as though she was thinking something for a minute, "Here, please take my car Master. You should not be seen in that old beater that you have," she stated holding out her car keys to me.

"You want me to take your car?" I asked her confused.

She shook her head, "No Master. I want you to take your car. When you took me as your slave, you took possession of all that I have. Mind, body and soul also means all my worldly possessions like my car, clothes and anything else of mine you want."

I realized that she was right about this. I could take what I wanted since I technically owned these three women. "Fine then. But we will need to get you a car, unless of course you want to be seen driving the 'beater' as you call it." I could see her shudder at the fact of driving my older Honda and it made me chuckle. "Fear not slave. We will sell that car and get you something more worthy of your beauty."

"Thank you oh gracious Master," she replied with a smile. I gave her a quick kiss and headed out.

I hopped into the BMW and put my bag down. Though the car was really nice, I came to the realization that she had wanted this car for her and it wasn't me. I didn't mind BMWs or other luxury cars, but I was more the type of person that could be filthy rich and drive around in a Toyota Camry wearing old, worn jeans and a t-shirt rather than a fancy-pants suit and a 100K car just to show off.

School went by normally with the normal drama that my friends had. I also noticed that more and more of the girls in my classes were looking at me more than usual. Now I am not the ugliest guy in my class but I'm not the most handsome either so I never expected to be the object of desire for most of these high school girls and truthfully, that was how I liked it. Handsome enough to get the girl I was interested in, but not overly attractive to where all the girls were falling head over heels for me. Something must have changed as I wondered if the smell of sex had not washed off me.

During lunch, as I was playing on my phone looking up different kinds of cars, trucks and SUVs to decide what I wanted to get, I had a couple of the hotter girls come sit at my table and chat me up. I was courteous enough but didn't return much of their flirting.

Right before the bell rang, the hotter of the two asked the question that they both were thinking, "We have been flirting with you nonstop since we sat down and you haven't responded to our flirting at all. We know you broke up with your girlfriend as she has been talking about how she dumped you all day, but we can easily tell, as can most of the school, that you must have dumped that bitch."

"Actually we haven't spoken since she cheated on me Friday night. But I have found someone since," I replied with a newly found confidence I had. I pulled up a picture that Allie and I took while we sat on her couch, though luckily it only showed the tops of our chests to our heads otherwise it would have been a topless pick of her as we were both completely nude at the time. I showed the girls the picture and both of them told me how cute we looked together and that she was hot. I thanked them both and complimented them as they were just as hot.

Just as the bell rang and I got up to discard my plate and head to class, I turned back to them, "We have an open relationship and she lets me take other women as well. Maybe in the future one or both of you could join us. The threesomes are getting boring since I've already had a couple but would be fun to have a foursome or more." They both gasped as their eyes went wide. I smiled mischievously at them before turning to head to class. I only had two more classes for the day and they were not in them. This would give them some time to stir, though I hadn't let them know that I was my girl's Master or that I had two other slaves that were my own sister and mother.

Once school was over, I headed to the locker rooms to get changed and ran out to my sister's car to throw my things in before heading to the track to get my runs in.

As I was warming up, my friend, Allen, started chatting me up, "So have you decided where you are going to college yet? I got a bunch of offers but picked UNC as they are one of the top track and field schools that I found."

That was a good choice as he was the fastest runner in our group and even though I was the second fastest, I didn't want to make my decision based on track and field as I wasn't going to be a runner my whole life. "Yeah. I think I will take LSU up on their offer. It was between them and UCLA, though I did have other offers as well."

Allen laughed, "I hear that bro. I had a ton of them but was focused on either UCLA or UNC but moving out to the west coast just isn't for me at this point in my life due to UNC being closer to my family."

I then realized that I had made my decision and would need to take my slaves. I knew Myra would come with me, or thought she would without reservations, but what about Allie and Mom. Mom had just joined my slave harem last night and I was quickly falling in love with Allie. Allie was a sweetheart and put everyone before her, just like I did. She was also the kindest and gentlest person I had met. I began to think that if she couldn't come with me, I would be heartbroken and didn't know if I could continue doing this without her. Then again, I couldn't change my mind and switch schools just to accommodate one of my slaves as that would make me look weak and indecisive in their eyes and they would not want to be under me anymore. Now being more frustrated than I thought I was, I finished up practice and came to the decision I would tell them my decision soon and would have to live with the consequences, even if that meant losing one or all of my slaves.

I hopped into Myra's BMW and headed home just after 5:30pm. All through the drive, I came to the realization that if my harem of slaves grew any larger than the three women, I would need a large vehicle and would need to get something that could transport that many people. That left only a van or a large SUV. Now I'm not one who is opposed to vans or too manly to have one, but having an SUV would be so much better. Though I didn't need anything specifically flashy or anything like that. I knew that once I got home I would need to decide on which one I wanted to get and then where to buy it. Then again, I did need the money to purchase it as well. Myra had stated that her money was now mine, but at least in our current situation, I didn't want to take all of it away from her.

As I walked up those steps to my home, I realized it started to feel like my home again. For the past couple years it was more like having roommates than a family. But now, it was more like we were a family, albeit a strange one, that I dominate and have sex with, but a family nonetheless.

I opened the door and was greeted with the sight of my naked mother kneeling a couple feet from the door. Her large breasts hung down from her chest as they sagged showing her age and the fact that she had children as well. Though she was kneeling, her back was straight as her head was bowed and her hands were on her thighs in a fully submissive posture. Not a couple feet behind her stood Myra, again in the nude with her head bowed and with her hands crossed in front of her.

"Welcome home Master," they stated in unison, though they never looked up.

"And how did you two know it was me without looking at me? I could have been some stranger who happened to find an unlocked door," I replied with a grin.

"We saw you pull up Master and also made sure all the doors were locked while you were away," Myra responded, though I could see a smirk on her face.

"Good. I don't want to hear of others touching my property." I took a few steps forward so I was looking down at Mom and could see her body trembling. I could also smell the faint odor of feminine juices and knew that either one or both of them were already soaked and ready for me. "Tell me what you learned today slave," I stated reaching down under my mother's chin and forcing her to look into my eyes.

She recited all my rules exactly how I presented them to Myra and Allie. I applauded her knowing it would give her some happiness to know she had done as I expected. "Now that you know my rules, I expect you to follow them to a tee. And remember what I said last night as you only have one chance at this. There will be no exceptions for you."

"Thank you my gracious Master," Mom replied though looking at her eyes, it looked more like she was speaking to a deity than her own son. Perhaps that is how they saw me.

I then tossed the keys at Myra who was quick to catch them, "Though I will need the car for now, it just isn't my style. Instead, I have decided to get something else for myself and will use the Honda as a trade-in."

"Very well Master. The car is yours to use as you wish," Myra responded.

"Now. How about we have a fun activity before we eat?" I asked to which both women giggled before nodding clearly knowing what I meant.

One thing I would never grow tired of was watching how Myra looked when she was in the thralls of her orgasm. There was something purely beautiful as I watched her body shake as her muscles quivered, no matter what view I had of her gorgeous body.

Though we had a fun little threesome where both women got a full load of my seed deep within their cunts, and I had eaten out Myra to another orgasm or two, Mom had yet to feel my lips on her cunt. Instead, I had Myra do the job while I pounded her thick ass from behind, watching the ripples in her skin with each thrust.

After dinner, I played on my laptop looking up different vehicles. Once Myra had finished with helping Mom to clean up the dishes, she came and sat to my right as she put her head on my shoulder. As I looked up reviews for each large sized SUV, I decided on the Ford Expedition. It had the bigger of the sizes for me to fit eight people, comfortably, but not only that, it seemed to be the best for the price at the time with more standard features compared to others that would cost for me to upgrade.

Once I finished deciding, Mom joined us and we watched some TV and a couple movies. Tonight we had picked comedy movies over the other genres and it was nice to hear both Mom and Myra laughing along with me, even though all three of us were stark naked.

As my eyelids started to get heavy, I decided it was bed time for me, "Well I'm beat. You two can stay up as long as you like," I stated as I started to head towards the stairs.

"Master?" Myra asked lightly grabbing my hand with her delicate fingers.

I turned to her with an eyebrow raised wondering if there was something I was forgetting. "Yes slave?"

"How do you prefer the sleeping arrangements tonight?" Myra asked as I could see her eyes quivering wondering if it was overstepping or not.

"Glad you brought it up. My sleepy mind had not thought about it." I rubbed my chin making it look like I was thinking though I had already decided on what I wanted to do during dinner. "The both of you will share my bed and we will sleep in Mom's bed tonight."

"Very well Master," Myra responded. "My sister and I need a little time to get ready and then we will meet you there."

"Take all the time you need," I responded as I headed up the stairs. I did my normal nightly duties in the bathroom and also got my bag ready for the next day, though there wasn't much for me to do. My teachers were harsh in giving a lot of homework but confined it to Tuesday through Thursday as Friday they knew kids wouldn't do much over the weekend and Mondays, well let's just say they are Mondays and I knew that most of them were either hung over from the weekend or just not prepared most of the time. Only my history teacher would give homework on Mondays and he was in his 60s and his homework was usually finished within 30 minutes or less.

As I laid in bed staring at the ceiling letting my mind run through each scenario of how my harem of slaves would take the news that I was moving to Baton Rouge. Some of their reactions were happy while others were sad. Some were even out of anger as well. I shook my head clear of those thoughts as I would need to just tell them and let them decide for themselves and live with the consequences if there were any.

Just then, Mom and Myra came into the room and sauntered over to the bed. Knowing that I was tired, neither one said anything about sex and simply laid on my side with a leg over me and a hand on my chest as they snuggled close.

"Goodnight my slaves and goodnight Mom and Myra," I said lovingly to them.

"Goodnight Master," they responded and both gave me a loving kiss as I put my arm around both of them. I don't remember who fell asleep first, but I was fast asleep within minutes of us saying our goodnights.

The next morning I awoke to that wonderful feeling of a mouth on my cock. As I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked down my body, I saw my mother's head bobbing up and down. Just like the morning before and all the other blowjobs she had given me, she looked more like she was using her mouth to make love to my cock than trying to get me hard so I would fuck her.

"Good morning slave," I stated.

Mom froze as I saw her head tilt up as her chocolate brown eyes looked directly at me through those golden strands of hair. As she removed my cock from her mouth with a light whimper, she responded back, "Good morning Master." Her voice was light and sweet as it always was but she had a bit of sadness. My guess is that she was enjoying herself a bunch and wanted to continue.

"Where is your sister slave?" I asked, wondering why Myra was not here with her. I would have thought from the morning before that she would be here fighting over my cock with Mom.

"Forgive her Master but Myra has some bad news to tell you and wanted to wait until your morning routine was completed," Mom answered. Now I knew where the sadness came from.

"SHIT! I hope..." I started to say only to see the look in Mom's eyes that prompted me to stop.

"It is nothing too bad. At least not for you Master. If you prefer, I can go get her so she can tell you?" Mom asked, willing to follow my every order.

"No, no. Please continue. Though this time, I expect you to swallow your treat slave," I responded laying back as Mom continued with a gleeful squeal.

One thing I have said and will always say is that her blowjobs are easily top tier. Within less than five minutes, she had me grunting and moaning as my cum shot forth and flooded her mouth. She was more skilled than I thought as she didn't let a bit spill out and swallowed it all without any choking or other problem.

"Go clean up your mouth and I expect you back here in five minutes. I have a treat for you," I stated through ragged breaths as my lungs tried to recover from my orgasm.

When Mom appeared in the doorway to the bedroom, I stared at her curves. Yes, she was a chubby woman but her body held her curves nicely. Her thick thighs shook as she walked over to the bed. Her large breasts bounced with each step as her taut nipples stood up proud as they showed off her arousal.

"One thing I will say is that you may not be as skinny as my other two slaves," I started to say, only to see sadness in her eyes. I then got to my knees and moved over to the side of the bed where she stood as I made sure she was looking directly at me, "But you are one sexy ass MILF and I plan on making you scream as you cum over and over again, my loving slave," I finished with a mischievous smile.

She brushed her hair behind her right ear as she smiled and giggled. Her sadness was gone and replaced by a lustful look. The way she looked at me at that moment reminded me of how high school girls would look at their crushes as they were trying to show their interest.

I took her by the hand and guided her onto the bed. Then I moved her so that she was laying down on her back and spread her legs. Her pussy, though not nearly as tightly packed as Myra's or Allie's was still beautiful and sexy looking.

First I took her left leg and kissed from the top of foot, up her calf and down her thigh. Instead of touching her pussy, I continued across the top of her mons and down her right thigh. She was lightly moaning and humming her delight as I continued down her calf and to her foot.

Then I took both feet in my hands as I began to massage them, my hands slowly moving up her calves and along her thighs. My fingers kneaded her flesh as her moans started to get louder and louder. As my hands slowly moved up her stomach, feeling her muscles tremble under my touch, my tongue ran a few circles around her outer lips. I then took a light nibble on both of her outer labia as I looked up and saw her hiss and bite her lip as her back arched.

I could tell she knew what was coming next, but knowing and feeling were two separate things all together. As my tongue ran through her slit up and over her emerging clit I heard her moan out, "Oh Master yes!"

I let my tongue part her lips as it slowly plunged into her wet and welcoming pussy. My tongue made a swirling motion as it tasted all parts of her as deep as it could go. Her taste was exquisite as my taste buds were sent into atomic overload. It amazed me at how different each woman's taste was. "Yes Master. Taste where you came from," she moaned loudly.

Slowly I withdrew my tongue from her cunt, as I replaced it with one then two fingers. I kissed up her slit until I reached that little nub of pleasure. As I ran my tongue over that little bud I heard a couple squeaks leaving her lips. I gave her a few good slow licks and a little suck before she was begging me for orgasm already, "Master I'm close, can I cum please?"

I looked up at her and responded, "You may cum slave." At that moment I hooked my fingers and found her g-spot and started to rub on it. At the same time, my tongue hit her clit and started to flick it repeatedly. Just as I felt my mother's cunt grasping my fingers as her orgasm was being released, I took her clit in my mouth and sucked on it as I pulled it back with my head allowing my teeth to graze over it.

Mom screamed out in pleasure as her orgasm hit her harder than she had expected. Her legs clamped shut around my head as her hands quickly grabbed my hair, jamming my face into her crotch as much as possible. As my eyes peered up at her I saw how her head was thrashing back and forth.

After a few minutes, she released my head as her chest was heaving trying to regain her breath. I sat up and pulled her fingers to my lips as she saw me and moaned as she bit her lip again. "Mmmm tasty pussy," I stated as I looked at her with a devilish look.

We had sex for a good ten minutes first in the classic missionary style and then I put her on her hands and knees as I pounded her hard doggy style. I would have to do that position more with her as I loved watching the ripples course through her flesh with each thrust. She came twice more before I exploded deep inside of her, feeling her walls clamping down on my cock as her pussy sucked all the cum out of my cock.

Once we were finished, I got up and headed to the shower when I saw Myra standing in the doorway. I expected her to be nude but she was wearing a pair of panties. These were the ordinary kind that weren't very lacy, see-through or had any sexy appeal to them. To me, they were a smaller version of granny panties.

"What is the meaning of this slave?" I growled disapproving of her clothing as she was disobeying my order.

"Master please forgive me. My... my period started earlier than expected this morning and I didn't want you to... to... to have to see me in that state when you woke up," she stated. Her head was bowed and she looked sad as I could see this really upset her.

I pulled her into a hug, as I felt her warm tears against my already sweaty chest. As she sobbed, I wondered why she was so upset about this. Then I felt Mom come up and hug us both. Mom must have seen my confusion as she spoke up, "Master. Myra is upset as she will not be able to provide you with the pleasure that she should be. She also knows how it can get kind of smelly down there during this time and she wouldn't want to soil Master's cock with her blood."

"That I can understand. I did have ex-girlfriends who did have their period and didn't want to be close during that time. But what I don't understand is why she would be upset about it." Myra suddenly looked up at me as the tears that were streaming down her face seemed to slow down. I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "You are still my slave and I expect you to carry out your duties. Just because you have a couple days each month where I can't fuck that sweet, sweet pussy of yours, doesn't mean you are doing something wrong." She gave me her best smile as I kissed her lips. When I pulled back, our foreheads touched and I smiled mischievously at her, "You know having to make you wait will make the sex all that much better." She giggled at that and I hugged her again, feeling Mom hugging us both as we were happy again.

"Thank you for your kind words Master. Every day that I serve you, you never cease to amaze me and show me that I made the right decision in submitting to you." I smiled at her and she smiled back, "Oh and once you are done with your shower, I will have French Toast with strawberries, sausages and OJ ready for you."

I nodded my approval before heading to the bathroom to shower and get my morning activities done. Once I was dressed I grabbed my backpack, and headed downstairs where I was greeted by my mother at the entrance to the kitchen. She guided me to my seat and helped me into my chair.

Myra came over with my food a few seconds later and I could smell the sweet aromas coming off the plate. The smell of cinnamon mixed with the cooked maple sausages was sending my senses into overload. "Wow! This looks and smells amazing slave," I stated looking up at her, "Almost as good as you look and smell," I finished with a sinful grin.

Myra giggled before responding, "Thank you Master. I'm glad that you are enjoying the smell. Please eat and I will serve myself and my sister slave."

If the smell and look was amazing, then the taste was out of this world. I had never tasted such out-of-this-world French Toast before. "That was phenomenal Myra. Let's make this a weekly thing," I stated as I reached over and caressed her cheek.

"Thank you Master. I brings me joy knowing that you not only enjoyed the food, but that you want to make this a weekly thing," Myra responded.

The school day went by without any hitches, though I did notice more and more looks from the girls in my class. I even ended up with one of the hotter girls in my class coming up to me and giving me a note that said she wanted to see me later and gave me her number. Though I was tempted to take her up on her offer, I decided against it as I would need to make her submit to me and I didn't know if she would be willing to.

There was one thing that I always looked forward to in my school days. My classes with my math teacher Ms. Jergen. She was a hot redhead that had long pale legs and wore nylons, like my mother, that accentuated her sexy legs. Her arms had a very light tan to them with light freckles and she rarely wore any blouses that exposed any of her cleavage, though I could see light freckles across her pale chest. Her fiery red hair hung down to the top of her breasts and her greenish-brown eyes had a lust to them that demanded someone to take her.

About a month ago, I had seen her bend over in front of me and noticed now the slits between the buttons on her peach colored blouse had become opened. With the view that I had, I was able to see she was wearing a mostly sheer bra that covered her pale breasts but what caught my gaze was her bright pink areola and nipple. In that moment, I felt like jumping on top of her and tasting those luscious orbs of hers but that would have been a bad thing as I would have been arrested. I needed to find a way to get this woman to submit to me.

I made a mental note that I would need to get a list of the other female pets that Myra had under her. I could only hope that Ms. Jergen was one of them, but also knew that she was engaged currently. There had been talk going around that their engagement had lasted two years so far with no current time frame for them to be married. I wondered if there was trouble in their relationship and if somehow I could get her under my wing. However one thing I did notice is that she acted somewhat timid around me. I didn't know if it had to do with me having her for a third year of high school, as she was teaching different classes this year to help with the senior class, or if it was something else.

Once school was over and I finished practice, I headed home. As I walked through the door, I found both of my slaves standing and waiting for me with their heads bowed and their hands crossed in front of them. I smiled at how much they enjoyed serving me and how this was much bigger to them than it was to me.

"Good afternoon slaves. Your Master is home now," I stated.

"Good afternoon Master," they replied in unison.

I walked over to Myra first and lifted her head and gave her a loving kiss. When I finished, I moved over to Mom and did the same.

"Anything I need to be made aware of?" I asked.

"Two packages came for you Master. One is the thing we purchased Sunday night but I don't know about the other one," Myra stated with a confused look.

"That one is personal. Thank you," I replied, taking the second package of my purchase upstairs and into my room. I hid it in a place where I hoped they wouldn't look until the time was right to present it to them.

Then I headed back downstairs in the nude, so I could join my slaves in their exposed nature, and retrieved the package from the table where I set it. Mom was currently working on cooking dinner while Myra was setting up the dinner table. One thing I did realize is that they had kept the house immaculate. I knew that Mom only worked a couple days a week and only part-time to help out and give us some extra spending money, but prior to me taking them under my wing, she was the only one that really cleaned the house and probably due to her frustration, she only got to maybe one room every two weeks. From what I had seen from Myra and Dad, they could be quite lazy in leaving things around and it made the house messy. Now that they were both serving me, they seemed to take pride in keeping the house cleaned and presentable for their Master.

I opened the package and inside was a medium sized wooden box. As I opened the box, it was like finding a treasure in the olden times as I gazed at the collars that were delicately laid out on the red velvet lining of the box. The gold words on the collars seemed to sparkle in the light and I knew it would look wonderful on each of my lady's necks.

When dinner was ready, I closed the box and put it back inside the package. Before I made my way over to the dinner table, I called up Allie.

"Good evening Master," Allie answered into the phone.

"Good evening slave. I have a request for you," I stated.

"Oh! Of course Master. Anything I can do to please my Master," Allie responded. Her voice was light and sexy. It was almost like she was trying to seduce me over the phone but that wasn't needed just her voice was enough to get and keep me hard. Though I was already hard from watching my two naked slaves walking around the house.

"I need you here tomorrow. Say around 5pm. I won't be home until 5:30 or 6pm, but I have something that I need to present to all my slaves," I replied back.

"Ooh! I can't wait Master. I was hoping to see you soon," Allie responded back.

"Excellent. I will see you then and will let your sister slaves know to expect you."

"Master did you say slaves as in plural?" she asked.

"Yes. I took another slave and might possibly have a fourth in the works but she is... waiting to make her decision."

"I'm even more excited now Master. I look forward to meeting my new sister slave."

"I will see you when I get home then. Goodnight my slave," I finished. She gave me a goodnight with a kiss as well before ending the call. I set my phone back on the end table before heading into the dining room.

I headed into the dining room where I sat down at the head of the table and was served my dinner. With Mom home today, she was able to prepare a wonderful roast with herb potatoes and green beans, damn it was good. Once dinner was over, I started the conversation.

"Tomorrow around five, Allie will be here. I have something that I need to address and need all my slaves present for it. However, we will only do it after dinner," I stated firmly.

"Yes Master, but if it is that important, wouldn't you want your family to know first?" Mom asked, obviously worried that it was something bad.

I lowered my head for a moment gathering my thoughts and the looked at Myra then at her. "Allie is as much a part of this family as the both of you are. While she is bound to me, you will see her as though she is your sister. Do I make myself clear?" I responded in a firm but angered tone.

"Yes of course Master. I didn't mean any harm. I just meant..."

Before she could finish, I cut her off, "Though the three of us may be related by blood, when I took the both of you as my slaves, just like I did Allie, I didn't take my mother and sister. I took two women who were in need of having a Master so that I could comfort, care and love you and, when needed, punish you. If you want me to only be your son and act like a family and not like this, then you can refer to Rule #1 and ask for your release at any time."

"Please forgive me Master. You are right and I was wrong for thinking she was anything but a part of our family."

"Good. Now if I ever hear you or any of my other slaves treating another slave not like the family that we are, then I will personally remove that person. Myra here already treats Allie like the sister she never had. I'm sure you can learn to do it. Else you can learn to not be a part of this family," I responded, my eyes showing my seriousness.

Mom nodded, though there were no tears, for which I was glad. "Now that that business is done, how about we adjourn to the living room and though movies are fun to watch, how about we play some board games tonight instead? I know there are only three of us so that some games may not be as fun, but we do still have all those other ones."

Myra got excited as she helped Mom clean up the table. I went to get the games but was going to allow them to pick out which ones we would play instead of forcing them to play what I wanted to.

After we played three different games, which I lost all of them, Mom won one and Myra won two, I grabbed my bag and headed into the dining room to do my homework. With classes ending close to an hour before practice, I had time to get a good amount of my homework done before going home. That combined with my last class being a cake walk, I generally didn't have much to do once I got home.

We slept in the same position that we had the previous day, even with Myra wearing her panties. That part sucked as I couldn't see her naked ass shaking as she walked or see her womanly slit that would peek out when I would see her walking towards me just the right way. But this was how life was and I couldn't complain as I had three hot and sexy women who were wholly devoted to me.

The next morning I awoke the same with one of Mom's killer blowjobs. This time however, Myra was there as well and was helping Mom. When I yelled out that I was going to cum, Myra took the initiative and engulfed my cock swallowing down my salty treat. She saved just enough so she could share it with Mom in a sexy kiss.

I decided not to have sex with Mom that morning as I had overheard her and Myra the night before talking about how she was sore from the hard pounding I gave her that morning.

Myra and Mom tag-teamed breakfast and I was treated to blueberry pancakes, bacon and fresh fruit. I thanked them for the wonderful meal before they plated their own breakfasts and sat to eat. I had happened to notice that Mom was eating a lot more than she was before. Was it more due to the sex that was exhausting her or was it also combined with her being more active? That I didn't know but I was glad that she looked to be very happy and even more so that I was the one that was able to be the cause of her happiness. I mean what child wants to cause their parents any grief?

School passed by without anything major going on, other than the normal high school drama. The girl that passed me the note before kept looking at me and flirting with me in the three classes we had together. She was cute enough to give a shot to, but with me "dating" Allie, it would be hard to explain how I have two girlfriends let alone bringing my new girlfriend around my mother and sister.

I was glad that I was able to get my work finished quickly in my last class. That gave me just enough time to get all my homework done as I wouldn't have time to do any of it after school, not with what I had planned.

Once the last bell rang letting school out, I dashed out and headed to where I knew my coach would be. Needless to say, he was surprised to see me early, but I let him know that something came up and I wouldn't be able to practice today but I would be there for the meet the next day. He gave me permission and stated that this had been the first time I had ever missed a practice, but if I needed more time off, he would gladly grant it. He even went as far as to call me the hardest worker on the team. That by no means meant I was the fastest, since there were two others that could beat me without issue, but one of them was too lazy to practice as much and thus would not finish as quickly as I would due to conditioning.

I headed back for my car and threw my backpack onto the floor board in the passenger seat. As I drove out of school, I had a sinful grin on my face and some naughty, naughty thoughts going through my head as I looked over at the passenger seat and saw the wooden box that I had brought with me. Just to be safe, I had hidden it under the seat so no one would steal it as I didn't want my little secret coming out. Plus I did pay good money for it and it would ruin my plans, which I couldn't allow to happen.

Once I got home, I saw Allie's car in the driveway and smiled knowing everything had gone according to plan. It was a couple minutes before 6pm and I was just in time. I got out of the car and went around to the passenger side and put the box into my backpack along with the bag that had my purchase in it. Then I zipped up my backpack and threw the strap onto my shoulder. It had been heavier this morning, due to two extra books that I had to take due to homework, but it was well worth it.

As I entered the house, all three of my slaves were standing there greeting me. All but Myra were fully nude, as she still had on her panties due to her period, and I walked over to each one and gave them a loving kiss.

"I'm glad you made it slave. I wouldn't have wanted you to miss out on the... festivities," I stated with a mischievous smirk.

Allie looked at me confused but responded back with, "I wouldn't have missed it for the world Master. This slave is yours, to do as you command," she said with a cute smirk. Though Allie was definitely a woman and was mature and knowledgeable to show that she was a woman and not a girl, her smiles still had that cute girly look to them. Add to that her shorter stature and she could have easily passed for a high school girl of 16-18 instead of the 21 year old that she actually is. Either way, she is mine, and I hoped to keep her at my side as long as possible. "Damn! I really am falling for this woman," I said to myself.

I nodded with a sly grin before noticing that Mom and Myra were looking at me just as confused as Allie had been. "Is dinner almost ready?" I asked them.

"Yes Master. It should be ready in a few minutes. Though I would like to ask what you meant by..." Myra started to ask as Mom nodded wondering the same thing.

"All in good time my sweet sister. After dinner we shall have our festivities and you will understand why I also asked Allie to be here. Well that and I wanted to be around her cute ass as well," I finished with a smile.

Both Allie and Myra giggled as I even noticed Mom smile. All three of them headed back into the kitchen as Myra was cooking with Allie helping and Mom was getting the table ready. I set my backpack down on the rocking chair and headed upstairs to strip. By the time I came back down, Allie had called out that dinner was ready and I made my way into the kitchen.

Myra had made Chicken Carbonara and it was exceptional. Probably one of the best I had ever had and that is saying something as it is one of my favorite pasta dishes. Once I was served, my three slaves got their bowls and came in to sit at the table. Surprisingly, Mom actually called Allie over to sit by her at my left. I noticed how they were whispering to each other and giggling throughout the meal. As I looked to my right, Myra had a smile on her face knowing as I did that Allie and Mom were getting along nicely. This made me very happy as I didn't want to remove any of my slaves due to jealousy.

After dinner was done and the dishes were cleaned up. I guided all four of us into the living room. "Kneel before the one you serve slaves," I stated firmly.

Though I do believe at least Mom wanted to ask what was going on, and maybe a small bit of Myra as well, they did so with very little hesitation. My cock was rock hard at this point but none of them seemed to notice as all eyes were on my face at the moment.

"As you are all aware, I will be graduating high school in May. While this is only a couple months away, I had to decide what I was going to do once I graduated. I currently have offers from three different schools and though two of them are much further away from here, I have decided to go the one that is much closer. I contacted the rep at LSU yesterday and decided to take the full-ride scholarship they are giving me. Though Baton Rouge is much closer to home than Ohio or California, it is still too far for me to drive each day for classes. Due to this, I have decided to move to Baton Rouge. Each of you must decide on whether you want to continue to serve me and move with me or if you want to stay here. But do know that though I will be sad if you do decide to not stay with me, I will release you at the given time that you so choose. Whether that be today or the day I leave, I will leave that up to you. Either way, you must make this choice on your own as this is one choice I will not force upon you," I stated. The room was so quiet you could've heard a mouse running along the floor, if we had them. Though it was only maybe a minute or so, I started to doubt myself and wonder if any of them would join me.

Myra was the first to speak up, "I will continue to serve you Master. As I told you before you took me when you were planning on leaving, I will follow you wherever you go. Also, I don't have to worry about school as I should be finishing up my BA in Business by May as well. I only humbly ask that you wait until I have my graduation ceremony as I would like to go and have you there cheering me on."

I took a step forward to Myra and nodded, "Of course my slave. I will give you this time as I will only need to be there a couple weeks before classes start to get everything setup and my class schedule."

Allie was next to speak, "I too will go Master. You have made my life so much better having you around, though it has been less than a week. Somehow, in my heart, I feel as though I need to be by your side no matter what happens. Also, if I can talk my parents into it, they have a house they rent that is about ten or fifteen minutes from the university and would be perfect for us. But only if Master would prefer this."

I took a step back and towards Allie and nodded again, "That would work out perfect. I will work with you on the details later to make sure the house is large enough to accommodate us."

Mom sat there for a moment, most likely contemplating her options. When she finally looked up at me, I saw her eyes twinkling. Her voice was trembling as tears started to run from her eyes, "Master. I-I will follow you as well. I had thought about not having you in my life and decided maybe this would be best. But when I looked up at you, I didn't see my son anymore. I see a man who has become like a god to me. I don't know if I could ever be without you anymore. Though I know I couldn't bear your children even if you asked," she stated.

I heard gasps from both Myra and Allie and my own eyes went wide with shock. I had not talked about having children with any of them yet nor was it even on the front of my mind. It was also why I had Myra, Allie and Mom go on birth control as well.

"But I will serve you and help to care for your children as they are my own. Please let me come with you as well Master. You are my life, my soul, my everything," she finished.

Again I took a step back and then forward to Mom as she tilted her head back in awe as her mouth hung agape. I caressed her left cheek with my right hand as I responded back to her, "Like I said my slave. The decision was yours and yours alone. I had already made my decision to take all three of you, but needed you three to decide whether this was the best for you as well."

I then took a couple steps back and turned around rummaging through my backpack. As I turned around to face them, I held the wooden box in my hands. They looked at me quizzically but said nothing. "This is to symbolize your commitment to me." I set the box down on the table and opened it up.

I pulled out the first collar and moved so I was in front of Myra who had her "SLUT" collar on. "Slave Myra. Remove that disgraceful collar from around your neck."

In a flash, Myra unhooked the collar and set it down in front of her. I used my foot and kicked it aside as I was finally glad to rid my beautiful sister of that. I took hold of her hair and forced her to look at me in the eyes, though she didn't resist in the least bit, and stated, "With this collar, this will symbolize your devotion to me and your willingness to be my slave. I expect this to be on you at all times when we are in private and for it to be the only thing that you will wear." I then put the collar around her neck.

"Thank you Master. I shall wear it with pride," Myra responded giving me her sexy smile.

I then turned around and gave the same spiel to Joslyn before putting the collar around her neck as well as she smiled and responded in the same way as Myra did. Allie followed suit and gave me her cute girl smile that she always gave.

When I was done, I looked at them while I rubbed my chin, "Something is missing," I stated before I turned around and pulled out the bag from within my backpack. I then pulled out three separate velvet cases and placed one in front of each woman. Each of them looked at them before looking back to me. "Well go ahead and open it. Or do you need a written invitation," I stated jokingly with a smirk.

They opened the box and found the black velvet chokers with the diamond looking gem inside. All three of them squealed loving how they looked. "You may try them on right now, but I expect you to put your collars back on once you are done. Also, if you look at the plate on the back of them, it has my initials. This will serve as your collar when you are in public." All three of them thanked me and I couldn't be happier.

When they were done trying on the chokers and had put their collars back on, I had them kneel back in front of me. I was glad my parents had purchased a thick rug otherwise I would have needed to grab a couple blankets so I didn't hurt their knees from kneeling for so long. I half wondered why Myra used the blanket beforehand instead of the rug but I wasn't going to dwell on it.

Once they were in place again, I spoke up again, "Now you may have noticed that there is a D ring on the collars in the front. Though it could be used with a collar, I found a better use for it," I stated as I held up a soft black bag and jingled it as the clanking of metal was heard. I then picked up the tool I had purchased to put the tags in place.

I moved in front of each woman and used the tool to remove the D ring that was in place on each collar. I then pulled out the first D ring (the new ones I purchased were removable for when/if I needed to replace the labels) and found the label for Myra and stepped in front of her.

"My sweet slave Myra and also my sister. Being around you makes me feel like I am walking on clouds and watching you while you are in the middle of your orgasm, is like the heavens opened up to bless our coupling. I now make it official that you belong to me." Once I was finished, put the tag onto the D ring and clasped it onto her collar, showing her name to those that would see her. I then gave her a loving kiss and caressed her cheek before stepping back.

I then took out another D ring and the label for Mom and stepped up to her, "My sweet slave Joslyn and also my mother. Watching you move around with all your curves and the way your body holds them just so perfectly, makes me feel like I should be the one worshiping you instead of the other way around. Because of this, I feel blessed every time I am in your presence knowing that you are mine. I now make it official that you belong to me." Once I was finished, put the tag onto the D ring and clasped it onto her collar, showing her name to those that would see her. I then gave her a loving kiss and caressed her cheek before stepping back.

Lastly I took out another D ring and the last label I had specially made and stepped up to Allie, "My sweet slave Allie. Your beauty has captivated my heart and I find myself falling madly in love with you, even though I have only known you for less than a week. With your looks and that cute smile of yours, you could easily be a model or married to a prince, filthy rich and ruling a country. However you decided to serve me instead and for that, I will promise to do whatever I can to lead you in the best way I can. I now make it official that you belong to me." Once I was finished, put the tag onto the D ring and clasped it onto her collar, showing her slave name to those who would see her. I then gave her a loving kiss and caressed her cheek before stepping back.

Now that this was all done, I stood there admiring the glow on each woman's face for a few moments before standing up. "Now, how about we have some fun." I looked to Myra and smiled, "Though I know you can't have any penetration at the moment due to your time of the month, you are more than welcome to join in where you would like."

I then looked to Allie and Joslyn and said, "I will also impose a 'no asking for orgasm' night tonight. You two are permitted to orgasm as much and as often as you like tonight. But only for tonight. Myra, I will give you a pass to use on another night of your choosing."

Myra smiled at me and nodded. Then all three women looked at each other and giggled in delight as they stood up together and took me into a group hug. "Thank you Master. We all love you more than you will ever know," Myra stated.

"And I love all my ladies. My family means more to me than anything," I stated, as a few tears of joy fell from my face. They seemed to hug me even harder knowing this brought all of us happiness.

Two hours later found Allie, Joslyn and myself laying on the rug exhausted as our bodies were mangled together. Though Allie was laying on me with her tits mashed against my stomach as her lungs desperately tried to regain her breath, Myra was vigorously cleaning out the creampie that I left inside of her. Over the course of the last two hours I had three powerful orgasms. One was inside of Joslyn, which Myra gladly licked up, one ended up all over Myra's face, after which Joslyn and Allie both cleaned her up as Myra giggled the whole time and the last one was currently being retrieved from within the depths of Allie's freshly fucked cunt. It was a smart move to allow them to orgasm without asking me as both Allie and Joslyn came more times than I could count.

I was the first of the three to start to move as I slid Allie off me and was able to stand on shaky legs. As it was getting late now and both me and Joslyn had to be up early, me for school and Joslyn for work as tomorrow was one of her work days, I helped each of them up, including Myra and guided them up the stairs and to bed. Myra insisted that we didn't worry about cleaning up as she would handle the house tomorrow after her classes. Allie chimed in and stated that she would help once hers were done as well, since she was a part of the family. Both women's giggles sent Joslyn into a giggling frenzy as well.

Once we reached the top of the stairs and headed into the master bedroom, Myra stopped and wished us a goodnight before starting to turn away, "And just where the hell do you think you're going Myra?" I asked confused by her separating from us.

"I-I thought since you already have Allie and Joslyn for the night that you wouldn't have any room for me," Myra responded.

"Go get your nightly stuff done and come back here," I stated before walking past her, remembering to do my nightly stuff as well.

When I was done I headed back to the bedroom and laid down in the middle of the bed. Joslyn was the first to join me as she and Allie were using the same bathroom to get ready for bed. Joslyn laid on my left side and snuggled up close to me. Allie followed her after a few moments and snuggled up to me on my right.

After another few minutes, Myra showed up at the door seeing that there was no room, as she had started. "Come here Myra," I stated firmly.

She walked up to the foot of the bed and I sat up and took her hands as she climbed onto the bed. I noticed that she had changed her panties and most likely her pad as well. She crawled on the bed as I guided her so that she was laying with her head on my stomach. I wrapped each arm around Allie and Joslyn and used my fingers to trace lines up and down Myra's naked back.

All three women told me goodnight and gave me a loving kiss. All in all, it had been a wonderful evening and turned out much better than I could have ever hoped. Not a single one of them wanted to be without me as we were going to take an adventure to a new city. One that did not know that Myra, Joslyn and I were related. We could show affection towards each other in this new city without reprisal. I closed my eyes hearing the soft snores of all three of my women as I thought about all the possibilities the future could hold for us.

The next morning I was awoken to another wonderful blowjob. This time however it was just Allie as I looked down at those strands of golden silk. Though both she and Mom were blondes, Mom was more a dirty blonde color while Allie was more a true blonde with her color closer to platinum than to brown.

"Good morning Master," she stated seductively at me as those sky blue eyes stared holes into me.

"Good morning Allie," I responded hearing her giggle.

Seeing my look of confusion at her giggle, she explained, "I love the name you gave me Master. It suits me perfectly."

"I'm glad you like it Allie. When I was looking up names to give you all for when we are in public, that one jumped out at me and screamed Allie all day. I just couldn't pass it up," I replied. "Now, how about we change this morning ritual up. Bring that sweet ass of yours over here so I can get a taste as well," I said tapping my chin.

She squealed in delight as she hopped on the bed and straddled my face. As she lowered her pussy down to my face, I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pulled her down quickly as I plunged my tongue into her hole. She gasped in shock at the abruptness but started moaning out in pleasure almost instantly. As she went back to her task, I could feel wonderful sensations as her moans were causing ripples through my cock and through every nerve in my body.

As I knew I was close already, I brought her to two quick orgasms, which I gladly gave her approval to cum each time she asked, and lapped up her juices like a thirsty dog. Just as her second orgasm was finishing, I grunted loudly causing ripples in her pussy as her walls clenched down on my tongue. My cum hit the back of her throat causing her to choke a bit but she didn't let up as she swallowed it all down, except the last bit.

All of a sudden she jumped off the bed and ran out the door. I could hear Myra yelp as Allie must have found her and as I walked out the door, I was able to see just enough into the kitchen to see the two of them swapping my cum back and forth as they passionately kissed.

As the bathroom door shut, I heard a "Thank you Master," from both women as they had finished their kiss.

Once I was done getting ready and was dressed I headed downstairs. I bumped into Joslyn who stared at me with eyes that wanted to attack me. So I did the only thing that came natural and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. Our tongues explored each other's mouths as her arms wrapped around my neck and mine fell on her back. My hands were not stationary as they traveled down and gave her thick booty as squeeze as she moaned into my mouth. Her hips started to gyrate against my now awakening cock as my hips responded by dry humping her into the wall. Had we both not been clothed and had somewhere we needed to be, I would have pushed her back into the master bedroom and given her a good pounding.

When we finally finished our kiss and dry humping each other, our foreheads pressed together, "Had we had more time Joslyn..." I started to say as I was breathing deeply feeling my lust for this woman.

"I know Master. I would gladly take you as well. Even if it meant me being reprimanded at work as well," she responded sweetly as she gave me a quick kiss and headed downstairs. She was wearing black slacks that seemed to hug her curves perfectly. Her pink blouse showed off a little cleavage but not too much that I didn't disapprove it. Her heels accentuated her outfit perfectly and the way her blonde hair sat on her shoulders with a clip in the back holding most of it together made her look like a hot secretary.

Once I got to the kitchen table, I was served by Allie, who was assisting Myra with breakfast, and we had a Spanish style omelet with breakfast potatoes. Joslyn got her food along with Allie and Myra and the four of us ate. Though Joslyn did look a little preoccupied as she ate.

"Everything okay Joslyn?" I asked her.

I saw her eyes dart to me and then look back down at her plate. She took a few minutes and then sighed, "Your father will be home today. I'm worried about how he will take Master being the new head of the household. I do still love my husband, but he can't give me what you can, but I also don't want the two of you to fight."

"Mom," I stated, making sure she knew I was talking to her as a son and not her Master, "It will all work out. I am not going to take control of Dad as I have no interest in being the Master to a man. As I told Myra when this started, I will allow her to keep her male slaves or they can have the option to move to another Mistress, one that can be more devoted to them."

Allie then spoke up, "But doesn't that mean she has to call you each time she has sex with them Master? As their Mistress, that could undermine her authority over them and make them possibly do things that could hurt her or even you."

I looked over at Allie and nodded, "Yes I do understand that and gave Myra specific instructions that she can no longer have sex with any of her slaves. She is allowed to have them eat her out but only that. No blowjobs or touching the guys in any way. She does have permission to use toys and other devices on them as she sees fit, but I doubt she will let them eat her as she still needs permission to cum. The only time I would grant it without her having to contact me during that time would be under extreme circumstances. But I would need a specific reason as to why she would need this."

Allie nodded, though I saw uncertainty in her eyes. I then addressed that, "Though this could still cause a problem, I am left to rely on Myra's judgment. Should anything arise that may cause a problem, she will have to sever ties with her slaves or with me. That choice would be hers and hers alone."

"I will make sure to keep an eye on things Master. Though most all of my male pets don't need to have sex with me. There are a few that I will have to release as they have been getting too needy. But, I will never ever sever ties with Master. I am his. Mind. Body. And Soul. Until I die," Myra stated.

"Now let's finish eating as Joslyn and I have somewhere we need to be this morning. Also, I won't be home until after 7pm but probably closer to 8pm," I stated seeing a round of nods. I thought I saw a smile from Allie and Myra but it could have been my imagination.

As I left, seeing Joslyn pulling out of the driveway, as Allie moved her car to let her out, I noticed her new choker looked very good with the outfit she had chosen for that day. Smiling, I turned to Myra, "You taking Dad's car for class today?" I asked.

"No Master, I won't need it. Allie and I have classes that start and end close enough that we will drive together," she responded with a smile. I gave her a loving kiss and a gentle grope of her ass before I headed out the door to get into Myra's car that I was using temporarily.

Allie had borrowed a robe from either Joslyn or Myra so that she didn't walk to and from her car completely nude. That would have alerted any neighbors that something was going on at our house. Once Allie pulled back in, she ran around her car and greeted me as I was about to leave, "You be a good girl now Allie or else I may have to punish you when I get home."

She giggled as I pulled her into a kiss as my hands went into her robe so I could touch her sexy body one last time before I left for school. Luckily I was smart enough to pin her to the car and she used her left hand to keep any of her nudity from any eyes that may be watching us. I pushed my tongue into her mouth as she moaned and ground her hips into mine. As I broke the kiss she giggled again, "Of course Master. You know the only one I'm naughty around is you," she replied in the sweetest voice possible. Hearing her talking like that always made me think she was more innocent than she acted. That combined with the way her eyes sparkled compounded her innocent look and made me wonder if she was really innocent and was just playing the part of someone who wasn't. I just hoped that I wasn't corrupting this sweet angel.

Class was finally over for the day and I headed to the field where coach had a pep talk with us before we were to meet up a couple miles down the road to start our meet. Those who didn't have a ride either rode with ones who had driven to school or used the small bus that the coach used for sports outings. The biggest problem they had with the bus was that it was old and smelled horrible! The football, basketball and other big teams which had many more players on their teams than the cross country team had a regular bus that was a lot better maintained. I was just glad I only had to ride on that small bus for a week before I made friends on the team and got rides after that.

I hopped in my car and drove over to where the meet was after I was dressed. As usual, there were plenty of places to park as we didn't draw big crowds. At most, we would have the families of the others that were running and though we were two teams in one, men's and women's at the same time, we still only amounted to twelve in all. My family had never come to any of my events, whether it be when I played volleyball, soccer or ran cross country. It stung sometimes when I would see how happy some of the other parents would be when their child would cross the finish line, especially when they would be in the top three.

I had run this track enough times, as it was considered our home course, I knew where to step to not hurt my ankle or to slow down my pace. This would be easier for me as it would be for the rest of my team. Though the team we were going against was one of the fastest and they had whooped us on their home turf a couple weeks prior. However this time, we were determined to beat them.

The course itself was a little under three and a half miles and was around a park area that had a path through the woods, around the lake to an open area and back through the woods before the home stretch. I had more determination as I ran through the course, but also knew to maintain a speed I could keep throughout without overdoing it and causing me to get tired too quickly and end up losing my place. As with all our courses, I was second behind my friend Allen, but we were also both ahead of the other team by a good twenty feet.

As we approached the home stretch, where they had it roped off so families could cheer them on, I noticed something that made me run even faster so that I even passed by Allen. Allie, Myra and Joslyn were all waiting for me about fifty feet from the end. They got a head start but I quickly caught up to them and passed them as I was the first to pass the finish line, completing my run out so as not to cause any issues with my legs.

When I was finally stopped, the coach came over to me with some water and a towel and congratulated me on being the first to finish. As he walked away, I looked up and saw my three ladies coming over to congratulate me as well. Allie was wearing a blue t-shirt and short cotton shorts that rode up high on her hips. With her nipples being hard as they currently were, I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Myra was wearing a white partially see-through blouse that looked more like something that she would wear to the beach, but she had on a black bra underneath and I could see the lace it had on it as I glanced at her chest. She also had tight jeans on that showed off how sexy her legs were. Joslyn was still wearing the same thing she had gone to work with and still looked just as amazing as this morning.

"What... are the three... of you... doing here?" I rasped through ragged breaths while I tried to suck air into my lungs with sweat dripping off me like a fountain soaking my shirt as well as my shorts.

"We wanted to surprise you my love," Allie stated. "You aren't mad that we are here cheering you on are you?" she asked, with some fear and disappointment in her eyes. Even though I couldn't talk yet I was excited to see my ladies proudly wearing their chokers.

I took a moment, holding up a finger to indicate I wasn't mad, just still sucking in air, so I would be able to speak without any issues, "No, I'm not mad. I just didn't expect any of you to be here. But I am glad you came. Mom, Dad nor Myra have come to any of my events and I always envied the other guys and girls..." I started to say only to have Myra take hold of my face and look me deep in the eyes.

"You will never have to envy anyone again for that reason. We will be here to watch you from now on, no matter what," Myra stated as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She knew, as I did, that some of the people at the event could know we were related and didn't want to chance a kiss on the lips.

"And I know of my failures as a mother and know I should have supported you no matter what honey," Joslyn said as she hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"I, on the other hand, am your girlfriend and I don't mind one bit taking those lips for everyone to see," Allie stated as she stepped up to me and gave me a passionate kiss as our tongues rolled around each other's mouths. I pulled her tight to my body and she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around me as I did the same to her petite body.

I heard a couple whistles as my eyes opened and I saw a couple of my teammates and some of the guys from the other team along with a few of the girls from both teams. We broke our kiss and stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes with our foreheads touching before she spoke up, "Sorry, I just had to make sure that all these guys and girls were as jealous as possible. That and I couldn't wait any longer to have your lips on me," she whispered.

My coach called out to all of us for a last minute pep talk and the results before releasing us. As I walked up to the group I got a couple high-fives as well as some soft punches from them seeing how hot my girlfriend was, all the while wondering if any of them realized the chokers denoted they were my slaves. The girls however were looking at me like they hadn't met me before and were measuring me up. One even gasped as she whispered to another. I then noticed I had a semi going on that was pushing my shorts out. I did my best to re-arrange myself so that I didn't look like a pervert. But as some of the girls walked behind us, most likely on purpose, I heard some cat calls as I glanced over my shoulder and saw two of them winking at me.

When the pep talk was over and the cheers had finished -- we had crushed the other team -- I headed back over to my ladies. Allie walked back to my current car with me and Joslyn and Myra took Mom's car to head back to the house. Before we separated, Joslyn and Myra let me know that Dad was home and I contemplated how that was going to go. Would it turn ugly and into a fight or worse, or would something else happen all together.

Joslyn and Myra pulled in first so they could put Joslyn's car in the garage. I pulled up behind where Dad's car was parked in the garage knowing that he was still home. Though I did still love my dad, he was still at fault for getting Mom involved in this and ultimately giving Myra way too much power.

Instead of all of us going in through the door in the garage, I guided my ladies to the front door only to find Dad sitting in his recliner watching sports and sipping on some kind of hard liquor like he generally did.

As he turned to see me, he gave me a fake smile, "Hello son, good to see you..." he started to say only for me to cut him off.

"Ladies, upstairs and change into your appropriate attire," I stated not even bothering to look at my father. "Don't come down until I say so."

"That is no way to speak to your mother!" he stated angrily as he stood up abruptly.

I eyed him and easily knew my younger and stronger body could put him on his ass quicker than he would know what happened, but it wasn't about physically hurting my father. Nor did I actually want to raise my fists to him either. Without breaking eye contact with him, I finished my instructions to the ladies, "We will deal with dinner afterward. Come to a decision amongst yourselves as to where we get takeout or delivery from as I have more pressing matters to handle."

"Yes Master," they all stated in unison as they hurried upstairs.

Dad's jaw dropped as he was stunned by how they all not only listened to what I said but also called me their Master. He even called out to Mom but she either didn't hear him or didn't care, "Joslyn! Tell me what the hell is going on! You don't have to listen to this little punk!"

"SIT! NOW!" I stated getting nose to nose with him as my eyes burned holes through him. As he started to refuse and move me, I gave him a slight push and he fell backwards into the recliner. I then moved his recliner so it was facing the couch and moved to sit on the couch and look him right in the eye.

"Son. Please tell me what is..." Dad started to say only for me to raise my hand and stop him from speaking.

"I ask the questions and you answer them. If you do not give me the answer I need and a completely honest one, then I go upstairs, lock myself in your bedroom and punish both Mom and Myra while you listen to them scream. And if you think for a second I will be gentle and not hurt them, please try to push me and see how your daughter and wife come out of it with bruises and cuts all over their bodies." Though I did just say that, I had no intention of hurting them. I was good at having a poker face when needed and especially when I was angry as I kind of was now. I just needed him to believe I would do such a thing and from the look in his eyes, he believed it, hook, line and sinker.

Dad nodded as I saw tears forming in his eyes, "Y-Yes son. I will answer whatever you want. Just please don't hurt them. Hurt me if you need to."

"Good. However once I am done asking my questions, I will explain what happened while you were gone," I stated firmly.

I took a deep breath and focused my thoughts. I needed to come at this with a clear mind and find out what really happened. "I know you are one of Myra's pets," I stated watching his eyes go wide as he looked terrified. "What happened that caused you to submit to her?"

Tears started to stream down his face as he looked down. Dad was not a thin man. He was not yet fat but was a chubby guy with a balding head. Age did not agree with him as he easily looked years older than he was, even though he was only eight years older than Mom. "I guess since I believe what you told me will happen to my girls I had better be truthful," he said looking up at me as I nodded.

He took a deep breath as I did before and started with his story, "I had been promoted to being the Director of Financial Services. My boss, the CFO of the company, came to me with an idea about how we could siphon off small amounts of money and the company wouldn't know about it. At first I was worried about stealing or even getting caught knowing I could be arrested. However after he talked to me more and more about it, I realized how we could easily get away with it. After a couple months of us doing it, I tried to back out but then he started to blackmail me. Another couple months went by and I found out he had gotten even more greedy than he was before and was taking too much and we would get caught. The following day I went into work and found out he died the night before from suicide. I was then brought into the office of the CEO who told me he had evidence I was stealing from the company. I tried to spin it as the CFO had blackmailed me into it and I was innocent, but he didn't believe me and told me I had two choices."

Dad took a drink from his glass and sighed before continuing, "One choice was he could turn me over to the police and even the feds and I could go to prison for a long, long time. I about pissed myself and begged him for the second choice. He then told me I would be joining him and some of the board on trips that they took. At first I was excited as I would get to travel and be in high class hotels, as I had seen some of their expense reports. However, the first day of the first trip I was forced to fuck a hooker and cheat on your mother while they watched. By the end of the trip, I had slept with four different hookers and two of them had fucked me with a strap-on as well."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "When I got back to town, I cried in my car for a couple hours before coming home. Over the next six months, I was forced to have sex with women, men and just about anyone they could find for their amusement. I was whipped, had my ass fucked multiple times and the worst part was that I was recorded during the whole thing. Your Mom found out about it and I let her know if I just paid back the money, I could be free of this. When Myra found out about your mother, she asked me about why Mom was stealing from her job and I admitted to what had happened. Myra then told me she was going to make me her slave and I said I would as long as she would... um... start fucking me with the strap-on."

Dad was now in full tears as he dropped his drink and his head fell into his hands. "I-I'm a failure as a father and a husband!" he wailed as he balled his eyes out.

I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him and hugged him. I felt bad for him for what had happened to him but also felt he kind of deserved it as he was the one who put himself in this situation in the first place.

When he finally stopped crying and was able to compose himself enough, I spoke up, "I made both Mom and Myra my slaves. I... was in the process of punishing Myra and forcing her but she told me she enjoyed what I did and she wanted me to be her new Master. I then found Mom tied up as a present to me from Myra and she submitted to me as well."

"Son! Would you have really hurt...?" Dad started to say only to have me cut him off.

"No. I would not have hurt them. Part of the reason I took them as mine was to make sure they were not hurt and to care for them. But I don't want you to tell them that. It would undermined everything I have done," I told Dad as I cut him off.

"You really are a good man, you know that?" he stated patting my back. "Why would you be doing this if it is more for them? What do you get out of this?" he asked.

I smiled at him, "I get to protect them. Then again, I also get to sleep with three of the hottest women I have ever known and have them be fully devoted to me. What guy would give that up?"

Dad smiled and hugged me. "So where do we go from here?" he asked. His eyes showed that he was not only scared but worried about what I planned to do.

"Well, you are still Myra's pet, I don't take males under me. So, you can keep being her pet but I have the higher ruling for anything I decide to do with her," I answered him back.

He hugged me again and told me he was sorry. I let him know Mom and Myra would be filling him in on the rest later but we needed to get the ladies back downstairs. I called them down and all three came down in the nude, except for their slave collars and Myra wearing her panties due to being on her period.

Myra was the first to come down and her eyes looked scared; she looked worried that something bad had happened. Allie came down next and stood next to Myra and then Mom came down and walked right up to us. Her motherly and wifely instincts must have kicked in as she walked up to me and checked me first before checking on Dad.

"Well I see there are no bruises or cuts on either of you. I take it your talk went well then?" Mom asked.

Dad nodded as he looked at me and smiled, "Much better than it could have been. We raised a good son who has turned into an even better man. Definitely better than his old man, I would say," he stated chuckling.

I hugged Dad and then Mom. "Now if we are done with all the boring things, how about we get some food." I saw both Myra's and Allie's face perk up with the mention of food. Then a round of stomach rumbles between all three of my ladies and an even louder one from me, "I'll take that as a yes. Have you slaves decided on where to get food from?" I asked.

"Yes Master, we decided to go pick up sushi," Joslyn stated as both Myra and Allie nodded in approval.

Dad shook his head as I looked to him with a raised eyebrow, "You don't approve of sushi?" I asked.

"Oh no! I love sushi just as much as your mothe... as your slaves do. I will just have to get used to you giving the orders around here and calling them slaves," he responded.

I smiled and let him know I had given each of them a slave name, along with what they were, and would only be using the word slave for them as a whole or if any other women decided to submit to me as well. Dad patted me on the back, "I do hope I don't have to give up my room."

"No, but I will be using it while you are gone and leaving it quite... dirty," I replied with a mischievous smile.

He shook his head, "I don't know if I could ever be with my own son like I have with the hookers, but I..."

I shook my head, "So not gonna happen. Only my slaves are allowed to taste my cum and it only gets deposited on them or in them." He nodded, but actually looked a little disappointed. Sorry to say but being with men didn't do anything for me and with me not being his Master, being with someone who wasn't my slave would feel like cheating and would put my stature in bad taste, at least to me.

Myra got the flier that we kept for the Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi bar that was just down the road and took everyone's orders. Once done, she handed me the list and I dismissed her to talk with Joslyn and Dad. Allie never left my side as she let me know that she was uncomfortable being around my dad naked if I wasn't there. I smiled and let her stay next to me and even watched as she knelt on the floor beside me as I sat at the kitchen table. When I noticed her kneeling there I shook my head and pointed to the seat. As she got up I told her that I didn't like my ladies with dirty or messed-up knees and would rather have her sit than kneel.

Once the food was ordered, I headed back into the living room with Allie in tow. Joslyn and Myra were already sitting on the couch and I in turn moved the other recliner so I could talk with them and Dad. As Allie made her way to the couch, I called her over and had her sit on my lap. I had stripped down once I'd gotten back into the living room and was as naked as my ladies were. As she sat on my lap, I felt my hard cock pushing between her thighs and resting so that her soaked lips were hugging me. Then I pulled her back and wrapped my arms around her as one went across her stomach and the other massaged her firm breast. She moaned lightly but otherwise sat their enjoying the feeling of her Master's hands on her body.

When the food arrived, none of us moved except for Dad who got up to accept the delivery and pay for the food. As Dad closed the door I heard him laughing as he set the food down on the kitchen table as we all started to stand up. He walked over and closed the curtains, "The delivery guy was white as hell as he tried to see into the house more. He must have seen you fondling... Allie was it?"

I nodded letting out a laugh of my own, "Guess our talk made me forget to close them." In reality Joslyn and Myra usually kept them closed as they walked around the house naked. However with them going to see my run, it must have slipped their mind. I wasn't going to punish them for it but I would need to keep an eye out for things that could or would compromise their situation or cause them any troubles, given the fact that they were committing incest.

After we ate, the four of us, my ladies and I, had a fun romp before we headed to bed. This time however, we slept on my bed. It was smaller than my parent's bed, but we still found a way for the four of us to be snuggled together as our new family. I felt bad that I wouldn't take Dad as my slave and bring him into our group. But there wasn't anything I could give him that I believed would make him happy. I did love him as a father. However, I so wasn't going to have sex with him like my ladies. Maybe I needed to think on this and decide if maybe taking him as my slave was something I could do. Either way, I was too tired to think about it now, especially after dumping a load in both Allie's and Joslyn's cunts and one in Myra's mouth. I still had Beth to think about tomorrow. Would I take her as my own or would I decided to just humiliate her and let her be?