Domination Ch. 06

Thank you all for your comments on the last chapter of this series. As I understood it was much harder to read the series, I have removed the name change going forward.

Please keep the comments coming as I do read them (and reply to those that email me directly through the site).

Huge thanks to WA001 for editing this chapter



I awoke the next morning to the same feeling I had all week. My morning blowjob wake-up calls were starting to be one of the main highlights of the day. As I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked down, I saw Allie and Joslyn making out as they moved up and down my cock, their tongues swirling in each other's mouths while my cock got the most attention.

Then I noticed Myra's head pop up as the warm mouth that was on my balls had stopped, "Your turn down there," Myra said as she tapped Joslyn's shoulder.

"Aww! Can't I have five more minutes? Master's cock is sooo delicious in the morning," Joslyn responded back with a pouty face.

"Not a chance," Myra responded kissing Joslyn before eyeing my cock again. "I want to be up here when he wakes so I can see his gorgeous eyes staring at me as my tongue wraps around his thick cock. Mmmm! Just thinking about it makes me wet."

"You bad girl you. How did I raise such a perverted daughter?" Joslyn asked in a seductive tone. I could see in her eyes it was turning her on as well.

"Takes one to know one, Mommy-slut!" Myra responded back with a giggle before I saw her shake her ass in anticipation. She giggled again as her and Allie's lips met. They slowly moved down, with hands caressing each other's faces, and slowly engulfed my cock in their mouths.

Though Joslyn was definitely the best out of the three at blowjobs on her own, these two took the cake on doing it together. In the same way that Joslyn would truly be making love to my cock with her mouth, Allie and Myra were each making love to my cock in a way that their combined and unison effort made me wonder if I ever needed another woman to add to my group. I had the best of the single and the double blowjobs. I was in heaven.

As I sat there watching them and listening to their moans of pleasure as they completed their tasks, it was Allie who finally looked up and smiled with that little girl smile of hers. This was the giveaway as Myra missed a step and stopped seeing how Allie's cheeks here blood-red and her eyes were pointed my way. Myra's eyes darted to mine as I looked over at her, seeing the movement.

Myra moaned loudly as I saw her breasts bounce as she shook them. My legs had been hanging off the bed so that I couldn't see Joslyn until she popped her head up with that sexy motherly smile of hers. Seeing all three of my women with such huge smiles on their faces all willing to do whatever I wanted but also knowing that I would take care of them as well, was the best way to wake up.

"Good morning Master!" they all yelled cheerfully. Their combined happiness was intoxicating as it made me want to make love to each one of them over and over until we all passed out from the pleasure. However, if that happened, then we wouldn't be able to get anything done and not only would my grades suffer, but Joslyn would be fired and Myra's and Allie's futures would be ruined. That was something I couldn't let happen.

The three women went back to their tasks, and in the same positions they were before. In less than five minutes, I was grunting and spraying my cum all over their three faces as they had pointed my dick so that all three of them could get some of my salty treat.

As I was recovering, each of them were licking each other clean. Giggles and light moans filled the room as each one had a chance to lick my cum off another ones face and to have her own face licked.

Once all of them were done, Allie darted off to the bathroom to clean up her face. Myra and Joslyn stood up looking like they wanted to say something.

"Master, can I be excused so I can get your breakfast ready?" Myra asked with her head bowed and her hands crossed, left hand over the right hand, before her.

"You may Myra, but I want a kiss before you go," I replied. Myra came over to me and gave me a loving kiss and I got a good grip on her ass before smacking it as she trotted away giggling.

"Master, can I be excused as well. I need to get ready for work and leave about the time you do," Joslyn asked, standing the same way that Myra did.

"You may Joslyn, but I want a kiss before you go as well," I replied. She was so cute when she was all giddy like this and came over to the bed for a loving kiss. I got a good grip on her much larger ass before smacking it as she trotted away. However, instead of giggling as Myra did, she moaned and looked over her shoulder with such lust in her eyes. I half thought about jumping out of bed, pinning her to the wall and pounding my own mother into a puddle of goo, but knew that would make her late for work.

"Good morning dear!" Joslyn stated happily as I heard my father responding groggily as he had just gotten out of bed.

I smiled to myself but before I could get out of bed myself, Allie was standing in my doorway in all her nude glory. Her light, fair skin and silky blonde hair along with those sexy sky blue eyes made my cock hard in mere seconds.

One thing I would have to work on is some variety as, at the moment, all three of my slaves were blonde. Though Myra was a natural light brunette, the way she had her hair styled made her look more like a blonde now than a brunette.

"I take it you don't have anything to do at the moment Allie?" I asked, knowing this to be the case since she was sleeping at someone else's house.

She shook her head, "No Master. This slave is yours to do with what you want. Myra, Joslyn and I discussed this earlier and with Myra still not able to have sex with you and Joslyn needing to get ready for work herself, I volunteered to be the one that would be able to give our Master some pleasure before he went to school."

"Oh poor you," I stated laughing as I feigned a sad look, which caused her to giggle as well.

"But if Master does not want this slave, she can..." Allie started to say before being cutoff.

"Not a chance in hell. Now get that cute ass over here before I have to chase you down," I stated as I curled my finger telling her to come to me.

She bit her lip as I saw her twirling her hair with her other hand. No matter how I looked at her, Allie was always a cute girl on the outside with the mind of a full-fledged woman. She was wise beyond her years and even at her young age, she knew exactly what made her happy, both mentally and sexually. I made a note to possibly explore some of those sexual desires and see exactly what she liked. Maybe a little bondage play or perhaps some public sex or even some role-play. Either way, I would give each one a try, no matter how odd I may find it (okay maybe not all but just about), so I could find out exactly what excited this blonde beauty and keep her as happy as possible.

As she crawled on the bed, I watched as her small but firm breasts bounced. Though she wasn't close to flat-chested, she was nowhere near the size of Joslyn's breasts. However, that wasn't something that bothered me the least bit. Her smaller sized breasts looked perfect on her petite body. Too large and they would not look natural and she would not be as sexy in my eyes. Though I was falling more for her and not just her body. Her sexy and gorgeous body was just an added bonus.

"Hi there Master," she stated in a seductive voice once she was right over me. I could see my rock-hard cock sitting between our bodies as it pressed against her stomach, begging to be inside of her warm, wet sheath.

"Hello there beautiful," I responded before taking her lips as my arms wrapped around her lithe body. Her small breasts pressed into my chest as I felt her hard nipples pressing into me. I could feel her wetness as she was dripping like a faucet.

After our kiss broke, I pushed her up into a sitting position as she started to gyrate her hips, running her swollen lips along my shaft. I took her by the hips and lifted her up and slowly brought her back down as my cock parted her lips and became engulfed in that eternal bliss that was her heavenly vagina.

Even after being with each of my three women, I could easily tell each one of them apart but still didn't have a clear view of who had the better pussy, mouth or complete body. Each one was different but each one also was exceptional in their own way. Allie was not as tight as Myra but was able to grip me in a way that made her feel even tighter each time I was inside of her. I wondered if she was doing this on purpose or if it was just a natural phenomenon that she was able to do. Either way, it made sex with her that much better.

Allie put her small hands on my chest as she started bouncing on my cock. She was moaning loudly as she moved her hips back and forth and up and down. "You love this slave's pussy don't you Master," she said though her moans.

"Damn right Allie. That pussy is perfect for my cock. It was made to be hammered by me," I responded moaning myself as she continued riding me.

After a few minutes I pulled her towards me and kissed her lips hard as I put my arms around her. I quickly flipped us over so that she was on her back, hearing a muffled yelp as I saw her eyes go wide.

As I pulled back from the kiss, I took her legs in my arms and looked her in the eyes, "We don't have a lot of time as I don't want to be late, but I want you to cum with me slave. Can you do that?" I asked her, taking control of the situation.

She nodded, "Yes Master. I can cum whenever Master gives this slave permission," she responded in a cute voice as she was chewing on her nail. Her eyes were devouring every inch of my body that she could see and I was glad that I was as attractive to her as she was to me.

"Good girl. Now, I'm going to fuck you silly. However, when we are done, I want you to call either Joslyn or Myra in here to clean out the present I leave inside of you, understand?" I said in more a statement than a question. She nodded as she moaned again.

My hands slid down her silky-smooth legs until reaching her inner thighs. I knew I didn't have much time but wanted to make sure that both of us had our orgasms. My body scooted just a few inches closer as I gripped her thighs, just shy of her hips. Her legs wrapped around me the best they could as I saw her hands squeeze hard on the sheets.

I hammered away at her well lubricated cunt for a good five minutes, hearing her moans and pants as she got close to orgasm, but refused to let it hit her, as she waited for me to cum. As I noticed the telltale signs of her orgasm getting close again, I quickly released her thighs and took hold of her wrists. She had previously closed her eyes as she tried to keep herself from orgasming but now her eyes had popped open and she yelped as she felt the tug on her arms. I had a sly grin on my face as her mouth hung agape as she whimpered knowing I was going to wreck her. Though in truth, I would easily bet that she wanted this just as much as I did.

As my upper body leaned back, I held tight on her wrists and started hammering in her hard and fast with lightning quick speed. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit! You're breaking my poor pussy Master!" Allie screamed out in pleasure.

"I'm close slave... are you ready?" I asked as I was now panting from the quick and fast movement. I could feel my balls starting to boil as the grip on my cock became unbelievable.

"Yessh Massser! I don't know how wong I chan hold if!" she yelled as I could tell she was doing everything in her power to stop her orgasm from crashing over but was quickly losing the battle.

It took me less than 30 seconds to feel that last little tingle before I felt my cum shoot up from my balls down my shaft and start to splash against her walls, "NOWWWWW!" I screamed out.

Allie let out a wail as something incoherent came out. Her back arched and I watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body began to shake violently.

My own hips had slowed, and I gave two last thrusts as I finally stopped, keeping myself buried hilt deep in that sheath of gooey happiness. My lungs were gasping at the air, trying to help me regain what normality they had prior to the extreme exertion that I had just completed.

Allie was not moving and looked almost like she had died. As I leaned forward just slightly, a hand shot up and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me down onto her. She pulled my head so that it rested on her breasts as my eyes closed enjoying as we embraced one another. I kicked my legs out, quickly, so I could be more comfortable as her other arm came up and wrapped around me.

I could feel our sweat mixing as I heard her heart beating fast. Her chest was rising and falling quickly as she too was out of breath and trying to return to normal. We laid like that for a little while before I opened my eyes and noticed I had to go quickly and take a fast shower so I could have an enjoyable breakfast with my family.

"Gotta run my sweet, sweet slave," I said as I looked at her lovingly seeing her eyes opening like she was coming out of a dream.

"Go Master. I don't want you to be late. But..." she paused looking a little timid which was not like her at all, "Can we do something like this again?"

"You really enjoyed it that much?" I asked knowing it was a quick fuck but still fun.

She nodded her head vehemently, "Yes Master! That was the best quick fuck I have ever had. Not only that, you sent me high into the sky!" she replied looking up and pointing to the ceiling.

"Good girl," I responded kissing her lips lightly. She then looked back at me, "Anything for the girl I love," I finished, though I just realized that I told her I loved her.

She pulled her head back and held my head with her hands as she looked into my eyes for any deception, "You mean... you mean you love me? Like really love me? Like 'I love you' love me?" she asked excitedly, her eyes wide as can be.

I nodded my head with a smile, "Though we have only known each other a little while, I feel like we have known each other all our lives. I can honestly say now that I do love you." I paused for a second and I could see concern in her eyes, "However, I do want you to know that I do love Myra as well and not just as a slave and sister. I mean I'm in love with her too. Have been for years. But know that I love you just as much as I do her."

Allie nodded happily, "I don't mind if you love other women. The nature of our relationship means that you can and probably will fall in love with others. As well as have sex with many, many women and I can't get jealous or upset about it. But to know that you love me and I mean truly love me. That is worth anything I would have to endure."

I took her hands and kissed them, "Do know that I won't play with your heart. I will hold it dear to me and try not to make you endure too much. I want to show you how much you mean to me. Whether as your Master or as your love."

I kissed her once more quickly and jumped up grabbing my towel on my way to the shower. As I entered the shower, I heard Allie calling out to Joslyn and Myra to see who wanted to have the treat she had. Amazingly enough, I was able to make up about three minutes by being quicker in the bathroom, though I have no idea how I did it. Once I was dressed and had my bag, I headed downstairs and to breakfast.

Allie and Myra were still in the nude as Joslyn and Dad were dressed for work. I was served first followed by Dad and Joslyn. Finally Allie and Myra sat down. Amazingly enough, Allie and Myra sat the closest to me and I could almost see Dad looking a little nervous as Allie sat next to him. I even caught him looking at her naked body, but Allie didn't even notice him nor did she act like she cared whether he or anyone else was looking at her, other than me of course. While she was eating I noticed her constantly looking at me while she would lightly giggle and shake her hips, even occasionally biting her lip between bites. I couldn't help but look at her and smile back. My declaration of love must have been something she was hoping for and dreaming about. Either that or the sex we had was so phenomenal she couldn't stop thinking about it or should I say glowing about it.

I directed my attention to Myra who was helping me in setting up the night for Beth. I had let her set it up for the most part and just added in certain details that I wanted. More specifically what toys to bring that would make my revenge on her all the more fun. Do understand that I wasn't about to cause her any real physical harm or have her do anything that was really fucked up, but I did want her to learn her place. However, in no possible way was I thinking of adding this woman to my group. She had proved to me, through the way she treated me for as long as I worked at the restaurant, that she didn't deserve it. Myra was mean to me, but did it as she wanted to protect and prepare me for the outside world.

Once all the details were setup, Myra let me know the details of the location where everything was going down. Joslyn and Allie would go with me as well as my escorts for the night. I even found out that the place we were meeting her was a frat house that Myra told me had a bunch of her male pets in it. She even added that those who weren't her pets, were her friends as well as those in the fraternity that had girlfriends, she was friends with them as well.

I then looked to Dad who was eating away and reading his newspaper as he always did, "Dad. How would you like to join us tonight for some fun?"

He looked up in shock, almost as if he didn't think we would include him, "Umm... I don't think I'm still young enough to..." he started to say as I saw sadness in his eyes before I put my hand up and cut him off.

"You will be fine with our group. Plus, I have a surprise if you are interested?" I asked hoping that he would join us. It would be more fun for us to be together, plus I knew he would get a kick out of what I had in store for him.

Dad sat for a minute thinking before finally answering excitedly, "Okay. I will join you. I should be home by 5:30pm if that is okay with all of you?"

I nodded my head, "Yep. We don't have to be there until around 6:30pm and it is only about 15-20 minutes from here." I could see the excitement in his eyes of being included with our activities as he probably felt like a part of the family again, especially after what happened. All in all, he was my father and I did love him.

I gave my three women a kiss goodbye, with a much longer kiss from Allie, who was giggling and glowing the entire time, which caused Myra and Joslyn to look at her strange. Joslyn gave her goodbye kisses as did Dad, who looked to my approval though he didn't need it. However, what shocked us all was that Allie gave Dad a hug and big kiss on the cheek. Dad stood there shocked for a minute, though I don't know if it was due to a nude woman hugging and kissing him or the fact that this wasn't his family member. Either way, he shook it off and I took Myra's car, Joslyn took hers and Dad took his. Once they were dressed and ready to go, Allie would give Myra a ride to my school to pick up her car and Allie would pick me up from school.

The school day went by without any problems. Though the two girls who had flirted with me at lunch previously tried a couple things. One of them was wearing a dress that came up high on her thighs and clearly didn't wear a bra, while the other was wearing a tight t-shirt that barely covered her midsection and the tightest pair of shorts I have ever seen. However, this didn't faze me at all. I have three women who are not only willing to do anything for me sexually, but all love me and live to serve me. Why would I bother with these high school girls and their drama?

Once school got out for the day, I was standing in front of the school surfing the web on my phone. Then I felt something on my ear and looked over to see the one who was wearing a dress, trying to press her medium sized breasts against my arm, "Hey there. Got any plans for tonight? My friend is having a party and there won't be any parents. Who knows, I may just give you a peak at what's under my dress if you are a good boy," she stated seductively as she poked my nose.

Before I could say anything, the other one pulled on my right arm grabbing my attention, "No. He is going to the party with me so he can see how tight my cunt is." She paused for a minute with a pouty face batting her eyelashes, "Please? I have only been with two guys before and would love to see what you got down here," she said as she went to grab my cock in my jeans.

However before her hand got onto my jeans, I heard a voice behind her that was like angel's singing, "Don't you dare touch my man!" Allie stated walking up. She was wearing a white, V-neck, strapless camisole that showed a lot of her sexy midsection, along with a short jean skirt, that barely came down a couple inches over her crotch. Her hair was done into a single braid as it hung down over her right breast. Her sky blue eyes were locked right onto me as she had moved her sunglasses up to rest on her head.

"Who the fuck are you?" the one in the dress said, easily angered by the appearance of another woman who was claiming me as well.

"Like I said. That is my man and I won't have some young floozy slut touching him and tainting him like that," she responded walking right up to me with nothing but confidence. Once she got to me, she wrapped her arms around my head and kissed me hard. Our tongues instantly going to battle as they tangled and fought one another. My hands grabbed her sides and moved down coming to rest on that perky ass of hers, hearing her moan in my mouth as I squeezed firmly on those round globes of flesh.

"Come on. He is probably a virgin and would have nutted his pants just by looking at us," the one in the shirt and shorts said laughing as she pulled her friend away.

"Baby? Are we gonna have another foursome tonight? I loved watching all those women ride this lovely cock of yours. Then again, when you can cum multiple times and still stay hard, I know you will always have extra left for me," Allie said just loud enough for the two girls to turn around and stare at me with their mouths hung agape. "Just please don't fuck my ass again tonight. You are so big that it hurts, okay baby?"

I wanted to burst out laughing as I heard whispers behind me from the other guys and gals that went to my school. As I looked to my left, I even saw Ms. Jergen, my math teacher, whose fiery red hair was flowing in the wind as she happened to be biting her bottom lip as her black rimmed oval glasses had fallen down her nose. As she corrected them and stopped biting her lip, I noticed how she rubbed her thighs together before straightening out her black skirt that stopped right at her knees. As she turned to walk the other way, I noticed a slight smirk on her lips.

"Master. I think you should punish those naughty little girls for thinking they could toy with you," Allie whispered sensually in my ear as she bit on my ear lobe.

"Them?" I asked confused coming out of my stupor, "They aren't worth my time. I was thinking something more red."

"Mmmm. She is a hot one I will say. I would love to see what her little cunt tastes like as I run my tongue up and down her soaked pussy lips after Master has dumped his hot load deep inside of her."

"That would be something fun to see," I answered kissing Allie again, hearing her moan as she rubbed her hips up and down my now visible erection.

I had kept myself from getting hard with having the two girls fighting over me, but combining how Allie was rubbing her whole body against mine and the way I saw Ms. Jergen standing there had me at full mast.

"Come along now. I'd like to get some cuddle time in before we have to leave. Though you will have to share me with Joslyn," I said taking her hand and guiding her to her car.

Allie handed me her keys and I looked at her confused, "What? My Boyfriend/Master has full right to drive my car anytime he pleases."

"Oh? I'm your boyfriend now?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow teasing her.

"You did say you love me. Unless that was a lie?" she asked as she was getting into the passenger side.

As I slid in, I came face to face with her and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Not a chance. I do love you. I just didn't expect you to trust me with your car."

She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm trusting you with my heart, my naked body and my wellbeing. Why would a car be that much more important? It is just a big hunk of metal that is used to get from place to place."

I hadn't thought of it like that before. I always wondered why most girls let their boyfriends drive their cars and trust them with it. I mean so much could go wrong. But as she explained it that way, it was understandable that she was trusting me with so much already, what is the difference if she trusts me with a "hunk of metal" as she called it.

We chatted on the way home and it was good to get a change of pace with her. Whereas with Myra and Joslyn, I knew a lot about them, well more from before than more recently I guess, but with Allie, I only knew what she had told me so far. I was looking forward to knowing her more as a person though.

As we pulled into the driveway, I wondered if anyone was home. I knew Joslyn should be unless she had to work a little late, which happened from time to time. Myra should be here, but since she was setting up for what was going to happen to Beth, I knew she was probably at the frat house already.

When we walked in I called out to see if anyone was home, but no one answered. On top of that, the lights were all out as well. I turned and watched as Allie dropped her backpack and an extra duffel bag, that she brought from the car, on the couch. She quickly stripped down and a goofy smile crept up on my face as I saw that she had no bra or panties on. Even though it was one of my rules, I hadn't meant it to be followed all the time while they were outside, just more when I was around. Lastly, she pulled out her collar and strapped it around her neck as I saw her start to glow. I didn't know why, but all my slaves were happy to wear their collars. It was like a badge of honor to them. Something that made their lives better and maybe(?) simpler.

"You do know I don't mind you wearing underwear when you go to school or if you work?" I asked her getting a cute giggle out of the petite blonde.

"I know you probably wouldn't have minded, but I enjoy the freedom and plus," she said sauntering over to me, swaying her hips as those lovely perky breasts of hers bounced with each step, "If Master wanted to pull over somewhere and take me, this slave should not have anything blocking his way. It was also why I wore the skirt as well, it hikes up my hips quite easily."

As we were now nose to nose I kissed her lips lightly before pulling back and just staring her in the eyes. I could feel her hot breath on my lips as I let my tongue run traces around her lips. "Strip me," I commanded her, to which she squealed in delight.

Allie slowly lifted my shirt off my head and tossed it aside. When it was out of the way, she ran her nails down my chest, tracing every muscle as she knelt down in front of the one that she served. As her head moved up and her eyes met mine, I could see the overt sense of pride she had knowing that she was pleasing me. Her hands moved without any thought as she removed my belt and unbuckled my jeans. My smile made her nipples harden as they were just waiting to be plucked. I could also smell her juices starting to flow as she slightly moved her hips.

Her eyes never left mine as her delicate fingers traced up my legs before they hit the waistband of my boxers. Again she slowly pulled them down. However, she had been so entranced by my eyes bearing deep into her soul that she hadn't realized that my cock was out until it nearly slapped her face causing her to yelp as she was pulled out of her trance. As her eyes looked ahead of her, she noticed my cock bouncing. She giggled as something that had brought her such pleasure and would for many, many years to come had scared her so.

When her eyes looked back up to mine, she wrapped her hands around my cock and looked up at me as she nuzzled it against her cheek with that cute girl smile of hers. Her eyes sparkled as she rubbed the head of my cock back and forth across her cheeks, making sure it ran over her pretty pink lips as she flicked her tongue out each time.

After a couple passes, she stopped with my cock right in front of her lips. I could tell by the way she looked at me exactly what she wanted. As her lips parted and she slowly wrapped them around my cock, I shook my head. She stopped with my cock just passed her lips and gave me her best pouty face before running her tongue along my head.

I pulled my hips back, watching as my cock got further away from her mouth and her eyes had become transfixed on the one thing she wanted in the world at that moment. "I want to save it all for tonight. But I do promise you that you will get what you want," I said in a loving voice as I reached down and caressed her cheek. Allie looked up at me and smiled again knowing I had yet to disappoint the blonde beauty.

I helped her up to her feet and let her know I had homework to get done for Monday and would rather get it finished now than wait for later. She let me know she had a project she needed to work on and we decided to do it together. We moved the textbooks we needed over to the dining room table and sat so that we were next to each other.

As she was reading through her textbook and I was working on my math assignment, she put her hand on my thigh and started to rub it. I wondered if it was unconsciously or if she was doing this to fuck with me, but I let her keep doing it as it felt nice to have her soft hand on me and I was able to finish up my homework without it getting in my way too much.

Just as I finished up my homework, Joslyn came in the front door, "Master, I'm home and I brought dinner."

I got up from the dining room table, along with Allie, and headed to the front door. Joslyn had put the bags on the table in the living room had started to strip. As she turned I watched as her large breasts jiggled, she greeted me with a sexy and seductive smile. "How was work Joslyn?" I asked wanting to know as much about my women as possible.

"It was okay Master. Though if you had been there..." Joslyn said as she stopped letting the sexual innuendo hang in the air.

I started laughing as both women started laughing as well. "You know neither of us would get any work done, especially since you don't wear panties. We would have been fired for fucking all over the office."

"I know that would happen if we worked together too," Allie added in giggling along with us.

Allie helped Joslyn with our dinner and brought it over to the table. "FUCK YES!" I screamed out when I saw what they brought me. Joslyn had stopped by my favorite bar-b-que place. It was also one of my top five favorite restaurants that I had eaten at. I noticed just as I was seated that Allie dashed over towards the living room and came back after a few minutes.

"Apologies Master. I remembered something I needed to do," Allie said as she reached my side. I let her know it was fine and we sat down to eat.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I got you a mixed meat plate with the same sides that Master likes. I also got an extra plate of just sides, just in case," Joslyn stated, as I'm sure she hoped she got something that Allie would like. I was glad she and Allie were getting along and Allie was treated like a daughter to Joslyn. I would have thought sister but given their age difference, it would have been hard for Joslyn to see her that way.

"I eat just about anything so I'm sure it is fine Joslyn, thank you. Actually... I do have a particular taste for only one cock though," Allie replied as she and Joslyn giggled. I joined in with their laughter as well, loving the sexual banter they used.

Once we were done, I made my way up to my room while Joslyn and Allie started to get ready. After a few minutes, Dad came in, "I'm home everyone."

I came down the stairs, still in the nude with my cock bobbing back and forth, and greeted him. Though with me being naked, there was no way in hell I was going to hug him, that would have been a little too weird for me. "Hey Dad," I said waving to him and then shaking his hand once I was close enough.

He nearly choked when he saw me in the nude. I watched as his eyes looked me up and down, which was pretty strange to me, "Yeah I know, I should be dressed, but as of right now, my slaves have to be nude when they are around the house. So I decided why not join them. You know the saying, 'When in Rome,'" I finished shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah I understand. It may just take me some time to get used to all the nudeness." He paused for a second before continuing, "Is your mother and sister here?"

"Mom is upstairs getting ready as is Allie, but Myra will meet us at the place tonight. Mom brought home bar-b-que and put it in the fridge for you as well so you can eat before we leave," I stated giving him the run down.

"Thank you for letting me know and I will have to thank your mother for picking up dinner as well. I do want you to remember that you are one lucky son of a gun in that you have three women who would do anything for you. Make sure not to make a stupid guy mistake and screw it up," he said with a big smile while patting my back.

"I'll try not to Dad," I replied patting his shoulder as well, glad that my newly found relationship with Mom and Myra had not ruined my relationship with him as well. Overall, he was a good man that had just made a few stupid mistakes. "Well I need to shower and change. If you need anything, holler okay?"

"Sure thing son. It will be kind of weird having you as the man of the house from now on," Dad said shaking his head trying his best to wrap his head around things.

Just as I was about to walk away, I stopped and took his head in my hands and looked him right in the eyes, "Dad. You are still the man of this house. Don't ever think that you aren't. And if it ever bothers you what Mom and I do, please let me know right away and I will release her. I don't ever want to be the cause of you and her having any problems."

I saw tears forming in his eyes as a few were able to escape down his cheek, "Son. I lost your mother a long time ago. She needs this just as much as Myra and that little blonde girl you have. If I were to take her from you, she would probably break down and either end up in the looney bin or go all homicidal on me and still end up in the loony bin."

He paused for a second looking like he was trying to find the right words as he looked down. Then as his eyes looked back up, I saw worry in them, "Please don't every release your mother. You need to be the man I couldn't and give her what she really needs. Your mother is a full on submissive and I'm not the dominant type that can control her the way you do. It is also why she submitted to Myra so easily. After I heard that she had, I knew there were many other routes she could have taken and not become your sister's pet. But deep in her heart, she wanted this. Wanted someone to control her and to show her that she meant something to them. I have never stopped loving your mother and never will, but I can't and will never be able to make her happy the way Myra did or how you are doing now. And if you think I'm lying or kidding with you in any way, have you seen how happy and giddy she is? She hasn't been like that since she got pregnant with your sister and then you. Motherhood was the only other thing she ever wanted. But now that time has gone and past, you are seeing who your mother truly is. The woman that she has always been but was forced to suppress for so long as I wasn't there to take on that dominant presence that she needed."

"I know Dad. I-I just don't want to lose you because I'm making them happy," I replied, not really knowing what I could say to ease him.

"Hey. I'm fifty years old. If I haven't found some sort of happiness by now, then what's the point? Besides, what I do with the executives on my trips gives me something that only someone like you or Myra could give. Your mother could never give me that either. So in a sense, the door swings both ways."

"What is it that they give you exactly?" I asked, wondering if there was a way to fit him into my harem of slaves. Though I don't have, nor ever plan to have, any sexual feelings towards being with any man, let alone my own father, I still wanted him to be happy and if that meant under my wing, then I would let him join and give him what he needs.

"Humiliation son. I never knew it myself until the first time I was fucking that hooker while the executives watched. She was hot as all hell and had some mammoth sized tits that got me going but it wasn't until the other guys started calling me names and saying I fucked like a little bitch that I really got turned on. She even screamed out saying I just got bigger and the others continued with their insults and made me cum so freaking hard I nearly passed out. So you see, your mother has things that I can't give her and I have some she can't give me. I'm just glad she found someone who could give her what she wants, as did I."

I gave my dad a big hug, making sure to keep my cock away from him, and told him I was happy for him. "Oh yeah. We forgot to mention that we are moving to Baton Rouge. I got an offer from LSU and accepted it. All three women decided they wanted to go with me, but I wanted to talk to you about Mom first before I gave her the complete go ahead. Plus, I would love for you to come with us as well."

"Son. I have no problem with your mother following you and her dreams. I have to stay though I will probably sell this house and get something smaller since I will be alone. Maybe I will even find someone that makes me happy the way she found you. But for now, I have my business trips to keep my sexual appetite at bay."

As I walked away, I wanted to tell Mom that she couldn't go with us. Maybe even tell her about Dad's humiliation fetish. Then maybe they could work something out so that some days, she was in charge and humiliating him and others he was in charge dominating her. But I doubted either of them would ever be able to do that to the other. Mom was too kind-hearted to dominate or humiliate anyone and I didn't see that dominant side in Dad that would make Mom happy either. I just hoped that I wasn't making a tear in my family that would rip us all apart.

Once I finished my shower and got dressed, Allie stole my room so she could get ready. She didn't want me to see what she was wearing for the party and told me she hoped it would keep me hard all night. I responded letting her know that seeing her in anything could keep me hard all night, which she replied with a kiss and a giggle before closing the door.

Mom had confiscated the hall bath as Dad was now showering and changing. "Wow! Look at how handsome Master can be when he actually cares about what he wears," Joslyn stated sarcastically.

That made me laugh, "Well it takes a good woman to make sure a man knows what to wear, right?" I asked, to which she nodded. I paused for a second, leaning on the door frame, wondering how to approach the subject to her. It had been easier with Dad as he was able to make the decision, though I wasn't prepared for what he answered with. After about a minute, I sighed and spoke up, "So I spoke to Dad and told him about us moving."

"Oh! W-What did he say?" Joslyn asked nervously as she stood there in her bra, panties and a garter belt that was hooked to nude colored stockings looking sexy as hell. Everything she was wearing was covered in lace and was partially see through as I could easily see her nipples through the sheer material of her bra.

"He told me about his fetish and yours, which I of course knew about yours. He also told me that though he will always love you with all his heart and you the same to him, that neither of you could fully fulfill each other's desires."

She paused for a second and I saw the sadness in her eyes. "He is right about that dear. He will always be my first and true love. But a part of me was never satisfied with him, no matter how good the sex was at times. When I got pregnant with you and your sister, I was able to keep those urges down as I wanted children more than my own carnal desires. However the older you both got, the more the urges came back. Now that I'm your slave and belong to you, I-I don't know what I would do if I had to give you up. It is why I'm so timid all the time. You told me I only had one chance and I would probably die on the inside and be a shell of my former self if you ever released me."

I could see tears running down her face now and knew her makeup was all messed up but it was more that I had made her sad that bothered me. I hugged her as I felt her bra encased breasts pancake against my chest, "I just didn't want to be the one that broke up the family. I love you both too much to have to carry that kind of burden." I almost felt like letting her know I would give her more than one chance, but didn't want to show any softness in my masterly duties. If any of my women had sensed that I was no longer fit to be their Master, it could mean that they would start asking for their release.

"Oh baby! You were never the cause of this. If you or your sister hadn't taken me, then eventually I would have cheated on your father with some random guy or gone to one of those clubs and become someone else's slave instead. Who knows how that would have turned out? I'm extremely happy serving you because it gives my submissive side what it desires but with it being you, I don't have to worry about you doing something that would hurt me physically or cause me any emotional pain. The only downside to our relationship is that I'm your mother, but I had already come to terms with the family aspect of it when I ate your sister out the first time. Hell, my carnal desire had taken over so much that I couldn't even begin to not want to eat that pretty little pussy. So taking my son's cock deep in my holes doesn't bother me one bit." When she finished she had a big smile on her face and was wiping away the tears on her face.

"As long as you and Dad are okay with it, then I will let things continue." I paused for a second before remembering about our move, "Oh and I told him about us moving to Baton Rouge. He said he would stay here and probably sell the house and move into something smaller. Part of me wishes I could give him what he wants, but I just can't see myself fucking my own father or any other man for that matter."

"Good, because if you did, I would start to look elsewhere for another Master who wasn't into that. I don't mind men liking other men, but sexually it is a major turn off and makes me not want to touch them ever. That is part of the reason why I haven't been with your father since he submitted to Myra. When he took her strap-on up his ass, I lost all my sexual feelings for him. Don't get me wrong, I still love him as my husband and the father of my children but sexually, I just can't anymore."

I didn't quite understand how she would be okay with him fucking another woman but when he got fucked by the same woman, it was a turn-off. I mean it was a turn-off to me as I'm not interested in guys at all, but I could only guess that this was part of Mom's submissive side. When the guy takes it and no longer receives it, he is letting that woman dominate him in a sense. So in her eyes, he was a failure as a lover.

I gave her another hug before heading downstairs. I had dressed in a gray silk button down shirt and dark blue jeans that Myra had helped me buy. I knew it would be a surprise to her but was more wearing it as I felt it actually looked good on me. Plus it helped to bring out the color in my eyes, per what Myra had told me.

I decided to watch some TV but as usual, I didn't find anything worth watching. After about fifteen minutes, around 6pm, the sounds of someone coming down the steps brought my attention away from the TV, prompting me to turn off the garbage I was watching. Not that I hate TV, I'm just not one for most of the shows. There are a few that catch my interest, but most are documentaries about the ancient times.

As I moved from the couch to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Joslyn coming down in a sexy royal blue dress. It came down to her feet and there was a slit up her right side that came up almost to the top of her thigh. The top was short-sleeved and was off-shoulder as the tops of her breasts were visibly showing. As she took each step, I watched how her large breasts and chubby tummy seemed to jiggle with each step. Though I had been relatively calm and soft up until that point, I was now rock hard watching this beauty descending the stairs towards me.

"So what do you think Master?" she asked as she gave a little spin hoping I liked the dress she picked out.

"God you are one sexy ass MILF," I moaned in response, causing her to blush.

She then stepped up to me, pushing her breasts against my chest as I felt her hot breath on my lips, "Master. Can I wear a bra just this once? You wouldn't want all those naughty boys looking at your slave having dirty thoughts now would you?"

I made it look like I was thinking for a second but had already made up my mind, "Of course I would. I want them drooling over you as a matter of fact as I know how wet it is going to make this mature pussy of yours. And seeing how your giant tits are shaking the way they are, I have no doubt they will be doing just that."

"Yes Master. B-But do you think they would really do that for a fat old woman like me?" she asked, clearly lacking confidence in her body. This was something I hoped to help her with as I had noticed that she constantly wore baggy clothes or overdressed when she went out over the past couple years. But trust when I say, she was by no means fat. She was a chubby woman, but what woman who has had two children, and isn't a fitness trainer, a model or filthy rich to afford a 10k a month trainer, doesn't have a few extra pounds. Yes, my mother had more than a few extra pounds in her belly and thighs, but I thought she held it quite well and it made her all that more sexy.

I took her head in my hands and looked her straight in the eyes, "You are not fat and you are not old. Like I said before, you are a sexy ass MILF and any real man out there would give his left and right nut along with his arm to have one night with you." I paused for a second allowing her to nod knowing what I was saying was true, "Now I don't want to hear any more about this okay. If you are fat, old and ugly, then you won't grace my service anymore. So that right there should tell you that you are beautiful beyond what you believe. Besides, I want you to have confidence in yourself and know what I see, along with everyone else."

Mom kissed me abruptly, to which I returned the kiss as her breasts pancaked against my chest. I could feel her mound rubbing up and down my hard cock as I reached down and took her right leg in my hand, allowing it to wrap around me as I ground my crotch back into hers.

We didn't stop kissing until we heard a "ahem" behind us as I realized that she was blocking the stairway and Dad had a goofy smile on his face. "What? You want to take my place?"

Dad looked shocked for a minute before shaking his head, "No. I just needed to get by so I could get something out of my briefcase. You are doing a very good job with her son. I'm proud that the both of you could make each other happy like this."

"Thank you dear. You know I still love you and always will. It was why I never cheated on you up until Myra took me as her pet," Mom said to Dad with a smile.

"I know my love. It must have been hard on you to suppress this for so long. But now you get to be yourself and I couldn't be happier for you." Dad then hugged me and Mom.

Just as he broke the hug and headed to where he left his briefcase, I heard my door open upstairs and saw Allie come out of my room. Once she was standing at the top of the stairs, I was in awe of how beautiful she was. Her makeup was lightly done and her sky blue eyes seemed to be bigger and sparkled more than ever before. She was wearing a spaghetti strap black patch dress with a slit up her left leg. One thing I also noticed was that she had on gladiator style black stiletto heels that seemed to accentuate her legs even more.

I could not take my eyes off her as she descended the stairs down to where I was standing. Once she reached the bottom, she tapped my chin, "You may want to close that so flies don't get in Master," she said as she gave me a quick kiss before heading to where her backpack had been left on the couch, swaying her hips as much as possible knowing that she had my gaze the entire time.

"Master if you want my opinion. You should marry that woman right there. She is not only fully devoted to you already, but she will be both eye-candy and a good wife to you as well," Joslyn whispered into my ear with a sly grin.

"Oh! Is this just wishful thinking or are you trying to steer me to wedding bells?" I asked jokingly.

"Maybe a little bit of both Master. We both know you can't marry Myra as she is related to you," she answered, almost as she was a little upset that her daughter would never get married.

"Might be something I will have to think about. But for now, I consider all three of you to be my wives. I don't need a piece of paper and government oversight to tell me how I feel about the three of you," I replied.

"Even me?" Joslyn asked confused that I would even consider that.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I want a hot mamma like you? Besides, just because you can't have my children doesn't make you any less of a girlfriend, lover or wife in my eyes."

"Thank you for your kind words Master. I will do what I can to make you happy. Just please let me know if you are getting bored with me or if there is anything I can change to make you love me better and not release me."

"As long as you don't disobey me and follow my rules, there is nothing in this world that would make me get bored of you or ever want to release you." Joslyn nodded with a smile, happy that I would never want to release her. "We need to go or we may be late," I stated, walking over to Allie who handed me her keys and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"We will follow you just in case," Dad answered, "Unless you want your mother to ride with you?"

"Go ahead Dad," I responded, knowing it would give them a chance to talk after what was said earlier, if they needed it. I also re-assured both of them that I was here if they needed me.

We piled into the cars and headed out. The whole drive there, Allie was holding my hand and drawing circles on it with her nail while humming away. I wondered what had gotten into her as she was more lovey-dovey than her normal submissive way. However, as long as she didn't go all crazy-white-girl on me and threaten to chop off my dick or hurt my family, I didn't mind this side of her. She would need to stay submissive during our play when the others were around, which hadn't seemed to be a problem so far.

Once we arrived at the house, the party was already well underway. We were able to find parking relatively easily and walked over to the house as a group. Though in reality, it was me in the middle with Allie on my right and Joslyn on my left. Dad was just behind me following along.

As we entered the house, a couple of the frat guys along with a couple girls as well, which I assumed were their girlfriends based on how they were holding onto the guys almost the entire time, greeted Allie letting her know that Myra was already upstairs. One girl even asked Allie if I was the famous Freddy and Allie smiled and nodded showing me off. The girl was a light-skinned Asian with medium sized, perky breasts that were practically falling out of the dress she was wearing. It was immediately obvious to me that she was at least somewhat intoxicated and that was not a state I would want to take any lady in to join my harem. I would only take possession of a woman if she was completely sober and able to make a decision on her own.

Once we reached the top, there was a door closed right in front of us with a bathroom to the left. Down the hallway to the left were a bunch of closed doors. When I looked right, I saw a white guy and a black guy that looked like they were either body builders or football players standing guard. However, I could only see three doors that way.

"Hey guys," Allie called out to the big mountains that were called men.

"Hey Allie," the black man responded in a voice that calmed my nerves somewhat. They were both big and scary looking, but seemed to be nice guys as they hugged Allie. She introduced me, Joslyn and Dad by our names only.

"Myra is waiting for you right here sir. Please step this way," the white guy said, "My friend will show the others to their room."

"Wait!" I said stopping them. "He comes with me," I said pointing to my father.

The two guys looked at each other like I was crazy. I then let out a frustrated sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I can always tell Myra that you disobeyed my order. Would you like that?"

Both guys looked scared out of their minds as their eyes went wide, "No sir. That won't be needed. He is more than welcome to join you."

"Good boys," I responded tapping the white guy's cheek. He looked at me like I was crazy and then I whispered into his ear, "I'm the one who dominates Myra as well as the three you see before you." He then noticed the wicked smile on my face as he looked down and opened the door, gesturing me into the bedroom.

As I walked through the door, with Dad following closely behind me, I saw a sight that I won't soon forget. Beth was sitting on some sort of sawhorse looking thing. Her legs and arms were suspended on either side of her with BDSM like straps. This made it so that she was spread eagle for whomever walked into the room. She also had a bullet vibrator taped to her clit while a dildo was stuffed in her cunt and a jewel encrusted butt-plug was in her ass. Lastly, she had electro-pads that were on the sides of her breasts, mere inches from her areolas.

Though I barely paid attention to her body, it was easily just as firm and sexy as Myra's and Allie's. However she didn't have the thighs and booty Myra had nor the cuteness that Allie had. All in all, she looked sexy to most but more average in my eyes. Her breasts were closer sized to Myra's with smaller than average areolas and small nipples. Though I didn't know if her smaller nipples were more due to her not being as aroused or if that was just their normal size. Most likely the latter given the devices that were in and on her.

I noticed that Beth had her head tilted back and was moaning lightly when I entered and hadn't noticed I was there. However, Myra was quick to notice my presence and made her aware rather quickly, "MASTER! I'm so glad you're here!" Myra squealed in delight as she ran up and gave me a hug and a tongue filled kiss.

Myra was wearing a sparkly black dress that came down about mid-thigh and had spaghetti straps holding it up. The neckline didn't show any cleavage and though it looked great on her, it wasn't as skin tight as she normally would wear. I remembered hearing about how some women think they look overly fat/bloated when they are on their period and wondered if Myra thought the same. However, she didn't ever need to think that as she was a goddess walking among men.

Once our lips met, I heard a whimper and loud moan behind Myra as I saw that Beth was now looking right at me. I don't know if it was my presence that did it or the force of her orgasm, but once our eyes met, she screamed out and the dildo was shot out of her pussy near where I was standing. I nearly choked on Myra's tongue seeing this happen as our kiss broke abruptly. "Really? Are you still not able to hold it in?" Myra said with a tsk-tsk to her voice as she bent over and picked up the dildo, deliberately turning around and pushing her ass into my crotch.

I slapped Myra's ass which caused her to yelp in surprise and look at me wide eyed. "Master. Please promise me one thing... That you will fuck me so hard I can't walk once this is over?" she asked, rubbing her free hand on my crotch as she gazed deep into my eyes.

"Of course my slave. I have been itching to be back inside of that juicy little peach ever since you went on your... became inaccessible. Though I will wait a couple days so it is nice and fresh before I give you the tongue lashing you so deserve," I responded hearing a grunt from Dad and a moan from Myra as she rubbed her thighs while biting her lip.

"Thank you Master. Of course I would never want you to taste me while I'm all dirty down there."

"Wait! You mean you eat her out? Like licking her pussy and all?" Beth asked through ragged breaths.

"Of course he does. My Master is a most gracious one and takes care of those who serve him," Myra responded before blowing me a kiss with a cute smirk on her face.

"W-Would you let me serve you..." Beth started nervously to say only to have me cut her off.

"That is yet to be determined. I have a deep love for those who serve me and so far, all I have seen from you and felt for you is anger and annoyance. You constantly belittled me while we worked together and never once tried to be kind, no matter how kind I was to you," I responded with all seriousness.

"B-But..." Beth started to say only to be cut off by Myra.

"Listen up! You have a chance here to prove to him that you will do whatever he wants. If you fail, then at least you got some good booty. But if you succeed, then you will be in his good graces and have a chance at serving him," Myra stated. She looked to me and smiled before looking back to Beth, "Personally, I wouldn't give you the time of day, so make sure you know you are very fucking lucky that my Master would give a slut like you a chance at serving him."

Beth nodded before saying, "Thank you for this opportunity Mast ..."

Myra took her by the throat and stopped her words as Beth's eyes went wide with fear, "NO! You don't get to call him that until he takes you. You either call him sir or mister. Do you understand?" Myra growled as her face was almost nose to nose to Beth.

"Myra!" I yelled. Myra's head jerked to the right looking my way, "Release her." Myra paused for a second before I added a commanding, "NOW!"

Myra let her go and turned to me with her head bowed, knowing she had done wrong as she was just about shaking. "I know you mean well, but I don't want to see that kind of anger in you. Don't stoop to their level or you will be just as bad as they are. You are too kind and caring to be like them."

"Yes Master. I'm sorry," Myra answered with tears in her eyes.

I pulled her to me and hugged her as she returned the hug and buried her head into my chest, "It is okay my slave. You don't need to be punished for this, but know that I don't want to see harm come to you or any of my other slaves. That also goes for any others that are prospected to serve under me as well. Clear?" I asked her.

"Crystal Master," she responded looking up at me before we kissed lovingly. I heard a moan coming from both Beth and Dad who was watching the whole thing.