

Thanks to WAA01 for the edits.


Nora Roberts had just returned from her trip to pick out the best antiques to sell at her shop below their very feet. The top floor of the building she had turned into a warm, loving home for her family, or so she thought. She knew the troubles she and her husband were having, and she tried to spice things up once they were alone in their bedroom -- But not this! She couldn't believe what she was seeing as she stood in the doorway of her daughter's room.

"Yes daddy! Fuck me harder!" Julie, her once reserved daughter was moaning like a harlot as her father grunted as he pounded his cock into her cunt.

Her anger flared in her brown eyes. Her nails cut into the palms of her hands as Patrick fucked their twenty-year-old daughter from behind. She had wondered if he was fucking someone since it had been months since Patrick had even touched her. At least she was right on that account, Nora just didn't think it would be their own fucking daughter!

"Yes daddy! You're fucking me sooo good daddy! I'm cummmming!" Julie howled as her feet beat rapidly against her bed.

Slinking out of the doorway, her heart was breaking, all the years they were together wasted! Sneaking back down to the first floor, closing and locking her office, collapsing onto her desk crying her heart out. Wondering where she had gone wrong in their marriage? Had she not tried hard enough? Did she not dress sexy enough? She knew it couldn't be her body. She had kept herself fit and healthy so they could have as many years as they could have together. Yet, was that just another lie Patrick told her? So why? Why did he have to fuck their daughter when she was all the more willing to try out new things in their bedroom? Her dark brown hair dragged along the surface of her desk as her eyes peered over her forearms. Her anger had returned, as her mind began to race. Oh, it would be so simple to march up there and throw her husband and daughter out on their asses. Yet then she would never get her revenge. Plus, if her husband had crossed that fine line, why couldn't she? It was only fair, right? After everything she was willing to do to make their marriage work! Her finger tapped against her lips as she leaned back in her brown leather chair. Her eyes falling on her son's picture she always kept on her desk. Her daughter's and husband's pictures soon found their new home in the trash bin.

Nora wondered if her son has ever been with a woman before. She never saw him with a girl his age, but that just might be Jon waiting to keep them in the dark about it. Jon had a sneaky way about him. She bet he got that from her brother -- the drifter. She just hopped Jon didn't take after him in that way. Although Jon's interest in journalism might just be called drifting given how he wanted to be a foreign correspondent. However, due to the hours Jon spent at the schools newspaper she doubted he was getting into too much trouble, especially with the girls. A devilish smile formed on her lips knowing exactly what she was going to do. Looking at the time, knowing her son would be home soon. The hinge of the chair squeaked as she rose to her feet. If her stupid husband wanted to throw away their marriage so be it. She'll just get a younger, more attentive lover!

Her heels sounded on the steps. Her anger filled every inch of her body as she climbed towards her home. Her nostrils flared as she heard Julie's giggle filling her home. Nora didn't know how she was going to keep her cool. She wanted Patrick to be as hurt as she is when he finds out that he's been replaced by someone far younger.

"Hi Mom..." Julie began to say watching, confused, as Nora snubbed her as she walked past the kitchen.

"That's kind of..." Patrick quickly closed his mouth as his wife looked back at him. He had seen that look in her eyes before, he knew it was going to be a long night. Wondering what he had done as their bedroom door slammed shut.

"What's got Mom so upset?" Julie asked, as she poured herself and her father a drink. Smiling bashfully at him as she felt how wet she still was.

"I don't know," Patrick sighed, "maybe the pick didn't go as planned," he said, his fingers brushed along the back of his daughter's hand. Remembering how one day while Nora was at an auction upstate Julie had walked in nude while he was showering. Dropping to her knees, her sweet voice telling him that she could take care of him if Mom wasn't going to. He knew it was wrong, yet as Julie held his cock in her mouth it just looked so right. "Let's just keep out of her way for a while until she calms down."

"Okay... daddy," Julie whispered. She never wanted to hurt her mother, but if she wasn't going to take care of her father then she would. She knew of the problems they were having; it wasn't hard given how their voices traveled through the walls. She knew if it ever came out it would destroy her mother. That wasn't what she wanted, she just wanted to make her father happy. She knew they had to keep what they were doing as secret as they could. Turning her head as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Sighing into her mind knowing it would a while before she could feel her father back inside of her pussy.


Jon groaned as he fell backwards onto his bed. His brown eyes stared up at the ceiling he couldn't believe his editor had asked him to do an article on sex. Not the kind you hear about in heath class, but what it's like to be with a woman. So that the rest of the kids wouldn't be so hesitant to experience it, or so put off by it whenever they had it. Nonetheless, how was he going to write it? He himself has never had that kind of relationship with a woman before. Could he just fake it? Would it be even believable if he did such a thing. Could he ask someone that's had sex before what it's like? Shaking his head at the thought, knowing he would just be laughed at for still being a virgin at the age of eighteen. Running his hand down his face, wondering what he was going to do.

"Don't you knock?!" Jon asked annoyed, not having to look to know that it was his sister.

"Jon, I don't have too, I'm your sister after all," Julie huffed.

"Uh-huh, what do you want?" Jon asked, they thought they were sneaky. They thought he didn't see how they acted around one another. Did they think he was a fool? If he knew something was going on, then it was only a matter of time before their mother found out; and lord knows he didn't want to be around when that happened.

"Mom is in a mood, so Dad wants us to stay out of her way for the night," Julie said, wondering if he knew what she and their father were doing, since Jon had been acting odd around her for a few months.

"Maybe it's just the two of you that she's mad at," Jon said pointedly, finally sitting up.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," Julie said, defensively.

"Sure you don't," Jon said, rolling his eyes.

"Just don't do anything that would upset Mom, alright?" Julie stated in that holier than thou voice.

"Maybe stop doing whatever it is you got going with Dad," Jon said to himself.


"Honey..." Jon's ears perked as he sat at his desk working on his homework. "Nora?! Where are you going?" He heard his father ask as he heard heels echoing on the hardwood flooring. "Are we supposed to be somewhere tonight?" Jon heard his father ask as he walked behind his mother. "What about dinner for the kids..."

"Take your damn hand off of me!" Jon sat straighter in his chair when he heard the venom in his mother's voice. His heart was hammering in his chest. He'd only seen his mother, or heard in this instance, this mad at his father twice, and that came to very expensive things being thrown around (His father of course, his mother knew better.)

"Whoa! Alright, alright, just tell me what's going on Nora?"

"Nothing that you need to know about..." Jon heard his mother sneer turning his blood cold. If it felt like it dropped ten degrees in his room, Jon didn't want to know what it was like outside of it. His heart leaped to his throat as those heels began to draw ever closer. The sweet scent of her perfume sounded his impending doom... or so he thought. Jumping in his chair as his mother knocked on his door. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you," Nora said, her lush, crimson painted lips curved into a motherly smile. Her lightly curled dark brown hair teased the tops of her breasts. Her brown eyes peered lovingly at her son as her elegant black dress hugged her body, a deep 'V' cut down the front of it. Allowing her son to peer at the sides and lush valley of her 32DD breasts. The fabric of the dress hugged her hip as it became taut at she cocked it to the right.

"W..." Clearing his throat. "What is it Mom?" Jon asked, looking up at his mother's six foot one inch frame, adding a few more inches due to her heels. He could never understand how some men were intimidated by a woman that was taller than they were. He sure wasn't. Even if she was his mother Jon knew beauty when he saw it. "Why is Dad doing whatever he's doing with Julie when he has Mom?" he asked himself. He knew if he had a woman as stunning as his mother, he sure wouldn't be fooling around on her. His eyes followed her body as she sashayed further into his room. That smooth, toned leg lifted before she rested it upon her right knee as his mother sat on his bed. The way she leaned back on her arms caused her breasts to jut out causing Jon to quickly cast his eyes down to the floor.

"Jon," her painted nail caught his attention directing his gaze to rise, "Hi!" Nora said, in a soft giggle. "I was thinking, how would you like to join me for dinner?" she asked, her foot lightly ran up the inside of his lower right leg.


"Mmmhmm, you," Nora cooed. "What do you say, hmm?"

"What about..."

"Nah-uh-uh," Nora said in a tisk-tisk voice, as her finger wagged side to side. "Forget about them," she said, shooing their imaginary presence off. "Don't you want to have dinner alone with me?" Nora pouted plumping out her lower lip as she tilted her head to the side. The sight of her son's blushing face told her he definitely had no experience in dealing with women.

"I-I didn't say that Mom, it's just..."

"Oh, you're worried about what you heard?" Nora inquired watching Jon nod as she lifted herself up off his bed. Feeling her son stiffening up as she slid into his lap. She wondered if the feel of her ass on his virgin cock would get a rise. "Don't worry baby, I'm not mad at you," Nora cooed as she played with the tips of her son's hair. Gently laying Jon's head on her exposed chest, knowing how those eyes of his would have a very clear view of her breasts. "So... what do you say, just you and me, a night on the town. Dinner, a dark movie...?!" Her breath was hot in his ear as her lustful words reached his innocent mind.

"O-okay," Jon croaked. His mouth was so dry as his eyes stared down at those heavenly mounds. It didn't matter if they were his mother's breasts, tits are tits, regardless of who they belong to. Jon knew he shouldn't think it, yet the way his mother's ass on his lap felt -- it was divine!

"Mmm... good," Nora purred as her fingers stroked his hair. A devious smile formed on her lips as she felt something stirring in her son's pants. "At least someone in this house knows how to react when a beautiful woman sits on their lap," she muttered angrily to herself. "Now why don't you go and get ready. You don't want your date to show you up, now do you?" Nora asked, with a coy smile as she looked into her son's eyes. Giggling behind her hand as Jon dashed out of the room. Her eyes roamed her son's room, noting the awards, the prizes he had won over the past few years as she sat in his desk chair. There was no way in hell she was going to go out there and keep her cool around her cheating husband and slut of a daughter. Turning her head to the right, her eyes fell upon a curious sheet of paper. A very devilish smile appeared on her lips as she read what his editor at his school paper wanted. Who better to give him that experience than his own mother? Noting the due date for the article. She had to work fast, she had to make her son want her before Christmas break. Then once Jon experienced what she and her very fine pussy could give him, she would break her bastard husband, in just the same way he broke her heart.

"Nora... what's going on?" Patrick asked, standing in his son's doorway. Hoping that she wouldn't do something. Hoping that their son's room would be like their Switzerland. Neutral ground. Wondering why she was wearing that kind of dress around their son.

"You know exactly what's going on," Nora said, narrowing her eyes. "Now see yourself out of my sight before my anger gets the better of me and I have your balls in a blender," she said, with deadly undertones. Laughing wicked in her mind as Patrick's face paled, there was a look in his eyes that wondered if she knew. "I think it would be good for you to find somewhere else to sleep other than my bed."

"For how long?" Patrick asked, knowing Julie's bed would be out of the question. Knowing that look in her eye he would be on the couch for days if not months.

"Forever for all care at this point you piece of lying shit," Nora sneered.

"Does she know or has she got some wild hair up her ass?" Patrick's mind racing back to the day before she left for her trip. Sure it had been their biggest fight yet, and sure he knew she was trying. Then yet, why wasn't he? Did he not love her? Was their marriage truly over, and they were only saving face for the kids? No. He did love his wife. She had every right to be pissed off at him. Maybe he did get carried away with what he and Julie were doing. Maybe the thought of fucking his daughter did get the better of him. He couldn't blame her; he had pretty much neglected her for the past few months. Lord knows she was kinkier than what Julie would ever do. "B... Nora," he quickly corrected himself when Nora shot him the very look of death, "I get it. You're pissed. I've been a lousy husband these past few months..."

"Now you care! Now you're worried about my feelings!" Nora growled.

"Of course, I care. I'm your husband."

"Are you now?!" Nora's tone was hard and cold. "It sure didn't seem like it when you were fucking our daughter!" Nora screamed out in her mind. "I wonder how you'll take it when I make you watch as I fuck our son!"

"Just be safe okay," Patrick said, knowing if he and Julie were going to get together they were going to have to be extra careful from now on. He didn't see a reason why he should cut off his daughter when she's more than willing to let him have some of her sweet pussy.

"Hmpf! The nerve of him," Nora grumbled. Crossing her arms below her breasts causing her eyes to glance down. Pulling the fabric of her dress to the side a little more. She wondered if her little display of a tad more of her breasts would get a reaction from her son. Her eyes ran down her son's bare chest, knowing that while he didn't have his father's build, he had the foundations for it. Knowing that in the coming years he would fill out nicely. Now it was her turn to make sure he became a man. Smirking when he jumped as he finally noticed she was still in his room. Glancing down as his towel became loose and allowed her a peek at what it was covering. Seeing the head of his cock instinctively flexing before the gap was closed.

"Mom?!" Jon said nervously, his heart going a million miles an hour.

"I'm sorry baby, it's just in here... I feel safe from..." Her eyes shot towards the other side of her home. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, I mean I have seen you naked plenty of times."

"Yeah, but I was a kid... I'm not anymore," Jon said, he could feel the stirrings of his cock. He knew it was wrong, so wrong, and yet he was practically naked in a room with a woman. Apparently it didn't matter to his cock that, that woman was his own mother.

"So?" Tilting her head to the side, trying to keep her smile hidden at Jon's very blushing cheeks. "Are you saying you can't be naked in the same room with me?" Nora cooed softly, slyly pulling on the right side of the opening of her V-neck. Watching her son's eyes widening as the black lace of her bra peeked out. "Surely, you not affected by your mother's old body?" she said, knowing she shouldn't be teasing her son so, however, the way those eyes looked at her breasts. It's been a long time since Patrick looked at them like her son was. "But if it makes you feel better," rising from his desk chair, "I'll wait outside for you," Nora said, as she neared the door. "By the way, I've always wondered. How does this dress make my ass look?" she asked, over her shoulder. Knowing full well how it contoured to her firm backside. Her eyes slyly glanced down noting the slight rise of her son's towel.


"Aww... come on... humor me," Nora pouted shaking her ass at him.

"It..." Taking a dry swallow as his eyes couldn't look away as his mother's ass swayed beneath her dress. "Looks good."

"Good huh?" Her tongue flicked against her teeth. "We'll just have to work on complimenting the ladies," Nora teased as she shut his door. She didn't care if Patrick or Julie overheard her. She wanted them to. She wanted that bastard to feel as violated as she did. To feel that heart stabbing, chest caving in, world shattering feeling she felt as she listened to her daughter cum.

Shaking his head as he stood in his room. Unsure what his own mother was up to and why she was acting the way she was. Once he was dressed, his hand hovered over the doorknob wondering how this night would go if he stepped out of his room. Yet knew he couldn't keep his mother waiting, then it would be him on the receiving end of her anger; and his mother was already worked up, no sense adding his name to the list. "Here goes," Jon muttered as he opened the door.

"Oh my," Nora gasped pleasantly at the sight of her son. She had to admit he was very dashing in his black slacks, matching jacket, and pearl white shirt. "You look very handsome Jon," she said, flashing him a genuine smile.

"Thanks," Jon said bashfully, rubbing the back of his head. "But you're my mom you have to say that."

"No I don't," Nora said, stepping up to him. Her fingers lightly touched his chin, lifting his gaze to meet her own. "You look very..." Feeling her skin flush, her mind seeing her son as a man and not as her son. A man that she was going to lure to her bed, yet she didn't want to hurt her son... just his father.

"What's that look? I've never seen it before?" Jon asked himself as his mother had a sultry fire in her brown eyes.

"Now come, we don't want to be late," Nora chirped happily, as she looped her arm around her son's right arm. Flipping her hair over her shoulder as they passed a very stunned Julie.


"Enjoy your dinner," Patrick called out, silently telling her not to test the waters. He had no idea what his wife was playing at, yet he wasn't about to be kicked out of the house either. So, he would let her have her way... for now. Let her blow off some steam with Jon then hopefully work his way back into their bed.


"Did you enjoy it baby?" Nora asked, once they both had finished their meals and all that was left was their dessert. She watched how those lips pressed on the rim of his glass. Wondering how they would feel on her pussy. A pussy that was in desperate need of a tongue lashing that she hadn't had in six months.

Jon tried to hide his nervousness, however, the way his mother was looking at him as she peered over her wine glass. Made him intrigued and highly confused. He had no bloody idea what was going on with her, or the rest of his family. It was like they all had a secret that they were all sharing, and he was the one left in the dark. "M..."

"Nora," she corrected. "We are on a date after all," Nora cooed, with a sly smirk. Loving how she could make those cheeks of his blush. It's been years since a man's done that for her. She found it so cute.

"Nora what's..."

"Ah! Our dessert!" Nora chirped as their waiter placed her cheesecake before her. Shooting the young man a look as he stared down her dress. "You mind?!" Her cheek twitched as she glared at the man. "Or would you like a better look?!" The only man that has any right to stare at her breasts was her son. Not that man! "Hmpf!" she snorted as the waiter quickly placed Jon's own cheesecake before him and made a hasty retreat to the kitchen.

"Nora..." Jon whispered as he felt eyes on them. "What's the matter?!" he asked, he was truly worried about his mother. She was acting very strangely.

"Awe, baby." Nora flashed him a smile. Her hand rested on top of his, her thumb brushed lightly along the back of her son's hand. "I love that you care. That's important, always remember that," Nora said, feeling her heart softly fluttering. "What's wrong with me?! This was only meant to hurt Patrick like he did to me yet... Why does it feel like I'm being swept off my feet without Jon even trying?" she asked herself. "Has the few months we've been fighting truly made me this easy to woo?"

"Of course, I care. You're... you know, I always worry," Jon said, in a loving voice.

"That's the sweetest thing I've heard in years!" Nora's heart nearly melted at her son's words. "How long has it been since Patrick said a single thing close to that? A year? Two? Five?!" Nora asked herself trying to remember when exactly the last time was. She felt her nipples hardening, and she didn't care if her son saw them or not. Then again, with what they were going to do... "Jon?"


"How about we get out of here?" Nora asked, casting her love or what was left of it for her husband out the window. He would never fill that role ever again. Her son was now the only one that would soon to step into role as her lover.

"What about?" Jon asked, glancing down at their dessert.

"We'll take it with us, of course!" Nora said, flashing her son another stunning smile. "It would be a crime to waste good cheesecake!"

With their dessert boxed up, their meal paid for, pressing her body against Jon's as they both walked out the door. Feeling her mound heating, her body coming alive after months of lack of interest from her husband. She wondered if her son was ready for what she had planned at the drive-in that her friend had restored to working order. She knew that would be the perfect place to make out with her son; and who better to teach her son the things that made a man, than her, his very own mother. Stopping at the ticket booth, then waiting on the pimple-faced teenager to make their drinks. For what she had planned, popcorn would just get in the way, and sour the sweetness of what she had planned.

"Ugh!" Nora pouted as they were enjoying the cheesecake they had brought along when a piece fell onto her chest then down into her cleavage. All planned mind you. Not that Jon saw, he was too focused on the pair of naked tits on screen. "Jon?! Could you get it out... with your tongue?" Nora purred as she leaned her chest over the console of the car. Her eyes burned in a predatory light as Jon's head snapped towards her. The look of a deer caught in the head lights plastered on his face. It was adorable!

"W-what?!" Jon stammered; he was sure he had heard his mother wrong.

"I said: could you get it out with your tongue?" Nora repeated her request as her tongue flicked against her teeth. Watching how his eyes dipped downwards then back to her face. "Come on, it's going to ruin my dress if it sits in there any longer," she pouted, watching how Jon's breathing had increased.

"A-are you sure?"

"Mmmhmm," Nora hummed. "Do you see any napkins in here? Your tongue will just have to do," she said, making him think it was non-sexual yet they both knew it was sexual. "Don't be nervous baby, I'm here," Nora whispered softly as her right hand gently pressed on the back of Jon's head.

Jon's heart was racing. He was already worked up due to seeing those rather nice -- but obviously fake -- breasts on screen. However, as his face drew ever closer to those 32DD breasts, which he knew to be real, he couldn't help but feel his cock swell as his mind was enticed by his mother's sweet perfume that had a touch a citrus to it.

Nora smiled coyly as Jon released a little moan as his face was encased by her breasts. Then something strange happened. Her own breath began to increase, her body heated as she felt his tongue seeking out that pesky stray bit of cheesecake. Her nails scraped along her son's scalp, pressing his face further into that lush valley. Gooseflesh raced across her skin; her own light moan escaped her lips as she felt her mound starting to flare in that long absent spark. "Yes baby, just like that," Nora said, breathlessly. She knew she had to take this a step at a time. She had no wish in overloading her son. "Do they just feel sublime on your face...?" Her eyes darted to the right as she felt a hand on her ass. Feeling it moving along its curvature. Then as it began she felt that small piece of cheesecake rolling on his tongue and withdrawing back to his mouth. Begrudgingly she let her son gingerly remove his face from her cleavage. Wondering how his saliva would feel if it had been her nipple he had been licking instead of her skin. Not that she was complaining, far from it, she hadn't been this wet -- not counting having her own fingers or dildo stuffing her cunt -- in months.

"Baby?" Her thumb brushed along her son's cheek bone. Slyly seeing movement within his pants. Feeling her pussy throbbing knowing just mere feet from her was a hard cock, a cock that would feel so good deep inside of her. A cock that would enjoy the feel of her cunt as she rode him. Coating it in her cream, her folds squeezing and caressing her son's hard rod. Listening to him moan as she took that innocence of his and made him into a man -- her man.

"Yeah Mom?" Jon responded feeling his heart in his throat. "What the fuck is wrong with me that I enjoyed that?!" he asked to himself. "But they felt so damn divine!" Jon quickly added. "What the fuck is wrong with Dad! How can he risk everything when he has her!"

"Have you ever been kissed? I mean a real kiss given to you by a woman?" Nora asked, her voice was filled with her burning desire and growing need to have her son.

"No," Jon whispered. Taking a dry swallow as those luscious lips curved into a seductive smile.

"Jon, do you want me to be your first kiss, not as your mother, but as the woman you're on a date with?" Nora asked, feeling her panties rapidly moistening as her dew gathered along her labia. She couldn't remember when Patrick made her feel this aroused. For the past year Patrick would give her a hap-hazard fingering, or a very unsatisfying licking then she would have to grunt and bear as he would spit on her slit thinking that was going to lube her up. "Fucking idiot!" Nora muttered to herself. That's when she first began to think about spicing up their sex life. Gradually Patrick would take the hints, but more often than not he would finish quickly thinking ten minutes was anywhere near pleasurable for her. Then seven months later sex just stopped altogether, and Patrick would just roll into bed and fall asleep without a single word to her.

"S-sure." Jon's voice broke, the word just slipped from his lips. "Fucking idiot!" he cursed at himself in his head.

"Mmm... you know it's okay to be inexperienced," Nora cooed as the pad of her thumb brush along his lower lip.

"R-really?" Jon asked, his voice rose an octave.

"Mmmhmm," Nora nodded, "would you like to learn how to kiss with me?" she asked, her fingers pressed lightly on the bottom of his chin drawing him closer to her. "Just follow my lead, okay?" Nora said, seeing the nervousness in her son's eyes as their lips neared one another's. She started slowly, allowing Jon time to grow comfortable with how her lips felt against his and that it was his own mother doing this to him. Then she felt his eagerness as the tip of his tongue touched her lip. "The little sneak! Alright if he wants tongue, then mama is going to show him!"

Jon's eyes shot wide as his mother's tongue rolled within his mouth. Since his mother as being weird and whatnot, he wondering if he copped a feel, would that snap her out of all of this? "Oh my fucking god!" Jon cried out in his head as his mother didn't stop him from fondling her right breast. He couldn't believe how soft, how firm, how perfect they felt in his hand.

"What the hell!" Nora gasped in false outrage. "You do not feel up your date on the first date Jon!" she said, her hands covered her breasts in her mock anger. "Y-you save that sort of thing for date number two," Nora whispered as she bashfully looked out the driver's side window.

"Sorry Nora," Jon said, hanging his head. He couldn't believe how hard he was. He could feel his pre-cum soaking through his underwear. "I don't know what got into me."

"D-did you like the feel of it?" Nora asked shyly, as she brushed a strand of her hair behind her right ear.

"A little... too much," Jon admitted in a whisper.

Reaching over resting her hand over his, hiding her elation at the fact that her son enjoyed the feel of her tit against his hand. "It's okay that you enjoyed it baby. I'm happy that you did," Nora said sweetly, her thumb brushed along his hand. "Yet you have to keep your hands to yourself on the first date, silly. I promise there will be plenty of opportunities in feeling me up," she said, smirking devilishly as her son's head quickly turned, Jon's mouth hung agape, unsure what to say.


"Thank you for such a lovely evening baby," Nora said, as they stood at the foot of the stairs that led to the second floor. "Now before we go up..." Pulling her son close to her, pressing her body against his chest. Feeling her son's erection pressing against her lower stomach. Feeling her canal clenching in anticipation of the time when that cock of his would be deep inside of her. Her arms slid along his shoulders; her fingers weaved through the hair on the back of Jon's head. Leaning in, she still saw that nervousness, that innocence in her son's eyes as her lips neared his. Moaning softly as she felt Jon's hands on her hips as their kiss lingered. She couldn't wait to show him everything she knew, which was a lot. Nora wondered how her son was going to react when she showed him all the things she was willing to do that Patrick failed to notice. "Mmm... would you like to keep kissing me?" Nora asked, in a wanton purr as she pulled away.

"Seriously?" Jon asked, his shock was clear as day.

"Mmmhmm," Nora nodded softly. "Who better to teach you how to kiss than me?" she asked, a seductive smile raised the corners of her lips. "Now," her hands ran down her son's arms taking hold of his hands, "I really enjoyed our date Jon. I hope we can see each other again," Nora said coyly, a sparkle of mischief sparked to life deep with her pupils. Turning to the stairs, letting her son watch as the dress became taut along her ass as she climbed towards their home. "I expect you to call me," she said, in a teasing manner. Reaching behind her running her hand along her ass as she noted how her son was staring at it. How it made her heart flutter as she noted the lustful look in Jon's eyes. Her breathing quickened, her hand rested over heart, feeling her body's arousal. Her nipples pressing into her bra, when Jon had fondled her right breast how she wished he had slipped his hand into her bra and play with that hard nipple. It yearned to have someone else's fingers playing with it that wasn't hers. "Damn Nora just feel how wet your son made you!" she said to herself as she climbed the rest of the way. Feeling how her panties moved against her mound, soaking up her sweet nectar. Wondering if she could get Jon to learn to enjoy her taste.

"Glad you're safe," Patrick said, as he turned his head as he rested on the couch. "How was dinner?" he asked, watching how his wife just walked past him without a word. "Well... this might take a while," he sighed into his mind. Watching how his son dashed into the bathroom and quickly closed the door. Wondering what had happened while they were gone.

"Fuck!" Jon hissed low as his hand glided along his rod. He couldn't believe he was jacking off to his mother, yet the feel of her breast in his hand hadn't left his mind all night long. Imagining how his hand would feel as it caressed that shapely naked ass of hers. Wondering how those breasts would look as she stood topless before him. How her lips would look as... "Shit!" Jon bit down as his cum exploded. Watching it coat the shower wall as he stood over the lip of the tub as the wall was coated in the largest orgasm he's ever had. "What the fuck is wrong with me?!"


Nora stood in her bedroom in her bra and bottomless as she stared down at the wet spot in the crotch of her panties. Her hand reached back...

"Mom?" Julie knocked on the door.

Nora glared at her door; she had no wish to talk to her daughter. Not when she wanted to plunge her fingers into her hot, wet cunt. To play with herself as she thought about her new man.

"Mom, please, can we talk?" Julie pleaded.

"What is it Julie?" Nora asked, in an aggravated tone as she peered through the crack of the door.

"What's going on? You weren't this mad a week ago. What happened?" Julie asked, wondering why her mother wasn't letting her in. Something she had always done.

"You know exactly what's going on here... Forget it," Nora sighed.

"But Mom, I'm worried about you. Won't you let me in?"

"Now you're worried about me?!" Nora's voice was hard and bitter. "Maybe it's time for you to move out. You're twenty now, high time you got your own place."

"What?" Julie was flabbergasted at what her mother was saying. "Mom, you know I can't afford college and an apartment," she said, hoping that her mother wouldn't throw her out. Fearfully wondering if her mother knew about her and her father. Fear began to build in her heart at what her mother would do if she indeed knew what they were doing.

"Sorry sweetheart." Cursing herself knowing that she couldn't exact her vengeance if Julie was out of the house. "I didn't mean to vent my anger out on you," Nora lied. "Your father is just being a pig, and it's getting tiring being the only one working at this marriage," she said, which was the truth.

"What?!" Genuine shock played across her eyes. That was not what her father had told her. He had specifically told her he was the one doing everything, and her mother was just being a cold bitch. "Mom what do you mean? I want to know please let me in. You know you can talk to me, we've always been so open with one another."

"Until you started fucking your father?!" Nora hissed in her mind. Yet she allowed her daughter to enter her room not hiding the fact that she was partly nude. Not hiding the fact that her body was more vivacious than Julie's would ever be.

Nora chuckled in her mind when she saw how red her daughter was getting when she told Julie everything she was willing to do to spice up their love life. All the while she was still only wearing her bra as she spoke. She did, however, cross her legs as they sat on her bed, so her daughter wouldn't have a view of her pussy. That sight was only for Jon to see now. Patrick had lost access to her sweet little cunt the moment he stuck his dick into their daughter.

"I had no idea Dad was being so..." Julie bit her tongue as her own anger was building. "He fucking lied to me! To me! If I had known!" she growled in her mind as her head was bowed. Her fingers curled into fits at being lied to. At being so foolish to believe her father when he told her all those things. If he just told her the truth then she would have never slept with him. She thought she was doing the right thing; thought she was taking care of her father when he told her that her mother hadn't touched him in months. She knew she was just as guilty as her father was. She never wanted to hurt her mother, she loved her just as much as she loved her father. That was the last time she would ever allow her father to feel her pussy ever again! "Mom... I have something to tell you," Julie said, her heart was racing as she stared at the tops of her thighs.


"I don't know how to say this..." Taking a dry swallow, knowing what she was about to say would undoubtedly break her mother's heart and her trust in her. Yet she didn't want to keep lying to her. Julie knew this would ruin their relationship, but her mother needed to know.

"I already know," Nora said, her gaze turned deadly as her daughter's head snapped up.

"What?!" Julie's voice came out in a whisper.

"Do you honestly think I'm that stupid?!" Nora hissed. "Did you think you could get away with fucking my husband?" she asked, her hand curled around the comforter of her bed. "How did you think I would take it when I watched your father fucking you when I got home today?!" Nora had to strain to keep from yelling, she had no wish for Patrick to know that she knew... at least not yet.

"He lied to me!" Julie said, meeting her mother's fiery words. "Told me it was you who was the one who was holding out. That it was you who kept turning him away when he wanted sex. He... used me," she said, breaking down, her face falling into her hands at the realization that her father meant nothing he had told her. Bawling her heart out at what she had done.

"What do you mean?" Nora asked, confused. "You didn't seduce your father into fucking you?" she asked, placing her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"No Mom," shaking her head, "he would always bad mouth you when you were out of the room, down in the shop, or on some trip. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was helping to keep you two together. I never wanted to hurt you, Mom. I just thought if Dad could feel good... with me then the two of you would be good too," Julie said, in between sobs. "I'm not as pretty as you are Mom, so when Dad started telling me how pretty I was, how smart... I let it all go to my head. I never had much luck with boys, that's why I was always studying. No one ever wanted me like I've heard so many boys say about you," she said, wiping away a tear. Knowing that she might be thrown out, she at least needed to tell her mother why. "So one day, when you were gone, I went to him. I only wanted to make him happy, so that the two of you wouldn't break up. I know it was foolish. But I love the both of you. I didn't want..."

"That rat bastard!" Nora cursed. She knew he was a scoundrel but to go after their daughter! Julie wasn't off the hook, no sir, her anger was more directed at her two timing husband.

"I'm so, so, so sorry Mom. I wished I'd been stronger. I wish I told you before all of this. I-if you want I'll move out, and you won't hear from me..."

"Are you telling me the truth that you only wanted to make your father and me happy?" Nora asked sternly, as she gazed at her daughter.

"Yes," Julie said weakly.

"Then get on your knees," Nora ordered. Uncrossing her legs, she won't kick her daughter out, yet she would make Julie her pussy licking bitch. That's the price she would have to pay for her betraying her trust. Plus, she really needed to get off. Her pussy was burning, just longing to cum, to cum for her son!

"What?!" Julie asked, she wasn't expecting her mother to say that. She had thought she would scream at her, call her horrible names, then tell her to get out of her home.

"You do want to keep living here and not choose between your schooling and working full time to support yourself, right?" Nora asked, her tone was cold and hard.


"Then get on your fucking knees," Nora growled. "Until you move out you're my personal pussy licker, and the thing with your father ends right after you get him on video fucking you. Do I make myself clear?"

"But I've never..." Julie swallowed hard as stared down at her mother's glistening cunt. Wondering why her mother was so wet already.

"So? You'll learn, unless of course, you want to be out on the street," Nora said, letting her daughter know it wasn't up for debate. "That's a good girl, eat your mother's pussy," she said, before thrusting Julie's face into her cunt.


It was around eleven that night when Nora slipped into her son's room. Patrick was loudly snoring on the couch not that she cared. Julie desperately needed lessons on eating out a woman, and she planned on making sure that tongue of hers got her off as much as she could, when Jon wasn't around that is. Other than that Julie would never have another man in her house, if she wanted to fuck someone she could do it elsewhere. The faint lights from the outside world filtering through her son's window shone along her body. The old t-shirt she had donned, something she had always slept in, fell to her mid-thigh. Her 32DD breasts bounced underneath her shirt foretelling she was braless. She wondered if he would like the feel of them now that they weren't beneath her bra.

"Jon?" Nora's sweet voice called to her son. He needed to know. She didn't want Jon thinking she was using him like his father had done to Julie. "Jon?" she called again her hand lightly rocking Jon from his slumber.

"M-mom..." Jon said groggy as he sat up on his elbows.

"I'm sorry to wake you baby, but I don't have..." Tears began to form in her eyes, finally allowing the hurt she had witnessed to come to the surface.

"Mom?! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jon asked, sitting up quickly upon seeing his mother's tears.

"It's your father..." Trying not to choke up as she sank to his bed.

"He and Julie have been up to something haven't they?" Jon asked, letting his mother know of his suspicions.

"But it's not that simple baby," Nora said, lovingly. Reaching forward taking his hand into hers, "Today when I got home from that pick I caught your father fucking your sister," she said bluntly, watching her son's jaw drop. "Am I not beautiful enough Jon. Am I so demanding that I chase your father away? Am I so unworthy to be loved?" Nora asked, her lip trembling as her tears streaked down her cheeks. Her arms wrapped around her son as he held her close to him. Weeping into his shoulder as she felt his love as Jon held her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Mom," Jon whispered into her ear. He did not see this coming.

"Don't let on that I told you, okay?"

"Why?" Jon asked confused, as he pushed himself back.

"Because you're father has what's coming to him very soon, and he's not someone that I want any longer," Nora cooed, slipping her hand beneath the sheet. Feeling her son jump as her hand ran up along his inner right thigh. "Jon? Do you find me beautiful? Do you find me attractive? Do you ever think about things you aren't meant too?" she asked, in a wanton whisper.


"Nah-uh-uh. I told you its Nora," she purred as she leaned in.

"But I thought that..."

"You're my man now baby. This tells me you like the look of my body. It must have been painful all tucked inside of those pants," Nora said lustfully, as her son gasped as her hand wrapped around his hard cock.

"Mom... what are you..."

"Shh... it's okay baby, didn't you jack off when you got home?" Nora asked, seeing Jon weakly nod. "See? You've thought about this haven't you, when you jacked this cock off to me?" she purred as she slipped his cock through the slit of his boxers. A lubricious smile formed on her lips as she listened to that stuttering low moan of her son's as the palm of her hand ran up and down the length of his shaft. Moving her hand away before Jon could unleash his load. "Baby?"

"Y-yeah," Jon said, trying to keep his voice steady. Other than the time at the drive-in, this was the hardest he's ever been, and he so wanted to cum! He couldn't believe how divine his mother's hand felt. "Was it always like that?!" he asked himself. "Or was it because it was Mom doing it?"

"Would you mind if I slept with you tonight?" Nora asked, chuckling inwardly at how her son looked stunned in the weak light. "I just don't want to be alone."

"S-sure," Jon stammered, his Adam's apple bobbed as his mother rose from the bed. His cock flexed beneath the sheet as Nora slowly lifted up her shirt. His heart nearly stopped as the hem of her shirt rose above her hips. Revealing those grey Calvin Klein panties, his eyes had no trouble seeing the shape of his mother's mound. Then his eyes were captivated by the dangling chains that swayed against Nora's skin as the small diamonds glinted in the moonlight that were attached below the bowtie diamond that sat at the top of her navel.

"Do you like it Jon? I thought your father would like it, but he never even noticed when I got it done," Nora said softly, as her right hand brushed just below the longer hanging chain.

Jon rolled his tongue in his mouth as his eyes couldn't look away from his mother's flat stomach and her naked thighs. "Mmmhmm," Jon hummed unsure if he could speak without mumbling incoherently. His eyes glanced up to his mother's face, seeing her eyes quivering as they gazed at each other. What came next almost had him blowing his load as his mother's shirt left her shoulders. His eyes instinctively followed the sway and the bounce of his mother's naked breasts. Her areolas were a very light brown that seemed to blend in with her skin tone with matching nipples that slowly began to harden as he stared unabashed at those heavenly mounds of flesh.

"So Jon." Her hands moved to cradle her breasts, sensuously brushing along their curvature, biting the inside of her cheek as her palms brushed along her nipples sending waves of pleasure down to the core of her womanhood. "Are my tits better than that woman's was?" Nora asked, referring to the actress on the movie screen.

"Uh-huh," Jon nodded, feeling his pre-cum leaking out like mad. Quickly scooting to the edge of his bed to give his mother room as she pulled back the cover. His virgin eyes zeroed in as his mother's breasts swayed as she leaned forward. Jon's mind was entranced as the smell of his mother's lotion drew him in.

"Come snuggle me baby," Nora cooed, turning her head, her hand patting her son's leg.

"You sure that's wise?" Jon asked, his eyes shooting down to his protruding cock.

"Mmmhmm," Nora nodded. "I need to feel your arms around me.

"Okay Mom..."

"Nora?! You will call me Nora," she said, in a hard motherly voice. "I am after all you're new girlfriend," Nora said, lightly giggling at her son's shocked face. "Didn't I tell you? That was our very first date baby, and we are so going to have many more." Her hand lightly patting his cheek. "Closer baby," she said, feeling how Jon was keeping his hips, and more importantly that hard cock of his away from her.

"M... Nora?!"

"It's okay Jon, I promise. You're not going to fuck me, now are you?" Nora asked, knowing that time was approaching. She wanted Jon to get comfortable with having her body pressing against his, also it wouldn't hurt to keep him masturbating to her. Knowing when it was time it was going to be explosive for the both of them. An involuntary shiver ran up her spine as she felt Jon's cock resting between her ass cheeks. It's been so long since she's felt the heat of a man's cock on her skin. "Here..." Lifting up her left leg, leaning forward slightly as she reached down, her mouth was watering as she felt his pulse on her palm. Purposely letting the head of his cock brush along her ass, feeling her sphincter closing as it passed along her starfish. Listening to her son's shuddering breath as she lowered her leg trapping his cock between her smooth thighs and right next to her hot mound. Reaching back, taking hold of Jon's left hand to bring it around, letting the palm of his hand run up her stomach, along the underside of her left breast before coming to a rest over her nipple.

"Doesn't that feel better than fondling me over my dress?" Nora asked, her fingers overlapped his, letting her son feel as her breast sandwiched between his fingers. Her right hand reached down; her nails lightly danced along the underside of his crown. Her fingertips gently pressing his rigid cock against her pussy.

"Y-yes," Jon said, unsure what to truly focus on. While his mother's breast felt divine in his hand, yet the feel of her thighs... "It's so damn close! Just feel that heat! Are they always that hot?!" he asked himself.

"Good. I want you pleased with my body," Nora said, wiggling closer to her son. "Baby?" Gently rocking her hips, a wicked smile as her son held her more tightly as her covered mound rubbed along that cock of his. "You won't be able to sleep when you're so hard..." Biting down her moan as her clit rubbed against his cock. "How about you let me make you cum, would you like that?"

"Y-you want to do that?" Jon asked, not knowing if he should be excited or pumping the brakes on the whole thing altogether.

"Of course, I do, sweetheart. You're my man now," Nora said lovingly, as she reached up to caress his face as his chin rested on her left shoulder. "But this is only for tonight to help you sleep. It's too soon for this sort of thing in a new relationship. But you're so hard... and so fucking hot against my pussy," she said lustfully. "I just can't help myself right now." Nora increased her glide along his cock as she placed the palm of her right hand a few centimeters in front of his crown. She didn't want his cum flying all over the place. No. She wanted that hot, white, gooey, salty treat coating her hand and her thighs just so that she could gorge herself on her son's seed. It's been too long since she's tasted a man's seed, and she needed her fix. What surprised her as she started to pant as she felt her panties starting to moisten as the fabric absorbed her dew, was that her son was starting to thrust his hips. "Yes baby, cum for me, let my thighs milk that cock," Nora lightly panted as her fingers skimmed along his cock whenever his mushroom top pressed hard against the palm of her hand.

"N-Nora!" Jon grunted as he felt his balls tightening.

"Do it baby! Cum for your mother," Nora said, heatedly. Biting her lip as she had a small orgasm as she felt her son's cum splattering her hand and thighs and even some on her panties. "Mmm... you taste so good," she purred as her tongue ran along her palm. She was in heaven. Before she knew it her hand, her thighs were clean of his cum, she was even contemplating on striping out of her underwear so she could lick them clean as well. Shaking the thought from her mind, she wanted Patrick to see the cum stains if he saw her panties in the hamper. "Now go to sleep baby," Nora whispered as her finger left her lips.


Two weeks later...

Ever since that day Nora and Patrick had been at odds with one another. If it wasn't for the thick brick walls their shouting matches could have been heard halfway across the county. As per Julie's punishment she had slept with her father one last time. From what she told her mother and what she watched on the SD card to insure that she could force her husband to flee her home and get nothing in the divorce. Nora could tell he wasn't getting any from Julie now due to how snappy Patrick was getting as the days wore on. She certainly wasn't going to suck his dick or allow that straying thing anywhere near her cunt. Since the night she had gone to her son, she no longer had to ask, Jon would simply open his covers and allow her entrance to his soothing warmth; and every time she did she would place his cock back in the same spot. However, she had seen how Jon was growing to prolong his climax. She couldn't wait for the time where that young, hard, vigorous cock was deep inside of her. While it was painful on her neck she had managed to kiss him while he shot that hot load on her hand. If she was truthful with herself, she would admit she had become addicted to her son's cum.

Nora sighed as she sank down onto the couch as Jon surfed through the TV guide on the cable box. Resting her elbow on the armrest, lightly biting her nail as her eyes ran down her son's body as she leaned back into the nook of the couch. "Baby?"

"Yeah?" Jon said, turning his head to look at his mother. He couldn't help it anymore. Every time he gazed at her his snake would slither out from his nest. He no longer hid it like he once would have done. It seemed to him that his mother liked that he got hard for her. Not that he was going to complain. She did let him fondle her breasts, every day when he was in class he could think back to the night before and still feel her breast on it.

"Would you massage my legs?" Nora asked, as she slipped out of her heels. Pivoting on her ass as her legs swung over the couch and came to rest on her son's lap. Shooting Jon a coy smile as her legs pinned his cock between them. Watching how Jon's head tilted back as she gave it a few slow strokes. "I've been walking in those heels all day! My legs are killing me," she said, batting her eyelashes at him.

"Sure thing," Jon said, lately he's been wanting to touch his mother more and more. It didn't need to be sexual, just a soft caress of her skin, the gentle squeeze of her hand, her soft breath on his neck or ear when she whispered into his ear. It was just her presence that made him so... "Nah... that can't be, I can't be..." Jon stopped himself before his mind could give voice to the uncertain emotions that were brewing in his head. He started slow with her feet, never interrupting the impromptu jerk off her legs were doing. Listening to her light moan as she tilted her head back as his hand rose along her right thigh. His eyes quickly shot up as Nora's hand shot down taking hold of his.

"You're missing something baby," Nora said, with a devilish and luscious smile as her sultry gaze fell upon her son.

Jon's heart was racing like an engine red lining as his mother moved his hand ever higher beneath the hem of her skirt. Swallowing hard as she spread her legs wider and lifted the hem so he could have a very direct view of her full transparent panties. An inch wide neatly trimmed strip of dark brown hair led his eyes downward as his mother made no move to hide her pussy from him. Seeing how her light brown labia had a light shine to them as the floor lamps, that sat against the right armrest of the couch, soft warm light played along his mother's mound.

"Come closer baby," Nora purred. Watching how he pushed himself along the cushion's until her knees touched his cock. "Will you..." Reaching down with her left hand pulling aside her panties. Feeling her clit throb as Jon's gaze burned into her naked cunt. "Massage me here too?" Nora asked, running his fingers along her mons venus. Taking hold of his middle finger gently rubbing it along her clit to show her son where it was for when the time came for her to feel that tongue teasing her so. Then running it up and down her labia coating it in her gathered dew. "Here..." Nora gasped as she sank that finger into her quivering canal. "Add another one," she said, breathlessly. Her back arched against the armrest causing her hair to drape to about three inches from the floor. "Yes baby, just like that," Nora softly moaned so not to alert Patrick or Julie just yet. She needed her son to get her off before the real fireworks went off. Then, then she would truly be free to make her son the only lover she would ever need. "So... how does my pussy feel like?" she asked, breathing heavily as she brought her gaze down.

"It's... I don't how to describe it," Jon said, a loss for words. "I never thought it could feel like this," he said, in awe as his mother's folds gripped his fingers as he kept the pace his mother had set for him.

"Just you wait, soon you'll know it better once this..." Her left hand reached out; her index finger rested on tip on his cock. Feeling how his pre-cum had soaked through his jeans. "Is deep inside of it," Nora said, hungrily. "But that's long way off, you can't just jump into your girlfriend's pants so quickly," she teased as she winked at him.

"Mmmhmm," Nora whimpered as she listened and smelled her sex on the air as Jon took the initiative and added a third finger into her wet cunt. "Feel how tight mama's pussy is," she growled low as her son showed no signs of slowing down and she didn't want him to. "Use your thumb and rub my clit," Nora directed. She wanted him to see what she looked like during her climax. She wanted him to see how beautiful she was when she came. How sexy she looked as she orgasmed just for him! "Like this," she said, showing her inexperienced son how to do it just right. "Right there! Don't stop!" Nora said through clenched teeth, as her hands fondled her breasts. Her panting grew heavier as her son was bringing her near that ever so taunting peak. "Make me cum baby! Make your mother cum on those fucking fingers!" she purred seductively as her tongue curled out touching the middle of her cupids bow. "I'm going to..." Nora squealed loudly as her thighs clamped shut trapping Jon's hand as her hips ground against it. Enjoying the orgasm that her son's hand brought her to. "Thank you baby, you don't know how much I needed that," Nora said, flashing Jon a very satisfied smile.

"Now..." Kneeling over his lap, softly pressing Jon's face into her cleavage as she slowly sank down onto his lap. Inching up her skirt so Jon could watch as her wet pussy pressed against his covered cock. "Have you ever had anyone dry hump you before?" Nora asked, loving how Jon watched how her labia molded around that rigid shaft of his.

"No," Jon said, shaking his head.

"Then let me show you how..."


Patrick grunted for the fourth time as he pumped his seed into his wife's underwear. He knew how she would hate the fact that he'd just left her soiled panties there. Smirking at the fact that once they were dry it would ruin them. "That's what you get for coming home with cum stains on your panties!" Patrick growled angrily. He hasn't been so backed up since he was in high school. He couldn't figure out why Julie wasn't visiting him any longer. Every time he would try to get her alone so he could have some of that sweet pussy she would make some excuse and leave the room. Granted she couldn't move as well as his wife could. He just couldn't deny himself the thrill of breaking in that twenty-year-old pussy. Just before she had cut him off he was about to teach her on how to take him in her ass. How Patrick yearned to hear his daughter beg him to pull out, that it was too big for her virgin ass. That would only make him plunge it deeper into that ass just to hear her scream. Then he would fuck her in the ass every day and make her enjoy having him fill her ass with his hot cum.

"What the...?!" Patrick turned his head as he heard his wife squeal. He knew that squeal by heart. He had made Nora do so on numerous occasions before he got tired of sleeping with her. She always wanted to get off and yet that required a good forty minutes to an hour, foreplay included. While he did love her, he wouldn't have stayed for twenty years if he didn't, he was tired of constantly going through the motions that they both knew oh so well. When in truth he just wanted to get off. He had thought if he went after Julie she wouldn't run to her mother, which was true for the most part, and how he loved that tight little pussy of hers. He was just going to have to figure out what was up with her, because he needed to fuck, and his wife wasn't offering that to him any longer. If Julie wouldn't give him some then that left him relying on his burner phone he had kept hidden with all the ladies he had relations with before and during his sweet time with his daughter. Reaching for the door handle knowing that Nora wouldn't be doing that while the kids were home. Wondering if Nora was lost in her bliss then maybe, just maybe he could talk her into climbing into their bed one last time.

"Nora! What the fuck are you doing?!" Patrick screamed as saw his wife fucking their son or that was what it looked like from his vantage point. His blood burned in his veins as his wife smiled at their son like she had once smiled at him.

"Hold that thought baby, let me deal with this first and I'll take care of this," Nora purred as she teased her son's hard cock before lifting herself off of his lap. Pushing down her skirt, slyly glancing at Jon as he brought his hand to his lips. Seeing his tongue darting out tasting her upon his skin. How that made her mound throb, and soon Jon would get it from the source.

"Want to explain why..." Patrick didn't see the punch coming until it was too late. Huffing in pain as his wife's bare foot pressed down on his chest. He should have remembered his wife had a black belt due to her being mugged one day many years ago, which caused her to learn how to defend herself if the need ever arose again.

"You piece of shit!" Nora yelled. Her fiery gaze burned into his hide as her hands were clenched in her righteous anger. "You two timing, faithless bastard! How many years did I give you! How many times did I try to make this work! How many!" she shouted growing red in the face. "While I was trying to save this fucking marriage, you... fucking, disgusting asshole was screwing our daughter!" Nora seethed as Patrick's eyes grew wide. Hiking up her skirt, slapping her cunt so Patrick could hear how wet she was. "When's the last time you even tried to get me this fucking wet! Huh?!"

"Baby..." Wincing as Nora pressed him back to the floor causing the back of his head to strike it.

"Don't you dare!" Nora warned with deathly undertones. "You lost that right when you..." Watching with an evil smile as Patrick curled himself into a ball as she ground her heel into his balls. "Stuck that cock into our daughter! Julie's told me everything! How you bad mouthed me when I was doing everything to save our marriage while you were fucking her!" Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she vented her wrath upon his defenseless body. "How you lied to her so you could slip your worthless dick into her!" Patrick curled tighter, placing his arms over his head to protect his valuable organ from his wife's blows. "You're not the man I thought you were, you aren't the man I thought I loved. You destroyed that, the moment you cheated on me. Our marriage ended the moment I saw you fucking our daughter in her own fucking room!"

"N-Nora I can explain..."

"Shut the fuck up! Get the fuck out of my house!" Nora growled.

"I'm not going..."

"You fucking will unless you want the video of you fucking our daughter handed over to the police!" Nora said, loving how the color drained from his face. "And you will get nothing in the divorce! If you contest anything, the video will anonymously find its way into their hands," she warned.

"Fine! Get the fuck off of me you bitch!" Patrick seethed as he got to his feet. "You want everything take it. There's better pussy out..." His head jerked back as Nora's uppercut landed squarely on his chin knocking him out cold.

"Man, you got the fuck knocked out Dad." Jon squatted as his father came to. "Serves you right, what were you thinking? Risking everything when you have Mom?" Jon asked, as his father's bags sat beside them. "Oh, before you leave, Mom wanted you to have these," he said, dropping the cum soaked panties, cum side down, on his father's face. Laughing when his father's hands quickly tossed away the garment.

"Wipe that smile off your face boy, I'll be back. Your mother can't live without me," Patrick said, sternly.

"Seems that she can," Jon said, smirking at his father. Running his fingers below his nose smelling his mother's pussy still on them. Releasing a pent up breath as his father stomped down the stairs. He had no idea how he was going to react if his father raised a hand to him. He wasn't a fighter. Glancing up as Julie's door closed, Jon wondered if he should go talk to her. Tilting his head when his sister's door quickly opened a few minutes later as he still rested on the back of the couch. Arching an eyebrow as Julie walked through their home, with her head bowed and her cheeks rosy, in nothing but a light pink bra and panties. Equally confused as his mother's door shut behind her. His head snapped up as he sat on the couch wondering if his mother was really going to take care of his cock like she had promised. Looking towards his mother's bedroom when he heard something coming from it. Quickly looking back at his sister's bedroom noting that it still hung open and her light was off.

Silently tiptoeing to his mother's door, pressing his ear against it... "Yes Julie, just like that..." Jon's head shot back at the sound of his mother's voice. Replacing his ear to the door, he had to know more.

"Thank you, for not kicking me out Mom." Julie's muffled voice filtered through the door.

"You still have a long way to go before I even begin to forgive you."

"I know... I'm... am I getting better?"

"Mmmhmm..." Jon look down his body as his cock was hard all over again. Gritting as he slowly turned the doorknob, he was surprised to find it wasn't locked. His eyes bulged out of their sockets as his sister was between his mother's legs. Nora's legs were bent, the soles of her feet pressed down on the mattress as Julie's fingers plunged into her own cunt. "Come in baby." His mother's voice startled him as he was in the process of freeing his cock. "Don't be shy Jon, come in and watch. It will be a proper lesson for you on how to eat your girlfriend," Nora said, with a sensuous smile as the door inched open. "Why don't you take those off?" Her finger pointed at his pants. "It can't be healthy for that hard cock to be trapped inside of it. Oh, don't worry about Julie she won't say a word of this to your father, will you?" Nora asked, her tone hard as she stared down at her daughter.

"No Mom, I won't," Julie said, her eyes slyly glanced at the tent in her brother's pants through the gap of her mother's leg.

"That's what I like to hear," Nora said, before thrusting her daughter's face back into her crotch. Biting her lower lip as Jon fumbled with the snap button and zipper of his jeans. A rumbling purr resounded deep in her chest as his cock strained the cotton of his boxer-briefs. Her pupils dilating as she watched how his pre-cum oozed out between the soaked cotton fibers. "Take those off too and show me my man's hard cock," Nora purred, her chest heaved as Julie's tongue ran along her vulva. Her tongue ran along her upper lip as Jon's six and a half inch cock sprung free from the elastic waistband. "Come kneel right here," she said, her left hand patted the spot beside her right shoulder.

Jon glanced to his right as he noted how Julie spied at his bouncing cock as he knelt on his mother's bed. Watching his mother hiss softly as Julie's lips wrapped around his mother's clit. His chin quickly dropped as Nora's finger's wrapped around his shaft. Her thumb teased the underside of his crown as her hand glided along his shaft.

"You like it when it's my hand don't you, Jon?" Nora asked, in a husky voice as she stared up at her son.

"Y-yes," Jon muttered as his thighs trembled at his mother's touch.

"Do you want to know what else of mine feels good on this cock of yours?" Nora asked, now that Patrick was gone she no longer had to pretend to be a loving wife to a slimy man. She wanted Jon to know what she would always be willing to do for him. Her eyes glanced up as she leaned forward. Watching the excitement and a tinge of fear in his eyes as her lips neared that red crown of his.

"Oh shit!" Jon hissed as his mother took him further and further into her mouth until every inch of it was within her mouth. The tip of her tongue pressed on the back of his cock as she slowly backed off his rod. Jon released a shuddering moan as Nora quickly sent his cock back into the warmth of her mouth.

"Does my boyfriend enjoy the feel of my mouth wrapped around his hard cock?! Nora asked, in a salacious purr. Sucking gently on the head of his cock, noting how Julie was watching her intently.

"Oh God yes!" The moment the words left his lips his mother attacked his cock like he had only seen in the pornos he had quietly watched on his computer late at night. With being so pent up he knew he wouldn't last long. "Nora..."

Her eyes quickly glanced up as her name left his lips then back down when she felt the swelling of his cock. She knew what was coming and she couldn't wait! Finally to have a fresh taste of her son's cum shooting into her ravenous mouth. To feel it coating her tongue as she brought the utmost pleasure to that blood infused organ. Her eyes fluttered, her toes curled, her canal quivered as her son's hot, white, salty seed shot across her tongue. Easing off his pole, his wet cock falling from her lips, tilting her head up, slowly opening her mouth so she wouldn't spill any of his cum. No. That wouldn't do, it belonged in her stomach or her pussy... maybe her ass if Jon was that adventurous. Letting him see how his seed was pooled on her tongue before swallowing every drop of it.


One month later...

Nora hasn't heard a word from Patrick since the night she threw him out. Then there was the time she unexpectedly showed up at her friend Marinda's house only to find her soon-to-be ex-husband's car sitting in her driveway. Her hands tightened on her steering wheel as she watched her so-called friend kissing Patrick. Pulling out her phone as Patrick walked to his car as Marinda closed her front door.

"Hey Nora..."

"Don't you hey me you two timing bitch! Just how long have you been fucking my husband!" Nora screamed into her phone.

"Nora I don't know what you're talking about."

"Look out your front door!" Nora stood beside her car as the wind caused her blouse to ripple as it blew across her chest. Watching her friend's hand cup her mouth as Marinda stood in the doorway. "What you got to say now bitch!" she growled into her phone. "Just how many of my so-called friends were fucking my husband behind my back! Huh?!"

"I thought you knew. Patrick said you two had an open marriage."

"Does it look like we have one!"

"Nora... I can explain, won't you come inside?" Marinda pleaded.

"Fuck you! You lied to me! You weren't my friend you just wanted my husband's dick!"

"I am too! I know this doesn't look good, just come in... Me and Bob can explain it all to you."

"Bob fucking knows you're sleeping with my husband! God damn it Marinda how fucked up can you fucking get!"

"You know what! I am not having this conversation over the phone and you screaming at me in the damn road. If you want to come in we can have a civil conversation..."

"Fuck you! You can tell all the other whores that's been lying to me all these years that we are done!" Nora hissed as she ended the call. Staring hatefully at her so-called friend for over ten years before spinning on her heel, jerking her car door open and slamming it shut once she was inside of it. Her tires squealing as she peeled out. Heading to confront every one of her female friends. In total other than Marinda three others had or were currently sleeping with Patrick. She made sure their husbands knew as well. If they went behind her back she saw it only fair that their husbands knew how unfaithful they were to them. Since then she hasn't spoken to her so-called friends... except for Bob.

"Hey Nora before you hang up... Just let me say something," Bob quickly said once she had answered her phone when she was heading back home from the grocery store a few days later.

"What do you want Bob?! You can't possibly think you'll be able to talk yourself and your fucking wife out of this hole the two of you have dug for yourselves!" Nora hissed.

"Nora I get it alright," Bob sighed, "We didn't know Pat was stepping out. We both thought you knew about it all. I mean you showed no signs of being pissed off at us... until today."

"Well, I just found out my husband is a cheating asshat! How long has this shit been going on Bob?!"

"Ten years... Before you tear my head off... Let me offer you something that might, or might not make it up to you," Bob said, trying to keep his hopefulness from his voice. He's been wanting to fuck her ever since he's known her and now seemed like the perfect time.

"What might that be, hmm? What could possibly make up for ten years of your wife's betrayal?!" Nora asked angrily, as her hand tightened around her phone.

"Marinda wants to make it right between the two of you. I know what we are going to suggest can't make up for the ten years that we thought you knew about us, maybe, hopefully it will be a step..."

"Get to the fucking point Bob!"

"Marinda wants us to have a threesome and maybe cockold your husband..." Bob did not expect the cankerous laughter to come over the line.

"Are the two of you out of your fucking minds! I'm not having a fucking threesome with you two! If I wanted that it will be with someone else not with the two who have lied to me for ten damn years! Now get the fuck off my phone!" Nora yelled as she abruptly ended the call.

She did know Patrick has tried to entice Julie to meet him somewhere on multiple occasions. She had Julie send her the screenshots to her phone. Especially the ones where he had sent their daughter dick pics explaining how horny he was longing for her. She couldn't help it she burst out in laughter at how hard he was trying. If the man had tried, had tried to do something! She always made sure if he ever needed or wanted sex anytime, anywhere she would do whatever he needed so they both could share in that intimate bond. But alas, Patrick would rather stick his dick in their daughter's cunt than he would hers. That hurt the most, not the betrayal; while that was hard, so very hard to take, it was the fact that after twenty years together her pussy, which had brought him to so many orgasms wasn't good enough for him. So now the only contact she had with Patrick was through his lawyer. So far she hadn't had to send the implicating photos or the video to the police.

Leaning back in her chair, her reflection shown in the glass of the picture frame as she stared at her son's picture. Her daughter's picture had returned to her desk, yet Jon's was in the forefront. Since the first time she had sucked his cock, she did it three to four times a day. Nora just couldn't help it. She needed it. Needed to feel his cum running down her throat, settling in her stomach. That didn't mean it was one sided. Oh no, she had taught her son on how to properly taste her sweet little pussy. Her mind flashed back to two days ago:

Nora was working over the sink, still wearing the skirt she wore down in the shop as she prepared the vegetables for dinner. She had heard Jon enter the kitchen. A small smile formed on her lips knowing how Jon would always hang around her whenever they were in their home. Even when his favorite show was on, he would always stay close to her. To bask in her presence and she admitted she did the same. Then suddenly the potato she was peeling along with the peeler fell into the sink as she gasped loudly as Jon lifted up the back of her skirt as he dropped to his knees. Her hands gripped the lip of the sink hard as Jon shoved his face in-between her legs. When she was home, Nora never wore panties just for this reason unless it was that time of the month. Although just not when she was preparing dinner, not that she was going to stop her son.

"Oh fuck! Yes Jon, lick that pussy!" Nora loudly moaned as the tip of his tongue ran along her labia. Spreading her legs wider to give her son better access to her cunt. Her brown hair cascaded out before her as her breathing quickened as his tongue rolled along her clit. Patrick was never this forward, he always saved it for the bedroom. How she loved how Jon would just eat her without being asked or asking that she return the favor. It seemed to her that her son enjoyed the taste of his mother's pussy, and who was she to stop him? "Baby... fuck! Yes! God damn you're getting so good!" Nora hissed as her womb quivered. "But if you don't stop I'm not going to be able to stand to make dinner..." Her eyes caught the sight of Julie peering around the corner of the wall as she watched her brother eating her out. Over the month she had seen how her daughter would slyly watch them. She wondered if her daughter was horny as hell since she hasn't been fucked in over a month, at least not that she knew of.

"So? Dinner can wait, I want my dessert," Jon said, before plunging his tongue deep into her canal.

How her mind melted at those words. Patrick never talked to her in such a wanton way. Maybe he once did, but it was so fleeting that it was quickly forgotten. Jon, however, hasn't stopped once when they were within their home. Outside they acted like any normal mother and son, yet behind closed doors. How Jon made her feel so wanted, loved, and sexy when they were alone.

"Fuck me! Jon, I'm cumming! You better drink down your mother's cream that you brought out!" Nora howled as she came upon her son's face. Hissing in her ecstasy as she rubbed her wet mound along her son's face. A gasp escaped her lips as she felt Jon's hands on her bare ass, holding her up as her son went in for a second helping. "F-f-f-fuck!" Her voice quivered as her son brought her close to her second orgasm. "Jon, baby, you're going to make me cum again," Nora said, in a wanton whisper. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, as Jon's hand struck her ass her paradise tightened around his probing tongue as he did. "Oh fuck yes!" she screamed out in bliss as her orgasmic juices flooded her canal.

The ding of her speakers brought her out of her blissful daydream as her email blinked. Moving her mouse pointer across the screen, opening up her email she used for her business. She always had alerts setup for auctions, estate sales, and whatnot so she could get the best of the best for her antique shop. Clicking on the link, a little disappointed that they weren't taking call-in bids for the estate sale; however, a devious, luscious smile formed on her lips knowing this was the perfect time to take her son's cherry. After all, that article of his was due soon, and she did wonder how he was going to write about his very first time with his mother. Plus, if she was truthful to herself, she needed his hard cock. The whole entire month she had to keep herself from rolling on top of her son and sliding that hard, delicious morning wood into her hot, wet pussy. To watch her son's reaction at the feel of his very first pussy wrapping itself around his stiff rod.

A day later they were on the road. She had expected her son to put up a fight about tagging along with her. Yet as she held his hand as they sped down the highway she was happy he did, even if he didn't know what awaited him once they got to the motel she had booked reservations at so she could attended the estate sale for the next two days. There were some pieces she really wanted in her shop. Her brown eyes glanced up into the rearview mirror noting how Julie quickly glanced down her cheeks had a light red hue to them before her text book hid her face. She forced her daughter to come along all so when she was ready to bring her son into her room Julie would have a front row seat to the show. The same kind of show she had when she witnessed that event over a month and a half ago. Plus, Nora wanted to rub her daughter's face in the fact that she would be the one that took Jon's virginity.

"Finally!" Nora sighed happily as she stretched her arms, raising them to the sky, knowing how Jon was slyly checking out the way her breasts moved underneath her shirt as they stood in the parking lot of the motel once they had arrived after six hours of driving. How she wanted him to reach over, place his hand between her legs and play with her wet cunt all during the drive. She feared if he did she wouldn't have been able to keep the car on the road. "Why don't the two of you unpack the car and I'll fetch our room keys," Nora said, she only got the second room to keep the ruse that Jon was her son and not the man she was going to fuck in it in an hour or so. She didn't need people knowing about that. What they did behind closed doors was for them alone. "Now baby, don't get too lonely without me," Nora winked at her son as she slid the keycard into the lock.

Jon was reclining on the bed, surfing, uninterestedly, through the motels cable channels. What really had his mind occupied was the sound of the running shower in the other room. How his cock was straining his pants the whole time as he imagined how the water and soap bubbles would look as they ran down his mother's naked body. His hand instinctively reached down, gently, slowly stroking his rod through his pants as his mind pictured how the droplets of water would cling to his mother's light brown nipples. The way her hand would glide along her flat stomach as the bar of soap moved along it. To the sound of her light pleasure filled moan filling the bathroom as her hands cradled her bountiful breasts. His fingers held the tab of his zipper between them about to take care of himself when his phone vibrated on the nightstand next to him. Quickly sitting up when he saw it was his mother's text.

"Come to my room, bring your keycard with you. We wouldn't want you to get locked out."

It wasn't thirty seconds after he got that text that Jon was standing at his mother's door. Before he could knock Julie opened the door. Her hand held her robe closed as her eyes glanced down at his bulge then back to his eyes. Flashing him a small smile as she stepped out of the way.

"Jon?" Nora's voice echoed deep within the bathroom.


"You know I love you." Jon could see some movement in the mirror of the bathroom or what little of it he could see from his vantage point.

"Of course, I do. I love you too, M... Nora," Jon said, watching how his sister moved to sit in the flower printed chair, you always see in motels, that sat in the corner having a clear line of sight of the bed.

"But..." Jon's attention was drawn back to his mother as she leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. "I'm not talking about the love you have for me as your mother," Nora said softly, flashing him a coy smile as Jon's eyes widen at her meaning. "The love I feel here," her nails played along her skin resting over her heart as her robe was opened wide enough to show off the curvature of her left breast, "ever since I told you what your father had done to me, to our marriage, you've treated me like a woman. A woman that you have made feel so wonderful over the last month," she said, her smooth thigh slipped through the opening of the robe as she walked towards her son. Lightly pressing her chest against his, letting Jon know she was his now and forevermore. Her hands ran up his chest, her fingertips skimmed along his neck, leaning in her soft, velvety lips embraced his as her tongue explored his. Her fingers weaved through his hair drawing him deeper into that salacious kiss. The loose knot that once held her belt closed slipped free allowing her cleansed, naked body to rub against his. Pressing her forehead against his, breathing heavily as her dancefloor rubbed against that hard bulge of his.

"Baby?" Nora's eyes burned in her unquenched heat. She knew within minutes their relationship would embark on a whole new level. A level that she and, she hoped, her son was going to enjoy for many years to come.

"Y-yeah," Jon said, he always tried to keep his voice steady around his mother. Yet sometimes, just sometimes the sheer beauty of her naked body left him quite flustered.

"I want to take this further between us," Nora said, giving him a light peck on his lips. "Do you want to be with me like that?"

"You mean..."

"Yes baby, sex." Nora softly giggled as that adorable innocence of his had returned. Her fingers slipped beneath the hem of his shirt, slowly raising it up his chest seeing if he would stop her. How her heart leaped for joy as Jon raised his arms. Soon his shirt kissed the floor along with her robe as her fingers quickly unbuttoned his jeans as Jon kicked off his shoes. "Oh, how I've been waiting to feel this deep inside of me. You don't know how hard it's been for me to hold back," Nora purred as she lightly caressed her son's covered erection.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked, trying not to blow his load.

"I mean baby," Nora whispered as her naked breasts pressed into his naked chest as her fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his underwear and pushed them to the floor. Her body shuddered as the tip of his cock brushed against her clit as his hard cock sprung back once it was freed from its confinements. Her hands took hold of his, lowering herself to the bed as she moved his body to stand before her. "The mornings I've just wanted to ride this hard cock watching you squirm as my pussy milks every ounce of cum out of it, and," smirking when a moan escaped Jon's lips as her hand cradled his heavy sack, "it seems this is full of it. Don't worry about cumming baby, you and I are going to fuck all night long so you can cum as much as you want, because I need to feel you filling my womb to the brim," Nora said, before her lips engulfed her son's cock.

"Yes Nora!" Jon groaned as his mother's mouth glided along his cock. He didn't know when it happened, was it the first time he masturbated to her, or the night he fucked her thighs, or when she first sucked him off? Whenever it was somewhere in the back of his mind he wanted his first time to be with her.

"Yes baby, cum for me," Nora mumbled from around his shaft as her hand fondled his balls. Her thighs snapped closed as her mound moistened as his cum struck the back of her throat. "You always taste so good baby," she said, giving his deflating crown a little lick. Her eyes glanced to Julie noting how her hand was between her legs. "Now baby you need..." A proud smile formed on her lips as Jon quickly dropped to his knees. Gooseflesh ran along her skin at how his hands felt as they ran up her thighs. "Yes! Mmmhmm! I've waited for this all day!" Nora said breathlessly, as she held his head against her cunt. Tilting her head back as Jon licked and sucked on her labia, giving her little clit a gentle nibble before his lips wrapped around it. She was so very pleased that Jon took to his lessons she had taught him on how to eat her out. Equally pleased to know that his skills were vastly improving.

"So baby," Nora cooed getting his attention as his tongue curled inside of her channel. Shuddering a little as he tasted her nectar from her orgasm. "How would you like your mother to fuck you?" she asked, her lips curled into a devilish grin as his eyes darted back and forth.

"On top, I-I-I..."

"Yes? What is it that you want baby?" Nora asked lovingly, as her hand brushed along the top of his head.

"C-can you be on top?" Jon asked, his heart racing a hundred miles an hour.

"Of course baby," Nora said sweetly, her fingers ran down the side of his face, coming to a rest on the underside of his chin, lifting him up. "We are going to fuck in every position there is, so you don't need to worry. If there's any you want to do again you just tell me. I'm more than happy to bend over, spread my legs, or whatever to make you happy Jon," she said, placing a long loving kiss on his lips tasting herself upon them. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last time she tasted her sex on her son's tongue. "Get on the bed baby and your mother will fuck you until you send that hot load into my womb," Nora whispered wantonly as she noted how his cock had a resurgence. Smacking his ass as Jon quickly crawled towards the head of the bed.

"Look at it baby," Nora purred as she knelt above his cock. Loving how his eyes fluttered as she ran his head through her labia. "Are you ready to become a man?" she asked, biting her lip as his hands lightly gripped her thighs.

"Yes Nora, you're the one I want to take my..." Jon's cheeks heated rapidly as his eyes glanced down to his mother's cunt then back to her face.

"I know baby. I promise you're going to enjoy this, just as much as I am," Nora said reassuringly, as she slowly lowered herself. Feeling his hands moving up her body as she did. A soft whimper emanated from her lips as his head pressed against her entrance. A smile raised the corners of her lips as Jon gasped as she lowered herself upon his engorged head.

"Fuck!" Jon lightly moaned as his head pressed down on the mattress as his mother took him to the hilt.

"You like the feel of my pussy don't you baby?" Nora asked, just sitting there flexing her muscles so Jon could know her heat, her wetness, and her tightness that had built up over the past year.

"Mmmhmm," Jon nodded as he bit down on his lip. He so didn't know this was what a cunt would feel like on his cock. He was in heaven. Now he knew those asshats at his school, bragging in the locker room as he got ready for gym class, weren't lying in this regard.

Watching how his eyes shot to her hands as they covered his. Whimpering as Jon gave her breasts a gentle squeeze once she placed his hands upon them. Her right hand rested on his chest as her left braced herself on his right thigh as she slowly rocked on his cock. "God, Jon, your cock was worth the wait," Nora sighed blissfully as she rode her son. "Now how about we speed things up, hmm?" she purred as she leaned forward as her son nodded.

"Oh Mom..." Jon moaned as she glided along his rod. Feeling how it was being coated in her nectar. How it squeezed his cock with each stroke of her glide.

"Yes baby," Nora whispered. Kissing him lightly loving the look on her son's face as she brought him into the world of manhood. Her body trembling as his thumbs rolled her nipples. Her chest heaving as she rapidly plunged down on his cock. A cock that felt so good inside of her. She knew he was worried about his size. Jon did have an average size cock, but it's not the size she told him that most women desire it's their partner that brings out the most pleasurable experience for the both of them. Plus, she's had bigger cocks in her youth before she met Patrick. Bigger doesn't always mean better. "It's okay baby, if you can't last don't you dare think I'll be mad. This is your first time, I want you to experience what my pussy can give you," Nora said, as she stared down into his eyes. A coy smirk rose the left corner of her lips as Jon's hand quickly moved from her breasts to her ass. How she loved that feeling... more so when Jon held on to her as he thrust his hard cock into her wet cunt. "Fuck! Mmmhmm!" she nodded as the sounds of her sex resounded in her motel room. "Don't stop baby, I'm almost there," Nora said, feeling the first stirrings of her gradual meltdown. Watching how Jon's eyes rolled, his body trembled as she matched his pace, knowing soon that virgin cock of his would be filling her pussy with that white, hot cum she so craved. Their voices rang out in unison as mother and son reached that beatific peak together. Their orgasmic juices mixing together as they each held onto the other in their ecstasy.

Lightly kissing her son before easing off his cock. Julie's punishment was over, there was no need to have her watch as she brought her brother to his climax over and over again; that benefit was for her alone. Reaching down to the floor as she knelt at the foot of the bed. Knowing how her wet, cum filled pussy was flashing her son, which was the way she wanted it. Digging out his room's keycard, holding it out to Julie as she quickly covered herself up. "You're punishment is over for now. Go to bed," Nora said, in a stern motherly voice. Noting the wet spot that marred the cushion of the seat.

"Yes Mom," Julie said plainly, as she took hold of the keycard. Sighing into her mind when she knew only a hard rod would ever truly scratch the itch that's been building for the past month. Her eyes flickered up as she watched her brother walking on his knees towards their mother's ass.

"Baby!" Nora squealed in delight as Julie reached for the doorknob. "I didn't think you would or could get hard again so soon..." A shuddering moan rumbled in her chest as Jon drove his cock deep into her soiled cunt. "Yes Jon, fuck me, fuck your mother!" Nora moaned as Jon's balls slapped against her clit.

Julie sighed as she pressed her back against the door shutting out the noise of their relations from the world. Moping as she walked to her brother's room. Knowing that she had caused her own punishment. She too wanted what her mother was getting, especially after her father showed her how good sex really was. Was it her fault that she grew to enjoy sex? She had watched how Jon was getting better and better as the days went by. She had and still does masturbate as she peeked on how her mother writhed on her bed as Jon was eating her out. She so missed that. Well... not that she knew really what that was like. Her father never spent that much time tasting her pussy, just enough to get her wet then straight to fucking. The door closed behind her as she ambled over to the bed. Her back bounced on the mattress as she curled herself into a ball. Her hand darted down between her legs as she touched herself to the moans that filtered through the wall.


One week later...

"Here?" Jon said, holding out the finished article that his editor asked him to do. He wanted to show it to his mother before he turned it in. He had changed her name and left out most of the locations where they had touched each other, however, the acts -- namely the five hours of raw sex they'd had that night - were in left in.. When his mother got back the next morning she had a wild look in her eye as he laid naked on her bed his cock in his hand, wiggling it at her, taunting her to come get it.

"Oh? What's this?" Nora asked, while she already knew what it was. As her eyes scanned down the paper, she couldn't help but feel the love he put into those words, especially how he described her from his point of view. The way she moved, the way her breasts jiggled and felt every night they were in his hand as they snuggled, to how his eyes couldn't look away as her dresses or jeans became taut along her ass. How captivating her smile was whenever he saw it. To how stunningly beautiful she looked on that night. To how her very presence brought peace to him. "Oh Jon," Nora whispered as her right hand rested lightly on her chest. Feeling her skin becoming flushed and aroused at the sensuous words he used to describe her. "That was so beautiful! If my cycle hadn't just started I would fuck you right here... but," she said, her eyes slyly glancing over at Julie as she had kept her eyes on the tops of her thighs the moment her brother had walked into the room. Ever since that night she had seen how Julie looked at her brother. "Maybe... Julie has earned a little reprieve?" Nora thought to herself as Jon had a curious look on his face.

"But?!" Jon said, trying not to let his eagerness show. His mind flashing back to that night, the day after, and each night since they've been home. Was it his fault that he enjoyed being in bed with his mother? To hear those hot whispering moans as he brought her to orgasm over and over again. He felt his snake growing down his leg as the image of his mother spent from her climax, her dark brown hair was feathered along the bed, her left hand covered her breast as she bit on her nail, her lips were curled into a smile. Her left leg was bent as her foot rested on the bed. Watching how her eyes slowly opened, how she gazed at him not as his mother, but as the man that brought her to the edge and held her there until she toppled over.

"I don't think you're ready for anal or that you could handle the feel of your mother's ass wrapped around that cock," Nora teased, seeing how his cock flexed at the thought of it. "You have to be a tad more restrained with me back there than you have been lately," she said, remembering how she screamed as Jon fucked her hard and rough on the third day they'd taken their relationship further. "Soon baby, I'll let you back there. Not even your father had me there," Nora said, biting her lip as his cock flexed. How she wanted to give him something that even his father hadn't touched. That was one thing she was willing to try to spice things up. Yet she was always scared to try it. Patrick never really gave her the confidence that she could trust him with taking her back there. He always had this look in his eyes when he would bring up the subject to her; she didn't know what it was, it just never sat right with her, but she was willing to try it if it would bring them closer once again. However, Jon didn't have that look, and she was sure that her son wouldn't hurt her if they ever had anal sex, unlike she felt Patrick would hurt her if she had given him the chance. "Julie?"

"Yes Mom?" Julie replied as she kept her head bowed. She didn't want Jon to see how horny she was. She's been in a constant state of arousal as she could hear them fucking every night. She had even started to masturbate along with them thinking it was her that was riding her brother's cock.

"Have you been fucking anyone lately?" Nora asked, knowing full well she hadn't been given how her daughter's body language screamed -- No!

"No Mom," Julie said in a low whisper.

"Well, since I can't properly please my man right now," Nora said lovingly, as her fingers ran down Jon's right thigh. "How about you fuck your brother for me."

"What?! Really?!" Julie asked, her head snapped up. Her pussy throbbed at the prospect of having something filling her once again.

"Really," Nora nodded. "You've been a good little pussy eater lately. I thought I'd let you have a little treat for today," she said, smirking when she noted her daughter's hardening nipples as they pressed against her shirt.