Outrage! Pt. 02


Thanks to WAA01 for the edits.


"You absolutely sure that I can?" Julie asked, as she rose from her seat. Her dark brown hair, like her mother's, brushed along her chest, knowing her 36B breasts weren't anything compared to her mother's 32DDs.

"I'm quite sure," Nora nodded. "Although, if you don't want to..."

"No!" Nora smiled at her daughter's quick response. "I just want to make sure you won't get mad at me," Julie said weakly, as she stared down at her feet.

"I wouldn't have said it if I was going to get mad," Nora said, reaching over and taking hold of her son's, her lover's, hand. "You don't mind if your sister takes care of you in my stead, right?"

"Umm..." Jon scratched his left cheek. Unsure on how to say it without his mother getting mad.

"Its okay Jon," Nora cooed, glancing down seeing her son's cock twitch. Something that she knew her daughter saw as well. Julie had a long way to go before she even began to forgive her daughter for the sight she saw nearly two months ago. Yet for as long as Julie stayed in her house she would forever be her bitch. Her son, no, Jon was her man now, her lover, and she would never impose her will onto him. That was only for Julie, Jon was just now finding his sexual identity. She wasn't about to stymie her own son's sexual awakening. Nora was simply going to teach him how to be a better lover than his own father ever was. "You're young and inexperienced. I would never want you to miss out on something because I love having you in my bed."

"Only if you're okay with it," Jon stated as he looked down at his mother.

"Of course, I am. I am the one who suggested it after all," Nora said, smiling up at her son knowing how eager her daughter was to scratch the itch.

"Jon..." Julie's hand reached out to take hold of her brother's left hand, "please won't you come to my room," Julie said softly, as her brown eyes rose to meet her brother's. "Maybe you could show me how you taste Mom," she mumbled, shyly brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Go on." Nora winked at her son as she gave his hand a squeeze. Praying that Jon would go along with her plan to rub Patrick's face in the fact his son was and always will be a better lover than he ever will be. She was just going to have to plan on a way to get her so-called friends to come to her home. Three of them were dealing with divorces due to their inability to keep their whorish legs closed. Still, the thought of putting the screws to her bastard of a husband was very pleasing to her as she watched Julie lead Jon to her room. Sighing as the door began to close, knowing it was going to be a long five days before she could feel her son back inside of her. Picking up Jon's article as the latch of Julie's door clicked. A warm, loving smile graced her lips as she began to re-read it.


Jon looked around his sister's room, pondering the last time he was even in it. Noting all the knick-knacks that she had garnered throughout her life stored within those four walls. Watching how Julie was moving her stuffed animals off her bed. Listening to her mutter to them as she placed them on her desk after giving each one a kiss. Then it all changed, his back grew stiff as Julie lifted her shirt along her chest. His already hard cock flexed against the denim of his jeans as her braless breasts came into view.

"I know I'm not pretty like Mom is Jon," Julie said, hanging her head. "But I hope..."

"What're ya talkin' about?" Jon asked, confused.

"I hear it all the time," Julie stated, her right arm moved across her stomach holding onto her left arm. Tilting her head to the right so she could view her brother. "All the boys I know are always going on and on about how pretty, how hot, how beautiful Mom is. They never give me a second look. My tits are small, I don't have Mom's looks, my hips..." Her heart fluttered as Jon placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sis, you are beautiful. Whoever told you that is a fool," Jon said, heatedly. Whatever happened or how it started, it didn't matter. She was still his sister, and damn all those who put her down.

"Do you mean that?" Julie asked, stepping into her brother. "Do you really think I'm pretty?" Her eyes searched her brother's as her hands rested on Jon's chest.

"Of course, I mean it," Jon nodded firmly.

Julie wrapped her arms around her brother, holding him tightly as she buried her face into his neck. She felt tears of joy reaming her eyes as her hands moved up her brother's back. Biting her lip as she felt his own arms wrapping around her waist. "Do you like how my breasts feel against your chest little brother?" Julie whispered into his ear. Her breath hot against it as her lips brushed along his ear. "I know this does," she said, rubbing her mons Venus against her brother's bulge. "Will you make your stupid, horny sister feel good," Julie purred as she stared into her brother's eyes. After nearly two months of watching her mother flirt with Jon, having to listen and spy as her mother had Jon finger her on the couch. To how Jon had knelt down lifted her mother's dress and just so wantonly shoved his face between her legs without a word. "Unlike Dad," she grumbled in her mind. Wondering why she had been so easily fooled by her father's words. While she did love her father, as a father, the time she had spied on how her mother and Jon interacted in and out of the bedroom showed her that there were better men out there than he was. Her lips brushed against his testing the waters.

Julie produced a little yelp of surprise as Jon pulled her into him. Her nails scraped lightly along his chest as she felt his left hand grabbing hold of her ass. She pondered if this was what they meant by foreplay as Jon kissed her passionately. Her father didn't spend too much time on it. Always rushing their encounters like he always had to be somewhere else. Her nails tore at his shirt as she breathlessly pulled away. Gooseflesh raced along her skin as her brother's hand move up the side of her chest. Softly whimpering as she felt his hand cradling her left breast. Her muscles trembling as her nipple rolled between his fingers. Breathing heavily into his ear as Jon nibbled along her neck. Her body moved on its own as she led him towards her bed. Her hands moved down his chest as she sank down onto the edge of her bed. Smiling up at him before his shirt engulfed his head. Her heart hammered in her throat as her fingers unhooked the button of his jeans. While she knew her brother wasn't anywhere near the size of their father, yet she didn't care, she just wanted to see if what she had witnessed for so long was as good as it appeared to be.

Her nose nuzzled her brother's stomach as she inhaled the scent of his skin. The sound of the brass zipper filled the room as she lowered it as Jon sent his shirt flying through the air before striking and sliding down the wall. Her brown eyes stared up at her brother as she pushed his pants and underwear to the floor. Her breathing quickened as his cock bobbed before her just inches from her face.

"Go on," Jon said, with a slight smirk. "It isn't like you haven't been staring at my cock for some time now."

Slowly, reaching out, taking a dry swallow as her hand wrapped around the base of her brother's cock. It wasn't that she didn't know how to suck a cock, her father had taught her how, it was every time she did her father skipped tasting her cunt. "Jon... will you taste me if I do this?" Julie asked, as she peered up at her brother.

"What, did Dad not do that?" Jon asked, arching an eyebrow as his thighs trembled as her hand ran gently along his shaft.

"No," Julie said, shaking her head.

"Why not?"

"I don't know, every time we were together Dad would skip that and just fuck me like I was just another conquest," Julie said, watching how her brother's eyes fluttered as her thumb teased the underside of his crown. "It took watching you and Mom to make me realize that," she cooed as she leaned forward as her lips parted eager to take her brother's manhood into her mouth. Her eyes glanced up at her brother's moan. Smirking inwardly at the fact that her brother enjoyed her sucking him off. Her tongue ran along the underside of his cock as she eased off of his rod. Loving how his muscles quivered as she swirled her tongue around the crown of his pole. "So, will you?" Julie asked, with pleading eyes. Her pussy throbbed just thinking about how his tongue would feel on her wet cunt.

"Of course," Jon said, without hesitation.

Julie's body heated as his words settled on her shoulders. Lightly biting her lip, scooting back along her bed towards the headboard. Her fingers nervously fumbled with the button on her own shorts as she watched how her brother quickly stepped out of his pooled jeans. Her breasts jiggled as she eased down her zipper, her breathing increased as Jon placed a knee on her bed. Knowing that within seconds she would finally experience the bliss she had seen for so long on her mother's face. Her cheeks heated as Jon's fingers gently tugged her shorts down her legs, wondering if he liked her blue lacy panties she had worn that day as she lifted her legs watching how her shorts slipped from her body. Noting how her brother's nose wiggled as her arousal filled the air as her panties peeled off her wet sex. The light blush on her cheeks grew darker as her brother stared down at her glistening cunt.

"Don't stare Jon, its... embarrassing," Julie whispered.

"Huh? Why would you be embarrassed?" Jon asked, feeling his sister's gooseflesh as the pads of his fingers ran along her thighs. "You have a very pretty pussy sis."

"Y-you really think so?" Julie stammered seeing her brother nod.

"Didn't Dad tell you this?"

"No," Julie said, shaking her head quickly.

"Well... you do," Jon said, with a warm smile. Leaning forward, watching how his sister's eyes were on him as his hands ran up her stomach. Listening to her whimper as he cradled her breasts in his hands, noting how the back of her head pressed into the mattress and how her back arched as he tweaked her nipples. Her brown eyes darted to and fro as his mouth was only inches away from her lips. Her fingers softly ran along his left cheek as she caressed it. Her moan filled his mouth as they kissed while his featherlight touch danced up her dew laden labia. Her hand pressed hard on the back of his head as he gently rolled her clitoris.

Her panting grew louder as she pulled away from him. Her womb quivered as her brother teased that aching bud so wantonly. Her nails dug into his skin as her canal clenched at the way Jon was touching her neglected cunt. Feeling her climax nearing its peak after months of draught. Suddenly her eyes shot open and stared heatedly at her brother as he just stopped his exploration of her pussy.

"What? I thought you would rather cum on my tongue than my fingers," Jon said, with a smirk.

Julie couldn't keep her smile from showing as she nodded her head very vehemently. "Oh Jon, I would love nothing more than to do that," Julie said, dreamily. Her fingers weaved through his hair as he leaned down and took her right breast into his mouth. Moaning as his tongue swirled around her areola, her hands gripped tightly to his arms as her brother flicked her nipples with the tip of his tongue. "Yes Jon, you can do that any time you want, whenever you want," she said, breathlessly. Trying to hold back her orgasm, she wanted to do that on that tongue of his, yet the want, the longing to feel it for so long was quickly breaking down her will. Her hand pressed on the top of his head as her impatience was winning out as Jon kissed down her stomach. "Oh God!" Julie loudly moaned as she finally felt her brother's tongue as Jon licked up her slit with the flat of his tongue. "Jon!" she howled in bliss at he flicked the tip of that pink muscle against her clit. Her breathing grew rapid, her fingers curled around her comforter as her brother parted her moist lips. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he teased her vulva. Julie's body quaked as Jon's lips captured her clit.

"That's it Jon, lick your sister's pussy!" Julie growled in want as she ground her hips against his lips. A shuddering moan escaped her lips as she felt her brother's tongue slipping into canal. Her cry echoed in her room as her thighs squeezed her brother's head as her cream surged down her channel. "Don't stop... taste me... more!" Julie said, not realizing her speech was broken as her body jerked and twitched in the aftermath of her orgasm. Feeling her juices running out of her cunt as Jon's tongue left her heat, her fingers grabbed tufts of his hair as she rubbed her wet pussy on his face as Jon never once eased his efforts to bring her to her next climax. "Yes!" Julie screamed out as her peach juice gushed out as her second orgasm raced through her body.

Julie watched as her body jerked as Jon coughed roughly from being drowned in her orgasmic juices. Rising from her spot as Jon sat on the back of his legs. Her eyes zeroing in on that hard, protruding cock of his. Smiling at her brother as she straddled his lap. "You look so good covered in my pussy juice," Julie said, sweetly. Her hand took hold of the base of his root as she pointed that bulbous head at the entrance of her paradise. "God yes!" she whimpered as she lowered herself onto her brother's pole. "You cock feels so good in me," she panted as she lowered herself down it. Julie passionately kissed her brother as his hands rested on her hips. Her juices coating every inch of his cock as her hips glided along his hard rod. "Yes Jon, you like how your sister's hot, wet, tight pussy hugs that cock, don't you?" Julie asked, as she rolled her hips as she squeezed her folds. Loving how she could bring such sheer pleasure to his eyes.

"You're so tight," Jon stammered as his cock felt like her muscles were squeezing the life out of him.

"Well... I haven't been fucked in so long," Julie said, her tongue flickered out teasing his upper lip. "And your cock feels so good deep inside of me," she purred. Breathing heavily as his hands moved from her hips to her ass. "That's it Jon, touch me. Touch me everywhere, so that my body knows the man that's given me..." Tossing her head back as her pussy clamped down on her brother's rod.

Julie smiled like a fool as she felt her brother's cum running out of her cunt. They had fucked like rabbits for the past thirty minutes, and it was heavenly. Her eyes ran down her brother's back as he dressed. "Jon, you don't have to run off... we can fuck some more... after I've rested," Julie said, her heart hammered in her chest as her brother smiled over his shoulder.

"Oh, I'd planned on it, it's just that I got to head to the school and turn in that article," Jon said, knowing that his teacher adviser would be there at this time of day. She was always there or somewhere else other than at home due to what he heard were marital problems at home. He didn't know what they were nor was he going to ask.

"Do you promise? That when you get back that you'll take your bad, naughty, and sexy sister and fuck her hard?" Julie asked, crawling naked along her bed. She liked the fact that his eyes were on her breasts, so she knew he wasn't lying to her when he had told her he loved them; nor did he paw at them and leave them sore like her father always did. Their one sexual encounter showed her how much better Jon already was as a lover than their father could ever be. With Patrick it was about his pleasure, yet with Jon, he made slow, sweet, body numbing love to her. Made sure that she got off not once, not twice, but four times, and she couldn't wait for when Jon got home so he could watch as her ass bounced as he fucked her from behind.

"Of course, that is if you want me to?" Jon nodded as his shirt slid down his chest.

"Don't you see your cum dripping down onto my bed?" Julie asked, as she knelt before him. Running her hands up her stomach playing with her breasts as she gazed at her brother.

"Kind of hard to miss sis," Job replied with a smirk. Noting how his sister spread her lips apart allowing more of his seed to pour onto her bed.

"Then you should know that I want my pussy filled once again. I want to shudder as I feel it filling my womb to the brim. Don't worry I'm on the pill. Have been since I was thirteen. It helps regulate my period. I know not something you want to hear," Julie giggled behind her hand. "I just wanted to let you know you can cum in me as much and as often as you like," she purred wantonly. Her hand reached out and took hold of her brother's shirt. Pulling him into her, her tongue rolled in his mouth, sending a silent thank you to their mother in teaching Jon how to kiss. "Hurry back," Julie whispered lustfully as her lips left his.

"As I expect from my man," Nora said, with a coy smirk as she rested her arm on the back of the couch as she turned to look at her son. "So how was it? Did you enjoy fucking your sister?" she queried as Jon shut Julie's door.

"Yeah," Jon nodded.

"Good. I want you to get all the experience you want baby just remember to always come back to me. I don't mind sharing you, just so as long as you know who's bed you belong in," Nora stated gazing lovingly at her son.

"Mom," his feet propelled him across the floor, "have you seen yourself lately?" Jon asked, as his hand slipped into hers as she held it out to him.

"No, should I have?" Nora enquired, with a sly smirk.

"I know you know how fucking hot you are," Jon whispered as he tilted his mother's chin.

Nora's hands flew out, clamping onto the side of her son's head. She kissed her son, her lover, her man with such wanton passion she wondered how she hadn't realized that her soon-to-be ex-husband and she never shared any in their years of marriage. Her tongue rolled within his mouth tasting her daughter's pussy on his tongue. God. Even when it wasn't her, she still got hot just thinking of what he could do with that tongue of his. Most of his skill she had taught him, some - to her sublime amazement - he had learned on his own. Sending a silent thank you to whomever invented Google. Her thumb brushed along his cheek bone as she stared into his eyes as their lips pulled away from one another.

"God, I want to fuck you so badly right now," Nora growled hungrily. Knowing that the next four days were going to be murder on her.

"Welcome to every guy's world in a six block radius," Jon said, with a coy smile. Knowing how he had heard often enough to know how the men in the neighborhood would give their left nut for a night with his mother.

"True," a smirk rose along her lips, "but there is only one man I want," Nora cooed lovingly.

"Glad to hear it," Jon teased he didn't know how he would act knowing his mother was fucking some guy she didn't love. He could keep his jealousy hidden if it meant his mother was happy with whomever she was dating. Just like how she was willing to let him explore his newfound sexuality. "I'll be back in an hour or two," Jon stated plucking his article off the cushion beside her.

"Where are you going?" Nora asked, arching an eyebrow, she had wanted to spend the late afternoon snuggling with her son and maybe giving him a blow job or ten during the commercial breaks.

"To turn this in," Jon said, rustling the paper.

"But its Saturday?!" Nora uttered in a confused tone.

"I know, but my teacher advisor should be there, I have to get her to sign off on it before I can turn it in to my editor," Jon said, slyly peeking down his mother's shirt, who pulled down the collar of her shirt to give him a better look at her 32DD breasts.

"Then you better hurry back, these need to feel your lips on them," Nora spoke as she lifted her breasts slightly.

"I'll be back as fast as I can, those are something I definitely don't want to miss out on," Jon nodded vehemently.

"Fuck! Why does this week have to be a mess!" Nora bemoaned in her head. "God. If Patrick said or did a quarter of what his son has done in the time we've been together, I wouldn't have sought out my own son," she said to herself. "Although..." A sinful grin spread along her lips as her eyes burned into her son's crotch. "Patrick definitely couldn't get it up so fast like my Jon can."

"You be safe okay? You call me and I'll come and pick you up if you need me too," Nora said, gently squeezing his hand.

"Sure thing, Mom," Jon said, getting one last kiss in. Something his mother didn't hesitate or deny him, what could he say he loved how his mother's lips felt against his. His mother knew that too given how he had put that in the article as well.


Jon walked the last block to his school once he stepped off the bus. He wasn't going to enter the main part of the school, since that would be impossible. No. His school paper was located in a modular classroom on the west side of the campus. So, he knew the door would be unlocked. The wind teased his hair as he walked along the deck towards the modular building. Tilting his head when Jon heard some soft sobs drifting through the open window. Jon knocked on the door to give Janice Conner (his teacher adviser), time to collect herself. He heard her shuffling inside, "Probably needs to freshen up," he thought to himself.

"Come in." Jon heard her soft yet trembling voice through the window. He wondered what had caused her to break down into a crying fit and how long she had been there alone in her misery. "Jon?! What are you doing here?" Janice asked, her eyes were red and puffy. The dried tracks of where her tears once ran were noticeable as Jon drew near her desk.

"I came to get your okay on this," Jon said, laying his article down before her before he took a seat in front of her. "Are you okay Mrs. Conner?" he asked, a little worried. Setting the leather binder on the desk surface as he sat on those hard, uncomfortable chairs

"Yes... I'll be okay Jon, thank you for asking," Janice said, after a moment of silence. Her light blue blouse rippled as she reached down for her purse, pulling out her reading glasses case. Jon always thought she looked pretty when she wore them. She was cute without them on, but those frameless glasses she wore seemed to heighten her appeal. Scowling when her phone buzzed as her cheating husband bombarded her phone with texts.

"You sure you're okay?"

"No... but you don't want to hear about... my marriage... or lack thereof," Janice mumbled as her glasses slid along the bridge of her nose.

"It's going to be okay Mrs. Conner," Jon said, reaching across her desk. Lightly placing his hand over hers, "Whatever he's done isn't worth worrying about him. I'm sure you'll find that there are numerous men eager to take his place," he said, flashing her a warm smile.

"I only wish that was true," Janice said, sadly.

"It is," nodding his head vehemently, "you just haven't noticed the looks around school when you walk through the halls. You're a good woman you don't need to be saddled with a man who can't be true to you," Jon stated, watching how her cheeks rapidly heated.

"I don't think this conversation is appropriate Jon," Janice said, a little uneasy and nervous at what he was telling her. She couldn't believe any man or teenager would actually find her small breasts and petite body all that appealing when they can stare unabated at Mrs. Donner, the freshmen English teacher, with the E size breasts that she just shows off for the world. "So, what was your assignment about?" Janice asked, trying not to let her failing marriage show in her eyes.

"Sex," Jon said nervously, as he scratched his cheek.

"Sex?! But we have Sex Ed classes, why would Dereck put you on something we cover in school?" Janice asked, perplexed.

"Well, what sex is like with a woman, so that those who read that," pointing at the article, "won't feel nervous about it when they start having it themselves, or that's what Dereck told me anyway, when he gave me that assignment," Jon said, plainly.

"Hmm... I don't think that's a good reason to run this in the paper, but I'll give it a read," Janice muttered as she picked up his article. "Oh my god! He's actually did it! Fuck! Why am I getting aroused by it?!" she moaned in her mind as her eyes ran over the parts that he had written as he described how it felt to be with whomever this woman was. Wondering why it sounded like the woman was older than he was. Looking down feeling her thighs rubbing together, feeling how her neglected peach was wet at the sensuous words he used to describe their love making. "Jon?" Setting down the paper, "Did you really have sex with an older woman?"

"Two actually," Jon said, matter-of-factly.

"Two?! How could you talk two woman, who are older than you, into having sex with you?"

"Honestly, I have no idea!" Jon exclaimed wearing a smile.

"Was it a one-time..." Her heart hammered against her ribs as Jon shook his head. "How many times have the two of you gotten together?"

"Almost every night and day, if she isn't too busy," Jon stated.

"Every day and night?!" Janice asked, in a stammering voice. Feeling her clit throbbing wondering what that would be like, to be able to feel satisfied in ways she hasn't since she met her husband. At twenty-six, she had thought life would be a dream when they were first married, at first it was, until her husband started working late, going out with his 'friends', or going on trips without informing her first. Then there were the strange calls late at night, to how he would go into another room to answer them. The way he was always glued to his phone as he texted with someone that wasn't her. "Jon... I know what I'm about to ask is highly inappropriate and not suitable for a teacher to be asking her student this and I don't want to butt into your personal life; yet I take the safety of my students seriously. This woman, she isn't taking advantage of you, is she?"

"What?! No, nothing of the sort."

"Then please tell me what exactly have the two of you been doing other than sex?"

"Well..." Scratching his chin pondering on what to say without hinting at the fact that it was his own mother that he was having sex with. "We go on dates, just a few weeks ago we went out of town," Jon said, pointing at the article. "That was where we... you know, took our relationship further. She's taught me a lot in the little time we've been together."

"Like what?" Janice asked, curiously. Trying not to see her student as a man, a man that wrote such a touching article about a woman that touched his body in ways she had thought her own husband had once done. Nevertheless, she couldn't keep from seeing Jon that way as he sat across from her.

"Like how to taste a woman's... sex. To listen to her body when I'm between her legs so she'll get the most pleasure out of it, and to always make sure my partner came before I even thought about unloading my own," Jon said, with a coy smirk. Noting how Janice's chest blushed and crept up her neck and also how her nipples pressed against her bra.

"Can I ask a personal question Jon?" Janice asked, bashfully.

"Sure," Jon nodded.

"W-when you're with this woman, do you... do you always taste her?" Janice asked, nervously. She couldn't believe she had asked that of a student that she was in charge of. What was wrong with her? She knew that was highly inappropriate and yet the days of sleeping alone while her husband was out fucking some tramp while she longed to be made love to were weighing on her.

"Of course," Jon nodded. "It'd be rude if I didn't when she sucks on my... you know."

"And this other woman, did you...?" Her cheeks became a deep shade of red, again, she couldn't believe she had asked that.

"Of course, she loved it too," Jon said, with a smirk.

"I'm sure she did," Janice whispered low. Feeling the heat coming off her cunt as her panties absorbed her nectar. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was a good teacher, she never once made one of her students think there might be something between them; yet it's been so long since she's felt satisfied. Her horny mind was negating her common sense. She knew if this conversation ever got out it wouldn't look good to the school board. "Well... I don't see anything wrong with your article, I might think it was wrong of Dereck to ask you to write something like this; but I can understand why he thought this was wise," Janice said, pushing his article to the side. Knowing what she was going to do once Jon left and was out of earshot as she leaned back in her chair. "I have another article I want you to write Jon," she stated, wondering if he would actually do it.

"Oh?" Jon said, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes," nodding her head, "I want you to do another article just like the one you handed in but this time I want you to do it on this other woman. Say as a follow up to the one you just turned in," Janice said, waving her hand at the article.

"Okay, but why?" Jon asked, confused.

"Well, I think the students would benefit from reading how a man is supposed to take care of his partner during the act, and the way you wrote this," her hand tapped the article, "I love how you showed how this woman affects you when she's around. I wonder if this other woman will be the same or are you just out to get your fuck on and screw around on this other woman," Janice said, trying not to let her anger at her husband touch her words.

"Actually, she wants me to explore my sexuality given our age difference and that she was the one that took my..."

"You... let an older woman take your virginity?!" Janice gasped. "And that she's fine with you sleeping with other women?"

"As long as I know who's bed I belong in," Jon said, repeating his mother's words. Tilting his head when Janice whistled.

Janice just couldn't believe what she'd just heard. She couldn't believe Jon let an older woman take his virginity from him. Then again, she began to ponder...

"So... what you're saying is that the two of you have an open relationship, is that right?"

"A what?!" Jon asked, unsure what an open relationship meant.

"It means you get to see other women while dating this woman," Janice said, gesturing again to the article. "Tell me, not as your teacher, but as a woman, how did you end up with the other woman?"

"Oh, she kind of set it up," Jon said, nervously.

"She... set it up?" Janice asked, in shock. Wondering what kind of woman would let her man do something like that. Although, with the thoughts swirling in her mind... sighing in her mind knowing she couldn't act on her thoughts. No matter how much her pussy ached for a nice hard cock. She couldn't sleep with a student; she didn't want to become one of those kinds of teachers.

"Yeah, her cycle started so you know," Jon said, bashfully.

"Ah. I can see how that would put a hold on things," Janice said, flashing him a smile. "Well, I'll shoot Dereck an email telling him that you finished the assignment," she said, slyly glancing at the article. She might not be willing to cross that line, that didn't mean she couldn't touch herself thinking of what it would be like with Jon between her legs.

"Thanks," Jon said, rising from his seat. "Mrs. Conner?"

"Yes Jon," Janice said, turning her chair as he walked around her desk. Her eyebrow rose as he held out his arms to her. "Jon, I don't think that would be wise."

"Why? Because I'm a student?"

"Yes," Janice said, weakly.

"Screw that," Jon said, forcibly. Janice yelped in surprise as Jon pulled her to her feet.

Janice gasped as he hugged her. She tried not to think how good it felt to be held by a man. A man that wasn't trying to sleep with her, just a good friend trying to lift her spirits.

"I'm sorry you're going through this. Whatever he did, I hope you find someone that makes you feel happy," Jon whispered.

Janice buried her face in his chest, feeling her cheeks burning at his words. However, as she peered down she noted the bulge in his pants. Her pulse raced as she could have sworn she could see the shape of his cock. Before she knew it she felt her arms wrapping around him. Trying not to tear up again, yet she hasn't told anyone of her suspicions about her husband. Jon was the first one to guess that Ben, her husband, was a cheating bastard. She could feel her resolve weakening as she lifted her gaze upwards. "Don't do it, don't do it Janice," she told herself. Before her body could heed her minds order she felt herself rising to her tiptoes. Being five foot and three inches tall, Jon had a good seven inches on her. There as the sun shone through the windows of the classroom she did the one thing she tried never to do or hoped never to do in her career as their lips embraced one another's. Jon was the only man she's ever kissed since she's been married. Until now she's been a loyal wife, a loyal partner, but all that went out the window when she got the report from her PI. She was tired of all her assumptions, she needed proof. Which she got an hour before Jon showed up.

"Jon, I'm..."

"Don't be sorry," Jon said, with a warm smile. "I've wanted to do that for a while now. These glasses make you so pretty, you're stunning without them, but with them you're gorgeous," he stated watching how her eyes quivered as his thumb brushed lightly along her lower lip.

"We can't date you know that," Janice said, sternly. She might have slipped up, and she might need and want that hard cock of his. She knew she desperately wanted to feel his tongue on her pussy. Ben had stopped doing that the moment they were married and yet he demanded that she suck him off.

"I wouldn't want to get you in trouble Mrs..."

"Janice, Jon," she said, sweetly. "You say this woman you're seeing truly doesn't mind you sleeping with other women?"

"As long as I remember who's bed I belong in at night," Jon nodded. "She wants me to gain experience since well... you know."

"Will you give me some time?" Janice asked, her left hand gently caressed his right cheek.

"Sure," Jon nodded.

"Do you really find me attractive Jon?" Janice asked, a smile lifted the corners of her lips as he nodded. "Then give me your number, if we do this, I want to be able to call you at a moment's notice; because I've got a lot of time to make up on," she said, with a sinful smirk. "You'll help me stain a few of my sheets in my cum won't you?"

"Oh, most definitely!"

"Good answer," Janice purred before getting another kiss in. She sent whoever the woman was a thank you for teaching Jon to kiss, and for everything else she was going to partake in.

Jon couldn't believe what had just happened as he walked through the campus of the school. He had to thank his mother for giving him the boost of confidence that he's never had before they started sleeping together. He began to ponder on just what her husband had done to make her stray. Not that he was complaining. Janice had starred in quite a number of his sex fantasies. The sound of the car horn caught him unawares as he stepped off the sidewalk and onto the bus parking lot. Looking around for who it could be.

"Jon!" Arching an eyebrow as he heard his sister's voice calling to him as she waved her arm out the window.

"Sis?! What are you doing here?" Jon asked, as he walked up to his sister's car.

"I couldn't wait for you to come home, so I thought I'd come pick you up," Julie said, her cheeks heating as she looked up at her brother.

"Oh?" Jon couldn't keep his smile from showing as his sister's nipples pressed hard against the fabric of her shirt.

"Jump in," Julie said, smiling at him, nodding her head to her right. She wasted no time pulling out of the parking lot heading away from their house. A sinful smile spread across her lips as her brother looked over at her.


"Hmm?" Julie hummed as she turned left heading towards the lake that was twenty minutes away.

"Where are we going?" Jon asked, tucking the leather binder between the console and the seat.

"You'll see," Julie cooed as she reached over. Her hand lightly ran along the inside of Jon's left thigh. "You just sit back and enjoy the ride little brother," she purred as she shifted into third gear. Her hand playfully teased the knob of gear shift. "Just think of it Jon, my hand, your cock, the gentle yet firm grip of it as it slowly jacks you off," Julie said, in a salacious purr. Slyly noting the movement in his pants, her fingers skimmed along the shaft of the gear shift as she downshifted. She wondered what her brother would think when he finds out she wasn't wearing any panties. She could feel her mound rubbing along her cut off denim jeans. She knew how they made her ass look, and she so wanted her brother to stare at it as she teased him once they got to the lake.

"I could say the same to you dear sister," Jon said, in a deep sinful voice. Feeling gooseflesh racing along his sister's skin as his finger's skimmed along her smooth thigh. Smirking when Julie released a gasp then a throaty purr as he ran his fingers up along his sister's slit. Noting how her hands gripped the steering wheel trying to keep her speed down without having to shift to third and dislodge his hand.

"Fuck Jon," Julie whimpered as his finger pressed firmly on her clit. She was having trouble keeping her eyes on the road and her foot on the gas pedal as her hunger burned through her body. Breathing heavily as Jon pulled his hand away so she could focus on the road. She could feel the denim already becoming soaked in her juices. She was only able to do this because her mother's cramps were getting bad and went to bed early to sleep the pain away. As long as she made sure Jon found her bed when they got back her mother didn't care if she took Jon to the lake. In her mother's words: my man has been very good to me for this past month, I think he deserves a little fun. The back of her fingers brushed down his left cheek as they sat at a stop sign. She couldn't wait to get to the lake, she knew of a very special and very secluded spot where they could enjoy themselves without being interrupted.

"Sis? Where are you going?" Jon asked, as his sister drove past the main road that led to the lake proper.

"To this little spot I know," Julie said, with a sly grin. Reaching over, taking hold of his hand, feeling how good it felt as her cheeks held a rosy color to them. "It's a place I go to when school drama gets too much for me. Now I'll have another reason to go there," she said, gently squeezing his hand before she downshifted, coasting through the turn before engaging her clutch.

Hitting the button for the trunk once she had pulled her car to a stop in the small gravel parking spot of that hidden entrance to a cove on the eastern end of the lake. Here she never worried about boats speeding around, no other swimmers being annoying and loud, no houses lining the banks. Julie and her brother had the place all to themselves just the way she wanted it. Watching her brother's reflection in the glass of her window as she purposely bent just enough as she slid out of her seat showing how her mound was hugged by her shorts.

"I bet you've never been skinny dipping before," Julie said, with a coy smirk as she pressed the towels tightly to her chest as she passed her brother who was wearing a perplex look on his face. "Come on Jon," she teased, shaking her ass as she smiled over her shoulder. A shocked gasp escaped her lips as Jon rubbed her covered mound slow and steady. Whimpering as he pulled his fingers away, only to bite her lip, her eyes rolling in ecstasy as his hard bulge rubbed against her hot mound. Her hand rested against the trunk of the oak tree where she had dropped their towels at the base of. Peering back at her brother as she ground her ass against his cock. "Take it out Jon, and fuck me," Julie pleaded. Biting her lip as Jon squeezed and rolled her ass.

"Tell me how much you want your brother's cock," Jon commanded. Flashing his sister a smile when she rolled her eyes.

"Oh Jon, I so desperately need your cock," Julie cooed teasingly.

"Then why are you still in your shorts?" Jon asked, backing away as he lowered the zipper of his jeans. Stroking his cock as Julie slowly rolled her ass at him as she pushed down her shorts. A primal, rumbling, chesty growl emanated from his chest as he stared at his sister's red, puffy lips.

"Jon," Julie said sweetly, drawing his gaze to her face. "I need you... here," her voice shuttered as her fingers ran along her labia, "don't worry about me, I want you to cum. Fill my pussy with your cum, brother," she said, spreading her lips open, letting her brother see how eager her little hole was. Reaching back, resting her left hand on his hip as she felt the tip of his cock pressing at the entrance to her garden. Sucking in a breath as she felt her folds welcoming her brother back into the depths of her womanhood. Feeling Jon's hands running up her stomach, along the underside of her breasts, panting as Jon gently rolled her nipples while his hips hammered his cock into her. It was taking all her will not to moan aloud knowing while the cove was rarely visited that didn't mean it didn't get its share of visitors. She didn't want anyone taking this time away from them. Her grip tightened on his hip as she was reaching her peek. Squealing as Jon gave her nipples a firm but light tug causing her canal to clench.

"Shit." Julie heard her brother as his hands grabbed hold of her hips. Smiling wickedly, rolling her hips, feeling her ass brushing against his groin as she milked Jon's cock.

"Cum for me Jon," Julie panted, little yelps escaped her clenched teeth as Jon thrust hard into her. Slamming her hips back feeling his cock swelling so that hot seed could be as deep as she could get it. Her womb quivered as she felt his lifeforce striking the back of it.


Two days later...

Nora Roberts hummed as she worked around her shop. The sound of her camera flared off as she took one pose after another all to tease her son, her man, while he was in class. A sinful smile rose the corner of her lips as her eyes moved down all the photos she had taken. She definitely loved the one were her hair was held high, with her burgundy shirt hanging open showing off the matching bra underneath it. Wondering if that was enough cleavage to entice something to rise as her eyes moved along curvature of her breasts. She couldn't send any photos of her pretty little pussy; she didn't want to send him a bloody mess and ruin what she hoped would be a very hard cock at the sight of her risqué photos she had just sent her son.

"Not cool! You know how hard it is to concentrate on my class! Naughty!" Nora giggled at the text her son had sent in return.

"I've been a bad, bad mama, why don't you spank me then," Nora sent back. A rumbling purr emanated from her lips at her son's reply of: 'Oh, that's definitely going to happen when I get home.' It wasn't her fault that she's been sexually frustrated for the past two days. No matter the amount of blow jobs she gave him Saturday night when they got back from the lake, or all day Sunday, it never truly took the edge off. It was only when she was in the shower that she dared to touch herself without leaving a mess behind, and she couldn't close up her shop just to get her jollies off. "One more day," Nora muttered aloud, she felt her cunt throbbing at the thought of her son back between her legs. Tasting her sweet peach to his heart's content. Again, was it her fault she enjoyed having sex with her son, her lover? She didn't think so and yet she wondered if she would ever let her son go. Nora was torn on that matter, one: as a mother she wanted Jon to be as successful as he could be in whatever he chooses to be once he was out of high school. Two: as his woman she didn't want Jon to move away from her, she wanted to snuggle up to him every night, to hold him in her arms. Make passionate love to him every day and night, to feel his cum filling her womb to the brim like it had always done for the past two months.

Looking down her body, knowing that once her friend had left for the month, then a week after she would be at the peak of her ovulation. Her hands ran along her belly wondering what it would be like to carry her own son's child. Leaning back against the counter where her 1909 National cash register sat atop it, tilting her head back staring up at the floor above her. Pondering on what it would be like to hear the sounds of little feet running across the floor of her home. Picturing the smile on Jon's face as he chased after their child. Shaking the thought from her mind, she couldn't do that to her son, no matter how nice that dream was, Jon was still a growing boy, she couldn't willingly tie him down to one spot because she wanted to be pregnant with their love child. Yet she also knew she wasn't getting any younger, and if it didn't happen soon she knew it never would. However, the thought of missing out on raising another child brought a tear to her eye. So far they have been extremely lucky that her vaginal sponge had caught all of his little swimmers. Wondering if she should just stop using it and let nature take its course. Turning her head when the front door opened, and the little brass bell jingled overhead.

"Good morning feel free to look around, if you need anything I'd be happy to help," Nora stated smiling warmly at the early forties woman as she walked through the door. Her chestnut hair swayed as it brushed along her crisp, grey power suit. Her skirt was snug to her hips as she wandered her store. Nora didn't mean to look, yet she saw no panty lines. Smirking inwardly knowing that some man was going to be very happy wherever she was going after this.

"Thank you, I will," the woman said with a nod as the front door closed behind her.

Nora stood behind the counter, watching how that woman moved around her shop. Taking her time to study every piece she had for sale, her bigger items were stored in three different storage units a few miles from her place of business, however, to view those items personally one had to make an appointment so she could close her shop and hopefully sell a few of those items. Her regular costumers kept her lights on, while the walk-ins put a little extra in her son's pocket. Biting the inside of her cheek as the woman picked up a very expensive Tiffany lamp. Sighing in her mind when she set it back down as gently as she could.

"Is there something in particular that you're looking for?" Nora asked, after watching the woman for five long minutes.

"Sort of," the woman responded as she studied the Chippendale small round table.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Nora watched how the woman sauntered over to the counter; she knew from the way the woman walked that she was used to being in charge.

"I just been transferred here and am in desperate need to redecorate my office and the home the company I work for bought for me," the woman said, stepping up to the counter.

"Okay," reaching below the counter pulling out a notepad, "if you write down everything you want I'll see what I have in inventory," Nora said, placing a pen on top of the pad.

"Do you have any more of those Tiffany lamps?" the woman asked, as her hand moved quickly along the pad.

"Of course, although I only have three more in that style," Nora said, nodding to the lamp she had been looking at.

"But they are Tiffany lamps, yes?" the woman asked, inquisitively.

"That they are," Nora nodded, spinning her monitor around so the woman could view it. "These are the Tiffany lamps I have," she stated handing over the mouse so the woman could browse through her assortment of Tiffany lamps. Pulling out the three ring binder that had all the hard copies of her inventory. It was a backup should her computer go down. Taking the pad, her eyes glanced up as the woman eyed the screen very intently. Her finger ran down the list while her other hand open opened up the binder. She didn't need to see the tabs. She herself was the one that cataloged everything, so she knew which tabs held what. Whistling to herself inside her head at the amount when she added up everything she had that the woman wanted. There were a few items that she didn't have yet knew of someone that did. She hated giving out her competitions phone number, nonetheless, if she could get the woman to buy from her maybe she'd become a regular especially with the amount that stared up at her as the results of her tally on her calculator screen. Which came to a total of thirty-five thousand and eight hundred dollars. "Mrs?!"

"Its Ms. Hicks. Call me Maya," she said, holding out her hand to Nora.

"Well Maya," smiling warmly at the woman, "I have everything except these four items," Nora said, pointing at the four names on her list.

"Oh?! Do you really?!" Maya asked, excitedly. She'd been all around the city and only one store had four of the items she wanted, yet she loathed to deal with the man. One: he smelled horribly. Two: she didn't care for the attitude he had when she walked into his store. This was the last place she could go to and hope they had all the items she wanted. She had money to spend thanks to her new promotion, and she wanted to have her new home and office like she'd always dreamt of.

"Oh yes," Nora nodded firmly. Reaching over taking one of her business cards from the holder. Writing her personal phone number on the back of it. "Please give me a call, so we can set something up for you to peruse the more larger items I keep in storage," she said, handing Maya the card. "The smaller items are..."

"I know!" Nora noticed the warm light in the woman's green eyes as she nearly bounced on her feet. "I just didn't want to come out all giddy," Maya stated bashfully.

"Well, now that I know what you want, why don't we get those smaller items for you and set up an appointment later this week?" Nora inquired, knowing just those small items alone were going to be eleven grand. After an hour and a half, Nora helped pack the back of Maya's car with everything she had bought.

"Are you sure you don't have those four items? I really don't want to have to deal with that man," Maya sighed as she carefully closed her trunk lid.

"Oh? You already know Robert, huh?"

"Unfortunately," Maya groaned.

"I might be able to swing a trade with him, but that would make the prices for the items a tad more expensive depending on what I have to trade Robert for."

"I see. Please do, I'll pay double if I don't have to walk back into that shop of his."

"I'll see what I can do," Nora nodded, looking down as Maya handed her card to her.

"Please call me the moment you hear something, okay?!" Maya said warmly, her hand cupping Nora's as they stood less than a foot between them.

"I will," Nora replied flashing Maya a smile. All the while she was dancing in her head at the eleven grand that was currently sitting in her bank account.

"By any chance..." Nora stopped in her tracks as she turned to look back at Maya, "do you happen to offer like I don't know, something like a membership or something like that?"

"I do have a website, and I do offer a discount to regular customers. The web address is on my card. It has all my inventory on it," Nora stated matter-of-factly.

"I just might clean you out then," Maya chuckled waving goodbye to Nora before climbing into her car.

"If you do, then I better be seeing two million dollars," Nora said, to no one as she waved to Maya as she pulled out of her parking lot. Turning on her heel, humming happily as she walked back into her shop, thinking how good today was, yet as with all good things. Shit has a way of pouring down when your happy as it did at that moment a few hours later.

Nora groaned inwardly as Marinda stepped into her shop. She tried to get the image of her former close friend standing in her bathrobe in her front door kissing her soon-to-be ex-husband out of her head, but that was impossible. She kept her distain from her face as Marinda sauntered along the floor. Nora had hoped Marinda was wallowing in her house knowing that she had destroyed their friendship, yet it appeared to her that Marinda was holding up quite well and she hated that!

"I know we haven't spoken in a month Nora," Marinda said, breaking the silence as she walked around her friends shop. It was her hope that she could mend their friendship. She knew she should have said something to Nora the first time Patrick had joined her and her husband. However, she always had a crush on the man, so when Patrick didn't hesitate to line her bed she didn't look to deeply into his words. Maybe should have, yet she was in lust, she finally got to have Patrick. Finally got to feel him deep inside of her, yet at what cost to her?

"So, you just thought to come to my place of business?" Nora asked, keeping her tone neutral as much as she could.

"It was the only way you'd talk to me," Marinda said, peering over the antiques.

"As you can see I am working," Nora said, gesturing to the paperwork before her.

"I know, maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Marinda said, sadly.

"Which part Marinda, you fucking my husband," she watched Marinda flinch at that, "me catching the two of you in your front door, or is it this very moment that you're referring to?"

"Okay, I fucked up! I let my pussy do the thinking for me when it comes to Patrick. You know this Nora," Marinda said, in a pleading voice. "You know how much I've had a crush on him since the day I met him, it's the same with Bod for you. Why else was I okay with having a threesome with you. I don't do that for just anyone Nora. Mine and Bob's life style might not be what you would think is proper, yet it works for us."

"Why are you here Marinda?" Nora asked, although it did give her a chance to implement her plan. She had wanted to wait and think it all out, however, Marinda showing up threw her a curve ball.

"I thought maybe... we can work this out between us. I know I should have told you the moment Pat agreed to join me and Bob, yet I let my lust cloud my judgment. I mean its not every day one gets to fuck the man she has a crush on," Marinda said bashfully, as she brushed her hair behind her ear. "But it doesn't excuse what I've done Nora. I'm just stating facts as they are."

"Then tell me," keeping her anger from her words, "how exactly were you planning on making up for the most enormous mistake of your life?" Nora asked, her mind racing as to how to get Marinda into her son's bed.

"Honestly, I don't know, but I'll do anything Nora, to show you how sorry I am. You're the first friend I made here when we first moved here. Please..." Moving quickly towards the counter, taking Nora's hands into hers, "you have to let me try to make it right between us," Marinda pleaded.

"Anything?" Nora asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes, anything," Marinda nodded vehemently.

Nora couldn't keep her wicked smirk from showing, she couldn't believe Marinda had willingly walked into that. Now that she had Marinda snared she wasn't about to let go until the killing blow, figuratively speaking of course.

"Tomorrow night, eight o'clock, be here, or don't darken my doorstep ever again, do we have an understanding?"