I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 07 c

Kate leaned her head up and looked into my eyes with a smile from ear to ear. She reached out and took my hands into hers and squeezed.

"Justin, you may fuck your slave," Kate said as she slid her hands from my hands to my cock.

My cock twitched as she gently picked Mrs. Graph's head up. I moved forward on my knees as Kate guided my cock to my Slave's mouth.

Mrs. Graph opened her mouth and I felt her lips as they gently wrapped around the head of my cock. I looked out into the club and saw people fucking everywhere. There were however people lined all the way around the stage watching.

"Suck your Master's cock," Kate said as she slid her hand around my ass and gently guided me closer.

Mrs. Graph opened her mouth as Kate tilted her head back slightly while my cock slid in even farther.

"Do you like sucking your Master's cock?" Kate asked as she began to gently rock Mrs. Graph's head up and down.

The feeling in my nuts was incredible as I was already close to blowing my wad. I could feel my teacher's lips as they gripped at my cock with each and every movement of her head.

"Now suck your Master's cock," Kate said as she let Mrs. Graph's head go.

Amazingly Mrs. Graph didn't miss a beat as she continued to look up into my eyes while she now so willingly sucked on my member. Kate walked around the altar and behind me as I began to gently thrust my hips to meet each and every movement of Mrs. Graph.

I closed my eyes for a moment and remembered about the video I was making. When I opened my eyes I realized that Mrs. Graph was moving slightly while she ever so lovingly satisfied my need.

Looking over my shoulder I saw the reason why my Slave was moving beneath me. Kate stood there with her arms wrapped around my teacher's legs and was fucking her with a strap on dildo. "Uggghhhhh," Mrs. Graph moaned as she was being serviced by Kate while she was servicing me.

"Does it feel good to have me fuck your pussy?" Kate asked Mrs. Graph while she began to fuck her even harder.

"Yessssss," Mrs. Graph gurgled as my cock remained inside of her mouth.

"Show your Master how you cum," Kate said as she began to really power fuck my teacher.

"Suddenly my cock slipped out of Mrs. Graph's mouth.

"Oh God I'm cumminggggggg," Mrs. Graph cried out as her body began to quiver and quake under me.

I reached down and cupped her breasts and pinched her nipple without the stud. while my cock bean to rub against her face. Mrs. Graph tried to suck my cock back into my mouth but she couldn't because of her violent orgasm.

"Suck your Master's cock I said," Kate hollered while she continued to fuck Mrs. Graph.

Mrs. Graph's orgasm began to subside and Kate withdrew her strap on dildo. She quickly took the device off and walked up to Mrs. Graph's head.

"I said suck your Master's cock," Kate screamed as she grabbed Mrs. Graph by the hair and pulled her head up.

My teacher opened her mouth and immediately began pleasuring me. Her head began to bob up and down and her tongue began to flutter under the head of my cock.

"That's it Justin, fuck her mouth," Kate hissed as she reached out and pulled softly on Mrs. Graph's freshly pierced nipple.

"Oh God I'm gonna cum," I said as every nerve in my body was on fire.

I felt the electricity racing up and down my spine from my toes to my nose as my nuts began to tingle. I was afraid I was going to pass out just as Kate pulled Mrs. Graph's mouth off of my cock.

Looking down I watched as Kate cradled Mrs. Graph's head and held it still as she tilted her head back slightly.

"Open your mouth," Kate hissed as she reached out with her free hand and wrapped her fingers around my cock.

Kate began to pump my cock rapidly as she looked up into my eyes. Her hand felt incredible as she continued to stroke my manhood. I watched in amazement as I was about to give my Slave a facial.

"Are you ready to swallow your Master's cum?" Kate asked Mrs. Graph.

"Yes," my teacher hissed.

That was all the encouragement I needed as I felt my nuts begin to contract.

"Ugggghhhhhh," I grunted as I felt the first spasm propel cum up my shaft.

I watched my first spurt squirt out and shoot over my teacher's mouth and nose and land on her forehead. The trail of cum dripped down over her eye and cheek before a second spasm pumped another huge gob of cum up my shaft.

Kate tilted Mrs. Graph's head up slightly causing my cum to squirt on her upper lip and drip off of her teeth into her mouth. Spasm after spasm of cum shot out and covered my teacher's face before Kate pushed Mrs. Graph's head up farther until my cock was partially in her mouth.

Finally I was finished cumming and I relaxed as my still erect cock rested between Mrs. Graph's breasts. Looking at her cum covered face I couldn't believe that I came so much. Kate removed her hand from my twitching cock and slowly bent down until her mouth pressed against Mrs. Graph's

Immediately their mouth's came apart while their tongues continued to intertwine in mid air. The sight of these two lovely ladies sharing my cum caused me cock to grow even harder. They shared a couple of kisses before Kate stood up.

"Are you ready to taste you Slave? Kate asked me with a lustful look in her eyes.

"Yeah," I said as I lifted my leg over my teacher and hopped down off of the altar.

Kate led me to the end of the table and positioned me between her legs. As I knelt down Kate knelt with me. I could smell the scent of raw sex as Mrs. Graph's pussy maintained the shape of a tunnel from when Kate fucked her with the dildo. What surprised me though was that the pearl necklace that was once around Kate's neck was now inside of Mrs. Graph's pussy.

"Doesn't she have a beautiful pussy Justin?" Kate said as I felt her place her hand on the back of my head and guide my face closer.

"Go ahead Justin, taste your new Slave," Kate said as I lightly kissed Mrs. Graph's dripping cunt.

I began to slide my tongue up and down the entire length of my teacher's slit causing her to gently rock her hips.

"Oh God Justin," Mrs. Graph moaned as I began to slither my tongue in even farther.

The salty taste of her cunt had an intoxicating effect on me. It was like I was becoming possessed. The only thing I wanted to do right now was to fuck my high school teacher. The crowd began to cheer me on as they watched Kate slowly lower head along side mine.

"May I eat her pussy with you?" Kate asked as she turned my head and kissed me hard on the mouth.

"Yes you can," I said softly as we both turned our faces toward Mrs. Graph's forced open pussy.

"Oh Godddd," Mrs. Graph screamed as she felt both of our tongues begin to caress her swollen pussy.

I couldn't even begin to explain the incredible rush I got when my tongue touched Kate's tongue. Mrs. Graph began to buck her hips as Kate and I continued to devour her juicy cunt. The feeling of the pearl necklace on our tongues while we lapped at Mrs. Graph's cunt was incredible. Kate and I both began to moan as we anticipated Mrs. Graph's orgasm as my teacher really began to thrust her hips.

I could see Kate's fingers as they wrapped around the completely stretched garter while she continued to lap at my teacher's cunt. I lowered my head enough to allow Kate better access. I began to tongue Mrs. Graph's depth's while Kate began to flutter her tongue over her clit.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Mrs. Graph screamed out as her pussy began to grip at our tongues.

I could feel her cunt muscles gripping at my tongue as her juices began to run out of her gaping pussy. Her hips bucked up and down as her breathing turned into a heavy pant. Just then I bit the pearl necklace between my teeth and began to pop them out one at a time.

"Oh my Goddddddddd," Mrs. Graph screamed as the bass in the music sent her into another realm.

The flashing spotlights and the crowd added to the excitement that caused my new slave to cum even harder. I continued to pull the pearl necklace out until it fell completely out of her cunt. As hard as Mrs. Graph bucked her hips, Kate and I still managed to hang on with our mouth's plastered to her cunt.

We could feel her juices as they trickled out of her cunt and across our faces. I never knew a woman could cum so much or so hard as Mrs. Graph. Her juices literally poured right out of her.

Kate and I pulled our faces away from Mrs. Graph's gaping cunt as her orgasm subsided. Kate looked at me and kissed me full on the mouth. Our tongues caressed each other's cum coated tongues as we knelt there before Mrs. Graph's pussy.

Kate looked into my eyes and slowly guided me to my feet. She turned me toward Mrs. Graph's wide open legs and positioned my throbbing cock at the entrance of her wide open pussy.

"Do you want to fuck your Slave's pussy Justin?" Kate asked as she slid her hands up and down one of Mrs. Graph's legs.

Kate looked into my eyes as she leaned her face against my teacher's stocking clad leg. Kate slowly began to lick Mrs. Graph's leg as she stared deeply into my eyes.

"Yes," I said softly.

"Yes what?" Kate asked as she again ran her tongue from the base of my teachers leg up and over her stocking to the back of her knee.

"Yes I want to fuck my slave," I said as Kate reached down and pulled my cock forward until it rested in the cleft of Mrs. Graph's cunt.

"Do you want your Master to fuck you?" Kate asked Mrs. Graph as she reached out and pulled lightly on the barbell, causing her to arch her back in ecstasy.

"God yes, fuck me Justin," Kate cried out as her heavy breathing caused her breasts to heave up and down.

"Look at that Justin, you need to punish her already as she didn't call you Master," Kate said with an evil grin on her face.

"Oh God, I'm sorry Master," Mrs. Graph moaned out as Kate ran her finger nails through her bush.

"Please fuck me Master," Mrs. Graph cried out.

"Punish her," Kate said sternly as she reached down under the altar and picked up a whip.

"Punish her hard Justin so she never fails to address you correctly ever again," Kate said as she handed me the whip.

I stepped back, causing my twitching cock to slide off of my teacher's cunt. I stepped back and looked at how long the whip was. I stood there for a moment and looked into Mrs. Graph's eyes. I could see the terror and the uncertainty in her eyes as she had no idea how hard I was about to punish her.

"Do it," Kate moaned as I watched her pull on her own barbells.

I pulled my arm back until the whip was over my shoulder. Looking out into the club I saw all kinds of members standing around and watching with eager anticipation. The lights continued to whirl around and Mrs. Graph began to beg me not to punish her.

"Please Master don't," Mrs. Graph begged.

I decided that I needed to get this done and over with so with one quick swing the leather strap crashed down upon Mrs. Graph's naked ass.

"Oh God noooooo," she pleaded as I looked at the red mark I left on her ass.

"Again," Kate hissed as she was now pulling on her barbell with one hand while her finger was rubbing her pussy with her other hand.

I swung the leather whip before my teacher could protest again. 'SMACK', 'SMACK', 'SMACK', 'SMACK'. I felt terrible but I knew this was how she would learn from her failure.

"Oh God Master stop," Mrs. Graph cried out as I noticed tears streaming out of her eyes.

Looking at her ass I could see slight welts across her cheeks from the five lashings I just gave her. Her sobbing stopped as she continued to look down at us.

"Now," Kate said as she began to walk up toward Mrs. Graph's head.

"Do you want Justin to fuck you," Kate hissed as she looked down directly over Mrs. Graph's face.

"Yes Master, fuck me," she hissed as Kate stood up and walked back toward me.

"Fuck your whore," Kate moaned at me as she now stood next to me.

Kate reached down and held my cock as she guided me in closer. The feeling of Kate's fingers around my cock sent chills down my spine. Kate pressed the head of my cock against Mrs. Graph's labia until her lips parted and my cock began to slide in.

"Fuck her good," Kate moaned as she positioned herself to watch.

"Oh holy fuck," Mrs. Graph moaned as her head began to thrash back and forth.

I held her thigh's as her legs rested against my chest. I began to increase my tempo as her slippery cunt offered no resistance.

"Oh God Master," my slave screamed out as I continued to plow my cock in and out of her slippery cunt.

"Harder," Kate moaned as she stood there teasing her own nipples while she watched me fuck my new slave.

I held my teacher's legs as I began to hump her even harder. I could feel my cock bottoming out with each and every down stroke.

"Tell him how you want him to fuck you," Kate said softly to Mrs. Graph.

"Fuck me harder," Mrs. Graph screamed out as her head thrashed about and her body began to tremble.

I began to thrust my hips as fast as I could. I could feel my nuts beginning to tingle along with every nerve in my body. Suddenly Mrs. Graph began to gasp for air. It was almost like she was choking as her body began to convulse on the altar.

"Oh Master I'm cumminggggggggg," my teacher screamed out as her body now shook uncontrollably.

Her breasts were heaving up and down from her heavy breathing as I reached out and flicked my finger across her nipple piercing. As my finger flicked her barbell she seemed to cum even harder.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," Mrs. Graph cried over and over as her body continued to tremble.

I could feel her pussy getting even slipperier as her juices ran out of her cunt and down my balls. A light sheen of sweat covered both of us as everyone in the club watched.

"Oh Masterrrrrrr," Mrs. Graph cried out as her eyes opened and focused on my eyes.

Mrs. Graph's trembling subsided as Kate reached down and pulled my cock from her dripping cunt. Bending down, Kate wrapped her lips around my cock and completely licked Mrs. Graph's juices from me.

She stood up and lightly caressed the red welts on my teachers ass with her soft fingertips.

"Was that good?" Kate asked me while she continued to caress Mrs. Graph's ass.

"God yes," I said as my trembling cock continued to drip pre cum onto the floor.

"Do you want to fuck your slave in the ass?" Kate asked as she grinned at me.

"Oh please no," Mrs. Graph hissed as she wiggled in an attempt to free herself.

"I wasn't talking to you," Kate hissed as she looked into Mrs. Graph's eyes.

"Oh God noooooo," Mrs. Graph cried out as she struggled to free herself.

Kate looked into my eyes again. She leaned into me and kissed me full on the mouth. Our tongues met and began to dance together outside of our mouth's. I could hear Mrs. Graph struggling to free herself as the chains that were suspending her arms and legs began to shake.

"So, do you want to fuck that cute little ass hole of hers," Kate said as she reached down and lightly circled Mrs. Graph's anus with her finger tip.

"Ohhhhhhh," Mrs. Graph moaned out, as I could see her sphincter tighten.

"Yes, I want to fuck my slave in the ass," I said softly as I gazed into Kate's eyes.

Kate smiled as she reached up overhead and grabbed the switch box that controlled the chains and shackles around Mrs. Graph's ankles. She pushed a button and suddenly Mrs. Graph's legs were pulled up even higher. Kate pressed the button again, stopping my teacher from being forced up any farther. Looking down I could see her ass was now completely off the top of the altar.

Kate reached down and took my member in her hand and again guided me closer to my slave's ass. My cock now pressed against Mrs. Graph's tightly closed ass hole.

"Look at that, its the perfect level," Kate said as she released my cock from her hand.

Looking out into the club I couldn't believe how many witnesses there were to this event. Kate walked around the altar and leaned down over Mrs. Graph's face.

I saw Kate whisper something into Mrs. Graph's ear before she stood back up. Kate walked back around and stood along side of me.

"Please fuck my tight little ass hole Master," Mrs. Graph moaned loudly.

I leaned forward a bit and pressed the tip of my cock against my teacher's back door.

"OOOOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh," Mrs. Graph cried out as I felt her sphincter give way.

Her ass hole gripped my cock so tightly I thought she was going to break my erection. I pushed gently until I felt my cock begin to slide in. I continued to slide in slowly until I felt her ass cheeks against my groin.

I slowly began to thrust my hips back and forth as I gently fucked Mrs. Graph's ass. Her bung hole was so incredibly tight as I stroked my cock from balls to tip in her ass.

Kate bent down and stood up quickly. She had the dildo from the strap on apparatus in her hand and she began to rub the head up and down Mrs. Graph's wet slit.

"Oh My Godddddddd," Mrs. Graph cried out as Kate began to work the head of the dildo in and out of her cunt.

I increased my tempo and felt my nuts begin to tingle. I knew I was going to cum soon and I wanted to last long enough to make the porno video as good as possible.

Mrs. Graph arched her back as far as she could as her body began to quiver. Her nipples were rock solid and her breathing was now a pant.

"Oh Jesus Christ Master, I'm cumminggggggg," Mrs. Graph hissed as her body shook uncontrollably.

Kate began to work the dildo in and out of Mrs. Graph's cunt while her body continued to spasm. I watched in amazement as Kate worked the artificial cock in and out in unison with my impaling member.

"Owwwwwowwwwowww," Mrs. Graph cried out as her cum began to just pour out of her cunt.

Kate worked the dildo in and out even faster as I increased my own tempo. The squishing sounds of the dildo and my teacher's juicy cunt heightened my own pleasure and I was now on the verge of cumming.

"Oh Master, I... can't... stop... cumminggggggggg," Mrs. Graph moaned as her body trembled like never before.

"Oh god, I'm gonna cum," I moaned out as I started to grunt.

Just as Kate pulled the dildo out of Mrs. Graph's cunt I began to cum.

"Ugggghhhhh," I grunted as I felt the first spasm of cum race up my shaft and squirt deep inside of Mrs. Graph's ass.

I pulled out as Kate motioned for me to place my quivering cock in the cleft of Mrs. Graph's pussy. As I laid my spasming member in her slit I continued to squirt cum onto Mrs. Graph. I let out a grunt and a hard thrust causing an arc of cum to shoot high into the air and land on her breasts. I continued to grunt and thrust over and over until I was finished cumming. When I looked down at my slave I couldn't believe how much cum covered her naked body.

Kate and I just stood there for a moment as we gazed down upon my new slave. My married high school teacher was now my own piece of personal property to use any way I wish. No longer was she bound to her husband rather she needed to ask me permission to do anything. The thought of her refusing her husband any kind of sexual favors excited me to no end.

"Here, let her down," Kate said as she reached up and held the switch box for me. I pressed the button and ever so slowly Mrs. Graph's legs began to lower.

Kate walked to the other end of the altar and pressed the other switch box to lower Mrs. Graph's arms. Finally after a few moments Mrs. Graph laid flat on her back on top of the altar. Kate quickly unlocked the steel shackles that were locked into place around Mrs. Graph's ankles and wrists.

Kate reached down and tossed a towel onto Mrs. Graph's cum covered breasts. With weak and trembling arms she managed to grab the towel and begin to wipe herself off. I helped her by brushing away the last remnants of wax that remained stuck to her body.

I noticed that the black curtain surrounded the stage as I helped my slave off of the altar. When she stood up she fell right into my arms.

"My legs are so weak," Mrs. Graph said as her breasts pressed into my chest.

Kate held Mrs. Graph's dress up and pulled it over her head. Mrs. Graph leaned in and hugged me as she kissed me softly on the lips.

"We need to talk soon," Mrs. Graph said as she stepped back from me.

"Tomorrow," I said as she turned and walked toward the edge of the stage as she adjusted her dress.

"Get your stuff and head up to my office," Kate said as she hurried to pick up her dress and thong. I ran behind the two way mirrors and picked up my underwear and tried to step into them as Kate watched.

"Don't put them on yet, just get up to my office," Kate said as she reached down and picked up Mrs. Graph's thong and tossed it to me.

I had all of my clothes in my hands as I followed Kate across the stage and through the big black curtain. The bus boys were busy taking the main event props down as we walked down the three stairs. Suddenly there was a loud round of applause as nearly everyone stood up and clapped. I followed Kate as she began to climb the spiral stairs leading to her office. As I looked up I could see her pussy lips as they hung down between her legs. This sight alone caused my cock to stiffen as I made it to the top of the stairs.

Kate pushed the door open and dropped her dress and panties onto the floor.

"Shut the door," Kate hissed as she laid her arms on her desk and swung them around, clearing everything off of her desk including the telephone.

Suddenly Kate turned toward me and sat back on her desk and scooted back enough for her ass to be on the edge of the desk.

"Just shut up and come fuck me Justin," Kate said as she laid back on her elbows, spread her legs open wide, and raised them up.

I quickly ran to her as she looked so incredibly sexy laying there with her legs spread like that. Her cunt was gaping and swollen as I pressed the head of my cock into her soft velvet like tunnel.

"Oh God, I wanted this all night," Kate cried out as I leaned forward and placed my hands on the desk top.

Kate immediately wrapped her arms around me and laid her legs over my shoulders. She squeezed me tightly as she slid her tongue into my mouth.

"Fuck me hard," Kate moaned as she tilted her head back.

I lowered my mouth to her neck and began to kiss and bite her. I slithered my tongue toward her ear as I continued to bang her on her desk.

"Oh God Justin, were gonna be rich," Kate moaned as she began to buck at my probing cock.

"Oh God," Kate screamed out in a high pitched voice as she began to shake under me.

She lowered her legs and wrapped them around my waist as I could feel her heels digging into my lower back. Kate began to pant as she began to quiver and tremble in my arms. I lowered my head and wrapped my lips around her nipple and barbell and sucked hard.

"Oh fuck," Kate cried out as the desk began to rock and slide away from the wall.

"Oh Jesus Christ Justin," Kate hissed as she began to finally stop cumming.

Kate pushed me off of her. She lowered her legs and pointed to her chair.

"Sit," Kate said as she slid off of her desk and bent down to pick up her pack of cigarettes and ashtray.

She looked around and found her lighter as she bent down in front of me, completely exposing her tight pink ass hole to me. She picked up her lighter and put a cigarette in her mouth and lit it. With her cigarette still between her lips Kate walked over to me and swung her leg over my lap.

Slowly, Kate lowered herself as she reached down and guided my cock into her tight hole.

"Mmmmmmm," Kate moaned as she sank completely down on my cock.

Kate sat on my lap and took a puff of her cigarette while she began to slowly ride up and down my cock. As she looked into my eyes she lowered her mouth to mine and kissed me. As she kissed me she exhaled her smoke into my mouth and lungs.

She leaned back and continued to ride up and down. She took another puff of her cigarette before setting it in the ashtray.

Kate reached behind her and held on to the edge of the desk as she continued to ride up and down my cock. Her breasts were heaving as she pulled my head down to her nipple.

I sucked her nipple and barbell into my mouth and chewed lightly on her flesh and the metal stud. A soft moan escaped her lips as her nipple swelled in my mouth while she continued to ride my pole.

"Oh God Justin make me cum," Kate moaned as she began to push herself up and down even faster.

"Oh Godddddddddd," Kate cried out as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into her tightly as she began to climax.

I held onto her trembling body as she shook in my arms. Her constant riding up and down sent chills down my spine as I felt my nuts begin to tingle one more time. I moaned softly and I think Kate knew I was about to cum.

"Cum with me baby," Kate whispered in my ear as she slid her tongue into my ear canal.

"Cum in me, I need to feel you cumming inside me," Kate moaned as she began to chew on my ear.

"Oh God here I cum," I moaned as I began to grunt.

My balls actually began to ache as I felt my nuts begin to contract. Suddenly I felt my balls begin to pump my cum up my shaft and into Kate's wonderfully tight pussy.

"Oh yeah," Kate said as we both held onto each other and trembled.

I could feel her pussy become slipperier from my cum as our orgasm's began to subside. Slowly Kate stopped moving and she just sat on my lap.

"God your so wonderful," Kate said as she kissed me softly.

I could feel my spent cock deflating rapidly as it was still inside of Kate. She reached back and took a puff of her cigarette before placing it back in the ashtray.

Kate slowly stood up and repositioned herself as she swung one leg over and sat back down on my lap. She wrapped an arm around my neck and leaned her head down on my chest. We just sat there for a few minutes and held each other.

Finally, Kate lifted her head and looked into my eyes as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I'll work on our tape in the morning," Kate said as she leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips.

I nodded as Kate slowly slid off of my lap.

"Go home and get some rest," Kate said as she picked up her tiny denim shorts and pulled them up her sexy legs.

I stood up and dressed as I watched Kate pull her half shirt over her head and then over her breasts. She walked up to me and kissed me softly again.

"Good night Justin," Kate said as she opened the door leading into the diner.

I walked out the door and through the diner before making my way to my van. The alley was dark and quiet as I made my way to my van. I was so incredibly tired from what just happened. As I drove home I began thinking about Trista. I began to think about the fifty thousand dollars I was about to make and how I wanted to rescue her from her dad.

As I pulled into my driveway I parked my van and staggered into the house. I made my way to my bed and kicked off my shoes before falling face first on the mattress. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.