I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 08


As I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock I realized that I needed to get up to go see Trista. I was still so incredibly tired from what just happened at Club Cuffs. I didn't want to get up yet but I didn't want to disappoint Trista either.

I slowly pulled myself up and out of bed and made my way toward the bathroom. I just remembered that it was Saturday and I didn't want to have another run in with my mother so I left my underwear on. I cracked my door open and checked to make sure that nobody was around. The coast was clear so I quickly darted across the hallway to the bath room.

As I finished undressing I noticed the slight bite mark on my neck. I rubbed the slightly discolored flesh with my fingers as I remembered when Kate bit me while she sat on my lap in her office. I turned around and adjusted the water before stepping into the shower. I began replaying last night's main event in my mind as I lathered up.

I rinsed off and shut the water off before I began to dry myself. For the first time in my life I wasn't even horny even as I thought about the commitment ceremony that I went through last night. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth before wrapping a towel around my waist.

Again I was cautious as I cracked the bath room door open and checked both ways. I went back to my room and dressed. I sat down on the edge of the bed for a moment trying to muster up the energy to go see Trista.

Looking over at my computer I decided to check my e mail. I logged on to the Internet and called up the web site that housed my e mail. I clicked on the inbox and saw that I had a message from Brad's mother. I clicked on it and began to read.

"Dear Justin. You cannot come over today because my husband and Brad will both be here. I swear to god that I have some money for you but you will have to wait. I don't want any more trouble so I will do as you say. But 'Master' I will not call you. Monday my husband will go to work and Brad will be gone so come over any time after ten." Signed, Stephani.

"That's what you think," I said to myself as I clicked on the reply icon.

"Dear Slave Stephani, Hello. You are in no position to barter for anything. I will tell you now like I told you yesterday and the day before. I am coming over and you will hand me the money. You also will insert the silver bullet into that ever so lovely cunt of yours. Just in case you think I'm bluffing I will bring a picture of you with your lover's cock in your mouth. If you fail me in any way I will plant that picture in your house so that your husband or maybe even your son finds it. What do you think they would say about you Steph? To your husband his perfect little world would be shattered. To your son you would be nothing more than a two dollar whore. The choice is yours Stephani. See you later!"

I clicked on the send button and sent the message. Next I clicked on the compose icon and brought up a blank screen. I typed Mrs. Graph's e mail address and began typing.

"Dear Slave Elizabeth, Hello. I cannot describe the tremendous joy and euphoria that I am feeling. I am so proud of you for undertaking the huge responsibility of being my slave. Meet me tonight at the Sea Side Diner. If you arrive first request a table for two. Meet me at six thirty." Signed, Your Master.

I sent the message and logged off. I quickly put my shoes on and ran down to the kitchen where my mom and dad were sitting and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning," my dad said as my mother flipped the top of her newspaper down to look at me.

"Morning," I said as I poured myself a half cup of coffee.

"Where are you off to this morning," my mom asked as she scanned me from head to toe.

"Down to the coffee shop to see Trista," I said as I yawned.

"Did you have any problems with the van last night?" my dad asked as he winked at me.

"Nah, it ran great," I said as I slugged the rest of the cup of coffee.

"Be careful," my mom said as she flipped her newspaper back up and began to read.

"Don't worry, I will be," I said as the screen door slammed behind me as I walked into the garage.

I started my van and drove over to the coffee shop. I couldn't believe how much faster it was to drive than it was to ride that stupid bike. I parked and shut my engine off before getting out of my van. I stretched for a moment, noticing how nice of a day it was today. I walked up the entrance and pulled the door open.

Immediately I saw Trista as she was bouncing around from table to table. She saw me and waved to me as I walked toward her. I could see the smile on her face and the look of excitement in her eye as I approached.

"Hi baby," Trista said as she reached out and hugged me with one arm while she held a coffee pot in the other.

"Hi," I said as I let her go and sat down into an open booth right next to me.

"Trista sat down as it wasn't overly busy this morning. She flipped my coffee cup over and filled it. She poured some cream into my coffee and stirred it before sliding the cup in front of me.

"I hope you weren't too bored last night?" Trista asked as she looked a little concerned.

"God, last night was amazing," I said as I winked at her as I thought about how we dry humped in the wine cellar.

"Oh Justin," Trista said as she looked down and slipped her hands over mine.

Trista and I just stared into each other's eyes. I was falling so helplessly in love with her and I was so afraid that she would leave me if she ever found out about Club Cuffs. I wanted to tell her but I didn't know how. A shadow appeared at our sides and Trista and I both looked up.

"Hi guys," Val said as she stood at the side of our table.

Before Trista or I could utter a word, she sat down right next to me. My hands were under Trista's but my eyes were transfixed on the beautiful almond shaped eyes of Val.

"Hi," Trista and I both said simultaneously.

"Where's Rachel at?" Trista asked Val.

"Who knows, she took off a while ago so I walked up here," Val said as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table top.

Trista turned over another coffee cup and filled it. She slid it in front of Val along with the sugar and cream.

"Thank you Trista," Val said as she began to pour the cream into her cup.

Again Trista and I gazed into each other's eyes. Her beautiful green eyes just mesmerized me.

"I can't do anything today. I can't get out of work early because Tammy called off and then I have to help my dad at the church tonight with bingo," Trista said with a frown on her face.

"That's OK," I said as I squeezed her fingers.

"Maybe tomorrow afternoon we can do something," Trista said as she looked around at her customers.

"Sure," I said as I sipped my cup of coffee.

I nearly spit my coffee out in front of me as I felt a foot begin to caress my lower leg. I set my coffee cup down and slipped my hands down to my lap. In doing so I moved the table cloth and glanced down.

To my amazement, Val had her foot against my ankle as she sat next to me. She looked up at me and smiled as she lifted her coffee cup and took a sip from it. I looked back up into Trista's eyes, trying to not let her see what was happening.

"I was hoping that we could go to the beach today," I said to Trista as we both squeezed each other's hands.

"Aww, that would be so much fun but I can't," Trista said with a bummed out look on her face.

"I know sweetie, some other time," I said while Trista topped off my cup of coffee.

"Lets go Trista, break's over," her boss shouted as he was standing behind the counter.

Quickly, Trista slipped out of the booth and stood up. She looked back over her shoulder at her boss who was waving for her to hurry up. She looked back at me and blew me a kiss because she couldn't bend down to kiss me because Val was between us.

"Call me tonight," Trista said as she turned and walked back to the counter.

As I sat there drinking my coffee with Val it seemed kind of awkward for her to be sitting next to me. Not only was she sitting next to me but she was leaning up against me. Her foot still rested on my leg as she gazed up into my eyes.

"I'll go to the beach with you so you won't have to go alone," Val said as she smiled from ear to ear.

I paused for a moment as I took another sip of coffee. I set my cup down and looked into Val's eyes.

"I probably shouldn't," I said while I watched her smile turn to a frown.

"Please," Val said as she stirred her coffee with her finger.

Just as I was about to reply I was amazed as I watched her slide her finger into her mouth and suck on it as she slowly pulled it past her lips.

"Pretty please," Val asked as her head tilted down but her eyes looked up at me.

I felt my cock beginning to stir in my pants as this foreign exchange student continued to play this game of seduction. I looked for Trista but she was nowhere in sight. I thought that Val had the hots for me yesterday but this just confirmed it.

"I guess," I said as let my eyes fall from her beautiful brown eyes down to her cleavage.

I loved the shirt that Val wore as it was a white low cut tank top. I could tell she wore no bra as I could see just a hint of nipple as it pushed the material of her shirt outward. The whole time we sat here she never took her eyes off of me. I just hoped that Trista didn't pick up on the sexual tension between Val and I.

"I need to go home to get my swim trunks and a couple of towels," I said as I drank the rest of my coffee and sat the mug down.

"That's perfect," Val said, "Just drop me off at the mall so I can buy a new swim suit and then you can pick me up on the way," she said as she slid out of the booth.

"No problem," I said as I took her lead and slid out before standing up.

Looking around again, Trista was nowhere in sight. Val began walking toward the door so I followed her. My eyes immediately found her nice tight ass as it wiggled in the tiny pink shorts she wore. Her legs were already nicely tanned and the flip flops she wore showed off her equally sexy feet. Val walked through the door and I followed closely behind like a puppy follows it's mother.

"Over here," I said as I pointed to my van.

"Sweet, you have a van," Val said in her sexy foreign accent.

"Yeah, my dad just gave it to me yesterday," I said as I opened the passenger door for her.

I closed the door and walked around to the other side. I started the van and pulled away. As I drove I noticed that Val was checking out the back end.

"You need to put some carpeting back here," she said as she looked at me and smiled.

"I am, just as soon as I get some money," I said as I drove toward the mall.

The rest of the drive was pretty quiet as we turned up the radio. The music was blasting and the mall was just ahead. I pulled into the parking lot and stopped in front of the entrance. Val opened the door and hopped out. She leaned in the window and smiled at me.

"Don't forget to bring the coconut oil," Val said as she turned to leave.

"I'll be waiting right here, so hurry back," she said as she turned and walked into the mall.

As I watched her pull the door open I couldn't help but to stare at her gorgeous tight ass. Her legs were as perfect as they could possibly be and her waist was nice and tight.


I quickly pulled away and drove home. Traffic was light as it was Saturday so I figured that the beach would be pretty full. I pulled up into my driveway and parked my van. The house was all closed up and when I opened the garage I noticed that both of my parents cars were gone.

I quickly went up to my room. I stripped out of my clothes and opened my dresser. I dug around for my swim trunks for a few minutes before I finally found them. They have been in the bottom of the drawer since last fall and they were a little wrinkled.

I pulled them up and immediately realized that they were a little snug. I went and looked at myself in the mirror and saw just how tight they were. I also noticed that my package was bulging between my legs and if I got excited at any time then Val would see everything.

I decided to put on a pair of old cut offs. I put an old shirt on and decided that I would wear my tennis shoes without socks. I raced down to the basement and dug around in one of the cabinets until I found an old blanket. I grabbed the blanket and the coconut oil before closing the door. I raced up the stairs and out into the garage.

I closed the garage door behind me and jumped into my van. I raced back toward the mall with the anticipation of seeing Val in her swimsuit. I quickly pulled into the mall parking lot and raced up to the door. What I saw next caused my bulge to begin to tingle in my already tight swim trunks.

Val was sitting on a bench by the entrance with her legs. When she saw me she stood up and walked toward my van. I almost choked when I saw her carrying her flip flops and walking in a pair of sexy heels. They weren't extremely high but they were sexy. When she opened the door and stepped up into my van I could see every sexy detail of her incredibly beautiful feet.

"I had to buy a new pair of shoes too," Val said softly as she tilted her head toward me and smiled.

"Do you like them?" she asked as she lifted her feet up and placed them on the dash board.

"God yes," I replied as I began to pull away.

"They are so sexy on you," I said as my gaze into her eyes lingered a little too long as a passing car blew it's horn because I started to drift into another lane.

I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from Val's legs and feet. The strappy open toe shoes were causing my bulge to throb and I was afraid that if I didn't look away I would begin to leak pre cum in my swim trunks.

Val reached up and turned the radio back on. She found a top forty station that was playing 'No Doubt' and turned it up. She began to sing with the music as I sped toward the beach.

"I think Gwen is so hot," Val said as she sung along like she was the lead singer in the band.

"Yes she is," I said as I turned into the park parking lot.

Luckily there was a parking space up close so I quickly parked my van. We jumped out and I grabbed the blanket and coconut oil. Together we walked down the boardwalk as we scouted for a nice section of beach that wasn't too crowded.

"Over there," Val said as she pointed to a semi secluded spot by a rock formation.

I scanned the area and saw only a couple of people nearby as the majority of the people were jammed up close by the water.

"You lead the way," I said as I began to become mesmerized by the clicking sound of her heels on the boardwalk.

As I followed closely behind Val I watched as she stopped at the end of the boardwalk and kicked off her shoes. She dropped her flip flops and stepped into them before bending down to pick up her sexy heels.

Not a word was said as we made our way toward the rock formation. The sand was soft and the breeze was cool as the wind blew inland off of the water. Finally when we got on the back side of the rock Val stopped.

"This is a good spot," Val said as she turned and looked into my eyes.

She still had on the tiny pink shorts and the white tank top as she stood before me. It was what was underneath that I wanted to see.

I bent down and set the bottle of coconut oil on the sand as I held the blanket out for Val to take the other end. Together we opened the blanket and set it down on the sand neatly.

"What do you think Trista would say if she saw us laying here nearly naked together on the same blanket?" Val asked as she sat down on the blanket.

She tossed her flip flops over to the corner of the blanket along with her sexy heels. I kicked my shoes off and quickly pulled my shirt over my head.

"What do you think she would say?" I asked in return as our eyes gazed at one another.

"Nice build," Val said as she stared at my chest before lifting her gaze up to my eyes.

I looked around and noticed that we were pretty much alone except for a few people who continually walked back and forth along the edge of the water.

I quickly unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to my ankles. I kicked them out of the way and quickly laid down on my stomach.

"You rub the coconut oil on me and I'll rub it on you," I said boldly as I tossed her the bottle of lotion.

I turned my head and laid face first on the blanket. I just gazed out at the people sunning themselves on the beach.

Suddenly I felt Val climb over me and straddle my back side. I heard the top of the coconut oil bottle open and before I could prepare myself I felt the cool thick liquid squirt onto my back. I heard Val set the bottle down on the towel and then I felt her magnificent fingers begin to rub the lotion into my flesh.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned softly as Val began to really work the coconut oil into my back.

I suddenly found myself growing aroused as her long slender fingers massaged the lotion into my neck. The hair on my neck stood up as she slid just the tips of her fingers down my sides to my waist. She paused for a moment and squeezed more lotion into her hands.

"Does this feel good?" Val asked as she leaned forward and slid her hands up my arms, smearing the oil over the tops of my arms.

"God yes," I uttered as the warm sun shining down on me felt incredible.

Val climbed off of me and began to work the smooth creamy oil into the backs of my legs. Her fingers and hands felt incredible with each and every stroke up and down my legs. I felt my cock stiffen even more as her fingers smeared the oil across my inner thigh's. My legs were parted slightly and when her fingers grazed the bottle of my ball sack I nearly came right there.

Slowly, Val worked her way down my legs to my feet. It felt wonderful when she massaged each and every one of my toes with her soft delicate fingers. Before I knew it she was finished.

"OK, your turn," Val said softly as she turned and stood over the spot she was about to lay down on.

"Help me with my shirt," Val said as she faced away from me and lifted her arms.

I cautiously stood up as my cock was now rock solid. Val continued to face away from me with her arms over her head. When I glanced at her I could see the bottoms of her breasts under her shirt. With trembling hands I reached out and took the bottom of her tank top between my fingers and lifted.

I had a hard time breathing as I lifted her shirt higher and higher. Finally I saw the tiny strings that were tied behind her back as I lifted her shirt up to her shoulders. I could feel the front of the shirt pull over her breasts as I continued to raise her shirt up her arms until it was completely off of her.

"Take my shorts off too," Val said as she looked back over her shoulder at me.

Again she looked forward and stared out at some of the other people sunbathing. I lifted my hands and slipped my fingers under the waistband of her shorts and pulled lightly. As I pulled her shorts down a little farther I suddenly felt my pre cum dribble out of my cock and into my swim trunks.

"Oh My Fucking God," I thought to myself as I saw the top of her bikini as I continued to slide her shorts down over her sexy ass.

I nearly choked when I saw the small blue back strap above the crack of her ass. As I pulled her pink shorts down farther I was treated to the sight of her naked ass as she wore a tiny blue thong bikini.

I just wanted to fuck her but I knew I couldn't. I let her shorts go and they fell to her feet. She kicked them to her side and then knelt down. I watched in amazement as she slowly laid down onto the blanket as her arms were out at her sides and her legs were slightly parted.

I slowly moved to her feet as I continued to gaze at her perfect ass. I just wanted to reach out and untie her thong as the dainty strings rested on the towel next to her hips.

"How in the hell are you going to hide this bikini from your house parents," I said as I squirted some coconut oil into my hands.

"They'll never even know about it," Val said as I lifted her foot and began to massage the oil into her toes and soul.

"What's the matter Justin, Don't you like my bikini?" Val asked as she wiggled her toes while I smeared the lotion into her foot.

"God no, I think it's hot," I said as I began to squirt the coconut oil up the back of her calf's.

As I began to slowly massage the lotion up her legs my eyes became riveted to the small oval shaped dark spot between her legs. My cock was now straining to break free as I worked my way up the back of her thigh's. The farther up her legs I went the closer my face came to her ass.

As I reached the top of her legs I hesitated for a moment as I wasn't sure if I should caress her ass. Just as I was about to squirt some lotion into my hands Val looked back over her shoulder.

"Don't miss a spot," Val said as if she was trying to guide me.

Instead of pouring the lotion into my hands I decided to squirt it directly onto her ass. As I squirted the lotion onto her ass, it began to run into her ass crack.

Instinctively I set the bottle down and placed my hands on her ass cheeks. I began to smear the oil into her cheeks from the bottom of her ass up to her hips. My heart began to pound as I slowly slid my thumbs along her naked ass crack. Not wanting to miss a spot, I ever so gently slipped my lubricated thumbs between her cheeks. I felt the excess oil on my thumbs between her cheeks and slowly slid my hands upward. Her hips instinctively lifted as I slowly slid my thumbs along the blue strap that was buried in her ass. I massaged the oil into her waist before reaching down to pick up the bottle of lotion.

As I poured some oil onto her back I glanced down at the wet spot between her legs. My eyes shot wide open when I saw how large the wet spot became. Nearly all of her thong covering her mound was now soaked.

I poured some coconut oil on her back and began to caress her already tanned skin. As I worked my way up her back toward the tiny strings that tied her top together she looked back over her shoulder.

"Go ahead and untie me," Val said as she laid her head back down on the blanket.

Without missing a beat and with shaky fingers I reached out for her ties. I pulled slowly on the thin blue strings, feeling the knot slowly give way. I laid the strings down at her sides and again poured more coconut oil on her back.

"Mmmmmm," that feels wonderful Justin," Val said as she sighed from the massage I was giving her.

"Don't miss my sides," Val said softly as though she was trying to guide me to her breasts.

I slid my hands back down her spine to her ass before sliding my slippery hands up her sides. I felt my cock straining against my already tight swim trunks as my fingers slid over the sides of her breasts. I slid my hands up and down a few times before rolling over and laying on my stomach next to her.

We just laid there for a few moments before we began to make small talk. We talked about all sorts of things. We talked about her school and the friends that she made. We talked about the Philippines where she came from and what her life was like back home.

As we laid there with our heads facing each other I felt her toes touch my leg. Our eyes seemed to be glued together as our faces were only a couple of feet apart. We just looked into each other's eyes as we laid in the sun. As I laid on my stomach it became increasingly difficult to lay on my erection.

"So how do you like your house parents," I said as I stared into her brown almond shaped eyes.

"It's OK," Val said as she paused for a moment.

"It's not my thing though, living with a religious family," she said as she reached back and scratched her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't know, it is just weird living with people who are so religious and yet such hypocrites," Val said with a bummed out sound to her voice.

"What do you mean by them being hypocrites?" I asked as I was genuinely confused because Trista's family seems to be completely normal.

Val paused for a few moments as she laid there facing me. The sun was beginning to get hot as we laid on our stomach's for such a long time. I watched as Val reached behind her and tied her bikini top.

"Lets turn over," Val said as she sat up and faced me.

I nearly choked when I saw her breasts as only two small blue triangles covered her areolas and nipples. The thin straps that went around her neck attached to the tops of the triangles while the straps around her back attached to the corners of the triangles. As I sat there gazing I think she noticed as she leaned forward allowing me to see even more of her breasts.

"Like them?" she asked as she crawled over until her breasts touched my face.

"Roll onto your back," Val said as she grabbed the bottle of coconut oil and crawled to my feet.

As I laid on my back I placed my hands on the back of my head and watched while she worked the smooth warm oil up my legs. My cock was bulging my trunks out and I knew that there was no way to hide it. I figured that if she didn't mind me seeing her wet spot then I shouldn't mind her seeing my bulge.

Val continued to crawl up between my spread open legs while her hands continued to cover my thigh's with oil. I felt her finger tips slip under the edge of my trunks for a second as she continued to smear me up with oil.

So tell me how they are all hypocrites," I said as I watched Val climb up onto my lap.

I gasped as she sat down. The wet spot between her legs was now sitting down on my bulge. I could see the look in her eyes as she held the bottle of oil up and began to dribble it onto my chest and stomach.

"I never said that they were all hypocrites," Val said as she set the bottle of coconut oil down.

"OK, so who then," I asked as I watched Val begin to slide her long slender fingers up and down my chest.

"If I tell you all of my information then you will have to do something for me sometime," Val said as she slid her hands down my chest, scraping her nails over my nipples along the way.

"Anything anytime," I said as I smiled at Val while she continued to rub my chest and stomach with her soft hands.

"Let me see," Val said as she looked up for a second like she was thinking hard.

"My house parents are completely legit," Val said as she began to slide her hands up and down my sides.

"What do you mean by legit?" I asked as I felt pre cum dribble out of my cock.

"They are completely moral and live by the bible," Val said as she squirted a little more coconut oil onto my chest.

"They never do anything wrong and they never disrespect anyone. They don't cuss and they pray all the time," Val said as she put the bottle of oil down and returned her hands to my chest.

I looked into Val's eyes as her hands continued to rub up and down over my hard nipples. I could feel her pressing her cunt on my member as she leaned forward and backward.

"Rachel on the other hand is a fake," Val said as she leaned forward to smear some oil into my neck.

"How so?" I asked as I gazed upon her magnificent breasts as they hung down before me.

"I can't stand her, she is such a two faced bitch," Val said as she pressed her mound down harder on my member.

"I could tell," I said as I thought back to the time I met her.

"She claims to be an innocent virgin but she is nothing but a little tease and a slut," Val said.

I couldn't believe how Val was opening up to me. She continued to work her fingers into my chest until I was completely covered with coconut oil.

"I thought she was getting married," I said as Val continued to sit on my lap.

"She is, but she still is a tease and a slut," Val said as she placed her hands down on my chest and leaned forward until I felt my cock begin to push her thong into her cunt.

"She thinks that nobody knows, but I do," Val said as she leaned down even further until her breasts hung down over my chest.

"So what do you know?" I asked as I just laid there enjoying what was happening.

"She's fucking around with this other guy besides her fiancee," Val said as she leaned back.

"And just how do you know this?" I asked as I could see Val's nipples stiffening under her tiny bikini.

"If I told you I don't think you would believe me," Val said as she climbed off of my lap.

Val rolled onto her back and handed me the bottle of coconut oil. I crawled down to her feet and opened the bottle. I knelt down and placed her lovely feet on my thigh's as I dribbled some coconut oil onto her sexy feet. I began to lightly run my fingers up and down the top of her feet, making sure that every toe was coated in oil. Her long slender toes were perfectly strait and the paint on her toe nails was flawless.

"I sneak out at night and I spy on people," Val said as I continued to massage the oil into her lovely feet and ankles.

"I watch Rachel while she makes out with Todd in the alley behind the church," Val said as I began to slide my hands up her shins to her knees.

Looking up I could see her crotch was now completely soaked. I could see her thong was now raised which meant that her mound was completely swollen. Val's breathing was a little heavier than normal as her stomach would raise up and down a little higher with each and every breath.

"You really watch them?" I asked as I dribbled some oil onto her golden thigh's.

"Rachel loves to suck cock," Val said as I began to firmly squeeze her thigh's with my oil coated hands.

My cock was on the verge of squirting in my pants from the conversation that we were having. I couldn't believe how incredibly soft her thigh's were as I ran my hands up and down her silky skin.

"She won't let him fuck her though, she only lets him go down on her," Val said as she raised her arms up and laid them down behind her head.

"Wow," I said softly, "I never would have thought that about her," I said as my fingers slipped up her inner thigh's until my finger tips grazed the wet blue material between her legs.

Val jumped slightly but didn't say anything. A smile appeared on her face as she laid there with her eyes closed.

"Do you know anything about Trista?" I asked as I rubbed coconut oil over her hips.

"This is gonna really cost you," Val said as she opened her eyes and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"So you do know something," I said as I dribbled some oil onto her stomach.

The smell of coconut was everywhere as I began to caress her soft flat stomach. I caused her to giggle as I circled my finger around her navel before pushing it inward.

"Of course I know something," Val said with a wicked grin on her face.

I scooted up until I sat on her lap like she sat on mine. As I looked down at her magnificent breasts I couldn't believe how uninhibited this girl was. I slowly slid my hands back and forth across her tight stomach until my hands went from side to side. The cool breeze felt wonderful as the sun blazed down upon us.

"Well, don't tease me," I said as I dribbled more coconut oil onto her stomach.

"Trista is the real deal," Val said as I rested my hands on her stomach just below her breasts.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I began to smear the lotion, occasionally grazing the bottom sides of her breasts with my fingers.

"Your lucky to have her. She is the sweet innocent girl that every guy dreams of. She has no flaws and everyone genuinely likes her," Val said as I boldly slid my hands over the exposed flesh of her breasts.

Val never even flinched as I cupped her breasts and slid my hands back and forth until my thumbs were between her heaving globes. Her breasts felt incredible and she didn't mind me greasing them up as she laid beneath me.

"Her dad is just like my house parents only meaner," Val said as I held her breast with one hand and dribbled more coconut oil directly onto her bikini covered nipple.

Instantly, her nipple stiffened as the warm oil landed on her breast. I again began to massage her mounds as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Trista's mom on the other hand is a total fake," Val said as she leaned up and leaned back on her elbows.

My hands were still cupping her breasts and Val looked directly into my eyes with an intense look of lust.

"I don't believe it, her mom is the nicest lady in the whole world," I said as I squeezed her soft breasts one last time before sliding my hands up above them.

I began smearing the coconut oil up toward her heck when she leaned in even closer, until her face was right before mine. Looking into her sexy almond shaped eyes I could feel her warm breath against my face.

"Her mom is a whore," Val said softly as she stared into my eyes.

Upon hearing this my hands suddenly stopped moving. Thoughts of watching her in the wine cellar masturbating suddenly filled my mind. I quickly finished smearing the oil over her neck before rolling off of her and onto my back.

"Get out of here," I said as I laid on my back and looked over at her.

"Yes she is," Val said softly as she reached up and adjusted the tiny triangles that covered her nipples because the edge of her areola had inadvertently slipped out.

"Well, tell me about it," I said with eager anticipation in my voice.

"How much do you want to know," Val said with a grin as she rested her arms down at her sides with her hand resting on top of mine.

"Tell me everything," I begged as I squeezed her soft slippery hand.

"She is a good fake but I have seen her. I watch her masturbating in the wine cellar all the time. She even goes out with the church secretary occasionally," Val said as she lifted her head up and looked at me.

"Get out of here," I said as I played it up like I was shocked even though I too watched her masturbate.

"I'm serious, she goes out with Martina to some club somewhere and gets her brains fucked out all night long," Val said as she giggled softly.

"How can she possibly do all of this without her hard ass husband ever finding out about it?" I asked eagerly.

"She waits for him to fall asleep and then she goes down to the church basement and leaves that way," Val said as I felt her fingers curl up in my hand.

"I don't believe you," I said with a semi shocked voice.

"Well don't then," Val said softly.

"But I can prove it," Val said with confidence.

"How?" I asked as I now leaned up and faced Val.

"What are you doing late tonight?" Val asked as she glanced around at the other people on the beach.

"Sleeping," I said as I too scanned my surroundings.

"At midnight meet me in the church basement," Val said as she glanced around.

"How can I do that without being spotted?" I asked as I leaned back down onto my back.

"Go behind the church to the stair well and go down the stairs. I will leave the door unlocked and be waiting for you. Then you will believe me when I show you the evidence," Val said as she laid back down on her back.

I paused for a moment as I thought about what I had to do yet today. I had to go over to Brad's house to pick up some money from his mom and then I had to meet Mrs. Graph at six thirty.

"I'll be there," I said as I wanted to know for sure if Trista's mother really was a whore.

We laid silently for a while under the hot sun The cool breeze would occasionally blow some relief over us as we began to perspire. I continued to think about what Trista's mother was really like plus I wanted to see Val again too. Just then I had an idea. I wanted to see Val walk in her thong. I reached over to my shorts and took two dollars out of my pocket. I looked over at Val until she looked at me.

"Go get two soda's from the machine for us," I said as I held out two dollars.

"Yes master," Val said as she quickly jumped up and took the money.

"I'm dying of thirst," she said as she began to walk barefoot across the sane.

I just stared at her back side as she walked away. I couldn't take my eyes off of her bare ass until she looked over her shoulder back at me. She smiled at me because she just busted me staring at her ass. I continued to watch her as she made her way to the soda machine on the boardwalk.

I laid back down and began to think about how incredibly horny Val had made me. I couldn't believe that she just called me 'master.' I don't know if it was just a phrase she said or if she had some sort of feeling for me. My cock hard and the bulge in my trunks was wet from pre cum. From the sight of Val's crotch I think she was equally aroused.

I watched her as she bent over to pick up the two bottles of pop. She turned and began walking back toward me. The words she uttered a few moments ago sent shivers up my spine as she called me 'master.' Suddenly I began having thoughts of somehow making her one of my slaves. Just as I began to get lost in a fantasy, she returned.

"Here," Val said as she sat down Indian style.

I sat up and crossed my legs. As I sat there Indian style I realized that my cock had more room and my trunks were nor sticking way out. As we enjoyed our soda I continually glanced at her hard nipples and wet crotch.

"Lets go in the water and rinse off before we go," I said as I stood up.

I reached down and Val slipped her warm soft hand into mine as I helped her to her feet. As we walked to toward the water our hands never let go of each other's. I found my heart beginning to pound as we gently squeezed each other's hands as we walked out into the water.

Suddenly, we broke away and began to splash each other. Before we knew it we were completely soaked. Val jumped up on my back and wrapped her legs around my waist. Her heels were pushing into my hard cock and her breasts were smashed against my back. She felt incredible as she held onto me with her arms around my neck.

I leaned back and fell until we both went under the water. We began laughing hysterically as we splash water at each other. Finally after all of the horse play we stood up and began to walk back to our blanket.

I couldn't believe the incredible size of her nipples as they pushed the tiny pieces of material that covered them up like pup tents. We made it back to the blanket and gathered our things. We dried off and began to walk back to my van. I was so incredibly horny I just wanted to fuck her right here and right now. Something was stopping me though and I didn't know what.

We threw our stuff into the back end. Val climbed in the back and went up to the front to unlock the doors. I jumped in and started the van.

"Thanks for taking me today," Val said as she looked over at me.

My glances at her were only occasionally in her eyes as I continued to ogle over her huge erect nipples. I put the van in drive and took off.

"I had fun," I said as we began to speed down the road.

"Me too," Val said as she put her bare feet up on the dashboard.

I watched as Val reached back for her clothes. She pulled her pink shorts past her feet and then up her long slender legs. She lifted her ass and slipped her shorts up all the way and buttoned them. Next she pulled her tank top on over her head and before I knew it she was dressed.

I turned down the next street and the church was now in sight. I pulled up to the same identical house as Trista's except it was on the other side of the church.

"Remember, midnight I'll be waiting," Val said as she jumped out of the van and slammed the door.

I nodded as Val leaned in the window. She smiled as she reached in for me to hand her the sexy shoes that she forgot on the floor. I picked up her shoes and handed them to her.

"Thanks for a wonderful day today," she said as she leaned back from my van.

"Your most welcome," I said as I checked to make sure that there was no traffic.

"I'll see you at midnight," I said as I pulled away.

I sped down the road toward home. Looking at the clock I realized that it was getting late. I needed to get home to take a shower before going over to Brad's house. As I sped toward home I began to focus on Stephani.

I parked my van in front of my house and walked to the back end. I opened the door and grabbed the blanket and the coconut oil. I walked up to the garage and opened it, realizing that my parents were still not home. I went into the house and down to the basement to throw the towel in with the dirty laundry. I put the coconut oil away and raced up to take a shower.

I quickly stripped out of my swim trunks and ran to the shower. I adjusted the water and quickly stepped under the running water. I remembered that I still had to print out a picture of Brad's mother with her lover's cock in her mouth. I showered as quickly as possible before drying off. I dried my hair and brushed my teeth before making sure that my parents weren't home before running across the hall naked to my room.

It was silent so I walked into my room and closed the door. I sat down at my computer and quickly called up the pictures of Stephani that I had. I found one where she was on all fours while she was sucking her lover's cock. I clicked on it to bring it up to full screen and printed it.

While the printer was printing I get dressed. I pulled out the remote control from Stephani's silver bullet and made sure that it had batteries in it. I finished dressing and sat down at my computer.

The printer finished printing and I held up the picture to look at it. My cock began to twitch and throb as I gazed down at Stephani's cunt. Her pussy looked so inviting between her parted legs as she knelt down on all fours. Half of her lover's cock was in her mouth and his eyes were closed. I folded up the picture and placed it in my shirt pocket for easy access. Next I pulled out the large envelope that I got from Club Cuffs and pulled out a guest pass. I slipped it between the folds of the picture that was in my pocket. I sat there for a moment as I smiled and thought about what I wanted to do.

I decided to log on to see if I had any e mail. I opened my inbox and much to my amazement there were no e mails from Stephani or Mrs. Graph. I logged off and walked down to the kitchen.

I locked up the house and went out to my van. I drove off and began to drive toward Brad's house. As I drove I wondered how much money Stephani was going to give me. Before I knew it I was parked in front of Brad's house.

I parked my van and shut off the engine. I took a deep breath before looking into the mirror at myself. I opened my door and walked across Brad's front yard. I stepped up onto the front porch and rang the door bell.

"Hi Justin," Brad said as he pushed the screen door open for me.

"Hey," I said as I stepped inside, closing the screen door softly behind me.

"I see you have your old man's van," Brad said as we walked through the kitchen and past his mom on the way to the den.

"Yeah, it's mine now," I said as I sat down on the sofa.

"He gave it to you?" Brad asked as he turned on a baseball game.

"Yeah," I said as I just wanted to get his mother alone.

"Don't get too tied up with the game," Stephani hollered, "Dinner is just about ready."

"Can Justin eat dinner with us?" Brad shouted out.

There was a pause as I knew that Stephani didn't want me here. There was a long silence in the kitchen before Brad's dad poked his head into the den.

"Justin's welcome to dinner any time he wants," Brad's dad said as he disappeared back into the kitchen.

An evil grin crept across my face as Brad and I stood up and went into the kitchen. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, Stephani's eyes became glued to mine.

She looked so incredibly hot in the short cut offs she was wearing. The white shirt showed off her excellent tan along with her amazing cleavage. There was already a hint of nipple pushing her shirt up as she knew what laid ahead for her.

We all sat down and I continued to watch Brad's mother's every move. She set the last dish down before sitting down directly across from me.

We all sat there pretty much silently while we ate. Stephani seemed to be extremely nervous as she continued to glance at everyone especially me. One time her glance lingered too long so I gave her an evil grin. Looking around nervously she again looked across the table and into my eyes as she shook her head 'no' ever so slowly

I smiled as I reached down and felt the small remote control in my pocket. I could see Stephani watching my every move as she sat there chewing her food nervously.

I wanted to see if she followed my orders so I casually reached down and into my pocket. I could see the fear on Stephani's face as she looked at both her husband and son before frantically looking back at me. Her head was shaking back and forth as she desperately tried to tell me 'no' silently.

As I slipped my hand into my pocket I felt the small plastic remote. I slipped my finger over the top of the device and gripped the dial with my finger and thumb. I stared across the table into Brad's mother's green eyes as I turned the dial slightly. There was no reaction on her face besides the original state of panic until I turned the dial farther.

Suddenly Stephani's eyes shot wide open. Her lips parted and she gasped like she was going to choke on something. She dropped her fork on the table and clenched her hands into fists.

"Are you OK? her husband asked as he rushed over to her side.

Instantly I shut the remote controlled egg off. I watched Stephani as her breathing was heavy and her eyes lifted and looked into mine.

"Yes, I just choked on something," Stephani said as she stood up and carried her plate to the sink.

Just then the phone rang. Brad's dad answered the phone and then told Brad that it was his girlfriend.

"I'll get it in my room," Brad said as he pushed his chair back and darted across the kitchen to the stairs.

I just sat there with Brad's dad while I watched Stephani begin to clear the table. With each trip to the table she shot daggers through me from her eyes. After a few moments the table was cleared and Stephani began to wash the dishes.

Again I wanted to test Stephani so I ever so carefully slipped my hand into my pocket and felt for the dial on the remote. I pushed on the dial with my finger until it started to turn. Just then I saw every muscle in Stephani's body clench as she stood strait up and held onto the counter top.

I could tell that she was holding her breath as she was silent but her knuckles were turning white from holding on to the counter top so tightly. I knew I had her attention now so I quickly turned off the vibrating egg.

Brad's dad and I began talking about baseball while Stephani finished washing the dishes. Occasionally she would glance over at me as her face was now a bright shade of pink. While Brad's dad and I continued to talk sports, Stephani walked over to the closet and pulled out a new towel.

I watched intently as she walked back to the sink and began to dry the dishes. She dried a salad bowl and opened the cupboard to put it away. I watched her from behind with my hand in my pocket as she stretched up on her tippee toes to put the glass bowl away. Just then I turned the knob on the remote control.

Suddenly Stephani stiffened up. Every muscle in her body went taught and the bowl came crashing down on the counter top. Luckily the bowl fell on the dish towel and it didn't break but it made a loud noise.

"What the hell's wrong with you today, your clumsy," Brad's dad said as he pushed his chair back and stood up.

"I'm gonna go watch the game," Brad's dad said as he turned and walked into the den.

Stephani turned and waited for a second to make sure that her husband turned the television on.

"Jesus Christ you ass hole stop it," Stephani whispered as she walked up to me.

"What in the fuck are you trying to do to me?" Stephani asked as she reached into her pocket.

"Here," she said as she handed me money that was folded up.

"I was just making sure that you understood me," I said softly as I began to unfold the money.

"That's it?" I said as I held two one hundred dollar bills in my hand.

"That's all I could get," Stephani said as a look of fear was still in her eyes.

"Now get out of here," Stephani hissed as she pointed to the door.

I paced ever so slowly completely around Stephani while she stood still. I eyed her up from head to bare toe. I walked back around and stood directly in front of her. Our eyes met and I stared intently into her soul.

"Get on you knees," I said softly yet sternly.

"No way, get the fuck out of here," Stephani said as she made a move to step away from me.

Instinctively I reached up and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing her neck until she made a slight gasping sound. The look of fear and rage in her eyes caused my cock to swell as her stiff nipples seemed to be growing even harder.

"I said get on your knees bitch," as I pushed downward on her neck.

Ever so slowly Stephani's knees began to bend until they finally rested on the linoleum floor. I released my grasp around her neck, causing her to pant heavily as she tried to catch her breath.

"Unbutton your Master's pants," I said as I reached out and stroked her red cheek with the back of my fingers.

Looking toward the den I again grabbed her face with my hand. I squeezed until I could see tears begin to well up in her eyes. I turned her head back and pointed it right at the bulge in my pants.

"Your Master said to unbutton his pants."

I let her face go and reached into my pocket to retrieve the remote control. I could see the look of fear in her eyes as I held the remote right in front of her face. I had an evil grin on my face as I ever so slowly turned the knob.

"Oh God," Stephani moaned as her eyes closed and she reached out to hold on to me.

"Now unbutton your Master's pants," I said as I turned the remote off.

"Please," Stephani begged as a tear trickled from her eye and down her cheek.

Again I turned the remote on. I watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her face fell forward. Her face rested against my groin as her breathing turned into a heavy pant.

"You will unbutton your Master's pants right now or I will punish you like you have never been punished before," I said as I reached down and grabbed a handful of blonde hair.

"Oohhhhh," Stephani cried out softly as she again resisted.

Looking behind her I saw the stove. I pulled her by her hair while she was on her knees over to the stove. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm up. I quickly turned the gas burner on and pulled her long sexy fingers up close to the flame.

"Oh God no," Stephani cried out softly as she tried desperately to pull away.

I continued to inch her delicate fingers closer and closer to the blue flame. I could feel the heat on my hand so I knew that her fingers had to be feeling the pain. I now had her fingers only a couple of inches from the raging flame.

"This is your last chance, Unbutton your Master's pants," I said sternly as I inched her finger even closer to the flame.

Her other hand immediately reached up and began to unbutton my pants. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as I let her other hand go. She quickly pulled her hand away from the flame and brought it to my zipper. Before I could blink an eye she had my zipper down and my pants down to my ankles.

"Your Master didn't tell you to unzip his pants did he?" I asked as I reached down and caressed her face again with the back of my fingers.

Tears began to trickle off of her face as she looked up into my eyes and shook her head 'no.'

"You must be punished again," I said as I looked at a clothes pin sitting on the counter next to the phone.

Quickly I reached back behind Stephani and picked up the clothes pin. I squeezed the ends which opened the other end and held it up in front of her face.

"Oh, God no," Stephani pleaded as she shook her head slightly while she stared at the open end of the clothes pin.

"Maybe next time you will follow your Master's orders," I said as I slowly lowered the pin past her face and in front of her breasts.

"Oh dear God Justin don't," Stephani moaned out as she struggled to free herself but to no avail as I now had her backed up against the counter.

I slowly lowered the clothes pin to her breast as she continued to watch my every move. Her breathing became short and with gasps as I now positioned the open end just above her breast. I could see her already stiff nipple as it pushed her shirt outward so I positioned the pin just above it.

"Oh Justin I'm begging you," Brad's mother moaned out softly.

I smiled as I pushed the pin into her breast. A loud sigh escaped her lips as her eyes suddenly stared up into mine. She knew I had the upper hand right now and the look of fear in her eyes caused my cock to swell even more. I pushed the clothes pin into her breast even harder and then let go of it, causing it to securely clamp down on her nipple.

"Ohhhhh Goddddd," Stephani cried out as she bit her lip to suppress her voice.

"No do as your Master say's and you won't be punished anymore," I said as I ran my fingers through her soft blonde hair.

Stephani continued to look up into my eyes as she knelt before me. Tears continued to trickle from her eyes and drip onto the floor below.

"Now pull your Master's underwear down," I said as I caressed the side of her warm red face.

Stephani reached up and placed her fingers around my waistband and slowly began to pull the elastic over my hips. I could feel the cool air rush across my ass as my bare flesh became exposed. Carefully she eased my underwear over my swollen cock until it sprung up before her face.

"Kiss your Master's cock," I said as I watched her slowly lower her face to my cock and kiss it as she continued to look up into my eyes.

I was so fucking horny because of the erotic experience I had with Val earlier. I knew that I wouldn't last long and I knew I didn't have a lot of time.

"Do you want to suck your Master's cock?" I asked as I slowly pulled her head closer to my member.

Ever so slowly I watched Brad's mother begin to nod her head 'yes' as her lips parted and her mouth began to open.

Stephani's eyes remained glued to mine as one more tear drop ran down her face. I watched in amazement as she continued to slide her mouth down farther and farther until I felt my cock hit the back of her throat. As I stared deeply into her eyes, Stephani continued to take even more of me into her throat until her face pressed against my groin.

Suddenly I turned the knob of the remote control on and Stephani instantly tensed up. She gagged slightly as she pulled back from my cock. As my cock slid out of her mouth she gasped for air as she reached down and squeezed her pussy right through her pants.

"Oh God stop it," Stephani moaned out as her hand continued to squeeze at her pussy.

I turned the dial off and Stephani stopped shaking. I reached down and stroked her cheek with my fingers before gently guiding her parted lips closer to my dripping cock.

"Suck your Master's cock," I said softly as I watched her lips open and my cock begin to disappear into her mouth.

"Suck it good," I said as I began to gently rock my hips.

I was already on the verge of cumming. The erotic adventure on the beach with Val had me primed and ready. I stepped closer to Stephani, placing my leg right between her legs so her crotch was against my shin.

Again I turned the dial on the remote causing the vibrating egg to send Brad's mother into another world. This time instead of pulling back and gasping for air, she began to devour my member while she began to hump my leg.

"Mmmmmmggggghhhhhh," Brad's mother moaned out as her head began to rapidly bob up and down my pole.

"Suck it good bitch," I whispered as I could still hear the baseball game in the den.

I felt my toes begin to tingle along with my nuts. Stephani began to really gyrate her hips as she continued to smash her pussy into my shin. From the sounds she was making and the way she was humping my leg I could tell she too was on the verge of climaxing.

I felt my breathing begin to intensify as my pulse quickened. I felt the first contraction in my nuts as I was no longer able to hold back. Reaching down I held Brad's mother's face as I began to fuck her mouth. I thrust my hips back and forth like a piston as I watched my member slide in and out of her mouth. Her saliva was now dribbling down her chin as I pulled my cock out of her mouth and tilted her head back.

Stephani closed her eyes as I could tell she was cumming by the way she was humping my leg. I held her head with one hand while I began to stroke my cock with the other. As Brad's mother humped my leg she moved enough for the first spurt of my cum to miss her mouth and land on her cheek, just under her eye.

Hungrily she opened her mouth allowing my head to slide back in while I continued to pump my member. Spasm after spasm, squirt after squirt, I began filling Stephani's mouth with my hot sticky cum.

"Swallow it all," I said as I pulled my spent cock from her mouth and placed my hand over her face.

The look of fear in her eyes caused her to swallow, nearly choking on the hot thick liquid. After a couple of gulps my load was gone.

I turned the remote control off and Stephani climbed to her feet. I quickly pulled my underwear and pants up just as Brad came racing down the stairs.

"I'll be in the den watching the game," Brad said as he walked right past me and his mom.

Looking back at his mother I realized that she still had my cum on her cheek. I reached out with my finger and wiped the thick sticky jizz and pushed my finger into her mouth. I felt Stephani's tongue as she sucked and licked the last of my cum from my finger.

We both adjusted our clothes and hair before I reached into my pocket. I pulled out the guest pass that I brought and handed it to Stephani. She looked down at the small card before reaching out to accept it.

"What's this?" she asked as she began to read the small print.

"Show up at that address tomorrow night at midnight. Wear that sheer blue dress that I bought you and do not wear a bra. You will wear black stockings and garters and the black heels I bought you. You will not wear any panties. If you fail these instructions you will be severely punished," I said as I held up the picture of her mouth wrapped around her lover's cock.

Stephani gasped as her eyes shifted from the guest pass to the picture. Her eyes lingered on the picture for a moment before she looked up at me.

"Please Justin, I'll do anything, just don't leave that picture in my house," Stephani said as she slipped her hand with the guest pass in it into her pocket.

I grinned as I turned and walked into the den. I saw that it was already ten after six and I knew that I had to get down to the Sea Side Diner in twenty minutes. I stood there in the doorway for a moment as I leaned up against the wall. I heard a door close behind me and I knew that Stephani must have went into the rest room to clean up.

"Brad, I have to get going," I said as I watched him jump up off of the sofa.

"Thank you for the nice dinner," I said as his father stood up and reached out to shake my hand.

"Any time Justin, you're just like part of the family," Brad's dad said as our hands shook.

As our hands came apart, I wondered how he might react if he knew that the hand that he just shook was the same hand that slowly guided his wife's head my cock. If he knew that my hand was holding her soft golden blonde hair while she swallowed my cum. And if he knew that my hand was now controlling her. I smiled at myself as I turned toward the door and walked out onto the porch.