I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 08 b


"Lets hook up some time and do something," Brad said as he walked with me to my van.

"Yeah, it has been too long," I said as I opened the driver side door and sat down behind the wheel.

I slipped the key into the ignition and turned it until my van started. I put it in reverse and pushed on the brake so I wouldn't roll.

"Call me," I said as I eased off of the brake pedal and backed out of the driveway.

"I will," Brad hollered as I slowly drove away.

I quickly made my way toward my pre arranged meeting place to meet my high school teacher. Along the way I remembered that I had two hundred dollars in my pocket and that I would now be able to begin work on the back end of my van.

I turned the corner and spotted the diner ahead. I found a parking space a few store fronts down from the Sea Side Diner so I parked. I shut the van off and just sat there for a few moments.

Looking behind me I gazed at the open cargo area of my van. I smiled as I thought about putting some plush carpeting down on the floor. I could already picture Brad's mother all sprawled out and handcuffed as I allow guy after guy to bang her.

I turned back around and hopped out of my van. I slammed the door and walked toward the diner. I reached out for the handle and pulled the large glass door open. As soon as I walked inside I spotted Mrs. Graph.

She smiled and waved as I made my way toward her. As she sat behind the table I could see she had her silky blonde hair in a pony tail. She was dressed in a pink long sleeve tee shirt and she wore the black leather collar that I had bought her. I sat down across from her and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"Hello Master," Mrs. Graph said softly as she stirred her coffee with her finger before lifting it to her mouth to suck the coffee from it.

"Hello Slave Elizabeth," I said as my gaze went from her eyes to the leather collar around her neck.

"I presume you require me to wear my collar in your presence," Mrs. Graph said softly as she sipped on her coffee.

"Yes I do," I said as the waitress poured me a cup of coffee and set two menu's down in front of us.

We were silent for a moment until the lovely waitress left. I gazed down at her breast as I looked for her nipple stud.

Mrs. Graph caught my gaze as she looked into my eyes and smiled. I could see her nipples begin to stiffen as my eyes continued to see if she wore her barbell.

"Don't worry Master, I'm wearing it," she said as she winked seductively and smiled.

"How do I know you are wearing it?" I asked as my eyes again went from her lovely green eyes down to her breast.

"You'll just have to take my word for it," Mrs. Graph said as she smiled and looked down.

I paused for a moment. I trusted her but yet at the same time I needed to be one hundred percent sure. I slowly looked up at her face as she looked up at me from the table top.

"Show me," I said sternly as I leaned forward and stared intently into her eyes.

There was a look of shock on her face as her eyes shot wide open. I could see her nipples stiffening even more as her breathing became heavier.

"Right here?" she asked as she looked around.

"Yes, right here, right now," I said as I stared into her eyes.

Mrs. Graph looked around to see if anyone was watching. I could sense the nervousness as her hands lowered from the table top to her lap. She glanced around one more time before she slowly lifted her shirt up.

"Yes Master," Mrs. Graph said as she pulled her shirt up to her bra.

I could see the bottom of the white cup as her breast sat snugly in it. She looked around one more time as she slipped her fingers under the cup of her bra and lifted it up over her breast, exposing her magnificent nipple and gold barbell.

I stared for a moment at the gold stem and black diamonds as her nipple was now rock solid. I nodded my head to let her know that I approved as she slipped the white cup back over her breast. She pulled her shirt back down and adjusted it as she looked into my eyes with a red face.

"Are you surprised that it was me?" I asked Mrs. Graph as we now looked at our menu's.

"I was at first but not anymore," she said as the waitress returned.

"May I take your order," the lovely brunette waitress asked Mrs. Graph as she stood there with her pad and pen.

"I'll just have a piece of pumpkin pie," my teacher said as she handed her menu back to the waitress.

"And what can I get for you sir," she asked as she looked down at me.

I wanted to order her as she was one fine waitress but I decided against causing trouble. I reached up and handed her the menu.

"I'll just have a piece of cherry pie," I said as I smiled and winked at Mrs. Graph.

"I'll be right back," the waitress said as she turned and walked back to the counter.

"I thought that it was you but I wasn't certain," Mrs. Graph said as she sipped on her coffee.

I should have known with Jacob being your brother that he might say something to you about what happened last summer," Mrs. Graph said as she stared relentlessly into my eyes.

I just smiled as I gazed back into her lovely green eyes. I reached out and slipped my fingers over her hand until our fingers interlaced.

"How much did he tell you?" Mrs. Graph asked as she squeezed back at my hand.

I cleared my throat as I thought about what I wanted to say. I knew how my brother fucked her but I wanted to hear all of the steamy juicy details come out of her mouth.

"Well, he told me what happened, but I want to hear from you what happened," I said as I squeezed her fingers and smiled at her.

Mrs. Graph sighed heavily and looked around. Just then the waitress returned with our pie and set the plates down in front of us. She asked us if we needed anything else and we told her that everything was fine for now. Mrs. Graph waited until the waitress was out of ear shot before she began to talk.

"My husband and I were on vacation in California last summer. The weather was beautiful and warm and there was never a cloud in the sky. We were staying at an ocean side hotel that was right on the beach," Mrs. Graph said as she took a bite if her pumpkin pie.

There was a pause for a moment while she finished chewing her pie. I too ate a bite and washed it down with some coffee while I looked at my teacher with eager anticipation.

"It was the third day that we were there when I ran into your brother. I had known that he was off to the military but I didn't know that he was going to take a vacation before he started," Mrs. Graph said softly as she looked deeply into my eyes.

"My husband and I were swimming and sitting by the pool when he became ill and went back to the room. I was going to stay by his side but he insisted that I go back down to the pool to enjoy myself," my teacher said softly as she took a sip of coffee.

"And this is when you met him?" I asked as I already knew the answer.

Mrs. Graph slowly nodded her head as she took another bite of her pie. The waitress returned and asked us if everything was OK before she left.

"I was just minding my own business and sitting in the sun by the edge of the pool when he spotted me. I was so embarrassed because I was in a thong bikini and I have never let one of my students see me like that before," Mrs. Graph said as her face blushed slightly.

"Did he make a move on you then?" I asked as I sipped my coffee.

"No, actually he was a perfect gentleman," my slave said as she looked into my eyes and squeezed my fingers.

"He sat down on the chair next to me and we just talked. We both agreed that it was pretty amazing that we would both be on vacation at the same time in the same resort. He even commented that he almost went some where else but he really wanted to see California," my teacher said as she smiled and looked down at the table top.

"Did you have any romantic feelings for him at that point?" I asked as I took another bite of pie.

"No, like I said, I was embarrassed because I was in a thong bikini and I was too shy to even stand up in front of him," my teacher said as she looked around the rest of the dining room.

"We just sat there talking for about an hour before he had to go meet up with his friends. But he did ask me to meet him later that night for a drink out by the pool," Mrs. Graph said as she squeezed my hand and looked deeply into my eyes.

"So you went?" I asked softly as some customers walked past our table.

"I didn't want to, my husband was sick and I wanted to stay with to comfort him. But Jacob was just so persistent and he bugged me over and over until I agreed to meet him at the pool side bar after sunset. He told me to wear my bikini so we could take a swim," my slave said softly as she stared into her coffee cup while she told me her story.

Did you wear your bikini?" I asked as I squeezed her fingers softly.

My husband was sick to his stomach and I wanted to stay with him but again he told me to go and have fun. I knew that I shouldn't have gone but there was just something so exciting about meeting your brother," Mrs. Graph said softly.

When darkness came my husband was already asleep. I went to go change and decided to wear the one piece swimsuit that I brought from home but something overcame me as I looked at myself in the mirror," Mrs. Graph said softly as she reached up and rubbed a finger under her collar.

"So you wore the one piece swimsuit?" I asked as I smiled at her while she continued to look into her coffee cup.

Mrs. Graph shook her head 'no.' A tear trickled from her eye and ran down her cheek before dripping onto the table. I picked up my napkin and wiped her cheek as another tear trickled out of her other eye. I wiped her other cheek before setting my napkin back down. I squeezed her hand and sighed.

"It's OK," I said softly as our hands squeezed each other's tightly.

"When I looked into the mirror I didn't know what overcame me. It was like I was another person. I stripped out of my swimsuit and reached for my thong. I pulled the tiny waistband up high on my hips and put my top on, causing my breasts to sit up high. I began to tremble with excitement as I saw my own nipples growing hard before my very eyes," my teacher said as her monotone voice grew lower.

"So you became aroused at the thought of going out with my brother?" I asked as I took a sip of coffee.

"Yes, and I don't know why as my husband was only a few feet away. It was like I became possessed. I walked over to the closet and put on a white blouse but didn't button it. I felt myself growing more excited by the second as I looked down at my sexy high heel sandals. As soon as I stepped into them I felt myself grow wet. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself and immediately saw the wet spot between my legs. I felt my heart beating faster than I could ever remember as I reached down and picked up my bottle of perfume. I sprayed perfume on my breasts and turned toward the door," Mrs. Graph said as she sighed heavily.

"So you went to go meet him?" I asked as I took another small bite of pie.

Mrs. Graph nodded as she also ate a piece of pie. She took a sip of coffee just before the waitress returned to refill our cups.

"Can I get you anything else?" the waitress asked.

"No, were OK," I said as I turned my attention back to my teacher.

"I remember feeling so excited but yet so ashamed as I walked down the hallway to the elevator. I was looking forward to meeting your brother but yet at the same time I was feeling guilty for leaving my husband when he was sick," my slave said softly.

"I walked out to the pool area and over to the bar when I saw Jacob. He came over to me and together we walked over to a small secluded table by the pool. I could feel his eyes all over my body as I walked slightly ahead of him. I felt like a whore as I walked in high heels but yet I was so overcome with excitement that I didn't even care," Mrs. Graph said softly as she poured a small amount of cream into her coffee.

"Was my brother all over you?" I asked eagerly.

"No, he was a perfect gentleman," Mrs. Graph said as she took a sip of coffee.

"At that point a waiter came and your brother ordered us a bottle of expensive wine. We ordered dinner and talked the entire time while we waited for our food. Finally when we were almost done with the wine we began to eat," Mrs. Graph said as she took another bite of her pie.

"Then what?" I asked as I looked around, noticing that it was growing dark outside.

"We ate our dinner and gazed into each other's eyes for extended periods of time. When he lifted his fork to my mouth and fed me a piece of his steak, I realized then that I really needed to try to stop what had already been started," Mrs. Graph said softly as she still stared into her cup of coffee.

"Did you feed him anything?" I asked inquisitively.

Mrs. Graph nodded her head 'yes' as she picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip. She looked across at me and stared into my eyes as she set her cup back down.

"I held my fork up to his mouth for him to try a piece of my chicken. I'll never forget how he stared into my eyes and licked his lips as he opened his mouth for me to feed him. I had butterflies in my stomach and I wanted so badly for this evening to progress but I constantly thought about my husband. I thought up every excuse in the world to leave and get away from him but he wouldn't hear it and he shot down every one of my excuses," my teacher said as she shifted herself in her seat and crossed her legs.

Another couple came into the restaurant and unfortunately the waitress seated them right next to us. The only thing that separated us was the booth's. I could sense Mrs. Graph growing even more nervous so I got up and slid into her side of the table and sat closer to her.

I was amazed to find out that my teacher was wearing a skirt. I could see her bare thigh below the hem of her skirt as she bounced her leg up and down. I reached out and rested my arm on the top of the bench and scooted in even closer.

"So then what happened?" I asked softly as I whispered into her ear.

Mrs. Graph paused as she just stared into her coffee cup. She glanced over her shoulder at the couple next to us and seemed to become distracted. I slid my arm from the bench and around her shoulders and squeezed her soft sexy neck.

"Go ahead, they can't hear us," I whispered as I could hear the other couple having their own conversation.

"I decided that my sick husband needed me and that I had to stop acting like such a tramp so I stood up and said good night to your brother. As I turned to walk back up to the hotel I felt his hand slip into mine. I looked up at him as his eyes seemed to hypnotize me momentarily. He turned and began walking toward the beach and I suddenly found myself following him. I tried to resist and pull away but his hand had a good grip on mine. Before I knew it, we were walking down the boardwalk toward the ocean," my teacher said softly as she took another tiny bite of her pumpkin pie.

Ever so slowly I lowered my free hand down to my lap. I could tell that Mrs. Graph was still staring into her endless cup of coffee as she sighed heavily. I slowly moved my hand over and rested it on her thigh on top of her white skirt.

Mrs. Graph flinched slightly when my hand came in contact with her leg. I squeezed her soft toned leg with my fingers to assure her that she should continue with her confession. Just then the waitress returned to our table with another waiter.

"This is Kevin, he will be taking over for me," The waitress said quickly.

"Hello, just call me if you need anything," he said as he smiled and then walked away.

"Go ahead, continue," I said softly as I slid my hand up and down her soft golden thigh as I watched the waiter walk farther and farther away.

"The warm wind was blowing and the surf was really pounding the shore. It was so loud that you couldn't hear anything. We stopped at the edge of the boardwalk for a moment as I bent down to step out of my heels and to pick them up. Before I could even stand up your brother pulled my arm and I had no choice but to fall into him," Mrs. Graph said as I slid my hand up and down her thigh, caressing the bare flesh below her skirt.

"We walked for quite a while. There wasn't anyone else in sight as he suddenly turned and pulled us toward the water. We stopped for a moment at the edge of the water and he pulled his shirt off. I just barely had time to take my blouse off before he bent over and pulled me over his shoulder. I began to kick and scream as he carried me out into the rough open water. The sound of the waves was too loud and I don't even think that he heard me screaming. Before I could even think about what was happening, he threw me into the water," Mrs. Graph said softly as I could sense her excitedness by her heavier breathing.

"Then what happened?" I asked as I slipped my fingers up under her skirt, feeling her soft silky thigh all the way to her hip.

"After he threw me off of his shoulder and into the water I came up for air and looked all around. I started to scream out as loud as I could as your brother was no where in sight. I spun around and looked in every direction. The full moon supplied some light but I couldn't see him anywhere. Just then I screamed as I felt something around my ankles. Before I could realize what was happening my feet were pulled out from under me and a fell back into the water," Mrs. Graph said softly as she took a sip of her coffee.

My hand continued to lightly stroke up and down her thigh. Her soft silky thigh was no longer bouncing over her leg and she seemed to be enjoying my ever so soft caresses.

"What did you do then?" I asked as I squeezed her thigh softly as if to encourage her to continue.

"When I came up for air he was standing there laughing at me. I turned and pushed him as hard as I could, knocking him off of his feet and under the water. We continued to push and splash each other for what seemed like an eternity. During our horseplay he occasionally began to touch me. I blew it off as purely coincidental but when he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms I knew that his soft touches against my body were well planned," my teacher said as her breathing continued to grow heavier.

I took a bite of my pie and washed it down with a sip of coffee. Again I placed my hand on her thigh and lightly caressed her beautiful leg from her knee to her waist.

"Then what happened?" I whispered as I leaned in closer and kissed her ear lightly.

"As he held me, our faces were practically touching. I could feel his body heat against the skin of my face as we just stood there. I tried to pull away so I wouldn't break my wedding vow but I couldn't. Suddenly our eyes began to close and our lips touched. I thought about my husband as he slept in the hotel room and I wanted to turn and run. Instead my mouth opened along with your brother's and he slid his tongue into my mouth," Mrs. Graph said as I gently pulled her top leg off of her other leg.

"Did you kiss him back?" I asked as I slipped my hand down and caressed her inner thigh.

I could feel the heat that was radiating between my slave's legs. Her legs were parted slightly as I continued to slide my hand up and down her inner thigh, occasionally grazing her panty covered pussy with my thumb. Looking up at my teacher her eyes were now closed.

"Yes," Mrs. graph said as she nodded her head.

"Our mouth's became sealed together as we kissed over and over. My hands began to slide up and down his back and his hands began to caress my back. As we kissed passionately, I felt his fingers begin to unclasp my bikini top. I broke my face away from his as I shouted 'NO' to him only to have him pull me back into him. His mouth found mine and again we kissed as I felt my bikini top become unclasped," Mrs. Graph said as she drew a deep breath.

"Did you take your top off or did he take it off of you?" I asked as I let my hand linger up near her crotch.

"Our faces grew apart and he had an evil grin on his face as he leaned back. I felt him pulling the strap out to my sides and I immediately felt the material grow loose around my breasts. I don't know why but I raised my arms to assist him in removing my top. As he raised the straps of my bikini up my arms, I found my bare breasts exposed to him and the whole world to see," my deeply affected slave said as I squeezed her inner thigh firmly.

"Were you thinking about your husband at this point?" I asked as I slid my hand back down her thigh to her knee.

"No," Mrs. Graph said softly as she shook her head back and forth.

A tear trickled down her cheek as she sniffled slightly. Her legs pressed together, pressing my hand between her knees.

"I never even thought about breaking my vows of marriage before. I was married for ten years and never even looked at another person. But when your brother pulled my bikini top off I became a whole different person," Mrs. Graph said softly as she wiped the tear streak from her cheek with a napkin.

"How did you become a different person?" I asked softly as I again slipped my hand up her inner thigh until my thumb rested against her sticky panties.

"Instead of stopping your brother I now found myself wanting him to continue. He just stared deeply into my eyes as he tossed my bikini top toward the beach. He rested his hands on my hips as his gaze shot back and forth from my eyes to my breasts," my slave said with a dry voice as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Did you find it to be exciting without your top on outside with someone other than your husband?" I asked as I leaned in and kissed her ear softly.

"God yes. Your brother splashed some water up onto my chest. Even though the breeze was warm, the water was cold and my nipples grew harder and longer then they ever had before. Your brother pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard on the mouth. His warm chest felt wonderful against my naked breasts as his hands began to slide farther and farther down my back," my teacher said as I could now see her nipples pushing her bra and shirt outward.

"Did you long for him to kiss your breasts?" I asked as I squeezed her inner thigh.

"Yes. I pulled back from him as I felt his hands slide down over my ass cheeks. I reached down and grabbed his wrists and began to slide his hands up my sides. I was on fire at this point and I couldn't have stopped even if I wanted to. I felt myself begin to tremble as I pushed his hands up my stomach and out of the water. I gasped loudly as I slid his fingers and hands over my naked breasts," Mrs. Graph said softly as she looked around the diner to make sure that nobody was listening.

"What did he do then?" I asked as I pinched the soft skin of her inner thigh with my thumb and finger.

"He just stood there for a moment as his hands cupped my breasts. My nipples were rock hard and my breathing was out of control. The erotic ambiance at the moment was a once in a lifetime event. The crashing waves and the warm breeze coupled with the full moon glowing down on us was amazing. He began to lightly squeeze my breasts. His fingers found my rock hard nipples and he pulled on them ever so lightly. The intense feeling of electricity shooting through my body caused me to scream out. I threw my head back as I felt him lower his face to my breasts," my slave said as she adjusted herself next to me.

"Did that make you cum?" I asked as I intentionally grazed her crotch with my thumb.

"No," Mrs. Graph said softly as she shook her head, "I was close though."

"Your brother supported me with his hand as he leaned me back. I could feel the water on the back of my head as his mouth began to devour my breasts. I was moaning loudly as his hot lips seemed to touch every nerve on my chest. His warm lips felt so wonderful against my cool flesh. When I felt his lips slide over my nipple I screamed out in pleasure," my teacher said softly as she placed her hand on top of my arm as I rested my hand between her upper thigh's.

"What did my brother do next?" I asked as I squeezed her inner thigh.

"He clamped his lips around my nipple and began sucking uncontrollably. It was as though he was trying to suck milk out of me as he bit down on my nipple with his sharp teeth. I had never before felt so incredibly turned on and I just continued to scream out in pleasure. I didn't worry about anyone hearing me because of the noise that the surf was making.

"Can I get you anything else?" The waiter said as he stopped by our table.

"No thank you," I said softly as I could see his eyes gazing down at Mrs. Graph's lap.

We waited for a few moments for the waiter to make his way back to the kitchen. The other couple next to us was now silent as they were eating their dinner. I looked out the front window and it was now completely dark. I turned my attention back to my teacher and kissed her softly on the neck.

"Was you husband ever on your mind while my brother was sucking on your nipples?" I asked softly.

I watched Mrs. Graph squint her eyes tightly. A tear trickled out of her eye as she shook her head 'no.'

"No, all I could think about was what was happening at the moment. All I wanted was to be totally satisfied. I know it was wrong and that I was selfish but I was well past the point of no return," my sexy slave said as she stared into her cup of coffee.

"So what happened next?" I whispered softly into her ear as I lightly grazed her other ear with my finger tips.

"Your brother began to kiss his way down from my breasts toward my stomach. I leaned back up and watched him as his hands reached around and cupped my ass. I couldn't believe when I watched him continue to kiss my stomach once his head went under the water. I began to gasp for air as his kisses grew closer to my thong covered pussy. I reached down and grabbed his head to hold my balance. The crashing waves and the intense pleasures that your brother was causing nearly caused my legs to give out under me," Mrs. Graph said as her breathing grew heavier.

"Did my brother eat you through your thong?" I asked softly as I again grazed her warm sticky thong with my thumb.

"No," Mrs. Graph said as she shook her head.

"I felt him kiss my bush through my thong as his hands slid up to my waistband. I began to gasp for air when I felt him yank my thong down over my hips and down my legs. I couldn't believe that I was letting one of my students handle me this way as he grabbed my ankles one at a time and lifted them to remove my thong. He surfaced quickly, gasping for air as he smiled at me and held up my thong as if he was a hunter showing off his kill," my slave said as her breathing grew even heavier.

I leaned over and kissed Mrs. Graph lightly on her neck. I could see the waiter watching us from the counter as I removed my hand from between her soft silky thigh's. Her hand quickly straitened out the soft white hem of her skirt so that it came down to mid thigh. I kissed her softly on her neck one more time before whispering into her ear.

"Take your panties off."

Suddenly Mrs. Graph's eyes shot wide open. She blinked quickly twice as her mouth opened. I could see the tiny red veins in her eyes as I gazed deeply into her soul.

"I... but... in here," a shocked Mrs. Graph said in a shattered voice as her face grew red.

"Your Master asked you to take your panties off," I said sternly as I stroked her cheek with my hand that was still around her shoulders and neck.

Mrs. Graph glanced around the diner in all directions. I could see the nervous look on her face as she looked over at the waiter who was now busy serving someone else. She bit her bottom lip as she slowly slid her hands down to her lap.

"But Master, they're soaked," Mrs. Graph said as she reached up under her skirt and hooked her fingers around the waistband of her panties.

I smiled at her as I motioned with my finger for her to remove them. Again my teacher looked around before lifting her ass up enough to slide her panties down over her ass. She sat back on her ass as I watched her long slender fingers pull her pretty white panties down past the bottom of her skirt. She looked up into my eyes as she leaned forward and slid her panties past her knees and down to her feet. With one last look around she sat back upright and slipped her hand onto my lap.

I held my hand out as she carefully slipped her panties into my palm. Her face was still flush and her breathing was even heavier. As I held her panties I looked down and realized that it was a thong. I slid my fingers and thumb through the crotch and felt her warm sticky wetness that saturated the thin material. I looked into her eyes as I slowly raised her thong up to my face.

"Oh God don't," Stephani whispered loudly as she looked around out of embarrassment.

I placed the wet crotch of her thong against my nose and inhaled sharply. I could smell my teacher's pheromones and scent which caused my cock to strain against my pants. As I looked into my teacher's eyes I slowly lowered her panties to the table, letting them sit right next to my pie.

"Please Master take them off of the table," my slave begged as her glances continued to go back and forth from her thong to my eyes.

Suddenly Mrs. Graph lifted her arm in an attempt to grab them only to have me stop her. She looked into my eyes with a slight hint of concern as I pushed her hand down and rested it on her lap.

"So what did my brother do with your thong once he removed it?" I asked softly as I leaned down and kissed her neck.

Still distracted by her thong sitting on the table I had to reach up and guide her face toward me with my fingers. Mrs. Graph looked into my eyes as she took a deep breath.

"He tossed them up onto the beach. Before I could do anything I felt him grab my hips and suddenly disappear below the surface. A split second later I figured out what he was doing. I felt his mouth press against my pussy as my knees began to grow weak," Mrs. Graph said as she gasped when I slipped my hand back between her legs.

Her eyes were still glued to mine as I continued to slide my fingers up her leg even farther. I felt her part her legs slightly as I leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips. Our mouth's opened and we shared one soft romantic kiss. I pulled my face back and looked into her eyes.

"Continue," I said as I felt my finger touch her labia.

"He pushed my legs apart a little wider and he suddenly began to eat my pussy. His tongue began to slide up and down my slit causing me to scream out loud," Mrs. Graph said softly as she began to breath heavier.

At the same time I began to slide my fingers up and down my teacher's wet slit. I could feel her pussy lips as they were swollen and parted. Mrs. Graph closed her eyes as I continued to feel her wetness.

"I felt him slide his tongue," Mrs. Graph said as she abruptly stopped because she was on the verge of moaning out loud in the middle of the Sea Side Diner.

"You felt him slide his tongue where?" I asked as I had my finger in position to slide it into her cunt.

"He slid it deep into my pussy," my teacher gasped as I quickly slid my finger in her steamy cunt to the hilt.

"Oh God," Mrs. Graph moaned as her eyes were closed and her breathing grew rampant.

Mrs. Graph began to gasp as I wiggled my finger inside of her tight cunt. I watched her eyes close even tighter as she bit on her bottom lip.

"Then what happened?" I asked as I left my finger lodged deep in her pussy.

"He came up to get air," Mrs. Graph said as she gasped loud enough for the people next to us to hear.

Just then I quickly slid my finger out of her slippery cunt. My teacher's breathing was heavy and uncontrolled. Her eyes were closed and her legs were parted enough to allow me access to her steamy cunt.

"What did he do then?" I asked as I slid my fingers up her slit, causing her to exhale sharply.

"He leaned down to kiss me and when my tongue touched his I could still taste myself. We kissed wildly for a few moments before I felt his hands slide down over my ass. With our mouth's still plastered together he cupped his hands under my ass and lifted me up. Before I knew what happened I felt him begin to lower me onto his cock.," my slave said softly as her heavy breathing grew even heavier.

Just then I pushed my finger back into her pussy, causing her to gasp even louder. I knew she was living out a flashback and I wanted her to enjoy this while it lasted. I wanted her to experience one of her hottest nights one last time before I forbid her to think about it ever again.

"Did he fill you up?" I asked as I leaned in and kissed her neck while I began to lightly slide my finger in and out of her cunt.

"God yes," Mrs. Graph said between pants.

"As he lifted me up and lowered me onto his cock I felt my nipples grow even harder from the breeze blowing across them. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he began to lift me up and lower me," my teacher said as she was now panting.

"Like I'm fucking you now?" I asked softly as I continued to slide my finger in and out of her steamy hole.

"Yes," Mrs. Graph moaned out softly.

looking toward the counter I could see the waiter watching us as he tried to hide behind the pop machine. I wanted him to watch so he would have a memory to go along with the panties I was about to leave him as a tip.

"Did your husband ever create such a magical special evening for you like my brother did?" I asked as I continued to slide my finger in and out of her slickened vagina.

"God no," Mrs. Graph gasped as she began to quiver.

I could sense her orgasm as her hands began to grip the edge of the table tightly. Her eyes were closed and her bottom lip was between her teeth. Mrs. Graph began to tremble as she turned her head toward me and leaned her face against my chest. I felt her pussy begin to contract as her cunt muscles began to grip my finger tightly.

"Did you cum when he was sliding you up and down on his cock?" I asked as I felt her hot breath against my neck.

"Yessssssss," my slave hissed as her body began to shake uncontrollably.

There was just silence for a few moments while my teacher continued to cum. Her knuckles were now white as she gripped the edge of the table so tightly. Her hot breath continued to cascade across my neck and chest as her heavy deep breaths continued to grow heavier and heavier. I continued to slide my finger in and out of her slippery tight cunt as her body continued to spasm.

"What did he do next?" I asked as Mrs. Graph's trembling began to subside.

She just sat there with her face buried in my chest as she tried to catch her breath. Her grip on the edge of the table grew weaker and suddenly her hand had color in it again. After a deep sigh she finally opened her eyes. She reached out with trembling hands and picked up her cup of coffee. She took a sip, making a loud gulping sound and set the mug back down. She licked her lips and looked up into my eyes.

"He began to walk toward the beach as he continued to push me up and pull me down on his member. I came over and over as he carried me closer to the beach. Once I was totally out of the water I felt every nerve in my body begin to tingle. The stiff warm breeze blowing across my completely naked body was too much to handle. My legs were still wrapped around his waist and his cock was still inside of me as we made it to the edge of the water," Mrs. Graph said as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly.

My finger was now completely lodged in her pussy and I stopped moving it. I could still feel her cunt muscles contracting as they spasmodically gripped at my finger.

What did he do to you then?" I asked as I leaned down and bit her ear lightly.

"He bent forward until I slid completely off of him. He gently lowered me onto my back as he dropped to his knees. I nearly came as I looked into his eyes as the water came rushing up over me. The noise of the ocean was so incredibly loud and the wind blowing across my naked body sent me into another world.," my teacher said as she glanced around the diner to see if anyone was eavesdropping.

"Go on," I said softly as my finger was still lodged deep in her pussy.

"As he knelt there he looked so incredibly handsome. His wet body glistened in the bright moonlight as he knelt there at my feet. I never in my life felt so incredibly alive like I did then. When your brother lifted my legs up and began to kiss my feet I nearly screamed. I never before felt such sensations as when he began to suck on my toes. Wave after wave crashed over us nearly covering me at times. The warm wind continued to cause my nipples to throb and ache. When your brother began to suck on my toes I began to cum without even touching myself," my slave said as she lowered her hand to my arm and squeezed it slightly.

"Did you think about your husband when my brother was sliding his tongue between your toes, causing you to cum?" I asked as I began to wiggle my finger inside of her pussy.

"God no," Mrs. Graph moaned as my finger caused her eyes to close and her hand to grip my arm.

"I completely forgot all about my husband. All I wanted was for your brother to never stop making love to me. The incredibly erotic setting had my body charged like it never was before. I don't think that a night like that could ever be recreated," Mrs. Graph said as she parted her legs slightly farther.

"So the night's when I seduced you and fucked you don't compare to the nights with my brother," I said as I withdrew my finger completely from her pussy.

"No, ... I didn't say that," Mrs. Graph said as she looked disappointed that I pulled my finger from her cunt.

"What you did to me was even on a higher level, almost like we were in another realm," Mrs. Graph uttered as her hand squeezed my arm as it rested on her thigh.

"What did my brother do after he finished sucking on your toes?" I asked as I stared into her beautiful green eyes.

"Oh God Justin, he sucked on each and every toe like it was the last morsel of food in the world. I just laid there on my back watching him enjoy himself as the water kept crashing over me. Finally he placed my feet on the ground with my legs spread open and he stood up. I watched him as he slowly walked around and stood over my head. His cock looked so beautiful as it stood strait out and glistened in the moonlight," my teacher said as she was now speaking in a normal voice.

"Did he just stand there towering over you or did he do something else?" I asked as I slowly pulled my hand up to my face and inhaled the scent of her juices from my finger.

Ever so slowly I slid my finger into my mouth as Mrs. Graph just stared at me. I could taste her pussy on my finger as I slowly pulled my finger from my mouth.

"He slowly dropped to his knees," Mrs. Graph said as her eyes remained locked on my finger as I again slid my hand up her leg toward her pussy.

"His knees were on the sides of my head and his cock was now hanging over my face. I wanted so badly to reach up and guide him down to my mouth," my teacher said as her breathing began to grow heavy again.

"Did you?" I asked with a grin on my face.

"Did you reach up and guide someone other than your husband's cock to your open mouth?" I asked as I stared deeply into my teacher's eyes.

Mrs. Graph nodded 'yes.' Her hand returned to my arm and her eyes slowly returned to mine.

"I reached up and placed one hand on his ass and the other around his glistening member. As I guided him down, he leaned over me and lowered his head between my legs. I could taste myself on him as I remember how aroused I was when I felt his cock first slide past my lips and into my mouth. At the same time your brother began to devour my pussy," Mrs. Graph said as she cleared her throat and reached for her cup of coffee.

Again I began to slide my finger up and down her gaping slit, trying to simulate what my brother had done to her. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened as she gasped slightly.

"I'll warm your coffee up," the waiter said as he stared at my teacher's thong while he poured us more coffee.

"Thank you," I said as he nodded his head and turned to walk away.

"So you enjoyed sucking my brother's cock?" I asked as her face began to blush.

"Yes. It was the most erotic feeling in the world when your brother had his mouth on my pussy and his cock in my mouth. When the waves crashed over us I felt chills run up and down my spine. For the first time in my life I was sucking someone's cock other than my husband's. I could taste his pre cum as it dribbled from his member. I had one hand cupping his balls and the other was around his waist holding his ass as he gently began to fuck my face," my slave said as I slowly pushed my finger back into her extremely sticky hole.

"Did my brother cum in your mouth?" I asked as I began to wiggle my finger tip in her cunt.

Again Mrs. Graph nodded her head 'yes' as her breathing intensified. Her hand began to squeeze my arm and I could feel her cunt muscles beginning to contract.

"Don't cum yet," I said softly, "You can't cum until your Master gives you permission," I said softly as I leaned over and kissed her neck.

"I began to cum over and over as the waves of the ocean crashed over us. Your brother's mouth and tongue were doing things to me that had never been done before. I could feel your brother sliding his tongue over my ass hole as his cock continued to fuck my mouth. When he sucked on my clit I nearly exploded. He sucked on my clit and at the same time began to press his finger into my ass hole," Mrs. Graph said as her breathing grew heavier.

I began to gently rock my hand back and forth between her legs causing my finger to slide in and out of her cunt. Mrs. Graph began to squeeze my arm as she fought off the beginning of an orgasm.

"As I came over and over and the water splashed over our entangled mass of bodies, I began to suck on his cock like no other. I locked my mouth around the top half of his cock while I began to pump the bottom half with my hand. I could feel him begin to swell even larger in my mouth as his pre cum poured from his tip. My own orgasm was growing deep inside me as every nerve in my body was on fire. I thought I was going to pass out from the pleasures your brother was giving me along with the cold water crashing over my body," Mrs. Graph said as she squeezed my arm even tighter.

I knew she was on the verge of cumming as I continued to slide my finger in and out of her pussy. I could see the waiter watching us and the look o n his face told me he liked what he saw. I turned back to my teacher and lowered my lips to her ear.

"Tell me what happened next," I said softly as I blew into her ear.

"I began to shudder and shake underneath him as he continued to tongue my pussy and finger my ass hole. His cock continued to fuck my mouth like it has never been fucked before. All of a sudden this large wave came crashing over us, causing both of us to climax simultaneously. My back arched as my body shook uncontrollably. Your brother's cock suddenly began to spurt huge gooey gobs of cum into the back of my mouth, causing me to nearly gag. Because of the way I was laying I had no choice but to swallow his cum," my slave said softly as she squeezed my arm even tighter as her impending orgasm neared.

"At this point did you think about your poor sick husband back at the hotel room?" I asked.

Suddenly a tear trickled out of the corner of her eye and down her cheek. I watched her close her eyes tightly as yet another tear trickled down her face, falling on to her white skirt below. I stopped moving my finger inside of her pussy to allow her to compose herself.

"I forgot all about my husband as I became lost in your brother. I kept cumming over and over with each crashing wave. Every time a wave crashed on top of me I came again. I began screaming because I was cumming so hard. Your brother kept his mouth on my pussy and his finger in my ass until I climaxed at least a dozen times," my teacher said as her breathing began to grow heavier.

I slid my finger out until just my finger tip was between her wet sticky pussy lips. I could feel the cool air against my wet finger as I continued to lead my slave down memory lane.

"Did you want my brother to fuck you?" I asked as I glanced over at the waiter who was still intently watching us.

Mrs. Graph lowered her head and nodded 'yes.' She squeezed my arm tightly before looking up into my eyes. The look of lust was evident as her eyes were half closed and her nipples continued to push her bra and shirt outward. My slave licked her lips and then continued.

"God yes, I not only wanted him to fuck me, I needed him to fuck me," my teacher said as she licked her lips again.

"How did it happen?" I asked softly as I realized the customers that were next to us were now getting up and leaving.

Mrs. Graph looked over her shoulder at the people who were leaving. She picked up her coffee cup and took a sip before setting it back down. She sighed loudly and lessened her grip on my arm.

"After I finished cumming over and over, your brother slowly climbed off of me. He turned around and he knelt down in the wet sand between my legs. He just knelt there with his hands on my thigh's while he stared deeply into my eyes. I was never so turned on in my life like I was that night as his body glistened in the bright moonlight while wave after wave continued to crash over us. Our eyes were glued together and it was like we were one in the same. The wind was blowing so hard and the noise of the waves made it nearly impossible to hear. As I looked into his eyes I mouthed 'fuck me' to him," my sexy slave said as I slid my finger up and down her gaping slit.

"Did he?" I asked as I took another sip of half cold coffee.

"Not right away, I mouthed 'fuck me' again and he just knelt there between my legs. His hands felt so incredibly hot on my thigh's but when the cold water crashed over my naked body I nearly came again. 'Fuck me' I mouthed again but your brother just knelt there. 'Fuck me' I mouthed one last time only to have your brother slide his wonderful hands up and down my wet thigh's," Mrs. Graph said as she still looked into my eyes.

"So how did you get him to fuck you?" I asked as I gradually began to inch my finger back inside her cunt.

"I shouted out 'FUCK ME' but I knew he still couldn't hear me. Again I screamed 'OH GOD PLEASE FUCK ME' but your brother just tilted his head slightly like he was trying to hear something," Mrs. Graph said as she closed her eyes when she felt my finger slide back into her steamy cunt.

"How did you manage to finally persuade him?" I asked as I wiggled my finger around inside her now spasaming cunt.

Mrs. Graph gasped slightly as my finger began to massage her g spot. Her eyes were now closed and she was biting her bottom lip.

"Don't cum yet," I whispered softly into her ear as I slide my tongue along the outer edge of her ear.

Mrs. Graph tried to compose herself so I decided to stop moving my finger. I could feel her pussy muscles spasmodically gripping my finger as she sat here next to me in the diner.

"I finally couldn't stand it any longer so I reached up to guide him down on top of me. Instead he pushed my arms back down and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders. He leaned forward causing my legs to stick strait up in the air as his cock was now just inches from my dripping pussy. His constant gaze into my eyes caused me to shudder. When the next wave of cold water crashed down over me nearly it nearly caused me to explode," Mts. Graph said softly as I began to wiggle my finger around inside of her cunt again.

"Wave after wave continued to crash down over us. The water was so cold but the moment was so hot. With each crashing wave, your brother inched himself closer and closer until I felt the tip of his cock press against my wet married cunt. I screamed out loud and began to thrash my head back and forth as I felt him begin to part me open. He slowly inched himself in until he was completely buried inside of my pussy," my teacher said as I held my finger still inside of her.

I reached for my coffee mug and took a sip as I felt my teacher's cunt begin to grip at my finger again. Her breathing grew heavier and I knew she was on the verge of climaxing.

"Remember, your Master said you cannot cum until he tells you too," I said softly as I noticed the waiter was now clearing off the table next to us.

"Please Master, I may fail," my teacher said softly as she trembled slightly.

"Do not fail or you will be punished," I reminded her as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Continue," I said softly as I stared deeply into her lovely green eyes.

"Your brother did nothing at first. He just knelt there with his cock buried inside of me. I couldn't help it and I came just from him being inside of me. I began to shake and quiver as the waves pounded over me. My back arched and my head tossed from side to side. Your brother just knelt there until I began to come down from my climax," Mrs. Graph said weakly as she tried to keep from cumming on my finger.

"When I finished cumming he wrapped his strong arms around my thigh's and began to thrust his hips back and forth. Instantly I cried out as I felt a huge tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. My head thrashed from side to side as the waves continued to drench us. I was panting so hard I began to get light headed from the fucking that your brother was giving me," Mrs. Graph said weakly as she fought off her orgasm with everything she had.

I began to fuck her tight hole with my finger just like my brother did. Her heavy breathing turned into a light pant as her cunt muscles began to grip my finger even tighter. Mrs. Graph opened her eyes with a look of disappointment on her face as I withdrew my finger completely. Moments later she gasped loudly as I now slid two fingers into her dripping cunt.

"Oh Master," Mrs. Graph moaned loudly.

"Your brother began to slam his hips into me, sending me into another realm. I could feel his balls bouncing against my ass hole as he slammed in and out of me. My toes tingled and my fingers felt like they were on fire. I knew it was only a matter of time before I was going to cum harder than any other time in my life," my teacher said as she suddenly squeezed my arm tightly.

"Did your husband ever enter your mind?" I asked as I began to increase my thrusting tempo with my two fingers.

"God no, never," Mrs. Graph said as she gasped loudly.

"Please let me cum Master," my slave begged as her face turned into my chest just like she did when she came the first time.

"No," I said as I placed my fingers under her chin and lifted her face up to look into my eyes.

"Tell me what happened next," I said softly as I now held Mrs. Graph's face right in front of mine.

"I felt like I was in heaven as he still had his arms wrapped around my legs. His cock fucked my pussy like it has never been fucked before. I screamed over and over that I was going to cum but he couldn't hear me. Just then my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I began to cum. I began to tingle from my toes to my nose. Every nerve in my body was on fire as I screamed over and over. I arched my back and came so hard I thought I was going to faint," my teacher whimpered as she looked into my eyes.

I squeezed Mrs. Graph's face a little tighter. I could see a tear welling up in her eye as she stared deeply into my eyes.

"Go ahead, you may cum," I whispered as I began to fuck her pussy with my two fingers.

"Oh God," Mrs. Graph moaned out softly as I stared into her open eyes as her body began to shake.

I could feel her pussy gripping my fingers tightly as I slid them in and out. Her heavy breathing cascaded down my face as I tightened my grip of her cheeks even tighter.

"Continue," I said softly.

"I began to cum over and over. His constant pounding caused me to loose track of how many times I came. The rush of cold water intensified the effects of my orgasm. I felt your brother's cock begin to swell and I knew that he was close. Never before have I ever let anyone cum inside of me without protection, until that night," Mrs. Graph said as she began to shake uncontrollably.

"Finish your story," I whispered as I glanced over to see the waiter watching us.

"Oh God Master, your brother began to cum inside of me, sending me over the edge one more time. With each thrust and spurt my pussy gripped at his cock and milked as much cum out of him as I possibly could. The feeling of him filling my pussy with his cum was out of this world. My pussy was slippery and he continued to fuck me like there was no tomorrow," Mrs. Graph said softly as I watched her eyes roll into the back of her head.

I felt her pussy gripping at my finger as her body shook uncontrollably. She was now silent except for her heavy breathing and the occasional squishy sound of my fingers fucking her pussy. I just watched for a moment as she came on my hand.

Finally after a few minutes Mrs. Graph opened her eyes. I removed my fingers from her completely drenched pussy as I took a sip of cold coffee.

"Is that better?" I asked softly as I rested my cum coated fingers and hand on her thigh.

Glancing down I could see her skirt was pushed up far enough for me to see her pussy. Her pussy lips were swollen and glistening as were her inner thigh's.

"Thank you Master," my slave said as she looked into my eyes.

"So what happened next?" I asked as she now picked up her coffee mug and took a sip.

Just then the waiter returned with his coffee pot. As he refilled our cups I could see him looking down at my teacher's lap. His eyes stared at her naked cunt as he accidentally overfilled my coffee mug slightly.

"Don't worry about it," I said softly as I lifted my hand from my teacher's lap and picked up a napkin to wipe up the small spill.

The waiter just stared in amazement at my fingers as they glistened from Mrs. Graph's cum.

"Thank you," I said to the waiter before he finally turned and walked away.

"We just laid there for the longest time. He laid along side of me and we just cuddled and held each other. We kissed over and over until we fell asleep. Sometime later your brother woke me up and told me that we had to get going because it was almost morning. I woke up and I was cold as the tide was now out and the water was no longer crashing over us," my teacher said as she sipped on her hot coffee.

After she set her mug back down she took a bite of her pie which was now just about all gone. She swallowed and washed it down with coffee again. She set the mug down and turned back to me.

As I stood up I realized that my legs were extremely tired and weak. My pussy was sore and throbbing from the serious fucking that I just received. Your brother pulled up his swim trunks and I searched for my bikini. I began to panic as we couldn't find it anywhere. We searched everywhere but it was gone. He told me that when he threw it toward the shore he might not have mad it all the way. At this point, panic began to set in as I didn't know how I was going to get back to the hotel. In the distance I saw something white so we walked over to it. Luckily it was my long blouse, so I put it on," Mrs. Graph said softly as she looked around the diner.

"So you walked back to the hotel naked except for your white blouse?" I asked as I now had a grin on my face.

"We started walking but my legs began to cramp up. I couldn't believe it when your brother scooped me up and began to carry me down the beach. I reached around his neck and held on to him tightly, not even caring that my blouse was unbuttoned and wide open, completely exposing me. My heels dangled from my feet and the walk seemed to take forever. It was now darker as there were clouds obscuring the moonlight. We finally were able to see the hotel in the distance and the first hint of daylight was visible over the horizon," Mrs. Graph said softly as she continued to look into my eyes.

"Did you walk into the hotel or did my brother carry you?" I asked as I lowered my hand back to her thigh.

"I was too tired and your brother just carried me down the boardwalk and past the pool on the way to the entrance of the hotel. There was nobody around the pool but when we walked into the hotel and to the elevator there were two men standing there waiting. The door opened and the men walked in and your brother carried me in with them. I was so tired I didn't care that my blouse was open and I was exposed. Hell, I felt my nipples stiffen as your brother just held me there. I could feel his cum running out of my pussy and across my ass hole just as the door opened," Mrs. Graph said as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Were you afraid your husband would be awake and waiting?" I asked as I squeezed her thigh softly.

"God yes," Mrs. Graph said.

"Your brother carried me right to my hotel room door and gently set me down. He cupped my face and looked into my eyes as he slowly lowered his face to mine and kissed me. We shared one soft tender kiss before he turned and ran down the hall. I pushed the plastic card into the lock and opened the door. I quickly ducked into the rest room and jumped into the shower," my teacher said softly.

"So your husband never knew?" I asked with a sheepish grin on my face.

"No," Mrs. Graph said as she shook her head.

Glancing over the counter I could see that it was getting quite late. I wanted to go talk to Kate while I was here to see how the production of the porno tape was coming. I knew I couldn't stay too long though because Val was going to be waiting for me in the church basement at midnight.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my money, including the two one hundred dollar bills that Brad's mother just gave me. Mrs. Graph reached up to grab her thong when I reached up and grabbed her arm.

"No, that's the waiter's tip," I said as I felt her arm tremble slightly.

"Your not serious, are you?" my slave asked as she slowly lowered her hand back down to her lap.

"I'm as serious as a heart attack," I said as I reached up and adjusted her wet thong, sliding the ten dollar bill into the wet crotch.

"Master, you are so unique, you drive me crazy," Mrs. Graph said as she smiled at me.

"I need to take care of some business so I want you to go home. Remember, you belong to me now. You are not to pleasure your husband at all. If you fail, you will be severely punished. Also, I want you to dress up sexy and meet me here at Club Cuffs tomorrow night at midnight," I said sternly as I peered down into her eyes.

"Yes Master," my teacher said as I slipped out of the booth.

I reached down for her hand as I helped her slide out from behind the table. She stood up and adjusted her skirt before turning to me. I opened my arms for her to fall into me. We embraced and hugged for a moment before our lips came together. I could see the waiter watching so I reached behind Mrs. Graph and lifted her skirt. She moaned into my mouth as I lifted her skirt up to bare her beautiful naked ass to our waiter. Looking out of one eye I saw him give me a thumbs up as he smiled and nodded his head. I quickly lowered her skirt as we broke our kiss.

"Good night," Mrs. Graph said softly as she turned and walked toward the door. My eyes were glued to her ass she her tight little butt wiggled while she walked. She pushed open the door and disappeared into the darkness. (To Be Continued)