I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 09


After the door slammed shut and Mrs. Graph was gone I turned and walked over to Kate's door.

I knocked and waited for a moment until I saw the door knob begin to turn. The door was pulled open enough for me to see Kate as she stood in almost complete darkness.

"Come in Justin," Kate said as she reached out and pulled my arm into her office.

"Follow me," Kate said softly as she turned and walked across her office to another door that I never even noticed before.

As we walked my eyes were glued to her sexy ass as she had on the tightest pair of blue jeans imaginable. She was dressed down tonight as she wore jeans and a sweat shirt. She walked past this other door and I followed closely behind her.

"It's done," Kate said as she turned and handed me a copy of my porno film.

"Last night's scene was so incredibly hot my buyer decided to pay us even more," Kate said as she spun around and kissed me hard on the mouth.

"How much more?" I asked as Kate's face remained against mine.

"Were getting seventy five thousand each," Kate said as she threw her hands up in the air and jumped up into my arms.

I caught her and immediately spun around in circles. Her breasts were pressing against my chin as my arms were around her ass as I held her up in the air. Finally I lowered her to the ground as we stood face to face.

"Lets watch your show last night," Kate said as she pointed toward a small love seat that I never even knew existed.

I went and sat down on the love seat as Kate picked up a remote control before joining me. Since I was sitting on the end of the love seat Kate leaned against me as she pressed 'play' on the remote.

"This is so fucking hot," Kate said as she leaned her head against my chest and made herself comfortable.

Suddenly the video started. The black curtain was pulled back and we watched as Kate led Mrs. Graph up to the stage by her dog leash. I could feel my erection growing in my pants as Kate slid down on the love seat until she was laying down and her head was on my lap.

"My buyer said he was willing to pay up to one hundred and fifty thousand for each three scene tape we produce," Kate said as she turned her head and looked up into my eyes.

Our hands found each other's and soon we were holding hands. Our thumbs and fingers continued to caress and stroke each other's hands while we watched the video.

"I need the main event tomorrow night," I said as I looked down at Kate.

Kate paused for a moment as she was thinking about something. She bit her bottom lip as she squinted her eyes.

"I can't do that, I already promised the main event to another couple who are into voodoo," Kate said as she turned her head back down and gazed at the television set.

"Shit," I said as I thought about Stephani coming to the club tomorrow night.

"But what I can do is put on a double main event tomorrow night," Kate said as she leaned up to look into my face.

"What do you have in mind?" Kate asked as I could see the dollar signs in her eyes.

"Something that will be absolutely smoking," I said as I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Well don't tease me," Kate said as she tickled me on my side.

"I have another lady who will become a slave to me. She has been extremely resistant but she has a lot of potential. Mrs. Graph will join me on stage to coerce Stephani into submission," I said softly.

"Oh God Justin were gonna be rich," Kate said as she lowered her head back to my lap and resumed watching the video.

As I glanced at the screen I watched as Kate poured hot molten candle wax all over my teacher. It was completely different watching it on a television set. The camera zoomed in to show my teacher's nipples as they grew harder and longer. The wax was running off of her and she looked so incredibly sexy as her arms and legs were forced high overhead.

"Our money will be here Monday afternoon," Kate said as she reached up and began to rub my erection through my pants.

"Oh God," I sighed softly as Kate continued to stroke my member until I was completely hard.

"Looks like someone wants to come out to play," Kate said as she shifted her weight on the love seat and unbuttoned my pants.

The feeling of my zipper being pulled down felt incredible as I finally felt some relief. Before I could utter a word Kate had my cock out of my underwear and in her mouth.

"Just watch the movie and enjoy yourself," Kate said as she slowly slid her mouth down over my member.

"Oh God," I moaned as I reached down and ran my fingers through her soft silky hair.

I continued to watch the television set. Kate was now in a heated sixty nine with my chained up teacher and she was lapping her pussy like there was no tomorrow. The incredible feeling of Kate's mouth sliding up and down my cock while I watched her eating my slave was electric.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum," I said as Kate continued her ministrations.

"I hope so," Kate said as she pulled off of my cock and looked me in the eye.

Kate began to slide her mouth up and down the entire length of my cock even faster. My constant moaning told her that I was well past the point of no return. My hips began to thrust gently as I now began to fuck Kate's mouth.

"Give it to me baby," Kate said as she pulled off of my cock long enough to give me a couple of quick strokes with her hand.

Suddenly her mouth encased my member again. Her head began to bob up and down as I watched Kate begin to slide her finger in and out of my teacher's cunt. Suddenly I felt my toes begin to tingle.

"Oh God I'm gonna cum," I cried out as my hips began to thrust uncontrollably. I could feel my cum racing from my balls and up my shaft. The feeling of her mouth sucking on my cock while I was cumming nearly caused me to pass out. It felt like I was in a vacuum as she sucked so hard on my member while swallowing my load. I grunted over and over as my orgasm finally began to subside.

Slowly Kate lifted her head as she laid there. The smile on her face and the way she was stroking my still hard member told me that she now needed to be taken care of.

"Stand up and strip," I said to Kate as she lowered her head and slipped my cock back into her mouth for one last suck.

"Yes Master," she said with a smile as she stood up.

Kate began to do her sexy dance as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head. Right before my eyes were her heavy immaculate breasts with gold studs through each nipple. Before long Kate unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to her ankles. She quickly kicked off her tennis shoes and pulled her pants off. Before me she now stood completely naked.

I patted the love seat right next to me. I stared into her eyes as she looked down at my hand.

"Sit," I said sternly.

"Yes Master," Kate said as she grinned.

She slowly sat down and leaned back against the back of the love seat. I got up and knelt down between her legs and pulled her down far enough so her pussy was at the edge of the cushion.

"Eat my pussy Master," Kate hissed as she looked past me and at the television.

I lowered my face to her cunt and inhaled her magnificent scent. I lightly licked her pussy from bottom to top before sliding back down to her ass hole.

"Make me cum Master," Kate moaned out as she reached down between her legs and held my head.

Kate began to buck her hips as she held my head in place. She smashed her sloppy cunt all over my face as she watched the scene on the television.

I began to push my tongue in as far as it would go, causing Kate to moan out in pleasure. I slid my tongue back up to her clit and immediately pushed two fingers into her gaping hole.

"Oh shit yeah," Kate hollered out as she continued to hump my face.

Reaching up with my other hand I pulled on her nipple stud causing her to begin to climax. She began to tremble and grind her cunt on my face.

"Oh God," Kate cried out as her ass was now thrusting completely off of the love seat.

I could feel her pussy getting slipperier as my fingers now slid in and out easily. Kate was panting and her eyes were now closed as I continued my oral assault on her lovely pussy.

Suddenly Kate pushed me away. She stood up and walked to the end of the love seat and leaned over the arm.

"Fuck me Master," she moaned out as she leaned completely over the arm, leaving her back side completely vulnerable to me.

I walked up behind her and stepped out of my shoes and pants. I placed my hands on her hips as I pressed my cock between her legs and easily slid into her slippery love tunnel. Using my foot I pushed her legs apart even farther as I sank completely into her pussy.

"Oh God yes, fuck me Master," Kate cried out as I held her hips and began to thrust my hips.

"Oh fuck yeah," Kate cried out as we both watched the video.

On the television I was squeezing Mrs. Graph's breast with my hands, causing her nipple to pop out even farther. I watched with excitement as Kate pushed the piercing needle through her tender flesh, leaving her delicate nipple pierced.

'SMACK' was the sound heard as I reached back and spanked Kate's ass.

"Oh my God, again," Kate cried out.


"Again," Kate cried out as she began to shake beneath me.


"Again," Kate screamed out as I felt her cunt begin to squeeze my cock.


"HARDER," Kate screamed out as she now shook uncontrollably.


"Oh Goddddddddddd," Kate cried out as she buried her face in the cushion. I held her hips as I continued to bang her pussy from behind.

"OhhhhUggghhhhOhhhhhhhh,Uggghhhhhhh," Kate moaned out over and over as she continued to tremble beneath me.

Suddenly Kate reached behind her and she placed her hands on her ass cheeks. She pulled her cheeks apart, revealing her tight pink ass hole.

"Please fuck my ass Master," Kate cried out as she whimpered beneath me.

I slid my swollen slippery member out of her pussy and I pressed the head of my cock against her ass hole.

"Beg your Master," I hissed as I reached back and smacked her ass, 'SMACK.'

"God Master fuck my ass," Kate hissed as she looked back over her shoulder at me.

"What? I didn't hear you," I said as I heard her perfectly clear but I wanted her to beg me.

"Fuck my ass Master," Kate hissed as her hair hung down onto the cushion below while she still remained bent over the arm of the love seat.

"I still didn't hear what you," I said as I again spanked her now red ass.


"FUCK MY ASS MASTER," Kate cried out in a blood curdling scream.

I began to push my cock against her beautiful tight bung hole.

"Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh Goddddddddd," Kate cried out as the head of my cock stretched her ass hole enough to slide inside.

"Look at the television," I said as I watched the part where we were raising Mrs. Graph's legs so I could fuck her tight ass hole.

"Oh God look at that," Kate cried out as her heavy breathing now turned into a pant.

"Look at how fucking hot that is," Kate screamed as I slid completely into her ass.

I watched the monitor and began to mimic the same pace as with Mrs. Graph. Soon my hips were thrusting and Kate was moaning out just like my teacher. I continued to pound Kate from behind for what seemed to be an eternity. I felt my cum begin to boil in my balls as every nerve in my body was now on fire.

Kate was screaming "Oh God," at virtually the same time as Mrs. Graph. Kate's eyes were glued to the television set as I continued to fuck her tight ass hole.

"Cum inside of me Master," Kate cried out.

Just as I began to cum on the monitor I began to cum in Kate's ass.

"I need to feel your cum inside me Master," Kate hissed as she began to tremble all over again.

Kate buried her face in the cushions causing her panting and screaming to be muffled. I couldn't hold back any longer. My balls tightened and began to contract as I rammed my cock in and out of Kate's tight butt. Suddenly I gasped for air as I began to cum.

My balls contracted and began to spurt cum up my shaft and out of my cock until I felt it squirting out and deep into her bowels.

"Oh Godddddddddd," Kate cried out in a dry husky voice as I continued to deposit my load of cum into her ass.

Slowly we came down from our high's. I slumped over Kate as we both slid onto the love seat. We cuddled for a while as we held each other and giggled.

"So that is what it's like from a slave's perspective," Kate said softly as she took a deep breath.

"That was fun," she said as she stood up and began to dress.

"Too bad we didn't have the camera's in here," I said as I too stood up and dressed.

"We can't have everything," Kate said as she pulled her sweatshirt back over her head

"You don't know how bad I needed that," Kate said as she walked over to her computer desk and picked up a copy of the video tape.

"Here," Kate said as she handed me my very own copy.

Kate stepped up on her tippee toes and kissed me softly on my lips.

"Business partners forever," Kate said as she pulled her face away and traced her fingers across my face.

"Tomorrow night at midnight we will begin work on tape two," I said softly as I watched Kate walk into her main office and reach for her cigarettes.

"God, your a machine," she said as she stuck a cigarette in her mouth and lit it with her lighter.

I smiled as I walked over toward the door. I didn't plan on fucking Kate so it was now considerably later than I wished it was. I had to get going because it was now past eleven thirty.

"I have to get going, I'll be here tomorrow just before midnight," I said as I reached out for the door knob.

Before my hand could reach the cold brass knob Kate slipped her hand into mine. She stepped in front of me and reached up and ran her fingers through my hair. Our eyes connected and there was silence for a moment before she finally spoke.

"Thank you for the wonderful fuck Justin," Kate said as she again stepped up on her tippee toes to kiss me.

Our tongues met before our lips touched. Immediately I tasted her cigarette as our tongues played tag for several minutes.

"Playing your slave tonight was special for me, I always wondered what it would be like," Kate said as our eyes closed and again our tongues touched before our lips did.

We stood there kissing for several more minutes before she finally stepped back.

"Any time," I said as I reached out again for the cold brass door knob.

Once again I was stopped by Kate as she reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"Let me," Kate said as she reached out and turned the knob. Slowly she opened the door and watched me as I stepped out of her office and into the diner.

"Sleep tight," Kate said as she blew me one last kiss.

"You too," I said as I turned and walked toward the exit.

I hurriedly walked out of the diner and out to my van. I jumped in and started the engine before pulling out quickly. I drove along toward The Valley Christian Academy hoping that I wouldn't be late. As I sped along I wondered if Val could be right. Was it possible that Trista's mother really was a whore.

I saw the church ahead so I pulled up about a block before the church and parked my van. Before I shut off the engine I realized that it was already five minutes past midnight. I hoped that Val would still be there.

I looked around as I quietly and slowly opened my door. I closed it as quietly as possible as I began to walk toward the church. The street lights lit the street but the sidewalks were quite dark. As I made my way up the sidewalk I decided to cut across the parking lot to get behind the church.

My heart was pounding as I was so afraid of getting caught by Trista's dad. I walked into the shadows created by the trees and slipped behind the church into nearly total darkness. I slowed down as I looked along the edge of the building for a stairwell but didn't see one. As I walked farther I found what I was looking for as the stairwell was hidden by a large untrimmed bush.

Looking all around to make sure that I wasn't spotted I quickly slipped into the stairwell. I quietly descended the steel stairs until I was at the bottom. My heart was racing and my breathing was heavy as I reached out and pulled on the cold steel door knob. The knob was locked.

"Shit," I said softly as I tried to turn the knob again but to no avail.

I just stood there for a moment as I pondered how I was going to get back up the stairs and out to my van without being spotted. Trying one last time the old knob turned.

Slowly I pulled the door open. Peering inside I couldn't see anything as it was totally dark except for a few candles. I quietly stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I just stood there for a moment letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. As I stood there I prayed that Val was here.

"Over here," I heard a soft whisper as I heard someone walk toward me.

"Is that you Val?" I whispered.

Just then Val stood before me as she came into my sight.

"I didn't think you were gonna make it," Val said as she slipped her hand into mine and began to lead me through the church basement.

"I got a little tied up," I said as I followed Val's lead.

Her hand felt so soft as her fingers slipped between mine. She led me over to a small office and opened the door.

"Don't turn any lights on," Val said softly.

"I have a small flash light," she said as we ducked into a small office.

I closed the door behind me without making a sound. Val very quickly turned the flash light on and off so she could see where she was going.

"Over here," she said as she led me to a small closet in the office.

"I told you Trista's mom was a whore now I'll prove it to you," Val said as she turned the small knob and pulled the door open.

Val turned on the flash light and the small closet became illuminated. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Holy shit," I said softly as I reached up and ran my fingers through a silky blonde wig.

Suddenly I put two and two together. The lady I recognized at the club last night with Martina must have been Trista's mom. I saw the blouse and the short skirt that she wore. There were other sexy clothes in there as well including the same sexy heels that she wore last night.

"You know something don't you," Val asked as she slid her hand up my back and squeezed my neck softly.

"Don't hide it from me, I told you everything and proved it so now you have to tell me what you know and then prove it to me," Val said quietly in a hushed voice.

I wanted to tell Val I saw her last night at Club Cuffs but yet I was afraid because I still hadn't told Trista about it. I wanted to spill my guts but my brain told me not to.

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul, even Trista," Val said quietly.

I just paused for a moment as Val began to rub my back. She could sense that I knew something and she was extremely persistent.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" I asked Val as I looked into her beautiful almond shaped eyes.

"I promise, just spill it," Val said softly.

I paused for a moment as I didn't know how to begin. I thought about telling her everything but I decided that I would just start with the part about Trista's mother.

"I saw her last night in this outfit," I said quietly.

"She was at a sex club that I belong to. She was with a lady named Martina and they went on stage together. I knew I recognized her face but I couldn't place her. I can't believe that I watched Trista's mother make love to another woman," I said softly as I turned and looked at Val.

"Take me there," Val said excitedly,

"It's my birthday tomorrow, take me there," Val persisted.

"I want in on whatever you are into," Val said as she looked up into my eyes.

Just then there was a noise and we both jumped. Val shut off the flash light and we just stood still as we heard someone walking across the church basement.

"Shit," Val whispered, "Someone's coming."

The sound of the footsteps grew closer. My heart began beating wildly as Val pulled my arm and led me into the closet. She shut the door and placed her hand over my mouth. Suddenly the door of the office opened and the lights turned on.

I was so scared that we were busted as there was a slotted vent in the door. When we looked through it we were utterly shocked to see Trista's mother as she walked over to Martina's desk and sat down, wearing only a robe.

Val and I both held our breath as Trista's mother began to rifle through Martina's desk drawers. It was difficult to see but as long as we looked down through the vent we could see Trista's mother.

Suddenly she slammed the last desk drawer closed. She sat there for a foment as her robe fell between her parted legs. We watched as she reached out and picked up the phone.

Trista's mother dialed a number and waited patiently. She looked all around the office while she waited for whoever it was to answer the phone.

"Hi, it's me," Trista's mother said softly.

"Where is your toy at?" She asked as we presumed that she was talking to Martina.

Suddenly Trista's mother turned around and opened the bottom filing cabinet drawer. She held the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she sat back up, holding a huge black dildo.

I could feel Val began to shiver at the sight of the large latex toy. Trista' mother turned back around and sat at the desk while she continued to talk.

"OK," Trista's mom said as she pushed a button on the phone and hung up the receiver.

Val and I both realized that she was now on the speaker phone with Martina. We both prayed that she didn't need to come into this closet to get anything or we would be busted.

"So you're a horny little slave tonight?" Martina's voice boomed out of the speaker phone.

"Yes Master," Trista's mother said as she slowly began to open her robe as she faced us.

Just as her robe was about to open Martina suddenly stopped her.

"I want you to go up to the church and climb up on the altar. You will throw your robe on the ground and you will lay on your back. I want you to spread those silky soft sexy legs of yours and I want you to fuck yourself with that huge black dildo until you cum. You must remain on the altar and cum ten times, no more or no less. If you fail my instructions I will punish you tomorrow," Martina said sternly.

"Do you understand?" Martina asked.

"Yes Master," Trista's mother said softly as her robe flopped open enough to expose her beautiful ripe breasts.

"If you fail your Master you will be punished. Your Master will tie you up on the altar and fuck you with that huge white candle that sits next to the altar. Now go fulfill your Master's request."

We watched in amazement as Trista's mother stood up and began walking to the door. She opened the door, shut off the lights and closed the door behind her. The clicking sound of her heels slowly dissipated until finally it was silent.

Val opened the door and led me out into the office. She was shaking from such a close call.

"We have to get out of here," Val said nervously as she pressed her ear up against the door to see if she could still hear Trista's mother's heels clicking on the hard tile floor.

Val quietly turned the knob and pulled the door open. She just stood there for a second, making sure that the coast was clear.

"Come on, follow me," Val said as she slipped her soft sexy hand into mine and began pulling me toward the way we came in.

"Hold on," I whispered as I pulled Val back until we stopped.

"We came this far, why turn back now," I said softly as Val bit her bottom nervously.

"You wanna go watch?" Val asked as suddenly a smile appeared across her lovely face.

"That's why I'm here sweetie," I said softly as I squeezed her hand.

"Lead the way," I said as I swung my other arm out as if to lead her on.

"OK, just be quiet," Val said as she began to lead me across the dimly lit church basement.

Finally we reached a set of stairs. Val stopped me at the base of the stairs and stood on the first step so she could look me in the eyes.

"No talking from here on out," Val whispered.

"When it's time to leave I'll pull your hand and just follow me, but be as quiet as possible," Val said as she turned and led me up the stairs.

Quietly and carefully we climbed the old steel staircase. There was a small landing and another door. Val went up to the old wooden door and peered through the small window. Val quickly turned toward me and had a smile from ear to ear as she squeezed my hand. She reached out and turned the knob, pulling the old wooden door open ever so slowly.

"Shhhhhhh," Val said softly as she dropped to her knees, pulling me with her.

Quietly, Val began to crawl through the partially opened door. I followed behind her until we came up to a short wooden wall. My heart was beating hard and my breathing was becoming difficult to contain.

Val reached over my back with her arm and held me as she motioned with her head for us to slowly look over the top of the wall. I nodded my acknowledgment of her gesture and slowly we both rose up enough to look over the top of the wall.

What we saw was breathtaking. The church was virtually dark except for the small altar area. Candles completely surrounded the cloth covered wooden altar allowing us to see what was happening. The sight before us was utterly amazing and hard to believe due to the fact that Trista's mother was married to the minister of this church. She was always putting on a good girl routine along with wearing overly baggy clothes. But the vision that I along with God had was that of a totally different woman. This woman Val and I saw was not the woman that we know, rather she was a woman possessed, possessed to having ten orgasm's in front of God on his altar.

Val and I just stared at Trista's mother as she laid on her back on the white cloth covered altar. She was totally naked except for the sexy pair of stiletto heels on her feet. Her legs were spread and bent at the knees and her back was arched. Her flesh looked so totally golden tanned from the candle light. We watched as her head thrashed from side to side as her one hand furiously pumped the huge black dildo in and out of her pussy.

Val and I knelt there and watched in amazement as Trista's mother continued to squirm on the altar. Her breasts bounced back and forth as she began to thrust her hips at her hand. Slight moans and gasps escaped her lips in this cold damp dark church.

From our vantage point all we could see was the side profile of Trista's mother. Although I should have been happy just to witness such a prolific event I wanted a better view. I crawled to my right as I slipped my hand into Val's. As I looked back at her I could see the fear and nervousness in her eyes as she hesitated for a moment. Finally after another tug of her arm she began to crawl silently behind me.

I wanted to crawl to the end of the pews and crawl up the side along the wall so I could get a view of the dildo that was making her cum ten times. As we approached the end of the wooden wall we suddenly heard something.



"Ohhhh Goddddddd," followed by heavy breathing and moans.

Stopping for a second to look back at Val we realized that she fulfilled part of her Master's request. She just experienced one orgasm and needed nine more to go. Val and I crawled around the corner and then up toward the front of the church. By the time we got half way up the pews toward the altar we heard Trista's mother begin to cum again.


"Ohhhhh Godddddddddd."

"Ohhhhh Jesus Christ."

"Oh dear Goddddddddddddd.

Val and I continued to crawl until we reached the very first row of wooden pews. We could now hear every breath that Trista's mother was gasping for. Our hearts were beating so loudly we were afraid that Trista's mother would her us. Slowly and side by side, Val and I looked around the edge of the pew.

Instantly my eyes were glued to Trista's mother's cunt as she worked the huge black dildo in and out of her shiny wet pussy. Val squeezed my hand even tighter as we watched Trista's mother again begin to climax. Her back arched high and her ass rose off of the table as the big black dildo was lodged completely inside her pussy.

"Oh Christ."

"Ohhhhhhhhh Lorrrrrdddddddd," Trista's mother cried out as she removed her hand from the dildo and began to rub her clit furiously.

Val and I watched in amazement as Trista's mother began to hump her hips up and down while her fingers continued to rub her clit. With her other hand she began to tug on her nipples, making them stand up tall and hard. I always knew that she had magnificent breasts but seeing them for myself was unreal.

"Ohhhhhh Godddddd," she moaned out as she began to cum again.

I could see her toes as they were curled in her sexy shoes. Her legs were spread open as far as they would go and her knees remained bent half way. Her constant gasps and moans indicated that she was having a string of multiple orgasm's.

Val and I kept as quiet as possible while we continued to watch Trista's mother. The cool damp air of the church and the taboo act of masturbating on God's table was a total turn on. If I could have I would have taken Val up there and fucked them both. Instead I just kept crouched down behind the old wooden pew with my erection bent in half in my pants.


"Yessssssssssss," Trista's mother hissed as she rocked into her sixth orgasm.

Suddenly she reached down and grabbed the base of the dildo and began to fuck herself with it. Val and I watched in amazement as Trista's mother continued to ram the latex device in and out of her cunt. The squishing noises and her constant panting told me that she was on the verge of another orgasm. Just then she raised her ass up off of the cloth covered altar and cried out.

"Oh Godddddddd."

"OH FUCK YEAH," she screamed out, causing her cries of pleasure to echo off of the old church walls.

Val and I watched as she began to shake and quiver. Her breasts jiggled and shook while her one hand continued to pinch and pull on her swollen nipples. We could see the glow in her face as her eyes would occasionally open partially between climaxes.

"Oh Jesus Christ Masterrrrrrr," Trista's mother screamed out, again causing loud echo's to bounce off of the old concrete walls.

Her hips were thrusting up and down and we watched in amazement as she rammed the huge black cock in completely to the hilt. She was in the throes of her eight orgasm as her hips frantically bucked at her hand. I felt Val reach around me and hold on to me firmly. Looking into her eyes I could see that she was as turned on as I was. Her glance into my eyes told me that she was ready to fuck, but this wasn't the right time or place.

Suddenly Trista's mother pulled the foot long black cock out of her pussy. Her cum coated the toy from top to bottom as her juices glistened in the candle light. Suddenly an evil sadistic smile appeared on her face as she slowly lifted the huge black cock up to her mouth.

I could feel my pre cum soaking my underwear as I crouched behind the first pew with Val. I was sure that Val's panties were even more soaked than mine. Suddenly Trista's mother began to laugh hysterically in a dry hoarse voice. The black latex cock was now resting on her lips as she continued to laugh as though she was possessed by Satan.

I almost choked when I watched her mouth open and her head tilt back. Slowly Trista's mother began to push more and more of the long thick cock into her mouth. Slowly, she began to slide the huge member in and out as her tongue caressed the underside. We watched for a few moments before she decided to sit up.

Slowly Trista's mother rolled over onto her knees and positioned herself in the center of the wooden table. My eyes shot wide open as she spread her legs and lowered her face to the table. As she knelt there before us and God, she reached back and began to rub her slit from top to bottom with the incredibly large toy.

"Oh yeahhhhhhh," Trista's mother cried out.

"Mmmmmmm, give my master one more," she moaned loudly as she continued to rub her cunt with the dildo.

From our vantage point we could see her labia as her lips hung down and were parted. The candle light caused her pussy to glisten along with the black member that was about to slide in her again.

"Oh yeahhhhhhhh," Trista's mother cried out as she began to ease the artificial cock into her soaking wet pussy.

It didn't take long for her to begin to pant as she started to fuck herself from behind frantically.

"Oh God make me cum one more time for my Master," she moaned out as her hips began to buck back at the dildo that was fucking her.

"Oh yeah God just like that," Trista's mother screamed out as she began to shake and spasm.

"Oh my fucking GODDDDDDDDDD," Trista's mother cried out as she fucked her pussy raw with the huge toy. We could see every muscle in her body tense up and relax with each and every spasm of her climax. A light sheen of sweat coated her naked body as she continued to thrust her ass back at the impaling toy. Her toes were curled in her shoes and her panting was out of control. Finally she pulled the toy out of her pussy and laid motionless on the table for a moment.

We continued to watch as Trista's mother tried to catch her breath. Ever so slowly she crawled off of the table and dropped to her knees as she crawled over to the crucifix. She began to sob heavily as she pulled herself up to her knees. Looking up at the huge wooden cross she raised her hands up and began to pray.

"Oh dear God please forgive me of these sins. Please save me from the evil seed that Satan has planted inside of me. Please cleanse and purify me in your image so I can one day sit with you. Please God, forgive me for soiling your house and bringing shame upon you. Right now I am not worthy of you or heaven but I pray that one day you will forgive me and make me worthy," Trista's mother said softly as she just knelt there before the cross crying her eyes out.

Val and I were afraid to move The last thing we needed was to get caught by Trista's mom. We just sat there for a while as she began to say the Lords Prayer over and over. While she prayed I couldn't take my eyes off of her incredible ass as she knelt there. Her legs were parted enough to see her pussy lips as they hung down and glistened. Val and I glanced at each other and waited for Trista's mother to finish.

"That was only nine orgasm's," I said to myself as I watched Trista's naked mother beg God for his forgiveness.

Val squeezed me tighter as we waited for her to leave. Slowly she pulled herself to her feet and turned around. Val and I just froze as she just stood there naked for a moment, just gazing out into the dark empty pews. Her head was tilted slightly and tears were running down her face as she continued to sob lightly.

Slowly Trista's mother walked over to the wooden table on the altar and bent down to pick up her robe. Quickly she slipped her slender arms through the sleeves before picking up the huge black dildo. She stepped down the soft carpeted steps carefully and held here open robe closed as she began to run down the aisle between the pews toward the back of the church.

Val and I remained frozen while Trista's mom ran out of the church. We waited for a few moments before finally standing up.

"Oh my God," Val said as she slipped her hand into mine and began leading me toward the front of the church.

"Do you believe what we just saw?" she asked as she looked back over her shoulders and into my eyes.

"Yeah, I watched her cum nine times when she was supposed to cum ten times," I said softly just in case Trista's mother was still close enough to hear us.

"Wow, you counted?" Val asked quietly as we reached the exit to go back down to the basement.

"You bet your sweet tight ass I did," I said as Val quietly opened the wooden door.

"Why would you count?" Val asked as we quietly descended the cold steel stairs into the basement.

"Because when I get the chance I can make her pay for failing her Master," I said softly.

Suddenly Val stopped in front of me and spun around. She pushed her breasts into me and looked up into my eyes.

"Your a Master," Val said.

"Your a Master and you have a Slave other than Trista, don't you?" she asked as she stared into my eyes while we stood at the base of the stairs.

I remained speechless as I stood there looking down at her. Her breasts felt incredible as she continued to smash them into my chest.

"Don't lie to me, I knew you were into some wild shit when I met you, I just had that feeling," Val said as she looked over her shoulder to make sure that Trista's mother was gone.

"I want in," Val said sternly as she gripped my shirt with both fists like she was going to shake the living shit out of me.

"No way," I said quietly.

"Ah-ha, so you are into something," Val said a little louder.

The basement was totally dark except for a couple of candles. There was enough light however to cause her eyes to glimmer while she looked up at me.

"I can't," I said softly, almost pleading her to stop asking me questions.

"Come on Justin, I held up my end tonight and proved to you that Trista's mom was a whore. Now do me a favor and let me in on whatever it is that you are into," Val said as she released her grip on my shirt.

"Don't do this to me," I said quietly as Val slipped her hands up and cupped my face.

"Please," Val said as she placed her thumbs on my lips and cupped my face.

Ever so slowly she stood up on her tippee toes and placed her face against mine. Only mere centimeters separated our lips as our eyes were now glued together. I could feel her breath against my face as she leaned into me a little harder.

"You want to fuck me don't you?" Val asked as she kissed my lips so lightly that I almost couldn't feel it.

"Well?" she whispered.

"God yes," I said as I tried to control my breathing as I felt her lean against the huge bulge in my pants.

"Well, if you don't let me in on what you are doing then I'll have to tell Trista that you came on to me and... I don't know... maybe you raped me. You wouldn't want me to tell her that would you?" Val asked as I felt her thumbs push into the corners of my mouth.

"Please no," I begged as I was now the one backed into a corner.

"Just let me in on what it is you are doing and I give you my word that I won't say a thing," Val said as she kissed my lips ever so lightly again.

I nodded slightly as Val slowly lowered her face down from mine. Looking down I wanted to just take her up to the altar and fuck her brains out. What I did however, was begin to tell her everything.

"OK, I'll pick you up at eleven tomorrow night. Meet me down the street at the corner and look for my van. We won't be home until late and you have to promise me that you won't say a word about what you are about to see and experience to anyone," I said softly.

"I promise," Val said as she turned and led me to the exit where I came in at.

"What should I wear?" Val asked quietly as she peered out the window before opening the door.

"Just wear something nice," I said as I ducked out into the darkness and made my way to my van.

It was getting late and I was still tired from yesterday so I decided to go home instead of going back to Club Cuff's to hang out for a while. I pulled up in front of my house and parked my van. I closed the door quietly before walking across the front yard.

The house was dark and quiet except for the light above the kitchen sink. I quickly and quietly made my way to my room and undressed. I laid down on my bed and almost instantly I fell asleep.

Morning came and I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. I decided that I would sleep in even later so I would be fully charged for tonight. I rolled back over and pulled my pillow over top of my head and went back to sleep.

"Justin, are you ever going to get up?" I heard as my mother was shaking me to wake me up.

I pulled the pillow off of my head and looked at her as she hovered over my bed. I wiped my eyes as my vision was blurry from sleeping for so long.

"Come on sleepy head, wake up," My mother said as she stepped back from my bed and walked back out into the hallway.

Looking over at my clock I nearly shit when I realized that it was four thirty. I rolled over and picked up my cell phone to see if I missed any calls.

"Shit," I said softly as I saw that Trista called three times.

I quickly dialed her number hoping that she wouldn't be mad at me. The phone rang three times before she finally picked up.

"Hello," Trista said.

"Hi Trista," I said softly, "I'm sorry I missed your calls, I was sleeping with my pillow over my head and I never heard the phone ring."

"You just woke up now?" Trista said with some surprise in her voice.

"Yeah, I was tired," I said softly.

"I hope your not mad," I said weakly into the phone.

"No baby, I'm not mad, I was just a little worried since I didn't hear from you," Trista said softly as I could tell that she was smiling on her end.

"I don't have much time, I have to get to church and then I have to help my dad with the church computers," Trista said quietly as if someone was there in the same room with her.

"What's wrong with the church computers?" I asked inquisitively.

"Nothing, I'm creating our web site and installing web cams so people can watch our service on the Internet," Trista said with some confidence in her voice.

"You know how to do that kind of stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a piece of cake. If you are sick and can't come to church then you can watch it from home. Also it will allow others to watch our service to help them decide if they want to join our church," Trista rattled off quickly.

"So you're going to install web cams in your church?" I asked as I vividly remembered watching her mother just a few hours ago getting herself off on the church altar.

"Yeah, it's going to be awesome," Trista said excitedly.

My mind began to speed into overdrive. All kinds of erotic thought's began to flash before my eyes. The thought of those very cameras broadcasting Trista's mother around the world sent chills down my spine.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," I said softly as I tried to control my wild imagination.

"Me too," Trista said as I could hear her breathing into the phone.

"I get off early tomorrow but I told my dad that I'm working until four so we can do something," Trista said with excitedness in her voice.

"I can't wait to see you and hug you, and kiss you."

"Slow down big boy," Trista said softly, "I want all of that too."

"I have to get going, I hear my dad walking around outside my room so I'm sure he is ready to go.

"OK baby have fun and I'll see you in the morning," I said with a little disappointment in my voice.

"OK, love you," Trista said softly.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard her say those words. I paused for a second because for the first time in my life I was actually falling in love.

"Love you too sweetie," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Bye," I said as I pushed the 'end' button on my cell phone.

I just laid there for a moment going over in my mind what I witnessed last night. I couldn't believe that Trista's mother, the minister's wife, acted like she did last night. I don't think the image of her laying on her back with her legs spread open on the altar will ever be erased from my memory banks.

My mind gradually drifted to Kate and the quickie that we had last night. She was so excited because she had finished producing our porno video before I got there. It was amazing how she always told me she needed to be the one in control yet she was the one calling me 'Master' last night.

Slowly my mind wandered to what happened earlier in the day over at Brad's. I smiled as I recalled how I totally dominated her by making her suck my cock in her own house while her husband was in the next room and her son was up in his bedroom.

I slowly pulled myself up from my bed and sat down at my computer. I quickly logged on to check my e mail when my mom walked back into my room. I clicked out of the web site as my mother looked over my shoulder but I was afraid that she saw the picture on the computer screen of the naked woman with her arms tied over her head.

"Are you ever going to get cleaned up today," my mom said as she dropped off a pile of folded clothes for me.

"Yeah, I'm getting there," I said as I turned around and looked up at my mother as she paused to look at me in the doorway.

The look in her eyes was confusing because I swear she was turned on. She almost had that same exact look in her eyes as she did when I walked in on her in the bathroom the other day.

"Put your clothes away," my mom said as she turned and walked back out of my room.

I took a deep breath and tried to control my breathing as I turned back to face my computer. I logged back on to check my e mail and surprisingly there were no messages. I logged off and decided to get dressed.

I didn't want to take a shower just yet because I wanted to go get some carpeting for the cargo area of my van. I dressed and threw a baseball hat on my head as I ran down to the kitchen. My dad was sitting in his chair in the living room watching television and I could hear my mother was down in the basement doing laundry.

I walked out into the garage and out to my van. I drove down to the home improvement store and parked. As I made my way into the store I couldn't help but to think about how I was going to dominate and control Brad's mom tonight. What excited me even more however was that I was going to bring Val tonight to watch.

As I made my way through the store I was constantly reminded by my cock as my erection continued to throb in my pants. I made it to the carpet section and began to look at all of the various styles and colors.

After some time a salesman approached me. I told him that I wanted a piece of the dark blue carpet and a section of padding. While he cut the piece that I wanted I walked around and found the correct cutting tool that I needed. I selected a can of carpet glue and made my way back to the carpet display.

"Here you go young man," the salesman said as he set the carpeting down on a large cart.

I set my other supplies down on the cart and made my way up to the register where I paid for everything. I pushed the cart out to my van and loaded my supplies into the back end. As I drove home I couldn't get Stephani out of my mind as I knew how I was going to make her submit to me.

I pulled into my driveway and pulled up as close to the garage as I could get. I got out and pulled the hunk of carpet out of the back end along with the rest of the supplies. I paused for a moment as I stared into the back end as both doors were wide open. I could easily see Stephani with her arms and legs shackled to the walls and her pussy wide open as I offer her services to paying customers.

I pulled myself away from my fantasy and began to get to work. Since my dad already had a piece of wood bolted to the floor it made installing the carpeting that much easier. It also allowed me to place a nice soft padding under the carpet so Stephani's ass wouldn't get sore.

I cut and stapled the carpet until the bottom was in place. Next I glued the carpeting to the walls until the carpeting completely encased the back end. I seamed the ends together up in the ceiling until you couldn't even see the seam. I cut out openings for the overhead lights and the steel tie downs on the walls, Finally when it was just about dark I was finished.

I closed the back end of the van and parked it on the street. I went into the house and went up to my room to take a shower.

"I see you carpeted the back end," my dad said as he walked over to the base of the stairs.

"Yeah. it has that cozy feel now," I said as I paused long enough at the top of the stairs to look down at my dad.

Just then my dad winked as if to tell me that he knew why I carpeted the cargo area. I quickly ducked into my room and peeled off my clothes.

I couldn't believe how fast the day went. It was already going on ten fifteen and it seemed like I just got up. I went into the rest room and took a shower along with all of the other morning rituals that I normally go through. I went to my room and dressed in a nice casual outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I liked what I saw so I went down to the kitchen.

I was hungry so I heated up some left overs in the microwave. I sat down at the kitchen table when my mom walked in and sat down across from me.

"So Justin, since you have had dinner at Trista's and you met her parents then we would like you to bring her here for dinner tomorrow night," my mom said as I ate my dinner.

Suddenly I found myself looking at my mom differently. I don't know if it was from the way we ran into each other in the rest room the other day or what. One thing I knew for sure was that my mother seemed to be acting different. Maybe it was the fact that she was sitting across from me in her night gown and robe and her robe showed off her incredible cleavage. Maybe it was all in my head ever since I masturbated in the shower imagining that my mother was riding me. I knew one thing for sure, I had an erection in my pants while I ate my dinner.

"I'll ask her," I said softly as I at my food.

"It shouldn't be a problem," I said as I took a drink of soda.

"Good, how about six thirty. This way we will have time to get dinner ready and get the table set after work," my mom said as she stood up and pushed her chair in.

"Six thirty is fine," I said as I watched my mother walk into the living room.

As she walked into the living room I couldn't tear my eyes away from her shapely calf muscles. The diamond shape of her lower leg was an incredible turn on as the bottoms of her muscles led to her delicately slender ankles. My mother also had super sexy feet, including well manicured and polished toes.

My mother disappeared out of sight and I quickly finished my dinner. I quietly cleaned up the small mess that I made and washed the dishes. I went back up to the rest room and brushed my teeth. I made sure that I didn't slop any food on my clothes before walking back down to the kitchen.

I poked my head into the living room, noticing that the clock was now at ten minutes till eleven. I had only ten minutes to pick up Val down by the church. My mom was laying on the sofa with her feet across my dad's lap. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw my dad caressing and stroking my mother's long slender toes.

"I'll be back late," I said as I walked through the kitchen.

"Be careful," my mom said as I disappeared from the kitchen into the dark garage.

I didn't have much time so I quickly shut the garage door and ran out to my van. I started the engine and sped down the street. As I drove along I noticed that my heart rate was elevated and that I was growing anxious. I really didn't want to take Val with me tonight but I kind of backed myself into a corner with her. Who knows, maybe I'll get the chance to nail her.

As I turned down the road leading to the church I slowed down. I shut off my head lights as I approached the corner where I told Val to meet me at. My heart was pounding as I didn't see her there. I was actually relieved because I didn't want any type of hindrance tonight. Just as I was about to pull away Val stepped out of the shadows and in front of my van.

I nearly died when I watched this brunette vixen walk in front of my van. She wore a cut off shirt that was cut up to the bottoms of her breasts and the cut off denim shorts she wore were cut so high that half of her nice tight ass was exposed.

"Hi," Val said as she pulled the passenger door open and hopped up inside.

"Hi," I said back as my gaze left her almond shaped eyes and traveled down her body.

"Did I dress OK?" Val asked as she crossed her legs and let her sexy hi heel shoe dangle from her toes.

"God yes," I said as I stepped on the gas and began to drive away.

"You look nice tonight," Val said as I could tell she was eyeing me up.

"Happy birthday, how was dinner with your boyfriend?" I asked as I turned the corner and accelerated.

"Thank you," Val said as she smiled at me and bounced her leg.

"Dinner was OK, it was kind of boring in comparison to tonight," she said as she cracked her window slightly.

"So what is this place like?" Val asked as she tilted her head and looked at me.

"What's it like, lets see," I said softly as I looked over at her and locked my eyes on to hers.

"Pure heaven," I said as I gazed back at the road in front of me.

Val reached up and turned the stereo on but left the volume low. She glanced behind her while she bounced her head to the tune on the radio.

"I guess that's why Trista's mother goes there," Val said as she laughed half heatedly.

I chuckled along with Val as I turned down the alley behind the Sea Side Diner. There was a pretty good size crowd for a Sunday night and parking seemed to be at a premium.

"Keep your eyes open for a parking space," I said as I scoured around looking for a place to park.

"Holy shit, are all of these cars from the same place were going?" Val asked as she spun around, looking out the passenger side window.

"You got it," I said as I spotted a place to park in a shadow under a large tree.

I pulled up before backing into the tight spot. I had a little trouble because the space was small so I had to jockey back and forth until I was in the space.

"Wow, carpet in the back end?" Val said as she slipped off of the seat and onto her knees between the two seats.

She rubbed her hand back and forth over my new carpeting while she looked over her shoulder at me.

"Gonna fuck Trista back here?" she asked as she rolled onto her back with her legs parted.

"Just never mind," I said as I was a little embarrassed.

"Lets go inside," I said as I reached down and grabbed her sexy foot.

I jumped out of the van and Val spun around and jumped out of my side behind me. We started to walk toward the entrance when I reached into my pocket to pull out my wallet.

"Does it cost anything to get in?" Val asked as she slipped her arm around mine and leaned up against me while we walked.

"Yeah, it cost me five grand to get a membership in here," I said as we walked down the dark alley toward the dimly lit door.

"Five grand!" Val said in a surprised voice.

"How can Trista's mother afford five grand to get in here?" Val said out loud to herself as we walked up to the door.

I reached out and put my key card in the slot until the lock made a buzzing sound. I pulled the door open and walked in with Val right behind me.

"Hello Justin," Ted said as he reached out to shake my hand.

"And who is your guest tonight?" he asked as he reached out for Val's hand.

"This is Val," I said as he lifted her hand up and kissed her fingers lightly.

"Nice to meet you Val, I just need to see your ID," Ted said as he scanned her body up and down.

Ted and I both watched as Val reached into her tiny back pocket and pulled out her ID card. She handed it to Ted and waited patiently while Ted scanned for her age.

"Wow, happy birthday," Ted said as he handed Val her ID back.

"Thank you," Val said as she shoved the small card back into her pocket.

"I need another favor," I said to Ted while he continued to ogle over Val.

"What's that?" Ted asked as Val's breasts with the hint of nipples caught his attention.

"There will be a lady arriving about midnight. Her name is Stephani and she will have one of my guest passes. Escort her down to Kate's table and tell her she is to wait there. Also, the lady I was with the last couple of times will be arriving shortly. Send her to Kate's office," I said as Ted finally pulled his eyes away from Val's chest.

"You got it," Ted said as he pushed the inner door open for us.

"Thanks a lot Ted," I said as I shook his hand, slipping a twenty dollar bill into his palm.

Ted smiled and nodded his head in appreciation as he slipped his hand into his pocket. I escorted Val down the hall to Kate's office door while Val still had her arm wrapped around mine. I placed my ID card back in my wallet and put my wallet back in my pants. We stopped right outside Kate's door and we could smell her cigarette smoke.

"Are you ready?" I asked Val as Val looked up into my eyes.

"I'm as ready as ever," Val said with an excited look on her face.

Reaching out I knocked on the door. We stood there for a few seconds, noticing another couple walking in past Ted. Suddenly we heard the lock open and saw the knob turn. In one quick motion Kate's door swung open.

"Hi," I said as Kate just stood at the door while she scrutinized Val.

Kate looked stunning as she wore a black leather mini skirt and a black leather vest. From what I could tell she had nothing on under the vest. Her hair was up and her legs were encased in a sexy pair of black lace stockings. The garters were attached up under her skirt and the tops of her stockings were visible below the hem oh her skirt. Her feet were perched in a sexy pair of black strappy heels. There was one strap that went across her foot and her legs looked just incredible in her attire.

"Come in," Kate said cautiously as she stepped back to allow us in.

I shut the door and turned around, noticing that Val now seemed a little nervous.

"Who is she?" Kate asked as she walked over to her desk and lit a cigarette.

"This is my friend Val who I owe a favor to and this is how she wanted me to repay her," I said as Kate took a puff of her cigarette and blew the smoke out of one corner of her mouth.

"You're old enough?" Kate asked Val bluntly.

Quickly Val reached into her pocket and produced her ID card. She reached out and handed it to Kate who quickly scrutinized it. I waited nervously as Kate seemed a little perturbed that Val was with me.

"Happy birthday," Kate said as she handed Val her ID card back.

"Welcome to Club Cuffs," Kate said as she sat down behind her desk and took another puff of her cigarette.

"Thank you," Val said softly as I pointed for her to sit down across the desk from Kate.

I sat down next to Val as I looked at the clock above the desk. Kate took another puff before setting her cigarette down in the ash tray.

"Can you baby sit her while I make us rich?" I asked Kate as I had a semi smile on my face.

My heart was beating so hard I thought I was going to faint. I was afraid that Kate would be disappointed but I didn't want Val on stage with me tonight. There was a long pause before Kate stood up.

Kate slowly began to walk around the desk until she disappeared behind us. Val and I continued to look ahead while Kate continued to move behind us. Suddenly I felt Kate's hands rest on my shoulders. She squeezed and massaged my shoulders for a moment before moving over to Val.

"Does the birthday girl know what kind of club this is?" Kate asked as she squeezed Val's shoulders firmly.

"Yes," Val said softly as she took a deep breath from the relaxing sensations that Kate was causing.

"Will you be able to handle 'anything' that happens?" Kate asked softly as she slid her hands over Val's shoulders and down over her chest.

Suddenly Val gasped as Kate squeezed her breasts. For a moment Kate let them just rest in the palm of her hand while she waited for Val to answer.

"I can handle it," Val said in a raspy voice.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Kate gave Val's breasts one last soft squeeze before turning around to get the door. Val looked at me and even thought the room was dimly lit I could see the flush color of her cheeks.

"Come in Slave Elizabeth," we heard behind us.

Val and I stood up and turned around. I watched my teacher walk up to me and stop. She looked so incredibly beautiful as she wore the outfit that I bought for her. The black outfit and the black stockings made her look like a million dollars. The black collar contrasted with her skin well as it disappeared under her blonde hair.

"Hello Master," Mrs. Graph said as she bowed down before me.

"Hello Slave Elizabeth," I said as I turned to look at Val.

"I would like you to meet Val," I said as Val lifted her hand to shake my teacher's hand.

"Val, this is my slave Mrs. Graph, she was my high school teacher last year," I said softly as Val shot me an excited glance.

"You mean to tell me that he is your Master?" Val asked Mrs. Graph.

Mrs. Graph shot me a glance which I returned with a head nod.

"Yes Val, Justin is my Master and I am his Slave. I am owned by Justin, controlled by Justin and serve any and all of his needs," Mrs. Graph said confidently.

"Wow," Val said as Kate reached down and took her by the hand.

"Why don't you two go down and get the stage ready and I'll go take Val and dress her up in something nice," Kate said as she led Val toward her large closet.

"We'll see you in a little bit," Kate said as Mrs. Graph and I made our way toward the door leading to the spiral staircase.

I opened the door and held out my arm for my slave to hold on to. We descended the stairs toward the club and we could hear the music pumping. There was a lot of noise as we made it to the bottom of the stairs. We pushed open the next set of doors and walked into Club Cuffs.

I led Mrs. Graph through the club over to the bar. Paula finished filling a drink order when she came over to us.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Justin and his slave. What can I get the two of you," she asked as she checked out my teacher.

"Two Bacardi and Coke's," I said loudly over the music.

Mrs. Graph shot me a wicked glance but she knew that I was to order for her. Paula had our drinks poured in no time and we turned around to watch the show on stage.

"May I ask what you have planned for tonight?" Mrs. Graph asked over the loud heavy bass.

"No you may not," I said as I chugged half of my drink.

"You will follow my lead tonight, you will play a support role as I begin to break in another slave," I said loudly.

Mrs. Graph stared into my eyes with a surprised look. She instantly lifted her glass up and began to chug.

"That's right, you are not my only slave, soon you will have a sister," I said as I grinned at her.

"I don't understand," my teacher said with a look of disbelief on her face.

"I pledged my life to you and only you, and this is how you are, you're fucking around with others?" Mrs. Graph said as she finished her drink and set the empty glass with only a few ice cubes in it on the bar.

"You pledged your life to serving my needs and desires," I said as I watched the couple on the stage.

"What is the problem?" I asked as I looked into her beautiful eyes.

There was a pause for a few moments as Mrs. Graph gazed at the action on the stage.

"Nothing, I just thought that I was going to be exclusive," my sexy slave said softly.

I chuckled for a brief moment until Mrs. Graph shot daggers into my eyes. I stopped chuckling because I knew that she was upset.

"Never assume anything," I said as I reached down and took her hand in mine.

"You are my first slave and I promise that you will be my special slave," I said as I lifted her hand up and kissed her fingers softly while I stared into her eyes.

"Now lets go," I said as I slipped off of my stool and began to lead Mrs. Graph toward the stage.

Along the way we walked between table after table of naked bodies. Moans seemed to be louder than the deep bass of the music. The lights flashed around and the smell of sex was in the air. While I held Mrs. Graph's hand I stopped at a table where there was a young lady who was being totally dominated.

Looking into my slave's eyes I motioned for her to watch what was happening. The guy was swinging a cane across the back of his slave's ass and legs. With each swing of the cane there was a shrieking scream.

I could see the uncomfortableness in Mrs. Graph's eyes as she continually glanced back and forth between what was happening before us and my eyes.

"Oh God Master forgive me!" the restrained slave shouted out to her Master as the cane crashed down upon the back of her knees..

Mrs. Graph grabbed my arm as I saw pure fear in her eyes now. She squeezed my arm tightly and leaned up against me.

"See what happens when you assume something," I said as I slowly led my teacher away from the caning and toward the stage.

As we made our way toward the stairs leading up to the stage the young couple was stepping down the stairs. The lady was totally drenched in cum while her partner still had a raging erection. We waited for them to come down the stairs before we walked up the stairs.

The curtain was being pulled around the stage when the bus boys walked up to me. Mrs. Graph squeezed my hand tightly as she stood next to me when the bus boys approached us.

"What do you want tonight Justin?" the one bus boy asked.

"I just want the short padded table under the switch boxes," I said loudly over the music.

Mrs. Graph and I waited patiently while the two helpers set the table in place. My teacher removed her hand from mine and slipped her arm around my waist. We glanced into each other's eyes while we waited for the bus boys to finish setting up the table.

"Were all ready," the one helper said as he ran behind the curtain hiding all of the props.

I nodded my head showing my approval and the curtain began to open. Looking behind me I saw a small chair sitting close to the curtain so I turned my teacher around.

"Go sit in that chair until I tell you to come to me," I said as I nudged her in that direction.

I watched her walk in those sexy shoes that I bought her toward the obscured chair. I even noticed the gold ankle chain around her stocking encased ankle as it glimmered in the flashing lights.

I turned to face the crowd as the curtain continued to open. I could see Kate sitting at her table with Val. Stephani however, was nowhere in sight.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what Val was wearing. Kate still had on her sexy leather skirt and vest while Val was dressed in white and pink lace. She had on a white lace skirt and a pink lace halter top which was virtually transparent. They smiled at me as they sat there side by side at Kate's table.

My heart began to beat furiously as I realized that Stephani wasn't here. I scanned around the club to see if she was sitting at another table. The music was pumping and the lights were flashing as most of the people just looked at me with a bewildered look on their faces.

I grew dejected and was just about to walk off the stage and call it a night when I saw some commotion at the back of the club. Looking intently I saw what looked like Ted walking toward the stage. People in the club stood up and watched as Ted appeared to be carrying something over his shoulder. As I squinted to get a better look I realized that Ted was carrying a woman who was kicking her legs and punching at him with her fists.

"Holy Shit," I said out loud as I realized that Ted had Brad's mother over his shoulder.

He smiled at me as he walked over to the three steps leading up to the stage. He climbed the steps and began to walk across the stage toward me.

"Where do you want her Justin?" Ted said as he was half out of breath.

"On the bench," I said loudly as I pointed toward the black padded bench that the bus boys set up.

Ted and I walked over to the bench. As Ted pulled Stephani off of his shoulder I reached up for the switch box. I pushed the button and the cuffs and shackles for her wrists began to lower.

"Let me go you bastard," Brad's mother cried out as she continued to struggle to free herself.

"God damn it let me go you fucking ape," she screamed as I lowered the wrist shackles even further.

"That's good," Ted said as he forced her wrist up toward the shackle.

I opened the cold steel cuff and Ted placed Stephani's wrist inside the cold steel band. I closed the cuff completely around her wrist until it locked in place.

"Oh my God stop it," Stephani screamed out as she desperately tried to free herself.

She was no match as Ted overpowered her by forcing her other wrist up to the other shackle.

"God damn noooooo," Brad's mother cried out as her voice began to shriek out loudly.

Ted positioned her dainty wrist in the cuff. I quickly closed the cold metal band around her wrist, rendering her arms completely useless.

Ted reached down to lift up her legs when I stopped him. I realized that she failed to follow my instructions and didn't dress the way I required her to dress.

"Hold it," I said as I knew that I had to punish her for not following my orders.

I pushed the button on the switch box and began to pull her arms up over her head. The shackles began to raise up to the point of pulling her up off of the bench.

"Oh God stop it," Stephani screamed as she quickly jumped off of the bench to allow her arms more room to move.

"JUSTIN STOP IT," Stephani screamed as she faced me.

Tears began to pour out of her eyes as her wrists were now pulled completely over her head. Her arms were stretched out and couldn't extend any more. Suddenly the steel cuffs began to dig into her wrists, causing her to stretch up on her tippee toes. Just then I pressed the button causing the shackles to stop pulling.

"Oh my God let me go," Stephani cried out while she sobbed heavily.

I just stood there for a moment watching my best friend's mother while she balled her eyes out. She was dressed in a burgundy colored business suit that was knee length but she did wear a pair of incredibly sexy heels.

For a moment I looked past Stephani into the club. People were beginning to gather around the stage and watch what was about to happen. Looking over at Kate's table I saw her and Val sitting there watching with intense interest.

Stephani was forced to stand with her back side to the crowd. I just shook my head with disappointment as I looked into her eyes.

"You failed to follow your Master's orders," I said sternly over the thumping music.

"You mother fucker let me go," Stephani screamed out.

"Let you go? You have to be kidding me," I said as I slowly began to walk around her.

I walked completely around Stephani until I was again directly in front of her. I walked up to her and reached out to adjust her suit jacket. I began to straiten the front of her jacket when she began to plead with me.

"Please Justin let me go home," Brad's mother said loud enough for only me to hear her.

"I'll get you all the money you want, I promise," Stephani said softly as tears still trickled down her cheeks.

I stood there for a moment with my fingers still holding the front of her jacket. Our eyes met and for one brief moment I believed that she would honor her agreement. The longer I stood there however, I realized that she has not honored her word before and she failed me. With one quick motion I pulled hard on her jacket and ripped it completely open.

"Oh Jesus Christ no," Stephani cried out as her buttons went flying everywhere.

Next I reached in and grabbed her blouse. Again I pulled like a madman as her buttons again sprung off and flew across the stage. I pulled up hard on her blouse until I pulled the tucked in part out from under her skirt.

"Oh Godddddddddd stopppppppppp," Stephani cried out as she again began to sob.

"Noooooo," Brad's mother cried out as her head now hung down.

"Go get some scissors," I shouted to Ted.

Ted took off running to the curtain that covered the other props. In the mean time I reached up and held Stephani's face in my hand. I held her head up until she looked me in the eyes.

"You're going to be taught a lesson bitch," I said loudly over the thumping music.

"You will never again fail me, do you understand me?" I shouted.

"FUCK YOU!" Stephani shouted.

Ted returned with two pairs of scissors. He handed me one pair and he kept one pair to himself.

"Help me," I said to Ted as I reached up and began to cut the sleeve of her jacket.

"Oh my Godddddddddd STOPPPPPPPP," Brad's mother cried out as Ted and I continued to cut the sleeves of her suit jacket.

Ted and I worked at her sleeves until we finally cut through the heavy jacket. Stephani continued to sob as I threw her sliced up burgundy jacket off the stage.

"Oh God stop," Stephani cried out over and over.

"Cut her blouse off," I said to Ted as I reached up and began cutting the much thinner white material. The blouse was much easier to cut and in no time the sliced up material was pulled from her shackled body.

There she stood, in her bra and her skirt. Her face was flush and wet from crying as her arms were forced way up over her head. I could tell that she was in some pain and was uncomfortable by the look on her face.

I took my scissors and reached up and cut the shoulder strap of her bra. Instantly the elastic material snapped and her one breast sagged away from the other one.

"God Nooooooo," Stephani cried out as I reached up and cut the other elastic shoulder strap.

She broke down into a heavy sob as her breasts now hung down, only being supported by the elastic strap that hooked on her back. Stephani sobbed as she lifted her head slightly and looked into my eyes.

"Cut it Ted," I said loudly as Ted moved around to Stephani's back side.

Stephani just stared into my eyes while Ted began to cut the larger elastic strap behind her. Tears began streaming down her cheeks and dripping onto the stage as Ted finally cut through her strap. Stephani closed her eyes as her bra fell from her breasts to the floor below.

Ted walked over to me and admired Stephani's now naked breasts. The crowd was cheering and an even larger crowd began to gather around the stage. I turned around and motioned for Mrs. Graph to come to me. I watched as she stood up and walked toward me.

Looking over at Kate's table I saw Kate and Val sipping on a drink while they eagerly watched what was happening. Mrs. Graph came to my side and held on to my arm.

"Yes Master what do you request of me?" my slave asked.

There was a sudden look of anxiety on the faces of both Mrs. Graph and Stephani. I'm sure that they knew each other because Brad was one of Mrs. Graph's students. Plus Brad's mother always went to the parent teacher conferences. Both ladies looked away from one another as soon as they recognized each other.

"Your job tonight is to soothe Stephani. I want you to convince her to follow me. I want you to convince her to accept me. I want you to convince her to obey me. I want you to convince her that this is how she needs to live her life. Convince her that she needs to honor every request. Convince her that she should be willing to pledge her life to me. Convince her to believe in me," I said as I stared directly into my Mrs. Graph's eyes.

"Yes Master," Mrs. Graph said as she turned and walked around Stephani and stood behind her.

"Ted, go get that tray of supplies behind the other curtain," I said loudly as Ted stood behind Stephani.

Ted took off across the stage to get the cart of supplies. I looked over at Mrs. Graph as she stood behind Stephani.

"Take her skirt off," I said as I looked into Mrs. Graph's eyes.

"Yes Master," my slave replied as she took a couple of steps forward.

I watched as she stood directly behind Brad's mother. Her hands reached out and I could see Stephani move slightly while Mrs. Graph unhooked her skirt.

"Please don't," Stephani said weakly in a dry voice.

I watched as Mrs. Graph leaned in and placed her mouth close to Stephani's ear.

"Learn to accept your Master," Mrs. Graph said softly as she let Stephani's skirt fall to the ground.

Instantly the crowd went wild. People were cheering and applauding as Stephani now stood in pantyhose and panties.

I was shocked because she was wearing pantyhose. I just stared at her beautiful body as it was ruined by the nude colored pantyhose.

"Don't you ever wear pantyhose again," I shouted at Stephani as another tear trickled down her cheek.

"Take those ugly things off of her," I shouted to Mrs. Graph.

"Yes Master," my slave replied as she placed her hands on Stephani's hips and knelt down.

Mrs. Graph looked so beautiful as she wore the black dress that I bought her. Tonight however, was about Stephani.

I looked on as my slave slipped her fingers under the top edge of Stephani's pantyhose and began to pull them down. The crowd was cheering and the music was thumping. The spinning lights began to show up brightly on her white panties as Mrs. Graph worked the nylon material down Stephani's legs.

Ted returned with the cart full of supplies while Mrs. Graph was kneeling along side of the outstretched Stephani. Stephani continued to sob while Mrs. Graph slipped her shoes off one at a time to remove her pantyhose. Finally, Mrs. Graph replaced the second shoe before standing up with Stephani's pantyhose in her hand.

"Throw them off the stage," I said to Mrs. Graph who turned around and walked to the edge of the stage and tossed the nylon pantyhose out into a crowd of guys.

Stephani just hung there as the shackles dug into her wrists. All that remained was her over sized panties. Stephani returned to her position behind Stephani and waited for my command.

"Remove her panties," I said loudly.

"Noooooooo," Stephani screamed as Mrs. Graph walked up to her and placed her hands on her hips.

"Yes Master," Mrs. Graph said as her eyes glanced from my eyes to Stephani's ass.

"Oh God Stoppppppp," Stephani cried out while she continued to sob.

"You should accept and follow your Master," Mrs. Graph said as she slowly sank down to her knees, pulling Stephani's panties in the process.

Ted and I watched intently as Stephani's panties were pulled down past her hips and onto her thigh's. Right before my eyes was Stephani's bush. I told her to shave that thing before and again she failed to follow my command. Mrs. Graph picked up each of Stephani's ankles and remover her panties. She stood up and tossed the oversized panties to me. I turned to Ted and handed them to him.

"They're yours," I said as I let the white material fall into his hands.

I turned my attention back to Stephani who looked to be in a fair amount of pain. I walked completely around her as I admired her voluptuous forty one year old body. The crowd was getting into it as I noticed a few people fucking at their tables. Kate and Val continued to sip on their drinks while they watched the scene unfold.

"I ask you to follow my direction and you failed. You now need to be punished," I said as I walked around her and over to the cart.

"Fuck you, you bastard," Stephani said in a dry husky voice.

I looked at the various items on the cart. Remembering from earlier in the night, I reached down and picked up a thin cane. I held it in my hand for a moment before turning around.

Instantly Stephani saw what I had. She began shaking her head with an extremely pissed off look on her face.

"Don't even think about it buster," she cried out as I began to walk around her.

"I swear I will have your ass if you do it," Brad's mom cried out as I walked behind her and out of her sight.