I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 09


"Don't do it," she screamed frantically.

Looking over at Kate's table I could see her and Val now holding hands in anticipation of what was about to happen. The crowd was beginning to get excited when they saw me raise my arm back.

"I ask you to call me Master and you failed to do so," I said as I swung the thin cane down onto her sexy ass.

Suddenly there was a violent scream from Stephani as a welt appeared across both of her ass cheeks.

"Go soothe your sister slave," I said to Mrs. Graph.

I watched as my teacher walked up to Stephani. She reached up with her fingers and wiped the tears away from her cheeks. Next she looked down at the huge welt on her ass and slowly reached down. The crowd began to go wild as the music thumped and the lights spun around in circles.

Mrs. Graph slipped her hand onto Stephani's naked ass. She slid her hand and fingers lightly over the pink welt as she looked into Stephani's eyes.

"If you call him Master this welt would not have happened," Mrs. Graph said softly before removing her hand from the welt and stepping back.

Stephani's head just hung down. She was sobbing lightly as the steel cuffs continued to dig into her wrists. I reached back and prepared to swing the cane again.

I asked you to wear your special outfit tonight and you failed me again," I said as I swung the cane again across her ass only this time a little lower.

"FUCKKKKKKKK," Stephani screamed out in a high pitched voice as she thrashed her head about wildly.

Another welt appeared instantly across her ass, parallel with the first one.

"Go comfort your sister slave," I said to Mrs. Graph.

Again Mrs. Graph reached out and placed her hand on Stephani's ass. She began to rub her fingers lightly across the second welt while she looked into Stephani's eyes.

"If you wear what your Master tells you to wear then this would not have happened," Mrs. Graph said as she removed her hand from Stephani's ass and took a step back.

Again I pulled my arm back. I stood there for a moment as the crowd egged me on. Glancing over at Kate and Val I nearly died when I saw Val leaning back against Kate. Kate was sitting with her legs spread and Val sat between them. Both ladies were watching us so I decided to continue.

"Oh God please stop," Stephani cried out.

"I asked you to shave your pussy and you failed to honor my request," I said as I swung the cane down sharply across her ass, only this time the welt was across both other welts.

"Ohhhhhhhh Goddddddddd stoppppppppppp," Stephani screamed out as she now hung down by her wrists.

Without my command Mrs. Graph stepped forward and again placed her hand on Stephani's ass. She caressed her welts while she again looked into her eyes.

"If you would have shaved your bush this would have never happened," Mrs. Graph said as she removed her hand and stepped back.

Glancing out into the crowd again I was being cheered on. I was becoming even more intrigued when I looked over and saw Val leaning back against Kate while Kate was now massaging her shoulders. I gawked for a moment before refocusing my attention back on Stephani.

"I asked you to not fuck your husband anymore and you failed me," I said as I swung the cane this time across the backs of her legs, just below her ass cheeks.

"Ohhhhhh Goddddddd I'm sorryyyyyyyyy," Stephani screamed out as her body grew tense.

Again Mrs. Graph stepped forward and caressed the welts on her legs. She looked into Stephani's eyes and saw the pain that she was experiencing.

"If you would have listened and not fucked your husband anymore then this would not have happened," Mrs. Graph said softly.

"Like you stopped fucking your husband!" Stephani shouted as she sobbed.

"I did stop fucking my husband," my teacher said softly into Stephani's ear, "I only fuck my Master now."

"Bullshit," Stephani screamed out as Mrs. Graph removed her hand from the welt on her leg and stepped back.

"I asked you to bring me the money that you owe me and again you failed," I said as I swung the cane again, only this time behind her knees, causing her legs to buckle and the shackles to dig into her wrists as her legs gave out beneath her.

"OH DEAR GOD STOP," Stephani screamed out as she now sobbed heavily.

Again Mrs. Graph stepped up to her and knelt down. Using both hands she began to soothe the red marks and welts behind Stephani's knees. After a moment she stood up and walked around to the front of Brad's mother. She reached out and cupped her tear drenched face.

"If you would have paid your Master then this would never have happened," Mrs. Graph said softly as she used her thumbs to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.

I walked around to the front of Stephani. She looked like shit as her eyes were blood shot from crying. Her cheeks glistened from her tears as the lights spun around. Even though her head hung down and the cold metal bands dug into her wrists I still found her to be incredibly sexy.

I stood before her again with the cane in my hand. Our eyes met and I cold tell she was begging me with the look in her eyes. She just stared at me as I began to speak.

"I asked you to be here on time tonight and you were late," I said as I lightly snapped the cane directly across her breasts.

"Arrrrrggggghhhhhhhh," Stephani screamed out as slight welts appeared across her breasts.

Her nipples swelled up and were harder than granite. I didn't strike her as hard because I know her breasts are sensitive. I looked over at Mrs. Graph and nodded.

My teacher stepped up to Stephani and hesitated for just a moment as she looked over her shoulder at me. She reached out with both hands and ever so tenderly cupped both of Stephani's breasts.

Stephani eyes rolled into the back of her head as Mrs. Graph began to massage her swollen nipples. Stephani's head tilted to the side as her crying was now non existent. Her breathing was growing heavier by the second while Mrs. Graph continued to massage her breasts.

"If you would have been on time tonight, this would have never happened," Mrs. Graph said softly as she slowly pulled her hands away from Stephani's soft breasts.

Looking over at the crowd I couldn't believe how many people were now crowding the stage. The music was pumping away and the lights continued to whirl around. Looking over at Kate's table I couldn't believe my eyes.

Val was completely leaning back against Kate with her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side. Kate smiled at me while she massaged Val's breasts through her lace top. I could see the look of joy on Val's face. Kate kissed her softly on top of her head right before I returned my attention back to Stephani.

Reaching up I pushed the button on the switch box and began to lower Stephani's arms. There was a momentary look of relief in her eyes before she realized that she wasn't finished.

Ted pushed the bench back into position and locked it into place on the stage. The shackles continued to lower until her hands were below her head. Reaching down, Ted grabbed Stephani's ankles and pulled her legs out from under her while he forced her to lay down on her back on the padded bench.

"Shackle her," I said to Mrs. Graph who reached up and pushed the button on the switch box.

There was a look of horror in Brad's mother's eyes as she watched the shackles intended for her ankles continue to lower. The crowd was now applauding and the deep bass continued to vibrate the stage.

"Oh God NO!" Stephani screamed as Mrs. Graph pressed the stop button on the switch box.

Stephani struggled as she kicked at my teacher, nearly knocking Mrs. Graph down. Ted instantly jumped up and grabbed Stephani by the throat as she laid helplessly on her back.

"Wrong move bitch," Ted said before he slapped her hard across the face.

Tears welled up in Stephani's eyes and then trickled down her cheeks as Mrs. Graph lifted her leg by her ankle. Stephani began to sob heavily as Mrs. Graph closed the cold metal clamp around her sexy ankle.

Mrs. Graph walked around to the other side of Stephani and bent down to pick up her other ankle. She slowly lifted her leg and guided the other cold steel clamp around her ankle. Once her ankles were shackled Mrs. Graph walked to my side and held my arm.

"Please stop,' Stephani cried out as she still sobbed.

Together Mrs. Graph and I walked over to Stephani's feet. I reached up and pushed the button on the side, causing the shackles to pull apart.

"Oh God NOOOOOOO," Stephani screamed out hysterically as her legs began to be forced apart.

"Oh God HELPPPPPPPP," Stephani screamed as she struggled to free herself.

I pressed the stop button when her legs were completely spread open. The sight before my eyes was astonishing. I could see her pussy lips as they glistened from her wetness but the amount of hair obscured my view.

I walked up to Stephani's head and reached up for the switch box. I pressed the button to pull her arms back over her head farther.

"Pleeeeeeaseeeee," Stephani moaned out as her eyes stared into mine.

I was satisfied with how I positioned her arm's so I walked back to her feet and stood next to Mrs. Graph. I just stood there for a few moments as I stared at her hairy cunt.

"What do you think?" I asked my slave as I stared down into her eyes.

Mrs. Graph glanced down at Stephani's hairy pussy before looking back up into my eyes. She paused for a moment before speaking.

"I think she has too much hair," Mrs. Graph said as she looked back down at Stephani's hairy cunt before looking up into her eyes.

The look of fear and anxiety over took Stephani as she began to struggle to free herself. We just stood there for a moment while Stephani tried to wiggle herself free. Finally after a few moments she laid still.

"What do you think we should do?" I asked my sexy slave as we stood at Stephani's feet.

"I think we should shave her," Mrs. Graph said as she stared deeply into my eyes with a slight smile on her face.

"Oh God Stop it," Stephani cried out as she again struggled to free herself.

"You are correct," I said as I looked into Mrs. Graph's eyes, "But I want you to shave her, I want you to shave your sister's pussy."

"Yes Master," Mrs. Graph said as she turned and walked to the cart with the supplies on it.

The crowd was cheering and Stephani was frantically trying to escape. Glancing over at Kate's table I was mesmerized to see Val still leaning back against Kate. Val's eyes were half closed and Kate's hands were up under Val's lace top. I could see Kate's hands moving under the lace material as she fondled and caressed Val's breasts.

Turning my attention back to Stephani I watched as Mrs. Graph walked between Stephani's spread open legs and knelt down. She reached up and held a small pair of scissors just above her pussy.

"Oh God Please don't, my husband will kill me," Stephani cried out.

Mrs. Graph looked up into Stephani's eyes. She saw the fear but she also knew that she needed to be shaved.

"It doesn't matter what your husband thinks anymore, now you must please your Master," Mrs. Graph said as she ran her finger's through Stephani's wild bush.

Just then Mrs. Graph pulled up on her bush and clipped her golden pubic hair with the scissors.

"Ohhhhhhhh Godddddddddd nooooooooo," Stephani cried out over and over as Mrs. Graph continued to clip all of the excess hair.

Looking into Stephani's eyes she paused with the scissors resting on her pussy. Mrs. Graph looked back at me and smiled.

"Do you want me to shave my sister completely bald?" my slave asked.

"Yes, shave your sister completely bald," I said as I watched her set the scissors down and reach for the shaving cream.

"Fuck both of you," Stephani cried out as Mrs. Graph filled her hand with shaving cream.

Mrs. Graph stood up and looked into my eyes. She turned her attention back to Stephani's trimmed pussy and began to smear the handful of shaving cream over her bush.

Stephani laid there silently as she tried to lift her head to watch Mrs. Graph. Mrs. Graph stood up and walked over to the cart and picked up a stainless steel pan. Next she reached down and picked up a gallon of water and began to pour it into the pan. She placed the cap back on the water jug and set it back down on the cart. She picked up a razor and set it in the water. She picked up the pan full of water and walked back between Stephani's legs.

I realized that there were people now watching the show from every conceivable angle. Kate was still massaging Val's breasts under her shirt while they watched what was happening on stage.

Mrs. Graph set the pan of water on the floor and picked up the razor. Water dripped from the sharp blade as she raised it up to Stephani's Bush.

"I'm begging you not to," Stephani cried out.

Without a word being said Mrs. Graph began to pass the sharp steel blade over her pubic hair. I could hear the scraping sound as the sharp edge cut through her hair. I watched as Mrs. Graph passed the razor back and forth a couple of times before rinsing it off in the pan of water.

The crowd was going wild and the spinning lights added to the excitement. The bass in the music caused everything in the club to vibrate, including the razor that was trimming Stephani's bush.

I just stood there as I watched Mrs. Graph reach up and begin to pull on Stephani's labia to make sure that every hair was removed. She pulled her pussy lips over to one side while she scrapped away the hairs between her pussy and her thigh. She did the same with the other side of her pussy until every hair was cut.

Mrs. Graph reached down and shot a small amount of shaving cream into her hand and again covered her pussy. This time she made sure to apply shaving cream around her ass hole.

Again Mrs. Graph rinsed her razor off in the water and began to go over the area she just shaved. Stephani just laid there helplessly as she watched her bush disappear. Mrs. Graph quickly worked her way along the parted slit before touching up between her pussy and her thigh's.

Standing up Mrs. Graph reached up and pushed on the button on the switch box causing Stephani's legs to raise a couple of inches. She quickly pressed the stop button before glancing at me. She dropped to her knees and again picked up the razor.

"Oh God please be careful.," Stephani moaned out as Mrs. Graph placed the sharp razor next to her ass hole and began to scrape.

Stephani began to breath heavily as she knew that if she moved she could be seriously cut. I watched as Mrs. Graph trimmed carefully around Stephani's delicate ass hole. Finally after a few tense moments she set the razor down in the cloudy water.

Slowly, Mrs. Graph stood up. She walked over to the cart and picked up the gallon of water. She walked back between Stephani's legs as she unscrewed the top. She positioned herself between her legs and began to pour the water onto her pussy. With her free hand Mrs. Graph began to wash away the left over shaving cream on and around her pussy.

Bending over slightly Mrs. Graph examined her shaving job as she scanned for stray hairs. Looking up slowly and into my eyes she smiled as she completed the task required of her.

Mrs. Graph bent down and set the gallon jug down on the floor. She stood back up and placed her hand on Stephani's leg. Slowly she began to slide her hand up and down Stephani's golden thigh. She tilted her head slightly and looked up into my eyes.

"I feel some hair on her pretty legs Master," Mrs. Graph said as she slid her hand down over Stephani's knee and across her shin.

"Do you want me to shave my sister's sexy legs Master?" Mrs. Graph asked as a smile flashed across her face.

"Yes, shave your sister's legs," I said as I stood next to Ted.

I watched as Mrs. Graph poured some fresh water into her hands. She placed her hand on Stephani's leg and began to coat her golden flesh with water. Quickly she reached down and picked up the can of shaving cream. She pressed the top of the can and suddenly a pile of white foamy cream filled up her hand. Looking up into my eyes I watched as my slave placed her hands on her sister's leg and began to coat her skin with shaving cream.

"Unlock her ankle and hold her foot for me so I can shave under the shackle," Mrs. Graph said as she smeared the shaving cream down past her knee.

I walked over to Stephani and unlocked the one shackle. I held her soft delicate foot in my hand and quickly removed her heel. Her foot looked so incredible as her toe nails were painted so perfectly.

Mrs. Graph began to smear the shaving cream over her ankle and then her foot, coating my hands along with Stephani's foot. Quickly Mrs. Graph picked up the razor and began to shave Stephani's thigh.

I watched in amazement as Mrs. Graph quickly passed the sharp edge over her sexy leg. The crowd was now cheering frantically as they watched the action on the stage. Looking over at Kate, I saw her hands still under Val's top as she continued to play with Val's ripe young breasts.

Mrs. Graph quickly shaved her way down to Stephani's ankle. I watched as her hand worked with skill as she shaved all of the delicate curves of her ankle. She passed the razor over her foot and began to shave the top of her toes.

Glancing up into my eyes Mrs. Graph had a look of accomplishment on her face. She quickly shaved each sexy toe one at a time until she was finally finished.

"I couldn't let my sister offer you unshaved legs Master," Mrs. Graph said as she reached down and picked up the can of shaving cream.

"Unlock her other foot Master," Mrs. Graph said as she reached down with her free hand and picked up the gallon jug of water and dribbled some on Stephani's leg.

I motioned for Ted to come over and hold Brad's mother's ankle while I unlocked the other shackle. Stephani offered no resistance as I handed her delicate ankle to Ted. Mrs. Graph began to lather up Stephani's leg as I unlocked the shackle around her ankle.

Before I knew it Mrs. Graph already had her leg lathered up. Again she smeared some shaving cream on my fingers as I held her ankle. Mrs. Graph glanced into my eyes again as she bent down and picked up the razor.

I watched in amazement as my slave's hand worked with precision and skill. In no time she had Stephani's thigh shaved and began to work on her lower leg. The whole time Stephani laid motionless on the black padded bench.

The crowd began to cheer when they saw Mrs. Graph shaving the top of Stephani's foot. I wanted so badly to lower my head and kiss her toes but I didn't think that the shaving cream would taste that good.

Mrs. Graph glanced into my eyes as she bent down and picked up the jug of water. She set the razor down in the stainless steel pan and began to pour water over Stephani's foot as it rested in my hand.

Quickly, Mrs. Graph rinsed off Stephani's leg. She returned to the foot that Ted was holding and again washed away all of the shaving cream that was left over. All that remained was the left over shaving cream around Stephani's pussy. When my teacher poured the cool water on her cunt I swear I thought she was going to explode.

While Mrs. Graph poured the cool water on Stephani's pussy she gasped and moaned loudly. Her hips thrust upward as Mrs. Graph rubbed her sexy fingers and hand up and down the full length of her slit. I could tell that Stephani was aroused as Mrs. Graph's middle finger disappeared between her pussy lips as her hand slid up and down.

"Oh Goddddd," Stephani moaned out as she looked like she was about to cum.

Suddenly Mrs. Graph removed her hand from Stephani's glistening cunt. She slipped between Ted and I and walked over to the cart. She picked up a bottle of something and walked back to my side.

"I need to make my sister nice and soft for you Master," Mrs. Graph said as she opened the bottle of baby oil.

As I held Stephani's foot in my hand Mrs. Graph poured some oil onto her foot. Next she laid a bead of oil up her leg all the way to her hip.

"Oh Goddddd," Stephani moaned as Mrs. Graph wrapped her warm hands around her foot.

Mrs. Graph pulled Stephani's foot from my hand and began to massage the silky oil into her soft flesh, making it super soft and silky. She smeared the oil over her entire foot and began to work her way up her calf. Looking up into my eyes Mrs. Graph lifted Stephani's foot higher until her beautiful toes were before my face.

"Go ahead Master, test my sister's toes to see if I shaved her to your specifications," Mrs. Graph said as she lowered Stephani's toes to my lips.

Slowly, I opened my mouth and leaned down as I slid her big toe into my mouth. Her toe was silky smooth and tasted like cherry. I could see the bottle said 'cherry flavor' as I began to slide my tongue between her big toe and the one next to it.

Mrs. Graph continued to stare into my eyes as her hands gracefully caressed and massaged Stephani's leg all the way to her hip. I began sucking on each and every toe until I tasted each one. I could hear Stephani beginning to moan as I tongued each toe over and over.

Mrs. Graph slowly and seductively walked to my side and held Stephani's ankle. She looked into my eyes before glancing up at the dangling shackle.

I bent down and picked up Stephani's sexy heel and placed it back on her shiny oiled up foot. I reached up and opened the shackle as my slave guided Stephani's ankle back into the clasp. I closed the cold metal band around her ankle and locked it.

"Lets test her other foot Master," Mrs. Graph said as we walked over to Stephani's other foot.

Ted handed me her leg and I held her foot while Mrs. Graph dribbled baby oil on her foot and up her leg. Skillfully, Mrs. Graph massaged the silky oil into her foot leaving a shinny glossy coat under the spinning lights.

Again, Mrs. Graph lifted Stephani's foot up to my face. She placed Stephani's big tow on my lips and nodded her head.

"Test my sister's other foot to see if I failed you," Mrs. Graph said as she began to massage the baby oil into Stephani's lower leg.

Instantly Stephani began to moan when I slowly slid my lips over her big toe. My teacher just stared into my eyes as her hands worked farther and farther up Stephani's legs.

"Do you like my sister's feet?" Mrs. Graph asked as her hands squeezed and kneaded Stephani's inner thigh.

I nodded my head with Stephani's toes still in my mouth. When I looked out into the crowd at Kate's table I began to suck incredibly hard on Stephani's big toe.

My cock nearly broke through my zipper when I looked at Kate. Val was still leaning back against Kate and Kate was still fondling Val's breasts but now Val's top was flipped up and her breasts were exposed. I watched as Kate pinched and pulled on Val's nipples causing Val to gasp for air. Suddenly Val turned her head and began to kiss Kate.

I stood there momentarily while I sucked on Stephani's toe. Kate and Val were now tongue kissing and their mouth's were apart. I couldn't believe that Val was this wild. Just then I felt Stephani's foot begin to tremble.

Looking back at Mrs. Graph I figured out why Stephani was writhing. My teacher was pouring a slow steady trickle of baby oil directly on her clit. The oil glistened as it ran down her slit and across her ass hole. Stephani began to gasp for air and moans began to escape her mouth as her head tossed from side to side.

Mrs. Graph smiled at me as she took her hand and began to gently slide it over Stephani's cunt. I watched as her hand slid down and then up her slit, with her fingers parting her labia completely open.

"Oh God," Stephani cried out as her hips began to buck against Mrs. Graph's hand.

Mrs. Graph just kept this wicked grin on her face while she stared into my eyes. Stephani's toes were still in my mouth as Mrs. Graph began to work her hand up and down Stephani's pussy harder and faster.

Stephani began to gasp and pant as her hips began to gyrate. The circular massaging and squeezing motion along with the baby oil was too much for Stephani to handle. The crowd began to cheer as Stephani began to cum under the whirling lights.

"Oh Noooooooo," Stephani cried out as her hips rocked up and down off of the bench. Mrs. Graph didn't let up as her hands continued to work magic on her sister slave. Just then I pulled Stephani's toe from my mouth as her toes began to curl and ordered Mrs. Graph to stop.

I reached up and slipped Stephani's ankle into the cold metal shackle. Mrs. Graph stood at the side of Stephani with her hands resting on her stomach while she watched me. I bent down and picked up her other sexy heel and slipped it back on her foot before reaching up and pressing a button on the hanging switch box.

"Oh Godddddd," Stephani moaned as her legs were being raised up higher and higher.

I watched for a few moments until her legs were at a ninety degree angle from her body. Her legs were pulled strait up in the air. Next I pressed another button and watched as the overhead shackles began to force her legs farther apart.

"Please don't," Stephani yelled as the crowd went wild.

Looking over at Mrs. Graph I motioned for her to come to me. She took a few steps and stood at my side.

"Go ahead, taste your sister, tell your Master if you like her taste," I said as I nodded toward Stephani's now gaping pussy.

Instantly Mrs. Graph stepped in front of Stephani's spread open legs. She looked so beautiful as she slowly dropped to her knees in the black dress that I bought for her. The way she was kneeling I could see just a hint of creamy thigh above the tops of her stockings as she reached out and parted Stephani's pussy lips.

Looking over at me, Mrs. Graph slowly lowered her face until her mouth was just above Stephani's glistening cunt. I watched her inhale deeply, absorbing as much of Stephani's scent as she could. I watched as her head moved farther until her lips touched Stephani's pussy.

Suddenly there was a loud gasping sound as Mrs. Graph slowly kissed Stephani's pussy from top to bottom before returning back to the top. My teacher tilted her head and looked at me as she smiled. Just then her tongue slithered out and disappeared into Stephani's pussy.

"Ohhhhhh Godddddddd," Stephani cried out as her hips instantly began to thrust up and down.

Mrs. Graph reached up and placed her hands on Stephani's oily thigh's while she continued to tongue her new sister's pussy. Mrs. Graph began to wiggle her face back and forth while her tongue continued to explore her new sister's depths.

"Do you like your sister's pussy?" I asked loudly.

Lifting her head she looked at me and smiled. Her face glistened under the flashing lights as Stephani's pussy juices were smeared from cheek to cheek.

"Yes Master, I love my new sister's pussy," Mrs. Graph said as she returned her mouth to Stephani's cunt.

"Oh My Godddddd," Stephani moaned as her hips bucked up and down.

Mrs. Graph began to hold on for dear life as Stephani staved off orgasm. She wrapped her arms around Stephani's thigh's in order to try to hold her down.

"Cum all over your sister's face," I said as I looked into Stephani's eyes.

"Oh God Neverrrrrrrr, I'll never be your slave you bastard," Stephani screamed out over the thumping music.

Just then I knew she was past the point of no return. Stephani began to buck her hips up and down and her heavy breathing turned into a wild pant. Her head continued to lift up as she watched Mrs. Graph continue to assault her cunt.

"Oh Jesus Christ!" Stephani screamed as her body took over.

Stephani began thrashing her head from side to side while Mrs. Graph lapped at her glistening cunt. I could see her pussy juices running out of her pussy and onto the floor at Mrs. Graph's knees. Mrs. Graph continued to thrust her tongue in and out of her depth's until Stephani began to stop shaking.

Mrs. Graph slowly lifted her face from her sister's pussy. She stood up and walked over to me as her face glistened with cum.

"Will you taste my sister's pussy to see if I failed you?" Mrs. Graph asked.

"Yes I will I said softly as I stepped in front of Stephani's cunt and knelt down.

As I looked into Brad's mother's pussy I was amazed at how smooth her new bald pussy looked. No longer was there a nest of hair obscuring my view. Her pussy now looked perfect, swollen with her lips flopped apart.

I reached out and held her thigh's as I lowered my head to taste her. Her scent was so rich, so strong from the orgasm she just experienced. As I slid my tongue up her slit from bottom to top I watched in amazement as Mrs. Graph stood next to Stephani and began pouring baby oil on her stomach.

Stephani gasped for air as my tongue sank deep into her inner folds. Her breathing became frantic as my tongue flickered up and down her gaping pussy and from Mrs. Graph's hands as they massaged the slippery oil into her stomach.

Stephani began to arch her back as my tongue began to flutter lightly over her clit. Her gooey cum smeared my face from chin to nose while I watched Mrs. Graph continue to massage Stephani's stomach.

"Oh Goddddd," Stephani cried out when Mrs. Graph tipped the bottle of oil and began to pour a slow steady stream onto her breasts.

I could feel her pussy begin to grow slipperier as her hips now began to gyrate against my face. My eyes were glued to her breasts as Mrs. Graph poured the baby oil directly onto her nipples.

"Oh my fucking Goddddd," Stephani screamed as Mrs. Graph set the bottle of oil back down on the floor.

I began to eat Stephani's pussy with reckless abandon when I saw my teacher reach down and place her hands on Stephani's breasts. Stephani's eyes rolled into the back of her head when Mrs. Graph began to squeeze and massage the baby oil into her magnificent globes.

"Oh my Godddddd, please stop," Stephani cried out as her heavy breathing turned into a pant.

"Does my sister taste good Master?" Mrs. Graph asked as she looked into my eyes.

All I could do was nod my head as I continued to eat my best friend's mother's pussy. The look in Mrs. Graph's eyes was so erotic as she twisted her thumbs and fingers back and forth around Stephani's oiled up nipples.

"Oh Goddddddd," Stephani screamed as her hips began to buck wildly and out of control.

"You must only cum when your Master gives you permission to cum," Mrs. Graph said softly as she lowered her head and kissed Stephani upside down.

"He's not my fucking Master," Stephani screamed out over the thumping sound of the music.

"He is your Master," Mrs. Graph scowled back at Stephani as she stared down into her eyes.

Suddenly and without warning Mrs. Graph pinched Stephani's nipples hard and pulled on them until they slipped out from between her fingers.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Stephani cried out as she began to shudder.

I could feel her pussy leaking more and more cum onto my mouth and face as I held on to her bucking hips. I continued to flutter my tongue against her hard protruding clit as she panted and moaned.

The crowd was cheering and people were now fucking everywhere. I glanced over at Kate's table and stood up slowly as I became mesmerized from what I saw.

Val still leaned back against Kate only her lace top was now removed. Kate cupped and squeezed one breast while her other hand was now up under Val's lace skirt. I could see the look of joy on Val's face as her eyes were now closed and her nipples were rock hard.

"My sister failed you Master, she needs to be punished," Mrs. Graph said softly as she slid her oiled up hands up and down Stephani's arms, completely covering her entire body.

"I am not your sister and he isn't my Master," Stephani cried out as she remained on her back with her legs pulled up and her arms forced behind her head.

Mrs. Graph shot me a wicked glance as if she was telling me that she was pissed off about the way Stephani talked back to me. I could sense a bitterness growing between these two older vixens as Mrs. Graph was obviously annoyed that she was now going to have to share me.

"Please punish my sister hard so she learns and understands why you need to discipline us," Mrs. Graph said as she looked down into Stephani's eyes and ran her fingers through her blonde curly hair.

"Fuck both of you sick bastards," Stephani screamed out over the loud music.

Suddenly Mrs. Graph slapped her oily hand across Stephani's face, leaving a red hand print on her cheek.

"That's enough," I shouted at Mrs. Graph.

"I am the one who will administer the discipline," I said as I looked out into the crowd.

"Undress me," I said to Mrs. Graph.

Walking slowly and seductively, Mrs. Graph walked over to me and stood before me. Her eyes never left mine as she reached down and pulled my shirt up, out of my pants and over my head. I lifted my arms as she reached up and pulled my shirt away.

Again Mrs. Graph stood before me. This time her eyes glanced up and down from my belt to my eyes as her fingers began to unbuckle my belt. Before I knew it my belt was undone and her oily fingers were tugging at my button. With one firm pull my pants were undone.

I felt Mrs. Graph's long slender fingers pull my zipper down. The look of lust in her eyes was evident when her fingers ran down the length of my shaft through my pants. I felt her tug on my pants and suddenly they fell to the floor.

Instantly my slave dropped to her knees before me. She pulled off my shoes and quickly pulled my pants off of my feet. Looking up she looked into my eyes as her face was now in front of my bulge.

I felt her slippery fingers slide under the waistband of my underwear. She smiled as her eyes dropped down to my crotch. Slowly she began to slide my waistband down until my throbbing erection prevented her from going any farther.

Looking down I watched as my slave began to slowly ease the elastic waistband over my cock, freeing it from it's tight confines. With one last tug, my cock sprang upward, hitting her on the chin as she let my underwear fall to my feet.

Quickly she pulled my underwear out from under me and assumed her kneeling position before me. Her glances shot back and forth from my eyes to my cock which stood at attention before her face,

"Shall I prepare you so you can fuck my sister?" Mrs. Graph asked as she continued to kneel fully clothed before me with her hands down at her sides.

"Yes," I said softly while I looked down into her eyes.

Looking down into Mrs. Graph's lovely green eyes I watched her lean forward and slowly open her mouth. Her eyes never closed as the tip of my dripping cock pressed against her half parted lips.

"Suck your Master's cock," I said as I stared into her eyes.

With her hands still down at her sides, Mrs. Graph continued to lean forward, taking more and more of my cock into her mouth while her eyes remained glued to mine. Slowly, she began to lean back, allowing my slippery shaft to glisten in the flashing lights. The bass in the music caused my balls to tingle while I continued to watch my slave ready me to fuck her sister slave.

Suddenly Mrs. Graph pulled her mouth from my cock. She smiled and looked deeply into my eyes as my cock just hung before her face.

"Permission to hold your ass while I prepare you for my sister?" Mrs. Graph asked as she smiled at me in the flashing lights.

"Permission granted," I said as I watched her hands reach up and cup my ass.

Her soft hands felt wonderful as they gently pulled me forward. Her mouth opened and again my slippery cock slid past her lips and into her warm wet mouth. Mrs. Graph tilted her head slightly as she held my ass. She began to quicken her pace as she began to suck my cock like there was no tomorrow. The slurping sounds she made caused me to begin to tingle all over.

Looking over at Kate's table I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched Kate as she rubbed Val's pussy. Val's lace skirt was now bunched up around her waist as she sat topless, leaning up against Kate. I could see Val was enjoying herself as her legs were spread apart and her hips were bucking against the palm of Kate's hand.

Val's legs were now pulled up and parted as Kate continued to rub her pussy. I could see Val breathing heavily as her chest was heaving up and down. Looking up at me, Kate smiled and winked as she leaned her head down and kissed Val on her neck.

"Thank you for preparing me for your sister slave," I said as I looked down at Mrs. Graph.

There was almost a look of disappointment in her eyes as she slowly pulled her mouth back from my cock.

Removing her hands from my ass, I extended my hand to her to help her to her feet.

"You go stand up over her face and comfort her," I said as I stepped over and stood between Stephani's spread open legs.

I could still see the red welt marks across her ass and the back of her legs. The glistening oil and the flashing lights made the welts appear darker red. As I moved in closer I rested my throbbing glistening cock on her pussy.

"Are you ready to submit to your Master," Mrs. Graph asked as she stroked Stephani's face.

"Never," Brad's mother shouted as the crowd began to go wild.

"It's OK," give yourself to your Master, he will take care of you forever," Mrs. Graph said as she slid her fingers from Stephani's hair down across her chest.

Slowly I pushed my cock into her gaping hole. I could feel her pussy stretching open and her lips engulfing my member. As I slid all the way in I could feel how incredibly hot her pussy was.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO," Stephani screamed out as her head thrashed about wildly.

"YESSSSSSSSSS," Mrs. Graph screamed back at Stephani as she ran her fingers over Stephani's oily nipples, scraping them with her long painted nails.

As I looked up I saw into Mrs. Graph's eyes. Her fingers continued to scrape Stephani's nipples over and over causing her to arch her back.

"Give yourself to your Master," my Slave said loudly over the beat of the music.

I began to pound Stephani's pussy with my cock. I could feel her pussy growing wetter and wetter as her climax neared.

Ooh God why, why are you doing this to me?" Stephani cried out as her back arched and her climax began.

"Plant your seed in my sister," Mrs. Graph cried out as she squeezed both of Stephani's breasts simultaneously.

"Oh God please no, I'm not protected," Stephani cried out in a panic filled voice.

I felt my nuts begin to tighten. My hair on my neck stood on end as my toes began to tingle. I wrapped my arms around Stephani's quivering thigh's and turned my head toward her ankle which was next to my head. I opened my mouth and bit sharply on her calf muscle just above her ankle.

"Arrrrrgggghhhhh," Stephani cried out as Mrs. Graph pinched and pulled on her nipples.

"God no, don't cum inside me," Stephani cried out as a tear trickled out of the corner of her eye.

Looking back down into Stephani's eyes I couldn't hold back any longer. I began to thrust my hips back and forth as I began to cum.

"Ughhhh, ughhhhhh, ughhhhhh," I grunted over and over as I pumped my load deep into Stephani's cunt.

"Oh God NOOOOOOOO," Stephani cried out hysterically as she felt my jizz squirting into her womb.

Suddenly Stephani began to cum again. Between her cum and the sperm that I just filled her pussy with there was literally no resistance as my cock slid in and out with ease. I continued to slide my cock in and out until Stephani finally stopped shaking.

"Now do you accept your new Master?" Mrs. Graph asked as she once again stroked Stephani's hair.

"NEVER!" Stephani shouted loudly.

Mrs. Graph glanced up into my eyes. She continued to stroke Stephani's hair as she leaned down over her face.

"Master must punish you," Mrs. Graph said softly.

I turned toward Ted. I motioned for him to come closer and watched as he walked to my side.

"Fuck her. Fuck her hard. Fuck her until the next guy is ready to take your place. Just don't cum in her pussy, cum all over her body," I said as Ted began to undress.

"NOOOOOO!" Stephani screamed emotionally as she struggled to free herself but to no avail.

I turned and looked out into the crowd. There were people standing at the edge of the stage watching the show. I pointed to a few of the guys and motioned for them to come up on the stage. Before I knew it there was already about fifteen men and two women standing in line.

Looking back at Stephani, Mrs. Graph was caressing her face as Ted began to ease his large cock into her. His cock was larger than mine but it was also shorter.

"Oh Godddd help me," Stephani cried out as she laid there motionless.

Ted eased his big cock completely inside and began to thrust his hips back and forth. Stephani just laid there with no choice but to be fucked by anyone and everyone.

"Pleaseeeee," Brad's mother moaned out while Ted began to ram his cock faster and harder.

"Next," I shouted as Ted looked at me and pulled his cock out.

"Go cum anywhere on her you want," I said as I pointed toward her body.

I motioned for the next guy to stand between her legs.

"Oh God stop," Stephani begged as the tall gentleman with red hair stepped up between her forced open legs.

I nearly shit myself when I saw how incredibly long his cock was. It must have been at least ten inches long but it was quite thin. He pushed his cock into Stephani's cunt easily and wasted little time getting going.

Ted stood next to Stephani and stroked his cock over her breasts. The red haired man fucked Stephani harder and faster than I had ever seen anyone fuck before. The look on his face told me he was close to cumming.

"Next," I shouted as he pulled out and walked around to the other side of Stephani's breasts.

"Suddenly a huge black man stood with his cock resting on top of Stephani's gaping glistening cunt.

There was something about the contrast of their skin colors that caused my cock to rise again. His cock also was huge. It was as long as the last gentleman's but it was much thicker.

"Oh God HELP ME," Stephani cried out as the huge black man inserted his cock into Stephani's well lubed pussy.

"Do you accept your Master?" Mrs. Graph asked as she ran the back of her knuckles across Stephani's cheek.

"Never," Stephani screamed out as the huge black man began to pound his dark meat in and out of her pussy.

Just then Ted began to grunt. He pulled on his cock faster and faster as he aimed himself toward Stephani's oiled breasts.

"Oh God no," Stephani cried out but to no avail.

Ted began to shoot huge white globs of cum all over Stephani's breasts as they jiggled from the fucking that the black man was giving her.

"Do you accept your Master now?" Mrs. Graph asked Stephani as she stared down at her cum coated breasts.

"Never," Stephani hissed as her eyes now focused on the long slender cock that was aiming at her breasts from the other side.

"Next," I shouted.

The black man pulled his huge member out and walked over to where Ted was. He began stroking his dark glistening cock as he pointed it at Stephani's face.

When I turned around I nodded my head as Sven was now slipping his cock into Stephani's cunt. He started slowly but built up speed rapidly. Both men along side Stephani continued to stroke their cocks over her. I could tell from the looks on their faces that they were ready to cum.

Looking over at Kate's table I couldn't believe it when I saw that Val was now laying on her back on top of two tables that were pushed together. Her arms were in shackles over her head and her ankles were cuffed and hoisted up just like Stephani's legs. Kate sat in her chair still clad in her leather outfit as she was leaning forward and lapping at Val's pussy.

Looking back at Stephani I saw the man with the long thin cock begin to pull on his member furiously. His grunts and groans indicated that her was going to cum. All of a sudden he tensed up and began to squirt thin watery cum all over Stephani's breasts.

"Ugggghhhh," He groaned as he finished pumping his cock.

Looking at Stephani's breasts I could already see some cum dripping down the side of her breast.

"Now do you accept your Master?" Mrs. Graph asked sternly as she reached out and slid her finger through a thick white gob of cum.

"Fuck you," Stephani moaned out as Mrs. Graph slid her cum coated finger across her delicate lips.

Glancing up into my eyes I could tell that Mrs. Graph was growing disappointed. I looked at Sven and nodded my head, indicating that his time fucking Stephani was over. He quickly pulled his cock out and walked over to Stephani's side.

When I turned to motion for the next guy to take Sven's place I was shocked to see his lovely wife. She had a strap on dildo on and she quickly pushed the head of the latex toy into Stephani's hole.

Sasha began to instantly lick up and down Stephani's oily leg as she began to thrust the dildo in and out of Stephani. My cock throbbed and ached as I watched Sasha slide her tongue along the side of Stephani's sexy oiled foot. She licked over the strap and then down her big toe before turning her foot enough to suck her toe into her mouth.

Suddenly Stephani began to thrash about wildly. Her back arched and her heavy breathing turned into a heavy pant.

"Oh Godddddd," Stephani cried out as her body rocked into a powerful orgasm.

Sasha continued to suck on Stephani's big toe like a baby sucks on a nipple. Mrs. Graph reached down and began to scrape her nails over Stephani's nipples, further heightening her orgasm. Just then the black man next to her reached down and grabbed a handful of blonde hair.

"OOOOOOOWWWWWWWW," Stephani screamed out as the black man pulled Stephani's head up by her hair and held her face right before his pumping hand.

Stephani continued to tremble as she stared lazily at the huge cock before her that was being pumped into oblivion. Not a word was said as her body shook and quivered as the huge black man began to grunt.

"Ugggghhhhh," He grunted over and over as he began to squirt stream after stream of hot sticky cum onto Stephani's face. I couldn't believe the ropes of cum that shot forth from his huge black member, leaving long tails of cum stretching from Stephani's cheeks and forehead all the way down her neck.

"Do you accept your Master now?" Mrs. Graph asked.

"Nohoho," Stephani cried out as the black man slowly lowered her cum covered head.

"Next," I shouted as I watched Sasha pull the strap on out of Stephani's glistening cunt.

She walked over and stood next to her husband who was pumping his member over her breasts. I motioned for the next man to fuck her and he wasted little time walking up to her welt covered ass.

A man that I had never seen before began to fuck Stephani hard. Sasha walked around and stood next to Mrs. Graph with the strap on dildo in hand. She reached up and placed the dildo on Stephani's lips and began to spin it back and forth.

"Taste your pussy," Sasha said in her French accent.

Slowly she began to force the latex toy into Stephani's mouth as her body once again began to tense up. Sasha began to fuck her mouth with the dildo while Stephani began to buck her hips at the man who was fucking her. She moaned over and over with the dildo in her mouth as her breasts heaved up and down from her panting.

"Do you accept your Master now?" Mrs. Graph asked again as she began to smear the black man's cum all over Stephani's face.

"Nohoho," Stephani cried out again, only this time with much less resistance.

"Next" I shouted as I watched the man pull his normal sized member out of Stephani's red pussy.

Suddenly I had a look of fear in my eyes as I saw another huge black man standing between Stephani's legs. He was so tall his cock didn't line up with her pussy. His cock was so enormous I didn't think it would fit.

Suddenly he reached up and pushed the button on the switch box and raised Stephani's legs up. She cried out in pain as the steel bands dug into her ankles. Finally after her ass was lifted about a foot off of the bench he pressed the button and stopped pulling her up.

"Oh God NOOOOOOOO!" Stephani cried out as he pressed the head of his cock against her glistening raw pussy.

Slowly he eased his cock into her inch by inch. He wasn't even half way in when Stephani began to cum. Her body began to twist and turn on the small bench as her breasts heaved up and down. Her nipples were rock solid and longer than I ever saw before.

Mrs. Graph reached out and immediately began pulling on her cum covered nipples. Stephani shuddered over and over as her head thrashed from side to side.

Looking over at Kate's table I watched in amazement as Kate was now squatting down over Val's face. I could see Val's pink tongue snaking out and into Kate's pussy. Her arms and legs were still cuffed overhead as Kate introduced her to eating pussy.

"Oh God Stop it HURTS!" Stephani screamed when the huge black man finally bottomed out.

He began to thrust in and out slowly as Stephani hung from the shackles. Her body was in a constant non stop orgasm as her body shook and quivered out of control.

"Oh My Godddddd," Stephani cried out as her body began to sweat profusely.

The huge black man continued to pump his meat in and out faster and faster. Stephani continued to have one orgasm after another. Her face began to get red and the goose bumps around her nipples enlarged. Her body was so tense I was afraid she was going to pass out.

"Please," Stephani cried out.

"Do you now accept your Master?" Mrs. Graph asked.

"Yes God yessssssss," Stephani screamed out.

"Yes Master I accept you," she cried out as she continued to cum.

"Yes Master I need you," she screamed out over the loud music and cheering club members.

"Yes Master I give myself to you," She screamed louder as she continued to cum.

I could see her cum trickling out of her pussy and across her ass hole. Her pussy was getting raw and her orgasm's continued.

I turned around and looked at the remaining people in line. I motioned for them to go back to their seats. After everyone else left the stage I turned back to Stephani.

"Next," I shouted.

I could hear the squishing sound from her pussy as his huge black cock slid out. As his cock slid out I could actually see her stomach get smaller.

The black man now stood up next to Stephani. There were now three men stroking themselves over her cum coated body. I reached up and lowered her legs enough until her ass was just above the bench.

Looking over at Mrs. Graph, we exchanged a mutually satisfying glance. I pushed the head of my cock against her tight sphincter and pushed.

"Tell your Master what you want him to do," Mrs. Graph said as she bent down and kissed Stephani upside down.

"I want my Master to fuck me," Stephani said as a smile now appeared across her face.

"Where do you want our Master to fuck you at?" Mrs. Graph said softly as she reached down and squeezed her cum coated breasts.

"Oh Master fuck my ass, I give my ass to you for your use and pleasure, please fuck my tight ass," Stephani cried out as she smiled and seemed ready to fuck.

I pushed harder against her tight bung hole.

"Wait Master," Mrs. Graph said loudly as she walked around the gentlemen who were still stroking their cock over Stephani and came over to me.

Along the way she bent down and picked up the bottle of baby oil. She poured a handful into the palm of her hand and instantly reached down and began stroking my cock. She stared up into my eyes as she continued to stroke my cock with her long slender fingers.

Next, she poured more oil on Stephani's pussy until it ran down over her ass hole. She set the bottle down and returned to where she was before, over Stephani's head.

"Go ahead Master, fuck my sister's ass," Mrs. Graph said softly as she glanced at the three other cocks that were ready to explode at any minute.

I pushed against Stephani's ass hole and I couldn't believe how easy it was to slide inside. I felt her tight sphincter give way and my cock slid easily into her ass.

"Ohhhhh Gawwwwwwwddddddd," Stephani cried out as her back arched and her body rocked into another orgasm. I began to fuck her ass just like I fucked her pussy. The resistance was minimal because of the oil and it felt like I was fucking a tight young pussy.

Looking out at Kate's table I watched as Kate was unclasping Val's arms and legs. I continued thrusting my member in and out of Stephani's ass while I watched Val and Kate. Kate's vest was open and suddenly both women came together, breast to breast, and kissed. They groped and grabbed at each other and I even saw Val's hands go up under Kate's skirt.

Suddenly I felt my toes begin to tingle. Stephani was once again in the middle of a string of orgasm's She shook and quivered as I fucked her nice tight ass hole.

"Will you ever fuck your husband again?" Mrs. Graph asked Kate.

"Oh God never, I will only fuck my Master," Stephani said as she panted and squirmed on the bench.

I felt my toes begin to tingle and the hair on my neck began to stand on end. I could feel deep down inside that this was going to be a huge orgasm as my toes curled and my hands squeezed Stephani's thigh's tightly. I continued to slam my cock in and out of her tight ass as hard as I could. I wanted to last longer but I knew I wouldn't be able to.

Looking over at Val I saw she was now standing at the edge of the stage. She was naked and her breasts looked magnificent as her nipples were rock hard and pointed upward. Our eyes locked together and suddenly I became lost in her foreign beauty.

"Ugggghhhhh," I cried out as I felt my balls begin to tighten.

Just then the other three men began to grunt and groan. I tore my eyes away from Val and watched as the other three men began to cum all over Stephani. Sven began to squirt his cum all over Stephani's already cum covered breasts while the huge black man pointed his member toward her face.

With one grunt, I watched his cum rocket out of his cock and spray high into the air, landing on Mrs. Graph's lips. Another spasm caused his cum to land on my teacher's dress, just above her breast.

I continued to watch as my balls filled Stephani's ass with cum. I could feel her ass hole grow slipperier as my load emptied into her bowels.

Finally the last guy began to cum all over Stephani's stomach. His cock seemed to spurt forever as he pumped it furiously. Finally the last drop came out and landed in Stephani's navel.

I pulled my spent cock out of Stephani and motioned for everyone else to vacate the stage. As I began to lower Stephani's legs Mrs. Graph lowered her arms. I just stared in amazement as Stephani was absolutely drenched in cum. She had streams of white jizz running down her sides and off of her breasts. Her face was covered and her belly had puddles all over it. Not a word was said as I left Stephani shackled to the chains.

The black curtain was now being pulled around the stage. I walked over to Mrs. Graph and began to unshackle Stephani's wrists.

"Clean up your sister and help her get home," I said to Mrs. Graph as I unlocked the shackle around her other wrist.

Immediately Stephani began to rub her wrists as there were slight marks in her flesh from where the steel shackles dug in.

I walked down to her feet and began to unclasp the steel bands around her ankles. In no time her legs were free and she just rested them on the ground. Mrs. Graph walked behind the curtain covering the props and returned with some clothes and towels.

I turned around and walked off of the stage. I went down the three steps and looked for Kate and Val who were no longer anywhere. I walked over to the spiral staircase that led to Kate's office and began to climb the stairs. I reached the top of the stairs and turned the knob on Kate's office door. The door sprung open and I walked in.

"Hi," Kate said as she smiled and giggled along with Val.

I looked at both ladies as there was a certain glow about them. Both ladies looked relaxed and stress free as Kate sat behind her desk and Val sat across from her.

"You have some friend here," Kate said as she looked back at Val.

"I gave her a guest pass to come back again," Kate said as she stood up and walked around and stood behind Val.

Kate placed her hands on Val's shoulders and squeezed as Val looked up and she looked down into her eyes. Both ladies smiled as they looked at me.

"Don't worry, she's still a virgin," Kate said as she bent down and kissed the top of her head.

I looked into Val's eyes as they beamed with excitement. Kate walked over to the door leading to the restaurant and placed her hand on the knob.

"She didn't cum like she was a virgin though," Kate said as Val stood up and I began to walk toward her.

"Plus you gave an amazing performance tonight," Kate said softly, "Now we are a third of the way to another seventy five each.

Val looked at Kate and then me with a confused look on her face. Val took a few steps toward me as she was again in her tiny shorts and half shirt.

"Stephani is ready," Kate said as she smiled at me and Val.

"She is ready to pledge her life to you just like your teacher," she said as she turned the knob and opened the door.

Val and I began walking until we reached Kate. We paused for a moment as we each said our good bye's.

Val and I walked out into the diner and we heard the door close behind us. We walked out into the street and had to walk around the block to get into the alley where my van was parked. Val was extremely tired so she wrapped her arm around mine and leaned up against me as we walked.

Not a word was said as we made our way to my van. I made the first scene of my next porno movie plus I saw my girlfriend's friend getting it on with another woman. We began walking down the alley toward my van. I led Val around to the passenger side and pulled the door open for her.

Spinning around, Val stood right in front of me. For one brief moment I lost track of time as our faces grew closer and closer together. Our eyes slowly closed as we stared deeply into each other's souls. I could now feel her warm breath as her nose grazed mine. Ever so gently our lips came together.

Slowly our mouth's opened and the tips of our tongues gently caressed each other for one brief second. Suddenly we both opened our eyes as our kiss paused. Together we slowly pulled away realizing that we needed to stop right now before we went too far.

Silently Val hopped up in my van and I closed the door. I jumped in and started the engine before pulling off.

"Tonight was the most exciting night I ever had," Val said as she leaned her head over and looked at me.

"I'm so totally into what happened tonight," Val said as she closed her eyes.

I drove over to the church while Val dozed off. I pulled up a couple of houses away and stopped. I reached over and shook her lightly to wake her up.

"Wake up Val," I said as I pushed lightly on her shoulder.

Val moved slowly and opened her eyes. Reaching over she opened the door and jumped out of my van.

"Thanks Justin, maybe I'll see you in the morning at the coffee shop, if I can get up," Val said as she turned and walked toward her house.

"Good night," I said as I watched her walk away.

I turned my head lights back on and drove toward home. All sorts of wild erotic images were racing through my head. What consumed most of my thoughts was the money I was about to get tomorrow. I pulled up in front of my house and shut off my van. Quietly I walked into the house and slipped into my room, totally exhausted. I laid down on my bed and fell fast asleep.