A Silent Kind of Love


So this story came into my mind and I had to write it right away. It's a romantic love story between a brother and sister which some might say is a bit cliché, still, I gave it a little twist to make it just a bit different from other stories.

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy it!


Tonight was going to be the night for Ron and his girlfriend Leanne to take it to the next level, only Ron knowing about this big step for both of them so far.

He was driving fast but safely, his suit and looks in tip top shape, the ring that he had bought for her in his left pocket, safely by his side until the moment of truth would take place at their favorite pub that was home to so many memories for both of them.

Tonight he would be proposing to her, hoping to truly seal the love they had for each other. All kinds of thoughts ran through Ron's head as he came closer and closer to his destination. What would the future hold for them? Would they have children? What kind of house would they start in? All types of questions that kept him sane and to not stress himself out of nervousness during the ride.

Ron knew Leanne would be working behind the bar tonight, thus for him the perfect opportunity to surprise her with something that was going to be a big deal, a deal that held their future together, literally.

After five more minutes of driving he had reached his destination. He parked the car in front the pub but stayed inside of it for a bit. He took the small box out of his left pocket, opened it and took a good long look at the shining diamond ring embedded with a beautiful ruby stone in the middle.

"This is going to be it Ron... Tonight is the night..." He said to himself before closing the box again and putting it back into his pocket. He stepped out of the car, took another breath of air and went off towards the entrance of the pub.

He waited another minute or so outside to calm his nerves before finally making his entrance into the pub. He immediately walked towards the bar, hoping to catch his girlfriend by surprise but was surprised himself when he didn't see Leanne behind it.

"Wasn't Leanne supposed to be working tonight?" He asked to Mickey, the owner of the pub who he had known for a long time.

Mickey smiled at him and let out a laugh before speaking. "Jesus Ron, did you come straight from a funeral or something to drink your tears away?" He said jokingly before his finger pointed into the direction left of them. "She's on her break, around the corner. Some close male friend came to visit her and they wanted to chat." He said.

"Male friend? Since when does Leanne have close male friends? Her closest friends are all female." Asked Ron.

Mickey shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know kid, they seemed close though." He answered.

"Well... Thanks Mickey..." Responded Ron before proceeding to walk further into the pub.

As soon as he turned the corner he stopped dead in his tracks. In the back of the pub sat Leanne, on the lap of her male 'friend' heavily making out with him. She was literally devouring him with her tongue as his hands ran along her back and ass.

Ron felt as if the world started to run into slow-motion, he stood frozen at the other end of the pub seeing Leanne, the love of his life, making out with a guy he had never seen before. His legs started to quake, his eyes started to tear up while the rest of his body started to shudder, not out of anger but out of sadness.

"Why..." Was the only thing he managed to softly produce out of his trembling mouth before he turned around and ran out of the pub as fast as possible. He ran straight to his car, got into it and punched the steering wheel a couple of times before starting it. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He screamed through his tears before driving away as fast as possible.

He wanted to get back home as soon as possible and as far away from the pub and Leanne. He was driving reckless, ignoring signs while maintaining a high speed that surely would have gotten him punished firmly if the cops would have arrested him, at this point he didn't care as the only thing that was on his mind was seeing Leanne betraying him, their love and all the promises they had made to each other.

"Why! Why would you do this to me Leanne? To us!?" He shouted as tears streamed down his cheeks. "After everything we went through together, does it mean nothing to you!? You throw it away, all of it for that fucking guy!? Is something wrong with me!? Why!"

After a short time driving, thanks to his recklessness, he managed to reach his parents' house. He drove his car onto the driveway, turned off the engine and got out fast, slamming the door close before running up to the front porch.

Shaking heavily, he tried to get his key into the lock before dropping it. "Fuck!" He screamed again, now in anger as he reached out to pick up his keys from the floor. His second try was more successful and he managed to open the front door.

He walked in, threw the door close behind him and angrily ripped off his suit jacket before throwing it towards the living room. He followed it into the living room, almost stepping on the left pocket of it that contained the precious ring that was meant for Leanne, and made his way to the large couch.

Ron dropped onto it before he reached up to run his hands through his hair, he started to cry heavily now, letting every emotion pour out of him through his tears and cries.


Sylvia was upstairs, focused and busy with her painting before she could hear the front door open and close, followed by a loud slam. The slam of the door was so hard that she dropped her paintbrush out of her hands and onto the floor, the impact resulted into a few red drops splashing onto her bare feet.

Shaken up by the sudden event she stood still for a bit before making out that there was something really bad going on. She quietly made her way out of her room and towards the stairs, she then heard someone cry. She knew that it had to be Ron because he was the only one at home with her while her parents were on a short vacation.

She grabbed onto the handrail and made her way downstairs, coming closer and closer to the cries of sadness that had an effect on her as well. She had never heard her big brother cry before and hearing him like this had to mean that something really bad had happened.

"Why... Why..." Were the only words she managed to make out from his cries.

Her heart broke when she stepped into the living room, seeing her brother with his hands running through his hair and the tears that he cried dropping down onto the floor. His body was shaking as if he was having a cold, his knuckles were a bit bloodied and his expensive suit jacket was crumbled up on the floor.

Sylvia didn't hesitate and ran up to Ron, she sat down next to him before throwing her small, delicate arms around his neck and hugging him close into her.

Ron reacted right away when he felt his little sister trying to comfort him, he immediately responded to her hug and pulled her close as he cried on.

Sylvia started to cry with him, the sudden situation overwhelming her as well. She could feel him gripping onto her for dear life, his face buried in her neck and his arms locked around her. She gently ran her hands through his hair and along his back, trying her best to make his pain a little less.

A night that had meant to be a perfect one turned into a total disaster. At the end of it a brother and sister came together, the sister giving her love and trying her best to lessen the pain of her brother, her brother who was heartbroken and lost.


Ron opened his eyes and was blinded by the lights that came from outside. His eyes were stingy, even hurting a little as if he had been punched straight onto his face. He could feel that he was covered with a blanket and that he was lying on a couch.

"Did I fall asleep in the living room?" He thought to himself as his eyes started to adjust further, remembering what had happened the night before.

He slowly turned his head, softened by a pillow to look around the living room. His eyes fell upon the person that was sitting on the recliner opposite of him, and that person was his nineteen-year-old little sister Sylvia.

He watched as her bright blue eyes, partially covered by her long, dark auburn hair, darted from left to right, scanning through her book which of course was about painting. She sat in her 'relax' position, both of her silky, slender legs over the side of one armrest while her tiny but voluptuous body rested against the other. She was only wearing her pink tank top and her white panties which revealed even more of her overall beauty. As he observed her he noticed that there were small splashes of red paint on her right foot.

"H-hey... Good morning Syl..." He said as he stretched himself a bit, keeping his eyes focused on his little sister.

Sylvia looked into his direction right away and smiled. She shifted herself off the recliner, placed her book on the coffee table in front of her and stood up. She walked until she was next to Ron and signed good morning to him with her hands. She then held her small, soft hand out, offering to pull Ron up into in sitting position.

Ron smiled back at her and took her hand. As soon as he was sitting on the couch Sylvia dropped herself onto it next to him.

"What happened? I was so concerned and sad when I found you crying last night." She signed to him.

"Leanne... Leanne is what happened Syl... I caught her with some other guy... Cheating on me..." He responded to her while looking deep into her eyes.

Sylvia was listening carefully before she leaped herself forward again, hugging her brother lovingly once more.

Ron returned the hug, feeling his cute little sister close to his body once again. He deeply inhaled her strawberry like smell as he felt her curvy body rubbing against his. Ever since they were small she had always managed to comfort him this way, no matter what the cause was he would always relax once he was in her arms.

"You know Syl, sometimes I think that you are truly the only person in the world who loves me..." Said Ron.

Sylvia pulled herself back a bit, gave Ron a cute pouty face and slammed his shoulder with her fist.

"Oh! And Mom and Dad of course!" He quickly added to his pervious statement.

Sylvia smiled deeply again and went in for another loving sisterly hug.

After a long minute, which seemed to last forever, she ended the hug and jumped up from the couch. "Coffee?" She signed to Ron, giving him another one of her big smiles.

Ron nodded. "Yes please, thank you Syl." He answered before following her short, curvy body with his eyes as she walked towards the kitchen. He caught himself looking at her bouncing breasts as she was wearing no bra before his eyes adverted to her jiggly, pantie clad behind which swung side to side.

He then quickly looked away as his face started to turn red. "Not again Ron... She's your sister for Christ's sake..." He thought to himself. He then let out a sigh, dropped the blanket onto the couch and followed his little sister.

During his walk towards the kitchen he finally noticed that he was only wearing his boxers, had Sylvia undressed him last night? He must have fallen asleep deeply then, which was no surprise after pouring out all his energy and emotions. Ron shrugged his shoulders and continued walking.


Ron sat at the kitchen table, sending Leanne a final message with his cellphone before erasing her out of his life. It's over Leanne, you have broken my heart. Ask Mickey is you want to know why; I don't want to spend any more words on you after I finish typing this message. I thought you were the one for me but apparently I thought wrong. Don't try to contact me again Leanne, like I typed before; It's over. He hit the 'send' button, erased Leanne out of his phone and threw it onto the table. His eyes then focused on his little sister, who was facing away from him waiting for the coffee to finish. As he overlooked her short but beautiful frame he smiled.

Sylvia was born mute, she had a rare condition that had something to do with her vocal cords not developing at all. Some would see the condition as a burden, but not Sylvia. Sylvia had learned to live with the fact that she would never be able to speak from day one and truth be told, apart from being unable to speak she had a childhood like any other girl.

A huge part of this childhood was her family, especially her older brother Ron. Even as an infant, Ron was always at her side, protecting her, helping and supporting her. They were so close that people from the neighborhood and their own family often called them the 'inseparables'. Where Sylvia would go, Ron would go. He was her guide, protector and mentor before she started to learn sign language, and even after that he would still remain her caring, loving big brother.

And the same could be said in Ron's position. His little sister always had his back and helped him whenever she could. They were like a team, a sibling team of two that always looked out for each other.

Though Ron started to see things different after his baby sister started to get older, Sylvia was turning into a beautiful, attractive young woman over the last few years and he could feel deep inside of himself that he was starting to develop feelings for her that were supposed to be off limits. Even with Leanne at his side he could never really get Sylvia out of his head. Of course, he was truly in love with Leanne but that tiny spark of lust for Sylvia always remained there.

Suddenly he was pushed out of his thoughts when he felt a hot cup of coffee burning against the side of his arm. "Ouch! Syl!" He yelped before giving his sister a playful look.

Sylvia was smiling as if she was giggling before sticking out her tongue towards her big brother. She then took a seat next to him at the kitchen table and whipped out her phone.

She opened the notepad-app and typed up a storm. Being unable to speak had its benefits, Sylvia could type incredibly fast and with today's technologies that was a huge plus. She often typed her conversations with people if she didn't want to use sign language, and most people wouldn't be able to understand her anyway if she would do that.

Are you okay now? It must have felt like a bomb going off inside of you when you discovered that bitch cheating on you... You know, I never really liked Leanne to be totally honest, something felt off with her... Oh, and if I manage to see her somewhere I will scratch her eyes out! :3. She had typed.

Ron started to laugh and playfully ruffled a hand through his little sister's auburn hair. "I'm okay now Syl, guess I poured out all my pain yesterday night. Also your touch and comfort helped me a lot. Oh, also don't do that last part!"

Sylvia listened to him before giving him another cute smile. She then leaned forward to Ron and gave him an Eskimo kiss with her nose, something they did since they were children.

"Wow, Eskimo kisses already? You must be in a really good mood!" Responded Ron.

Sylvia took her phone and typed again before showing it to her brother. I just want to show you that there are people who truly love you... And I really, really love you very much -xxx-.

Ron looked at the message and went quiet for a bit, he adverted his eyes to those of his sister and could see how they were sparkling with love for him. He felt a lump in his throat before he managed to say what he wanted to say. "I know you do Syl... And I really, really love you too..." He said in return.

Ron leaned forward to her and wanted to give her a kiss on the cheek, halfway in Sylvia turned her head further so his lips came into contact with hers. She took ahold of his hand as the two siblings kissed each other on the lips gently, lasting a lot longer than any normal display of affection between siblings. Both Sylvia and Ron withdrew at the same time and both had a blush of red covering their faces.

"That... That was nice..." Said Ron after a short moment of silence.

Sylvia started to blush even harder but nodded in agreement. She still held firmly onto her brother's hand with her own.

With the other she grabbed her phone again, placed it on her lap and typed another message. Ron could feel a shock of affection running through his body as his little sister kept holding his hand lovingly. She looked so cute with the reddish blush on her beautiful face and the feeling of her soft skin on his almost gave him goosebumps.

She then flipped the phone and showed it to Ron. How about we go and do something fun today, just the two of us? No stupid Leanne or any other worries, some proper quality sibling fun time! :D.

Ron read the message before giving her a nod and another big smile. "Sure Sis, what did you have in mind?" He asked.

Again she took her phone and typed before showing it to Ron. I was thinking about going to the zoo, it's beautiful weather outside and it has been a long time since we went. I am also painting a collage of animals so maybe this will give me some more inspiration. After that we could grab dinner at that new Italian restaurant that opened up.

Ron read the message and gave his sister a thumbs-up. "Sounds great Syl! I'm up for whatever, as long we are together everything will be fine with me." He responded.

Sylvia happily jumped up and gave Ron another one of her loving sisterly hugs before she spun around doing a pirouette and took a few steps backwards. "I'm going to change clothes right away! Something you should do as well, Mr. Almost nude!" She signed to him with her hands, following it up with a heart sign. She then turned around to blast off towards her room.

"Syl!" Shouted Ron before she managed to exit the kitchen.

Sylvia turned around and could see her brother pointing at her feet. She looked down and saw the red splashed of paint that partially covered her right feet. She wiggled her toes before looking up to Ron again and giving him a playful grin, she then blew him a kiss, turned around, wiggled her cute little bum and ran off upstairs.

Ron let out another laugh as he watched his silly sister brimming with happiness. He stood up and took their empty coffee cups towards the dishwasher before going upstairs himself to change his own clothes.

"Syl really has a heart of gold, around her everything seems just right... She managed to totally release Leanne from my mind with just this morning talk we had... And that kiss... That incredible kiss we shared..." Thought Ron to himself as he closed in on his room, feeling that everything was going to be alright.


Ron watched as his little sister happily got out of his car once they had arrived at the zoo. She stretched herself out, a smile on her face before quickly walking to the other side of the car. Ron opened his door and before he knew it he was standing outside, hand-in-hand with Sylvia who almost started to drag him towards the entrance of the zoo.

She had changed her appearance into something fit for a warm day. She wore a bright white summer dress with flower patterns over it, high heeled wooden sandals and her long auburn hair tied up in a ponytail, it was such a simple change but she looked stunning. Ron admired his little sister as they both proceeded towards the entrance, he barely had time to use his keys to lock his car.

As they walked from exhibit to exhibit she never let go off him, often looking up to look into his eyes before giving him another one of her cute smiles. She then proceeded to rub her cheek along the upper part of his arm, showing even more affection towards him. Ron knew that outings like these were special for her, she had always loved being around him, being close and clingy to show him how much she truly loved him.

They stopped at various exhibits which contained certain animals that interested Sylvia, she would take out her phone, write a few notes and snap a few pictures before giving her brother the okay to continue walking through the zoo.

"I assume you are getting plenty of inspiration from the animals you documented?" Asked Ron after a while. "What do those particular animals mean to you?" He added.

Sylvia looked up to him and nodded before she started typing on her phone to answer the second question. All the animals that I had taken notes and pictures of are living in the wild on the other side of the planet. Those animals are free to do what they want and to love who they want to love, having that freedom is something what I dream about, especially the love part. Of course, we live free over here as well but we can't always love the person we truly want to love...

As Ron read her answer he was thinking about the latter part of it, it had such a deep meaning and for whatever reason he felt like that she was talking about feelings she had herself. But before he was able to ask another question he was suddenly being pulled by Sylvia who had her sights set on something.

Sylvia pulled her brother towards a large area where an artificial waterfall crashed down from tall large rocks up high, it was an area where you could take pictures.

She pulled him beside her and looked in his eyes again, they sparkled with love while she was giving him the puppy dog eyes look, meaning that she really wanted something.

Ron always had disliked being in pictures but seeing his cute little sister like this made it impossible for him to say no. He rubbed his hand through his hair before answering her. "Alright... But just this one picture, okay?" He said.

Sylvia jumped for joy after his answer, she gave him a quick hug before she pulled him even closer to her. She flipped her phone horizontally, turned it around and gave it to Ron.

"You want me to take a selfie of us?" He asked.

Sylvia nodded again, she signed to him to set it on a five second timer.

Ron did as she asked before holding the phone up and towards them.

Just before the timer expired Sylvia turned around, stood up on her toes and gave her brother a big kiss on his cheek. The photo shot at the exact moment when her soft lips were kissing her brother.

"Wow! That was a surprise Sis!" Said Ron as he did not see that one coming.

Sylvia smiled cutely again and reached out for her phone. She gently took it from Ron and turned it around so they both could look at the picture.

Ron had to admit that it was cute and loving, it made his heart flutter seeing them together, happy as can be.

His little sister had a loving gaze as she watched over it, after a few seconds she opened her notepad-app again and typed the following. I might be using that picture to paint something of us together; it perfectly captures our relationship that we have, and the love that we share...

Both Ron and Sylvia looked at each other for a bit, thinking about what her statement truly meant to both of them. Ron then pulled Sylvia close and hugged her lovingly, she returned the hug immediately and rubbed her cheek against his chest. They stood like that for a while before their hands found each other again, they gave each other another loving gaze before resuming their trip through the zoo.


Ron sat on the couch, dressed in the same suit he was in yesterday before his future life plans were being demolished right in front of his eyes, waiting for his sister to finish dressing for their dinner at the new Italian restaurant.

He still couldn't really believe that he was so easily over the whole ordeal he had experienced with Leanne cheating on him, to him it felt like it had happened years ago while it only had been one day.

His thoughts quickly shifted to those of Sylvia, being happy with her being together with him, feeling her love and warmness as she had been showering him with comfort and affection today. She truly was a special person that would forever have a place deep in his heart.

His thoughts were quickly shifted away when he heard the sounds of clacking heels coming down the stairs. He turned his head and watched as his little sister came closer and closer towards him, his jaw almost dropped down onto the floor when he got the full view of her.

Sylvia was wearing a beautiful satin dark purple split dress that showed off her silky smooth legs and cute little feet, feet which were incased in four-inch purple heels that made her a bit taller. The cleavage department did not disappoint either, he could see the top of her large, perky breasts showing themselves with a dark ruby jeweled necklace between them. Her long auburn hair hung straight down with curls at the end, partially covering her left eye. Her face was made up with just a smidgen of make-up, she had never needed much of it to show off her beauty.

"W-wow Syl, you look... Y-you look gorgeous!" Stuttered Ron as he was overwhelmed by his sister's beauty.

Sylvia looked up at him with a large red blush across her face, she smiled before putting her arms behind her back while twisting her body a bit, giving her brother another good look with a side of nervousness.

"Come on Sis, no need to be nervous." Said Ron as he walked up to her. He placed on hand on her bare shoulder and with the other he brushed a lock of long hair out of her face so he could see both her eyes.

"You must be nervous because this will be a first sort of date for you, right? Not because I'm your partner for the night." He asked.

Sylvia looked up shyly and nodded. Although she was a beautiful and sweet girl, she never had been in a boyfriend/girlfriend scenario with somebody. Because of her muteness she was kind of a shut-in, that's why she loved painting and reading so much. The only people she really interacted with were her family and a few close friends she had.

Ron smiled at her and caressed her cheek gently with the palm of his hand for a bit, she rubbed her cheek against him right away, acting like a kitty cat getting attention. "Just relax Syl, you are going... No, WE are going to have a great night tonight!" Said Ron before he held out his arm towards her. "How about we get going, I'm hungry from all that animal watching." He suggested.

Sylvia's mood immediately turned one-hundred-eighty degrees, she smiled at Ron before she hooked her arm with his, standing close to him while she remained blushing, not out of nervousness but out of affection.

Ron laughed. "I'll take that as a yes! Well, off we go my beautiful princess!" He said before proceeding to go outside and towards his car, his sister firmly hooked against his body.

During the ride he noticed that Sylvia kept watching him, a loving gaze in her eyes and a cute little smirk on her beautiful face. He could feel jolts of love running through his body, the most gorgeous woman in the world in his eyes was by his side and it happened to be his own little sister.

Ron acted like a proper gentleman once they arrived at the restaurant, he guided Sylvia, hand-in-hand, towards the Italian restaurant and opened every door for her, giving her a princess like treatment.

A waiter pointed their way towards an Italian inspired open rotunda that was placed in the middle of the garden out back. All tables were made up for couples and they could see that they weren't the only ones attending dinner outside. Their first impressions of the new restaurant were good right away.

Ron held his sister's seat, giving her another gentleman like treatment before seating himself opposite of her. As Ron flipped through the menu he suddenly felt Sylvia's soft hand on top of his, he looked up and saw her pointing towards something behind him.

He turned around and looked at what seemed to be a dancefloor, there was a small stage behind it with instruments already present.

"I can ask the waiter if there will be any music played tonight... You fancy some dancing Sis?" He asked as he turned around.

He could see the sparkles in her eyes as he asked her his question. She nodded happily and signed to him. "You know I love dancing, so please dance with me tonight if a band is going to play."

"Well, you know how I think about photos... And dancing." Answered Ron as his sister's face immediately turned into a pout. "But for you... Anything for you Sis..." He added as he held her hand tight with his own.

Sylvia's eyes flared up again, she then gave Ron another blow kiss followed by tightening her own hand than her brother was holding.

"Uhm... Madam, Sir... Can I take your orders?" Asked the waiter from before who apparently was present for a while already.

Both Ron and Sylvia snapped out of their gazes and turned their attention to the waiter.

Sylvia pulled on his jacket to get his attention. She then started to move her mouth as she flipped through the menu, pretending to tell the waiter her order.

The poor waiter stood there rather flabbergasted as he watched the woman in front of him apparently speaking without hearing any words. Sylvia then slammed the menu close, gave it back to the waiter and proceeded to smile towards him with a childish grin on her face.

"Uhm..." Mumbled the waiter again as his head started to turn slightly red, quickly seeking assistance from Ron who was holding his laugh in.

Ron silenced his laugh before speaking up. "I will take the traditional multi pasta dish together with one of your finest red wines, and the lovely lady over there would like the same. We also would like to look at the deserts once we are finished with the main course."

"Okay... Yes, sure! No problem!" Responded the waiter as he processed the order with the use of his tablet. He quickly looked up to Sylvia to see her giving him a playful wink which caused him to blush a bit. "And everything is ordered, I hope you will enjoy your dinner tonight." He added after finishing.

"Thank you... Oh, by the way, will there be a band playing later tonight?" Asked Ron.

"Yes Sir, they start playing around ten, after most guests are finished with their meals. Feel free to dance if you want to." Answered the waiter before he turned around to help the next guests in line.

Ron watched the waiter walk away before turning his sights back onto his sister. "You... You are so evil sometimes Syl! That poor waiter had no idea how to react!" He said with a smirk on his face.

Sylvia stuck out her tongue towards her older brother, showing off her playful side once again. Ron started to laugh as he admired his little sister acting all cute again.

It didn't take long for their dinner to arrive after that. The meals were excellent, as was the wine and their dessert. The restaurant had become one of their favorites after that night and they would surely visit it again in the future.

Ron held conversations with Sylvia as any other couple present, although she couldn't answer with her voice he could make up all her answers from just reading her face and her expressions. She only had to use sign language a few times to formulate her longer answers but that was it. Their bond was so great that even with no words said they could totally understand each other perfectly.

They were so focused on each other that they didn't even notice the band taking its place on the stage next to the dance floor. As soon the first notes of music were played, and a few other couples got up to dance, they quickly followed.

Ron stood up and held out his hand towards his sister. "May I take you to dance Milady?" He asked, sounding like a spoiled, rich wealthy prick.

Sylvia reacted with a giggling like expression before she took her brother's hand and stood up as well. Hand-in-hand they walked onto the dance floor which was already pretty occupied.

The band played slow, romantic symphonies so there was a lot of slow dancing going on. Ron held Sylvia close to him as they slowly started to dance, one hand or her back while the other rested on her hip, close to her well-formed behind.

Sylvia, a lot smaller than Ron even with her heels on, held her arms around her big brother's waist, holding him as close as possible while keeping her head pressed against his chest. She could hear and even feel his heart bump at a relaxing rate.

They danced like this for a while, totally lost in their own world and moving slowly with the same rhythm as the music. It was as if they were in a trance, a trance of safety, love and closeness.

Sylvia brought her head up after another while, coming into contact with her brother's sparkling eyes as he had never left her out of his sight. She then moved her lips, forming the words: I love you.

Ron could read what she was saying, a blast of warmth running through every fiber of his body after seeing her expressing those three powerful little words. "I love you too Sylvia, I love you so much." He whispered back to her.

As soon Sylvia had heard her brother's response she pushed herself up onto her toes and locked her full lips with those of Ron. She kissed him passionately, way beyond a simple affectionate kiss. She kissed like he was her lover, and at that very moment she knew he was.

Ron was surprised when his sister's lips passionately kissed his own but he didn't hesitate to return the intimate moment, he held his hands firmer on her body, even cupping her ass a bit as he returned the kiss with just as much passion.

The kiss lingered on for a full minute, neither of the siblings wanting to let go of each other. They both didn't care about it being wrong anymore, whatever society claimed to be right or wrong, this was a moment for them that everything was right.

Finally, their lips slowly parted, Sylvia gave her brother a quick little loving smirk before moving her head back to his chest, nuzzling herself against him just like she did before.

Ron smiled and rested his own head on top of hers, being treated to that amazing strawberry like smell once more. They slowly continued dancing, feeling closer than ever before.


"Well princess, was this the type of day you had in mind?" Asked Ron as he and Sylvia sat on Ron's bed in his room.

Sylvia took Ron's hands and held them tight as she nodded yes over and over again which made Ron laugh. She then released their hands and signed to him: "And how about you brother dear? Did you enjoy a day with your little princess?" Followed by a wink.

"Ha, Syl I'll try to not sound like I'm bullshitting you, but this was one of the best days of my life. I thoroughly enjoyed it since you were by my side." He answered as he removed his shoes, socks, pants and his suit jacket.

When he was about to toss the jacket over his chair he could feel the box that contained the expensive ring that he had bought for Leanne still sitting in his pocket. He brought his hand into the pocket and held onto the small jewelry box before looking in his sister's direction.

Sylvia was still cutely looking at him with her freshly showered adorable face. She was already in her sleeping gear, a short tank top that ended above her navel, showing off her piercing and a pair of white panties. She tilted her head to the side when she saw Ron gazing at her.

Ron returned his sight onto the jacket he was holding, he waited a couple of seconds before letting out a faint laugh.

"Syl... I... I got something for you..." He said quietly.

Sylvia got curious so she shifted a bit closer to her older brother, she then gently placed a hand on his thigh.

"I... I bought this for someone who I thought loved me equally as I loved her... But now... Now I truly know someone who loves, and always will love me... Someone I have known my whole life..." He whispered to her before he pulled the little box out of his jacket's pocket. He opened it, carefully took the ring out and showed it to Sylvia.

Sylvia's eyes started to tear up when she saw the beautiful ring, she then knew that her brother was supposed to be proposing to Leanne before everything went down south.

She watched as Ron gently grabbed her trembling left hand and pulled it towards him, he then held it up and slid the ruby encased diamond ring onto her ring finger.

"I love you Sylvia, with every piece of my heart..." He said to her, teary eyed himself. "You are the only one that makes me forget about everything else, you are cute, beautiful, smart and most of all the kindest little sister I could have wished for. I love you Syl, more than a brother should love his sister." He confessed to her as they held hands.

Tears streamed down Sylvia's face as she heard her brother's words, unlocking the same deep feelings she had been harboring inside of her for so long. She couldn't hold back anymore and leaped forward, pushing Ron on his back onto the bed.

She sat on his lap, her silky slender legs to each side of his body. They gazed into each other's eyes for a bit before Sylvia let herself fall forward, she cupped Ron's face with her soft hands and gave him another Eskimo kiss.

But this time she didn't stop, she lowered her lips onto his and started to kiss him passionately. Even more passionate than they did during their dance. She pushed her tongue against his lips and slowly but surely he opened up to her.

Ron responded the same way and before they knew it they were making out, French kissing heavily while his arms automatically started to roam over his sister's curvy body. His hands slid under her tank top, feeling the upper part of her back and the swells of the sides of her breasts before they traveled downward into her panties, cupping her soft, jelly like ass cheeks.

He felt Sylvia responding to his touches as her kisses got more frantic and felt her body shaking every time he did a particular action. It didn't take long before a wetness started to coat the front of his boxers.

Sylvia hungrily devoured her big brother's mouth as she felt his hands all over body, but the real stimulating feeling came from her brother's hard-on that was pushing up against her pussy through her panties. As a response she started to move her hips in a gyrating motion, slithering her now soaked pantie-clad pussy over the thick head of his cock.

She wanted to feel him touch everywhere so she separated their kiss quickly, sat up on his lap and pulled off her tank top with one quick movement.

Ron watched wide-eyed, his mouth still covered in his sister's saliva, as her large perky breasts bounced free from their entrapment. They were perfectly round and firm, small pink areolas and small but really hard nipples protruding from them. Unable to contain himself he threw his hands up and cupped both of her tits, his fingers kneading the flesh before making their way to pinch and caress her diamond like nipples.

Sylvia threw her head back, her long auburn hair spilling everywhere when she felt her brother assaulting her sensitive breasts, her silent breathing became rapid as all kinds of new experiences came to light.

She shuddered and shook as she allowed her brother to play with her breasts for a while, but she wanted more. She dropped herself forward again and placed both her arms behind her brother's head, pushing him up towards the pair of twins that were now right in his face.

Ron had an idea what she wanted and immediately clamped his lips around one of her hard nipples. He sucked on it like a baby before slithering his tongue over her soft breasts flesh towards the other nipple. His hands ran up her waist until they were able to push her breasts together, giving him even more access.

Sylvia ruffled her hands through her brother's hair as he sucked, licked and kissed her oh so sensitive breasts. her eyes almost rolled back into her skull because of the immersive pleasure she was feeling.

Ron's cock was now fully erect, throbbing heavily and producing precum as it still remained wedged against the entrance to his sister's pantie covered pussy. Her juices were running out of her so much that his shaft, through his boxers, was glistering from it. Drops of the female nectar dropped down onto his stomach drip after drip, the feeling of it made him clench his muscles every time he felt it, thus pushing his cock harder against his sister's cunt.

Sylvia pushed her body back against her brother's cock before she was pulled up again so Ron could continue to smother her now sweaty and saliva coated tits. This whole act of incestuous coupling went on for a few minutes before Ron started his next move.

He kissed up towards Sylvia's neck until their lips met again, they kissed for a little while longer before they separated themselves, again looking deep into each other's love and lust filled eyes.

"Syl... Are you sure about this?" Whispered Ron to her as their eyes remained locked.

Sylvia smiled at him and leaned forward for another Eskimo kiss, she then nodded yes before pushing herself up again.

Ron watched as she stood up above him and trailed her hands towards her panties. Her fingers slid under the sides before she pushed them down in one go. She was now standing fully nude in front of his eyes. Her tiny, tight looking pussy glistered with nectar, it leaked out of her and ran down her thighs. She had a small tuft of pubic hair on her mound but everything else was perfectly clean and hairless. The most beautiful girl in the world happened to be his own little sister, and here she was, fully nude and about to commit incest with her big brother in his room.

Sylvia gave her brother a seductive look, posing a bit to show off her body before she turned around and dropped herself down again.

Ron watched as her soaked, juicy pussy came closer and closer until it was a few inches away from his face. Her nectar dripped down into the cleft of his neck and the inviting smell that came from her hotbox drew him in like bees to honey.

He tightly grabbed onto her ass with both hands and was about to devour the most delicious cunt he had ever seen. But he then felt his little sister stripping him of his boxers, freeing his throbbing, hardened cock for all to see.

Sylvia's eyes grew wide when her brother's impressive sized cock sprung free from its entrapment, a small spurt of hot precum flew against her cheek and dribbled down slowly. She watched as the piece of meat throbbed and pulsed, how the veins protruded from the sides of his shaft and how glob's of precum formed at the head.

It was her first time seeing a penis in real life, and the first one happened to be her brother's. She licked her lips out of anticipation, she had seen porn before and knew that they were in a sixty-nine position, this way they would be able to give each other equal pleasure.

Not wanting to wait she leaned forward until her lips met the angry looking head, she opened her mouth a bit and clamped her lips around it. She started to suck and lick her tongue around clumsily, tasting her brother for the first time.

But no matter how clumsy she was, Ron reacted right away. "Oh God, Syl!" He moaned as he felt his sister's lips taking in the head of his cock. He could see that her pussy was contracting with every suck she gave him.

Sylvia slowly started to bob up and down, only taking in the head and an inch or two from his shaft. She could hear the loud moans coming from behind her which encouraged her even further. She knew that it was her first time, but hearing her brother, her lover moan in pleasure gave her the confidence to continue, apparently she was doing good.

"Oh fuck!" Moaned Ron again, he had plenty of blowjobs before, but this one was unique and better than all of the previous ones combined. Maybe it was the fact that his own little sister that he loved so much was the one sucking him off.

He could lie down like this forever and savoring the pleasure for eternity, but he also had a job to do, giving his sister pleasure in return. He gently opened the lips of her tiny pink slit and ran a finger through the wet mess.

Sylvia immediately responded by pushing her hips further back and her mouth clamping tighter around her brother's cock.

Ron brought his mouth up to Sylvia's glistering cunt and started to kiss the sides of her pussy before running his tongue from top to bottom in one go. At the bottom he pushed his tongue forward onto her small, erect clit.

Sylvia's body shook again when she felt her brother's tongue invading her most private part, she firmly brought her hands up to his legs to hold on before she pushed herself a bit deeper onto his cock, not wanting to give up stimulating Ron.

Her tongue trailed along the stiff shaft as her saliva, mixed with precum, started to run down the sides. She slowly resumed bobbing up and down, taking more of the thick cock into her tiny mouth.

Ron was now eating his sister out, his tongue ran up and down her slit, lapping up as much delicious juice as possible. With one hand he kneaded the flesh of her wide, jiggly ass while the other stimulated her clit by giving it small pokes and gentle caresses.

They adjusted their tempo's to each other, if Ron would lap her cunt faster, Sylvia would suck him off harder. If Sylvia would stimulate him harder, Ron would lick her pussy more intensely.

Both siblings had their first incestuous love making in the form of a sixty-nine. For Ron it was the best act of sex he had performed so far in his life, knowing that much better ones would appear on the horizon. For Sylvia it was her first time having sex, and making love to a man. She did not really know what she was doing but feeling her brother return the pleasure as equally good she knew that she wasn't performing bad, and she was hungry for more.

She upped the pleasure by moving her mouth in different ways, taking in her brother's cock from different sides. She let one hand go of his legs and wrapped it around the base of his cock, slowly stroking it up and down while her mouth remained doing the same motion.

Ron moaned through his pussy eating, he couldn't believe that his own little sister was this good. He also upped the pleasure by sucking onto her clit after each downward lick along her cunt. With his fingers he carefully pulled her lips further open so his tongue could reach more places of her delicious pussy.

The two of them continued like this before eventually the inevitable moment came to light.

Sylvia could feel her brother's cock started to expand in her mouth as his hips started to push up against her.

"Oh fuck! Ooooh fuck! Syl I'm cumming!" Shouted Ron as he pulled his pussy juice smothered face free from his sister's cunt.

Sylvia could hear her brother warn her but before she was able to let go she was treated to two thick, warm blasts of cum that shot into her mouth. Her brother's cock slipped out of her mouth as it continued to spew out shot after shot of seed. Blasts of cum shot against her chin and onto her face as she swallowed the semen that had been shot into her mouth.

The taste of it triggered her own orgasm. Ron held onto her tightly as her body started to convulse. Suddenly a wide spray of pussy juice squirted out of her cunt right onto his face. Her body trembled and shook as she was lost in an orgasmic bliss.

Ron couldn't believe that his cute little sister was a squirter, and that she managed to give him the best orgasm of his life at the same time. He held onto her as she rode out her orgasm.

Finally, Sylvia regained control of her body. She pushed herself off her brother, rolling next to him onto his bed. She breathed heavily as her brother's warm sperm dribbled down her face, she had done it, she had given her brother an orgasm with her clumsy skills.

Ron breathed heavily a few more times before pulling himself up. He then noticed that his cock was still solid as a steel bar, this was the effect that his sister had on him.

Ignoring his erection, he crawled up to Sylvia to see if she was okay. When he saw her face covered in his cum he started to laugh.

"Well hello there Ms. Snowwoman!" He said jokingly.

Sylvia pouted and gave him a playful little kick but then started to smile as if she was laughing with him.

He then reached for his sister's shredded tank top and brought it up to her face. "Here, let me clean you up, sorry for that." He said as he gently wiped away the streaks of cum that had been shot all over her face.

He threw away the dirtied tank top and pulled his beautiful naked sister up carefully. "Syl... You were amazing, I've never felt like this before!" He said to her.

Sylvia smiled again before signing her response to him. "So were you big brother... You made me experience things I've never felt before and I loved it, because you were the one doing them to me... I love you..." She ended with a heart sign.

Her eyes adverted to her brother's cock and could see that it was still rock-hard. The sight of it ran a shock of lust and pleasure through her body. She got onto her knees and crawled seductively closer to Ron. Her soft hand reached forward and wrapped itself around the still, strong standing fuck-pole.

"W-wow Syl... You really seem to like this, don't you?" Said Ron as he watched his curious but hot as hell sister looking deep into his eyes.

S-E-X... Her lips spelled out to him as he saw the fire of love and lust in her eyes.

Ron pulled her closer to him until they could feel each other's breath. "Are you sure about this Sis? I mean once we cross that line there is no turning back, I want this relationship between us to last forever. Is it same for you as well?" He asked.

Sylvia reached one hand up to her heart and nodded very surely.

Ron caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand before asking her his second question. "You are still a virgin, right?"

Again Sylvia nodded, she then signed the following words to him: "I am, but I want my first time to be with you, because I'm going to be with you forever after that... I want to make love to you..."

Ron smiled at her which she immediately returned. "Alright Sis..." He said before he dropped his body back onto the bed again.

Sylvia crawled forward on her knees until they were on either side her brother's body, just like when they had started. Her wet dripping pussy hovered above his tall standing cock, coating the already slick penis even further.

Ron reached up and held his hands out to her which she grasped onto right away. Their fingers intertwined giving that extra push of comfort and confidence to Sylvia who was very nervous but not showing it.

"Don't rush yourself Syl, take your time, go as fast or slow as you want. I'm here with you." Said Ron to her.

Sylvia nodded and positioned herself further, she shuddered when her brother's thick cockhead came into contact with her wet slit. She carefully and gently rubbed her pussy on top of it, mixing her juices with her brother's precum. She then pushed down with an extra bit of weight, she could feel her lips slowly open as his cock prodded against her entrance.

Ron could feel her fingers squeeze his, just as her pussy was, taking in his cock for the first few millimeters. He knew that she was going to be tight as hell once he slipped inside of her.

He looked up to see his sister biting her lower lip, her eyes closed and her body shuddering. He squeezed her hands in return and proceeded to encourage her with a caring voice. "Take it easy Syl, go as fast as you want. There is no hurry at all."

Sylvia nodded after hearing her brother's words and looked down at him with teary eyes, she then pushed down harder, her brother's cock sinking deeper into her virgin vagina. She could feel the heavy resistance coming from herself but she didn't hesitate to push down further, she would have screamed out of pain and pleasure right now if she had a voice, instead she breathed heavily and shook her head from left to right.

Ron clenched his teeth when he felt himself tearing through her tightness, presumably breaking through her hymen as Sylvia kept on swallowing more and more of him.

Every fifteen seconds or so she would push down further, taking in inch after inch until finally their groins came together. This was it, Ron had fully entered his sister and was poking against the entrance to her womb with his cockhead, his own sister's pussy was the perfect fit for him.

Ron could feel her fingernails digging into the flesh of his hands as he observed her breathing heavily, her eyes were closed again and her mouth hung open, a small trail of drool slowly ran out of the corner of her mouth as her body bucked and trembled from being entered fully for the first time.

A slow but strong orgasm rippled through Sylvia's body from head to toe, her pussy convulsed and contracted around the stiff pole that had invaded her, she could feel her pussy muscles and walls squeezing it with vigor. She paused for a few more seconds before she carefully pushed herself up again, only to drop herself down after a few inches of her brother's cock escaped from her tight grip. She was now making love to the one person she loved most in the world.

Ron had to grit his teeth again when he watched, and felt, his little sister moving up and down on his throbbing cock. The whole experience was insane, his own baby sister had the tightest, wettest and most beautiful pussy he had ever felt and seen. He watched as a few inches of his shaft escaped from her cunt, her juices running down along it and dirtying his balls and the bedsheet under them, only to be swallowed whole again as her body slapped against his with her downward thrusts.

She was taking on a slow rhythm, still grasping onto his hands for support as she bounced up and down. He could feel the impacts of her soft ass against his skin and watched as her full round breasts jiggled and bounced with every motion. She now had a big smile on her face, small tears still streaming down her cheeks which erupted from her closed eyes, she was feeling good as the pain was being replaced by pleasure.

She held onto making love to her brother like this for a minute or two before her body started to convulse again. Sylvia lost her strength and fell forward onto Ron's chest, impaling herself deep as her tits and diamond-hard nipples mashed against his chest. Her face fell to the side of Ron's neck and he could feel her warm, rapid breathing colliding with his skin.

Ron gently brought one hand onto her sweaty back while the other stroked through her auburn hair. "Shhht Syl... Relax and let it subside... ride it out..." He whispered to her lovingly.

And Sylvia did just that, she relaxed her body and her mind as her orgasms slowly subdued. Her pussy was still suckling onto her brother's thick cock, wedged deep into her depths. She then pulled her face up until she was above Ron, looking deep in his eyes with her own as their foreheads came together. Their lips met again and they started to make out slowly without any haste. She suckled on his lips and nibbled away at the corner of his mouth, she didn't know why but the erotic kissing sounds aroused her greatly.

"Say Syl, do you remember how you used to lie down on me when we were kids." Asked Ron after they had separated from their long lasting kiss.

Sylvia looked a bit puzzled but then nodded yes very excited as she remembered what he meant.

"So, how about it? Want to cuddle up to your big brother like that again?" Asked Ron again, emphasizing on the cuddle part.

Sylvia gave him a giggly looking smile and nodded yes again. She quickly sat up and pushed herself off her brother's still tall standing cock. Both siblings shuddered when Ron escaped from Sylvia's tight grip. She then turned her body around before lying down again on Ron, her body now facing the ceiling just like his.

Ron and Sylvia used to lie like this on sunny days in the backyard so they could both watch the clouds and point out different shapes. But this time their cuddling would have a whole other meaning.

Ron ran his hands over his sister's erotic body, one hand trailed down through her tuft of wetted pubic hair before coming into contact with her clit. The other cupped her left tit, kneading it gently and moving it around.

Sylvia's body squealed out of delight as she felt her brother's strong hands caressing her sweaty body. She wiggled her hips back and forth, stimulating his cock that was throbbing against the slit of her nectar producing pussy. She loved hearing his sweet little moans as her head lied next to his, she could feel him smelling her hair and breathing against her cheek.

She spread her legs open a bit further so that her pussy lips molded around the shape of his cock shaft. As she did this she could feel that Ron was pushing his hips up and down slightly so that his cock could slid along her labia and even her clit which was already being touched by his gentle fingers.

She also brought her own hands up and pulled her hardened nipple of her right breast with her right hand while her left hand rested on top of her brother's hand so they could both knead and caress her left breast at the same time.

Ron was in heaven as he explored his sister's body from top to bottom, everything about her was perfect. Her shape, her height, her smell, her taste, her personality and the love she had for him blew everything else out of the water. It was as if it was destiny for them to be together.

Unable to contain himself any longer he placed his feet flat on the bed, parted his legs and pushed himself up a bit, taking his sister with him. He was getting himself into a position so he could fuck up into her.

As if a fire had ignited within her, Sylvia responded right away. She released her right tit and trailed her hand down towards her brother's cock. She took ahold of it gently and slapped it a few times on top of her pussy mound, splattering her and his juices around their lower bodies. She then slid her body up a few inches until she was in the perfect position to let her brother fuck her. She pushed his cock down until the thick head was nestled and prodding against her entrance.

Ron could feel her wetness coating the tip of his cock as her pussy literally tried to suck him in, but he waited for her to give her okay as he didn't want to pressure her.

Sylvia held her hands up high above them so they both could see them and signed: "Please make love to me... I love you."

Ron hugged his sister tight, his arms wrapped around her body, one across her stomach and the other on top of her tits before whispering into her ear. "I love you too Syl... Forever..."

He then pushed forward and slowly entered his sister's tight, wet pussy for the second time. This time he kept on pushing forward until he was all the way in, he was still getting a bit of resistance but the fact that Sylvia pushed herself down onto him took away all his worries, she wanted this as much as he did.

Sylvia's back bucked up as she felt her big brother's big cock invading her fully without stopping. Her hands grasped the bedsheets tight while her parted legs trembled out of pleasure. The moans of her brother were like music to her ears, letting her know that she was making him feel good.

Ron started a slow, upward thrusting motion as soon as he felt the tip of his cock reaching her cervix, Sylvia rocked with him so his cock entered and exited her tight cunt even easier.

Sylvia then reached for her brother's hands and placed them back on top of her tits once more, keeping her own gripped on top of his so they could both maul and stimulate her large breasts at the same time. They both could feel her tits jiggling and bouncing in their hands because of the love making, Ron also felt her rock-hard nipples almost digging holes into his hands.

He could feel and hear her breathing rapidly as she shook her head left to right again, her eyes sparking with a burning passion and her mouth trying to form words of pleasure. "You like making love to your big brother? Do you love my cock deep in your tight pussy?" Whispered Ron to her, wanting to make her feel good even more.

Sylvia rocked her head to the right and gave her brother a quick confirming nod before her hungry lips found his again. They kissed deeply as their bodies started to collide harder and faster together.

Their bodies slapped together as they fucked into each other in perfect sync, Sylvia's cunt lips scraped over the invading shaft as if her pussy wanted to devour him. Their combined juices splattered around their lower bodies with each hard impact that rippled their skin.

Ron rocked his hips back and forth while Sylvia pushed back and gyrated her hips slightly. Every nook and cranny of her pussy was being explored by the thick cock going in and out of her. Ron could feel bursts of breath colliding with his moans every time the tip of his cock rammed against her cervix. Their kiss became more frantic and wild as their fucking pace got nastier and dirtier.

Sylvia's nails were digging into the skin of his hands once more as he tightly grasped onto the two magnificent globes that bounced up and down with every hard fucking movement they made.

A simple, former affectionate cuddling memory had been transformed into incestuous intercourse between two siblings in heat, burning with passion for each other's love. Their lips kept locked together as they kissed and kissed, knowing that they would only separate after the deed had been done.

Ron slipped his hands away from his little sister's big tits and ran both of them down towards her slender legs. He grasped onto them, pulled them up and spread them even further so that he could fuck harder into her. He then steadied his feet even more and started to pound up into his sister's tight pussy, his cum filled balls now swinging around violently.

Sylvia grasped the bedsheet with one hand while the other pushed against the back of her brother's head, knowing that their wild, passionate kiss would end if she wouldn't do so. Her big tits were now bouncing and jiggling around freely, released from the grasp of both their hands.

Their bodies slapped together like a freight train crashing over and over again against another. Loud incestuous noises, creaking furniture, the splattering of bodily liquids, love filled kisses combined with heavy moans and breathing roamed through Ron's room. The headboard of his bed rocked so heavily because of their fucking that it slammed against the wall.

The siblings' sweaty bodies worked together like a machine, their rippling skin now red from the hard impacts and their erogenous levels on the highest alert possible. The sweet and gently love making from before had turning into a heavy, dirty incestuous fucking that they both had longed for since the beginning.

They both could see the fire, the love and lust they had for each other deep in each other's eyes, the eyes that kept focus on each other just like their lips never separated their wild passionate kiss. They knew that the end was coming near as they felt their bodies respond. Sylvia could feel the biggest orgasm she would ever have bubbling up deep inside of her, coming closer and closer after every deep dicking thrust of her brother. Ron could sense it too, the way his tight squeezed cock throbbed and started to expand inside of his sister's vagina, the way his sister squeezed him as if she wanted to milk the cock juice out of him.

He gave her a few more deep thrusts before giving up to his exploding orgasm. He nestled his cock against the door to her womb, kissed her deeply and started to unload into her.

Sylvia's eyes shot open further when she felt her brother cumming inside of her, the feeling was so overwhelming that her whole body bucked up and down, triggering her own orgasmic explosion.

She was cumming so hard that her vagina violently pushed out her brother's cock. As it escaped from her pussy it throbbed and blasted out more spurts of thick, white cum that flew into the air and landed in ropes on her sweaty, curvy body, some even reaching her tits. At the same time her pussy contracted and blasted out a massive squirt of cunt juice that covered her brother's cock and their legs along with the bedsheet under them.

The whole feeling was so intense that they couldn't hold on to the passionate kiss anymore. Their mouths separated, strings of saliva hanging between them as Ron moaned loudly and Sylvia gasped for air. Their bodies shuddered and shook as they rode their orgasms until the very end.

And finally, it came to an end. The hard incestuous sounds of fucking and love making were now traded in for silence, only soft breathing coming from both siblings was quietly heard.

Sylvia's dirty cum stained and sweat slicked body slowly slid off her brother to the side. She turned to Ron and held on to him tight as soon her back came into contact with the soft, but wetted bedsheet.

Ron did the same and turned to his little sister, he held her close. Again, forehead to forehead looking deep into each other's eyes. No words came from his mouth, other than their breathing there were no other sounds. He slowly and gently brought his right hand up to her face, stroked the long auburn locks out of the way and caressed her cheek.

Sylvia returned a small, gentle smile before she did the same to her brother. They watched each other for a while before their lips met again, once more confirming the love they had for each other.


Both siblings were naked in Ron's bed, under the freshly replaced sheet after they both had taken a shower together. Sylvia was studying the ring on her finger as she held her hand above her head and into the light of the ceiling lamp.

Ron watched her with a smile on his face, seeing her like this made his stomach flutter with butterflies, it was as if that ring was meant for her to wear. All his worries had left his thoughts and only the things he had shared today with Sylvia, his little sister, remained.

"You know, it was supposed to be a ring for marriage, a ring that meant something for life... So I guess... I guess I'm married to you now Syl." Said Ron.

Sylvia listened to her brother's word before holding her other hand up next to the other above them, she then formed a heart with them and held it for a few seconds before shifting her body half onto Ron until their faces were close.

She pointed one finger at him and then pointed the same finger to herself. She moved her lips and spelled out the word: Forever.

Ron wrapped his arms around her body again and held her close before responding. "Together forever... That's something I can live with..." He whispered to her.

Sylvia face started to blush as she shyly nodded. She brought her hands up to cup her brother's face and planted her soft lips onto his.

Ron returned the sweet kiss and the two siblings started making out once more. He released one arm from her body and managed to hit the light switch of the lights in his room, turning them off. Ron and Sylvia would be making love again that very night, and the many nights that followed after it.

Tragedy had turned into something unreplaceable, a love between a brother and his sister. A love that would be together with them until the very end.