Coming Home to Mom and Sis


Hello folks, and welcome to a brand new standalone story of yours truly!

Let's get right into it, shall we? Have a good read!


Daniel sighed as he unlocked the front door to enter the house, glad that he had at least one day on which they all stopped working early at the garage he worked at.

Once inside he kicked the door close and dropped his backpack onto the floor before making a bee-line towards the kitchen for a much needed cold drink.

"I was already counting the minutes away while waiting for you sweetheart."

Daniel's mouth turned into a grin as he saw his forty-two-year-old mother Jenna standing in front of the refrigerator, blocking his path from the much needed cold drink he desperately needed.

"You know what promise we made to each other this busy week Darling, before your sister comes home we would... 'Catch up' to the one thing we both wanted so much for the past few days..." Said Jenna as she slowly shifted back until her body was against the refrigerator's door.

"You really are insatiable Mom, you know that you are still wearing your work clothes, don't you?" Responded Daniel as he slowly walked closer towards his mother.

As he made his way over he looked at his incredible beautiful mother, still dressed in her secretary outfit. High heels on her feet that were connected to dark stockings that covered her long, soft legs until her tight skirt came into view before being followed by a white blouse, already conveniently unbuttoned at the top. Her full lips turned into a smirk followed by her cute little nose and half red flushed cheeks before her sparkling light blue eyes came into view, hidden behind her stylish 'nerdy' glasses. Her dark auburn hair was tied into a bun with a long lock hanging freely in front of her face.

"Isn't that the way you like it baby? Ripping them off piece by piece before showing your Mommy some love?" She said teasingly, her hands grasping onto the sides of the refrigerator and her legs parting themselves further.

Daniel laughed again as he now stood in front of his teasing mother, him towering over her already lengthy body. "You know; I was really thirsty for some water... But now, now I think that I really have something else prioritized to first place..."

Both Jenna and Daniel looked each other deep into the eyes for a few seconds, the grins still on their face. Suddenly Jenna launched herself unto her son who immediately and firmly grabbed her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist. They wasted no time as their lips came together to kiss each other hungrily and passionately. Daniel walked himself and his mother over to the kitchen island in the middle of the room while kissing, he freed one hand off his mother's ass for a second or two to wipe away the unnecessary items that were on it, scattering them across the floor in the process.

With the island now freed of items he carefully dropped his mother onto it while not breaking their frantic kissing. Jenna's hands clawed up to get her son rid of his shirt while Daniel's hands set their target onto his mother's loose blouse. Unfortunately, their kiss had to end so they could resume the thing that they both lusted for.

Jenna managed to get her son's shirt off before he managed to get rid of her blouse. Frustrated and filled with lust Daniel pushed his mother further onto the island and onto her back. Jenna let out a happily shrieking moan as her son ripped her blouse open, shooting buttons everywhere as her large and firm breasts bounced and jiggled free.

Her legs wrapped themselves around her son again as he lunged forward and started nibbling and kissing her neck, feeling his strong chest coming into contact with her already sweaty breasts and her rock-hard nipples. She cradled her son's head with her hands and pushed him harder against her as he kept on kissing and licking her.

"You can't wait to fuck Mommy's pussy, can't you Baby!? That's good because Mommy can't wait any longer as well for you to pound and give me all of your seed!" Screamed Jenna through her moans as they both wrestled on the kitchen island. She already felt that her pussy was soaked and leaking her juices along her legs.

Daniel did not respond with words but with actions as he lowered himself further down and latched onto his mother's beautiful breasts. His strong hands cupped them from the sides and pushed them up towards his greedy mouth.

"Oh God Baby! Yes! Suck Mommy's titties!" Moaned Jenna as she again pushed her son down onto her body, her black varnished nails running through her son's hair as her tits were being smothered.

Daniel ran his tongue around every nook and cranny of his mother's delicious tasting tits like a possessed person, licking and sucking onto her soft flesh before doing the same things to her erected nipples. He did this for a minute or two before he couldn't wait any longer.

He pushed himself up again, his and his mother's eyes briefly coming into contact again before he acquired his new target. Hastily and clumsily he unbuttoned the buttons on the side of his mother's skirt as she cutely mewed and cooed, teasing him further with sweet words on how he was going to take his mother.

He was greeted with his mother's soaked white thong once he had removed the skirt and thrown it over his back. He could easily see how her lips molded around the soaked, tiny piece of garment that covered his mother's beautiful and tight pussy, the surrounding area of her thighs and legs were already splattered with pussy juice. Her legs trembled in anticipation as she wiggled her cute little bum from left to right as if she was trying to hypnotize him.

"Show it to me baby! Show me your beautiful cock!" Whimpered an extremely aroused Jenna as she had set her eyes on her son.

Daniel pulled both his boxers and jeans down to his ankles with one quick movement, revealing his already throbbing and rigid cock to his mother's sparkling eyes.

Jenna licked her lips as she saw the tool that had satisfied her so many times before standing at the ready. She loved seeing it throb for her, a large glob of precum forming at the tip as his veins pulsed at the sides.

Before giving his mother what she, and he, wanted he decided to tease her a bit as well, a little payback for her own teasing attitude.

He took his hard cock in one hand while pulling his mother's thong to the side with the other, but instead of penetrating her he pushed his cock unto her pussy mound and guided it under the upper part of her thong so he was able to saw it back and forth over his mother's drooling hot pussy.

He grasped onto both her legs and opened them up further before starting to slam against her back and forth. His thick cock ran through his mother's soaked tuft of pubic hair and along her hard clit as he teased her hard, smearing his precum all along her neither region.

"Ooooh you bastard! I know Mommy has been teasing you now and the past few days but this is just cruel!" Shouted Jenna through her moans as she felt her son's stiff piece of meat grinding over her hotbox.

"Don't worry Mom! You know I can't resist you!" Shouted Daniel in return as he kept on teasing her a bit longer, shifting his cock in different motions so it also ran along her pussy lips which seemed to latch themselves onto his shaft.

Thirty seconds this time was how long Daniel managed to regain himself from entering his mother. He finally released his cock from her thong trap and placed it right against the entrance to her cunt, running the head through her lips a few times to slick it up further with her juices and his own precum.

"You want his Mom? You want your own son's cock buried deep inside of your pussy again?" Teased Daniel for the last time as he prodded himself against his mother.

"Do it Danny! Give Mommy what she wants! Do what we both want Baby, pound Mommy's pussy with your hard throbbing cock!" Screamed Jenna in return, lulling her head side to side as she was already close to having a massive orgasm.

Of course Daniel couldn't wait any longer himself, his hunger for his own mother had reached his peak again. He tightly grasped onto his mother's legs, briefly taking in the large scar on her right leg before pulling her down onto him while he pushed his hips forward.

He slammed his cock inside of his mother's tight cunt, nestling it against her cervix, the entrance to her womb. "Fuck! Mom!" He shouted as he felt her pussy strangling him with all the strength in the world.

Jenna let out an ear piercing scream of pleasure as her son fully entered her in one go, a small orgasm already blasted through her trembling and shaking body.

After once more feeling his mother's insides Daniel couldn't hold himself any longer, his body took on a robotic like routine as he started to slam in and out of his mother's cunt. Their sweaty bodies slapped together loudly as both their screams of pleasure roamed around the whole house.

Daniel gritted his teeth as his eyes feasted on his mother's flushed face and sparkling eyes, her big tits that bounced and jiggled due to the hard impacts, and how her succulent and tight pussy swallowed his cock whole while coating all of her juices all over it.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meeeee!" Screamed Jenna again and again as her son manhandled her, eagle-spread on top of her kitchen island, his strong hands grasping onto her legs as he slammed their bodies together. With every angle her son fucked her she could feel how her pussy molded itself around him, grasping on to it to wring out the seed she so desperately wanted. In-between the hard fucking she brought her hands up to her breasts to pull and knead the flesh and her rock-hard nipples.

Sweat rolled off Daniel's face as he kept on giving his mother what she wanted, and what he also had lusted for the last three days. He was slamming her so hard that their skin started to turn red of all the impacts, their combined juices were also splattering around them while a thick creamy substance started to dribble out of Jenna's pussy onto the kitchen island before slowly dripping down the edge and onto the kitchen floor.

"I love you Mom!" He shouted through his hard thrusts, making sure that his mother could hear the feelings he had for her just like he did when they made love for the first time.

"I love you too Baby!" Replied Jenna just as convincing through all her screams and moans of pleasure.

Three days of not cumming had been a big burden for Daniel as he could already feel that he was about to explode, usually he and his mother found one way or another to make love every day but this particular week it had been impossible for them to do so. But it did not stop him from giving his mother what she wanted, plus he knew that his mother had to be on the same boat as him as well.

He gave her a few extra slams before nestling his cock deep inside of her, feeling her cervix suckling onto the tip of his cockhead. "Mom I'm so close!" He admitted as he gasped for air.

Still trembling and shaking Jenna pushed herself up a bit with her elbows. "Darling, Mommy is close too! Please Baby, do it!" She responded with a big smile on her sweat soaked face.

Daniel smiled back as he helped his mother up by releasing her legs and putting his arms around her waist.

As soon as Jenna sat down on the edge of the island they started to French kiss passionately again, Daniel's cock still deep inside of his mother and her large breasts now mashed against his chest. Jenna once more wrapped her legs around her son before he started to move inside of her again, their kiss never ending.

Daniel could feel his mother's pussy muscles working overtime on him as they kissed and made love slowly, without a doubt he knew that he was going to climax in a few seconds.

With a last thrust he buried himself as deep as possible before blasting off his potent seed deep inside of his mother's womb, spurt after spurt of seed soiled her forbidden chamber.

As soon as the first spurt of warm seed coated Jenna's insides she came too, her whole body convulsed, bucked and trembled as her own climax exploded through her body. She moaned wildly through her kiss, refusing to get separated from her son.

Daniel felt the release of his mother as her juices managed to squirt out of the tight gap where they were connected, he felt the warm release splashing against him before it ran down his legs.

Mother and son stood there for a while, finally releasing their kiss after a minute or so past their climaxes. Jenna placed her head on Daniel's shoulder as she breathed hard and gasped for air, she let out another soft moan when she felt that her son started to move and carry her.

Daniel had kicked his boxers and jeans off before taking his mother, still impaled on his cock, to the living room. He walked slowly, making sure that every step was safe as he too was still coming down off his orgasm.

Finally reaching the couch he dropped down onto it, together with his mother so she sat onto his lap with his cock still deep inside of her seed filled cunt.

"Jesus Mom... Just goes to show what happens when we miss our days together." Said a tired Daniel as he stroked his mother's back, cuddling her closer to himself.

Jenna started to giggle after hearing her son's words. "Told you we would act like savages when it came to that... You sure filled my pussy good Baby!" She said happily.

She then pulled herself back a bit so they could look at each other again. Being the caring Mom Jenna was she wiped the sweat off her son's forehead before gently trailing her soft fingers along the scar on Daniel's face. "I love you darling..." She whispered to him.

Daniel smiled and did the same to his mother, wiping the sweat off her head before placing his hand on her leg scar and caressing it softly. "I love you too Mom..." He whispered in return.

The two of them embraced for a bit, silently listening to each other's breathing as they calmed further down.

"Tonight is the night... Hope you are ready for it... to finally tell the truth..." Said Jenna after a while.

"Are you?" Asked Daniel in return.

"I'm... A bit nervous, I must admit that... But it's time for Kira to know what is going on between us, she's old enough now."

"It will be a shock for her Mom... I mean, what we have is not normal... At least not in the eyes of many." Responded Daniel.

Jenna softly giggled again before speaking. "I don't know what it is but... I think Kira will understand it more than anyone... I even think she already knows about us being together like this..."

"W-what do you mean Mom?" Asked Daniel perplexed.

"Motherly intuition I guess, besides Danny... Your sister is smart, possibly smarter than the two of us together. Had she not been all shy and cute like she is she probably would have confronted us right away... Maybe I'm just overthinking things but... It's just what I feel..." Answered Jenna.

Daniel smirked. "Well she did inherited Dad's brains after all while I'm the one who received just his looks!" He said before realizing that his statement might hurt his mother. "Oh! I... I'm sorry Mom..." He immediately added.

He slowly dared to look his at his mother's face again, only to be confronted with a big grin. "And I'm glad you did Baby, and believe me, you received so much more from him!" She said proudly before giving a big kiss on his lips once more.

"How about we start cleaning the place up? Kira will be back in a half-an-hour and you know how we ladies have to prepare for a night out!" Suggested Jenna.

"Shower first?" Responded Daniel as he pulled himself, and his mother, up from the couch.

Jenna giggled again before speaking. "Shower first, my big hunk of a son!"


It had been eight years since the horrible accident happened to the Grayson family, the accident that made Jenna lose her husband and her children Daniel and Kira their father. A dark, rainy night and a drunk driver was all it took to destroy their perfect family. Keith Grayson was dead on impact while both Jenna and Daniel received a scar for life to remind them of that horrible night. Jenna's right leg was sliced open by a piece of steel while Daniel's face was struck with glass while he shielded his little sister from any danger. Of course they were mentally scarred too, especially Kira who was ten years old at that time.

But life had to resume after that dark period in their lives was over, and although Jenna received more than enough money to keep her family steady for a while, Daniel decided to quit school so he could work to help his mother and sister with the finances and the household. He knew that school was never meant for him and found a job as a mechanic pretty fast, the schoolwork was something he left to his sister who was incredibly smart.

And so their lives continued on, both Jenna and Daniel working to keep their household going strong and to support their daughter and sister with her education. As the years went by Jenna started to see her son as the man of the house and eventually something more as he was a clear copy of her diseased husband. At the same time Daniel could also feel that something was happening between his mother and him, he had started to see his mother in another light and was feeling more attracted to her with each and every day that passed.

Eventually, two years ago, on the night of his twenty-second birthday their relationship as mother and son would change forever. Jenna confessed having feelings for him out of love, but also out of lust because she reminded him so much of his father, she had fallen in love with her own son. Daniel finally had the opportunity to tell his mother his own feelings as well, and with both their feelings finally out of their system they made love on that very night.

The only problem would be Kira, both Jenna and Daniel were scared to death that if she would find out the relationship her mother and brother had that their family would be once more torn apart. That day they both also made a promise that once Kira had reached the age of eighteen that they would confess everything to her, she would be old enough to (hopefully) understand and to make a decision for herself. Would she despise her mother and brother forever, or would she understand their situation and support their decision that they had made two years ago?

And that very day was today, and it would be a day that would change their lives forever.


"Mooom! Danny! I'm home!" Shouted Kira as she came back from school, she quickly closed the door in the same way her brother had done earlier before removing the earbuds that were blasting music into her ears.

After placing her own backpack next to the one of her brother she kicked off her shoes and also went straight for the kitchen area, it had been a hot day and just like Daniel she needed a cold beverage.

When entering the kitchen Kira stopped dead in her tracks, looking over a couple of towels that were laid down onto the floor and over half of the kitchen island, further onto the floor were different things that normally stood on the kitchen island.

Before she managed to act upon what she saw her mother entered the kitchen, her body wrapped into her bathrobe while using another towel to dry her still damp hair.

"Oh! Hi Honey!" Yelped Jenna rather surprised, not expecting her daughter to arrive home early.

Kira adverted her eyes to those of her mother and gave her a questioning look. "Mom, care to tell me what happened here? I mean... It looks like someone had an accident over here." She asked as her eyes returned to the mess in front of her.

"This? Oh... Uhm, well you see... Your brother had a little accident with a glass full of lemonade, he managed to spill it all over the island and onto the floor!" Lied Jenna to her daughter, hoping that she wouldn't question it any further.

Kira rubbed one hand through her long auburn hair as she slowly nodded. "I get the spilling part but how come that almost everything else is on the floor on the other side?" She asked further.

"Kira, you know how your brother can be. He's all handy with cars and such but sometimes his clumsy side comes out, he managed to knock them over as he tried to get a grab onto his glass." Explained Jenna further, hoping that he daughter would stop asking questions.

Kira let out a giggle before talking. "Oh I sure do know how clumsy he can be sometimes, something he definitely inherited from you Mom!"

Jenna crossed her arms and gave her daughter a little pout. "Ha-ha my darling daughter, do you still want your birthday present?" She responded before turning her pout into a sneaky grin.

"Mo-om! That's totally not fair!" Yelped Kira as she stomped her feet, only resulting in making her mother laugh.

"What is not fair Mom?" Asked Daniel as he too came into the kitchen dressed in his own bathrobe, mistaking his sister's voice for his mother's.

Just like Jenna he also got surprised by seeing his little sister standing in from of him, hoping that he had a little more time to be with his mother before Kira would return.

Kira also gave her brother a surprised look as he also came in, still a bit wet on his arms and legs. "Whoa, did you two just take speed showers or something?" She asked.

Before Daniel could respond Jenna already butted in. "Your brother cleaned himself while I was in the shower, lemonade is a sticky mess once it gets everywhere."

Kira nodded slowly again, still a bit surprised but not thinking further about it. It was common for them to share the bathroom when someone was using the shower, the shower being covered properly when someone was inside of it.

"Hey Sis, you might want to take a look into my backpack, I think I've forgotten to take something out for a very special person today." Said Daniel towards his sister, trying to change the weird situation they were in at the moment.

"Oh!" Responded Kira, her eyes now sparkling while forgetting their previous conversation.

Daniel smiled at her before speaking again. "Well, go ahead, it's your birthday today princess, so all the honor to you to find out what it is!"

Kira spun herself around with a big smile on her face as she made her way back to the hallway. While she did so Daniel mouthed the word "Lemonade?" Towards his mother who only responded by shrugging her shoulders and giving her son another goofy smile.

Before they knew it Kira returned with the small package that Daniel had bought for his sister. "This gotta be jewelry, I recognize the package." She said as she walked up to the kitchen island, positioning herself between her mother and brother.

"Who knows?" Responded Daniel as he took a stand beside his sister who was already fidgeting with her present.

Jenna walked up to her children as well, just as curious as her daughter to see what her son had gotten for her.

Kira peeled the small box open and soon as she saw what was inside she let out a cute squeal of excitement. She carefully pulled the thin silver necklace with a small heart locket attached to it out of the box to show it to her mother.

Jenna recognized it right away since it was a similar one to the necklace she had been given by her husband after their wedding, all sort of emotions suddenly ran through her body.

"Don't forget to look inside of the locket Sis." Said Daniel with a grin on his face as he watched his sister and mother fondle the sparkling silver necklace.

Kira unlocked the locket by softly pressing her finger on top of it, as soon as it opened both women swooned even more over the present. Inside of it was a small family picture from the three of them after their recent photoshoot, something Kira always wished to be able to carry around with her.

"Here sweetheart, let me put it on you. And remember, always keep it close to you whenever you can since I know that this is just as important to you as the necklace your father gave me all that time ago." Suggested Jenna as she watched her daughter's eyes sparkling with happiness.

Daniel loved seeing his mother and sister like this in this heartwarming moment, realizing how much they looked like each other. If people wouldn't know who they were they mostly assumed that the two of them would be sisters or at least close relatives. Kira was a more petite version of their mother, though their eyes, facial structures, skin and hair were completely the same. The only true differences between them were that Kira was a bit shorter, that her hair was styled longer and that she was less endowed than her mother. Nonetheless both females were true beauties, even in the eyes of Daniel who shouldn't be looking at them in that kind of way.

As soon the necklace was around Kira's neck she spun around to show it off to her mother and brother, suddenly she leaped forward into her brother's arms, cupping his face and kissing him sweetly on his lips.

Jenna smiled as she watched the affection Kira had for her brother, the two of them had always been best friends and close siblings. Sometimes she even thought that there was something more between them and the fact that Kira once more had no problem showing her brother how much she loved him confirmed these thoughts again. She felt a shock of nervousness rocking through her body when she remembered the promise both she and Daniel had made once she turned eighteen.

Meanwhile Kira giggled while Daniel laughed as he held his cute little sister in his arms and spun themselves around out of excitement. After a few more spins he carefully placed her back onto the kitchen floor.

"Have I ever mentioned that you are the best, kindest and most amazing big brother in the world!?" Said Kira as she held her brother's hands and looked up to him.

"You might have done that once or twice, I'll add this one to the list as well." Joked Daniel.

"Har-har!" responded Kira before giving her brother a playful punch on his shoulder.

She then turned to her mother and gave her a loving hug and a kiss as well. "I know you played a role in this as well Mom, so thank you for this present too." She said.

"I only gave your brother some pointers to be honest, seems he managed it perfectly though. But what I did play a role in is our appointment at uncle Joe's place tonight!" Responded Jenna.

"We are going to eat at uncle Joe's place?!" Asked Kira, once more brimming with excitement.

Jenna smiled and nodded. "Uh-huh, eating, drinking and having a fun time over there. Just the three of us, in the same way we always had done before."

Uncle Joe was the real uncle of Keith Grayson, the owner of a well-known, similar named pub in the local town. Uncle Joe's had always been a hub for the Grayson family to celebrate birthdays and other special occasions, even Jenna and Keith's wedding celebration was held there. After Keith's death they still visited it from time to time, to remember memories and to make new ones.

"But Mom... Regarding the drinking part, I turned eighteen not twenty-one..." Said Kira, always being the rule following and honest girl she is.

Jenna giggled before answering. "So? Honey, sometimes rules are meant to be broken, and your birthday is a perfect excuse to do so." Jenna got a little closer and whispered something else in Kira's ear. "Besides, uncle Joe is in on it... And don't worry, you can drink what you want, it doesn't have to be alcohol."

"And even if you get shit-faced, I'm the designated driver for the night and I will make sure that the two most important ladies in my life will safely return home." Added Daniel, overhearing their conversation.

Kira giggled as she turned back towards her brother. "My personal bodyguard..." She said with a smile, holding his hands once more.

"OUR personal bodyguard!" Added Jenna as she also came up to Daniel to hold hands with him.

The family of three looked at each other for a few seconds before they bursted out laughing again, tonight was going to be a night to remember.


Daniel waited for the girls in the living room as they were busy applying make-up and dressing themselves up for their night at Joe's. Daniel himself was already dressed, nothing too shiny but he looked like a proper gentleman that would be escorting ladies for the night.

After ten minutes or so he could hear his mother's heels clacking on the wooden stairs, they were no doubt finally finished and ready to leave for Joe's.

He got off the couch and walked over to where his mother and sister would be coming down. As he looked up his eyes suddenly popped further open when his mother came into view.

"Wow!" Was all Daniel said as he overlooked his mother's attire.

"Like what you see Honey?" Asked Jenna with a seductive wink.

Jenna was dressed in a dark-greyish split dress that perfectly showed off her smoothly silk long legs and her bust with its ample cleavage, decorated with the same type of necklace he had bought his sister. Her feet were incased in black high heels that made her already lengthy body even bigger, her face was beautifully made up with a light blush and dark seductive eyeliner that accentuated her piercing eyes. Her hair was now in a more styled bun but still with the sexy loose lock in front of her face.

Once Jenna was by his side she took a hold of her son's hand. "Just wait until you see your sister Baby..." She whispered to him. "I know people often say that she and I could go for sisters, so prepare to be amazed..." She added.

Just as his mother was done whispering to him Daniel could hear the next pair of heels coming down the stairs. "Whoa! Kira in heels? No way!" He said excited, wondering how she would look.

Daniel smile became wider and wider the more of his beautiful little sister came into view. His mother wasn't lying when she said to be amazed. A perfectly mirrored and younger version of his mother carefully stepped down from the stairs with a big shining smile on her face.

Once more she spun herself around as she presented herself to her brother who was lost for words. "Cat caught your tongue big Brother?" Asked Kira cutely, coming to a stop in front of Daniel.

The only difference between their attires was that Kira's long auburn hair was styled with curls, beyond that they looked nearly identical, almost twin like.

"I have no words... Mom... Kira... You both look so incredibly beautiful, I'm sure that I have to kick, punch and smack every other male in the vicinity off you two!" Said Daniel proudly.

Both girls giggled before linking their arms with Daniel on either side of him.

"Well my darling bodyguard, be a dear and escort your ladies to their designation!" Said Jenna, blooming with happiness.

Kira cuddled up to her brother and followed her mother's footsteps. "Yes big brother bodyguard, escort your fair maidens to their appointment!" She said before giggling again.

"Yes Madams, anything you two beautiful ladies want!" Responded Daniel to both his mother and sister, playing along with their silly scene.

The three of them laughed again as they left their home to travel to uncle Joe's place.

Tonight was going to be a perfect night... Or was it?


Once the family of three arrived at Joe's they immediately got a warm welcome from Joe himself who was attending the bar that night, he even had a present for Kira since she had basically grown up there together with Daniel over the years.

The first thing they did was having an amazing tasty dinner with Joe's well-known steaks as the main ingredient, something he only served when guests made an appointment for special occasions, though the Grayson family could always count on his cooking skills whenever they wanted.

As the night progressed it became busier at the pub and the diner that was attached to it. Many familiar faces came by who took the opportunity to congratulate Kira with her birthday, their little hometown was a close community so almost everyone knew each other. Of course there were also some outsiders but that is expected with a popular place like Joe's.

Daniel, Jenna and Kira danced, played pool, socialized with the locals and drank to celebrate their family outing. Both Jenna and Daniel were glad to see that Kira, who usually was shy and introverted, had blossomed into a delicate flower that enjoyed herself again. The loss of her father and the accident had always been hard on her, it seemed as if she was finally to let it go.

The girls also got a lot of looks by the other female and male guests, they looked marvelous and a bit out of place inside of Joe's pub but that didn't seem to matter to the both of them. Daniel did keep himself alerted on a certain level since he knew how drinking could affect people's personalities the further the night progressed. He wasn't worried about his mother or sister since they kept the drinking (Especially Kira, who didn't like alcohol anyway.) to a minimum, but more so to the outsiders he didn't know, he saw a group of three guys occasionally making gestures and roaming their eyes over both Jenna and Kira which made him a bit more focused on them. Of course they were free to do so, they weren't breaking any rules and after a while they seemed to be more interested in the drinks than the girls.

"Watcha doin' Bro?" Asked Kira as she bumped her butt against Daniel's side, snapping him out of his protective state.

"Bro? you haven't called me that in a long time... Twerp!" Responded Daniel with a smile.

Kira pouted before she pulled her brother's shirt. "Meanie! Stop being boring and share another dance with your cute little twerp of a sister!" She said before pulling Daniel off his barstool, taking his hands and guiding him to the improvised dance section that the attendees made for the night.

At the same time Jenna and Joe were having a conversation at the bar, overlooking the brother and sister smiling as they danced along the other crowd.

"It's good to see them like that again Jen, same goes for you as well." Said Joe as he was busy drying a few glasses.

"Thanks Joe, it has been a long time since we could let ourselves go like this, remind me to do something like this more often regardless of what occasion." Responded Jenna.

Joe laughed before speaking. "Jen, you know that my doors are always open to you and your family. The three of you certainly spice up the place I have to say, so when you feel like it, don't hesitate to say hello to uncle Joe."

"You can count on it; it's doing wonders for Kira, and for both me and Daniel as well." Answered Jenna before spotting Kira waving to her enthusiastically. She turned around and gave Joe a big smile. "Pardon me Joe, I think daughter dear wants me to attend to another dance." She said before turning again and walking off towards her children.

And so did the rest of the night continue when finally, around four AM, they decided they had enough for the day. It had been an amazing night already, but both Jenna and Daniel knew that they still had to discuss something with Kira when they got home, though they felt more relaxed now after burning some energy and they were positive that Kira would be understanding.

They said their goodbyes to Joe and the few familiar locals that remained before stepping outside of the pub and started walking towards the car that was parked around the corner.

When Daniel was about to turn the corner he bumped against the first of three guys who were coming from the other side, he immediately recognized them as the trio that had been ogling his mother and sister. They also reeked of alcohol and were clearly intoxicated on a certain level.

"Hey... Hold up boys... This is the dude that had those two cuties at his side for the whole night!" Said the man he had bumped up against.

Out of nowhere he shoved Daniel backwards, by pushing his palm against his chest.

Daniel staggered a bit before taking a steady stance in front of the three men, he then reached out his arm to signal Jenna and Kira to get behind him.

"Come on man, we are about to leave. We had a good night and we don't want any trouble." Was all Daniel said, keeping his eyes focused on the three individuals in front of him.

The man snickered before speaking again, his sentence a bit strange due to his obvious drunken state. "We know you three did, especially you dude, those chicks were hanging around you like magnets."

"Daniel..." Said Jenna quietly while holding Kira close to her.

"Don't worry Mom, just stay calm." Responded Daniel.

The man's eyes twitched a bit as he heard Daniel calling one of the beauties behind him 'mom'. "M-Mom? Shit Scarface, if I had a mother like that I would be drowning in her pussy all day!"

The man took a threatening step forward, again a bit wonky due to his state. "Say, why don't you share those two with us, four holes to fill up and we are just with the right amount of guys!"

Daniel wasn't about to let the man walk over him. "How about you and your buddies fuck off so you can fill up your own holes." He responded with.

There was a certain vibe hanging in the air after those words for a few seconds, enough for Jenna to grasp her daughter tighter onto her, who was shaking a bit, and to take a few steps backward so she could protect her.

Suddenly the man lunged forward, surprising Daniel, his mother and sister and the two other men that were with him.

The man punched his right arm forward in some sort of stabbing motion straight towards Daniel's chest. In a split second Daniel managed to block the man's punch/stab, immediately he felt that he had been cut by something sharp but due to his adrenaline rushing through his body his pain barrier blocked out every feeling.

Kira started to scream out of terror as she saw her brother being attacked, Jenna had to do everything in her power to keep her daughter from breaking free. The two buddies from the man were frozen solid behind the fighting pair.

Daniel managed to grab the attacking arm from his attacker before both of them fell down onto the floor, Daniel on his back and the man on top of him. Daniel then heard a painful, terrifying groan coming from the man as the two of them collapsed onto the pavement.

Before he knew it the struggle was over, the man's whole body just seemed to stop functioning all of a sudden. Bystanders had come running because of his sister's screams, one of them a police officer who was off duty for the day. In a fit of panic he pushed his attacker's body off him to the side, he then found out that his clothes were soaked in blood. As if everything was going in slow-motion he looked to the side, the seemingly lifeless body of his attacker coming into view, and so was the knife like weapon that was stuck in his chest.

A wonderful day, his sister's birthday, had turned into a nightmare.


Three years.

It had been exactly three years, thirty-seven days and eleven hours since Daniel had last seen his mother and sister in person.

A now twenty-six-year-old Daniel took a deep breath of fresh air as he stepped outside of the federal prison where he had been living his life for the past three years. He squinted his eyes and looked further down the road leading to the parking lot.

What he saw made him smile, feeling himself getting emotional. They were here to pick him up and to take him home, just like they had promised.

He picked up his bag with his belongings and started to make his way towards the two figures that were also walking towards him from the opposite direction. As he walked he thought back how this all had happened, on the day that his little sister celebrated her eighteenth birthday.

After that faithful night everything happened so fast and tedious, before he knew it he was standing in court on trial for murder a few days later.

It had been a fight between both parties, one claiming self-defense while the other claimed that Daniel had started the deadly fight in a fit of rage. There had been four primary witnesses during the fight that had fatally ended on that night, Jenna and Kira on Daniel's side and the two men on the attacker's side. The whole situation had turned into a heated court battle, Jenna managed to acquire a strong defense attorney for Daniel's defense but so did the opposite side with having a formidable prosecutor.

In the end, and after all the battles, Daniel was found guilty and sentenced to a five-year prison sentence with a chance of reduction. The final verdict was an emotional blow to Daniel, his sister Kira and his mother Jenna. Once more their family was thrown in front of the lions.

Daniel was shipped off to the closest federal prison facility to his hometown, thirteen hours away from it to be exact. This made it impossible for Jenna and Kira to visit their son and brother due to work and school related situations, so they kept having contact through the phone and letters.

Phone contact was only allowed ten minutes once a week, and those ten minutes were the most precious moments for both Daniel and his mother and sister. Just hearing their voices kept Daniel strong to make sure to get through it. Their letters were another remedy to keep him sane, and again, for his mother and sister as well.

He was often angry due to the fact that he couldn't be there with them for important events, such as his sister's graduation for example. Everything had to go through phone calls or letters, not being able to witness it with his own eyes and to not see the two most important women in his life was the biggest struggle he had to overcome.

When not anticipating the much needed phone calls, or writing lengthy letters, Daniel kept himself busy by helping around the prison's library and the kitchen. Although he was pretty introverted he managed to meet other people that he considered friends the more he got to know them, some of them in the same situation as him, being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

And so time passed slowly, until the day he received news that he would be getting released early due to his good behavior. It was a much appreciated morale boost for Daniel, and again, for his mother and sister as well. He knew that he would finally be able to see them again soon, and when that day finally came he was ready to be back with the ones he loved most, and to never be separated from them ever again.

About thirty meters apart Kira couldn't hold herself any longer. She dropped her bag before accelerating towards her brother, tears of joy streamed down her cheeks while a big smile presented itself on her face.

Jenna watched as her now twenty-one-year-old daughter couldn't contain herself any longer, she herself started to speed up as well, also feeling the tears forming in her eyes.

"Danny!" Screamed Kira, literally performing a frog like jump towards her brother the last two meters or so.

Daniel braced himself, opening his arms as his sister jumped into them. Feeling her body against him as he spun her around felt so incredible. She was crying uncontrollably as she pushed herself as hard as possible against him, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist.

After a few more spins he stopped turning. Kira relaxed herself a bit as she looked up into her brother's eyes. Daniel couldn't believe how more beautiful and mature his sister had gotten over the years, even her body had transformed further and was now just as endowed as his mother.

No words were said as Kira gently brought her hands up to cup his face, they both smiled before Daniel got a surprise that he did not see coming. Kira lunged forward and kissed her brother full on the lips, not a simple 'hello' kiss but one that normally belongs into the lovers' category. Daniel felt all his troubles from the past few years disappear as he instantly returned the sweet kiss against his sister's soft lips.

"Kira..." Was the only thing Daniel whispered when their long lasting kiss ended. "I missed you... I love you..." Whispered Kira in return, again a bright smile on her face.

Daniel carefully dropped his sister down who immediately returned to hugging him again, as if she didn't want to leave his side ever again.

"Got room for one more?" Asked Jenna as she now stood beside the brother/sister pair.

Daniel moved his head and looked straight into the teared up eyes of his mother. "Mom..." He said with an emotional tone.

Just like Kira did before, Jenna also wrapped her arms around her son's body before her lips sought his. And this time it also was a kiss of the latter category, he could feel the forbidden love they shared pulsing through them as their lips finally touched after those three long years.

Kira bit her lip as she watched her brother and mother kiss just as passionately as she and her brother had done before. She already felt her body reacting to it, her pussy quivering and her nipples stinging painfully.

After the second kiss ended they just stood there, embracing and hugging each other to feel the much needed physical contact they did not have for the past three years.

Jenna looked up towards her son again a few minutes later. "Ready to go home Darling?" She said to him.

Daniel smiled at her and nodded. "Yes Mom... I'm ready to return home, and to never leave ever again..." He answered her.

Mother and son, brother and sister, the family finally reunited again. Hand-in-hand they walked back towards the car, ready to begin the thirteen hour ride home.

Home, where the three of them belonged together.


The thirteen-hour ride was the perfect moment for the family of three to catch up with one-another, but the final surprise came at the end where Jenna announced that Joe had planned a 'welcome home' party for Daniel a few weeks before his release. Everyone of their family, friends and colleagues were invited to attended, the locals from their hometown which had given Jenna and Kira support throughout the years were also welcome. Even media was attending it for a short coverage of Daniel's story.

Understandably it was a few days after his initial release so that the three of them could be quietly together for a little while, to get back into their normal lives.

The first thing they had when they finally returned home that night was a dinner for three. It was takeaway alright but for Daniel, Kira and Jenna it had never felt so good before to eat together again.

After that they simply just relaxed in the living room, talking about this and that.

"I see nothing has changed around here the past three years, apart from those pictures of Kira and you on the mantle." Said Daniel as he looked around, happy to be in an all too familiar place.

Jenna giggled as she saw what he mentioned. "Uh-huh, but those are going to make place for new ones since you have returned. As soon as possible I say!" She answered excited.

Daniel and Jenna chatted as they always had done, the three of them on the big couch in the middle of the living room, Daniel to the middle and on each side of him a beautiful female family member.

Kira had been quiet, listening to her brother and mother talk as she fidgeted with her fingers and then end of her skirt.

It didn't take long for Daniel to notice it; his sister had always been vocal around them when they were alone together. "Kira? Is something bothering you?" He asked a bit concerned.

"N-no! I... I'm just... Uhm..." She tried to say as her face started to flush red, her eyes darting around but not coming into contact with those of her brother.

A small smile appeared on Jenna's face before she placed her hand on her son's thigh. "Daniel... I think it's about time for us to tell you something that we haven't told you earlier, we... We wanted to tell you this here, at home..." She spoke seriously.

Daniel turned his head. "Mom? What is-..." He tried to respond before his mother interrupted him.

"It's about what we had promised on that very night Honey... And so much more..." Said Jenna.

"Mom told me... About you two..." Said Kira suddenly as she too placed a hand onto her brother, but on his hand.

"So... So you know everything Kira?" Asked Daniel, returning his gaze to his sister.

A small smile crept onto Kira's flushed face as she slowly nodded. "Y-yes... I know..." She whispered in return.

"Kira and I made a promise too Darling, something we would tell you once you returned to us..." Added Jenna. "Kira? Can you... Tell your brother what happened, or do you want me to do it?" She added.

"N-no... I... I will tell it, just like it happened..." Answered Kira, now looking up to look into her brother's eyes with her own sparkling ones.

She took a breath of air before she continued to speak. "A few nights after you were gone I heard Mom cry in her room, we were still emotionally devastated because of the whole situation and we would break down quite often. We comforted each other whenever and wherever we could so I did not hesitate to get into Mom's room, I joined her on the bed to comfort her but ended up crying with her... It was then that she told me about... Well, you know..." Explained Kira.

Daniel felt his mother's hand tighten on his thigh, as a reaction he placed his own hand on top of hers to comfort her.

"All kind of things went through my mind after hearing her confession, I can't really explain it further but I guess there was a hint of jealousy as well. And without any hesitation I just acted upon my feelings, I told Mom how I truly felt about you, what I felt every time we were together. I told her that I was also in love with you..." Continued Kira.

"Y-You are also in love with me? The same way like Mom?" Asked Daniel, on edge by the sudden confession.

"Y-Yes... B-but that... That is not all..." Whimpered Kira, once more becoming flustered and nervous.

Jenna continued where her daughter left off. "She also told me how she truly felt about me... And we kissed..."

Daniel's mouth dropped open as he heard his mother's words.

"A-and... And we made love too..." Added Kira right after it.

Daniel's head almost exploded of information overload, but at the same time he felt his body tense up, his cock responding in eager as he visualized his mother and sister together making love.

"After that first time we frequently made love together, three years long as we awaited your return... I just hope you understand our actions Baby, all these pent up emotions came out and we just acted upon them, with the love we have for each other, the same love we have for you..." Said Jenna as she cupped her son's face and turned it towards her.

"I... I..." Stammered Daniel as his mother came closer and closer, and before he knew it they were passionately kissing again. He heard his mother moan as their tongues swapped saliva.

He then felt himself being pulled off his mother's lips as Kira pulled his right arm so that he had to turn to her, her face away a few inches from his as he once more looked in her sparkling eyes.

"And we hope... That you are alright with us, and now... The three of us together..." Whispered Kira to him before their lips connected as well in a similar matter.

Jenna crawled further onto the couch as she watched her children kiss, her body was heavily responding to it and she knew that it was a matter of time before they would be going all the way.

Daniel was still flabbergasted by the sudden situation, but the smell, touch and taste of his mother and sister had an immediate effect on him. His cock was tenting painfully in his pants because of the sudden incestuous situation.

But the real deal breaker came when Kira ended their kiss and then turned to her mother.

Daniel watched with wide eyes as his own mother and sister leaned over him and started to make out in front of him, their hands caressing each other, touching their waists, breasts and thighs as their tongues swapped in each other's mouths.

Instinctively both his hands found their way to each of the girls' behinds, they both let out a soft moan when they felt the hands of the man they loved touching their asses. Their bright sparkling eyes looked in Daniel's direction for a few seconds before closing again to continue the mother/daughter kissing session.

"Oh God!" Moaned Daniel after a minute or so as he felt both their hands finding their main target, his throbbing cock that was pulsing and trembling under the fabric of his sweatpants. Slowly and gently they caressed him with their soft touches.

Another minute later the pair finally ended their passionate kiss, a small string of saliva hanging between their lips before they turned their attention to their son and brother.

"Do you want us Baby?" Asked his mother seductively, while his sister's shy side returned again even after passionately kissing their mother in front of his eyes.

"Y-yes... I want you, both of you..." He answered in full honesty.

Jenna licked her lips after hearing his answer. "Good boy..." She whispered towards him.

Jenna then turned to her daughter and wiped a lock of hair behind her ears. "You ready Darling?" She asked with a gentle motherly tone.

"Y-yes Mommy..." Answered Kira.

Daniel didn't know what it was, but hearing his little sister saying Mommy again was a huge turn on for him. He then watched as both his beautiful mother and sister got onto their knees in front of him.

Jenna looked up to her son who immediately knew what she wanted from him, as if they were connect through their minds. He sure was glad that he was wearing simple sweatpants today.

His mother's fingers disappeared under his waistband before he lifted himself a bit off the couch, she then managed to completely free his throbbing cock by sliding both his sweatpants and underwear down his legs.

Kira let out a gasp as she saw her big brother's cock for the first time. It stood straight up in the air, shaking and throbbing while a bubble of shiny precum formed at the tip of it.

"Honey..." Said Jenna towards her daughter as she grabbed the edge of her tank top.

Kira looked at her mother and nodded before doing the same with her shirt.

Daniel was then treated to another slice of heaven as both his mother and sister lifted their tank tops and shirts off their bodies, they apparently hadn't been wearing bras for the night as his eyes fell upon two pairs of perfect fleshy globes with rock-hard nipples attached to them.

His cock throbbed even more as the delicious looking breasts of his mother and sister had made their appearance. They were around the same size, proof that his little sister had indeed become 'bigger' at all the right spots. They were big, firm and nicely shaped although those of his mother had a bit more sag to them.

"No wonder people often call you two sisters." Said Daniel as his eyes darted from left to right, glued to their chests.

Both girls let out a giggle after hearing his words, Kira's shyness dissolving by the second.

"And I think that my boy realllllly appreciate these two 'sisters'" Said his mother seductively as she gently wrapped one hand around her son's throbbing cock shaft.

"S-shit Mom..." Moaned Daniel right away, having missed the touch of his mother for three years.

Kira watched with excitement shining in her eyes as her mother's hand slowly started to move up and down along her brother's cock. She could feel her pussy already leaking and soaking her panties.

Jenna expertly jerked her hand along her son's slickened cock, stopping at the tip of his cockhead to spread the precum around with her thumb before running her hand downward along his shaft again. She did it for a few more strokes before she spoke up.

"You want me to go first Honey?" She asked her daughter who was still glued to her brother's cock.

"Y-yes... I want to see how you do it on a real p-penis..." She answered quite nervously, yet still focused on the first cock she had ever seen in person.

"Alright Sweetie, remember to watch how Mommy does it, after my turn you can try it as well..." Responded Jenna.

She then focused her attention onto her son. "Baby, do you want Mommy to suck your beautiful cock?" She asked.

Daniel gulped and nodded. "Y-yes Mom... Please, do it..." He responded eagerly.

He then realized, as his mother's lips came closer and closer to his meat-pole, that his little sister probably would be sucking him off as well after his mother's turn.

"Ooooh Mom!" Moaned Daniel loud when his mother's lips sucked vacuum around his cockhead, already slithering her tongue along the sensitive sides.

She held his cock steady with her hand while slowly sinking further down around it with her mouth, taking her time to pleasure her son.

Kira started to grasp her breasts with one hand while the other found a way into her pants, seeking to touch her wet and burning pussy.

Daniel switched his view back and forth between his mother's expert cock sucking and his sister who was playing with herself.

Jenna let out a moan that vibrated Daniel's cock when she felt him throb in her mouth, she started to bob up and down his shaft, taking about two-thirds of it with every motion. Precum mixed with her drool slowly seeped down the sides as she sucked the cock she had missed for three long years.

She did it for a few minutes before she wanted to take it to the next level. Meanwhile Kira kept playing with herself and eagerly watched as her brother was sucked off by their mother, the smell and the view of incestuous sex right in front of her eyes made her hornier than ever before. She started to long for her turn to pleasure her brother, hoping that she wouldn't disappoint him since it would be her first time.

Jenna had spread her son's legs and moved in between them, as she kept them spread she started to take her son fully into her mouth, deep throating him with a soft gag every time he reached the back of her throat.

Daniel's body shuddered as his mother swallowed him whole, her eyes never left his as she bobbed up and down his cock. He could feel her throat muscles working around his full length and her tongue working along with them by sliding over every sensitive part of his cock.

"So good Mom... So good!" He moaned loudly as he was given a blowjob of a lifetime, He knew that if she kept it up like this that he would cum pretty soon. But Jenna could exactly see and feel how far she could go, knowing her son in and out due to their incestuous relationship.

She gave him a few more hard sucks before dislodging herself from the long, thick piece of meat that she desperately wanted to burry inside of her drooling cunt. But this time she would be sharing it with her other lover, her own daughter and his sister.

"Your turn Sweetheart, Mommy will be here to guide you..." She said sweetly towards Kira who quickly made her way next to her mother's side. As a last parting gift she removed the string of saliva that hung between her lips and her son's cock with the palm of her hand before smearing it all along his shaft.

Clearly nervous of the fact that she was about to take her relationship with her brother to the next level she took a deep breath before slowly, and carefully, bringing her hand up to her brother's slickened, throbbing cock.

Daniel gasped when he felt his little sister's fingers wrapping themselves gently around his meat. Kira let out an innocent giggle when she felt her brother responding to her touch.

"See? He likes it Sweetie..." Said Jenna as she watched with a smile on her face.

Kira nodded before she started to imitate her mother's movements from before, again she carefully trailed her hand up and down her brother's cock, getting a feel of its shape and the wetness that it was coated in.

Daniel had to grit his teeth as he felt the small and soft hand of his sister jerking him off, it felt so much different than when his mother jerked him but it felt just as good. The fact that she did not have any experience whatsoever made it even more erotic.

"Do you like how it feel?" Asked Jenna to her daughter.

Again Kira nodded. "It's so big and hard... But soft and I guess cute at the same time! I mean, we are doing this to him Mom, we are the ones that get him all excited like this!" She explained enthusiastically.

Jenna let out a giggle of her own before speaking again. "I know so... Why don't you have a taste? You can start with simple kisses or licks, just do what's natural to you and enjoy it. I'm sure your brother is enjoying it no matter what!" She said, giving her son a wink.

Kira hesitated a bit again before she shuffled even closer between her brother's legs, she then leaned forward and pressed her lips right on top of her brother's cockhead, smearing them with his precum. It was the first time she tasted her brother's liquids, she thought it was a bit strange but not unpleasant.

She then started to give gentle kisses around the head before once again imitating her mother by licking it. Again she felt her brother respond to her actions which made her want to do even more.

"Go ahead Sweetie, do what you want to do and don't think about if you are doing it right or wrong, experiment!" Encouraged Jenna, proud to see her daughter evolve further with every second.

"S-suck it Sis... Please suck it too..." Moaned Daniel as his eyes were glued on his cute little sister who was about to put her mouth around his meat stick.

Hearing her brother's words gave Kira a big boost of confidence, she gave his cockhead a few more licks before she opened her mouth wider and sunk down onto it.

Daniel's body shuddered again when he felt and saw his sister taking his cock in her mouth for about one-third of its length. She immediately started to suck on it like it was a lollipop, a lot clumsier than her mother before her but the pleasure experience was the same, maybe even better.

Kira had wrapped both her hands around the base as she slowly bobbed up and down on her brother's cock, she didn't know what it was but having her own brother's cock in her mouth and giving him pleasure was a huge excitement factor for her. She could feel her body responding to it, seeking the heat and the taste of his cock as it invaded her tiny mouth.

"That's it Sweetie, give your brother what he wants..." Moaned Jenna quietly while she fingered her cunt with one hand while the other pinched her nipples.

Kira let out short timid moans as she worked her brother, she used her tongue to swirl over the top of his cockhead and along his shaft while keeping her lips firmly attached around his prick. Just like her mother she worked her muscles to give him a vacuum like experience.

Daniel couldn't believe that his sister had never done this before because she surely was talented at making him moan and pleasuring him as if she had done it a million times before.

She didn't use a lot of variety like his mother did but it was a constant stream of pleasure that didn't stop for a second, he knew that if she kept going like this that he would cum in a matter of seconds, also due to the fact that his mother had him on edge before.

It went on like this for another minute or so when Kira suddenly managed to press against, and caress, her brother's most sensitive part with her tongue. Daniel's hips jerked upward pumping himself a bit further inside of his sister's mouth, followed by a impressive scream before the first ropes of thick cum started to blast out of him.

Kira's eyes widened as she felt her brother explode in her mouth. After the first few spurts inside of her mouth she let go of his cock before she stumbled a bit backwards, not expecting her brother to cum. She automatically swallowed the seed that had been blasted inside of her mouth, giving her the taste of her brother for the first time.

Daniel continued spewing out his seed which blasted straight towards his sister's face which managed to plaster most of it with the thick, white gooey substance. The less strong shots sought out her tits as the target. A continues climax blasted through his body as his little sister had managed to make him have an orgasm for the first time, and what an orgasm it was.

He fell back onto the couch like a rag once his climax came to an end, breathing for air as he had never experience something like that before.

Jenna quickly came to her daughter's side, her pussy literally drooling out juice because of what she just had witnessed, and helped her remove the cum from her eyes.

"I... I think I did pretty good for my first time Mom..." Said Kira shyly, still feeling the adrenaline running through her body as she sat on her ass recovering from her brother's climax.

Jenna laughed before she spoke. "Oh Honey, you did a marvelous job! I've not seen your brother cum like that a lot! Did you enjoy how he tastes?" She asked.

"Well... I did not really have the time to properly taste it since he filled my mouth which made me swallow right away but... It wasn't unpleasant or anything... I guess..." Answered Kira.

"Let's have a proper taste then, shall we?" Said Jenna before licking the streaks of seed from her daughter's face.

Kira giggled when she felt her mother's tongue cleaning her up, but then she was surprised when her mother's lips crashed against her own. She did not hesitate and started kissing her right away, their tongues instantly seeking each other so Daniel's seed was being swapped between the two. They softly moaned as they made out, there hands fondling each other's body by cupping their tits.

Meanwhile Daniel had regained the control over his body and had pushed himself into a sitting position on the couch. When he looked towards his mother and sister his cock started to respond again right away. He watched as the two of them passionately kissed, seeing that his semen was being tasted and shared between the two. In a couple of seconds his prick was at full mast again, ready for a second and much needed release. This was the power both his mother and sister had over him, past girlfriends had never managed to make him hard again right after the deed.

He slowly jerked himself off as he didn't want to disturb the two females in front of him. Eventually Jenna and Kira stopped kissing, having cleaned themselves fully and their son and brother's seed swimming in their bellies.

Jenna was the first to look towards her son, and what she saw made her unable to control herself any longer.

"Darling, get that cock ready for Mommy, I want you to pound my pussy in a few seconds and give me what I have been missing for the last three years!" She shouted towards him while quickly standing up and removing her skirt and panties.

Daniel's mouth turned into a grin and his cock throbbed when he saw his mother's cleanly shaved and drooling pussy coming into view. Her nectar ran along her thighs as she walked over to him.

""M-me too!" Announced Kira as well, not yet feeling the same hunger as her mother as she never had sex before but she wanted Daniel to give her the same look he gave his mother, a look of lust and need to be with her.

Daniel shifted his sight from his approaching mother to his little sister. He watched as she too got rid of her jeans and soaked panties. His eyes widened bigger when he saw his sister fully naked for the first time since they were small children. Her pussy mound had a small trimmed landing strip, her groin area also glistering with pussy juice. He noticed that his sister's cunt was shaped what people often referred as a hamburger pussy, extremely soft and tight looking. He couldn't wait for making love to her.

He was then brought back to reality by his mother who gently pulled his head back onto her, looking her in the eyes. "I know your sister is a beauty Baby, but Mommy really needs you inside of her right now." She said seductively before straddling her son, bringing her soft and firm tits right in front of his face.

He then felt how her nectar trickled down onto his cock as she shifted herself into a more comfortable position. She truly had his one-hundred percent attention again when he felt her labia running over his cockhead, her lips molding around it's form and combining their juices. He grasped her thick and jiggly ass with both hands to hold her into position while she teased him by softly prodding his cock at her entrance.

Jenna wrapped her arms around her son's neck. "You want to fuck your Mommy and make her cum Baby?" She asked like a bitch in heat, which she was at the moment.

Daniel playfully bit both her nipples, making her moan, before responding. "I waited so long to be back inside of you Mom, your son is going to give you a proper fuck!"

Kira had taken place on the couch as well, again overlooking the mother and son that were about to make love. She kept herself quiet while stimulating her pussy and tits, softly mewing out of excitement to see her first incestuous fucking.

"Mhmmm... Good boy..." Purred Jenna before she slammed herself down on her son's tall standing fuck stick. She bit her lip as her son finally entered her again, feeling how her pussy molded itself around it as it hit every nook and cranny inside of her, until the head of his cock nuzzled against her cervix.

She started to scream out of pleasure when her son took a firm grip on her ass and worked his hips upward against her, ramming himself even a bit deeper inside of her. Jenna gave her son an animalistic look, fire burning in her eyes before mashing her mouth against his.

Daniel gave her what she wanted in return, a powerful deep kiss before lifting her up and down on his man-rod. He could feel his mother's moans vibrating through his mouth as his cock slammed in and out of her soaked pussy. Their bodies slapped together loudly, Jenna's tits and their rock-hard nipples piercing into her son's chest while their tongues battled a duel of a lifetime.

It didn't take long for the middle of the couch to turn into a soaked mess of their combined juices, Jenna's pussy drooled white creamy girl cum at an excessive rate which splattered and dirtied their lower bodies with each thrust they made.

Kira on the side was so enchanted by the whole scenario next to her that she forgot to pleasure herself, she couldn't take her eyes off her brother and mother fucking each other with vigor, hearing the dirty sounds pierce her ears and the strong smell of sex invading her nostrils.

Jenna couldn't contain herself any longer when she again felt her son's cock ramming against the entrance to her womb. She released their frantic kiss and started to scream out loud.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meeeee!" She repeated over and over again as she was being man handled by her son. This is what happened when lovers were three years away from each other.

Daniel grunted as he penetrated his mother over and over again, he loved seeing her lose her mind because of what he did to her, he loved hearing her scream her lungs out as his cock invaded the cunt he came from, he loved seeing her big tits bounce up and down with every motion they made. All his pent up lust was now coming out of him in one go and it worked with full effect.

It didn't take long for him to take his hands off his mother's ass to bring them up to push her fun bags together so he could smother them as well.

Again Jenna screamed out of pleasure when her son started to feast on her breasts and their protruding nipples. Hungrily he licked, sucked and kissed the already sweaty flesh and tasty nubs as she kept on slamming her hips up and down on his cock.

She cradled her son's head to push him even harder against her breasts. "Suck me and fuck me Baby! Pound Mommy's naughty cunt with that battering-ram of yours!" She screamed at him.

And sucking and fucking her he did. Daniel continued to give his mother everything he had to offer. As she came down he slammed his hips upward creating a shockwave like feeling through both their bodies each time they collided together.

Since Daniel came hard a little while ago he still had the stamina and power to keep himself from climaxing for a second time, his mother on the other hand was a totally different case. He could feel how her pussy started to clamp more and more around his cock, how her body started so buck and tremble with each passing thrust inside of her. He knew that his mother was really close to what seemed to be an unforgettable orgasm. And that orgasm happened faster than he had anticipated.

After a few more deep-dicking thrust inside of her he saw how his mother's whole body convulsed and stopped functioning. Her mouth was wide-agape and her eyes rolled back into her skull, a muted scream of climax seemed to escape from of her. For one last time her pussy gave his cock a hard squeeze before her body collapsed onto his. Her body shuddered as her juices blasted and trickled out of the sides from her fully filled pussy, even a bit of pee made its way out of her.

Daniel had never seen this happen to his mother before and therefore held her close to him, making sure no harm came to her. She was still breathing with rapid shorts gasps for air as she laid on top of him.

"I-is she okay... Danny?" Asked Kira with a slightly trembling voice from his side, apparently snapped out of her frozen state from before.

"Mom just came really hard Sis... But I've never seen one like this before. But she is okay, just really exhausted from her orgasm." Answered Daniel as he brushed a few locks of hair from his mother's sweaty and flushed face to the side.

"D-Danny? Is that... Is that going to happen to me too?" Asked Kira again, wondering if she would be the same as her mother.

"I don't know Sis... I mean... Wait, have you ever had sex before?" Asked Daniel in return.

A big red flush washed over Kira's face before she shook no with her head. "N-no... It will be my first time... Something I wanted to do with you..." She responded quietly.

Before responding to his sister Daniel carefully lifted his mother off him and laid her down on the couch on his other side. He swiftly noticed that his cock was still rock-hard, and the sight of his naked younger sister next to him wasn't going to change that at all.

Daniel sat back down and scooted closer to his sister, who also came closer to him right away. "You know; three years is a long time so I thought... Maybe you and Mom did some more stuff together..." He said as they looked each other in the eyes.

"No... Mom suggest it but I... I wanted my first time to be special and with someone made of flesh and blood, not some toy that would take that moment away, but someone who I truly loved." Explained Kira. "Mom saw through me right away, and knew that I wanted... Well... Wait for you to return..."

"Wait... So you have loved me, in this kind of way, for years already?" Asked Daniel as his sister sought out to hold his hand.

Kira blushed again before responding. "Ever since the start of my puberty... These feelings never left. And you know I never had any interest whatsoever for other boys... Only for you, my own flesh and blood big brother..."

Daniel smiled when he heard her say those words. "That's actually... Kinda romantic Sis..." He whispered to her.

Kira cuddled even closer up to her brother until their faces were a few inches apart. She let out a cute little giggle before whispering her response. "Well... Guess your little sister a romantic kind of girl..."

This time Kira took the lead and reached up to her brother's face to kiss him. Jenna's lust had to be satisfied with a good and hard fuck, while Kira needed to be loved slow and tender. She had been dreaming about a moment like this, just she and her brother, crossing the forbidden line between siblings. Although she had not calculated her softly snoring mother in the background, who fell asleep after having the fuck of her life.

She cupped her brother's face gently while Daniel explored her body with his strong hands. Kira briefly had to stop their kiss as his hands fondled her breasts and trailed down her inner thighs.

"You like that Sis?" Asked Daniel, already predicting the answer.

Kira giggled and nodded before responding. "Yes... Your touch makes me feel safe and loved... Please continue to do so..."

After saying her words, the two siblings started to passionately kiss once more while Daniel kept on exploring his little sister's voluptuous body.

It didn't take long before Kira was lying her back, her brother on top of her as they continued to kiss. She ran her hands over his strong and sweaty back, her legs parted with her brother between them. She let out a soft moan when feeling his erection coming into contact with her skin, whether it where her thighs or on top of her pussy mound.

Daniel wanted to taste more of his sister though, after a few more minutes of making out he suddenly let go of their long lasting kiss, making his sister mew cutely since she didn't want them to stop. But as soon as his lips found her breasts her mind did a complete one-eighty, she grasped his hair with one hand to push him down while the other remained caressing his back.

Just like with his mother Daniel feasted on his sister's incredible grown-up breasts, though a little more gently and caring. He loved to suckle onto her nipples and licking his tongue on her areolas before pushing his face between the two soft mountains of flesh, which again made his sister giggle.

Of course he didn't stay still at one place, so after a few minutes he trailed further down. His tongue making a brief stop at her slightly chubby belly before going down to her sacred place.

Kira bit her lip when she felt her brother's breath colliding with her tight, juice leaking pussy. She wondered how different it would feel because this time her brother would taste her instead of her mother.

Daniel couldn't wait as he really wanted to taste the juices that were spilling out of her pussy, so he placed his mouth onto her cunt and darted his tongue right towards the source.

"Ooooh Danny!" Moaned Kira loud, her body tensing up as her brother lapped his tongue in and over her labia.

Daniel left no spot unexplored and lapped his tongue up and down, and in and out his sister's tasty cunt. He opened her lips with his tongue and fingers before proceeding to reach every place possible, often stopping at her clitoris to suckle on the delicate and hard little nub.

Kira moaned and moaned as her brother was orally satisfying her, her thighs had his head locked between them while her hands were busy kneading and pulling away at her breasts. It felt so different then when her mother had done it, but just as good, even better maybe since it was the first time her brother did so.

Daniel was served a fresh batch of juice with almost every full licking sequence he made, and he absolutely loved it. She just tasted so good that he couldn't stop going at it. He loved to hear his little sister squeal out of pleasure above him as his tongue roamed around her honeypot.

He just didn't know how much longer he could take it, his cock was throbbing and pulsing harder than ever, fresh globs of precum forming at the tip with rapid progression. He knew that he was on the verge of popping his sister's cherry, the first and most likely only man that would ever make love to her.

He gave her a few final licks before wrestling himself out of his sister's death grip. He then took her legs in his arms, pulled her closer to him and parted them open. His throbbing cock moved with the beat of his heart as drops of warm precum dribbled down onto his sister's pussy mound, dirtying her skin and pubic hair.

He looked up to see his sister staring at him with wide eyes, still biting her lip and her hands keeping a hold of her large breasts. Her long auburn hair was a wild mess as she laid under him, but her body felt relaxed and ready for what was about to happen.

"I'm sorry Kira but... I don't think I can hold myself any longer... This is what you do to me and I'm more ready than ever to make love to you." Admitted Daniel, his breathing a bit rigid.

Kira's eyes trailed down towards her brother's tall standing and throbbing cock before looking up again into his eyes. "I... So am I... But please Danny, be gentle with me..." Was all Kira responded with.

Daniel smiled at her sweetly. "You know that I'll never hurt you Sis..." He said before picking up a cushion behind him, offering it to his sister so she could lay her head on something soft and to see more of the action.

Kira smiled shyly in return as she took the cushion from her brother. "I know... Thank you..." She answered with while preparing herself.

"You ready?" Asked Daniel, wanting to hear her confirmation one last time before they broke all the barriers.

Kira nodded and smiled again. "Yes, big Brother..."

By giving him the go Daniel placed the tip of his cock against his sister's sacred entrance, prodding and smearing both their juices together for perfect lubrication.

Kira already felt a shock running through her body when her brother's mating organ came into contact with her own. She could feel how her pussy lips already managed to mold and suck themselves around his tip, as if they wanted it to happen.

Daniel then slowly pulled his sister's legs and thus her body onto him, his cockhead met some resistance because of her extreme tightness before finally slipping inside of her cunt.

"Ooooh!" Squealed Kira as she felt her brother enter her, she wondered how her little body would be able to take her brother's large cock.

Daniel slowly started to sink deeper, gritting his teeth as he had never felt a pussy as tight and wet as his sister's. A bit deeper he felt another wall of resistance coming from her, he had reached her intact hymen, confirming that she was indeed still a virgin.

Kira too could feel her brother coming to a stop, knowing that this truly was the last point of no return.

She could see her brother trembling a bit, possibly just as nervous as her to take it to the next level, he took a short breath before he spoke to her. "Kira... We can do this two ways... I can try to break your hymen as gentle as possible, or I can push through it in one go... It's possible that it's going to hurt a bit..." He explained.

"Danny? Could you... Could you lie down on top of me?" Asked Kira, her words a bit blurry.

Her brother nodded and did as she had asked. He slowly came forward and down until they were face to face. He made sure that he did not penetrate her further.

Daniel then felt his sister lifting her legs up to his sides and how her arms also came up to tighten their embrace. His cock throbbed as a reaction from her large breasts and nipples coming into contact with his own bare chest.

When their foreheads connected Kira started to whisper to him. "This is the final barrier between our true love... So I'm okay for you to enter me fully... I just want to kiss you while we break this barrier together..."

Daniel could see her determination in her sparkling eyes before responding to her. "If that is what my beautiful and cute sister wants, then I won't have any objection." Was all he had to tell before brother and sister kissed each other.

When he felt that his sister's legs had wrapped themselves around his waist he pushed forward. A slightly painful moan emitted through their kiss as he deflowered the other most important woman in his life.

It had indeed felt painful for a few seconds when her brother had entered her, but that pain turned into pleasure through the power of lust and love she had for him right away. After the barrier breaking stab he continued to sink into her tight hole until reaching the end. She could feel how her pussy walls came together, molding around the shape of his cock and how her inner muscles squeezed it. Another large moan came from her when her brother's cockhead bumped up against her cervix, the entrance to her womb. Just like with her mother he was the perfect size.

Kira then ended their kiss, pulling onto her brother's head so he was able to kiss her neck. "We did it Danny... I'm also your woman now..." Moaned Kira happily, a tear running down her left cheek.

She could hear her brother grunt and his breath colliding with her skin that had goosebumps on them. "It's incredible, you feel incredible little sister... I've never felt something like this before..." He said.

After a soft giggle Kira whispered into her brother's ear again. "Then make love to me... Fuck your sister's pussy... Big Brother..."

Daniel couldn't believe the words coming from her mouth, and he knew that she was dead serious. Unable to hold himself any longer he started to slowly saw in and out of his sister's deliciously tight pussy. He loved how her inner walls and lips sucked themselves vacuum around the full length of his cock, how her wetness spread itself all around them, how her legs and arms demanded him to stay inside of her, and how cute her little moans sounded while whispering sweet affectionate things to him.

Unlike his destructive fuck from before they now softly collided together, but it felt just as good and at the moment probably even better. He slightly changed his angle with every thrust forward, wanting him and his sister to feel every move they made. Every time his body slapped against hers, and when he prodded against her cervix, he could hear his sister groan in delight.

Kira was in heaven as she had sex for the first time, she had never expected it to be this good, and the fact that her lover was her brother made it even better. She cradled his head with one hand, pushing him down onto the soft skin of her neck while the other carefully scraped her nails along his back. As her brother kissed one for her most sensitive spot she started to lick the other side of his face, specially focusing on his earlobe. She didn't know why she did it but it seemed to have an effect on her brother.

Minutes that seemed like hours passed by as the two siblings made love. Their tempo and speed remained unchanged which didn't bother them both at all. This was the way they both wanted to have it for their first time, slow, sensual and filled with love. The harder variation would surely happen in the future.

Both siblings moaned and groaned excessively as their love making continued, Daniel focusing on kissing his sister and caressing different parts of her body while his rock-hard cock kept plunging in and out of her hotbox. Kira followed her brother's rhythm, pushing and slamming her own body against him as she too kept on admiring his strong body and face, covering it with licks and kisses as well.

They were so focused on each other that they didn't even realize that their mother had woken up a while earlier. Jenna kept her distance as her children made love together, she knew that in the future there would be plenty of opportunities to do naughty things together but this time it had to be something intimate between the two of them. So she relaxed herself on the couch on the other side, gently caressing and playing with herself as she watched on.

Of course everything has to come to an end eventually. Daniel felt that his body was once more ready to release all his pent up energy for a second time this night, and the funny thing was that he could also feel that his sister was close as well. Their breathing had become more rapid as were the movements they made to fuck each other, they were priming themselves on coming together at the same time.

"I can't hold it much longer Sis! You just feel so fucking good!" Said Daniel as his hips kept on pounding against his sister.

Kira gave him another big kiss before answering as well. "Me too big Brother, I can feel it coming! I never felt something like this before!" She said in return through her moans.

"Oh God Sis... I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Shouted Daniel, feeling his body tensing up as he gave his sister a few last pumps before keeping his cock nestled as deep as possible inside of her.

"Inside! Shoot it all inside of your little sister's pussy! It's okay! Make me cum!" Moaned Kira loudly in return.

Daniel released a huge groan before his cock started to unload thick streams of seed deep inside of his sister's pussy. His whole body jerked with every shot, his balls painfully stinging as he was being drained by his sister's tight and convulsing cunt.

Unlike her mother Kira was very vocal when she felt the first spurt of seed being blasted into her womb. "Ooooooh fuuuucccckkkkk!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her toes curling and her fingernails digging into the skin of her brother's back as she too exploded.

Both their bodies bucked and trembled together, a steady stream of their mixed fluids leaking out of the tight gap where they were connected. Daniel's white creamy seed being mixed with Kira's own nectar seeped down her ass crack only to pool up and to soak into the couch underneath them.

The two of were totally exhausted, with his last remaining strength Daniel managed to turn himself and his sister around so she would be on top of him. He kissed the top of her head as Kira snuggled and cuddled closer to her brother.

"Wow..." Was the first thing that came out of Daniel's mouth.

Kira giggled softly for a bit. "Quite the happening, wasn't it? God, I feel like I'm reborn or something..." She said.

As soon her brother heard the word 'reborn' he panicked a bit. "Shit... Kira, are you-" He tried to say.

Before he managed to complete his question he was already silenced by a sweet kiss from Kira. "I told you, it was okay... I have been on the pill since forever." She said.

Daniel relaxed himself again after his sister had said her words, he wrapped his arms around her soft body and held her close. "You know... I think I can go for a nap right about now..." He said, followed by a yawn.

"So do I... And my favorite pillow is right under me so that won't be a problem at all..." Responded Kira, also letting out a cute little yawn herself.

A minute or so went by with the two siblings just embracing each other's warmth.

"Danny?" Whispered Kira suddenly.

"Yes?" Whispered Daniel in return.

She went quiet for a bit, then whispered once more. "I... I love you..."

A big smile formed on Daniel's face.

"I love you too..."




Jenna had been waiting for her children's first time love-making session to end. She had witnessed something beautiful and pure, reminding her that no matter who you are or who you are with, love is a powerful thing.

Quietly she managed to maneuver herself off the couch, making sure that her sleeping children were not disturbed. She stretched her body, feeling that a good portion of energy had returned after her adventures with her daughter and son.

She caught a large blanket hanging over one of the other chairs next to them, she snatched it off the chair and carefully laid it down on top of the two new lovers. She watched for a bit before giving each one of her children a sweet kiss on top of their heads.

After that she left the living room and went upstairs, craving a good bath to wake her up further. As she passed by her daughter's room she caught the shiny silver necklace she was given by her brother in the corner of her eye.

She went inside of her room, picked up the necklace and unlocked the heart locket that kept their recent family picture inside of it. A smile crept unto her face as she stared at the three of them smiling together.

Their closeness that they always had had evolved into something more, and this time, despite everything that had happened to them, this time she knew that no matter what happened, they would always be together.