I'm in Love with my Hot Biker Mom!


The idea for this story was stuck in my head and I just had to write it, this time it's a standalone story instead of a series.

The first part is from the son's personal perspective, the rest of the story is in third person.

I hope you like reading it. Sit back, relax and enjoy!


"My mother has always been a special woman, a woman that knew pain and regret but also happiness and love. She had always been a rebel, that was how she grew up and how her life took turn in her teenage years."

"My mother, Madeline 'Maddy' Kleiner was born thirty-seven years ago after Albert Kleiner, a German motorcycle enthusiast and Sofia Clarck met on a big motorcycle event close to Sofia's home town. It was love at first sight and their relationship led to their first, and only child after a few months. Albert stayed with Sofia, got married and settled down with her in the same home town where Sofia had lived all of her life."

"The first fifteen or so years of my mother's life were that of a perfect picture book family, she was social, smart and surprisingly handy with her hands. Just like her parents she developed a love for motorcycles at an early age, she always went with her parents on trips on the back of one and loved the feeling of freedom she felt while the wind blew through her hair. She was happy at that time and without a care in the world."

"Her later teenage years were a totally different story, her parents had a falling out between each other which often resulted into fights. The reason for that was because her father had the habit to drink, to drink a lot. She never understood what triggered her father to become like that, the man she once knew was totally... Gone. Her father blamed her and my grandmother for almost everything that went wrong. My mother was often caught in between the crossfire of her parents fighting, with her choosing her mother's side to prevent her from getting hurt."

"My grandmother and mother always had a loving relationship and the two were inseparable, even more so after her husband started drinking. My mother did everything she could to help my grandmother, even going so far to take the beatings after her father came back drunk from a night at the pub. They were mentally and physically abused by this man that was once such a loving and kind person."

"Not only did their home situation change but also my mother's other priorities. Her grades started to drop in school, she started to hang out with the wrong people and even started drinking herself at her young age of sixteen."

"One particular night changed everything when her father came home drunk as a skunk from another night at the pub. He tried to provoke a fight with my grandmother as he usually did when he came home, only this time my mother stood between them. He told her that he wished that her mother rather had swallowed her on the day she became pregnant. This was the final straw and she gave him a beating of a lifetime, my grandmother had to literally tear my mother off her father because she would have killed him if given the chance."

"My grandfather left and never came back to them after that night, he had left my grandmother and mother on their own."

"They managed to sell the house and moved into a smaller apartment together, my grandmother worked around the clock to provide for the both of them, the only problem was that the damage had already been done to my mother."

"She kept skipping school to hang out with the wrong people I told you about earlier, also the drinking was still a problem. My grandmother tried everything to change her mindset, to get her little girl back to how she was before. She was afraid that her daughter would go the same way her late husband did. My mother would never hurt my grandmother but she kept on ignoring her outreach towards her, until a drastic night changed everything for her."

"In her late sixteen's she got pregnant with me after having sex with her then current boyfriend. She was shocked when he came inside of her while he promised to pull out, her boyfriend was as equally shocked and demanded her to take an abortion. My mother refused and told him that if he was man enough to make a baby then he should be man enough to raise it as well. Of course this was against his better judgement and he quickly separated himself from my mother and moved away. My mother was furious at the cowardly way that he chose to leave her, she then told herself that she would do anything in her power to raise her child up healthy and loved. Later that night she had a long, long talk with my grandmother and accepted her offer to change her life drastically."

"The following eight months my mother focused on bettering herself and to prepare for the day that she would give birth to me. She stopped drinking, cleared off the ties with her so called 'friends' and picked up the tight bond with my grandmother again."

"Instead of going back to school she reached out to Benedict Kowalski. Benedict was the owner of a local garage that specialized in motorcycles, for my mother he was like her second grandfather. As a young child she had spent hours upon hours in his garage, Benedict was fond of the little girl because she had such a big interest for the same passion that he had. He taught her everything about motorcycles, he also knew that the little girl was talented and had a pair of golden hands."

"Benedict was overjoyed when my mother asked him if he would take her under his wings so she could learn, work and specialize herself in the same field of work that he did. After she told him the full story of everything that happened he embraced her even more so than he already would have done. And so my mother started working at Benedict's garage at the young age of sixteen. She didn't receive a warm welcome from the other mechanics in the beginning, they thought that Benedict was crazy, why would a young teenage girl at her age be interested in the work they did? But boy did she show them how much of an asset she was, she gained instant respect when the crew learned how knowledgeable and handy my mother was. My rebellious, loud-mouth Mom became the loved and cherished 'daughter' of the Kowalski family."

"And then she gave birth to her son, me, Luke Kleiner, at the age of seventeen. I was born five weeks prematurely and my tiny body had to fight to stay alive. My mother was devastated but deep down she knew and could feel that her little boy would survive. I laid in an incubator for weeks, all kinds of different machines supporting me. My mother always stood by my side, before work she would be with me and after work as well, even the weekends she spent by my side, watching over me like a guardian angel."

"In the end I recovered to full strength which was a huge relief for my mother, the only thing that affected me because of my premature birth was that my eyes gained sight problems, I would be needing the aid of glasses for the rest of my life."

"My childhood was a great time, my mother cherished me, loved me and would do anything in her might to see me happy. Over the years our bond together grew stronger and stronger each day. Just like she and my grandmother, we became inseparable, we did everything together. When she didn't have to work she would pick me up with her bike after school so we could go off to somewhere, just the two of us. I had my fair share of friends but I never had as much fun as I did when we two were together."

"Mom kept working at Kowalski's garage and was appointed as one of the head mechanics by Benedict himself after he decided to turn it down a notch. Over the years she gained all kinds of certificates and had even won prizes because of her outstanding work. I was proud of her and proud of what she had reached after having a though and difficult childhood as a teen mom."

"The only thing she despised were relationships, even after all these years she still wouldn't trust any man at her side. My mother always told me that she already had the perfect man in her life, hinting at me of course. I would blush every time she brought it up and deep down I was glad that Mom stayed single because over the years my feelings for her developed stronger and stronger, up to the point that crossing a certain line was on my mind. I felt something more for my Mom than just love between a mother and son, a love that I shouldn't have for her. But she was so perfect, mentally and physically, for me she had it all. I came to the conclusion that I was in love with her, I was in love with my mother."

"Before we begin our story I will tell you a little something about myself, I just reached the age of twenty years old. I'm a relatively normal guy, my Mom is about the same height as me at 5'9. I got short black hair and the same bright piercing green eyes as my mother, only mine are hidden behind a pair of glasses. I like to keep myself fit so I consider my body to lean more to the athletic side, that body comes with a modest seven-inch cock that's about seven-and-a-half inches long when erect. I did some sexual stuff before but never went 'all the way', call me an old timer but I liked to share that special moment with someone I truly loved. At the moment I was not in a relationship with anyone."

"I attended my local university and studied robotic engineering and I did pretty good if I say so myself, guess I got that love for making things from my Mom."

"Speaking of Mom, I never really described how she looked like, did I? Well let me tell you, she did not dress like most of the mothers I knew. She stayed true to herself and I admired that, she was not afraid to show herself how she was, she still had that rebel and though-gal feeling and look, and to be honest, it suited her damn fine."

"Like I said my mother was about the same height as me at 5'9, the only difference was that she had a killer female body to booth. My mother was curved at all the right places, especially her well-endowed chest and tight ass. Her breasts were pretty huge to be honest, she was close to an E-cup and that combined with no sag you had two perfectly, firm globes that stood proud on her chest. The same could be said for her delicious tasty looking ass, perfectly round and plump at all the right spots. The rest of her body had an equally perfect look, a cute and beautiful face, a fit trained waist, juicy thighs followed by her long legs and cute little feet."

"Now you know why I was attracted to her, mentally as physically."

"Her hair was shoulder length and dyed dark purple with red streaks in it, she rocked quite a few tattoos and had piercings in her right brow, tongue and navel. Her usual casual attire was a tight tank top combined with a short denim vest, tight denim jeans and heeled knee length boots."

"Not to be rude to her, but she was classy and slutty at the same time, she knew how to get men to turn their heads. If not for her unique 'rebel' look then her perfectly shaped body would bring her the attention. I didn't complain, like I said, I thought it was cool that she was so herself and expressing how she felt instead of covering it up. Even better was that I got to see her when we were alone and let me tell you, she wasn't shy around me."

"So now that you know a little bit more about us, how about we start this story? A story how me and my Mom grew closer together, and eventually crossing that forbidden line..."


"Hey Maddy! Your intern has arrived!"

Madeline looked up from her working place after she heard her colleague James shouting from across the garage.

"Alright! I'm over here! Next to Ben's office! Send him over!" She shouted in return.

"You heard her kid, just walk straight till the end of the garage and you will see her." James patted him on the back with a grin on his face.

"Her?" Asked the young man as he looked back at James with a confused look.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked to the location the voice came from, his eyes widened when he got a good look at his upcoming mentor.

Madeline was wearing her full body overall but that didn't stop her curves from showing.

"Holy shit! It really is a chick! And I was thinking the guys in my class were fucking around!" Blurted out the amazed youngster.

Madeline turned around and gave him a big smile. "Hi there Mr. Horndog! I hope your big words are as good your skills, otherwise this 'chick' will have to teach you some manners!"

His head turned red as a tomato and he started to stammer. "S-sorry m-ma'am!"

Madeline's colleagues started to laugh hard, it was always fun to see how a new intern would react to her as most people wouldn't expect an attractive woman working here.

"It's alright sweetie, just ignore the boys." She said with a comforting smile as she stuck out her hand. "And please call me Maddy, ma'am sounds like I'm some old fossil."

The young man shook her hand and nervously mumbled out his name. "H-hi I'm Ronald, but I guess you can call me Ronny like everyone does."

"Well nice to meet you Ronny! I hope you are as excited about motorcycles as I am, I think we will get along pretty good if that's the case."

Ronny quickly relaxed and felt instantly comfortable around Madeline, she always had this effect on people.

"Yes I am! That's why I asked Benedict if I could be an intern here, I heard a lot of stories from people about a special mechanic here and I guess they meant you?"

Madeline started to giggle. "Special eh? I'm just a lady that loves motorcycles, but I do have some extended knowledge about the subject yes. Say, you called Benedict by his name, do you know him from somewhere?"

Ronny nodded. "Yeah, my father has been a frequent client of his garage, I often met him when I came together with my Dad to pick up his bike. I wonder why I had never spotted you here."

"That's because I don't work the front shop where clients are received, this here is my own little paradise, and guess what? It's going to be yours too for a while. IF we can get along, but I don't think that will be any problem." She said with a smile.

"No problem at all ma'a- Uh... Maddy! I came here to learn and I'm excited to start!"

Madeline gave Ronny a pat on his back. "Good to hear! Now why don't we start right away? I was busy fixing up this old timer here so why don't you help me with it? Feel free to ask anything if you have questions while I fix her up. After this one is done we can look over some bikes with minor problems, I think that will be the best way for you to start out and I will help you along."

And so Madeline and Ronny worked together for a few hours, Madeline guided him where he needed but most of the time Ronny had no problems at all. She could see that the boy was just as an enthusiast about motorcycles like she was at his age, and he was also handy just like she was.

Just before their lunch break she was stopped by Benedict. "Maddy, it's your son for you on the phone in my office."

"Oh okay, thanks, I will get to it in a second. Ronny why don't you go along with the boys and get yourself some lunch, you deserve it." She said while giving a thumbs-up.

"Okay Maddy, see you in a bit!" Answered Ronny before walking towards the canteen.

Madeline put away her tools and went to Benedict's office.

She picked up the phone and answered the call. "Hi baby! Benedict told me that you wanted to speak to me?"

"Hi Mom, and yes, I just wanted to remind you that you would pick me up at the university for my eye check. My classes are done in about twenty minutes, so I will see you in a bit?" Answered her son.

"Oh shit! I almost forgot, thanks for calling sweetie! I will cleanup my workplace and be on my way, see you in a bit!"

Luke could hear from his mother's voice that she had been busy. "Rough day today or something Mom?" He asked.

"No not really, the new intern started today so I got caught up working together with him, sorry that I almost forgot about your appointment."

"Don't be sorry, everything's cool. I will see you in a bit, ride safe Mom."

"I will baby, see you soon."

Madeline ended the call and placed the phone back on the counter. "It's that time of the month again?" Asked Benedict from behind his bureau.

"Yes, and I almost forgot about it... You don't mind, do you Ben?"

"Honey, we have known each other for over thirty years now, if you need to help your son then go."

"I know Ben, but what about Robby? I don't want to bail on the kid all of a sudden."

"Oh don't worry about that. This old timer still has the knowledge in his noggin, dementia hasn't got to me yet so I will help him for the rest of the day. You help Luke and take the rest of the day off, after all that hard work from last week you deserve some downtime."

Madeline started to laugh and gave Benedict a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks Ben, will see you tomorrow then?"

"Aye, go on and enjoy the rest of your day." Responded Benedict.

She gave him another peck on the cheek before returning to her workplace. She cleaned it up and changed out of her overall's. She wasn't wearing anything special today, just a black tank top, a pair of light blue denim's and her old trusty sneakers.

She then quickly said goodbye to the boys and Ronny before going straight to her own bike.

When going to her work she always went on her custom Kawasaki Ninja 300, it was fast and reliable and also a two-seater so she could pick up Luke if he ever needed a ride.

Her newest addition at home was a brand new 2018 Harley Davidson Street Rod, also customized by herself. She would be using it for longer trips together with Luke on the weekends and for attending motorcycle shows.

Madeline equipped her helmet and before she knew it she was on her way to her son's university.


"So four-eyes, time for your usual checkup of the month right?" Asked Luke's friend Tyler.

"Yup, nothing new there." Sighed Luke as he answered Tyler's question.

"Dude, if you don't mind me asking, how come you have to get your eyes checked once a month?" Asked Steven who was a new student in their class, he joined up with Luke and Tyler after moving to his new university, the three of them quickly becoming friends.

"I was born prematurely, fucked up my eyes a little bit in the process. That's why I'm always wearing my glasses or lenses. Nothing too special, but my doc at the hospital likes to check up on me once in a while."

"Well shit... Good luck then I guess... Four-eyes!" Luke could take a joke and the three of them started to laugh before walking outside of the building.

Outside Steven spotted a good looking woman next to a bike waving towards them.

"Uh... Guys, some chick is waving over to us."

Luke looked in the direction where Steven was looking at and a big smile appeared on his face. "Oh, that's my mom. She came to pick me up today so I could be on time for my appointment."

Steven's jaw dropped as he watched Luke with disbelieve. "Dude, if that's your mom then I'm the goddamn Dalai Lama, it's not cool to call some random hottie your mother, bro."

Tyler started to laugh before talking. "I'm afraid he is right Steve, that's Luke's mom and she's a top tier grade MILF!"

Luke punched his friend's arm. "Don't call her that, asswipe."

"Ouch! Just speaking the truth my friend, though I can't blame you for being such a mama's boy. I would probably have done the same in your situation." Answered Tyler while rubbing his arm.

"So do I... Look Luke, no offense but she is one fine looking woman. You're lucky to live around such a beautiful creature!" Added an overly excited Steven.

"Yeah... I guess I do..." Luke felt his heart bumping harder as he watched his mother waving to him with one of her big smiles. " Look, I gotta go guys. I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Alright bro, have fun at the hospital... And spending time with your Mom." Said Tyler.

"Dude stop making me jealous... but yeah Luke, see you tomorrow buddy." Added Steven.

Luke waved goodbye to his friends and walked up to his mother, the closer he got to her the more he felt his body tingle. "Hi Mom!" He said with a big smile.

"Hi there yourself handsome." Madeline then walked up to her son and gave him a big hug.

Luke felt his mother's perfect tits poke into his chest as he hugged her back. Her delicious scent made him feel save and loved. His cock started to respond and throbbed softly because of their short but lovely embrace.

Madeline let go but not before giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry for almost forgetting about your appointment, I was kind of busy back in the garage."

Luke held his mother's hand before speaking. "It's no problem Mom, shit happens."

She giggled and squeezed her hand. "It feels like I'm talking to myself."

"Hey you raised me this way, children take after their parents, don't they?" Responded Luke with a grin.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess, here take this." She gave Luke his helmet before putting on her own. "Time to saddle up darling, we don't want to be late."

Luke nodded and in a few seconds they were on the bike and off to the hospital. The ride only took around ten minutes because they could easily pass traffic on the road.

Madeline parked her bike in front of the main building, they both got off and removed their helmets. Luke watched his mother shake her hair out, he liked it when she did so, like she revealed her beauty for everyone to see but especially for him.

"Want me to go with you sweetie?" Asked his mother.

"Nah, I got this, it shouldn't take too long. If something horrible happens I will scream loud enough to warn you." Answered her son.

"Joker." She giggled while giving him a soft push.

"I think it will take fifteen minutes or so. Be back in a bit." Spoke Luke as he walked towards the entrance.

Madeline watched her son as he entered the hospital. Her heart fluttered a little, he had become such a handsome young man over the years. "God, Maddy stop thinking so much about him in that way..." She quietly spoke to herself. "You know that he loves you, but not... Not like that."

She let out a big sigh. "I should have never started reading those kind of stories... I have to blame my curiosity for that I guess." She took out her phone and opened her browser. "I have to wait for a bit so I can start reading that new submitted story... And I can finish it tonight when we go to bed."

She felt her pussy tingle a little by just thinking about the thought of cumming to one of 'those' stories again. She opened up a site called Literotica, logged into her account and went straight to her favorites. "Here it is... Just the beginning Maddy... Save the rest for later." Her finger hovered over the title of the story titled: ''Mom-Son" A Love Story. She hesitated a little before giving in to her lust, she opened the link and started to read while sitting on her bike.

Over the course of time Madeline found out about erotic stories and one particular site that stored thousands upon thousands of these kind of stories for people to read. Two years ago she became hooked to it after a girlfriend recommended it to her. She loved reading erotic fantasy stories and often pleasured herself while doing so. After a few days of visiting it she decided to browse through the different categories to see if something would peak her interest. It was then that she discovered the incest section of the site, her curiosity got the best of her and she was soon addicted to reading them, especially the mother/son stories. Those stories made her cum like never before, she knew It was taboo and wrong but for her it felt so right. Her own fantasy took an even bigger turn when she started imagining herself and her son Luke being the main characters of the stories she read.

She then suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and as a reaction she let out a high pitched yelp.

"Whoa! Calm down Mom, it's me!"

Madeline looked in the direction of the voice and could see her son standing next to her. "Jesus, you scared the living hell out of me darling." She answered quite nervously.

Luke started to laugh. "Well sorry, but someone was kind of hypnotized by her phone. What were you doing on it anyway? I've never seen you zoned out like that before."

"O-oh Uh... I was just... ordering parts for at the garage that we needed, I didn't want to mess up because all the parts we need look alike." She answered quickly.

"Yeah I can understand that, I've been at the garage before and all those different parts made my head spin... But hey, I'm done here, how about we go home?"

Madeline let out a small sigh, relieved that her son did not found out anything. "Y-yes sure, let's go then... Oh, did the doctor say anything special or was it the usual business?"

"I'm okay as can be Mom, no funny business at all."

All of a sudden Luke hugged his mother from behind, she felt his arms softly pushing under her well-formed breasts and her heart skipped a beat again. "Thanks for driving me around Mom, I love you."

She slowly placed one arm over his. "Anything for you baby... Mommy loves you too."

They stood there like that for a while, like both of them didn't want to let go their loving embrace.

Luke separated himself after a little bit longer and placed his helmet over his head.

Madeline started her bike and before they knew it they were on their way home.


Once home Madeline completely forgot about their earlier sudden encounter and was herself again. She stretched her arms and let out a short yawn. "Such a beautiful day! How about we hang around the pool today, I want to get myself some tan."

As much as Luke would like to go with her and ogle at her in her bikini, he had other things to do. "I'm afraid not today Mom, prof gave us a big project to work on so I want to start working on it right away, maybe I will join you later this week."

"Awww... It's okay honey, school comes first. But I will keep you to your words, later this week we will get some pool time together." Said his mother with a pouty face.

Luke laughed. "Don't worry Mom, I promise. Later this week, you and me plus the pool. But for now, study time." He then walked up the stairs to go to his room.

"I will call you when diner is ready!" Shouted Madeline at him while she was busy browsing the downstairs closet for her bikini. After finding it she immediately got rid of her own clothes and dressed herself with it. It was a relatively small white two-piece bikini that clinched to her body. She only felt comfortable in it at home since it showed a lot of skin and cleavage.

Before going outside, she looked back and forth between the outside and the large mirror that she could see herself in. "The sun is pretty brutal today..." She then giggled before pulling the string of her bikini top. The top fell down and her heavy globes were freed with a little bounce and shake. "The twins could use some sun from time to time and I don't have to worry about Luke since he will be busy with his little project." She mumbled to herself.

She took a large bathing towel with her and placed it on the pool chair before lying down on it facing up. "Oh my, this sun is doing some magic on me right away. I love it when it's warm and sunny." She took her sun lotion and squirted some of it onto her large bust, the cold feeling of the lotion making her giggle. As she started to rub it over her breasts a naughty thought came up to her. "What if Luke would be watching me right now... What if he came down and saw me like this..."

Madeline felt her nipples harden at the thought of her son spying or catching her sunbathing half naked, she slowly started to push her breasts together and flicked her fingers over her hardened nipples. Her imagination then went wild and she started thinking about the scenario in her head.

"Oh sorry sweetie, Mommy wanted to catch some sun on her 'private' parts, I hope you don't mind..."

"No? You like Mommy's 'private' parts? If I need some help with the lotion? I... I guess... Okay you can help me with it... But only this one time darling."

Madeline now started to breath heavier, she could feel her pussy getting wet because of the naughty fantasy she was having about her own son.

"Come on baby, Mommy doesn't bite... Just rub them softly and make sure to spread the lotion all around them... Yes... Yes, just like that baby... Mhmmm, it feels like you have done this before... No? So that means Mommy is your first... Mommy is your first..."

She couldn't resist her feelings any longer and trailed her left hand down her waist towards her moist pussy while her right hand mauled at her breast and diamond-hard nipple.

"Yes just like that honey, Mhmmm... Yes, they are soft, aren't they? Oh my! Look at that... No don't cover it up darling, it's a normal reaction when you see someone you fancy like this... You love Mommy? Mommy loves you too baby, so, so much... Can you... Can you show it to me?"

Madeline was now moaning softly, her right hand kept working on her large tit while with her left she pulled the strings apart from one side of her bikini bottom. The small piece of soaked cloth slid to the side and her bald shaven pussy was now out in the open, her pussy nectar started to trickle out of her wet-tight cunt onto the large towel, soaking it instantly with her juices.

"That's it, pull it down... Slowly... Oh my god... Oh my god baby! It's so... so big! What? You want to... Yes, do it... Do it for Mommy... Mhmmm yes, yes that's it baby... Stroke that fat-hard cock for Mommy!"

She now assaulted her bare pussy with her left hand, her fingers slid over her lips spreading her juices all around her cunt. She flicked her erect clit a couple of times before sinking two fingers deep into her tight pussy. Squishy sounds could be heard accompanied by grunts and moans that became louder by the second.

"Yes stroke it baby! Stroke that beautiful cock for Mommy... Moan for Mommy... Let me hear how much you like my body... And when you have to cum I want you to shoot it all over Mommy's face and tits!"

Meanwhile upstairs in the house Luke was busy with the start of his project.

"Mhm, pretty decent so far. I'm glad I started working on this as soon as I can. I wonder if Tyler and Steven started right away..."

He then looked at the empty water bottle next to him on his desk. "Shit, I really should have considered joining Mom in the pool, it's has only been thirty minutes and I already have emptied that bottle. It's so goddamn hot today, might as well open my balcony door to let in some fresh air.

Luke had a small balcony attached to the side of his room that overlooked the pool area, it was barely big enough to stand on as his mother used it for her plants and flowers.

He walked up to it and opened the sliding door, just as he turned around to walk back he heard some strange noises coming from down the pool area.

"What the hell is that?" He asked himself before looking over the railing down to the pool where the sounds came from.

Luke's eyes went wide at what he saw. His heart started to bump into overdrive and his breath became heavy. He could feel his cock swelling to full hardness in matter of seconds.

"M-Mom... Mom is masturbating totally naked!"

Without any doubt he quickly yanked down his shorts and before he knew it he had his right hand around his thick hardened cock, it was hard as a steel bar and his precum started to trickle out of his slit.

"Mom... Mom..." Moaned Luke over and over again as he slowly started to stroke his hand up and down his rock-hard cock.

He couldn't believe what he witnessed, his eyes darted all over her body. He watched her beautiful face blushing with pleasure, her big tits shaking and being mauled at by her right hand, her perfect naked pussy being assaulted by her left. He could see that she was talking to herself between the moans but not loud enough for him to hear it.

Luke started imagining that she was pleasuring herself because of him. The same thing he had always dreamed about.

"Oh yes Mom... Show me everything, show me how you can cum for me... Play with that tight and wet pussy of yours... Mash those huge tits of yours for me... Oh god Mom, Mom!"

Luke had now both hands around his throbbing cock, stroking it up and down faster and faster. Smalls gobs of precum squirted out of his cock each time he stroked upwards. His eyes were focused on every sexy part of his mother's lewd body.

"I love you Mom... I love you and I want to be with you... Please cum for me... Cum for your son and he will do so for you."

He grabbed the railing of his balcony with his left hand as the right remained on his cock, he stroked himself so fast that he could feel it burning from pleasure. His whole shaft was now coated in his own cock cream making it easier for him to slide even faster up and down.

"You're so fucking sexy Mom; you are the most beautiful woman on this planet. I want to be with you together, but we can't... We can't because I'm your son and you are my mother. But I want it so bad! I Want to be a couple with you, marry you... I want you to have my child!"

Luke blurted out all his secret fantasies and forbidden wishes he had of his mother. Her whole body hypnotized him in such a way that he never experienced before. He loved looking at his mother but seeing her naked now changed everything for him.

He could feel his balls starting to hurt and his cock started to throb heavily as he stroked it with an incredible pace. "I'm going to cum Mom! And I'm going to give you everything, every drop is for you! Every drop of cum I shoot is because of you. I love you! I love you!"

At the same time Madeline felt her own climax coming up herself, her pussy was now a thick cream soaked mess and her nipples started to hurt from pleasure. Every upward push of her pussy fucking fingers was now accompanied by smalls squirts of pussy juice.

"Mommy is cumming baby! Mommy is going to cum for her sweet boy! Please cum together with me and coat me with your thick incestuous son semen! Spray it all over your naughty mother! Ooooh! Oooooh! I'm... I'm CUMMING!" Screamed Madeline deep in her own mind.

Both Madeline and Luke exploded at the same time. Madeline's legs spread open wide and her whole body started to buck and tremble, squirt after squirt of pussy juice shot out of her orgasming cunt, her eyes rolled back into her skull as she moaned "I love you Luke!"

Luke aimed his cock down on the balcony preventing him from shooting his cum through the railings and alerting his mother. Rope after rope of thick cum shot out of his wild throbbing cock, it scattered all over the balcony, his mother's flowers and plants were being coated with his strong potent seed.

He wobbled back and forth on his weakened legs before lowering himself down onto his room's floor, he panted heavily as he had experienced an orgasm like he never had before. He felt dizzy and decided to lie down on his back, his balls still ached and his slowly softening cock still throbbed with the beat of his heart.

Madeline was out cold on her pool chair, she too was panting heavily and her body still shook softly from her incredible orgasm. A small streak of drool ran down the corner of her mouth as she was quietly mumbling to herself. She came so hard that her juices seeped through the towel and were now dripping down onto the pool floor.

Mother and son had climaxed together, thinking about each other as they both had the same deep dark erotic fantasy for one another.


Madeline felt a lot of regret after her incest fantasy solo session, she knew it was wrong to think about her own son in that way. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, what if he discovered her deep dark fantasy? He would be disgusted by her and that would result in their strong loving bond being broken apart. She decided to stay away from reading all the incest stories before she would act out of her own lust for her son. She needed to focus on something else, something that would pull her incestuous thoughts away from Luke.

Little did she know that Luke had the same deep dark feelings for her as she did for him, even more so after witnessing the naked beauty his mother was. Luke now lusted for his mother and was on the verge of telling her about his true feelings for her. The only thing stopping him from doing so was his own shyness and nervousness, he wanted to believe that she felt the same for him as he did for her.

Diner that day was weird for both of them. They usually talked and laughed about their days and everything that happened, this time they both were silent. Madeline caught her son looking at her a couple of times with a certain strange gaze in his eyes, she couldn't wrap her finger around it of why they acted so... different after their afternoon. Luke could see that his mother was nervous for some reason. Had she caught him spying on her? No, that couldn't be it, knowing his mom she would have teared him a new asshole if she ever found out.

After diner Luke sat down on the couch in the living room to watch television, and as usual his mother joined him after a while. Watching television together was a sort of tradition for them, just a time to be close to each other for a while.

Madeline plopped down next to him on the couch, she folded her legs under herself and cuddled up to her son's side.

Luke sat still but could feel his heart starting to beat faster, her smell intoxicated him and he felt his body starting to react to her. Madeline then took his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Luke snapped out of his private moment and noticed his mother looking up at him with her bright green eyes.

"Did something happen today sweetie?" She asked with her soft motherly voice.

"N-no I'm... I'm just tired from school today I guess, and from the brainstorming I had to do for my project." Responded Luke a little shaken.

"Okay... Well, if something is bothering you then... Let me know, okay? I don't like to see you sad and all quiet like this." She said as she gripped his hand tighter.

"Yeah I will... It's just that some things are running through my head... I don't want to bother you with them Mom."

Madeline felt her son squeezing her hand. "Alright... But you can talk to me about anything, I will always be here for you baby." She then placed her head on his shoulder and the two of them watched the television in silence.

After a while Madeline started to giggle.

"What's so funny all of a sudden?" Asked Luke.

"It's all those commercials about e-dating nowadays, like you will find the perfect person through some dumb website without seeing each other face to face." Answered his mother.

"Well, it worked out for Steven's mom, she met a guy on a site called I-Meet and they have been together ever since."

The last thing her son said got Madeline's attention. If it worked for Steven's mom, why not for her? It would be a great alternative thing to focus on instead of being succumbed by her deep dark feelings for her own son.

"Oh really? Tell me more about them." She asked out of curiosity.

"Okay, so I-Meet is some sort of meeting/dating site that has become pretty popular, it's not like one of those 'meet and fuck' sites purely for sex. It finds people around your location based on your interests so you can talk to them and if everything goes well eventually go on a date with them. Steven's mom used it after her divorce and met her current husband on it, they have been together ever since and still going strong." Luke then looked at his mother with a questionable expression on his face. "Why the sudden interest in it?"

Madeline gave him a big smile. "Maybe it's time for Mommy to get out of her shell and start trying to date again!" She then grabbed her phone, opened her browser and typed in the address of the I-Meet site.

Luke was quite shocked to see his mother, the one that was so against relationships after her own ended so abruptly. "Y-you sure about this Mom?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah why not? I can always blow it off if it's nothing for me, you can't have an opinion about it without tasting it, right?"

"Y-yeah... I guess so..." Luke felt a big wave of jealousy washing over him, his mother, the woman he deeply loved would be talking and maybe even dating other men. He needed to prevent her from doing so and quickly came up with a plan.

"Honey, could you help me setting up my profile? Asked his excited mother. "You know that I'm not all too keen with this tech stuff."

"Sure, let's get started." Luke took her phone and opened the register application. "We need to start with a username, any idea?"

"Uh... do you have any ideas?" Asked his mother to him. "Gosh, I'm so new to this stuff!"

Luke laughed and thought about it for a little while. "How about... BikerGal79? The 79 standing for your birthdate."

Madeline nodded. "Sounds good to me, and the biker part can give people a hint on what I like!"

Luke helped Madeline to set up her entire profile. She told him about what interests and hobbies she wanted to go with her profile along with the preferred people she wanted to meet. After a couple of minutes her profile was ready to be published to become a member of the site. Luke hovered his finger above the accept button. "Do you really want this Mom?" He asked her for one last time.

"Yes I do." Nodded his mother. "It's time for me start a new chapter in my life."

Luke nodded back and pressed his finger down on the button. "And there we go, welcome to the online cyber world of dating Mom."

"Great!" She gave Luke a kiss on his cheek before talking again. "Now gimme my phone back so I can see what this thing has to offer." She took the phone back from Luke and tried to start exploring the site. "Uh... Honey what does this mean? I try to navigate the site but some block pops up asking for confirmation."

Luke sighed. "I always hate those things... Here let me help you with it."

"Ugh... Stupid technology." Mumbled his mother with a pouty face. "I'm going to get me something to drink, want some too?" She asked.

"Nah I'm fine, I'll set this up for you and then I'm going to bed. I feel pretty tired."

Madeline nodded and went to the kitchen. Luke then took screenshots of her profile settings and texted the images to himself, he would be needing them to 'find' his mother. After that he handled the confirmation stuff and waited for his mother to return.

Madeline came back in the room with a glass of wine and took a seat next to her son again. "And, did you solve my technical mystery?"

"Sure did, everything is set and ready." Luke stretched out his arms and yawned. "Alright, I think I'm gonna seek my bed now, are you going to do some 'soul-searching' now?" He asked his mother.

She started to giggle. "Might as well, who knows, maybe I will find my match in the next hour or so."

"Who knows..." Said Luke with a smirk on his face, he then leaned forward and gave his mother a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Mom."

"Sleep well darling, and thank you for helping me to set this stuff up."

"No problem Mom, see you tomorrow."

Luke went upstairs as quick as he could, he went into his room, locked the door and sat down in front of his computer. "Got to get on this stuff fast before she finds some other asshole that's interested in her." He said to himself as he opened up his internet browser and went to the I-Meet website.

"Alright, time to make an account, first thing to do is coming up with a user name... MotorMan? Nah that's sounds too fucking goofy... RideOrDie? Nope, too aggressive for my taste... Mhm... BikeRider? Simple but effective... Alright let's go with that. Let's slap a 76 at the end, that would be easier for Mom to see that the person is close to her own age. Okay, BikeRider76 here we go!"

After being satisfied with the username Luke entered all the profiles interests, hobbies and his location as accurate as possible to come close to those of his mother.

"All that's left is accepting and confirming the account..." Luke took a big sigh. "I'm doing this for you Mom... For us... I don't want any else to come between us... I'm sorry but I hope you understand someday." He then clicked the accept button and confirmed his account.

"She said she would be exploring the site for a while so maybe I can find her." Luke quickly started looking for contacts, the site was set-up so that you could accept or deny a random contact that they presented you with. With all the info he had submitted it shouldn't take too long to come across her because it was practically the same as hers.

"Come on... Come on! Find her goddamnit!" Luke was skipping profile after profile trying to look for the one he was searching for, he got irritated after a few minutes of browsing. "How fucking big is their database?" It took another five minutes before he finally found his prey. "Bingo... BikerGal79, I got you Mom..." The green circle behind her name meant that she was still online.

Luke took another big sigh before starting the second part of his plan. "Alright, gotta do it smooth and without being too pushy. I know that Mom hates guys that try everything to impress her."

BikeRider76: "Heya! Did I manage to stumble across a fellow motorcycle enthusiast?"

It took a few seconds before Luke received a response.

BikerGal79: "You did! My name kinda gave it away didn't it? :)"

BikeRider76: "Ha-ha, yes it did! Just like mine :) So I got to ask, sport bike or cruiser?"

BikerGal79: "Both! As long it has some decent power and two wheels then I'm all game!"

BikeRider76: "Just what I wanted to hear, that does mean no endless discussions between the two of us trying to convince the other why one particular bike is better than the other."

BikerGal79: "Thank god for that, you have no idea how many times I got into one of those discussions, they drive me crazy!"

BikeRider76: "Amen to that! I'm Michael by the way, nice to meet you!"

BikerGal79: "Nice to meet you too Michael! I'm Madeline, but everyone calls me Maddy."

"Great, she gave me her name, that means Mom is comfortable with the person." Mumbled Luke to himself.

BikeRider76: "So Maddy, what brought you to this site?"

BikerGal79: "My son told me about it and then I decided to try it out, it has been a long time for me since I was in a relationship. So maybe something good will come out of this. How about you?"

BikeRider76: "I pretty much fall in the same category as you, only without children ha-ha! I've been divorced a long time ago after I found my wife cheating on me, and now I'm here on the world wide web, looking for someone with similar interests."

BikerGal79: "Sorry to hear about that... But I do hope that I maybe peak some of your interests :D"

BikeRider76: "You seem... No, you ARE easy to talk to and that gives me hope that I found a lady who feels the same. Liking motorcycles and all is also a huge plus point for me!"

BikerGal79: "I do feel the same, I've had some 'conversations' with other people but they were so pushy and bland, it's nice to meet someone with personality."

"Well what did you expect Mom, the internet is full of horndogs and pervy people." Muttered Luke to himself.

BikeRider76: "I know what you mean, I have been a member for three days now and I have to say that this is the first time that I encounter someone that's willing to have a decent conversation instead of rushing everything."

BikerGal79: "Well I hope we can continue our 'decent' conversations, it feels nice to meet somebody sweet like you :3"

BikeRider76: "Ah conversations you say, so that means more to come I assume? I certainly hope so because you peak my interest!"

BikerGal79: "And you peak mine, so consider your assume accepted!"

"Jackpot! I think I'm in with Mom... Well my fake persona is. Time to throw my charm and attention for her in the mix!" Said Luke excited.

BikeRider76: "So Maddy, can you tell me anything about your hobbies? Or your family? Whatever you want to talk about."

BikerGal79: "I can and I will, hope you are free tonight because it isn't a short list! :)"

And so Luke and Madeline had a long conversation between each other that easily lasted for two hours. Luke could see that his mother was really interested in 'Michael'. She told him in full detail about her life and of course about him, her son. At the same time Luke managed to perfectly control the fake persona that was 'Michael', the person he created was a fluke but the interest he showed for her was true.

BikeRider76: "Ha-ha! You are a great storyteller Maddy, but I'm afraid it is time for me to go. I have to work early tomorrow so I need my beauty sleep :)"

Madeline looked at the clock that hanged in the living room.

BikerGal79: "Oh my gosh! It's almost midnight, time flies when you are having fun, doesn't it?"

BikeRider76: "It sure does! And I hope to see you online tomorrow at the same time we started today, I have a feeling that we got a lot more to talk about."

BikerGal79: "You betcha! I'm fancying a sleep myself after all this typing. And tomorrow at the same time would be great! I look forward to it."

BikeRider76: "Likewise Maddy, Likewise. Sweet dreams tonight and I will hear from you soon again :) Adios!"

BikerGal79: "You too Michael, sleep well and I'm looking forward to tomorrow! - xxx -"

"Yes that went perfect!" Said Luke even more excited. "Now I need to keep this up and carefully advance my plan, I hope it doesn't blow back against me.

With that he turned his computer off and went to bed, he wondered how his mother would be in the morning.


When Luke came down the stairs for his breakfast he could he hear his mother humming a song, she literally danced around the kitchen preparing her and her son's breakfast. He walked in and took a seat opposite of her at the counter.

"Let me guess, somebody scored on I-Meet yesterday?" He asked.

His mother smiled as she danced toward him, she did a little pirouette spin before giving him a big kiss on his cheek. "I did darling, and I have my sweet boy to thank for that!"

"So you got yourself a keeper already? And I was thinking you disliked men hitting on you?"

"Ha-ha, no sweetie, he's not a keeper... Yet. And he did not hit on me, we talked and talked and talked for a few hours, before we knew it, it was midnight!"

"So I guess you will busy again tonight?" Said Luke as he made a fake sad face.

"Awww is my baby jealous?" Madeline gave him another big kiss on his other cheek. "Mommy won't forget about you darling, you are still the most important man in my life."

Luke started to laugh. "Just joking Mom, I'm glad you managed to find someone that peaks your interest. Who knows, maybe it's the start of something good?"

"It has been a great talk with Michael yesterday, we had a lot in common and we both love motorcycles and everything about them. If this keeps up, then Mommy might have a date at the end of the week!"

"That's great! You deserve it Mom, I hope it works out for you." Luke stood up and gave her a tight hug, as usual her big tits mashed against his chest, and of course this resulted in his cock starting to throb.

Madeline returned the hug and cuddled up to her son. "Thank you honey, I'm so lucky with such a cutie of a son!"

After the short but intense cuddle they started feasting on their breakfast, Madeline went to her work and Luke to his classes after they were done.

The next couple of days were sort of a routine for Luke and Madeline. Work and school, diner together, spending time together in the living room until nine and then it was chatting on I-Meet till late in the night. Each day Madeline opened up more and more to his 'Michael' persona that he created. She even had told him how her son got born and under what circumstances, this was a big personal thing for his mother and she did not easily share it with outsiders. Confident with his work Luke prepared for the question.

At the end of their long chat he asked Madeline to go out on a date the following Friday night, he started to sweat buckets in anticipation for her answer. It took her longer than usual to respond but as soon he saw the answer he felt a huge relief. His mother had accepted the offer, Michael and Madeline would be going on a date. The meeting point was a local restaurant/pub that both he and his mother enjoyed visiting.

Only Luke knew that 'Michael' wouldn't be there for their date, and that he would never show up.


When Friday came he was nervous and overly excited at the same time, he hoped that his plan would work. After a long day at the university he came home late in the evening. "I hope I still have time to catch Mom, she needs to leave pretty soon."

When he opened the front door he was greeted by a sight that would burn into his membrane, he felt his cock harden and throb as he watched the beauty in front of him.

Madeline was putting on her make-up in the hall while looking into the mirror that hanged there. She had dressed herself into one amazing dark spaghetti strap dress that showed off her sexy body in full detail, her ass stuck out with perfect roundness and her two huge love pillows stretched the soft fabric to their extremes. On her feet were some very sexy black high-heels that showed off her cute little feet. Finishing the whole product with some shiny jewelry, a gold arm bangle and a very expensive gold, ruby filled necklace that Luke gave her for her birthday and you had yourself a living goddess. And that goddess was Madeline, his mother, the love of his life.

"W-Wow... M-Mom you, you look beautiful." Said an amazed Luke while trying to keep his erection from growing full mast, which was a very hard thing for him to do.

Madeline turned to him and gave him a big smile. "Thank you darling!" She then took a sexy pose and showed herself to him. "What do you think? Does Mom still have her 'sexy' attitude?" Asked Madeline with a seductive grin on her face.

"Are you kidding me Mom? I'm looking at the most beautiful woman in the world in front of me and you ask if you still got 'it'? You can open a dead man's eyes with that look!" Answered a very horny Luke.

She started to giggle. "Good! Thank you for being honest with me, if I even manage to amaze my son then I think I will have a good chance tonight!"

She then walked forward and planted a big kiss on her son's cheek. "I think it will be late tonight honey, so don't wait for me when you want to go to bed. I made lasagna for you, it's in the oven and only needs to be warmed up. I need to go now before I arrive too late and we can't have that!"

Luke was still amazed and it took a little while before he snapped out of his gaze. "O-oh yes Mom, that would suck if you would be late. Have a good one tonight and thanks for making food for me."

She then stroked his hair and gave him another kiss. "Thank you baby, I will see you tomorrow, I love you."

"I love you too Mom..." He told her before he watched her getting into her taxi, she waved at him before the car took off.

Luke closed the door, let out a huge sigh and leaned against it. His plan had worked but why did he feel so bad. He hated to break his mother's heart but he had to, he simply couldn't bear it if another man would get it on with her, he loved her so, so much. He had no idea how she would return from her fake date. Would she cry her eyes out, distancing herself even more from other men? Would she swear like a sailor and break down half of their furniture? This was one part of his plan that he hadn't taken in consideration. Luke let out another huge sigh, slowly scooting over to the kitchen hoping for the best.



Luke flew awake out of his sleep, he looked around him with a dizzy confused look, apparently he fell asleep watching the television while waiting for his mother to come home.

The bangs, which were coming from the front door continued as loud as they did.

"Shit... Mom!" He quickly stood up and ran to the front door. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He yelled towards it.

He quickly opened it and was greeted with her mother's colleague James who supported his mother. She looked drunk, piss drunk.

"Holy shit! What happened to her?" Asked a slightly panicked Luke.

"Can you take her over for me before I collapse? I dragged her all the way here with me." Asked James.

Luke nodded and carefully held his mother close to him, making sure she wouldn't slip out of his grip. He then focused himself back onto James.

"You're lucky that she's calmed down now Luke. You should have seen her in the pub." Said a slightly exhausted James.

"W-What happened, what did she do?" Asked Luke.

"Something about a date not showing up and that combined with a lot of R-rated words, apparently her date ditched her after she waited over an hour for him to show up. She then became pissed and decided to drink away her anger. I know Maddy hasn't been drinking for a very long, long time and as you can see it hit her like a brick."

James then explained how he and a couple of guys from the garage went pubbing each Friday night, after they found his mother in her drunken rage he decided to stay with her and to eventually help her get back home. Luke felt totally horrible, he didn't mean to crush her hopes like this. He had hoped that she would return home after her date didn't show up to finally seek comfort with him.

"Can you take of her Luke? Or do you want me to help her upstairs to her bed?" Offer James.

"N-no it's fine... Thank you for helping her back here, I'll do my best to make sure she's okay."

James nodded. "Alright, but if something happens then call me, you got my number right?"

"Yeah I do, I will keep you updated."

"Good, take care of her kid." James then left and went on his way.

Luke carefully helped his mother into the living room, he sat her down in the corner of the couch. He then went to get her a glass of cold water; usually drunk people get really thirsty after a while. When he came back he took a seat beside her. She looked so vulnerable next to him in this state, he carefully bruised loose streaks of her hair that hung in front of her face behind her ears.

"M... Michael?" She suddenly whispered as her eyes opened slowly.

"N-no Mom... It's me... Luke."

He could see his mother's eyes open wider before he spotted the tears that were forming in them. All of sudden she lunged forward and threw her arms around his neck, Luke fell down onto his back on the coach while his mother laid on top of him, she buried her head in his neck and started to cry heavily.

"I'm sorry!" She muttered over and over again as she let out her pend up emotions. Not knowing what to do Luke started to stroke her hair softly while holding her tight against him. "It's okay Mom, you did nothing wrong, it's not your fault." He said with a soft soothing voice. He could feel the lump in his throat of regret, he was the one who caused her to break, he was the one that made her drink again. His own tears were now slowly flowing out of his own eyes.

After a few minutes of them both sobbing in each other's arms they went quiet. Madeline slowly pushed herself up a little so she could stare into her son's eyes. Luke took in his mother's green bright sparkling eyes and could see a stare that he had never seen before.