I'm in Love with my Hot Biker Mom! b


"I love you baby." Whispered Madeline softly.

Luke responded. "I love you too Mo-" but before he could finish his sentence his mother mashed her lips against his own. "Mofhhhhm!" Mumbled Luke as he felt his mother's mouth assaulting him, he slowly gave up his resistance and allowed her to continue.

Her soft lips felt so good on his own, he then felt her tongue trying to enter his mouth. And after a few seconds mother and son were tongue fucking each other with all the passion in the world.

Madeline grinded her body up and down on her son, the straps of her dress fell down her shoulders releasing her two massive breasts from their tight captivity. Luke could feel his cock harden like never before as his mother kept on assaulting his mouth and grinding her diamond-hard nipples across his chest.

His mother then took his right hand and guided it to her left tit, she pushed it hard against her flesh and on top of her nipple before she started clawing her and her son's hands tight around it. Before Luke knew it his hand went on auto-pilot and acted exactly as his mother wanted to, he could feel the tremble of her moans as she refused to separate their kiss.

Madeline then maneuvered her other hand down her son's body until it pressed against the huge bulge that tented his pants, she grabbed her son's cock through his pants and started to stroke it up and down.

Luke's eyes sprung open as he felt his mother's hand jerking up and down his throbbing cock shaft, even with his pants and underwear between them he felt pleasure like he never had before. Slowly his precum started to coat his underwear as his mother kept on stroking and putting pressure on his rock-hard cock.

This went on for a few minutes, both Madeline and Luke were lost in their own world of lust, love and the need to feel each other.

The pleasure he received from their never-ending kiss, the mauling of his mother's big tit and her soft hand wrapped around his throbbing shaft started to take its toll.

Madeline noticed it too and separated their furious kiss, strings of saliva hung down both their mouths as she started to stroke her son's cock even harder. In the short timespan she managed to free the first half of Luke's throbbing cock out of his pants.

Luke started moaning harder and harder as he felt his mother's soft hand gripping around his cock shaft and head, stroking it up and down with an incredible speed. He looked into his mother's eyes which were now sparkling with lust and love, a big smile on her face and her mouth slightly open, breathing harder with each movement.

"That's it baby, I can see you're close, cum for Mommy, show Mommy how much her sweet boy can shoot for her." Moaned Madeline in delight.

This triggered another wave of pleasure over Luke, his mother's sexy voice would send him over the edge, His balls started to hurt and his cock throbbed harder than ever, precum now squirted out with each upward stroke of his mother's hand.

"M-Mom... It's coming... Ooooh Mom! I'm... I'm going to cum!"

Madeline licked her lips. "Do it! Release it all! Cum for Mommy! Coat me with your thick potent seed!"

His mother begging for his cum took Luke over the edge, he thrusted his hips upward as his cock started to shoot long thick ropes of cum all over his and his mother's chests. Luke experienced an orgasm like he never had before. He could see his sperm shooting on his mother's stomach and against her tits, then scattering and dripping down onto his own chest. The climax was so intense that he blacked out for a few seconds that seemed like hours.

Dizzy and confused he looked up to see his mother looking at her cum covered hands, her eyes were now filled with sadness and regret, her lips trembled and her eyes started to tear up again.

"W-what have I done!" Spoke his mother softly with a trembling voice. Her tears now running slowly down her cheeks. "Why... Why have you done this Maddy?" She sniffled.

"M-Mom?" Said Luke, trying to reach his mother.

She heard her son and slowly turned her head to look into his eyes. Luke turned quiet when he saw her eyes, she was totally devastated by what she just had done. He then tried to reach out for her with his hand, but this resulted in Madeline jumping up from the couch.

"N-no... NO!" She shouted before she took off with an incredible speed. The reality must have snapped her out of her previous state and even her drunkenness seemed to be totally gone. She sobbed and cried hard as she ran upstairs to her bedroom, her door then closed with a loud slam.

Luke kept staring in front of him, he had no idea what to do now. He had completely ruined their relationship. Only because of his deep forbidden love for his mother and his own jealousy that made him do the things he did. He slowly laid back down onto the couch and started to cry quietly, regretting everything that he done.


The following days were something they both would have never imagined of happening. Madeline now tried to avoid her son at all costs, she went to work even earlier as usual so she could be home before Luke, she would make their diner and then retreated herself in her room. She needed time for herself after she did the one thing a mother should never do with her own child.

Luke understood how she felt, but he knew that everything she had done was because of him. He was ridden with guilt and was afraid to confront his mother with the truth. He hoped that his mother would eventually come around so he could explain what happened and what caused this whole situation.

Madeline's coworkers at the garage also noticed that something had happened to their usually witty, happy and excited colleague. Her work got sloppy and she seemed to be living in another world. Benedict tried to reach out to her but even he too had no luck reaching her. He then thought of one last trick up his sleeve, Ronny. He and Madeline had built up a good bond over the short course of time. The young intern reminded Madeline so much of herself when she was his age and that resulted in a strong friendship between the two of them. Today would be the day that Madeline opened up to her son again.

"Heya Maddy!" Said an excited Ronny as he prepared his tools next to Madeline's workplace.

She gave him a small grin before greeting him. "Hi Ronny..."

Ronny let out a small sigh before speaking. "Look Maddy, I don't know what happened exactly but Benedict mentioned it had to do something with your son right?"

Madeline sighed too. "Yes... Something has happened between us and I... I don't really want to talk about it with others, no offense."

"So, if not with us, then talk to him! Even when the stuff that happened caused something between you two."

"Look Ronny, it's sweet of you tryi-" Before she could finish her sentence Robby interrupted her.

"You know, he talks a lot about you... Luke is his name if I could remember, right?"

Madeline looked up confused, Ronny had caught her attention. "Ronny... I've never told you my son's name, how do you know him? And what do you mean that he talks about me?"

"I don't know him but my brother does, he's in his class and they often call him 'Four-eyes' because of his glasses the other nickname for him is... 'Mama's boy'."

"Mama's... Boy? Why?"

Ronny started to laugh. "I'm not trying to offend you, but the guys in his class, including my brother, often remind him how hot his mom is, calling you a MILF and all that silly stuff. Now when it comes to you he will go high and low to defend you, telling them how much they could only wish for a mother like you, a mother that loves and cares for her son so much. I personally think all the other guys are just jealous of him because he has you. You mean the world to him, and I think deep down in your heart you know exactly what I mean."

Madeline remained silent.

"Look, what I'm trying to say is, instead of avoiding the problem or whatever is going on between you two, you should just... Talk it out with him. This whole situation is obviously a huge pain for you and I'm sure Luke feels the same. Maybe everything overwhelmed him and now he is afraid to talk to you about it. Maddy, talk to him, talk about this thing and solve it together. We don't like to see you like this so imagine what it does to Luke."

Robby then took a breath. "Jesus, I sound like Dr. Phil or something." He laughed.

He awaited her response, after a few seconds he noticed that her famous smile came back onto her face. She stepped forward and hugged him with all the strength she had.

"You are such a wise-ass Ronny, but an incredible wise-ass at that." She then gave him a kiss on his cheek. "He means the world to me too, and yes I should step up as a mother and help my son with his... No, our problem. We can't act around like this with each other anymore, I'm going to settle it, today. Thank you for your kind words Ronny." She said with a relieved voice.

"Ha-ha! Well what are you waiting for Maddy, call him and tell him, I'm sure Benedict won't mind."

"I will Ronny." She said before giving him another hug, she then ran to Benedict's office and entered it. Benedict watched her come in with a smile on her face, he simple nodded and said; "Good to see you smile again Maddy, this is probably about the boy so go ahead, do what you have to do."

Madeline nodded back. "It is Ben... Thank you."

She then picked up the office phone and dialed her son's number, hoping that he would be available. It went over so it was a good sign.

Luke was having a toilet break as he noticed his phone vibrating, he scooped it out of pocket and saw that the call came from the garage. "Oh shit! Did something happen to Mom on her work?" He quickly accepted the call and talked. "Luke here! What's going on, is my mother okay?"

He was then greeted with an all familiar giggle. "You are speaking to her sweetheart." Said his mother with her motherly voice.

Luke gulped. "M-Mom? Are you okay?"

"Yes darling, I'm fine. Look, I had to call you. I want us to have a talk this afternoon, at home. If I'm correct you are done early with your classes, right?"

"Y-yeah I am... So, I will see you at home I guess?" Luke was still a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden call.

"Honey, you sound scared don't be afraid, I'm not mad at you."

"Not yet..." Whispered Luke softly.

"... I will see you at home Luke, I love you." She then ended the call.

"I... I love you too Mom." Said Luke to himself.


Luke was shaking, sweating and his heart bumped so hard that it felt like it would burst out of his chest. He took a huge breath of air before turning his key that was in the lock of his front door. He slowly opened the door and stepped inside. As soon as he closed the door behind him he could hear his mother's voice coming from upstairs.

"Luke? I'm in my room, please come here so we can talk."

He took another big sigh before responding. "Okay, I will be there in a minute!"

Every step to the top of the stairs made him more nervous, but he felt that he was ready, ready to confess to the horrible thing he had done, ready to confess her about his true feelings.

Madeline smiled as she watched her son coming into her room, she noticed that he wasn't looking in her direction. "The poor boy must be nervous as hell." She thought to herself.

Luke did notice that she was in her bathing robe, her hairs were wet so she probably had a shower before he came home.

Madeline patted her hand down on the bed next to her. "Take a seat sweetheart, and don't be nervous, it's okay."

Luke sat down next to her and looked up to meet their eyes. For some reason he instantly felt calmer and relaxed, his mother's bright green eyes sparkled and she had the smile on her face that he had seen so many times. He then felt his mother's hands intertwining with his.

"Honey... I know what happened is wrong, and I'm sorry. I know that I shou-"

"No Mom, it's not your fault, it's mine. I'm the one that hurt us both." Interrupted Luke.

Madeline was slightly confused. "It's alright Luke, I was the o-"

Luke interrupted her again "Please Mom, let me explain everything."

She felt his hands squeezing her hands, his eyes were focused deeply onto hers. She then nodded and waited for him to talk and explain.

Luke let out another sigh before starting.

"... Michael... BikeRider76... He never existed..."

Madeline's eyes went wider but she kept on listening.

"I'm the person that created Michael and the account BikeRider76 on I-Meet... And I'm sorry for doing that. After you mentioned that you wanted to try dating on that site, to 'get out of your shell' as you said, I... I became so jealous and mad. I couldn't bare it if another man would come between us, another person to come into our lives. Mom we have been together for so long and I don't want it to change, I want to be with you together without anybody else interrupting that. So I... I chatted with you for hours to eventually set up that horrible date... I hoped that you would back out of the whole dating thing again once 'Michael' didn't show up, and you did, but not in the way I expected to."

Madeline still kept quiet, after hearing about her son faking the account and setting up the fake date she expected herself to grow mad... But she didn't, in fact her heart started to beat faster after he told her that he wanted to be remain together with her, just the two of them.

Luke let out another sigh, preparing himself for the big one.

"So, you must be thinking; Why did my son go all this way to prevent me from dating? Well... The truth is... the truth is..." Small tears started to run down Luke's cheeks. "I'm... I'm in... I'm in love with you Mom... And not the kind of love that I should have for you but the kind of love that isn't allowed between us... I've felt like this about you since... Forever I guess... So there it is... Your only son is in love with you..."

Luke started to sob softly. "God... You must think I'm some kind of sick fuck, don't you Mom?"

Madeline then moved closer to him. "Honey... Luke... Look at me." She whispered.

Luke did as she told, he looked her deep in the eyes and then felt her two soft hands caressing his cheek. His mother wiped away his tears, exactly in the same way as she did when he was younger. She smiled at him, not a single expression of being angry in her beautiful face. She slowly leaned forward and then gave him a kiss, a long, lingering kiss full on his lips. All of his worries went away as he focused on her, on his mother's soft calming lips touching his. The kiss went on for what felt like an eternity. After a long time, Madeline separated herself.

"Mom..." Whispered Luke softly.

"Here... Let me show you something baby." Said Madeline as she opened her laptop, she then typed something in and pressed the enter button. She handed the laptop over to Luke who was wondering what she would show him. "Take a look." She said softly.

Luke looked at the screen, it was a site called Literotica. He heard of it before but never decided to check it out himself, he noticed that an account called 'HotBikerMom' was logged in, obviously it was his mother's account.

Madeline then pointed at the screen. "I have opened my list of favorite stories; I want you to take a look at it."

Luke did what she asked, he saw that she had favorited over hundred upon hundred stories. He then shifted to the titles, one was called 'Seducing Mom' another one called 'Mother's Sweet Nectar'. As he browsed through the pages he noticed that all the stories fell under the incest/taboo section and that all stories were about sons and mothers.

Luke slowly looked up at his mother who was now blushing heavily. "Mom... This..."

Madeline started to giggle softly. "We aren't so different I guess. You and me..."

Luke closed the laptop and gave it back to his mother, she placed it back on her bureau.

"But... Since when Mom?" Asked Luke out of curiosity.

"Ever since you became such a handsome young man sweetheart, I also love you in that way, a way that a mother is not allowed to love her son."

The two of them went quiet for a little while.

"W-what now?" Asked Luke.

Madeline started to blush again. "We can... We can be the way we want to be... I want to... Together with you... Do you?" She asked with a whisper.

Luke gulped before answering. "Y-yes... I want... I want to be with you like that Mom, I want us to be like that forever!"

Both mother and son were now overjoyed, both of them felt butterflies in their stomach and after confirming their love for each other they felt happy, relieved. A huge weight of stress and pain fell from their shoulders.

Madeline then grabbed her son's hand. "Come to me darling, come to Mommy and make love to her."

Luke smiled and nodded as he allowed his mother to help him further upon the bed. She then carefully pushed him down on his back, his head fell onto the pillows at the headboard of the bed. He then watched with excitement as his mother crawled up to him and straddled his body.

She blushed and giggled softly, her cute son was staring at her like a hungry puppy. With a swift motion she opened her bathrobe and let it fall down her body.

Luke's eyes almost popped out of his skull as his mother was now fully naked in front of him. He took in every inch of her hot and sexy body. Her beautiful face that was blushed and had a horny hungry look on it, her two big knockers with their hard nipples standing firm and proud, her fit and tight body that made her look twenty years younger, her sexy killer thighs and legs that were on each side of his body, and finally her tight, juicy-moist pussy that was on full display. He noticed that she was already leaking as small drops of fresh pussy nectar dribbled down onto his pants.

"M-Mom you are so beautiful..." He whispered as he felt his cock harden extremely fast.

Madeline giggled again. "And my sweet boy looks yummy too..." She said seductively.

She then leaned forward until her face was up close to his. Her big tits where mashed against his chest, her nipples poking into it. His shaft was now full mast and rested between his mother's soft, round butt cheeks.

Madeline then quietly whispered to Luke. "Let's start baby, let's make love, make love to Mommy."

Both mother and son mashed each other's mouth together at same time. Luke's hands were now all over his mother's naked body, groping and stroking all parts of her. Madeline had placed her hands on her son's head before attacking him with her tongue.

They moaned and moaned as their tongues battled and their saliva swapped in their mouths. Madeline could feel her son's hands everywhere on her body. He kneaded her ass, he caressed the side of her breasts, he moved them through her hair, he did everything he could to feel her up.

Her pussy was now leaking her cunt juices at large, Luke's pants were soaked with her wetness and the inside of it was coated with his own precum. His rock-hard cock throbbed hard against her soft butt cheeks, softly producing slapping sounds. Madeline felt this and she started to moan louder into her son's mouth.

They both looked deep into each other's eyes as their bodies ravished. All there was left was love and lust, neither Luke or Madeline felt any regret for what they were doing now. A son that lusted for his mother and a mother that lusted for her son. Their darkest forbidden fantasies became reality, a reality that they both hoped to experience one day.

Madeline then separated her mouth after a few long minutes of intimate kissing and groping. She had a wicked smile on her face and knew what she wanted her son to do next. She pulled herself up a little so her impressive large bust was right in front of her son's face, meanwhile her juice dripping pussy lips had folded themselves around her son's rock-hard shaft, even through his pants she could feel his manly cock pushing against her willing cunt.

She then crossed both her arms behind her son's head, lifting him a little. "Suck Mommy's tits baby, ravage my breasts and my nipples!" She moaned loud.

Luke did not waste any time, like a possessed beast he attacked his mother's breasts with everything he could, He licked her flesh, sucked her diamond-hard nipples and smothered his face between her cleavage. His saliva coating her silk soft skin.

Madeline's breasts and nipples were one of her most sensitive erotic points, she could easily cum from them and now having a young man doing everything in his power to praise them would surely lead to it.

"Yes! Yessss baby! Suck Mommy's big tits! They are yours from now on! My nipples, my flesh, everything! Ooooh honey yes!" Screamed Madeline out of pure lust.

She slowly felt her son's hands gliding towards her ass as he kept on sucking and licking her globes. Luke took each of his mother's ass cheeks into one of his hands and started kneading the soft flesh, he slowly started to push her waist down harder against his own, making his cock saw even tighter between her soaked pussy lips.

"Dfhoe yhoe lkhe dhis Mhom?" (Do you like this Mom?) Mumbled Luke with his mouth full of Mommy tit.

Madeline threw head back and screamed. "Yes baby! Make Mommy yours! Every part of my body is yours to claim! Make Mommy your wife!"

Hearing his mother's wishes and naughty words stimulated Luke even further, he started to grind his mother up and down on his body by pushing her with his ass cheek filled hands. Her juice leaking cunt now rocked back and forth over his rock-hard bulge, it felt like he was already fucking her. Her tits jiggled and slithered across his face with him taking every opportunity to suck her flesh and softly biting her nipples.

Madeline started to pant heavily, the room was filled loud moans and her pussy that slicked over her son's throbbing cock made squishy sounds. She slowly started to tremble and buck her hips against her son's pelvis. Her own flesh and blood was going to make her cum, make her cum in such a way she had never experienced before.

"Ugh... Ooooh! You're... Ooooh yes! You're going to... Ugh... Make Mommy cum baby! Do it! Do it! Do itttt!" She loudly yelled.

Luke quickly acted upon her words, he let his mother's large tit go with a plop and pushed himself up to a sitting position, his hard cock slipped out of her vice-like pussy lips and ran across her protruding clitoris. He quickly pulled his mother close to him and kissed her full on the mouth. His mother's body then started to shook, tremble and buck followed by an impressive moan.

Madeline's pussy exploded and squirt after squirt of fresh pussy nectar shot out of her, all over her son's body and the bed underneath them. Luke held her tight as she had an orgasm like never before. It went on for about a minute before Madeline slowly slumped into her son's arms.

Luke slowly let his and his mother's bodies fall back onto the bed again. She panted heavily as she laid trembling on her son's chest. Luke softly stroked her hair while his other hand rubbed her back. He kissed the top of her head, trying to calm his mother down.

They laid there for what felt like an eternity before his mother finally came back to her senses.

"Baby... That was... That was amazing!" She said as she caressed her son's body with her soft hands. "You almost devoured me, you beast!" She giggled.

"Just giving you what you deserve my dear mother." Said Luke with a big smile on his face.

His mother purred at him. "And now Mommy is going to give you something that you deserve..."

"Is that a threat Mom? Because I don't mind having a beautiful vixen as you do something to me."

Madeline started to laugh. "Get rid of those pesky clothes lover boy, and Mommy will learn you a thing or two."

Luke did as she asked and removed his clothes with the speed of light. "I think I need a new pants Mom." He said jokingly.

His mother simply smiled before straddling his body again, she leaned in for a kiss and then slowly started to decent down her son's now naked body. She felt her son's rock-hard precum producing cock trialing along her sweaty body, it slid between her pussy, over her stomach, through the cleavage of her tits and stopped as soon as her face was on top of it.

She looked up to him seeing that she had his full attention, she rested and gripped her soft hands around both of his spread legs. Again she looked up and noticed that Luke was panting heavily, his cock throbbed and almost slapped in her face each time it did so. She smiled seductively again, licked her lips and then out of nowhere plunged down onto her own son's rock-hard cock, taking the whole thing in in one go.

"OH FUCK!" Screamed Luke as he felt and saw his mother deep throating his cock, she went to work on it like he did with her tits.

Madeline plunged up and down on her son's impressive cock, her saliva drooled out of the corners of her mouth, coating his whole shaft and balls with it. She tasted her son's precum with each deep suck and the effect of it drove her insane. Her nails dug into his skin while she slurped, sucked and gagged on his fat cock.

Luke had experienced a blowjob before, but nothing came close to the way his mother literally dominated it. He was being pleased so hard that no words managed to come out of his mouth. He moaned, groaned and breathed hard like never before while keeping his eyes fixed on his mother.

Madeline did the same, she kept looking into his eyes while she worshipped his cock with her skilled mouth. Her precum soaked saliva squirted out of the tight gap every time she went fully down on him, it scattered all over his cum filled balls and the bed was victim once more.

She loved having her son's fat cock ravaging through her mouth, her soft lips felt like silk on skin while her tongue roamed, twirling around his shaft and cockhead. Her moans made his cock tremble with excitement.

Luke's hips started to move with the rhythm of his mother's blowjob, he fucked up into her mouth when she came down. Her eyes sparkled, he could see that his mother went all out, she was having the time of her life trying to please her son as best as she could.

It went on like this for a minute before Madeline felt her son's cock expanding and throbbing even more, he was on the verge of cumming but she didn't want it to end yet. With a loud plop she removed her mouth from his cock and tightly gripped the base of it with her hand, suppressing the urge to cum.

Luke took a huge gasp before speaking. "Mom? Why? I was so close!" he yelled.

Madeline smiled again with wicked lust. "Because I want you to cum... LIKE THIS!"

She then wrapped both of her big tits around her son's throbbing hard cock, she mashed them together and stroked them up and down with incredible speed.

"Mom! Mom! Yes!" Screamed Luke being totally blow away.

Just like before his hips started to move up and down causing his cock to fuck his mother's impressive tits. They were so soft and big, and only his cockhead appeared out of the tit sandwich that he was tasting now.

Madeline giggled loud as she saw her son moaning and screaming out of pleasure.

"That's it baby! Fuck Mommy's big tits! I will do anything to make you feel good! I want you to cum for me, and coat me with your incestuous seed!" She then added her tongue to the pleasure, licking the slit of her son's cockhead every time it appeared out of her cock infested tit valley.

Luke then felt the end coming near, his cock started to expand again and his balls felt like exploding. "It's cumming Mom! Oh fucking... Ugh! I'm cumming Mom! CUMMING!"

Just before he climaxed Madeline mashed her tits together tight so that only his cockhead stuck out of the top. She was then greeted with shot after shot of her son's thick white smelly semen, it blasted way up in the air. A few shots struck her chin while the rest rained down upon her. Her face was soon splattered with cum and so were her tits as well. Her own son came like she never saw a man cumming before. She licked her lips to taste her son's thick semen, it made her pussy tingle with excitement.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Kept Luke yelling as he witnessed his mother being coated by his seed. After his cock calmed down she slowly released him from her flesh canyon. His cock fell back against his stomach with a loud slap, a remaining shot of cum spurted out of it. He then squinted his eyes, almost blacking out from the intense pleasure he experienced. He watched his mother eating the shots of cum that had landed on her face, she softly moaned with each glob she swallowed, it looked like she was in heaven.

After Madeline cleaned her face she slowly crawled back up her son's body, her large cum coated breasts smearing his own freshly produced cum all over his body. Luke didn't mind, he thought it was fucking sexy seeing his foxy mother coming closer and closer like this. His cock started to throb again which amazed him after he had cum so hard.

When his mother's lust filled smiling face appeared in front of his they both started to laugh. Madeline then cupped his cheeks with her soft hands. "I love you, my darling boy." She whispered softly. "I love you too, my dearest mother." Responded Luke, they then shared a long-lasting lovers kiss that went on for a few minutes.

Mother and son had crossed a big forbidden line, but they still had to cross the final one, the most taboo one of them all.

Luke looked into Madeline's eyes, they both knew what would be coming next. She nodded, giving her son the okay. Luke carefully rolled his mother over so she was now on her back and he on top. Madeline shifted herself so that she was comfortable and spread her legs. Luke pulled himself up a little, his revived hard cock was now slowly sliding over and against his mother's juice leaking pussy lips and clit.

"You know Mom... You are going to be my first... I have saved myself for someone special. And now I found her... My own beautiful mother." He whispered softly.

"Oh darling..." Whispered Madeline back as tears started to fill her eyes. "I have dreamed about being your first... And now that dream becomes reality!"

They both shared another long-lasting kiss. Madeline then took her son's erect cock in her hand and guided it to the entrance of her awaiting cunt. She coated his cockhead with her juices as she slid it up and down her pussy lips. She then aimed it directly at her tight hole and retracted her hand. Luke's cock was softly prodding against his mother's vagina while he looked her deep in the eyes.

Madeline was blushing and they both were moaning quietly. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, his cock was now almost entering her.

"Make love to me darling... Come back to Mommy and make me yours... I love you baby." She whispered to him before closing her eyes.

Luke then slowly started to push forward, feeling his mother's tight pussy opening up to him, inch after inch of his stiff prick entered her wet cavern and he felt pleasure like he never had felt before. Her pussy walls gripped around his cock like a vice, his mother hadn't had sex with another man over twenty years and her pussy was proof of it.

Madeline gasped again and again as her own flesh and blood penetrated her most sacred place. She felt like a virgin all over again as her son's cock spread her walls, going deeper and deeper until it reached it end. "Oooooh God!" Moaned Madeline, she felt his cockhead poking her cervix, her own son was the perfect size, the perfect person to mate with.

"S-Slowly baby... Oh God you are so big... Mhmmm..." Panted Madeline with lust.

Luke only nodded and started to rock his hips, as calm as possible he pulled back out of her slick-tight pussy until his cockhead reached her entrance and then slowly plunged it back inside until it rested against her cervix again.

"Ugh! You're... So... Fucking... Tight Mom!" Moaned Luke.

Madeline started to giggle. "You are the first man to claim Mommy's most prized procession again darling."

She then started to blush again. "W-will you... Kiss me when we make love honey... I would like that..." She asked shyly.

Luke nodded and pressed himself down closer to her, her big tits and nipples mashed against his chest before his face was in front of hers. They then started to make out with all the passion in the world.

Mother and son had now reached the end of the forbidden line... Or had they?

Luke slowly moved his hips up and down to conquer his mother's tight pussy from every angle possible, Madeline started to meet his thrusts with her own and gyrated her hips to gain more pleasure. She wanted him to fuck every part, every spot inside of her sensitive pussy that was now owned by her own son.

Their combined juices started to seep out of her pussy every time his cockhead reached the entrance again, it soaked the poor bed under them that had already endured a few different bodily liquids before their first time together. Luke's balls got coated with it when they softly slapped against his mother's pink asshole.

Madeline's room reeked of sex and the only sounds that could be heard inside of it where both their moans, breathing and their bodies slapping together.

Her hands roamed her son's sweaty naked body, just like he did to her before. Their kiss lingered and lingered on and their moans vibrated the inside of their mouths as their tongues battled for each other's taste.

Luke shifted himself a little bit higher so he could plunge into her even further. He then started to fuck her a little faster, slapping deeper into her than before. With each thrust their juices started to splatter and scatter around their lower bodies.

They broke their intense kiss and Madeline started to moan even louder. "Yes... Yes, darling! Claim me... Mommy wants to be with you forever... Will you fuck me like this each and every night from now on baby? Will you stuff your mother's hotbox every time she wants it?" Panted Madeline with an incredible horny look on her face.

Luke grunted louder. "Yes... Mom! Every night... Every night from now on I will be with you and give you the love you deserve. You will never feel lonely again! I want you... I want you to be my wife... I Want my own mother to become my wife!" He moaned.

"Mommy is yours baby! From now on I will be your wife, and you will be my husband! I don't care what the outside world thinks about incest! I've never been more happy before than today! I love you!" Moaned Madeline back.

She lunged herself forward and they started to kiss furiously again.

Luke was now pounding hard into his mother's love snatch, his juice coated glistering cock slammed up and down into her as they continued swapping saliva. The bed started to creak softly with every movement they made.

They made love hard enough to gain the full pleasure that they sought, just hard enough without having the urge to cum. They went on like this for at least twenty minutes. Mother and son were fully hypnotized with each other's lust and love.

Luke then separated their long-lasting kiss and spoke. "Mom... I'm sorry but I get kinda tired after all this love making like this."

Madeline gave him another kiss and started to giggle. "Awww poor baby, does Mommy need to assist her boy a little?" She then licked her lips viciously. "How about Mommy takes over mhm?" she whispered.

Madeline held on tight to her son's body and with a swift move she pushed him down onto his back again. Luke was surprised by her sudden move but was greeted with a sight to behold. His mother was now in control and started to bounce up and down on his cock, her big tits bounced and jiggled with each slam down onto his hard cock. She looked like an angel as she was riding him, her big green eyes sparkles and a small stream of drool ran out of her mouth while she had a seductive smile on her face.

"Watch Mommy baby! Watch Mommy as she fucks her own son! Your fat cock is filling me completely to the brim! Yelled Madeline as she claimed her son's meat stick.

Luke then started to move his own hips up and down, he slammed into his mother every time she came down. His cock was knocking at her womb door, thick squirts of cunt juice mixed with her son's precum shot out of her hungry pussy with each downward slam, it scattered all over their sweaty bodies.

Instead of lying still he threw his hands up at his mother's bouncing tits, with a tight grip he clamped down on them and started to knead the flesh with force. "Yes! Play with Mommy's big titties, you motherfucker!" Moaned Madeline loud, she placed her own hands on her son's, she wanted to feel it how he molested her sensitive fun bags.

The room was now in complete chaos. Madeline screamed for pleasure and Luke grunted heavily. The bed was creaking like never before and they slapped so hard together that their skin rippled and became more red by the second after each bounce.

Mother and son were now totally separated from the living world around them, the only thing on their mind was each other and how they could feed each other the ultimate pleasure.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeee!" Yelled Madeline as hard as she could. Her vagina walls swallowed her son's hard cock as if it wanted to rip it off. The friction from their furious fucking made her cunt feel like it was on fire.

Without warning Luke released his hands from his mother's bouncing globes. he then bends his knees, placed his feet flat on the bed and gave his mother one hard trust so she fell over. Now that she was lying on top of him again he quickly sought his mother's tits that were in front of his face, his hungry mouth clamped around one of his mother's large erect nipples, starting to suck on it like a mad man while his hands reached her ass cheeks once more and went back to kneading them.

Madeline shrieked from the sudden action and lost her mind. "Ooooh you naughty, dirty boy! You can't stay away from Mommy's titties, can't you?! Ravage them! Ravage my tits! My pussy! My ass! Fuck me darling! Yesssss!" She screamed as she watched her son feasting on her breasts.

A constant stream of fluids ran and squirted out of her cunt as her son fucked hard into her, she was being man-handled by her baby, by her cute and shy little boy who had now become a man that wanted nothing more to please his woman.

Their hips met each other at the perfect time, fully in sync they fucked and fucked and fucked. Luke was fucking his mother into the next dimension, he fucked her so hard that his balls slapped against her puckering asshole with every upward thrust.

Madeline had wrapped her arms around her son's head again, pressing him so tight against her tits that he was almost suffocating. This did not seem to bother Luke at all as he kept on licking, sucking and biting his mother's tasty flesh.

Both Luke and Madeline knew that the end was near. Luke felt his cock starting to expand and that his balls were on the verge of exploding. Madeline could feel her son's cock becoming even harder and stretching out her tight pussy, her own body started to tremble again, indicating that she would climax very soon.

She quickly yanked her tits out of her son's face that went with a loud plop, she took his head in her hands and looked him deep in the eyes. "Oh God... Fuck... Ooooh baby! Mommy... Ugh! Mommy wants you to kiss her when you cum! Kiss me while you fill Mommy up! Pour everything you have deep inside of Mommy's pussy baby! Ooooh Mommy is... Mommy is going to CUM!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Mom... Mom... MOM!" Moaned Luke loud while he pistoned in and out of his mother's cock devouring cunt. He then rammed inside of her one last time, pushed her ass and pussy down onto his cock with his hands before mashing his mouth against his mother's.

Madeline's eyes almost popped out of her skull when she felt her son's cock blasting rope after rope of thick, potent child making seed straight into her unprotected womb. Her pussy swallowed and swallowed greedily, not wanting to spill the smallest drop of her child's semen. She knew she was going to be fertilized, to be impregnated by her own son. She didn't care, she would gladly carry his children and the realization of that send her over the edge as well.

Her hips bucked and slammed down onto her son's body while she shook wildly. Her pussy exploded with cunt nectar that soaked their lower bodies to the max, her tongue kept attacking her son's mouth who was now holding her as tight as possible, not wanting her to leave or fall.

Mother and son had now really reached the end of the line; the ultimate taboo had happened between the two of them.

The couple laid still on top of each other, listening to, and feelings each other's heart beats becoming slower and slower, waiting for their heavy breathing and panting to calm down.

"Mom... I love you." Whispered Luke softly to his mother after a while.

Madeline felt tears of happiness rolling down her cheeks before she answered her son. "And I love you sweetheart... Forever."

Finally, they slowly drifted away into a deep sleep, close together, in each other's arms.


Two weeks later.

"Hey Maddy! I heard you and Luke will be going on vacation for a couple of weeks today, so why are you here?" Asked Ronny.

Madeline smiled at him. "Because I want to give you permission to use my workplace and my tools so you can complete the repairs that I had planned to do!"

"What? Really? You came here to hand over your work to me?" Asked Ronny again, who was slightly flabbergasted.

Madeline started to giggle before she held the client repair list in front of his face. "Look at the last customer."

Ronny took a good look at it. "Mhm... Madeline... Kleiner... Hey! That's you! You are going to make me repair your bike when you are chilling on some beach?"

She started to laugh. "It's not my bike... It's yours!"

"My bike...? What do you mean?" Asked Ronny confused.

Madeline then stepped forward and gave him a tight hug. "Consider it a gift from me and Luke, your wise words helped us in more ways than you know..." She then stepped back and smiled at him.

Ronny was stunned. "Wow... T-thank you Maddy! You are the coolest biker chick ever!" He yelled.

Madeline started to laugh again. "Just make sure you keep my place neat and clean, and I want to see that bike in top notch condition when we get back! Also say hi to Benedict for me will you?"

"Aye!" Mimicked Ronny his bosses voice. "Have great time Maddy!"

She then got on her own bike and speeded home.

When the front door closed behind her she heard her son's voice coming near her.

"Hey there beautiful, everything is packed and we are ready to go." Luke walked up to his mother and gave her a big kiss on her lips, his left hand cupped her right tit while his right hand wrapped around his mother's tight, round ass. "Can't wait to see you in a bikini Mom!" Said Luke with a big grin.

Madeline giggled. "You are such a bad boy... Daddy! You can not only see Mommy in her bikini, but I'm also giving you permission to take it off..."

Luke did a wolf whistle and gave her another big kiss, then they both started to laugh.

Madeline then pulled Luke's hands on her belly. "I wonder if our little Kathy is going to be such a witty girl as her father." She said.

"Or such a beauty as her mother, which I have no doubt about." Said Luke.

They looked deep into each other's eyes before they shared another kiss.

"I love you Luke."

"And I love you... Madeline."

The End.