In a Tent with Mom, Sis and Grandma



Hi everyone! And welcome to the last part of the 'Family Camping' Trilogy!

Make sure to read the pervious installments to understand the full story.

The epilogue is told from Nick's perspective, the rest is in third person as usual.

Also, these stories take place in the same world as my previous series, see if you can find the little easter egg. (Hint: It's somewhere at the end :P)

Anyway, relax and enjoy!


"Carrie! Goddamnit woman, wake up!" Shouted Marc as he shook his wife's leg back and forth, hoping to wake her up from her deep sleep.

The aggressive pushes finally worked as Carrie woke up slightly panicked.

"What?! What is going on?" She said as she quickly sat up, the sleeping bag covering half of her body.

"Finally! Look Carrie, something happened with the company back home so me and Dad have to return right away." Said Marc annoyed as he ruffled through his wallet.

Both Marc and Patrick owned a large company that focused on expanding company properties back home, the company also being one of the reasons why Carrie and Aileen had to spend most of their time alone or with their children and grandchildren. Both Marc and Patrick were workaholics and showed more love to their work than their own family.

"Company? Marc, you are on vacation and we both know that there is enough personnel back home, you even made sure that there wouldn't be any problems." Responded Carrie as she was now fully awake. "Besides, you haven't even seen your daughter since she got here, you can't do that to her, to us!"

Aileen had woken up as well, she too took a sitting position before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Sweetie, what's going on here?" She asked. Her question was quickly ignored as Marc interrupted her.

"Who is the one that pays the bills Carrie? And the one that made this vacation possible in the first place? Me! Not Mom, not Nick, not Jenny and especially not you!" Shouted Marc, clearly annoyed that his once so obedient wife showed another side of herself. "I'm not going to discuss this with you, some things happened that we personally need to address them whether you like it or not!"

Carrie could feel her anger boiling up to eruption. "How can you say those things so blatantly? For fuck's sake Marc! We are your family, not some random shmucks from wherever! And I do think we need to discuss this right here and right now, I'm getting sick of you ignoring us, controlling us as if we are some puppets dancing to your desire!"

Aileen kept herself quiet but looked at her son with as much anger as her daughter-in-law, she had placed her hand on Carrie's leg to comfort her a bit. She couldn't believe how fierce Carrie had become over the last few days, standing up for herself and those dear to her.

"Oh cut the shit Carrie! Besides, Nick and Jenny rather be with 'Mommy' anyway, isn't that how it always has been?!" Responded Marc, ignoring most of his wife's words as he managed to find the credit card inside of his wallet, he took it out and flicked it towards her. "Here take this, it has enough money on it to last the remaining two weeks. We left the additional camping equipment outside so do whatever you want with it."

In one of the smaller tents outside were the two siblings overhearing their parents fighting each other with words. Nick and Jenny had also woken up from the sudden ruckus outside, both of them still naked and hugging each other. Nick hoped that his father didn't notice Jenny not being in the tent with his mother and grandmother as he surely knew that he would explode even further if he would find out that they were sleeping together again.

Jenny on the other hand hugged her brother close to her, small tears in the corner of her eyes as she overheard her father speaking about both of them, especially what he said about her. It was true that they weren't the closest daughter and father in the world, but she still loved him despite his flaws, but hearing him say all these things felt as if a dagger was being stabbed into her heart.

Nick felt his sister shuddering and knew that this was hitting her pretty hard. He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head while he gently rubbed his hands over her body to comfort her further. "It will be over soon Jen..." He whispered to her.

"Don't you dare to leave us here Marc! And the same goes for your father, I know he is hiding inside the van like a coward! It was supposed to be a family vacation, all of us together!" Shouted Carrie after Marc who was already on his way to the driver's seat.

"Woman! You are here with your 'precious' family! Shit happens Carrie, so get over it!" Responded Marc in return before climbing into the van. He smacked the door close and started the engine right away.

Carrie and Aileen had made their way out of their tent. Carrie was on a war path, anger exploding inside of her because of her husband's and father-in-law's attitudes. But before she managed to intervene they already took off. "Fuck you Marc!" She screamed towards the van as it raced away, tears now streaming down her cheeks.

Aileen too was angry with her son and husband but she remained calm, her daughter-in-law and grandchildren needed her in her comforting and motherly way although she wouldn't mind smacking Marc and Patrick over the head right about now. She walked up to Carrie and pulled her in for a tight hug, stroking her hair as she softly cried. "Just let it go sweetie... I'm here for you..." She whispered to Carrie.

Aileen had experienced this behavior from her son and husband so many times that it became normal for her, but she knew that things would be changing after their vacation had ended, something she would personally attend to. They had crossed a final line, and when someone managed to cross that final line Aileen would not remain the sweet woman she always was.

As the two women hugged they could hear the zipper from Nick and Jenny's tent open up. It didn't take long before the two siblings made their way outside.

Carrie turned her head, seeing her son coming out of the tent first followed by Jenny who was holding hands with her brother. As soon as she saw her daughter's puffy, red eyes from crying she couldn't hold herself anymore.

Aileen let her go and watched as Carrie ran up to her daughter, seeing the two of them embrace into each other's arms. Jenny started to sob again as she apologized to her mother, thinking that she was the cause of her father's behavior because she came to visit them and therefor stirring up the fights and discussions they had.

"Shhh baby girl, nothing is your fault... Things have been changing between your father and me, nothing happened because of you baby..." Whispered Carrie to her daughter in her motherly, loving way.

Nick watched a few seconds before walking towards his grandmother, giving his mother and sister their time together.

Aileen held her arms open and gave her grandson another one of her loving hugs. "You okay sweetie?" She asked lovingly.

"Yeah, I'm fine Gran... Just can't believe Dad would say those things to Mom like that, about her, you, and me and Jenny... I swear I would have-" Responded Nick before being cutoff.

Aileen interrupted her grandson. "It's okay Nick... I know you would do that for us, but he and your grandfather are gone now... So just... Just forget about them... Okay? Now go, go and comfort your mother and sister, they need you." She then cupped his face and gave him a deep, loving kiss on his lips.

Nick returned the kiss before releasing himself from her hug, he nodded and smiled at her before turning around and making his way towards his mother and sister.

Aileen sighed and turned around as well, overseeing all the stuff that had been left behind for them. "Don't worry sweeties, we are going to have two incredible weeks of vacation, just the four of us together..." She said to herself.


An hour later the four of them were having breakfast, the tears were shed and the unhappy vibe and depressed moments were traded in for smiles and happiness. They knew that with the department of Marc and Patrick that their vacation would be even better than before, mostly because they could now freely express their love for each other.

"Oh yes, you sure know how to crank up the volume sweetie! Your mother and I could hear the whole concert! Music to our ears!" Said Aileen with a big smile on her face towards her granddaughter.

Jenny shyly shook her head out of embarrassment as she covered half of her bright, red flushed face with a croissant she was nibbling on.

"It sure was Mom! Nick, baby, you really know your way around the women in our family, don't you?! Not only Jenny's screams of pleasure were cute but your moans as well!" Added Carrie with an equally large smile on her face.

Nick gulped and rubbed his head as he looked up into the cloudless sky, trying to advert his gaze away from the two giggly, teasing women.

Carrie and Aileen had been fishing for, and sharing, all the juicy details from what had happened last night between the siblings for the past fifteen minutes during their breakfast. Jenny had explained to them what encouraged her to act upon her feelings after catching her brother, mother and grandmother in the heat of the moment during her shower visit.

The whole talk about incest seemed to be just so natural to them, no signs of jealousy, repent or disappointment were heard or seen. Jenny was happy that they had no problem with sharing the love that Nick had for all of them. Their family, at least the four of them, were now closer than ever before.

"Alright! Alright! Enough teasing and making fun of us!" Exploded Jenny after a bit longer of hearing her mother and grandmother talking about her and Nick. She gulped down the last piece of the croissant and turned her face into a pout, her cheeks still blushing red.

Carrie and Aileen giggled one last time before stopping their teasing shenanigans.

"We just think it's so sweet and cute that you and your brother have so much love for each other honey." Said Carrie, meaning every word of it.

Aileen nodded. "Something I have speculated for a long time, ever since I saw you two growing up so close." She added.

Jenny sneakily adverted her beady eyes towards the two women opposite of her. "Well, I certainly did NOT expect you two to become THAT close to Nick. I know you both love him very much but... But then I saw you two attacking him like a bunch of hungry cougars in the shower... It made me... It made me..."

"Wet?" Said Carrie, interrupting her daughter.

"Oh my God! Mo-om!" Yelped Jenny, her face lighting up red even more than before.

Both Aileen and Carrie started to giggle again.

"Nick... Sweet cutie little brother, help your poor big sister out!" Said Jenny, making puppy dog eyes towards Nick.

Just like her he was seeing red as well. "Uh... S-so what did Dad and Gramps leave behind!" He responded to the group, switching the topic around.

"Well..." Said Aileen as her eyes turned towards the pile of camping equipment left behind by her son and husband. "As you can see your father and grandfather weren't really considerate and easy going with the things they left behind. At least it contains the bags and the equipment for our tents, plus the gas-burners for cooking with additional gas cans. I still have to rummage through the rest of it." She explained.

Carrie fiddled with her fingers as she listened to her mother-in-law. "Oh gosh! Cooking!" She suddenly yelped.

Nick, Jenny and Aileen twisted their heads towards Carrie. "Food and drinks! They took it with them! We still have the cool box in our tent but the one filled with all the food and drinks was in the van..." She explained. "And with them leaving we also have no transportation; the first supermarket is at least ten miles away from here..."

"Shit... That means we have to walk to get our supplies, over the mountains and through the forest... Don't they have some stuff at the reception of the camping site?" Asked Nick.

Carrie shook her head. "They had in the past, but not anymore..."

"Maybe we can help you out." Came an unknown voice from behind their camping spot.

The four of them turned themselves around to see who the voice belonged to. It happened to be the elderly couple they met the day before. "Good morning dearies." Said the sweet old lady who was hand-in-hand with her husband next to her.

"Oh! Hiiii!" Shouted Jenny in her most girly voice as she waved her hand towards the couple. She had a good talk about the environment and the surrounding areas with them when the four of them met yesterday.

The man and woman smiled at her before the man spoke up. "I'm sorry for intervening your conversation but when we heard you talking about your problems we couldn't ignore it."

The older woman looked at Carrie and Aileen and explained further. "During our morning walk around the lake we were alerted by a sudden ruckus coming from the camp site, in particular, from the very spot where you all reside. I assume that man shouting towards you was your husband, miss...?"

"Carrie ma'am, and these are my children, Nick and Jenny, and my mother-in-law Aileen." Answered Carrie. "Oh and yes... That despicable man happens to my husband..." She added somewhat silent.

"You poor thing... All of you, I can't understand why someone would speak like that against their family!" Said the woman. "But where are my manners, I'm Margret and this is my husband John." She followed with.

"Nice to meet you, again." Said Aileen as she smiled to them.

"Likewise!" Responded John as he and his wife walked up to the group. "So I overheard you all talking about not having transportation?" He asked.

Nick spoke up first. "Yes sir, our old man took the van that was supposed to be our ride back home and to get our groceries. I guess he didn't think of that when he left all hotheaded."

Jenny shook her head. "I still can't believe that Dad would be able to do something like this..." She whispered quietly.

Margret brought her hand upon Jenny's shoulder and gave her a gentle, comforting rub. "Don't worry dearie... I think me and my husband are on the same line of thinking, aren't we dear?"

John smiled and hugged his wife. "We sure do honey!"

Margret nodded and faced Carrie and Aileen again. "Why don't you use our car to get around and to buy your groceries?" She suggested.

"Oh ma'am, we surely couldn't ask you to do that for us." Responded Carrie, polite as ever.

"Oh nonsense! Besides, that car has been standing still for too long anyway, at our age we don't travel that much anymore so I would be glad for someone to give her a spin!" Said John with a big smile on his face.

"We want you all to have a great vacation over here, especially after what you all have been through this morning. So please accept our offer, being close and happy with family is something really dear to us." Added Margret as she looked up to her husband with sparkling eyes.

John looked back at her before giving her a gentle kiss. "You took the words right out of my mouth Si- uh... Sweetheart!"

"Well we can't refuse such a gentle offer when you mention it like that." Said Aileen as she looked at Carrie.

Carrie smiled and nodded. "All right... Margret, John... Thank you so much for your generosity, it's nice seeing a husband and wife so happy and close together for once."

"No need to thank us dearie... besides, your time will come too, I'm very sure of that! You have wonderful children and a loving mother-in-law at your side!" Responded Margret.

Carrie smiled at her before Jenny interrupted the scene. "Can Nick and I drive to the village and get our groceries Mom? I want to see if they got more stores over there!" She asked.

"Don't ask me hon, ask Margret and John, it's their car." Responded Carrie.

"Sure you two can! They have more than just a supermarket so I think you will have a good time when it comes to shopping." Said John.

Nick sighed. "Have mercy on my soul..." He whimpered as his sister pulled him out of his chair and hooked their arms.

John and Margret laughed as they watched the two siblings. One overly excited and the other regretting that John had informed his sister with the magic words that are 'stores' and 'shopping'.

Carrie and Aileen slumped down in their chairs after John and Margret said their goodbyes and Nick and Jenny accompanied them to their house off the camping site.

"You know Mom; I think Margret was right. Us being together here, just the four of us without my dear husband and his father seems like a godsend." Said Carrie.

Aileen smiled at her. "Believe me sweetie, I think it's for the best like this. Besides... Think about all the things we can do now, freely, without any disturbance by others..."

Carrie knew exactly what her mother-in-law was talking about. "Shall we... Shall we go on with what we discussed last night?" She asked quietly.

Just thinking about what they had discussed made Aileen's pussy moist. "Sweetie, I like the way you think... So let's do it..."

Both women got out of their chairs, Aileen walked up to Nick's tent while Carrie walked up to Jenny's tent. In a matter of minutes only the large family tent remained standing, tonight they would all be sleeping together for the first time, the first of many.


Not only had he the luck to accompany his shopaholic older sister, Nick also was the designated driver of the car that John and Margret had entrusted them with. But he didn't really mind driving as it was an automatic, the roads were so empty he could hold his sister's hand all the way to the village, and Jenny wasn't about to let go of him.

"You know, going shopping is not the only reason I wanted to go to the village together with you." Said Jenny as she watched out of the passenger's window, holding her brother's hand firm but gently.

Nick snickered. "Oh really? What else do you have in mind dear sister?"

"Think about it dummy, nobody knows us over there!" Responded Jenny.

"So?" Asked Nick, not realizing his sister's point.

Jenny turned her head to her brother, a pout like expression on her face. "So? So we can act like a couple of course! We can hold hands, cuddle and kiss each other like lovers without someone knowing or judging us!"

"Oh yeah! Jesus, I was so careful with us being this close that I even didn't realize what you meant... So can we scrap the shopping part, apart from getting groceries?" Asked Nick with a goofy smile.

Jenny wiggled her finger towards his face with her other hand. "Uhuh little brother, we won't scrap anything, but we sure can add something." She said before giving her brother a loving kiss on his cheek. "We can add how your big sister is going to smother you silly while we are over there."

"Alright you convinced me, I love shopping with my sister!" Responded Nick followed by a laugh.

Jenny giggled from his answer and leaned up for another kiss and a teasing lick on his earlobe.

She sat down on her seat again, returning her sight on the beautiful outdoors. "Say... Do you think Mom and Dad are going to get a divorce?" She asked.

Nick had to think for a few seconds before answering. "Honestly, I think something like that might happen. I mean after that shit he pulled today, and the way Mom has been acting as of late by not taking shit from him anymore I highly doubt that this going to end well between them."

"You know; I feel terrible that I was on the other side of the country while Mom had to endure Dad's behavior like this, she never mentioned it to me whenever we called or Skyped. Maybe things would be better between them if I was around as well..." Responded Jenny sadly.

Nick tightened his grip on his sister's hand before speaking. "Dad is just being Dad, running the company with Grandpa has changed him for the worse, he rather stays away from home than to be around... So don't blame yourself Sis, if there is one to blame it is a Dad, and Gramps in a certain way as well."

"Yeah I guess so... I talked with Gran and her situation doesn't seem that much different from Mom's... I just don't understand why Dad and Grandpa act this way, I mean in my book Mom and Gran are the perfect housewives, loving, caring and beautiful."

Nick snickered again. "So do I Sis... I honestly have no clue what is going on in their heads... But I do know that we should enjoy the next two weeks of us four together, so don't let it get to you, we will cross that bridge once we get home."

Jenny squeezed her brother back and sighed with a satisfied tone. "You sure have become a wise-ass little brother, but that makes me like you that much more..." She whispered as they almost arrived at their destination.

The rest of the village trip of the two siblings was calm and relaxed. They enjoyed the village for a small two hours. They shopped, visited sights and occasionally cuddled and kissed like lovers without having to be afraid of getting caught. They returned to the camping site in the early afternoon, the sun was burning and this particular day seemed to be the perfect start for the rest of their vacation.


"Uhm... Jen? Where are our tents?" Asked Nick to his sister as they walked up to their spot, seeing their small tents gone and only the big family tent remaining.

"How should I know? I was with you all the time silly!" Responded Jenny with a slight giggle. "Oh look! It seems that they blew up the large outdoor air mattress, exactly on the spot where our tents were." Added Jenny.

When they came closer they saw their mother coming out of the large tent.

"Ah finally, there are my savior children with the food and drinks!" Said Carrie as she walked up to them and smiled.

Jenny reached forward and gave her mother one of the grocery bags. "Uh Mom... Where are our tents?" She asked slightly confused.

"All packed up and resting in our storage unit! A.k.a. The side of tent where your father and grandfather were sleeping." Said Aileen as she came walking back from the toilets.

Nick rubbed his head. "Okay... And why?" He asked, just as confused as his sister.

"Because, my dear children, you two will be sleeping together with Mommy and Grandma for the rest of the vacation..." Explained Carrie with a slightly flushed face.

Jenny and Nick started to turn red as all kinds of scenarios started to play in their heads.

Aileen couldn't help but to giggle. "Look how adorable they are, already picturing all the dirty things we will be able to do together!"

"G-Gran! Don't say those things so loud!" Yelped Nick.

"A-actually... It kinda was my idea... I hope you two would like us sleeping all together since we all got... Well... Closer..." Said Carrie quietly, looking a bit shy.

"Y-yes... We would like that Mom... Right Nick?" Asked Jenny.

"I... I think I have no problem sleeping together with three beautiful women..." Answered Nick.

Aileen clapped her hands and snapped Carrie and her children out from their confused states. "Good! Now get rid of those groceries and out of those pesky clothes! It's bloody hot so I blew up that large family mattress so we can all work our tans and relax, that's what we are on vacation for, right?" She said as she walked up to the tent and zipped open the door. "I already collected our bikinis from our suit cases ladies, so if you would accompany me inside we can get our change on."

"Nick, I can see that you came prepared and are already wearing your swimming trunks. Would you mind getting us some cold drinks?" Asked Aileen again while Carrie and Jenny made their way inside of the tent.

Nick smiled at his grandmother. "Sure Gran, you ladies do your thing and I will make sure everything is up and ready when you all come back out."

Aileen blew her grandson a kiss. "Good boy, it won't take long sweetie, so make yourself comfortable." Were the last words she said before making her way into the tent as well.

Nick did what his grandmother asked and walking towards the mattress before he knew it, waiting patiently for the ladies to return while sipping on his cold beverage.

He wondered what was taking them so long as he kept on hearing the occasional giggle and rustling of clothes. "Women and clothing..." He thought to himself before plopping down onto the large mattress. "Might as well wait for them while catching some sun." He whispered to himself as he laid back, equipped his sunglasses and closed his eyes while the warm rays comforted him.

Five more minutes later he could finally hear the tent open again.

"Come on Carrie, there is nobody else out here but us!" He heard his grandmother say.

"Yeah Mom, only us and Nick are out here. You would think that your shyness would be at an all-time low by now after doing 'those' things to your own son!" He heard his sister say followed by a giggle.

"Alright, alright! I'm just not used to go out tanning like this..." He heard his mother say, responding to his sister and grandmother.

Wondering what was going on he placed his arms behind his neck so he could look up slightly by pushing his head up a bit. What he saw opened his sunglass covered eyes wide and made his cock respond out of excitement.

The three busty beauties were topless, the only thing that they were wearing were tiny thong like bikini bottoms that showed off their juicy asses and tight pussies in full detail. Their breasts firm and heavy, already covered by a glistering layer of sweat hung right out in the open. Nick could now easily see and compare the tits of his beloved family members, some slight differences here and there but they all made his mouth water and his cock harden with the second.

He watched as his grandmother showed the other girls a particular bottle that had some kind of oil in it.

"Sweeties, this is a very special sun tan lotion! It's combined with a special oil that will treat or bodies right in each and every way, it's also all natural so no chemical substances added!" Said Aileen proudly as she squirted some of the oily sun tan lotion on her bust before handing the bottle over to her granddaughter.

Jenny gladly took the bottle and squirted a generous amount of it on her massive breasts before applying an equally large amount on her mother's boobs.

Nick let out a whimper as he watched the women he loved so much rubbing the oil all over their tits and the rest of their bodies. His cock started to tent in his swimming trunks as his eyes kept glued on the scene in front of him, little did he know that his grandmother's eagle eyes had already spotted him and his arousal.

"Here sweetie, let me help you with those hard to reach places. You can help your mother in the same way." Said Aileen with a rather seductive tone towards Jenny and Carrie.

Jenny giggled. "I can help you both since I'm in the middle! Mom? Can you do the right side of my body while Gran does the left?"

Carrie smiled at her daughter. "Sure honey, I don't want any of us to get burned so we need to properly 'oil' each other up!"

The way his mother said her words shot a tingle through Nick's body. But the shit really hit the fan once the girls had their hands all over each other's bodies. He watched as their hands roamed over their flesh, rubbing, groping and kneading each other to spread the oily substance that made their bodies sparkle like they were a bunch of goddesses, which they were in his eyes.

He could swear that he could hear all three of them moan occasionally as they worked each other over. His cock was now full mast, throbbing back and forth and straining his swimming trunks while his eyes didn't ever leave the scene right in front of him. He was so focused on the entire thing that he forgot that they were mere inches away from him and probably already were alerted of his state of arousal. Of course Aileen was the first to comment on it.

"Oh my... Looks like somebody is already very, VERY! Appreciative of our oiled up bodies sweeties." Said Aileen even more seductive followed by licking her lips.

Both Carrie and Jenny adverted their eyes towards Nick after they heard Aileen and were confronted with Nick's raging boner. Like mother like daughter they started to blush at the same time, letting out cute little mews as they observed the swimming trunks covered throbbing cock. Apparently they were so focused on oiling each other up that they hadn't noticed Nick sporting an incredible erection.

Nick could only gulp when he watched the three most beautiful women in the world staring at his erected pole, He could see the lust and love in their eyes as they sparkled with desire. They had caught him red handed in his spying act.

"Oh my... Baby... Did we do that you? Just by exposing our half naked bodies?" Said Carrie, teasing her son a bit as she knew damn well what they were able to do to him.

"Little brother... Isn't so little at all... Just look at that beast, it's so... Inviting..." Added Jenny after her mother's words, following into her teasing footsteps.

"Well sweeties, since we already helped each other... It seems to be only fair to 'help' my darling grandson as well, right?" Said Aileen as one of her hands cupped and kneaded an oily tit.

She then gently took her granddaughter's hand with the other and Jenny did the same to her mother when she felt her grandmother taking hers. The three women slowly walked up to Nick, their breasts jiggling and swaying with every step, until they reached the foot-end of the large air mattress.

"Nick, honey, move up a little bit..." Said his mother, her eyes switching between his face and his tall standing cock.

Nick said nothing and only nodded before pulling himself up a bit further, making place for the three ladies to accompany him on the mattress.

Before he knew it they were lying right on top of him, their busty bodies splayed against his lower parts, their large oily tits pressing onto his legs and their faces an inch or five away from his tenting covered cock. Jenny in the middle, Carrie on the left and Aileen on the right all looking flustered and horny as hell. He threw his sunglasses off so he could admire them all natural, Goddamn, he was one lucky son-of-a-bitch in this position.

"Oh my God... It looks so big up close like this... I wasn't able to see it in the dark last night but damn... Little brother, you are packed!" Said Jenny as she carefully poked her finger against her brother's throbbing shaft.

Carrie agreed with her daughter. "You can say that your brother is quite blessed in that department... It makes Mommy very happy to see you respond to us like this baby..."

Aileen giggled before speaking. "Wait until you see it in full glory sweetie, then you will understand why your mother and I always think about Nick in the back of our minds..."

Jenny went quiet for a few seconds before looking her brother in the eyes. "Nick... Can I see it?" She asked sweetly.

Nick gulped again before giving her a short, slightly nervous nod.

Jenny smiled cutely at him as she placed her fingers under the waistband of her brother's swimming trunks.

"That's it baby... Expose his beautiful hard cock to us..." Whispered Carrie in her daughter's ear, encouraging her further. Her shy persona was out of the door again, the naughty incest loving Carrie had returned on the scene.

And slowly, teasingly slow, she pulled her brother's swimming trunks down until his raging boner was on the verge of release. Jenny bit her lip before giving his trunks the final needed pull.

Three incredibly erotic moans and sighs escaped from the girls when Nick's rock-hard cock sprung free from his entrapment. The stiff pole waddled back and forth for a bit, a large drop of precum already oozing from his slit, his veins pulsing out of excitement.

Jenny watched the reveal with an 'O' face while Carrie and Aileen licked their lips again.

"Wow..." Whispered Jenny as she felt her nipples getting hard and her pussy releasing its juices. Her face was flushed red again, not only out of excitement but also because of the hot sun.

Carrie ran one hand to the base of her son's cock and grasped it tightly but caring, holding it still to give her daughter a better view.

Aileen used one free hand to carefully trail her soft fingers around her grandson's balls and used her nails to gently scratch his sack.

Just like Jenny they both could feel their arousal rocketing sky high, their nipples getting hard and their pussies drowning in their juices. The tiny thongs did nothing to keep their nectar inside and before the girls knew it they could feel it trickle along their thighs and onto the mattress and Nick's legs.

Of course Nick was now a horny mess as well. His body trembled out of excitement and his precum trickled down the sides of his shaft and onto his mother's fingers. It was like a dream came true, his beautiful mother, sister and grandmother were praising his cock and giving him gazes that were full of love.

"Well... Go ahead honey... Grandma and Mommy had their fair share of your brother's big cock many more times than you, so it's only fair for you to... 'start'..." Whispered Carrie with a seductive but motherly tone to her daughter, and a very sneaky, sexy wink towards her son.

Jenny bit her lip once more but didn't hesitate to taste her brother's cock again, now in the open outdoors where the sun shined bright, the soft wind blew through the trees and the birds sang their songs.

She leaned forward and erotically, but slightly clumsily, took her brother's cockhead into her tiny mouth. She redid the moves she made on her brother from the night before, knowing that he liked it. Her tongue spiraled around the head while she softly sucked on it at the same time.

"Oh God... Jenny..." Said Nick followed by a moan.

"That's it darling, show your brother how much you love him... Suck that big cock of his..." Said Carrie as she closely watched her daughter giving her son a blowjob, something that made her pussy convulse.

Aileen was in the same boat as she watched her cute granddaughter taking in the head of her brother's cock. She knew that Jenny still had to learn a lot to get on her or her mother's level but the passion she emitted and showed aroused her greatly. "Just like that sweetie... Taste his seed... Smell his masculinity... Give him what he wants and needs from us..."

Hearing both their words made Jenny work her brother's cock even further. She started to bob up and down taking additional inches of his shaft into her saliva soaked mouth. Her soft moans vibrating through every fiber of his penis. Her eyes were staring deep into his as she sucked him off, showing him the affection she had for him.

Carrie and Aileen slowly worked their hands on Nick's cock as he was being blown, Aileen cradled his balls a little more forceful while Carrie slowly jerked the hand that was around his girth up and down just a smidgen.

Nick felt like he was being attacked by three hungry succubi, and he had no problem with that.

Jenny took different angles of approach as she bobbed up and down to the middle length of the cock that had taken her virginity. She loved the taste, the smell and the fact that she was pleasuring her brother.

After a few more minutes of sucking she let go of his cock with a loud plop, a string of saliva hung from his cockhead to her lips. She wasn't going to hog him for herself, they would be equally loving him because that is what they all agreed on.

"Good work darling, but watch Mommy closely, she can learn you a thing or two..." Said Carrie as she was next in line to suck on her son's thick cock.

Jenny smiled at her mother, still not believing to see this sight of her right before her very own eyes. But the fact that her mother would be sucking on her own son's cock aroused her greatly.

Instead of sucking she was going to do something new for her son. Carrie closed her eyes and smothered her son's cock with gentle kisses, sucks and licks, all of them at particular spots of his penis. She kissed him on his veins, licked the underside of his helmet precisely and sucked on the skin of his shaft.

Nick moaned loud and shuddered with every move his mother made, this was something he had never experienced before and he immediately loved it.

"See that sweetie? That's how good your mother is... Watch her close, learn from her..." Whispered Aileen in her granddaughter's ear as they both watched Carrie working her son's cock.

Carrie left trails of saliva, tasting her son's precum and her daughter's saliva that his cock was soaked in. The feeling, taste and smell of taking in the liquids of both her children made her nipples and clit sting painfully in a good way.

She carefully nibbled on the skin of his shaft before covering it with kisses. She took long, hard pressed licks with her tongue from bottom to top, before prodding her tongue on his cock slit.

"Fuck Mom... This incredible..." Mumbled Nick before moaning loud again.

Carrie had a big smile on her face as she worked her son's cock.

Her actions went on for a few minutes as well before she passed the torch to the final female of their incestuous group. "You taste lovely baby..." She said to Nick before giving his cockhead a final deep kiss.

Nick shook his head as if he was disorientated from the intense pleasure, but with a satisfied grin on his face which made Jenny giggle again. He knew what was probably coming next as his dear grandmother hadn't had her turn yet.

And he guessed correct when he felt his grandmother's throat taking in his whole package until her soft and full lips were pressed against his groin. Aileen wasted no time and ferociously started to deep-throat her grandson, she was hungry and she wanted to devour him.

As violent as it seemed she did it rather gentle. There were no obscene sounds, no gagging and not a lot of spit flying around. Aileen was a beautiful experienced woman and her actions showed it, only for her grandson she would do this and she loved every second of it.

Jenny watched wide-eyed, along with her smiling mother, as her grandmother sucked her brother's cock in such a way she had never seen before. She knew that she tried it as well the night before but without success. It was hard for her to even take two thirds of his cock inside of her mouth while her grandmother easily swallowed him whole.

Nick was in heaven for the third time as he felt his grandmother's experienced mouth sucking and swallowing him with passion. Her tongue swirled around his cockhead and shaft while her throat muscles clamped around his entire length. He continuously moaned and pushed his hips up as a reaction.

"That is something only Grandma is able to do honey... But maybe, with enough experience and guidance, we will be able to pull it off in the future as well..." Whispered Carrie in her daughter's ear as they watched Aileen deep-throating the thick piece of meat.

Once more, after a few minutes Aileen released the saliva and precum coated cock from her warm, tight mouth and throat. She let out a cute giggle when she saw her grandson's contorted face. They sure did a number on him.

As if they were synced together all three of them attack the glistering, throbbing cock at the same time. Jenny claimed her brother's cockhead again while Carrie ran her tongue along his shaft, now tasting Aileen as well. Aileen went further down and suckled on his balls while her tongue slithered around his sack.

"Oh shit... Fuck... Mom... Sis... Gran!" Moaned Nick, now being extremely close to being send over the edge. "I can't take this any longer... Ugh!... I'm going to cum!" He shouted quite loud.

But just before he was able to start spewing his seed he felt his mother's hand taking a firm grip around the bottom part of his cock, holding him tight to prevent him from climaxing. Jenny and Aileen had moved off his cock and licked their lips to taste all the juices.

"Mom?!... Why?!..." Whimpered Nick, almost losing consciousness from not climaxing.

Carrie stroked her son's sweaty chest with her other hand, showing her motherly and caring side before speaking. "Sorry baby... But we want to try one more thing before you can cum... I promise that I won't stop it that time..." She said with an apologizing tone, her face slightly concerned.

Nick gasped for air a few times. "O-okay Mom... Of course I trust you, all of you... It just felt so good!" He said to his mother.

Carrie smiled and slowly released her grip on her son's cock. "I know baby... Don't worry, I have no doubt that you would like this as well."

After saying her words, she got up and placed herself onto her son in a sixty-nine position, her wet dripping cunt close to his face. Instinctively Nick reached out to his mother's delicious pussy only for his hand to be patted away by Carrie.

"Tonight... Tonight you can what you want with us baby... But for now just relax and let us do this for you, okay?" She said to him sweetly.

Nick pulled his hand back and nodded. "Okay Mom..."

Both Jenny and Aileen shifted forward on his legs until the three women were in a triangular position, one in every corner and all surrounding his cock.

Nick wondered what they were planning but believing in his mother's words it had to be something good.

"Oh gosh! This is so exciting! You think he will enjoy this Mom?" Asked an overly happy Jenny.

Carrie let out giggle before responding. "I have never done something like this before but I cannot imagine it not feeling good for him, and for us as well, we all have very sensitive breasts.

"That's why I brought that slick, oily sun tan with me. The slippery feeling will drive our dear boy to his breaking point." Added Aileen, already looking forward to the results. "Alright sweeties, just like we discussed it, on the count of three, two, one, GO!" She shouted.

And at the exact same time the three women crashed their oiled up, heavy, perky, full breasts onto Nick's cock. All three of them moaned loudly when their tits came together, their hard nipples poking in each other's flesh.

But the person who moaned the loudest was Nick as he felt his cock being engulfed by the soft and warm pillow like treatment. He was treated to a bombastic, three-way incestuous titfuck.

The girls immediately started to shake and move their voluptuous breasts in all directions while putting pressure onto Nick's now saliva, precum, sweat and oil coated stiff cock. He automatically started to push his hips up and down, literally fucking their breasts together with them.

"That's it baby! Fuck our tits! Fuck them until you spray all your delicious seed over us!" Shouted Carrie as she was lost in an almost orgasmic like bliss.

The sounds of slick, slapping flesh on flesh accompanied with moans and mews of pleasure surrounded their camping spot. They were lucky that no one but them were able to experience the incestuous act.

It felt as if he was fucking the warmest, tightest and wettest pussy he had ever felt. Every part of Nick's cock was covered with heavenly soft breasts flesh and the stimulating effect from all their warm bodies coming together was something out of this world.

All three women breathed heavily, tingles and shocks of pleasure running through their bodies from head to toe, their eyes glued on the thick meat-stick in the middle, or what they were able to see of it as they pressed and moved their oiled up tits all around.

"I never ever knew that this could feel sooooo good!" Moaned Jenny as she experienced a brand new act of sex. She loved the pressure from her brother's cock and her mother's and grandmother's breasts pushing into hers. She yelped every time their rock-hard nipples managed to come into contact with one another.

"Oh Yes! The women of our family always had super sensitive breasts, I'm glad to see that it applies to all of us!" Said Aileen as she focused on giving her daughter-in-law, granddaughter and grandson equally as much attention.

It didn't take long before Nick's cock started to expand and throb even harder. He knew that this time he wouldn't be able to hold it inside anymore, he was going to explode and mark and paint his relatives with his hot, thick seed.

"Oh fuuuckkk! I'm going to cum!" He shouted as he threw his head back, ready to open the floodgates.

"Cum baby! Cover Mommy with your thick potent seed!" Moaned Carrie loudly.

"Me too baby brother! Blast it all over your slutty big sister!" Followed Jenny.

"All over our tits sweetie, give us everything you got! Paint Grandma's tits with your semen!" Shouted Aileen as last.

Nick pushed his body up one last time and exploded. Rope after long rope of thick seed blasted out from the titty trap sandwich, it scattered in long streaks, small splatters and dribbles all over his mother, sister and grandmother.

All three of them moaned loudly when they felt the warm, potent cum being blasted all over their chests and faces. Nick's orgasm was so intense that his cock spurted his cum all around, giving each girl an equal amount of his sperm.

His cock and their cleavages had turned into a gooey, smelly mess of semen, sweat, saliva and other bodily fluids. Strings of his seed hung between each of the titfuck participants' tits like they were chain linked together.

"Mom! Gran! This was amazing, I can't believe we made Nick cum like that!" Shouted an excited Jenny, her eyes sparkling with pride and happiness.

"You bet we did sweetheart! Another sexual experience with my grandson that I can take of my list!" Said Aileen just as excited.

After she made her son cum his brains out Carrie returned to her motherly and concerning state in a matter of seconds. She quickly spun herself around so she could care for her son. "Baby that was amazing!" She said happily only to discover that Nick was down for the count. She watched as her son had drifted off asleep, softly snoring as his sweaty and exhausted body laid under her.

She gently got off him and laid by his side for a bit while Jenny and Aileen were still discussing the whole experience. She stroked his hair and removed the sweat from his face with a towel. She then leaned forward and gave him a deep loving kiss on his lips. "I love you darling... You changed my look on life and I have you to thank for that... Rest well my beautiful baby boy... Tonight you can make love to Mommy..." She whispered into his ear before she started to clean him up further.


Nick woke up and stretched his body like a cat, he felt like he had run a marathon. He twisted his head and could see that he was still on the mattress were he had experienced something truly incredible. The only thing that had changed was the large parasol that was standing close next to him, blocking the intense sun rays from his body.

"Back in the world of the living baby?" He heard the familiar chirpy voice of his mother asking him.

Nick pulled himself up and was greeted with the sight of his mother, dressed in a virgin white summer dress that showed off her curves, tending to the barbeque.

"Jesus... How long was I out?" Asked Nick before letting out a yawn.

"Almost two hours, we made sure you wouldn't burn alive while you were off to dreamland." Said Jenny who was preparing the table with cutlery and plates.

Nick snickered. "I must say I rather enjoyed what you all did, a good way to get me sleeping, wouldn't mind for it to happen every day."

"Equality little bro, next time it's your turn to put us to 'sleep'" Responded Jenny.

"So tonight? Right Mom?" Said Nick teasingly.

He started to smile when he watched his mother turn her face away from him slightly, a new red flush forming on her face. "We will see baby..." She said softly.

Nick still couldn't believe how different his mother was once she was in 'heat' and how she was now. It was as if she had split personalities.

He stood up from the mattress and walked over to his sister and gave her a hand with preparing their table before they both sat down into their chairs next to each other.

He spotted his sister watching him so he simply turned his head. "Hey beautiful." He said to her, simple and effective.

Just like her mother Jenny turned her head slightly and started to blush.

"You two are so cute together, acting all shy. You should have seen how you two behaved a few hours ago!" Said Nick teasingly.

Jenny gave her brother's shoulder a bump with her fist. "S-stupid... That was in the heat of the moment... You know that I'm your cute older sister when we are not making love." She answered shyly.

Nick took his sister's hand and held it gently with his own. "You are always cute Sis, just like Mom and Gran. Whether we are making love or not that doesn't matter, I'm just glad you all are the way you are."

Well, maybe his grandmother wasn't so modest and shy as his sister and mother. She usually loved to tease him by flashing him different parts of her body wherever they went, no shyness with her at all.

"Say, where is Gran? I don't see her around." Asked Nick.

"Oh she went to the toilet and then moved on to invite our guests." Answered his mother as she too plopped down in her own chair opposite of her children.

"Guests?" Asked Nick again.

Jenny nodded. "Margret and John of course, it's to thank them for lending us their car."

"Oh! Of course, I think they will like that. I don't think they see or meet many other people but they seem to be very fond of us." Said Nick, reaching for a cold bottle of water in front of him.

"You know, I don't know what it is but when we talk with them or they are around us I feel like I can talk to them about everything, and I mean 'everything'. It's just the way they are together, always holding hands, always giving each other compliments, they must really have a deep bond with each other." Confessed Carrie while adding ingredients into her salad bowl.

"Now that you mention it... They also look very alike wouldn't you say?" Said Jenny before adverting her gaze onto her brother again. "Maybe... Maybeeee... They are brother and sister?!"

Nick almost choked on his drink while Carrie started to giggle.

"Isn't that a bit far-fetched Sis? I mean not everyone is like the four of us and I don't expect to meet other like-minded people as easily as that." Responded Nick to his sister.

Jenny gave him a smug grin. "Never say never little brother!" She said before holding her brother's hand tighter. "But besides that, I... I wouldn't mind growing old with you like that, all lover-dovey together until the end of time..."

"Awww, you two are so cute and romantic together!" They all heard a voice saying from behind them, the voice which belonged to Aileen.

She walked up behind Nick, wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her large breasts right on top of his head. "But... You wouldn't mind taking your mother and grandmother along for the ride as well, do you sweetie?"

"N-no way I would leave both of you behind!" Responded Nick with confidence.

Aileen giggle and kissed him on the cheek before moving to her own chair next to Carrie and sitting down onto it.

"I assume everything went okay Mom?" Asked Carrie.

Aileen nodded. "They were very excited and happy to hear that we would like to invite them to a barbeque, they should be here in about thirty minutes."

"A fine replacement for Dad and Grandpa!" Said Jenny without remorse.

Carrie nodded. "A fine replacement indeed..." She whispered to herself.


The barbeque that day was incredibly fun. Margret and John were two of the kindest people they all had ever met, and they were full of exciting and funny stories they gladly shared with them. After living for over forty years in the area they knew all the ins and outs of their surroundings.

They both hoped that the family would return to this place after their vacation had ended, and Carrie made it pretty evident that those plans were in the works already inside of her head. Aileen and her children gladly backed her up with her plans.

After the barbeque they stayed for quite a while just before it got dark. Jenny and Nick guided them back to their rather impressive home before returning to their camping spot. Carrie and Aileen had already cleaned everything and went inside of the tent to the sleeping compartment they now all shared, everyone agreed to get some shut eye early because they had plans for the next day.

Nick, still sticky from sweating all day, decided to take a shower before he would go to bed. So he was the only one out while the ladies prepared themselves inside of the tent.

Under the shower he thought back to the words his mother had said to him earlier that day; 'Tonight... Tonight you can what you want with us baby' he quoted. But was something really going to happen? They all seemed to have sleeping on their mind rather than making love.

Nick sighed as he turned off the shower. "I doubt they are up to it for tonight, but hey, we still have a lot of nights to go..." He thought to himself before drying his body.

He then made his way back to the tent through the dark. As he zipped open the main middle part of the tent he could hear giggles and soft moans coming from their sleeping compartment, he wondered what was going on.

He climbed inside, zipped the outer door closed and got rid of his toiletry bag and towel before he zipped the door to the dimly lit sleeping compartment open. What he was greeted with made his eyes pop, his jaw drop and his cock harden into a steel beam instantly.

He saw how his mother and sister, both fully naked, lying half on top of each other making out. Their already glistering juicy pussies rubbed on each other's legs while they both cupped each other's tits.

They ended their passionate kiss before Jenny spotted her brother and gave him a very naughty, sexy stare while Carrie lowered her mouth onto her daughter's massive tits. "M-Mommy and I already started... Ooooh!" She moaned.

Jenny threw her head back followed by another loud moan while she pressed the back of her mother's head with one hand while the other pulled the erect nipple on her other breast.

Suddenly Nick's shorts and boxers were pulled down in one go and before he could register what happened he felt his rock-hard cock getting swallowed whole.

He let out a loud gasp and looked down to see his grandmother, also fully naked, bobbing up and down on his cock, sucking it furiously and skillful.

Unable to say anything he used one hand to take ahold of Aileen's head to guide her back and forth with the pace he wanted her to blow him. He heard and felt her moans vibrating his cock when he wrapped her long gray silvery hair in his hand before pushing her onto his cock. His eyes quickly made their way back to his mother and sister, just in time to see them making out again while their hands rubbed each other's juice spilling pussies.

Never in his wildest dreams had he expected this to happen right in front of his eyes, the three most beautiful women in the world involved in an incestuous sex act, and he was the final chess piece that was now added to the game.

Aileen slurped and sucked fast, saliva trickling out of her mouth when she reached her grandson's groin before smearing it back all along the length of his shaft. Her pussy juice dripped out of her cunt and not only because she was blowing her grandson, but also because he was guiding her rather aggressively while still remaining his gentle side.

Carrie and Jenny were now fully focused on each other; nature was taking its course. Mother and daughter kissed, sucked, nibbled, bit and licked all over each other's bodies. Neither Carrie or Jenny expected them to love each other like this, but when the balls started rolling they were hooked. And best of all was that they knew that Nick was watching them, observing them like a kid in a candy store that had its sight set on one particular product, two in this case.

His mother's words ran through his head again; 'Tonight... Tonight you can what you want with us baby'. And with that his hungry, animalistic side came out.

He pulled his grandmother off his cock, who was rather surprised by the act, pulled of his shirt and kicked away his shorts and boxers. Now fully naked he laid down and took Aileen with him who moaned out of excitement, not knowing what her grandson was up to.

Nick spooned her from behind, lifted one leg and held it the air while the other guided his throbbing cock right to her soaked snatch. He rubbed it through her labia a couple of times before slightly pushing inside and holding it there. He then moved that arm under his grandmother's body and took ahold of one of her big tits, firmly grasping and caressing it.

Aileen threw her head back slightly so she could look her grandson in the eyes, she could see they were full of hungry lust, deep hunger for incestuous fucking. "Oh sweetie, my beautiful strong boy!" She moaned.

Nick brought his head close to his grandmother's ear before he spoke up. "I'm going to fuck the three of you hard Gran, I'm going to make you all cum before planting my seed deep inside of your wombs. Tonight I'm going to make you MINE."

Aileen's whole body shuddered after her grandson's words, a small orgasm shocking her body simply because of the way he said it. "Then claim Grandma sweetie, fuck Grandma's pussy hard, just like you are going to fuck your mother and sister!" She said in return, her voice trembling with anticipation.

Without any warning he plunged his cock into his grandmother until his cockhead crashed against the door to her womb in one hard thrust.

"Ooooh Goooood!" Shouted Aileen wildly as she felt her grandson's cock claiming and invading her. But Nick didn't leave it there, he immediately started slamming into his grandmother with hard, fierce fucking thrusts. Her big tits swayed back and forth as her sweaty skin rippled with every thrust.

Nick clamped onto his grandmother's body for dear life, holding her close and kissing the side of her face and neck while his pelvis smacked against her. Her big jiggly ass was being pounded vigorously while his hand switched between the big swinging tits, sometimes mauling away at the flesh and other times to yank her nipples.

Their combined liquids splattered around their lower bodies, dirtying not only them but also the tent and the sleeping bags under them. Her vagina squeezed the invading cock with everything it got as it rammed in and out of her.

"Fuck me fuck me fuck meeeeee!" Shouted Aileen on the top of her lungs, lost in a continues orgasmic bliss that made Nick only fuck her harder.

Carrie and Jenny were now scissoring each other's cunts so they could remain getting pleasure while watching their son and brother fucking their mother-in-law and grandmother. They continuously moaned as their tights pussies and erected clitorises stimulated each other greatly.

Nick was bend on making his three lovers cum their brains out, he also wanted to fill them up with his seed to dish out an equal amount of loving. He just hoped that he was up to the task, his fierce, animalistic hunger gave him the confidence and strength to do so.

He gave his grandmother a few more spooning fucks before changing his strategy, he rolled onto his back, cock still wedged deep into Aileen's cunt, and took her with him. Now she was on top of him just like his sister was the day before.

Aileen gasped for air as her pussy clamped around Nick's throbbing man-meat. But Nick didn't waste any time and started pounding up into her, one arm holding her tight around the waist while the other remained on top of her large, firm breasts. Aileen's head laid to the side against her grandson's head, tears of pleasure streaming down her cheeks while she mewed, moaned and begged to be fucked harder. She used her long legs to steady herself, and to slam down in sync with her grandson's fucking.

His thick cock crashed in and out of her well-fucked pussy, his balls swinging up and down. A thick creamy mess of girl cum combined with Nick's juices seeped out of Aileen's cunt. Her hands and fingers clenched firmly onto the sleeping bag under them to prevent her from falling off her grandson.

"That's it, that's it, THAT'S IT sweetie, pump Grandma's pussy! You are going to make Grandma cum so hard!" She shouted as her sweaty body crashed up and down.

Nick too could feel that his first orgasm, of the possible three, was coming up. He remained fucking his grandmother hard and fast, not giving both of them the time to calm down.

Jenny licked her lips as she watched her brother's cock disappear and reappear from her grandmother's tight, juice slimy cunt. She wanted to be next, next to be claimed, fucked and inseminated by her brother.

Carrie could see, and feel, that her daughter was about to lose herself. It was something that turned her on immensely, that her own daughter lusted so much for her son just like she did. She already expected to be the last tonight but that was fine with her, she wanted her time with her son.

Suddenly a loud scream blasted out of Aileen as she started to cum, a thick spray of pussy juice blasted out of her cunt while her body convulsed and shuddered. "F-fill m-meee up... Sweetie..." She blabbered as she almost passed out.

And her wish came true when Nick slammed into her cunt a few more times before holding the full length of his cock inside of her, nuzzled against the door to her womb.

"Cumming!" He shouted before his cock started to spew his thick potent seed deep into his grandmother. His balls contracted painfully with each spurt of cum, he was completely filling up his grandmother to the brim.

After a long minute he released his grip from Aileen, who rolled off his sweaty body while gasping for air. She fell onto her back next to him, her pussy contracting and pushing out large globs of pearly white cum.

Nick pushed himself up a bit and focused his eyes on those of his sister, his cock still standing as hard and strong as before but now slicked with his own and his grandmother's juices. He held his hand out towards her, inviting her to be the next one to get entangled in some incestuous fucking.

A big smile appeared on Jenny's face, her eyes sparkling with lust and love. She quickly separated from her mother, her mind now fully focused on Nick, and straddled herself into a cowgirl position on top of him. She quickly leaned forward and gave her brother a deep passionate kiss. "I love you." She said after pushing herself back up again.

"I love you too." Responded Nick as one hand stroked her juice covered thighs while the other pointed his cock straight towards the dripping waterfall that was his sister's tight, leaking pussy.

But before the started to get into the groove they watched as their mother crawled beside them and spread Aileen's legs gently. "I think my baby boy deposited some of his delicious seed in you Mom, allow me to clean you up a bit." She said seductively, making sure everyone heard it. She then lowered herself and started to eat her mother-in-law out, her tongue scooping up her son's warm seed and Aileen's juices before swallowing it all down her hungry throat.

Aileen shot wide awake again and instinctively rested her hands on top of Carrie's head. "Eat my cunny darling, feast yourself upon our love liquids!" She moaned loudly.

The incredible erotic display lit the fire in both Jenny and Nick. Nick looked up to his older sister and nodded. Jenny did the same and with a lip-biting smile she lowered herself down onto the stiff pole that was aimed for her cunt. Both she and her brother moaned loudly when he entered her fast and fully. Her pussy suckled onto his cock as if it was claiming it for itself.

Nick used his hands to cup his sister's soft, meaty ass-cheeks and started to rock his hips into her. Jenny placed her hands on her brother's chest to hold herself up as she too worked her hips up and down.

"Fuck me little brother! My pussy is all yours baby!" She moaned as her bright, sparkling eyes were locked onto his.

Nick only smiled as he switched his view between her pretty face, her massive bouncing tits and her tight pussy swallowing his cock. She gyrated her lower body, changed speeds and did all kinds of other things to make every fuck unique which all felt incredible. He loved the fact that his sister was letting out little coo's, mews and giggles as she bounced on his cock. She was loving this just as much as he did.

He also couldn't believe that this all was truly happening. He was fucking his older sister hard while his mother was sucking his freshly deposited cum right out of his grandmother's well fucked pussy. He had only read about these kind of acts in stories on a site called Literotica, which was one of his sources for his incestuous fantasies back in the days. But he wouldn't need those anymore, maybe he could write some stories of his own experiences now that he was engaged in an incestuous quartet relationship?

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt his sister's cunt grab his cock like he had never felt before, her head was thrown back and her hands were on the floor behind her. She was working his cock extremely hard now and it was like he was watching a goddess. Her long blonde hair hung down like a wavy curtain while she growled and moaned all kinds of horny sounds. Her full, perky mammaries jiggled and shook hypnotizingly good while her pussy squirted out spurts of juice all over his belly.

His hands roamed all over her sweaty body, mauling her ass, caressing her fit belly before moving them up to grope and squeeze her big tits. He also pounded harder up into her, almost throwing her off because of the deep impacts.

He fucked her like this for a few minutes before Nick wanted to switch it up just like he had done with his grandmother. He gave her a few harder fucking thrusts before he clamped his hands around her wrists and pulled her forward onto him.

Jenny squealed when her brother violently pulled her onto him. Her big breasts squashed against his chest while her face fell to the side of his neck, her long blonde hair covering their sides.

Nick brought his knees up and placed his feet flat on the floor before resuming his thrusting. He could now fuck hard into her while holding her in place and close to him by wrapping his arms around her back.

As soon as he pumped his cock all the way through her birth canal he was greeted with his sister's beautiful sweaty face and eyes staring at his own. "F-fuck m-me brother... Ooooh yesss... pound my slutty pussy gooood!" She moaned in short bursts before mashing her full lips onto those of Nick.

Nick hungrily kissed his sister back while his body started to slam up into her even harder. He smacked her so hard that their skin started to burn and turn red because of the intense friction, her meaty ass-cheeks jiggly and shook with every hard impact.

Carrie had pulled herself up and was now cuddling with Aileen, both their busty, well curved sweaty bodies close together as they watched Nick fucking his sister into next year.

"Just look at that beast darling, it looks like your son was made to love us..." Whispered Aileen to Carrie as she caressed her back with her soft hands.

"I honestly don't think you are far off the truth Mom... I love my babies..." Answered Carrie as snuggled up to her mother-in-law.

Nick and Jenny's tongues were engaged into an epic French kissing battle while their bodies kept on slamming against each other. Jenny went from losing her virginity (Sort of) to fulltime hard incestuous sex in the short time span of a single day, and she absolutely loved it. She loved feeling her brother's caring hands roaming her body, his tasty saliva mixing with hers, his hard cock invading her most sacred parts. She knew that this relationship was going to last forever.

But one thing that wasn't going to last forever were their upcoming climaxes, being this intimate with each other rapidly brought up their need to cum.

Jenny's body started to tremble as she came closer and closer. Nick's cock started to throb wilder and wilder as he too came closer, his balls giving him the familiar stings, signaling his need to cum.

"Just fill me up baby brother! Bathe my pussy in your hot seed! Cum for your sister!" Moaned Jenny after releasing their kiss while she cupped her brother's face with her hands giving him such a begging look that he couldn't hold himself any longer.

Nick gave her a few final thrusts and then pushed his sister hard onto his exploding cock, making sure he was fully inside of her. "Cumming again!" He screamed before rope after rope of hot sticky semen were shot straight into the baby chamber of his older sister. With every shot he bucked up and down, his body convulsing like crazy.

Jenny's mouth gaped open but no words came out, her eyes rolled back into her skull as she could feel the warmth of her brother's seed splashing inside of her. She came so hard that after a few more spurts her vagina squeezed out his cock forcefully, drenching it with her juices that rocketed out of her.

Nick's throbbing cock shot out a few more strands of seed that landed on top of his sister's ass before his body went limp. The siblings both gasped for air, Jenny lying on top of her brother's body, still shuddering a bit from the explosive climax.

Carrie and Aileen kept still as they witnessed the ending of wonderful brother/sister incest.

After two minutes or so they could hear Nick again, calmed down a bit. He gently and carefully helped his sister off him to his other side. Placing her on her back as she still breathed heavily, just as with Aileen a large quantity of semen slowly trickled out of her gaping pussy. Nick couldn't believe that he had managed to cum this much again.

He breathed a few more times before he felt someone grabbing his hand, he turned his head and looked straight into his mother's sparkling eyes. That's right, he still had to go for one more round.

"Baby, come with Mommy to the other side of the tent..." She whispered to him sweetly.

Nick smiled at her and gave her a small nod. He then crawled after his mother while holding hands.

"Well... Somebody has to clean this mess up, isn't that right sweetie?" Said Aileen towards Jenny's direction, licking her lips as she observed her granddaughter's beautiful pussy soiling the floor with warm seed.

Jenny turned her head and gave her grandmother a faint smile.

That smile was enough for Aileen to crawl over to her granddaughter. Just like Carrie did to her she opened up Jenny's legs and dived down to eat out her cunt.

Jenny let out a soft, cute mew as she felt her grandmother lapping away at her pussy. She relaxed her body and experienced something brand new once more.

Nick and Carrie had arrived at the other side of the tent. Carrie dropped herself down on her back and showed her beautiful, busty and curvy body off to her son. "Like what you see baby? Mommy loves her stud son admiring her body..." She whispered to him seductively.

Nick gulped as he watched his mother twisting her child birthing hips and playing with her big tasty tits. He could feel his arousal growing inside of him yet again, but there was a small problem that he had it difficult to get fully hard for a third time. His cock was still semi-erect but it somewhat hurt to get it harder. He looked down and turned his head away slightly embarrassed and disappointed.

Carrie, being the concerned mother she always is, noticed it right away. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asked slightly concerned.

Nick sighed before answering. "Mom I... I have trouble... Getting hard again..." He whispered to her. He watched as his mother stayed silent for a few seconds and started apologizing right away. "I-it's not because of you Mom! I swear, it just becau-"

Carrie had pushed herself up in the meantime and covered her son's lips with her fingers. "Shhh sweetheart... I'm not disappointed or mad baby, here... Come lie down with Mommy..." She said as she returned on her back again and held out her arms.

Nick accepted her request and carefully laid down onto his mother, a familiar tingle running through his body as he felt her tits pressing into his chest and her wet pussy molding around the shaft of his cock, yet still he had difficulties to get fully hard.

Carrie smiled at him as she caressed his cheek with one hand while the other gently ruffled his hair, a thing she had done since Nick was a little boy, it always calmed him down.

"Just relax for a bit honey... Besides, you shouldn't be surprised that you can't get hard again right away. You already filled your grandmother and sister up to the brim, not an easy task..." She whispered to him kindly.

"Yeah but... I... I don't want to leave you out Mom... You deserve to be loved just as much as them..." He responded while enjoying his mother's warmth and touch.

Carrie let out a cute little giggle before she kissed her son gently on his lips. "And you will love Mommy in a bit baby... Just give it some time..." She whispered reassuring.

"You know these last few days have been one of the happiest in my life, along with the birth of your sister and you... I never knew that we all would get this close together, but now I wouldn't have it any other way..." Confessed Carrie.

Nick smiled at her. "I know what you mean Mom... I have always loved you, Jen and Gran but after getting together like... Like this, those feeling raised up to another bar... I hope we can stay together like this forever..."

Carrie answered right away. "I know we will baby; I don't know why but my motherly instinct tells me that everything is going to be all right..."

They watched each other deep into the eyes, enjoying each other's presence before Carrie spoke up again.

"My motherly instinct tells me something else as well..." She whispered to him, her eyes now sparkling with love.

Nick placed his forehead onto his mother's. "And what does it tell you mother..." He whispered back.

Carrie watched her son for a few long seconds again. "Do you know why I pulled you onto me like this baby?" She asked.

"Enlighten me Mom..." He responded.

Carrie brought her mouth close to her son's ear. "Because I love the missionary position the most... Some say it's boring but I love to look my lover in the eyes, to kiss him whenever possible and to feel his cock reaching my deepest depth... And... And to feel his seed squirting deep into my womb to impregnate me, to fertilize my ovulating eggs... To make a baby inside of my belly..."

Nick pushed himself up a bit, eyes wide looking into those of his mother's, his smiling mother's eyes. He could feel his cock harden again, the pain and difficulties were gone as soon his mother mentioned the words impregnate, fertilize and baby.

"Nick... Baby... Once we get home I will stop using the pill... I always wanted a third child and I want you to be the one who knocks me up... To give me what your Father refused... But only... Only if you want it too." She whispered to him.

Nick gulped as he heard his mother's wish. His cock was now fully erect again, rubbing over his mother's pussy mound, leaving trails of sticky precum. It had been one of his darkest fantasies, to impregnate his own mother. And here she was, offering him the thing that he had secretly lusted for, for so long.

"I... I want that Mom... I want to make love to you... And to impregnate you with our child." He whispered back to her, resulting in his mother pulling him down onto her, their lips coming together in a fierce kiss.

Carrie threw both her legs up, crossing her son's waist as she positioned her drooling pussy for deep missionary fucking. She then ended their kiss and cupped Nick's face. "I love you baby." Was the only thing she said before one hand trailed down, grabbed her son's cock, slithered it through her soaked labia before aiming and pressing it right on her entrance.

"I love you too Mom." Was all Nick said before he pushed forward, burying himself deep into the cunt where he came from all those years ago. Their lips crashed together again in a hungry kiss while Carrie's hands caressed her son's back, her nails scratching along his sweaty skin.

Nick started to give it everything he got, he was going to fuck her like he would before impregnating her. Hard, strong and loud slapping slams roamed through the tent and the outside as a mother and son indulged into a hard incestuous fuck.

His cock hit every sensitive spot inside of Carrie's tight motherly cunt. He scraped her walls at every angle and every hard fucking pound resulted in his cockhead slamming against the door to her baby chamber. The sticky substances drooled and scattered out of the place where they were connected. Their tongues greedily swapped their combined saliva's as they kissed like long lost lovers, their eyes remained open, never losing each other's sight.

Carrie moaned and moaned at an equal rate just like her son did. Every fiber of their bodies rocked and shocked with deep nestled feelings and love for each other. This particular act of incestuous sex was more intense than the one on the backseat of Marc's van, more intense than in the hotel and the one in the showers. Mother and son were now completely connected, a connection that would last forever.

"Wow... Gran just look at them go... It's as if they are possessed or something." Said Jenny as both she and her grandmother watched Nick and Carrie, comfortably cuddled up together under one of the sleeping bags.

"I hope we can get that close to Nick too one day..." She added.

Aileen let out a giggle and kissed her granddaughter's cheek. "Sweetie... Believe me, both you and I are on that same line with him as well. What we are seeing now is just something Carrie desperately needed, to be loved by someone again who deeply cares for her, who doesn't see her as a house appliance object but as the beautiful, kind woman she is..."

Jenny looked up to Aileen and returned a sweet kiss. "I love you Gran..." She whispered.

Aileen giggled again and cuddle up tighter with her granddaughter. "I love you too sweetie..."

Nick was still slamming into his mother with unbelievable strength. He thought about changing positions but he was going to give it to his mother how she liked it. So he placed his feet onto the floor, raised his back a bit further and started to slam into her suckling pussy even deeper.

The feeling was so intense for Carrie that she had to let go off their kiss to moan and scream. "Fuck me baby! Pound Mommy's pussy! Make your mother your wife!" She blurted out as her son smashed into her.

His mother's pleas encouraged Nick so much that his movements became even more vigor. "I will Mom! I will make you my wife! I love you!" He screamed back at her as his cock plunged in and out of the tight, sloppy, gooey mess that was his mother's pussy.

Carrie's nails drew blood from her son's back, her legs now wrapped around him so tight that it felt as if she would crush him. The same could be said for Nick, he was fucking her so hard that it felt as if he would break her into a million pieces. But neither of them felt any pain, only pleasure, love and lust.

Nick gritted his teeth as his throbbing, expanding cock slammed into his mother's soaked, suckling, puffy pussy. Every thrust made their skin ripple and their sweat and juices scatter all around. They both could feel that the end was near, and they both could feel that they would be cumming at the exact same time.

"Oh God baby! A few more, just a few mooooreee! Mommy's going to cum!" Announced Carrie, almost losing her mind.

"Fuck! Me too Mom, a few more and then I will pump you full with my seed, then you will truly be mine!" Shouted Nick in return.

And so he did, as if it was a countdown he gave her exactly ten more, deep incestuous fucking thrusts before all his brakes broke. "Cumming Mom!" He yelled one last time.

"I'm cumming too baby!" Answered Carrie with just as much passion.

And at the same time mother and son came together. The son pumping spurt after spurt of his child birthing seed deep into his mother's womb, pumping in so much that the combined gooey mess started to seep and squirt out of the sides of her invaded pussy. The mother yelled and screamed blood and thunder, her cunt wringing every inch of her son's cock as her own pussy started to squirt out nectar in unbelievable amounts. They had done it, they came together like never before and their promises were met. Carrie now belonged to her son, and Nick belonged to his mother.

They both collapsed back onto the floor, strength fading out of both their bodies. Nick rolled of Carrie and onto his back next to her, he still managed to find her hand and held it tight. He could feel his mother squeezing him in return, no words were need to be said, their touch told them everything.

Jenny and Aileen crawled towards the mother and son couple, ready to help them clean up and to help them to the middle of the tent so they all could sleep together. They had debated to eat Carrie's pussy out once Nick was finished but they knew, and saw, that Carrie was out for the count, besides, it was always an option for in the future, right?

Once they had cleaned up, and helped Carrie and Nick to the middle, they wrapped each other in each other's arms. Nick in the middle, his mother and grandmother to either side and his sister in the middle, half on top of him.

They fell asleep like this, all exhausted from their first night together. A night that surely would be repeated in the future, a night of many because they would be together forever.


And that's how everything changed in my life. I regret nothing that had happened during that vacation, to be more precise, it changed my life for the better. Mom, Gran and Sis are deeply in love with me just like I am in love with them.

Of course, you all must be curious about what happened for the rest of those days camping, and what happened after that.

We eventually stayed at the site for a week-and-a-half since Mom and Gran wanted to leave earlier because they claimed that they needed to do 'something'. We made love a lot during those days over there, whether it was one-on-one, two-on-one or everyone together, it was amazing. We fucked, made love, and just overall enjoyed each other without having to worry about anything else. I have even watched Mom, Gran and Sis fuck each other while I just looked on and jerked off, it was amazing to see them together from an outside like perspective, of course they 'relieved' me of my 'pressure' once they were done themselves.

You also must be thinking how the hell did we leave the camping site without any sort of transportation, together with all our equipment before Dad and Gramps managed to pick us up?

Well, that's were Margret and John came into play. After bonding more with them they told us that the camping grounds were property of their daughter and her husband who ran the camping itself. After telling us our story, the story that they already partially knew regarding Dad and Grandpa, they had no problem to lend us one of their cars.

Mom booked another week of stay before we left to go back home so we could return the car and enjoy another week of camping there when everything was solved.

Once home shit really hit the fan between Mom and Dad, and Grandma and Grandpa. Mom and Gran had found out that Dad and Grandpa didn't returned home to attend to their so called 'problems' with the company, but to go on a long hunting and fishing trip with the fellows they had met on our own camping trip.

Me and Jen had never seen Mom and Gran in such scary and furious states, they truly didn't take any shit from their soon to be ex-husbands anymore. Before we knew it they were both divorced, free from the grasps of their former husbands. Dad had to pay Mom a hefty amount of cash every month and so did Grandpa have to do towards Gran.

Mom and Gran decided to move to another state an into a new house, together with me and Jen so we could start our lives over with a fresh, clean slate. This was a win-win situation for all of us, especially the fact that nobody knew who we were was a plus.

Jen and I introduced ourselves as newlyweds, with Mom and Gran as Jen's mother and grandmother (Which was one-hundred percent true :p) who would live with us due some 'certain' circumstances. We were greeted with much enthusiasm by our new neighbors, friends and co-workers (Jen managed to find a job in a nearby hospital after graduating, she often told me that she suspected that her bosses, Judith and Cynthia were in incestuous relationships as well, I just responded by saying that maybe that was the reason why they all worked together so well.) and overall everything was just as we had wished for.

So, that's about if for now. Our lives are great, our love for each other is still going strong and we all wouldn't have it any other way.


Oh! Almost forgot about this. Mom did get knocked up by me, she is caring our baby daughter for a month or two by now and everything is looking fine!

Also, Jen is ovulating next week and she made it perfectly clear to me that if I was up for it, that I would be the designated daddy for her child.

How could I say no to my dear sister?!