In a Tent with my Cute Older Sister



Hi everyone and welcome to a sequel to On the Backseat with Mom & Grandma! Arriving much, much earlier than expected!

I'm not going to spoil much, if you have read the previous installment than you probably have a good idea of what is going to happen.

So without further ado, enjoy!


Nick and his family arrived at the campsite around eleven in the morning, it was a bright, sunny day so excellent for them to construct the tents and to set up everything else.

The ride itself was like its past ordinary self, reminding Nick of the days before his mother and grandmother had committed incest and started a loving relationship with him.

The three of them were tired from their earlier activities in their hotel room, so they just cuddled up together on the backseat, talking softly with each other accompanied with the occasional touches and kisses. In the front were Nick's dad and grandfather, as usual arguing and talking about their fishing trip once they had set up everything at the campsite.

"And here we are peeps!" Said Marc proudly as he brought his Dodge Ram Promaster to a standstill on the spot that was reserved for them.

Aileen opened the sliding door and got out of the van, she stretched her arms and yawned before turning around to help her grandson and daughter-in-law with bringing out their bags and suitcases.

"Oh my! Looks like nothing has changed since the last time we were here, just as beautiful as I can remember." Said Carrie as she overlooked their spot, illuminated by rays of the sun. She always loved being on vacation on camping sites, the nature, the calmness of everything, for her it was a little piece of heaven right on earth.

"Carrie, work first, relax later. That tent is not going to set itself up you know?" Said Marc as he was busy carrying out his fishing rods from the van along with his father.

Carrie gave her husband an angry glare. "Look who's talking..." She said quietly.

She then felt a gentle but strong hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Mom, you and Gran can take it easy and look around all you want. The tent is easy to set up so let me handle it." Said Nick with a smile on his face.

"Oh honey..." Responded Carrie lovingly, placing her small, soft hand onto her son's hand, she could feel butterflies roaming through her stomach all over again.

"You are such a gentleman sweetie." Said Aileen proudly as she gave Nick a loving hug from the side. "I know some certain individuals that could learn a lesson or two from you..." She added just loud enough so only Nick and Carrie could hear it, referring her words to her husband and son.

And so their camping trip started. Aileen and Carrie took a seat on their chairs next to their camping spot so they could go over everything they brought with them before making something to snack for everyone. Nick started on setting up the tent right away, and to his surprise his father and grandfather came to help him after a while, after they were done with their more important fishing equipment.

The tent itself was pretty big but easy to construct. It had a large main segment in the middle which flowed into two sleeping compartments on either side and both sides had space for at least three people. But because some of the occupants snored more loudly than others there was a particular mix-up.

Marc and Patrick would be sleeping on the right side, them being the culprits of the snoring of course. And Aileen and Carrie, along with Nick's sister Jennifer (Jenny for short), would be sleeping on the left side.

Nick had always slept in his own tent after he went through puberty, thinking that he was to 'cool' to sleep together with the grownups. But now that he, his mother and grandmother had developed an incestuous relationship he wouldn't mind to be sharing a side of the tent with them. But he knew that Jenny would be arriving sooner or later, and he rather had her sleeping along his mother and grandmother than to let her suffer on the other side.

After fifteen minutes or so the tent was standing strong and sturdy on its usual spot, only the inside of it was left to be decorated. Nick brushed his hands off before turning to his father. "And that's that... Say Dad, mind giving me a hand wi-" He tried to ask before he was cut off.

"Not now Nick, the weather is perfect so me and your grandpa have to prepare our rods for fishing immediately." He responded, shutting his son's question down.

"Yeah, I can almost hear them from here already! 'Patrick, Marc, please feed us those delicious worms!" Added Patrick, Nick's grandfather, thinking he was being funny which only resulted in laughs coming from his son.

Nick sighed and shook his head. "well, alright then, guess I'll set up my own tent myself." He responded before taking his tent bag from the van.

Aileen and Carrie had overheard their conversation and were shooting daggers towards their husbands from their eyes just like they did the day before. "Marc, can't you just give your son a hand? We will be here for at least two weeks, those fishes won't magically disappear, you know?" Said Carrie with an agitated voice, surprising both Aileen and Nick. She was speaking against her husband, something she had never done before.

Marc snickered and turned towards his wife. "Woman! What do you know about fishing? Besides, he's nineteen for Christ's sake! He doesn't need his daddy to set up his tent anymore!" He said as Patrick laughed in the background.

"You... You know what?! Enjoy your stupid fishing then!" Responded Carrie before she stood up from her chair and walked over to her son. "I will help you Nick since it's probably too complicated for your father!" She said loud enough so that everyone could hear it.

"You go girl!" Thought Aileen to herself as she giggled, proud to see her daughter-in-law standing up for herself and Nick.

Carrie placed her hand on Nick's back and gave him a gentle motherly rub. "I will help you sweetheart." She said before giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for setting up the tent for us baby, I love you."

Nick smiled at her, feeling her love making everything right again. "Thanks Mom... I love you too."

And so both Carrie and Nick worked together to set up his tent. Marc and Patrick were cut off from the world as they were focused on their fishing rods and fishing equipment. Aileen was now busy with making some of her famous fruit snacks, an appetizer that everyone always loved as it was tasty and healthy at the same time.

Another fifteen minutes later his tent was done as well, when Nick turned around he noticed that there was no sign of his father and grandfather, his mother palmed her head and sighed.

Aileen came up to them with a plate full of her delicious fruity snacks. "Don't mind them darlings, they grabbed some of my fruity creations, picked up their fishing rods and left for the lake." She explained as Carrie and Nick served themselves to some of her snacks.

"Ugh! I can't believe it! I swear if he doesn't change his behavior sooner or later then I'm going to give him a smack right across his face!" Said Carrie angrily before taking a firm bite from her food.

Aileen giggled again. "You show him sweetie! God Carrie... It's such a relief to see you firing back some ammo at him. It seems that my dear grandson opened up a whole new world for you!" She said as she gave a wink in Nick's direction.

Carrie started to blush as she heard her mother-in-law's words. "I... I guess so Mom... Nick showed me how a true gentleman, a husband and a lover should treat his lady." She said softly. "I think it ignited a fire in me or something..."

Nick felt a certain proudness as his mother explained herself. He wrapped his arms around both their waists and brought them closer to him. He gave his mother a deep loving kiss on her lips and did the same to his grandmother, who had to stop herself from dropping the plate.

"I'm proud of both of you, they honestly don't deserve such loving wives. If I was married to either one of you, heck, even to both of you, I would show you two all the love in the world because you two deserve it!" Said Nick as his hands rubbed both their behinds.

Both Carrie and Aileen started to blush even more intense as they cuddled up further to Nick, pressing their impressive busts into his sides.

"We know baby... That's why we love you very, very much... And believe me, we both are going to show you exactly how much in these two weeks..." Whispered Carrie seductive in his right ear.

"Yeah sweetie... Leave everything to Grandma and Mommy... We will show you just how much we truly love you... In each and every way possible..." Whispered Aileen just as seductive in his left ear.

Both women then leaned forward and gave Nick a lustful, loving kiss on his lips, sliding their tongues against them. Nick opened his mouth a bit so he could dart out his own tongue. Before they knew it they were French kissing each other passionately, sharing their incestuous love together. They knew that they shouldn't act like this in public but the camping spots around them were still empty and there was no one in their near vicinity. They kept the kisses going for a while before separating themselves, feeling all their problems washed away yet again.


Carrie and Aileen were busy inside of the large tent, decorating and installing all the things that needed to be inside of it, sleeping bags, pillows, clothes, etcetera.

Suddenly a very familiar female voice came from outside of the tent.

"Hey y'all! Anyone at home?!" Shouted Jenny as she made her way to the all too familiar tent of her parents.

Carrie and Aileen immediately made their way outside of the tent, knowing who the sweet and chirpy voice belonged to. It had almost been a year since Carrie had seen her daughter and Aileen her granddaughter.

"My beautiful baby girl!" Said Carrie emotionally as mother and daughter were reunited.

"Mom, Gran! I missed you both so much!" Said Jenny teary eyed as she gave her mother a hug of a lifetime, she opened her right arm and pulled her grandmother into their hug, resulting into a loving embrace between the three of them.

"We missed you so much sweetie! We're so glad that you will spending this vacation with us!" Added Aileen as she too returned the intense hug with plenty of love.

Jenny didn't want to let go of her mother and grandmother, as the loving hug continued she started to sob quietly. She had missed her family so much that she became a little homesick at her university far away, she already had made plans to move back again so she could be with her family once more. She would keep it a secret for now but at the end of the vacation she would discuss it with her parents.

"Aw baby... It's alright hon, Mommy is here for you..." Said Carrie in her most motherly way as she smothered her daughter's head with gentle kisses. She already had suspicions that Jenny had a lot of trouble adjusting to her new place far away, she always had been a clingy child towards her and Nick when she was younger and was very fond of having them around her.

After a bit longer she was her chirpy self again, the hug ended and the women separated. Jenny rubbed her eyes before she took a good look around their camping spot. "Mom... Where are Dad and Grandpa?" She asked.

"Um... Well, they went fishing as soon the tent was up... You know how they both are honey..." Answered Carrie quite sad, hoping that Marc would have been around to greet his only daughter.

Jenny rolled her eyes while pouting her face. "Ugh... So typical of the both of them, I see that nothing has changed with them..." She said.

"Oh sweetie! You missed your mother standing up to your father, you should have seen his face! He didn't expect your mother to turn into such a fierce creature!" Said Aileen proud.

"Oh Mom... It was nothing special really... Just looking out for my baby boy." Said Carrie as a blush started to appear on her face.

Jenny adverted her shocked eyes upon her mother. "What? You really grilled Dad?" She then took a step forward and held her mother's face in her hands. "Who are you and what have you done to my Mom?!" She said jokingly.

Her actions only made Carrie blush even more which resulted in Aileen giggling again.

"Say you mentioned Nick... Where is he anyway?" Asked Jenny after she had let go of her mother's face.

"Oh, he went to the toilets, he had to go really bad afte-" Tried Carrie to say before her daughter darted off towards the toilet and shower facilities.

"Thanks Mom! See you and Grandma in a bit again!" Shouted Jenny over her shoulder.

Aileen took Carrie by her waist as they both stared after the quirky girl running off to meet her little brother. "I bet she missed Nick the most sweetie, which is not a coincidence at all." She said.

Carrie wrapped her own arm around Aileen's waist as well. "No it's not Mom, after all, he has been her best friend since they were little..." Responded Carrie.

Both women turned around and went back to finishing the inside of the big tent.

Jenny had always been fond of her little brother, she always wanted to be the best big sister in the world for him ever since she met him after he was born. They grew up incredibly close, even with the four-year age gap between them. They were best friends, helping each other in each and every way, whether it was about personal struggles or work and school related things, they always sought one another for advice.

One particular event was when Nick was bullied at school, his bullies threatened him and took his lunch money. So instead of going to teachers or his parents he went to Jenny, Jenny being his senior sister at the same school, took care of the problem in no-time after hearing about it.

Her solution costed her a week suspension but her little brother's bullies never were bothering Nick again as she had given them a week suspension straight into the hospital.

Her love for Nick was so great that she sometimes felt incredibly love-stuck when she was around him. Of course she had never mentioned it to Nick as she knew that society looked down upon something like that, it was her own little secret.


Nick slowly strolled from the toilets as he looked on his phone, hoping to see a message from his sister who should be arriving sometime on this day.

"Scruffy!!" He suddenly heard an all too familiar voice screaming his nickname into his direction, and there was only one person who called him like that.

His nickname came from when he had fallen into a puddle of mud after playing outside when he was a young boy.

He looked up from his phone and a smile creeped onto his face as he saw his older sister running towards him with open arms.

He watched as the blonde haired beauty came closer and closer. He gulped when he noticed her big breasts bouncing up and down as she ran, followed by her wide, curvy hips and ass that swung side to side.

Nick had an attraction towards his older sister, she was literally a copy of his mother but only a younger version. Just like Carrie she was an unmatched beauty, although she was even a bit shorter than her.

Nick always called her his big little sister as he towered over her in length, and the big part would be applied to not only her age. Her non saggy, perky breasts were massive, even larger than those of his mom and grandmother. Her ass was incredibly juicy, jiggly and curvy, fitting perfectly on her short, sporty fit frame. Thanks to her clothes, a short tank top which showed her tummy and cute pierced belly button, and a pair of short Daisy Dukes that hugged her ass perfectly, they were on full display. Her beautiful blue, sparkling eyes that were teared up a bit and her long, blond ponytail with dark streaks in it made her even more gorgeous.

As he braced himself for impact he wondered how she managed to run that fast with her cute little feet encased in her wooden platform heels.

"Scruffy!!" Yelled Jenny again before jumping straight into her little brother's arms. She immediately started to kiss him all over his face before burying her own face into his neck, new tears started to stream down her cheeks after finally being reunited again.

Nick hugged her hard as he too had missed her incredibly much. He could feel her massive breasts being mashed against his chest, he could smell her incredible sweet body odor coming from her. His cock started to twitch and slightly harden from just being close to his big sister.

But he knew that this wasn't time for him to get aroused by her. He gently kissed the top of his sister's head as one arm held her close around her waist while the other comfortably ran through her long, blonde hair.

"I missed you Nick! I missed you so fucking much!" Sobbed Jenny loudly into his neck.

Nick felt a lump in his throat as he comforted her, he had never heard her swear much and if she did then something really serious had to be going on. "I missed you too Sis... I couldn't wait to see you again after all this time." He said with a calm, soothing voice.

Jenny brought her face up so she could look her little brother deep into his eyes. Both siblings stood still for a while, just watching each other, seeing the love for each other glister in both of their eyes.

Jenny then suddenly leaped forward and mashed her lips onto those of her brother, kissing him deeply but not too long, it was an extremely affectionate non-sisterly kiss. She then calmly brought her face to his chest again and cuddled up to him. "I love you Nick." She whispered to him.

Nick smiled again and hugged her even more firmly. "I love you too Jen..." He responded.

"Shall we go back to Mom and Gran?" Asked Jenny after a while followed by a cute little giggle.

"Good idea, they might be wondering what's taking us so long." Answered Nick as they released their hug.

"Yeah, they might be thinking that we were having some 'FUN' together." Responded Jenny, being his all too familiar flirty older sister.

Nick gulped when he heard her say those words, thinking back to what his mother and grandmother were up to the day before. "Y-yeah, that might be a good idea." Said Nick nervously.

His response resulted in another giggle from Jenny who took his right hand with her own. Their fingers intertwined and they walked back to the tent hand in hand. Both siblings felt each other holding hard, as if they didn't want to let each other go.


Aileen and Carrie were taking a break in their chairs outside of the tent after being finished with everything that had to be done.

"Oh look Carrie, if that isn't the most adorable thing in the world!" Said Aileen as she pointed her finger behind Carrie.

Carrie turned around to see her son and daughter holding hands, chatting with each other as they slowly walked back to their camping spot. She could feel her body warm up from seeing the two of them so close again, it was as if they were little all over again.

"Oh gosh Mom... They look so cute together! Almost... Almost if they were a couple of lovers!" Said Carrie excited.

Aileen giggled again after hearing her daughter-in-law's response. "You know... Maybe they did something more than just simply reuniting with each other, they were away for quite a while..." Said Aileen teasingly.

Carrie quickly turned again, her face flushed red. "Mom!" She said a bit embarrassed.

"I mean, it's not as if we had any complaints or trouble getting it on with him, didn't we?" Said Aileen teasingly again, somehow seeing her granddaughter and grandson having the same relation with each other as she and Carrie had with Nick.

"Shhhh Mom! We can't let Jenny know about... About that!" Responded Carrie red-headed, shushing her mother-in-law down. She then quickly turned around again as Nick and Jenny came closer. "At least... Not yet..." She mumbled to herself.

"Aaaah home... Sweet... Home!" Said Jenny as she plopped herself down in one of the other chairs around Carrie and Aileen. "This is exactly what I need after that long trip. Nature, quietness and my family!"

"Can I serve you ladies with some refreshing drinks?" Asked Nick as he made his way to the cooler, being thirsty himself after setting up everything.

"Me and Grandma will have some wine darling." Said Carrie before turning to her daughter. "You want some too honey?" She asked.

"No thanks Mom, maybe later. What I need now is some cool water, that would make my day." Answered Jenny.

Nick grabbed the requests for the ladies and a bottle of water for himself. He made his way back to the chairs, gave everyone their drinks and dropped down into his own chair.

The four of them got close into a circle and started to talk about all sorts of things. Mostly about Jenny and how their lives were at home. It felt good for all four of them, like their family was truly one again. Although Marc and Patrick weren't present, the four of them felt right at home and frankly, both Carrie and Aileen felt a lot better that their husbands weren't near them.

Later on the day they were busy with setting up the barbeque once dinner time arrived closer and closer. They still hadn't heard anything from Marc or Patrick all this time.

Just as Carrie was about to send a text to her husband her phone jingle went off. She grabbed the phone and opened the text Marc had send her.

Hey, the fishes are biting mighty fine so we will be staying longer, possibly even at night. Don't worry us about eating, we met up with some other happy campers who had a barbeque with them. They invited us to eat with them so we got that covered. Say hi to Jen from both of us if she has arrived! See you all later.

Carrie could feel her anger welling up again, she deleted the message and threw away her phone into her bag. "Asshole!" She said to herself quite loud.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Asked Jenny concerned who sat close to her.

"Your father, that's what wrong! Goddamnit! He does not even have the common courtesy to greet his own daughter which he hasn't seen for nearly a year! And now he and Grandpa are so interested in their stupid fishing that they possibly stay the night." Responded Carrie fierce and annoyed.

Jenny placed her hand on her mother's thigh and rubbed it gently. "It's okay Mom, just... Just let him be, I will see Dad and Grandpa in the morning... We are here to relax so don't let it get to you."

Aileen and Nick were busy with the barbeque but they quietly overhead everything Carrie and Jenny were saying.

Carrie placed her own hand on her daughter's and held it firmly. "But it does get to me baby... It has been like this for so long, he keeps ignoring me... Me, Nick and Grandma... And now even you..." She whispered to Jenny quietly, feeling that tears started to well up in her eyes.

Before she knew it she was being embraced by her daughter. "Don't let it get to you Mom... If it truly has to be like this than I rather stay with the three of you... You know me and Dad never really saw eye-to-eye, I mean, I still love him and Grandpa too but I... But I love you, Nick and Grandma way, way more... So please, don't let it get to you and enjoy the time we will be spending together." She whispered in return.

Carrie melted because of her daughter's word and held her close to her. "Since when did you become such a wise-ass honey?" She asked with a giggle as her free hand wiped away her tears.

"Always have been Mom, the last time nearly got me in jail, remember?" Responded Jenny, looking her mother in the eyes with a big goofy grin.

Carrie started to laugh and gently shoved her daughter back a bit. "God... I have missed you baby, all three of us."

"Damn right y'all missed me!" Said Jenny loudly as she placed her hands on her hips and struck a pose. "Say lil bro, are those burgers done yet? Big sis is in need of some food!" She asked as she turned towards Nick who was surprised by his sister's sudden outburst.

"Y-yes ma'am, one burger coming right up!" He responded, faking his over the top scared reaction.

All four of them started to laugh, knowing that this vacation would be just like old times sake. But this particular vacation would also be the one that would change their lives and relationships forever...


Jenny woke up from her deep sleep when she heard someone opening the tent.

The previous night they all went to bed early after their barbeque, all of them were dead tired from the day before. Jenny from her long trip and Carrie, Aileen and Nick from setting up almost everything.

"M-Mom?" is that you?" Asked Jenny as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She could see somebody turn before seeing that it was indeed her mother.

Carrie crawled back into their sleeping quarters to talk to her daughter. "Good morning beautiful, we overslept a bit, it's almost eleven in the morning already!" She said.

Jenny smiled at her before opening her sleeping bag, giving her mother a good view of her curvy body only covered by her bra and panties. "Are you guys already setting up breakfast?" She asked.

"No, Grandma, Nick and I were about to hit the showers. Maybe you can start with setting up breakfast for the four of us if you want? You can take a shower after we return." Suggested Carrie.

"Sure, but what about Dad and Grandpa?" Asked Jenny.

Carrie sighed. "They are already fishing... Again! Apparently they made some new friends who invited them over to fish all day." She explained.

"Oh... Well, that means we will be spending time with just the four of us again, right? Maybe that won't be so bad at all!" Responded Jenny with a grin.

Carrie let out giggle before she gave her daughter a kiss on her soft cheek. "Take your time honey, you are on vacation now so take it easy, we will be back soon, okay?"

Jenny nodded and reached for her nightdress to get into before going outside. She heard her mother, brother and grandmother chatting as their voices became more distant.

She stretched herself out one last time before crawling out of the tent, putting on her flip-flops and making her way towards her father's van to get everything for their breakfast. She let out a sigh of relief when she felt the warm sun rays warming her soft, silky skin. "You gotta appreciate mother nature." She said to herself.

After getting everything ready for breakfast she sat down in one of the chair and just enjoyed the calming sounds of nature as she looked around the area. All other camping spots weren't occupied yet because the vacation period in this region would be starting later than theirs, as much as she liked to meet new people she couldn't deny that being the only ones present at the moment made it so much more relaxing.

After a few minutes she had a change of thoughts. "Mhm, since we are the only ones here I guess it won't be a problem for me to take a shower as well... I'll just lock Dad's van and close the tents before heading off to the showers, this way we can go and do something straight after breakfast." Said Jenny to herself.

She got out of her chair and walked over to her sleeping quarters to grab her toiletry bag together with a towel and to seal the tent. Once she had done that she returned to her father's van, locked it with the key and took it with her.

She stretched her arms again as she made her way to the showers. "A nice, warm shower is just what my body needs right now! But first a little detour to the toilets, sleeping out in the open always gives me a full bladder in the morning." She said to herself again, enjoying that there were no eyes around to follow her every move as she had experienced before. Jenny always had a fair share of onlookers in the past because of her well-endowed body.

After a visit to the toilet she made her way over to the showers, once inside of the unit she noticed that only the large family shower was being occupied and running.

"Strange... Didn't Mom, Gran and Nick said that they all went to take a shower? I would have expected that three showers would be occupied..." She thought to herself. She then shrugged her shoulders and made her way to the free single shower next to the family shower. "Maybe I just missed them because of my toilet stop, hope that they don't need anything from Dad's van." She thought to herself again.

Inside she got rid of her nightdress with one easy movement before taking off her bra and panties. She then cupped her big breasts and gave them a little squeeze. "Girls, sometimes I despise you two being attached to my body but I wouldn't have it any other way." She giggled to herself before running her hands down to her hips, stroking her silky like skin that was still warmed up from the sun.

Just when she was about to turn on the shower in her stall she caught a voice moaning over the sounds of falling water from the family shower next to her.

"Oh Mom, It's so good!"

"Shhh sweetie! Even if we are the only ones around here at the moment you have to be careful! You know what they say, the walls have ears!"

Jenny's jaw dropped when she heard those two all too familiar voices, there was no doubt that one belonged to Nick and the other to her grandmother.

"Mhmmm... Yes baby, I know it feels good for all of us, but try to be quiet hon, Grandma is right and we have to be careful."

"Oh my God!" Thought Jenny to herself a she quickly brought one hand up to her mouth to silence her gasps.

Being the curious girl she is, and unable to not find out what was going on in the stall next to her she quickly, but silently dropped herself onto the tile floor. There was a pretty decent sized gap between the shower stalls that she would be able to look under, she was also lucky that the lights in the showers building casted her shadow to the other side of the stall.

Jenny gulped one more time before bending her knees and letting herself fall forward until she was able to directly look into the other stall, what she saw shocked her world.

Nick was leaning with his back against the side of the shower stall as her mother and grandmother were on their knees in front of him. She could see how her mother had her mouth full of her little brother's impressive sized cock while her grandmother suckled on his balls.

As the streaming water dropped down onto their soaked bodies she watched how her mother bobbed up and down on Nick's cock with steady speed, she occasionally released him to lick her tongue around his cockhead before plunging back down onto the meat-stick. As she focused her hearing she could hear them moan, moans that were oh so erotic and happy sounding.

She then watched as her mother let go off Nick's cock, reaching her right hand over to her grandmother's ass to give it a grope and sort of signaling to her that it was her turn.

Her grandmother immediately devoured the whole length of her little brother's cock, deep-throating him while she rested her hands on his hips for grip. Her mother lingered her head down and suckled on her grandmother's rock hard left nipple before coming back up to play with Nick's balls, cupping them, caressing them and then sucking on them like her grandmother did before.

Jenny felt her whole body shaking, but not out of disgust, but out of arousal. She had caught her little brother, mother and grandmother committing hardcore incest right before her eyes, the three people she loved most in the world were loving each other in such a way that was despised by society.

Unable to contain herself she brought one free hand up to her pussy, feeling that she was completely soaked. Her juices drippled out of her and ran down her thighs, she was turned on by the act of incest, more turned on than she ever had before.

She slowly slithered her fingers through her labia, feeling her sticky juices acting like a thick sort of glue. She whimpered to herself as her eyes kept on roaming over the three people right next to her. "Oh God... This is so wrong but... Oh God... Nick... Mhmmm..." She quietly moaned to herself.

She adverted her eyes up a bit so she could see her brother's face, and seeing his face got her even more horny. Nick had his eyes closes, breathing heavily as soft hearable moans escaped from him. He had his hands on both his mother's and grandmother's heads, gently stroking them as they worked his hard cock.

Unable to look away she dropped her eyes back down, now seeing both her mother and grandmother working Nick's cock at the same time. They both slid their lips up and down on each side of the impressive shaft, theirs tongues wrapped under it that even touched each other. Her mother's right hand was cupping her grandmother big tit while her grandmother's left hand caressed her mother's thighs. She could see their womanly dew dripping down from their pussies unto the shower floor, only to be washed away by the streaming water. Her little brother was producing a steady amount of precum as well, drip after drip trickled out of his cockhead, most of it was lapped up by the two women but the occasional drip dropped down onto the shower floor too.

Jenny worked her pussy slowly, rubbing her lips gently with her sticky fingers. Her large tits were mashed against the tile floor; she could feel her hardened nipples poking against it. "Oh... Oooh Nick... Mom... Gran... What are you doing... Mhmmm..." She moaned to herself as she was hypnotized by the display of incest in front of her.

"Mom... Gran... Please, can we... Can we make love now?" Said Nick after a while.

Both women let go of the impressive cock and looked up at their son and grandson. A wicked smile filled with lust and love on their faces.

"Sure baby, Mommy wants that big cock back where it belongs..." Said Carrie seductive.

"Grandma too sweetie, give us some good pussy pounding, we both waited so long for us to do this again..." Added Aileen, sounding just as seductive as her daughter-in-law.

Jenny's eyes shot open again. "Are they... Are they going to have sex!? Is my little brother going to have sex with Mom and Gran!?" She thought to herself, feeling her arousal growing even further as her fingers started to slide harder and faster against her juice dripping cunt.

She watched as both women took a pose side to side, hands on the stall's wall and their asses stuck out towards Nick who was stroking his hard cock. They were facing away from Jenny so she had the full view of them without being able to get caught.

Nick took his position behind his mother, opened her legs a bit before rubbing his cock through her nectar dripping labia. "Do it baby, fuck Mommy!" Moaned Carrie as she felt her son's fuck-stick on the verge of penetrating her.

Without any hesitation he did as his mother asked, with one deep thrust he pushed his rock-hard cock deep into her pussy and started pounding her fast right away. Their bodies slapped together as Carrie let out squeals of lust.

Jenny couldn't believe what she was seeing, her own little brother was fucking the shit out of their own mother. She watched as her brother's cock rammed in and out of her pussy, her big tits swinging back and forth as they were visible from the gap between her mother's and brother's legs.

"Yes! Yesss! Fuck Mommy baby, give me that big fat cock of yours!" Moaned Carrie quite loud, throwing her schussing from before out of the way.

"Oh Mom! I missed this so much yesterday! I love you, I love making love to you!" Moaned Nick in return as his hands kneaded his mother's juicy ass while his hips smacked and rippled her skin. After a few more slams he leaned forward, cupped her tits and fucked her even harder and deeper.

"Oh baby yes! Mommy loves you too, Mommy loves getting fucked by you so much!" Said Carrie as she felt her son ramming his full length into her, his cockhead coming into contact with her cervix after each deep fuck.

"That's it Nick! Fuck your mother like she deserves to be fucked. But please don't leave Grandma waiting sweetie, Grandma needs to be loved too!" Moaned Aileen next to them as she worked her own juice spilling cunt with her right hand.

Jenny was now quietly moaning non-stop as her fingers plunged in and out of her pussy. "Oh Nick... Me too... I want it too... Come and fuck your big sister too..." She said to herself as she watched her little brother fucking her mother. Her thoughts about incest being wrong were thrown right out of the window as she could feel the obvious love that was surrounding the three of them, how could be something like this wrong? She lusted for it too, she wanted her brother, her sweet little brother she loved so much to do this for her as well.

Nick fucked into his mother a couple more times before releasing himself from her. He wasted no time as he quickly positioned himself behind Aileen and plunged deep inside of her right away.

"Ooooh yes sweetie! Fuck my pussy, fuck Grandma's pussy hard!" Moaned Aileen loud as she too was being assaulted by her grandson. Just like with Carrie their bodies slapped together loudly, streams of pussy juice mixed with precum squirted out of her cunt every time Nick pulled away before ramming in again.

Again Jenny had the view of her little brother fucking another family member, this time her grandmother. She squirmed as she watched his rock-hard cock appearing and disappearing in and out of the mature pussy he was fucking, just like with her mother she could see her grandmother's big tits bouncing back and forth.

"I missed you too Gran, you and Mom's pussies, both so fucking good! Oh God, I love fucking both of you!" Moaned Nick as he rapidly rammed his hips against his grandmother's juicy ass, and just like with his mother he bottomed out against her cervix with each deep thrust.

"Oh sweetie! Grandma loves you too honey! Keep fucking us forever and ever!" Moaned Aileen in return, feeling her grandson's cock invading her cunt. "Oh God sweetie! I bet... I bet you would like to fuck your sister too, don't you!" Said Aileen suddenly, hoping that this would cause a reaction from Nick.

Once more Jenny's eyes and ears shot open. Her grandmother just asked her little brother if he would make love to her too. The suspense of awaiting his answer stirred Jenny even further to stimulate herself, her hand was now gliding through her pussy and often pinching her erect clit.

Carrie too felt a shock of lust crashing through her body when her mother-in-law asked that specific question. Her legs started to shake as she visualized her own son and daughter having hot, steamy loving sex.

Just like with his mother Nick threw himself forward, cupped his grandmother's big tits and started to slam even deeper and faster into her. He then moaned his answer, not knowing that his sister was so close. "Yes I would Gran! I would love to fuck Jenny too, she's so beautiful and kind! I love her just as much as you two!" He almost shouted as if he was confessing a crime.

Hearing those very words coming from her brother was the straw for Jenny, her body started convulse and quake. She quickly rolled onto her back to the side before covering her mouth with both hands. Squirt after squirt of female nectar blasted out of her pussy. She was having the most incredible orgasm of her life because her little brother declared his love for her.

At the same time Nick was close to climax as well, he gave his grandmother a few more deep dicking thrusts before mentioning to both his mother and grandmother that he was about to cum.

Both women quickly got onto their knees in front of him, they cupped their breasts up and opened their mouths just in time as Nick started to unload rope after rope of thick seeds into their mouths and unto their bodies. They greedily lapped up as much of the male fluid as possible before swallowing it all down and then turning to each other.

Nick leaned back against the wall as he watched his mother and grandmother engage into an incredible erotic kissing session, swapping his left-over seed back and forth in their mouths.

"Oh God... Speaking about Jen... Shouldn't we return to our spot pretty soon? She must be wondering what's taking us so long..." Said Nick after turning off the shower, his breath still heavy from his climax.

"Oh my! That poor girl!" Said Carrie after releasing her incestuous kiss. Her motherly nature came rising up in her again right away, just after swallowing a steady amount of her son's seed.

"Oh shit! They expect me to be back at our camping spot waiting for them!" Ran through Jenny's mind as she heard them talk. She quickly, and quietly as possible, grabbed all her stuff and changed into her bedtime outfit again. Her pussy and thighs were still soaked so she quickly rubbed herself clean with the towel she had taken with her. Then she sneaked out of her stall, hoping not to alert them.

She could hear the three of them talking and the sounds of clothing being rustled around so she knew that they hadn't hear her leaving. She quickly returned to their tent, opened up the van, got herself decent and got rid of her toiletry accessories. She then plopped down into one of the chairs, letting out a deep sigh as millions of thoughts ran through her head about what she just had witnessed.

About five minutes later Nick, Aileen and Carrie returned to the tent, acting like if nothing had happened.

"Sorry for taking so long honey!" Said Carrie as she walked up to her daughter before giving her an apologetic kiss on her head. "There were some difficulties with the showers but they should be fixed by the time you will be taking one." She added.

"Oh well, that's a bummer I guess. I didn't mind though; I was just enjoying the sun right here." Responded Jenny, knowing damn well what really had happened. She felt a small shock of lust running through her body when her mother kissed her, knowing where that mouth had been a few moments ago.

"Hey Sis! What about we all go to take a swim in the lake after you had your shower?" Asked Nick happily, totally blind that his sister had seen everything. "We might even spot Dad and Grandpa fishing!" He added.

Jenny looked up to her brother and smiled at him. "Yes sure, I can use some cold, clean water to rinse my body some more. I mean, there are certainly various HOT moments each and every day here." She responded.

Carrie then returned with her phone in her hand and sighed. "Well, about spotting your father and grandfather... We won't be seeing them near the lake. They went way upstream with those new 'soulmates' they got acquainted with." She said with a disappointing voice.

"That son of a bitch..." Said Aileen as she angrily stared off into the distance, shocking her grandchildren as they had never heard their grandmother swear like this. (Apart from when she was getting fucked by her grandson a few moments ago)

"I bet Patrick is behind this, he always had a knack for wrapping Marc around his finger... Say sweetie, did they mention if they stayed for the night... Again?" Asked Aileen.

Carrie shook her head. "No Mom... But I have a feeling that that certain message will be coming later today..." She answered.

"Then we are on the same line sweetie... Kids, I hope you don't mind having dinner and the night to our four selves again." Asked Aileen to her grandchildren.

"No! Not at all!" Responded Nick and Jenny at the same time, they then looked at each other and started to laugh. It was somewhat a little quirk of them to answer questions at the same time.

Aileen cheerfully clapped her hands and smiled at her grandchildren and daughter-in-law. "Alright, so let's get this breakfast stared, I'm sure we are all very hungry about now."

"More than you know Gran, more than you know..." Answered Jenny with a small grin on her face.


The rest of the day was a fun packed one, sure, Jenny had the event that happened in the morning burned into her brain but she was having a great time nonetheless. They went swimming in the lake, they took a walking route through the dense forest surrounding the camp site and even met a loving elderly couple that had been living in the area for over forty years that told them all kinds of things that they were able to do in the upcoming days.

She felt right at home again, home again together with her family even though her father and grandfather had been 'missing' for the last two days. She knew that the rest of her vacation would be a blast, even so much that she wanted to tell her mother about her plans to come back home again a lot sooner than she intended to.

After a long, active day they had another tasty, barbeque dinner at their camping spot, still being the only ones that camped in the area. Jenny shared more of her stories while she was away and so did her brother, mother and grandmother. It just felt right for the four of them to be together.

It didn't take long before the four of them were exhausted from the eventful day. As soon everything got dark they said their goodnights and went off to bed, hoping that the next day would be just as fun.

Jenny went to bed with double feelings, not being able to get rid of the scene she had witnessed right before her very eyes in the morning. She felt that her body had been aroused through the whole day, her pussy slightly wet because she was so close to the people she loved most in the world, knowing that the three of them were in an incestuous relationship. She sighed to herself before she cuddled up in her sleeping bag, hoping that the night would be kind to her.


Nick woke up in the middle of the night as he heard the zipper of his tent open.

"Wha... What's going on?" He asked sleepily.

"It's me, little brother..." Said Jenny as she crawled into her brother's tent as fast as she could, armed with her pillow and sleeping bag.

"S-Sis? What's going on?" He asked again.

Just before Jenny could respond he was awoken further by a loud thunder coming from outside.

"Eek!" Yelped Jenny as she lunged herself forward unto her brother.

"Umpfh!" Produced Nick as he felt his sister's curvy body crash into him. He then started to laugh softly. "Ahah! So that's what's going on, still can't sleep through thunder without being close to your little brother, Sis?" He asked.

"Oh... Shut it, dummy!" Answered Jenny as she quickly turned around on top of her brother to close the zipper again.

Jenny had always been afraid of the thunder. At home she would get into bed with Nick which comforted her immensely and allowed her to sleep safely through the night because he was by her side. Her father was sceptic about the whole ordeal but Carrie thought it was sweet and cute, if it helped her to relax and sleep, why not?

Nick too had never any problems with it, he thought that it was cute, his cool big sister that had beaten up his bullies was afraid of thunder. He didn't mind her sleeping with him as he rather enjoyed her warmth next to him.

Nick sat up and opened the zipper of his sleeping bag all the way down until it was possible to flip it into one large blanket. "Gimme your sleeping bag Sis." He asked to Jenny as his eyes adjusted to the dark.

"Why?" She asked as she clenched her pillow close to her body, still being jumpy from the thunder.

"So I can spread it open as well. Then we both lie under it just like we did at home." Explained Nick.

"Oh! Right!" Responded Jenny rather excited, she crawled to the side while still clenching onto her pillow, watching and waiting as her brother made up their 'bed' inside of the small tent.

"And voila! Feels comfy as hell!" Said Nick as he made his way on top and under both spread sleeping bags, he then opened up his sister's side and invited her over. ''Come here Sis, I will make sure that nothing bad will happen to us." He said jokingly.

Jenny started to blush because of his words. "Y-yes, I'm coming..." She said quietly as she scooted over and crawled into their improvised bed. She laid down her pillow and rested her head on it, her body turned away from her brother.

Both Nick and Jenny were still wide awake after a few minutes, they listened as the approaching rain started to drip louder and louder onto the tent. Suddenly another loud thunder blasted right above their heads, illuminating the whole tent with its flash.

"Eeeeek!" Yelped Jenny again as her body lunged itself backwards against her brother.

Nick, who was lying towards his sister, was once more greeted by her curvy, soft body crashing against his own.

"That sure was a big one, wasn't it Sis?" He said again after letting out a cheeky laugh.

"S-shut up a-and h-hold meeee!" Sobbed Jenny as she pushed herself even harder against her brother.

"Alright you big baby." Said Nick as he gently wrapped his right arm around his sister's waist while the other reached over her head to grab her pillow. He felt her body shake a bit, stirred by the loud thunder that had went off.

Jenny immediately felt safe and warm in her brother's protective arms, she cuddled up further to him and let out a satisfying sigh.

It didn't take long before both siblings realized that they were close, very close together. A certain nervousness started to dwell onto both of them.

Nick inhaled his sister's strawberry like smell coming from her long, blonde hairs that were right in front of his face. The smell had a soothing, calming and relaxing effect on him. He could feel her soft, silky skinned body rubbing against his own as he only slept in his boxers. His cock was wedged between her juicy ass cheeks while his right arm rubbed over her tummy and against the undersides of her massive breasts. It didn't take long before he started to get aroused, thinking back to what he confessed to his grandmother and mother in the shower stall. She was right here, his beautiful older sister, right in front of him in his caring arms.

Jenny too could feel a sensation of love and lust running through her body as her little brother held her close to him. His strong arms and hands gently caressed her body, calming her but also making her hornier with each and every second that went by. She could feel the beat of his heart beating against her back, going faster every few seconds. And then there were their lower regions, she could feel that his cock was wedged right between her ass cheeks, slowly coming to life and pressing harder against her.

As if they responded to each other's touch she could feel herself getting wet, her nipples hardening from the soothing touch of her brother. Nick also didn't know that his older sister's night attire only consisted of her nightdress today since he couldn't get a good look at her earlier when she entered the tent.

Before going to her brother's tent, Jenny had gotten rid of her bra and panties on purpose, knowing that he wouldn't say no to her. She had decided that she wanted it too, she too wanted to feel and experience her brother's love. She didn't care what society thought of incest, she loved her brother and he loved her just as much. If he could give that love to his own mother and grandmother, then why not her as well?

Jenny started to move her hips carefully, moving them up and down and left and right gently. She could feel her brother's cock getting sandwiched between her ass, feeling it's heath spreading over her bum as it grew larger and larger. She softly moaned and licked her lips as she teased her little brother.

Once Nick felt his sister moving his cock back and forth with her ass he couldn't hold himself anymore, he started to breath heavily as his arms clamped themselves around his sister's perfect body. His right arm pushed up against her soft, perky breasts due to their movements, this revealed to him that she wasn't wearing a bra at all.

Just as his sister he started to push his hips up and down, sliding his cock along her ass crack. The two soft pillow like cheeks had his cock totally trapped between them, the stimulation he felt was incredible. As bold as could be he moved his left arm around her waist as well, but with this one he grabbed a handful of his sister's big right tit.

The sudden action resulted in Jenny letting out a cute little moan that he could hear, he then knew that she wanted to do this as much as he did. He could feel her hardened nipple pressing into the palm of his hand, only being covered by the thin fabric of her nightdress.

Brother and sister gently rocked back and forth, both breathing heavy due to their intimate movements. Jenny's pussy was now a sopping mess as juices leaked and ran down her thighs onto the sleeping bag below them. Nick too was producing precum which he spread all over his sister's ass, sliding it up and down on her soft, heavenly skin.

"N-Nick...?" Whispered Jenny to her brother after a while.

Nick gulped before responding. "Y-yeah Jen...?"

Jenny remained quiet for a while before whispering again. "I... I saw you in... In the shower with Mom and Gran..."

Nick stopped his movements completely when Jenny had revealed her secret, he tried to push her away from him, having a sudden change of heart as he didn't want to hurt his sister's feelings. "Oh God... Jenny... I'm sorry I... I... You must think we are sick!" He responded a bit panicked.

Jenny quickly turned her body around and held onto her brother, pulling him back towards her. "N-no Nick... Listen I..." She tried to say but Nick rambled on.

"M-Mom was lonely... A-and Gran too... Sis, please don't... P-please don't think bad of us." Nick tried to explain everything to his sister, scared that she would be angry with all of them.

Jenny knew that words weren't going to help so she resorted to another method. She grabbed the back of her brother's head and pushed it towards her own. Their lips came together in a fierce, passionate kiss. Gone was her brother's resistance the very moments their mouth came together. She pushed her tongue forward, sliding it into her brother's mouth who acted right away upon her actions. The two siblings passionately French kissed each other as moan after moan escaped from them.

After what seemed to be an eternity they released their incredible kiss. Jenny could see the glistering of her brother's eyes in the dark as she observed him. She grabbed onto his body again, pulling him even closer before whispering again.

"I want it too little brother... I want you to make love to me too... I grew so excited and hot when I saw you fucking Mom and Gran with such love and lust for them." She started to kiss the inside of his neck before whispering to him again. "I missed you so much Nick... And after seeing 'that' this morning I realized how much... I want to go back home again, to stay with you, Mom and Gran... So please, give me the love you gave to them as well... I love you Nick..."

Nick was frozen on the spot upon hearing his sister's words. "I... I..." Was all he managed to produce with his voice before he felt his sister's finger pressing softly against his mouth.

"Shhhh... It's okay little brother... Just let... Just let big sis take care of you, okay?" She whispered cutely.

He then felt his sister moving her body further down under the sleeping bag blanket, kissing gently along his body until she arrived at his crotch. He could feel his sister's soft hands pulling down his boxers, releasing the trapped beast of a cock that was still rock-hard and throbbing.

Jenny let out a giggle when the impressive meat-stick almost smacked her in the face. She licked her lips as she could smell her brother's strong body odor. She then opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around her brother's thick cockhead, tasting his tasty precum for the first time.

"Ughhnn! Oh... Ooooh Jenny!" Squirmed Nick as he felt his cock being sucked by his older sister, the older sister he always had a crush on since he was a child. He couldn't describe what he felt, just as with his mother and grandmother he could feel something unique. Jenny gave him a blowjob in such a different way but it felt just as good as the two other females.

Jenny felt her brother's body tensing up as she took him deeper, sucking a few extra inches of his hard shaft into her hungry mouth. She let her tongue expertly ravage alongside of it, spreading her saliva mixed with his precum all over it.

She threw her right arm up to seek out one of her brother's hands, to hold him lovingly while her left hand fondled his balls while she remained bobbing up and down on his cock.

Nick grasped her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers, holding onto her for dear life as she gave him another incredible, exclusive blowjob experience.

He felt how her nails gently scratched his balls while her tight, wet mouth slurped up and down on his pole. With his other hand he sought out his sister's tits again, this time sliding them under her nightdress so he was able to knead her soft, bare flesh.

Jenny let out a moan of pleasure when she felt her brother's strong hand cupping her left tit, kneading it in such a way that fired her up even more. Stream after stream of sticky female nectar trickled down her thighs and legs, her steamy pussy was working overtime now.

Fueled by her brother's attention she pushed herself further down onto his cock until she felt it pushing back against her throat. She wasn't able to take it completely like her grandmother but she knew that she was giving him incredible pleasure. She now bobbed her head back and forth hard, feeling his cockhead ramming against the back of her throat after every full move forward. Her saliva splattered around as she gagged and gurgled on her little brother's big fat cock.

Nick's eyes rolled back in his skull as he was being pleasured to the extreme, the combination of the blowjob, the sounds and the fact that his own cute older sister was giving him that experience made sure that his upcoming orgasm started to bubble up faster than ever.

Jenny moaned loud as she sucked her brother's cock, her trembling voice giving him even more pleasure as it vibrated his whole shaft. She had forgotten about the thunder, about the rain and all of her surroundings. Her brother had her full attention and she would be giving him her very best.

She could feel that his cock was throbbing wildly, knowing that he wasn't far off his climax. She wanted to taste every single drop of his cum so she started to work him even faster. Her left hand carefully kneaded his ball-sack while her mouth remained bobbing up and down onto his cock. She gyrated her tongue around his cockhead teasingly when she would almost let go off him.

"Ooooh Jen... Jen I'm so close!" Announced her brother before his body started to spasm out of his control. His own sister was sucking him so good that he felt reality fading away.

Jenny gave him a few more deep sucks before latching her mouth around the head of his cock, greedily sucking it vacuum. She had released both her hands which were now holding tight onto her brother's hips, keeping him from falling onto his back.

"Chummin... Jen! Chumming!" Blurted Nick out before his seed started to blast out of his tightly trapped cock.

Jenny was fed shot after shot of her brother's thick creamy potent seed. She swallowed him hard as felt his cum shooting deep down her throat. It took at least fifteen spurts of jizz before he started to calm down. After the deed was done she let go his cock, which still remained hard to her surprise. She licked her lips, licking up all the remaining seed of her brother before moving back up again.

Nick was panting hard, lying on his back on the sweat soaked sleeping bag. He just had experienced the most incredible blowjob of his life, one that his own sister had given him.

Jenny started to giggle when she saw her little brother recovering from her sudden assault. "Told ya, big sis would take care of you!" She said cutely.

Nick started to laugh softly through his breathing. "Oh Sis, just you wait..." He responded.

"What was that?" Asked Jenny as she scooted closer towards her brother.

"I said... Just... You... WAIT!" Responded Nick loudly as he lunged forward and pushed his sister onto her back.

"Eeeek!" Yelped Jenny playfully, a bright smile on her face as her little brother tackled her onto her back.

Nick wasted no time as he pulled his sister's nightdress all the way up, revealing her busty, curvy body to him in its full glory, his eyes had adjusted to the darkness well enough to see every nook and cranny, plus the light of the few lanterns outside illuminated the tent just a little bit.

Jenny giggled again as she held her arms up, allowing her brother to undress her completely.

Once they got rid of the pesky nightdress he was ready to go. He leaped forward a latched his hungry mouth upon his sister's massive tits. His hands cupped the sides, pushing them up while his mouth licked, slurped and sucked all over the magnificent twin globes.

He slithered his tongue around her areolas before nibbling on her hardened nipples, he gave the left a few sucks before turning to the right and then repeating the process all over again. He licked them, gently bit them and sucked on them as if he was a baby.

Nick always had dreamed of feasting onto his sister's beautiful bust and today was his lucky day. He was busy with them for at least ten long minutes, worshipping them with everything he could.

Jenny moaned and moaned erotically through the whole ordeal. Her hands running through her brother's hair as he did everything in his might to pleasure her tits. She loved it, she absolutely loved committing incest with her dear little brother and she knew that this was the beginning of something much bigger.

After feasting on her tits Nick trailed down her body with kisses just like she did to him before, and just like her he went under their improvised blanket. Nick could feel the heat and the sweet smell emitting from his sister's hot box as if it was luring him.

He pulled his arms under her legs and gently opened them wider, giving him full access to her moist cunt. He started to kiss her inner thighs first, already tasting the sweetness of her juices as she was literally soaked everywhere down there.

He suckled on her silk skin, trialing his tongue back and forth along her thigh before he switched between legs. He kept on licking and kissing her just before reaching her pussy, teasing her so incredibly hard.

"Oooooh Nick... What are you doing to meeee! Just eat my pussy dummy! Eat your big sister's tight pussy!" Moaned Jenny loudly, her hands running through her long blonde hair.

After that amazing blowjob he couldn't let her in the dark. Nick brought his mouth to her pussy and gave one long lick from bottom to top through her juicy labia, and at the top he rested a bit to gently nibble on her erect clitoris.

"Yesss! Just like that baby brother! Lick my pussy!" Moaned Jenny in return after her brother's sudden action.

Nick then started to eat her pussy like he meant it. He licked through her slit rapidly, poking his tongue deeper inside of her after every finished up and down motion. Her taste and smell were so incredible that he lapped up every trickle of juice he came across.

He switched his movements up by attaching himself to her clit while letting the fingers of his right hand running over her slit, gyrating her lips open and close, stimulating her as hard as possible.

He could feel her body tremble and shake as he worked her delicious cunt, he was treated with spurts of juice every time he poked into her clit with his tongue.

"Ooooh God, Oooooh Goooood!" Moaning Jenny as she started moving her hips on her own, gyrating them into the opposite direction of her brother's mouth and fingers.

Nick slurped, sucked and licked at an impressive rate to keep up with his sister's movements. His tongue now back deeper into her tight pussy while his fingers trapped her clit between them, vibrating it back and forth.

Jenny's mind was going crazy as her brother orally satisfied her, something she had never experienced before. She brought one arm down under the improvised blanket, pushing her brother's head harder onto her pussy with her hand. With her left she was kneading her big tits, occasionally pulling onto her hard nipples.

Nick almost ran out of breath because of her pushing him down onto her but he couldn't care less, he knew that he was pleasuring her to his full extent, he wanted to make her happy, to make her cum her brains out which she so much deserved.

His tongue slithered and lapped through her pussy like a hurricane, every nook and cranny was being explored expertly while his fingers remained stimulating her stiff clit. He was amazed by the amount of juices she managed to produce, his whole face was covered and the sleeping bag under them was soaked in it.

Jenny could feel an electric, orgasmic bliss running through her whole body after another full minute of intense pussy eating. She was going to cum and she was going to cum hard.

"Nick! I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum baby brother!" She moaned as she felt her whole body bucking up and down, all her erogenous zones exploding at the same time.

Nick then felt his sister's legs clamping around his head, trapping him right onto her pussy which he was still devouring, he knew that this was it and prepared for his sister's climax.

"Cumming!" Moaned Jenny one last time before her floodgates opened.

Nick almost choked on the generous amount of female cum his sister served to him, he lapped away at her convulsing cunt as much as possible, the rest of the tasty nectar blasted all over his face and onto the poor sleeping bag.

Jenny squealed as she bucked, shook and trembled from the intense orgasm. It was so intense that her opened mouth started to drool, unable to produce any words at all.

Finally, her legs gave in and opened up. Nick came up and gasped for air, the same way his sister was doing after her climax slowly faded away. They both breathed heavily as they both had to recover from what just happened.

Nick slowly pulled himself up again, along his sister's body until his head was wedged between her neck and shoulder. They both could feel their hearts beating rapidly, signaling to each other with the same speed.

Jenny slowly wrapped her arms around her brother's sweaty body, holding him close as she cuddled her cheek against his head.

"Holy... Shit... Well Sis... Did that do the trick for you?" Asked Nick between his breaths that collided against his sister's neck.

"Baby... That was the most amazing orgasm of my life... And my own baby brother made me cum like that..." Responded Jenny quietly, followed by a soft giggle.

Nick pulled himself up until their sweaty foreheads were touching each other. "Jen I... I wanted this for so long... Ever since we were kids I... I always was attracted to you..." He confessed as he looked deep into her eyes, being able to see them sparkle through the darkness.

Jenny smiled before bringing her hands up to cup his face. "Sweetheart... You don't have to explain anything, this was meant for us, it was destiny for us to get together like this..." She whispered to him before her lips found his once more.

Slowly and gently they started to make out, no rush, no worries, nothing. A loving, romantic incestuous act between a brother and sister that had deep feelings for each other.

After a while they separated their kiss.

"Say Nick... Didn't you mention to Gran and Mom that you... wanted to make love to me, right?" Whispered Jenny to her brother adorably.

Nick started to blush, which wasn't possible for Jenny to see. "Y-yeah, I might have said something like that..." He responded.

Jenny giggled again at his answer. She then brought her mouth close to his left ear and whispered: "Well... What are you waiting for my brother stud? You have been rubbing and poking your hard cock onto my pussy mound for quite a while now..." She then giggled again before gently sucking on Nick's earlobe.

Nick was so caught up in their romantic kiss that he hadn't even noticed that his cock was raring to go again, he could feel himself pushing his hips up and down, his cock sliding over his sister's warm body, just above her pussy leaving streaks of renewed precum.

He immediately reached for his cock with his right hand and positioned himself to the entrance of his sister's sacred treasure, he slid his cockhead through her wetted lips a couple of times before he prodded himself against her incredibly tight vagina. Just as he was about to put it in he felt his sister's soft, tiny hand grasping onto his cock as well.

"Nick before we start... Please be gentle with me, okay? It's going to be my first time that I have sex with someone..." Said Jenny, breathing rapidly after saying her words.

Nick couldn't believe his ears; his amazingly attractive sister had never made love to someone. "Jen... Are you still a virgin?" Asked Nick surprised.

He felt her hand softening around his cock before she spoke to him. "Uh... Yes, and no I guess... I broke my hymen after playing with one of my toys but there has never... There has never been a man inside of me... I wanted my first time to be with someone I truly loved... And I think that moment is tonight..."

Again Nick was surprised, Jenny had a few boyfriends before but he was truly going to be the first, and probably the only person to make love to her. Realizing his sister's words made his whole body warm up with happiness.

"I... I will be gentle Jen... I will show you how much I truly love you." Responded Nick before leaning down and giving his sister a loving kiss.

Jenny cupped his face again and kissed him back. She then wrapped her arms around her brother's neck and relaxed her body. "Thank you Nick... I love you... Now please, make love to me little brother..." She whispered to him.

As soon as those words had left his sister's mouth he pushed forward, slowly and gently into the vagina that belonged to his older sister.

Both Nick and Jenny gasped when they felt themselves indulging into incestuous intercourse.

Nick knew that if he would have been unexperienced in sex that he would have blown his load right away at this very moment, her pussy was tight, probably the tightest pussy he had ever felt.

Jenny could feel her brother entering her body with a lot of resistance coming from her. She could feel her vagina walls grasping around the pulsing meat that was being shoved inside of her oh so slowly. It was unbelievable as she experienced things she had never felt before, and it felt really, really good.

Nick paused his movements for a second and leaned down towards his sister to kiss her again. She immediately responded to his moves and kissed him deeply in return. He wanted it to be as comfortable for her as possible. He then started to push himself deeper inside, inch by inch as their lips remained locked together.

Along her tightness she was also very wet, perfectly lubricated to be penetrated by her brother's stiff cock. The farther he entered her the more active they both became, Jenny started to gyrate her hips slowly the further her brother sank into her, sweet little moans escaped from her mouth as her brother's cock reached and touched all kinds of new places. One arm now rested behind her brother's head while the other caressed his back, Nick's hands were busy with stroking through his sister's hair and caressing her left cheek. Their kiss was still going strong, now evolved into a French kissing battle.

After about five minutes Nick managed to fully penetrate his sister. Their groins were mashed together and his hard cock was nudged against the entrance to her womb, just like with his mother and grandmother he was a perfect fit.

They stopped their long lasting kiss and positioned themselves again, forehead to forehead so they could see into each other's eyes, even if it was a bit dark. Nick let out a soft moan as he realized that he was buried deep into his sister, he could feel her pussy literally molding around his cock, and the feeling of her massive tits with their hard nipples poking into his chest was nice as well.

"Oh God... Nick, we really are one now..." Whispered Jenny as she felt her brother cock fully encased in her pussy.

Nick smiled at his sister. "Jen... I'm going to move now, okay?" He whispered to the beauty under him.

Jenny's eyes sparkled with love and lust as a small smile crept unto her face. She nodded yes, "Yes Nick, make love to me..." She whispered in return.

And so, after hearing his sister's approving words he started to slowly saw in and out of her. He could feel her nails digging into his skin as soon his cock worked itself in and out of her tight pussy.

"Oh... Ooooh Nick... Yes... So good..." Moaned Jenny cutely as their foreheads and eyes remained locked together.

"You are so incredibly tight Sis... This is the best pussy I have ever felt in my life." He moaned in return.

Nick could feel her vagina grasping onto his cock like a vice, especially when he almost fully pulled out of her. Her lips would mold themselves around the ridges of his cockhead, demanding for it return deep into her deepest depth once more.

Their bodies softly slapped together, easy deep penetration resulting into their combined juices splattering around their nether regions. Jenny's juices seeped out of the tight gap where they were connected and trickled down along her tiny puckered asshole before falling onto the already dirtied sleeping bag.

Brother and sister were now in an incestuous cycle, repeating movement after movement just to truly feels each other's love. Both their eyes sparkling with lust and love as they mated, two bright smiles on their faces as brother made love to his sister.

Jenny's legs automatically started to wrap themselves around her brother's waist, wanting to feel him as close and deep as possible. She slowly rocked her own body back and forth in perfect sync with her brother's thrusts. She mewed and cooed adorably throughout their loving session, a brand new world opening to her.

Nick felt a brand new experience as his sister now worked together with him, he was fucking her in such an angle that he could feel himself riding her vagina walls. The textures of it grasped around his cock and rubbed him in all the right spots, his own older sister had a pussy to die for.

They remained making love like this for at least ten minutes, ten long minutes of tender loving, their eyes never leaving each other's sight. There movements did gradually speed up over time, Nick was now fucking his sister with a solid pace, their bodies slapping louder together and their moans and breathing becoming harder.

He could feel her majestic tits wiggling and wobbling against his chest, stimulating himself and his sister even further. Also her hard clit rubbed against his lower belly every time he fucked into her, he knew that his sister would be feeling that for sure.

And feeling it she did, both her hardened nipples and clit stung almost painfully from arousal and the way her brother's cock guided itself through her pussy sent shocks of pleasure through her whole body.

Jenny couldn't control herself longer and leaped forward, crashing her lips onto those of her brother once more, she hungrily lapped away at his face as her nails scratched all over the skin of his back.

Nick returned the animalistic kiss with just as much vigor, swapping his saliva with her as their tongues battled and their moans roamed through each other's mouths. His hands were now grasping away at her thick, jiggly ass.

Another five minutes went by before they separated their lust filled kiss.

"Please fuck me harder now Nick, fuck your big sister's pussy hard and fast! Show me how much you truly want me little brother!" Moaned Jenny loud towards him.

Nick smiled to her before he pushed himself up, pulled his arms under each of her smooth, silky legs and opened them wide so he could start to fuck her hard, just as she wanted.

His hips started to slam hard against his sister, his cock fucking her hard, deep and fast. Their bodies slapped together loudly, overshadowing the thunders that went off above their heads.

"That's it! Yes! Just like that little brother! Fuck meeeee!" Moaned Jenny as she watched her brother fucking her hard and nasty, her whole body shaking from the hard impacts she had to endure. She licked her lips seductively while her hands mashed at her bouncing breasts once more. The feeling she went through now was euphoric, the best she had ever felt.

"So. Fucking. Good!" Moaned Nick towards her as he watched his sexy sister play with her large tits. His eyes adverted from her face, to her bouncing tits and to her tight, juicy pussy that swallowed him whole as if he was made for her.

They both knew that their mother and grandmother probably would be hearing them right now but they couldn't care one bit. They were there for each other now, making each other feel the love they deserved to feel.

Nick decided to change their routine a little bit after fucking each other like animals for another five long minutes.

He flipped Jenny onto her side, surprising her with the sudden change. He used his right arm to hold up her leg into the air while the other slipped under her body to cup one of her massive tits. He started fucking her in a spooning style, just like how they started this night in his tent.

Jenny squealed out of excitement and twisted her body so that she could see her brother's face huffing and puffing as he slammed into her. She used one arm to push his face even closer to hers, wanting to see his eyes again as he fucked her. The other clamped right on top of her brother's hand so that they were now both caressing her massive mammaries.

"I love you Nick! I love youuuu! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeee!" Begged Jenny as she enjoyed being manhandled by her little brother.

Nick said nothing in return, letting his actions speak louder than words. His rock-hard cock slammed in and out of her grasping pussy, all the way back to the door to her womb. With every move backwards their combined juices blasted out of Jenny's tight cunt, only to be partially rammed inside once he thrusted forward again.

Jenny's pussy was now red and puffy, as well as their skins that had been smacking against each other for the past twenty minutes. They had made love and were now fucking with passion, both brother and sister experiencing the full sibling incest course.

But as always, good things must come to an end and both Jenny and Nick were reaching theirs faster than they knew it, even after another five long minutes of non-stop, hard spoon fucking action.

"Nicccckkk! I'm going to cum again! I'm going to cum so hard again!" Moaned Jenny loud as her head shook from left to right, her body shaking and shuddering.

"Me too Sis, I'm going to cum as well!" Responded Nick as he felt his whole body tensing up for the grand finale.

Jenny pushed her brother's face close to hers again. "Cum inside baby brother, fill me up with your delicious spunk and please... Please kiss me when you are about to fill your older sister's pussy up!" She begged him, her eyes tearing up because of how good she felt.

Nick pumped balls deep into his sister a couple more times before holding her tight, his cock buried fully inside of her and him seeking his sister's soft lips. Just as they started to kiss he started to unload into her.

Rope after rope of his thick cum was blasted into her baby chamber, completely filling her up to the brim. His body shuddered and his balls stung painfully as his sister's cunt almost ripped his cock off, draining his cum reservoir until it was completely empty.

Jenny's body started bucked up and down, cumming hard as soon the first spurt of jizz blasted inside of her. She moaned loudly through her kisses while her body kept on shaking and trembling. She could feel her orgasm ripple from her toes to her head non-stop, over and over again with each salvo of sperm being shot into her.

And then it was over, Nick rolled onto his back, gasping for air while taking his sister with him. She rolled with him and was now lying on top of her brother, his cock still deeply locked inside of her. Their heartbeat bumped at the same rhythm as they both needed time to calm down from their climaxes.

Nick wrapped his arms around Jenny, who slowly but surely crawled further up until their faces were close again. She leaned forward, almost too tired to move and kissed her brother sweetly. He kissed her back so they could both show each other their affection, even when they were dead tired.

After a few minutes they stopped their soft, loving kiss. Jenny cuddled up to her brother before whispering to him. "That was... So beautiful Nick... I... I just can't believe that we finally did this... I love you..."

Nick leaned forward a bit to give her another sweet kiss on top of her head before speaking himself. "A dream coming true Sis... I love you too, so much... But..."

Jenny knew what he was going to ask and answered before he could say it. "It's safe Nick, I have been on the pill since forever... Mom made sure to bury that deep into my brain..." She then let out a cute little yawn, balancing on the verge of falling asleep.

Nick only smiled after her answer, with one free hand he reached over to the spread sleeping bag that they had kicked away during their love making and pulled it over both of them. He gave his sister another kiss on top of her head. "Goodnight princess..." He whispered to her.

"Goodnight... Lover..." Responded Jenny with a whisper as well. They then fell asleep in each other's arms, the thunder above them long gone.


Carrie and Aileen were both wide awake in their own tent next the one where their son and grandson, and now their daughter and granddaughter as well, were sleeping in.

Aileen rolled over towards Carrie and prepped herself onto her shoulder before speaking.

"Sweetie, I think we need to have an urgent word with the kids in the morning." She said.

A few seconds of silence went by before both women started to giggle.

"Yes Mom, I guess we do." Said Carrie in return.