It's Just the Two of Us


Hello all of you! And welcome to my next story, the first one in the New Year!

First of all, I wanted to add some fantasy elements to one of my stories and this is the one that came out of it, of course it's filled with incest loving between a mother and her son, only this time they aren't humans! So I hope all of you will enjoy this just as much as my 'regular' stories.

A short warning though, there is a scene in this with excessive violence (All part of the story and NOT against the main characters, so don't worry, no horrible stuff will happen to them.)

All and all I really enjoyed writing this, so without further ado, enjoy!


A soft grunt escaped from Glasha's mouth as she worked the last part of the vegetable garden she had created a few years ago. Her long, dark braided ponytail swung side to side as she plowed through the hard and dry ground of her garden. Her light green skin covered with a layer of sweat as she moved her tall, imposing and strong body back and forth. Both her large breasts and well curved ass followed in a hypnotic motion, only covered by a light and small leather attire that showed off the goods. She never was one to outfit herself in clothes or gear that would limit her movement.

Finally, after plowing the last part of her garden, she placed the plow against the fence that surrounded her property and leaned back against it to overlook the place that she had considered home for the last nineteen years.

While she stood there and reminisced over the past she was suddenly interrupted by the familiar sound of a carriage coming down the road towards her home. She focused on her hearing, closed her eyes and listened carefully and alert.

"Mhmm... Two horses... Medium sized carriage... Three to maybe four persons..." She whispered to herself. She rarely got any visitors so she anticipated and used her past skills to prepare herself for what was coming, she could never be safe enough. As she focused on the approaching carriage her right hand unclasped the pocket that held her dagger.

Glasha turned around just as the carriage came into view. She could see a tall, muscled human male riding the carriage before her eyes spotted the two other male humans inside of it. The two men inside looked like noble while the man guiding the horses looked like a sort of bodyguard.

She nimbly jumped over the fence and took a stance in the middle of the path, her muscular arms crossed in front of her, pushing up her rather impressive bust as she slightly flexed the rest of her strong body to make sure the carriage driver got no idea to drive any further than were she stood. And she wasn't about to move an inch before someone explained their arrival.

The carriage came to stop a few meters in front of her as she held her eyes focused on the tall human male. They exchanged looks for a few seconds before the man smirked and climbed off the carriage before proceeding to open one of the doors on the side. Even as she stood one head higher as the already rather tall human male she didn't seem to intimidate him that much, it might had to do with her being an Orc and supposedly being 'inferior' to humans.

Slowly but surely two older looking human males climbed out of the carriage, one who seemed to be a right-hand-man, an advisor of some sort while the other was rather dressed flamboyant, the head honcho of the trio.

The three made their way towards Glasha, the guard in front while the two others followed him closely. A few steps away the guard turned to the side and took his position, but not before showing Glasha how his hand gripped around the handle of his steel longsword.

The advisor took a stance opposite of the guard, placed his glasses in front of his eyes and opened a little notebook that had a golden pen in the middle of it.

Glasha's patience was coming to a closure so she spoke up. "Alright, who are you and what do you want? I didn't give you permission to enter my property so you better have a good reason to come here." She said with an intimidating sounding voice.

The older, flamboyant looking male let out a short laugh as he looked up to the female Orc. His beady eyes first lingered along her body, taking in her strong legs and thighs, then up to her large bust before finally stopping to stare into her light, red colored eyes.

"They all told me you were an interesting character... And I see that they were also right with that little temperament you seem to have..." Said the older male.

"Cut the shit and speak old man." Responded Glasha fierce.

The man softly snickered again before speaking. "Glasha is it? The famous female Orc Glasha... Well, let me introduce myself to you first, but shortly of course because you seem to be in a hurry for whatever reason..."

Glasha said nothing in return, only making her stare angrier looking so the man would speed up.

"I'm Marcus von Kattelion... You might have heard the name ringing around when you were on the market selling your wares in my city..." He said.

"I might have, and what of it?" Responded Glasha.

"Well, I was impressed with your work, you know, the things you can make besides your vegetables and fruits." Said Marcus as he reached into the pocket of his expensive jacket and revealed a clothed item.

He opened it and showed an ebony Orc dagger, beautifully crafted and in tip top condition. "This is one of your works, no?" He asked.

Glasha could spot her own smithing skills from miles away, the dagger was indeed one of her works. Besides her garden work she would sometimes still craft incredible pieces of work with the use of her Orcish smithing skills, if the price was right.

"It is one of my works, yes." Responded Glasha coldly.

"Good! So I was informed right then. Now you see, I was rather impressed with this beautifully crafted dagger and I hoped you could help me with something more, preferably a sword sized variant of this." Marcus explained.

"And what makes you think I would do that?" Said Glasha in return.

"Oh come on miss Glasha, you can't be paying for all this property with only income from fruits and vegetables." Said Marcus as he opened the other side of his jacket, reached in and grabbed a small silk bag.

He then handed the dagger over to his supposed advisory who was scribbling away in his notebook before using his hands to open the small silk bag. He then revealed the pure golden coins to Glasha, an amount that could keep her fed for a few months at least.

"Maybe this would make you understand miss Glasha, a reward for my offer IF you would consider to help me out..." Said Marcus, again ogling at Glasha's impressive body.

Glasha remained quiet for a few seconds, her eyes focused on the gold before she turned her head towards the house.

"Xruul! Get me my smithing list!" She shouted towards it.

She then returned her still intimidating stare upon Marcus before all of them waited in silence for a couple of seconds.

The front door of Glasha's house flew open and a short, frail looking Orcish young man made his way towards Glasha and the three human males.

He avoided making eye contact with the humans as he reached the fence before climbing over it. He made his way to Glasha's side before reaching his hands out to her, holding a clipboard like item filled with papers and a piece of charcoal attached to it.

"Here is the list Mother." Said Xruul to Glasha.

"Thank you Son." Responded Glasha as she took the item from him.

Marcus and his companions felt a little baffled as they watched the apparent mother and son duo. He had seen a lot of male Orcs before and knew that ninety-nine percent of the time that they would tower over their female counterpart, height, weight and strength wise. He estimated that the boy was around eighteen years old but just like the three of them his mother easily towered over him.

Xruul was about to return to the house as quickly as he came before Marcus spoke up to him.

"Hey kid." He said, stopping Xruul in his tracks.

"Leave my son out of this." Said Glasha immediately.

Marcus quickly glanced at the Orc mother before setting his sights back on Xruul who was now looking at him. "Are you truly an Orc male? Because to be honest I have never seen such a pathetic- "

"LEAVE my son out of this!" Said Glasha again, now aggressively. Her focused eyes catching the guard gripping his hand tighter around the hilt of his sword.

She took a quick glance at her son who was now staring at her, once more she could see the deep sadness in his eyes that she had seen so many times before.

"Go... Xruul..." She said towards him in a calmer tone.

"Yes... Mother..." Responded Xruul, the sadness also hearable in his voice. He then climbed back over the fence and walked back towards the house with his head down.

Marcus then snickered. "Interesting... Rather... Interesting." He mumbled with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Glasha turned her attention back to the old man. "You still want me to make a sword for you or not?" She said straightforward and serious.

"Miss Glasha... The more I get to know about you the more interesting you become. A smithing legend, a coldblooded killer and now... A mother to booth..." He said to her with the same grin on his face.

"But yes, let me stop wasting your time and let us finish this deal. This bag of coins for one of your expertly made swords. If you can I would like to see it next Friday, and I would appreciate it if you would personally deliver it to me." Proposed Marcus.

"That... That can be done. I will see to it and make sure to give you a perfectly finished sword by Friday. But I only work with pay upfront, like it or leave." Responded Glasha, again taking an intimidating stance.

Marcus started to laugh, his advisor and guard along with him. He then threw the bag of gold towards Glasha who easily caught it. "Next week, Friday afternoon. Ask a guard for me in the city and they will guide you to me. And miss Glasha... Don't disappoint me..." He said seriously.

Glasha only grunted in return, her eyes telling everything that Marcus needed to know. He then gave her another one of his shit-eating grins before turning and making his way back to the carriage. The guard and advisor followed suit and before Glasha knew it they were gone.

She then relaxed her stance and sighed. She took one look at the bag filled with gold before her mind returned to the sight of her son's saddened eyes. She then sighed again as she looked in the direction of her house.

Her and her son's home.


Glasha, the Orc Grim Reaper, was one of her nicknames when she still was a member of the Xurdon clan. One of the most feared and respected female Orcs in the land, known for her incredible fighting and smithing skills, she was a force to be reckoned with and when someone underestimated her she would leave their bodies hacked to pieces.

Glasha was always pushed to the limit by her father, who wanted to see his daughter on the top. He treated her like the son he would have liked to have and raised her like one too after his partner and wife, Glasha's mother, died of disease.

Every day she was pushed to the limit and every day she would reach another step higher on the ladder, until she, as a female, reached the very top.

And at that very top she was destined to mate with the strongest male of the clan, forced to produce an offspring that would inhabit both of the qualities of the two strongest clan members.

Nineteen years ago that offspring was born, he was named Xruul, and Xruul would forever change her life.

The first few years Xruul grew up like any other Orc child, being loved by his parents before he was old enough to start the vicious training both his mother and father underwent before him, he was destined to be the next alpha male of the clan and expectations were high, very high.

But as Xruul grew up those expectations demolished a bit each and every day. His body didn't evolve like everyone had assumed it would. His growth suddenly just came to stop, he didn't gain any more weight, his muscles stopped getting buffer and he couldn't participate in even the standard training the other Orc children underwent.

It did not take long before the elders of the clan started to despise him, they spoke of blasphemy and angrily vented out against both Glasha and her husband. How could it be that this offspring, this child that belonged to two of the strongest clan members was such a frail, weak being?

One day there was an ultimatum made up by the elders that they first passed to Glasha's husband, and on one cold and dark night he passed their ultimatum to Glasha, his wife. Now they both were strong believers of their clan's code and rules but what her husband told her that night changed everything once more.

The elders saw Glasha as the one responsible for giving the clan a bad name through the son she had birthed, the weak and frail child that was nothing compared to his parents.

They had given her the choice to either kill the young boy and redeem herself by birthing another strong child. Or to forever leave the clan, being expelled from them and to live ashamed together with her failure of a son.

Then the night came that Glasha had to make a decision, pressured by the elders, the clan and her husband.

She took Xruul with her, the boy who still loved his mother dearly and looked up to her, to undertake a simple task of collecting wood in the nearby forest. Armed with an axe she let Xruul guide both of them to the woodcutting grounds. He walked in front of her and she had at least ten long minutes to cleanly, and quickly, take his life to end everything.

But she couldn't.

Glasha the Grim Reaper couldn't do it.

The love for her son, her only child, even with all his flaws was too strong for her to continue with the plan the elders had set up for her. He was her everything, the life she had created and that life had always told her how much he loved her. Even through the stuff he was tortured with he never failed to express, and to let his mother know how much he loved her.

That night Glasha and Xruul ran away and left the clan. Just the two of them into the vast, unknown world. Glasha had promised to never be separated with her son, no matter what would happen to them.


One week later after Marcus's offer.

Glasha and Xruul were having dinner, a strong and tasty meat soup that Xruul made with the use of his mother's vegetables and other ingredients. One thing he excelled at was his passion for cooking.

Tomorrow Glasha would have to deliver the beautifully crafted ebony sword that she had made for Marcus. She and Xruul ate in silence before her son started speaking.

"Mother? Could I go with you tomorrow to see the city and to deliver the sword? It has been a while since I visited it." He asked his mother.

Glasha responded immediately. "Someone has to watch the house and the animals, besides, I don't think you would appreciate it to see that old bastard again."

Xruul knew his mother was right, he indeed did not want to see Marcus ever again. But there was something else that Xruul meant to say to his mother.

"I know Mother... I know, but... This isn't about just visiting the city once again, I just... I just want to spend some time with you... To do something together again..." He spoke honestly.

Glasha stopped eating before letting out a soft sigh. She slowly looked up and could see that very same sadness she had seen before in her son's face.

It took a few seconds before she answered him. "Okay... You can come with me, but..."

"YES! Thanks Mother! Thank you so much!" Exploded Xruul happily, a bright smile on his face that removed all the sadness he had just shown.

"BUT..." Continued Glasha. "But I want you to pack the sword as neatly as you can, make sure it's perfectly presentable and I want you to feed the animals and clean out the chicken coop before I will take you along with me."

Xruul jumped up and immediately went to work, filled with spirit to fulfill his mother's tasks. "Don't worry Mother, I will be done before you know it!" He said before going off to do the tasks.

Glasha hadn't seen her son this excited for a long time. As she watched him cleaning out the chicken coop through a window a small, tiny grin crept unto her face.

That night they both went to bed early, making sure they were ready to deliver the sword in the afternoon of the next day. It was quite a walk to reach the city, but it was a task they had done so many times before.


"Mother, why don't we own a small carriage, and you know, maybe one horse to make our travels easier?" Asked Xruul as both he and his mother came close to the city after a lengthy walk.

"Because we don't need it Son, we got our legs and traveling like this is much more satisfying than sitting on our asses, besides, we aren't rich assholes like Marcus and the rest of those high-and-mighty liars." Answered Glasha truthfully.

Xruul let out a laugh and smiled to his mother. "No Mother, we aren't!"

It took another fifteen minutes or so for them to reach the city. Glasha walked up to one of the gate guards and explained what she and her son came for. He then took the mother and son to an impressive looking mansion, a perfect place for rich assholes like Marcus as Glasha had called him that earlier.

But to her surprise she learned from the guard that Marcus wasn't that high and mighty at all, apparently he was just some errand boy for the real high honchos that would instruct them to do tasks for them, in this case reaching out to her to craft a sword for one of them. Still, he was under their command so he had his reach over the common folk.

It didn't take long before Marcus made his presence known, along with his two magnet like friends, the tall guard who was called Ludo and the scribbling advisor like man called Javier.

He came to greet them as flamboyant as ever. "Ah! Miss Glasha... Oh, and her brute, and manly Orc son... Uh, what's your name again kid?"

He received an angrily glare from Glasha, but she knew she couldn't lash out at him right here. She nodded to her son as he was looking at her for advice.

"It's... Xruul, sir..." Answered Xruul shyly.

"Glasha and Xruul, lovely! Just lovely! Now, if you two don't mind, please follow me..." Responded Marcus with a kind gesture, looking rather suspicious.

Both Glasha and Xruul looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders before following Marcus, his two friends close behind them.

They were guided into a quiet part of the large mansion, a rather strange looking room that had one large chair in the middle and one small window on the opposite side of it.

Glasha smirked as she looked around the dimly lit room. "Nice place old man, fits your style." She said to Marcus.

Marcus laughed as he sat down in the chair. "You got great humor miss Glasha... But enough with the jokes, do you have the sword?" He asked grimly.

Glasha nodded before speaking to her son, her eyes remaining on Marcus. "Xruul, give the man his sword."

"Yes Mother." Responded Xruul as he opened his bag and pulled out the tightly sealed sword before handing it over to Marcus.

"Let's take a look at it shall we?" He said before prying the package open to reveal the sword.

His eyes glistered when he held the beautifully crafted sword in front of him, checking it over and over again.

"Well miss Glasha... I have to say that the rumors about you are very true... I have never seen such a perfectly crafted sword before... Perfect to show off... And to kill with..." Said Marcus after placing the sword on his lap.

"I hope your master is pleased with it old man." Said Glasha, wondering how he would react to the reality about him that the guard shared with her.

Marcus laughed again, and so did his lackeys. "Oh my, did those silly guards started talking about me again? Those lowly rats while I stand high and mighty above them?" He said after their laughing was done.

He then stood up and slowly walked up to Glasha, her expertly crafted sword in his right hand.

"You know miss Glasha... I find you mysterious, weird and beautiful at the same time." He started as his eyes once again roamed over her well-equipped body. "I wonder if I would ever see that 'Grim Reaper' side of you? The part that's not so nice about you, that's what your nickname is, right?" He rambled on.

Glasha started to get impatient. "Look, are we done here old man? Me and my son got better things to do." She said loudly.

Marcus sniffled again as he walked past the pair before stopping next to his personal guard Ludo.

"Ah your son... The strong, scary Orc male... Or is he?" He said as he passed the ebony sword over to Ludo.

"I will tell you this one more time old man... Leave my son alone!" Shouted Glasha, now getting angrier with the second.

Marcus slowly walked back to the chair before standing behind it and resting his arms on top of it.

"Or... What?" He asked.

As the words came out of his mouth Ludo grabbed Xruul from behind, dragging him a few steps back before placing the razor sharp ebony sword onto his neck. He did it so quickly and fast that Glasha didn't have any time to react to prevent it from happening.

She let out a roar of anger as she turned incredibly fast herself while grabbing her dagger at the same time. But she then felt a shock of helplessness running through her body as she came eye-to-eye with her son's fear filled eyes and the fact that her own forged ebony blade was already drawing blood from Xruul's neck.

"STOP YOU ORC BITCH!" Shouted Marcus loudly. "Or you will see your son's blood spill before your eyes..." He added calmly.

Angry and confused Glasha turned around once more to face Marcus. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS YOU OLD CUNT? LET GO OF MY SON!" She shouted to him in return.

"Away with the dagger, throw it towards Javier." Was the only thing Marcus said to Glasha.

Seeing no way out she did what he told her and threw the dagger towards Javier who was standing behind Marcus.

"Now off with those clothes, I want to see you... All of you..." Said Marcus calmly, again that familiar shit-eating grin on his face.

"W-What?" Asked Glasha, not fully understanding the request.


His shouting was followed by a painful grunt by Xruul as Ludo held him tighter.

"STOP! P-please... don't..." Begged Glasha.

She then sighed and started to remove her already rather skimpy leather clothing with slightly shaking hands.

Marcus licked his lips as he saw more thick and curvy Orcish flesh getting exposed.

Huge perky breasts with dark purple areolas and nipples, killer thighs and a well-groomed pussy along with the rest of Glasha's stunning body was revealed to everyone in the room, including to Xruul who could only see his mother's backside, including her jiggly and well curved ass which was partially covered by her long braided ponytail.

"Wow... The female Orc Grim Reaper... A stunning and beautiful woman behind all those rumors and that feisty personality..." Said Marcus as he took in the Orc beauty.

"W-what is the meaning of this? What do you want?" Asked Glasha nervously, not yet considering the fact that her son could see her naked.

"What I want my dear... Is to fuck you..." Responded Marcus.

Before Glasha could respond to his ridiculous reason he started to talk further. "I just knew you would be perfect, the perfect Orc female to fuck... You know, if word got out from this situation, that I'm a supposed Orc fucker, I would probably get hanged..."

"But once I had my eyes set on you I just knew that I had to take you... By force or with whatever reason. And the best thing is, no one knows what's going on in this room besides us... So, I am free to finally feast on one of my dreams..."

"All of this to have sex with me? You are truly pathetic old man! A sad, old creepy cunt is what you are, pretending to be noble and shit... Ha, what a joke!" Said Glasha angrily.

Marcus laughed once more. "You know what the joke is miss Glasha? It's that I WILL fuck you here and when you and your failure of a son get arrested for causing ruckus around here that no one will believe a single word you two say over mine, you know, you two being lesser beings and all..."

"Now... Get in the chair, and behave like a good little girl..." He added.

Glasha knew there was no way out of this, if she didn't follow his orders he would surely kill Xruul or continue hurting him, the only thing left in the world she would die for.

When she turned around she finally came into contact with her son again, she then knew that he was seeing her in all her glory. She watched as he wide-eyed looked at her, his eyes darting between her perfect body and her own eyes. She just stood frozen for a few seconds before continuing to sit down on the chair.

"Arms and legs apart!" Shouted Marcus behind her.

She did what he said, her eyes not losing sight of those of her son.

"Javier... do your thing... And after that let the gate guards know that miss Glasha and her son already left the city..." Instructed Marcus.

"Yes sir!" Answered Javier like a lap dog before pulling a chain next to him. Four cuffs attached to thick steel chains came down from the ceiling. As soon as they were down Javier started to cuff Glasha's hands and feet.

"You know; this originally was a torture room a few years back... Now it's just my... Personal 'pleasure' suite..." Whispered Marcus in Glasha's ear, followed by a soft laugh.

Javier then left the room to complete his task regarding the gate guards, he would return soon.

Out of nowhere Ludo started laughing and shouting out in enjoyment. "Boss! This kid! Look at him, he's having a boner because he is seeing his mommy naked!"

Both Glasha's and Marcus's eyes glanced towards the young Orc boy. Marcus started to laugh while Glasha let out a loud gasp.

She could she an impressive piece of meat being hidden away behind her son's short leather pants. It tented straight towards her, had she done this to her son? Was Xruul this aroused from seeing his own mother? She forgot that she was locked up for a few seconds as her and her son's eyes met again. She could see something else behind the fear in them... Lust... And love for her.

Her vision was obstructed fast when Marcus appeared in front of her. He then started to undo his clothes, revealing more of his weak and older body. "That son of yours... he really is a special boy... Lusting for his own mother..." He whispered to her with goofy grin on his face.

In the meantime, Javier had returned and got into the room before locking the door.

Glasha watched as Marcus's small and pathetic, but stiff cock, appeared before her.

She let out a laugh as she started to make fun of Marcus. "Is that all old man? That weakly, wrinkly little thing between your legs? And you think you are able to fuck me with that?!"

Marcus slapped her across her face with the palm of his hand. "Shut the fuck up Orc bitch! Keep this up and your son's blood will pool all around us." He yelled.

Glasha then tried to use all of her strength to yank the cuffs apart as best as she could, but to no avail as they were too strong. She turned to spitting right into Marcus his face which only made him start laughing.

"Leave my Mother alone!" She heard Xruul scream behind Marcus, before a thud and a growl of pain came from him again.

Meanwhile Marcus had one free hand on Glasha's pussy. "Goddamnit! This bitch's pussy is dryer than sand!" He shouted in frustration. "Guess I gotta lick that Orc pussy first before doing the deed!" He added, followed by a maniacal laugh.

Glasha then closed her eyes, trying her very best to stop herself from hearing her son calling out to her and to just let it happen to get it over with.

All of a sudden Ludo's body flew and crashed against the wall of the room, being tossed against it with an incredible force. The impact was hard enough to leave the stones cracked.

Before Marcus and Glasha even fully realized what was going on two large green hands took a hold of Marcus's jaw, one grasping the underside while the other pried into Marcus's opened mouth.

In a split second Marcus's head was separated in half accompanied with the sounds of cracking bones and ripping flesh, blood splurted everywhere as the now blood covered hands fully decapitated him, tearing his head from his body.

Because Marcus was being pulled back Glasha only got covered by a few drops of the warm, red liquid that belonged to the now dead Marcus.

She quickly recovered from the sudden situation as her eyes focused once more, what she saw made her jaw drop and a certain kind of fear shocking through her body, for the first time in her life.

She was looking straight into glowing red eyes, eyes that had to belong to Xruul, her son.

His body was now massive and probably even towering over hers, his arms twice the size of hers and ripped with muscles, which could be said for the rest of his body. She could see his veins pulsing as blood dripped down his dark green skin.

She then realized that her own son had inherited the power of 'Ganiak Taag Ruzzar' or simplified in the human tongue: Orc Rage. A very, very low percentage of the Orc male population had the ability to summon this incredible and destructive power that was said to be gifted upon them by the Orc God Bahgtru, the deity of strength and combat. Warriors with this strength were seen as the elite of the race, the person every male Orc should strive to be.

It basically turned a single male Orc into an unstoppable killing machine, during Orc Rage one would not feel pain. Strength, speed, stamina and intelligence would be boosted up to top notch performance, making the user literally godlike as long the power remained.

"Xruul..." Whispered Glasha towards him, amazed and feared at the same time by imposing sight of her son before her.

Xruul stared back into his mother's red eyes as if he was communicating with her.

A loud scream came from their side as Ludo, regaining his strength, came charging forward with his sights set on piercing Glasha's head with the ebony sword.

Xruul reacted right away as he blocked the sword with his bare arm to keep his mother from harm.

Glasha let out a scream as she saw her son's arm getting pierced from one end to the other by the dark sword.

Xruul, not feeling any pain, simply pulled his arm including Ludo towards him. They then stood face-to-face, Ludo still holding on to the ebony sword.

Xruul brought his other hand on top of Ludo's which was tightly holding the sword. In one swift motion he broke the hilt off the sword, also breaking Ludo's whole hand in the process.

Ludo screamed out in pain as his hand was squashed to nothing, his mind floating for one split second about the fact that the scrawny Orc kid from before managed to break ebony, a resource that is said to be unbreakable.

Xruul then ripped out the remaining part of the blade from his arm, flipped it in his hand before ramming it upwards straight through Ludo's throat, piercing his whole skull until the tip of the blade was visible from the top of his head.

Ludo's dead body crashed onto the floor like a ragdoll being tossed away. Xruul turned around to finish off the remaining enemy. Glasha could see his arm healing immediately as he walked towards a cowering Javier.

Javier begged for forgiveness but Xruul wasn't having any of it, he also had done something to his mother and every threat to her had to be eliminated.

His large right hand grasped onto Javier's head before smashing it violently against the wall over and over again until there was nothing left of it.

The room went in total silence, only the panicked fast breathing of Glasha could be heard over the soft sounds of dripping and spilling blood.

She watched as her son just stood there, looking at his blood covered hands as if he had no clue what he was doing.

"Xruul..." She whispered again.

As soon as he hard his mother's soft voice Xruul turned his impressive body and walked up to her, his form now realizing that she was cuffed around her hands and feet.

He took a hold of each steel chain and used his immersive strength to break them apart, as soon his mother was freed he stepped back and simply stood against the wall.

Glasha kept her eyes on her son for a bit, both of them looking at each other again. She turned towards Javier's dead body, knowing that he had the keys to open the locks of the cuffs that were still partly around her limbs.

She quickly walked over to his corpse, knowing that she and Xruul had to escape no matter what. As she was busy removing the cuffs she suddenly heard sobbing coming from behind her.

She turned her head when the last cuff came off to see her son, now turned back to his normal self, sitting against the wall in a fetus like position, his knees brought up to his face and his arms tightly around them to cover his sight from the carnage he had created.

She quickly made her way over to him, a bit panicked and not knowing what to do. So she did the first thing her motherly mind came up with.

She wrapped her arms around her son and hugged him, pulling him close against herself. She immediately felt Xruul's arms wrapping around her body as well, embracing the comfort she was giving him.

Mother and son, in-between all the carnage, silently hugged each other. An act of love and care that they hadn't done and shared for years.

This moment Glasha once more felt how important her son was to her.


A month after the incident.

It has been a month since Glasha and Xruul managed to escape from the terrible situation that had changed their lives. Well, it certainly managed to change Glasha's life since Xruul couldn't remember anything before they went to the city, possibly due to the impact of his first Orc Rage experience.

Glasha quietly watched her son as they ate a late dinner like nothing had happened to them. She had seen her son's true strength, the gift of the gods that her ex-clan could only have dreamed of. But she also had seen her son's loving side, the side that would do anything to keep her safe, the side that made her feel warm and loved each and every time she thought about it.

"Are you okay Mother? You're staring at me again, something you have been doing quite a lot this last month." Said Xruul out of nowhere, snapping his mother out of her thoughts.

"O-oh... No, nothing is wrong Son... Just... Thinking about stuff to do around our house." She responded with a slight grin.

Xruul smiled back at her. "Well, if you say so! I'm going to bed after finishing this, I promised you to take care of the animals for the whole week, remember?"

"I... Yes, I remember... Thank you for doing that for me." She answered, almost losing her thoughts again.

"Anything for you Mother!" Responded Xruul as he finished his bowl of meat soup. "Alright, I'm off to bed now, goodnight Mother!" He added.

Glasha smiled weakly towards his direction. "Yes... Goodnight Son..." She said as she watched him go off to his bedroom.

She then finished herself before going outside their house. She took place on the bench that Xruul had made for her to look up into the night sky, it was filled with stars today.

She thought back to that very day everything happened. And to the fact why the city did not come for them in the last month. She had managed to sneak out of the mansion with Xruul, and the city, without alerting anyone that day. But why did nobody blink an eye about it? Surely the three bodies must have been discovered eventually, where the three of them such pawns that nobody cared about them?

Truthfully she was happy that nothing happened between them and the people from the city, she attended the market a few weeks later without any problems. The common folk also had not mentioned the murders at all as if nobody knew about what had happened. It was perfect for them to just continue their daily lives without having to look out behind their backs every few seconds.

But there was one thing that had drastically changed: Xruul.

Xruul for whatever reason became extremely attached to Glasha, she knew that he loved her but his behavior now was beyond that of what she was used to. He tried to help her everywhere he could, he followed her around everywhere he could.

He was the perfect son all of a sudden, looking out for her, doing things like making her breakfast, washing her clothes and sometimes bringing her flowers because she was just as beautiful like them, his words.

Glasha truly had no idea what caused this new behavior of him, but she couldn't lie to herself. She actually liked being loved by her son like this, it made her feel something new deep inside of her, something she had never felt before. It was hard for her to suddenly change into a loving mother, of course she loved him but her harsh personality did not really express that to him.

But the biggest change her son had was also the biggest shock to Glasha, several times she had caught him having a hard-on when he was around her. He did not even try to hide it from her as if he really wanted her to see it. Now Glasha was considered a 'badass' by everyone else but this so called 'badass' did not have the courage to tell her son to knock it off. It was as if she was okay with it, how horribly as it seemed to be because sons shouldn't have these type of feelings for their mother, should they?

After thinking and silently debating for a while longer Glasha went off to bed as well. As usual she dreamed about her son and as usual he had prepared her breakfast the next morning, together with flowers in a vase as a gift.

She decided that she needed some help, some guidance to assist her with these matters she was experiencing with her son. So, she went to the best help she knew, and the person she trusted most besides her son.

Marcie was the owner of a well-known potion shop in the city, and just like them she was an Orc as well. Now Marcie's story was a special one considering that Marcie isn't an Orc name in the first place, the reason for that was because she was raised and brought up by human parents who found her during a hike long, long ago. She was one of the very few Orcs that were actually allowed to live in the city.

She knew a lot about pretty much everything and Glasha was certain that she could help her, or at least give her advice on what was going on with her son.

That morning Glasha went to the city to buy some things for their house, that was what she had told Xruul before she left and it was partially true, she only left out the part where she would visit Marcie to discuss about him and his behavior.


The store's bell chimed as Glasha entered it, she quickly looked around to see if it was busy in the shop. Thankfully she currently was the only costumer inside of it for now. Without any time to lose she walked up to the counter to let Marcie know that she had arrived.

"Marcie, are you there?" She asked as she stood by the counter.

"In a moment dear! Give me a few seconds." Returned a voice from further behind the counter.

Glasha nervously waited twenty seconds or so before she could see movement far behind the counter.

Marcie's body was obstructed by al large box that she was carrying, she walked up to the counter before placing the large box to her left.

"And that is that, so, what can Marcie do for you my dear?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Glasha gave Marcie a nervous smile as she looked down to meet her eyes, Marcie being a lot smaller than her. "Uhm... It's something... Rather personal so if I could..." Tried Glasha to explain.

Marcie flipped open a part of the counter before Glasha could finish her sentence. "Personal right? Well come on in then dear, let's give us some privacy." She said as she waved her hand towards Glasha.

"Fancy some tea dear?" Asked Marcie as both she and Glasha walked to an extended, lounge like part of the store.

"Uhm, no thanks you Marcie... Just here for advice..." Answered Glasha.

The two women sat down on a comfortable bench before Marcie positioned herself into listening mode. "Well, out with it dear, I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on." She said.

Glasha sighed and nodded. She took a deep breath before telling everything that had happened, minus the murders her son had committed and the rest of the events with Marcus and his lackeys, but adding in the fact that Xruul had seen her naked. She told Marcie about his behavior, her feelings and even the erections that her son had in her presence. After about fifteen minutes she had given Marcie all the details she could come up with.

"Mhmmmm... So basically his whole behavior changed after seeing you naked?" Asked Marcie.

Glasha nodded in return. "Pretty much, yes... Well to be honest, a lot of things happened on the day that he saw me naked. And Xruul was uh... A bit sick at the time so he couldn't remember very much." She responded with.

"Seeing a woman naked is a big deal for any young male, especially seeing a fine one like yourself. So I could understand that that would be the only thing that he could remember that day since it probably had a big impact on him." Continued Marcie.

The girls then went quiet for a bit before Marcie resumed their conversation.

"Glasha... Has Xruul ever had contact with other girls, Orc girls in particular. And I mean after both of you left your clan?" Asked Marcie once more.

"Uhm... No, now that you mention it, it has just been me and him... I'm pretty much the only female that has been close in his vicinity." Answered Glasha.

Marcie then started to laugh as she already knew what was happening.

"W-what? Marcie why are you laughing?" Asked Glasha nervously.

"Honey... Xruul is at that age now, if you know what I mean..." Said Marcie after her laugh faded.

Glasha thought for a few seconds before her jaw dropped. "Oh, by Bahgtru... You mean that... That..." She stuttered, realizing what Marcie was about to say.

"Yes dear, your son is starting to see you as his partner, his wife and the woman to breed with. Besides, you said he has never been with another girl before, his hormones are now raging and with you being the only woman around... Well, it is what it is dear." Answered Marcie.

"B-but Marcie I... I can't have sex with my own son! Or get pregnant with his child for that matter!" Shouted Glasha in Marcie's direction, her heart beating in overdrive.

"Wellll... Technically..." Responded Marcie slowly.

"Marcie! Are you going to tell me that I should have sex with him? With my own flesh and blood?!" Shouted Glasha once more.

"Dear... It's either that, or you having to reject his behavior for the rest of your life which will result into a very estranged and twisted relationship with him, I highly doubt that the boy wants to be separated with you..." Explained Marcie.

And there she said the magic word: separated. Glasha had made her son a promise all that time ago, they would never be separated, as long as they lived.

While Glasha was lost in thoughts Marcie rambled on. "Besides, incestuous relationships with direct family is very common in Orc families and breeding as well. The parents will give birth to a healthy boy or girl ninety-nine percent of the time, it isn't dangerous and... Hello? Glasha?"

Suddenly Glasha stood up from bench. "Marcie I... I have to apologize for this but I... I got to go now... I just need some time to... Think." She said, her voice slightly trembling. "Thank you for your advice... It certainly... Woke me up, I guess..."

She then made her way to the counter, desperate to get some fresh air.

Marcie followed her in pursuit. "Dear, just know that if you need anything, anything at all just come to me, okay?" She said to Glasha. "And whatever you do, I know that you will do the right thing, you are a strong Orc woman Glasha, never forget that!"

Glasha thanked Marcie again before saying their goodbyes.

With her head filled with thoughts she returned home, home to her son who was already waving at her to welcome her return. Immediately he started helping Glasha again, he already had made dinner and their clothing washing had been done too. As they ate Xruul was once again the first one to speak.

"Mother? Is something wrong? You seem... Troubled again." He asked honestly, concerned for his mother.

"Still my sweet little boy..." Thought Glasha to herself before answering him. "No my Son... Mother is just... Tired today. I'm going to finish this and then go straight to bed." She answered him.

Xruul looked at her a bit puzzled but understanding. "Okay... Well, I hope that you will have a good night sleep then Mother!"

"I hope so too Son, and you as well... Tomorrow is going to be another long day..." She responded to him.

And so Glasha went to bed, her head filled with the things that Marcie had told her and her own ultimatum that gnawed at her. Would she give in, or would she separate herself further from her son?


Saturday morning, one-and-a-half week later.

As Glasha plowed through her garden she thought about all the things she had been through with her son the last week or so. The first most thing was that Xruul had become even more clingy towards her, there were only a few moments were he wasn't by her side and even those moments would seem to fall sooner or later.

There had been several times where Glasha wanted to come straight with her son and to just tell him that what he wanted couldn't happen between them, and that he should find another nice Orc girl to fall in love with. But every single time she stopped herself from doing so, thinking back to her promise she had made him.

How would he react to her if she did manage to tell him? She knew that Xruul was a sensitive and sweet boy, it would surely break his heart if the woman who has been with him all her life suddenly came clean and told him to knock off his attention, concern and affection towards her.

By the time Glasha was done thinking about the whole situation she was also done with ploughing her field. She slowly walked to their shed to store her tools before setting her sights on the house.

Today it was her time to prepare dinner and she already thought on how Xruul would probably hang around her all the time to assist her wherever possible, of course she had been happy that he helped her out so much but the way it had been going non-stop started to take its toll.

Glasha sighed to herself before she walked towards the house. Inside she made her way to their cooking area were the coast was clear so far. Usually Xruul would made his presence known already but Glasha couldn't notice him anywhere. She shrugged her shoulders before she started to work on their dinner by taking a large pot and placing it over the fire pit in the middle of the room.

A few minutes went by and there still was no sight of Xruul. Being fine with a little alone time Glasha softly hummed to herself as she stirred their meal with a large wooden spoon.

Suddenly she was pulled out of her moment of peach when two arms wrapped themselves around her waist. Instantly she froze as she knew that it was Xruul, but then the real turn of events moment happened which would change their lives forever.

"Mother..." She heard her son whisper before feeling the hard, long and thick item rubbing up and down against her behind. A soft moan escaped from Glasha's mouth as she was being felt up by her own son, all these long years no one had touched her like this.

She could feel him pushing and rotating his own waist against her ass, shifting what had to be his cock all over her. She heard his rigid breathing as she just stood there to allow her son to assault her in this way. It then took a few more seconds before she finally snapped.

Glasha forcefully released herself from his grip and turned around. Xruul looked shocked because he knew what he had been up to, but there was something in his mother's eyes that made him freeze on the spot just as Glasha had been before.

Before he could even speak he was already being pulled by his mother, straight towards her bedroom. He could feel the strength of her which she pulled him with, as if everything was off her list and he was now her number one priority.

Glasha grunted as she then threw her son onto his back onto her large bed. She then immediately pulled off the small leather shorts she was hearing, bearing herself naked to her son from down below.

Xruul was still silent as the whole sudden situation had to properly process inside his brain. He watched as his mother ripped off her shorts, revealing her tight and soaked pussy he had seen only once before.

He could see the glistering moisture dripping out of her, gliding down along her strong thighs as she climbed onto the bed. Her eyes were still locked to his, filled with hunger.

Glasha's strong hands took a hold of his own pants before ripping them off his body. His large, thick cock sprung free with its already precum covered head.

He could swear hearing his mother letting out a moan as her eyes were now briefly taken off his own to stare at the impressive piece of meat that he sported, the rock-hard cock that had become in this state because of her.

Glasha, through her frustration, couldn't believe what she saw. Her son had the largest and most impressive penis she had ever seen, no other Orc male could even compare to it. She stared at the throbbing, precum producing thick green cock with its dark purple head for a few seconds before she snapped back to reality.

Xruul watched as his mother climbed on top of him, her long and strong legs to either side of his body. She then looked down to him and started to speak.

"This is what you want, right? To fuck me, your own mother? Do you have any idea how wrong that is Xruul? For a mother and son to fuck? You probably want to breed me too, don't you?" She shouted to him aggressively.

"I... I..." Mumbled Xruul as he tried to speak, his sentences not coming out because of the whole sudden one-eighty turned situation.

He then let out a loud moan as he felt, and saw, his mother placing his throbbing cock at the entrance of her wetted pussy. Her slick labia ran over his cockhead, spreading her wetness all around it and blending his precum with her own juices.

Glasha's mind was far off. The whole situation with her and her son had finally taken its toll on her after weeks of frustration, feelings and emotions. Glasha, one of the greatest and most respected female Orcs currently alive had lost the battle to herself.

She bit her lip as she slowly sank down onto her son's thick cock, not letting out any moans to make sure to show him that she was the one controlling the situation. Her strict and serious personality currently had the upper hand on her while in her mind she wanted to scream out of pleasure.

Xruul grunted and moaned loudly as he watched his own mother, the female he had lusted for, sank down inch by inch on his cock. His mother was taking his virginity right inside of their home, every bump, grind and softness of her inner pussy walls attacked him at the same time giving him something he had never felt before.

Glasha did her very best to refrain herself from screaming, she bit her lip so hard that it started to bleed. She wanted to show her son how wrong it was for a mother and son to fuck as if she wanted to teach him a lesson.

After nineteen long years the first cock that she had allowed to enter her was that of her own son.

Finally, after what seemed hours, she had taken his length completely. Her son's cock was now nestled deep inside of her tight pussy, his thick cockhead pushing against her cervix which suckled on the tip. Her own son was the perfect fit for her.

Xruul was almost passing out from the intense pleasure that his mother was giving him, he knew that he wasn't going to last long like this. He then made the bold move, which was more of a reaction, by placing his trembling hands on his mother's legs.

As soon as Glasha felt her son's hands on her she started to move up and down on his cock, immediately taking on a fast pace. She placed her hands on his chest for balance, only letting out soft grunts as the thick cock invaded her insides and smacked against her cervix with each downward thrust. Her long braided hair bounced violently with her body.

Xruul on the other hand moan and groaned loudly because of the immense pleasure he felt. His eyes darted from his mother's flushed face and her closed eyes to her heavy bust that bounced up and down, hardened nipples seeable through the leather fabric. Last but not least he watched as her pussy swallowed his cock and how their skins slapped together.

Each smack on each other resulted in Glasha's juices splattering and scattering all over their lower bodies. Both their bodies trembling and shuddering out of excitement.

Glasha's grunts became louder and louder as she worked herself up and down her son's stiff pole. She refrained from opening her eyes because she knew the moment she did so that she wouldn't be able to contain her serious self any longer. Every fiber of her body had tingles of pleasure running through them, she needed to make sure that her son was the first to cum, her inner warrior refusing to let him see a weaker side of her.

The whole ordeal didn't take any longer than two minutes for it to end, but for both mother and son it seemed like hours.

Once Glasha felt her son's cock expanding even more inside of her pussy she knew that the end was near. So she then gave an extra bit of effort by contracting her cunt muscles to stimulate him even further.

"Oh! M-Mom! I'm...! I'm going to...!" Shouted Xruul loudly, calling his mother 'Mom' as he did when he was little.

Glasha didn't return an answer at all, but as soon she felt her son's hands grasping onto her legs she quickly released the throbbing, now pussy juice slickened cock from her cunt. She then stroked the hard cock with her hand a couple of times while aiming it at her trained belly.

Xruul gave another ear-piercing yell before he started to unload shot after shot of sperm right onto his mother's sweaty skin. He managed to take everything in as he watched his heavily breathing mother jerking him off while his thick white sperm shot in long ropes onto her belly. He had never climaxed like this before when he had masturbated himself.

Glasha still refrained from opening her eyes, but as soon as she felt the warm and thick feeling sperm land on her body that was already on edge she had to do everything in her strength to keep herself from climaxing as well.

As soon as Xruul's orgasm ended she got up from the bed, picked up her shorts and ran out of the room, wanting to escape from the house and most importantly, her son.

She barged out of the door and ran further down their property until she couldn't resist it any longer. She literally threw herself onto the ground on her back and started to attack her juice splattered pussy with one hand while the other scooped up a vast amount of her son's sperm before bringing it to her mouth.

Her mind exploded when she tasted the seed of her own flesh and blood while working her clit rapidly with the other hand. It only took a split second before she had to cover her mouth, wanting to prevent her son from hearing her.

She then came like never before, her son on her mind as her whole body contorted. Her strong legs pushed her body up just before squirts of female nectar started to shoot out of her orgasming cunt. It felt like the climax itself lasted forever.

It took a few minutes of heavy breathing, panting and gasping for air before she finally came back to her senses.

She looked up into the dark sky, again riddled full of shining stars.

"What have I done?" She whispered to herself as a tear trickled down from her left eye.


Three days later.

Glasha stared off into the distance across their sunny lit property while feeding the chickens. The last few days had been a hell for her, for both of them.

Her sudden action of literally forcing herself unto her son due to her own frustration and emotional status had backfired immensely.

Gone was the caring and loving Xruul, who was possibly blaming himself for forcing his mother into doing this thanks to his affectionate behavior, because he felt things for her that a son shouldn't have for his mother.

They obviously still lived together, but they did their very best to not be around each other, even eating separately.

'Separately...' The thing Glasha had tried to prevent from happing, to keep her promise she made to her son had now happened. She was not able to keep that so important promise with the way they were now.

Again the day went by slowly, incredible slow as there was no more happiness between the Orc mother and son.

As Glasha laid in her bed, unable to sleep, she started to think back to all the things they went through together. All the good times and the bad ones, how they never gave up on each other and always found their way back together.

"Back... Together..." Mumbled Glasha to herself quietly.

A few minutes of silence went by.

Glasha got up out from her bed and walked over to her mirror. She looked at herself, deep into her own eyes while thinking back to the words she just had said.

She then started to slowly pull off her sleepwear, the very same words from before ringing through her head.

She knew what was the problem all along now. It hadn't been Xruul's feelings and emotions that were wrong, it was the ones of herself.

She had been so focused on her son instead of herself that she started to block out her own feelings for him. The last couple of weeks every time they spend their time together, every time her son smiled at her or brought her flowers, every time he told her that he loved her she could feel flutters in her body. There was a connection between them, a special connection between a mother and son that was only capable of being there due to their immersive love for each other.

Glasha was in love with her son, and her son was in love with her.

Once she stood naked in front of the mirror, observing how her beautiful shaped body reacted to the thoughts of her son she knew that tonight would bring them back together.

Her nipples were rock-hard, her pussy already soaked with her juices which slowly trickled along her thighs, her arms covered in goose bumps, her body that was hot to touch and her heart that knocked against her chest so hard as if it wanted to escape.

Slowly she crept through the house towards her son's room.

She could see his silhouette on the bed as her eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he wasn't under a blanket since it was pretty warm today.

As quietly as possible she walked over to his bed before standing next to it. She then, very carefully, turned on the candle lamp that stood next to the bed on a dresser, giving the room a warm but dim lighted cover.

As she watched her son's face she started to smile, she knew that everything was going to be alright after all.

Glasha carefully climbed onto the bed at the very end, lying down between her son's legs which she carefully parted.

She then ran her warm hands up his sides before pushing her fingers under the waistband of Xruul's sleepwear. Slowly but surely she managed to pull them down far enough to expose her son's incredible penis.

Glasha gasped as she saw it once again, now up, closer and personal. Instinctively she licked her lips as she admired the already thick and lengthy cock that belonged to her son. She just couldn't get over it how this could be a part of him.

And this time her nervousness was completely gone, with accepting her feelings for her son she also got rid of her own demons. This time she wasn't going to hurry, stop or leave his side.

She carefully wrapped one of her soft but strong hands around the piece of meat and gave it a few gentle strokes, after the first one she could already feel it harden due to her touch.

Glasha watched in amazement as her son's cock grew and grew until it was rock-hard, simply because of her.

She then leaned forward, stuck out her tongue and licked it from his large sized balls all the way up to his thick cockhead. She felt her body shudder in excitement as it reacted to his taste and smell.

"Xruul..." She moaned before swirling her tongue all around the head, already tasting her son's pre-seed letting itself loose from the tip. She maneuvered her tongue expertly along every sensitive spot before prodding it into his slit.

When she did so she could feel Xruul's body jerk, even in his sleep. He was definitely feeling it which made a smile appear on Glasha's flushed face. She then trickled some of her own drool onto it before going to the next part.

Glasha opened her mouth and lowered herself onto it, taking the large cock about one-third into her soft and saliva coated mouth. She moaned softly as she gave her son the first blowjob in his life.

She could feel it stretching her mouth as her tongue swirled around the shaft while she bobbed up and down at the same time. Along with sucking her son off she brought one hand to his cum filled balls and started fondling them gently.

She slurped and sucked while making as much sound as possible, to confirm herself that she was really doing this and being okay with it. Every time she could taste the juices of her son leaking directly into her mouth she could feel her pussy ejaculating a small amount of her nectar that dripped down onto the matrass.

She attacked it from different angles and sides, sliding it into her mouth to make sure that his cock explored every inch of it. She was now taking it in over half the seize, pushing herself to the limit as it was just too big for her to take it in completely.

She kept her hungry, lust and love filled eyes focused on her son as she bobbed up and down. She could feel him squirm more actively and his breathing became faster and louder. He started moving his legs so she had carefully returned her hands on his legs to keep them from closing.

The blowjob went on like this for what seemed hours, Glasha couldn't get enough of it and it seemed that Xruul couldn't either. Eventually Glasha had to give up on sucking off her son because it started to take a toll on her jaw.

With a loud enough plop she removed her mouth from the impressive tool. She breathed rapidly, a string of saliva hanging from the corner of her mouth that was still attached her son's cockhead, as she took in the sight before her. She could feel her whole body reacting to it, craving it to do more naughty things.

Glasha then wrapped both her hands around the saliva and precum coated glistering cock before giving it a few jerks. Her whole hands got slippery and wet which was exactly what she wanted.

She released it again, brought the hands to her cleavage and smeared the liquids all in-between her huge breasts. Along with it she spat another small amount of drool into the hole of her cleavage after pushing her tits together.

Glasha whispered his name again followed by a moan before she leaned further forward and wrapped her slickened tits around her son's cock. Her tits were large enough to cover it entirely, only his thick head visible at the top.

She slowly started to move her bust, her hands resting to either side of her tits to push them together, trapping her son's cock into her tit-pussy trap.

Moan after moan escaped from Glasha's mouth as she watched the thick cock sliding between her tits, her tits making slapping sounds every time she pushed done to come into contact with her son's skin.

She watched as his precum bubbled from the tip, smearing the insides of her breasts even further with each and every slide. Her dark purple nipples were now rock-hard, painfully stinging out of excitement as she also gave her son his first titfuck.

Being so focused on her son's cock and her tits she didn't notice that Xruul had woken up, awoken from his deep sleep to see his beautiful mother pleasuring him.

"M-Mother?" He said softly as he couldn't believe what he was seeing, his eyes fixated on his mother's huge tits that he had lusted after for so long.

Glasha snapped out of her glance and looked up to see her son staring at her with a face of disbelief, but his eyes telling her everything. "Yes... Mother is here..." She said in return with an honest smile on her face before returning her focus back onto his cock.

Xruul grasped onto the matrass with his hands to steady himself, now fully awoken he started to move his hips to fuck into his mother's slickened tits.

"Yes... Good Boy..." Said Glasha through her moans as she felt her son pushing up against her bust. He did it in a perfect sync, as she came down he came up which resulted in their bodies slapping even louder together.

Both mother and son were moaning and breathing for air as their first truly incestuous coupling went on and on. Xruul in heaven with feeling the softness of his mother pleasuring him and Glasha because her son had accepted their coupling.

"You know... I already have sucked your tasty cock as well..." Said Glasha, her eyes back onto those of her son.

"S-so what happened in my dream... It was truly happening..." Responded Xruul through his moans while he kept on smacking his hips upward, making the slapping sounds of flesh on flesh even louder.

"You are such a naughty boy, dreaming about your mother like this... But mother has also been really naughty..." Said Glasha as she smiled at him, pushing her tits even tighter together.

Xruul started to groan louder and louder as he fucked his mother's soft and wetted tits for a minute or so longer. "Mother its... It's going to come out..." He then announced.

Upon hearing those words Glasha licked her lips again, remembering the taste of her son's sperm from a few days before. Instead of letting him fucking her tits at the same pace she got more aggressive herself by smacking and pushing her tits harder up and down.

This resulted in Xruul groaning even louder and it didn't take long before she felt his throbbing cock expand even more inside of her titty-pussy. "Are you going to come for mother? Are you going to feed mother your seed again?" She teased him.

"A-again? M-mother... What do you m-mean again?" Asked Xruul in return as he already felt his cum starting to rise for ejaculation.

Glasha let out a girly giggle, a first for her, as her eyes flared up with happiness. "Mother tasted you after the first time... Outside I had a taste of your seed, my son..." She confessed.

Hearing those words from his mother was the end of the line for Xruul. "Mother!" He screamed before pushing his hips up for one last time.

The first shot of thick jizz totally surprised Glasha as it splattered right across her face. She then quickly lowered her mouth onto the exposed cockhead to be able to swallow the rest of the gift her son provided her.

His cock still trapped between those huge soft tits and now also in his mother's soft mouth made Xruul screamed again and again as shot after shot of semen blasted into his mother's suckling mouth. He felt her tongue scraping along his cockhead and her lips sucking vacuum around it as he kept on dumping his seed inside of her.

Glasha had a small orgasm herself as she swallowed her son's seed from the source for the first time. The poor matrass beneath her pussy was a mess as it was being drenched by her girl cum.

Finally, after what seemed forever, Glasha released his now emptied cock with another loud plop, to her surprise it still remained as stiff as it has been once she removed her tits that had covered the rest of his shaft.

Her hand slowly rubbed her soaked pussy as she used the other to collect the seed that her son had shot on her face before sucking it off her fingers.

Xruul was spent, feeling dizzy as he laid back and watched as his mother swallowed the last of his thick white semen. He still had no idea what was going on with his mother and what happened for her to do this kind of thing. As he softly gasped for air he let himself relax on the bed again.

He then felt movement on his bed, and before he knew it he felt the softness, smell and warmth of the body that had been on his mind all those years ago lie down next to him.

He felt and saw her arm slowly resting onto his chest, one of her strong legs falling over his and those heavenly large and soft breasts pressing hard into his sides. As he slowly turned his head he came into contact with the eyes of his mother who were a few inches away from him, and the tears that were in them.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She whispered to him through her small sobs.

Xruul stared deep into her eyes as she spoke to him.

"I've never meant to do that to you that day, to forcefully use you to fight my own feelings and frustration. I'm weak Xruul, I was too scared to truly accepted what I felt deep inside of myself and I hurt you because of it!" She explained further through her sobs.

Before she could talk further she suddenly felt Xruul's hand gently caressing the back of her head, his fingers softly gliding through her soft, dark hair.

His face then slowly came closer to hers, and as he came closer with each inch Glasha's heart started to beat faster and faster.

And then she felt his lips onto hers, kissing her. She had never been kissed before out of love. Her son was the first one to truly give her feelings of being loved. Slowly she parted her own mouth to give in to him, and as she did she could feel his tongue coming into contact with hers. She had no idea how her son could be this good without ever having a girl, accept for her, at his side. It just felt right, it felt as the two of them just exactly knew how to love each other as if they had been lovers for years.

As they kissed, their tongues now dueling with passion and swapping saliva, Xruul slowly and gently pushed his mother onto her back until her was on top of her. They continued to kiss loud and passionately for a few minutes before Xruul separated their kiss.

They looked each other in the eyes once more, Glasha's tears long gone. Xruul only gave her a smile before pushing himself a bit down so he could kiss and taste her neck.

Glasha's squirmed and moaned as she felt her son's lips worshipping her body. "Yes... Yessss..." She whimpered through her moans.

Xruul kissed himself down along her shoulders, kissing the insides of her sweaty armpits before moving onto her chest. He took a good glance at the massive twins with their hard, purple areolas and erected nipples. His mother remained silent, biting her lip out of anticipation.

Without warning Xruul started to feast onto his mother's breasts like an animal. He licked along her soft sweaty green skin, guiding his tongue through her cleavage before circling it around her nipples and taking them into his mouth. He sucked, slurped, bit and licked everywhere could, and Glasha, Glasha loved it.

Glasha moaned and squirmed out of pleasure, one hand pushing her tit into her son's mouth while the other pressed against the back of his head, pushing him down unto her as hard as possible. As her tits were being feasted one her hips jerked in a circular motion, her pussy juices leaking out of her like a tidal wave.

Xruul could feel his mother's body shudder and shake as he attacked her. He had learned that females could also orgasm in the sort of same way as he did, and he knew for sure that his mother was constantly going through one of them while he was doing his thing.

"Right there! Right thereeee!" Moaned Glasha loudly'. "Suck Mommy's tits!" She added.

Xruul's ears twitched when he heard her referring herself as 'Mommy', he had broken through his mother's tough and serious personality. It made him ever more excited as he started to attack her even more fiercely.

Just like his mother he was also pushing his hips up and down, his rock-hard cock spreading new freshly produced precum along her green, sweaty skinned body.

After attacking her tits for a while longer Xruul suddenly pushed himself down further along her body, releasing himself from his mother's grip. With his tongue still licking along her gorgeous skin he slid over her fit and muscular belly, stopping around her belly button to give it some attention before going further.

Glasha shrieked out of joy when she felt her son's raw, wet tongue slide over her groomed pussy mound which made her legs tremble with anticipation.

Instead of going straight for her pussy Xruul teased her further by opening her legs with his hands before sliding his tongue along her inner thighs, circling it around while slowly getting closer to her juice spilling and contracting cunt. He had no idea how his mind and body came up to this as he had never been with a girl, in this case a woman, before. It had to do with the fact that he and her shared an indestructible bond.

"Don't tease me any longer! J-just do it! Taste Mommy's pussy!" Moaned Glasha in frustration, having pushed herself up a bit to see how her son dominated her.

Xruul looked up to her briefly and smiled. He then ran both his hands along her inner thighs before almost coming into contact with the heated hotbox of his mother. He then pulled her skin to either side so that he opened up her beautiful, tight dark purple pussy.

"You are so beautiful Mom..." He whispered as he watched her vagina muscles work her pussy, drooling out the glistering nectar that he made her produce.

Not waiting any longer he leaped forward and mashed his lips against the soft and wet flesh, his tongue and mouth prying her open even further.

"Ooooh Xruul!" Screamed his mother, throwing her head back as she felt her son giving her the first cunnilingus session she ever had. Her body shook wildly as her moans became louder and louder.

Xruul clumsily licked all around her labia, trailing up and down before feasting himself on the erected nub that had popped out of its hood. He did not exactly know what that part of his mother was but it made her scream out in pleasure every time he suckled on it.

He also was being fed stream after stream of her delicious juices, which to him tasted very sweet and nice. He hungrily lapped all around her pussy, even her outer lips to catch everything she gave to him. Sometimes he even slid down further which resulted in him licking his mother's cute and tiny puckered asshole.

The same dizziness he had felt before could now also be applied to Glasha. Her son's tongue was magical as it plunged itself in and out, around and onto the whole sensitive pussy area. Slowly but surely her strong thighs came together to trap his head between them. And just like Xruul before her hands also gripped onto the now already ruined matrass.

Her griping her son's head with her thighs resulted in Xruul licking her only harder and faster. Xruul himself moaned loudly too, vibrating his voice along his mother's tasty lips. His cock dirtying the matrass further where his mother previously leaked her juices.

"Eat me! Fucking devour me! Make Mommy cum!" Screamed Glasha through her moans.

Xruul happily worked himself the very best as he could to give his mother what she wished for. Her strong legs gyrated in a slow motion so that his head, and in this case also his tongue, managed to pleasure her from each and every angle. He knew that she was getting close because her pussy started to literally clamp around his tongue, trying to suck it inside of her.

I took a few more licks, sucks and kisses before Glasha let out a scream that could surely be heard all around their property. As she came her whole body bucked up and down, taking her son with it but who refused to let go of her delicious motherly cunt.

Xruul was greeted with an incredible amount of juice that suddenly came blasting out of her. His whole face was being soaked in the now creamy substance. He sucked and slurped loudly, taking in as much as her possibly could. He felt a sort of proudness blasting through his body, he had made his mother cum, his mother who was considered one of the most dangerous and strong female Orcs in the world.

And then Glasha's legs felt side to side, exhausted by the incredible orgasm her own son had given her. She gasped for air, her eyes rolled back into her skull as the buzzing feeling ran like electricity through her body.

Xruul was a bit tired too from all the pussy eating he had done; he must felt like his mother after she had sucked his cock. He pulled himself up a bit and rested his head on his mother's pussy mound, nuzzling his face against her soft and well-groomed mat of pubic hair.

They laid like that for a little while, both recovering some strength after they each had went through an incredible climax.

Xruul managed to climb back up again along his mother's sweat coated body. As soon as his face came into view Glasha, who also managed to snap back to reality from her orgasmic bliss, cupped his face with her soft hands.

The two of them just looked into each other's eyes for a bit, deep smiles on their faces.

"I love you Mom..." Said Xruul wholeheartedly, meaning every words.

New tears started to form in Glasha's eyes before she finally also said the words she couldn't get out of her system for so long.

"I love you too my sweet darling son... Mommy loves you very much..." Responded Glasha emotionally.

She then pulled her son down, the first time she herself went for a kiss between them. They passionately kissed as time seemed to stand still, quietly and gently exploring each other's mouths as their love for each other only grew stronger and stronger.

As if their minds were one they both stopped the kiss at the same time. Both again looking deep into each other's eyes.

"I want you to make love to me Xruul... Please make love to your mother..." Asked Glasha, ready to cross the forbidden line without remorse and without forcing herself onto her son due to frustrations. This time it was purely love.

She could feel her son's still rigid cock throbbing and slapping onto her skin as she said her words. She then released her hands and left her body open and defenseless, waiting to be finally taken by her true man, her partner, her mate and eventually her husband and father of her children.

Xruul crawled down her body again before positioning himself between her legs without saying a word. Again his body and mind just took over, he had zero experience of truly making love to a woman, yet here was his mother, who had accepted him with her eyes and her words, everything seemed to come natural. He was going to mate with his mother, to make love to her and then to be with her forever.

Glasha opened her legs further and Xruul went to work. He slid his rock-hard cock against his mother's slickened pussy lips, coating himself with her juices and his own. He watched as his mother looked at him with love in her eyes, biting her lip as she softly squealed in delight, showing a sight of herself that no other mortal would even see.

He then positioned himself at her entrance, gave her a few prods before inserting the thick head of his cock into her ever tight cunt. Her pussy lips slid around the thick rod as if they were made for each other. Both of them let out gasps of relief and happiness when son entered mother.

With his cock slightly inserted Xruul used his arms to lay himself further upon his mother. Again they both groaned when Glasha's massive tits with their painfully stinging erect nipples came into contact with her son's chest.

He slowly started to move his hips back and forth, sliding deeper and deeper into his mother's most sacred place. With each new inch of cock shaft entering her, Glasha's pussy grasped onto it like she wanted to devour him.

Instinctively her legs started to rise, wanting to wrap themselves around her son's waist, but for now she clenched them against his sides. What she did do was wrapping her arms around her son's neck, pulling him to her so they could kiss each other. They shared a few passionate kisses, now truly connect to each other, before whispering into his ear though her moans.

"Make love to Mommy darling... Claim Mommy's pussy... I'm yours forever now..."

As soon that sentence ended she felt her son doing what she asked for. Xruul gently pushed his hips further and further without stopping until his cock was fully inside of his mother's tight and soaked pussy, nestling itself against the door to her baby chamber for the second time in his life.

He softly nibbled on her sweaty neck as he listened to his mother's moans of pleasure. He had never known she could sound this girly and cute, and the best of it was that it was all for him.

Glasha's fingers scraped her son's back, her nails leaving marks on his body as she felt her son fill her up completely. This time it felt right, one-thousand more times incredible then when she had forced herself upon him. This was her son doing it all by himself, he wanted to make love to her and that is exactly what he did.

Slowly but surely their bodies started to move together, once again in perfect sync. Sweaty on sweaty skin softly slapped together as Xruul ploughed deep into his mother, his breathing and moans colliding against her neck as she also grunted and moaned against the side of his face.

Glasha's pussy made suckling sounds each and every time Xruul pushed back deep into her. The thick and creamy substance she produced escaped through the tiny gap where they were connected each time Xruul pulled back, only to be partially shoved inside of her again as soon as he fully invaded her right away.

She started to lick and suck on his earlobe while her son returned to sucking on her neck, making sure to leave marks so anyone could see that his mother was claimed and unavailable any longer.

They passionately made love like this for a long time, slowly giving each other what each had craved for, for so long. In the course of their mating process Glasha had now wrapped her long, strong legs around her son's waist, pushing him just a tad bit deeper inside of her.

"That's it darling... Fuck Mommy good... Make love to Mommy like this, let it be an example on how you will take me each and every time from now on..." Whispered Glasha through her louder becoming moans.

Xruul's body was now hammering harder into his mother, their flesh slapping together louder, her large sweaty tits grinding against her son's equally sweaty chest, his groin pounding against her stinging and erect clit with every push, their combined juices vastly leaking and splattering against their neither regions and their mouths both busy with moaning, kissing and licking each other.

The bed started protesting now, creaking louder and louder as Xruul smashed harder and harder into his mother. And the matrass... Well, you all can probably visualize how it would look like by now.

"That's it baby! Fuck Mommy! Give me what I wanted all this time! Show your mother how strong of a man you are! Show your mother how you are going to claim her!" Shouted Glasha after her son started smashing her with vigor, her serious nature once more making a return to challenge the man that would be the one to tame and take her.

Instead of responding with words Xruul responded with his body. He lifted his head and mashed his lips against those of his mother, who of course didn't hesitate to taste her son once more. Hungrily they kissed like a bunch of wild animals while their bodies smacked together, a son's rigid cock penetrating deeply into the place where he was born out of, deep inside of his mother's pussy to battering-ram against the door to her womb.

The loud smacking sounds of incestuous love making roamed through the small room inside of their house, the headboard of the bed smacking against the wooden wall so hard that different bits and pieces on the dresser fell over.

Glasha's nails dug into the skin of her son's back, drawing blood. At the same time her strong legs kept pushing his waist down in perfect sync with each of his downward thrusts. Their kiss never ending as they both refused to stop tasting each other. Through the whole ordeal of incest their eyes were once again open, deeply staring at each other never leaving sight. Xruul's sweat dripped down from his forehead onto that of Glasha as he just kept on going and giving, himself and his mother wondering where he found all this strength to keep on doing this.

His cock plunged deep and hard, taking and claiming his mother's now well-fucked pussy from each and every angle. Their combined juice splattered and scattered across them, his cum filled balls smacking against his mother's puckered asshole while her cunt did it's very best to milk him. Her inner walls grasped unto him, wringing every spot of his shaft and cockhead while also making it as tight as possible. Glasha's whole body shuddered every time Xruul smashed his head against her cervix, her cervix which was sucking onto his tip wanting to claim every single drop of sperm.

And then they both felt it coming, the long anticipated climax of incestuous fucking and love making coming in like a storm.

Glasha used all of her remaining strength to push her son as deep as possible inside of her. Xruul did the very same by pressing his hips as hard as possible against his mother, his hands even cupping and lifting her thick ass a bit to give himself even deeper penetration.

And then they both exploded.

Unable to keep their kiss any longer both of them separated themselves. Glasha letting out a scream so loud that the whole house seemed to rattle which happened in company by a growl of her son equally as hard and terrifying.

He started to pump everything he had deep inside of his mother's suckling cunt. Shot after shot of thick fertile seed was being blasting into the unprotected and ovulating womb of his mother which was ready to be bred by the only man worthy to her.

Their bodies bucked and jumped as they came and came. For Xruul it was one, long continues orgasm while Glasha had climaxed and climaxed after each other, each shot of sperm that was blasted deep inside of her seemed to trigger the next one.

And then it finally it came to an end. Both mother and son down for the count, falling asleep into each other's arms after mere seconds of their intense climaxes ending.

Xruul's hard cock was still wedged deep inside of his mother as they laid there, the thick cream that had been overflowing inside slowly seeping down along his mother's ass and onto the matrass, soaking itself deep into it.

And all the while they slept, his seed inside of her womb raced for his mother's eggs, ready to impregnate the woman who had birthed him with his own child.

They both had come a long way, but in the end they had finally found each other.

Their bond had already been strong, but after tonight it was truly sealed.

Mother and son would never be separated ever again.


Six months later.

Birds whistled as the sunny weather coated the landscape with hot, yellowy rays of light.

The livestock of Glasha and Xruul relaxed in those very rays, enjoying the silence, apart from the sounds of nature that roamed about.

Far beyond the house, into a secluded part of the forest, splattering water and yells of happiness and pleasure could be heard. The washing pond that Xruul had discovered so many years ago was now one of their favorite places to be together.

Xruul relaxed in the shallow water of the pond as his mother worked herself up and down on his cock, she rode him cowgirl style, her ass smacking the water and making it ripple.

He had one hand on her pregnant, protruding belly to make sure that the baby came no harm. With the other he cupped and played with one of his mother's milk filled tits, grown even larger than they already were.

"I know that you want to do it darling, and you have my full permission." Said Glasha through her moans as she smiled at her son while riding the cock she couldn't get enough from.

"You know, like you said so many times already... You are mine Mom, I claimed you, remember? So I doubt that I need any permission at all!" Responded Xruul with a goofy grin.

Glasha let out a cute giggle after hearing her son's manly response, she then placed her hand on the back on his head and pushed him forward. "Just suck on them already, do as Mommy says!"

Xruul let out a laugh himself before using both hands to cup his mother's bouncing mammaries, his lips immediately seeking the purple lactating nipples.

As he suckled her engorged nipples and drank the tasty milk from her tits she started to moan loud and wild, letting herself fully go at one of the places where they could go all out.

The incestuous couple kept on going until the son once more filled his mother to the brim with his thick seed, always a huge amount because it was her he was making love to.

Glasha's furiously kissed her son after their love making, something she always did after he had filled her pussy up with his cum.

Xruul carefully helped his pregnant mother off him so she could sit down next to him after their early love making session.

Glasha cuddled up to her son, resting her head on his right shoulder.

"I think that this is what I truly wanted after I had given birth to you Son... I truly believe that my path... Our path, was carved out for us that day... Everything we went through together, all the hardships, problems and tears we shed... All for this..." She said.

"I like to believe so as well Mom." Responded Xruul. "I think my feelings started to grow when we were excluded and left the clan so long ago, all my feelings for you started to bloom that very moment when it was just the two of us..."

He turned his head to Glasha. "And just the two of us... Will always remain together for the rest of our lives."

Glasha turned her head as well, staring at her son before they both shared a long and passionate kiss in the middle of the peaceful pond.

After their kiss ended she took both his hands and placed it on her belly with hers covering them.

"Make that three, my love." She said with glistering eyes.

They both smiled and laughed softly before looking each other into the eyes again.

"I love you... Glasha..."

"And I love you... Xruul..."

The End.