Hard Times with Mom Ch. 02~4


When I woke up the next morning, Mom was already gone. Geez, she couldn't even face me--I really did fuck it up. I went out and got a few job applications, but I was too upset to give a shit. I headed back to the room around lunchtime, and found Mom there crying. She stopped as soon as I came in, trying to hide her tears.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Nothing," she got up but seemed all out of sorts. "I should get back out there. I'll get out of your way."

"Wait. Tell me what's wrong."

"I don't...I'm not...Oh, sweetheart," she blurted and plopped back down into the chair sobbing. "I'm so, so sorry. I'm so very ashamed about what I did last night."

"What? Why?"

"I thought it would be innocent enough. But once it started, all these feelings came out of me. I let things go too far. I should never have said all that awful, dirty stuff in front of you, much less do the nasty things I did. It was wrong. So wrong."

"No, Mom, it's okay," I assured her as I knelt down next to her. "Your idea makes a lot of sense. Like you said, we both have needs, so what's the point of sneaking around and hiding what we do from each other?"

"You must think I'm a horrible mother to have done something so filthy like that."

"Of course not. If anything, I feel even closer to you." I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her as she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "You said it yourself. We're both grown-ups. I understand that you have urges, and I don't think there's anything wrong about that. I mean, you are my mom, sure, but you're also a woman. And besides, when you think about it, it should be okay to share this kind of stuff with the person who loves you the most in the world, right?"

"I do love you, honey, more than anything. And that's the reason we can't do that again." She cut off my next protest before I could say anything more. "Please, sweetheart, let's just forget that it ever happened and go back to the way things were. Okay?"

It was obvious there was nothing I could say to convince her. I couldn't believe it was suddenly all over, just like that. I shrugged glumly in response to her pleading look, and quickly left the room before I began doing something childish--like start to cry.


That night we went about our routines in silence. I alternated between feeling sad for myself, and angry about the whole situation. When Mom finally got into bed she gave me a quick peck on the cheek, then turned over to go to sleep.

I lay there, unable to stop thinking about the night before. My cock stiffened, and that just got me more angry. How could she give me such a wonderful gift like that, then take it away? It wasn't fair. We had an understanding! Something we both agreed on. But then she decided, all on her own, that it was going to stop. Well, she could stop if she wanted, but I didn't have to.

I kicked off the sheet, and pulled out my throbbing cock. I began by stroking myself nice and easy. I waited for some movement or reaction from Mom's side of the bed. When none came, I sped up and jerked myself a bit harder, making sure to bounce the bed a little.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Mom finally asked without turning over.

"I'm playing with myself."

"I thought we decided we weren't going to do that," she said firmly.

"You decided. I need some relief, and I'm going to do it right here in bed."

"Fine. I'll wait in the bathroom until you're done then."

"I saw you getting out of the shower the other night," I said quickly before she could leave. I continued to stroke my cock, praying for a response.

"You shouldn't peek at your own mother like that." She remained motionless on her side of the bed, still turned away from me.

"I only saw a little bit of you from behind, but it made me hard."

"You got excited when you saw your Mommy naked?"

"Yes." I slid my hand up and down my shaft with measured control. "I saw your back, and your long legs, and I saw your naked ass." She didn't say anything for several tense moments. I reached down and fondled my balls. While I continued to rub myself I held my breath in anticipation. Eventually, Mom rolled onto her back.

"I knew you were outside the door," she confessed softly. "I noticed how you were watching me--how you were always looking at my body--so I did a bad thing and left the door open just a little, thinking maybe..."

"I like looking at your body. I think about it all the time," I admit.

"But it's wrong, honey. It's wrong to look at your mother like that."

"I can't help it. You're so beautiful. And your breasts are so big, and your ass is so round and smooth," I speak without thinking, without caring, lost in the incestuous bliss of the moment.

"Please, stop saying those things. Just...play quietly, sweetie" she begged. I defiantly let out a low groan of pleasure.

"Masturbate with me, Mom. Put your hand down there and touch yourself."

"No, honey, I can't. It's not nice for a mother to masturbate with her son."

"It's okay, Mom, I want you to. I want you to make yourself feel good."

"It does feel good when Mommy touches herself down there."

"Please, Mom," I whisper in my most plaintive tone.

"All right then," she answered after a long hesitation. "But no more talking. And absolutely no peeking at Mommy while you have your penis out."

I slowed my hand and focused on her movements next to me. I did as she wished and kept my eyes on the ceiling. I felt her slide her legs open slightly. I waited until I could feel the tentative sway of her hips, then I spread my own legs a bit wider until my knee touched her thigh.

She froze. I exaggerated my motions, thrusting slightly with each jerk. She didn't pull her leg away. After a few uncertain moments, she hesitantly resumed, very reserved at first, then with increasing enthusiasm. When I heard her first moan I knew she was too far into it to stop.

"I'm thinking about your naked body," I whispered.

"No, sweetie, no talking." I felt her begin to thrust against her fingers. "Don't talk about Mommy's naked body. Don't talk about Mommy's big breasts, and her naked ass while you masturbate."

"You make me so hard, Mom."

"A little boy's penis shouldn't get hard thinking about his Mommy.

"I want to see you naked," I pleaded.

"You want to see my naked body?"


"You can't. You shouldn't see Mommy's bare breasts. It would be wrong for you to look at my nipples and my naked behind."

"I want to see your ass again, Mom. I want to look at it while I masturbate."

"You want to see my big, round ass? You want to see Mommy bend over and spread her cheeks for you?" she was becoming lost in the passion of her own filthy words. "You want to be a dirty little boy and look at your Mommy's tight little asshole."

"Oh, God, yes!" I whimpered with pure rapture. By that point her leg had worked its way over top of mine, her thigh was just inches from brushing against my balls. With this contact I could better feel every thrust and turn of my mom's hips as she pleasured herself.

"Can you see my penis, Mom?"

"I'm not supposed to see my son's penis. I mustn't look."

"Look at my penis, Mom. I want you to see me."

"Oh, my sweet little boy, it's so big! You're penis looks so big and so hard."

"Do you like it, Mom? Do you like looking at my penis?"

"I love it, sweetie. You're penis is the most perfect thing I've ever seen. I can see you pulling on your hard penis, and it looks so good."

"It feels good to masturbate my cock in front of you."

"Oh, God. I'm masturbating with my baby. Please forgive me. I'm looking at my little boy's cock and fingering myself. This is so wrong."

"I'm going to come soon, Mom. I want you to watch me come!"

"I'm watching, sweetie," she panted. "Mommy's going to watch you come while she plays with herself. I'm going to come with you, baby!"

I felt the orgasmic surge come over me and quickly pointed my cock straight up. I heaved my hips up and let the cum gush up out of my swollen cock. Just as I had hoped, it came down and splattered right onto my mother's naked thigh. As soon as the warm cum landed on her skin, my mom rocked and spasmed with her own quaking orgasm and she let out a loud, throaty moan of ecstasy fulfilled.

Neither of us moved for several minutes. After a while, I felt my cum drip onto my leg after having run down the side of my mother's bare thigh. I wanted to stay like that forever.

"I suppose there's no turning back now," Mom sighed. "We are officially both a couple of hopeless perverts."

I couldn't help but smile and give Mom a big kiss on the cheek.


The next day passed in a blur. My every conscious thought was either about the events of the last night, or about those to come tonight. I made a few extra bucks with a temp job that day, so I splurged and got us some Chinese food for dinner. Mom was late getting back to the room, but she was very excited about her interview that day.

"If I land this job we'll be able to get out of this rat hole!" she bubbled. We ate, and talked, and laughed. I felt like we were closer than I ever thought was possible. It was so liberating to be with someone who knew you so well, had known you for your whole life, and who you didn't have any secrets from. It was better than falling in love.

When it got late, Mom took her shower, as usual, and got into bed to watch TV. I normally showered in the morning, but I decided to take one right after she had finished. I washed up very thoroughly, and quickly dried off. My cock was already at full attention in anticipation of tonight's possibilities. I took a deep breath, and stepped out of the bathroom, completely naked.

Mom looked up from the show she was watching and her eyes practically bugged out of her head!

"Oh, my!" she gasped. "Someone's certainly not shy about his body!"

"I figured it was kind of silly after, you know..."

"I guess you're right. I still can't believe how big you've gotten." Her eyes dropped to my crotch. "And how big it's gotten!"

"Okay, so now it's your turn."

"What? Oh, no. You don't really want to see this old body anyway."

"After what we've done together, there's no sense in being modest."

"I'm sorry, dear," she said. "I'm just not ready for that. Come lie down with me." She patted the mattress and I dejectedly climbed into bed and snuggled up next to her. She put her arm around me and we watched TV like that for a while.

"Geez, when you get hard, you sure stay hard, don't you, sweetie?" she said after about half an hour had passed. She muted the TV and pulled away a bit, lying on her side and propping her head up with one hand.

"It obviously needs some attention," she said referring to my relentless hard-on. "Do you want to show Mommy how you like to masturbate your big, hard penis?"

I didn't need any further encouragement. I settled back and started by letting my fingers trail lazily across my chest and down my stomach. I tickled my fingertips along my rigid shaft, and danced them lightly across my balls. I took my cock gingerly between thumb and forefinger and squeezed ever so slightly. I could feel Mom's eyes on my penis, following every move I made. I wanted this to really turn her on.

"It's so unbelievably long," she marveled in a sultry voice. "It's just simply perfect." My chest virtually filled with a child's pride as my mom praised my penis. I pulled the skin of my shaft down tight, and flexed, causing the head of my cock to swell even more. I was trying hard to give Mom a good show.

"Looking at my little boy's big penis is making Mommy all wet down there. Don't stop, sweetie, Mommy is going to touch herself while she watches you masturbate." She reached over and gently turned my head away. "No peeking at Mommy being nasty. That's the rule, remember?"

I could clearly hear the sounds of slick wetness as she slid her hand down the front of her PJs and began fingering herself. Her stupid 'no peeking' rule was killing me!

"It feels so good to play with myself while I watch you rub your penis like a naughty little boy." I raised myself up off the bed, straining to make my cock as hard and long as I could for her to see. "Oh, God, I love it so much." I felt her shift and heard the light flop of her tank-top landing on the floor next to the bed. I started to turn my head, but she stopped me. "No, you can't look. Mommy doesn't have a shirt on and her breasts...her big tits are all naked."

Now that I wasn't looking at the ceiling, I realized I could see the full-length mirror from here. My heart raced with a sudden thrill, but then I discovered that the angle wasn't quite right, and I could only make out a shadowy image of my mother's body. Still I took what pleasure I could from the shifting hints of her sensual movements.

"You shouldn't see Mommy pinching and pulling on her nipples while she fingers herself," she whispered between soft moans. I felt her lift her hips and drop back down. I was pretty sure she just pulled down her PJ bottoms.

"Are you touching yourself down there, Mom?"

"Yes, honey, I am."

"Are you touching your...pussy?"

"You shouldn't say such dirty words in front of your Mommy," she scolded seductively.

"Mom, I know you're touching your pussy." I gave the last word extra emphasis.

"Oh, God, yes. My pussy. I'm rubbing my wet pussy. I'm looking at your penis...at my little boy's hard cock, and playing with my pussy." The bed creaked as she leaned back and began humping unabashedly against her fingers. I guessed that her eyes might be closed at that point and risked a peek.

I looked over and nearly wept with the sheer joy of the sight that awaited me. Mom had her head thrown back and her body arched. Her huge breasts virtually spilled across her chest, shifting and flowing with a loose, natural grace more erotic than anything I'd ever seen. Both her wide brown nipples were crinkled and hard. As I watched she brought one of her hands up, pinched a nipple and pulled it roughly, lifting nearly her whole breast with it, then she let it fall heavily. I turned away before she caught me peeking.

"Mommy is fucking her fingers," she panted. "That's how Mommy likes to come, with her fingers deep inside her pussy! Are you masturbating your penis, honey?"

"Yes, Mom. I'm masturbating with you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, sweetheart. I love your penis. I love it when we come together."

I turned again, and once more beheld those spectacular undulating boobs. My eyes traveled lower, across my mother's slightly rounded belly, and down to where her hand was buried between her legs. Her PJs were pulled down to the middle of her thighs, so she wasn't able spread her legs very wide, but I could just see her thick curly patch of hair beneath her hand.

She grabbed her breast with her free hand and this time squeezed the whole thing and pulled it up as she leaned forward and sucked her own nipple into her mouth. She sucked at it hard, tugging and twisting before letting it go. I couldn't look away.

Her eyes fluttered open and she caught me staring at her.

"No, no, don't look," she groaned but didn't stop pumping her fingers into her pussy. "No peeking, sweetie. The rules..."

"I'm looking, Mom," I rasped. "I'm looking at your big, gorgeous tits. I'm jerking off my cock and staring at your nipples."

"Don't," she breathed and covered her chest with her arm. "You shouldn't see Mommy's naked tits."

"I see you touching yourself. I see you putting your fingers in your pussy,Mom. I'm watching you masturbate. I want to see you come, Mom. I want us to watch each other come!"

"I'm so ashamed," she cried out, writhing in sinful ecstasy. "My little boy is looking at his Mommy while she fucks herself. Don't look at me when I come, please don't watch your Mommy make herself come!" With that she lifted her hips up off of the bed and slammed her fingers in and out of her pussy with brazen, self-indulgent delight.

"I'm looking at you, Mom, and I'm going to come!"

"No, stop, you can't," she urged, and without looking reached over, pulling my hand away from my cock. "You shouldn't look at your Mommy and make yourself come."

I tried to get my hand back onto my cock, but she blindly fended off my efforts with one hand as she banged the fingers of her other in and out of her pussy. In the midst of our little struggle she grabbed a hold of my cock in order to prevent me from stroking myself.

"Don't look. I don't want you to see Mommy like this and make yourself come."

As she was talking her hand began to move up and down on my shaft. Within a few seconds, Mom was jerking me hard and fast, matching her own rhythm as she continued to fuck her fingers even more forcefully than before.

"Oh, God, I'm touching my boy's penis. I'm masturbating my little boy. I'm going to make my baby come!" she cried. "I'm going to make my little boy come with meeeee!"

Her entire body convulsed, and with the next tug semen began shooting out of my cock. I came with such force the first spurt hit me in the chin. I continued to fuck my mother's soft hand, shooting again and again, with each spurt landing lower and lower, until the final gob dribbled down across Mom's knuckles. She didn't let go of my penis as she continued to shudder next to me with each lessening aftershock of her orgasm.

"I don't think I've ever come so hard in my life," Mom sighed.

"Me neither," I added. She gradually loosened her grip on my cock, noticing my cum on her fingers. She brought her hand to her mouth and licked away the pearly drops of semen.

"Mommy still has to clean up after her messy little boy," she teased with a sly smile.

It had gone so well the night before that I decided to make it my new routine. After my shower that night, I came out completely naked again. I proudly let my hard-on bounce openly as I strode into the room. The lights were off, but mom could see me by the light of the TV.

"My goodness," she marveled. "Can't a girl get a night off?"

"Not when she's as hot as you."

"Oh, stop," she blushed. "Turn around, honey, let me see that cute tushy." I happily obliged, flexing my buns, and giving her a provocative wiggle. "Just like when you were little, such a show off."

"That's right," I shot back. "Now how about you show off for me?"

"What are you talking about? You saw enough last night."

"That was definitely nice, but I want a really good look this time. It's only fair."

"Well," she conceded, "I guess you're not going to give up until your get your way, you little brat." I smiled and headed for the bed. "Hold it, mister, not so fast. You sit in the chair over there. We don't want this to get out of hand, now do we?" I reluctantly backed off and pulled the chair a little closer to the bed before sitting down.

"Ready?" she asked, and I nodded with prurient anticipation. I was actually going to see my mother totally naked. I could finally look at her body without fear of being caught, or any shame at all. I gripped the arms of the chair, not even daring to touch my cock yet.

Mom got up on her knees in the bed and began by running her hands all over her body. The flickering light from the now muted TV played over her. I could see her nipples stiffen and push against the fabric of her loose tank top. Her hands slid up her sides, and she let them brush over her chest. She cupped her breasts and massaged them through her shirt. She pulled the white fabric tight across herself, and I could see the dark suggestion of her nipples through the fabric.

"You want to see mommy's big tits?" she teased. I nodded again, not daring to speak at this sacred moment. "You like my big titties, don't you, sweetie?" She lifted her shirt, showing off the sensual curve of her tummy. She pulled up a little more, exposing the fleshy undersides of her breasts. "You want to see mommy's nipples?"

"Mother, may I?" She smiled and rewarded me with a quick flash of just one nipple. "C'mon, mom, quit teasing." She relented and ever so slowly inched the shirt up over her chest and pulled it off completely.

"Ta da!" she sang merrily, throwing her arms up in the air. "Look at you, staring like that at your mommy's naked tits, you nasty little boy." She twisted from side to side as she spoke letting her pendulous tits swing back and forth freely. "You probably want to squirt your dirty cum all over mommy's big, soft titties don't you, sweetie?" I answered by grabbing onto my cock and stroking it.

"Then you want to watch as I lick it all off." She hefted one of her boobs up to her mouth and ran her tongue all around her nipple before sucking on the nub until it stood up erect. I edged forward in the chair and stroked faster. She repeated the same display with her other breast, leaving both nipples stiff and wet with saliva.

"You used to suck on these, too, you know?" She leaned forward and let her heavy breasts dangle beneath her. "You loved to suck on mommy's nipples. Such a hungry baby." She shifted her shoulders one way, then the other, causing her pendulous bosoms to sway invitingly. She dipped lower and let her taut nipples brush against the bed sheets. "Mmmm, that feels so good on mommy's nipples."

I was jerking hard and fast. I couldn't help myself. My mom was putting on a show just for me. She was letting me look at those beautiful, big tits and masturbate right in front of her. This was a dream come true.

"That's it, baby, you can come while you look at my tits if you want to. It's okay." She straightened up and pressed her arms against either side of her breasts, squeezing them together and making them look bigger than ever. "Masturbate that big penis for mommy and make it come."

"No!" I returned to my senses and quickly let go of my cock seconds before it was too late. "Not yet. I want to see more. I want to see all of you," I insisted.

"Oh, honey," she protested. "How about we save that for another night?"

"Mom, I want to see you down there."

"I don't know, honey. It's one thing when we're all wrapped up in the moment, but I feel silly, and a little embarrassed, just exposing myself to you on command like this."

"Face it, mom, I'm going to see it all eventually. You might as well get it over with now."

"Oh, dear, I never meant for it to go this far," she worried, criss-crossing her arms across her chest and covering up. I had pushed her too fast. I'm so stupid for getting too damned greedy! I frantically tried to think of something to say that would save the situation. I couldn't think of a thing as I sat there with my dick in my hand watching my mother bite her lip anxiously, not sure what she should do next. Before I could blurt out something stupid, she made her decision.

"I suppose you're right," she sighed. "We've come this far, you showed me yours, so it's only fair that I show you mine, right? Tell me how you want me to do this."

"Take your shorts off, then sit on the edge of the bed." She did as I instructed and shyly wiggled out of her PJ shorts. As I had known, she didn't have any panties on underneath. She held one hand over herself down there as she shuffled to sit on the edge of the bed. "Now, lie back and put your feet up on the edge bed." Again, she did as I instructed, keeping her knees together. "Like this, honey?"

"Perfect. Now open your legs for me, mom." She balked. "Mom, you promised." She opened her legs, but she kept her hand over her crotch, covering herself. "What's the matter? Why are you acting so shy?"

"It's just that...well, I know all the girls your age shave down there. I tried it once and didn't like it, so it's just a big mess and I'm afraid you'll think it's gross." What she was saying had some merit. I don't think I'd ever seen a pussy that wasn't shaved and trimmed. Something about knowing my mom's bush was completely untamed was a surprising turn on.

"Mom, I think that's great," I assured her. "I want to see what a real woman is supposed to look like down there. Please let me see."

"You asked for it, but don't say I didn't warn you, sweetheart." She moved her hand away and unveiled her full, dark bush to me. The curly hair spread out above her pussy just to the creases where her thighs met her hips. It ran thick down between her legs to just above the cleft of her ass. I could see a hint of wetness glistening down near the bottom.

"It's...it's beautiful, mom. Show me more." She brought her hand back down, combing her fingers through her luscious mound of pubic hair. She wiggled two fingers into the midst of her bush, then gently spread them apart. When she did, the pink, wet flesh beneath was exposed. I slid off the chair and onto my knees as I gazed at this perfect vision of womanhood. I was drawn toward it and couldn't stop myself from moving closer.

"What are you doing?" she asked with panic in her voice, and once again hid herself with her hand. "Get back in the chair."

"I can't see from over there. I only want to get a better look." I wanted this so badly I could taste it. "Do that again, mom, spread it open for me." She haltingly moved her fingers back into place and then opened herself to me once more. The sweet musky aroma of her most feminine place came to me in that moment--a moment that I'll never forget. "Oh, mom, it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen." She giggled at my adoring flattery and I could see her vagina flexing open and closed just a tiny bit as she did. Adorable.

"You like mommy's pussy? You're such a nasty boy." She reached around under her leg with her other hand and, while she kept her lips apart, slid her finger up and down the length of her pussy, spreading the wetness leaking from her hole all over herself. "Are you touching your penis while you look at my wet pussy?"

"Yes, mom. I'm down between your legs and I'm staring at your naked pussy right up close while I stroke my hard cock. I love your pussy, mom."

"Oh, sweetie, when you talk nasty like that it makes mommy's privates tingle."

"Show me your clit, mom." She moved her fingers up, spreading the top of her pussy wider. She let the index finger of her other hand glide up and circle the swirls of soft flesh there.

"Right here, baby, this is where mommy's clit is." She rubbed her finger back and forth there until her little nubbin stiffened and then she slowly coaxed it out. She pulled the skin back all around it and let me see her hard clit poking out at me.

"Can you see it, honey? Can you see my hard clit? Mommy rubs this when she wants to come." She pinched it between her fingers and tugged on it. "Mommy can jerk off her little clit just like you jerk your big cock."

"More, mom. Show me more." She abandoned her clit, and moved her fingers lower, spreading her lips enough for me to see her vagina.

"You want to see where you came from, baby? Look right here." She tapped her finger over her pussy hole. "Your daddy put his penis in here." She dipped the tip of her middle finger inside her vagina. "Right here in my pussy hole. He put his hard cock inside your mommy, just like this." And she pushed her finger in deeper. "But his penis wasn't as big as my baby's. Mommy likes to have something big inside her. More like this." She added another finger, and began sliding them in an out.

"Daddy fucked my pussy," she continued, "with his little penis until his sperm squirted deep inside me and made you, my little darling."

"I want to put my penis in you. I want to fuck you, mom."

"Don't say that, sweetie. You can't fuck your own mother. You can never put your big, hard penis inside me. But we can still help each other come. You like to watch mommy come, don't you?"

"Yes, mom. Let me watch you make your pussy come."

"Watch closely, dear." She began pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy hole faster. The fingers of her other hand circled her clit, just brushing against it lightly at first, but then pressing harder as she went. "Jerk off with me, baby. Jerk your cock hard along with mommy."

"I am, mom. I'm masturbating my cock and squeezing my balls while I watch you. You smell so good. Your pussy smells so good."

"You're such a nasty little boy. You shouldn't be sniffing your mommy's juicy pussy. You're a naughty boy for jerking off while you smell your mommy's hairy, wet cunt!" Now she was really going at it. She moved her hand from her clit and grabbed a fistful of her tit and squeezed and twisted it hard. She pulled her fingers out of her hole and moved them up to her clit. She slapped it once with a loud smack, and quickly began rubbing it hard and fast. "Put your finger inside mommy, honey. Hurry up! You have to help mommy come. Stick your finger inside mommy's cunt hole!"

I quickly let go of my balls and plunged my finger into my mother's pussy before she changed her mind. It was so hot and wet and slick in there. It was a glorious sensation that nearly overloaded my brain.

"That's it, sweetie. Fuck me with your finger. Fuck mommy hard with your finger!" I began thrusting in and out of her hole as it tightened around my finger. "Oh, God, yes. My little boy is making me come on his finger!" She shrieked and rubbed her clit faster than ever while she pushed against my finger driving it as deep as it could go. She let out a long, loud moan and squeezed her legs together tightly as she came.

When her body relaxed, and she let her legs fall open once again, I took my chance to stand up and lean forward, pumping furiously at my cock with my mother spread out before me naked. I pulled my finger out of her pussy with a slick pop and put it in my mouth. As soon as I tasted her juices, my cock let go with a stream of hot spunk that splashed onto my mother's sweat soaked belly.

Weak kneed and dizzy, I sunk back down to the carpet. Mom's pussy was only inches from my face. Her lips had swollen so they peeked out from her bush all on their own now. I leaned my cheek against the inside of her thigh and watched as she dabbed at the cum I left on her tummy. She spread it in small circles all around on her skin, occasionally touching the tip of a semen-laden finger to her tongue.

"One thing's for sure," she said. "We certainly both have good taste."


I worked most of the day cleaning up at a construction site. It was shit-work in the blazing heat, but we needed the money. It started raining like crazy after lunch, so the foreman sent us all home early. I still got a full day's pay, so I was happy.

I was drenched by the time I got back to the motel and opened the door to the grungy room that had become the setting of my every fantasy come true. Mom was on the bed--she yelp in surprise and pulled the covers over herself as I entered. In the split second before she did, I thought I saw her lying there with her hand down the front of her cut-off jeans.

"You're back early, hon, you scared me," she sputtered, trying to cover her embarrassment.

"Mom, were you just playing with yourself?" I asked with a mockingly accusing tone as I closed the door behind me.

"No...I was just...resting here, and..."

"Ma, I saw you with your hand down you pants," I laughed. "You're busted. Why are you so freaked out about it?"

"Well, I don't know. I guess old habits die hard," she admitted sheepishly and pulled the covers away. I began stripping out of my wet clothes by the door. I looked mom over as I did. She wore a snug fitting t-shirt that clung to her skin in the day's mounting humidity. Her tight little denim cut-offs were unbuttoned and unzipped and I could see a sliver of her pale blue panties. But the cutest thing of all was that that they were pushed down enough so that a small tuft of mom's pubic hair was peeking out of the top.

My mom's fingers tickled idly over the tips of her breast as she watched me undress. I was down to just my boxers (which were now tenting up over my growing hard-on) when she smiled lovingly at me.

"Look at you, you're soaked to the bone," she said in a motherly tone that didn't quite fit with her alluring pose. "Go get a towel and come here. Let me dry you off." I did as I was told and went to her side of the bed. She sat up and tugged my boxers down. "Let's get you out of those wet shorts before you catch cold." My erect penis bobbed only inches from mom's face. I envisioned myself pushing the tip of my cock against her lips, and her taking me into her mouth.

Instead, she looked up at me with a sly smile, as if she knew exactly what I was thinking, and began patting my chest and stomach with the towel. She turned me around and continued.

"You know, mister smarty pants, I used to catch you all the time," she said.

"I don't ever remember that."

"Oh, sure. I'd poke my head into your room for something and you'd be sprawled out, face-down on your bed, humping away on your pillow. It was the cutest thing," she gushed. "I almost went and got the video camera once. You were so adorable with your skinny butt sticking up in the air as you went at it like a little bunny."

"Geez, mom. So, you've always been a raging pervert?"

"Stop it," she said and gave me slap on the butt, then started patting it dry with the towel. She finished and gave me a quick smooch on my left cheek. "You don't know the half of it. But to be fair, you almost caught me about a thousand times."

"Really? How?" I pressed, climbing by her and lying down on my stomach (like she had just described me doing as a kid) with my feet toward the head of the bed, and propped myself up on my elbows.

"I shouldn't even be telling you this," she blushed. "I was constantly getting myself off around the house all day long. I'd be vacuuming the living room and next thing I knew I'd have the handle pressed between my legs, rubbing myself until I orgasmed." She laughed and flopped back onto the bed alongside me, resting her head against my knee.

"You had sex with our vacuum?"

"Mmm hmm. And that's not all. I must have humped just about everything in that house at some point." As she reminisced her hand meandered back down between the front of her jeans and her panties.

"Like what?" I was dying for details.

"Ah, let's see. The washing machine, of course, the corner of the dining room table, the railing by the garage steps." I watched as her hand casually kneaded her pussy through the silky material of her panties. "Oh, and remember that chair in the family room? The one with the knobby wood part at the end of the arms? That was my favorite. I'd rub myself off against that chair probably five or six times a week. So good."

"I had no idea back then that you were so horny," I said trying to imagine her doing all this.

"Yep, your mom was a masturbation addict." She started rotating her hips, pushing harder against her hand. "I guess I still am. But I can't even count the number times you'd just show up out of nowhere when I was right in the middle of humping one thing or another. You spoiled a lot of good orgasms for me young man." With that she gave me a pinch on the ass. Her hand lingered there and she began tracing lazy circles, tickling my skin with her fingernails.

"I guess I was always horny like that, too," I confessed. "I remember masturbating all the time."

"I know. I'm the one who had to wash your pillow cases!" Mom punctuated that statement with a little slap on my ass. She then went on to caress my rear, letting her fingers trail along the crack of my butt. "Though I can't blame you since you probably got it from me. I remember humping all my stuffed animals when I was that age."

"I can't believe my own mom would get herself off against a chair while I was in the next room doing my homework. I can't picture it."

"It happened. More times that you'd believe."

"I want to see," I prodded.

"What do you want to see, honey?" she purred.

"I want to see you humping something like you did back then."

"Are you crazy?" She playfully poked her finger down between my cheeks, coming thrillingly close to my butthole. "I might need to take your temperature, I think you've got a fever."

"C'mon, I'm serious," I insisted. "I want to watch you to rub yourself off so I can see what I missed all those times I almost caught you." She thought about it for a few seconds, then had an idea. Her eyes lit up with mischievous delight.

"I'll make a deal with you." She grabbed a pillow and bopped me on the head with it. "You let me watch you hump your pillow, and I'll let you watch me hump the chair."

"Deal!" I said without a moment's hesitation.

"I'm so going to hell for this," mom lamented. She got up and picked which of the two mismatched chairs in the room would most suit her needs while I tucked the pillow beneath me, centering it under my hard cock. Wow, did that bring back memories!

Mom pulled her chair of choice over to the corner of the bed so we would both have a good view of each other. She ran her hands over the seat, sizing it up, checking the edges and testing the cushioned spots. She found an area that was to her liking and sidled closer. I watched with rapt attention as she squatted just a little, opening her legs and carefully nestling her denim-covered crotch against the rounded corner of one arm of the chair.

"Oh, yeah, that's the spot," she whispered and began grinding her hips. "Okay, sweetie, show mommy how you used to hump your pillow." I began rolling my hips. "That's it, mommy knows that her little boy likes to masturbate in secret. I know all about your dirty secret."

Needing one hand to steady the chair, mom used the other to squeeze and fondle her breasts through her t-shirt. Her hips made generous circles as she pressed her crotch harder against the unyielding edge of the chair.

"And I know your secret, mom" I countered. "I caught you touching yourself."

"Yes, you caught me being nasty. You caught mommy secretly rubbing herself when she was all alone. You know one of mommy's bad secrets now. My sweet little boy knows that his mommy likes to masturbate herself and fuck the furniture to make her pussy come."

"Mom, it feels so good to hump my pillow like this while I watch you. I always wanted you to catch me mom, I wanted you to see me masturbate."

"Oh, honey, I'm watching you now. I'm watching your tight little ass as you fuck your pillow for me. Is watching mommy rub her pussy like this going to make you come all over your pillow? Do you like watching your mother hump this filthy chair with her pussy?"

"Mom, I'm going to come!"

"No, slow down, sweetie, wait and come with mommy," she begged as she tried to speed her orgasm along.

"I can't!" I cried and gave a few strong thrusts and spewed my load. "I'm sorry..." I mewled pathetically as mom continued to fuck the chair with desperate intensity.

"Show me, baby! Hurry and show mommy the mess you made!" I rolled to the side to reveal a huge cum stain on the pillow. Sticky threads of spunk clung to the tip of my cock, and my belly was smeared with my own sperm.

"Such a nasty, dirty boy. Look at the disgusting mess you left for mommy to clean up." Her eyes fixated on the stain and for some reason she seemed to be energized with a strange sexual charge by the sight of it.

"Mommy always has to clean up her baby's mess. Mommy knows when her little boy secretly masturbates his penis. She can smell it on his pillow sheets." She crouched into a tighter position, her back hunched, her hips thrust forward. "That's how I know when you've been naughty with your penis. I know my naughty boy's secret." The chair began bucking under the force of her thrusts.

"When mommy finds out you've been bad with your penis it makes her so horny that she does very nasty things. It makes me do nasty things with my pussy, and with...and...Oh, God!"

Mom cried out with agonized ecstasy, as though finally releasing something pent up deep within her. She heaved herself against the corner of the chair and, orgasmed several times. They came so fast and close together that I couldn't distinguish one from the next.

Finally spent, she stood leaning over the chair, her legs shaking, laboring to catch her breath. She clutched the pillow to her chest, and hung her head, apparently unwilling to look up at me.

"Mom?" I ventured softly.

"Don't look at me, honey. A mother should never share such dirty secrets with her son like that. What is wrong with me?" Her shoulders bunched like she was about to cry.

"It's okay, mom," I whispered as comfortingly as I could. I went to her and put my around her.

"I was such an awful mother. Just so...despicable..."

"No, mom, that's not true at all," I comforted her. "I mean, okay, so you masturbated around the house a lot, so what?" She turned and wrapped her arms around me, returning my hug but hiding her face against my shoulder in shame.

"Oh, honey," she choked. "You don't understand, it wasn't just that. I did things a mother should never even think about. Sick things in secret that you'd hate me for."

I didn't know if I was up to the task of handling these radical mood swings. Less than a minute ago mom was delirious with ecstasy, and all of the sudden she's spiraling down a dark tunnel of shame and doubt. But I imagined this all had to be as confusing for her as it was thrilling for me. Mom really needed my sincere support right now, and I had to be man enough to give it to her.

"You always said you'd love me no matter what, right?" I placed my hands on her shoulders and pushed her away enough so I could look her into the eyes.

"Of course, sweetheart."

"Well, I feel the same way about you, mom. I love you. No matter what," I affirmed. That seemed to ease her out of the emotional tailspin. A resigned smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"The way things are going, we're certainly going to put that to the test," she said, and instead of getting all weepy like I feared, she ducked down and ran her tongue across the patch of drying cum on my belly. She came up and licked my lips, coating them with the flavor of my own semen, then gave me a kiss.

It was long, slow, and deep. The kind she and I used to call movie-star kisses, when I was little.

I paced around the sweltering room in nothing but a pair of shorts waiting for mom to get back from job hunting. Once again, she was the only thing on my mind all day and I couldn't wait to masturbate with her tonight. It was all I could do to resist jacking off at that moment to the fresh memories of our recent sexual adventures.

I thought about my mother spreading her legs for me the other night and letting me watch her pussy right up close as she fingered herself. And also the achingly erotic image of her humping the arm of the chair last night. I wanted to come so badly, but I had to wait. I had to save my cum for mom. I checked out the window right as the bus pulled up and I saw her getting off.

She came in looking tired and wilted from the heat. As soon as the door was closed behind her she kicked off her shoes with a groan of relief, and quickly began undressing.

"It seems like it's getting hotter every day!" She worked her way toward the bed as she shed her jacket, skirt, pantyhose, and blouse. By the time she was down to just her bra and panties she had reached the bed and collapsed onto it. "Ahh, that's better."

"How'd it go?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Nothing very promising," she mumbled drowsily. "I still have a good feeling about that place from the other day though." I looked at mom lying there face-down with almost nothing on. Her skin glowed with a light sheen of sweat, and I could see the faint tan lines across her back from her bikini top. Mom had a few more curves than she used to, but she still looked good in a two-piece.

"You'll find something." I scooted down and took one of her tired feet in my hands and began to massage.

"Oh, sweetie, that feels like heaven," she moaned. "I better find that something soon. I can't wait to get out of this dump and back to civilization."

"I don't know," I said. "I'm getting to like this place. We're making a lot of nice memories here." I switched to her other foot (which elicited another series of moans from mom).

"I'd say those memories are far more naughty than they are nice," she countered with a chuckle. "But, honey, I want to make absolutely sure we're clear on what's going on between us." I finished rubbing her other foot and let my fingers lightly drift across her smooth calves and up to the soft creases behind her knees. "Mmm, that's nice. Don't stop."

"Mom, you really have to quit worrying about it so much. I love what we're doing together, and I'm pretty sure you do, too."

"I do, sweetie. I'm embarrassed to admit that I may be enjoying it too much." She parted her legs just a bit allowing me to run my fingertips up the inside of her thigh, then down the back of her leg. "I think I've had more orgasms in the past week with you than I had in the past year with your useless father. But I have to make sure you don't forget that this is a special circumstance." I could see a few curls of her pubic hair peeking out either side of the crotch of her panties, and had to resist slipping my fingers under there while mom was trying to talk to me about something she felt was important.

"When I'm lost in the moment everything feels so exciting and right, like it's the way things should have always been between us. Then later, when I get my senses back, I can't help thinking that no matter how much we love each other, it's still incredibly wrong. A mother is supposed to protect her child, not use him to satisfy her sordid sexual desires. I can't help but feel more than a little guilty about it all."

"There's nothing to feel guilty about," I reassured her as I ran my hands over her satiny panties and up to her back. "It's not like you're forcing me to do something I don't want to do." When I reached the strap of mom's bra, I casually unhooked, hoping she wouldn't object. "I can't think of a time when I've been more happy."

"I want you to be happy, sweetie, more than anything," she said and shrugged the straps off her shoulders, then pulled her bra out from under her with a relieved sigh. "That's why we have to be clear with each other so there are no hurt feelings later."

"The only thing that would hurt my feelings would be if we stopped playing together," I said, hoping I sounded as sincere as I felt. "Plus, I have a few sordid sexual desires of my own that I still need to satisfy."

"Now you're just being fresh," mom complained.

"How about we not over-think it, okay? Let's do what feels good right now."

"I don't know. Maybe you're right. But this has to only be for right now," she said and rolled to her side so she could look at me. She modestly held an arm across her chest, but I could still see the edge of one of her broad nipples showing. I forced myself to look in her eyes and not stare at her chest. "Once I get back on my feet, and get us out of this place, we have to go back to normal. Things are all upside-down right now, so we're not quite ourselves, but at some point we need to be able to return to a regular life like a normal mother and son. Understand?"

"You're sure that's what you want?"

"That's what I want," she said, then narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "And I can tell what you want." I quickly looked up from her boobs and felt my cheeks blush.

"I can't help it. I love looking at you so much," I said as I reached into my shorts.

"Oh, sweetie, it's too early yet. Let's wait and play later. After it gets dark, okay?"

"Fine!" I said a little more harshly than I meant to, and lay down with arms crossed to wait for the stupid sun to go down.

"Oh, honey, don't be like that." She tried to tickle me, but I wasn't having it. "My, my, what a spoiled little brat I've raised." She lovingly ran her fingernails across my stomach, and arms, and eventually my leg. I couldn't help but let the sensation melt away my irritation. Her fingers slowly worked their way up inside the leg of my shorts until they just barely brushed against my balls.

"Don't be mad at me. Do you want mommy to rub your penis for you?" she asked softly. "Would that make you feel better?" I didn't respond, acting like I was still upset. Her hand crawled farther up my shorts, her fingers tip-toeing their way across my balls and up my shaft. Once at the top she gently pinched and squeezed the head of my cock, then she touched her fingertip to my pee hole. A tiny drop of pre-cum had oozed out and she rubbed it all around the little slit at the tip of my cock.

"That feels so good," she cooed. "Mommy loves touching her little boy's privates." She took her hand out of my shorts, then pulled them down from the top, hooking the elastic waistband beneath my balls. "Let mommy look at her little boy's big penis." She teased my cock and balls with her fingernails for a few more moments before wrapping her hand around my shaft.

"Do you want mommy to masturbate your hard penis for you?" Her other arm remained crossed over her chest, still obscuring all the best stuff. It was hard to believe she could still be shy about me seeing her body. Although somewhat endearing, it was also the cruelest form of torment.

"Yes," I groaned, and closed my eyes trying to take in every sensation.

"My spoiled son wants his mommy to play with his dirty, sweaty pee-pee? Such a naughty boy. Do you like to touch your own dirty penis like this?" I nodded and began to writhe under her leisurely strokes. Her hand slowly worked up and down on me with experienced tenderness. "Do you have bad thoughts about your mommy when you touch yourself?" I nodded again, more vigorously. "What a filthy little pervert you are. You shouldn't think about your own mother's naked breasts and bare bottom when you play with your hard pee-pee."

"I can't help it." Mom's hand started pumping a little faster.

"Mommy's going to have to teach her bad boy a lesson. You need to get your dirty penis spanked for having nasty thoughts about my nipples and my ass." Her other hand cupped my loosely bouncing balls and held them firm while she continued to jerk me off. It took me a few seconds to realize what that meant. My eyes flew open and I saw mom kneeling next to me, both hands on my cock, and her breast swaying bare and free in the full light of day. Oh, what a glorious sight.

"You like that, don't you? That's right, I see you looking at mommy's big titties. Go ahead and look my little pervert. Look at your mommy's naked tits while she masturbates your dirty cock."

"Mom, let me suck your nipples."

"No! You're such a bad boy," she scolded and squeezed my balls. "Just for that I'm going to spank you harder." She quickened the pace. Her hand flew up and down my sweaty hard-on causing her huge tits to bobble even more. "Yeah, look at mommy's big, naked boobies while I make you come!"

She leaned forward and let one of her nipples dangle down and touch the head of my cock while she stroked me. The feeling of her skin against my penis and the sight of her tremendous tits flopping around right in front of me was too much.

"I'm going to come, mom! I'm going to come on your tits!"

"Go ahead, honey, it's okay. Mommy wants to feel your cum on her nipples. Let it shoot all over mommy's big, soft titties." I arched my hips up, pressing my cock deeper against mom's swaying breasts and let loose. "Oh, yes, just like that, sweetie! Come all over mommy's chest!" After mom had milked last drop out of me, we both fell back and took a minute to catch our breath.

"You want me to get you a towel?" I asked after a bit.

"Mmm, no, this feels nice on my skin." I looked over and once again she was happily playing with the many beads of semen I had sprayed on her breasts, occasionally scooping up little gobs and rubbing them onto her nipples. I sat up and pulled my shorts off the rest of the way.

"My goodness, honey!" Mom was staring wide-eyed at my penis. I looked down and didn't see anything unusual. "I swear your penis is long enough that you could probably lick the tip of it if you wanted."

"Mom!" I protested.

"I'm serious. Have you ever tried?"

"Of course not!" I lied. "Have you tried to lick yourself down there?"

"Believe me, if I could it would have made my life a whole lot more fun!" she laughed. We lay quietly for a while, listening to the street sounds and each other's breathing.

"Are you going to touch yourself?" I asked.

"I don't think so, sweetie. I'm a little sore after the last couple of nights."

"I noticed that your panties are all wet though," I ventured. She reached down to check herself.

"Oh, my, I'm soaked." She lifted her butt and wiggled out of her underwear. She opened her legs and fanned herself with them a few times before tossing them on the floor. "See what you do to me, naughty child." I snuggled closer to mom's side. It was actually too hot to cuddle comfortably, but she let me press my naked body up against hers anyway. My cock, still hard even after mom's hand job, rested against her fleshy hip.

We dozed like that in contented silence as the light slowly shifted from day to dusk. Before it became too dark, I tentatively reached out and rested my hand on my mom's belly. When she didn't protest, I slowly shifted it lower. I could sense her breath quicken slightly, so I knew that she was awake and that she would have stopped me if she didn't want me to keep going.

My hand reached her thick patch of pubic hair. I ran my fingers through it and marveled at the softness. I explored further, sliding my hand down over her pussy. She opened her thighs a little wider making it easier to touch her down there. The hair between her legs was wet with sweat and her own juices. I probed for her slit and started to work my finger into it.

"Careful, sweetheart," she whispered. "Mommy's privates are very sensitive right now." I slowed down and as gently as I could parted her lips and dipped a finger into my mother's most intimate area. I did just as she had the other night, and smeared the wetness from her vagina up her slit to where her clitoris was hiding. Goose bumps rose all over my body in reaction to the incomparable feeling of her silky lips.

"Mmm, honey, you do that's so good. But you shouldn't be touching mommy down there. What if someone found out that I let my little boy touch my pussy? Mmmm..."

"It's our secret, mom." As delicately as I could I made tiny circles around mom's clit. I soon felt her sensitive bud becoming firm and rising under my finger.

"You can't tell anyone, sweetie," she moaned. "You can't tell that you saw your mommy naked. You can't tell that I let you look at my bare breasts and that I spread my legs wide open to show you my wet pussy."

"I won't tell," I promised, then slipped a finger down her lips to the opening of her vagina.

"I don't want anyone to know how I touched your big, hard penis. Or how I rubbed my own son's cock and made him come all over my tits." As she talked her hands roamed over her own body, clutching at her breasts and tugging on her nipples. I teased my finger over her sopping wet hole. She opened her legs even more and pressed herself against my touch.

"What would people say if they knew I let my only son put his fingers inside me?" I took that as my cue and eased my finger into her pussy ever so slowly. "Oh, yes!" she gasped. "They would call me a whore if they knew. They'd say what a dirty slut I was for opening my legs to my little boy and making him masturbate my cunt for me."

I pushed my finger deep insider her, then drew it almost all the way out before sliding it back in. The feeling of her pussy tightening around my finger was indescribably satisfying. I pushed my cock harder against mom's hip and began rubbing it on her smooth skin.

"I'm so bad," she continued breathlessly. "It's so wrong to let my son fuck me with his fingers like this. I am a dirty whore. I'm a nasty pervert for fucking my little boy's fingers." I responded by adding a second finger, twisting them as I pushed them into her willing hole.

"Honey, you make mommy's pussy feel so good. You're going to make your mother's cunt come!" I loved hearing her talk so dirty. I began pumping my fingers a little faster, and she matched me with thrusting hips.

"I love touching your pussy so much, mom," I said as I kissed her shoulder. "I want to make you come. Come on my fingers, mom."

"Yes! Just like that, right there," she coached. Mom took hold of her breasts, pulling the one that was farther from me up to her mouth. She licked, then sucked her own nipple. I watched with fascination and envy as she pulled the dark flesh between her lips and stretched her nipple between her teeth before releasing it.

"I can still taste your cum on my titty. Oh, God, my little boy's cum tastes so good to me." She grabbed her other tit, and while still thrusting herself on my fingers, lifted that one to her mouth. She licked and sucked it, just like the other, but this time when she let it go I leaned over and quickly took her nipple into my mouth before she could stop me.

"No. You can't," she panted. "I can't let you suck on mommy's titties." She pulled her breast out of my mouth, and immediately latched onto it again herself, sucking even harder this time. After only a few seconds she pulled it out and pushed her swollen nipple back to me. I opened my mouth wide and tried to take it all in, sucking it hard and running my tongue over it all.

"You're too old to be sucking mommy's nipple," she scolded. "You're not a baby any more." She pulled her breast away again, this time with a loud sucking sound, and continued licking it herself. "You shouldn't be licking mommy's big titties while they're all covered with your own cum." I took the hint and joined her. We both licked her nipple at the same time, our tongues occasionally running over one another. It was exquisite. I could taste my cum on the flesh of her huge breast, as well as on her tongue. We both began sucking on her nipple, each taking a half, our lips pressing close.

At that point she reached down and grabbed my hand pushing it deeper and harder into her pussy. We stayed locked on her nipple and she pushed her clit against the heel of my hand grinding herself toward orgasm. Meanwhile I was humping away like mad against her side, about ready to blow another load on her.

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmmmm!" she groaned as she came, never letting go of her share of her nipple, keeping it clasped between her lips the whole time. When she finally let go she was still fucking my fingers just as fervently. "Keep going, mommy needs to come again, don't stop!" She twisted herself so that her other breast was within easy reach of my mouth, and I quickly began suckling her neglected nipple.

"Yes, make mommy come! Make your mommy's fucking pussy come again!" Her vagina clamped tight around my fingers as she shuddered with the throes of another, even more intense orgasm. I couldn't hold out any longer. I gave it one more thrust and squirted a gush of jism all over my mother's hip.

Her body relaxed as she sighed with gratification. I continued to nuzzle her breasts, softly licking and kissing them all over. I kept my fingers inside her, expecting her to pull them out right away, but she didn't. Mom ran her fingers through my hair, allowing me to explore her breasts and nipples with my mouth as long as I wanted.

After about ten minutes of blissful kissing and touching I rested my head on mom's shoulder feeling totally at peace. She reached down and took my hand away from her crotch, carefully drawing my fingers out of her. My disappointment quickly evaporated when she brought my pussy soaked fingers to her lips.

"Let me see what it is that you like so much," she sucked one then the other into her mouth slowly, savoring the flavor of her own sex juices. The sensation of her tongue circling my fingers sent a tingle down my back.

"Mmm, finger lickin' good," she said with a smile as we drifted off to sleep, naked and happy.


I woke up and stared at my mom's bare nipple. She was asleep next to me in the only bed in our fleabag motel room. Her long black hair spilled across the pillow and I could see hints of gray in the morning light. My eyes wandered over her naked body. Lying on her back, mom's heavy, natural breasts gravitated one toward each side. In their relaxed state, her nipples were almost as big across as the palm of my hand. The soft roundness of her belly rose and fell gracefully as she breathed. Just below, her tuft of wild, dark pubic hair hid the gloriously soft recesses between her legs. There were spots, here and there, on her smooth skin where my dried semen glistened in contrast against her fading summer tan.

I carefully positioned myself, lifting my leg over her so that I ended up straddling her waist. I managed this without waking her. My balls dangled down to right about where her belly button was. When I leaned down and kissed the middle of her chest my already hard cock nestled against her tummy. I kissed my way toward one of her nipples and when I reached it I took it between my lips and gave it a light suck. Mom stirred beneath me.

I shifted to her other nipple and feathered it with kisses before licking around the edge until I could feel the center stiffen against my cheek. I then wrapped my mouth around it and suckled my mother's breast like an adoring infant. Several little moans of pleasure let me know that mom was awake and enjoying the attention.

"My," she signed. "What a nice way to wake up." She arched her back and stretched beneath me while I sat up and began massaging her breasts. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

"But, sweetie, we can't keep on like this." The tone of pleasure in her voice didn't match her words so I gathered one of her big breasts between my hands and took her whole nipple into my mouth and sucked it long and hard. It took her several moments to gather the willpower to pull my face away from her tit.

"I'm serious, baby," she implored. "Listen, please. This is what I was trying to say last night. We agreed that this is a special situation, and we're fooling around, as two consenting, grown adults, just to satisfy our urges."

"You seemed pretty satisfied a few seconds ago," I countered.

"Yes, but I need you to remember that we're just taking care of our pent-up, physical needs. And that's all."

"I don't understand what you're trying to get at." We were replaying this same conversation after every encounter. I knew that it was all part of the game I needed to play in order to continue walking this thin line. All these talks and rules were simply what mom needed to help her to deal with conflicting feelings, but there was something different in her voice this time. I could feel my hard-on wilting against mom's belly.

"Honey, don't take this the wrong way, but we aren't lovers," she said as tenderly as she could. "I do love you, you know that, and I love how you make me feel, but we can't be acting like we're lovers." She pushed the hair away from my forehead as she looked into my eyes looking for agreement.


"I know this is my fault for letting it go this far, honey. I'm sorry. I know this must be very confusing for you. Please try to understand." I could feel my eyes beginning to water. I didn't quite understand why I was suddenly so emotional, but I was determined not to cry in front of her. The concerned look on her face made it clear that mom needed me to be strong right now.

"So are you saying that you want to stop?"

"Maybe..." she started, biting her lip and looking away. My stomach was in knots as she wrestled with her conscience. "No," she finally whispered, apparently succumbing to her own weakness. "No matter how wrong it might be, I don't want to stop sharing my body with you. But you have to promise me that it's nothing more than that, it's just mutual physical satisfaction, and nothing more."

"I think I understand now," I said, and was able to breath once more. "Just physical. I can do that."

"Oh, sweetie, what would I do without you?" She pulled me down on top of her and hugged me. I returned the hug as best as I could and became acutely aware of my naked skin against hers. I squeezed tight, wanting this embrace to last as long as possible. It was too soon when mom finally patted me on the behind and nudged me to the side.

"Oh, geez, look at the time! I have to get cleaned up." I watched her hop out of bed, quickly gather a few things from her suitcase, and dash off to the shower. I was captivated by her every move since she didn't bother covering up at all as she did this. Had she finally given up being irrationally modest around me? She casually hurried about her business with her tits swinging freely, and bent over to retrieve what she needed from her suitcase, giving me a full view of her hairy pussy from behind. Just physical indeed!

She emerged from the bathroom in her bra and panties a few minutes later. The lace black bra pushed her breasts up and squeezed them together, putting her award-worthy cleavage on full display. She dressed in a matter of minutes and was ready to run out the door.

"I'm expecting them to call here today about that job from the other day--the one I'm counting on to get us out of here. Will you be around this afternoon in case they call?"

"Yeah, no problem." She came over and squished my face in her hands and gave me a kiss on the end of my nose. (She knows how much I hate when she does that!)

"Such a good boy!" she gushed. Then, much to my surprise, she reached down and grabbed my semi-hard cock. "Don't spend all day playing with this, do you hear? Save some for when mommy gets back." She gave me a smooch on the cheek, followed by one on the tip of my cock! And with that she was off.

I went to the window and watched as she made it to the bus just in time. Once it pulled out of sight, I turned to go back to bed and noticed mom's panties that she had on last night still on the floor next to the bed. I thought about how she was so excited that the wetness from her pussy soaked through the silvery-satin fabric of the crotch. I picked them up and felt their moistness. I brought them to my nose and breathed in her scent. My cock pulsed to a full erection.

How was I supposed to spend all day by myself in this room with mom's wet panties and not jerk myself raw? I had the sneaking suspicion that she left them out on purpose for me. I sat down on the edge of the bed to consider my predicament. Without thinking, I began stroking the silky material against my cock. I soon had my penis cocooned in her sex-soaked panties and was beating off like a mad man.

And then the phone rang.