Hard Times with Mom Ch. 05


Time had run out. The phone call had finally come and Mom had gotten the job. My gut knotted as I took the message knowing that this meant the end of our time together here in our grungy motel room. I was well aware of the fact that leaving this place would change everything. The company was paying for Mom to relocate, so we'd be heading for Texas by tomorrow. Tonight was likely the last time Mom and I would play together.

This had me so depressed that I couldn't even muster the will to masturbate with the fragrant, used panties Mom had left for me. I realized that I had to snap out of it. If I wanted to make the most of my last night with Mom I'd have to adjust my attitude.

The simple fact was that I wanted to fuck my mother. And, by this point, I was pretty sure she had at least fantasized about us doing it as well. But it was obvious she was clinging to the idea that a mother shouldn't fuck her own son. I was sure that I could eventually get her to overcome her guilt and give in to her desires, but it would take time to push past her boundaries, and nibble away at her inhibitions little by little.

But time was suddenly a luxury I no longer had. It had to be tonight, or never.


"Did they call?" Mom asked as soon as she was through the door. She looked exhausted, and I could see how hard she was trying not to get her hopes up too high.

"Well, yeah," I said with an air of disappointment.

"What'd they say?" she pressed, worried by the tone in my voice.

"I wrote it down." I went over by the nightstand where the phone was as if I was getting the message, but instead I pulled out the bottle of champagne chilling in the ice bucket that I had hidden there earlier. I popped the cork as I turned around. "You got it!"

"Are you kidding? Really? I got the job?!" she babbled with growing excitement.

"You did it, Mom. Congratulations!" I cheered.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" she squealed and ran into my arms giving me a huge hug. I squeezed her hard, and couldn't help feeling extremely proud of her at that moment. Despite all she had been through in the past few weeks, she really pulled it together.

"I knew you had it in you, Mom. You always told me that if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen." I punctuated that with a kiss atop her head. That's when I noticed she was starting to cry. "Hey, hey! None of that. We should be celebrating!"

"You're right," she said and stepped back, wiping away the tears. "Let's have a toast!" I poured the champagne into a couple of plastic cups and handed one to her. She raised her cup. "To the best son I could ever ask for, and a new start," she proclaimed and took a drink.

"To the best mom," I toasted. "And all our special moments together." She hesitated, giving me a sideways glance, then tossed back the rest of her champagne and held out her cup for more. This was going better than I had planned.

"We shouldn't be toasting all the bad things we've been doing," she said as I refilled her cup.

"I wasn't," I said innocently, then with a sly grin, "I was toasting all the bad things we're going to do."

"Oh, no, mister." She wagged her finger at me as she took another drink. "You know the deal. No more fooling around once we're out of here."

"That was the deal. Which means we still have tonight." I took a chance and pulled her close and kissed her neck. Instead of resisting, I felt her whole body relax against me as I nuzzled my way up toward her ear.

"Maybe...maybe we shouldn't, sweetie," she whispered. "We have to go back to the way it was, remember. We need to be like a normal mother and son again."

"But we're not normal anymore, Mom," I said and slipped my hand down to her ass. I pulled her hips tight to me, grinding my crotch against her so she could feel my hard-on beneath my pants.

"No, we're not, are we?" she breathed and matched my movements with her body. "Just this one last night. Then no more."

"No more what?" I prompted as I kissed my way across her throat and to the other side of her neck.

"No more masturbating with each other," she answered, letting her hand drift down to my ass. "No looking at your mommy's naked body. You can't play with your big, beautiful penis while I watch. Mommy can't put her fingers inside her pussy in front of you any more."

"Do you still want my cum?" I asked and unbuttoned Mom's blouse.

"No. Mommy can't taste her little boy's cum any more. I can't lick your cock, or let you suck my nipples while you jerk off onto me." She swallowed another gulp of champagne and threw aside the empty cup. She reached into her bra, pinched a nipple and tugged her breast out. She did the same with the other as I slipped her blouse off and let it fall to the floor.

Mom took my head in both hands and pulled my face into her chest. Her bra was now tucked underneath her tits, propping them up magnificently. I began to suck her nipples eagerly, switching frequently from one to the other.

"Oh, sweetie, you suck Mommy's titties so good," she moaned. Without taking my mouth away from her huge breasts, I loosened her skirt and Mom wiggled her hips until it dropped down to her ankles. She then pulled her pantyhose and underwear down as far as she could and eagerly began fingering herself.

I reached down, placing my hand over hers for a moment, and felt her playing with her clit. I reached past and slipped my middle finger inside her pussy. She bobbed up and down slightly as I pushed my finger in as deep as I could.

"Mmm, Mommy likes when you touch her pussy like that. My naughty boy has learned how to make my cunt feel so good, hasn't he?" she gasped. I pulled my finger out of her and nudged her hand away from her clit. She willingly let me take over there and I massaged her swollen bud until she groaned with pleasure.

Sensing the moment was right, I dropped to my knees, spread Mom's pussy open with both hands, and began sucking on her clit all in one quick motion.

"No, honey, don't!" she protested. "You shouldn't suck Mommy's pussy like that." Even as she told me not to, she crouched a little lower opening her legs wider for me. "I can't let my little boy taste my cunt like this."

She took hold of my head and pressed it firmly against her crotch. I pulled her panties and hose down from around her knees to her ankles, then grabbed her ass with both hands. My tongue worked soft circles around her hard clit. I kissed and licked my way down across her meaty cunt lips to where her juices were flowing from her vagina. I prodded her pussy hole with my tongue for a few moments before returning to her clit.

"That's it, sweetie, suck Mommy's cunt just like that. Make Mommy come on your face." With one hand on the back of my head, Mom began thrusting and twisting her hips, humping my mouth from her standing position. From what I could hear, she was using her other hand to pull her tit up to her lips so she could suck her own nipples while she fucked my face.

I got into a steady rhythm, lapping my tongue softly across her clit while sucking her at the same time. I could sense Mom getting close to orgasm and put my finger back inside her. I felt around until I found what I hoped was her g-spot. I pressed the tip of my finger on that spot and quickened my pace on her clit. I must have hit my target because she grabbed my head with both hands and began shaking like crazy.

"Oh, God, yes!" she cried. "Suck it! Suck your mommy's cunt, baby! Yes, yes!" she yelled loud enough for any neighbors to hear. She was beyond caring who heard her as the first waves of her orgasm exploded through her body. She tensed, and grunted with animal intensity as she came with my face buried in her pussy.

"Whew, that one made me dizzy," Mom giggled. I moved swiftly then, not wanting to lose momentum. I continued to kiss her thighs and the crease of her pussy as I helped her pull her pantyhose the rest of the way off her feet. I gently turned her around and stood up behind her, letting my hands run up her sides and to her breasts. I kissed the back of her bare shoulder and moved her a few steps toward the bed.

Once I had her where I wanted her, I eased her shoulders forward so that she was bent over at the edge of the bed. I returned to my knees and began eating her pussy from behind. When she realized what I was up to, she responded by spreading her feet apart and pushing her ass back toward me presenting me with easy access to her.

"You like licking Mommy's pussy, don't you?" she said, clearly enjoying it. I let my tongue roam up and down her soaking wet slit, giving it an occasional kiss and suck here and there. After about a minute of this I was ready to make my next move.

I ran my tongue up to her vagina and lingered there a moment before sliding past it toward Mom's asshole. I felt her suddenly tense up and try to reach back to stop me.

"Not there, honey!" she yelped, clenching her butt cheeks in an effort to ward me off. I reached up and spread her ass open and ran my tongue across her asshole.

"Oh!" she cried out with surprise. I felt the tension in her cheeks subside and knew she was ready for more. "Don't put your tongue on Mommy's dirty place."

I settled in and slowly licked across and around her asshole. I kissed and sucked with increasing intensity, barely able to accept the reality that I was giving my own mom a rimjob.

"No one has ever licked Mommy's ass for her before," she divulged, then reached back and spread her ass cheeks even wider for me. With my hands now free I was able to finger her pussy while I ate her asshole. "I shouldn't let my sweet boy suck his Mommy's asshole, but it feels so good. It's so wrong for you to lick my ass, baby."

With a firm tongue, I tried to push into her, but couldn't penetrate. Mom relaxed and I was then able to dip the end of my tongue a little ways into her asshole. She wiggled and rolled her hips, the combination of licking her ass and playing with her pussy had her on the way to another orgasm.

"Lick my ass, sweetie," she moaned. "Suck Mommy's dirty asshole and make her come." She let one cheek go so she could play with her clit. As she began vigorously rubbing herself, I slid two fingers into her pussy, and continued mouthing her asshole. "That's it, baby. Suck Mommy's ass while I masturbate. Oh, God, I can't believe my little boy has his tongue in my asshole!" she cried as she shuddered with her second orgasm of the day. Her ass tightened around my tongue, her pussy clamped down on my fingers, and finally her knees buckled causing her to fall forward onto the bed.

I stayed where I was since I had a perfect view from there. I tenderly tickled my fingers over my mom's hot, soaked pussy lips, up to her wet asshole, and over her smooth round ass. After several minutes she patted the bed next to her.

"Get undressed and come lie down with me," she said.

I quickly did as she asked, hopeful that I could keep this going. I lay down next to her on my back. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at me dreamily, then giggled.

"Sweetie, you have Mommy's cum juices all over your face." She leaned over and kissed me on the lips, then licked them. "Mmm, I love the way my pussy tastes on you." She then proceeded to kiss and lick all around my mouth and lips, savoring her own essence. As she did this her hand found its way to my hard cock and began stroking. "But you're very bad for doing that. You're getting greedy, and I let you go too far. We weren't supposed to let this become sex."

"That wasn't sex," I countered.

"Oh? Oral sex isn't sex? Thank your Mr. Clinton." She added a twist to her stroke and it was all I could do to focus on not coming too soon.

"Well, you let me watch you touch your pussy, and you don't consider that as us having sex, right?"

"Watching each other masturbate is definitely sexy, but I wouldn't call it sex."

"And you let me touch your pussy with my fingers, and that's not sex."

"It's getting close, but I don't think I'd quite call it sex."

"So if I touch your pussy with my tongue instead of my finger, it's pretty much the same thing, just with a different body part, right?"

"I don't know if it's the champagne, but that almost makes some kind of sense." She looked lustily into my eyes for a moment, then leaned down and we shared a long, sensual French kiss as she continue to stroke my cock. "Since you made such a good case, Mommy is going to give her little boy a handjob with her mouth."

She flashed a wicked grin, ducked her head down and took my cock into her mouth. There was no lead-up, no teasing, she just went straight to it. I felt her lips wrap tightly around my shaft and slide up and down. Her tongue worked along the underside of my cock, expertly finding that sensitive spot just below the head.

Her fingers tickled and fondled my balls as her head rose and fell at my crotch. Mom began making a low moaning hum that added a subtle vibration to the mix that almost sent me into sensory overload. This woman really knew how to suck a cock.

I could feel myself on the verge of coming. I wanted to make this last, but there was no way I could hold out any longer. I arched my back and felt my balls tighten, then she stopped. I felt the stirrings of my orgasm recede and let myself relax, not knowing whether to be thankful or annoyed.

"It's payback time, sweetie," Mom said with a smile as she licked the length of my shaft and teased the tip of her tongue over my pee-hole.

"Huh?" was all I could manage.

"I let you taste your mommy's pussy, and lick my ass, now I want something."

"Okay, sure, anything you want."

"Anything?" she confirmed and I nodded. "Mommy wants to see you to try to lick your own penis." Her eyes flashed with devious delight.

"You are such a freak, Mom. Why do you even want me to? And I don't even know if I can," I hemmed, a bit embarrassed by the idea of doing that in front of my mother, but intrigued at the same time.

"You like to watch me suck my own nipples, don't you?" She had a point there. "It's okay if you can't, I just want to watch you try." I looked at my naked mother, her nipples erect and her expression alight, and knew that I couldn't deny her anything. Each new experience was tearing down one more barrier between me and making love to her.

"If that's what you want," I finally relented with a shrug. She squealed and clapped her hands, getting up on her knees ready for the show. I did a few light stretches to loosen up my back some, then from a sitting position I leaned down as far as I could. I was several inches from making contact. I straightened and stretched, then tried again. I was closer, but still too far.

I craned my neck from side to side, trying to loosen the muscles there. As I did this I noticed Mom watching me with fixed fascination. She had a hand down between her legs, rubbing her pussy very slowly, while she tugged at her nipples with the other.

"You're doing great, sweetie," she encouraged. "Mommy is getting horny watching you try to lick your long, hard penis for her." I really didn't want to disappoint her.

I exhaled, hooked one arm under my leg, and put my other hand on the back of my head. I leaned in, pulling myself down at the same time pushing my head toward my cock. I strained to close the distance, and when I could go no farther I reached out with my tongue and just managed to lick the tip of my cock.

"Oh my God, sweetie," Mom marveled. "You're doing it! My little boy is licking his own cock right in front of me." I sat up and took a deep breath. I looked at Mom, proud of the effect my performance had on her. She was masturbating herself harder now, one breast clutched tightly in her fist, and a look of almost pained lust on her face. "Honey, Mommy liked that so much. Can you do it again for me? Please?"

I knew that was as good as I could do from that position, but I wanted to go the extra mile for her. I nodded and threw the pillows onto the floor and had her move to the head of the bed. She complied without question, never taking her hand away from her pussy. I lay down in front of her, my head near her knees, my feet dangling off the end of the bed.

I pulled my legs up, and curled them over my head so I was in a kind of upside-down crouch. I heard Mom gasp as I settled in and gained my balance. I could smell my mother's fresh sex juices close by as I eased my hips down toward my head. This time my cock came within easy reach and I was able to comfortably lick all around the head.

"I'm so turned on right now," Mom breathed. "I don't know why this makes me so horny, but it looks so good to me." She leaned in close, her face only inches from my cock and watched me tongue myself. "Mommy is fucking her fingers while she watches you lick your own penis like a naughty boy." I took hold of my cock and pointed it toward her, and she licked and sucked the tip of it. I then slowly pulled it back down toward my mouth, bringing her closer.

My Mom and I were then able to both lick my dick at the same time. This drove her wild. She licked and sucked my cock, and lips, and tongue as we enjoyed this unique experience together.

"Push me down more," I panted. It took her a moment to sort out what I was asking, but then she got it and gently pushed down on my ass. This brought my hips even closer and I was able to get the entire head of my cock into my mouth.

"My baby is sucking his own cock. I'm such a filthy pervert for making my son suck himself for me." She rejoined me and licked my shaft and balls while I continued to suck and lick the end of my dick. I could tell that her hand was back in her pussy by the slick, smacking sounds coming from just over my head.

Mom worked her tongue up between my balls, and kept going. I almost choked when I felt her tongue reach my asshole, which was up in the air and spread wide in this position. A moan of unadulterated ecstasy escaped from me as she sucked my ass with an almost crazed passion.

"You like that, sweetie?" she purred. "You like when Mommy licks her baby's asshole?" I was becoming light-headed with all that was going on. Mom was fingering herself, and licking my ass, while I was sucking my own cock between shallow breaths. Just when I didn't think it could get any more intense, Mom decided to spit on my asshole and slide a finger in there. "How is that, honey? Mommy has her finger in your tight asshole. Mommy is fucking your ass while she watches you suck your cock."

There was nothing I could do but keep sucking and revel in the sensation of my mother's finger zeroing in on my prostate. It was finally too much.

"Are you ready to come for Mommy?" she asked. "I want you to come in your own mouth for me, but don't be a bad boy and swallow it all. Let me see you come in your mouth."

I opened my mouth and started jerking my cock. Mom twisted and pumped her finger in and out of my asshole as she banged herself faster.

"That's right," she groaned. "Squirt that nasty sperm in your own mouth while Mommy makes herself come!"

My ass flexed tight around Mom's finger as I began to come. Jets of warm semen spurted down into my mouth and onto my lips as I jerked myself furiously. This triggered Mom's orgasm and all she could manage was a series of guttural moans as the primal pleasure of this intense climax seized her.

I held my own sperm in my mouth like she had asked, but wasn't sure what she wanted now. She was still fucking her fingers with unrelenting fervor. She pulled her finger out of my ass, and pushed my legs away so I was once again lying flat again.

"On my pussy," she huffed as she lay back, spreading her legs open. I turned around and found my face right there at her crotch. "I want it on my pussy. Spit your cum on my cunt," she begged.

I leaned forward and let my salty semen dribble out of my mouth and onto my mom's waiting pussy. Her breath caught and she writhed with delight as she spread my spunk all over her pussy. I watched in awed wonder as she forced three fingers in her hole and began pounding away, while bringing her other hand to her mouth and licking my cum from it.

"I love my baby's cum so much," she whimpered. "Mommy loves to eat your cum, and rub it on her cunt. Your mommy is such a nasty slut. Look at Mommy's cunt all covered with your cum. Look at my cunt while I masturbate with your cum on it!" She reached her peak and came again, arching her back and lifting her ass high off the bed. "Oh, God, yes!!" she screamed and fell back down onto the bed finally spent.

She lay there still for a long time just catching her breath. I remained down between her legs, my face only inches from her crotch. I watched as her cum mingled with my sperm and trickled down across her asshole, to the cleft of her ass, then onto the bed.

"It sounds like someone got their money's worth," I teased. She laughed, and playfully knocked me in the head with her leg.


Even now I couldn't take my eyes off of my mom's gorgeous pussy. She knew I was staring at her down there and opened her legs wider. Her fingers languidly played across her lips, occasionally spreading them open for me. She toyed with the remnants of my semen, and once or twice trailed a finger down to caress her own asshole.

"I love your pussy so much, Mom," I sighed. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have such a sexy mother."

"More like you're lucky I'm such a horny pervert."

"That, too," I agreed. "I could stare at your pussy forever." She then reached down with both hand and spread herself wide open for me.

"Well, get a good look now, sweetie, because the mommy freak circus is leaving town first thing in the morning."

"I don't even want to think about that now."

"I'm sorry, honey," she said sitting up and ruffling my hair. "I don't want to spoil our last night of fun. How about we take a little break, get cleaned up, and go out for a nice dinner to celebrate my new job?"

She kissed me on the forehead and climbed off the bed headed for the bathroom. I tried not to pout about the situation and focus on how I was going to reach my ultimate goal before the night was over.

"I can't believe what a mess I am," Mom called in an exaggerated sing-song voice from the bathroom. "If only there was a big, strong man around to help me wash my dirty, naked body."

All bitter feelings evaporated in an instant as I dashed into the bathroom to join Mom in the shower.


We splurged on a taxi to take us to the restaurant. Mom was looking great in her black dress that showed off her long legs, and considerably more than a hint of cleavage. She had polished off another cup of champagne while waiting for the cab, and she was all giddy and chatty as we rode out of the sketchy part of the city toward a nicer area.

Mom talked excitedly about the move, living in a new state, and her job. I tried to pay attention but my mind kept wandering to thoughts of us in the shower less than an hour earlier. The feeling of running my hands all over Mom's soapy body was incredible. I spent most of the time "cleaning" her tits, and pussy, and ass, but she seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. Of course, she had spent most of the shower making sure my cock and balls were squeaky clean.

After the shower we dried each other off, and I sat naked on the toilet and watched Mom rub her lotion on. She made a nice show of it, putting each foot high up on the sink as she moisturized her legs, giving me a perfect view of her hairy puss. She turned around and massaged the lotion all over her ass, bending over and giving me a quick peek at her butthole. She squirted a large amount onto her big breasts and spent a long time rubbing, and working it into her soft skin.

All the while I just watched her every sensuous move, lightly stroking my cock, but not enough to come. I wanted to save that for after dinner. Mom's hand fell onto my knee and broke me out of my reverie. My cock was hard again--I'm certain that I've been hard more this week than my whole life combined!

She was going on about the movers getting her things out of storage, or something. I put my hand on hers, and without her paying much attention to what I was doing, I slowly moved it up to my crotch. When I had her hand up to my groin, she reflexively gripped my hard cock through my pants, then quickly pulled away.

I looked over at her with a mischievous smile and saw her giving me a scolding look. With just her eyes, she motioned toward the driver and shot me an "are you crazy" expression.

"Don't worry," I whispered. "It's dark anyway."

"No fooling around in public," she said in a guilty hushed tone. "Now behave yourself." She went on to the weather in Texas, and the new clothes she was going to need. I checked to make sure the driver wasn't paying any attention to us, and sneaked my zipper down. I pulled my cock out and held it near the base so it stood straight up and waited for Mom to notice.

When she did her eyes went wide in shock and she quickly put her hand over my hard-on, trying to push it down and hide it. She was so flustered she didn't know what to do. I picked up the conversation so as not to tip off the driver that we were up to anything. I rambled about whatever came into my head, while rubbing my cock against my mom's hand.

"You are horrible," she hissed. She took her hand away, crossed her arms and refused to look at my public display of affection. I left my cock out and continued chatting as if everything were normal. I caught Mom glancing over at my exposed dick a few times. Each time that she did I flexed so that it bobbed up and pointed right at her. She'd look away with feigned disgust.

After a minute or so of this game I noticed she was staring at the driver's rear view mirror. I assumed she was worried about him looking back here and catching me with my cock out. But then she cleared her throat to get my attention. When I looked she pulled one side of her dress down enough for me to see her nipple, then quickly pulled it back up. My mom had just flashed me in "public."

I could see her trying to contain an excited giggle and noticed both her nipples poking up underneath the thin fabric of her dress. He hand crept back toward my lap and she took a hold of my dick. She slowly moved her hand up and down my shaft, her eyes still fixed on the rearview mirror in case the driver looked back. Mom pulled her dress down again, further this time, and left her tit exposed for several seconds before hiding it again.

She looked at my cock in her hand and licked her lips. I could tell she wanted to suck me, but didn't dare. I reached over and cupped one of her breasts, squeezing just the way she liked. She squirmed in her seat, fighting back the urge to moan aloud. She suddenly squeezed my cock hard and gave it a little slap.

"Oops, we're almost there," she exclaimed. I tucked my cock away, bummed out that it had to come to an end so soon.

We pulled up in front of the restaurant and Mom paid the driver. As she climbed out ahead of me she purposely flipped the back of her dress up enough for me to catch a glimpse of her bare ass. Mom wasn't wearing any panties tonight! Such a naughty minx.


We were seated right away at a nice table. There were only a few other couples in the place. Mom ordered a glass of wine, apparently she wanted to keep her buzz going as much as I did.

"That reminds me," Mom said once the waiter left with our order. "How did you get the champagne?"

"I paid one of the hookers near the liquor store ten bucks to buy for me." Mom tsked and shook her head.

"You used to be such a good boy," she sighed.

"That was before I had all my morals corrupted by this foxy, older lady I've been fooling around with lately."

"Shush," Mom stressed. "Don't talk like that in public."

"No one's paying any attention to us," I assured her. "Mom, I love it when you spread your hot pussy for me, and suck on my cock." Her expression was a mix of sudden shock and embarrassment. She looked around, probably expecting everyone to be staring at us. "See. Nobody even noticed."

"Still," she said quietly. "You shouldn't be talking like that with people around."

"And you shouldn't be flashing your titties in taxis."

"You're such a bad influence on your sweet, innocent mother," she joked with a blush.

"Tell me, what's been your favorite thing we've done so far?" I asked, wanting to keep her as horny as I could until we got back to the room. She took a sip of wine and thought back over the week. She leaned in an spoke barely above a whisper.

"I have to admit that I really liked it when you did that thing to me...back there," she confessed. "I never realized that would feel so good. I want you to do that to me again when we get back."

"Do what? I want to hear you say it," I urged. She looked around to be sure no one was near.

"I want you to...lick my asshole," she covered her mouth as if shocked to hear herself saying such a thing in public. "I want to squat over your face so you can stick your tongue deep in your mother's horny ass." She giggled nervously, still looking around to see if she'd been caught talking dirty.

"I can't wait, Mom." I said.

"But, I'd have to say my favorite was the first night we played next to each other."

"The night you wouldn't even let me look at you?"

"Oh, God. It seems silly now, but it was so exciting for me to finally be able to share something so private and intimate with you. That will always be special for me."

"That first time was pretty amazing."

"Well, to be honest it wasn't exactly my very first time with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't even tell you this," she hedged, then took a swallow of wine. "You know how I told you I'd masturbate all around the house? I would do it in your bedroom sometimes."

"Really? You'd wait for me to go to school, then sneak into my room and hump my furniture?"

"No! Not just your furniture," she said coyly. "I used your stuffed bear now and then."

"You sexually abused Mr. Brownsworth!?"

"Oh, he loved it!" she laughed. "And I didn't exactly have to sneak into your room while you were away, not when I had the house to myself." She paused, unsure she should continue. "But I did have to sneak when you were in there sleeping," she said quietly. I let that sink in for a moment.

"You...you masturbated in my bedroom while I was in there asleep?"

"Not a lot." Her voice retained its confessional tone. "A few times a month, maybe. If I couldn't sleep, or your father was too drunk to get it up." She wasn't able to look at me as she spoke. "You have a pretty good idea about my urges by this point, not to mention my lousy self-control."

"So you'd come in at night in your pajamas and rub yourself off right there against my desk?"

"Sometimes," she said and I could see her nipples stiffen once more beneath her dress. "But it was always better when I got completely naked and fingered myself."

"Wow," I said, totally blown away by this revelation. "You would actually masturbate bare-assed naked in my room with me there and I never had a clue?"

"I would fantasize about you waking up and seeing me. I almost did wake you on purpose once or twice. God, I don't know what possessed me to do things like that. If your father ever caught me...I don't even want to imagine."

"I wish you had woken me up one of those times."

"I would stand right next to your bed and put my foot up on your nightstand. My naked pussy would be only inches away from your sleeping face. If you had opened your eyes there would have been no way for me to hide. You'd have seen me spread wide, boobs hanging out, fingers buried in my pussy, playing with myself like a woman possessed."

"You have no idea what how exciting that is to me." Her bare foot slid up between my legs and she pressed against my hard-on.

"I think I have some idea," she teased. "I'm just so grateful to you for making some of your old mom's secret fantasies come true."

The waiter arrived with our food, and Mom quickly pulled her foot away from my crotch. We didn't linger over our meal. It seemed we were both just as eager to get back to the room for the conclusion of our final night of incestuous passion.


We played around again on the cab ride home. Mom hiked her dress up in the shadows of the back seat and showed off her pussy to me. She dipped her fingers in and let me lick her juices off them. She reached down into my pants and played with my balls. I think this driver knew something was going on, but Mom was so into it she didn't seem to notice.

We reached the door to our crummy motel room and Mom put her back to it and pulled me in and began kissing me hungrily. Our hands were all over each other. I was stunned when she tugged the top of her dress down right there outside our door.

"Suck my naked tits, baby. Suck my big nipples where everyone can see," she panted. I grabbed both her breasts and lifted them to my mouth and suckled her erect nipples each in turn. It was unlikely that anyone except a couple of nearby hookers could actually see us, but just the fact that my mom was so revved up that she would expose herself and demand that her son suck her in public was incredible.

"Put your fingers in Mommy's pussy," she commanded. "I want everyone to see what a dirty whore I am." I reached up under her dress and easily slipped two fingers into her dripping wet hole. She moaned and gyrated herself against me. "That's it, sweetie, play with your mother's pussy out in the open. Let them all see you with your fingers inside me. I'm such a slut for my own son."

I opened the door and we tumbled through before Mom got too carried away. As soon as the door closed behind us, she pulled me down to the floor. Her tits were still out and flopping freely as she kissed me wildly, her tongue in my mouth and her hand on my crotch. A week ago, Mom couldn't even stand to walk on the disgusting carpet in this room in bare feet, now she was rolling around on it half-naked without a second thought.

She pushed me onto my back then stood up over me. She straddled my head and squatted down, shoving her sopping pussy directly against my mouth. I licked and sucked her as she rubbed herself all over my face. Mom pulled her dress off over her head and tossed it aside. She was squatting on my face totally naked in just a pair of high heels.

"Oh, yeah," she moaned. "Suck Mommy's big, hairy pussy just like that. You're such nasty little boy. I bet you like it when Mommy sits on your face like this?"

"Um hmm," was all I could manage to get out with her meaty twat pressed hard against my mouth. Mom shifted her hips so that her ass was poised just above my face. She reached back and spread her ass cheeks even more, causing her asshole to open slightly.

"Put your tongue in my ass, sweetie," she begged. "I want my son to lick his horny Mommy's asshole again." I was only too happy to give her what she wanted. I licked, and sucked her anus, poking my tongue in as far as I could. "That feels so good," she breathed.

Mom dropped down onto all fours over me and hurriedly undid my pants. She pulled my cock out and plunged it into her mouth. I couldn't believe the sensation of her taking it deep into her throat as she swallowed almost the entire length of my erection before pulling it back out.

"Suck you mommy's clitty now, sweetie," she instructed. "Mommy wants to come with your big penis in her mouth." We lay there in the sixty-nine position sucking each other off like a couple of sex-crazed maniacs. As she worked my cock in and out of her throat I eased a finger into her asshole. She wiggled with excitement as it slid all the way in. I next worked a couple fingers of my other hand into her pussy. With fingers in both Mom's holes, and my cock filling her mouth, I really went to work on her clit.

"Oh, God, don't stop!" she cried, unable to continue sucking me off with all the carnal attention her crotch was getting from me. "Make me come, baby! I'm going to come on my darling boy's sweet face. Mommy's pussy is going to come in your mouth!"

Mom squeezed my dick hard in her hand as she pressed her pussy tighter against my mouth, and let out a unrestrained scream of ecstasy. I felt her legs quiver as her body was wracked with emanations of ultimate pleasure. After several seconds of this she pulled her clit away from my mouth. I reached out and flicked it with my tongue, causing her to jump and squirm, too sensitive to allow even the slightest touch.

I pulled my fingers out of her holes and felt a dribble of pussy juices seep down onto my face. Geez, Mom was wetter than I'd ever seen her before. I slapped her on the ass to get her attention.

"Up on the bed, Mom," I ordered.

"Don't you want me to finish sucking you off?"

"Nope, get your sweet naked ass up in bed." She gave the head of my cock one more kiss before following my instructions and going to the bed. I moved around the room and turned on all the lights. I went to the foot of the bed and undressed as I looked over my mother's naked body.

It seemed to become more beautiful to me with each passing day. Her angelic, loving face, framed by that long dark hair. Her shoulders were broad, in that womanly way, complimenting her incredible breast in perfect proportion. It's true that her tits drooped more than they did when she was younger, but it had the effect of making her even more attractive. Although her waist still narrowed in just the right way, her belly and hips were more ample than I remember as a kid. The plumpness in her tummy gave her body a mature contour that I found irresistibly adorable. And, of course, the way her hips and ass had developed over the years made her already great form even more alluring. My eyes finally moved down the length of her long, smooth legs. They were as shapely and sexy as I'd always known them to be.

"Honey, it's too bright," she objected, moving a hand to cover her belly in a modest attempt to hide the few faint stretch marks there.

"Open your legs for me, Mom," I said. She did as she was told, opening her legs and moving her hand away from trying to hide her tummy, down through her thick pubic hair, and teasing around the edges of her womanhood.

"Mmm, I just love the way you look at my pussy, sweetie. Is this wide enough?"

"More," I replied. I was completely naked by this time, my throbbing cock yearning to be inside my mother. She brought her knees up and spread her legs wider for me.

"How's that, sweetie? Can you see Mommy's wet pussy better now?"

I crawled onto the bed and between her legs. I ran my tongue slowly from her asshole to her clit in one long stroke. I kept going and kissed my way up to her soft, round belly. I spent some time there, tenderly licking the fading scars she earned while she was pregnant with me. Her fingers ran through my hair as I did this, the intimacy of the moment was not lost on her.

I worked my way up to her breasts. I gently kissed her nipple, and delicately took it into my mouth. I sucked softly with great appreciation, then moved to the other one and did the same. My hips were now between her legs, and my erection hovered just over my mom's pussy. It was now or never. I lowered myself just enough for the tip of my penis to brush against the curly hair between her legs. Her hands went immediately to my hips, pushing me away.

"Honey, what are you doing?" she said dreamily, almost lost in a sensual daze.

"I just want to rub myself on you down there."

"No, sweetie, you can't," she insisted weakly. "You might not be able to control yourself. I can't let you put your penis inside me."

"I just want to rub it on the outside, that's all."

"I know, honey, but you shouldn't. We can't let it go that far."

Each time she spoke I returned to suckling her nipples, trying to keep her in that heightened state of arousal. There was a chance I could just shove my cock in her and she wouldn't be able to resist, but I knew that wouldn't be right.

"How about if you hold my penis, and rub it on your pussy for me?"

"I don't know, sweetie."

"Take my penis and use it to play with yourself, just like my finger or my tongue."

"We shouldn't risk it," she said even as her hand wrapped around my stiff cock. I leaned in closer as she guided my dick toward her clit. The tip of my penis made contact with her pussy, and it was like an electric shock raced through me. She slowly stroked me, putting pressure against her clit with each pull.

"That feels really good, Mom."

"It's good for Mommy, too. But it's so wrong to rub my son's cock against my pussy like this."

"I love you so much," I whispered in her ear.

"Oh, honey, I love you, too. I want you to suck my titties while I masturbate myself on your penis. Will you do that for Mommy?" I moved back to her breasts and returned to sucking her nipples, a bit more firmly this time. I felt her move her other hand down between her legs to spread her pussy lips wide open. She pressed the head of my cock directly against her hard clit.

She ran my cock around her stiff nub in slow circles that got smaller and smaller, until she was pressing herself against the underside of the tip of my penis. I wasn't sure what she was doing, then I felt her squeeze the head of my cock with her finger and thumb. She pulled my cock toward her and I felt the stiffness of her clit up against my pee-hole. Mom nudged herself forward the tiniest bit, and I was pretty sure she was essentially fucking my cock hole with her clit. How does this woman dream up this stuff?

"Don't move, sweetie," she whispered. "Mommy's going to come. Mommy's fucking your penis with her clitty and it's going to make me come." She groaned and pressed against me and orgasmed with a quiet intensity. She held her breath and pulled my cock tighter against her clit then relaxed. "Oh, my, that was amazing."

"That was incredible, Mom," I said. "But I think it's getting a little dry down there for me." She reflexively dipped my cock down to her drenched hole and swirled the head of my dick around there, then moved it back to her clit.

"Mmm, that felt nice down there."

"Don't get any funny ideas, mister," Mom warned.

"Can you just do that again, but a little slower this time."

"You're really pushing your luck, young man." Once again, her words didn't match up with her actions as she slid my cock back down to the opening of her vagina. Once there she played it across her pussy hole, obviously delighting in the sensation.

"Mom, your pussy feels so soft," I said. "Can you put it inside just a little bit?"

"No, sweetie," she insisted. "You can't fuck Mommy's pussy."

"I don't mean that. I mean just put it in once, only a little bit, then you can take it right out."

"I can't let my son put his penis inside me."

"Please, Mommy," I pleaded. "It's been so long since you've had a penis inside you."

"It has been a long time."

"And you've always wanted to feel my hard cock in you, haven't you?"

"Yes. But, I can't. It's wrong for a mother to put her son's penis inside her pussy."

"It's what we both want," I pressed. "Just once, only for a second."

"Oh, dear, I knew this was going to happen," she moaned. "Just once, but then we have to do something different. Promise?"

"I promise."

She once again guided me toward the opening of her pussy. She teased the head of my cock around her hole, before nestling it into place.

"Just this once," she murmured and pulled my cock inside her. My every sense was suddenly alert to each minute experience. I could see my mom's expression transform from guilt-ridden shame to unbridled fulfillment. The pungent scent of her sex became almost overpowering. The taste of her sweat was still on my tongue. I could hear a deep groan of sweet release building in her chest as her darkest desire was finally being realized. And the feeling.

It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. It was more that the sensation of my cock sliding into a slick pussy hole. This was my own mother's pussy. This was the woman that my very first sexual fantasies were built around. I masturbated every night hoping she would catch me, tell me it was okay, and explain that it was normal for everyone to play with themselves. She'd confess that even she touched herself down there, and she would show me how girls masturbated.

It had all come true. This was the very moment that the final boundary finally collapsed. I resisted the urge to thrust into her and allowed my mother to control the gradual penetration of my cock into her vagina. I felt the muscles of her pussy spasm and contract around my shaft. I was about halfway in, and Mom's hand around my cock prevented me from going any further. She let go and put both hands on my ass, applying only the barest amount of pressure.

"Keep going, sweetie," she whispered, keeping her eyes closed. "Put it all the way in. It's okay, I want you to." I eased myself forward, unable to comprehend how each millimeter I slid deeper into my mother could be even more spectacular than the one before. It was several long, glorious moments before I was completely inside her.

"You feel incredible, Mom."

"Oh, God, what have I done?" she groaned. "My son's penis is deep inside my pussy, and it's so good. I shouldn't have let this happen. I'm a filthy, perverted whore."

"Don't say that, Mom," I said to her. "We love each other so much."

"It's still wrong, sweetie. I'm such a bad mother. I know it's wrong, but your cock feels so good. It's almost like it belongs inside me."

"It does, Mom. This is right. For us."

She opened her watery eyes and we looked unflinchingly at each other in the harsh light of that rundown motel room. She searched deep within me for something beyond my words. She must have discovered what she was looking for, because she slid her hands up and pulled my head down to hers and kissed me. Not a lust-driven kiss like earlier, but a gentle kiss of surrender.

"Make love to me," Mom whispered.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She responded by wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Mommy wants her little boy to fuck her good and hard. Can you do that for me?"

I smiled and made my first thrust. I saw actual goosebumps rise up along my mom's arm and was sure this is what she truly wanted. I began slowly, pulling almost all the way out and then pushing in as far as I was able. My cock glided effortlessly between the slick walls of my mother's wet pussy.

"Oh, my baby's cock feels so nice inside me. You fuck Mommy so good." Her hands roamed across my back and shoulders, up through my hair, then back down again to my ass. I kept my pace slow, partly for her pleasure, but mostly to keep from coming too fast. She rolled her hips with each deliberate thrust as we moved in unison. "Do you like fucking your Mommy?"

"I love it," I responded.

"Your big cock makes Mommy's cunt so wet." I speeded up just a little, and Mom matched my pace without missing a beat. "I can't believe my own son is fucking me like this. My son is fucking his mother's nasty pussy with his dirty penis."

"That's right, Mommy," I said and shifted from a smooth rhythm to a hard thrust. "I'm fucking you just like you always wanted." The sound of my balls slapping against her ass could now be clearly heard.

"Yes. I always wanted to spread my legs for you, sweetie. Mommy loves her baby's cock and now it's finally inside me! I'm a whore for my son."

"That's what you want to be, Mom? You want to be a whore for me?"

"Yes," she gasped.

I lifted myself up off of her onto my knees, being sure that my cock never left her pussy. I grabbed a hold of her ankles and held them up and moved them apart, spreading Mom's legs wide in the air.

"Then I want you to fuck me like a whore, Mom!" I began pounding into her from this position hard and fast. She reached up and grabbed onto the headboard so she could better push back against my thrusts. From up here I could look down on my mom's sweat-soaked body. Her tits shifted loosely up and down as smooth as pudding each time I slammed into her. I was able to see my cock, covered in Mom's juices, pumping in and out of her hairy muff.

"Oh, yes, you fuck me so good. Fuck my cunt, baby, fuck my big cunt hole!" she cried. I could tell by that look on her face she was about to come.

"Is Mommy going to come like a whore now?"

"Yes, sweetie, Mommy's going to come right on your hard cock."

"I'm going to come with you."

"No! Sweetie, you can't come inside me," she pleaded without letting up on my cock at all. "Please, honey, don't come inside my pussy."

"We're going to come together, Mom."

"No, please. Come on my tits, or come on my face, not inside me. I don't want my baby to shoot his sperm in his mommy."

"I have to, Mom. Please let me come inside you."

"Don't," she whimpered, "come in me."

I let her legs down and hunched over her. She lifted her hips up off the bed and fucked me as hard as she could. I instinctively leaned down and caught one of her nipples in my mouth and sucked it hard as I continued to pound into Mom's convulsing pussy.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she panted. "Go ahead, baby! Shoot it inside me! Come in Mommy's pussy! I want to feel your cum inside me!"

With that she surged her crotch against me and began to orgasm. I couldn't hold back any longer and I finally let loose. My balls clenched tight and I could feel spurt after spurt of semen shoot deep into my mother's cunt. She thrashed on the bed screaming out with no concern for who might hear.

"Keep going, I'm going to come again," she begged desperately and grabbed onto my ass pulling me hard into her. I jammed my cock into her faster and faster. "Yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," she chanted deliriously as she humped my cock with single-minded intensity until her body was taken over by an even stronger orgasm.

She fell back, her body seemingly sapped of all strength. Hair was plastered across her damp face, and she labored to catch her breath. The smell of her sweat and her cunt filled the room with an intoxicating bouquet. I stayed where I was, not wanting to pull my cock out of Mom's pussy, and tried to absorb the reality of what had just happened.

"C'mere, baby," she eventually spoke up. "Mommy wants to clean your dirty penis." I reluctantly pulled out of her swollen pussy and moved to her side. She leaned over and sniffed my soaked cock, then began licking and sucking our mingled cum from it. I fondled her breasts as she worked to clean my cock and balls with her mouth.

"That's better," she said when she was satisfied. She then lay back and opened her legs. "Now it's your turn to clean Mommy's dirty place." I moved down between her thighs and watched as she first cupped her hand just beneath her hole. She flexed and a glob of my cum oozed out of her. She caught it in her hand and brought it straight to her mouth and let it flow onto her tongue before swallowing it all. "Go ahead, sweetie," she cooed. "Clean up the rest of your naughty mess from Mommy's pussy."

I licked and sucked Mom's sloppy cunt until it was almost clean again. The whole time she wiggled and squirmed under my mouth. By the time I was done, I was ready for another round. I climbed back on top of Mom and prepared to slip my cock back inside her.

"Wait, sweetie, we said it would just be the one time. You promised me."

"Actually, that wasn't exactly what we were agreeing to."

"I know," she admitted biting her lip. "But it should only be just that one time."

"If that's what you really want," I sighed. "We could just spend the rest of the night masturbating with each other."

"I think maybe that would be better," she agreed. "Please, don't hate me for being so silly about this."

"I couldn't hate you if I tried, Mom," I told her truthfully. "I'm just happy we got at least one chance to be together like that."

"Me, too, sweetie," she said with relief. "Thanks for understanding."

We moved so that we were sitting across from one another on the bed. Mom spread her pussy open with one hand, and began fingering herself with the other, making sure I had a good view. I half-heartedly stroked my cock. Despite my disappointment, I was still enthralled by my mom's exposed pussy. We watched each other play with ourselves like that comfortably for several minutes.

"What are your thinking about, sweetie," Mom asked in a husky voice.

"I'm thinking about how wonderful it felt to make love with you," I said. "What about you?"

"I'm thinking about how nice it was to finally have a real man fuck me like I always wanted."

We lapsed back into silence and continued to diddle ourselves without either of us really being fully committed. Mom finally sighed.

"This just isn't working," she declared, then got up and turned off all but one light. It looked like maybe it was all over and we were going to sleep.

She climbed back into bed, then surprised me by getting on all fours in front of me. She looked back over her shoulder and gave me a wiggle of her ass.

"Are you going to play with yourself all night, or give your poor, old mom another good fucking?"

I grinned wide and was balls deep in my mother's cunt once again within seconds. We went at it like animals for the rest of the night. Doggie-style, her on top, from the side, in the chair, on the filthy carpet, and in the shower. Just before dawn we were both almost completely fucked-out. I was shooting blanks by then, and Mom's pussy was looking red and sore. Despite all this, we still found barely enough energy to make slow, intimate love one last time as the new day came upon us.

I was able to get just hard enough to penetrate Mom's almost painfully sensitive pussy. I lay atop her and we kissed long and soft as our bodies moved in graceful tandem. We both managed to eke out one final orgasm from each other. There were no fireworks that time. No exploding rapture, or gushing fluids, or heaving anything. Just the barest sensation of pleasant release in the arms of someone who you know loves you more deeply than it's possible for any other person to love you.