Becky and Her Son Pt. 02


This is the second and final part of the story. Only part of this story is true. John does in fact have a friend named Andrew and he and Andrew fucked Becky. The rest is fantasy.


Chapter 7

Becky and John continued to make love multiple times a day as Becky's pregnancy progressed. She was beginning to show and her tits had grown. Of course John loved that. They had experimented with almost everything two people could do and loved it all. Then John came home one day and said he had had an interesting conversation with his best friend, Andrew.

"Mom, Andrew told me something today that floored me. You won't believe this, but he said that he and his mother have been having sex."

"Really?" Becky said in astonishment. She knew Andrew's mother, Vicki, well and never would have guessed she had a thing for her son.

"Yes and it has been going on for about a year. He said he was telling me because he said he didn't have anyone else to tell. He and his mother felt guilty about it, but according to him they are in love."

"Wow, that is amazing. You didn't tell him about us, did you?"

"No. But that is what I wanted to talk to you about. You know that Andrew thinks you are hot."

Becky laughed and said, "Well, he is hot too."

John smiled. "I was thinking; you remember you said something about fantasizing about having sex with two men?"

"Yes," Becky said, getting a hint as to where this was going.

"Well, if we wanted to do something with another guy, Andrew might be the perfect person. He would love that we are having sex too and he certainly couldn't tell anyone."

At first Becky was ready to protest, but then she felt that familiar chill going down her spine. "I don't know," Becky said.

"I just thought I would bring it up," John said, trying not to reveal his disappointment.

"I mean it would be nice to have a cock in my ass and pussy at the same time," she thought out loud.

John's face brightened. "It would be amazing."

"But wouldn't you be jealous?" she asked.

"Maybe a little. But he is my best friend and he is in love with his mother and I know you are not going to run away with him, so what's to be jealous about."

"You have a point, but how would we set that up?" she asked. She could see that John looked encouraged that she was actually considering it.

John smiled and said, "What if I invited him over one evening and for some reason I get tied up and couldn't get home right away. You can work your magic on him and I come home and catch you."

"My, but you have thought about this quite a bit. What if I can't 'work my magic on him? I mean I am not a young woman anymore," she said with a little pout.

"I have a lot more confidence than you that you can do it. I don't think there is a man alive that could resist you."

"Yeah, well tell your father that."

"He is an idiot and doesn't count. Any normal man could not resist you."

"Let me think about it for a couple days."

Again John smiled. He got up and hugged his mother and then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom where they made passionate love. Both of them imagined what it would be like to have another man in bed with them.

Becky was as nervous as she had ever been. Andrew was due over in a few minutes. She wondered what he would think of her; would he see her and think she had gained too much weight or that she was too old to be sexy. Her confidence was eroding quickly. This is crazy, she thought, how many 39-year-old women try to seduce a twenty-year-old boy. Becky looked in the mirror. Yes, she was showing her pregnancy, but she could still get into most of her clothes. Her tits were bigger and her belly was protruding a bit and there was a glow about her, which in reality made her sexier than ever, but she was still concerned. She had put on a white tennis dress ... but daringly left the shorts off, leaving her naked underneath. The white dress was so short that if she sat down, any attempt at modesty would be impossible. She knew that a young boy like Andrew would like the dress on a young woman, but what would he think of it on her, she wondered?

The sound of the doorbell made Becky jump. She looked in the mirror one last time and went to the door.

"Hi, Andrew. Oh my," she said when she saw that is head was shaved. She had known him since he was a child and knew he was prone to sometimes do outrageous things. He was a handsome boy, shorter then John, but he had a nice shape and obviously worked out with weights.

"Hi, Mrs. Loudon?" he said with a smile, enjoying the look on her face.

"What happened to your hair?" she asked.

"I'm a freshman on the college football team and the seniors did it. It's a tradition, kind of a right of passage; it will grow back. Is John here?"

"Sorry Andrew, but he called and said he was going to be an hour or so late."

"Oh, I can come back later then. It looks like you are headed out to play tennis anyway." Since he couldn't see her tennis shorts he assumed he had on a pair of tiny tennis panties. He also noticed that she was not wearing tennis shoes, but sexy high heels.

Becky saw that Andrew's eyes had dropped to her chest and that he could obviously see her nipples. "Unfortunately my tennis match was cancelled. So I'm all alone now. I insist that you come in and wait for John," Becky said.

"Uh ... sure," he said nervously as he followed Becky into the living room.

"Would you like some iced tea or a soda?"

"Uh ... yes, a soda would be nice," Andrew said as he sat on the sofa.

Becky got the soda and a glass of ice. Her hands were shaking and she nearly spilled the soda as she poured it into the glass. She poured herself a glass of wine and drank it quickly to steady her nerves. She went back into the family room and gave Andrew his drink. She sat across from him and crossed her legs. She could see Andrew's eyes move from her tits to the wide expanse of thigh she was exposing. A shiver of excitement went through her when she glanced down at his crotch and thought she saw the beginning of an erection. Her confidence grew and she became bolder.

"So, Andrew, John tells me that you think I'm hot," Becky said as she got up and moved to sit on the coffee table right in front of Andrew. There was no turning back now since she knew that the position would cause her short dress to hike up her thighs and that Andrew could see her naked pussy. Then, just to make sure, she not so subtly raised the hem with her hand.

Andrew's eyes opened wide from not only the question, but what he was staring at. "I ... uh ... I ... told ... uh ... John I thought you were sexy, uh yes," Andrew stuttered as he stared between her legs.

"Well a lady always likes to hear that a young man thinks she is sexy. Also, John also tells me that you are having sex with your mother. Is that true?"

Andrew gasped. "Oh my God, he wasn't supposed to tell you that."

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone," Becky said as she got up and stepped over to the sofa to sit next to Andrew. "Besides, I think it is sexy that a son feels that way about his mother," she said as she put her hand on his thigh. "There is a special bond between a mother and son. I, for one, think it is stronger than even a husband and wife." Becky squeezed Andrew's thigh and moved her hand toward the tent in his pants.

"Uh ... Mrs. Loudon ... I ... uh ... uh ... John will be home any time."

"Don't worry about him," she whispered as she slowly stroked his thigh and looked into his eyes. "It appears to me that you do think I am sexy," she said as she slid her hand over the tent in his pants. Andrew sat frozen as Becky squeezed his cock. "Mmmm, you have quite a nice cock there. I bet your mother loves to get fucked by it."

"Oh shit," Andrew groaned.

"Let me see your cock," Becky said as she began to open his zipper. She almost giggled at the look on the poor boy's frozen face. A moment later she reached her hand inside his pants. "Mmmmm, nice, she said as she pulled his cock into the opening. "I bet you like to be sucked, don't you? Does your mother suck it a lot?"

John, who was peeking into the living room, suppressed a laugh. He was enjoying his friend Andrew's discomfort. Andrew had played enough tricks on him over the years to last a lifetime. It was nice to see him being made very uncomfortable. John waited until his mother bent over to take Andrew's cock into her mouth before he walked into the room.

Suddenly Andrew looked up and almost passed out when he saw his friend. "John!" he gasped a Becky's mouth engulfed his still throbbing cock.

John had a look of anger as he walked into the room. But a moment later he was smiling. "Mom, you are such a slut for cock."

Andrew's eyes opened wide at John's words. "What ..."

John sat down next to his friend. "She is a great cock sucker," he said as she reached over and pushed his mother's head down on Andrew's cock, "And she loves to do it. But she likes it best when I fuck her."

"What ... are you ... and your ... mother ... fucking too?"

John laughed. "Yes. Got you buddy. Paybacks are hell."

"You're fucking your mother?" he asked again, barely hearing John's words.

Becky looked up from sucking his cock and answered for John, "Yes, several times a day."

"Oh my God," was all Andrew could say.

"And we have a secret too. Mom is pregnant with my baby," John said proudly.

Andrew looked like he was going to pass out. "Really? I can't believe it. This is ... crazy. You and your mother ... I would never have thought you ..."

John interrupted him and said, "I would have never have thought you and your mother would be having sex either."

"This ... this is amazing. We have been friends since ... since we were five and you didn't tell me you had started fucking your mother? And ... and you have made her pregnant," Andrew said.

"Don't get righteous with me. You didn't tell me until the other day that you have been fucking your mother for a year."

Andrew had no answer for that. "You're right. I'm sorry about that but I didn't know how you would react." Suddenly he moaned as Becky took his entire cock into her throat.

When Andrew started to moan, Becky pulled away and said, "I want this cock in my pussy and John, you can fuck my asshole."

"Your asshole?" Andrew almost screamed.

"Of course, my ass is his. I gave it to him the other day and it is his forever," Becky said and saw Andrew's face turn red. "God, I'm too hot to go to the bedroom. Both of you get naked," she said. Then she watched with interest as both boys stripped. "Hmmmm, nice," she said as she looked at the two young naked men. It only took her a second to take her tennis dress off. She left her shoes on. "Get on the floor on your back," she said to John.

Andrew stood up unsteadily. It was obvious that he was nervous as he watched John go to the floor on his back.

Becky kissed Andrew quickly forcing her tongue into his surprised mouth. "This is going to be fun," she whispered when she broke the kiss. Then she straddled John, then squatted facing away from him and reached between her legs for his cock. They both moaned as she placed the head of his cock on her tiny asshole and slowly pushed down. "Mmmmm, that's it, all the way," she said. When she was seated she leaned back and beckoned for Andrew. She spread her legs and said, "Fuck my pussy, Andrew."

Andrew hurried to comply. He knelt between her and John's legs and aimed his cock toward Becky's pussy. He slid it into her with some difficulty. "God, it's so tight."

"Oh, shit," Becky moaned. "This is incredible."

"Yes, it is," John moaned as he began to fuck her ass, running his cock along the thin sheath of skin that separated Andrew's cock from his. "Fuck her pussy, Andrew" he said.

Becky almost passed out at the incredible feeling. She had never felt so stuffed. There was no pain, just a feeling of being totally filled. She loved it. God, I have two cocks in me at the same time; it doesn't get any better than this, she thought. In her position she couldn't move so she let her son and Andrew do the work. The two of them eventually set up a rhythm; one would push in as the other pulled out. The feeling was almost overwhelming.

"Oh God, Mrs. Loudon, God, I can't believe it," Andrew said.

"Believe it, Andrew. Fuck my pussy as John fucks my ass. I ... oh shit ... I am going to ... ahhhhhh!!!" Becky groaned as a strong climax hit her. She suddenly felt her pussy begin to gush, spraying her juices across John and Andrew's dicks.

"Shit, she's squirting," Andrew said. "I'm going to cummmmmm," he screamed.

"Yes, yes, yes, cum in my pussy," Becky gasped as she continued to climax.

John began to grunt as he felt his friend's cock pulsing inside his mother's pussy. That brought on his climax. "Ahhhh, Mommmmm!!!" he cried.

The three of them screamed as their bodies convulsed in carnal pleasure. Becky thought it was never going to end. It went on until both boys had emptied their balls into her and their cock began to shrink. First Andrew and then John slipped out of her.

Andrew stood up and staggered back and fell onto the sofa.

Becky rolled over in John's arms and kissed him. "You were right, he is a good fuck," she said and laughed.

When they had recovered they were all three sitting on the sofa naked. Andrew said, "Wow, I still can't believe it."

"What can't you believe?" John asked.

"Any of it. That you are fucking your mom like me, and that you tricked me into fucking her with you."

"So are you upset that we tricked you?" Becky asked.

"No," he answered right away and laughed. Then he paused and said, "So you are really ... you know ... uh pregnant?"

"I am, and I love it." Becky stood up and turned to give Andrew of view of her profile.

His eyes opened wide. "Wow. I wish I could convince my mom to let me make her pregnant."

"Have you asked her?" Becky asked.

"Well, no. I mean, I don't think she would ... you know ... let me do that."

"You never know till you ask," John said.

"I don't know. She has never mentioned it. I mean she is not on the pill or anything, we just make sure it is a safe time of the month."

"That is dangerous," Becky said. "Maybe she wants it to happen accidentally."

Andrew thought for a moment. "You know we have fucked almost everyday of the month. Now you have me wondering."

"Maybe you should bring your mother over one evening. Once I tell her my situation, she might change her mind."

Andrew's face brightened. "That's a great idea. It would be incredible if she would let me make her pregnant."

"I think we might be able to convince her. Now, are you up for going to the bedroom and trying to outdo the first performance?"

Andrew smiled and his cock twitched.

Chapter 8

"So, did you like having two men at the same time?" John asked the next morning. Andrew had left late the night before after he had fucked Becky twice more and then watched John fuck her in the ass again.

"God, I loved it. But of course I love your cock more," Becky said.

"Of course," John said and smiled. "So do you think we should invite his mom over?"

"Absolutely. How many chances do we have to actually find another mother and son who are having sex? It will give us both someone we can confide in."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Good, I will call Vicki tomorrow and ask them to come over this weekend for dinner."

"What's going to happen then? I mean are we going to ... you know ... do something with them?"

"Well, let's play that one by ear. We will see how Vicki reacts when I tell her about us. If she is positive, I will take the lead and we will let it go from there."

"Great. How about we go out for a pizza and movie tonight?"

"Love to. Kind of like a date, huh?"

"Yep, a date with my mom. About six then?"

"Good, that will give me time to do a little shopping first."


"Yes, I am going to need some new maternity clothes ... most of what I wore when I was pregnant with you is well out of style. Plus I want to pick up a few things to wear for you."

"I like that too. Okay, then it's a date."

John had a little shopping to do as well. He went to a porn shop in the city and picked up a few special toys for him and his mother. He would surprise her with them. He got home just in time to shower and trim his beard. Becky had told him to take his shower in the other bathroom because she wanted to surprise him with a special outfit for their date. He told her he had something special for her tonight as well. She had no idea what it was but was excited by the prospects.

When Becky finally came out of the room John was waiting for her in the living room. He smiled and said, "Wow," when he saw his mother. She was wearing a leather top and shinny leather skirt. The skirt was skintight and looked great on her. She had on a pair of thigh high boots.

John jumped up and hugged and then kissed his mother. "God, you are gorgeous. I am one lucky guy."

"You like it then?"

"I love it. Now, for my surprise for you. You know that we have to be careful when we are out. I mean we can't act like lovers because someone might see us. So I figured I would get something that wouldn't be ... uh ... let's say invisible to anyone else." From behind his back John produced a box. Inside were what appeared to be two silver eggs. In addition there was some type of remote controller.

"What the heck is that?" Becky asked.

"Well, one of these goes into your ass, and the other goes into your pussy. Then when I push this ..." he said and pushed a button on the little controller and the two eggs started to vibrate.

"Oh my God," Becky gasped. "You want me to have those in me while we are out at dinner and a movie?"


"That will drive me crazy."

John laughed loudly. "That's the point." With that John dropped to his knees. "Pull your skirt up."

"John, I don't know about this. What if I climax right in the restaurant?"

"That is the intent."

"Oh, God," Becky said as she slowly pulled up her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties. She watched John lean forward and kiss her pussy tenderly. Then he took one egg and slipped it into her pussy. He made her turn around and bend over. Becky gasped as she felt the other egg slipping into her ass.

"Now, you are going to have to wear panties to make sure they don't fall out. First, let's see how they work." John pushed a button and the egg in her pussy began to vibrate.

"Oh, shit," Becky gasped as the little egg made her pussy quiver.

"Now the other." He pressed the second button.

"Ohhhhhhh," Becky moaned as both eggs began to move. She could feel them against each other, separated only by the thin flesh between her ass and pussy.

"I can make them vibrate, throb, or pulse." He changed the settings and watched as Becky almost lost her balance.

"John, John," she gasped as she quickly grew close to a climax. She breathed a sigh of relief when he shut off the device.

"I think it should work perfectly," he said and laughed.

Becky gave him a look of mock admonishment. Then she went back to the bedroom and put on a pair of panties. It might be embarrassing to climax in a restaurant, she thought, but it would be worse if one of the eggs fell out and hit the floor.

They left the apartment and as they were walking down the stairs John turned on the device.

Becky squealed but before she could say anything John shut it off. "Just making sure it works out here."

Becky pursed her lips as if she was admonishing him again. However, her heart was beating rapidly at the thought of those two eggs squirming around inside her. It would take all her skill to make sure she didn't give anything away. However, she knew it might be impossible.

They went to one of their favorite Italian restaurants where they got a table in the back. The waitress took their order for a large pizza and a salad for her. She ordered an oil and vinegar dressing and then looked at John.

"I know the type of salad dressing I like, but they don't serve it here," she said with a smile.

"Now, that's not nice to tease me like that," John said as he pulled the remote out and turned it on.

"Johnnnnnnn," Becky gasped as the two eggs began to vibrate and squirm inside her ass and pussy. She could feel the vibration all the way up her body. She even thought she could hear the noise. "Ohhhhhh," Becky whispered.

When John saw the waitress coming back he shut off the vibrating eggs. He smiled at his mother who was flushed and breathing heavier.

"Mmmmmmhhhhh, you rat!" Becky gasped. As soon as the waitress left she spread her legs and smiled obscenely at her son. Suddenly she felt the eggs begin to vibrate again. She bit her lip to suppress a gasp. Then, suddenly she felt the beginnings of a climax. No matter how hard she tried she could not stop it. Her pussy began to spasm as waves of pleasure washed over her. She gasped and trembled, holding onto the table for support.

John watched as his mother climaxed right at the table in a public restaurant. Fortunately the restaurant was not busy.

Finally Becky opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Now, was that so bad?" John asked with a laugh.

"I can't believe I actually climaxed right here in a restaurant," she whispered. "You are driving me crazy young man. I will get you back one day, you can be sure of that," she said.

John laughed. The waitress brought their pizza and they ate quietly, with John turning on the vibrator several times before they left for the movie theater.

Inside the theater they were happy to see that there were very few people. They made their way to the last row and sat down. Before the movie even started, John turned to his mother and kissed her passionately. As he did he turned on the vibrator, which brought a low moan from Becky. He pulled away and then leaned to her ear. "Pull your skirt up to your waist."

"John, I can't do that."

John turned the vibrator high until it was vibrating and throbbing crazily inside her.

"Okay, okay," Becky moaned and reached down and pulled her skirt up until she was naked from the waist down. The seats were high and no one would be able to see her unless they came to the last row.

"Now, let's enjoy the movie," John said as he placed his arm around his mother's shoulder.

With a sigh Becky leaned into her son's shoulder. "You are being very bad tonight," she whispered lovingly.

John chuckled.

After they movie was on for a few minutes John turned the vibrator on again.

Becky gasped quietly and began to move her hips. She decided not to fight it any longer. She would just have to be quiet when she climaxed. After a few moments she began to squirm her hips. Her pussy was so wet that she was sure she would leave a wet spot. But at that point she didn't care. She wanted to climax.

John leaned over and began to unbutton her top. When Becky made no move to stop him he continued until her tits were exposed. He saw her squirm lower in the seat and that her eyes were closed. He reached over and began to squeeze and knead her large breasts.

Becky allowed her son to bring her hand over to his very had cock. She gasped and began to stroke him through his pants. Her pussy was literally throbbing and she knew that she was going to climax soon. Then, when John turned the vibrator to a steady hum she could take no more. She bit her lip as waves of pleasure rushed through her. Her hips lifted from the seat as pleasure consumed her. She could not even think about the fact that she was in a public theater and that she was for all intent and purpose naked. It was incredibly difficult to remain quiet, but she did it, biting her lip until it almost bled. Her convulsions went on for some time before she was done. "Wow," she gasped.

"So, am I still a rat?" John asked.

"You are."

"Well it appears that this rat made you climax in a public theater."

"That's why you are a rat."

"I'm sorry, Mom. Can you forgive me," John said as he pulled his mother's hand to his exposed and very hard cock.

"Mmmmm, I'll think about it," she said.

"Suck it. Suck my cock."

"John, I can't do that here," she whispered.

"Why not, no one can see?"

Becky looked around and knew that he was correct. With a sigh, almost a whimper, she bent her head to his lap.

She grabbed his cock and placed the head into her mouth. She began to suck him as she slowly pumped his cock, but then when she felt his hips begin to move she slowed down. She felt his hand on her head trying to urge her on. She resisted, deciding to torture him. Suddenly she felt the vibrator turned on again. She mumbled "Ohhhhh!"

"Mmmmm," John moaned when he felt his mother begin to stroke faster and suck harder.

Now Becky wanted his cum. She wanted to taste him. It was crazy, what they were doing, but it was also very exciting. A few moments later she felt John tense and she prepared herself for his cum. It came quickly and in great quantity. His juice filled her mouth until she had to swallow. Then it filled again. She drank his juice like a fine wine, pumping him and sucking for the last few drops. When his cock finally began to deflate she sucked it one last time and sat up. She saw John smiling and watching the movie like nothing unusual had happened. She straightened her clothes then reached over and grasped his cock. They watched the rest of the movie in silence.

Chapter 9

Becky called Vicki and said that Andrew had reminded her that they had not gotten together for a long, long time. After a fun conversation about old times they confirmed dinner. She told Vicki to dress casual for a relaxing evening. Later John spoke to Andrew and he said that his mother didn't seem suspicious but she did wonder why she had received a call from Becky after such a long time. Andrew told her that he and John had talked and decided that the two families had not gotten together for a long time and that he thought they had a lot in common. He hadn't said how much in common, however.

On Saturday Becky fixed a roast with all the fixings. She had a nice bottle of wine chilling in the refrigerator and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket in the family room. The plan was for Becky and Vicki to have a conversation with Becky revealing that she and John were lovers. She would act like she was not aware that Vicki and Andrew were also lovers. She would say she just had to confide in someone and since she had known Vicki for so long she thought she might be the best person. She realized it might be a weak story, but once Vicki learned about them she would most likely forget the rest of the conversation.

When they arrived Saturday evening, Becky opened the door to find her old friend dressed in a nice white pants suit. Andrew was more casual with jeans and sleeveless tee shirt. Becky kissed Vicki and then Andrew and invited them in.

"You look nice," Becky said.

"I told her it was casual," Andrew said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh, this is an old outfit," she returned.

"I like it. You look very nice," Becky said. "Andrew, John is in his room why don't you boys talk, or do whatever boys do. Vicki, let's have a glass of wine and catch up on things."

Andrew smiled slyly at Becky and then hurried to John's room. He would stay there until Becky called them to dinner.

"So, how long has it been?" Becky asked as she led Vicki to the kitchen where she had wine glasses ready.

"At least five years," Vicki said.

"Let's see, yes, I think the boys were in the tenth grade."

"You're right," Vicki said.

Becky handed Vicki the first of several glasses of wine she would ply her with. Then with the bottle of wine in her hand she led her into the living room where they sat next to each other on the sofa.

When they were comfortably seated Becky said, "Time really seems to fly by."

"It does. Becky, John tells me that you are divorced."

"Yes, the bastard ran off with some young slut. I think she was eighteen or nineteen."

Vicki shook her head. "I know what you mean. My Edward did almost the same thing. She was a little older, but not by much. Men can be real bastards."

"Yes, but I think your Andrew and my John are exceptions."

"They certainly are."

Becky held up her glass and toasted their shared situation. Then she poured Vicki and another full glass.

"Better slow down on that, wine goes right to my head. Two glasses and I will be tipsy," Vicki said.

Good, Becky thought as she held her glass up and said, "I am the same way, but sometimes that is a good thing. Here's too two divorced women trying to get by ... and not doing too bad."

"Here, here," Vicki said.

Soon the two women were giggling like schoolgirls.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Vicki asked.

Becky paused and looked serious for a moment. "Yes, kinda."

"Kinda?" Vicki laughed, "You either do or you don't."

"Well ... I probably shouldn't tell you this. But ... uh ... I need someone to talk to. My boyfriend is John," she said and paused for a second, then added, "I guess you could call him my boyfriend."

Vicki laughed and said, "I am sure he would be if he were not your son."

Becky paused and looked into Vicki's eyes. "No, I mean really, he is my boyfriend ... actually my lover."

Vicki opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"I ... I have been dying to tell someone. I mean, who in the world can one trust nowadays. Since we were such good friends for years and shared so much, and I was looking for someone to confide in ... well, it is hard and I mean, the thing between John and I just happened." Becky hurried her words, as if they were not planned. When Vicki just sat there with her mouth open, Becky continued, "I shouldn't have told you ... it is wrong, but John is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We have been making love for over a month now."

"Oh my God!" Vicki said.

"Don't hate me. I mean ... oh, damn, I have messed this up," Becky said and acted as if she was close to tears.

Vicki reached over and grabbed Becky's hand. "No, no, I'm not judging you. I'm just flabbergasted. I mean, you and John ... I can't believe this."

"I know. Please, don't say anything to Andrew ... you know, he and John are such good friends."

"Becky," Vicki said and paused. It took a moment before she spoke again. The wine had done the trick. "Becky, I have a confession as well."

Becky had to suppress a smile. With relief she realized that it was going to work. "What?" she asked.

"You are not going to believe this but ... but Andrew and I are lover's too."

"Are you kidding me? I mean are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"No, I would never joke about such a thing. We have been making love for over a year. He is the love of my life and I never want another man."

It was Becky's turn to act surprised. "God, I don't know what to say. This is amazing. I mean how many women make love to their own sons and here are two."

"Well, probably more than we know," Vicki said.

"But for us to have known each other for so many years and then to find out that we are both making love to our sons ... that is incredible."

"I am shaking right now," Vicki said.

Becky pulled her into her arms. Vicki started to cry as Becky held her.

When she pulled away her eyes were wet but she was smiling. "This is so amazing. I have never shared this with anyone and now you ... I mean it couldn't be any more perfect," Vicki said.

"I agree," Becky said as she poured another glass of wine for Vicki. "Let's call the boys to dinner. Later we can tell them our secrets."

Vicki smiled. "You know, knowing boys, there is a strong possibility that they already know."

"I would not be at all surprised. This is so amazing," Becky said as she hugged her new confidant again.

At dinner they chatted about mundane things, but did not talk about their secret. Once dinner was over and the dishes cleared, Becky invited everyone into the family room. Vicki and Andrew sat side by side on a love seat and Becky and John did the same on the sofa.

"What's the champagne for?" Vicki asked.

"That's for another surprise I have ... but I will wait until later to reveal that."

"Another surprise?" John asked. "What was the first surprise?"

"Yeah, what was the first surprise?" Andrew chimed in.

"Should I tell them?" Becky asked.

"Please," Vicki said.

"Boys, in talking with Vicki, I realized that we have a lot more in common then we even thought. I revealed to Vicki that John and I are lovers and found out that Andrew and she are lovers as well. Isn't that incredible?"

John looked at Andrew and both boys acted shocked.

"John ... you already knew ... I can tell by the look on your face?" Becky said looking at John with pretend anger.

"Sorry, Mom, but sometimes guys just have to share that stuff."

"You know too, don't you Andrew? When did you learn this?" Vicki asked with a tone of admonishment.

"Just the other day, I swear. I mean ... we were talking and ... it just kind of came out. But I waited a year to tell anyone ... and John is my best friend and ... I'm sorry.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Becky said. "Your mom and I did the same thing a few moments ago, so we are even. I say we break out the champagne early."

"Okay. But when are you telling us the second secret?" Andrew asked.

"I'll wait a bit for that. Boys, you can have one glass and that is it."

"Yes," Vicki agreed.

"Mooooommmm," the boys said in unison.

Becky smiled and poured each of them a glass of champagne. "Here is too friends and lover's," she said as they all took a drink.

Vicki said, "To sons and lovers."

"To sons and lovers," Becky repeated. "Now that the ice is broken, I want a kiss," Becky said, turning to John. Immediately their lips went together and a mutual moan escaped their lips.

Not to be outdone, Andrew pulled his mother to him and they kissed. The first kiss grew into a second and then a third for both couples. Within seconds the room was filled with sexual tension. After a few minutes, Vicki heard rustling on the sofa. When she pulled away from Andrew she gasped and her hand went to her mouth. Becky was leaning back on the sofa and John had his hand between her legs. Even more incredible she had taken his cock out and was stroking it.

Becky smiled at her friend and then closed her eyes in pleasure as John's finger slipped into her already wet pussy. The fact that Andrew and Vicki were watching them made it incredibly exciting. She had never been an exhibitionist, but over the last few weeks she found that it was very exciting to know that people were watching. They had made quite a scene in the movie theater and if they hadn't left early they might have ended up on the nightly news.

Becky opened her eyes to see that Andrew had been busy too. She gasped when she saw that Andrew had stripped off his mother's top and her large tits were bare. Seeing that, Becky decided to take it further. She slipped to the floor between John's legs. Just before she took his cock into her mouth she glanced over and saw that Vicki had her right hand between her legs and Andrew's cock in her other hand. He was caressing her tit. Becky smiled and engulfed her son's swollen cock.

As Becky sucked she realized that everything was working out even better than she could have imagined. She wasn't sure where this was going to end, but up to this point it had been incredibly exciting. After a few minutes of enjoying John's cock she stood up. Vicki was in the process of sucking Andrew's cock now. "Let's get our clothes off," Becky said to John rather loudly.

Vicki looked up from her son's cock and watched as mother and son stripped. Her face was a mask of lust. She turned to Andrew and began to pull his pants down. He helped and then stripped his shirt. Vicki then dropped her slacks. "I can't believe we are doing this," she whispered. But Andrew hushed her with a passionate kiss.

"I need this cock," Becky said. She pushed John back on the sofa and turned around and sat on his lap, taking his cock into her very wet pussy in one quick movement. "Ahhhh," she gasped as his big cock hit bottom. She looked over at Vicki and smiled. "Join me," she said.

Vicki stood up and turned around. She reached between her legs and found her son's cock. "Oh fuck," she gasped as she sat on his cock. Suddenly the room was filled with the moans and groans of the four lovers. Becky bounced on her son's cock as she watched Vicki do the same.

"Wait, I have another toast," Becky said. "I want to reveal our second secret." With that she handed Vicki another glass of champagne, without releasing her John's cock from her pussy, and picked up one for herself. With both women sitting on their son's cocks, Becky said, "Vicki, I want to announce that ... that ... I am pregnant with John's baby."

"Oh my God," Vicki gasped. Suddenly her eyes glazed over and she began to tremble. To everyone's amazement she began to climax. She fell back onto Andrew's chest as her body convulsed in pleasure. John and Becky stared in amazement as her climax absolutely consumed her.

After some time, when she finally stopped trembling, she looked up with embarrassment. "Sorry," she said shyly.

"There is nothing for you to be sorry for. That was some climax. It seems that the pregnancy announcement had quite an impact on you. I bet you would love the same thing ... I mean to be pregnant with Andrew's baby," Becky said.

Vicki nodded and said, "I ... uh ... well, Andrew and I never talked about it. I mean I am forty and having a baby ... well you know ... it ... oh shit, I think it is incredible for you two."

"Mom, can we?" Andrew asked with his best pout.

"Oh God, Andrew, if I had known you would approve I would have done it a year ago. I mean ... I have not been entirely honest with you. I ... I have let you cum in me at risky times, but nothing has happened yet. Do you want me to have your baby?"

"Are you kidding? I would love it."

"Okay, you two lover's, this was supposed to be a toast to my pregnancy. But let's make it a double toast," Becky said. "To my pregnancy, and to Vicki's future pregnancy."

The two women lifted their glasses. "To our son's and our lover's, their big cocks and the beautiful babies they are going to give us," Vicki said. "Oops, already given you and will soon give me."

The two women emptied their glasses and sat them down. It was time to fuck. Becky watched Vicki as she watched her. They moved up and down on their son's cock in unison, their eyes locked together. "God, this is so good ... I mean ... you here ... and us fucking ... and our sons as lovers," Becky said.

"Yes ... uh ... it ... is ... good," Vicki agreed as she continued to take her son's cock. She could see Becky's pussy literally pouring juice onto John's cock and knew that she had to be close to a climax.

"Oh yes, oh yes, God that cock is so good," Becky gasped as she began to tremble. "I'm going to cummmmmmm," she almost screamed. She pushed down on John's cock and froze. Waves of pleasure began to creep up her legs and made her pussy pulse. Then the pleasure exploded in her brain. She fell back on John and shook like a leaf in a hurricane.

"Mom, I'm going to ... oh fuck," John moaned as his cock began to spasm. A moment later he was sending his potent sperm deep into his mother's willing pussy.

Vicki began to bounce up and down on her son rapidly now. She wanted him to climax in her.

Andrew moaned that he was getting close.

"Yes, cum in me. Cum in your mother's cunt," she screamed as her own climax grew near.

Andrew threw his hips into the air, nearly throwing his mother off. His cock began to pump hot cream into her. "Oh fuck, Mom, take my cum, take my baby making sperm into your pussy."

With those words Vicki began to climax again.

It was some time before the four lover's breathing returned to normal. Becky offered Vicki and Andrew to stay the night. However, she declined saying that she would arrange it at her house in a week or so instead. She said she and Andrew had some catching up to do if she was going to get pregnant. They all laughed. It had been an amazing night for everyone.

Chapter 10

The following week and every month thereafter the four of them got together and had sex in the same room. However, there was no swapping of partners even though three of the four would have loved it. Vicki did not give any vibes that she might be interested in switching partners. The others knew enough to leave a good thing alone.

Over the next several months Vicki and Becky became very close friends again. It was two months later when Vicki announced that she was pregnant. Their shared secret became a bond that cemented their friendship like few friends ever experience. They spent most of their time together and as their pregnancies progressed they shared all the aches and joys that come with carrying a child. It was made even more special because their sons were the fathers of the babies. For Becky, their closeness was more than just two women sharing a close friendship. Strangely she found that she was sexually attracted to her friend. While she tried to suppress it, chalking it up to her hormones running wild due to the pregnancy, it was nonetheless tangible. Finally, after much consideration, she decided that she was going to take a chance that Vicki felt the same way.

During the past months the two of them had established a weekly coffee. Becky would go to Vicki's house one week and then Vicki would come to Becky's the next. They would drink their one cup of coffee and share the progress of their pregnancy, discuss what the boys were doing, and gossip about the news of the day. This week Becky had decided to see what would happen if she made a pass at her friend.

Becky was nervous that morning. Today she had worn only a short nightgown without panties. The outfit was not that unusual (except for the lack of panties), because several times one or the other of them had run late and would still be wearing their night clothes when the other arrived.

Becky had the coffee on the table in the breakfast nook when the doorbell rang. She hurried to the door and greeted her friend with a warm hug and kiss.

"Sorry I am not dressed, but I overslept," Becky said nervously before her friend could ask.

"No problem. I often wonder why we bother to get so dressed up for our coffee's," Vicki said as she glanced at the tiny nightie Becky wore. "That is a very sexy gown. How does John let you get out of bed with it on?"

"Sometimes he doesn't," Becky laughed. "But, it is really practical now," Becky said as she lifted the front of the gown over her growing belly. She knew that Vicki would see that she was naked underneath and almost trembled in anticipation. "There isn't much I can wear that is comfortable at night."

"Tell me about it," Vicki said rubbing her stomach.

"Wait a month or two," Becky said with a smile as she turned until she was beside Vicki and pulled up the gown again. "Let's compare our bellies."

Vicki pulled her shirt up and the waist of her dress down. They stood side by side and looked down. Becky's belly was a good bit larger.

"Your belly is quite a bit bigger, even with several month's difference. Must be a boy," Vicki said.

"Could be. My boobs are bigger too, but they were bigger at the start ... maybe too big," she laughed

"Oh, I love your boobs. They stand up so nice," Vicki said as she pulled her top up to reveal her breasts. "Mine are too saggy."

"Nonsense," Becky said. Taking a chance she reached over and caressed her friend's tits. "They are mature and that is sexy."

Vicki looked surprised, but quickly recovered and said, "You think so? I worry that Andrew will not ... uh ... you know, be turned on by them anymore."

"He would be crazy. I'll tell you a secret ... John loves your big brown nipples."


Becky nodded. "I shouldn't tell you this, but he said he would love to suck them," Becky said and laughed.

"Oh my. Don't get me started," Vicki warned. "It seems like I am horny all the time now. It must be the pregnancy."

"Me too. Maybe we should let the boys play with each other's tits ... you know, my John with yours and Andrew with mine," Becky said, holding her breath as she waited for Vicki's answer. At the same time she continued to caress her friend's tits.

"That could be fun," Vicki answered. It appeared that her breathing was increasing.

Becky saw it and let her breath out. "Let's get out of the hallway," Becky said as she led her friend into the breakfast area.

They sat down and poured their one and only cup of coffee for the day. As Becky sat down her tiny gown pulled up over her thighs, revealing the lower portion of her belly and her pussy. "Can't quite be modest with this tiny thing on," she said.

"Nothing I haven't seen," Vicki responded as she glanced down at her friend.

"That is true. The truth is, I like you looking," Becky said, actually blushing. Here it is, she thought.

"Becky, don't say that ... in the state I'm in ... I can't be responsible for what happens."

That was all Becky needed. She stood up and pulled her friend to her feet. "Let's be irresponsible then." With that Becky pulled Vicki into her arms, her belly pressing to her friend and their tits pressing together, and they kissed. It started out slowly, but within seconds had turned very passionate. Becky had to moan when her friend opened her mouth to allow her tongue inside. Then her tongue was forced back and Vicki's tongue was in her mouth.

Becky gasped when Vicki's hand slipped down and caressed her lower belly. When they pulled away, both were breathing heavily.

"God, I have wanted to do that for so long," Vicki breathed.


"Oh yes, I think since the first time the four of us got together."

"Oh Vicki, I feel the same way. I mean I have never been attracted to a woman, but with you ... I just thought it was my hormones," Becky said.

"Maybe it is our hormones, but I don't care," Vicki said as she pulled Becky to her for another kiss.

"I don't care either," Becky replied, breathless now. She grasped her friend's ass and pulled her tightly to her, their mouths together again, tongues searching. Suddenly the two of them were frantically pulling each other's clothes off. When they were naked they embraced again, feeling their bare flesh pressed together. Becky bent her head and found Vicki's swollen nipples. She sucked and licked them until Vicki pulled her up so she could repay the favor. "Mmmm, I know John would be jealous right now."

"Oh, God, Becky, you are making me crazy."

"I want to eat your pussy," Becky whispered, almost shyly.

"Oh, Becky," Vicki moaned and pulled her friend to the floor. Their pregnancies made it difficult for them to get together, but they eventually found themselves in a 69.

Becky looked at her friend's drooling pussy and thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She had never looked at a pussy this closely before. The swollen inner lips were poking out and glistening with juice. They were crinkled and she could swear they were pulsing. With a moan she placed her mouth on her friend's pussy and sucked the lips into her mouth. Vicki did the same to her. Soon they were sucking and licking each other like they had done this a thousand times. Both of them knew what they liked and used that knowledge to please the other.

Becky heard Vicki whispered, "Oh I love that your pussy is so smooth."

Becky moaned in response as she delved deeply into her friend's pussy. The taste and smell of her friend went immediately to her head. She felt light headed and she realized that she was moving rapidly toward a climax. She normally would take a bit of time to climax, however her friend's mouth on her most intimate part brought her to her peak. She began to tremble and moan as the waves of pleasure began to consume her. Remembering that she gushed sometimes when she climaxed, especially when she was really excited, she tried to warn Vicki. "Vickkkkiiii," she gasped as she began to convulse in pleasure. Her pussy began to quiver and suddenly she began to gush. She tried to push Vicki away, but it was too late.

Vicki felt it the juice gush from her pussy and lurched back in surprise. She had heard that some women squirted when they climaxed, but was not expecting it.

When Vicki realized what was happening, she dove back between her friend's open thighs. She moaned as the sweet juice of her friend poured into her sucking mouth.

"Oh my God, Vicki," Becky screamed when she felt her friends lips on her squirting pussy. Her climax intensified and that made her squirt even more juice. When one climax ebbed, another seemed to follow.

"Mmmmmfffffppppphhhhh," Vicki mumbled as she sucked and licked Becky's gushing pussy.

Finally Becky, after uncountable climaxes, had to push Vicki's head away. She fell back on the floor and covered her face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry," she said.

Vicki laughed wiping her dripping face. "There is nothing to be sorry about. That was amazing. How long have you been doing that?"

Becky with her face red from embarrassment said, "Just ... just since John and I have been having sex. I should have warned you."

"That is no problem, I loved it. Maybe you can teach me how you do that."

"You did ... you loved it?"

"Yes. I have never seen anything like it. But I think I need a towel," Vicki laughed.

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry," Becky said as she jumped up and ran to get a towel. When she returned, she apologized again. Then she said, "I guess I ended your excitement too early."

"Not really," Vicki said. "I'm still very excited."

Becky smiled and sat on the floor next to her friend. She pulled her into her arms and kissed her passionately. Then she kissed down her neck to her now heaving tits. She sucked one large brown nipple into her mouth and then the other. "Mmmmm, I love sucking your tits."

"You can suck them all you want," Vicki responded breathlessly.

"Nope, I want to suck your pussy again." With that Becky went onto her back. "Sit on my face. I want you to control it."

Vicki didn't protest. She straddled Becky's head and slowly brought her pussy to her mouth. "Ohhhhhh, yes," she gasped as Becky began to lick and suck her still very wet pussy.

Vicki couldn't help herself and began to sway her hips, pressing her pussy to Becky's sucking mouth. She began to gasp for breath when she felt her tongue delve deeply into her pulsing hole. She pressed down hard before she realized that she might be smothering her friend. If Becky minded she gave no indication.

"Yes, yes, yes," Vicky gasped as she felt her climax coming on. She leaned back and let out a long moan. "I'm ... I'm ... going to ... ahhhhh ... climax," she moaned.

Becky heard her voice as if from far away. She sucked harder.

"Becky, Becky, Becky," Vicki cried as her body thrashed and bucked on her lover's face. Her climax was strong and lasted a long time. When she finally came down she fell to the side. When she turned she saw Becky smiling at her.

"Now my face is as wet as yours was," Becky said. She kissed her friend again.

Later when they were dressed Becky led her friend to the door. They kissed passionately for several long moments. Becky pulled away and said, "I feel like you are part of my family now."

With tears welling up in Vicki's eyes she said, "I feel the same way. I hope it never changes."

"It won't," Becky said.

"What do you think the boys will say when they find out that we are lovers?" Vicki asked.

"Hmmm, I know my John will love it."

Vicki laughed. "So will Andrew."

"You know what I was thinking?" Becky asked.


"I was thinking how nice it might be if we swapped son's some time."

"Really?" Vicki said. "Do you think the boys would like that?"

"I am sure they both would. Now that we have made love isn't it a natural extension?" Becky said.

Vicki smiled. "I think you might be right. But what if after we have had our babies they want to still fuck us. I mean I am not going on the pill because Andrew said he wants to make me pregnant again ... maybe three babies."

"John and I want the same thing. We want three or four if I can have them," Becky said and paused. "Well maybe it wouldn't be so bad ... you know, I mean if I got pregnant with Andrew's baby."

Vicki's eyes lit up. "Oh my God, that is so amazing. I think my pussy is staring to leak again."

Becky smiled lustfully. "Have you got time to go upstairs with me?"

"I will make time."

Becky took Vicki's hand and as she led her upstairs she said, "Wait until we tell the boys about this." With that Becky pulled her friend hurriedly toward the bedroom. They were still in bed when Andrew and John came home.