Forced into Incest


Chapter 1

Amanda Carpenter was in the kitchen when her son, David, arrived home from school. She smiled as he walked into the room and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. Then he kissed her on the neck and she could feel a little chill run down her spine. She giggled and said, "You know that gives me goose bumps," she said with a smile.

"Yes and they are lovely goose bumps too," David joked as he rubbed his hands up and down her bare arms, feeling the bumps on her skin.

They shared that joke almost everyday. But Amanda loved the affection her son showed her. Affection was something she sorely needed lately, having separated from her second husband several months earlier. The divorce had been difficult for her because she was an affectionate person and needed the closeness of a man. In fact, sometimes she thought she might be a nymphomaniac. Before she threw out her second husband, Roland, they had sex almost everyday, but now she had to use her battery operated vibrator ... not a good substitution for the real thing.

"What's for dinner?" David asked.

"I have a roast in the oven, so go wash up. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

"Great," David said as he kissed his mother's neck again and then hurried away before she could swat him.

Amanda sighed as she watched her son leave the kitchen. He was such a good boy and never caused her any trouble, even when all his friends were drinking and staying out late, he would be home on time. He was very attentive to her, especially now that she was separated.

David had warned her about Roland. He said he was a gold digger and only wanted her money. Unfortunately, she refused to believe that. Roland had told her that he had his own money and in fact, seemed to be rather wealthy. He knew all the right people, including the Mayor, and drove a very expensive Mercedes Benz's. But now she knew that that was all a cover. She knew the truth; he was but a scam artist that preyed on lonely women.

She chastised herself over and over for letting her sexual drive overcome her common sense. Roland was certainly good in bed, but then, being a gigolo, he had to be. It was quite a shock when she found out, from a number of friends, that Roland had been seen with several women. When she confronted him, he denied it, but one of her friends had provided photos, for which he had no explanation. She had forced him to move out of her house that day.

"Earth to Mom," David said as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" she asked.

"I said, what is the big surprise you have for me?"

"Oh yes, Jason Hensley offered to allow us to use his place on Marcus Island for as long as we want." Jason had been a friend of Roland's, but unlike Roland seemed to be a sincere guy and had shown compassion when Amanda told him she and Roland had separated.

"Really, where is Marcus Island?" David asked.

"It is a small, and according to Jason Hensley, a very exclusive and exotic island, somewhere off the coast of France, in the Mediterranean. I thought we could go during spring break ... that is if you want to go on spring break with your old mother."

David smiled. "First of all you are not old and secondly, I would rather go on spring break with you than anyone I know."

Amanda actually blushed. "Thank you," she said rather shyly. David was so sweet and she wondered why he didn't have a steady girlfriend. He was an extremely handsome boy with a great smile and pretty blue eyes. She knew he was shy and seemed younger than his twenty years, which probably made it difficult for him to connect with college girls. She worried about his lack of girl friends.

"So, when do we leave for this mysterious island?"

"We fly to France Monday and then take a private seaplane to the island the following day. Jason said a plane or a long boat ride was the only way to get there. So he is allowing us to fly in via his plane."

"Wow, sounds really nice. We can try out our new scuba gear."

"Yes we can," she answered with a smile. She knew that he had wanted to try out the new equipment since Christmas when she had surprised him with it.

David Carpenter had been having sweet dreams about his mother for some time. He knew it was wrong, but what was he to do when she always appeared in his dreams. She was still young at thirty-eight and had kept herself in great shape. Most people that didn't know them thought they were brother and sister. He had seen photos of her when she was his age and she was just a beautiful today as she was then. He would often go though the albums and look at her and his dad.

David missed his dad, who had died five years ago. He never wanted his mom to remarry, but he knew she needed someone. While he had tried to like Roland, he knew deep down that he was just a money-grubbing bastard from the beginning. When he found out his mother had thrown him out, it was the happiest day of his life. And now they were going to an exotic island together, just her and him. It didn't get any better than that.

Chapter 2

The large seaplane circled the tiny island twice before it descended toward the crystal blue water. From what Amanda could see, the island was as advertised ... remote and tiny. She could see what appeared to be a hotel of some kind with small cabana type buildings on the side of the mountain. There was a small town on the far side of the island with rather crude looking buildings and barely paved roads. In the middle of the island there was a lake surrounded by mountains.

The island seemed mysterious indeed.

A shiver of something went through Amanda at the thought that they were alone here. Jason was the only person that knew she and David were going to the island. What if it was some kind of devious trap for her and David? Then she almost laughed. She knew she was being silly. Who would want to capture them on an island and for what reason?

Of course she did have a lot of money, as David's father had been very wealthy. Most people didn't know that they had that much money though because they never flaunted it. In fact, Amanda didn't really know how much money she actually had. She lived in a modest house in an upscale neighborhood but nothing exclusive. They had a Volvo wagon and a small Mercedes ... most of the neighbors drove much more expensive cars. But Amanda liked it that way. She never worried about people thinking she was better than them because of her money.

Amanda told herself to settle down and enjoy their two weeks. She looked over at David who was staring out the window with wonder and smiled. He was a normal kid and he never acted rich to his friends. She made sure of that. She felt a rush of pride and reached over and grasped his hand.

David smiled at his mother and then turned back to the window, saying, "Wow, this island looks amazing. We can go snorkeling and diving, and parasailing and ..."

"Hang on there tiger, let's get to the island before we jump into the water," Amanda laughed as the plane touched down on the smooth water of the islands cove.

The seaplane taxied until the reached a dock. The pilot got out and helped Amanda and David out. Then a handsome older man in a white suit walked up. He was tall and dark. "I think we might be on 'Fantasy Island'," Amanda said to David as the man approached.

"What is 'Fantasy Island'?" David asked.

"Never mind," Amanda responded.

"Ah, Mrs. Carpenter," the gentleman said in a heavily French accent as he reached out and took Amanda's hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. "And this must be Mr. Carpenter. I am Jacque Boucher."

"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Boucher, this is my son, David."

"Ah, Mademoiselle is not old enough to have a son his age," he said, laying on the charm as he shook David's hand. "Welcome to our secluded island."

"Thank you," Amanda said. "This is truly a beautiful place."

"It is indeed. I hate to say it, but the island was once used as a penal colony for deserters from the Foreign Legion, but that was many years ago. Not a glorious history I'm afraid. However, some wealthy investors bought the island a few years ago and made it into the resort it is today. It is quite exclusive."

"How many people are here?" Amanda asked.

"Only about a thousand live here. Then there are the guests, which at a peak only number one hundred."

"Wow," David said.

"But we are very discreet here and do not divulge the names of our guests. Some are here without the knowledge of ... well let's just say they want anonymity. There are many things to do on the island, as you will see. We have a wonderful facility and you are free to take in all the wonders of nature." The tall gentleman led them to a Range Rover with an open top, the kind you might see in Africa.

The drive took about forty-five minutes up a seemingly treacherous and narrow road to arrive at the hotel.

Both Amanda and David gasped when they pulled up outside the hotel. The main building was built into the side of the mountain. There was a giant natural waterfall flowing from the mountain just a few meters from the entrance to the hotel lobby. The lobby was richly decorated and in the back there was a huge crystal chandelier at the base of a grand staircase that led to hotel facilities. There were several bellhops waiting to take their luggage.

Their lodging was a large bungalow with two bedrooms on the side of the mountain. They could still see the Mediterranean from the deck and the main bedroom.

Just below the deck there was a path leading down the mountain to a beautiful white sand beach.

David stepped up behind his mother and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Thanks for thinking of me and bringing me with you. It's so special."

"You're welcome. But you are the one that makes it special."

David kissed Amanda's neck and felt the goose bumps on her arms. This time his mother did not scold him, but shivered and seemed to push into his arms. David could feel her breasts resting on his forearms. He was delighted that his mother had not pulled away. They stood looking out at the sea for some time. Then David felt the inevitable erection starting. He knew he should pull away, but didn't want to moment to end.

Amanda was almost swooning at the view when she realized that she could feel something between her and David. With shock she realized that her son was getting an erection. Incredibly, instead of pulling away she remained in his arms. When she felt his erection pulsing against the crease of her buttocks and her own excitement starting to grow, she finally pulled away.

"Let's get unpacked and explore the area," she said as she walked over to her suitcase. Without thinking she bent over with her ass facing David. She glanced around and saw the tent in David's pants. In spite of herself she felt a chill run through her. She saw her son's face flush and she knew she was turning red also. She quickly stood up and took a pair of shorts and tank top into the bathroom.

It was almost dark when Amanda and David returned to the hotel. They had walked miles on deserted beaches and unpaved roads. There were waterfalls and jungles, amongst several mountain peaks and there was also an abundance of wild life. The island was as advertised, remote and beautiful.

"Wow, am I tired," Amanda said as they made their way to the room.

"Me too," David returned. "Let's just order dinner from room service."

"Good idea."

By the time they went to bed they had been awake for about thirty hours due to the overseas flight and their island exploration. As soon as their heads hit the pillows they were asleep.

Chapter 3

Amanda awoke with a start... there was someone in her room. Suddenly the lights came on and she saw several men with hoods on their heads and guns in their hands. Amanda started to scream when one of the men pointed his gun at her and said to be quiet.

"Get up and come with us," the leader said.

"What is this about ... who are you?"

"Shut up and get out of bed."

Amanda crawled out of bed and stood in front of the men. When she saw their eyes behind the masks staring, she realized she only had on her bra and panties. She blushed and covered her breasts and panty covered crotch. "Can I get some clothes?"

"No," the leader barked. "Here are some shoes," he said as he bent over and picked up a pair of high heels and tossed them toward Amanda.

Amanda was now too scared to protest. She put on the heels and moved toward the men. She didn't want to say anything about David in the other room in the hope that they would not know he was there. When they came out of her bedroom her heart sank when she saw David standing in his underwear between two large men.

"Mom's, what's going on?" David asked with great fear.

"I don't know son, just do what they say."

"Smart mother," the leader laughed.

Amanda and David's hands were tied behind them and they forced into a car waiting in back of the hotel. Two of the kidnappers sat on either side. Then they put blindfolds over their eyes. Amanda leaned close to her son to try and give him comfort. Unfortunately, she needed the comfort too. She had never been so frightened in her life.

The car twisted and turned for quite some time before it stopped. When it did, she and David were pulled out and taken into some type of building. Neither of them knew where they were. When the blindfolds were pulled off they both gasped. They stood in the middle of what could only be described as a medieval prison. It was a large room with very dim lights hanging like torches from the stone walls. Three of the men were there and they had taken off their masks. It was obvious that they didn't care if David or she saw their faces now. That sent a chill of dread through Amanda. They untied their hands and pushed both into a single cell. Inside the small cell there was a cot and a lone standing toilet. On the cot was one blanket. Then there was a large wooden bucket with a dipper that appeared to be for drinking water and one lone chair. The men closed the cell door and left Amanda and David alone in the room without saying another word.

"Oh God, Mom, what's going to happen to us?" David asked nearly in tears.

"I don't know, sweetheart, we have to be strong and not panic."

"What could they want with us?" David asked.

"My guess would be a ransom. But the fact that they let us see their faces scares me."

"Me too. But who would pay the ransom?"

"Well, Roland still has access to my money."

David looked at his mother with shock. "You mean you didn't cut him off?"

"I was going to, but time just got away from me. But it might be good that he has access. That way he can gather up the ransom."

"You think he would do that?"

"I don't know. We will have to wait and see. Unfortunately it doesn't look like we can break out of here."

David and Amanda sat down on the lone cot and hugged each other. Amanda was trembling as she leaned into her son's strong arms. Tears started to spill from her eyes.

"Don't cry, Mom, I'll think of something," David said bravely. Yet, he knew that not much he could do. The guards were burly men and looked very mean ... mean enough to kill them at any time.

"Listen David, don't do anything crazy. We have to ... we have to do whatever they want, no matter what that might be," she said, hoping he understood. She couldn't stand it if he resisted and got himself killed.

"Okay," he said, but it wasn't convincing.

"No, I mean it. We have to do what they want ... no resisting. They have complete control over us and could kill us and no one would ever know."

David nodded his head.

Later that morning, Amanda and David received plates of food. But the jailer said nothing when they demanded to be told why they were being held prisoner.

By the end of the day, no one had shown up to explain anything to them.

Neither Amanda nor David knew what time it was, only that it was dark outside. And Amanda had a problem ... she had to pee. There was a toilet conveniently near by, but it was sitting in the open. She looked at David and said, "Uh ... David, I ... uh have to use the bathroom."

David looked confused for a moment and then said, "Oh."

"Maybe you can watch out the cell door while I go," Amanda said.

"Uh ... yeah, sure, Mom."

David walked over to the cell door and turned his back to his mother.

A few moments later he heard the hiss of his mother relieving herself into the toilet. Amazingly David felt his cock start to stir in his shorts. He had to think of something else quick or he knew he would be very embarrassed when he turned around. Fortunately his mother finished before there was a noticeable tent in his shorts.

"If you have to go, I can stand at the door."

David realized that he did in fact have to go. "Thanks," he said and switched places with his mother. He stood over the toilet and waited. It was difficult to go with his mother just a few feet away. He almost sighed in relief when he started to pee.

Amanda heard urine splashing into the toilet. The sound was loud enough that she almost turned around. She wondered it he had a fire hose over there. In spite of herself she did turn her head. She stifled a gasp when she saw her son holding his cock in his hand. My God, she thought, where did he get a cock like that ... not from his father ... God rest his soul. She turned back before David finished, her face as red as a beet.

"Wow, I needed that," he said. Then he looked at his mother and blushed. "I guess we are going to have to get used to that ... I mean if we are locked up here for long," David said.

"You're right. Let's hope they contact Roland quickly."

"Well, I guess we had better get some sleep," Amanda said.

David said, "I'll just sleep on the floor. You can have the bed ... such as it is."

"No, you can't do that. There are probably rats in this place. There's enough room for us both if we squeeze in tight."

"Are you sure?" David asked.

"Of course," Amanda said as she crawled onto the bed.

Then David slid in behind her. As he leaned over to say goodnight, he saw that his mother had tears in her eyes. He snuggled up behind her and whispered, "It's going to be okay. They will get their money and we will be home before you know it."

Amanda smiled though her tears. "Thanks you," she whispered and kissed his cheek. Then she lay down and felt David snuggle up behind her.

His closeness gave her a surprising comfort and she quickly fell asleep.

A couple hours later Amanda awaked for some reason. She wasn't sure what until she felt something behind her. For a moment she wasn't sure what it was. Then a blush colored her face. David had an erection and it was pressing between the cheeks of her ass. Her panties had been pushed between the cheeks giving his cloth covered erection a place to snuggle into. For a moment she thought about waking him, or a least pulling away, but then with a smile and a little shiver she laid her head back down. She could still remember when his father would get an erection in the middle of the night. She would wake him up and put it to good use. Then she shuddered at the thought that this was her son behind her, not her husband. Still, as much as she tried to deny it, the feeling of his erection was making her excited.

Then throwing caution to the wind she slipped her hand down to her panty covered crotch. Keeping her movement to a minimum, she pressed on the crease of her panties pushing the material between her now swollen lips. When she felt her pussy respond a shudder went through her. Unconsciously she pressed her ass backward into David's cock.

Unbeknownst to her, David had awakened. He was disoriented for a moment, but quickly realized that he had an erection and it was pressed between his mother's ass cheeks. Then, with shock, he realized that his mother was moving. He thought she must be dreaming, but then he saw her arm gently moving up and down and realized that his mother was masturbating! And his cock was causing her excitement.

Amanda moved her fingers up and down the grove of her panties, feeling her fingers becoming wet as her excitement grew. Behind her she could feel David moving in his sleep. His cock began to slip up and down between her ass cheeks. She heard little whimpers coming from his lips and wondered if he were actually asleep. Her fingers stopped moving and with her rapidly beating heart waited to see if he reacted. David kept moving. She knew that she was being silly ... he had to be asleep. With a quiet sigh, she began to move her fingers again. With super human strength she tried to keep her hips still. It was near impossible as she felt the large shaft moving between her cheeks. She was glad they had underwear on or she wasn't sure what would have happened.

When Amanda felt herself getting close to a climax she began to move her fingers faster. The crotch of her panties was now soaked and she worried that if David awaken he would hear the squishing sound.

David could hear the sound and he could actually smell his mother's excitement. With an incredible boldness he squirmed and allowed his arm to slip over his mother's side until he could feel her bra covered breast under his hand. He wanted to squeeze but contented himself with the feeling of her heaving breast under his scorched palm. He was close to climax when he realized that if he did, there was nothing to keep his cum from seeping through his shorts to his mother's panties. But then it was too late. He could feel his balls churning and he bit his tongue as his cock throbbed and began to squirt his juice into his underwear.

Amanda was shocked to realize that he son was climaxing. She could feel the throbs of his cock and then the dampness of his cum on her quickly saturated panties. In spite of all the bad things that had happened to them this day, a climax overtook her. She unconsciously pushed back into her son, feeling his still pulsing cock hot against her ass cheeks. Her face grew red with embarrassment, but that did nothing to quell her strong climax.

David shivered as the last of his sperm was spent into his underwear. He could feel his mother still twitching for several long moments after he was done. When she finally stopped, he was afraid to move. Thinking quickly he moaned as if asleep and turned over to face the wall. His heart was still thumping in his chest. God, what did I just do? he wondered.

Amanda was relieved when David turned away. She would have been mortified if he were actually awake and knew that she had fingered herself to a climax as he was having a wet dream. And it was very wet. She could still feel the sperm that had made her panties wet now plastering the cotton material to her ass. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep.

When sunlight began to shine into the cell from the lone window, Amanda awakened. For a moment she wondered where she was. A second later she felt the dread of their situation overcome her. She sat up and looked at David who was still asleep. She got up and quietly walked over to the toilet and pulled her panties down. With an intake of breath she saw the flaky residue of cum on the back of her panties from last night and realized that it hadn't been a dream. God, I hope David doesn't know what happened, she thought. She did her business and went back to the bed. As she sat down, David opened his eyes.

"Good morning, Mom," he said.

Although there was nothing to make the morning good, she smiled at her son and said, "Good morning."

A while later a man came with their breakfast. He pushed the food under the cell door and left. Amanda and David found that they were very hungry. They ate quickly and then settled down on the bed and waited.

The rest of the day was nothing but boredom as they waited for something ... some word or communication. As evening came Amanda and David grew more apprehensive about their fait.

Chapter 4

Three men sat around a table drinking beer just up the stairs from where Amanda and David were being held prisoner. One of the men was French named Jorge Lanier and the leader of the small group. The other was an Italian named Paul Giovanni who had a particular love for ropes and bondage. The third man was from Egypt named, Rasui Panahasi. None of them were residents of the island, but had come here for a very specific purpose.

"So what are we supposed to do with the prisoners?" Panahasi asked.

"I know what I would like to do with the woman," Giovanni said with a smile.

"They'll be none of that. The boss said that if any one of us touch them he will personally cut our balls off," answered Lanier.

They all knew he would do it too.

"So what is he going to do with them?" the Panahasi asked.

"He was paid $500,000 to kidnap the pair and dispose of them," Lanier answered.

"Who paid and why haven't we killed them yet?" the Italian asked.

Lanier smiled. "I think it was her estranged husband. But the boss is smart and he thinks that there is a lot more money from a ransom instead of a hit."

"It's a double cross, huh?" the Panahasi said with knowing smile.

"Yeah, the boss told the husband that if he doesn't pay we will go to the authorities with the fact that he paid us to kill them."

The Italian looked disappointed. "You sure we can't fuck the woman?"

"Not unless you want your balls cut off. But the boss said that if the deal doesn't work out we can have her," responded the Lanier.

"Shit man, all that pussy going to waste," said the Giovanni.

"Well, not entirely to waste. The boss said we couldn't touch them but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun."

"How can we do that?" the Giovanni asked excitedly.

"Well, I said 'We' can't touch them, at least not in a sexual way. But what if we forced the boy to do some things with his dear old mom?"

Panahasi and Giovanni smiled.

"I like that. Never seen a son fuck his own mother," Giovanni said and they all laughed.

Amanda and David heard a noise from outside the cell. The door at the top of the stairs was opening and someone was coming. They watched as three men walked down the stairs and to the cell. They opened the door and stepped inside.

"What is going on here?" Amanda demanded with more confidence then she felt.

Lanier said, "You two are very lucky. Your husband, Mrs. Carpenter, hired our boss to kill you and your son."

"Oh my God," Amanda gasped. She looked at David and saw that his eyes were open wide.

"I told you he was no good," David said with thinly disguised anger.

The three men laughed. "The only reason you are alive is that our boss decided that you two were worth more alive then dead ... at least for now."

Amanda felt a shiver go through her at his words. "When are ... when are we going to be let go."

"That depends on your husband," Lanier said. "Now, Giovanni, would you be so kind as to tie up the young man here."

"No," David screamed.

The men laughed. "What are you going to do, stop us?" The man grabbed Amanda and twisted her arm behind her back, bringing a cry of pain. "Now don't give us any trouble or we 'WILL' hurt you."

"Do as he says," Amanda said looking at her son with pleading eyes. She only hopped he didn't get bullheaded and get himself hurt.

David stood with his fists clenched. But even he realized that he was no match for these three large men.

"Take off your underwear," Lanier said.

David's eyes grew wide. It was obvious he was ready to defy them.

"Please, David, do as they say."

With a look of anger David slowly stripped off his underwear.

Giovanni secured David to a chair with rope around his chest, arms, and ankles. The he put a piece of tape across his mouth.

"My friend here loves to work with ropes as you will see," Lanier said with a laugh.

David then watched in horror as one of the men held his mother as the other took off her bra. His eyes opened wide as he stared at his mother's gorgeous tits. The three men stared as well.

"Wow, would you look at those tits," Giovanni said as he tied Amanda's arms behind her.

"Man would I love to spend a few hours sucking those," Panahasi added.

Amanda's face turned red with embarrassment. She looked at her naked son and saw sympathy in his eyes ... but also something else. She could see his penis start to move, indicating that he was getting excited looking from her. In spite of her situation she felt a tingling in her pussy at her son's stare.

"Mmmmmffffff," David moaned behind his gag. Yet, even as he protested, his cock continued to harden.

"Look at the little pervert, he's getting a hard-on," Giovanni said with a laugh.

"He must be reading our minds," Lanier said.

"Now, Mrs. Carpenter, you are going to suck your son's cock," Lanier said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh my God, no," Amanda screamed. "You can't do that. He's my son."

"That my lady is the best part," Lanier laughed. "Now you are going to do as we say or we will beat your son to a pulp."

Amanda looked at her son and could see his shock, yet, his cock was now at full erection. She felt like running, but knew that she couldn't get far and the end result would be that David could be killed. She knew she had to do it.

One of the men led her over to David and helped her to her knees. A moment later she was on the floor with her face just inches from her son's now pulsing cock. Her eyes opened wide. She couldn't believe how large his cock was. In spite of everything she felt her pussy begin to get wet. She could smell David's excitement and the smell excited her. She heard David moan in mortification and knew he was embarrassed about his reaction to seeing her breasts.

"Suck your son's cock, whore," Lanier sneared.

Amanda looked up at her son with resignation.

Then she closed her eyes and took the large head of his cock into her mouth.

She heard her son moan but didn't know if it was from pleasure or embarrassment. She knew what she was feeling and it was anything but motherly. Her pussy had begun to leak. Now she was worried that the stain on her panties would be visible. Then when she heard her son moan again and his cock pulse in her mouth she knew it wasn't from embarrassment any more. He was excited and she could taste his pre-cum pouring into her mouth.

"That's it bitch, suck his cock. Look at her go. She likes it," one of the men said.

"Suck him. Suck him, bitch," another said.

Then there was a click and a flash. Amanda stopped sucking and turned around. She saw a digital camera in one of the men's hands. He was taking pictures of them. Oh my God, she thought, if those got out ...

"Keep sucking him. And when he cums, I want you to take it into your mouth, but don't swallow."

Amanda turned back to her son and started to suck him again. She could feel her son trembling as she sucked harder, running her tongue around the swollen head. Within several minutes she knew that David was close to a climax. Now she wasn't in this mess anymore ... she was lost in excitement. She felt her pussy throbbing and worried that she might climax herself. Suddenly she heard David moan loudly and her mouth started to fill with his thick cum. As much as she wanted to, she didn't swallow, but held his cum in her mouth as ordered. When David's cock stopped squirting she pulled away, holding her mouth shut.

"Got some great pictures," the man with the camera said. "Now open your mouth and show us what you have."

Amanda opened her mouth and closed her eyes. She heard the clicking of the camera.

"Now swallow," Lanier ordered.

Amanda did, taking the thick fluid down her throat. Suddenly she felt a rush of pleasure as she started to climax.

"Look at the bitch, she's climaxing."

"Get a photo of that, quick," Lanier said.

"Click, click, click." It was all recorded now: a mother sucking her son's cock and swallowing his cum while climaxing. There would be no doubt that she was climaxing. These pictures could be very valuable, Lanier thought and smiled.

Chapter 5

"Very nice mother," Lanier said after Amanda had swallowed her son's cum. "Now Davie boy, have you ever eaten pussy?"

David looked at the man but didn't answer. His eyes showed his shock, though.

"Naw, that kid ain't never tasted a pussy," Giovanni laughed.

"Please, I've done what you asked," Amanda pleaded. "Don't do this to us."

"What's wrong, Mom, don't like the thought of getting off by your son eating your already juicy pussy. I mean, look at your panties, they're soaked. You probably even squirted in them when you climaxed."

All three men laughed and Amanda's face turned as red.

"Okay, Giovanni, do your thing with the ropes. Make it so they are kept very close."

Giovanni made Amanda stand up. Then with an evil smile he pulled her panties down and reached over and placed them over David's head with leg hole around his neck and the wet crotch near his chin. They laughed when they saw David's cock twitch.

A few minutes later Amanda was tied with her back on the bed and her legs up in the air. David was tied with his hands behind his back with his feet attached to his hands. He was on his knees in a painful position. Then two of the men moved David until his face was literally in his mother's juicy pussy. He was pushed forward in a position from which he couldn't move. He moaned as his lips touched his mother's wet flesh. He had never eaten pussy, but had always wanted to. However, this wasn't the way he wanted the first time to be.

"All right kid, start pleasing your mother. You will stay there until she has climaxed three times, got it." The man picked up the camera and began to take pictures.

Both David and Amanda moaned. There was nothing they could do. With resignation David brought his tongue to his mother's already wet pussy. He heard his mother moan, but this time it wasn't in dread, but rather sounded like excitement. David moved his tongue up and down her already wet lips, tasting her sweet juice.

Amanda tried to fight the incredible feeling of pleasure, but it was impossible. She could feel her son's tongue searching inside her now pulsing hole. She knew that juice was bubbling from her pussy and worried that she might choke him. She could hear him slurping, sucking the copious juices from her hole.

"David," Amanda gasped as her hips began to buck up and down. She could feel a climax coming on. Normally once she started climaxing, like she had done when she swallowed David's cum, she could go on and on. A moment later she gasped and began to shake. A strong climax overtook her as she pushed upward into her son's sucking mouth.

"Ohhhhh!!!" she gasped as her son kept sucking her.

"Man, the kid is getting the hang of it. Look at him eat that pussy," Panahasi said.

David no longer cared what the bastards said. He loved what he was doing. He began to suck harder, filling the cell with a loud and sloppy sucking sound. His tongue went as deeply as he could into his mother's pussy. Then he pulled back slightly and surprised his mother and himself as he placed his tongue on her asshole. With a slow and deliberate movement he pushed his tongue into her tight sphincter.

"Ahhhheeeeee!!!" Amanda screamed as another climax took her. Her tight asshole squeezed on David's tongue, as if trying to suck it into her. Her hips bucked upward, taking him even deeper. She couldn't believe what her son was doing ... he was tongue fucking her asshole ... her own son.

Amanda did not get a chance to recover as David continued to eat her. He sucked her entire pussy into his mouth then bit her lips. He worked his tongue in and out, over and over. A moment later his tongue flicked open the hood over her swollen clit. Then the tip touched the incredibly sensitive nub.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," Amanda gasped as she rushed toward another climax. This time she feared that she was going to pass out. When her pussy began to throb, she felt really strange ... unlike anything she had felt before. Then the dam burst and her pussy started squirting.

"Ohhhhhhh my Goddddd!!!" she gasped as her pussy gushed juice into her son's mouth. She thought at first that she had lost control of her bladder, but then she realized that she was squirting pussy juice. Her head felt like it would explode as wave after wave of pleasure consumed her.

Amanda must have passed out for a few minutes, for the next thing she knew she was untied and lying on the bed. David was sitting next to her wiping her forehead with a cold cloth.

"You okay," he asked with a worried look on his face.

"Uh ... uh ... yes ... I think." She looked around and saw that the men were gone. "Where did they go?"

"They said they had had enough fun for the night and left."

Amanda threw her head back and moaned. Then she started to cry.

"What's wrong, Mom?"

"I ... I ... what we ... uh did, it was terrible. Mother and son's are not supposed to do those things."

David hugged his mother, pulling her naked body to his. "It's okay. Remember what you told me? You said we had to do whatever was necessary to survive. That is what we did. We didn't have a choice."

Amanda sobbed and said, "Yes ... but ... but I climaxed when you were ... were ea ..."

"Stop, Mom, I climaxed too. Remember we had no choice. If you hadn't climaxed they would have left us there all night."

"I could have faked it," Amanda said.

David started to say something but stopped because he knew that she could have faked it. "Mom, please, let's just get through this. We can discuss all this when we get free."

"Okay," she said, realizing there was no point in going over what had already happened. She sat up and looked around. "Where are our clothes?"

"They took them. They said we wouldn't need them anymore."

Amanda moaned. "I wish we at least had a tooth brush and could get a shower," she said.

"Yeah, maybe we can ask them to get us some things."

"Maybe," Amanda said, thinking ahead. Maybe she could convince one of the guys to take her to the hotel to get some things. She could tell him that she could get her checking account number and write a check to them or transfer money. Yes, that might work, she thought.

Amanda and David went to bed. However Amanda didn't go to sleep right away as a plan formed in her head.

Chapter 6

The following morning Amanda told David her plan. She told him that she wanted to entice one of the guards to take her to the hotel. She would bribe him by saying she would offer to transfer money to him. If everything worked out, she would be able to pass a note to someone at the hotel and hopefully get them help.

David agreed that it might work.

When the guard brought breakfast, Amanda asked if he could send down one of the three men that seemed to be in charge. About an hour later Panahasi came down.

"What do you want?" he asked.

Amanda said, "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"What for?"

"I have a little proposition for you."

The guard looked suspicious. "What kind of proposition?"

"Come in here and I will tell you."

"All right, but this better not be some trick."

"No trick, I promise."

The guard opened the door and stepped into the cell. He eyed David warily. "Okay, what's the proposition?"

"Well, my son and I need some things ... you know, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush and you know, toiletries. If you would take me to the hotel I can get the things."

"Ha, ha, are you crazy. The boss would skin me alive."

"Listen, I have money in my checking account. I could write you a check or wire you say ten thousand dollars."

The guard paused and thought for a moment. Then he smiled. "Fifty thousand," he said.

"I don't have that much in my account. I only have about twenty."

"No deal, it's not worth it." The guard started to leave.

"Wait," Amanda said. "I'll give you thirty.

The guard looked skeptical. "The boss would kill me if I did this," he said without resolve. He thought for a moment and then he said, "Okay, but you had better have the money in your account."

"I do. Okay, now you have to get me to the hotel. And I'll need something to wear."

The guard looked pensive. "Not sure where to get you any clothes. I'll check around."

"Okay, can we do it today?"

"Yeah, if I can find something for you to wear."

"Okay," Amanda said and watched the guard leave.

"I hope he will do it," David said.

"Me too."

Later that morning the guard came back into the dungeon. He had some type of clothing in his hands. As he came down the stairs, he seemed nervous. He looked over his shoulder several times as if to make sure no one followed him. As he opened the cell door he handed the clothes to Amanda and said, "Here. This is all I could find."

Amanda held up the outfit and saw that it was some type of tiny skirt and halter top. It looked like her size, but there was not much too it.

"That's all I could find. It will have to do if you want to have clothes to wear. Besides, this is a resort and everybody wears stuff like that.

Amanda sighed and put the skirt and top on. The top was okay, but the bottom barely covered her ass cheeks and she didn't have panties. "Do you have my panties?"

"No, I don't know what happened to them. You'll have to go without."

Amanda looked at David and saw him shake his head no. It was obvious that he didn't want his mother to go out half naked, especially not with this guy. It was too late to turn back now. "It'll be okay," she said unconvincingly.

The guard led Amanda out of the cell and locked the door. Then she followed him up the stairs. Before she reached the top she looked back at her son. His eyes were wide because, from his position, he could see directly up the tiny dress.

The guard led Amanda out of the dungeon and up a long flight of stairs. When they exited the stairs, she found that they were inside a large Victorian style house that overlooked the town below. She realized that the house was built on top of an old dungeon that the French Foreign Legion used. They had been blindfolded when they got to the house so she had not seen where they were. Suddenly she was a little worried that the guard was letting her know where they were being kept. It could be that he wasn't worried about them leaving the island and coming back with the authorities. A little shiver of panic went through her. Settle down, she told herself ... I need to be calm.

When they reached town, the guard did not go immediately to the hotel. He said he had a little business to attend to. They went into a café near the hotel and sat at a table. Amanda was very self conscious because the tiny dress barely covered her pussy when she sat down, but there was not much she could do.

After a few minutes a man came up to them. He was big and mean looking with beady eyes and a scar on the side of his cheek. Panahasi did not bother to introduce Amanda. The guard started to speak to the man in Spanish. Amanda knew a little Spanish but did not understand most of it, however, she got the impression that the guard owed the man money and Panahasi was telling him that he was going to get money soon.

The man said something that sounded like a threat and Amanda saw Panahasi break out in a cold sweat. Then he strange man left and the guard told Amanda that they needed to go to the hotel right away.

The two of them walked down the street toward the hotel, passing tourists as they did. Amanda thought for a moment that maybe she should just run and scream, but then thought better of it. She didn't know who she could trust, plus they had David.

Amanda did not feel terribly out of place as she had expected since many of the women were in bikinis or very revealing clothes.

At the hotel the guard led Amanda up to the front desk. Amanda told the clerk that she needed a key because she had lost hers. As she spoke she almost gasped when the Panahasi reached under her little skirt and grabbed her ass. The man behind the counter saw it and smiled as if he knew that she and the man were going to the room for sex.

For a moment Amanda didn't think she was going to be able to write a note to the desk clerk, but then fait stepped in and someone called out to the guard. Panahasi looked at the man and smiled and then turned and walked over to him. As they were chatting, Amanda grabbed a piece of paper and pencil. She wrote:

"We are being held captive in a dungeon on the top of the mountain. Call the police ... help, please! Amanda Carpenter."

She quickly stuffed it into the clerk's hand as when he handed her the room key.

The guard came back a second later and they went to the cottage. Inside Amanda went to the bathroom and found her and David's grooming supplies. She found her pocketbook and then she went to get clothes.

"No," the guard said. "We don't have time for that. I have to get you back before someone misses you. And get rid of the pocketbook."

"Please, let me just get some underwear and things at least."

"No, how would I explain that to Lanier? I can tell him I bought you the toothpaste and brushes and such, but not clothes."

He has a point, Amanda thought.

Panahasi pulled her roughly out of the room and then rushed her back to the car. As they headed back he demanded the money.

Amanda took out her checkbook. "Who do I make the check out to?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll fill it in. You just put the amount in and sign it."

Amanda wrote the check out and handed it to him.

He hit the gas and hurried back to the dungeon. When they got back it appeared that they were not missed. David said no one came to the dungeon while they were gone. The guard almost sighed with relief. He then made Amanda take off the clothes he had loaned her.

"How did it go?" David asked when the guard had left.

"I got a message to the desk clerk so I hope he can read English. He wouldn't let me take my pocket book but I got our toothpaste, shampoo and things," Amanda said.

"Obviously they wouldn't let you get any clothes."

"No, the guard said we didn't have time, plus he said he couldn't explain it, which is true. But I think he has some problems. We met with some guy that appeared wanted some money he owed him. He was really afraid of this man."

"Maybe he will kill the bastard," David sneared.

An hour or so later the other two guards came into the dungeon. They didn't look happy as they opened the door of the cell.

"I understand you were taken to the hotel today?"

"Uh ... yes, the guard was good enough to take me there to get some shampoo and things." Amanda felt her heart racing. How does he know, she wondered? This wasn't good.

"Really? Is that all you wanted?"


"Then why did you pass this note to the clerk? And what about this thirty thousand dollar check?"

Amanda grew pale. The clerk had apparently given the note to them.

"I should feed you to the sharks like we did to Panahasi, you bitch," he snarled and raised his hand as if to hit her.

At that moment David dove for the man and knocked him against the wall. The other guard grabbed David and pulled him off.

"Well now, the little boy tries to protect his mother," he snarled. "You both will pay for this." He smacked her Amanda's face.

David fought but couldn't get away from the guard. Then he was thrown to the floor and kicked in the stomach.

With an evil laugh the two guards left the room.

"Sorry, Mom," David said as he got to his feet, holding his stomach.

"You shouldn't be sorry. I love that you tried to protect me, but please don't try it again," she said as she stepped into his arms for a hug. "Are you okay, Sweetie?"

"Yes. He would have to kick me harder than that to hurt me."

Amanda had tears in her eyes as she stared at him. Suddenly her lips were on his and they were kissing passionately. She had no idea how it had happened but it was too late to stop it. A moan escaped her lips when David's tongue entered her mouth.

When Amanda felt his cock start to grow she pulled away and whispered, "David."

"Sorry again, Mom." David's face turned red.

Amanda said, "David, we are going to get through this. No matter what happens or what they make us do. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart."

David's cock continued to grow. "I'm sorry, Mom. I mean I ... I ... don't know what ..." David said as he looked down at his almost hard cock.

"Shhhhh," Amanda said and placed her fingers against his lips. Then she kissed him again. Her tongue sought his mouth and plunged inside. Here breasts pressed to his bare chest. When she felt his cock come to full erection, she didn't pull away this time, instead continued the kiss him until his now throbbing cock was pressed between them.

When she finally pulled away she smiled and looked down at what she had done to her son. "It's okay," she whispered again, feeling her heart suddenly pounding. "We had better stop or ..." she said with raised eyebrows.

"I guess so," David said watching his mother's eyes.

Amanda bit her lip and her heart began to beat even faster as her hand began to move. A moment later it wrapped around her son's now throbbing cock.

"Oh God, Mom," David gasped when he felt his mother's warm hand on his cock.

Silently she began to stroke him, her hand moving slowly up and down his shaft. She could feel the blood pulsing inside his shaft and that made her pussy quiver. Without evaluating the consequences she continued to stroke her son.

"Mom," David gasped when he felt close to climax. He tried to stop it, tried to think of something besides his mother's hand on his cock.

Amanda barely heard her son's plea and continued to stroke him.

"Ohhhhh," David groaned as his balls pulled tight and he felt his cum begin to move up the shaft. A moment later it was squirting from the tip of his cock and spattering on his mother's tits and stomach.

"Mmmmmm," Amanda whispered as she felt his hot cream spurted against her. She watched his sperm fly through the air as if in slow motion before splattering on her stomach and breasts then slowly sliding toward her throbbing pussy.

When the last of David's cream was squeezed from his cock Amanda turned away and walked over to the bucket of water where she carefully rinsed her stomach.

When she turned around she saw David sitting on the bed staring at her. She walked over and sat next to him. He pulled her toward him as they fell back on the bed in each other's arms.

The guards came back after dinner and saw mother and son lying on the bed, holding each other.

"Isn't that sweet. So nice to see a mother and son who like each other so much. Since you two like to be together so much we figured you would like to be even closer."

Giovanni pulled David from the bed and tied him to the chair. "Now you will pay for your attack earlier."

"Please," Amanda said.

"Shut up, Mom. Now get your loving son hard."

Amanda didn't protest this time. She went to her knees and reached for David's cock. She watched as it grew quickly in her hand. She stroked it lovingly, enjoying the feeling of the powerful throbs she was creating.

"Suck it," Lanier said.

She did, taking the now pulsing head into her mouth. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest and her pussy began to quiver again. It was still wet from their earlier contact and she worried that just sucking him was going to make her climax.

"She has gotten really good at cock sucking, don't you think Giovanni?"

"Yeah, wish we could get some of that for ourselves."

"Maybe we will if this deal falls through," Lanier said.

"Okay, Mom, he's hard enough to fuck now."

"Huh?" Amanda said.

"It's time to learn what that cock feels like inside you," Lanier said with an evil laugh. "Sit on his cock."

"No, please," Amanda begged. This was too much for her and tears came to her eyes, but her pussy continued to throb. She stood up and felt her knees grow weak and a chill went through her at the thought of his long cock slipping into her pussy. She looked at his cock and suppressed a gasp of excitement.

"Sit on his cock, I said," Lanier repeated. When she didn't move Lanier grabbed one leg and said, "Get her other leg." The two men picked Amanda up and held her over David's pulsing cock.

"Reach down and put it in your pussy," Lanier ordered.

Amanda hesitated, looking from one man to the other but saw no sympathy.

"Now, bitch, hurry!"

With a trembling hand Amanda took hold of David's cock and placed it at the opening of her now very wet pussy. She rubbed the head back and forth between her pussy lips to get it wet feeling an unwanted tremor of excitement. Then she felt the two men allowing her body weight to force the cock into her. "Nooooo, please," she gasped again as David's huge cock began to stretch her. In spite of her protests she could feel her pussy pulsing, welcoming him into her body. She grunted from the size of his cock ... having never been stretched like this. Slowly, inch by inch, she was lowered onto her son's cock. She looked at David with a pained expression. But he had his eyes closed and he was breathing hard.

A grunt escaped Amanda's lips when the plum sized head hit the back of her pussy. Then when she didn't think it could go any deeper, it did. Now it felt as if the head was entering her cervix.

"Oh my God," she gasped. She had never felt anything like it. Inside her pussy the slick walls were contracting sending pulses of pleasure through Amanda. She could not stop her pussy from squeezing David's swollen cock. With each pulse of her pussy she could feel her son's cock respond.

David moaned.

Once Amanda had David's entire cock inside her, Giovanni tied her to the chair so she couldn't move. Then the Giovanni stayed behind to take some photos. When he was done, he stepped outside the cell and pulled his cock from his pants. Standing watching mother and son tied together in a sexual position he stroked himself until he climaxed on the floor.

Then he put his cock away and left.

Amanda and David were silent except from their heavy breathing. What could they say? Neither had any choice in what was happening. Neither could have prevented it. Now they had to live with the fact that they had been forced to have intercourse.

While Amanda was rationalizing how they could not prevent this, David was thinking about something entirely different. He had only had oral sex and hand jobs but never intercourse. He had never had his cock inside a pussy. It felt better than he could have possibly imagined, especially since it was his mother. Sure he had fantasized about her, but he never thought he would ever actually fuck her. Now his cock was deep inside her and it was driving him mad. He didn't think he could keep from climaxing.

"Mom," he whispered, "I ... I ... oh God, I don't ... uh ..." Can you hold still, please?"

"I'm trying, sweetheart." The pulses in her pussy were growing with each throb of her son's cock. She tried to control it, but the feeling of David's long and fat cock deep inside her was too much. He was deeper then any cock had been before and she wasn't sure she could keep from climaxing, especially if he climaxed inside her. Then she suddenly realized the consequences of that. Oh God, she thought, I'm not on the pill. If he climaxes I could get pregnant. Incredibly that thought made her pussy pulse harder.

"Mom, please," David begged.

Maybe if I tell him the danger it will help him control his climax, she thought. "David, honey, you have to hold back. I'm not ... Roland had a vasectomy and I'm not on the pill. We have to be careful or I'll get pregnant."

"Oh Jesus," David moaned and his cock started to throb harder.

Amanda felt it and her pussy responded. "Oh God, oh God," she gasped as the pulsing grew.

"Mom, Mom, I ... ohhhhhh, I can't ... I can't help it." With that David felt his cock begin to swell even larger and his balls tightened. He thought of baseball, of football, of how much he hated the men that had done this to them ... but nothing worked. "Mommmmmmm," he screamed as his cock began to spit his potent seed deeply into her pussy. The head was so deep that the sperm blasted against the cervix, pooling deep inside her.

Amanda began to shake uncontrollably. Her pussy convulsed as a strong climax rushed through her. With each pulse of her son's cock her pussy responded with a strong contraction, almost sucking the cum from his balls. Over and over her pussy convulsed until she lost total control and her juice squirted onto David's balls. She gasped for breath and her head began to spin. She could no longer comprehend what was happening to her ... the pleasure was far too great. Finally after what seemed like a very long time, she collapsed onto her son, her head dropping to his shoulder.

A few moments later the room grew very quiet except for the gasps of breath from the two lovers. Mother and son were locked in coitus, doing what no mother and son should ever do.

"I'm sorry, Mom," David said sincerely. "I really tried."

"I know you did. So did I."

"You ... you ... climaxed?" David asked in amazement.

"Yes," Amanda whispered, her face turning red as she admitted that she could not control her own desires.

"Wow," David said. Then he could feel his cock began to harden again.

"David," Amanda said as if in admonishment, but it came out more as a gasp.

"I can't help it."

"Well, I guess since the damage is done ..." Amanda said. In spite of how wrong it was she slowly raised her hips and then sat back down. Bringing a groan from her lips as the large head slammed into her cervix. But instead of pain, she felt only pleasure. She did it again, and then again.

"Oh God, Mom," David gasped.

"Yes," she whispered almost to herself as her excitement grew rapidly again. "Oh, David I can't help it, your ... your cock feels sooo good." Amanda used her strong pussy muscles to squeeze David's cock. She could feel it swell throbbing inside her. "I've never had anything so deep or a cock that has stretched me so much."

"I don't have that much experience, I have never a girl, you know sex... " David said.

"You never had sex ... really?" Amanda said interrupting him as she leaned back and looked into his eyes. She wanted to see if he was telling the truth ... after all he is twenty years old ... all kids have sex by then, she thought.

David's face turned red. "No."

"Oh, sweetheart," she gasped and pulled his lips to her. It was wrong, so wrong, but she couldn't help herself. The kiss grew more passionate quickly. Amanda began to move up and down as much as she could in her tied position. Her pussy was drenched, but she didn't know that none of David's sperm had come out of her yet. He had shot his cum so deep it would take quite some time to drain out.

"Oh, baby," Amanda gasped as she pulled her lips from his and looked into his eyes. As she did she continued to bounce on him. Her eyes began to hood as another climax approached. She grunted and gasped as pleasure washed through her. This climax was even stronger than the last. Her body shook as pleasure rippled from her toes to her head. Her hips moved in jerking motions as rockets of pleasure rushed up and down her body.

"Ohhhh, ohhhh, sweetheart, oh my," she gasped as waves of illicit pleasure rushed through her. The pleasure consumed her like nothing she had ever felt. Her pussy pulsed and throbbed around her son's hard cock until she finally collapsed.

"Wow," she whispered when she could speak. She looked at her son and saw him smiling. "Damn it, I want it again," she whispered and started to move up and down on David's still very hard cock. She leaned close to him and whispered, "Cum with me. Cum with me this time."

"Yes, yes," he gasped as his cock started to throb. A moment later his cock exploded filling her cavity with another copious load. As Amanda shuddered with her third and then fourth climax, David's cum began to seep out of her pussy and down his balls to drip to the floor.