Why Should I Leave Home Ch. 01 p2


"Oh God, no, not here – put 'em away," I managed to whisper as pressure rose in my jeans, "Cut it out!"

"I'm just changing back into my clothes," Mum said, sounding quite innocent, "I'm sure you don't mind. Anyway, I don't want to keep you waiting."

"Stop it!" I mouthed, "Quit teasing me."

But as she spoke she was actually pushing the suit down from her hips until it hung just above her pubic bush, the top of which was actually visible to me now.

"Don't you want to see me again? All of me?" she said, her voice all seductive and soft, "Don't you want to have another look?"

"No, no, definitely not here!" I repeated, "Look, I'm off – I'll leave you to it!"

Quickly I slid out of the door just as Mum pushed the suit completely off, giving me a brief glimpse of her curly brown forest.

"Phew!" I breathed as I stepped away, then moved quickly to secrete myself among the racks of clothes while I adjusted my straining penis, "Bloody woman!"

"I guess your girlfriend's feeling a bit frisky!" said a man from the other side of the racking, "You're on a promise, mate!"

I laughed quietly and nodded self-consciously as I waited.

"Looks like it," I said with a throw-away edge to my voice, "Nothing unusual."

The guy moved away to join his own female partner and I was left with my thoughts.

What was it with Mum that had turned her so damn sexy all of a sudden? Was it her or was it me who started it? Why couldn't I just accept her, incest or not?

She seemed to have turned into some kind of nympho and while I'd normally not have complained about having a nymphomaniac beside me, she was my mother and not ideal as a bed mate. Immediately I thought that, another vision appeared in my brain – one of my earlier imagined daydreams of my mother's deep cleavage engulfing my thrusting, spurting erection!

I shook the vision away but the imagined dream of those superb tits being around my cock quickly came back – and then another scenario took over as I saw her bushy pussy rising and falling on my erect cock!

"Uhhhh!" I grunted, quickly suppressing the sound as I remembered where I was and equally quickly suppressing my rising cock as I stood still and allowed my mind to consider what had been happening.

Mum seemed quite keen to display herself to me; even offering herself to me and while it was a huge turn-on, it was all wrong. It was one thing to lust after her body and to dream of fucking her but it was another thing altogether for it to become reality because although she was seriously sexy when she wanted to be, I was far from sure that I wanted to take up incest as a hobby.

No – wrong. I wanted to respond; my whole body was screaming out for her but my mind remained resolute and refused to let me.

But why stop? Why did I insist on rebuffing her delights? Weren't both of us short of partners and in need of release?

I had no answers – not yet anyway.

After a few minutes to calm myself I began walking towards the checkouts just in time to see Mum heading that way too and we quickly met.

"I'm sorry darling," she breathed into my ear, "I couldn't help it – that suit made me feel so good, so excited; either that or it's just you that gets me all silly."

"Yeah, well just keep it to yourself for now," I replied, my words sounding all wrong as soon as I'd said them, "No, I mean – oh, I don't know what I mean."

"I'll try to behave," said Mum, a big warm smile on her face, "Is that what you mean?"

I found myself nodding, then we were being served and then we were walking back towards the car, my plans for a new phone entirely forgotten...

We drove home in relative silence, our only conversations being about the weather and the traffic until we eventually pulled up in our driveway. As was customary I jumped out quickly and went round to open Mum's car door and as I did so Mum stretched out most inelegantly from the car until her smooth sleek leg reaching the ground, then she slid towards my outstretched hands but as her body moved and slid on her seat so her skirt, already short, slid up to reveal Mum's delightful love nest once again.

I pulled a face as she exposed herself to me again and pointedly ignored her delights while I pulled her upright, unsure as to whether or not Mum had done that intentionally.

I closed her car door behind her and as I turned around Mum leaned towards me and with a big smile she planted a warm kiss on my lips. Automatically my own lips responded and as she kissed me so her breasts rubbed softly against my chest. I could swear that I felt her sliding them from side to side, pushing and rubbing her body against mine until I pushed us apart and rattled my keys.

"Not out here," I muttered, my modesty taking control but Mum laughed happily.

"So you don't mind if we do it indoors?" she asked with a wink, "I'm looking forward to that!"

"No, come on, I mean let's just get indoors," I said as I carried her purchase into the house for her, "I want some lunch; I think I could do with a drink after that too."

I heard Mum chuckle quietly and turned towards her.

"All a bit much for you was it?" she said, her eyes crinkled with laughter, "It's amazing what a bit of flesh does for a man!"

"Huhhh!" I grunted, "As if!"

She left me pondering her words as she checked her morning post so I chose to ignore them and cracked open a can of lager instead while checking what was on television.

"Ah great – some rugby – just starting!" I said enthusiastically, "Don't mind if I watch, do you?"

It was a rhetorical question because I already had the TV turned on and with one eye on the television and one on the chunky sandwiches I quickly produced I was soon settling myself down to watch. I knew that Mum wouldn't mind; she wasn't the kind to object. The Rugby World Cup was in progress and the next match was live in less than five minutes; I'd soon be well and truly lost amid the action.

Quickly I collected a second can and settled back into the armchair, Mum forgotten for now...

The match started and progressed – a good ebbing and flowing of action – a nicely poised game complete with a fair amount of mud and blood as usual and several rousing rucks. Soon I was completely involved, almost able to feel the tension and the effort of the players.

"Hurrayyyyyyy!" I crowed as the home team opened the score sheet with a strong try, "Brilliant try! Bloody brilliant!"

"What is?" asked a soft voice beside me.

"Brilliant tr...i-i-i-i-i!" I answered, my words getting lost as Mum came into focus beside me, "Bloody hell!"

Mum edged around the side of the chair and stood almost between me and the TV, her legs slightly parted, her hands on her hips.

She was wearing her new costume and she was wearing it well! She had some high heel shoes on which accentuated her delicious legs and tipped her hips perfectly. My eyes travelled upwards from her feet and as my gaze rose so my mouth fell further and further open.

She'd shaved off her excess pubes; that much was apparent or at least no hairs protruded from the sides. She must have applied some body lotion too because her exposed flesh seemed to glisten and glow. And the way her proud breasts loomed above me made me imagine that she must have added some fillers to her cups. Her face smiled down at me, a face that was made up to look incredibly sexy.

"Wowwww!" I moaned, all thoughts of rugby immediately locked from my mind.

"You like?" Mum said, her voice all soft and smooth, "I definitely do!"

She rolled her hips and her shoulders, causing her pelvis to sway, her midriff to move like a belly dancer's and her breasts to rise and seemingly stretch forward.

Seldom had I seen such an erotic display, especially not one so close to me.

Almost instantly I felt an involuntary and thrilling shudder jerk through my body; one that like an earthquake seemed to have an epicentre deep inside – in my groin – and like any earthquake, at the epicentre was where the trembling was at its strongest.

I felt my penis lurch and begin to grow as fresh blood flooded into its tissues – I felt my hips unconsciously thrusting upwards. Quickly I clamped one hand over my groin, the other one occupied with the can of lager but my actions were entirely too late.

"Looks as if you like it!" said Mum as she moved right between me and the television, "More interesting than that stuff, surely."

She stepped sideways in front of me until her groin was right between me and the centre of the screen; right at my focal point and could hardly be avoided or ignored. Swiftly I placed my can on the table, almost missing the table as my eyes concentrated elsewhere.

My eyes briefly moved, but only up to her face, then down to her breasts and then back to her groin – like a spider, she'd caught me in her carefully woven web!

Slowly, almost languidly, Mum's hand slid from her hip to cover her gusset – then, as I watched her, unable to tear my eyes away, she slowly pulled the material of her swimsuit to one side. There before my eyes, only some three or four feet away were the lips of Mum's pussy, now bereft of hair. Her plump pinkish lips seemed to welcome me, hanging slightly apart at their lower extremity; then my eyes oozed back up her pussy to her clit that stood above her lips. A further slow movement of her hand and a small landing strip of pubes appeared from behind the material.

"Jeeez!" I groaned as my cock strained against my hand, "Mummmmm! Stop it Mummm!"

"I just wanted to show you," said Mum quietly, "I've been busy!"

"So I see," I exclaimed, "So I see...but...you shouldn't."

"Shouldn't what?" asked Mum as she edged a little closer, "Shouldn't I have come down here? Shouldn't I have put this on? Or what?"

"Oh fuck – I don't know," I spluttered, "Just shouldn't!"

"I've even shaved down there – and round here," she replied, using one hand to indicate her arse, "Not that I found many hairs round the back!"

And with that she pirouetted neatly, stuck her arse out at me and pulled the material aside again. There before me were her twin cheeks, one of her wonderfully smooth and tight cheeks entirely exposed while between them her little darker arsehole seemed puckered and ready to blow a kiss at me.

"Mummmm – stop it!" I groaned, feeling my cock jumping hard under my hand, "For heaven's sake, what the hell are you doing?"

"What's the matter, am I too much for you?" said Mum, but instead of covering up she rotated and stepped backwards towards me, then sank down onto my lap!

"Oh God!" I moaned as her warm and almost naked arse squashed firmly against my cock, my hand having automatically moved aside as she approached, "What are you up to Mum?"

"I just want to thank you darling," she said as her body squirmed on top of me, "Put your hands here and hold me, love."

Somehow my hands rose and closed around her waist, her cool skin so soft under my fingers. Moments later and her hands closed on top of mine and held me, her hands moving my fingers around over her belly.

But far more importantly her hips were busy, squirming against my persistent hard-on, ensuring that I didn't lose interest.

"Mmmmmm!" moaned Mum as her arse rubbed against my lap, "You feel nice darling, so nice and big and you're so hard too, aren't you!"

I was definitely hard – rock hard and horny.

One hand left mine and adjusted the material of her swimsuit beneath her before returning.

"Mmmmmm, I'm going to make you all wet again, I think!" she said softly, "Ooooh my God, I can't help it – you feel lovely darling!"

"Mumm, I'm trying to watch the match," I moaned, my inner mind ignoring my bodily responses.

"You can always watch the repeat, can't you?" she said, her arse still in motion, "Surely I'm much more interesting than all that?"

Fuckin' right she was – her body had taken over my world. Her buttocks were rolling over my erection and one of her hands was now pushing my hand down, down into her lap and underneath the material of her swimsuit. Unable or unwilling to stop her I let her hand slide my fingers over her tiny prickly patch of fuzz and down over her warm soft lips.

Immediately her fingers pushed mine until they parted her lips, until they slid into the swamp that was her heated pussy.

"Yesss darling," she breathed quietly, "Touch me – feel how wet you've made me! Feel how hot I am down there!"

Driven by the overpowering strength of sex my fingers now moved on their own, exploring her slippery wet pussy, feeling her inner lips and the tightness of her vaginal opening, then sliding upwards to find her clit. Mum sucked in a quick breath as my fingertips slid against her quivering fleshy protrusion and her pussy jerked hard against my fingers suddenly.

"Ooooh darling, yes, there!" she hissed, "Yessss, like that!"

Almost unintentionally I rubbed my fingers around her clit, using her increasing lubrications to smother her clit in wetness and to further stimulate her body.

I was carried away now by the sheer sexiness of our actions, so much so that I virtually forgot that this was my Mum; my mind was no longer separating sex from incest. This was just good sexual foreplay and no way did my body want to stop.

My eyes were now closed as Mum's other hand now pulled my spare hand from her waist and closed it over one breast, her fingers massaging my hand into her firm mammary tissue. No longer could I even imagine the rugby; all my senses were locked into my mother's powerful charms. Even my own body was now hers, my hips moving constantly if spasmodically beneath her as her enchanting sexual attraction embraced me, absorbed me.

On my lap Mum was now panting quickly while her legs clamped then released mine, her pussy tightening then opening, jerking then quivering as my fingers continued to arouse her.

Then suddenly Mum froze, everything tightening hard and her hand squashed mine into her breast. For a moment I wondered what was wrong – then her orgasm burst from her in a wild and frantic explosion.

"Oh, oh, oh!" she cried, her little fluttering sounds so small against the magnitude of her orgasm, "Oh God, oh Chris, yesssss, yesssss!"

Her hand closed tightly over mine and pushed my fingers hard down and into her vagina, her hot, convulsing, squeezing, wet vagina. Her other hand continued to hold mine against her breast, her fingers driving mine into her flesh as she climaxed.

And then as the orgasm exploded from her Mum shrieked dramatically; shook and shuddered all over and over again and again – and just as suddenly collapsed!

As quickly as it had started her orgasm died back and Mum's hands fell from mine, leaving me to hold her upright as her body became pliable and soft on top of me.

The warm sexy scent of her orgasmic arousal began to envelop us just as I realised that the fingers of my hand at her groin were almost drowned in her juices. My hand was still in place, one finger still inside her vagina and although Mum's body was relaxed on the outside, inside her body, spasms and fluttering muscular waves kept squeezing and pulsating around my fingers.

Slowly I let my finger slide from it's hiding place and allowed it to slip up her pussy and over her clit.

Mum sucked in a quick breath and everything tightened up for a moment as I found her clit again and her hand quickly came and pulled mine away.

"No – no, no more," she groaned, "Oh gosh – that was incredible!"

"Was a bit, wasn't it," I admitted, the vivid power of her orgasm having quite surprised me, "I think you needed that!"

"Oh Chris yes," sighed Mum as she leaned back against me, "It was wonderful; I'd got so wound up and so excited...oh Chris, I'm so glad you helped me."

"You know I'd do anything for you Mum," I said, "But I wasn't expecting to do that."

"You only used your fingers darling," said Mum as if to explain that nothing sexual had happened, "Just rubbed them around a bit."

"It where I rubbed them that matters Mum," I answered, "I shouldn't have done that, should I?"

"Why on earth not?" queried Mum, her warm body squirming softly against me, "You were just helping me – and now it feels as if I need to help you too."

My penis was still as hard as a rock under her arse even though I was doing my best to keep it under control but it seemed that Mum had other ideas as her hand quickly snaked down and stroked my erection.

"No, leave it, I'll be alright," I answered as noisy action on the television tried to distract me, "I'll sort it out later."

"I think you need some help right now," she said as she rotated her arse on my lap, "Wouldn't it be nice to let out some of that steam?"

"Don't worry about me," I said as I strained to see the rugby over Mum's shoulder, "You just relax now."

There was a sudden click and the screen turned blank and silent, then Mum placed the remote control back on the table and pushed it away from my reach.

"That's better, ooh, I can relax properly now darling, thanks to you," Mum replied, "But that thing under me definitely isn't relaxed yet!"

Her arse tightened, almost gripping my cock between her cheeks and my cock responded by jerking hard.

"See? I told you it needed some attention – I know it's all ready, isn't it," said Mum, her arse starting to squirm around on me again, "Feels to me as if you could blow off at any moment!"

Yes, I had to admit that my own level of arousal remained very high and that a quick wank would be so perfect once Mum had left me alone. My cock was rigid and was giving no indication of losing its steely backbone – it definitely needed some attention.

"Yeah, well when you've finished Mum," I said, trying to shock her with some blunt words, "I'll go and deal with it."

It wasn't that rugby was more important than sex – far from it – but my mind kept insisting that what we were doing wasn't right and that I should somehow avoid the subject. There was a kind of blind spot in my mind wherein incest was banned. I was in denial – this wasn't really happening!

But it soon appeared that Mum was far from finished!

"Oh darling, you don't need to do that," she said, her arse cheeks seemingly tightening around my cock again, "What do you think I'm here for?"

"Because you wanted to show me your swimsuit," I answered, my mind doing it's best to concentrate on how I could reach and turn the television on again, "So you've done that so can I get back to my rugby, Mum?"

"Oh darling, haven't I got you worked up enough yet?" said Mum, her shoulders squirming against my chest, "Perhaps we need you to lose some of your clothes, eh?"

"If you say so," I replied, my mind not concentrating on her words, "Whatever. Go on then..."

Mum slid off my lap and stood up and with the sudden freedom I quickly grabbed the remote control and turned the TV on again.

My delight faded immediately however as the half time whistle blew and the action stopped so I turned it off again with a small expletive and gave in – there was little to be gained by watching the adverts and anyway my concentration was interrupted again by Mum.

She'd turned around and was now kneeling between my legs and her hands were very quickly undoing my trousers.

"Mummm! What are you up to?" I spluttered as her nimble fingers released my belt and trouser clasp.

"Shut up," said Mum tersely, "I'm busy."

"Ahhhhh!" I gasped as her fingers closed around the flimsy material that covered my cock.

It had taken her mere moments to release my trousers and only a few seconds more to reach my penis with her hand.

"Lift up," said Mum and incredibly I did just that; lifted my arse clear of the seat.

In a few more seconds my trousers were being worked down my legs and Mum's warm hand was once again around my cock.

The overpowering strength of the sexual excitement in the room was such that I felt powerless to prevent her exploration and equally powerless to make her remove her hand from around my erection.

Oh fuck!" I exclaimed, unable to utter anything more realistic, "Oh Mum!"

And then Mum was burrowing up the leg of my boxers, pushing the material one way and my cock the other until she could hold my naked penis in her warm and soft hand.

"Oooh Chris, he's lovely," she breathed, her eyes catching mine excitedly, "He's bigger than I thought too."

My cock stood upright above her small hand, the strong shaft already streaked with juices while my foreskin had been stretched back by her grip. My knob was glowing and shiny, purpled and straining and all complete with a little dribble of precum.

Mum's hand moved slowly over my rampant flesh, sliding my foreskin up and down. Her movements turned the little trickle into a big bubble of precum that now oozed quickly from the tip; a bubble that slid down my knob until it was captured by Mum's fingers and spread over my cock.

"What do you think you're doing Mum," I managed to say as my hips started to thrust upwards, "You shouldn't!"

"Oh I should! I think you need something from me darling," she said softly, "I made you get all worked up and you were so nice to me so it's only fair that I'm nice to you too, isn't it?"

"You don't have to..." I said but Mum hushed me.

"Of course I don't have to but I want to – and I'm going to!" she said, "All I don't know yet is how to."

"Pardon?" I replied, my mind imagining for one moment that Mum didn't know how to please a man, "What d'you mean, you don't know how?"

"No darling, I don't mean that," answered Mum, her face looking flushed but happy, "I just don't know if I should take you in my mouth or my pussy or my arse!"

"Oh bloody hell!" I exclaimed, "I can't believe it!"

Somehow my mind hadn't accepted that Mum was intending to give her body to me. Somehow my mind had just thought that she was showing off, being crude or generally just winding me up so the thought of actually having full sex with her had never completely entered my mind. In my bedtime fantasies we'd done more or less everything but despite the relief those fantasies gave me, they weren't real – but this was!

And just then it seemed that Mum had made her decision as she leaned forward and kissed the tip of the penis she held upright in her hand.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped as her warm soft lips made me jerk my hips and my cock upwards in a violent spasm, almost thrusting my cock into her mouth.

"Mmmm, you liked that, didn't you," said Mum, her breath whispering over my sensitive knob, "I think we'll start here then."

She looked up at me, her eyes all seductive and sweet, her lips apart and smiling before they pursed and blew a kiss at me.

"You ready then?" she asked, her face crinkling with excitement, "Here I come!"

"Ahhhhhh!" I gasped as her lips closed over my knob, "Oooh fuck Mum, ohhhhh!"

Another violent and unintentional jerk sent my cock thrusting upwards again and Mum responded by simply opening her mouth and letting my cock slide deep inside!

"Ohhhhh Mummmmm!" I groaned as her mouth tightened around my penis, "Ooooh yessss!"

I seemed to have spent so damn long on edge this last day or two that I now easily accepted Mum's attention, urgently needing some release. No longer did I care that it was my mother's mouth that was stimulating me, I just wanted to unload somewhere – anywhere!

Mum's cascading hair now covered my lap as her head bobbed up and down on my cock until she pushed it up behind her and lifted her head.

"Hold my hair out of the way," she said, "And then you can make me move faster or slower if you like."

My willing hands gathered her hair just as Mum let my cock sink deep into her mouth, where it remained for long moments – and then she was lifting off it, spluttering and gasping for air.

"Wheeee, it's big," she said, saliva glistening all over her lips, "I'll have another go!"

And then she was descending again, my penis held between her tight lips as she slid down over it until her nose came to rest on my pubes – then with a small cough she was up again, to look at me with a small dribble of saliva on her chin and a big smile.

"Did it!" she exclaimed, "Right down into my throat; until your hairs tickled my nose!"

"Wow!" I exclaimed, shocked, surprised and amazed, "How on earth...?"

"Practice," said Mum, "I used to love to do that to your Dad. I'll soon get good at it again even though you're quite a bit bigger!"

She lifted up and looked at my penis quizzically, then held her hands up with her index finger upright. She pointed it at me for a moment.

"I know what's wrong – you've still got your pants on. Come on, let's get them off," she said and with that she dragged my underpants down my legs and discarded them.

"That's better, I can see all of you now!" she said with a mischievous grin.

And then she was back over my cock, sliding her lips up and down my entire length while her tongue and her hand joined in too, building and building the tension in my balls.

All I could do was to breathe heavily before I discovered that I was moving Mum's head, helping her to bring me off!

It felt all wrong and yet so right! It was what I needed; what I'd really wanted all the time and yet never dared to hope for and now it was happening!

Now my orgasm was rising in me, building up pressure in my glands, in my balls, in my muscles. No way could I stop now – all I could change was whether or not to let my spunk shoot into Mum's mouth.

"Mum, Mum, I'm nearly there," I groaned, "You're gonna get a big mouthful in a minute if you're not careful!"

She lifted her head and smiled broadly at me, her lips all puffed and reddened and wet.

"Am I darling – oh goody!" she said brightly, "Come on then – that's what I've been waiting for!"

Immediately her head ducked onto my cock again, her movements now faster and tighter, her hand working quickly on my stem as her lips sucked at my knob. Almost as immediately I felt the precursors to my orgasm returning; those quick jolts of energy, those unexpected spasms, that tightening of everything that heralds any climax.

"Ahhh Mum – here it comes!" I gasped loudly as the tension started to peak, "Coming – coming – cummmming Mummmmm!"

And then the air was filled with gasping and grunting and sucking noises as my penis erupted time and time again. Then there was a spluttering noise as Mum lifted her head from my cock; a quick gulp and then she was back again to let the last blasts of spunk fill her mouth again.

And finally there was peace and relaxation and exhaustion and Mum lifted her head once more.

There was a large white blob of cum on the side of her nose and a big streak just below her ear and when she stuck her tongue out I could see that it was generously coated in spunk. With a smile she swallowed and stuck her now clean tongue out again, to accept the finger-loads of cum that she collected from her face.

And then she was smiling at me once more, her face as youthful and as happy as I'd ever seen it, while my own face cringed as the realisation of what we'd just done sank in.

"Mum, we've just had sex," I spluttered, "Do you realise we've just had incest, I mean done incest, I mean, oh hell, I don't know I mean!"

"You mean that we've gone too far, is that what you mean?" asked Mum as she sat back on her heels and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm your son," I said, "We're not supposed to..."

"Who are you going to tell then? Who's going to find out?" asked Mum, her head cocked to one side with a quizzical look on her face, "No-one – so what happens between us is between just you and me, isn't it?"

"But that doesn't make it better," I continued, "We're still not supposed to do that."

Mum laughed gleefully at me, almost childishly – then ducked her head and swiped her tongue over my cock, making it jump anew.

"Grow up!" she said with a giggle, "We're both adults, aren't we?"

"But, but..." I spluttered, still unable to grasp the nettle, "Oh fuck!"

"Missed a bit!" said Mum, ignoring my plight as she licked her lips, "Oh come on Chris, lighten up!"

"But, but, but we shouldn't," I said, my mind sticking to my morals, "I'm going to find myself the right girl eventually and perhaps you'll find yourself another man and I'll leave home and..."

"No you won't," said Mum, still smiling broadly, "Not while I'm around!"

"Eh?" I queried, "Sure I will – I'm going to get my own place one day."

"No chance!" said Mum, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "Now why would you want to do that?"

Mum was looking more animated now and she knelt upright once more, her eyes moving up and down my body before coming to rest on my penis which now lay there quiescently. Then slowly her hands reached up to her shoulders where she flicked the straps away, brought her hands back to her sides – and let her swimsuit fall to gather at her waist.

Her hands rose to cup and lift her generous breasts, seemingly holding them out towards me – for me!

I wanted to speak, I wanted to tell her to cover up, I wanted to get back to my television but I just couldn't. All I could do was to sit there and just love her delicious breasts, breasts that now swayed before me, that seemed to glow with life; that sent quivers of excitement down my spine.

I felt my penis moving as more blood rushed into its spongy tissue once again and I saw Mum's eyes glance downwards.

"Ohh I like that," she said with a grin, "A man who recovers nice and quickly!"

"No, umm, no," I spluttered, "Just a natural reaction and all that."

"These are natural too dear," she replied as she held her breasts towards me, then blew me a kiss, a kiss that I'm sure would have plastered itself to me had it been real.

"Come on darling – they're all yours," she said, a wicked smile now on her face, "Don't you fancy a quick nibble?"

Her fingers twisted her nipples briefly, making them stand almost as stiffly as my cock was now doing.

And then she was shuffling closer to me until her nipples were able to touch my chest, until I felt the heat of her midriff against my thighs.

She pressed even closer now until the soft warmth of her belly was against me and her breasts were squashed deliciously between us while her closeness trapped my erection between us too.

Her warm exotic feminine scent pervaded my senses deliciously, the tendrils of her arousal weaving through my brain.

"Come on darling," she breathed, "I told you I'm all yours – and I need you as much as you need me."

I was speechless; overcome by the wonderful excitement of my sweet mother's body, I had no answer; I couldn't even raise an objection. The only thing I could raise was an erection and my penis was no longer under my control.

My eager penis was running wild now as it throbbed hotly between us, driving my morals to the far corners of my mind. I felt my hands close around my mother's waist, now pulling her even closer to me and I felt my mother respond too.

And now, as if knowing that I was hers, Mum spoke again.

"Do you mind if we change places?" she asked, "I don't want my knees to get sore down here."

"Yeah, yeah Mum, of course," I answered quickly as together we rose to stand close together, our arms now around each other.

Quickly we shuffled around and then as I released Mum so she could sit down her hands dropped from my back and with a few movements, so fluid that I hardly noticed them, she just stepped out of her costume, then lowered herself to the sofa.

Her fingers now fluttered at me encouraging me to come to her and I found myself settling down onto my knees, my mind agog at the sight of my very naked Mum right there before me.

"Ohh that's better," said Mum, "Mmmmm, yes, that's much better!"

My body just wouldn't stop now, all my senses had been taken over by my sexual desire. My penis had taken charge of me, overruling any thoughts of wrongdoing, the need to copulate and to penetrate my mother now becoming the most important thing in my life. With my erection leading me I shuffled closer as Mum's arms reached out to me and she began pulling me closer and closer to her, her hands tightly gripping my biceps. In no time I was settled between Mum's widely parted legs with my stiff cock now pressed against her abdomen. I could feel her little prickly hairs scratching against the underside of my penis and I rolled my hips about to relieve the tickling feeling.

"Yesss darling," hissed Mum as her own hips began to work, "Yessss, that's nice, that's lovely."

The damp heat of her pussy was evident against my balls now as she writhed against me in a dance as old as time, a heat that seemed to soak right through me to stir my heartbeat and my breathing.

"Oh Mum, no, stop it," I husked even as I rubbed my own body against hers, "I shouldn't be doing this..."

"Yes you should darling," said Mum, her voice all honey in my ears, "You've always liked to look after me and I'm so ready for you to do just that!"

"Oh God, I know you are," I replied, my words falling from me unplanned, "But, but...!"

"But nothing darling, just come here, come closer – just slide yourself closer," breathed Mum softly, her hips slowly moving beneath me, "Just let it slide into me, please darling!"

"Oh what – no I can't!" I exclaimed, my useless words coming from some obscure and puritanical recess of my brain, "Mum, Mum, we shouldn't, we shouldn't!"

It was all I could do to speak coherently; my voice trembled with emotion and with suppressed desire as Mum's enticing pussy reached for me but Mum sounded much more in control.

"Yes you can. Come on darling, do as your Mummy tells you," she said, "You always do as you're told and I am asking nicely, aren't I?"

Her smile was all beguiling and warm, as indeed was her body but somehow I jerked my hips backwards and instead of her heat I now felt the coolness of the air around my penis.

"Ahhh, nooooo!" gasped Mum, "No you don't!"

In an instant her arms were around me again; then my arse was gripped by her legs and with a sudden convulsion I was almost violently propelled forward. And with my hips at a slightly different angle equally suddenly there was pressure all around my cock; slippery delicious pressure that quickly warmed my knob and then my entire length.

"Aaaah Mummm!" I gasped, "Oh fuck, fuck – no!"

"Fuck, fuck yesssss!" replied Mum as her pussy spasmed and quivered around my cock, "Got you!"

"Oh Mum!" I sighed, unable to stop my cock from twitching and thrusting inside her, "How could you?"

"Easy!" said Mum happily, "You were a walk-over! And anyway, you've always wanted me just like I've always wanted you."

There was no stopping us now – words couldn't part us and my only movements were slight, gentle loving thrusts of my penis into my mother's delicious depths. The warmth of her love surrounded me now; not just her arms and legs were around me but the delicious slippery flesh of her vagina too. I pressed my cock deeper and began moving in and out, stimulating both my mother and myself while Mum's warm, natural and sexy perfume drifted up between us. She raised her upper body until her lips found mine and we kissed at length, our lips hot and wet and our tongues busy everywhere.

Our kissing was highly arousing and Mum was responding both to my lips and to my penis while her vagina was busy too, caressing my cock with waves of delight and sudden squeezing contractions.

She was now lying almost horizontally on the seat as we made love together and in turn I was above her, my body resting on hers, my hips pressing downwards with every stroke. Her luscious breasts had spread beneath me so that they rubbed against my arms as I supported myself but her nipples now seemed bigger and riper than I'd seen them before. I leaned down and managed to snare one with my lips – it tasted ambrosial and sent a powerful wave of new energy to my cock.

"Yesss," hissed Mum as I thrust harder, "Ohh darling, keep going, keep going."

That Mum was enjoying our love-making was very evident. She had a broad smile on her face and although her eyes were shut I could tell that she was not just happy but ecstatic. More than that it soon also became apparent that she was nearing her climax too and her plea for me to keep going wasn't just because it was good, it was because she apparently needed just that little bit more to power her up and over the top. I pumped my eager cock more powerfully again and her hips became busier, lifting to accommodate me, as if to absorb more of me inside her. Her hands were holding my hips, pulling me into her with each stroke while inside her body her vaginal muscles were busy too.

Delicious fluttering waves of energy were sliding over my penis, movements that were becoming more and more evident with every thrust. Mum was panting too, her wonderfully splayed breasts swaying with every breath and at that moment I wished I had more than one set of hands. Suddenly I wanted to hold her and caress her breasts and play with her nipples and stroke her happy glowing face and her lovely hair. Then suddenly I realised that Mum was about to climax.

With a frantic exuberant cry she was there – suddenly convulsing powerfully on the end of my penis. In moments she changed from being a soft loving creature into a wild cat as her nails scored my back and buttocks; as her pussy gripped my cock strongly and as her face contorted with ecstatic pleasure.

"Yessss!" she cried loudly, "You've done it – oh darling – oh Chris, oh Chris!"

Her body was doing a fast and exciting horizontal dance beneath me as she crashed through the climactic barrier.

"Ohhhh yesss!" she cried again, "Oh it's wonderful! You're brilliant! Oh yesss!"

The suction she seemed to be applying to my cock felt enough to tear it from me but instead of letting her do that I just kept pumping my penis into her hole as steadily as I could while my darling mother enjoyed her orgasm to the full until finally her body began to relax and I slowed then stopped my movements.

Silence reigned as we paused, broken only by her heavy breathing until at last her eyes opened, she shook her head and smiled at me.

"Goodness me," she said happily, "That was absolutely super darling! I just knew you'd be good!"

I was sold now on the idea of incest – completely sold over by my wicked mother. It was way too late to cancel the idea anyway – the deed was done, so I might as well enjoy her to the full, in whatever way she wanted me. All of a sudden my reticence died and was replaced just as quickly by an eagerness to make the most of my mother's willing and enthusiastic body.

"You were hot," I said, as I stroked her soft sweet skin, "Fantastic – you make a great lover."

"And you darling," she replied softly, "Thank you for that."

She paused and wiped sweat from her brow with her hand then looked at me again.

"Did you cum?" she asked and as she spoke I felt her vagina contract around my cock.

She shook her head just as I shook mine.

"No you didn't," she said, "You're still as hard as before and I'm hardly leaking either, am I?"

I shook my head as I agreed with her only to get a grimace by return.

"Well, that's not fair," she said, "I always like to leave my man satisfied."

"I'll be ok," I said, not wishing to push things too fast, considering the newness of our sexual adventure and her age, "That was really good – I don't want to wear you out either."

"Wear me out!" gasped Mum, "You're joking! I've only just started!"

"You want more do you?" I asked as I flexed my penis inside her, "Plenty more lead in my pencil yet!"

"There won't be by the time I've finished with you!" said Mum with a big smile, "But I'll tell you what – let's go upstairs and use the bed."

"Will be more comfy, won't it," I agreed as I raised myself from my almost supine position, "Ok if I take it out then?"

Mum didn't answer but instead she slid her hands between us and pushed me away and with a parting thrust I let my cock slide from her wonderful vagina. I looked down at it and saw that it was liberally covered in shiny, wet, slippery juices and knew that few of them were mine.

"My goodness, I am wet!" said Mum with her hand at her pussy and her eyes on my cock, "Do you know, I thought I might be a bit dry after doing without for so long but look what you've done to me!"

I shook my head as if to show surprise.

"You're terrible!" I said as I helped Mum to stand up, "Insatiable!"

"I'll show you insatiable!" Mum retorted as she took my hand, "Come on – up we go."

As she dragged me up the stairs, with me following eagerly she spoke of her frustrated life.

"Do you know what," she said conversationally, "It must be at least ten years since I had a man – inside me, I mean. Your poor old dad, he was good early on but then that accident just killed off his ability, well, his everything."

She paused on the stairs and turned towards me, her swaying tits right on eye level to me.

"I used to wonder about finding a bit on the side but I suppose I never had time really," she continued, "But all the time I had a man at home – a growing man in the next bedroom and how it was I didn't come and make use of you I don't know!"

"Huh, I was busy too," I answered, "My job and my girlfriend and looking after dad..."

"And you were growing up," said Mum as she smiled down at me, "I used to play with myself at night thinking about you but now I don't have to just dream, do I!"

She bent forwards and with her hands on my shoulders she kissed me.

"And you were so hard and strong for me just now," she added, "Ohh Chris, come on, I need you! I've such a lot of catching up to do!"

With that she turned quickly and almost scampered up the stairs, her cute little arse wobbling most deliciously as she moved.

More slowly I followed and when I arrived at the master bedroom doorway she was there busy straightening the bed and plumping up the pillows.

"Come on lover boy," she said eagerly, "Bring that lovely body of yours over here!"

As I stepped across the room Mum straightened up and turned to me, stretching our her arms in welcome. I moved within her reach and as her arms enfolded me we clung together, our bodies pressing urgently against each other. I immediately felt my penis rising into stiffness, my erection having faltered as we'd moved from room to room but now it was back and Mum relaxed her legs slightly to trap my cock between her hot thighs.

"That feels so good," she breathed, her lips grazing mine, her nipples pressing into my chest, "Do you know what I want to do first – I want to ride on your lovely penis; I want to feel it right up inside me, as far as it'll go!"

"Sounds good," I answered feeling my penis jerking with excitement as I pulled Mum's arse closer with both hands, "And then?"

"And then when you've made me cum like that we can change places and you can have me any way you like!" she said, "That is, if you're still capable!"

She grinned wickedly at me from a few inches away, then kissed me and tore herself from my grasp.

"Come on, get on the bed darling," she said, "I can't wait!"

Reluctantly leaving her standing there I centred myself on the wide double bed and clasped my cock, stroking it gently.

"You leave that to me!" said Mum as she climbed over my body and batted my hand away, "I don't want you to waste even one little bit of that lovely penis!"

I thought that she was going to simply climb aboard but instead she took hold of my erection with both hands and just held it.

"It's lovely," she said gently as she gazed at my cock, "So strong, so hard, so smooth."

She let her hands slide up and down my length for a few moments before looking at me intently.

"Can you be mine?" she asked, as she pushed my foreskin right back, "I mean, just mine? I need you Chris, I really do."

At this moment she was definitely the only woman in my life and I nodded enthusiastically. Her needy pussy was going to be more than just a bit of fun.

"Yeah sure Mum," I answered, "You're my number one lady and if you want it you can have it!"

"Ohhh, I going to have it!" she replied, "Let me just make sure it's ready."

With that she slid her body down my legs until she lay as good as flat out on them and I just knew what was coming next and I was right because as soon as she'd made herself comfy she just lowered her mouth over my cock.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped as the anticipated yet unexpected pleasure of her oral assault absorbed me, "Yesss ohhh Mum, ohhh wowww!"

From our earlier activities and from our kisses I already knew that her mouth was just made for loving and now I was discovering even more of her skills as her lips massaged my penis and her tongue teased my knob. I felt my penis throbbing with excitement as she worked on it, her mouth now sliding up and down almost all of my length. I could feel my knob hitting the back of her mouth each time she sank down on me and each time that happened my hips jerked upwards, driving my penis further into her mouth.

She came up for air and looked at me, then licked her lips seductively.

"Nice?" she asked, "Do you want more?"

"Yeahhh!" I breathed eagerly, "Brilliant, yes, more!"

I was far from ready to explode but Mum's mouth was certainly exciting me enormously.

I shut my eyes to prepare for the next instalment but instead I felt Mum's body moving and realised that she was working her way up my legs again. A few moments later and she was astride my hips again, her pussy just a few inches from my cock.

"If you're getting that excited I don't want to waste anything," she said a she lifted her body higher, "I want you to fill my pussy before you fill my mouth again!"

Mum was now poised above me on her knees, one hand on my cock and the other between her legs. Her eyes were closed as she prepared herself, then she opened them and grinned at me.

"I'm still nice and wet and slippery," she said, "Time for a ride!"

Slowly she let her body close in on my upheld penis; then there was the warmth of flesh pressing against my tip; then the pressure of her vaginal lips around my knob – and then the heat of her body as Mum sank down onto my erection.

"Ooooooh!" she sighed as my cock penetrated up inside her, "Ohhh Chris – that's wonderful!"

Mum had been so deliciously wet and slippery that she'd just oozed down onto me and I'd slid inside without so much as a hiccup and yet she felt remarkably tight around my cock.

Experimentally I lifted my hips upwards, only to meet Mum's pussy descending onto me!

"Uhhh!" she grunted, "Bloody hell Chris – that went ALL the way up I think!"

"Sorry Mum, didn't mean to," I said as I let my hips stay solidly on the bed, "Sort of wondered how much you could take."

"Every inch!" Mum said, "I just wasn't ready right then."

She immediately demonstrated by sinking down on me until her warm arse was wriggling firmly on me but I noticed that she closed her eyes as my cock penetrated into her. She stayed there, rolling her hips slowly and letting her internal muscles work on me, pulling, squeezing, caressing and pushing at my cock until finally she stopped and lifted up somewhat.

"Had to stop, that was too nice!" she said, "I want you to cum first, not me."

"You'll need to do more than just sit there then," I said and Mum answered by squeezing my cock so hard that it almost hurt.

"Give me a bloomin' chance!" she said as she began to move, "I was just enjoying you, feeling you up inside me."

She paused and breathed deeply then smiled at me.

"It feels so good," she said gently, "I've been so long without a cock and now you're here – my own son right inside me!"

"Wicked, Mum!" I said, loving the way she was enjoying my penis, "Never thought I'd be doing this either."

Her body moved more energetically now, rising and falling steadily on my erection, her thighs gripping my hips just as her vagina was gripping my cock. The steady motion was deliciously erotic, especially as I was able to watch Mum's proud swollen breasts swaying and bouncing just above me.

I suddenly realised that the rest of me was doing nothing so I reached up and cupped her breasts, holding them comfortably while allowing my thumbs to rub over her nipples.

"Oh Chris, I almost thought you'd forgotten them!" hissed Mum as she pressed her breasts forwards against my hands, "Keep doing that, it's lovely!"

I adjusted my hands until I was able to use fingers and thumbs to work on her nipples and as soon as I did that her vagina clamped more firmly around my cock.

She hissed a hardly spoken "yessss!" and her hips began working faster and with more energy, working on my cock with every internal muscle available to her.

"Ohhh Chris, you'd better cum soon," she gasped, her hips working steadily, "I'll get there first otherwise."

"Come on then," I enthused, now starting to drive my cock up at her aroused pussy, "If you cum I'll probably cum too."

"Oh yess, yess, I'll do that," she breathed, her own hips now working harder and seemingly rotating her vagina around and over my cock, "Ohh God, won't be long though."

I'd done all I could to prolong my release but her increased movements were now definitely affecting my level of arousal and I could now feel the beginnings of an orgasm forming inside me. Each thrust of my hips, each squeeze of her vaginal muscles was another quick step towards my climax as we built our loving way to fulfilment and it wasn't so much a matter of if but when as the action ramped up.

The effort of pumping my penis up at Mum's descending vagina was considerable even if the result was delightful and my brow and my chest were now bathed in sweat. Mum too was heating nicely; her own brow was shining with moisture and her bountiful bouncing breasts bloomed with tiny droplets too.

Where our bodies were united was even wetter; Mum's arousal was causing her to lubricate copiously now and the result was a steady splattering of sexual droplets and resounding slapping sounds as our bodies came together every few seconds.

"Ohhh darling," gasped Mum as she bounced up and down on my cock, "Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh – getting close! Ohh darling, so close...nearly...nearly!"

Her imminent climax was sending messages to my own climactic core and I knew too that I'd soon have the release we'd been waiting for.

"Here it cums!" gasped Mum, bouncing so hard that I needed to release her breasts and hold her arms instead, "Yes...yesss – ahhhhhh! Cumming!"

In a flurry of wild action Mum seemed to pull herself down onto my rigid penis until it felt to me as if I'd penetrated far beyond her vagina.

She screamed once, an animalistic howl of excessive pleasure and emotion that did nothing to cool my ardour – far from it because it was accompanied by sudden spasms within her vagina that gripped my cock powerfully.

Immediately I felt my own orgasm arrive – that sudden second of sharp cramping – and then release.

"Ohhhh Mum!" I grunted as I pumped my penis upwards once again, "Yeahh! Oooh yeahhh!"

It felt as if my spunk was squeezed past a bottleneck, such was Mum's internal grip on me – then a moment later it was released to flow freely, flooded from my cock to fill and overfull her welcoming cavity.

"Oh Chris!" Mum gasped as my first eruption began to pump into her body, "Oh darling!"

"Oh Mum!" I cried as a second powerful eruption and then another one took place, "Oh fuck, oh fuck!"

Our words dissolved into gasps and cries that said nothing but meant everything – that meant that we'd committed the ultimate act of incest. Not only was my penis inside my mother's vagina but I was inseminating her womb with my sperm and my sweet mother was loving it.

She slumped now, all her wild emotions drained and all our dreams fulfilled and I held onto her as she leaned forward until eventually she was lying right on top of me, her legs still folded and my penis still in place but resting her body on mine.

I held her gently now, caressing her steadily moving shoulders as she filled her lungs with needed oxygen and I kissed her cheek softly.

"So good," I breathed, "You were wonderful Mum, absolutely incredible!"

"And you darling," panted Mum without moving from her position, "And you."

We stayed there as we recovered until I felt the stiffness begin to fade from my penis and realised that it would probably soon slide from it's love nest so I gently patted Mum's back.

"Going to slip out if we're not careful," I said, "Could do with a towel or something I think."

"Oh, oh, oh what?" mumbled Mum, "Oh goodness – oh darling, I was drifting off!"

Her sudden awakening must have made her vagina spasm and in an instant I felt my penis being ejected; then equally quickly I felt the wetness of our juices as they flooded from her hole.

"Oh ooops!" she giggled as another dollop of cum slid down over my flaccid penis, "Oh uhhh!"

She chuckled as she lifted her body from mine, then dropped down beside me on the bed to lie on her side, her breasts against my arm and one leg still resting on mine.

"I'd forgotten about all that!" she said as her gaze focused on my groin, "So long since anyone filled me like that – not that I'm complaining though."

Her hand slid over my body and into the puddles of cum that now adorned my abdomen, then her fingers traced wet patterns over my lower body. She chuckled as she did so and smiled deliciously at me.

"So much," she said, "And so thick too."

She dabbled her fingers in a puddle and brought them to her face where she inhaled deeply.

"It's a lovely smell, it's such a sexy smell too," she said, "And I've missed it so much!"

She pushed her cum-laden fingers into her mouth and made some wet and erotic sounds as she cleaned them, before collecting another load and repeating the actions.

"You're tasty!" she said as she licked her lips, "And that's another thing I've been missing."

She actually sounded as if she was about to burst into tears and my arm automatically pulled her tighter to me. The movement caused her hand to drop and press against my penis and she immediately grasped it with her still-sticky fingers.

"I'm alright really darling," she said as her hand now stroked my cock, "Now that I've got you."

My penis reacted to her touch by starting to fill up with turgid blood once again and Mum's smile widened.

"More?" she asked, "Honestly?"

My penis answered for me by turning into a rod of iron under her touch and Mum leaned in and kissed me.

"Oh darling yess!" she breathed as she stroked my renewed erection, "Twice in one night – oh that would be wonderful!"

I could hardly turn her down because much as I enjoyed my ration of sleep I too had been short of sex until now and whatever I thought, my penis thought otherwise.

"Let me mop this up first," I said as I pointed to the remnants of my cum on my abdomen.

I groped for something to use and a moment later Mum stretched across me then dropped a small towel onto my body.

"It was behind you. I always keep one on the chair," she said, "You never know when it'll be useful for something or other."

A little while later I was dried, hard and alert again. I had to be – Mum was already on her back with one hand between her legs, her fingers already working away.

"Do you know what darling, I thought I might be a bit sore but I'm not," she said as she pulled me by the penis as she urged me to climb aboard, "And you've made me so wet that I'm ready for you again right now!"

Truthfully I was now as eager to fuck her again as she was to receive me but nevertheless I was entirely amazed at how things had happened in the last day or so.

It had all started with an ill-fitting swimsuit and a prize holiday and instead the swimsuit was replaced, the holiday was yet to happen and my mother and I were having sex together.

My whole world had rotated hugely from it's normal axis in the space of just a few hours. I shook my head in wonderment, then gazed anew at my lovely lover.

Mum was spreadeagled on the bed now with her busy fingers making her hips buck and tremble with excited animation. Her other hand was at her breast, her fingers teasing her nipple as I watched while her tongue kept licking and moistening her luscious lips. There was only one thing I could do and that was to quickly settle my knees between her legs and dive in, cock first!

No sooner thought than done and immediately Mum pulled her hand to one side, opening her slippery wet pussy to me as I aimed my penis at her hole.

"Ahhh! Put it in darling!" she said eagerly, "I want you right now; I need you!"

"You wouldn't like me to use my tongue on you first?" I asked but Mum shook her head.

"No darling, not yet – I want that lovely cock back in me again," she said as my tip touched her lips, "Don't muck about – just stick it in!"

She was so eager that it was as if she'd just discovered sex, just discovered how good it was and I beamed happily.

"Ok, no problem," I said quickly, "Here it comes then."

I drove my cock into her wet pussy – there was a slight catch as I stretched her vaginal opening, then I just slid inside until my entire length was buried once again, until my belly pressed against Mum's.

"Ahhhhh!" she breathed happily, "Thank you darling, ohhh, that's what I wanted!"

Deeply embedded in my loving mother's body I paused now, just gently rotating my hips to move my cock around inside her.

"Just before we get on with this," my infuriatingly uptight mind asked, "Are you sure that I'm what you want?"

Mum nodded furiously but said nothing so I carried on.

"What I mean is that we're son and mother – we shouldn't be doing this, should we?" I asked, "And obviously you should have a husband and I should be looking for a wife."

I felt her vaginal walls stirring, tightening and arousing me even as I spoke but I ignored the feelings, or at least I tried to ignore them as I attempted to explain my thoughts.

"What I mean is that what we're doing is incest so we can't very well tell everyone, can we," I added, "And then there's the age difference and so on."

I moved my cock in and out of her hole, sliding sweetly through her exciting flesh, the increase in pleasure as good as cancelling out any adverse feelings, but I continued with my explanation.

"So I'm not really your cup of tea, am I?" I said as I attempted to provoke her, "You need someone your own kind of age to settle down with."

"I do not!" said Mum her voice hard for once, "Why should I conform? Why should I be stuck with someone who can't keep up with me?"

She paused and let her pussy do the talking as it smoothed my troubled mind and caressed my erection.

"Aren't I any good as a lover then?" she asked, her voice much softer and sweeter now.

"You're wonderful," I said, feeling her body excite me all through and causing me to thrust my cock into her repeatedly, "Bloody brilliant actually."

"Well then, just enjoy it!" she said as she continued to raise my desire, "I'm living the dream!"

She bucked her hips powerfully up at me, causing my cock to penetrate deeply. She hissed her pleasure at the stretching of her vagina then squeezed my cock in a python's grip and grinned at me.

"My wonderful son who's been so supportive is right here in bed with me and what better place to show him that I love him?" she said languidly, her body and voice now caressing me, "And the very least I can do is to repay some of your love, in the best way possible."

Her words seemed to power me into action and we began rutting now, making love strongly, our bodies moving from head to toe in a delicious unity and union. We kissed at length, wet sloppy kisses with lots of tongue and warm breathing and loving noises.

"Ohhh Chris, fuck me, fuck me," intoned Mum, her body writhing constantly with her extreme arousal, "Keep going – keep doing that!"

I could swear that she'd have swallowed me alive into her vagina had she been able to – it certainly felt as if she was trying to absorb me; combine me with her flesh in a symbiotic union.

Her arms and legs and lips seemed to be everywhere around me while her lively pussy ate my cock alive and I knew immediately that if we kept this pace up I wouldn't last a lot longer.

"You'll make me cum again if you're not careful," I warned but Mum merely kissed me while her body continued to squirm and move sexily.

"Good, good," she answered, her breath coming quicker now, "Cos I'm not going to last much longer either!"

There was nothing to hold me back now and with long and energetic strokes I pistoned my cock in and out again and again while Mum responded with her own luscious movements. She seemed to have turned liquid around me, flowing everywhere at once – if it wasn't her fingers raking me then it was her heels pulling me into her; if it wasn't her pussy caressing and sucking at me then it was her lips and everything she did was powerfully erotic and very stimulating.

A few more strokes and I'd be on the brink of filling her again and I warned her that the end was close.

"Gonna cum," I said, feeling the advance warning twinges, "Not long now!"

"Yes, darling, good!" said Mum again as her body tightened around me, "Do it – fill me – fuck me!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" I intoned as I slammed my cock hard and fast into her hungry pussy, "Get ready – it's cumming, it's cumming!"

"Yeahhhhh!" yelled Mum, her voice seeming to echo around the room, "Let it go – I'm with you!"

And then I was gushing, gasping and groaning as I unloaded another orgasmic load of hot cum into my mother's welcoming body and she was crying randomly while her body did it's very best to suck me inside her to join my fluid offering.

"Ohh darling – I can feel it!" cried Mum, "Ohhh that's lovely – that's wonderful – oh that's so good!"

"Uhhh yeahhh!" I grunted as my final squirt of cum left my penis, "Ohh, bloody hell, that was incredible!"

We slumped together, still united in many ways it seemed, clinging together wetly; seminal fluids splattered at our groins; sweat covering my chest and Mum's heaving breasts and saliva mingling in our sloppily kissing mouths. But we had to lift and separate – we both needed air – lots of air.

I knelt more upright now with my penis still buried inside Mum's twitching hole and looked lovingly down at her as she too panted deeply.

"That was good Mum," I said as my breathing recovered, "God, you're hot stuff!"

"I know I am!" she replied with a big wide grin, "And that's another reason why I need you! I told you I need a young man who can keep up with me and just as importantly I need someone who can love all of me."

"So not someone to marry and all that?" I asked but Mum shook her head.

"No, I'm not worried about the marriage bit; I just want you darling, not anyone else," she said softly, "If you'll have me, that is."

"I just have, haven't I!" I replied as I grinned too, "So you really want me and not just any young guy?"

"Just you and I'll love you forever," she said soothingly, "And I'm fit, so no health problems to slow me down – and I'm always horny!"

We laughed together as her vagina squeezed me and caused my cock to regain some of it's hardness, then we leaned together for a warm and loving kiss.

"Mmmmm darling," she hummed into my mouth, "You're perfect!"

"You're not so bad yourself," I answered as I flexed my cock inside her, "Certainly good in bed!"

She blew me a final wet kiss as our lips and mouths parted.

"We can move if you like," said Mum and thinking that she'd had enough I began to lift myself away from her but she held me in place.

"No, I meant we – you and I; we could always move, you know, sell up and move and I'll change my name and we can start afresh," she said in a rush, "You'll be my lover rather than my son and no-one will know and we can live together and..."

She stopped talking and looked at me expectantly while I considered her words.

It certainly wasn't a bad idea; a new home would be for her and me, leaving all the unhappy memories of dad behind and it would save me the hassle of house-hunting for myself too. It would also save me having a lonely mum – one who would probably then keep asking me to visit her anyway. Everything added up; my darling Mum was so young to look at, so vivacious, so pretty – and so sexy and when I remembered to include the fantastic sex we'd been having that there was only one thing I could say.

"Ok – you're on!" I said suddenly and eagerly, "Let's go for it!"

"Honestly?" she asked, her warm face glowing with excitement, "You really would stay with me?"

I nodded happily as I felt her exciting vagina come alive again around my penis, squeezing me hard while another set of internal muscles seemed to stroke and caress my instrument.

"Why not?" I countered, "We get on well together and we think alike and..."

"...and we make love together so well!" added Mum, interrupting quickly.

"Yeah, twice in succession!" I said, "Not bad for a old woman!"

"Owwww!" I gasped as her internal muscles tried to crush the life out of my cock, "That hurt."

"Well, you hurt me when you said that, so there," said Mum grinning and adding a more friendly squeeze, "So – you're willing to give it a go?"

"Sure," I answered, "We'll make a good team."

"No darling, not a good team, a good couple," she added, "A good loving couple too."

I bent and kissed her, Mum's lips warm and soft against mine and we clung together in love, our bodies soft against each other until finally we'd unwound the tension of our discussions, then, with the usual mess of seminal fluids and applications of towels we rearranged ourselves on the bed, side by side.

"I'll put the house on the market tomorrow," said Mum, eager to please, "I don't suppose it'll take all that long to find a buyer and..."

"Whoa," I said as I grabbed Mum's hand and held it, "There's no panic."

"But I want us to be proper lovers as soon as we can," said Mum.

I laughed while caressing her fingers.

"I'm happy enough as we are for now; we don't have to move," I said, "It's not as if we're having sex out in front of the house; it's all in private, isn't it?"

Mum nodded and smiled.

"Just so long as we behave when we're out and about," I said, "But what we do indoors is another matter altogether!"

"Will you sleep with me?" asked Mum as her own fingers responded to mine, "Here in my nice big bed, please?"

"Course I will," I answered happily, "I wonder how much sleep I'll get though!"

"Mmmm, not a lot if I have my way!" Mum answered as her other hand moved to her groin, "Ohhh darling, I'm sure I could do it all over again!"

"Tomorrow," I suggested, feeling totally relaxed now, "Anyway, before we even think of moving we've got that holiday to enjoy."

"So we have, I'd almost forgotten about it!" exclaimed Mum, suddenly animated, "Now that's going to be fun, isn't it!"

"Certainly be enjoyable," I said, "All that relaxing and lazing about..."

"You won't have time for that!" said Mum with a giggle, "Don't forget, I'll be there with you!"

"Oh and in your new swimsuit of course," I added and Mum blew me a kiss.

"It's all thanks to that swimsuit, isn't it?" asked Mum as we reclined again, "If my old one had have fitted me none of this would have happened."

There was a small silence as we contemplated our words, then Mum spoke again.

"Oh I tell a lie," she said, "It was going to happen one day, wasn't it. The holiday and the swimsuit just happened to came along at the right time."

"Was it?" I queried, "Were you that certain we'd be in bed together?"

"It wasn't just me, was it?" replied Mum as her hand stroked lazily over my abdomen, "I used to watch you watching me but you were so straight-laced once."

She stopped and reaching over she put her fingers around my cock, which immediately began to respond.

"And then we found this thing, didn't we!" she said as she stroked me deliciously, "Perfect timing!"

"Hey, speaking of timing, my rugby!" I said but Mum held me down.

"That must have finished ages ago," she said, her hand now stroking my erection, "So how about we start another game?"

"Mummies and daddies?" I suggested wickedly and Mum laughed happily.

"Come on then," she said as she rolled over, kissed my cock and sat up, "Who wants to be on top!"

I didn't care – I was on top of the world anyway.

My wonderful Mum and I were a couple now and things could only get even better.