Why Should I Leave Home Ch. 02


This is the second and final part of this story; one that started with the slow demise of my father, the needs and love of my mother and my descent into debauchery in her arms.

It's a sordid story of lust, love and incest that takes time to brew and develop and ideally you'll need to read Chapter 1 to get the feel of things.

In a nutshell, Mum and I had battled our way through life without Dad and only slowly had we prospered but then I won a luxury holiday – a week of being pampered at a coastal villa...and without a girlfriend, who else could I invite along but my mother.

As a result of our celebrating Mum and I became lovers and soon became a couple – a couple of ardent lovers.

So this is the story of that holiday – a week of unbridled lust and fun.


Now that Mum and I had become lovers, nothing held us back. Sure Mum still worked part-time and I had to work too but as soon as I was home Mum was there to feed me, love me and above all to relax me. We slept together and almost every night cries of happiness and lust would ring out as we fucked energetically while Mum became a real connoisseur of my cock.

I was now 21 and in the prime of my health and was so damn horny that it was all I could do not to jerk one off each lunchtime despite Mum's lusty pussy each night. Spunk seemed to be produced by the gallon and I wish I'd been able to keep count of the number of hours that my cock was erect!

But Mum quite understood my eagerness and not only helped me keep fit but ensured that we both ate well. We agreed that any money saved thanks to the 'free' week away would go toward our own small gym and if anything was left thereafter, it would be used to pay for health club memberships. Times were changing and our lives were changing too.

Mum seemed to have acquired a knack of knowing just what I needed in the way of sex, perhaps because we always spoke briefly on the phone as I left the office, so she was able to understand my mood. Heck, I was seldom moody but Mum could sense when I was feeling frivolous or irritated; happy or tired, grumpy or buoyant and in the few minutes we were on the phone she'd be able to plan her reception.

One evening therefore she might be dressed mysteriously, then leading me through unexpected mental or even physical exercises as she teased me into arousal. Perhaps she'd be demure and motherly or another time she'd go the opposite way and be there waiting for me in the lounge stark naked while playing with herself with a large vibrator. We bought that instrument at Mum's request, as she said she needed something for when I wasn't there and the one we chose was remarkably similar in size and shape to my own instrument.

"I don't want it to heal over while you're at work!" she said with a giggle when we ordered the vibrator, "Anyway, just in case you decide not to come back I'll have something to remember you by."

And on the rare days when work had been arduous, she'd be there to massage me into a relaxed state of mind; then I'd usually return the compliment and a sweet evening of softness and love would ensue.

To be honest, there was little chance that I'd stray; Mum was more than enough for me, what with work as well and the few girls who worked in the office seemed to leave a lot to be desired, especially when compared to my sexy mother.

You see, Mum had all that I desired in a woman. A sensible maturity – no silly vapours or fits of pique. An innate intelligence that worked perfectly in conjunction with mine. A broad interest in just about everything and a desire to expand both her knowledge and mine. Knowledge, I might add, not just of the world about us but of sexual expression and experience. An incredible body with curves in all the right places and speaking of those curves, within weeks of our first get-together she lost a fair bit of spare fat and now seemed to fit that swimming costume absolutely perfectly. Somehow her bust remained loaded while her waist, arse and thighs had all trimmed down and tightened up, so now she was even more exciting for me, a true tit-lover!

She was my ideal woman and it seemed that I was her ideal man.

The day after our very first sexual union started off somewhat tensely because neither of us knew what to say or how to act. We, mother and son, had committed the ultimate sin of incest but we'd absolutely loved it and had every intention of continuing our tryst. But nevertheless we both felt shy the next day.

I'd woken early, quickly observed my sleeping mother there beside me and although I had my inevitable 'morning wood' I felt no desire to make use of it, in fact I slid noiselessly from our bed, crept to the toilet, gathered my clothes then washed and dressed downstairs.

I sat quietly having my breakfast while I considered the situation but I could come up with no alternative ideas. I'd already agreed to take Mum with me for our luxury week away; I'd already agreed to sleep in her bed and we'd already made love. There was precious little I could come up with to make any form of amends to society.

It was Sunday though, so at least I didn't have to go to work today but that also meant that I could probably look forward to some delicious sex and I hardly knew what to do next. I didn't want to interrupt Mum's beauty sleep but as I sat there I found my mind slipping back to review our activities and the second that I did, I felt my cock begin to gather strength and knew that any resolve to stop our incestuous activity was lost.

My mind's eye saw Mum as she undressed; as her fabulous tits appeared before me; as she displayed her deliciously scented pussy and as she wrapped her warm and loving arms around me and pulled me to her for a wild and wanton kiss.

"Ohhh fuck!" I muttered as I pushed my growing penis into a more comfy position, "Fuckin' gorgeous!"

I massaged my cock gently as more memories slid past my eyes and felt my pelvis thrusting my cock forward as if to penetrate deep into my mother's firm and hot body.

"Yeahhh!" I breathed as my cock jerked in my fist, "I did enjoy that!"

"Mmmm, so did I!" came a voice from right behind me and there was Mum smiling over my shoulder.

"Damn!" I said with a chuckle, "I was wondering if I should come and wake you up – I was just getting ready."

"So I see, and that looks nice," she said as she slid around my shoulder, her firm breasts pressing deliciously against my arm, "Hope it's all for me!"

"Who else?" I countered, "Of course it is Mum – and good morning since you're down now!"

"And to you lover," said Mum as she stretched down and softly stroked her fingers over my erection.

"Ohhh, breakfast first Mum," I said as I flexed my hips then lifted my face to kiss her gently, "There's some coffee there; shall I make you a cuppa?"

"Mmmm, yes please darling," she answered as she sat in the chair beside mine, "Did you sleep well?"

"Think so," I answered, my mind occupied with filling her cup, "And you?"

"Like a log!" she replied, "But errr, how come you got up and left me there on my own?"

I delayed my reply while I finished her coffee and placed it on the table and then I sat back down.

"I suppose I wanted time to think," I said carefully, "Time to sort of chew over things."

"Like what?" asked Mum.

"Oh I don't know," I said vaguely, "Just things."

Our faltering conversation died as we both attacked our coffees and we sat silently together for several minutes before Mum banged down her empty mug and stood up.

"Come on Chris," she said firmly, "We can't have this – we're either lovers or we're not. So what is it?"

"Oh I don't know," I said, "I suppose I'm just not used to the idea. I mean, fucking my mother of all things!"

"But you've always wanted me, haven't you?" she replied as she leaned forward towards me, "And I think I've always wanted you too."

I lifted my eyes and was immediately met by a large expanse of exposed breast as Mum's gown fell open and in an instant my mind was reconnected.

How could I possibly reject my dream – how could I not want to make love to this woman! I knew exactly what I wanted!

"Yessss!" I hissed as my mind cleared and my cock rose again, "Yes, I do want you!"

"Ohhh darling, that's what I wanted to hear!" said Mum as she moved quickly and perched herself on the table beside me, "Now, soon or later?"

With that she swept her gown open to reveal that she was entirely naked underneath.

"Now I think, right now!" I said, suddenly well and truly aroused.

I drew in a deep breath and then, in a flurry of activity I undressed and moved so that I knelt between Mum's legs while Mum just sat there on the edge of the table smiling and waiting.

"I love you Mum," I said softly, "And I want you and I want to make love to you always!"

"Ohhh yess! Now was that always or all ways?" asked Mum with a wink, "Let's see, there's still so many ways we haven't tried yet, aren't there!"

"Are we going to try some of them then?" I asked with a returned wink, "What are you up for then?"

"Anything!" breathed Mum softly, "Whatever you like!"

I could have made some rude suggestions but since I was kneeling facing my mother's pussy there was only one place to start.

I let my gaze settle on her groin and with my face on a level with Mum's tummy and my hands now resting on her thighs I could hardly avoid staring at her lovely pussy.

She must have preened her pubes because they seemed to glisten and shine as they tried to hide her lovely charms and from where I was it needed only a slight movement for me to be able to slide my thumbs over her bush and to part her hairs while my fingers caressed her abdomen.

"Ohhh darling!" Mum breathed, as her body squirmed under my touch, "So gentle – that's lovely."

She was panting already but I'd hardly started.

With a quick adjustment of my posture I moved until my face was just inches from her groin while above me Mum's hands came and rested on my head, her fingers stroking my scalp sensuously. I breathed deeply, happily absorbing the delicious sleep-warmed scent of her womanly charms. I felt my penis jerking eagerly as the erotic smell infiltrated my brain and knew that without a doubt we'd be fucking again before long but first I leaned closer and closer, then stuck out my tongue. I felt it touch the springiness of her wiry pubes, then I used my thumbs to part them and just let my open mouth rest softly between her lips.

"Ahhhh!" sighed Mum, her fingers moving slowly against my scalp, "Use your tongue darling, yes, your tongue!"

I formed it into a hard point and explored her lips, feeling the slippery texture of her flesh, then finding her vagina itself. Mum gasped anew as I stuck my tongue into her hole and then her fingers tightened on my scalp as I probed as far into her hole as I could.

"Ahhh yesss!" she hissed, "Ohhh Chris!"

I withdrew and slid my tongue up and over her clit.

"Ohhh!" she gasped, "Ohhh darling, yesss!"

Her clitoris stood erect already, a miniature penis and one that loved attention. This was the first time I'd ever used my tongue on it though and I'd obviously been depriving Mum of some powerful pleasure.

"Ahhhh!" gasped Mum again, but this time more loudly, "Ohhh darling; super, ohhh, ohhh yesss – do that – ahhh, yes, like that!"

I flicked my tongue back and forward over my mother's clit, occasionally ignoring it for long seconds to tease her. Each time I did that Mum held her breath and each time I returned to her sensitive clit she gasped anew, then let her breath out gently.

I pressed my mouth over her protruding flesh and sucked, my actions causing Mum's hips to buck so hard that I thought she'd end up in my lap but somehow she remained perched on the table but already she was very excited.

"Don't tease me," she groaned as her hands pressed my face hard into her pussy, "Ohhh Chris, that's so good, I love it!"

With my nose pressed against her flesh I could hardly breathe but my tongue continued to flick and caress her clit even as my mouth remained clamped over it and I gently nipped her flesh with my teeth.

"Ahhh!" cried Mum, her body quivering all over, "Ohh darling – do it again – yesss again!"

With pleasure I did so, knowing full well that Mum was now nearing an orgasm and I added to her excitement by reaching up with one hand to hold her breast. It took me a few moments to locate and capture her nipple and now I squeezed and gently pinched it in time with my ministrations at her pussy.

Mum's legs came up and gripped my waist as I excited her – she was breathing fast now and her whole body seemed to be in motion. Waves of orgasmic excitement made her tremble and jerk and each movement seemed stronger and more uncontrolled. My cock was responding too as my own hips rolled and squirmed, pushing my erection upwards. I felt something happening down there and I didn't even need to glance to know that my foreskin had just rolled back from my knob. I concentrated on Mum again, leaving her clit for a little while as I delved back down her pussy to find her hole again. It was wetter now, slippery with her juices and I lapped my tongue through them, tasting her ambrosial nectar, loving the sexy aroma too.

"Ohhh darling, don't stop!" gasped Mum, her fingers pressing into my scalp, "Here it cums – here it cums!"

In an instant she froze for a moment or two; a moment in which I moved back to her clit and sucked it into my tight mouth.

"Yesss!" screamed Mum, "Cumming! Oh Chris – oh darling – I'm cumming!"

I suddenly had an out-of-control female body before me; almost on top of me; one that was now writhing and jerking furiously, shaking the table and rattling the mugs with her orgasm; one that was driving itself against my lips and flooding my mouth with delicious juice. A great stream of fluid filled my mouth and overflowed onto my lap as Mum climaxed wildly, noisily and thoroughly. I swallowed quickly as Mum's cum juice squirted once again.

"Oh my God!" she wailed, "I can't stop!"

But stop she did eventually; her body became soft and pliable and her grip on my scalp and my waist relaxed. Every so often she would spasm, a sudden jerking and quivering as she slowly came down from her apex and then she was still, as good as motionless now except for her breathing. I lifted my head away from her groin to survey the wreckage, discovering that Mum looked fine, that her pussy was a wet mess, that my face was in much the same condition and that my entire front was wetted by her juices.

"You made me squirt!" she said between breaths, "I've only ever done that once before!"

"Fun!" I said with a smile as my tongue licked my slightly flavoured lips, "You really let loose, didn't you!"

"I couldn't help it darling," said Mum as she put her hand over her pussy, "Oh gosh, that was so good, incredible."

"Was hot wasn't it," I agreed, "And so wet!"

"Look at you!" said Mum as she leaned forward and gazed at my body, "I nearly drowned you, didn't I?"

"Wonderful," I said, as I stretched out, snagged a towel from the side and began wiping my body, "There's not many women who can do that."

"Can we do it again?" asked Mum, "You will, won't you – you'll make me do that again?"

"Now, soon or later?" I asked, repeating my question with a grin, "Or shall we go back to bed?"

Mum's eyes weren't looking at mine though; she was still looking downwards – then she lifted her eyes and smiled.

"Almost forgot your lovely penis," she said, "Look at you – all hard and eager!"

"I can wait Mum," I said but Mum shook her head.

"No darling, I'm all hot and ready – let me make use of that lovely erection right now!" she said, "I'll stay right here for you and maybe you'll make me do it again."

With that she leaned back and then let her body flatten onto the table top with her legs splayed and with a brief wriggle she was ready for me, her arse almost over the edge of the table. I stood up and as I did so my erection slid up between her cheeks and almost lodged into her vagina immediately.

"Perfect!" Mum said as she felt my cock against her, "Come on darling, please put it in – all of it!"

It was only a matter of aligning my penis with her hole, shuffling forward and pressing my cock into her body and it just slid in with barely any resistance.

"You make me so wet," said Mum as her body welcomed me, "No, not just squirting wet but so slippery wet too; it's amazing."

"I said it was fun!" I added as I pressed forward, "Makes me even harder when you do that."

"That's not possible," she replied as she squeezed my cock with her vaginal muscles, "Anyway you feel quite hard enough to me."

I felt Mum starting to respond to my thrusts while her hands moved to slide over her breasts until her fingers found her nipples but I left her to get on with it while I teased her clit. I had the distinct feeling that the combination of strong penile thrusts and quick stimulation of her clit combined would set her off again and I was eager to see her impressions of a fountain again.

I was obviously having some fair effect because Mum was pulling at her nipples with considerable strength now, stretching them some distance and causing herself to squeak with painful pleasure. I thrust even harder ��� then stopping as my balls slammed against the edge of the table – and calmed down again but the semi-delicious pain in both of our bodies had stirred things up.

She released her nipples and grabbed my arms as I supported myself, pulling her body towards me so that my cock was driven deeply inside her.

"It's lovely, you're stretching me in there," she breathed, "I love it when it hurts a little bit like that."

"It's the only pain you'll get from me," I answered, feeling soft and loving, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You're so sweet," she murmured as her movements became faster, "Do you know what darling – it's wonderful to be fucked, you know, really fucked, but it's just as nice sometimes just to be loved gently."

"Best of both worlds, eh, Mum?" I said and Mum hummed and nodded.

"And I'm going to be in the next world if you keep doing that!" she said, her body tighter around me now, "I think I'm getting close again."

"Do you want to see if we can do that again? You know, squirt?" I asked and Mum nodded vigorously.

"You might have to so some cleaning up if I do!" she said, "Grab my nip – just one and use your other hand down there – and fuck me, harder, faster!"

Quickly I complied, two fingers and a thumb of one hand twisting her nipple while I managed to slide my other hand down over her clit and all the while I tried to keep sliding my cock in and out. To use both hands in different places and to keep banging away steadily felt remarkably complicated but it seemed as if it was going to be worth it as Mum's body began to respond more strongly.

That she was already excited was clear but it was also apparent that when Mum really had a good orgasm then she'd go right over the top – and that I wanted to see.

Things were coming to the boil now because not only Mum was getting close. I was now feeling those delicious shudders and contractions inside me as my inner muscles prepared for the big blow off and I tried hard to reach every part of Mum's erotic anatomy.

"Ohhh Chris!" said Mum suddenly, "Ohhh darling, don't stop now! Harder – harder! I'm going to cum!"

I leaned back to give myself as much access to her clit as I could obtain and strummed my fingers over it as I slammed my very rigid penis into her time and time again.

"Oooooh!" gasped Mum, "Here it cums!"

Suddenly she was bucking under me; throwing her hips up to reach me; her arse leaving the table completely as she arched her back in her ecstasy.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she cried quickly, "Here it comes!"

I dragged my cock from her hole and whipped my hand away from her clit just as a genuine fountain of fluid squirted high into the air. It fell back over her belly just as another long fountain erupted, the jet not so perfectly formed this time and this one splattering it's contents back over our groins.

"Wow Mum!" I exclaimed, "Incredible!"

Mum's amazing display was somehow sending waves of energy into my body and despite my cock not being in any way near her it still felt as if it was about to explode. Quickly I slammed my cock back where it belonged, discovering that Mum's vagina seemed to have tightened and now was about to strip me of my spunk.

"Mum – cumming!" I cried as I pushed my pulsating penis deeply into her.

Her body seemed to come alive in an instant and as I fought to control Mum's rampaging body so my cock jerked mightily and blasted jet after jet of hot cum deep into my mother's vagina and womb.

"Ahhhh!" I cried as air was forced from my lungs by the muscular contractions that emanated from my groin, "Ahhh Mum – yessss, oh yeah!"

"Oh Chris – oh Chris!" she panted as her body shuddered and shook; as her hands tried to crush my arms; as her arse bounced on the table, "Oh God – I can't stop!"

But stop she did – eventually. The crescendo had been reached and now came the long slow descent from the peak, a gradual decline, interspersed by occasional twitches and contractions. Mum's vagina still had a good grip on my cock though and I moved it slowly in and out, just pleasuring myself with the erotic friction of our incestuous activity. Small streams of sweat and other liquids were dripping and running down my body as I stood there panting while on the table Mum too was bathed in liquids but she was bathed in smiles too and her vagina still held me firmly.

I moved my penis around and felt the warm wet spunk as it bathed my knob and Mum's vagina. I pressed inwards and a gush of white spunk squeezed out and gathered between Mum's lips but I was too knackered for now to do anything with it. Instead I merely regained my breath and allowed my body to cool back down while Mum apparently did the same.

"That was so wild!" she said, breaking into my reverie, "I don't think I've been so wet since I last had a shower...and speaking of showers, I think we ought to have one now, don't you?"

I nodded my agreement, too exhausted temporarily to do much else at that moment.

"Well, come on then, we can't have a shower here, can we?" said Mum and I shook my head as I returned to the land of the living.

"Yeah," I said, my mind still swirling with sexy memories, "No, sorry – no, not here – I'd better move then."

"No, no, don't start that again!" said Mum, playing on my words, "The only moves you're going to make will be on me!"

I laughed, then reached for the towel, pressed it over Mum's pussy and slowly slid my cock from it's happy home.

"Ugghhh!" said Mum, as she held the towel in place, "I felt that!"

I pulled her upright and then lifted her off the table and into my arms whereupon we kissed warmly and tenderly. Mum's delicious breasts squashed against me and I felt a quiver of excitement moving through my cock, one that Mum apparently felt too as we clung together.

"No you don't!" she said, "Shower time."

I could now tell you all about how we showered together, caressed and stroked and loved each other – but I won't. Then I could fill you in with our energetic love-making as we grew closer and more attune with each other. And I could load this story with chatter about our daily lives. But I won't.

Because this is supposed to be the story of our week away so I'm going to skip a few weeks – right forward actually to the day we headed down south, to our home from home for the week. In the weeks beforehand we intentionally avoided any research into the place, knowing only that it was a top class hotel, specifically set up to cater for breaks for those from the cream of commerce so whatever happened, the accommodation was going to be good.

And so it was. We drove down since we wanted our own freedom to explore if we had time and arrived safely early in the afternoon, finding ourselves sweeping into a wide expanse of gardens and paths with a big red brick mansion beckoning to us in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

Everything then seemed to happen so quickly – we arrived and were met by several liveried staff; the car was driven away out of sight; we were booked in quickly and then were taken to our suite wherein our bags had somehow already been deposited. In the suite too were arrays of flowers fit for a queen and more champagne than I'd ever seen in one place at once and Mum was awhirl with excitement.

Hardly had the door closed behind us than she was leaping into my arms, for all the world as if she'd cast off some twenty years or more, smothering the life out of me as she held me tightly and kissed me madly.

"I can't believe it!" she breathed huskily into my ear, "Oh Chris, how on earth did you manage it?"

I felt as if she'd asked me how I'd managed to set the place up so perfectly all on my own but I knew that her words were just the exuberant expression of a woman in love; a woman excited beyond anything that her normal life had allowed.

"You like it?" I asked, as if indeed I had organised the room, "Suitable for madam?"

"Oh, you know what I mean," said Mum as she kissed her way back to my mouth, "I'm just so thrilled, so happy...come on, put me down lover boy!"

She drifted away from me as she checked the room's features, standing eventually at the open doors to the balcony, then she turned and beckoned me to join her outside.

"Look, there's a pool and a Jacuzzi and, and...there's the beach!" she exclaimed excitedly, "Oh darling – it's perfect!"

She spun around again and plastered herself against me, kissing me energetically and rubbing herself deliciously against me and I immediately felt my body responding.

"Have we got time?" she breathed as she stroked my rising penis through my trousers, "I'm sure we have – damn, I'm going make sure we have!"

In the few moments she'd been pressing against me she'd managed to undo my trousers and now she pushed them down my legs and began undoing her dress. To be honest, she hardly needed to remove her dress anyway since her delicious breasts had been generously on show and she'd already shown me that all she was wearing underneath were some very skimpy knickers but the symbolic undressing (and deflowering of course) was a necessary rite of passage as we consummated our love in our new home from home.

Knowing full well that Mum would get her way I removed the rest of my clothes – just moments before Mum was throwing herself full length onto the bed, to sprawl there with arms and legs spread for me.

I quickly joined her and reclined beside her, then rolled over so that we could kiss.

"Mmmmmm," she hummed as we smooched and devoured each other, "Ohhh darling, come on, come here, do me!"

There was no finesse, just an urgent desire to be united and even as I lifted myself on top of her, Mum's hand was guiding my erection into her slippery slit.

"I'm so ready for you!" she sighed as her hips lifted towards my down-pointing penis, "Just a nice quickie; I just want to feel – ohhh – you're in!"

She was so slippery wet that once again I slid inside her lovely vagina with hardly a hitch; she was designed to accommodate me perfectly and no sooner than I was embedded than she was working her hips up and down my penis, her lively pussy insatiably active.

"Don't cum inside me," she pleaded as her vaginal walls squeezed my cock powerfully, "I'll be sticky and horrible all afternoon, I'll finish you off with my mouth instead, please."

While it was always an incredible sensation to pump my spunk back into the hole I'd come from, my penis was less discerning, merely being content with being emptied every so often so her suggestion was fine with me and actually made sense but nevertheless I continued to thrust my rampant cock into my mother's hole with unabated eagerness.

"Yes daring," said Mum, proving that my intent was the right one, "Like that – fast – hard – quick!"

I was pounding her pussy now, driving her back down onto the bed but she still responded as if she'd never been fucked like this before, filling the air with ecstatic cries and gasps of delight.

"Wonderful!" she cried, "My goodness, I'm going to cum!"

I thought that that was the general idea but it was the speed of the arrival of her orgasm that was surprising her but her responses were very much in tune. Her legs kept tightening around my hips, her hands were pulling me down to her and her lips were reaching up to me eagerly.

"Mmmm, mmmm, mmmmmm!" she hummed into my mouth as she began to climax, "Ohhhhhh!"

Our mouths parted just as Mum reached the top of her frantic orgasm and she cried out like a wild creature with noises you'd hardly expect to come from a woman, then cut them off with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh darling, whatever will they think?" she asked, "I couldn't stop – I just had to let it go!"

"They'll think you were enjoying yourself," I said softly, as I stroked my cock in and out of her pulsating, quivering hole with measured calmness, "Isn't that what we came down here for anyway?"

"But I'm a grown woman!" she said, as if grown women weren't supposed to enjoy themselves, "And I'm your mother for that matter!"

I pressed my cock firmly and deeply into Mum's hole and held it there.

"I know that and so do you, but they don't, do they?" I said, "You're supposed to be my girlfriend and anyway, you don't look old enough to be my mother – you could easily be my girl."

I could see by the way Mum's face brightened even more that I'd paid her the ultimate compliment but it was true – she certainly didn't act or look her age. Sure, she was obviously somewhat older than me but not by a whole generation. Not only that, her pussy had been as good as unused for the past ten years or more and it certainly worked perfectly now even to the point that I found myself having to distract my mind or risk shooting off. Fortunately Mum seemed to recognise the signals and patted me gently on the shoulder.

"Come on, lift up darling," she said, "Lie on your back and I'll finish you off."

I eased my penis from her loving vagina, her slippery juices forming a glistening thread between our two sex organs for a few moments and then shortly afterwards I was lying there; Mum had rolled onto her hip and one elbow and her hand was now around my cock.

"He's a lovely thing," she said as she eased my foreskin up and down, "So hard and yet so soft."

She smiled benevolently at me then moved down the bed until I could feel her warm breath and her soft hair on my abdomen.

"Ahhh!" I gasped as her mouth began exploring, "Oh yesss Mum, yesss!"

Mum looked up from my groin and waved a finger at me.

"I think you'd better call me Paula while we're down here," she said with a smile, "We don't want them to think we're up to anything!"

"Bit late for that!" I said, "I bet they heard you down town!"

"I told you, I couldn't help it," said Mum as she pulled a face, "I won't be in trouble will I?"

"We're here to enjoy ourselves, aren't we?" I said, "And I think we'd be a strange couple if we didn't enjoy some good earthy sex while we're here, so just let it go."

"You think so?" asked Mum, still reticent, "I'm sure I'll blush like anything when we go downstairs."

"Don't be silly," I said as I stroked her back, "Relax and smile, that's all you need to do!"

"I can't smile when I've got this thing in my mouth!" she said with a wink, "I've got the message – now let me get the spunk to go with it!"

Then it was my turn to gasp anew as her skilful mouth and active tongue stroked, caressed, stretched and squeezed my cock until, aided by her hand on my shaft I found myself about to explode.

"Gonna cum, gonna cum Paula," I gasped, as my hips shook and jerked, "I can feel it!"

"Let it go – I'm ready!" she answered quickly before her mouth descended once again to strip me of my essence.

"Yes, yesss!" I gasped urgently, "Here it cums!"

"Oooo!" breathed Mum, "Bloody hell!"

She lifted away and cleared her throat then settled back over my cock to let me finish off.

"Haaaa," I gasped as my jumping, spastic hips and cock settled back, "Oh Mum, that was good!"

"Say Paula or I won't do it again!" said Mum sociably, "That was a big load, wasn't it?"

"Sorry Paula. I don't know – it just felt good from here," I answered and Mum hummed her response.

"Felt like a lot from here," she said as she wiped her lips, "Had to swallow twice."

"You're good, you know," I said as Mum sat up, "And I can't believe how sexy you've become."

She climbed off the bed and stood there licking her lips erotically.

"Wouldn't be the same without you," she answered as she crossed the room towards the en suite bathroom, "Won't be long."

With that she disappeared into the bathroom and eventually I joined her for a quick clean up.

She was brushing her teeth as I entered and she paused and took the brush from her mouth.

"First time I've tasted myself," she said, "Interesting taste too combined with the taste of you and your cum."

She rinsed off and dried herself before slapping my arse as she left me to finish off.

"I wasn't complaining about the taste," she said, "But I didn't want to come over as being too much of a slut!"

She laughed happily as she walked away from me, rolling her hips provocatively, then began to dress and I noticed that she put her new swimsuit on under her light floral summer dress. Soon I was dressing too, neither of us entirely certain that we were dressing correctly, but we were on holiday – off duty – so we chose to dress very casually although to be honest, Mum still looked perfect to me.

"Ok, so what's happening now we're here?" she asked and all I could do was to shrug and hold my hands out.

"No idea – but if we go downstairs we can find out what there is to do. Are you hungry yet?" I asked as I wondered if I could find something to eat.

"I've just had lunch!" said Mum with a big grin, "We'd better top you up before too long though – you'll need the energy more than me!"

Downstairs there were plenty of staff to guide us and boards showing all the various activities available, the hotel having extensive grounds and facilities for just about everything from horse riding to playing chess. There was such a huge selection of things to do that we were spoilt for choice and we dithered for ages as we perused the options before eventually choosing to enjoy a combination activity – canoeing down a small river to the beach followed by a barbequed meal on the beach and some relaxation on the sand.

A golf buggy took us to the headwater of the stream and our clothes were taken away to be delivered to the beach, leaving us in our swim wear and soon we were fitted out with flotation jackets and helmets. I loved the look on the guy's face as he fitted the jacket over Mum's buxom charms – then we were off.

It wasn't long before our skills were tested as we gathered speed and skittered through some small rapids – which brought out happy and excited cries from us both – not to mention some cries of alarm every so often. It was obviously an engineered rapids, designed for fun and relative safety so there were no sharp or hidden dangers and before long we were paddling like professionals and yelling with excitement. But before it became arduous we found ourselves sliding into the lower reaches where the water was calmer and more relaxing. It had only been about a twenty minute canoe ride to the beach but it was time enough to enjoy without becoming boring.

"Fun!" exclaimed Mum as we grounded our canoes at the small landing stage, "Made me all squirmy inside!"

"Huh!" I said, "What doesn't!"

Mum's eyes crinkled with happiness and amusement and I watched as she scanned my body, then licked her lips.

"Everything about you does," she added quietly, "You're making me feel so young again, you're giving me a whole new lease of life."

She blew me a sloppy looking kiss which I returned, then we removed our flotation gear, quickly noticing that dispensers of big fluffy towels were scattered around. We helped ourselves to several and dried off, then walked to a kiosk that was well decked out with assorted barbeque foods and once having loaded ourselves with food and drink we moved to some loungers and spread ourselves out.

A few other couples were there already and we exchanged waves and smiles and greetings before settling to demolish our fare. The food was deliciously tasty; the beach a real pleasure and the warm sun toasted us perfectly and I was about to mention sunburn when Mum delved into her bag and handed me a tube of sun cream.

"Thought we might need this," she said, "Come on, you can do me first."

She lay down on her tummy on the lounger and slipped her shoulder straps off, then peeled her suit down to her waist while I squeezed some lotion onto my hand then waited while it warmed somewhat.

"Ready?" I asked and as Mum hummed her approval I began stroking the lotion down her shoulders and back.

It spread nicely and it wasn't long before I'd reached the limits of her exposure, so I stopped.

"What's up?" Mum asked so I explained.

"No problem," she said as she slid her costume even further, "You can do my bottom now then."

I was blushing mildly as I rubbed the lotion into her perfect globes, feeling my arousal rising steadily. I tried to think of other things but failed.

"You've finished, have you?" asked Mum, then she sat up, turned around and lay down on her back, "Ok, you can do my front now!"

Her lovely breasts seemed to fill out as they found the sunshine, seemingly rising and reaching out towards me, her nipples warm soft protrusions while the bunched up costume only just covered her pubes.

"Put it away!" I hissed but Mum just smiled.

"Why should I when she's got hers out – and her – and her!" she said as she directed my gaze.

And she was right – quite a few other women were bare to the waist – and more than one was entirely naked! I felt my cock begin to fill out as I admired the delicious flesh and then gaped open-mouthed as Mum slid her costume right off too.

"Might as well join in," she said, "Anyway no way do I want to get lotion all over my nice new costume."

She lay back and held up the tube of lotion to me and quickly understanding that we were here to enjoy ourselves I squirted some more cream into my hands and reached down to Mum's lovely breasts. She thrust her breasts up at my hands, arching her back deliciously as I stroked the creamy stuff all over her warm, sleek and soft skin.

"Ohhh lovely," moaned Mum, "Ohh, you could do that all day!"

"Ahh – not if you do that!" I exclaimed with a start, because Mum's hand had found and was now holding my penis through my shorts.

"Tit for tat!" she said, "Anyway, you're making me horny with your lovely touch!"

"What, again!" I exclaimed, "You're insatiable!"

"Only insatiable for you darling," said Mum softly as her fingers curled around my hardened penis, "Come on, get your togs off too – we're going to have some fun soon!"

"I can't!" I gasped, shocked that Mum wanted us both naked in public but once again she pointed to one side.

"Why ever not?" she said, "They're at it already – isn't that the kind of thing we've come for!"

My eyes bugged out as I glanced around now. To one side of us a young couple were energetically fucking, doggy style and as I cast my eyes around further I spotted several other pairs hard at it in various poses. I had no excuses left but to get some pleasure too but instead of pausing to remove my shorts, all I had to do was to stay still then lift each leg in turn because Mum's hands were busy stripping me until we were as naked as the others.

"Ohh darling, your cock looks so good out here!" said Mum as she caressed my stiff flesh, "And it's going to feel so perfect once it's inside me."

"Do you want any more cream on you?" I asked but Mum shook her head.

She grabbed the tube, squirted some onto her own tummy and quickly spread it up and down over her thighs and torso, then lay back again on the lounger, her legs hanging on each side.

"The only cream I really want is yours!" she breathed as she pointed at her freely exposed pussy, "I want it up inside me and I want it all over me too!"

She pulled me by the cock towards her and emboldened by her eagerness I was quickly between her widespread legs as she lay back. It was a little bit precarious to be kneeling on the lounger but Mum's legs steadied us and I worried no longer.

"Yessss!" Mum hissed as I adjusted myself until my erection was poised just above her opening, "Come on darling, give it to me!"

There were cries of pleasure now rising from several sources around us and they hardened my desire and my cock and with my hand guiding me I plunged quickly in.

"Ohhh – yesss!" gasped Mum as I penetrated her, "Oooh, thank heavens I was nice and wet inside!"

She had indeed been wonderfully wet, I immediately discovered. As soon as my penis had pressed her lips apart, pushing them inwards as I drove into her, I'd found her lubricating juices copiously filling her pussy and bathing my cock. Any resistance immediately ceased and my cock almost instantly slid right inside her, deep into my mother's wonderful hole.

"Beast!" she said, but there was no malice in her voice or her face and the fact that her body was responding eagerly to my movements told me that she'd enjoyed that sudden thrust.

"It's your fault," I said as I thrust my cock deeply and steadily into her, "Beast – animal – whatever; you make me like this!"

"Stallion – bull, I don't care!" replied Mum, as she tightened her vagina round my cock, "But animal or not, the only pussy we need around here is the one you're inside!"

It was a happy fuck; we enjoyed every moment as we showed off our moves to the others nearby; as we let the warmth of the sun and our love surround us; as we gradually brought one another towards our climaxes. Because we were so aroused it was never going to be a long fuck but it was good, thrilling and a pleasurable release and despite the relatively brief activity it seemed that Mum reached several exciting, twitching, gasping climaxes before I felt my own orgasm rising.

I began to move faster and to drive my cock in and out faster, my strokes less deep now and Mum recognised the signs.

"Come on then, let it go!" she gasped, her own hips moving faster too, "Fill me – finish me off too!"

"Soon!" I gasped as I began to lose tight control of my movements, "Ohhh Mum – Paula – here it cums...any minute now!"

"Do it – fuck me – fill me!" gasped Mum as we rutted hard and fast now, "Ohhhh, let it rip darling!"

Then I lost control altogether as my hips drove my penis hard and deep into my mother's vagina and blasted a strong load of cum into her – I felt the sensation of my spunk seeming to stretch my penis, then bathing my overheated knob in it's soothing wetness.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped as another spasm unloaded another cockful of cum, "Ohh, yeahhh!"

Amid all of our excitement I remembered that Mum had wanted my cum on her as well and with an impulsive move I hauled my cock from her pussy and sprayed two long ribbons of glistening white cum right up her body. Having anointed her I thrust my cock back into her convulsing pussy to finish off what I'd started.

Mum had gasped as I'd withdrawn my cock but now she cried out loudly as she climaxed; her hands tearing at my arms, her legs trembling and shaking wildly, her mouth frantically seeking mine. We kissed deeply, our lips slippery and wet and passionate, our tongues busy everywhere, then we parted to draw breaths as our passion unwound.

My Mum looked wonderful as she lay back and relaxed. Her face was a bit red but her smile was lovely; her hair was dishevelled but beautifully while her nipples stood proudly atop her breasts, breasts that thanks to her firm body remained remarkably upright. Her thighs, abdomen and torso were glistening with assorted juices, as was my groin and her splattered breasts rose and fell as she drew deep breaths until finally she'd recovered sufficiently to look at me.

"You're getting so good at that," she said softly, "You make me cum so easily, so strongly."

Her eyes were full of love and happiness as she spoke.

"It's just the way you respond to me," I answered, pushing my cock in and out of her wet hole, "It's only this thing going in and out, in and out."

"But it's the way you do it darling," said Mum as her vagina squeezed my penis, "Ohhh, I could do that all over again!"

"Not yet you don't!" I said, feeling my penis beginning to soften, "We ought to clean up a bit anyway."

"Oh! Towel then please," said Mum, waving one hand around and I reached down and lifted one up to her.

"Ta," she said as she pressed it around my cock, "Out you come."

I swear there was a kind of sticky oozing sound at the moment my cock slid from her pussy and Mum giggled sexily.

"You don't half fill me up," she said as she swabbed her pussy and watched me as I dried my penis, "Every time – makes me wonder how you makes so much."

"Good food – good living I guess," I said, "And now some good exercise. Fancy coming for a swim?"

I pulled Mum upright and we embraced fondly and with a loving kiss, then held hands as we sauntered over the hot sand to the water but although the air was warm, the sea was still quite chilly so after we'd had a dip and a quick swim we headed back towards the refreshment kiosk for some more drinks and then back to our towels and loungers.

"Hey, we're naked!" said Mum rather belatedly, "I've never walked across a beach in the nude before, especially with other people around."

"Me neither but there's a first time for everything I guess," I said, "Anyway, it's not as if we're the only ones undressed."

Indeed, now that the afternoon had progressed somewhat more and more people were naked and a fair number of them were busy in various sexual activities. The open displays began to make me aroused again and it wasn't long before my penis stood once more, proudly showing my masculinity but I was just one of many with erections.

"Makes me a bit shy, to be honest," said Mum as we settled down again, "All this lovely sex everywhere. Makes me horny too, just like you."

"Huh – you, shy?" I asked with a wink.

Her hand slid down over her pussy but she dragged it away again quickly.

"Ohhh, no, you said I mustn't!" she hissed, "I'll be wanting to do it all over again!"

"That was earlier when I said that," I asked as I held my erection up towards her, "But I'm ready now if you are!"

"Do you think we could?" breathed Mum excitedly, "Doggy style so they can see us better!"

In a moment or two she was on her knees on the towel, wiggling her arse around in an eager display of wanton sexuality and I had no choice but to join in.

"A quick one then?" I asked, indicating my intent, "Hard and fast eh?"

"Ohhh yess," said Mum as she pushed her arse and eager pussy towards me, "Oh God, put it in right now darling, I'm going to cum the moment you poke it in me!"

Her delicious rump was a glorious sight as I lined myself up; her cheeks wonderfully rounded, her little crinkled arsehole brown and inviting, the lips of her eager pussy split and glistening with signs of her arousal. I used my hand to guide my cock into her slippery pussy, gathering glistening gelid juices on my knob, then I pressed my cock into her hole.

"Yesss!" hissed Mum as I slid deliciously into her vagina, "Ohh, ohh, oh Chris, I'm cumming – oh my God, I'm cumming!"

True to her word she began to climax at once, her whole body shuddering and shaking powerfully while cries of abandonment filled the air around her. Inside her the muscles of her vagina rippled amazingly up and down my cock, variously squeezing, sucking and pulling at me somehow. Every so often an extra strong convulsion shook her and her internal workings crushed my penis but her extreme arousal at least made her as wet as any swamp and I was still able to move my cock in and out of her delightful pussy. Such was my own excitement however that I could feel my own orgasm rising quickly.

The additional stimulation was compounded as I looked around and realised that many couples had paused their own love-making to watch us and I patted Mum's side to catch her attention.

"Oh no, they mustn't watch!" she exclaimed, "Oh Chris, keep going, I'm going to cum again – I can feel it!"

Instead of causing her to freeze, the attention was actually lifting her arousal even higher and with loud screams of frantic pleasure Mum powered into a wild and very wanton orgasm, her body writhing and twisting under me. The excitement of her powerful orgasm was more than enough to drive me to mine and now it was my turn to go mad.

"Gonna cum, Mum," I said urgently as I slammed my cock into her vagina time and time again, "Ohhh yess, gonna cum any moment now!"

My thighs slapped noisily against her buttocks as I thrust wildly and quickly, my hands pulling Mum's hips against me.

"Yes darling, fuck me, fill me, do it!" yelled Mum, still squirming in the throes of her own climax.

"Yes, yess, yesss!" I grunted as I powered into a final crescendo of action, "Ohhh fuck – here it cums!"

Then it was my turn to explode as what felt like torrents of cum squirted from my penis. In moments it was overflowing from Mum's hole and slippery wet strands of cum began sliding back and down over my balls, to drip onto the towel beneath us.

A couple more deep thrusts and I was done – emptied and exhausted...at least for a little while, at which point I now heard clapping and cheering from those around us. I felt my cheeks glowing and not from the sun but from the attention because like Mum I was unused to having an audience. Having people around us as we made love was shocking and yet it had been a stimulation too, but now I felt really embarrassed.

"Nice one!" someone yelled out while someone else called out, "Now that's what I call a fuck!"

I managed to wave acknowledgement of their approval but as Mum knelt more upright she gasped.

"I didn't realise there were so many people watching," she said, as she reached round behind herself to hold me against her.

"Not to worry," I said, "At least you're worth looking at!"

"I don't know!" said Mum, shaking her head, "The things you make me do!"

"Hah!" I answered, "I think it was you who wanted me to do it. Was it good, by the way?"

"Brilliant!" said Mum, "Super! Such a good orgasm; so strong and so quick."

With a quick twist Mum pulled herself from my cock and turned around, now plastering herself against my front and against my sticky half-roused penis. I felt her pubic mound pressing against my cock but the feeling was quickly submerged as her warm belly and firm breasts squashed against me too. And then we were kissing, our lips slippery and excited, warm and loving while our tongues explored each other's mouths. Our embrace went on for long seconds before Mum pushed me away suddenly.

"No more," she panted, "You'll get me going again if you're not careful!"

"I thought you were embarrassed about doing it out here?" I asked but Mum smiled back.

"I don't care if I am now," she said as she kissed me again, "Just so long as I've got your wonderful cock to keep me company."

We shared a towel as we dried off, then we both lay back in the sun to recover and to top up our tans. Every so often our hands would find each other and we'd play together, intertwining our fingers, stroking our palms, teasing and loving. Then I realised what else was missing – something to drink. We'd finished our drinks ages ago so now I rose and sauntered to the refreshment tent and soon returned with long cool drinks for us both, then we settled quietly – and ended up watching several other couples as they screwed themselves silly.

"I didn't realise this was going to be a sex club break," said Mum conversationally, "I certainly had no idea that your boss thought that way."

"I'm not sure he did," I answered, as we lay there naked together, "But then again he never does anything without good reason and without good planning."

"It definitely makes me so pleased that you won the competition," said Mum as she stroked my chest, "What a way to bring us together."

"I wonder if we'd ever have come together the way we have?" I mused and Mum laughed.

"You'd have been too shy – just as well my old swim suit didn't fit," she said as she tweaked my nipple playfully.

I thought about doing the same to her but I knew that we'd only start all over again so I changed my mind; we both deserved a bit of a rest.

The afternoon drifted along easily now and by the time the evening was arriving and our bellies were beginning to rumble we were glowing from the rays of the sun and we gratefully climbed onto one of the beach buggies for the ride back to the hotel.

Back in our rooms we showered and applied after-sun lotion then dressed for dinner. Casual wear was the order of the day but even so Mum looked absolutely radiant and perfect, not to mention very sexy. I even suggested that we ask for room service so we could enjoy more time in bed together but Mum batted the idea away.

"Don't you want to be seen with me?" she said lasciviously and with a wink, "Or are you scared I'll find another man?"

"No, I just want to have as much time as possible to be able to make love to you," I said, feeling my penis moving as my arousal stirred within me, "You're so bloody gorgeous Mum!"

"You're not so bad yourself," she said as she rubbed herself against me sexily, "But come on, I want to get something inside me."

"Like my cock?" I whispered in her ear, but Mum merely chuckled and ignored my desires.

The food was quite as delicious as we could ever want and while we were free to come back for 'seconds' we both felt that moderation was sensible and that applied to alcohol too, so we loitered over our meal then we enjoyed a floor show but eventually we'd had enough.

It didn't help that Mum's foot was sliding up and down my leg as we ate and then, after we rearranged the chairs it was her hand that kept stroking me.

"Stop it," I hissed under my breath, "You're making me horny."

It was the wrong thing to say because Mum's hand immediately moved until she found my penis, and she now rubbed her fingers up and down my length.

"So you are," she said as she squeezed my already stiff penis, "I know what I'm having for afters then!"

I ignored her comment as I tried to concentrate on the entertainment but it was obvious that Mum was ready for some action so I took hold of her hand and held it firmly as it caressed my cock.

"You want some of this, do you?" I asked teasingly and Mum nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course I do," she breathed, her voice warm and needy, "I can hardly wait!"

A few minutes later and we were back in our rooms with Mum already busy unzipping her dress. A moment or two later and she was standing there in her matching bra and knickers with self-supporting stockings and nothing else except a smile. I took my time instead, wanting to tease her somewhat and by the time I'd taken my shoes, trousers and shirt off Mum had already had a quick wash and brush up and was waiting, sitting on the bed.

"I guess we're not going to sleep right now, so do you want a drink?" I asked but Mum was in urgent need of my cock.

"Go on then, yes please dear," she answered, "But hurry up, for heaven's sake!"

Her hand was cupping her pussy as I looked at her so she was obviously priming herself for some action. I shook my head as I wondered just how frustrated she must have been over the past few years...

I opened the little fridge to see if there was any wine left and discovered instead a full bottle of bubbly that hadn't been there before.

'Compliments of the management', said a little label and I showed it to Mum.

"Ohh goody, how nice of them!" she exclaimed, "You'd better open it though, after last time!"

Gosh – it had been almost a month ago when Mum had opened a bottle of bubbly and knocked herself out – an action that had set us firmly on the road to incest.

I smiled inside as I remembered, smiled all over as the cork popped off and then laughed happily as I carried the glasses to the bed.

"Cheers darling," said Mum as she raised her glass, "What are you laughing about?"

"Just thinking back; if it hadn't been for this prize I'd never have bought that champagne and we might never have ended up in bed together," I said, "And speaking of that, what are we wearing to bed tonight?"

"Nothing!" said Mum as she emptied her glass and put it down, "Absolutely nothing except a big smile!"

With that she stood up and inside a few moments she was naked, beckoning me to her side. I dropped my underpants and stepped towards her, my already poker-stiff cock leading the way and Mum dropped her hands to reach for it.

"Ohhh yes," I hissed as her hands closed around my penis, "Oooh Mum!"

I was about to explore her body when Mum dropped slowly to her knees, her delicious body sliding down mine and a few seconds later she was sliding my cock into her mouth, slurping loudly as she did so.

She sucked me ardently for a while then pulled my cock from her mouth and looked up at me, wiping her lips with her tongue.

"I've been waiting for this," she said, "I've practically been drooling!"

With that she pulled my cock back into her mouth where her frantic tongue began to explore my knob.

"Ahhh!" I gasped as she applied strong suction, "Bloody hell Mum, that's lovely!"

"Mmmmm!" agreed Mum as she worked me over, her hand, her lips and her tongue all busy.

"Oooo!" I gasped, "Ahhhh Mum!"

She was already an expert at stimulating me and even more expert at bringing me to a plateau...and holding me there for ages but today she seemed eager for me to reach my climax.

"Ohhhh Mum! Ohhh fuck, you're good," I sighed as she thrilled me, "I'll cum so quickly if you keep doing that!"

With her hand still working on me Mum pulled away and looked up at me.

"Yes darling, that's what I want," she said, "I want a mouthful of that lovely stuff, a big mouthful!"

She returned my cock to it's rightful place and I bent down to stroke her lovely breasts, discovering immediately that her delicious nipples were roused and stiff too. I tweaked each of them, rolling the extended flesh between my fingers while my fingertips rippled over the crinkled skin of her aureoles.

"Stop it!" said Mum around a mouthful of stiff cock, "I'm horny enough as it is!"

I chuckled at her words and continued with my actions but doing so gave me wonderful feedback – additional stimulation to go with Mum's attention to my cock. The result was delivered tenfold to my orgasmic core and unintentionally I thrust my hips forward, driving my cock deep into Mum's mouth but instead of complaining, all Mum did was to pull me even closer until her lips met the root of my cock and the additional stimulation as my knob slid down her tight gullet was too much for me.

"Ahhhh!" I grunted as my buttocks clenched tight and my hips thrust one more time, "Ohh Mum – gonna cum!"

She pulled away until just the tip of my cock was between her lips and held it there as a huge gusher of cum burst from my penis. Most of it squirted into her mouth but such was the pressure of my blast that a fair bit also hit her lips and sprayed everywhere.

She pulled away further and my next squirt shot up her face, splattering one side from her mouth to her hair – the third eruption followed the same path, then she guided my penis downwards so that the remainder of my orgasm splattered over her breasts – then she let go of my penis and smiled up at me.

"Was that good?" she asked before swallowing the contents of her mouth, "I loved it, it was super tasty!"

"Bloody hell Mum, " I panted as I shook the last of my cum over her speckled breasts, "You're damn good you know."

"I'm still a bit out of practice darling," she said as she collected and swallowed the big globs of cum from her face, "But that's cooled you down somewhat – you'll last longer now."

"Your turn is it?" I asked, "So what do you want?"

"You – all of you!" she answered as she stood up and plastered herself against me, "Horizontally of course!"

We clung together for a while with Mum's sticky, sexy lips exploring mine ardently, her equally sticky tits rubbing firmly over my chest and her cushiony pubic mound re-arousing my cock until she pushed us apart and took my hand.

"Come on darling, on the bed," she said, "Give me a good working over."

I was more than eager to do just that because I really did want to worship my darling lover-mother completely and utterly. She was without a doubt the very best thing that had ever happened to me; her loving skills easily surpassing those of my few girlfriends and I knew I'd have no problems with having her as my partner for life. I already loved my Mum with a child's natural feelings and now I was able to love her as an adult, in very adult ways!

As soon as Mum was settled on the bed I went and knelt between her legs, then I lifted one of her legs until her foot was close to me. I bent and kissed her toes, one by one – then sucked her big toe into my mouth, twisting and turning my tongue around it's creases and bends.

Mum sighed and gasped as I explored, sucking in her breath occasionally as I found especially erotic places, and gasping as I worked my way from her toes to her ankle. She let out a slow moan as I placed her foot back down but then gasped anew as I started on her other foot.

Already she had a hand pressed over her pussy, quite obviously feeling well aroused horny. I smiled as I worked on her foot and then, having given both feet a good share of my time I slowly began moving up her firm calves, this time using my hands more than my lips but on reaching her knees I bent down and by lifting her legs high and turning my head I was able to tease the erogenous areas at the back of her knees, an action that caused Mum to moan loudly and to vibrate her hand hard against her pussy.

"Turning you on, am I?" I asked playfully, delighting in getting my own back, "Going to cum for me then?"

"Soon," she breathed, her voice stuttering with emotion and excitement, "Ohhh darling, the moment you reach my clit I'll explode – I know I will!"

I began kissing my way up one deliciously firm, smooth and scented thigh and as I neared her groin Mum removed her hand, revealing her very wet and excited pussy to me. I lifted my head and blew on her heated pussy, an action that brought forth a gasp of pleasure, then I moved away to leave Mum hanging there, waiting for me and returned to her other knee which I explored with my tongue.

Her hand came and held my hair but I resisted her pull – this seduction tonight would be at my pace, not hers, however desperate she was.

Unable to tease her for too long however I began working my way up the inner skin of her other thigh and Mum obviously realised that, with no other impediment, my next stop would be her pussy itself.

"Hurry up darling!" she hissed, her breathing quick and shallow, "I'm frantic up here!"

"I'm coming," I said, my breath on her thigh making her squirm even more, "Be patient."

"I can't – I need you!" she gasped, "I want to feel you inside me, right inside."

"I'll be there soon," I added, "There's just this last few inches of you I want to explore."

I was almost as worked up as Mum was, to be honest. My penis had been rubbing against the soft sheet for ages it seemed and as I glanced down between my legs I could see that I was leaving a damp trail up the bed as I moved. Not only that, the friction was arousing me considerably and if I wasn't careful I'd waste a load of cum on the bed. It was just as well that Mum's blow job had taken the edge off my desire but I still needed to get busy – there was only so much stimulation a cock could take!

I was within reach of her pussy now and I moved my hands so that they rested on her abdomen, where I let my fingers palpate her body, reaching through her flesh to titivate her ovaries themselves. It was hard to make out their existence but Mum could feel the pressure of my fingers on her sensitive organs and now discovered that I'd found yet another erogenous zone.

"Darling, darling stop it , stop it!" she panted, her hips and abdomen squirming deliciously, "It's too nice!"

I chuckled inwardly, knowing that her words weren't really aimed at putting me off. I knew too that my efforts weren't in vain and knew that Mum would in all probability now have an orgasm even before I touched her clit or penetrated her with my cock.

This was going to be a proper work-up – an orgasm for all time!

I wriggled a little further up the bed now, until I was looking right down at her sweet pussy, spread out as it was. The combination of her fingers within her cleft and my lips and tongue on her limbs had already prepared her vaginal region for some seriously sexy activity and the sight before me was truly cock-inspiring. Her lips seemed to glow with a sheen of slippery juices and were swollen with a redness of blood. Her little clit stood proudly and stickily above her juice-filled crevice and her vaginal opening appeared both visibly ready for action and filled with her slippery sexy gelid secretions. If she wasn't ready to explode into orgasm now, she never would be!

I decided to put her out of her misery because a good orgasm wouldn't do any harm however much I wanted Mum to be kept on tenterhooks – what was more important to me now was that she was satisfied.

I looked up at Mum's face, noting that she was motionless with her mouth open as she anticipated my next move.

"Here I come," I said as I took a deep breath, "Get ready!"

With open mouth and my tongue held back I dropped my head and clamped my lips over her clit.

"Ahhhh!" Mum gasped loudly at that instant, "Oh darling, oh God yesss!"

And even before I'd begun to stroke her clit with my tongue she was off on a frantic orgasmic ride, her body bucking and twisting, jerking and shuddering furiously.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Oh Chrisssss!" she cried as her hands mashed my face down onto her body, "Don't stop – please don't stop!"

Hell, I'd hardly started and I now applied some suction to my lips as they tightened around her clit. It seemed to tremble in my mouth and when I sucked harder and swiped my tongue over her flesh Mum's body bucked frantically once again and her fingers dug into my head.

"Ahhh, oh darling!" she cried, "It's wonderful! It's super! Oh darling, keep going, yesss, yesss, keep going!"

I held her clit more lightly now but instead I made my tongue harder as I swirled it around her clit, pushing her little mound from one side to the other and back. Every so often I sucked or blew on it instead and with each new action Mum gasped and shook and set off on another climactic escapade but eventually I took pity on her and lifted away, to watch her body as it unwound from it's non-stop orgasms. Shudders and spasms rolled like aftershocks through her body and it took a minute or more before her body finally relaxed sufficiently for Mum to return to the world of now and of reality.

"Ohhh darling!" she gasped, her voice very quivery, "I thought I'd never stop cumming, it just wouldn't stop."

"You always cum well the first time," I answered as I stroked her flanks tenderly, "Not that your orgasms are any less exciting afterwards for that matter. Was it good?"

"You don't know how good," she said, her face beaming with happiness, "It was absolutely fantastic – but you're not finished yet, are you?"

"I've hardly started!" I exclaimed happily, "I haven't even used this thing!"

I lifted my body high enough for Mum to be able to see my erection as it swung below me, my foreskin pulled well back, my knob positively glowing with arousal. There was a small drip at the tip as well and I shook my cock around until the drip flew off, leaving an extended thread of sticky fluid hanging from my penis that I eventually swiped off against the sheet.

"I know you haven't, sweetheart but I want it," said Mum, pleadingly, "I want to be filled."

I settled again with my mouth poised above Mum's pussy but she pushed me away.

"No, no darling, please use your lovely cock now," she said, her hands reaching out for my penis, "Put it in me, please!"

I relented. My taste buds were already laden with Mum's sweet essences and to gather more would simply be greedy. Not only that, my cock was raring to be put to use, tingling with anticipation and eagerness. I was going to need to exercise a fair degree of self-control if I was to last more than a few minutes despite her earlier care.

"Ok Mum, how do you want it?" I asked.

"I don't care – just put the damn thing in me! Slowly to start then let it go!" she answered, "I know you won't last long this time."

"You know me so well," I chuckled as I settled myself comfortably, "Ok, I'll try to do that."

"Ahhh!" gasped Mum as my sticky end met her even stickier pussy, "At last!"

I slid my knob up and down her wet slit until I was satisfied that my cock was nicely lubricated, then I aimed it at her little vaginal opening and pushed downwards.

"Ooooooh, that's what I needed!" she breathed as I slid smoothly inside her, "Oh that's lovely, darling!"

It was lovely, I had to agree – that deliciously exciting feeling of living, pulsating flesh being all around your cock was the epitome of pleasure and a thrill that never ceased to amaze me. The thrill was still new enough to me to drive me up the wall; to be a pleasure that I found I needed more and more.

I slowly drove my penis into Mum's welcoming until I felt our bodies meet and my pubes pressed firmly against her lips. I bent down and kissed Mum's other welcoming lips and our tongues intertwined sensually but the delicious sensation only enhanced my arousal and I had to pull away quickly to avoid blowing my load instantly.

"Fuuuuck!" I gasped, as I regained control of my senses, "Ooh sorry Mum – it was almost too much!"

"Not a problem," she answered, "We're fucking – simple! It was the right word."

"Ohh yeah, we definitely are," I said as I started to move my cock in and out of her slippery vagina, "I'd better do some work then!"

What I meant was that if I just let my cock bathe in Mum's wonderfully active hole she'd bring me off without me doing anything much else. I needed to become more active if only to take my mind off the pleasure.

I pushed hard into her, eliciting a grunt from us both, then I settled to a steadier action of nice long slow strokes.

"Wonderful!" breathed Mum as her hands stroked my hips, guiding me up and down at her speed, "I can feel every little vein on you, all the ridges and even feel the shape of your knob."

I knew she could – because I could feel the way her tight vaginal walls were holding my penis, her internal muscles gripping me, stroking me, arousing me but I didn't really have time to talk.

Already my orgasm was rising within me as evidenced by sudden unintentional spasms and jerks of my hips and Mum knew exactly how close I was to climaxing.

"Faster, faster," she implored, her hands guiding me again, ""I'll try and cum with you."

I really had no option but to move faster; my internal orgasmic guidance system was setting my pace for me, jerking my hips and my cock to gain further feedback.

"Ohh, it's coming," I panted as I worked my hips and my cock harder and faster, "Getting there, getting there!"

"Let it go darling," panted Mum, "You'll send me over the top any moment now!"

"Won't be able to stop," I said breathlessly as my cock hammered in and out of her squelchy wet hole, "Very close now!"

"Come on then – cum for me, cum for me!" gasped Mum as her nails clawed at my back, "I'm right with you!"

The rapidly rising crescendo of action was unstoppable now and Mum was well aware.

"Yes, yes!" she gasped urgently, "I'm cumming darling – I'm cumming!"

Then so was I – my hips froze for a second then powered my penis deep into Mum's cavity, spewing copious quantities of spunk into her, time and time again.

"Ahhhh!" I cried as I erupted with uncontrollable power, "Ooh Mum, ooh Mum, ooh fuck!"

I felt as if I was turning inside out; as if the entire contents of my body were being emptied through the little hole in my cock and Mum felt it too.

"You're flooding me!" she panted, "So much – I can feel it inside me!"

It had all happened quickly though; my orgasm had arrived fast, my eruptions were sudden and my depletion was complete. Suddenly I was an empty shell, bereft of energy and spunk although I still managed to move my penis in and out to some extent but my orgasm had been profound and strong – and powerfully quick.

Mum too seemed to have become exhausted for a moment or two although now she opened her eyes and smiled broadly at me.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" she asked, and I nodded eagerly.

"So did I!" she added, "Quick and delicious and so satisfying!"

"Like a five star meal that was full of wonderful tasty recipes," I added and Mum winked at me.

"Are you full then?" asked Mum and I shook my head.

"Almost, but not quite," I said, continuing the dining theme of our conversation, "Room for just a little bit more!"

"Ohh goody!" said Mum as she patted her abdomen just above her pussy, "Come and finish your meal then!"

For a second or two I know that I looked aghast at the idea but then I remonstrated with myself. If I could eat my own cum, which I often did when I jerked off and also loved the taste of Mum's pussy then why not combine the two?

"Yeah, love to!" I answered as I rearranged myself, slipping my cock from her hole amid a flood of our juices.

"Oh darling, oh yuck!" husked Mum, as she bent over and peered at her pussy, "Look at it all – there's so much! It's getting everywhere – hurry up!"

A veritable tidal wave of our combined juices had indeed leaked and was still leaking from her vagina and suddenly I could hardly wait to get down there and enjoy it.

Mum was watching me, her mouth slightly open as she awaited my touch and, not wanting to disappoint her I lowered my mouth to her flooded hole. She gasped loudly and her body jerked, then her hands settled on the back of my head, grinding my face into her pussy.

"Darling – oh yess!" she gasped, "Lovely, don't stop!"

But I did, lifting my wetted face from her pussy to glance up at her face over her slightly rounded belly and the twin mounds of her breasts.

I breathed in deeply, inhaling the erotic scents of our love-making; the strong oceanic smell of cum and the hot tangy smell of Mum's own juices. They blended wonderfully with the perfume that Mum must have used, a warm oriental musky scent and I was immediately captivated and aroused again. I felt my tired penis gathering strength once again as it rubbed against the bed sheet as the heady mixture of scents filled my olfactory organs.

"Get back there, please!" urged Mum, "Don't leave me hanging!"

I smiled happily, knowing that Mum was enjoying every moment and now I stretched my tongue out and began lapping up our juices again. Immediately I felt a sudden spasm reach my groin as I absorbed the wonderful cocktail and with renewed desire I found myself vacuuming up every trace of our love-making, my tongue ardently searching for spilled nectar.

Mum too was far from idle. I could feel her body moving as she pushed her sticky pussy against my face, a face held firmly in place by her hands. Her legs had lifted too so that her quivering thighs were against the sides of my head and it was all I could do to breathe for a little while, then Mum relented.

"Sorry darling," she breathed as her grip on my head eased, "That was nice, so nice that I couldn't help it."

"Mmmm," I agreed as I licked my lips and breathed deeply, "Was, wasn't it?"

"More?" she asked, her hands applying pressure to my head again, "Bit more – just bring me off and that'll do me for now."

Happily now I reengaged my lips with her pussy, then slid my tongue down into the still slippery crevice, quickly finding her vaginal entrance. I pushed my tongue into her oozing hole and sucked more of our juices out causing Mum to gasp anew and to hump her pussy up at me, grinding herself against my mouth.

"Oh God yess!" she cried happily, "Ooooh darling, you're so good, but now come and work on my clit!"

"I thought you'd have had enough by now," I asked, but Mum shook her head quickly.

"You're joking darling," she said, "I don't know what you've done but I can't stop wanting you! Come on lover, come back here!"

She reached her hands to her pussy and held her lips apart to display her clit.

"Here lover," she said as she thrust her clit up at me, "Your lips, here!"

I found myself chuckling as I heard her request, chuckling because she was so exuberant about sex now – so rejuvenated and happy to enjoy our relationship and I wasn't about to let her down.

In seconds I had the elevated button of her sensory flesh between my lips, tightening my lips around her clit to suck and masticate it and to absorb the texture of that excitable little erection.

Mum was immediately into powerful spasms of pleasure that sent her body squirming and rolling around until I had to hold her hips still or be thrown from her pussy.

"Oh, oh, ohhhh!" she gasped, her voice squeaky with emotion, "Keep going, please, please don't stop!"

Already she was on the verge of her orgasm and no way was it going to be a little spark, a cheap firework – no, this was to be an orgasm to remember, I hoped.

I brought one hand into play and slid my ring finger into her hole, which immediately tightened around it as more delicious spasms rocked her panting, writhing body and now I began attacking her sex organs on two levels at once.

Her gasps and cries continued unabated and as Mum's arousal rose so her body gave off waves of delicious fragrances, scents of perfume and of sex, of lust and pleasure. They surrounded me and became absorbed as I breathed, to the extent that even my un-needed penis began to stiffen once again. He'd had his fun for the night though – we'd need some rest after this but I hadn't quite finished with Mum.

With my other hand I reached up her body and located her breast where I quickly found her nipple once again. I pinched it firmly just as I began thrusting my finger repeatedly into her vagina and sucked hard on her clit and Mum's body nearly left the bed as she arched her back in ecstasy.

"Ahhhh darling," she cried, "You're going to make me cum, you're making me cum!"

"Hope so!" I said as I lifted my head from her groin for a moment, "Enjoy it!"

Another series of finger thrusts into her vagina, a quick squeeze of her nipple and a fast assault on her clit was more than enough and with a shrill scream of exultation, a cry of passion and moans of sexual delight that only made me work even harder to excite her, she topped out.

"No – no – can't stop!" she cried, her body thrashing around madly, "Cumming! Cumming! Cumming!"

Even as she lost control of her senses I found that she was still in control of her body as her hands squashed my face into her pussy, driving my nose against her clit and my mouth deep between her wet-again pussy lips. I stuck my tongue out and lapped at her copious juices and Mum cried out again and her body jerked upwards, her back arching, her pussy thrusting against my mouth. As she did so there was a sudden gush of wetness that sprayed everywhere, then another, both accompanied by wails of excitement and more cries of pleasure – and then she was pushing me away and out of contact with her sexual parts.