Why Should I Leave Home Ch. 02 p2


"No more, oh God, no more!" she gasped and truthfully I too needed a break.

My face was drenched with her juices, her female juices that had squirted from her. I wiped it from my eyes and nose and knew that she'd just ejaculated madly – blasted me with her cum!

"I'm so sorry darling!" Mum said as she lifted her body more upright, "You're soaked!"

"It's ok Mum, it was fantastic!" I said as I licked my lips, "That was so unexpected – that's twice you've done it now!"

"It doesn't happen very often," said Mum more calmly now, "Last week and now tonight though – I think you've found the way to get my body to do it. It's amazing – no, you're amazing!

"It's so exciting," I answered, feeling a glow of contentment, "You know it isn't nasty and I know it isn't piss because it doesn't sting my eyes and it's a sure sign you're enjoying yourself!"

"Too right!" she said happily, "Oh darling, I certainly enjoyed myself. You're getting to be quite good at making love to me, aren't you?"

I wormed my way up the bed until I could lay beside her, resting my arm on her breasts and finding her lips with mine. We kissed softly and contentedly while my erect penis rubbed against her hip until Mum's hand found it.

"You're still hard," she said and I hummed my reply.

"Do you want some more?" asked Mum as she stroked my cock languidly but I shook my head.

"No, it's ok," I said, "We've got all week, anyway, haven't you had enough yet?"

"I think I have actually," said Mum with a chuckle, "We could always try though..."

It had to be quite late by now and it seemed silly to try to overdo things just for the heck of it so I declined her offer.

"No Mum, let's leave it for now," I said, "And more importantly, let's use the other bed now – this one's just a bit damp!"

I could feel there was a waterproof mattress protector in place so the bed wouldn't be damaged if we just left the juices to dry so I pulled Mum up off the bed and we moved to the other one, finding it to be pleasantly cool and wonderfully dry.

"That's better," I said as we settled down, "Now, let's get some sleep."

"Quick shower first?" asked Mum but I held her down, the soft and sensual bedding already soothing me.

"No – you know what'll happen if we shower!" I answered, "We'll have one first thing – I don't mind if you pong a little bit tonight!"

Mum's hand squeezed my cock hard but she laughed as well.

"You do too," she said as she stroked my penis once again, "But I'll let you off."

I was too tired to care and almost too tired to answer as the comfy bed applied it's soporific effects to my brain and my body but I did manage a mumbled and quiet response.

"Good night my lover," I muttered and was given a kiss on the end of my nose in exchange.

It was time to sleep.

I woke relaxed and refreshed as the light of the early sun flittered though the leaves of a tree outside our window but it was something else that woke me. The sensation of a mouth on my cock and I immediately knew what was happening.

Mum was there, her warm breasts squashing against my thigh as she moved up and down, her hair hiding most of the action. I didn't need to see to know what was happening but Mum seemed to quickly become aware that I was awake and she lifted her head from my groin.

"Hello darling," she said softly, "I just fancied some breakfast in bed!"

I laughed as I reached out and stroked her cheek lovingly.

"How could you," I said, "I needed a shower first; I must have smelled terrible."

"How could you smell terrible?" Mum replied, "You smell all warm and musky – really sexy actually. And anyway, you were all hard and needy so I thought I'd make the most of your erection."

"Well, don't stop then!" I chided her with a chuckle, "Finish the job!"

Mum raised one hand as if to slap me, then changed her mind and ducked her head instead. Her warm, loving, pliable mouth immediately began working on my penis again, lifting my sense of arousal steadily. I lay back to enjoy the sensations, allowing my mind to concentrate on the delicious blow job.

Mum was undeniably good, however rusty she may have been and she applied a wicked combination of suction, adhesion, caresses and squeezes that soon sent my mind spinning.

"Ohhhhh!" I gasped with a shudder, "Bloody hell Mum, I'm almost there!"

"Mmmmm!" she hummed back but she didn't stop her actions at all and instead she brought her hand into play too, stroking my shaft steadily.

The pleasure was intensifying steadily now and I felt my body tense up as my hips lifted to thrust my cock forward.

"Come on then, do it!" said Mum through a mouthful of cock, "Just let it go!"

"Any minute!" I gasped as my hips began to shudder rapidly, "Nearly there!"

Suddenly Mum took her hand away and a moment or two later and her nose was pressed against my body and I felt my cock sliding deep into her throat.

"Ahhhh!" I gasped as the sensation became too much for me, "Here it cums!"

She lifted her head until only my knob was inside her mouth and used her tongue to thrill me – not that I needed any more encouragement to erupt.

"Yeahhh!" I grunted loudly as I felt the first jet of cum spurt into her mouth, "Ohh fuck, ohh fuck!"

I could hear Mum swallowing and felt her suctioning up my spunk and it wasn't until I'd stopped erupting that she lifted her head and then knelt upright.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and smiled broadly.

"That was nice!" she said, an understatement if ever there was one, "Good and tasty!"

She smiled even more widely, then shuffled up the bed until she could lay beside me, her body draped against mine, her arm over my chest.

"Thank you darling," she said softly, "It's so wonderful to have a man again and even better that he's my own son. You make such a super lover."

"And you do too," I answered as I found her lips and kissed her.

We just kissed for a few minutes, with her tongue imparting the taste of my sperm and my cock and I felt my cock stirring gently as I enjoyed the very intimate moments.

But there was something more urgent now – I needed to empty my bladder.

"Sorry Mum, I don't want to spoil the moment but I do need a wee," I said and Mum quickly lifted her arm away.

"Oh darling, I wasn't thinking about you – of course you need a piss – go on, off you go," she said.

I climbed over her supine body and in a different mood I'd have lowered myself on top of her but right now water pressure was demanding an outcome. Soon I was relieving the build-up of urine and as I did so I saw Mum come into the bathroom too, still deliciously naked.

"Shower time," she said as she turned the water on, "You going to join me?"

"Yeah ok," I said as I shook off the last few drops, "Then breakfast eh?"

"Had mine!" said Mum with a grin, "Although I could do with some coffee as well."

I gently slapped her bare bum and she wriggled it at me wickedly, then backed towards me, bent over somewhat as she moved.

"Come on then," she said, as she held her arse cheeks apart, "You can have me!"

"What? Where, there?" I asked as I stared at her little brown arsehole, "You want me up there? You don't, surely you don't?"

"And why not?" said Mum as she looked over her shoulder, "Use some of that conditioner and take it easy – at first anyway."

She reached up and turned the water off again then bent over again and raised her arse.

Her dirty enthusiasm seemed to be reaching into my arousal centre and I immediately felt my cock beginning to rise again. One stroke of my fist, pulling my foreskin back as I did so was enough to bring my penis to another solid erection. I'm sure that my penile reaction was assisted by the unexpected idea of bum-fucking my mother, an idea that had never really entered my mind before.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I put my hand on Mum's lower back to hold her away from me, "It'll hurt, you know it. You don't have to."

"I do!" said Mum firmly, "I want you to have all of me, not just some of me – I want us to be completely at ease with each other."

Somehow the idea of anal sex was both incredibly exciting and very scary too – it wasn't something I was used to doing. In truth only one girlfriend had let me do it – and it was at her insistence just so she could experience it once, so I wasn't really acclimatized to that form of sex. On the other hand I often stuck a vibrator that I'd 'purloined' from a previous girlfriend in my arse as I jerked my cock and the extra dimension of excitement always set me off quickly. Perhaps Mum would enjoy it as much and with a real live cock the thrill might be that much greater.

Mum had remained bent over while I'd been thinking and my other hand had already reached the tube of conditioner that she had had pointed out so now I squeezed a worm of the creamy stuff onto my fingers and replaced the tube. I lowered my hand between Mum's cheeks and touched the cream and my fingers to her arsehole. She shuddered as the intimate touch shocked her but then pressed her arse back again.

"Push some inside," she hissed, "And put some on your cock too."

"It'll hurt when I put it in you," I warned her but she just sighed.

"Of course it'll hurt a bit," she said, "But the pain just makes everything more thrilling somehow – it's not a huge pain anyway and I know you'll take it easy darling."

"You've done it before?" I asked and Mum nodded.

"With your dad, early on," she said, still wriggling her arse in my direction, "Ages ago and it's your turn now."

I pressed my finger into her little opening, feeling the muscular flesh give way, then feeling the muscles tight around my finger. Mum squeezed hard then relaxed and I realised immediately just how exciting and excited she was. I slid my finger in and out a few times, probing around inside for a while before I withdrew it. I squeezed another blob of conditioner onto my rock hard cock and rubbed it all over and felt my erection throbbing as the moment drew nearer.

"Come on darling," said Mum impatiently, "I'm waiting."

I edged closer and closer until the tip of my cock pressed gently where my finger had been and as I did so I heard Mum breathe in deeply and felt her pushing backwards at me.

"Here it comes," I warned her as I applied more pressure.

Slowly my knob began to press her hole open and I felt the tension in her muscles as I stretched her arse.

"Relax," I offered, "I'm nearly there."

"I am," said Mum, her voice shuddering, "But you're quite big – don't give up though."

Then suddenly I was in; my knob suddenly reached the other side of her sphincter muscles and I had to hold myself stiffly to avoid driving my cock deep into her arse.

"Ahhhh!" gasped Mum, "Ohhh, that's better."

She looked round at me over her shoulder and smiled.

"It was just a matter of getting used to you," she said, "It was super when I did it with your dad – I hope you're as good as he was."

"With you, how could I not be good!" I exclaimed, "Let's get started then – ok if I push?"

"Yes darling, I'm all ready now," said Mum, "Make me feel good all through – drive that cock into me, fill me darling, fuck my arse!"

"Yeah!" I replied eagerly, "Definitely going to do that!"

Already I was beginning to enjoy this new form of fucking, enjoying the way her hole squeezed me so tightly. I found I could also enjoy her hanging breasts as I leaned over her, lifting their weight and gently squeezing her lovely nipples.

I pressed my cock slowly in, sliding through her sphincter steadily until I felt my body pressing against her rump. I was all the way inside my mother's arsehole, deep into her bowels.

"You still ok?" I asked again and Mum just hummed her reply and pressed her arse back at me harder.

I'd got the message so now I began to move in and out, sliding the full length of my shaft into her body then withdrawing until just the knob remained inside. Briefly I pulled entirely out of her, saw her cute arsehole pulsating and stretched open, then plunged my cock back inside, pushing the breath from Mum's lungs.

"Yesss!" she hissed, "That was good, do it again!"

I did, repeating my withdrawal and long deep thrust several times before I settled to fuck her arse more conventionally. It was easy to pick up a good rhythm, one that sent waves of pleasure deep into my own body, stirring my juices. I could already feel that it wasn't going to take me all that long to cum, but I drove on, steadily pounding away at her hole.

In the meanwhile I moved my hands from her tits to her pussy, discovering one of her hands to be already there. She moved it aside as I began to stroke her clit and then her hand came and rested on mine to guide me to her favoured places, to press me more firmly against her flesh.

The combination of sensations was raising my level of arousal and I now discovered that I was pumping her arse faster and faster while sweat was beginning to break out on my forehead. I shook my head to dispel some of the annoying droplets but instead of letting my sweat become an issue I found my attention diverted back to Mum.

"Ohh darling, I'm getting there, oh Chris, keep going," she breathed, her arse moving around in thrusting squirming circles, "This is lovely, it's perfect, it's wonderful!"

Her increasingly erotic movements were also reaching me and with her arsehole and internal muscles all working on my cock I found that I was suddenly very close to a climax. I was panting now as I slammed my cock in and out rapidly and twiddled her clit at the same speed and I knew that I was on the final run in.

"Gonna cum soon," I advised Mum hurriedly, "How about you?"

I could feel my sap rising more quickly now and had only a few more thrusts left before I knew I'd be exploding.

"Oh Chris, oh darling," panted Mum in return, "Just a little more and I won't be able to stop either!"

"Quick Mum, quick," I panted as I slapped my cock into her, fast and furiously, "Ahhh, here it cums!"

I managed a brief flurry of stabbing thrusts before I drove deep into her and let loose. I felt the power of my spunk as it rocketed from my cock; two, three, four squirts, each causing me to pause, grunt, shudder and thrust again.

Suddenly I realised that I'd stopped playing with Mum's clit and I moved my finger back onto her quivering protrusion of flesh and one touch did it.

"Darling, darling, cumming!" she cried, "Oh my God, yesss, yesss, wonderful!"

It was just as well that my hand was underneath her because her shuddering, convulsing body was in the process of collapsing to the shower floor as she climaxed and now I held her against my still throbbing and well-embedded penis until she showed signs of recovery from her orgasm.

Slowly I took my hand away from her wet and slippery pussy and then, as Mum stood more upright I carefully pulled my cock from her arsehole.

"Ahhh!" Mum gasped, "Ohhh, I feel empty now!"

"No, you're full," I said, "Full of cum, loads of it!"

"Gosh, I'm going to leak like anything now, won't I?" she answered as she turned around and pressed her delicious breasts against my chest, "Think I'd better go and sit on the pot while you get the shower going again."

"Was that good though?" I asked and Mum reached up and kissed me hard.

"Perfect!" she said, her words breathed into my mouth, "Absolutely perfect darling."

We clung together for a minute or so, then Mum pushed me away and stepped out of the shower, giving me a parting view of her pert glowing arse. I felt my cock surge with excitement but I knew that the fun was over for now – now it really was time for a clean-up and then time for some proper breakfast if we weren't too late.

Before long Mum was back with me and we lathered each other happily and playfully, grabbing quick feels of each other and kisses whenever we came face to face. Then we were rinsing off, drying down, dressing up and heading downstairs to the dining room. We were indeed rather late but we were informed that breakfast was served all day – this place was designed around relaxation and pleasure rather than rules so we settled down and began filling our bellies. Before long we were replete and ready for action.

"So what are we doing today?" Mum asked as we now stood in the big entrance hall, but I could only shrug my shoulders.

"Don't know, what do you fancy?" I asked and Mum smiled broadly.

"You!" she said, "Lots more of you!"

We laughed together playfully, then noticed a board showing all the activities that were available today, so we paused to study it.

There were so many assorted activities to choose from that it was hard to pick something that seemed more interesting and enjoyable than anything else on offer. Eventually we decided that as we'd only just arrived and since the sun continued to shine, then the sandy beach, along with the refreshing waters of the sea seemed an eminently sensible option.

But then we spotted another option – that of a day out at a small island nature reserve full of seabirds. With a shared delight in wildlife we unanimously picked that as a starting point and soon we were booked onto the boat for the thirty minute ride, taking with us nothing more than the few clothes we wore and our towels.

We'd be almost on our own – just three couples were booked to go and a little while later we were saying hello to our fellow travellers on a small portable jetty and then clambering into the open boat to join the skipper.

He, a tanned young man dressed only in shorts, filled us in on the history of the island and the rules which were few. Any birds and animals would be relatively tame so could be approached but not caught; there were some basic toilets where we'd land, some fresh water too and a small supply of dry towels just in case they were needed. Clothing was optional on the island, as it was on the beach, his only warning being that the sun would be strong, so sun lotion was recommended and was also available for those without their own supply.

A couple of minutes later and the boat was puttering through the waves and as we went the skipper handed out lunch boxes, boxes full of assorted goodies to keep our bellies from rumbling and then almost before we knew it we were landing at a small jetty, then clambering up the steep path to the top of the island where we all stood and watched as the boat pulled away.

"We're on our own," said Mum as she held my hand tightly, "Well, almost."

The island was sufficiently large enough for us all to have peace and after a quick discussion we each chose areas of the island to explore, then Mum and I headed off across the short rabbit-cropped turf towards our chosen space. Ours looked as if it contained a small beach, a rocky cliff full of sea birds, a small wooded area and an extent of grass too. Before long we were pointing out unusual plants, baby bunnies and the occasional bird nest and then we plunged downwards towards the beach.

"Look, there's a cave!" said Mum, pointing to one side, "Let's have a look inside."

The cave was not far above sea level and seemed pretty dry but dark as we moved inside. Cautiously we explored, discovering eventually that there was a big bank of fine sand at the back but relatively little else. The cave meandered deeper into the island but half buried in a sandy drift was a large flat slab of rock which Mum now sat on to gaze around.

"Helloooo!" I called out and an answering echo returned my call from deeper in the cave.

Even after our eyes had become used to the gloom it was still quite dark in there and slightly eerie but with Mum there too I felt calm and relaxed – until she put her hand on my thigh and made me jump.

"Rather romantic, isn't it?" she said as her hand stroked me into relaxation again, "I've never had sex in a cave before!"

"Didn't know we were going to," I said as her hand began moving softly and erotically up my thigh, "Are we?"

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"Depends on what comes up," said Mum as her hand reached my shorts, "Oh yess, I think we are!"

The touch of her hand had aroused me immediately and as her hand slid over my shorts it quickly encountered the stiffening bulge of my rising penis and I knew that we'd soon be fucking again.

I reached out to slide my hand inside Mum's top, a cropped towelling top that merely held her bounteous tits in place and as my fingers slid up and over her breast Mum's breath shuddered from her.

"Yessss!" she hissed as her hand began working to undo my shorts, "Ohhh darling, I want you!"

Mum may have been short of recent practice but she was a dab hand at undoing clothing it seemed, because I very quickly felt the cool air on my exposed erection and the warmth of Mum's hand around it.

I breathed in sharply as she pulled my foreskin back, then let it all out again as the pleasure settled in my brain.

"Nice!" I hissed as her fingers aroused me further, "Let me help."

"No, you stay there," said Mum with a sexy chuckle.

Briefly I moved to let Mum push my shorts down, then she moved from the rock to stand beside me; pushed me around until my bare arse met the cool rock and made me sit where she'd been.

Then I gasped anew as she silenced us both by diving down to take my cock into her warm mouth. Each time she lowered her head I felt the warm softness of her breasts on my thigh, a sensation that served to raise my enthusiasm even higher but in the shady darkness I could still see that Mum was still clothed.

"Get 'em off Mum," I said as I pushed her from my cock and raised myself upright and shortly after that we both stood there naked and ready.

"What do you want?" she asked as she stroked her pussy with one hand and my cock with the other, "Tell me darling."

"I just want you," I breathed, unable to think of anything more profound to say with her hand around my penis.

I just plain wanted to fuck her, to love her, to enjoy her body and to satisfy my eager cock and I quickly realised that if Mum lay on the rock slab with her legs over the edge I could stand there and penetrate her perfectly. But it also made sense to make it comfy for Mum.

Wordlessly I moved our clothes aside, spread the towels on the slab and then gently pulled and pushed Mum into position and she quickly understood. A few moments later and she was there, her calves and feet dangling, her pussy just inches from the edge of the rock.

I moved and stood between her legs and Mum spread her lips for me, holding them open until my cock was lodged against her vaginal opening. She was already well and truly wet and after quickly slipping my cock through her juices I pressed inwards bringing out a long moan of pleasure from Mum.

"Lovely!" she breathed, "You go so deep, don't you darling."

"Just slid in," I answered, "You're very wet."

"Can't help it darling, it's you," she replied, "I only have to think of your cock and I get wet!"

Instead of answering I began to move in and out, pulling Mum a little closer to the edge now as I worked up my speed. I didn't mind my balls slapping against the rock but I didn't want to crush them!

Steadily now I pumped in and out, enjoying the tightness of my mother's vagina, the scent of her arousal, the strangely sexy ambience and the feel of my cock being sucked into her delightful hole. Each stroke was a huge pleasure, every little inch of movement was a thrill and every moment brought me closer to what was becoming both an erotic and a quick fuck.

Unintentionally my thrusting intensified as my desire rose and Mum's body answered by lifting up at my driving cock and seemingly tightening around me too.

"Ohhh darling," breathed Mum, "Lovely, oh it's wonderful! It's going to be quick though; I'm almost there already!"

Her delicious pussy was squeezing my cock all over; somehow her internal muscles were tightening around my knob with each stroke while fingers of pleasure seemed to stroke my shaft.

My climax wasn't far away either.

"Ohhhh, ohhhh!" groaned Mum, "Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh, it's coming, it's coming!"

I was pounding away at her pussy now, slamming my cock into her welcoming hole and wet squelching noises were quickly becoming louder than the sounds of our heavy breathing.

"Yeah, yeah!" I grunted as I pumped hard, "Oh Mum, you're perfect – you're so hot!"

Making love to my mother had become the supreme delight of my life – every time we fucked seemed better and better and seemed to provide both of us with more and more love and pleasure – and each time we united I found myself wanting to cum so very quickly.

Today was no exception; whereas I'd have expected to last for perhaps ten minutes or more, here I was after just two or three minutes right on the brink of an orgasm.

"Darling, cum, cum – cum with me!" gasped Mum urgently, "I'm cumming so hard!"

Suddenly her body was convulsing, shaking, jerking, quivering and as the sensations increased I knew I couldn't hold back either.

"Oh yes, oh love, oh darling!" gasped Mum, her words tumbling out amid gasps of orgasmic pleasure, "Keep going – fuck me, fuck me hard, harder!"

"Yeah Mum, yeah," I grunted as I slammed into her ever wetter pussy, "Here it cums!"

For a second or two, or it may have been for ten seconds there was silence, then we both let loose.

"Fuck!" I cried as I felt the pressure unleash.

"Yessss!" cried Mum exuberantly, "Cum – cum for me!"

"Ahhhh!" I cried as I felt my spunk jetting into my mother's depths.

"Oh yesss!" cried Mum, her body sucking hard at my cock.

"Oh Mum, oh Mum!" I breathed as the last of what must have been at least four squirts of cum had left my body, "Oh bloody hell!"

Apart from our heavy breathing as we recovered there was silence now and we let our strange surroundings take over as we smiled contentedly at each other. And it was in that relative silence that we heard something that sent us into complete silence. A brief smattering of applause!

The sound echoed around the cave and we both peered about in the gloom to find where the sound was coming from when suddenly, from around a rocky wall came two faces.

"That sounded really hot!" said the male face, "Sorry and all that – it wasn't until you started that we realised you were there."

He stepped from around the rocks, pulling a young girl with him and it was immediately evident that he at least had enjoyed our energetic sex. His tight swim shorts revealed his penis to be both lengthy and very distended; thoroughly aroused.

They'd been on the boat with us but had headed off to a different area of the island.

"We found a cave in our patch so we explored," said the guy, his distended erection still very evident, "And it apparently cuts across the island to this cave."

"We couldn't help it," said the girl, "We'd come into the cave for ahhhh..."

She paused to consider her words, then continued, "Yeah, for a bit of fun, like you."

She looked at her partner and he smiled at her reassuringly, so she continued.

"And we were looking for a comfy spot," she said, "And we were about to do the same as you did when we heard you."

"But we didn't want to come out right in the middle of your pleasure," said the guy, "So we stayed where we were."

"And we couldn't help but listen of course," added the girl, "And you sounded so hot – you really enjoyed that, didn't you?"

"Errrr yeah, we did," I managed to say, "It was good, really good."

"We'd never had an audience before, well, not before we came to this place," said Mum, "But now I think I'm getting quite used to it! Makes everything that much more wicked actually."

I was relieved that Mum wasn't upset, in fact, judging from the way her vagina was squeezing my cock she was actually enjoying the situation. I felt my cock filling out once more and growing quickly stiffer inside her.

The couple moved closer to where we were and linked arms lovingly. Her naked perky breasts stood young and fresh, topped with deliciously small nipples while, even in the gloom it was easy to see that the gusset of her bikini bottom was wet. The cheeks of both the man and girl glowed with aroused excitement and my eyes wandered downwards to notice that his penis was leaking considerably and had discoloured his shorts. They obviously hadn't had time to enjoy their own sexual union.

Mum broke my thoughts as she gently stroked my arm.

"Just a thought darling," she said to me, "Are you going to take that thing out of me or are we going to have another round?"

"Errr, ummm, ahhh – I don't know," I spluttered, suddenly realising that we were still together, "Oh fuck!"

I began to pull away but Mum held me against her.

"Well, do you think we could, you know, do it again that is? We could, couldn't we," said Mum, her pussy in motion around my cock, "Just so long as these two would join us!"

"You sure?" asked the guy, his hand now over his erection, "I wouldn't want to impose any more than we've done."

"I think it would be so much fun if you'd do it too," said Mum as she patted the large slab of rock, "Come on, join in!"

"Wow yess!" said the girl enthusiastically, "Come on Pete, come and screw me!"

A moment later and her bikini bottom slid off, revealing that she'd shaved entirely, that she was well and truly aroused and that she was almost dripping wet.

"I've always wanted to do it with another couple," said the girl as she seated herself on the rock right next to where Mum was, "Come on Pete, I'm all ready! And this rock's a bit chilly so I need warming up!"

Mum smiled broadly and winked at Pete.

"It's ok young man, get them off, I want to see what you've got there!" she said.

Mum's vagina was very much awake now and it now felt as if she was masturbating me even as I was inside her. She was obviously enjoying the additional excitement alongside us.

"I guess I don't mind either," I added to help Pete overcome any shyness, "Let's make the girls happy!"

With a sudden rush Pete slid his shorts down and his erection sprang up before him. It remained partially hidden under his t-shirt though until he lifted that off his head too, revealing that his penis was uncut and was at least as substantial as mine if not bigger and as he stood there his foreskin slid deliciously back from his knob.

"You don't mind?" he asked as he looked at us and as his hand protectively wrapped itself around his shaft but Mum especially was very much in favour.

"Of course not!" she said gently, "Nice penis, isn't it? That looks so good."

She licked her lips suggestively and reached out a hand towards him.

"Come on then, get on with it or put it away!" said Mum, "Or come over here!"

"No way – he's not putting it away!" said the girl as she spread her legs wider, "The only place he's going to put it is in here – he's mine!"

Her words seemed to defuse his concerns and after a couple of quick jerks on his cock he stepped towards his girl, moving until the end of his erection was only a few inches from her pussy.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, just hurry up!" the girl answered quickly, "I need you!"

Her arms reached to his biceps and pulled him closer and with a couple of small steps he was there, sliding his cock into her welcoming hole.

"Oh yesss!" she hissed happily, "Ohhh, that's better!"

"Oh yesss!" he sighed, echoing her exclamation, "You're wonderful!"

Beside them Mum's pussy had most definitely reawakened and was now massaging my cock firmly, her deliciously active internal muscles stirring my penis into rigid solidity and I too pressed forward, feeling the wetness of her already fucked and filled hole surrounding my cock. I pushed in further and felt warm cum squeezing out around my cock and sliding down over my balls.

"Ohhh darling," breathed Mum, "I felt that; all dripping wet and so sexy!"

Her vagina quivered energetically and sucked at my cock and I started moving too, long slow steady strokes from just inside her hole to deep inside her body and out again.

Alongside us the other pair were now hard at it, catching up on their delayed delights, their bodies slamming together with energetic enthusiasm. The girl was gasping now as his cock stirred her juices, her emotions and her mind and amid the quiet of the cave, her cries of pleasure rang loudly around us. I just had to pick up the pace, now moving in and out of Mum's hole in time with the strong fucking movements of the other guy. We turned and smiled at each other almost as if we were in competition, then concentrated on our actions.

The excitement of having another couple fucking right there beside us was very arousing and even though I'd climaxed not long before I could already feel the sap rising again. I slowed down once again and Mum understood.

"You're not going to cum again are you?" she asked as her pussy tightened around my cock even more, "Ohhh, that'll be lovely – all that lovely cum inside me!"

"Ohhh Mum, don't!" I said, feeling her actions serving to arouse me further, "Careful Mum, I'm trying to hold it back."

There was a moment when everything seemed to go quiet and I realised that both the other two were looking at us intently, the girl with her mouth open.

"You're mother and son are you?" she asked incredulously, "You said 'Mum', didn't you?"

"Darling, you've done it now," said Mum as she looked straight into my eyes, "Oh damn!"

"No, no, it's ok," said the girl, her hand reaching up to hold Mum's, "We don't mind – honestly!"

"Yeah but, but..." spluttered Mum, her pussy releasing it's grip on my cock, "We're committing incest – we shouldn't, should we?"

"I said it's ok," said the girl again, then she paused as if for dramatic effect.

"You see, this man is my brother!" she added, then she leaned forward and kissed him.

It was our turn to stare open-mouthed at them; our turn to look shocked but Mum seemed less concerned than I did.

"Oh that's wonderful!" she said and as she spoke her pussy gripped my cock once again, almost squeezing the life out of it and yet also squeezing life back into it!

"So we've all got secrets," said Mum, her pussy suddenly very active again, "And of course you're right – he is my son and I love him so much!"

"And I love my brother too," said the girl, "And he's got the most wonderful cock!"

"Mmmm, so has my son!" said Mum with a huge smile and a squeeze of her vaginal muscles.

We all laughed as the tension was defused and a few moments later we were all back at it, us two guys thrusting hard into our ladies, grunting and gasping as we built up the action again. The girls were participating eagerly now, adding their own happy cries and gasps to the medley of sounds.

"God, oh Chris, you're so deep in here!" gasped Mum as I found the right angle to reach her cervix, "Ohhh, I won't be able to stop soon!"

"I'm nearly there too!" cried the girl, her voice quivering to the same beat her pussy was probably doing, "Oh Pete, don't stop, don't stop!"

The excitement of sharing our love-making was obviously creating some strong feedback in our systems, driving us all quickly towards our orgasms. Each time I glanced at the couple beside us, watching his strong and eager cock disappear and reappear, watching her tits tremble and sway and watching Mum's own body responding too, I felt another surge in my excitement – another spasm of incipient climax. I wanted to get Mum to her own climax soon and I knew that thankfully she was already on the brink.

Her pussy was overheating now, full already with my cum from earlier, stimulated past caring, aroused beyond our average fuck and almost out of control. Her body was writhing urgently on my penis as I pumped quickly and even in the still air of the cave her sexual scent reached my nose and drove me on.

Then the moment of truth arrived – that instant in which you know that your orgasm is there, unstoppable and urgent; strong and determined.

"Ahhh!" I gasped, "Mum, Mum, I'm going to cum, gonna cum!"

Instead of Mum responding as I thought she might it was the girl who seemed to answer.

"And me, I'm cumming, oh Pete, I'm cumming!" she cried amid grunts of expended energy from both us men – and then Mum joined in.

"Oh darling yesss," she breathed between panted breaths, "Do it, do it – cum for me!"

"Can't stop anyway!" I managed to gasp as my thrusts became ragged and jerky, "Here it cums Mum – gonna fill you again!"

There was a happy squeal from beside us as the girl reached her climax and as she did so I felt the first eruption of spunk leave my balls, slide up my shaft and squirt energetically into Mum's vagina.

"Ohhh fuck!" I grunted, "Oooh God! Ooooh yeahhh!"

Beside us Pete opened up too, albeit in less noisy terms.

"Here you are – here it cums!" he hissed, his buttocks slamming his cock into his sister's pussy, "Oh yesss, yesss, oh Suzy yesss!"

The whole cave seemed to echo with assorted cries as if a whole phalanx of lovers were reaching their united climaxes. The sounds of love-making were a powerful aphrodisiac that made our orgasms that much more enjoyable, more powerful and more intense. I felt Mum's delightful vagina sucking the spunk from me, her internal fingers seemingly stroking my cock to extract every bit of essence from me while her legs had come up behind me to hold me firmly in place.

"That was lovely," she said softly, still holding me in place with her legs, "I felt every little spurt – and the big ones!"

"You too?" asked the girl, "So did I – it was incredibly intense. Best ever!"

"This is only our fourth time though," said Pete, "We only started having – you know – sex a few days ago. I don't know why we waited so long though."

"Takes a while for things like that to be acceptable to the other person sometimes," said Mum, "And anyway, all the best love affairs take time to build up."

She paused and as she did so I felt her pussy still caressing my cock inside her but I was unable to make my penis respond.

"Look at us," said Mum, continuing her story, "I'd have taken my son to bed years ago if I'd known what a wonderful lover he'd be but now we've been loving together for some five months. It took Chris twenty years to build up his love for me though!"

We laughed together at Mum's definition of our love affair although I felt my cheeks glowing with an embarrassed shyness. Of course I'd loved my mother for all of my life – what son didn't.

"Chris was a bit reluctant I think, well, shy actually at first," said Mum as she covered my silence, "But now we make a perfect couple."

I heard myself chuckling gently and Mum looked at me quizzically.

"You said 'loving' together," I said, "Sexy little slip there."

"No, I meant it," Mum replied, "We've been living together all our lives but now we're loving together. There's a big difference."

I couldn't think of anything to say right then but Mum was still busy explaining.

"You see," she said now addressing the other two people, "Chris is now 22 and he's at the right kind of age to leave home and I wouldn't try to stop him if that's what he wanted. But I'm kind of hoping that he might settle down with me as a sort of husband now that we're loving together and not just living together."

It was my turn to feel bemused again but then I suddenly realised what she was on about. I had indeed been considering finding my own place; settling down; finding a girlfriend; running my own life. But only now was I beginning to understand that if I did I'd not only lose all the loving that Mum and I were sharing and enjoying but I'd lose the lovely home and all the comforts that went with it.

"You've gone quiet," said Mum her pussy massaging my still fairly stiff penis, "Best to be honest with each other."

"Ahhh, ummm, no, I wasn't trying to hide any feelings," I answered, "I just didn't know what to say but you're right."

I felt her pussy squeeze me firmly now as if to remind me what I might be losing.

"Come on Chris – tell her you'll stay with her!" said Pete, smiling at me, "Suzy and I have made vows to each other – nothing's going to split us up if we can help it."

"I hadn't really even thought about it," I said, "Well, not in detail but yeah, I suppose I had thought about leaving."

I felt Mum stiffen somewhat and I looked at her lovingly to reassure her.

"No, no Mum, I couldn't leave you," I said, "I'd looked around but perhaps that's why I'm still with you – because there was just no way I wanted to lose you."

She leaned closer and kissed me now as her sexy pussy massaged my cock gently and her firm breasts warming my chest.

"I think it was the mind of a growing man – just wanting his own place," I said, "Without thinking about what else would happen."

"I know what you mean," said Pete, adding his own view on the subject, "And actually that's what Suzy and I were doing – we were both looking around for places so we could leave home."

"And then we realised that not only did we love each other but we wanted each other too," added Suzy, "So why didn't we share a home and live together."

"We were getting away from our parents – which we were glad to do," Pete added, "And then everything else began to make sense. We were in love, properly, so why not make a home together."

"And I love my Mum dearly," I said as I wrapped my arms around my sexy mother, "And it all makes sense now – so no, I'm not going to leave home."

"Oh darling," said Mum as her lips sought mine avidly, "I was never in doubt but you were always free to make up your own mind and I'm so glad you have."

"That's better," said Pete, "That's how it should be – you stand by the one you love."

"Or lie down on top of your lover!" said Suzy as she squirmed all over her brother, "Come on Pete, one more time, please!"

Everything now seemed tension free and suddenly I felt aroused again, immediately finding my cock stiffening once more. I pushed my penis deeper into Mum's warm pussy and felt her body responding deliciously while our lips played softly over each other's face. We were off again!

Some while later we were all purring contentedly, tiredly and happily as we stepped from the cave and into the sunshine again. We promised to exchange phone numbers once back at the hotel, as one does, and then headed back into the world outside, finding that we'd all built up appetites. We chose a small patch of short-cropped grass just above the beach, spread out our towels and settled to relax, feed, sunbathe and talk about our backgrounds and history in general. No sexy words or additional revelations were needed – enough in the way of discoveries had been made, as well as plenty of love, goodwill and honesty – but so much for exploring our little island! We'd certainly explored each other though.

Reluctant somehow to start love-making out in the open, as a foursome group we now meandered over the small coves, the rocky promontories and the little patches of grass, scattering birds and rabbits wholesale as we went. Every so often we'd explore in more detail or pause for a quick dip in the water followed by a bit more sunbathing and then we all pulled our clothes back on, just in time it seemed. Because after we clambered over another small jutting headland suddenly we found ourselves back at the landing place with the small boat already bobbing beside it and the third couple already seated in the boat, chatting with the skipper.

We'd circumnavigated our small island – our own little round-the-world trip!

"Hey, look at that!" Suzy called out as she led the way over the rocks, "We're back!"

"And that's some good timing too," Pete said, speaking for all of us, "I think I'm looking forward to dinner."

"And me," I added, "But that was a wonderful day."

"Perfect," said Mum as I helped her into the boat, "Don't think I've ever had so much fun before. Our own little sexy adventure."

It had certainly been an adventure and it was one that spiced up our lives nicely, coming on top of all the other pleasure of the past few days. Nevertheless I remained aware that this was merely a hedonistic week of fun and that we'd be returning to our more normal lives in a few days. I wasn't entirely sure which I preferred because although the luxury hotel was fantastic it wasn't something I could get to appreciate all the time. Home, complete with my loving mother was sounding perfect now and I was already imagining some of her home cooking, along with the comforts of home.

Back in our small suite we peeled down together ready to take a shower and to change our clothes. Neither of us was now in any way bashful of revealing our bodies to each other and even when Mum came and hugged me, instead of feeling completely embarrassed I just felt a warm and happy arousal. Her hand reached down between us and softly surrounded my cock, her fingers teasingly gentle but more than sufficient to begin to arouse me again.

"Haven't we come a long way," said Mum quietly as her fingers teased my knob, "It's been what, a month or so since we started making love and here we are now, treating it as something quite normal."

Her warm body rubbed erotically against me, her thighs pressing firmly against mine while her delicious breasts pressed more gently against my chest.

"It is normal," I agreed as her lovely fingers caressed my quickly stiffening penis, "Well, normal to me."

"And to me," Mum replied, her lips finding mine, "Even if the rest of the world wouldn't think so."

We paused in our ruminating for some sloppy tongue and spit swapping before Mum pushed me away, prising my hands from around her arse.

"Come on, let's get that nice fresh shower, then dinner," she said as she gave my now stiff cock a quick pat, "And we'll deal with this thing later on!"

A couple of hours later, after our shower, a change of clothes, a delicious and languidly eaten meal and a bottle of wine we were back in our suite again and stripping down again but this time there was nothing to stop us – no meals, other people or other distractions. But our skin seemed to glow after a warm day in the sun and Mum was adamant that she wasn't going to go to bed until she'd had some after-sun lotion rubbed in.

"Come on darling," she said with a hint of a promise in her voice, "Rub some all over me, then I'll do the same for you and then perhaps..."

Her dangling words left me in no doubt of what was to come so I climbed onto the bed beside her just as Mum rolled over onto her tummy. Her cute arse rose to meet me and her legs spread apart as I settled between them. The small curls of pubic hair and the dainty lips of her pussy seemed to smile at me and my cock rose to greet her sex...but first, the lotion.

"Where is it?" I asked, not seeing the after-sun lotion anywhere, "How am I supposed to...?"

"It's in the bag," said Mum, her hand waving in the direction of the bedside table and I understood.

"Ok, hang on," I said as I stretched over, my hand soon returning with a tube, "Ok, got it."

I was about to open the tube and squirt some of the contents into my hand when I noticed the label. 'KY Lubricating Jelly' it read.

"Oh oops, wrong stuff!" I grumbled, "Anyway, what's this for – you never need lubricating!"

Mum peered over her shoulder then chuckled.

"Oh that, oh, I brought it with me just in case," she said as she squirmed around to get comfy again, "The lotion's in there somewhere though."

"In case of what?" I asked, curious and ignoring the sun lotion, "It's not as if I even need it either."

Mum seemed to lift her arse upwards, arching her back somewhat and as she did so she opened her legs a little wider.

"It was in case you want to try something else," she said softly, "I wouldn't mind if you did do it again."

Suddenly I understood – Mum was offering me her arsehole once more and the KY would be perfect.

"Wow – really?" I said, feeling my penis swelling and lifting, "You want me inside you, inside your arse again?"

"Mmmmm," hummed Mum as she buried her face in the pillow and lifted her arse higher, "It was fun doing it in the shower but now I want to try it in bed. Make sure you're gentle though."

Her actions caused her cheeks to spread apart and that in turn exposed her little brown opening to my gaze. The crinkling of her flesh made a perfect star pattern but this was no astronomical feature and the central disc was no black hole! Instead it was a vaguely pink-centred opening with puckered lips that expanded and contracted gently.

"Well come on then," said Mum, her voice muffled by the pillow, "Get in there – I'm all nice and clean for you."

"You'd better get up on your hands and knees," I suggested and Mum quickly drew her legs up under her body, lifting her arse considerably closer to my cock.

Beneath her body her superb breasts now dangled proudly and I reached down to tweak one nipple.

"Ahhh!" Mum gasped as I squeezed, "What're you doing? I thought you were down the back end?"

"Just checking!" I said, "I love your breasts, Mum."

"Well I want you to love my arse right now," she half-grumbled, "Not my tits!"

I'd never really considered anal sex as part of our love-making if only because Mum's breasts, her pussy, her mouth and her hands were more than enough for my pleasure and yet, why not? Certainly Mum and I had both enjoyed it during our impromptu anal fuck in the shower so why not make it part of our routine. It would certainly mean that we'd become intimate in every possible way and it would surely cement our love completely.

I dithered as I considered the subject and yet even as I procrastinated, my hands were undoing the tube and spreading a glistening worm of gel over my knob.

A few moments later and my fingers were at work to ensure that my entire knob was slippery and shiny, then I pressed another small dollop right on Mum's hole.

"Ohhh Chris," she gasped as she recoiled from my touch, "Ohh, I thought for a moment you were doing it!"

"In a moment," I said as I pressed my gel-laden finger into her arsehole, "Hang on – I'll be there, I promise."

There was no holding back in my mind now – I'd already decided to go along with her desires and at least part of me was definitely looking forward to extending our experience. My cock felt ramrod stiff as I dumped the tube, moved closer and as I prepared for docking I held my shiny cock and aligned it with her arsehole.

I pressed forward a few inches and let my penis push against her body, immediately feeling Mum pushing back. I watched too as her arsehole seemed to open a small way, like tightly pursed lips blowing a kiss. I pressed further, now starting to press my knob into her hole and watched intently as her anus began to expand around my knob.

I may have imagined that my cock was entirely rigid but while the shaft was indeed rock hard, my knob was soft and spongy and now began to squeeze into the little opening.

"Take it easy," murmured Mum, "It's ok so far though."

"I'll be careful," I said but despite my words and with a sudden rush my knob disappeared inside her body.

"Ahhh!" grunted Mum, "Ahhh, you said you'd be careful."

"I was but you were all slippery," I said, "I'll wait for you to get used to it."

At least I'd managed to stop the entire length of my cock from entering her but I could now feel that my penis was captured by her flesh, flesh that seemed to be rippling around my cock. I held myself firmly still now as I let Mum's anus began to loosen up, as her death grip eased and as her whole body seemed to soften.

"That's better," she exclaimed after a little while, "I was out of practice."

"What, even after we did it last night?" I asked.

"That was different – we were standing up and it wasn't the same," said Mum, "Anyway, that was only the first time with you."

"I hadn't thought about you doing it before," I said feeling slightly aggrieved for a moment.

"I told you that your dad liked doing it," said Mum as her body moved gently, "Just occasionally."

"Ah, so no-one else?" I asked and I saw Mum shake her head.

"No darling," said Mum softly, "Of course not. I don't go giving my arse away to anyone!"

The mood had lightened again and any tension had dispersed and I shuffled closer – but as I did so Mum wriggled her arse around and suddenly my penis was just absorbed into her body!

"Ohhh!" Mum gasped, "Ohh darling, yesss, yesss!"

The heat of her body now surrounded my penis and I felt the tightness of her sphincter muscles as they tried to become used to the thickness of my cock. I began to move in and out, small movements to stimulate the lubricating effect of the gel and as I did so I felt Mum's arse responding. I felt the way the muscles of her arse seemed to be flexing, almost sucking me into her now and I made my movements that bit more energetic.

"Ohhh yesss!" breathed Mum, as her body pressed back against mine, "This is so exciting!"

"Really?" I asked as I pushed deeply into her, "Do you mean that?"

"It's fun and it's incredibly exciting too!" she said, her arse squirming deliciously, "It takes me back all those years and it's so different. So much better than how I remember too."

"How d'you mean?" I asked as I began fucking her arse steadily, "Not better than me being in your pussy, I hope."

"No, better than when your dad used to do it," she said, her back end now moving in response to me, "He was a bit rough but you're, well, you're you and you're always gentle with me – I knew you'd always do it nicely!"

I leaned forward and cupped her hanging breasts, my action pressing my cock deeper into my mother's body and I felt her arch her back in appreciation of my actions.

"Nice," she hissed, "Ohhh yes darling, do that but don't forget my clit too!"

Without replying I took one hand back from her breast and slid it down her body until I reached her pussy, which I cupped, sliding my whole hand up and down her cleft. I could feel the way my cock was moving inside her, realising now that I was, in a way, massaging her vagina from an internal position. I could feel too just how wet and aroused she was and as soon as I touched her clit she spasmed strongly all over.

"Ahhh, yesss!" she breathed, her arse pressing back rhythmically against my driving cock, "Do that, I want you to make me cum."

I began strumming my fingers over her slippery clit, dipping them occasionally into her pussy to gather more lubrication while at the same time I tried to thrust my cock faster into her arsehole. Mum's body was responding all over now and her hand snaked round behind me to pull my body even closer to hers with each thrust.

"Darling, darling," said Mum, her voice soft and sexy, "Nearly there, oooh, nearly there!"

"Yess, cum for me," I said as I felt her arsehole tightening around my penis, "Do it – cum, cum!"

"Oh yes, I will, I can't stop it now," panted Mum as our bodies slammed together faster and harder, "Ohhh Chris, ohhh darling, it's cumming!"

"Let it go!" I said, now feeling her body quivering and shaking violently, "Come on then Mum – do it!"

"Ahhhhh!" she cried suddenly, "Yesssss!"

I felt her pussy suddenly become hotter and wetter; her breasts thrust hard against my cupped hand and her arse clamped down on my cock so hard that I had trouble moving for a few moments.

"Ahhhh!" she cried again as another spasm racked her body, "Super, wonderful – oh darling, incredible!"

At that moment she collapsed flat onto the bed, trapping my hands beneath her, both held in place by her shuddering, pulsating, quivering body and my own weight on top of her and we lay there for a few moments, just recovering from her powerful orgasm.

"Lift up darling," she eventually asked and I did so, sliding my hands from under her to support my body while my cock remained well and truly embedded inside her quivering arse.

She twisted her body around a bit and looked back over her shoulder, her face reddened with exertion and sweat.

"Wow!" she said, "You were good!"

"So were you Mum, but I haven't finished yet," I said, "Haven't cum, that is."

"Sorry darling but you'll have to take it out," she said, "That's enough of that for now – that was exhausting."

Slowly I slid my stiff penis from her gel-coated arsehole, then rolled over onto the bed beside her. We smiled broadly at each other, our faces hot and happy and Mum reached over and took hold of my cock.

"Go and clean yourself up and I'll suck you off," she said as she gave me a parting squeeze, "I think I can just about manage to do that!"

I rose and went to the bathroom where I rinsed my cock clean then dried off and returned to the bed where Mum still reposed on her side.

"Oh, you're back," she said as if I'd been gone for ages, "Sorry I was almost nodding off!"

She reached over again and stroked my cock, sliding my foreskin up and down, then spreading the small bubble of precum that formed over my knob. It glowed and shone with enthusiastic eagerness and Mum understood my need.

"Do you think we could do a 69?" she asked, "Have you still got enough energy to get on top of me?"

"Course I have," I answered, "You'll have to slide down the bed a bit first."

We moved around until Mum was laying flat on her back and I straddled her head just as Mum parted her legs. The warm musky scent of her perfect pussy rose into my face in the same instant that I felt my penis being pulled into position. The sudden touch made me breathe in quickly, absorbing another dose of her wonderful scent as I did so, then I settled my face just above her parted thighs.

"You ok?" I asked and was answered by a contented hum from Mum.

I bent closer and closer until her pussy filled my vision, then closed in on her clit and swiped my tongue over it's slippery surface.

"Ahhh!" Mum gasped, her breath brushing over my sensitive cock, "Ohhh darling, yesss please, right there!"

Instead of answering I simply closed my lips around her clit and used my tongue to caress it, flicking it from side to side. Each time I did so Mum's body responded by jerking upwards at me and I quickly rearranged my hands so that they held her thighs steady. Much as I wanted to excite her I wasn't eager to let my teeth crash against her delicate parts.

While I was starting to make love to her clit, Mum too was absorbing my cock into her mouth, her lips sliding wetly down my shaft until I felt my knob reach the back of her mouth. She pushed my upwards and now began to thrill me with her own wicked tongue just as I was doing to her.

The sounds of slurping mouths were all that could be heard as we worked together and now that we'd settled I was able to bring one of my hands into use, taking over from my mouth on her clit so I could probe into her hole with my tongue. Mum meanwhile was very busy sliding her lips up and down my cock and she too had now added a hand to the action, moving her fist steadily on my penis.

I wasn't going to last much longer at the rate she was going but just as I was about to ask her to slow down I felt her own body shudder violently as she edged towards her own orgasm. I redoubled my efforts on her clit and her hole and was rewarded with a gush of her delectable juices and a tightening of her mouth around my cock.

"Ohhhhh!" she breathed around my penis, "I'm getting there – you'll make me cum again darling!"

"And me," I answered, "Few minutes yet I think."

"You'd better hurry then!" Mum replied, "If you keep doing that I'll be cumming so quickly!"

Rather than reply I eased off, now just keeping her clit stimulated and that seemed to be enough.

"Yesss, that's so nice," she said, "How about you – tell me when you're really close please."

My excitement level was still rising as her hand and mouth continued to arouse me but I still needed a little more but it wasn't going to take long.

And then I felt Mum's hand on my arse, sliding over my buttock until her finger found my arsehole.

"You nearly there?" she asked again, "Lick my clit harder please and I know I'll cum!"

Her whole body was now quivering and jerking energetically under me as she neared her climax and I wondered if she'd beat me to an orgasm when suddenly I felt her finger press into my arsehole. With a bit of extra pressure she was inside me, her finger probing deeply into my anus, stroking me inside. In an instant I felt my orgasm arrive and it was all I could do not to drive my cock right into Mum's face.

"Ohhh fuck!" I gasped as her finger played in my hole, as her mouth sucked at my knob and as her hand stroked my shaft, "Here it cums!"

"Uhhhh!" I grunted as my salvos of cum splattered into her mouth, "Ohhh fuck, fuck, oh fuck!"

"Ugghhhh!" grunted Mum as my cum filled her mouth and as she too erupted, spraying my own mouth and then my face too with her juices.

The room became filled with grunts and gasps as we both climaxed powerfully until eventually we'd both expended our pent-up excitement and both now took a moment or two to draw much needed breaths.

I felt Mum slide my cock from her mouth so I lifted my mouth from her clit too and then her finger slid from my arsehole as well, leaving a strangely empty sensation.

"Phew!" I said, "That was a bit wild!"

"Fun though," answered Mum, her face all smiles, "And a bit different as well – and you made me squirt again too!"

"I know – that was fantastic! Nearly drowned me!" I said with a light laugh, "By the way, what on earth made you want to let me put my cock in your arse again?"

"You own me now, don't you," she replied as she leaned forward and kissed my nose, "All of me – every hole, so to speak."

"Ahh," I said, gradually understanding, "I think I see what you mean."

"And so you could say that I own you too now," said Mum continuing her theme and shaking the finger that she'd had in my arse in front of me, "Let's just say that we've bonded as lovers – all over."

"Ah yes, I get it," I said as I gently stroked her belly, "But you didn't need to have me do that, I think I was yours anyway."

Inside me I'd already decided by now that I'd stick by my mother and weather the complications of our relationship. She was more woman than I needed and instead of having to go hunting for a lover, Mum was at home waiting for me. No need for the uncertainties of searching for a girlfriend; no need for the hit and miss of finding a suitable partner – no need even to find myself a home. Everything I needed was already there – the home and especially the woman I loved.

There was a warm and easy atmosphere surrounding us as we recovered from our exertions and I knew at once that my decision was right. I was definitely and contentedly in love with my mother. We lay there, side by side, smiling occasionally and lovingly gazing into one another's eyes while Mum's hands caressed my body and while I too stroked her delightful curves.

There's something about having a naked body next to you that makes you need to seek out their erogenous places and it wasn't long before I felt Mum's hand sliding down to caress my penis. It immediately began to grow again and soon she was holding my erection, stroking it with gentle enthusiasm. I too had been exploring and having already stroked her lower back – an action that caused Mum to arch her back deliciously – I'd moved back to her breasts and was now working my way down her body. The warm and smooth softness of her belly beckoned me downwards and I let my hand wander until I realised that my fingers were sliding through her pubic hair but no way could I stop there! Her wonderfully sexy pussy beckoned me onwards.

"More?" asked Mum softly, "Do you think you could?"

"Mmmmm, of course I can!" I answered, just as softly, "I want you."

"And you darling," Mum breathed quietly, "Make love to me."

"Mmmmm, yess," I said, "I want to be inside you – I want to pump my seed inside you."

"In here?" asked Mum as her hand pressed mine into her belly and I nodded energetically.

"Yeah, in your pussy, in your womb," I said feeling my cock rigidly trembling with desire, "I want us to be a family."

"A baby, eh?" asked Mum, her eyebrows raised, "That might be a nice idea. Mind you, it's been over twenty years since I made one of those but it'll be fun trying, won't it."

I felt her hand tugging at my cock, pulling me towards her and as soon as I wriggled closer her leg lifted and settled over my hip.

Her warm and wet pussy pressed against my erection and with just a little effort my cock slid smoothly inside her.

"Ohhhh yess darling," she breathed as she wriggled around until I was embedded comfortably, "That was so nice and easy."

And we were off again, yet again! Sure Mum wouldn't get pregnant at once as she'd been taking her pill every day so far but as she said, it would be fun trying and I certainly intended to try!

As often as possible, that is – at least every day – preferably several times a day. Home life would never be the same again. I felt my penis swelling with it's eagerness to fulfil our dreams and her womb and I felt Mum's body reacting to the extra stiffness of my cock.

"I'm all ready darling," she sighed, as her lips kissed mine, "Come on, lover – fuck me, fuck me 'til I'm full!"