Big Changes At Home Ch. 09


Chapter Nine: An Evening Out

"So, where are we going, sweetie?" Taryn asked Owen as they neared the car.

Owen cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow as he stood beside his mother by the driver's door. Neither said anything for a moment, but they looked at each other expectantly. Rosina stood by the passenger's side rear door of the late model Cadillac, wisely saying nothing for the moment.

"Where are we going, Master?" Taryn asked in a subdued tone of voice, whispering the last word of her question.

"For me to know and you to wonder about. Give me the keys, Red," Owen said with a confident tone of voice, standing up straighter. Owen held out his hand, while his eyes never wavered from looking into Taryn's eyes.

"Yes, Master," Taryn said with a subdued tone of voice and a slightly red face as she handed Owen the car keys.

"Thank you, Red." Owen said with a satisfied smile as he gave Tarn a peck on the lips. "Now, both of you get in the back," he said as he glanced at both of them.

"Yes, Master," both Taryn and Rosina said as quietly as possible.

Owen pushed the button on the remote and opened up all the doors. All three of them got in the car and shortly thereafter they were off for an evening out. Owen was smiling to himself as he drove to the largest mall in town. He made sure to take odd streets and unexpected turns, so as to keep Taryn and Rosina guessing. The ride was quiet for the first stretch of the drive, as both Taryn and Rosina sat in the back, quietly wondering where they were going. Fresh on Taryn's mind was the exchange outside the car and Owen's instance to be called 'Master' in public. Taryn hoped she could tactfully convince Owen of the wisdom of being referred to as 'Moe' and not 'Master' in public.

"Rosie and I were talking, Master, and we have an idea we want to run by you, don't we dear," Taryn said as she shot Rosina an urging look.

"Oh! Yes, Master, would you like to hear it?" Rosina asked respectfully, yet with an excitement that she tried to contain.

"What is it?" Owen asked as he looked at Taryn and Rosina in the rear view mirror, he could see that they were sitting close together.

"Go ahead, it was your idea," Taryn said as she shook Rosina about the shoulder.

"We want to say that we like the idea of you having nicknames for us, so you can call us 'Slave', in public and nobody else has to be the wiser." Rosina said in a pleased and cheery tone of voice.

"Well, it seemed to make sense, as well it let's you guys know who I am giving an order to," Owen replied calmly and shrugged his shoulder in a nonchalant manner.

"We thought that perhaps it would be wise for us to give you a nickname. That way, we can call you 'Master' and give you the respect you are due when in public but not arise attention to ourselves." Taryn said in a calm tone of voice, looking at Owen in the eyes through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, why not!" Owen said in an agreeable tone of voice after he paused to think it over for a moment. "What name were you thinking on?" Owen asked with a raised eyebrow of curiosity as he looked over his shoulder at both women.

"We were thinking of 'Moe,' what 'cha think, Master?" Rosina asked with an eager tone of voice and a face that was lit up in anticipation.

"Moe? Why 'Moe?' What does 'Moe' have to do with anything?" Owen asked with a perplexed manner, not understanding or liking the name at all.

"MASTER OWEN!" Rosina shouted in a frustrated grunt. "She didn't get it either!" Rosina said as she pointed at Taryn and chuckled.

"OH! In that case, sure you can call me 'Moe,' once you explain it, it makes sense," Owen said with a smile as he glanced up at the two ladies in the rear view mirror.

Rosina was happy that she could call Owen "Master" in public. Taryn was relieved that she didn't have to call Owen "Master" in public. While she loved serving him and would happily call him "Master" in private, she didn't like doing so when others were around. At least by calling him "Moe" in public she could still give him the respect he was due in public. Paying him respect, or obeying his commands in public wasn't the issue for Taryn, others knowing about their odd relationship was. Little did Taryn or Rosina know, this evening was a test as to how far Owen's authority would go, in public.

"So are you going to tell us where we're going yet, Master?" Rosina asked with a cutie-pie manner, hoping to sweet-talk the destination out of him.

"No, almost there," Owen said, without taking his eyes off of the road ahead.

Owen was right in that they were not that far from the mall that he had intended to go. The mall was one of those massive malls that had a little of everything, including two multiplex movie theatres, a stretch of fine dining restaurants and an assortment of all kinds of stores you could think of. If there was one place to window-shop, this was the place, but window shopping was not on Owen's mind. Owen had a few very specific things he wanted to do here, and this allowed him to do them all without driving all over the city.

He parked near one of the more central entrances of the mall and abruptly got out. Taryn and Rosina got out of the car without being asked and quickly followed after Owen, who didn't wait for them. Taryn noticed that Owen pocketed the keys to her car, she said nothing but it was something that irked her. Owen walked swiftly through the mall at a quick pace, never once looking behind him to see if the ladies were following him. He managed to keep a sly eye on them through the reflections in store windows. Without warning he strode into a woman's clothing store that had a wide selection but didn't appear to be busy at the moment. Taryn and Rosina looked at each other with and odd look but followed along regardless.

Owen walked confidently to the centre of the store and stood there with an expectant look on his face. Taryn and Rosina walked up and stood behind him, wondering what he had planned. They never got the chance to voice their question because almost as soon as Owen walked into the store did an attractive, blonde haired woman in a business suit walk toward him with a confident stride of her own.

The woman walking toward them was dressed in a dark purple business suit and was a thin woman with wide hips. She was quite pretty and slender in a very shapely way, though she apparently tried to downplay her natural beauty with the conservative business suit. Her legs were the most eye-catching part of her that could be seen. Her breasts, while appearing to be large from the bulge in the suit jacket, could not be seen directly at all. She showed no cleavage whatsoever and her jacket had every button done up. Her long honey-blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hung dead straight down her back when she stood still. Right now her hair swished from side to side in time with her quick pace.

"Hello, Sir, I'm Mandy, how may I help you this evening?" The blonde woman asked Owen as she arrived in front of him. She spoke in a calm and professional tone of voice. Indeed her whole manner exuded professionalism as she shook Owen's hand in greeting.

"I want an assortment of skirts and dresses each of these ladies," Owen said to Mandy as he gestured to Taryn and Rosina behind him, barely pausing to do so before he continued speaking. "They are to range from knee to mid-thigh in length. As well we will need blouses to match the skirts, all of which should range from casual to dressy." Owen said in a commanding tone of voice and still stood up straight and tall.

"Certainly, Sir, we have just what you're looking for," Mandy replied with a charming smile to Owen before her eyes took a quick tour of his body.

"Excellent, I'll be over there and I'll pick the five outfits that I like for each lady," Owen said as he pointed at a chair near the change rooms. "And you can call me, 'Moe,' Mandy," Owen said with a wink as Mandy motioned for Taryn and Rosina to follow her.

"Certainly, Moe," Mandy said in a professional manner as she continued to walk toward a far corner of the store.

Taryn and Rosina did their best not to laugh over Owen having Mandy call him Moe, even though she didn't know the significance of the name. Owen sat down exactly where he said he would and watched as Mandy called over another sales clerk to help. Rather that poor girl had to carry the large pile of clothes that Mandy, Taryn and Rosina picked out. Near the end she couldn't see over the pile that she carried and had to walk sideways as they made their way back to the change rooms. The four of them walked back to the change rooms and in less than a minute Mandy walked out, alone.

"Well, Moe, we are just about ready to show you what we have picked out. Normally we don't put on fashion shows for customers . . . but for the big spenders we make an exception, now and again," Mandy said with a calm and professional tone of voice but added the last sentence with a giggle and a wink.

That started a long line of outfits that both Taryn and Rosina trotted out and displayed for Owen. Without bothering to count he simply stated the ones he liked and the ones he didn't. Each time he spoke, he did so with confidence and authority and each time his decision was not questioned. When it was all said and done, he had picked out eight outfits for Rosina and seven outfits for Taryn. With a displeased look on her face, Owen then told her to pick out one outfit that she liked from the pile that he rejected. Once it was over Owen called Taryn and Rosina over to him and he spoke in a hushed whisper to both of them.

"Cat, I want you to put on that light blue dress, for this evening. Red, you will wear that little peach number for this evening, understood?" Owen asked with a firm tone of voice and a bright smile on his face.

"Thank you, Master!" They both said with gratitude as quietly as they could, while clearly being excited.

"One more thing, neither of you are to wear anything under your dresses tonight. I want you to put your clothes in this bag, I will be checking for bras and panties." Owen said with a firm and determined tone of voice, his expression conveyed his serious intentions. He held out an empty shopping bag from the store they were in, Rosina took it from Owen, almost immediately.

"Master, I can't go without a bra in public! I'll bounce and jiggle something awful! It'll look obscene!" Taryn said in shock and horror, still protesting quietly, so that nobody other than the three of them could hear.

"I know. My order stands . . . Red!" Owen said again and stared intently at Taryn, waiting for her to respond.

Taryn's eyes closed to slits and her face turned red, her anger boiling inside, she really didn't want to do this. In private was one thing to obey Master and do what he wanted, but in public was another. Taryn never left the house without a bra, her breasts weren't as perky as they once were and she was larger than most women. As a result, without a bra to restrain her breasts they bounced in all different directions when she walked, drawing far too much attention to them. She wasn't embarrassed about her breasts she just liked to be restrained and a little conservative in public. As Taryn glared at Owen she knew that protesting was pointless. Even now her mind was telling her it was shameful for her to even think of defying Master's order. Taryn knew that she would do as her Master had ordered; she could do no less it seemed.

"Yes, Master," Taryn said in a defeated tone of voice as she bowed her head.

"Good, scoot along and get changed," he said as he smiled at Taryn and Rosina as they walked off to the change rooms. He made sure to give Taryn's ass a light swat as she walked away; she shot him a wide eyed expression of surprise in response.

It wasn't long before Taryn and Rosina walked out of the change rooms, fully changed into the dresses Owen had picked out for them. Taryn was hiding behind Rosina, who was holding the bag of clothes in front of her. When they arrived in front of Owen she presented the bag of clothes to Owen and Taryn stepped out from behind Rosina. Owen looked them over and indeed each dress made the already beautiful woman look that much more stunning.

The peach colour of her dress brought out and highlighted the deep, rich red colour of Taryn's hair. It was a slender dress that hugged her curves but was not restrictive, not a dress she would usually wear. She was more used to outfits that hid and downplayed her body that she knew wasn't like the bodies of girls Rosina's age. Never would she think of wearing such a simple and slim-fitting outfit that put her ample curves out there for all to see, including her, now unrestricted, breasts. While the dress did have a plunging neckline that showed a conservative amount of cleavage, it was the lack of a bra under the slender dress that worried Taryn. She shifted her weight uncomfortably as she waited for Owen to say something.

"Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!" Owen said with reverence as he looked Taryn over. She looked at him with skeptical look and once again had to remind herself that he did see her as beautiful; that was enough for her.

Rosina's dress was similar to Taryn's in the fact that it was a sleeveless number that stopped above the knee. Her dress was different in a few ways from Taryn's comparatively conservative dress. For one Rosina's dress was light blue in colour and clung to her body much tighter than Taryn's did her. As well the cut of the dress was more enticing and daring, with a much deeper neckline, narrower shoulder straps and slits up the sides. One last touch that made it a hotter dress was that the hemline was a touch higher than Taryn's dress. Rosina had no problem with the order not to wear a bra under the dress. For, not only would the cut of the dress make a bra impractical, her young breasts were small and perky enough, not to require one.

"Stunning, simply stunning," Owen said with a smile on my face and in silent reply Rosina beamed her happiness over gaining her Master's approval.

"I take it that we have decided to wear these dresses out?" Mandy said with a pleased and charming manner as she approached the three. "Mary, pack up and process the rest of Moe's purchases," Mandy said with a firm yet pleasant tone of voice to the other sales associate who then scurried off to the change room. "I do believe I have some shoes to match those dresses," she said in a leading tone of voice to Owen with an expectant tone of voice.

"Absolutely, what are new dresses without new shoes?" Owen said with a bright smile, almost immediately after Mandy had suggested it.

As Mandy hurried off to get the shoes needed for the dresses, Owen then took the bag of clothes that Rosina held out. Owen looked through the bag and found the fact that the clothes were still warm an oddly erotic thing. There, hidden at the bottom of the bag, were indeed two bras and two damp panties.

"Excellent, my dears, excellent; I am pleased," Owen said with a warm smile as he looked at the smiling faces standing before him.

"Here you go," Mandy said as she approached and handed Taryn a pair of peach pumps. "And, here you go," she said as she handed Rosina a pair of light blue pumps.

"And this is for you, Moe," The other sales associate said as she presented Owen with the bill, "I have already run in the shoes, sir," she added pleasantly and held out the bill.

"Here you go, and make sure you add ten percent for a tip," Owen said as he handed her his credit card, not looking at the bill once.

"You are most generous, both to your lady friends and to us as well. Please feel free to come back anytime," Mandy replied with a look that beamed her joy and satisfaction of the big sale and healthy tip.

Owen then signed the final bill and pocketed his credit card and receipt. Then he stood up and took one third of the bags that were neatly lined up along the counter and walked out the store. Like most men, Owen probably could have taken all the bags and carried them to the car himself. By taking only a third of the bags he knew that Taryn and Rosina would pick up the hint and take one third each. This would ensure that Taryn's hands would be full so that when she walked she couldn't hide or cover up her breasts.

Taryn was quite ashamed and embarrassed as she walked through that mall, following Owen to the car. As expected her breasts were jiggling wildly with each step she took, she was mortified to be so unrestrained in public! What made matters worse was that with her hands full she could do nothing to stop their swaying. She held the packages close to her sides so that the sides of her arms could brace the sides of her breasts but that just hampered her ability to walk. With a frustrated grunt she held the packages away from her sides and allowed her breasts to sway freely.

Not long after they had left the store did something funny happen. Owen, Taryn and Rosina heard someone curse as they crashed into something solid. They looked over in the direction of the sound and saw three teen boys laughing at a fourth teen as he rubbed his head and staggered right next to a pillar.

"Watch where you're going next time, Steve," a blonde haired teen laughed as he slapped the shoulder of his buddy that had obviously just walked into the pillar.

"Fuck off, Matt," the brown haired boy, who obviously was Steve replied, "Did you see that babe though?" he added emphatically as he pointed in the direction of Owen, Taryn and Rosina.

"You mean that blonde in the blue dress? Yeah she's hot!" Matt replied with an enthusiastic nod.

"No man, I mean the MILF in the peach dress, the one with the HUGE TITS!" Steve replied with fervor as he pointed right at Taryn. "Watching those puppies bounce about was almost worth hitting the pole," Steve replied with a chuckle that his buddies joined him in on.

"No doubt, man, she's hot!" Matt added as he nodded his agreement as he stole another glance at Taryn's breasts.

Taryn just about stumbled a step, as she couldn't believe what she had just heard. Taryn Thompson, HOT! Taryn was just a forty-three year old, plump, housewife. How could she be considered to be a MILF by boys younger than her daughter? Taryn was amazed that she could illicit such a reaction from teenagers, and it almost overwhelmed her. She had always assumed that Owen looked at her with a blind eye because he was her son. She knew that she didn't look like the models in magazines, so how could she be hot. Taryn was amazed and impressed that she could be considered to be a hot, at forty-three! The perplexed wondering took up the rest of the trip to the car. It wasn't until she heard the trunk pop open that she realized where they were and she was brought out of her thoughts.

"Now, on to dinner!" Owen said with a smile as he put the bags that he was carrying in the trunk.

"I don't think so, young man," Taryn said in her best "motherly" tone of voice as she put the bags she was carrying in the trunk.

"What? Who are you to question me?" Owen shot back in mock offended manner.

"I am your mother, and as such, I'm telling you that you can't escort us anywhere looking like that!" she said sternly as she pointed at Owen for a moment before a smirk crept across her face. "You need new clothes," she added with a wink.

"Yeah! You bought us new clothes, so I think that you need to get something appropriate in order to escort us this evening, Moe," Rosina added with excitement for the idea as she put her bags in the trunk.

"Why not, I must admit, standing next to you two right now, I feel a bit shabby," Owen chuckled as he closed the trunk and turned to the ladies, offering them an arm each.

"I know this mall, I know just the place, too," Taryn said with a wink as she linked her arm with Owen's arm.

"Does this mean we can make HIM model all sorts of clothes for US?" Rosina asked Taryn in a teasing chuckle as she linked her arm in Owen's other arm.

Owen felt ten feet tall as he escorted Taryn and Rosina through that mall again. Taryn led the way and directed them to a men's clothing store that was not that far from where they were. As they walked into the store, Taryn's body language made it clear that she was going to take charge of this purchase. They all stopped about a third of the way into the store and watched as a tall, slender man in a suit approached them with a cool demeanor about him.

"Hello, my name is Marcus, how can I help you this evening?" the tall, dark haired man asked with hands clasped in front of him.

"Hello, Marcus, I'm Taryn and this is Owen, and that is Rosina. We're going out for the evening and as you can see Owen, darling, needs a little help to look more . . . appropriate. I was thinking of something in a dark-grey, classic suit, can you help?" Taryn said in a charming tone of voice as she smiled at Marcus in an almost flirtatious manner.

"Certainly, we have just what you're looking for," Marcus said with a smile as he turned to walk away, motioning for them to follow him.

Just like when he bought clothes for Taryn and Rosina, Owen had to model a few suits. Thankfully, he had to try on considerably fewer outfits, only three suits in all. All three of them agreed on the one suit that looked the best on him. It was the last suit he tried on and so he never changed out of it. Just like with the ladies they bought the whole outfit including: shirt, tie, shoes, socks and belt. Owen's old clothes were packed into one shopping bag and before Owen could grasp the bill, Taryn snatched it away from him.

"Put it on this and add fifteen percent for the tip," Taryn said with a firm smile as she shot Owen a sly grin from the side while handing Marcus the bill and a credit card.

"Thank you, Madam," Marcus said with a grateful smile as he quickly processed the sale.

As they walked out of the store back to the car once more, the three of them felt giddy and playful. Taryn no longer worried about her free and bouncing breasts; in fact she found that she liked the free feeling and all the extra attention. On the way back from the car, Taryn even tossed a light spring in her step to make her breasts bounce a little more.

"Now we can go to dinner, sweetheart," Taryn said as she kissed Owen on the cheek.

"Soon, I hope because I am starved!" Rosina added as she too gave Owen a kiss on his other cheek.

"Come my ladies, dinner awaits!" Owen said with a proud smile as he guided the trio toward the wing of restaurants.

It didn't take long before they found themselves turning down the hallway specially dedicated to the finer restaurants. It was one area of the mall where a string of nice eateries were located. It was tastefully laid out and not simply a fancy food court. Indeed it was one long strip which had its own entrance to the outside and along this one hallway you could find any type of food you liked at one of the many restaurants. Owen picked a cozy, romantic, Italian place about half way down the strip. They were seated quickly, as the night was a little slow and the waiter was happy to see more business walk in the door. With a quiet word and little cash slipped to the waiter, they had a secluded table in a quiet area of the restaurant. After ordering their meals, the trio was enjoying the ambiance, and chatting each other up in some light conversation.

"Thank you, sweetie for this evening, it has been too long since I have been out like this," Taryn said with a genuinely touched manner as she reached across and took Owen's hand in hers.

"The evening's not over yet," Owen said with a wicked grin as he leaned forward and kissed Taryn in a soft, romantic kiss. The both glowed with love once the kiss was over with and smiled at each other for a moment yet.

"Yes, Moe, I wanted to say how much appreciate all that you've done for me," Rosina said as she leaned across the table to kiss Owen.

"I'm just glad I could help, Rosie. So you don't regret . . . last night?" Owen asked as delicately as he could, once the kiss was over.

"No, Moe, everything is clear and calm within me now. I'm not confused or angry, like I was before. I don't think I could go back to the way things were before, even if I wanted to," Rosina said with a look of love as she took Owen's hand in hers. "I love you, Owen," she added with absolute sincerity.

"I love you too, Rosie," Owen said with a warm, loving smile back at Rosina.

"Me or my tight little pussy?" Rosina mumbled with a wicked grin on her face.

"Both," Owen winked back.

"Honestly, you two! Behave yourselves," Taryn chuckled as she shook her head.

"Don't think I could forget about you, Taryn. I have been happier this past week than I have ever been. I love you not just as a son loves his mother or just as someone I'm sleeping with," Owen said with a loving and serious manner and for a moment he paused as he pondered just what to say to express how he felt. It was not easy and his fight to find the right words was evident on his face until he said, "You're so much more to me than that!"

"I know and I can't believe all that we've done this past week, and I know that as your mother I should be horrified . . . but I'm not." Taryn said with a slightly uncomfortable manner. "I know that it's a strange way to reconnect with your kids but I feel so much closer to both of you now than I ever have!" she added with a warm smile to both Owen and Rosina.

"I know what you mean, mom, before yesterday, I never really was that close with either of you," Rosina added with a sincere tone of voice and a slightly embarrassed manner. "I was too caught up in my own life: school, friends, studying, and now college. I loved the time we spent together today, mom, and hope we can all spend much more time together in the future." She spoke with a warm and friendly manner as she smiled at her mother. "And of course I look forward to many hours spent alone with you, Moe," she added in a sultry tone of voice, with a wicked grin spread across her face.

"As do I, look forward to each moment we spend together," Owen said with a naughty grin on his face as he looked first at Rosina and then at Taryn.

"But we do need to be careful or Richard will find out. He may be wrapped up in his own little world of that law firm, but if you two do a repeat performance of this morning when he's home again, even he will wonder what's up!" Taryn said with as firm a manner as she could muster in the loving mood that permeated the table. She held that, firm look for a moment before all three of them burst into laughter.

"Perhaps we should see how quiet you can be, eh Red?" Owen asked with a naughty flavor to his voice as he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Taryn asked with a curious, yet fearful flavor to her voice.

"I mean why don't you just hop on up here and take a ride. We'll see if you can keep quiet enough, so as not to draw any attention to us?" Owen asked with a naughty, yet teasing flavor to his voice as he pushed back away from the table.

"Later, dear, I'll show you just how appreciative I am for this evening, but here in the middle of the restaurant is hardly the place!" Taryn replied with a nervous chuckle and wide eyes that betrayed the fear that she tried to hide within her.

"Red, get over here and ride my cock like a good little girl!" Owen said in an unambiguous tone of voice as he unbuckled pants, pulled them down and fished out his hard, fat cock.

Taryn looked at Owen's cock with absolute shock as her eyes bugged out and her chin hung open. She looked at it and then up into Owen's face and was flabbergasted. Quickly she looked around the restaurant to see if anyone had noticed her son exposing himself. To her frustration and horror she realized that they were in a secluded section with only one way in or out.

"Geez, mom, if you don't ride him, I will, and you know I can't keep quiet with that monster in my pussy!" Rosina said as she shifted in her seat, here eyes fixated on Owen's cock.

Taryn's lust grew within her and her decorum and restraint fought to keep her from fucking her son in the middle of the restaurant. Her need to obey her Master along with the longing to feel him inside her again won out in short order. In a flash she was hovering over his lap, facing him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and lowered herself on the cock of the man she loved more than life itself. A satisfied sigh escaped her lips when she felt the fat cock invading her innermost depths. Slowly Taryn rose until the cock was almost out of her pussy before she slowly lowered herself down again.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Moe, cause, God help me, I can't resist you," Taryn said with a troubled look on her face while her body was awash in pleasure.

"Fuck him, mom! Fuck your son in a public restaurant while your daughter watches!" Rosina said in a hushed voice that was so full of lust that her voice sounded like a hiss.

"You horny little bitch, you just love this, don't you! Your own private little sex show!" Taryn said with a lustful growl as she turned her head and looked at her daughter.

Taryn steadily bounced on Owen's cock and tried to keep herself quiet, letting out only a sigh or quiet moan now and again. Boldly Owen reached up and slipped the straps of the dress off of Taryn's shoulders, pulling the top of the dress down. Once Taryn's breasts were in view, Owen leaned forward and took a nipple into his mouth. Taryn grasped a handful of Owen's hair and hissed her excitement where otherwise she would have moaned loudly. Her bouncing on his cock quickened, it was her way to show her love of what he was doing to her body.

"This, my dear Slaves is the exact reason why you are not wearing bras or panties." Owen said with a commanding tone of voice that was polluted with a satisfied flavor. "In the future, around the house you will only wear skirts or dresses and the hems will be no longer than to your knees. As well you are not allowed to wear bras or panties in the house ever again! You may wear what you like outside the house, but once you come home, you must change, is that clear, my Slaves?" Owen said with a growl in his lust filled voice, his words slurred due to the fact that he didn't stop licking Taryn's breasts.

"Yes, Moe," Taryn and Rosina replied, somewhat in time.

"Excuse me?" Owen growled with a snarl.

"Yes, Master," Taryn and Rosina corrected themselves.

"That's better," Owen said with a pleased flavor to his voice.

They had almost forgotten the very public place that they were in and Taryn began to start bouncing up and down wildly. She desperately wanted release and her lust had possessed her, the wickedness of the situation was quickly pushing her over the edge. The sharp breath from the other end of the room brought everyone's attention and their heads snapped to look at the source.

There, standing in the entryway to the private section of the restaurant was their waiter carrying a tray with their dinners. He stood there with a stunned look on his face as Taryn continued to ride Owen's cock; her body was practically on auto-pilot. For thirty long seconds the waiter stood there, dumbfounded as to the hot scene unfolding before him.

"Y . . . you shouldn't be doing th . . . that," The waiter squeaked out with a stunned tone of voice, his lips barely moving and his eyes never blinking.

Owen looked at the man in question and could see that he was horny as hell, the bulge in his pants attested to that. He stood not much taller than Owen did was and looked to be somewhere in his early twenties. In fact he looked familiar, like someone he may have seen in one of his classes at college, but couldn't place him at the time. His brown hair was cut quite short in a typical "GQ" side part and his blue eyes were as wide as saucers. He looked thin and a little on the lean side, like he could use some time spent in the gym to put some muscle on his skinny frame. All in all he wasn't that homely looking, but he wasn't "Brad Pitt" either.

"Why don't you come over here and get better acquainted?" Owen asked as calmly as he could with his mother's pussy tightly gripping his cock at the moment.

"Cat, why don't you show our friend here how much we would appreciate his discretion on this matter," Owen said to Rosina with a wicked smile on his face as he tossed her a wink.

"Yes, Moe," Rosina replied with a giddy tone of voice as she stood up and walked with an exaggerated saunter towards the waiter.

It was clear that Rosina had no trouble following any order that Owen gave. The moral struggle that raged within her as to whether or not to serve him drained her of any fight she had. All she knew now was that she was a Slave to Owen and as such she would faithfully do anything he commanded. She was completely his to do with as he pleased, whenever he pleased and to whomever he pleased. It was with her eagerness to prove this to Owen that she walked confidently toward the waiter, who was still holding their dinner.

"That looks heavy, Honey, put that down over here," Rosina said with a sweet smile and a sultry tone of voice as she lightly tugged on the waiter's arm.

"Wha . . . wha . . . what are we going to do?" the stunned waiter said as he allowed himself to be led toward the table.

When they were near, Rosina unloaded the tray, placing the dinners at the appropriate place on their table. She then took the tray from the young waiter's hands and put it on a nearby table. Pulling a chair out from the table she lightly pushed the stunned waiter down onto the chair. When Rosina walked toward the waiter, starting to lift the hem of her dress Owen spoke up.

"We're not that appreciative, Cat," Owen said with a disapproving tone of voice.

Rosina stopped in her tracks and dropped to her knees right in front of the slack-jawed waiter. She reached up, unzipped his pants, yanked them and his underwear down, and grasped his hard cock in her small hands. She smiled up at the waiter whose name she didn't even know, leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock.

As Rosina's mouth descended on his cock, John looked down at the hot blonde who was now blowing him. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before! Sure he had a girlfriend and was having sex with her, but she only had made him wait until they had been going together for two months. Here a woman he had just met was now on her knees giving him a blowjob just because another guy told her to! It was wild and he almost didn't believe it was happening, but if it was a dream, he didn't want to wake.

"I like your cock, baby. It's the perfect size for this," Rosina said with a satisfied purr as she briefly took her mouth off of his cock to smile up at the man who owned the cock she was sucking.

John felt immensely proud, for never had anyone described his cock as perfect! He knew his cock wasn't as large as some men's but he knew his wasn't the smallest cock either. Just knowing that a hot chick like the one he was with could appreciate what he had to offer made him feel great. He let his head fall back as he sighed heavily and surrendered to the magical work of her mouth on his cock.

Rosina smiled to herself as she saw the gratified and relieved smile on the waiter's face. She didn't have the heart to tell him that the reason she saw his cock as perfect was that it was considerably shorter and thinner than Owen's comparative monster. She had a good shot at deep-throating this cock and planned to do so as quick as she could. Perhaps in deep-throating this cock, she could ready herself to finally take Owen's cock down her throat. With determination she closed her eyes and thrust her mouth forward. She soon felt the head of the cock hit the entrance to her throat and slip past it. She started to gag but that feeling passed quickly as a few inches of the cock slipped down her throat. When she felt pubic hair tickle her nose she opened her eyes to see her lips kissing the base of his cock. Rosina was pleased because she had voluntarily deep-throated her first cock. Energetically she withdrew the cock from her mouth and immediately thrust her mouth back down. She didn't pause at all when the head of the cock hit the entrance of her throat. She gagged again, but since she expected it, it didn't hit her as hard so she pressed on until again all of the cock was past her lips. Again and again, Rosina deep-throated the cock and she got more accustomed to the cock slipping down her throat. Her pace quickened as she became so focused on practicing her deep-throating technique. Rosina almost forgot that a man was attached to the cock she was sucking with all she had.

The suddenness and shock of the amazingly unbelievable experience accompanied with the best blowjob of his life was too much for John. With a grunt his hips bucked up and slammed his cock down Rosina's throat as it erupted with his cum. Rosina hadn't given a thought to what she was going to do with the strange man's cum. Once she felt the cum erupt down her throat she knew the question was answered for her. She swallowed repeatedly and John groaned nonstop as her throat milked his cock with all the cum he had to offer.

Taryn looked over her shoulder when John moaned to signal that he was about to cum. She saw that at that very moment that Rosina had all of his cock in her mouth and felt happy for her daughter. As strange as it was, she didn't feel odd to see her daughter sucking off a total stranger, instead she was proud. She knew that it meant a lot to Rosina to deep-throat Owen's cock and to see her doing so to this cock was a step down that road. It was the first time that Taryn looked at Rosina and felt closer to being her friend than her mother. The sight of her little girl's throat milking the young waiter's cock that had by now erupted was not repulsive, but hot.

Taryn let her head flop back as the complete decadence and wild abandon of the situation pushed her over the edge. A guttural moan escaped her lips before she snapped her head forward to kiss Owen with all the passion that she had at that intense moment. Her abundant red hair flipped forward and cascaded over Owen, covering both of their heads as they kissed through Taryn's and then Owen's orgasm. The clasping pussy of his dearest Slave pushed Owen over the edge and he let loose a torrent of cum up inside his mother's pussy. Taryn let go and slumped forward, melting her body against her beloved Master, both lovers breathing heavy as they tried to catch their breath. Taryn flipped her head to tame the wild mane of red hair, as she smiled at the man she loved and kissed him with a soft romantic kiss.

Everyone looked at each other with the satisfied smile of post-orgasmic bliss. With the exception of Rosina, who was simply happy to have achieved deep-throating a cock, even if it was a below-average, thin cock. To Rosina it was a major accomplishment and she couldn't wait for her next opportunity to try to deep-throat her Master's cock. Owen looked around the room and saw that there was an unmistakable air of sex in the room. Anyone who walked in would know in a second what had transpired, they had already tempted fate too much.

"As hot as this is, dinner is getting cold," Owen said with a slightly disappointed smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I'd better get back to work, or my boss will come looking for me," John said with a nervous chuckle. "Thanks for the . . . well, thanks," John said nervously. My name is . . ." John started to introduce himself, but Rosina cut him off.

"DON'T!" she shouted. "It's hotter this way, don't you think?" she added with a wink and a sultry smile. "And you're welcome," she said as she stood up.

Taryn separated herself from Owen reluctantly and pulled the top of her dress back up. Owen pulled his pants back up and straightened his clothes up as Rosina took her seat by the table. Without saying a word, John flashed a nervous smile at the three people at the table and walked away, not sure of what to say. The three people then enjoyed their dinner, albeit only slightly cooler than it could have been but they weren't complaining. It was a strangely causal dinner and nobody felt self-conscious about the wildly dangerous sex that just took place. They chatted and talked more like friends than family, strangely enough, they were a mixture of three: family, friends and lovers. Dinner was over and nothing of consequence happened during the rest of dinner. John refused to take any sort of tip from Owen and even gave them a discount on dinner.

"Where are we going? I thought we were going to the movies?" Rosina asked as she pointed in the general direction of the movie theater.

"You guy's look too hot for the movies! We're going dancing!" Owen said with a certain tone of voice as he motioned in the direction of a nearby nightclub.

"Sweetie, Rosie's only nineteen, we can't all get in," Taryn said in a motherly manner. She looked at Owen with a look of concern as they started walking to one of the few nightclubs that was mixed in amongst the restaurants.

"Please, she's hot, you both are, when have you ever known them to card a hot chick?" Owen laughed as he confidently strode toward the nightclub in question.

As expected the trio was waved on through only after the doorman let his eyes walk all over both Taryn's and Rosina's bodies. Once inside they grabbed a table near the dance floor and quickly ordered drinks. Rosina was excited to finally being given the chance to have her first drink in a bar. She had drunk beer at the odd college party this past year but this was the first time to be drinking in front of her mother. Owen restricted himself to one beer because he was driving. The ladies had a few drinks each and were quickly feeling tipsy. They were up dancing as a trio for almost every song, sitting down only when they needed to rest. Being in a bar with Owen brought back memories of one week ago when Taryn's life took a drastic turn.

"Hey my studly, Moe, why don't you take that horny little bitch over there and fuck her in the bathroom, eh?" Taryn said with a giddy giggle as she leaned over to talk to Owen. She leaned over a little too far and crashed into Owen and elbowed him in the ribs before bursting into laughter.

"What?" Rosina squeaked, not sure if she should take offense or be excited over Taryn's last comment.

"Good idea, Red," Owen said with a mischievous grin to Taryn before turning to Rosina. "Cat, go into the men's room, go to the farthest stall and wait for me," he said with confidence to Rosina and turned his attention back to Taryn.

"WHAT?" Rosina shouted, not sure if she felt safe doing this.

"NOW!" Owen shouted without looking away from Taryn whom he was chatting with at the time.

"Yes, Moe," Rosina replied in a subdued tone of voice.

Rosina then stood up and walked toward the ladies room before slipping quickly into the men's bathroom. She scanned the room, hoping to find it empty, but to her horror she saw a man washing his hands. He chuckled and gave her a queer look before his eyes wandered over her body in an obvious way as he wavered slightly in his stance.

"Wrong door huh, honey?" The man asked with a chuckle; a sparkle of desire lived in his eye. As he spoke it was clear that he was seriously buzzed at the very least.

Thinking quickly, Rosina acted very drunk and staggered towards the far stall. The man just laughed as Rosina crashed through the far bathroom stall door, slamming it closed behind her, clumsily. Her heart thumped in her chest as her embarrassment hit her. In order to keep up her drunken front up, Rosina made retching sounds until she heard the man leave.

The look of desire that had been in the man's eye made Rosina worried, and the incident had scared her. What if the man had decided to take advantage of her drunken state? Even since she was, more or less sober, with his considerable size advantage, there would be little she could do to stop him from having his way with her. Sure she wanted to please Owen and would willingly do what he said without question. Owen was always around when she obeyed him, she felt safe with him around. She felt protected in his presence so she could easily do anything he asked of her then, he was her comfort zone.

"You need help, honey?" The drunken man asked from behind her.

Rosina snapped her head to look over her shoulder and to her terror she saw that the man that she had thought had left was now standing in the open stall door. Rosina was still bending over the toilet from when she was faking to vomit. This meant that she was bent over and in perfect position for the man to fuck her, her ass was offered up as if on a silver platter.

"I. . . I'm f . . . fine," Rosina stammered out in a weak tone of voice, still bending over.

Rosina's mind had frozen, she didn't know what to do or how to react. Panic had gripped her mind tightly and she was so confused and terrified that she didn't even struggle or fight back. This drunken man was much larger than she was and she was all alone. Her worst fear was about to be realized as she watched in dread as he stated to unbuckle his pants. He laughed a cocky, laugh as he staggered in toward Rosina, his pants fully undone, and his dick now waving in front of him. He had just put his hand on the small of Rosina's back when the bathroom door opened up.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Owen shouted as he saw the drunken man whose pants were hanging down as he walked into the last stall.

"Piss off pall, I'm trying to get some pussy," the man said in an angry slur towards Owen before he turned his attention to Rosina and walked forward slightly.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY GIRL!" Owen shouted as he rushed towards the mountain of a man who towered over him.

Owen was in an absolute rage beyond the reach of any logic as he quickly spanned the distance between the drunken man and himself. As soon as he was in reach of the man, Owen grasped his shoulder and tossed him back, sending the man staggering backwards, until he hit the far wall. With his pants down at his ankles the stunned drunken man presented a very visible and tempting target for Owen's foot. With a swift kick not unlike a kicker in an NFL football game punting the ball, Owen punted the drunken man's balls. This caused the drunken man to break into tears like a little girl, holding his injured balls. He was no danger to anyone, nor would he be anytime soon but Owen was in such a rage that this was not good enough for him. He rushed toward the crying man with his fist raised to punch him. Had it not been for Taryn, Owen may have beaten the man to death without even realizing it.

Taryn had rushed to investigate the instant Owen screamed after opening up the bathroom door. She arrived just in time to see Owen toss the man to the wall and punt his nuts. Once she started to pull Owen off of the drunken man Rosina joined in and the pair got him out of there. They swiftly left the nightclub and dropped a hundred dollar bill to smooth any possible troubles with the establishment. By the time they had found a small coffee shop around the way, Owen had calmed down. The adrenaline rush of the whole incident had quickly sobered up Taryn and Rosina. As they sipped their coffee, while Rosina was in the washroom, Taryn decided to discuss the incident with Owen.

"Owen dear, you have to be more careful in the future," Taryn said with an urging tone of voice, as she leaned over the table and grasped Owen's hand.

"I know," Owen replied in an ashamed tone of voice as he sighed a deep sigh of regret.

"That girl loves and trusts you implicitly, as do I!" Taryn said with a firm and loving tone of voice. "Both of us will happily do whatever you ask, you know that," Taryn added with a tone of touching conviction.

"I know, Taryn," Owen smiled a loving smile back at Taryn to convey how much that meant to him.

"But you have to think about what you're having us do, dear. You must take into account how safe it is, what the risks of us getting exposed are? That incident in the bathroom is an example of you giving an order that wasn't safe. Ordering a pretty girl to walk into a men's room in a bar all by herself? What were you thinking?" Taryn said in a shocked tone of voice as she lightly glared into his eyes with a look of disbelief.

"I wasn't. I just thought it would heighten it for her if she had to go and wait for me, you know build the anticipation," Owen said with a sad tone of voice before he sighed heavily and continued. "I didn't think that anything might happen to her in there . . . I just didn't think about it," he said with a dejected tone of voice.

"You have to consider the consequences of your orders, Honey. What if someone who knew us had spotted you and I having sex in the restaurant?" Taryn said with a fearful tone of voice. "How were you planning on explaining that?" Taryn asked with a daring tone of voice. It wasn't a moment later before both she and Owen burst into laughter over the mental picture of Owen trying to do just that.

"That would be a hard one to explain," Owen admitted as their laughter died down.

"I don't regret what we do. I just don't want to have to explain to anyone about what we do in private," Taryn said as Rosina returned and slid into the booth next to Owen.

"Hey, Rosie, how you doing?" Owen asked Rosina as she slid right up to him and embraced him from the side in an unmistakable, tenderly intimate manner.

"I'm okay, I was quite scared there. I was sure that he was going to . . ." Rosina said in a fearful tone of voice before her voice cracked and she couldn't continue, so she buried her face in Owen's shoulder for comfort.

"I'm so sorry, Rosie, I will be much more careful with what I have you do in the future. Can you forgive me?" Owen asked Rosina with a sincere and loving look that implored for understanding.

"I know you didn't mean for that to happen, and you did save me. So in my books, you're still my hero." Rosina said with a teary smile on her otherwise troubled face as she kissed him a loving kiss.

"I won't let anything happen to either of you two. I won't put either of you at risk again." Owen said with a certain and firm tone of voice, with a tear in his eye.

"We know, dear," Taryn replied with a loving and genuinely touched manner as she smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

The trio casually walked back toward the car with their arms around each other. While part of them knew that they were holding each other in far too intimate an embrace for family to be seen in public, they didn't care. The incident in the bathroom scared the three of them as it highlighted the risks of tossing out commands without due consideration of the consequences. Rosina was almost raped because of Owen's thoughtlessness. The fear of anything happening to any of them made them treasure each other that much more. Little was said on the ride home as Taryn and Rosina cuddled up in the back, with mother comforting daughter after a troubling time. When they did arrive at the house and saw Richard's car parked, they decided to leave the bags of purchases in the trunk.

"Ah there you three are!" Richard said with glee from the living room as Taryn, Rosina, and Owen came into view. "Where'd you guys go?" he asked with a light and curious tone of voice and it was clear that he wasn't mad.

"We got tired of staring at these four walls so we decided to go out to dinner, and the evening got away from us," Taryn said with a loving smile as she walked toward her husband who had been watching TV.

"New dress?" Richard asked as Taryn leaned over and kissed him.

"No, I've had this for ages," Taryn laughed with a dismissive chuckle as she sat down in the sofa next to her husband. "Goodnight you two," Taryn said with a warm smile to Owen and Rosina that she tried to keep parental and calm.

"Goodnight, mom, dad," Owen and Rosina said as they walked upstairs with their arm around each others waist.

Without saying a word, nor needing to, they walked silently into Owen's room. Striping nude calmly and casually they slipped into bed, once they were nude. Soon they were settled into the tender embrace of lovers and fell asleep in each other's arms. Rosina felt safe, being held by the man she loved, her Master. Despite the trying time in the bathroom that night it didn't bother her, for she was with the man whom she knew would always protect her.