Big Changes At Home Ch. 10


Chapter Ten: Owen And Rosina

Owen awoke the next morning to a blast of light. He squinted so that he could see in amongst the wash of light. He heard the door close and knew that someone had turned the light on. It was the favorite trick of his mother to quietly and effectively wake him up. Much to his frustration, it always worked. Owen blinked and groaned as he slowly got used to the brightly lit room. He looked at the sleeping form of his sister and smiled lovingly at her.

Rosina had slept in his bed for the second night in a row, and he was fast becoming used to this pleasure. Her lithe and petite body seemed to melt into his and her warmth felt incredible as she slept, cuddled up to him. Her blonde hair spilled all about as a result of her tossing and turning; Owen took a moment to comb and smooth it out. Owen knew that they both needed to get going so he shook the sleeping beauty awake.

"Time to get up, Rosie," Owen said as he gently shook Rosina's arm.

Rosina stirred awake and looked around the room with squinted eyes for a moment before she shut them tightly and hid her face in the pillow. She groaned her complaint of the bright light with wordless protest and Owen laughed at her discomfort. For some reason the groggy-way she woke up struck him as cute and he laughed, despite himself.

"Damn light! It's not funny, Master!" Rosina scoffed as she lightly smacked Owen's shoulder while still hiding her eyes in the pillow.

"Sorry, but you just wake up in the cutest way," Owen said with a dying chuckle, as he leaned over and kissed the back of Rosina's head. "We need to get up," he said as he started to roll to get out of bed.

Just then, a hand shot out and grasped Owen's arm and tugged him back into bed. An unsuspecting Owen found himself rolling back into bed. As soon as he was near enough, Rosina cuddled up to him, practically covering him with her body. She giggled as she got comfortable, resting her head on his shoulder, holding him tightly so he couldn't go anywhere.

"NO!" Rosina shouted in a mock-pout as she held him firm. "We're not leaving this bed all day!" she said in a firm tone of voice that was heavily tainted with a giggling chuckle.

"Really?" Owen asked with a laugh. "What about school?" he asked as he looked into the smiling eyes of his newest Slave.

"Fuck school, now that I have you in bed, I don't ever want to leave," Rosina said with a loving tone of voice before she moved in and kissed Owen square on the lips.

It was a kiss that started out soft and romantic but quickly grew in passion and intensity. Both siblings were pulling and pawing at each other as they started to roll around that bed, kissing madly. At the end of the kiss Owen was on top of Rosina and his rock hard cock was throbbing against her clitoris. Rosina started to gyrate her hips to grind her pussy against his cock.

"Damnit! We gotta get moving," Owen said as he got off Rosina and up out of bed.

Not to be outdone or refused the morning fuck that she was after, Rosina quickly turned over in bed. In a flash Rosina had tossed the covers completely aside and rolled over onto her stomach. She brought her knees up and rested her head on the pillow. The result was that her ass was in the air with her knees spread shoulder-width apart. She had her head turned to the side so that she could look at Owen as she talked.

"But, Master, I need you soooo badly!" Rosina said in a sultry as she started to stroke her slit with her index finger. "I have an itch that only you and your fat cock can scratch," she continued in a needy tone of voice as she watched Owen eye her up.

"We slept in, we have to get moving," Owen said as he looked over the tempting sight of his sister.

"Yeah we need to get moving, we need to get your fat cock moving in and out of my hot little pussy. I need you, Master, your Slave needs you, Master, I've been a good Slave, and we never did get the chance to fuck last night, give it to me. Fuck me!" Rosina whined out and her voice started to break up in a frustrated growl.

Owen looked at his sister who began to probe her pussy with her index finger. She started to moan as she brought herself pleasure with her own finger. It was clear that she was hot and needed his cock, sure they were running late, but was anyone too busy for pussy? Owen walked back to be bed and knelt behind his sister. She quickly grasped his cock when it was near enough and lined it up to her waiting pussy.

"Just remember to breathe through that pillow and try to keep quiet!" Owen said as he slid forward and into Rosina's pussy with the help of her guiding hand.

"Yes, Master," Rosina said with a blissful sigh, her voice was muffled and distorted by the pillow that she clutched to her face.

Owen sank his cock further and further into his sister's pussy and still couldn't believe his luck. She was the tightest pussy he had ever seen, let alone thrust his cock into. Yet not only did he have the good fortune of fucking her, she was his. Not just as his lover, she was his Slave, and eagerly performed any task he required of her. If she wasn't his sister, he could see himself falling hard for her and perhaps one day marrying her. The fact was that she was his sister and so marriage and kids wasn't an option. Once his cock had fully imbedded itself inside the pussy of the woman in question, Owen no longer cared that she was his sister, she was one hot fuck.

"I'll never get tired of this, Master." Rosina mewed in a contented voice that sounded like a drug addict that had just been given their latest hit. "Thanks, Master, I needed this. I really did!" she added with a deep, guttural voice as she began to rock back and forth.

Owen stood there, kneeling behind Rosina and watched as she fucked herself on his cock while he stood still. He looked down and watched his cock sliding in and out of her pussy while he just knelt there. After a moment of this and a frustrated growl from Rosina, Owen grasped her hips and started to thrust. Once Owen took over the fuck, Rosina stopped thrusting and just let herself get fucked by the man she worshiped.

Rosina's life had taken such an abrupt turn in the last week and it hit her strangely as Owen fucked her wildly. One week ago she and Owen barely spoke, and even then it was quick, casual and in passing. She was eagerly studying to be a nurse so school and her studies dominated her life. She didn't date much, not because she didn't get offers, she did get asked out from time to time. Mostly she didn't date because she couldn't spare the time. Now, one week later she was on her brother's bed getting fucked by the man who was not only her lover, but her Master. She belonged to him in a real sense and that thought brought a feeling of peace and contentment to her. She loved the fact that there was a man who owned her, a man to look out for and protect her. The only thought that brought her pain was the fact that since he was her brother, she could never marry him or bear his children. She desperately wanted to carry his child and offer up to him the ultimate gift she could give her Master, his child. She pushed the saddening thought out of her mind as she instead focused on the release she needed.

Rosina knew, like Owen did, that this stolen moment of passion couldn't last long and they needed to wrap it up quickly. Rosina started to rock her hips, to meet his thrusts with a thrust of her own. She wanted to feel him explode deep inside her; she loved the way it felt to have the deepest depths of her pussy washed in his cum. A sinfully delicious thought crept across her lips when it happened that this was her brother's cum in her pussy.

"Oh God!" Owen moaned as he quickened his pace of fucking.

"YES! Cum in me!" Rosina squealed with excitement as she hammered back at him, quicker still.

"Cumming!" Owen moaned out as he threw his head back, slammed into Rosina's pussy one last time and let lose.

Rosina felt pure bliss when Owen's cock started spewing his hot cum inside her. The seed seemed to wash her pussy in warmth. Rosina swore from that moment on that she wouldn't take her pill anymore. She didn't care that he was her brother, she didn't care of the risks of the pregnancy. All Rosina wanted at that moment was a child from the only man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. The heat of the moment and the wickedness of her resolution triggered her orgasm. Rosina clutched the pillow tight as she tried in vein to stifle her orgasmic screams. Rosina wondered how any woman could be expected to keep quiet when getting fucked by the perfect cock. The back end of their respective orgasms wasn't as quick or sudden as how it had started. Owen slumped over Rosina when his cock was spent and his weight caused her to crash to the bed. The two incestuous lovers breathed heavy as they caught their breath from the short but intense fuck.

"Now we really do have to get moving," Owen said as he kissed Rosina on the cheek.

"I know," Rosina said with a loving smile on her face as she turned her head to look at him.

"Wait here for a minute or two," Owen said as he pulled out of Rosina and climbed out of bed.

Rosina felt hollow without him inside her and tried to hide her disappointment that he wasn't. The sad look in her eye betrayed her hidden feelings and in response Owen smiled at her a comforting smile. Owen tossed his robe on and his smile grew broadly as he slipped out of the room.

After slipping into Rosina's room to retrieve her bathrobe he opened the door to his room just enough to toss that robe at Rosina. Owen had just walked into the bathroom and was closing the door when it abruptly opened up again. Owen turned around, expecting to see Rosina, trying to sneak a shower with him that morning. Instead of a smiling Rosina, Owen saw Taryn, his mother, who was quite angry, her red face made that obvious. Her eyes were slits as she reached up and grasped Owen by the throat and tossed him up against the bathroom door.

"The next time you two decide to fuck when Richard is home why don't you go ahead and bend her over the diner table!" Taryn growled in a low tone of voice an inch from Owen's face.

"We were quiet!" Owen replied nervously, half-convinced of what he was saying.

"HA! I was in the kitchen and I knew what you were doing. I had to pretend I couldn't hear the noises Richard heard!" Taryn said in the same angry tone of voice while she kept her voice down.

"What noises? Rosie had her head in a pillow the whole time," Owen shrugged with a confused tone of voice and a wrinkled forehead.

"Headboard! Wall! Need I say more?" Taryn said with a stern look on her face before she burst into laughter.

"Oh." Owen said as he winced in embarrassment and shame.

"I swear sometimes you want Richard to find out!" Taryn said before she leaned in and kissed Owen in a lingering kiss on the lips.

"Care for a shower, Red?" Owen asked in a sultry tone of voice as he nodded in the direction of the shower.

"I'd love to but we can't spare the time," Taryn said with a dismayed tone of voice.

"Shall I make it an order?" Owen teased with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smile on his face.

"If you do, then you might as well walk downstairs right now and confess everything to Richard. I swear I'll moan like a whore so loudly that I'll make Rosina seem quiet!" Taryn said with a tone that dripped with sex yet still conveyed her resolute conviction.

"I have decided to shower alone," Owen said with a firm tone of voice that weakly hid his fear that lived in his eyes.

"A wise decision, Master," Taryn giggled as she leaned forward and gave Owen a hot kiss while pulling Owen away from the door. "Bye, Master," Taryn said as she slipped out of the door, leaving Owen hard, horny and alone.

Owen briefly thought of calling Rosina into the bathroom for a quick romp but decided against it. It didn't take long for Owen and Rosina to get ready for the day. Somehow Owen and Rosina kept a straight face when Richard asked them, over breakfast, if they had heard the odd sounds that morning. Once they were out the door and on their way to school, Owen explained what Taryn had said. Rosina was a little embarrassed that their father overheard their private time together.

On the short bus-ride to school Rosina insisted on snuggling up to Owen this morning like the previous morning. Owen was more comfortable with showing affection for his sister in public this morning than he was last morning. As they walked across the campus, hand in hand, a warm feeling grew in Owen's heart. His feelings for Rosina were getting confusing and complicated. He loved her as a sister but even in their short time together in a romantic relationship, she was already quite special to him. After she kissed him goodbye and walked away from him to go to her class, Owen watched her go. He already missed her, not as his sister, or as his lover, or even as his Slave, but instead as a companion. Owen couldn't deny that he was starting to think of his younger sister as his girlfriend and shook his head to push the odd thought out of his head.

All morning at school Owen found his thoughts drifting back to Rosina and how serious things were getting between them, so quickly. Owen didn't know what was right or even what he really wanted. He had never been that close to Rosina and now all of a sudden he couldn't imagine her not in his life. Was it the great sex? Was it the fact that he had completely dominated his own sister? Was it something more, was he actually falling in love with his sister? Could such a thing be possible? As strange as it seemed, the thought of falling in love with his sister troubled him a lot more than simply having sex with her or even dominating her. To fall in love with her would take everything to a whole new level, one that was not what he signed up for when he started things up with his mother a week ago. Owen had been sitting on a bench, enjoying the lovely weather, pondering all this over when he heard someone approach from behind.

"Guess who?" a gleeful female voice asked as everything went black.

"Rosie?" Owen asked in a false-unsure tone of voice.

"No, it's Cat. Come with me, Master," Rosina whispered in Owen's ear with a tone of voice that dripped with sex and then licked his earlobe, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Let me think about that," Owen said with a pondering tone of voice. "Okay!" he added energetically, almost immediately.

Rosina grasped Owen by the hand and led him down the path between two of the campus's buildings. Looking around quickly to see if anyone saw them, Rosina darted behind a thick bush, dragging Owen with her. Owen saw that they were up against one of the buildings and in an inside corner, completely obscured by the large and thick bush. Rosina gently pushed Owen up against the brick building while smiling up at him with a wicked yet lustful smile.

"I've been thinking of this since the restaurant last night," Rosina said with a sultry tone of voice as she dropped to her knees before Owen.

"Have you now?" Owen asked with a smirk on his face as he watched Rosina start to unbuckle his pants.

"Oh yeah, I can't wait to have this monster down my throat, Master," Rosina said with an excited tone of voice while she bit her lower lip, as Owen's cock came into view.

Rosina didn't waste any time as she grasped Owen's cock by the base and licked her lips while she leaned forward. Rosina closed her eyes as she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. Slowly she moved forward, taking more of his cock into her mouth. Soon enough the fat head hit the back of her mouth, and Rosina backed up and let the cock slip passed her lips. Once again she brought the cock back into her mouth and she mentally prepared herself once the head reached the back of her throat. Without pausing and with monumental determination Rosina forced her head forward. Her throat felt completely full and stretched as the fat head started to slide down her throat. Rosina felt her gag reflex kicking up but she pressed on, until she felt pubic hairs at her nose. Rosina wanted to shout out in victory and excitement but she couldn't even smile for she was completely full of her Master's cock. She pulled back and let his cock slip almost out of her mouth until she then let it slide back into her mouth and down her throat. She didn't gag as much this time, and even less the next time. Soon enough Rosina was deep-throating Owen like she had always wanted.

"Oh God Rosie, you're doing it! You've got me down your throat!" Owen moaned out in a lustful tone of reverence as he felt his knees start to buckle.

Rosina picked up the pace of her blowjob upon hearing Owen's praise for her. What was not lost on her even as his thick cock was down her throat was that he called her Rosie and not Cat. Could he feel as strongly for her as she felt for him? This morning was special in so many ways, for they were starting to feel like a couple, at least in her eyes. She looked up at him as she continued to suck his cock and the love that he had for her showed in his eyes. It was at that moment that Rosina knew; she really knew that Owen loved her. Rosina sucked hard because she wanted to feel him cum down her throat. She wanted to please him, not as her Master, but as her boyfriend, as her man.

"OOOOHHH GAAAWWWDD!" Owen screamed in a loud moan as his orgasm hit him.

Since Rosina had wanted to feel him cumming deep down her throat, it was fortunate that it was all the way down her throat when he came. When his cock started cuming the head swelled slightly, completely lodging itself in her throat. All Rosina could do was swallow, repeatedly and wait for the waves to subside. Owen's knees shook as the intense climax ripped through him, and only the wall held him up. When it was over his knees finally gave out and he found himself sitting on the ground. Rosina lovingly licked his cock clean before pulling his pants back up.

After Owen was covered up, Rosina moved up and cuddled up with him. It was a private spot and a tender moment between lovers. Rosina loved the feeling of holding him and his arms around her always made her feel safe and secure, now they also made her fell loved. They held each other behind that bush, saying nothing for awhile.

Soon enough though, it was time to return to class and they both knew it. They stood up, brushed the dirt off each other before walking out from behind the bush, hand in hand. They had just stopped to kiss goodbye when someone spoke up, to break their private goodbye.

"What's this? Looks like Owen's got himself a girl!" a male voice said with a voice that was filled with laughter.

Both Owen and Rosina turned to see a handsome guy who looked to be somewhere around their age, approaching. He stood taller than Owen and was quite lean, almost to the point that he looked to have been stretched. As a result of his tall and lean build his arms and legs looked to be much longer than they were. His blonde hair was short and spiky all over and he had a carefree air about him. He was the type of guy who seemed to bring the party with him and could brighten up an insurance seminar.

"Hey, Fred, what's up?" Owen said with a smile as Fred arrived to stand right in front of them.

"You tell me!" Fred chuckled as he slapped Owen on the shoulder and laughed. "Don't tell me that not only have you finally got yourself a girl, but you managed to nab one of the reluctant hoties!" he added with amazed laughter as he slapped Owen on the shoulder.

"What can I say," Owen laughed nervously as he looked at Fred, hoping that he would go away.

"Reluctant hoties?" Rosina asked Fred with an eyebrow to convey her dubious curiosity.

"Oh, sorry," Fred chuckled as he saw the expression on Rosina's face. "I mean that you're one of the hot girls at this place who never dates anyone," he explained seriously with a smile that seemed to live on his face.

"Oh," Rosina laughed nervously, as she didn't think of herself as "hot."

"As a matter of fact I asked you out last month and you shot me down," Fred said with a knowing smirk on his face as he shook his finger at her. "Was that because you were already studying 'anatomy' with my man Owen here?" Fred asked with a hearty laugh as he slapped Owen on the shoulder.

"No, I hadn't asked him out yet, but I did have my eye on him," Rosina said as she winked at Fred but kissed Owen briefly.

"You chased him?" Fred said to Rosina with an amazed look on his face.

"Absolutely! A girl knows a stud when she sees him!" Rosina said as she grasped Owen by the collar and kissed him again with a forceful kiss.

"Buddy, your luck never ceases to amaze me," Fred said to Owen with a big smile on his face as he slapped Owen's shoulder again.

"What can I say, I'm a lucky guy to have Rosie here as my girl," Owen said with a loving smile to Rosina before glancing over to Fred.

"Well, you guys look good together. Listen, Carol and I are going to McDougal's Pub tomorrow night to check out a new band that's playing, why don't you guys come along?" Fred said casually and looked back and forth between Owen and Rosina, with an expectant expression.

"Sounds good to me, what do you say, honey?" Rosina asked Owen with an expectant sparkle in her eye.

"Yeah! Sounds like fun, sweetie," Owen said with a warm smile at Rosina.

"Great, see you two lovebirds there," Fred said as he walked away and into a nearby building.

"So does this mean I'm 'officially' your girlfriend? In public, I mean?" Rosina asked Owen with a bright smile on her face as she looked at Owen, hopefully.

"Yeah, I guess so," Owen replied with a warm smile as he squeezed Rosina tighter.

"Great!" Rosina squealed with excitement. "You're lucky I love you because, so far you have been a terrible boyfriend!" she added with a forced straight expression.

"What do you mean?" Owen shot back defensively, with a light scowl on his face.

"So far in our relationship all we've done is have sex, you haven't taken me out once! I may just break up with you!" Rosina replied in a manner of playful anger.

"Hey! We went out last night!" Owen replied with a defensive tone of voice that was covered with a smile.

"If mom's there, it doesn't count as a date!" Rosina said with a half-closed eye of a stern expression that was tainted by a smirk.

"True," Owen conceded with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Bye, honey," Rosina said as she kissed Owen a lingering goodbye kiss.

"Bye, sweetie," Owen said as Rosina walked away.

That afternoon Owen could focus more on his classes, and less on Rosina. It felt right that they had admitted to the world that they were together. For some reason taking this step didn't seem odd or weird, even thought he was now publicly dating his sister. Well, nobody knew that Rosina was his sister, but now everyone would know her as his girlfriend. That thought didn't bother him, for it seemed the natural next step for them. Granted things were going fast but nothing seemed to be forced.

When classes were over for the day, Owen walked out of class he got an unexpected surprise. Owen walked out and had turned a corner, in order to walk out the building. Someone didn't like this development and let her opinion be known.

"Owen Thompson, are you trying to avoid your girlfriend?" Rosina shouted after the departing Owen with a big smile on her face.

Rosina was sitting in a nearby seating area, keeping an eye on his classroom, while doing some homework. Owen spun around and saw Rosina sitting quietly, but smiling up at him with a huge grin on her face. He walked over to her with a large smile on his face, happy with this pleasant surprise.

"Rosie, what are you doing here?" Owen asked Rosina after he kissed her a greeting kiss.

"Waiting for my hot stud of a boyfriend to finish his class," Rosina said as her hand lingered on Owen's upper arm.

"Well, in that case I should clear off before he gets here," Owen said in a playful tone of voice as he stood upright and turned to leave.

"Don't you dare!" Rosina chuckled as she grasped Owen's arm tight and pulled him down to kiss her once more. "You know you're the only man for me," Rosina said in a serious tone of voice and a warm smile that conveyed her seriousness.

"Let's go home, sweetheart," Owen chuckled as he stopped trying to walk away.

Rosina packed up her books and the pair left the building in order to make their way home. They walked not holding hands but instead they had an arm around each other's waist. Neither of them gave a thought as to what someone might say if they saw them together. Both siblings were confident that the world didn't know that they were brother and sister instead of boyfriend and girlfriend.

As they got off the bus they knew that in this neighborhood people knew they were brother and sister. It was as if when they switched roles, without saying anything. Rosina gave Owen a strained look as slyly as she could, to let him know her displeasure of the required distance. Once they walked into their house, they felt safe and knew that they could express their love, at least when their father wasn't home.

"Hey, mom, we're home!" Owen called out as he closed the door, once both he and Rosina were inside.

"Hey, dears, how was your day?" Taryn called out from the kitchen.

"I'll be down in a bit, I gotta change," Rosina said casually as she kissed Owen before walking briskly toward the stairs.

Owen watched Rosina walk away before he walked toward the kitchen to visit with his mother. He walked through the door and stopped in his tracks when his eyes fell on Taryn. There she was, standing in front of the stove cooking dinner, not even turning to look at him. Taryn had changed from her typical work attire and into something appropriate for home. Or rather, at least it was something that Owen had described as what she was supposed to wear around the house.

Taryn was wearing a yellow dress that he didn't know that she owned, and looked a few sizes too small for her. It hugged and shaped her curves quite well, framing her accentuated hourglass figure exquisitely. The back was quite open, for the back plunged down in a wide scooping arch to ¾'s of the way to the waist. The hem was quite high, higher than mid-thigh and the dress would be a risqué one to wear in public. For that matter, it would be a good idea for her not to wear that dress when Richard was home, for it would invite undue attention.

"Nice dress," Owen said with a tone of voice that dripped with sex and desire.

"Thanks, I've had it for years but it's been so long since I could wear this in public anymore." Taryn said with a laugh as she continued to stir the pot that she was mindlessly monitoring. "I wore it for you," she added with a naughty tone of voice as she winked at Owen over her shoulder.

"I thought so, you look hot in it," Owen said as he casually strode over to Taryn, standing behind her. "Damn hot," he said as he caressed her hips, tracing her curves with a firm hand.

Owen's left hand remained on Taryn's waist and his right hand traveled up her side with a firm touch. Once his hand had found her armpit, he reached forward and cupped a handful of breast. Boldly he started to tug the top of the dress down, but it wouldn't budge. Taryn quickly unbuttoned the top five buttons on the dress that had buttons running all the way down the front, spaced an inch apart. Taryn's breasts sprang free and Owen caressed them openly as Taryn moaned and leaned back against Owen. Owen's left hand then traveled down Taryn's hip until it reached thigh. Then his hand moved around to the inside of Taryn's thigh and started to travel up to her groin. As expected, Taryn's excitement and anticipation was running down her leg.

With a lusty chuckle he released Taryn's breast, much to her groan of protest and he pulled his hand away from her groin. Taryn didn't have long to wonder what was going on or what he was going to do. Boldly and without asking he grasped the sides of Taryn's dress and pulled up on the bottom hem. Slowly the tight dress slid up her sides until the dress was bunched up at her waist and Taryn stood nude from the waist down.

Owen pulled back on Taryn's hips which caused her to have to lean forward. With instinct she spread her legs a little wider to give him access to her dripping pussy. She felt the heat of the stove on her breasts that hung down near the bubbling pot of dinner. Once again Owen's hand returned to Taryn's groin and he stroked her pussy with one stroke starting from her clitoris, and running a finger down her slit.

Owen unzipped his fly and dropped his pants; that sound caused Taryn's lust to bubble like dinner. That sound was increasingly becoming quite a turn-on for Taryn, for it meant that she would get more of Owen's cock. Taryn didn't have long to anticipate, for as soon as his cock was free of its confines, he leaned forward. With on hand on her hip to steady himself and another hand on his cock to guide, he positioned himself to mount her.

Once again, not a word was said as his fat cockhead started to spread her nether-lips. Slowly he pushed forward and his cock sank all the way in until his groin met Taryn's ass. He sat there for a moment to revel in the sensation and remember the moment. He chuckled to himself that he was balls-deep inside his mother's pussy as she cooked dinner in the kitchen.

Owen didn't wait long before he withdrew his cock and began to stroke the pussy of his mother. Desperately they both selfishly sought their own explosion of pleasure from this one act. The very public setting for their coupling was the furthest thing from their minds as they fucked in front of that stove. Taryn rocked her hips to meet each and every one of Owen's thrusts as he pounded into her from behind. A few times Tarn quickly leaned up, as her swinging breasts grazed the hot pot of dinner. The danger of getting burned added to the heat of the escapade for Taryn. Owen loved taking his mother when and where he wanted, and was drunk on the power that he held over her. Savagely he thrust into her and his passion and lust quickly built within him until he exploded within his mother with the force of a fire-hose. Taryn was quick to follow him and came when she felt him cuming within her. Owen had to hold her up for fear she would burn herself as she almost collapsed onto the stove.

"What are you doing! Dad's home!" Rosina shouted as she burst into the kitchen, clearly she was in an absolute panic.

"WHAT! RICHARD'S HOME!" Taryn shrieked as she stood up and pushed away from the stove. "Get off me! I have to change!" she shouted as she rushed out of the room without looking back.

"You'd better pull those up and stir dinner quickly before dad finds you, either like that or me blowing you where you stand!" Rosina said to Owen with a wicked grin on her face before she walked over to the cupboards and pulled out a fistful of silverware.

"Yeah, that would be hard to explain wouldn't it," Owen said as he pulled up his pants.

Owen had just picked up the spoon and had started to stir dinner when Richard walked into the kitchen. Rosina was in the dining room setting the table, pretending all was normal, trying to hide the pounding heart in her chest. Richard walked into the kitchen with a wide smile on his face but gave his son an odd look before he spoke.

"Evening, son, where's your mother?" Richard asked with a chipper tone of voice.

"Upstairs, changing," Owen replied with a calm and unconcerned manner. "What you doing home early?" he asked with a curious tone of voice.

"You mean, what am I doing home on time?" Richard said with a chuckle as he slapped Owen on the shoulder.

"Yeah," Owen laughed in reply as he continued to stir dinner.

"We won an important case so all the late nights are done for a bit," Richard said as he walked toward the door, "Great news, eh?" he said as he left the kitchen, on his way upstairs to change.

"Yeah, no fun at home for awhile," Owen muttered under his breath as he glanced at the door where his father departed through.

Dinner was a tense affair as most of the family didn't know how to behave around Richard. It was as if a stranger was within their midst and they all had to be on their best behavior. The casual talk about their days were no longer there, as was usual over dinner. Taryn, Rosina and Owen didn't want to let slip any hint of the changed relationship between them that had quickly become to seem normal to them. Where before Rosina would have felt comfortable telling her mother about the blowjob she had given Owen at school, she didn't dare. Part way through dinner Richard dropped a bombshell, the full effect of which wasn't known until much later that evening.

"It's so nice to have you home for dinner, dear," Taryn said in a well disguised, tense tone of voice that sounded convincingly pleasant.

"Yes, it's good to be home," Richard said with a smile to Taryn. "We won the Newton case so the firm is holding a celebratory banquet this Saturday," he said with a smile to Taryn who smiled a pale smile in reply.

"Lovely, dear, it's been a while since we've been to one of those. It must have been a really big case then!" Taryn said with a well-polished pleasant tone of voice.

"It was, dear, that was why I wasn't around for the last while. But all that changed today with the verdict today." Richard said with a bright smile on his face as he looked at his wife.

"Wonderful, dear," Taryn said with a smile at Richard before she shot a worried look to Owen and Rosina.

The rest of the evening was spent with Taryn and Richard watching some TV. Rosina was sequestered in her room studying and doing homework that she needed to catch up on. Owen was in his room doing the same, but still missed his mother and sister's intimate company. Later that night, Rosina did sneak into Owen's room and the couple settled down into bed for the night. Even though it was the third night together it already was an unwritten rule that they would do so every night. In the middle of the night Owen was shook awake and the first thing he saw was the worried expression on his mother's face.

"What is it?" Owen asked as he sat up, the action causing Rosina to wake up as well.

"What!" Rosina groaned in complaint as she sat up and instinctively snuggling up to Owen.

"We need to talk, Master," Taryn said as she looked at Owen with a most distressed look on her face.

"What is it, Red?" Owen asked as he pulled back the covers, silently inviting Taryn into the bed.

"It's horrible," Taryn said in a mournful tone of voice as the three people scooted together and cuddled up in that bed with Owen in the middle.

"Just tell us about it, Red," Owen said in a calming tone of voice as he stroked Taryn's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"You know that celebratory dinner your father's firm is holding this Saturday?" Taryn asked Owen with a troubled tone of voice, looking at Owen with piercing, wet eyes.

"Yes, what about it?" Owen asked, as he continued to stroke Taryn's shoulder.

"I know how it goes, it's always the same," Taryn said and let out a deep sigh. "Dinner, boring conversation as I spend the evening on his arm feeling like an accessory, followed by spending the night in the hotel where they hold it . . . where we have sex," she added with an embarrassed tone of voice. "He'll want sex, Master, I know he will," she said as she looked at Owen with a fearful tone of voice.

"Do what you must, Red, I'll take care of you before and after," Owen said in a consoling and comforting manner.

"I don't know if I can, Master. He's my husband but I don't know if I can bring myself to actually have sex with him again!" Taryn said with a worried tone of voice as she broke down and cried in Owen's arms.

"You have my permission to have sex with him, Red, so there's nothing wrong with it," Owen said calmly with a confident tone of voice.

"We all know that you have to have sex with him, if he wants you to. If you refuse him, even he will know something's wrong. It may cause him to wonder what's going on with you," Rosina said with a compassionate tone of voice.

"I know, I just don't want to. I will do it, but I won't like it," Taryn said as she sighed deeply, momentarily content to hold her Master.

It'll work out, Red . . . but for now, what do you say to messing about for a bit?" Owen asked with a cheeky and sultry tone of voice with a smirk on his face.