A Blackmail Tale Ch. 10~11

Chapter 10: Basic Training

"Up and at 'em, lazybones," I heard through the mist of my morning daze.

I stretched languidly, then opened my eyes. My lovely bride of 12 years was tugging on the covers, "C'mon, I want to make the bed."

I reached for her wrist, and tried to tug her into the bed.

"Oh no you don't! If I get in there, we'll waste half the morning, and we've both got things that have to get done." She laughed, pounding me with one of the throw pillows, "Your shower is running; now get out of there."

I stumbled to the bathroom, my half-grown morning wood in hand, looking to empty an overfilled bladder. "God, I'm sore," I moaned, the meat in my hand feeling like it had been through the wringer.

"Serves you right, screwing those nasty little sluts, and leaving your poor wife to fend for herself," she called back from the bedroom.

I wasn't going to say a word. Any response would only get me in hot water. And the only hot water I wanted was coming out of the shower-head.

I cleaned up, and looked for Abby. Found her in the kitchen, getting ready to head out the door. "I'm going shopping; the cupboards are bare. Then I'm going to hit the gym. You should try to see if you can get your day cleared for this afternoon," she mentioned, casually.

"This afternoon?" I answered, curious.

"I'm meeting Krista for a late lunch. If she's up to it, I might bring her back for dessert."

With the incentive I had been given, I hurried to my home office. I tore into my workload like a madman, intent on completing the entire day's work before 1 p.m.


Somewhere around two o'clock I heard the door open downstairs and the silver lilt of laughter rising up. I couldn't help but smile. I hadn't quite finished everything, but I was done for the day. I set my e-mail to an away message. I changed my phone answering message as well. Then I shut down the system, and headed downstairs

I was sporting an erection before I made it to the bottom step.

"All caught up, dear?" My dear wife Abby asked.

"Your timing is perfect, I just closed everything up."

"Great! Then what do you say we take this pretty girl Krista back into our bedroom and see if we can't think of someway to pass the time?" she replied with a wicked smile.

Krista looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Her eyes were as big as saucers. I was almost as surprised. I figured we all knew where this was headed, but to have it put so bluntly was a little out of character for Abby, and I think it was a wake up call for Krista and me. Abby and I stripped the surprised little blonde naked within seconds. I picked her up in my arms and carried her back to the bedroom, while Abby rushed ahead of me, and pulled down the sheets.

There were no preliminaries this time. I just threw her down, spread her legs, and fucked her hard. At my wife's urging, I rolled over, pulling her atop me. With her sweet little butt exposed, Abby retrieved some toys from the bed stand, and went to work.

"Abby! What are you doing?" Krista asked - as if she didn't know.

My wife was lubing up her ass, and was using a small vibrator to open her up a bit. Krista looked me in the eye and smiled, then I saw her eyes go wide for a second and she held still moaning.

"That's a good start," Abby said. It's an inch and a half across. You get used to that one, and we can give you the two incher.

"God, it feels weird," Krista told her, "it feels like I have to go to the bathroom."

"You'll get used to it," Abby told her, wandering off to the bathroom. "Now that we're working on one of your hang-ups, let's start on another."

"What hang up?" Krista asked warily.

"First is your anal reticence, second is your oral inexperience." Abby answered, returning with a moist facecloth. She went behind Krista, and checked on her work. Content with that, she encouraged my partner to get up. Krista sat back gingerly, already glowing.

I started to get up, but Abby, pushed me back down, allowing me to prop a couple of pillows behind my head. I looked down to where she was using the washcloth to clean me up.

"Before you leave here today, you're going to learn to suck cock like you mean it, and not that crap you pulled last night." Abby told the observant Krista.

Krista stayed quiet.

"So, we're going to play a little game. We're going to play "Do-as-I-do". I don't think I need to explain the directions, do I?" Abby asked her best friend.

Krista just shook her head no.

Abby stretched out across the bed at an angle. Her breasts were resting on my thigh, and she was perched with easy access to everything. "Get comfy," she told the pretty MILF, "we're going to be here a while."

Krista obediently snuggled in, taking up a position the mirror image of Abby's. I was already so hard it hurt, just looking at those two faces down by my throbbing cock.

Abby gave me a little kiss on the thigh, a couple of inches away from my cock, and Krista followed suit. Another kiss a little closer, with Krista copying her every move, then a flick of the tongue, just barely touching me.

Suddenly she stopped. "There's something here I've just got to take care of." After a burst of activity, a bunch of running around, and the strategic placement of several towels and a bowl of hot water, Abby was back between my legs, this time with scissors and a razor in hand. I'd be lying if I didn't confess to being just a little nervous.

She started in, then paused again, and passed the scissors to Krista, "I think I'll let you have the honors here," Abby told her.

Krista took the tool in hand, and carefully sheared me of most of my pubic hair. Abby helped, holding my erection out of the way, using a small comb to clear out most of the stray hairs, and occasionally wiping me down. After just a couple of minutes I already looked kind of weird, with this little short fuzz all around my cock.

"That's a good start," Abby said, "don't you think?"

"Much better already," Krista replied.

The girls ganged up on me some more, taking my Edge shaving gel, and working up a lather, a little bit at a time. They worked their way slowly from the outside in, shaving me completely bare. They worked top down, and once they were parallel with my cock, they carefully shaved from the outside in. I had to spread my legs wide for them, and I tensed up quite a bit, getting teased for it, when they lifted my swollen balls, and shaved them as well. Handling my cock like a tree branch that was in the way, they pushed and pulled and leaned it from once side to the other, as their razor slowly started around the base and worked it's way up.

It had taken a while, but they finally leaned back and looked upon their handiwork with a smile. "That's better," Abby said.

"He looks even bigger," Krista whispered.

"Yeah, isn't it nice?"

I thought it was time to get back to lessons, but it showed how little I knew. That was just the first pass. They lathered me up again, shaving me easier this time with a new blade. I reached down and felt that I was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Then Abby washed me down, and applied some lotion. I was worried for a second she was going to give me a dose of after-shave down there.

Abby leaned over and rubbed her face against my cock. "Oh, that's soooo nice," she moaned.

She moved out of the way. Krista copied her actions, and smiled. "It makes me want to suck him," she said softly.

The girls left me there, and cleaned up after their activities. I heard them whispering to each other, giggling again, then they were standing at the foot of the bed, dressing. "We have an errand we have to run," Abby explained.

"Now?!" I cried, looking down at my aching hard-on.

"Aww, poor baby," Abby said. "Tell you what," she held out her hand to Krista, stopping her with just her panties on. "Promise me you'll be quick about it, and you can use up that one on our little friend here."

"Hey," Krista yelped, "don't I get a say in any of this?"

"Nope. You understood, once you entered this bedroom, I get to decide what you will and won't do with my husband. Didn't we agree?"

"Ok," she said with just a bit of a pout, "but someday I'm going to get my turn."

"Yes you will, and I'm looking forward to it." Abby laughed.

A few moments later I had Krista on her knees in front of me, and I was plowing her sweet little twat for all I was worth. I could now see the butt plug that Abby had used on her, and I got a little fun out of playing with it, tugging it until it was almost out, then easing it back in. She moaned delightfully. A couple of times I pulled it too far, and had to slow down and cram it back up inside her, but that wasn't such an awful chore. Abby helped me lube it up the second time, and it eased in like butter. Making progress.

I fucked her hard and fast, and combined with playing with her butt toy, and Abby's hands urging me on, I manage to squeeze one off in just a couple of minutes, feeling bad that I hadn't gotten Krista off.

"Oh, don't worry, she'll get hers," Abby assured me. The girls got dressed, and headed out the door, while I fell back, well pleased with myself, and napped.


The rumble of voices woke me up, and I peaked down to see the top of the girls' heads above the chest at the foot of the bed. Abby had taken the spare blankets and pillows out of the chest, and they were tossed to the side.

I scooted up on the bed to get a better view, and caught their attention. Abby looked at me from around the end of the lid. "Oops, didn't mean to wake you up yet. I actually had a fun idea for that," she told me.

"You looked so cute there, your wee-wee so innocent and harmless," Krista teased.

"My 'wee-wee'?"

They both giggled. "Just hold your horses a sec," Abby told me, "and we'll be right with you, ok?"

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," I told her, "except maybe to take a leak."

"Why don't you take a shower? We'll be a few minutes longer," Abby suggested.

I didn't mind feeling fresh and clean for whatever they had in mind, so I started up the shower, took my leak, and stepped under the water to freshen up. I wasn't overly surprised when Krista joined me a minute later.

We have one of those high tech open showers, huge, with a single large translucent glass wall opposite the shower heads. Short L-shaped sides do a remarkably good job of stopping the water from getting all over the bathroom. There was a bench along the one solid wall, with recessed openings for storage. It had two overhead spray heads, and six wall-mounted spray heads. One simple controller on the wall, allowed you to select from about a dozen standard configurations. If you hadn't figured it out by now, I'm a tech-head, and loved all the devices I had access to through my business. I worked with hundreds of high-tech companies, and was often able to finagle some of the newest wares.

"No funny business," she said, "I need to clean up as well."

"I'll be happy to scrub you down," I told her letting my hands wander already.

"Alex, if you don't mind," she said almost hesitantly, "I'd like just a little privacy in a second."

"Privacy? Like there's any part of you that I'm not intimately aware of, or soon will be?" I asked almost laughing.

"Please, even now, it's really hard for me," she said blushing.

I was still wondering what she was talking about, when Abby entered the shower, which no longer seemed as huge as it used to. She was holding what looked like a large hot water bottle in her hand, with a long tube attached. Suddenly Krista wasn't the only one blushing. I thought I was a man of the world, but this was new to me.

Abby smirked, "You gonna help us? Maybe join us?"

"Uh, I think I'll wait in the bedroom," I said, sliding out and drying off.

Looking back, I could see what looked like Krista laying down on the bench with Abby huddled over her. I had mixed feelings. I was curious, but also a little squeamish. I let Krista's preference for privacy guide me, and left them alone. How did my darling wife know all about this stuff? Who was this wild woman?.

It took several, long, rife with anticipation, minutes for them to show up again, wrapped in robes, which seemed such a shame.

Abby quickly looked at the chest at the foot of the bed. "You didn't get into anything while we were busy, did you?"

"No," I told her patiently, "I've just been waiting for you two lovely ladies."

"Good things come to he who waits," Krista said with a smile.

"Good boys come, too," Abby laughed.

She bounced across the bed, and pulled out a bag from the day's shopping adventure. "Play things for today," she said with a smile. Then she was shedding her robe. "Krista?" She asked her friend with a smile, nodding toward the bed.

Krista slipped her robe off, and climbed into the center of the bed.

"Why don't you two warm up," Abby told us, "while I get a couple of things ready." I could hear her tearing at packaging, and her request was good enough for me.

I took the lovely, naked Krista in my arms and pulled her close. I felt her soft body pressed the length of mine. I kissed her softly, then nuzzled her neck, nibbled her ear. "Are we going to have some fun?" I asked her teasing.

"Your wife is a mad woman," she said. "But I think we're both going to enjoy this."

Then my lips were on hers, and I was kissing her for all I was worth. That kiss lasted an eternity, and I only stopped when Abby pulled me off of her.

"Wow! Looks like you're up for some action," she teased.

Then she was guiding Krista onto her stomach. "I'll give you the honors," Abby said to me, then she passed me a mahogany box. I placed the box on Krista's rear, using her as a table. It was like a wooden version of those boxes that a dozen long-stem roses come in. Engraved in the lid was the word, "Connoisseur." I opened the box, and the lid, which was about 2 inches deep, opened 180 degrees, the whole product lying flat, covering her butt and the small of her back.

"Damn," was all I could say. The bottom of the box contained 10 devices for anal play, each in it's own fitted compartment, and labeled with a small brass-plated plaque. They ranged from a slender anal probe, through a series of ever larger standard butt plugs, to some really unusual designs. One was clear glass, and one was mostly chrome, with a short rubber shaft attaching the plug to the base. Another had batteries next to it.

The top had several more items, a series of clear balls on a string, in three separate sizes. There were two rods, labeled 7" and 9" with a series of jelly bulbs every two inches or so. Finally there was a largish butt-plug with what looked liked a pony tail attached.

I selected the second in the "anal trainer" series, and showed it to Abby who nodded her approval. Then she passed me a pump bottle labeled Liquid Silk. I pumped a dollop of lube into my hand, and started playing with Krista's forbidden back entrance, while Abby put away the toy box. I shuddered to think how much money she had probably spent today.

"Be gentle there," Abby warned, "it's already seen more action than usual."

I was being gentle, and heard no complaints from Krista as I slowly opened her up, taking a couple of minutes to get one lubed finger, then two, inside of her. That seemed enough to try for the plug, and after smearing the thick lube onto the 1.5" plug, I was surprised how easily it slid into her. Then I massaged her ass cheeks, and watched it settle into place. The base was almost diamond shaped, the long ways lining up with her ass crevice. With the butt plug firmly in place, I tugged at it a little to see how easily it would come out. It was in there to stay, unless you really wanted it out.

Krista rolled onto her side, and smiled at me. "I never thought that could be so wild and sexy, but it was great." Then she turned to Abby, "And you're right, I'm a lot less self-conscious now. Your turn?"

"We'll save me for another time," she said. "I think it's time to play with Alex."

Sweeter words I never heard.

I adjusted my position in the bed, still stretched out, but with a couple of pillows behind my head so I could see a little of what was going on. Krista retrieved a bunch of small colored bottles and held them out to Abby. "Which?"

"You choose; anything but mint's alright by me."

"Aww, I like mint," Krista groused.

"Then use that when you're on your own, for now, choose cherry or raspberry."

Krista selected one, and then when she squirted a little on the head of my cock, I could see the bottle label - "Good Head." That boded well.

The stuff was pretty thick, and she slowly rubbed it all over my cock, then bent over and tasted it. "Mmmmm, nice!" she exclaimed.

Abby wasn't about to be left out. She gave me a small lick as well. "Oh! She was right, this isn't bad at all."

That was the beginning of the most prolonged blow-job of my life. Those two women licked and sucked and stroked me endlessly. Throughout the whole procedure, they continued to play the game of Do-as-I-do, with Krista matching every action of Abby's. I noticed Krista was still sticking to the blow-job novice act, as she gagged occasionally, sometimes hesitated, and often looked clumsier than I knew she was.

They moved around trying different positions, seeing how far they could take me without gagging, making almost a game of it. Through trial and error, they found that by laying almost in 69, their asses beside my head, their faces at my crotch, they could take me deeper than ever before. Coincidentally, it gave me pretty good access to the space between their legs. I let my hands wander.

"I think it feels just a little bit numb in the back of my throat," Abby said at one point.

"Put a little more lube just on the head, and see what happens." Krista suggested.

"Cherry this time?"

"Ok, by me," Krista agreed.

Abby squeezed out a little more lube and rubbed it on my cock head, then slowly pushed her face onto my cock. It was wild to watch. She was laying beside me, with her feet pressed against the headboard. Looking back I could see her pushing with her toes, and shoving her whole body downward. She managed to take me a ways into her throat after a few tries. She proceeded very slowly, and then she carefully rocked back and forth, fucking the opening of her throat with my cock.

"Wow, I can definitely feel the difference with that stuff. I only get a little tickle pulling it out, and it goes in real easy." Abby told her partner in crime. "Your turn."

Krista added a few more drops, rubbing them over the head, and took my cock deep. I felt her rubbing the head all around the back of her mouth, at the entrance to her throat, before she did similarly, easing me into her throat.

Abby encouraged her, and when Krista slid my cock out of her mouth, she said, "Look at us, we're halfway there. With a little practice I bet we can take the whole thing."

Krista looked concerned. "I don't know, there's still like three inches to go; that's a lot of cock to swallow."

"I almost wish Misty was here, I couldn't believe how easily she took him," Abby said, stroking my cock while they talked.

"Fuck her," Krista said almost angrily, "I don't want her here - if she's in bed with us, I can't help wondering if we're screwing half of Plano. God only knows who she's been with."

"You really think she does that behind Paul's back?" Abby asked, sucking my cock for a few wonderful seconds.

"What do you think?" Krista asked, taking the passed rod, and matching the actions.

"I think she's more talk than action," Abby said. "What do you think, Alex? Would you want her here, now?"

"Nope." I told her honestly, though I barely had any breath to answer. "I have no desire whatsoever to be distracted from you two. As long as you two are here, I say let her go find something else to work on."

Abby smiled at me. "Good answer." Then as a sort of reward, she tried the deep throat thing again, taking almost a full minute of fucking my cock with her throat. I could feel the change as I eased in further. It was still almost agony, she was so slow and deliberate.

As she took it out, gasping, she turned to Krista. "How much left that time?" she asked.

"Not much more than an inch or so," Krista told her, looking a little worried as she lined herself up to try the same.

Abby watched Krista take most of me, then asked, "You're serious about Misty? You really don't want her in here with us?"

I was almost getting dizzy from the sensation. I think there was a little desensitizer in the lube, and I felt hard as a rock. I was enjoying every moment of their play, but felt no compulsion to come.

"It was kind of fun to fuck her brains out last night," I admitted, "but I can think of plenty of other people I'd invite here before her. For one, I don't know if she has the good sense to shut up about the whole thing."

"That's probably true," Abby admitted. She watched Krista, "That's it, baby, you're almost there!"

I felt Krista push, and my cock started to bend a bit. She pulled her face quickly off my cock, coughing and gagging. She turned to the side, saliva dripping from her face, and reached for a moist facecloth lying there and wiped her mouth. "Shit. I thought I almost had him." Krista gasped.

"No need to rush it," I told her, "you've made incredible progress."

"Hell yeah," Abby cried, sitting up and putting her hand up for a high-five. Krista obliged her. "Within a couple of weeks, I bet he'll be fucking our faces."

Every time she said something like that, my cock reacted. This time she noticed. "Oh! I see you like that idea, fucking our faces." She said, saying to Krista, "Did you see how he twitched, and how his cock swelled?"

"Actually, it was the comment 'a couple of weeks' that got me," I confessed. "I thought this might be a one time thing, at first."

"Fuck no," Krista almost shouted, then quieted a bit. "At least, I hope not."

"Now why would I buy all those naughty little toys for her, if I didn't think we'd be using them all, eventually?" Abby asked.

"I just didn't know," I said.

"Are you having fun?"

"Are you kidding? Ask the barometer," I said, nodding to the rod in her hand.

"Me too. More than I ever thought I would. More than I ever dreamed. I think I could get used to sharing you with Krista. I gotta admit, I got a little jealous last night when you were pounding Misty, but when you do anything with this one," she nodded to her friend, "I just can't help but smile."

Krista sat up a bit, placing her hand over Abby's, stroking me with her. She looked at Abby, "That's so sweet, thank you." Then she leaned forward and tentatively kissed my wife on the lips. Abby returned the kiss for a few second, slowly easing back. "God, I could feel my nipples hardening when you did that."

The moment was charged, then Abby leaned forward, "Let's lick him together."

They both lowered their face to my cock, and slowly started licking every inch of my cock, at the same time. Their tongues collided repeatedly, and then they were fighting over the head, sucking just a little, then sliding away while the other one claimed the purple helmet. I watched, breathing hard, as their lips met surrounding my cock head, then above my cock. They were kissing passionately now. It got wilder. They pulled apart, Abby sucked me deep, then pulled Krista's face down onto my cock, while she nibbled her ear and neck. Krista pulled off, passing my rod back to Abby, and while Abby went down on me, Krista leaned further over my body, kissing Abby's shoulder, stroking her back, running her hand down to her butt.

An hour of cock-sucking hadn't done as much to make me come as the last few minutes had.

Abby moaned while she sucked me, enjoying the attention. Then she pulled off, and turned sideways. She pulled Krista's face up to hers and they kissed again, passionately. Abby turned almost onto her back, and Krista's hands moved to my wife's breast while they kissed.

Abby pulled away. "Finish him," she whispered to her friend, guiding her back to the original object of their attention. "Take him deep."

Krista scooted back to her original position, and looked back at me with a mischievous smile. "You're going to come for me, aren't you?" she asked. "Let me feel your come in my mouth?"

I grunted, and nodded vigorously.

She slipped my cock back into her mouth, and worked it back into her throat. While she played with my balls, and swallowed my cock, Abby got up and climbed onto the bed beside Krista. I watched in delight as she rubbed, touched, kissed and licked every part of the woman that was sucking her husband's cock. She started at her neck and shoulders, and when I could see her right next to me, playing with Krista's ass, teasing that butt plug, and then reaching down below it and touching her swollen pink pussy, I groaned in anticipation of my coming release.

"God, I'm going to come," I moaned, thrusting with my hips.

I only then realized she had taken me to the root. "Oh FUCK!" I cried, and she pulled back quickly and stroked my cock as I exploded into her mouth. The extended attention had produced wonders, and I seemed to come endlessly, until she pulled her face off my cock, and the last few streams splattered her face.

Abby had moved right away and was kneeling between my legs, watching Krista take the deluge. When I was spraying Krista's face, Abby finally got more involved and took my cock in her own mouth, capturing the last little bit.

Krista coughed and spit up a splash of white. She gasped, "I tried, but it was too much too take. He filled my mouth completely," she said. "I tried."

She was turned so she was perpendicular to me, and I could see her face was a mess. Abby took one of the facecloths, and gently wiped her clean, then cleaned up my lap which was quite a mess as well. "I know," she said softly, "we teased him for too long." Then she was kissing her friend's face, softly kissing her lips, her tongue reaching out and tasting me on her best friend's lips. "That was really incredible for one of your first times."

"I hate to leave," Krista said, looking over at the clock, "but the kids are home by now, and I really should be going."

"I know. Ours will be here in half-an-hour, after practice," Abby told her. "Next Tuesday we'll start earlier. Lay down now," she told her friend. Then she directed her words to me, "Help her with that thing in her butt."

I reached down, rubbing the beautiful blonde fellatrix's ass, then starting pulling slowly but firmly at the base.

"Oh, that feels odd," she gasped, and I watched in delight as her little ass opening spread, showing more and more of the plug, until it finally opened enough. The rubbery toy eased out quickly then, and her butt slowly closed.

Abby, had a different one ready, this one didn't come from the box. It was red in color, more tapered, but about the same width. "Use this for a while each morning," she told her, passing her the plug, and a bottle of Liquid Silk. Then they hugged for a bit, got up and started getting dressed.

It's hard to believe how lucky one guy can be.

Now about Donna...

Chapter 11 - Just Business


I come up with an excuse for us to be together, without raising too many eyebrows. The idea is discussed at Krista's while Donna is over to play.

This series starts with A Bit of Blackmail, then A Bit More Blackmail, and A Blackmail Buddy. They are numbered after that. I suggest they be read in order.


Thursday morning, once Abby was off to work, I didn't wait long before I headed over to Krista's place.

She met me at the back door, and was naked before I got her as far as the bedroom. I was pleased to see the red butt-plug was lodged firmly in place, as directed.

"I didn't know if you'd really go ahead with that," I told her as I gave the device a tap while I walked along behind her.

"Seems like a good idea. That wife of yours is gonna break me, and I better be prepared. I figure an hour or two each morning is about right."

Once in the bedroom, I enjoyed having her go down on me as I explained to her my new idea for tying together a few loose strings.

Of the four girlfriends, we had two distinct financial situations. Misty and Paul had a lot of money; Paul was a co-owner of a very successful software consulting business. Abby and I weren't doing bad either, but of course Abby was the only one of her four friends working, and that helped a lot. In our case my salary covered our bills pretty easily; her $46K a year was gravy, and the money I'd been making online for the last few years was approaching the $100K mark. This had been a big year, the previous year I'd only made about $42K; I'd more than doubled my online earnings in the last 9 months.

On the other hand Rich worked in real-estate, and lived a life of feast or famine. It had been famine for quite a while, and they were watching their pennies. Krista was even talking about taking up day care, as she had when they were younger. The last thing I wanted was to have to compete with a bunch of rug-rats for her time.

Dave, Donna's husband, made decent money, but they were one of those families that lived paycheck to paycheck, in spite of how much he earned. She had been vocal about her concerns of having to reel in the spending and live on a budget when they had kids. Dave was in middle management down at EDS, and didn't really have a big upside on his salary. The company had been in decline for the past few years, and he seemed to be hanging on by the skin of his teeth.

My idea was simple enough. My online business was pretty straightforward. I had a working model, and just duplicating my system slowly increased my income. It had taken me three years to get to this point, and countless late night hours, but it was finally paying off. If I could teach a couple of assistants to manage the existing sites, the advertising, and the return, which had to be monitored pretty carefully, I could create more sites, bringing in more income. Maybe I could even teach them the analysis and research required before I built a new site.

And who better to work for me than Krista and Donna? I could start them on a pretty low hourly wage, with a profit sharing plan. The little extra money would help, but the profit sharing could be a home run. This model reduced my risk to the noise level. And it provided the perfect excuse for me to be around them several hours a week. Hell, maybe several hours a day!

Krista was more than interested. Halfway into my explanation of how it might work, she had to stop her blow-job to get more info. Good girl that she is, she mounted me before getting too distracted by the idea.

She was rocking back and forth on my cock, hammering away with questions.

"Are you for real?" was her first question.

"Absolutely! Why not? I think you and Donna could make a few bucks, I could make more money, and we'd have a great excuse to see each other."

"But what would we do?"

I explained the process of managing the incoming traffic, dealing with advertising, making sure that the incoming money was greater than the advertising, and that nothing weird happened to create a sudden burst of expenses.

"It sounds complicated," she pouted, slowing the riding pace.

"Not really. At first it may be, but it's mostly just monitoring a few websites that report how we're doing. I'll give you some spreadsheets to fill in, and it will let us know how the business is going. If the results go out of the expected range, one way or the other, we'll change the process. Sometimes that means cutting back or shutting down, sometimes it means beefing up the spending. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours a day, once you've got it down."

"What about that other stuff?" She asked, her interest peaking again. Her actions matched her interest, speeding up her movement, getting those gorgeous tits moving around on their own. I was slow in responding; once again, I was reminded of just how pretty and sexy Krista was, and I was lucky enough to be laying in her bed, casually screwing her. Life was good.

"The research and marketing will be for later, once you've got the system down. Hell, we might even get you building the sites. I also could use a virtual assistant - to do research for me, make calls, line up some business relationships, anything I can think to offload that allows me to concentrate on bringing in the money. At the same time I may use your help dealing with issues from my real job, making appointments, sending out thank-you's, keeping my database up to date, there's so many places that I could simplify my life."

"So what are we talking here, realistically?" She asked, now leaning over and impaling herself deliciously on my stiff rod, with long deep strokes. The view was just too good, and I reached up to capture her dangling tits, slowly massaging them, feeling their weight in my hand, playing with her hard nipples.

"I'm thinking 3 hours a day each for you and Donna, at $10 an hour, to start. Then each month we'll see how much profit the sites made, after advertising, your salaries, and other expenses. I'll pay you each 5%. That would have been about $400 dollars last month. Sound fair?" I asked.

"What's that, about $150 a week, plus another $400? That's like a thousand dollars a month for working 3 hours a day. I'd say that's pretty good." She was smiling at me, no longer rocking. She was sitting more upright, and her hips were doing figure-eights on me. She had my steel shaft traveling all around inside of her. I liked it.

"Don't forget, the whole reason we're doing this is so we can build more sites and make more money. If it works out, we'll add a little more time to your schedule, and the profit sharing could go way up. It doubled in the last year, and I did that by myself. If it doubles again, well, your monthly bonus could be over a grand."

She had a worried look on her face. "You're not just paying us so you can fuck us whenever you want, are you?"

I laughed. "Seems like I can do that now." I got serious for a second holding her still. "I've been slacking, unable to find the extra time to put into my business, and my real goal is to make it a full time thing, getting rid of the brick and mortar job. Even that's been suffering a bit since I developed this new hobby of mine." I nudged her with my hips, pushing up into her, leaving her no doubt what that hobby was. "With you two helping, I think there's a good chance I can make some serious money. I made almost $100K online in the last year." I told her.

She looked shocked. "A hundred thousand dollars? On a part-time job? Holy shit!"

"It took me about 5 years of different ideas and failed launches to get here. Last year was the first time I really made a decent profit. But now that I've found a working system, it's just implementing and duplicating, until the market changes. This year has been great, but it's taking too much of my time to manage it, and not enough time building more income. A couple of distracting women, one in particular," I nudged her again with my cock, so she'd know EXACTLY who I was referring too, "have been a huge time drain as well. With you and Donna working for me on this, I think I can easily double the business this year, maybe more. If so, I could finally kick the old job."

"What will Abby think?"

A good question.

"She knows that I tried outsourcing this stuff twice now, once to India, and once to the Philippines. It was cheap but it didn't work out. At all. One month a single screw up cost me over $1500. The time zones difference was a pain, and it required a lot more of my time to manage than I wanted. She knows I need the help. She has no interest in doing it at all. And she hates the endless late hours I put into it. I can only imagine she'll love the idea of getting you involved." I explained, at the same time as I tried rationalizing the idea myself.

"And she won't think about alternative agendas?" My little tramp asked as she got back to some serious fucking.

"With you, of course, but I don't think that will be a problem. Donna? She probably will be happy to have Donna involved, hoping that will keep you and me under some kind of control."

"What does Donna think? Have you told her yet?" She certainly had a lot of questions.

It was getting a little hard to concentrate. Her actions were setting me off. "Some. Not all. You first." I grunted, then knew I couldn't hold out much longer. I grabbed her hips and thrust up into her as hard and fast as I could, finally cumming deep inside her. She lowered herself down to lie on top of me as I slowly caught my breath.

"I'd love to do it," she said softly, "if Abby's cool with it. Why don't you come over tomorrow morning, and I'll invite Donna over. We can go over the idea more then."

"Sounds like a plan," I told her. "In the meantime, whenever you get a chance, you might drop hints to Abby that times are hard, and you might be looking for a part-time job. Maybe we can even lead her to the idea on her own."


That night I headed upstairs to work on my projects earlier than usual, spending most of the time putting the documents and processes in place to bring on my two possible helpers. I hadn't create a new site in over a month, and my revenues were down about 10%. Shit. I stayed and worked extra late, not coming down until well after midnight. Abby called up to me around 11:00, saying she was going to bed, but I begged off, telling her I was getting behind.

As I slipped into the bed, the clock read 12:50. Abby woke up a bit as I crawled in beside her.

"If I didn't see the checks coming in, I'd be worried that you're just another one of those porn junkies up there so late," she teased.

"Like I need porn, with a wife like you and friends like yours. I live porn."

She giggled. "Yeah, but sometimes I hate that room up there. You just disappear for hours and hours."

"I know. I've got to figure out a way to offload the crap work," I told her. Hint. Hint.

"Just don't try that India shit again," she reminded me with a big yawn, before giving me a quick peck and rolling over.

I rubbed her back, and she purred. "I won't try that again. Next time it'll be someone who speaks English, and is in at least a similar timezone."

She just gave me an "Mmmhmm," and eased back to sleep.

First seeds sown, time to water them.


I had gone over the first glimmering of an idea with Donna early in the week, after her punishment, and before all the hot-tub action and the aftermath. I had not really gone into any details. She seemed to be of a mixed mind. The money was marginally interesting to her. I think the idea of being with me for legitimate reasons both excited and scared her. Good.

I arrived at Krista's early, and had her on her knees blowing me, while I watched for Donna to drive up. Damn, my hot MILF neighbor looked amazing with my dick in her mouth. If it wasn't the most beautiful sight in the world, I'm not sure what was. I didn't have to wait long, and when I saw my second girl coming up the walk, I sent Krista to let her in, and headed to the bedroom, my wet, stiff cock leading the way like a dowsing rod.

Krista guided her buxom friend into the room a minute later. Krista was still clad only in a t-shirt, that ended just past the bottom of her bare ass. Donna was wearing a light sun dress that looked cute and sexy. Bright yellow, with a muted flower pattern, the thin shoulder straps barely held up the halter-style top that was filled to overflowing with her huge tits. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. The hem only reached about half-way down her thighs. She looked amazing.

I opened my arms to her, and she came to me, easily, without hesitation. She gave me a warm kiss, while I reached under the bottom of her skirt and verified she was naked underneath the bright yellow outfit.

As my hands cupped her bare ass, I massaged her cheeks gently. "Good girl," I murmured. "They're not still sore are they?"

She seemed to hesitate just a moment. "No, not really."

I pulled away from her and sat at the edge of the bed, my legs open wide, my cock standing straight up. She got the message, and dropped to her knees immediately, licking my cock. I reached over and grabbed a pillow which I passed to her. She put it under her knees and went back to work. She was a good little cock-sucker when she put her mind to it.

Krista stood behind Donna, reached down, unzipped the back of the dress and pulled the thin straps out to the side, freeing Donna's bodacious ta-tas. The dress slid to the ground around her knees. I heard Krista gasp.

"Shit, Donna! What happened?"

My darling fellatrix had learned her lesson. My rod in her mouth, she looked up at me quizzically, still sliding my staff in and out of her warm lips. I nodded to her.

She stood, the dress spilling around her ankles, leaving her naked except for her strappy yellow shoes. Then she walked to the dresser and looked in the mirror sideways. I could see that her rear end was still badly bruised. The blues, yellows and red's seemed almost an abomination against her smooth skin.

"I was bad," she said, then rubbed her ass with both hands. "It looks worse than it feels."

"Come here Donna," I told her and she hurried over. "On the bed, on your knees, please."

She obediently climbed on the bed, her butt right at the edge. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked timorously.

"No dear," I told her, caressing her cute butt. "Not at all."

"Krista, can you do something to make those poor cheeks feel better." I asked, then I went around the bed and laid down in front of Donna so she could put her mouth to good use once more. As soon as I was in place, she lowered her face and proceeded to pleasure me again.

Krista returned from the bathroom with some lotion which she warmed in her hands, and then set about massaging it into Donna's abused rear. She took her time doing it, spending a little time working her way down the crease as well. I enjoyed watching her. "Take off your shirt, Krista."

She did, and went back to massaging Donna's butt, now naked. It was a great view.

"You know, Krista, Donna's still an anal virgin. I think it would be kind of you to make sure that when she loses that cherry, we make it easy on her. Can you do something for her? Break her in a bit?"

Krista knew the answer to that one, and retrieved her bright red butt-plug from her bedside drawer. With a little lube she was soon working that toy into Donna's butt, accompanied by the delicious Donna's groans and grunts, until it finally slid fully in. I heard Donna moan around my cock as it sank home.

I beckoned Krista over and pulled Donna's face out of my lap.

"I'm going to fuck your friend now, Donna, and then I'm going to take her ass. I want you to prepare her for me. Lube her tight little butthole for me. Do a good job for her, because when I take yours, she'll be the one doing the preparing."

I had Krista on her hands and knees, and I slid my cock home, into her delightful pussy. I started a slow screwing, while Donna retrieved the lube that Krista had left on the bed stand. Donna was cautious placing a few drops over Krista's little brown star.

"Talk to her, Krista, tell her what to do."

"You've got to get it in me, Donna," she explained. "Use one finger, then two, and finally three. If you don't loosen me up, he'll tear me open. Use lots of lube."

Donna still seemed nervous, but she but a few more drops on her finger and slowly started toying with Krista's back door. She started slowly, seeming cautious as her fingernail finally disappeared from view. Most of her fingertip was still in view.

"That doesn't hurt, does it?" Donna asked

"It's nice. More," was Krista's quiet response.

I watched, mesmerized by her slow moving finger as it slowly disappeared into the little brown star. Buried up to the second knuckle, Donna started to twist it around a bit, then put a couple of more drops of lube where her finger disappeared into Krista's ass. Finally she started sawing back and forth, until her finger was doing about as much as it could.

"Oh, that's good," Krista told her, "fuck my ass with your finger."

I screwed her slowly, giving her a tempo to match if she so desired.

Donna added another few drops, then slid her finger in and out faster, twisting on the 'in' stroke.

"Good, that's nice, now give me another."

The sight was exciting, and I was feeling it deep in my balls as I slowly fucked my hot little neighbor.

Donna worked two fingers into Krista's butt, opening her up more.

I reached out to Donna, grasping her by the hair and pulling her mouth to mine. I kissed her long and hard while my fat cock and Donna's slender fingers, both penetrated the amazing Krista.

"Can you feel that?" I whispered in Donna's ear. "She's loving it. She's getting off on your fingers in her slutty hot ass."

As if too confirm my words, Krista shivered. "That's sooo good, Donna, can you do three?" Krista moaned. She had dropped her head and shoulders to the bed, and her tempting little butt was even more exposed. She reached back with her hands and spread her cheeks wider.

"God Alex, I don't know," Donna wavered, her two fingers still sawing away at Krista's open butt, but noticeably slowing down.

I reached down and grabbed Donna's ass cheek and squeezed it hard. She cried out.

"I thought you were learning to be a good girl," I told her.

"I am, I am! I swear, I just don't want to hurt her," Donna whined.

"Don't act stupid. She's asking for it! Do it."

Donna added yet more lube, and the shininess all around Krista's crack was calling to me. Donna's three fingers drove into that tight little ass, all the way to the knuckles.

"God, that's it," Krista groaned, "open me for him."

Donna had finally given up any reticence and she reamed her good. I pulled her mouth to mine again, enjoying kissing her while fucking her friend. I pushed her face down, until she was just inches away from the action. She eventually adding her pinky to the mix, and I watched as most of her four fingers slid in and out of Krista's ass.

"Fuck me, Alex, fuck my ass now, please," Krista finally moaned.

Donna looked to me and I nodded. She pulled her hand away and I pulled out of Krista's pussy and switched holes. My cock slid halfway into her ass with very little resistance.

"You did good, Donna," I told her, easing my cock deeper into the wonderful Krista.

"Perfect," Krista murmured.

Donna watched, entranced, as my cock sank deeper and deeper into Krista.

"Just think, that will be you, some day soon, when you've earned it." I told her.

"Earned it?" Donna squeaked.

"Someday, I think. You are learning," I told her, grabbing Krista's hips I started to long stroke her incredibly tight asshole.

"Now if you'll just lay down in front of her, I'm sure Krista will thank you for taking care of her."

This was a big test for Donna. She had always resisted any overt girl-on-girl activities. I saw that flash of willfulness burning in her eyes again. As my eyes locked with hers, she wavered. Too bad. There was something about her fighting back against me that got me off.

"You're not thinking about disobeying me are you?" I asked, running my hand across her butt cheeks, as a not so subtle reminder.

"No sir!" she cried out, and hurriedly sat in front of Krista, her legs spread wide. She acceded easily enough, but there was still that little look of irritation peeking out.

As I fucked Krista's tight rear, she went down on her friend, paying her back for the favor done, opening her up.

"Play with your tits," I told Donna, while I slowly fucked Krista, trying to make it last.

Donna's hands crept up to her breasts, and started slowly squeezing and pinching her own nipples as Krista licked her. After a couple of minutes of this, Donna's eyes started to glaze over, and she leaned her head back against the headboard, letting Krista's actions do their job.

I wanted to fuck Krista hard, but I didn't want to distract her too much from what she was doing to Donna, so I maintained a nice steady stroke into that sweet butt. Watching Donna slowly get off on Krista's tongue, combined with the ongoing blow-job, then doggy-fuck and now the ass reaming was just too much.

"I'm going to fill your ass," I told Krista through gritted teeth, as I grabbed her hips and plowed her thoroughly, finally dumping a load deep inside of her.

I pulled out,laid down beside the girls, and watched their interaction. Krista was doing her best and Donna seemed completely open to being pleasured. My incredible dream girl, who until weeks ago seemed impossibly out of reach, the good little Christian wife, was going down on her best friend at my command, while simultaneously playing with the large object lodged in Donna's ass. I moved beside the newcomer to our play, the hot voluptuous platinum blonde, who was slowly learning to submit to me completely. I leaned over, reaching an arm underneath her neck and her eyes fluttered open. I leaned her head up and kissed her deeply, while my hand reached out for her delicious tits.

Donna was squirming and breathing hard; I could see she was getting close.

"Don't come yet," I warned her.

"Oh God, Alex, I'm close," she moaned.

"Not yet. Tell her how good it feels," I told her, twisting her hard nipple.

"Fuck!" she moaned, pulling back from my hand, while pushing her hips toward her best friend.

"Tell her." I grabbed her other nipple and pulled on it.

"I'm so close, Krista, so close," Donna moaned.

"And..." I encouraged.

"You do that so good. You know how to make me boil." She gasped, while Krista worked to make her disobey me by coming early.

"Ask her to make you come, beg her." I told Krista, still squeezing her nipples, alternating between the two.

"Please Krista, don't stop now, make me come for you, make me come," Donna was moaning constantly as she hovered on the verge of a huge orgasm.

"Good, you can come for us now," I told my recalcitrant one.

Krista went to town on her and within seconds she had done it. She had wrung an explosive orgasm out of Donna, who screamed out as she came on our hostess' tongue. Krista didn't let up, and Donna cried out, coming repeatedly, until she couldn't take any more. I watched Krista finally sit up, a devilish grin plastered across her beautiful face, coated with her friends copious juices.

With a smile I retreated to the bathroom where I cleaned up.

A couple of minutes later, I let the beauties blow me in tandem as I explained more about my business ideas to both of them. It was the first time for Donna to really learn the details, and she had more questions, but Krista was happy enough to take up the slack when Donna's mouth was otherwise occupied. After about 15-20 minutes of explanation, it seems I had finally dried up the question well.

I didn't ask Donna if she wanted to be involved. I simple told her to plan on three hours a day, at least 4 days a week.

"What if Dave doesn't want me to?" she asked.

"Not my problem. You can convince him, I'm sure." She still seemed a little hesitant. "Would you rather I told him?" I asked.

"No! No sir! I can take care of it, I'm sure." She looked over at her partner in infidelity who was still sucking away blissfully. "Krista can help me if I need. Can't you, Krista?"

Krista rose up just long enough to answer. "For my sister, of course."

Donna slowly climbed up the bed, cuddling in close to me. Her lips pressed close to my ear.

"My turn?" she asked softly.

I realized that she'd only been allowed to kiss me and suck me so far, although she had come on Krista's tongue.

I put my arm around her, and held her close. "Krista, your behavior is improving, but we've still got to work on it."

"I know," she told me hesitantly, her head bowed.

"You can't be rewarded until things are made right."

Krista stopped her actions below my waist, and within moments I was bracketed by my two lovelies.

"Alex, she's been good, you don't have to punish her," Krista said.

"No, he's right," Donna answered.

I gave Krista a squeeze. "I'm glad you care enough. I'm going to let you decide how many strokes she gets. You can pick a number from 1 to 20. But here's a hint, the fewer the number, the harder the stroke."

I felt Donna tense up beside me.

Krista reached out across my chest and placed her hand on Donna's arm. "10?"

"Ok. And Donna, you have to do something for me. Krista needs to learn a little lesson about interfering. So I'm going to split the strokes between you. I'll let you decide how many each of you get."

"Same rules about the fewer the harder?" Donna asked hesitantly. She was wriggling against me as if in anticipation of her upcoming punishment.

"Nope. That was decided when Krista set the number."

She didn't hesitate at all. "I'll take nine." She peeled herself off of me, and stood beside the bed, waiting.

I turned sideways, swinging my legs off the bed. "Krista, why don't you come over here as well?" I indicated a place to stand beside me. As she took her place, Donna came over and stretched across my lap, her still bruised rear-end accusing me. The weight of her on my lap was incredibly arousing.

She was still wearing the butt-plug. I'd almost completely forgotten about it. I took it in my hand, and wiggled it in her tight little ass. With just a little work, it finally came out, leaving her hole gaping for a second, before it slowly closed.

"Thank you," she said softly. Her hand, almost of it's own volition, reached back and one slender finger caressed her brown little star, running in little circles. That looked so tempting. But now was not the time. I rubbed her ass cheeks. "You Ok?"

"Yes, Alex," she said softly, pushing her ass back against my hand.

I caressed her smooth, round ass, and I could feel her breath coming faster. "I want you to count them off, and you will thank me for each one."

"Yes." She said softly, then uttered, "Master."

I gave her a quick hard smack, and she jumped. "You have a bad memory, sugar." I squeezed her ass cheek. "Don't call me Master." I caressed her butt. "And remember to count them off if you want them to count, can you remember that, sweetness?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." I could hear the trembling in her voice.

I spanked her firmly. A quick open palmed smack that sounded worse than it was.

"One. Thank you."

Another, on the opposite cheek.

"Two, thank you."

I smacked her sharply across the top of her thighs.

"Th..three," she gasped, "thank you."

I hadn't been striking her too hard, but I could still feel the sting on the palm of my hand. I welcomed the feeling.

I caressed her rear, letting my hand stroke down the crease of her ass, brushing my fingers across her wet pussy. "How many more?"

"Six more, please." Smack. "Oh! Four, thank you."

I worked through the next four pretty quickly, still taking it pretty easy on her, as she counted each one off. After eight, I stopped looking down at her pinked up cheeks, and caressed her again.

"Krista, come here. I want you to give her the last one."

"Me?" She asked, coming over to stand next to me.

"Just the one. But remember if you don't do it right, I'll have to do it over, and I'll add another to yours."

I was a little surprised. She didn't need any more encouragement, and she wound up and slapped Donna across the ass hard enough to leave a hand-print.

"NINE!" Donna cried out, "thank you, thank you."

I let my hand wander down between her legs, and caressed her.

"I'll do better," Donna moaned, "I promise. You'll remind me if I do anything wrong?"

"Of course, that's part of my job." I told her. "And I'll punish you when you need it."

She crawled off my lap, and climbed on the bed behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and nibbled on my neck. While she positioned herself behind me, Krista took her place across my lap. "You remember the rules?"

"Yes," she answered hesitantly.

I ran my hand across my dream girl's firm flesh. She tensed up a bit and I could feel her trembling. I had never spanked her before.

I hauled back and gave her a hard smack, the sound of our skin meeting echoed in the room.

"Oww!" she yelled out twisting in my lap.

"One. Say it!" Krista whispered to her partner in crime.


I smacked the opposite cheek, equally as hard, leaving a hand print.

"Oww! What was that for?" Krista cried out.

"You forgot to thank me, you'll have to start over." I reminded her.

SMACK, my next blow landed on the same cheek.

"One, thank you!" Krista cried out quickly.

I rubbed her butt for just a second. "That was better. It wasn't so hard was it?"

"It hurt!"

"Of course it did. That's the idea. It'll help you remember now, won't it."

She hesitated and got up, rubbing her ass cheeks with both hands.

"I'd say so. Not like I'd want that again," she complained.

I suspected Donna might not feel quite the same about the punishment.

I turned on the bed, and Donna dropped onto her hands and knees presenting her ass to me. I could see the pinkness of my latest punishment overlayed over the marks from earlier in the week. I slid my hard cock into her easily, she was soaking wet and desperately ready. I grabbed her warm cheeks and squeezed as I slid in and out of her. She moaned in appreciation.

I couldn't help but think about being able to use her to my hearts content once my latest plan was fully implemented.

- I wonder what Abby would think of breaking in this one.-