A Blackmail Tale Ch. 12~13

Chapter 12 - The Good Neighbor


A quiet weekend ends with a new player entering the game. Abby suggests adding someone else to the mix, and Alex's business plan gets Abby's approval.

This series starts with A Bit of Blackmail, then A Bit More Blackmail, and A Blackmail Buddy. I suggest they be read in order.


For the first time in a while I had an almost normal weekend.

Friday night we have a standing family dinner date, and this one ended with a rental movie, and I fell asleep with my wife in my arms without having sex for the first time in a while.

We'd had plans for a while to head down to Austin and visit with relatives. Abby had taken Saturday off, for the activity. My cousin's birthday was an excuse to get a bunch of family together. Barbecued brisket, fajitas, and too many beers was the short version of Saturday, and Sunday was a huge breakfast, followed by poolside burgers and margaritas. The drive home with my wife and daughter both sleeping left me free to think about all the things going on in my life. And I wasn't complaining.

Monday morning when I awoke Abby was gone. I tried to get some work done, but I was feeling randy. I was getting used to almost unlimited sex, and three days doing without suddenly felt like an eternity. I cruised over to Krista's but her car was gone. Damn!

Back in my home office, I called Donna. She picked up her cell, but was halfway across the city. So I settled back into work, getting paperwork caught up, making a few calls and feeling sorry for myself. At one point I even thought of giving Misty a call, but had the good sense not to go there. Things were working out too well to fuck 'em up that badly.

I was eventually able to bury myself in my work, to the point where I didn't even notice that the girls were home until my daughter burst into my office with her mid-term report cards. She had gotten straight-A's again, moving two B's to A's from her last grades. To celebrate we offered to take her anywhere she wanted to go for dinner, which turned out to be Chinese food, as it did 9 times out of 10.

We got home and put the little one to bed, then Abby invited me to join her in the hot-tub. I broke out Scotch and a cigar for myself, and a Corona for her, and found her waiting in the pool.

"Isn't the water cold?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but I thought it would be nice before getting in the spa."

I placed our drinks on the spa edge, and joined her in the pool. It was as cold as I expected, but once you got in, it wasn't so bad. And it gave the hot-tub a little more time to warm up.

As I swam up to her, she gave me a hard time. "Did you really just jump in the pool with your naked wife, wearing that stupid bathing suit?"

This was a new change. Abby loved walking around the house naked, but almost never went into our backyard naked, even though it was pretty private. Even when she got in the spa naked, she usually wore her bathing suit into the yard, stripping it off before getting in.

Tonight I didn't see a bathing suit or even a robe anywhere.

I took the hint and divested myself of my own suit, and took her in my arms.

"It is getting cold out here, I'm ready for the spa if you are," she admitted after just a few seconds.

In the hot-tub, we sat close and she spilled her day to me. Her work was a madhouse and she always had stories of people not showing up, in-fighting, people not doing what they should, and all the office politics you could imagine. I sat back, sipped on my single malt, and smoked my cigar while doing my best to respond as expected to her comments.

Darling Abby slid even closer, reaching out to me. I was leaning back with my eyes closed, relaxing, while she gently stroked my semi-stiff cock, still chattering on about her day. That all changed when I heard a call from around the driveway.

"Abby, you out here?"

Our neighbor Courtney's voice was unmistakable. Most nights, Abby and Courtney go for an evening walk to stay in shape, and just chat. Court also is a secret smoker. She comes over to our place to have a smoke so her husband won't find out.

I guess I have a confession. I have a vice. Other than blackmailing and screwing my wife's best friends. I'm a cigar smoker. Yep. Several days a week I'll light one up, and relax with it. No as often as every day, but more than once or twice a week. In our back yard we have a covered porch attached to the house, where we can have a smoke in inclement weather. Courtney will sometimes come over and have a smoke there. She even keeps a bottle of lotion and perfume there to hide the smell of the smoke.

I could make a comment here about hiding things from your spouse, but I guess that would be a little hypocritical.

Our neighbor let herself into the backyard, and turned toward the porch at first, then heard the noise from the hot-tub and hesitated a moment before walking our way.

"I guess a walk is out of the question," she said with a grin.

"Why don't you join us?" Abby told her.

She stood there looking at us. Abby had moved back just a bit, no longer stroking me. "C'mon," Abby encouraged, "have a drink, relax, have a smoke. Just take it easy."

I expected a little more resistance, but our neighbor slipped her shirt off. "Aw hell, why not?"

She stepped out of her shoes and shorts and put them on the table, standing in her underwear. She started to approach the spa, then stopped. "Are y'all naked in there?"

"First rule of the spa," Abby said.

"First rule?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. After 10:00pm naked hot-tubbing only."

"Any other rules I should know about?" Courtney asked while unsnapping her bra and releasing her cute tits.

"Rule #2, what happens in the hot-tub, stays in the hot-tub." Abby told her with a giggle.

Courtney sat on the edge of the spa, slid her panties off, then spun and slid into the water smoothly hiding her treasures from view.

"And rule #3?" Courtney asked.

"I'll let you know when we think it up." Abby said.

Courtney reached to the edge of the spa and pulled out a cigarette. "Can I get a light?"

I took my cigar out of my mouth and flicked off the ashes. Then I placed it back between my lips and leaned forward with my face close to hers, and put the end of the cigar just beyond the cigarette between her lips. She leaned forward and inhaled while I did, lighting her smoke. It was far more sensual then it should have been and I was pleased to see her blush.

"Want a drink?" Abby asked. "We have beer, booze and wine coolers."

"Rum and Cock?" Courtney blurted, "Oh God, I mean Coke! Rum and Coke."

Abby turned to me and raised an eyebrow. I was on the bar. I stood, my cock semi-hard from all the activity, and stepped out of the hot-tub. I went into the kitchen and made a tray with all of our preferred libations, so I wouldn't have to make another trip. Then, inspired, I ran upstairs to my office, and turned on the outdoor camera, zooming in on the spa, and started the recording. Just in case.

I passed out the drinks, and listened to Abby describing a bit of what had happened the last time the spa had been full of naked people.

"Abby! I thought what happened in the hot-tub, stayed in the hot-tub," I reminded her.

"And where are we?" She asked with a grin.

"Ahh, OK."

"It's not like it's a state secret," Courtney laughed. "Anyone outside that late would have been deaf not to get an idea of what's going on. One of those girls is a screamer."

"That would be Krista," Abby laughed.

"Thank God there's only a few houses within hearing distance," I chuckled.

Abby had slid back next to me, and her hand was once more filled with my cock, which was hardening up nicely.

"So the rule was, 15 minutes, anything goes, as long as they were in the spa. That meant that some part of their body had to be in the water at all times. Oh yeah, and they couldn't make him come." Abby explained.

"Who went first?" Courtney asked, obviously enthralled by the story.


Courtney seemed to notice for the first time what Abby was doing under the water. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

I reached over to the controller and turned on the spa light. We didn't have the bubbles on so the water was crystal clear.

"God! You two are so bad." She gasped, watching Abby's hand stroke my cock. She managed to tear her eyes away from the action and I turned off the light. "What happened then?"

"Do you want the R-rated version, or the X-rated version?" Abby asked her softly.

She didn't hesitate long. "X"

"She sucked his cock, out in the open for us to watch. It was the most amazing thing. You've seen how big he is, well she took the whole thing and made it look easy. She's so small; who would ever have guessed she could manage it?"

Courtney looked at me for a second. "Good?"

"Toe curling. Nobody EVER did what she did." I admitted.

"But we're trying," Abby added.


"Yeah, Krista and I are practicing to get that good. I'm blowing him almost every day, although this last weekend was a little dry. I'm surprised he hasn't blown his wad already." She suddenly turned to me. "Hey! You didn't play without me today, did you?"

"Hell no." I told her truthfully. "Although I'll have to admit, our friends did cross my mind a couple of times."

"A blow job every day?" Courtney almost squealed. "That's crazy. We don't have sex more than a couple of times a month, and blow-jobs, maybe a couple of times a year."

"You don't like to do them?" Abby asked.

"Actually, I don't mind at all," she said, again blushing for us. "It was all the rage in college. But I don't think John likes them all that much."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I don't know a man alive who doesn't love to watch a pretty face going down on him." I had to chime in.

She looked sad. "I guess he doesn't like mine."

Abby spoke up, giving me a jab. "Listen to you. For the last 10 years, you gotten maybe a dozen a year, so I guess it's not all that surprising. It's not like we were doing it more than once every couple of weeks."

"What changed?" Courtney asked.

"I'll tell you but you've got to help me, my arm is getting tired." Abby said.

"Arm?" Courtney was a little slow on the uptake.

I reached out for her hand, and pulled it toward my cock. She went along easily, placing her hand over Abby's.

"I shouldn't," she started.

My wife reached out and placed a finger across her friend's lips. "What happens in the hot-tub, stays in the hot-tub," Abby reminded her, then pulled her own hand off of my staff. I sighed as Courtney's hand slowly traveled the length and breadth of my cock, growing familiar with it. Within a few seconds she was stroking me lightly.

Abby started in. She explained that we had been in a bit of a rut, and that she did something stupid and I found out. She then went on to say she realized that she didn't want anyone else, she wanted me, wanted excitement, and desperately wanted to make me happy.

"So I decided to take a huge chance. I'd give myself up to him. Do whatever he wants, do everything I can to keep him happy and satisfied. Wear what he likes, give my body over to him completely, at all times. Share my friends with him. I'm his completely and totally, with absolutely no reservations."

"Oh my God, you're his slave?" Courtney asked, in a hushed whisper, her hand grabbing tighter around my pole.

"Not at all! I decide. I treat him, reward him, surprise him. He doesn't demand anything from me, well, not much. I just give and give and give."

"And?" Courtney's hand loosened a hair and returned to stroking me.

"Ask him." Abby said, leaning over and cuddling into me.

Courtney slid closer, her hand stroking me more firmly. I hadn't touched her, other than to guide her hand onto it's current resting place. My arm on her side was resting on the side of the spa, and as she moved in, her near breast was just a breath away from my touch.

I slid my arm down and brushed my fingers across her nipple. "It's been the most amazing few weeks of our marriage. I love her so much it hurts. I could never imagine being with anyone else but her. It's impossible to imagine anyone who would do so much for me so willingly. When she makes my pleasure her goal, the only way I can respond is to try and do the same."

My hand cupped Courtney's breast and squeezed softly. "Our sex has been nothing short of amazing. Mind-blowing. I've gone to sleep with her beautiful lips wrapped around my shaft, and woken to the most loving blow-job imaginable. If you hadn't come over when you did, I was about to spend the evening ravishing my wife in every way imaginable."

Courtney looked at me with a burning gaze I'd never seen from her before, and leaned her face in close to mine. "Don't let me stop you."

I leaned toward her, closing the space between us, and pressed my lips against hers. Her mouth opened to me and I explored her mouth with my tongue.

Abby tapped me on the shoulder. "Up on the side of the spa, cowboy."

I pulled away from kissing my next-door-neighbor for the first time, and her hand reluctantly let go of my cock. I moved a couple of feet sideways and sat on the edge of the spa, my cock standing proud and eager.

Abby pulled Courtney over close, while she stationed herself between my legs. "Come see what my practice has taught me."

For the next several minutes, Abby licked and sucked my cock as if her life depended on it. She took almost all of it down her throat, gagging a bit, licked and sucked my balls, and did everything she could to worship my cock.

Courtney edged closer and closer, until her chin was resting on my thigh, her cheek pressed against my side. She had about as close a view as possible. My hand strayed to the side and caressed her hair as she watched.

Gasping, Abby pulled her face away for a moment, and faced her friend. "Help me?"

Courtney shuddered, "Oh Abby, I don't know..."

"Please?" she asked, then licked me from balls to crest. She leaned my cock over toward our guest until my cock was pressed against the side of her face. Courtney's tongue reached out and brushed me.

"Oh Shit!" I gasped. I had never expected this from Courtney.

"God, he liked that." Abby said softly.

Courtney leaned forward a bit and gave me a long lick, placing a kiss on the top of my swollen head. She then pushed my cock back to Abby.

Abby tugged her arm and pulled Courtney around my leg, facing my cock straight on.

"Suck him for me." Abby urged.

Courtney licked me again and this time settled in at the top, opened her mouth and took me in, swallowing half my length. I could feel her naughty tongue working me over.

"God Court, that's wonderful." I told her

Abby moved behind my new cocksucker, and caressed her back, sides and finally front, while the pretty little neighbor sucked me better and better. She was good. Not in Misty's class. Not even quite up to Abby and Krista, but damn good.

"Courtney, it's a mortal sin that you aren't using your talented mouth to drain a man more than a couple of times a year. It's a sin, and a waste." I told her.

While her head bobbed up and down on my cock, she opened her eyes and looked up at me. That's a huge personal turn on, and I could feel my balls swelling.

"I'm going to come soon," I warned them both.

"Do you want to finish him?" Abby asked.

"Mmmhmm," Courtney answered with her mouth full.

"Share it with me afterwards," Abby said, kissing her friend on the neck.

Courtney's eyes got big, and just then I reached the end of my rope. I exploded, several days worth of pent up cum, and filled my oh-so-friendly neighbor's mouth to overflowing. She finally pulled away, and the last few shots sprayed across her chin and cheeks.

"That was wonderful Courtney," I told her.

Abby turned Courtney's face toward her own, and lovingly cleaned every trace of my cum off of her face. Then I watched Courtney open her mouth, and display as much cum as I'd ever seen come out of me. Her mouth was solid white. Abby leaned in and place her mouth over Courtney's then leaned back allowing much of my seed to flow into her own mouth. Courtney pulled away, their lips slipping apart, sticky strings of cum stretched between them. She closed her mouth and swallowed deeply, then leaned between my legs again, looked up and displayed her open empty mouth to me. She seemed surprised when she felt my hard cock spring up and nudge her chin.

"Oh my God! Are you still hard?" She gasped.

"What man wouldn't be, after watching a sexy scene like that?" I reminded her.

"Fifteen minutes," Abby said softly.

"What?" Courtney asked turning to look back and forth between my wife and I.

"Fifteen minutes, anything goes. Only you set the limitations," my wife explained.

I slid into the water, pulling her into my lap, feeling her crotch press against me. I pulled her mouth to mine and kissed her deeply, still finding a faint remnant of my own taste.

She pulled away, hugging me tightly, and whispered in my ear. "What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to start by returning the favor."

"And Abby?" She asked, nibbling on my ear.

"For now, she'll just watch." I stood, easing her off of my lap, and grabbed her hips. I turned with her and lifted her up to the side of the spa that had no seat in front of it. I slid my neighbor's ass to the front edge of the ledge, and opened her legs for me. She leaned back as I leaned forward and started paying close and intimate attention to the entire area around by final objective. After several minutes of teasing licking and kissing, I settled my lips over her clit and let my tongue go to work as my fingers entered her moist pussy.

She was a quiet one. I could barely tell when she finally came for the first time, her thighs tensing around my head. A couple of more minutes and she was coming repeatedly, gasping, making quiet mewling noises.

I finally stood just in front of her, lifted her off the edge and eased her down onto my cock. I slid into her, easily, her own body weight forcing her tight opening down to the very base of my cock. She clung to me tightly, her arms around my neck, her legs clasped around my waist.

"God, Alex, you are huge inside of me," she murmured into my ear.

"You're OK with this, right?" I asked.

"This is so wrong, I've never cheated on John," she confessed warily.

"Cheating is what got Abby and I here." I told her, my cock swelling within her.

"I don't know," she moaned, but her heels dug into me, pulling her deeper onto my cock.

"Would you be willing to share John with Abby?" I asked her.

"I don't think he'd survive it."

"Soon, the four of us in the hot tub. You'll give him Abby for the night, or maybe Krista." I told her, lifting her up and then settling her back down onto my cock.

"I might lose him," she said softly.

"Give yourself to him, completely, give him your friend, role-play with him. You know he loves you, we'll get him to lust for you again." I urged her, as she rode my cock for the first time.

"I'll have to think about it."

"Talk it over with Abby, she'll help." I held her close, my cock buried to the hilt. "You're OK with this?"

"What happens in the hot-tub, right?" she answered warmly.


"Fuck my brains out."

I did my best, screwing her standing, then laying her down on the side and taking her like that, finally bending her over the side and fucking her from behind, much as I had done with Misty. She had a wonderful full ass, and I reveled in squeezing her full butt cheeks while plowing her from behind. I finally found a wonderful rhythm, giving her several minutes of long deep strokes, which had her coming for me again, almost crying now.

"I'm almost there," I warned her. "Can I come in you?"

"NO, please, come in my mouth." She gasped, before coming hard on my cock again.

I took myself right to the edge, then pulled out and spun her around. Even so, it took another aggressive minute or so for her to finally wring out my cum. I came hard, looking at her cute face filled with my cock.

This time she managed to take it all. She pulled away from me, and walked over to Abby who had sat at the edge, taking it all in quietly.

Abby slid into the water to meet her, and when Courtney leaned her face forward, Abby met her lips with her own. Once more they shared my essence, for a very long time. Abby's hands were all over her friend until they finally separated.

"Thank you, Abby," Courtney said softly. "I'll never do anything like that unless I can share the results with you at the end, I swear."

Abby giggled. "We may have to stop sharing, I think you got him hard again."

Courtney turned quickly and almost fell down. "Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck's wrong with you?" She asked looked down to where I was stroking my thick meat.

"Nothing my amazing wife can't solve. Abby, I'm pruning up, let's you and I move to the bedroom." I turned to my darling neighbor, pulling her into my arms. "Courtney, that was just incredible, thank you, but I'm going to take my wife into our bedroom now. I hope we can play again later some time." Then I kissed her warmly, holding her close.

"Thanks, that was absolutely incredible." She turned to Abby, and gave her a big hug. "And thank you, I can't believe you shared him with me."

"We'll play again some time, it was fun to watch you. Good thing I didn't have a clock, though. I think y'all went a good bit over 15 minutes. I got so wet, you can't imagine."

I watched my demure neighbor get dressed again, still in wonder over what had just occurred. As she headed out the gate with a wave, I cleaned up around the spa, while Abby retreated to the bedroom.

When I got there she was waiting for me in her famous 'fuck-me' teddy, that she knew I loved so well.

She spoke up with a little grin as I entered the room. "Well, that was unexpected."

"No shit. Who would ever have believed that of Courtney."

"Did you have fun?" she asked beckoning me forward.

"Absolutely. As if you didn't know."

She giggled as I laid down beside her and started caressing her body. I loved the feeling of popping open the two snaps that kept her teddy shut at her crotch. It was like opening a Christmas present.

She sighed as my finger entered her. "God, I got so damn horny out there watching you fuck 'Miss Nosy.' She's a great friend and all, but she's so damn into everyone else's business. Like she didn't know we were in the hot-tub when she came over."

"I'm sure we had her imagination working overtime after she left us last week." I told her.

"I never expected her to be that easy to corrupt," Abby said softly.

"Did you want to? Corrupt her?" I asked surprised.

"Absolutely. If you're going to be doing Krista regularly, eventually it would come out. Misty, Donna or Courtney would sooner or later figure it all out. So now Misty and Courtney have plenty of reason to keep our secret."

I stayed quiet, letting that sink in. My darling, devious wife. Wow.

"You're awfully quiet. I expected some kind of comment, you know."

"Like?" I teased, as she slowly climbed over and mounted me.

"Oh, I don't know, let's see, like...How do we go about fucking Donna, to keep her quiet?" she asked.

As she rocked back and forth on my cock she seemed to be waiting to see if I had any ideas.

"That one might be tough." I finally admitted.

"You want to give it a try?" she asked.

"Let me think about it. Can we use Krista?"

"Any and every way you want. That one is ours completely."

"You know, I had an idea for my work..." I started.

"Is this going to take a while to explain?" She asked.


"Good, then let me change position." She climbed off of me, licked me clean, then reached into the side bed-stand and came out with her new favorite lube, cherry 'Good Head'. She applied a dollop to the head of my cock, and a little more directly to her tongue, then she started sucking, practicing taking me as deeply as possible.

I enjoyed the action until she stopped. "If you want me to keep this up, you better start explaining your idea."

With encouragement like that, I sprung into action. I told her about expanding the Internet marketing business, and thought maybe we could use both Krista and Donna part-time, 3 hours a day or so. I explained that I could pay them a little more than twice what I'd pay someone in India, but they'd be local, same time zone, and available for face to face meetings.

She giggled and pulled off my cock. "And face to cock, face to pussy, face to face to cock, should I continue?"

"But it's a great benefit. I think it will grow the business a lot. Letting me work on what's important. And it gives us an excuse to be together a lot more. And together, maybe Krista and I can slowly work on Donna, get her to join our merry little band of adulterers." I started to go into detail about the things I could offload to them, including generic personal assistant stuff, when I felt things start to change where sweet Abby was working on me.

I watched as my darling wife made an extra effort and swallowed most of my cock. She pushed hard and I finally got to see her lips reach the base of my cock, with the rest of it inside her hot little mouth.

"Amazing, Abby, I never thought you'd be able to do it." I told her, reaching out and caressing her butt.

She pushed her face back and forth, just fucking the back of her throat, before she pulled off, gasping. "Wow, that feels so wild once you get it. I'll be damned if Misty's going to deep throat you and I can't."

She wiped her hand across her mouth. "I know Krista could use the money. I'm sure Donna could as well, but I don't know if she'd admit it. Krista's been talking about doing the home day-care again; that would really suck."

I spoke up. "I figured if the business grew, I could do some profit sharing with them. It would really make it worthwhile financially, and it wouldn't cost us anything - they'd only make money on any growth income." I explained, while my wife applied a dab more lube, and then proved to me that the first time wasn't a fluke. She sucked me to the root like she'd been doing it every day of her life, until she gagged again, yanking her head off and gasping.

She sat back and caught her breath. "I need a break." She stretched, then slid her teddy off, leaving her breathtakingly naked. Once more I was struck by just how pretty my wife was.

"You are so beautiful; I owe you so much." I told her, climbing between her legs and leaning over her.

"How's that?" she asked curiously.

I scanned up and down her body. "I don't know what was wrong with me. I just took you for granted. You are so incredibly beautiful, and yet I didn't even notice for years and years. I look at your body now, and can imagine how others must lust after you, and yet, each night you come home to me, and give yourself to me completely. I don't deserve you." I placed my lips on hers and kissed her lightly.

"None of us deserves anything as overwhelming as love," she said with tears in her eyes. "It's an incredible gift. I don't deserve yours." She reached between her legs and guided me back inside of her.

As I slid in and out of her, she arched her back beneath me, and sighed. "God, I needed this. I love feeling you inside me, filling me completely."

I smiled as I gave her more of just what she was looking for.

"It sounds like a good idea. Let's start on it as soon as possible. We can offer the opportunity to Krista when she comes over Wednesday. If we time it right, it will be impossible for her to say no. You do remember we're spending the morning together, right? You've cleared your schedule?"

I couldn't remember final plans being made, but I assured her my schedule was clear.

"Good. Now how about lunch tomorrow?"

"How about it?" I asked.

"I thought I'd take a long lunch break. Misty's been begging to get together again, so I thought we could have 'Funch', and I could leave her with you for the afternoon. Use her as long as you want, and kick her out when you're done, as long as it's before school's out."

"You are too good to me," I told her fucking her harder, deeper, faster.

"Maybe, but I like the rewards," she moaned as she leaned back and accepted my increased attention.

Within a couple of minutes I had her where I wanted her, coming hard on my cock, begging me to fill her. I was happy to. It was the least I could do.

* * *

I did get up in the middle of the night to shut down the camera filming the spa before my entire hard-drive was full. I'd have to do some editing on that file, and soon. It would be fun to see how much I really was able to capture.

A Blackmail Tale 13 - Misty's Back


Misty for lunch, with Abby's approval.

This series starts with A Bit of Blackmail, then A Bit More Blackmail, and A Blackmail Buddy. They are numbered after that. I suggest they be read in order.


I had a conference call that started at 11:00 and was desperate to get off that call in time for Abby and Misty coming home for lunch.

When the call had run over by 10 minutes, I was telling the crowd I had to go, while the bean-counters kept harping on the same crap as every week. At 12:11 I heard the garage door open, and that was it for me.

"Guys, I have another meeting. If you need an hour and a half to go over infinite minutia, schedule it. This was a one-hour meeting. Email me anything I miss." I hung up the phone, forwarded my office phone to my cell, and put my unavailable message on my voicemail. There. Cleared my afternoon.

I heard the giggling downstairs, and found myself getting excited even before I had seen anybody.

I looked over the railing, and saw Misty walking toward my bedroom. She was peeling off her shirt as she walked across the family room. No bra. It was clear someone was here to play.

"ALEX," my darling wife called out.

"On my way, sweetness." I called down to her.

I met her in the family room, and swept her up in my arms. She shrieked, then wrapped her arms around me. "You're in a good mood!"

"Five minutes ago I wasn't particularly," I admitted. "It's a miracle what a change of company can do for you."

"Bad morning?" she asked.

"Just typical."

"Let's see if we can change that."

I carried her into my bedroom where I found Misty lying in the middle of the bed, wearing tiny panties and nothing else. She looked good, damn good.

I placed Abby on her feet so she could finish disrobing. I also stripped down as quickly as I could, perhaps displaying a little of my eagerness.

I was barely on the bed before Misty made a beeline for my cock, taking it in her mouth before Abby even had a chance to get settled. I guess I wasn't the only eager one.

Working my way to the center of the bed, in spite of Misty's ardent attention, I finally was able to relax, lean a couple of pillows behind my head, and watch as Abby reclaimed what was rightfully hers. The two hotties battled for supremacy until they achieved détente, each content with her share of my missile.

Misty was still the wilder cock-sucker, and more proficient, but Abby had made up considerable ground. I paused to wonder where Krista would place in the expertise order.

Abby pushed her face down, swallowing me completely, and Misty giggled, grabbed my wife's hair and holding her in place. "So! Somebody's been practicing!"

When Abby finally pulled away gasping Misty took her place quickly, once again striving to solidify her role as champion cock-sucker.

I was getting a little worked up and needed to slow the action down. With a good bit of difficulty I managed to dislodge Misty off of my rod and sit up.

"The three of us have limited time together, and I need to make sure that first and foremost, my darling wife who arranged this little get-together gets hers." I encouraged Abby to lay back on the bed. "Of course she can get me on demand, so let's give her something a little more exotic."

I lifted Misty into the air, swinging her across the bed while she squealed. I still couldn't get over how small and petite she was, her weight almost negligent. I placed my plaything on her knees right between my wife's open legs, and pushed her head down in the direction I wanted her to go. I sort of expected some kind of smart-ass comments from one of the two, if not both, but it didn't quite work out that way. Instead Misty got comfortable and went to town on my wife, her hands and mouth quite busy.

It was an incredibly sexy sight. I slid up behind Misty and massaged her panty covered butt before I reached down and started fondling her crotch. She was already wet, and my finger created a nice little crease, rubbing between her puffy lips, spreading the wetness across the thin cloth. I eased her panties off of her hips, and pulled them down just far enough to clear the way for me to do what I had in mind. I lined my cock up and found my way inside of her with little difficulty.

Her narrow little hips and tight ass made my raging hard-on look impossibly large for her little opening, but I knew it was an optical illusion. I stretched her wide, no doubt about that, but she accommodated me nicely, able to take the entire length without distress. I had to wonder where it went. It seemed like at the end of each stroke she should practically be choking on it.

I rode her easily, long slow strokes, just enjoying the idea of fucking the little tart going down on my wife. She was a tricky little thing, and by spreading her legs a bit, her panties would ride up and press against the bottom of my shaft, while I plumbed her. It was an interesting feeling, more than just a little exciting. After a couple of minutes I pulled out and took my wet sticky cock to my wife for attention. She had her eyes closed, but opened them when she felt the weight shift on the bed next to her. I put my cockhead to her mouth.

"Suck your friend's juices off of me," I told her, my voice rasping with desire.

She took me and although she was too distracted to give me her best work, she did let me fuck her face pretty aggressively even as she grew less attentive. I climbed back behind Misty and toyed with her cunt, teasing her. "Make her come, make her come hard, and you'll be getting yours soon." I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her steady while pounding a couple of fingers into her, and I heard her moan her frustration into my wife's pussy.

Maybe she's as good on women as she is on men. She did get my wife to come, and come big. She brought her to a series of orgasms, and I just let them entertain me, playing with Misty gently, not enough to distract her too badly, but more than enough to keep me raring to go. Keeping the panties on her was just a little bit more fun to watch.

When Misty finally rolled out of the way, after a particularly strong orgasm from Abby, I immediately jumped in her place, and slammed my cock into Abby before she could come down, making her gasp loudly. I fucked her hard, continuously not slowing for her orgasms, or for my impending one. Misty eventually got back into play, toying with Abby's exposed clit, while I held my wife's legs high and rammed her fast and furious.

"I'm almost there," I announced for my wife, as she cried out under the continuous assault.

Misty took that as an invitation to plant her mouth over Abby's and rape her mouth with her devilish tongue.

With the added inspiration, I reached over, slid two fingers deep into Misty, and dumped my load into my squirming wife.

We all collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard, looking for a short rest. But Misty didn't take long to revert to her plans for me.

She started licking, cleaning me, then sucking voraciously to get me hard. Once I was clean, however, I guided her back to Abby. "Suck my cum out of my wife's pussy."

She was an obedient little hussy and did as I requested, more gently this time, not driving my wife too wild. After a few minutes, she slid back to my crotch, once more looking to get me hard.

"God, look at the time. I'm going to be late," Abby announced.

Misty groaned. "Please, can't we stay just a little longer?"

Abby reached down and caressed her frustrated friend. "I have to go, but you, you little cock-slut, are his until he throws you out."

That got a response, and Misty jumped up and gave my wife a huge hug, tit to tit, and a big kiss. Their play looked ready to evolve into a lot more, if time weren't an issue. Abby pushed her away, back to my cock. "Suck him until I go."

Abby cleaned up, got dressed, and kissed me goodbye, while her friend's amazing mouth settled onto my cock, and gave me a sweet leisurely sucking that Misty and I both knew was just for show. The main act was just a few minutes away. "Don't forget to pickup Maddy at 4:00," Abby reminded me.

When the door to the garage closed, Misty climbed off of me. "Give me a minute. I need to make a call and change some plans, Ok?" She was kicking off her panties before she was even out of the bed.

"Absolutely," I told her, then got up and found a couple of bottles of Fiji water for the bedside.

The clock read 1:04 pm when she reappeared, ready for action. "God, I'm so ready for this. I can't believe your wife left you alone with me! Anything special you want to start with?" She had climbed on the bed, and was laying beside me, her shoulders level with my hips. Her hand had already sought out my cock, and she was fondling it, while she asked.

"How about a showing me a little more of what that magical mouth of yours can do, before I return the favor?"

Darling Misty was willing enough, and had me rock-hard within minutes. Once my staff was standing tall, she shuffled around the bed, rotating until her knees were bracketing my head. I reached back and folded my pillow in half, raising my head up so I could access her sweet bare pussy without straining my neck. We played in that position for a few minutes, getting each other thoroughly worked up.

I had an ass cheek in each hand, squeezing, and I pulled my head back. "Ride me beautiful? Let me look up and see your gorgeous body above mine, those bit ol' titties of yours bouncing with your movements."

She giggled. "Gee Alex, you have the nicest way with words. Are you ready for me to fuck your brains out?"

"And vice-versa," I assured her.

She sat up and straddled my hips, lowering her tight pink slit down onto my cock, and rode me to the first of several pleasurable, and one almost painful, orgasms. When I saw she was tiring, I put her underneath me, and took her that way. She was so naughtily flexible, it was easy to push her legs back, pressing her knees all the way down to the bed, tilting her hips up obscenely. My cock looked huge against her, and I admired the sight of her tiny pussy being stretched to its limits.

By three o'clock there wasn't an inch of her body I didn't know inside and out, and I'd even found the time to break out a couple of Abby's latest toys to use on poor Misty.

I used one of the smaller butt-plugs on her, not knowing what she was willing or comfortable with, but it seemed I needn't have worried. She took it easily. While I lubed her up, and plugged her ass, she was digging into the toy drawer herself. She came up with the clear 1" balls on a string. "When you're done with that, maybe you could use this on me. I've always wanted to try it."

I'd seen them used on a video or two, and was willing enough to give it a go. I put her on her hands and knees with a couple of pillows under her waist to hold her up. Then I went back to fucking her hot pussy, while I played with the butt-plug, pulling it slowly, until it almost wanted to come out, and then sliding it back into her. After I had her begging me for the balls, I finally allowed it to come out that last half-inch which got it past her tight little ring, and it slid right out.

She didn't stay empty for long, as the first three balls slid into her quickly. I was now fucking her slowly and easy, fondling and squeezing her butt cheeks, easing another crystal ball into her, then massaging it deeper. By the time the sixth and last ball was inside of her, she was moaning constantly.

"That's all of them," I told her, giving her rear end a couple of smacks for good luck.

"Fuck me, Alex, fuck my brains out," she gasped.

I started screwing her for real, getting some weight behind my pounding strokes, but it was never good enough. The harder I fucked her the more she begged for it, always harder, harder. We crawled up the bed, my fucking driving her up to the headboard, until she was bouncing against it, trying to hold herself away with her outstretched hands. Once she could go no further, I finally was able to pound her hard enough for her demands, and she screamed out for me that she was there, she was going to cum.

That was my cue. Pulling on the string I long-stroked her, while popping the first ball out of her ass.

"Oh, Fuck!" she cried out.

"FUCK!" she screamed as the second one came free.

With the third one she was coming on my cock, trembling uncontrollably, and I continued pulling them free from her ass, while she moaned and shivered, impaled on my cock. When I finally had the last one free, she relaxed under me, gasping, her tiny butt hole stretched and red, and I couldn't resist this golden opportunity.

I pulled my cock out of her pussy, and pushed it hard into her ass, nearly burying it in one stroke. She screamed beautifully, stuffed full of hard cock, and collapsed down onto the bed, taking me with her.

"Fuck Alex!" she gasped. "Stop! It's too much. You're too big for me!"

I shifted my legs, my hands massaging her delicious little butt cheeks, while I nudged my cock back and forth. "That's clearly not true. You've got nearly the entire thing inside you now."

She groaned, wiggling her hips, "Jesus, you sneaky bastard! You could at least give a girl a little warning!"

I laughed. She was lying completely prone, her legs together. I was straddling her upper thighs, slowly working in and out of her back door.

"I would think that 20 minutes of opening your ass would be warning enough," I told her, laying almost on top of her, my weight on my forearms, my hips doing all the work.

"You are way too big for that hole. I still hadn't decided if I was going to let you stick that beast in there," she pouted.

"Do you want me to take it out?" I asked her, slowly sawing in and out of her. I kissed her shoulder, nibbling on her smooth tan skin.

"Just take it easy, Ok? Gentle. It feels like you've got your entire arm up my ass, to the elbow," she said. "I've never had anything that big back there, and it's not the most comfortable thing, you know?"

I was feeling a tad guilty. "Sorry, you just looked so good, your ass wide open, begging for attention. That butt of yours was just too damn sexy, I couldn't even think straight." I got up a little, adjusting my way into her. "I can pull out if you want."

"Not yet, just let me get used to it a bit."

"Would a little lube help?"

"I doubt a quart of 10W-40 would help much," she paused. "Maybe a little."

"In the drawer."

She edged sideways and I turned with her, nudging her forward with my cock. She was able to reach down and come up with the bottle of Liquid Silk. She passed it back to me, and I pulled out until just the head remained inside of her. I squirted a few drops on my cock, rubbing it around, and eased the pump nozzle into her ass alongside my shaft and gave it a pump. She groaned a bit while I eased my rod back inside of her, but with a couple of easy strokes, I was buried balls deep, and her resistance was now little more than a tightly clenched fist.

"Do you like it?" she asked, giving a little wiggle.

"Love it," I admitted.

"Show me, fill my ass," she said, turning her head and looking at me with that mischievous smile I was growing so fond of.

It took me a while, I'd already popped a few times, and wasn't sure I had anything left, but Misty's rear was inspiring. She didn't have much cushioning back there, not like the other women in my life, but it made penetration from that position a good bit easier. I was slowly able to work up to a little more thorough ass reaming, and she was taking it in stride, talking dirty to me.

I finally had to pull her up onto her knees to get the penetration and movement I needed, and I was able to fulfill her request, leaving my last load deep inside of her ass.

"Tell you what, Alex. If you ever want to fuck my ass again, let's not wait until I've almost drained you. I don't know if I'll be able to walk normal for a week," she complained from the bathroom afterwards, putting herself back together.

I slipped into the shower for a quick cleanup.

"You fucking tease!" she said, knocking on the glass door. "I can't shower with you, or my hair will be a mess!"

"We'll have to save that for another day." I told her, stepping out after the quick rinse-off.

She planted a quick one on the lips, then headed out. "I gotta run baby. That was intense. Give Abby my love and thank her," she said, before darting out the door.

Still thirty minutes before I had to pick up the little one. I decided to change the sheets and air out the bedroom. It needed it.

* * *

Abby was kind enough to let me rest that evening. I worked in my office late, first at my day job, and later, pulling more stuff together for bringing the girls aboard. I used my video capture software to make a couple of tutorials of the process of checking on the site performance, advertising costs, visits, orders, one-time offers, and payments. The process of documenting everything made it clear to me some of my own inefficiencies, and I tried to make the system as easy as possible.

I also took a few minutes out to review a couple of my home movies. I have to admit, I love that first movie with Krista, and of course my first time with the both Krista and Donna.

By the time I got to bed it was nearly midnight.

Abby was almost, but not quite asleep. "I thought you'd be worn out."

"Thoroughly," I confessed, "but we still gotta pay the bills."

"If you play with the toys, clean 'em up," she said softly.

Oops. "Sorry, got lost in the shuffle of cleaning up the room, and then picking up Maddy."

"It's Ok," she said, while I leaned over and rubbed her back. She loved even just a couple of minutes of that.

"Go to sleep," she said. "You'll need your energy. Krista's coming over early for a play date."

She giggled when I groaned.