Home for Spring Break


I got in about 10:30 Friday evening for spring break from school. I have to admit, it was about 2-hours earlier than planned, but my last class was cancelled, and I headed directly home. I pulled into the garage drive like any other night, entered through the kitchen, dropping my laundry basket , laptop, and back pack. Grabbing a glass of milk, I thought I should let Mom and Dad know I was in safely.

I started back down their wing of the house to let them know I was there. As I approached their room, unmistakable, sexual noises were filling the hallway.

"Oh Jesus Richard," my Mon grunted at my Dad. His grunting told me he was in the middle of pounding her middle aged flesh hard. I stopped in my tracks. I did not want them to know I was home at this moment. But my feet were frozen to the floor. I could not turn, I could not exit my spot. I leaned to listen, my cock growing quickly hard, shoving down my leg.

"Oh my God," I muttered to myself. My big brain fought a battle of respect for them against my little brain engorging my cock to very respectful proportions. Funny how the little brain can dominate these mind games. I crept closer to their door. With their bed along the side wall of their bedroom, I could see him standing at the edge of the bed, Mom's legs wrapped around his hips, her arms spread wide, clenching the bed cover as he repeatedly pounded her body.

"Oh yes my big man," Momma whispered to him. "Fuck me honey, shoot your cum in my body," she continued. "I want to feel you," her voice trailed off as Dad interrupted.

"I'm cumming," shouted my Father. "Take it you bitch," his voice stopped abruptly.

"Yes Richard, I'm your bitch," Mom followed. "Fuck me, cum in me," she uttered. "Yes baby, cum in me," she whispered as Dad slowly ground his body to a halt, pulling savagely against her pelvis.

"So good," Dad muttered. Mom opened her legs, Dad pulled out, leaned to pull his underwear up from one ankle, lifting the other foot to get the shorts in place. Mom rolled over, moving up the bed quickly, lying on her back. In the darkness lighted by her night light, I saw her silhouette with no real definition. "G'night," Dad grunted, flopping on his side of the bed.

Mom lay silently, her legs raised, bent at the knee, spread wide. I listened as Dad's breathing grew deeper, slower. Mom rustled, followed distinctly by movement between her legs.

"Oh baby, make me cum," she whispered. "Yes, lick my cunt! Oh so good baby," she whispered. I could hear her hands, her fingers in her juices. I grabbed my shorts, pulling the leg hem up, lifted my underwear, and freed my rigid cock. I fisted my monster, stroking hard, choking the shaft with each pump up and down. Mom groaned, her body shuddering, interrupting her groan as each spasm of her orgasm raced through her body. Her groan burned my mind, searing the memory deep into the recesses of my silver box room. Her groan tore my senses, my eyes slamming shut, my balls exploding, shooting cum into my shaft. I was not ready, nor had I expected to blow my load. I almost doubled over, covering the head with my hand, trying to catch all the cum shooting from my cock. I turned, moving quickly to the hallway, heading back to the kitchen. Passing the hall bathroom, I leaned to grab a puff tissue, wiping my hand, wiping the head of my swollen cock. I dropped the tissue in the waist basket, pulled up my shorts, and started out of the bathroom.

I could not even think straight. I had cum to Mom's masturbation. "Oh shit," I muttered to myself.

"Oh shit," my mom shrieked. Glancing to my right, Mom had her hand over her heart, her face frozen in a panic, almost a deep scream. "Jason," she shrieked, slapping at my shoulder. "You scared me to death," she continued.

"Hey Mom, I'm home," I voiced quickly. "Had to pee so bad," I let my voice trail. She stepped to me, throwing her arms around me tightly. I could feel her warmth press against me. "So good to have you home for the week sweetie," she said. "Come sit, tell me all about school," she said, grabbing my arm, pulling me toward the kitchen.

"Want some grape juice," she asked? "New studies out, grape juice in one of the top two or three juices that one should drink for heart decease," she continued. "Did you know orange and apple are about the last juices you should drink," she finished. "For heart stuff," she added.

"Mom, slow down," I laughed. She turned from the frig, her mid-thigh length robe lightly tied around her shoulders. Her face was radiant, even flushed. I moved to grab two glasses from the shelf. As I sat the glasses on the counter, Mom moved next to me. I glanced across her body, noting a gap in her robe, her breast showing slightly. Mom glanced to me at that instant, noting my eyes divert upwards to see her stare. Glancing down to see what I saw, she hesitated an instant in pouring the juices in the glasses.

"Goodness son, what are you staring at," she asked? "Your Mother's old saggy boob," she continued, stretching to stand straight. The gap in the robe closed. We had always been open about our bodies, our sex lives.

"I wouldn't say saggy," I quipped. "It didn't look saggy," I muttered.

"Well, thanks I think," Mom responded, handing me my glass of juice. We moved to sit at the table, our chairs facing each other, almost knee to knee as we talked. We covered the normal stuff, midterm exams, how my second semester off campus was going, how were my roommates getting along, all the normal stuff parents need to know. As we talked, our movements were typical of sitting, crossing, uncrossing our legs, shifting our bodies on several occasions, etc. And without thinking, Mom's robe parted about mid thigh, draping over her legs, hanging limply beside her bottom. When she leaned forward, her arms across her upper knees, the robe spread even wider. Leaning back with a big yawn, Mom stretched her arms high over her head, head thrown back yawning. At that instant, her legs were still open at the knee, and I got a glimpse of her cunt. Stretching so long, tall, hard, her robe opened, her pouty, hairless lips of her cunt were plainly visible.

My cock jumped to life, growing long and hard in my gym shorts. I leaned over my knees, even closer to Mom's body as she stretched. My view was unobstructed. As Mom finished her stretch, she automatically grabbed her robe, pulling the cloth closed. She had no idea what I had just seen. I leaned back, clasp my hands behind my head, stretching and yawning as she had done. My rigid cock poked below my shorts as I had hoped. I glanced to Mom, her eyes focused on my protruding, heavy cock.

"Oh my, look at the time," Mom muttered. I glanced to the clock as well. Mom stood quickly, leaning to kiss me. Her free hand dropped to my thigh, supporting her weight slightly with her lean. I could feel the heat of her hand on my cock head. "Love you honey," she said, standing slowly, dragging her finger nails up my thigh, then disappearing quickly.

"Night Mom," I called softly after her. My mind swirled. What had just happened?

I had purposefully let Mom see my engorged cock. Had she reached to my thigh knowing her hand was that close to my engorged cock? What did she think? Did she want me? My cock? My balls shuddered. I groaned, thinking about sex, grabbing, stroking my rigid cock. I quickly pulled it free from my shorts, squeezing, pulling gently. Each stroke brought more images of my Mom's hairless cunt, her lips slick with juices, her growls, her grunts urging me onward. I closed my eyes, throwing my head back, pumping my cock hard. My body raced to a second orgasm, my balls swelling, spitting my man juice into my shaft, and jettisoning it up, out into my hand.

"God Mom," I groaned as my orgasm ripped through my cock and balls. A slight sound interrupted my thoughts. Opening my eyes, I turned quickly to see, but nothing was there. I reached to the table, grabbing a napkin, wiping the cum from my fingers. I had to grab a second napkin, thoughts of Mom had got a gusher of an orgasm. My cock flexed, sending shivers through my body. I groaned appreciatively, tugging on my shrinking cock, squeezing any remaining fluids from the shaft. Stuffing my cock back in my shorts, I tossed the napkins in the trash, turned out the light, and headed to bed. I slept very soundly.

I woke early, stretching long and tall on my bed. My mind filtered cobwebs, bringing back the thoughts of last night. Hearing Mom, Dad fucking filled my morning brain cells. Needing no reason whatsoever, my cock jumped to life, standing tall. Reaching beneath my shorts, I stoked slowly, gently. Closing my eyes, I pictured Mom over me, her hands replacing mine, her tongue licking her lips, extending to touch me, probing the eye. Her lips sealed over my knob, teeth grabbing the underside of the crown. I choked my cock a little harder. I wanted to hear Mom get fucked again! I wanted to hear those groans, hear her grunt with each thrust, hear Dad's flesh slap her flesh. My cock grew harder, desire filling my balls.

"Oh yes Mother," I groaned, pounding my hard flesh. I pounded up and down the shaft, stopping to roll my cock between my palms, a quick method for me to cum. I rolled my cock hard and fast, Mom's face inches from the head. "Open wide," I stuttered between grunts. Her mouth was wide open, my balls exploded again, shooting ropes of cum into the air. I pulled my cock flat against my belly, shooting several blasts on my skin. "Oh fuck Mother," I mumbled, my orgasm spreading throughout my body. I shuddered, my eyes closing tightly. "Yuck," I muttered, my body covered in sticky splotches of cum. I headed to the shower.

As I dressed, my mind again focused on my Mother. I had never really thought of her as a sexual being. And now I could not get her out of my mind. Was she satisfied? Did Dad please her? Was his cock as big as mine? Did he suck her cunt? Lick her clit? Make her cum on his tongue? Would her probe her tight ring with his tongue? My cock chubbed again. "God," I groaned. Would she fuck doggie? My mind raced on and on.

I heard the garage door open, then close. Dad's off to play golf. Nothing changes I thought to myself.

As I left my room, I could smell bacon. "Ah," I growled. "Breakfast of champions," I laughed to myself. Mom's background in the restaurant business always meant we ate country style breakfasts. "I love being home," I shouted down the stairs as I lopped toward the kitchen. Rounding the corner, I was flooded with a terrific view of my Mom bent at the waist, legs long, straight, bent over the counter, talking on the phone. I hesitated, absorbing the view. Her shorts framed her ass, tight to show her shape. Her long legs went clear to the floor. I so wanted to walk to her, grab her hips, saddle up to her backside, humping my growing cock to her ass. I whistled softly, almost under my breath.

Mom turned giving me a glance. "Jason," she whispered, cutting me short. Her stern look, followed by a broad smile gave away what she really was thinking. She appreciated the low whistle.

"Damn nice," I whispered in return, heading to the refrigerator. I grabbed the carton of grape juice, headed to the cupboard to get a glass. I returned to the table, sitting down directly behind Mom. Her weight shifted from foot to foot, swaying her ass side to side. I watched very closely. Mom continued her talking, never missing a beat. For several minutes, I got to watch her ass, my mind running freely, seeing images of what I would do if I orchestrated the events at the moment. As I sat and thought, my cock grew in dimensions. It did not surprise me in the least. But, at the moment, I did not care. I grew bolder, even standing to move directly behind her. I reached for her hips, my hands cupping over, around her waist. I squeezed my fingers tightly, letting her feel my presence. I stepped closer to her, my crotch an inch away from her ass.

"Gotta go," Mom said into the telephone. She hung up abruptly. No movement, no words were exchanged. Anticipation dripped in the air. Would I pull my body against hers? Would she scream at me, call me a pervert? I let my hand slide up her spine, rubbing her back toward her shoulders. Her body relaxed slightly. As I pushed upwards, I leaned to her, my crotch pressing into her ass softly. My remaining hand joined the first, spreading wide over her shoulder blades, down her sides slightly. Pulling back to her hips, I pulled my body firmly against hers, hesitated, then quickly moved to massage toward her shoulders again. I did not pull my hips away, but pressed firmly against her.

"Jason," Mom whispered softly. My cock was hard, pressed between our bodies. I moved quickly to her hips, again pulling my body to her, humping my crotch gently against her ass. "Baby, don't do this to your Mother," she whispered softly. "You really don't want this," she breathed. She made no attempt to move from me. I felt her hips move, her ass flare even wider to my soft thrusts against her ass. Grabbing the counter, she pressed back against me.

"What do you want Jason," she asked, her voice hushed. "What's got into you," she asked, glancing over her shoulder. I slid my hand up her back, fingers laced into her hair. I pulled her head back, grinding my crotch to her ass harder. I felt her hips grind against me, her breathing changing. I ground my hips to her, forcing my cock hard to her ass. I humped up and down, spreading her cheeks, getting my body wedged into her crack. I humped her, thrusting once, twice. With each thrust, Mom grunted, a groan beginning deep. "Oh God Baby," she groaned.

"I watched you last night sweetie," she breathed. "You came for Momma," she continued. "I heard you call Mom when you came," she whispered. "I wanted to swallow your cum Baby," she whispered. "I wanted to suck your cock into my mouth, feel you shoot your cum down my throat," she groaned deeply. "Oh God I wanted it so bad," she whispered.

"I watched Dad fuck you when I got home," I said. "It made me so horny," I grunted, thrusting to her hard. "Stop me Mother, or I am going to fuck you right here on the counter," I instructed. I yanked back on her hair, pulling her ass flush against my crotch. I humped against her, my cock close to cumming. "You feel so good Mom," I groaned. Mom's breathing was shallow, coming in gasps as I thrust back and forth against her.

I stepped back slightly, hooking my fingers in her waistband. I pulled her shorts and panties down in the first pull. Her naked backside mesmerized me. I quickly shed my shorts and underwear. My cock, pointing straight out, poked to her ass. I kicked her feet apart slightly, my hand sliding quickly between her legs, parting her labia, feeling her flood of wetness between her slippery lips.

"Oh Jesus Mother," I groaned, my fingers sliding along her wet slit. Mom's hips arched back, lifting her cunt to my hand. I gathered wetness from her, grabbing my cock. I wiped my fingers over my hard cock. Moving to her, I aimed my cock to her wet hole, pushing forward gently. Effortlessly, my cock popped into her body. I held my position, the head in her cunt, the muscles clamped around the crown. I could not breathe. My cock was sliding into my Mother's cunt, her tight, wet cunt. I dipped my hips slightly, thrusting forward harder. More cock slid into her cunt.

I lost rational thought. Each thrust caused more cock to slip into her body. I slammed against her, inch after inch disappearing into her yielding body. I savagely thrust harder with each stroke. My hips slapped off her flesh. I pounded her, grinding my body against hers, shoving my cock deep. With each thrust, Mom grunted, her breathing in gasps. She arched her hips with each withdrawal, opening her sheath for my next thrust. As I drove deep in her body, her hips tilted up and down, hammering my cock, rotating over the sensitive flesh. Her muscles squeezed, choked, and sucked my cock deep. Her wetness coated my cock, soaking my balls as well.

"Not yet, not yet," grunted Mom. I slammed forward, repeating my penetration of her body. "Almost," her voice trailed. A guttural grunt erupted from her, her body shuddered almost violently. She slammed her hips back to me, grinding her sex on my cock.

"Fuck me hard Jason," she commanded. "Oh Jesus son, fuck Mother hard," she screamed. I grabbed her hips, slamming my body against her. Our bodies slapped, our voices joined in a crescendo of unabated lust. Mom's screams filled my senses. We fucked hard, fast. Mom absorbed thrust after savage thrust, my cock exploding into her depths. I watched her cunt lips stretch, slipping, releasing, and plummeting in with each stroke, her juices coating my engorged cock. I started feeling my balls churn, knowing I would soon be coating her insides with my juices.

"Oh fuck Mother," I growled deeply. I grabbed her hips, slamming deep harder, faster than I thought possible. A sexual frenzy enveloped my brain as I conquered her. My body went rigid, grinding my cock deep as I exploded in orgasm. Pulling her hip bones to me, I felt each spurt of cum erupt into her body. Each spurt caused a minor, involuntary thrust to her body. As the last spurt flowed from my balls, I ground my hips to her again, pulling roughly on her hair as my body racked with the final spasm ripped through my body. "Oh fuck Mother," I whispered again.

"Oh my God yes Baby," Mother breathed softly. We stayed motionless, my knees almost buckling as my body absorbed each spasm of orgasm. My cock started a slow deflation, our body's subtlety humping, grinding our sexes tight. My cock filled her, slipping along her channel, growing limp in the process. Mom hummed softly to herself, a satisfied noise, swelling my heart. I ground my crotch to her as my cock slipped from her wet cunt.

"Morning Mom," I quipped. I growled deep in my body. "You are very good this morning," I followed. Mom arched her back, pushing her ass to my body.

"Not too bad yourself son," she whispered softly. She lay her arms on the counter, head resting on her forearms.

Things went into fast motion. I pulled back, pulled up my shorts, stepping to the table, sitting quickly. I glanced as mom's ass, noting her puffed lips, soaked slit, even droplets of my cum sliding down her upper thigh. Mom rocked her hips slowly. Actually, the view was gross. I turned away, not wanting to see my cum ooze from her cunt. I pictured a fresh, clean cunt, the lips spread wide, an engorged clit exposes, my lips inches from the sensitive flesh, leaning to suck the entire clit into my mouth. I groaned out loud.

I glanced to my mother, standing in front of me, her shorts up, snug around her bottom again. She turned to me, asking if I would join her for a shower. She reached for me, taking my hand. "Come on son, spoil your mother," she said.

I followed quickly. Once in her bathroom, I watched fascinated as she stripped her clothes off, not hesitating at all. My mind threw up barrier after barrier, how this was not happening, how this was not supposed to happen, how we would die horrible deaths. I wondered if I would go blind, if people would see me branded an incest breeder, even wondered if I was a redneck.

"I fucked you Mother," I whispered. "I," hesitating mid thought.

"Yes baby," Mom's voice filtered my fog. "You fucked your Mother," she stated matter of fact, stepping into the shower. "Get your clothes off, come in here with me," she instructed. I glanced to her tits. For a woman of 47, she had lovely, firm tits. I stripped quickly, my cock semi-engorged by the time I hit the shower. Mom rocked her head back and forth in the water, letting it cascade over her neck and shoulders. Water ran down her soft flesh, her nipples firm, little trails of water running off the buds. I leaned to her, sucking a nipple between my lips, my tongue flicking the flesh back and forth quickly. Mom grunted, lifting her tit to my mouth.

"Yes baby, suck Mommies tit sweetie," she whispered. I bit down harder, holding the nipple firmly, my tongue mashing the flesh on the inside of my teeth. Momma pulled my head firmly to her chest, pushing her tit flesh into my mouth. Mom growled, squeezing her shoulders and arms together, her boobs inflating, the cleavage gap. I reached to her, grabbing the second nipple, my thumb and index finger rolling the hard nub. Mom shuddered, grinning at me. "Yes baby," she growled.

Growing brazen, my hand slipped to her hip, moving quickly to find her sex. I pushed my hand between her legs, pressing against her slit. Her wet lips spread over my hand, allowing me to slip easily front to back in her softest flesh. I could feel her clit, hard with each pass of my hand. As I pushed deep between her legs, my fingers curled, poking into her wet hole. I penetrated her to my first knuckle. I froze, stopping movement. Mom's legs splayed, her hips dropping, wanting to capture my intruder. Growling into her tit flesh, I shoved my finger deep into her body. A guttural groan erupted deep in her body as her body lowered, legs widened, opening her sex to my probing finger. I slammed my finger in and out of her cunt hard, fast, repeatedly. Momma humped my finger. I shoved a second deep, joining the other in our exploration of Momma's cunt. I ground them, twisted them, each time deeper, harder into her body. Mom's breathing changed, quickly growing short breaths, grunts, shallow intakes of air. She leaned to the wall of the enclosure, pinned flat on the tile as I bit her nipples and thrust my fingers in tandem in and out of her cunt.

"Make me cum baby," she asked between shallow breaths. "My clit," she breathed huskily. I pulled my fingers from her, flattened them on her clit, and played slowly, mashing the clit back and forth firmly. Mother groaned appreciatively. "Oh yes baby," she whispered. "Yes," trailed off, her head thrown down, chin against her chest, eyes closed tightly. Seconds passed, her breathing stopped for an instant. Her hips tilted hard, thrusting up and down quickly as her body convulsed through her orgasm. She grabbed my wrist, pulling my arm hard to her cunt as I slammed my fingers back into her soaked hole. Her body melted, almost sliding down the tile. I probed her wetness, slowly sliding my fingers in and out of her body. Mom pulled me up close, her lips finding mine, her tongue probed my mouth carefully, softly. Our bodies pressed close, my cock at attention on her thigh.

I stepped between her legs, my hand aiming the shower to our bodies. My hands slid down her body to her mound. Dropping quickly, I looked to her swollen lips. With the water pouring over our bodies, I leaned to her sex, my tongue reaching between her lips, touching her sensitive clit. Her legs parted, her left leg lifting over my shoulder as she pulled me to her body. I sucked her flesh into my mouth, my tongue dancing over her hard clit. I nipped her, nibbling on the sensitive flesh. My tongue mashed her, flailed at her nub, pounding, licking, washing back and forth as her body reacted immediately. Her hips bounced against my mouth involuntarily, her leg pulling me to her body as her crotch pounded at my mouth. Within seconds, a second, powerful orgasm ripped through her body. Her body twitched convulsively, her breathing rapid, shallow. She repeated herself over and over.

"Oh Jesus baby," Mother growled.

Pinning her to the tile, I placed the head of my cock to her, sliding between her wet lips. Dropping my hips, I pushed in, the head exploding into her cunt. Mother's eyes flew open, staring deep into mine. I stood tall, lifting her petite body up, her legs wrapping my torso, pinned under me, my hips pounding her body hard, driving my cock to it deepest penetrations. Each hump, each thrust drew a new grunt, grown from deep in her body. I pounded her incessantly. My balls churned, my cock expanded. Watching her face, I shoved deep, hesitated as my cock exploded, shooting ropes of cum into her waiting cunt.

"I love you son," Mom growled. "So fucking much," her voice trailed.

"I love you too Mother," I responded, driving my cock hard to her body, slamming her hard against the tile. "So fucking much too," I continued. I humped her again, pressing my deflating cock deep one more time.