Home for Spring Break Ch. 02


After our shower fuck, Mother went about the business of the day. Her whole attitude changed drastically. "Go get dressed honey," she instructed. I was somewhat confused, but did as ordered.

Once dressed, I headed downstairs, wondering about Mom. As I rounded the corner of the family room, Mom glanced my direction. She lifted her arm, her hand reaching to grasp mine. "You ok sweetie," she asked softly. I stood looking to her face, noting the concern etched in her brow. "Mom, I am great," I responded, pulling her body forward. I stepped to the edge of her chair, her face inches from my crotch. With my hand pulling her gently, I thrust my hips forward, my swollen cock inflating my shorts. Mom's mouth clamped over the material covering my engorged cock. "Oh Jesus," Mother breathed as her hand slid up under my shorts, snaking into my shorts. Her fingers lifted the material, pulling my cock free. Her fingers wrapped my growing cock, her thumb running up the underside, lifting the head. Her lips parted, her tongue extended. Stretching her neck, her tongue dipped into the eye, swirling around the head as she lips suctioned a soft seal over the head. I thrust my hips forward, watching my cock slide quickly into her mouth.

"God yes Mother," I whispered appreciatively. I pulled my hips back slightly, pushing forward quickly. My cock glistened, her saliva coating me. I pulled back, shoved forward again watching my engorged cock slip deep into her mouth. My legs quivered as I dipped my hips to thrust into her face. Her hand slid around my leg, up my thigh to grab my ass. Her nails dug in slightly as she pulled me to her, shoving my cock hard into her mouth and throat. Mom's jaw adjusted, opening wide as she took me deep into her throat. Her lips pushed flat against my pubs, her mouth clamped down, grinding my cock hard. Her head started bobbing quickly, hammering my hard flesh. I grabbed her head with both hands, pulling roughly as she opened her mouth, throat to take me. I slammed my cock deep as she sucked the paint off.

Oh fuck Mother," I groaned, eliciting a deep, guttural groan from her in response. She devoured me, taking me deep. I watched, fascinated as my cock slid out, her lips stretching, her eyes staring up to mine. Reaching the crown, her tongue would dance over the head, lick her lips, and slam back down on me, shoving every inch into her mouth, exploding into her throat. Her hand pulled to the front, grabbing my swinging balls. Squeezing my balls gently, her index finger traced along my sac, stretching to rake the sensitive skin between my balls and ass. I flexed my hips, tilting my body forward, hoping her nail would touch me, rim my tight ring. As I pushed forward, I spread my legs wider. I pulled her head sharply, deep on my cock, thrusting hard. I growled as she slid her finger over my ass. Without hesitating, her finger probed my ass, pushed hard, and slid in my rectum, stopping at her first knuckle.

"Oh God," I screamed. I drove my cock deeper into her face, held firmly, and exploded, shooting ropes of cum into her mouth and throat. Clamping down hard, Mom sucked my cock, her cheeks hollow, swallowing every drop of my cum. Her finger rotated in my ass, jumping deeper as her mouth opened, her jaw cracked, and she plummeted down my cock. Her teeth grabbed the base, her face impaled on my massive cock as she shoved hard into my ass. My body flexed, almost rising to my toes as she lifted my body up on her finger. Reacting with a spasm, I humped down, my ass capturing her, taking her finger deep as I shoved my erupting cock hard to her lips. I shuddered uncontrollably, humping her, fucking her face, having her fuck my ass. I lost all cognizant thought, my orgasm ripping through my body, my convulsions involuntary, my lust evident. I growled deeply, pulling my hips back slowly, watching Mom hold my cock with her suction, pulling, tugging on my flesh. Her eyes flashed, her face content, her smiling eyes gave way to the torrid lust growing between her legs.

Her mouth opened, I could see strands of cum from her teeth to my cock as her tongue swirled over the head. "You want me baby," she whispered? "You want to eat my wet cunt? Lick your Momma's nasty pussy? You want to taste my juices," she growled. Each time, her mouth clamped over the head, biting, raking her teeth along the shaft, then quickly off. With each question she pulled her finger out, then slammed it back in. "You going to fuck my ass honey," she growled deeply, toying with my butt. My head was clamped down, chin planted firmly on my chest. I would have promised to deliver a baby at that moment, my mind gone, my cock brain controlling all rational thought. "You taste so good baby! Momma loved swallowing your cum," she growled. "Push me down baby, eat my cunt on the floor. Come on Baby, Momma's cunt is so wet," she trailed off. I pushed her back, watching her lips stretch to hold my deflating cock. Her finger pulled from my ass.

I tore at her clothing, almost ripping the material from her body. Stripping her naked, I shoved her to the floor, diving between her legs. Resting on an elbow, Momma watched me, staring into my face. "Lick me baby, make Momma cum on your tongue honey," she whispered. "Momma needs to cum baby, you make Momma cum," she continued, lying back on the carpet. "Yes baby, spread Momma's lips, see how wet you made me," she continued her pornographic diatribe. "Lick my slit baby," she groaned as my tongue darted between her lips. I reached with both hands to spread her lips, exposing the pink, wet flesh behind them. Her clit, engorged and puffy, stood proud. My tongue darted, probing the sensitive flesh. "Oh yes baby," growled Mom as I circled her clit. I increased the speed, mashing her clit back and forth. Her hips lurched upwards, lifting hard to offer me her sex. I slipped my hand under her ass, my thumb slipping into her wet hole. Rotating quickly, I shoved it deep in her cunt. Her breathing stopped as I clamped the clit between my teeth, my tongue mashing it back and forth against my teeth. Her body humped involuntarily.

With each hump, she pulled my thumb from her wet hole, with each downward thrust, she shoved it deep again. With my lips attached to her clit, my thumb deep in her body, I rode her hard, driving her toward her orgasm. She reached to her tits, grabbing her hard nipples. Each hand rolled a nipple firmly, her hips thrusting up and down against my mouth. Her breathing grew shallow, coming in gasps. I pulled my thumb out of her cunt, turned my hand, and drove my index and middle fingers deep into her cunt. I pumped her hard, stroking quickly in and out as I chewed on her clit. Her body reacted, pushing her toward the pending orgasm. As her body reached the edge, humping up to my mouth, I aligned my thumb, and shoved it into her ass, pushing deep with my index and middle fingers. I pinched her membrane, stroking in and out as I bit down on her clit. Her body exploded, hips thrusting upwards, her scream echoing off the walls. I hammered her, her legs splayed wide, humping hard up and down against my mouth. Her legs quivered, shaking uncontrollably as they spread, lifting her cunt to me, offering her wet, soaked sex to my attacking mouth. I slowed my assault, my tongue lazily licking around her swollen clit, held firmly between my teeth. Her mouth wide open, her eyes focused on me, I played carefully, wanting to lift her desire to a crescendo of orgasm. Her hips rocked side to side as she humped up and down.

Grabbing my head, Momma pulled my face tight to her cunt. I moaned deeply, inhaling her hard, swollen clit. I quickly increased my pace, my tongue mashing her clit back and forth, dipping to touch her begging hole, then back to her clit as her hips dipped, forcing my mouth to the sensitive bud. I bit down firmly, holding her button, licking furiously, driving her body toward her needed orgasm. Seconds passed, her body lifted, froze high above the carpet, her thigh muscles quivering as her body exploded into orgasm. Her scream slammed into my brain as I locked to her cunt, driving my tongue into her wet hole, forcing my tongue deep into her wet hole. Her muscles contracted, squeezing my tongue, pulling my tongue. As I thrust my tongue in and out, her screams became guttural groans, almost unintelligible strings of words, repeating over and over. "Fuck Momma baby, suck Momma's cunt honey," groaned over and over. As her orgasm subsided, I slowed my attack on her sex. My face coated in her juices, I pulled up, using her thighs as my towel to clean my face. I pushed my shorts down, off my rigid cock.

Crawling up her body, I grabbed a nipple between my teeth, biting down firmly. I nipped her, my body shuddering as my cock brushed her wet cunt. "Oh fuck Mother," I breathed between my teeth and her nipple. Mom's legs splayed, lifted, clamping around my waist.

"Please baby," Momma groaned softly. Instinctively, I reached for my cock, swiped the head up and down her soaked slit, coating the head. Finding her hole, I pushed savagely, forcing my cock to explode into her wet depths. I hit bottom with the second thrust, grinding my pelvis against her pubic bone. Her tits flopped back and forth as I pounded her flesh, each thrust savage in it's intensity. I fucked her hard, fast, driving my cock deep in her depths, thrusting, grinding, rotating, pulling back and slamming forward again. I was lost, fucking her with hard, demon strokes. I wanted to fuck her senseless, hear her scream with each thrust. Mom's head thrashed back and forth, the eyes closed tightly, her head lifted slightly to allow my thrusts to slide her body on the carpet. I pounded her, my body rigid, connected to her cunt, my cock wet, pulling up and slamming down again. "Yes Baby," she howled, her teeth clenched tightly, almost hissing. I reached up along her body, under her sides, my hands wrapping up over her shoulders, holding her firmly, pulling her body down as I slammed up to drive my cock hard into her wet cunt. I slammed into her, wanting to break her with my rigid cock. I wanted to hear her scream. I pounded harder with each groan until she screamed loudly, her voice filling my senses. I exploded, my cum ripping into her body, my cock pulsing so hard, she felt me. All movement stopped, thought focused on my cock. Proudly, it spit my juices into her body, each explosion felt, each spasm shuddering into our senses. "Oh my God Baby," Momma moaned softly, contentedly.

I had to breathe, catch my breath. Involuntary humps kept my cock buried in her depths as my cock deflated quickly. Mom wiggled her hips under me, my cock mashed between our bodies. My weight now mashed her body, her breathing labored. I rolled to the side, wanting to lay quietly for a few minutes. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me. We rested silently for 20-minutes. I pushed her away, sat up as her hand caressed my back. I arched my back, feeling her nails rake over my skin lovingly. "Time huh," Mom said softly.

I turned to look at her, her hair spread on the carpet. Her face still flushed, a smile spread wide. My body shuddered at the shoulders and back of my neck, my cock driving all thought. "Damn Mother," I stated, staring to her.

"Yes," she whispered back, knowing my thoughts. "Now up," she commanded. I watched as she rolled to her stomach, lifted to her knees, hesitated, then rose to stand. "Come on son," she instructed, offering me a hand. I rose quickly. "Now, rules," she stated, pouring us each a cup of coffee. We moved to the table, taking a chair. For the next 10-minutes, Momma detailed our relationship in some detail. Most importantly, Dad must not know of our relationship, and she would be available to me when I needed her. "Within reason of course," she stated flatly. Her eyes flashed, a grin spread wide. "I love cock," she said. "And I need more now than ever before," she continued. She grinned expressively. "Enough," she groaned, her legs rubbing back and forth together. "Fuck, I need it now," she grinned. "You better run," she stated, glancing at the clock. My cock chubbed.

"What you got in mind," I asked, hoping for one more quick fuck.

"I would love to bend over the table, or couch, your choice," she muttered softly, "But you have to fuck me very hard," she breathed huskily. My cock extended to full size in a matter of 10-seconds. My mind jumped from the table to couch to table to couch over and over. Mom could see I was lost in thought. "Ok, couch it is," she offered a quick decision. I followed as she moved to the family room. Reaching the couch, Mom dropped her shorts and panties, spread her feet, and leaned over the arm. "Baby," she asked quizzically?

I dropped my shorts, stepped to her, saddled in to her naked backside. Fisting my rigid cock, I slid the head up and down her soaked slit. Coating the head, I stepped closer, found her hole, and pushed forward. Her body accepted me, her cunt sucking my flesh into her body. She moaned deeply as I pushed my cock into her depths again. I grabbed her hips, pulling her body to me as I drove my cock deep.

"Fuck me hard, fast Baby," Momma instructed. "Just fuck Momma," she continued. "Cum for me," she commanded. "Fuck my cunt Baby," she grunted as I slammed my hips forward. "Ah yes, that's what Momma wants," she continued. Her hips tilted up, cheeks seemed to spread wide as I slammed forward. My head clamped forward, my chin dropped to my chest, my hands grabbed her hip bones, I pulled her body to me hard. I started stoking in and out of her wet cunt, my body literally slapping her flesh hard, our bodies grinding together, then pulling back, slamming forward again. I love the sound we made, my body slapping hers, the smack filling my brain with lust. Momma was whimpering, urging me onward. I slammed her, pounded her flesh piston like as my orgasm grew between my legs. Momma's breathing grew labored, her noises indicating her own orgasm was approaching. My lust grew, my balls churning hard. I did not care about her orgasm, I needed to explode, to pillage her, to fuck her blind. My cock expanded, my senses pleading for relief. "God yes God yes," Mother was shouting. "I'm cumming," she grunted as I slammed deep. My balls exploded, shooting my cum up my shaft, spitting again into her depths. I ground my body to her, our bodies joined at the sex. I humped her hard, grinding my deflating cock home again. My hand rested on her ass, my thumb rubbed over her puckered hole softly.

Unaware, without thought, my thumb popped through the tight ring to the first knuckle. "Oh fuck," Momma screamed loudly. I rotated my thumb quickly, firmly. Momma's hips bucked up and down, grinding on my growing flaccid cock, against my penetrating thumb. My body shuddered, movement stopped. I pulled my thumb from her ass. I humped against her. I stood close to her, a minute or more passed. My body quivered again.

Stepping back, I pulled my shorts up. I reached to Mom's ass, slapping the flesh softly, playfully. Her moan was half lust, half surprise. "Jesus Baby," she groaned appreciatively. "We have to do that again," she continued. "Maybe the thumb thing too. Or maybe your big thing," she said, her voice trailing off. Her hips rotated slightly, her mind focused on her ass.

Seconds passed. Momma stood, pulled her shorts up as well. "I hope I can walk today," she stated. "My legs are like jello at the moment," she offered. She leaned to me, kissed me lightly on the mouth. "Thanks Baby," she stated, moving around me and headed to the kitchen. Her hand drug across my crotch, a slight squeeze over my cock made my shudder once again. She just grinned.

For the next several days, when the opportunity presented itself, Momma would reach to me, squeeze my cock, caresses my balls, kiss me softly, or present her covered tits for a quick grab. I stepped behind her at the counter, grabbed her hips, pulled my crotch to her backside on several occasions. She would wiggle her butt, hump her hips up and down my growing cock. Each time, she cooed, licked her wicked lips, even turned to bite my growing cock through my shorts. Each time, I got a promise to fuck me blind, fuck my brains out, but we had to wait for the right time.

Twice that week, I heard her screams, her grunts knowing Dad was fucking her, pounding her yielding flesh. I wondered who she was thinking about, my swollen cock, or his. Did she pretend it was me fucking her? I stroked my hard cock unmercifully each time, blowing my cum all over my stomach. My balls ached; my cock ached, needing her receptacles to deposit my load. I wanted, no, needed to fuck her hard.

Friday approached quickly. Dad had a Friday night bowling league with members from work. I planned all day on ravaging my mom as soon as she arrived from work. Once she arrived in the kitchen from the garage, I moved in, pushing her back on the kitchen table before even acknowledging her arriving home. I tore at her skirt, pulled her nylons down, stripped off her panties, and pushed her legs wide. Her cunt was closed tightly, her hair matted flat from her panties. Placing my palm on her mound, my thumb raked over the lips, pushing them back and forth, penetrating softly to force her clit into the air. As I rotated my thumb, Momma's hips lifted, her knees pulling up, hooking over my shoulders. "Baby," Momma breathed loudly. Her clit presented itself, almost dry, standing proud. I leaned to her, my tongue stretching to touch it, taste it. I swirled my tongue over the dry skin, wetting the flesh softly. Darting my tongue back into my mouth, I covered my tongue with saliva. Extending quickly, I hit her button dead center, mashing the flesh to her body. I probed her clit, smashing it back and forth quickly, softly. My need increased, Momma's hips lurched as I dived to suck her flesh between my teeth. "Oh God," Momma growled. Her hands stretched to my hair, her fingers intertwining in my hair, pulling me firmly to her slit. Her juices coated my cheeks as I wiggled between her puffy lips, my tongue mashing her clit back and forth in my mouth. I tugged on her flesh, nipping the sensitive button over and over, pulling, probing, mashing repeatedly. I glanced to Momma's face, contorted, her breathing coming in gasps.

"Yes Baby," Momma screamed as her body lifted hard, flexed head to toe, her hips twisting her cunt to my mouth. "Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me," she hissed over and over, her juices flooding her cunt. I lapped at her, jamming my tongue into her wet hole as her hips rotated, grinding to my mouth and tongue. I quickly captured her clit, holding it firmly as I thrashed it for a second orgasm. Momma's eyes teared, her voice wavering with each flick, each nip of her sex. "Jesus Baby, I need your cock," she whimpered. I stood, grabbed my rigid cock, moved to slide the head along her soaked slit. I loved watching the head slide slowly between her puffy lips, her flesh wrapping so softly around my large head. Finding her hole, I pushed slowly, firmly to her. My cock pressed firmly, hesitated, and slipped quickly into her body. Her legs lifted straight up from her hips. Grabbing her thighs, I pulled my body tight to her, jamming my cock into her wet depths. With my knees buckling slightly, I slammed my cock deep in her body, pulled back, and repeated my hard thrust.

"Cum in my mouth," Momma said, raising her head, looking to me. "Cum in my mouth," she repeated. I pulled out, my glistening cock pointing in front of me. I moved around the table, pulled her by the arms to the edge of the table. Moving even further, Momma dropped her head backwards over the edge of the table. Grabbing my cock, lifting, Momma sucked one nut into her mouth. She chewed on my nut, my body screaming, aching at the same time. Pushing the nut out, she grabbed the other, sucking it into her mouth, her tongue rolling the flesh back and forth in her wet mouth. Pulling off, she licked the underside of my hard cock. "Fuck my face Baby," she instructed. "Shove your big fucking cock down your Momma's throat Baby," she continued. "Now!" she commanded, her hands reaching around my naked ass, pulling me forward as my cock slipped into her mouth.

"Oh shit Mother," I screamed as her nails dug into my ass, my cock slipped balls deep into her mouth. My eyes opened wide, I leaned to grab her tits through her blouse, squeezing hard as I jammed my cock hard to her mouth. I splayed my thighs, giving her face room, allowing me to penetrate deeper. "Oh fuck," I breathed deeply, loudly as I slammed her face hard. I pounded her pliant mouth, pulled back, and slammed my cock forward again, sliding deep into her face. A frenzy overtook me, I wanted to choke her with my large cock. I wanted to drown her with my cum. My eyes closed, my senses lost, I became my rigid, pounding cock. Hump after hump, thrust after thrust, I pounded her, fucking her face blindly, hard. With completion of each thrust, her hands pulled me back, hesitated, her nails dug in, and pulled me savagely to her mouth, a groan, a guttural groan filling my senses. I ripped her blouse up, tore off her bra, and grabbed her rigid nipples. With each thrust, I twisted her nipples, my thumb mashing the sensitive flesh to my index finger. With each withdrawl, I grabbed a handful of tit, squeezing firmly, sliding up to the nipple, and repeating each action over and over. For the next few minutes, no other thought existed. I fucked her face hard.

My hand slid quickly down her torso, my fingers dipping between her puffy, soaked lips. I mashed her clit hard, thrashing back and forth over the hardened nub. Her hips lurched up from the table, her waist folding to open her sex to me. I slid my middle finger down her cleft, dipping the finger tip into her wet hole. She groaned deeply, vibrating my cock in her mouth. I tried to focus on her clit, but her mouth distracted me. I slammed my hips forward, impaling her, grinding my hips to her mouth.

My balls churned, my cock expanded, my juices exploded into my sac, muscles squeezing the sac, juices forced into the shaft, and the cock spasms jettisoning the creamy mixture into Momma's waiting, demanding mouth. With the first spurt, Momma pulled my body hard to her mouth, her jaw opening wider, taking my cock entirely into her mouth and throat. Her body joined me in orgasm, her body shuddering in parallel with mine. My head, neck spasmed with each spurt of my cum into her mouth and throat. I was consumed, lost in my orgasm. Every ounce of strength forced more cum into her mouth, her throat. As my shoulders flexed, my back arched to shove more cock into her face, I shuddered from head to toe, my orgasm complete. I collapsed over her body, drained completely. Momma continued to drain every tube in my penis, and sucked the last drop from my balls. Each time I thought she was done, she growled, inhaled my cock again, and chewed on my flaccid flesh. I groaned appreciatively with each motion, my cock and balls belonging to her.

We relaxed quietly for a couple of minutes before Mom swatted my backside, pushing me away. "Dinner time sweetie, what would you like," she asked, carefully rolling to get off the table. All I could think of was sex. My muscle controlled spasm made my cock jump. Momma caught sight, grinned sheepishly, turned quickly and was gone. "Baby, you coming?" she called as she headed up stairs.