Back To School: Ski Trip


I want to give a big thanks (again) to Zaxxon for allowing me to use his characters and for all of his great advice and ideas. Enjoy!


A light snowstorm had been going on all morning as Sarah pulled her car into the teacher's parking lot of Westville High. She shut the car off and pulled on her white wool beanie over her shoulder length blonde hair along with a scarf around her neck. She quickly got out of her car into the chilly air and jogged towards the school to get back in from the cold. Even though she had on a puffy white winter coat on, her huge 36DD tits could be seen bouncing underneath the thick clothes. "God its cold outside!" she exclaimed as she burst in through the front doors.

The heated hallways quickly warmed her as she headed towards the school office to get any announcements or messages that might be in her box, so she took off her hat, scarf, and gloves before she unzipped her coat. Underneath she had on a red sweatshirt that was vaulting out from her impressive chest.

"Hi Sarah." Emily Williams said as Sarah came into the office. Emily was the new school secretary, and also one of the sexiest women in the school. Her long black curly hair hung over her shoulders and looked perfect with the white turtleneck she was wearing. Emily was also famous on campus for being one of the "Big Tit" faculty members. Her immense 40E breasts caused the tight fabric of her turtleneck to vault out in front of her.

"Hey Emily. It is so cold outside!" Sarah replied to her friend as she unconsciously shivered from the thought of the storm outside.

"Tell me about it. It took me twenty minutes just to start my car." Emily turned back to her work as she continued talking.

"I hate cold weather. I can't wait for spring to get here." Sarah began to go through the messages left in her box when the school's principal came into the room from her office.

"Ah, Miss Stevens, I'm glad you got to work on time." Ms. Schwartz greeted the busty gym teacher as she opened the door to her office. "I need to speak with you a moment so please come into my office." she instructed before she turned back towards her own office.

Sarah hung her head when she heard her boss say "I need to speak with you…" "What could it be now!" she thought to herself as she angrily stuffed the papers she had been reading back into her message box and turned towards Principal Schwartz's office. Emily gave her a sympathetic smile as Sarah walked past her desk.

"Yes Ms. Schwartz? Is anything wrong?" Sarah asked as calmly as she could as she entered the room and looked at the stacked principal. One of the things that still intimidated Sarah was the fact that the principal's breasts were immense, easily bigger than any other woman in the school.

Principal Schwartz sat down on her desk and opened a file lying to the side. Her long blond hair was done up in the typical bun she always had it in. A small pair of glasses accentuated her blue eyes and made her look very intelligent. They'd make her look attractive except she usually had a small scowl on her face. Her white blouse was staining so hard to contain her huge breasts that the buttons were stretched to their limit and looked like they were about to shoot off and fly across the room. She usually wore long skirts to work but today she was wearing a pair of formal black slacks that hugged her curvy hips and ass very nicely but hid the skin of her smooth athletic legs from view.

"No Sarah, don't worry, nothing is wrong. In fact I have some good news for you." She said as she examined the papers in the folder and motioned for Sarah to take the chair in front of her desk, "Please sit down."

"Ok…" Sarah stretched the word out as she sat down. She wasn't used to getting any good news. "What's up?"

"Well, I've been planning some after school programs for the upcoming holiday vacation period. I was trying to think of something that the students would want to do and could afford." The busty principal pulled out a small brochure from the stack of papers and handed it to Sarah. Sarah took the pamphlet and looked at it. On the cover was a young man snowboarding down a powdery hill. "I was going through your résumé the other day," Ms. Swartz continued, "And I noticed that you're quite the expert skier. You were the best in all of your classes through college."

Sarah handed the brochure back to her boss with a questioning look. "I don't understand what is it you want to do."

"Well, I'd like to offer a skiing trip to the students. The resort isn't to far away and it's reasonably priced. We'd have the students pay a small fee and get their parents to sign some legal forms and that's it." The principal stood up, causing her huge tits to bounce a little, and walked over to the corner of her desk so she was closer to Sarah. "The one thing we do need is have some of the faculty there and maybe some of the parents come along to supervise everything. I'd like you to come so we can offer the students some basic skiing classes. After seeing the amazing job you did with those students in the swimming program I'm confident you could do this."

Sarah blushed when she thought back to those so called 'swimming lessons'. "This happens to me all the time! I get all this extra work thrown at me and I get nothing for it!" she thought to herself.

Ms. Schwartz saw Sarah's expression and smiled, "Now I know you've had extra work dumped on you before but this is different. You'll be paid in addition to your vacation pay, the school will be closed for winter break anyways, and all of your expenses for the trip will be covered by the school."

Sarah's eyebrows rose when she heard that. "Extra pay and covered traveling expenses to a ski resort?" she thought to herself again. "Hmmm, well…" she said as she looked at the pamphlet again, "Sure why not. I wasn't planning on doing anything for the holidays this year anyways and I could use the extra money."

"Excellent. I'll let you know about all the details in a couple of days." Replied the principal. "Could you also ask Nurse Brown if she might be available as well? I'd like her to come along so we have some medical staff to make the parents feel safer."

Sarah stood up and pushed her chair back against the desk. "Sure I'll ask her. I'm heading in that direction anyways. Just let me know how it goes."

* * *

Sarah left the office after saying goodbye to Emily again and headed towards the room of her friend Cindy Brown, the school's nurse. She opened the door and was about to announce herself but stopped when she heard a passionate moan and squeaky bed springs coming from behind the curtain to the sick bed. Sarah quickly went inside and locked the door behind her. "Jeez Cindy, next time lock the door!" Sarah thought. She soon smiled to herself though when she heard her friend moan again. Sarah crept over towards the bed and peeked between the closed curtains.

Cindy was on her knees naked and straddling one of the schools seniors. Her tanned skin was sweaty and glistening in the florescent light above the bed. Her long brown hair was draped over her shoulders but she still had her nurse's hat on. Her eyes were closed and her head was leaning forward as she worked her hips in large circles while resting her hands on her lover's stomach.

The senior stared up at her huge 36DD tits with wide-eyed fascination as he squeezed her trim waist and pumped his hips up to slide his hard cock into her. He couldn't believe his luck as he fucked her athletic body happily.

Cindy opened her eyes and smiled at him as she slammed down on top of him. "Mmmm, it's a good thing you came in to check that ankle." She said as she ground her hips into his pelvis. Reaching up she cupped both of her large round breasts and lifted a stiff dark nipple up to her mouth and licked it teasingly.

Her lover smiled back up at her and reached around to squeeze her firm ass. "N-Nurse Brown I'm gonna cum!" he exclaimed as he squeezed her ass and forced her to grind against him harder.

She breathed in through her teeth as her clit grinded against his pelvis. "Huh…..oh god…..c-cum in me!" she said as she dropped her hands to either side of his head and bounced her ass up and down his slick cock faster. Her huge round tits dangled in the students face as she moaned in pleasure.

The senior quickly took one of Cindy's dangling nipples in his mouth and sucked happily as he squeezed her tight round ass in his hands. He soon felt his cock expand and he exploded inside the sexy school nurse. He lifted his hips completely off the bed as he bottomed out in her and squirted his thick white cum deep inside.

Both were breathing hard as they recovered from their orgasms. Cindy rose back up on her knees and lifted herself off of the teenager's spent cock. "You'd better get back to gym class." She said as she reached down and slid her thong back over her curvy hips, "And tell coach Hicks that you should stay off that foot as much as possible." She next slipped on her skirt before she pulled her top back on and began to button it up. She left the top four buttons undone, leaving her ample cleavage visible. "In fact. I think you should come back tomorrow so I can check on it again." Cindy winked at him as he quickly put his pants on and his shirt.

"I'll definitely be back tomorrow. Thanks again nurse Brown." He said as he headed out of the office. Strangely he didn't walk with a limp.

Cindy blew a strand of hair out of her face and sat down at her desk wearily. She soon turned and wrote a note on a yellow pad of paper saying that she had an 'appointment' tomorrow morning.

"I can't believe you!"

Cindy jumped from the voice and turned to see her friend Sarah hiding in her supply closet with her hands on her hips and a small grin on her face.

"What?" Cindy said innocently with a smile of her own, "He needed a thorough physical."

"Yeah I bet he did." Sarah said as she came out of the closet and closed it behind her. She had taken off her coat so all she was wearing were her sweatshirt and sweatpants. The clothes did nothing to hide her curvy athletic figure. "Well next time make sure to lock the door! I can just imagine what would happen if Ms. Schwartz came in."

"Oh shit." Cindy said wide eyed as she covered her mouth, "I can't believe I forgot that!"

"Yeah, well next time, be careful." Sarah took the chair next to her friend and sat down, "Anyway, I didn't come here to watch you have fun." Cindy smiled at the joke while she looked back at her friend. "Ms. Schwartz is planning a skiing program for holiday break. She wants both of us to come along to assist with everything. She's willing to pay us in addition to our holiday pay and all of our traveling expenses will be covered so I think we should do it. She wants me to teach some skiing classes and she wants you there for medical emergencies to make the parents feel safer. Interested?"

"Wow, that is quite the opportunity she's giving us. Additional pay plus a free stay at a skiing resort." Cindy pressed a finger to her plump lips as she thought it over. "Sure, sign me up. I'd love to go."

"Thanks, Cindy. I was hopping you'd come. I'll go let the boss know. She'll probably make an announcement after school today."

* * *

The school day ended normally and the students began to file out into the halls. The intercoms turned on with a small crackle of static as the school principle made the announcement about the skiing program being offered to the senior class and that the students who were interested should come down to the office and collect the proper forms to sign up.

Several students, mostly boys, came down and got the paper work that they needed to take to their parents.

"Hey mom." Mike Williams greeted his mother Emily, the school's secretary, as he came into the office.

Emily looked up and smiled at her son warmly. "Hi sweetie. How was school?" She was standing at one of the filing cabinets and organizing some papers.

Mike's gave slowly crept up his mother's smooth athletic legs to her wonderfully soft heart shaped ass clad in a light brown skirt. Her slim waist led up her sexy back to her slender neck. Her long black curly hair flowed down her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. Even though she was facing away from him he could still see the sides of her enormous breasts as they stretched out her white cotton turtleneck. Mike looked around the office to see that they were alone before he walked up and grabbed his mother's ass in his hands.

Emily gasped and jumped as her butt was squeezed tightly. "Mike! Stop! Someone might see us." She whispered to him harshly as she blushed and looked around.

"Don't worry, no one's here." He reached up and squeezed as much as he could of his mothers huge tits. He could feel her small nipples become stiff under her shirt and bra. "So when are you going to be home?" he asked smugly as he looked at his hands groping his mother's chest.

Emily leaned back against the cabinet as she enjoyed her son's hands on her chest. She quickly realized where they were and she reached up and gently pulled her sons hands off of her breasts, although regrettably. "Keep doing that and we won't even make it home." She said as she smiled at her son. "I'm almost done. I'll be home in less then an hour. Why don't you go get things ready for us?" She said suggestively as she raised one of her legs and rubbed her thigh against Mike's crotch.

Mike's knees weakened as he imagined what waited for him at home. "I'll head home right now." He said excitedly as he stepped back and smiled at his mom. "I'll see you in an hour!" He turned and left the office with a huge grin on his face.

Emily smiled and rolled her eyes back as she bit her lower lip. She shook her head and turned back to her work with a new urgency.

After a few minutes Emily finished with her last bit of papers. She got her coat off of the back of her chair and her purse and was about to head out when she heard Principal Schwartz.

"Emily before you go can you come in here a sec? I need to speak with you a moment."

* * *

The Smith family lived in your typical suburbs. Quiet and boring, nothing ever happened in their community. At least nothing 'outside' the walls of the Smith's home. Inside was a matter entirely different.

Loud moans filled the rooms of every house, as did the sounds of slapping flesh. Bobby Smith had graduated from Westville High last year and was now going to Westville University. Because of this he didn't have to move out of his parents' home which saved him some money, plus it had its added benefits, one of which Bobby was taking advantage of right now.

Bobby Smith had broken both of his arms a while ago. During that time he was stuck with his arms at weird angles due to the casts. With a lot of practice he was able to undo his pants ok but one thing that he couldn't do was jerk off. Here he was, a boy of eighteen in his sexual prime, and unable to get any kind of release. But that soon changed when he went to his gym class. He sat there watching all of the firm bodies of the girls in his class in their tight shorts and t-shirts as they ran around exercising. But most of his attention was fixed on his curvy gym teacher, Miss Stevens. He loved watching her huge tits bounce around in her sports bra with her whistle nuzzled in her cleavage. The shorts she always wore were incredibly short and just stopped over her ass and completely revealed her unbelievably sexy legs.

After the class was finished Bobby was stuck in the middle of the gym with a hard on like he couldn't believe tenting his shorts. But that's when the best moments of his life started. When Sarah noticed her student's predicament she took him to her office and gave him the greatest hand job he'd ever had. This sexual escapade led to the school nurse who gave him a good tittie fucking. This continued for a while until Bobby had the most amazing sexual experience of his life. With his encounters between his busty gym teacher and nurse, Bobby's 'condition' became worse. Nurse Brown told him to ask his mother for assistance while he was at home.

Bobby's mom was one of the hottest moms in town, a regular Milf. Her body was just as firm and supple as the teenage girls at his school. She had brown hair that just barely went over her cheeks and framed her beautiful face perfectly. But her breasts were absolutely amazing. She was easily as big as both his gym teacher and school nurse, perhaps even more so. When Bobby brought home the note from the nurse his mother was at first shocked and bewildered. Soon after however, she had removed the towel she was wearing to reveal her incredible body in all of its naked glory. After a few moments Mrs. Betty Smith had her own son's cock between her large firm tits and she brought him to an amazing climax.

Bobby continued to get sexual release from his mother for the rest of the time he was in the casts until the day after he had them removed he got to fuck her for the first time. Ever since then both mother and son had been going at it regularly. They had to be careful because both his mother and father were still together but they still found their moments. One of those moments was happening right now.

Betty smiled to herself as she kneeled in front of her son and enveloped his cock between her huge firm tits. Bobby groaned as he looked down to see his shaft enveloped and disappear into his mother's swelling cleavage as he humped her chest, which caused loud slapping noises to fill the house. Her large brown nipples poked into his thighs as she pressed her chest against him and began to slide her breasts up and down her son's cock.

Betty cooed as she looked up at Bobby's face and continue to squash her breasts around him and lift her body up and down as she tittie fucked him. "Do you like sliding your cock between my tits?" she asked.

Bobby groaned as he looked down at his mother. He still couldn't believe what they were doing but he looked forward to it everyday. "Oh mom! I love fucking your tits! They feel so good!" he gasped as he watched the head of his cock pop in and out repeatedly.

"Think you're hard enough to try something else?" Bobby's mom asked playfully.

He smiled and looked down at her as he pumped his hips against her chest causing her tits to jiggle delightfully. "I'm always ready!"

Betty released her son's cock from the valley of her tits and crawled on her hands and knees to the head of the bed. She lifted her firm bubble butt in the air teasingly at him as she laid her head down on the pillows.

Bobby quickly got on the bed behind his mother and squeezed both of her fleshy ass cheeks in his hands. He reached one hand down to run his fingers over his mother's pussy to find that it was already very warm and wet. He saddled up behind her and lined his cock up to her steaming love box and rubbed her with the head of his shaft.

"Oooo don't tease me!" She exclaimed as she jumped at the taboo contact and gripped the sheets in her hands. Her breasts were squashed beneath her and stuck out from her sides.

Bobby nuzzled his head in and quickly gripped his mother around her trim waist before sliding his full length into her. "Oh yeah!" he moaned as he looked down to see his mother's ass squashed against his pelvis. The excitement soon built up and Bobby quickly began to saw his rock hard cock in and out of his mother's snatch.

"Oh!….Yes!…..Fuck mommy!" Betty encouraged her son as she was stretched open. Her cunt made wet sucking noises around her son's cock and the room filled with the sound of slapping flesh.

Bobby squeezed his mother's ass in his hands as he continued to pound into her mercilessly. His balls swung with each powerful thrust and smacked up against her clit. "Oh God mom! You feel so good!" Bobby ran his hands up and down his mother's sexy back as he continued to fuck her cunt, "I love fucking you!"

"Yes baby! Harder!" Bobby's mom said as she gripped the headboard in her hands and lifted her upper body up. Her huge tits bounced underneath her in wild arcs. Betty dug her toes into the mattress and pushed back against the young cock sliding into her. She started to sweat with excitement and exertion as she felt Bobby's cock rub against the walls of her cunt deep inside her.

Bobby looked down to see his cock, wet from being inside his mother, slide in and out and stretch her open. He squeezed his mother's ass again and separated the warm cheeks to see her little pink asshole. He'd never been in there yet but he hoped to try it out soon. He kneaded the firm bouncy flesh of her buttocks

Bobby leaned forward and squeezed his mom's huge tits in his hands as he pounded his cock in and out of her. "Mom, I'm gonna cum!" he exclaimed as he felt his balls squeeze at the base of his cock.

"Oh cum on my ass!" she screamed as she also felt her son's balls tighten and his cock begin to expand.

Bobby quickly lifted himself back up and pulled out of his mother's slick warm cunt. His cock was wet as it bounced against his mother's ass and shot a thick rope of cum across her back before he could even begin to jerk it off. He wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped it up and down, squirting shot after shot of cum across his mother's sexy back and curvy butt cheeks. He soon sat back on his feet gasping for breath.

Betty collapsed on her stomach as she started to catch her breath as well. "God I love your sex drive sweetie. You're always ready to please me."

"Every guy I know is ready to please you mom." He said as he looked down at his mothers trim sweaty body.

They laid together for a while trying to catch their breath when the phone next to the bed rang. Betty reached over and picked up the receiver and brought it to her ear. "Hello?" she said, "Oh! Ms. Schwartz. Uh…w-what can I do for you?" Betty quickly got on her knees and blushed as started to talk to her son's old high school principal. Betty was still a member of the PTA so she was occasionally asked to do things for the school. "When? Oh sure I'd love to help out. Uh huh. Ok, send me the details and I will let you know. You're welcome, Bye." She placed the phone back on its base and collapsed back on the bed. Her huge naked tits squashed out from her sides as she lay on her stomach.

"What did Principal Schwartz want?" Bobby asked as he looked over at his mother and began to get hard again as he admired her nude curves.

"There's a skiing program that the school is offering to the students and she wants me to go with them to help out. It sounds like fun and I could use a nice little vacation. She said it starts in a few weeks and we will only be gone for a few days so you won't miss me too much." She turned her heard to look back at her son when she said this. Her hair covered half of her face as she smiled at him.

Bobby reached over and began to massage his mother's thighs, "Well I guess we better get started and make up for any lost time between us."

"Mmmmm, yeah that sounds like fun." Betty stretched out one of her legs and pushed her foot against her son's ridged cock, "But first I need to take a shower. Care to join me?"

* * *

Bobby and his mom weren't the only ones having fun after school. As promised Mike's mom Emily was soon home after school and neither of them wasted any time to relieve each others sexual tension. They groped and kissed each other all the way to Emily's room were they quickly removed their clothes. They were both standing next to her bed, Mike completely naked, and Emily in her black thong and matching pushup bra.

Mike's eyes were wide as he reached up and squeezed both of his mother's tits while they were still in the bra cups. Her firm pale flesh stretched the bra to its limits and pressed over the edges. "God I love your tits mom. They're the biggest I've ever seen!" he said as he continued to squeeze them. His hard cock kept brushing against her thighs as they stood close together.

Emily smiled as she reached back and undid the clasp on her bra. The cups fell away and Mike quickly placed his hands on his mother's naked tits. They were absolutely huge, her bust was a 40E, but they stood up proudly on her chest. Emily's son quickly buried his face between the milky jugs and began to lick and suck all over her soft skin. Emily purred as she next reached down and undid the two bows on her hips that held the thong in place. The knots were untied and her very small thong fell to the floor.

Mike took one of her small dark nipples in his mouth and began to suck urgently as his hands moved down and around to squeeze his mother's firm ass. He began to grind his cock against her stomach as he pulled her closer to him.

Emily held her son's head to her chest and ran her fingers through his hair as he nursed on her huge tits. A flush began to appear on her pale skin as her sexual excitement built. She pushed her son back and forced him to fall back into her bed while she kept his face smothered in her cleavage. "Do you like sucking on my titties sweetie?" she asked as she parted her thighs so her knees where on either side of his waist.

Mike merely groaned in response as he continued to suck on her nipples. His hands had now moved to his mother's waist as they fell back against the bed and he felt the head of his cock brush up against his mother's warm cunt. She was shaved completely and it felt smooth and wonderful against his shaft as he pumped his hips lightly, causing it to rub against her lips.

Emily breathed in between clenched teeth as she felt her son's young cock grind against her and try to get inside. She threw her head back, causing her long black hair to drape over her back, and began to rotate her hips, trying to catch the head of his shaft so it would sink into her folds. After a few seconds of trying Emily was about to give up and grab it when suddenly he penetrated without warning and pushed his entire length into her.

Mike released his mother's nipple from the seal of his lips and groaned loudly as he pushed his hips up and was enveloped in his mother's tight, warm, moist pussy. Both mother and son quickly began to hump against each other on the bed.

Emily rose up on her knees and looked down at her son with an expression of ecstasy as she began to bounce on top of him. Her huge tits jiggled and bounced on her chest as she threw her head back and moaned in pleasure. She felt completely full as her son's cocked rubbed all the right spots inside. She soon felt her son's hands groping her massive chest again as she rode him. He squeezed her tits in his hands, causing her firm flesh to squeeze out from between his fingers. He rolled his thumbs over her small stiff nipples. Emily leaned back and placed her hands on her son's thighs as she ground her clit into his pelvis to work up her orgasm.

Mike loved fucking his mother more then anything. He smiled at the memory of how this sexual affair started. He had a hot date that had canceled on him last minute so instead he had taken his mother to the drive in, drugged her with an aphrodisiac, and ended up fucking right there at the theater. Who knew that his mother as a complete nymphomaniac! They had been fucking each other ever sense and he never had to use the drug again. He stared up at his statuesque mother as she leaned back and bounced up and down on his hard cock. "Oh yeah! Fuck me mom!" he yelled to her as he watched her go to town.

Emily moved forward and grabbed her son's shoulders as she suddenly rolled to the side so he was on top of her with his cock still buried in her warm snatch. She looked down between their bodies to watch the action as she rubbed her sons chest and wrapped her legs around him. She rubbed his thighs with her small feet to encourage him.

Mike got up at arms length and began to thrust into his mother hard. The bed began to squeak loudly and Emily's tits went ballistic on her chest. They began to move in large circles before they slapped together in the middle. Mike stared at his mother's sexy body as he felt his balls bounce off of her firm ass again and again.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum!" he moaned as he stared at his mothers enormous rack.

"C-Cum on my tits sweetie!" Emily said to her son as she cupped her huge tits in her hands to stop them from moving.

Mike quickly pulled out and crawled on his knees up his mother's body until his dick was nuzzled between the valley of her breasts. Emily squashed her tits around his slick cock and Mike pumped his hips as he began to tittie fuck his own mother. Emily's breasts jiggled like jello as the big cock slid in and out from between them.

"UUUUUGGGGHHH!!!" Mike groaned out loudly as he came. His cock jerked around uncontrollably as he coated his mother's chest, neck, and face. His sticky white cum made streaks all across her pale skin as he shuddered in climax.

"Mmmmm, that was good." Emily said as she licked the cum that had landed on her lips.

Mike collapsed on the bed, panting with breath. "God I've been waiting for that all day." He said breathlessly.

Emily giggled as she looked at him and rubbed his cum all over her tits. "Guess what the principal wants me to do? Remember that skiing program she talked about?" Emily got up from her prone position and kneeled on the bed, sitting back on her feet. "Well, she wants me to come and help supervise. It would be good money and I was thinking that maybe…." She began to trace a delicate finger on her son's chest, "You could come and we could have more fun together at the resort."

Mike looked up at his nude mother and smiled. He reached up and began to squeeze her tits in his hands again and smear his cum into her milky skin. "I'd really like to mom but I made plans to go on a road trip to the beach with a couple of my friends." He looked at his unbelievably sexy mother with sincere disappointment, "I really am sorry but they'd hate it if I just backed out on them last minute."

Emily was disappointed as well but she didn't want him to stop hanging out with his friends. "It's ok, you go have a good time with your friends. In the mean time why don't we try to make up for some of the time we are going to miss together." Emily got up from the bed and stretched her arms over her head causing her huge melons to jut out from her chest. "Why don't we take a shower first and then start off in your room?" she said suggestively.

* * *

Two weeks past and the final preparations were made for the after school skiing program. A total of thirty-five seniors had signed on for the program and most of them were young men. The faculty that would be accompanying the students consisted of Miss Stevens and Coach Hicks, both of which would be teaching the skiing courses. Principal Schwartz was there to supervise everyone and to organize everything. The resort had emergency medical staff on hand but Nurse Brown was there mainly to show that the school board was watching out for the students. Both Mrs. Smith and Ms. Williams were there as parental supervisors.

The bus arrived in front of the school at nine in the morning and the students and faculty climbed in and they were on their way. The boys openly gawked at the curvy sexy women. They gossiped to themselves about what they would like to do to each and which was their favorite.

The resort was a four-hour drive away but the students didn't mind at all as it made for a great opportunity to talk with each of the statuesque goddesses. A couple of the guys even chatted with Principal Schwartz as much as they could. She still remained distant and stern but she couldn't help but enjoy the attention. Mrs. Smith openly flirted with a few of the boys herself as they made their way to the hotel.

"Mmmm, I can just imagine the fun we are going to have on this trip!" Cindy said excitedly as she admired all the young eager students.

"Oh stop! Just this once I'd like to keep a little professionalism during my job." Sarah said to her friend as they sat next to each other. She couldn't doubt the fun in it though as she looked at all of the young men smiling at her.

"Get over yourself!" Cindy said as she playfully pushed her friend, "I'll have you on your back with a young stud between your legs in no time if I have anything to say about it."

Sarah stared at her friend with a shocked expression and started to blush, hoping that nobody else heard what Cindy had said.

* * *

Mrs. Smith and Emily were sitting next to each other a few seats back and were really hitting it off as they chatted and laughed with each other.

"Can you believe how much attention we are getting?" Mrs. Smith said as she smiled and playfully waved at a student smiling at her. "God I love teenage boys!"

"Yeah, I wish my son could have come along though." Emily was a little down that her son had already made plans with a few of his friends. She didn't want their relationship to get in the way of his social life but she was still a little down about it.

"Oh how old is he?" Betty asked as she paid more attention to her traveling companion after she heard the depression in her voice. "Does he go to Westville?"

"Yeah he's eighteen and a senior." Emily stretched her arms over he head to get all of the knots out of her back and shoulders from sitting for so long. Betty's eyes unconsciously roamed over the other woman's curves and licked her lips as she imagined taking one of Emily's nipples into her mouth.

"I'm sorry he couldn't come. But I think we can find someone else to distract you." Betty smiled at the other woman mischievously as she looked at all of the younger men around them.

Emily was a little surprised by Betty's very open flirtation but she soon took it in stride and decided to play along. "Oh? Did you have somebody in mind?" Emily tilted her head to one side as she looked in Betty's direction. Her rich black curly hair hung over half of her face.

"Hmmmm, well I have seen that guy over there sneaking peeks at you during the whole trip." Betty discreetly pointed over to a couple of seats in front of them and to the side. "I think his name is Brandon. He is really cute!" Betty raised her eyebrows suggestively at Emily to emphasize her comment.

Emily couldn't help but laugh. She really liked Betty. Not only was she gorgeous, she was also adventurous and just wanted to have a lot of fun. Emily played with the idea of her son taking both Betty and herself. "Alright I think I'm up for it. But what do you suggest I do?"

"Oh I've got a great idea!" Betty was very happy to see that Emily was willing to have fun with the guys on the trip as well as her. "When you get our room keys slip the other one into his coat pocket with a suggestive note. Have him come up to our room then have your fun with him."

Emily laughed again at Betty's sheer boldness. "Alright, I think I will." Emily looked over at Brandon and had to admit what Betty said about him. He was very tall, she guessed over six feet, and he had dark brown hair that was cut short. He was wearing a winter coat and snow pants but she got the feeling that he was athletic. Emily brushed her hair out of her face and smiled to herself as she imagined what she had in store for later.

* * * * *

The buses pulled in front of the resort and parked along the front entrance. It was just past two in the afternoon so there was still time to ride the slopes which most of the students were hoping for. Principal Schwartz came off the front bus and pulled out her clipboard as she headed to the center of the buses. "Alright, everyone listen up!" she yelled over the crowd, "I want everyone to form four lines in front of me and tell me you're here when I call out your name!"

The seniors quickly filed out in front of the sexy principal and called out as she went down her list of names. Soon they were done and the students went back to grabbing their gear.

Sarah stepped off of the bus and stretched out in the sun. She was glad to be on her feet again as she hating sitting down in one place for so long. Several of the guys stopped what they were doing and enjoyed the sight of her. Even with her puffy coat and pants they could still imagine her firm athletic curves and her massive tits perfectly in their minds.

"Alright, all the beginners grab your stuff and meet me at the top of the bunny hill in thirty minutes." Sarah said to her students before she turned around and bent over to grab her bags from the bus.

"Hey Sarah, the principal wants to see all of the supervisors inside so she can go over the schedule with us. Again." Cindy rolled her eyes on the last part because Ms. Schwartz had already done this twice with them before. Cindy waited for Sarah to join her before they went inside to meet with their boss.

Ten minutes later, after the room keys had all been handed out to the students and faculty, Sarah and Cindy both went to the front lobby to meet with the principal. As they came in they found Betty and Emily sitting together and giggling about something.

"What are you two all chipper about?" Sarah asked as she and Cindy sat on the couch across from the gorgeous mothers.

Betty looked over at Emily with a raised eyebrow and asked, "Should I tell them or do you want to?"

"I will." Emily turned towards her two friends and tried to look composed but she couldn't hide the smile on her face completely. "Betty said I should take advantage of the fact that I'm getting hit on so much so I put my spare key in one of the senior's coat pockets with a note to meet me in my room tonight."

Sarah's eyes became huge but Cindy laughed which caused the other two sexy women to join her. "What a great idea! Sarah maybe we should follow her example and grab a couple of the guys off the hill."

"Cindy! Shhhh! Schwartz could be anywhere!" Sarah looked around fearfully to see if she was right.

Cindy laughed again before she pointed at Sarah. "She's been giving me this whole talk about professionalism but lets be honest here. I think we all know why we took this little side job. Besides the pay that is."

Emily and Betty both shook their heads in eager agreement. Sarah blushed and looked at her feet as she imagined what was going to happen to them in the few days they were going to be at the resort. She couldn't doubt the fact that she was a little excited about the prospects as well.

* * * * *

The first day at the resort went by smoothly. The weather was perfect and the snow was a soft powder that was just right to ski and snowboard on. No one got hurt and everyone joined in on the fun. Even Principal Schwartz took a few turns down the hills. The sun was soon setting however and almost everyone retired for the day. The combination of the road trip plus the day's activities took its toll on the group.

Both Cindy and Sarah were sharing a room for the trip and soon headed there.

"God I just want to take a nice hot shower and go to sleep. I'm exhausted!" Sarah exclaimed as she kicked her boots off and into the closet before she took off her hat to let her long blond hair fall over her shoulders. She began to unzip the front of her jacket next. Her firm 36DD tits, encased in a sports bra and sweatshirt, immediately opened up the coat and strained against the confines of her clothing.

"I know what you mean. I had so much fun though, what a great idea this was." Cindy looked over her friend's body as each article of clothing was removed. Both women had nearly identical bodies except for skin color. Cindy's skin was a rich tan that covered her completely and Sarah's was a very pale complexion. Cindy licked her lips, as Sarah was soon wearing nothing but her black sports bra and matching thong.

"Why don't you head in the shower now? I'll use it after you." Cindy said as she pulled off her jacket and pants. All she was wearing now was a light blue sweatshirt, white thong, and a pair of socks. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back and over the tops of her swelling breasts as well. She leaned back with her hands against her bed and crossed her legs. The subtle lines of the muscles in her legs were clearly visible.

"Thanks, I'll try not to take to long." Sarah was very grateful to her friend as she pulled off her sports bra. Her beautiful breasts bounced on her chest before they stopped moving and stood out from her chest proudly. She bent down and quickly slid her thong down her smooth sexy legs and kicked it away beside her bed. She waved her thanks to Cindy as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

Cindy jumped up as soon as she heard the water start and peeked her head into the hallway. Seeing that the cost was clear she stepped out, just wearing her thong, socks, and sweatshirt and headed the few doors down to the room she remembered seeing in the forms that they were given. The faculty all knew which students were in which rooms incase of emergencies or if they needed to contact them.

She stopped in front of the room she was looking for and knocked. She put on her best innocent face as she placed her hands behind her back and stuck her chest out proudly. She rubbed the back of one of her sexy calves with the foot of her other leg as the door opened.

The door opened and the young man's eyes on the other end became huge as he took in the sight of Cindy's nearly half naked body. "Uh…N-Nurse Brown what are you…"

"It's Charlie right?" she interrupted him, "The thermostat in our room must not be working. Miss Stevens and I thought you and your friend might be able to help us." Cindy smiled at the teenager and walked away towards her room.

Charlie's eyes were glued onto her ass as she walked. "Hey Brad come on!" he yelled over to his friend who was watching TV and had completely missed what had happened.

"What?" Brad said without looking.

"Just follow me damn it! Trust me you don't want to miss this!" Charlie went into the hall and followed right after the gorgeous nurse.

"What are you talking about?" Brad said as he followed his friend out into the hall. He soon shut up though when he saw Cindy's nearly naked ass sway back and forth down the hall. He ran after them without saying another word.

Both boys followed Cindy into the room and closed the door behind them. "Uh, Nurse Brown? Your room feels plenty warm to me." Charlie said as he looked around. He could hear the shower running in the bathroom and he knew Miss Stevens was sharing the room. His mind swam with images of her curvy figure with her skin wet and shiny under the water.

"Oh it's about to get a lot warmer I think." Cindy said playfully as she lifted her sweatshirt up and over her head to reveal her huge melons, which were encased in a white lacy bra. Her tan cleavage was perfect.

Both seniors started to stammer but she kept them quiet by pressing a finger to each of their lips. "Shhhhh, this is going to be our little secret alright?" Cindy stepped back and watched as both of them nodded their heads in agreement. "Good, now lets have some fun. Strip down for me boys!" she exclaimed as she reached around and undid the clasp on her bra but held the cups against her breasts.

Cindy chewed on her lower lip as both teenagers eagerly stripped off all of their clothing, their raging hardons pointing straight at the ceiling. Both were very fit and muscular. Cindy smiled to herself as she basked in the glory of her wonderful idea and how it was turning out. She really wanted to show Sarah a good time and what better way then to have a raging teenager between her legs she thought.

"Mmmm very nice." Cindy dropped her bra to the floor and stepped towards both of them, her huge tan tits jiggled with the slight movement, and knelt down between the horny boys. She next reached up and wrapped her soft hands around the hard cocks. She licked her lips and admired each hard shaft as her hands lightly pumped up and down.

Both teenagers couldn't believer their eyes as they looked down and groaned in pleasure as the sexy nurse squeezed and massaged their cocks. Charlie reached down and cupped on of Cindy's large fleshy tits in his hand, her nipple became stiff and poked into is palm.

As Charlie groped at her chest Cindy looked up at Brad and smiled before she aimed his cock at her mouth and flicked her tongue along the bottom side of the head. She swirled her tongue all around the tip before she took just the head in and gave it a quick suck before she released it with a loud pop.

Brad moaned in pleasure and leaned his head back with his eyes closed as he rested his hands on Cindy's head. Cindy took that as an obvious sign to continue so she slid her lips over him again and began to bob her head on his thick meat. Brad's cock became slick and wet quickly as the busty nurse fucked him with her mouth. Her plump lips were pursed slightly as she slid her mouth down to the very tip and help it there as she suck as hard as she could, as if she was drinking a milkshake through a straw.

"Mmmm that was good." She said as she released Brad's cock from the vacuum of her mouth, "Now lets see what you taste like." Cindy looked up at Charlie as he now groped both of her huge tits. She giggled to herself as she pumped her hands up and down both cocks excitedly. She immediately took Charlie into her mouth and hungrily devoured him. She slid her mouth up and down his shaft quickly as she kept her tongue rubbing the underside. She now had both of her hands jacking Brad off as she noisily slurped all over the other senior.

The water in the shower turned off and Cindy released Charlie from her mouth and smiled to herself before she leaned in and began to gently suck on his balls while she looked at the bathroom door. The boys weren't paying attention to anything at all except the amazing body of the stacked nurse and the pleasure she was giving them. A couple minutes later the bathroom door opened.

"Hey Cindy did you bring any…" Sarah started to say as she came out of the bathroom with nothing on but a white towel over her head. "Cindy!" She exclaimed as she saw her friend kneeling before two hung teenagers and smiling while she jerked them off. Sarah covered her large tits with one arm, squashing them against her, and covered her naked pussy with her other hand. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh come on. Come join in the fun!" Cindy stood up and released both of the seniors before she walked over to the curvy gym teacher. She leaned in and nibbled Sarah's ear while she pushed her arm away and cupped both of her soft pale globes in her hands. "Were going to have such a good time." Cindy whispered to her before she turned and looked at the two seniors who were now jerking off watching the two gorgeous women. "Ok Charlie you sit on the bed and Brad you get on the other." Cindy gestured to the two beds in the room before she leaned forward, causing her large tanned tits to hang down, and slid her white thong off of her hips to reveal her smooth shaved pussy. Her pink lips were already engorged and wet with excitement. She walked past Brad and smiled playfully as she traced her finger over his chest before she continued past him to join Charlie.

Sarah chewed on her bottom lip as she looked over at Brad and unconsciously began to pinch her large pink nipples. She glanced back over at Cindy to see that she had wrapped her lush tits around Charlie's shaft and was vigorously pumping them up and down his length. Sarah quietly laughed to herself and rolled her eyes before she took the towel off her head and kneeled before a very excited Brad. She caved into her desires and placed both of her hands on his thighs. "So, Brad is it?" Sarah smiled up at him as she leaned down and kissed the tip of his cock before she licked up and down the underside slowly, "I bet you didn't think this was going to happen today." Sarah closed her eyes and swallowed his hard cock into her warm wet mouth. She began to bob her head up and down as her sexual excitement grew.

Brad's hands roamed over her sexy back and through her wet hair as she pleasured him. Never had he imagined that he'd be sitting on a bed with Miss Stevens sucking his dick. "Oh yeah. Suck that dick." He said as he admired Sarah's unbelievable body. Brad glanced over to see that Nurse Brown was still squashing her big fat tits around his friend's cock.

Charlie had started to pump his hips quickly as he watched the tip of his hard cock pop in and out of Cindy's tanned cleavage. Her large dark nipples poked into his thighs with each thrust of his hips. "Ah fuck! This is great!" Charlie exclaimed with pleasure, "I've got to fuck you."

"Mmmm, yeah let's not wait then." Cindy released his shaft from the valley of her breasts and pushed against his chest, forcing him to lie back as she stood up and straddled his waist. She teased him by pressing her moist pussy lips against the bottom side of his cock and began to grind herself against his hardness. Charlie's heart was racing as he gripped her thighs and humped against her. Cindy had both of her hands on her young lover's stomach and cooed to him as she arched her back slightly, forcing her tits to stand out proudly from her chest.

Brad looked over at the action that his friend was getting and didn't want to be left out. Her groaned as he looked down to watch Sarah slurp away on his cock before he brushed her wet hair aside and said, "Get on the bed."

Sarah lifted her head from his lap and smiled at him before she slowly crawled onto the bed and waved her sexy ass in his direction before she flipped over on her back and spread her thighs slightly. Her cunt was shaved bald and smooth and her lips were pink and moist. She smiled at him as she began to play with her clit with one hand and crooked a finger at him with the other.

Brad smiled at her and turned on the bed to face her. His hands trailed up from her small feet, up and over her smooth calves and let his fingers trail along the inside of her muscular thighs. But instead of crawling all the way up her body like she expected, Brad leaned his face down against her sweet pussy while he continued to look up at her. He ever so gently pushed her hand away before he stuck his tongue out and just barely lapped at her exposed clit.

Sarah tensed up in surprise as the teenage began to suck and lick at her smooth pussy. She loved to get eaten out and rarely had the opportunity so she moaned in pleasure as she reached up and cupped both of her large soft tits into her hands. Sarah's hands explored the flesh of her breasts while she stopped every once and awhile to pinch and pull at her stiff pink nipples. She closed her eyes and curled her toes into the sheets as she pushed her crotch into Brad's face.

Brad began to lap away at her with wide licks of her pussy with his whole tongue and stopped every once and awhile to suck on her little clit. His hands reached up under his teacher's sculpted ass and massaged both cheeks while he continued to eat her out.

Meanwhile Cindy continued to grind herself against the senior below her. Her body had a light sheen of sweat start to appear as she teased Charlie. Soon she had enough of that however, so she lifted herself up and looked down as Charlie aimed his hard cock to the entrance of her steaming box while he gripped her trim waist with his other hand. Cindy slowly eased herself down onto him and let out a soft moan as she was filled. She paused for a few moments to enjoy having a young teenage cock inside of her before she began to move her hips in wide circles, forcing almost his entire length out of her before letting it sink back in. "Oh!…..Y-Yes!" she expelled while she whipped her hair onto her back and rode the horny senior.

Charlie reached up and gave her fat melons a squeeze with his hands while being fucked by the gorgeous older woman. He continued to maul and squash her tits, feeling her stiff nipples press into his palms. "Oh god Nurse Brown! Your pussy feels so good!" he yelled loudly as his prick was massaged by the tight wetness of Cindy's cunt muscles.

Sarah looked over at both Cindy and Charlie as Brad brought her to an amazing orgasm with his mouth. The sight of her friend bouncing on top of the teenager added to her excitement as she ran her hands through Brad's hair and forced his tongue into her as she shook and quivered on the bed. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out as her thighs spasmed around his head.

Brad smiled as he made the sexy gym teacher cum. He wanted to please Sarah as much as he could besides worrying about his own needs. She soon released his head and was breathing heavily as Brad got up on his knees between her smooth thighs and pointed his ridged cock at her very wet pussy while he gripped one of her shoulders with his other hand to hold her in place.

Sarah was breathing hard as she looked down between the valley of her huge breasts and over her flat stomach to see the hard cock poised to strike into her. She gripped Brad's waist in her hands and showed off her flexibility by spreading both of her smooth muscular legs into the air and pointed her curled toes at opposite walls making her legs perfectly horizontal. "Oh fuck me please!" she begged as she looked at Brad's hard cock pulse in his hand.

Brad nuzzled the head in and reached up to grab both of Sarah's shoulders. With one smooth and quick thrust he was inside her, "Oh fuck yeah!" he exclaimed in pleasure. Brad pulled out quickly and began to jack hammer into the sexy gym teacher. His balls swung in with each thrust and bounced off of her sculpted ass while he kept his grip tight on her shoulders.

Sarah's tits went ballistic on her chest as they made wide circles. Her small hands rubbed his muscular stomach as she continued to keep her legs spread wide into the air. She looked up at him with big doe eyes, her wet shoulder length hair draped over her pillow, and began to yell words of encouragement, "Oh yes!…..F-Fuck me!…..Ugh!….H-Hard…..Yes!…."

The room was filled with the sounds of squeaky bed springs, slapping flesh, moans, screams, and wet sucking noises as the two unbelievably sexy faculty members fucked the two students. Cindy leaned her upper body down and let her tits dangle into Charlie's face as she just moved her ass up and down quickly. Cindy looked over at Sarah and Brad as they fucked each other savagely. She moaned in ecstasy at the incredibly sexy sight of Sarah lying on her back, her legs spread impossibly wide, with a hung and horny teenagers pounding into her juicy cunt. "Just as I planned." Cindy thought to herself as she smiled and continued to fuck the teenager underneath her.

Charlie's cock was slick and shined with Cindy's pussy juice in the light of the room as he pumped his hips up to meet Cindy's thrusts. He continued to squeeze her big tits in his hands as he brought one of her big brown nipples into his mouth sucked urgently. He swirled his tongue around her stiff nipple while it was sucked into his mouth along with as much tit flesh as he could get. Her tanned sweaty skin smelled like coconut to him as he buried his face into her cleavage and rubbed his face into her soft fleshy pillows before he took her other nipple into his mouth. He moved his hands up and around Cindy to move them over her sweaty back as she continued to fuck him.

Brad and Sarah where oblivious to everything else as they looked into each other's eyes while he pounded into her mercilessly. Brad moved his hands down and squeezed her large breasts in his hands, forcing the flesh to squeeze out from between his fingers. Both were sweaty and breathing hard with exertion. Sarah's hands had moved under her thighs to help keep her flexible legs spread wide. She squealed in delight as Brad's large cock sawed in and out of her quickly.

Then Brad did something surprising. He shoved his entire shaft into Sarah's very tight pussy leaned down and passionately kissed her. Sarah's eyes became wide with surprise but soon she moaned into the kiss and speared her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues twirled around in their mouths as they gave each other a quick breather. Soon however Brad went back up on his knees and trailed his fingers up the length of Sarah's spread legs. He gripped both of her delicate ankles in his hands and began to move his hips in circles, grinding his cock against every nook and cranny of Sarah's tight cunt. His muscular frame was dripping with sweat as his cock throbbed and pushed itself into the gym teacher's depths.

Sarah arched her back in pleasure as her young lover grinded himself against her and moved all around inside her. "Damn he's pretty skilled for being only eighteen!" she thought to herself as she gripped the sheets in her hands, "I think I'm going to want to have some more fun with him when we get back!" She closed her eyes and arched her back again, her large tits jiggling around on her chest, and moaned loudly.

"Ugh! N-Nurse Brown….I-I'm gonna cum!" Charlie exclaimed as he could feel the familiar tingling in his gut and his balls squeeze at the base of his shaft. He moved his hands down and squeezed her bouncing ass.

Cindy rose back up on her knees and flipped her long brown hair onto her sweaty back before she looked down at him. "You want to cum on my big fat tits honey?" she asked as she cupped both of her big melons in her hands and licked her nipples while she continued to bounce on the teenagers lap.

He groaned at the sight of the sexy nurse licking her own nipples before he flipped them over so he was on top. Cindy giggled as her young lover pulled himself from between her sweaty thighs and crawled up her body on his knees to straddle her chest. She squashed her tanned tits around his hard cock, now slick with their combined juice and the sweat on her breasts, and stuck her tongue out to lap at the tip of it as he began to hump her chest for a second time.

Charlie looked down, sweat dripping down his chin and chest, and watched as Cindy's tits jiggled like jello on her chest. "Oh f-fuck!" he yelled as he pulled his cock out from between her fleshy pillows, slapped it against the underside of her breasts, and jerked twice before he began to cum. Thick white spurts shot out from the tip of his cock with great force and splashed against her tanned skin. Cindy squealed as she felt the warm thick jizz shoot and cover her boobs. A few shots over shot her by quiet a bit and hit the headboard above her head. Cindy massaged the baby batter all over breasts, making them shiny in the light. Charlie tried to catch his breath as he nuzzled his cock into her cleavage again and humped lazily to bask in the pleasure of the greatest orgasm he'd ever had.

On the next bed over Brad was hammering into Sarah with such great force that she had to press her hands against the headboard to keep from having her head slamming into it. She'd already had another orgasm and was staring in wide-eyed amazement as this young stud continued to fuck her. Brad looked into Sarah's cute face, flushed with exertion, and fucked her with enthusiasm. He didn't know if this was going to happen again so he wanted to give it all he could. But he couldn't last forever he realized as he felt the beginnings of his own orgasm. Keeping Sarah's legs spread wide with his hands, Brad slammed into her one more time and groaned as his cock expanded inside the gorgeous gym teacher. Thick sticky ropes of cum emptied inside her as Brad humped against her a couple of times, emptying the huge load of sperm that he had built up. Gasping for breath he fell on top of Sarah's body and bit her shoulder lightly as he felt her big tits squash between their bodies.

Sarah wrapped her arms and legs around the exhausted senior as she felt his hot cum inside of her and his cock twitch in her pussy. "Jesus, that was good!" she said as her hands roamed over his sweaty back. "So much for trying to keep my teacher/student relationship professional on this trip." she thought to herself as she blew a strand of her hair out of her face.