Back To School: Ski Trip p2


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Meanwhile up in room 332, Brandon was sitting in the bathroom of his room and rereading the message he had found in his coat. 'Come up to my room alone tonight, #323. Emily Williams' it read out. On the bottom of the note was the print of Emily's lipstick where she had kissed the paper. In Brandon's other hand he held the room keycard. "No way this is happening for real." He said to himself as his heart raced with excitement. He figured this was probably a big prank made up by his friends but he didn't want to lose the opportunity if it was real. "Fuck it. I'm going!" Brandon stood up and checked himself in the mirror. He was wearing just a white t-shirt along with some gray sweats, the same clothes he was wearing on the slopes under his snow pants and coat. His brown hair was cut very short and was stiff with gel, a look that was popular at the school now. He was very fit and had a lean muscular body. He breathed out loudly and was about to walk out of the room when he noticed that his cock was rock hard and straining against his pants. He fumbled with it and pinned it against the band of his boxer briefs and sweatpants before he came out.

"Hey man, come grab a beer and join us." Brandon's friend Jeff said to him. His other two friends Chad and Pete where already downing their second beers and watching the movie on the TV. Jeff had brought along two twelve packs that he had hidden in his luggage.

"Uh, maybe later. I'm going to go see what everyone else is up to. I'll be back later." Brandon said as he slipped on his shoes and headed out the door.

"Suit yourself. Later." Jeff turned back to the movie and downed his beer.

Brandon looked down at the note and the keycard again and then headed toward the hallway with room number 323.

* * * * *

Emily finished messing with her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror of her bathroom. She had butterflies in her stomach as she imagined what was about to happen tonight. She looked at herself with hands on her hips and smiled at her reflection. "Perfect!" she said as she admired herself. Her black curly hair hung over her shoulders and over part of her face. Her make up was perfect and accentuated her bright blue eyes. She was wearing a black silk babydoll that vaulted over her immense 40E breasts and revealed her curves perfectly. It was long enough to just go over her shaved pussy and curvy butt which was a good thing as she decided not to wear the matching bikini bottom, leaving her bare underneath. She ran her hands over her lush curves and admired how the black teddy and her jet-black hair contrasted well with her pale skin. Her long naked athletic legs led down to her delicate feet incased in a pair of black slippers with soft black down feathers on the tips over her toes.

Suddenly there was a gentle rap at the door causing Emily to jump with a start. She looked at herself one more time and blew a kiss at the reflection before she quickly went into her room. She walked over to an archway that was just a few feet in front of the door and leaned forwards towards it. Her huge tits just barely brushed the edge and she bent one leg while she kept the other ridged. Her soft curvy butt stuck out and she placed her arms onto the archway above her head. "Come in.," she said as she was finally in position.

A second passed and the butterflies in Emily's stomach fluttered again as she heard the keycard slide in and unlock her door. The door opened and Brandon stopped with his eyes wide as he took in the sight of Emily's curvy frame. "Come in and close the door." she said as she stood up and placed her hands behind her back and chewed her lower lip.

Brandon quickly did as he was told and shut the door behind him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was standing in a dimly lit room with Ms. Williams standing right in front of him in lingerie. His eyes roamed over her luscious curves, pausing for great length on the deep valley of her pale cleavage. He was frozen in place afraid of what to do.

Emily could tell that he was very nervous so she decided to loosen him up a bit. She slowly walked up to him, admiring his young muscular body, and placed her hands gently on his shoulders before she leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips without saying a word.

Brandon melted as Emily's soft plump lips pressed against his and kissed him passionately. His hands gripped her waist and held her against him as the kiss became more urgent. His cock, which was already hard, peeked out of the top of his waistband.

After a couple of minutes Emily pulled back and looked at the teenager. Her cheeks and the top of her chest were flushed bright pink with excitement. "There that was a good warm up." She next took his hand and led him into her room and beside her bed. She turned around again to face him causing her immense chest to jiggle and bounce with her movement. She grabbed his shirt and lifted it over his head.

Brandon reached up and cupped both of Emily's huge tits in his hands and squeezed so hard that her small dark nipples almost came popping out of the top. They were so large that he couldn't hold their entire size in his strong hands. Emily placed her hands onto his waist and looked down at his hands as they mauled and groped at her very impressive chest. Her breathing increased and her heart raced as she rubber her thighs together while she enjoyed the young mans hands rubbing the fabric of the silk babydoll over her sensitive nipples. She looked over the edge of her cleavage and saw that Brandon's cock was starting to poke out from his waistband.

Emily smiled at Brandon before she moved his hands off of her chest and kneeled down before him. Her bare ass rested on her heels as she pulled his pants and underwear down quickly. He stepped out of them, now completely naked and Emily threw them across the room. She now turned to the impressive sight of Brandon's cock as it was so ridged that it pointed straight up at the ceiling and slapped against his stomach. She reached up and wrapped her soft slender fingers around his length and began to jack him off slowly with both hands.

"Oh my god…" Brandon groaned quietly as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes in pleasure. Emily's warm soft hand felt incredible around his cock. He couldn't believe that this was really happening. He really did think that this was just a big joke. He'd hoped that it was true but he didn't put any faith into it. Now here he was with one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, and she was jerking him off.

Emily licked her lips as her hands trailed up and down the thick veiny column of hard flesh. Without saying a word she angled it down and slid her soft lips over the head and began to hungrily suck Brandon's cock.

Brandon had to suddenly lean his hand against the wall next to him to keep his knees from buckling under the intense pleasure. He looked down and watched the voluptuous school secretary blow him with increasing intensity. His other hand rested on her head and combed through her rich dark hair.

Emily moaned around the hard shaft in her mouth as she sucked and slurped. Her hands continued to pump the lower part of his dick while her excitement grew and she tried to suck the warm cum right out of his balls.

"Oh Ms. Williams that feels so good!" Brandon exclaimed as he looked down to see her head bob on his cock. He watched as her huge titties jiggled in the black babydoll. He realized he couldn't wait another minute to take this stacked older women. He grabbed her arms and lifted her up, her mouth releasing his wet cock with a loud pop, and looked at her. "Lets fuck!" he said as he walked backwards gripping her waist and taking her in toe. He kissed her urgently again and fell back against the bed when his legs hit the edge.

Emily's sexual excitement grew as she returned the kiss. Her fat melons squashed between them and nearly touched their chins. Both crawled up farther on the bed until they could reach the pillows. Emily had both of her knees on either side of Brandon's waist as she straddled him and leaned up with her hands resting on his stomach. She lowered herself and ground her very wet pussy lips against him as she bit her lower lip in pleasure while she looked at him.

Brandon's eyes became huge as he felt Emily's naked pussy rub against his engorged cock. He reached down and lifted the babydoll slightly to see that his hopes were correct in that she wasn't wearing any underwear. He humped against her as well, covering his cock with her juices and lifted the babydoll a little higher until her smooth pale stomach was exposed to him and he could feel the heavy weight of her naked tits in his hands. She reached down and was about to lift the lingerie all the way off when he stopped her. "Sometimes it's better not to show everything." he said as he smiled up at her and tweaked her small nipples with his thumbs.

Emily smiled down at her young lover, as she liked the idea that he didn't want to see everything just yet. She bit down on her lower lip again as she increased the intensity of her grinding against his hard cock. His strong hands squeezed her melon-sized tits, the tops swelling out of the top of the lingerie. Soon she had enough teasing and she lifted herself up and grabbed Brandon's shaft and aimed it at her pussy. Without a second thought she nuzzled the head into her wet lips and slid herself down his length, groaning in pleasure.

Brandon groaned as well as he watched his cock disappear completely inside of the sexy school secretary. His eyes trailed back up over her sexy stomach and up to her luscious tits that were hidden from view by the babydoll but he could feel their firmness in his hands. He couldn't believe how big they were. And even for their size they were as firm and bouncy as a teenage girl's.

Emily settled onto the hard shaft inside he and stayed that way for a few moments with a look of utter ecstasy on her face. His cock throbbed from his heartbeat and woke her out of her trance. She looked down over the tops of her ample cleavage at the teenager below her and smiled. She lifted herself up slowly and then slid back down, her very wet and tight pussy massaging his cock with each movement. She bounced on top of Brandon's waist slowly at first but soon her excitement built and she began to ride him fast. Brandon looked to see his entire length slide in and out as she gave her muscular thighs a workout.

At first Brandon continued to squeeze her huge boobs in his hands, he was absolutely fixated on them, but once Emily really started to ride him he let go and slid his hands down to her trim waist. His eyes bugged out at the sight that was before him. Emily's immense tits bounced wildly up and down and jiggled like jello. They almost collided with her chin as she rested her hands on her toned thighs and fucked up and down his hard cock. Brandon groaned loudly as he reached around and cupped her soft ass in his hands while he humped his hips off the bed to meet her thrusts.

"Y-Yes!…..Ugh fuck!" Emily screamed so loudly that the sound bounced off the walls and Brandon was afraid that someone might hear. She whipped her hair back and leaned her head back as she closed her eyes. Reaching up, Emily lifted the lingerie up and over her head and threw it across the room. She threw her arms behind her head and continued to moan and scream as she fucked up and down the large fat cock in her pussy.

Brandon couldn't believe his eyes as he saw Emily in all of her naked glory for the first time. Her skin was a flush of light pink and had started to become sweaty as her pulse raised with exertion. Her impossibly large tits were perfectly shaped. Each was toped by a small stiff dark nipple as they careened on her chest. Her loft plump red lips pursed as she cooed in pleasure while she rode on top of him. "Fuck yeah! Ugh!" he exclaimed and groaned as he continued to squeeze her soft ass and watch her breasts bounce around wildly.

Emily slowed her speed down as she started to get a little tired and a small orgasm shook her. She grinded lightly against the senior's body as she leaned forward to catch her breath. Her breasts dangled into Brandon's face and he immediately grabbed a stiff nipple between his lips and began to suckle. Emily cradled his head against her chest and moaned as she greatly enjoyed having her tits sucked.

Sensing that she needed a break Brandon rolled them over so he was on top with his cock still imbedded inside of the mature woman. He sucked one of her nipples and lifted her boob completely off of her chest before he released it and moved to the next one. While he nursed on her beautiful breasts, Brandon lifted his ass into the air and began to pump his cock into her tight wet cunt again.

"Oh yes…." Emily moaned as she held her teenage lover's head to her chest and spread her thighs a little more for him. Her toes curled in pleasure and dug into the sheets of the bed.

Brandon lifted his body up at arms length, again lifting a boob off of Emily's chest while sucking on her other nipple, and began to fuck into her tight pussy. He could feel his entire length being massaged by the muscles in her cunt as he slammed into her and pulled back out. His ass lifted high with each fast stroke. Brandon watched Emily's breasts, each as big as a cinnamon bun as she was on her back, jiggle and wobble on her chest. He was beginning to sweat as he fucked Emily hard and fast.

Emily cooed up at him and rubbed his chest with her hands as she lifted her thighs in time to his thrusts. The bed squeaked loudly as the horny teen fucked the school's secretary with pleasure.

"Get on your hands and knees." Brandon said breathlessly as he pulled his wet cock from her pussy with a loud wet sucking noise. Emily smiled at him and cupped his chin with her hand before she rolled over onto her hands and knees and presented her soft curvy butt to him. Her body was shiny and slick with sweat and Brandon admired her sexy back, toned legs, and soft ass cheeks. He looked over a little and saw both of Emily's huge tits hanging below her. He slapped her ass once, making her gasp in surprise, and then squeezed both of her fleshy butt cheeks. He got on his knees behind her and nuzzled his cock against her pussy lips before he gripped her waist and slammed into her hard and fast.

Emily's eyes became huge in surprise as she was suddenly filled with young hard cock again. "Oooooh yes….." she groaned in pleasure as she lowered her upper body into the mattress. Her tits squashed underneath her and stuck out from her sides as she enjoyed the hard fucking she was receiving. Her toes dug into the mattress and she balled the sheets in her hands.

Brandon gripped her long dark hair in one hand and tugged lightly while he squeezed her ass with the other and bounced her on his ridged shaft. His balls bounced against Emily's clit with each powerful thrust making her squeak with pleasure. Her hair was sticking to her back because it was so sweaty and Brandon released her hair to roam his hands over her sexy back. He massaged the muscles as he continued to pound into her.

"Oh f-fuck me!" Emily exclaimed as she lifted herself up again. Her huge tits swung wildly underneath her as she moaned and screamed in pleasure from the wonderful fucking she was getting.

Brandon didn't miss a chance to play with her tits so he leaned forward, resting his sweaty body against hers, and reached around to cup and fondle them. They felt heavy and sweaty in his palms and they slipped out of his grip every now and again while he humped away at her pussy happily.

Emily chewed on her lower lip and flipped her hair over her shoulder as she felt the beginnings of another orgasm begin to hit her. She gave out a wordless cry that echoed off the walls as her body began to shiver starting at her sensitive pussy and then spread out through her body to the tips of her toes and fingers.

Brandon was glad to feel Emily cum because he was soon feeling the effects of his own. "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum soon!" he moaned into her ear excitedly as he remained bent over and humping her while he played with her big fat tits.

"Y-Yes! Cum in…Ugh!…C-Cum in me!" Emily encouraged. She wanted to feel a young cock jerk and spew into her depths.

She got exactly that as Brandon rose up and fucked her with urgency. Soon he slammed into her and held on as his cock expanded and spasmed around into her tight cunt as thick scalding cum filled Emily's belly. He pumped in and out of her a few times, riding out his orgasm and making sure she got every drop.

After a few moments, both lovers gasping for breath, Brandon pulled his still hard cock out of the warm juicy confines of Emily's pussy and slapped it against her ass. "Oh my god that was incredible!" he said.

"Mmm you're telling me!" Emily basked in the pleasure of post orgasmic bliss and gently rubbed her snatch while she remained on her knees. She could feel the warm cum inside of her and it made her smile. "I bet Betty is going to want to hear all about this." She thought to herself as she leaned her upper body against the mattress again, squashing her tits underneath her.

* * * * *

Betty Smith was sharing the same room as Emily and knew that her new friend was going to need some "private time" to herself tonight so Betty decided to head down to the outside hot tubs. She whistled to herself as she walked down the quiet hallways to the changing rooms. Her short brown hair framed her beautiful face perfectly and bounced around her cheeks as she walked. She was wearing a very small white bikini underneath her short cotton robe and a pair of bathroom slippers. The robe was open enough in the front to reveal her very ample lightly tanned cleavage. She was easily a 36DD or a little bit bigger. Her breasts bounced under the confines of her small robe while her smooth toned legs were completely revealed as the robe only came down over her cute bubble butt.

Betty entered the ladies changing room and noticed that no one was around. "Hello?" she called out but no one replied. She walked out to the jacuzzi and noticed that no one was inside them either. "Hmmm, well it is late. Guess no one is coming down here tonight." Betty smiled to herself as she walked back into the changing room and dropped her towel before she pulled off her robe to reveal her unbelievably sexy and curvy body. Even though she was in her thirties her body was as firm as a teenager's and as luscious as a woman in her young twenties. After she set her robe down on the bench next to the lockers she next kicked off her slippers and slipped her very small bikini bottom down her thighs and threw it on top of her robe along with her top. Her pussy was trimmed very short and neat and her firm tits jiggled a little as they were freed from the constraining top.

"Ah that's much better!" she said as she walked barefoot to the hot tubs. Betty loved to be naked and was always a bit of an exhibitionist. She loved having people staring at her naked body, especially if she was fucking. As she rounded the corner and headed outside her clothes fell to the floor onto her slippers along with the keycard to her room.

Betty's skin was covered in goose bumps as she went outside into the chilly mountain night air. Her nipples immediately became hard and she wrapped her arms around her breasts, squashing them against her chest, as she walked to the hot tubs on her tiptoes. Steam rose up around her and made her skin moist as she came up to the closest one. She tenderly dipped her toe in to test the water before she slid her luscious curves into the pleasantly warm water. She leaned her head back and sighed as the jets caressed her. The top of her chest and everything above was out of the water but still kept warm by the steam.

Unbeknownst to Betty, at that very moment the hotel cleaning made was doing her last round before her shift. She entered the changing room and found a pile of clothes and a towel on the floor lying against the lockers. Thinking that someone left them behind earlier in the day she cleaned them up and placed them in her cart and continued on to finish her work for the day.

After about twenty minutes Betty arose from the steaming waters and headed inside to dry off. She was getting to hot and she wanted to cool off again before she went back in. "What the hell?" she exclaimed when she saw that all of her clothes were missing. Thinking that she had come around to the wrong bench she went over to the next one and the next.

"Oh shit!" she exclaimed as she realized that all of her things were gone. She was naked and her skin was moist as she stood in the room with her hands on her hips and chewed on her lower lip in thought. She checked all of the lockers next but all of them were empty as well much to her dismay. "Great I've got to get all the way back up to my room and I'm buck naked." She looked down at her sexy curvy body and couldn't help but smile. "Well at least someone might get a good show." She joked as she headed towards the hallway.

Betty poked her head out and looked both ways down the hall to see that it was clear. Covering her breasts with one arm and her pussy with her other hand she quickly ran towards the stairs that would take her up to the third floor. She opened the door with the hand covering her pussy and shut it closed behind her when she was inside the stairwell. Making sure that it was clear she began to make her way up the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. Her large breasts jiggled under her arm as she ran up the stairs. She was a little confused because she'd never been on this side of the hotel before but when she finally got to the third floor and poked her head down the hallway things looked familiar. Seeing that the coast was clear she quickly opened the door and ran down the hall towards her room. Her bubble butt jiggled with each quick step she took as she headed to her room.

Finally she found room 332. "I hope Emily left the door unlocked. I hate to barge in on her if she's with her young stud but I don't have much choice." She thought to herself. Just then she heard a voice start to come close to the hallway she was in. Quickly she turned the handle and thankfully it opened.

Betty breathed a sigh of relief to finally be in her own room. It was dark and she couldn't hear any noises besides the light breathing of sleeping. "Jeez did Emily work that poor boy until they were both unconsciousness?" she thought to herself as she stumbled blindly into the room to try and get to her bags so she could find some clothes. She tried to be as quiet as she could but her foot hit something and she fell on top of what felt like someone sleeping on the floor.

"Hey. What the hell?" the young man said sleepily as Betty's athletic body fell on top of him.

"Sorry." Betty giggled as she rose up a little bit on her arms but the room was still too dark to see the teenager below her.

"What's wrong Chad?" asked Jeff as he raised his heavy head from the pillow of his bed. The beer had started to take its effect on all of the boys as they downed their beers one after the other. Soon Jeff, Chad, and Pete had all turned in early. They had completely forgotten about Brandon.

Betty froze in the dark and suddenly realized that she had entered the wrong room. She thought that she had fallen on top of Emily's fuck toy but soon discovered that there was more then one senior in the room. She remembered the door number and groaned in her head as she realized that her room number wasn't 332, it was 323.

Pete woke up as well and reached over to flip on the light switch next to his bed. "What the hell are you guys are mumbling about?" he said as he flipped on the switch and rubbed his eyes.

All three boys were in stunned silence as they looked over to see a very naked Betty Smith lying right on top of Chad and his sleeping bag. Her body was incredible, her knees were on either side of the teenager and her huge 36DD tits were right in front of his face as she had her upper body pushed up at arms length. Betty's skin had a very light tan with subtle lines that showed were she wore her extremely skimpy swimsuits. All eyes roamed over her incredible curves.

"Uh, hi?" Betty said as she smiled and brushed her short hair behind her ears. She had no idea what to do until she suddenly felt something brush against her bush ever so slightly. She gasped and looked down to see the outline of Chad's hard cock as it poked into his sleeping bag and against her. An idea suddenly formed in her head as she imagined the fun she could have with these three young studs. "Well, well, what have we here?" she said as she smiled at the high school senior below her and ground her crotch against him.

Chad groaned in pleasure at the sensation as he looked up at her two fat titties that were right in his face. Her large nipples were stiff and pointing right at him. Tempting fate Chad reached up and squeezed both of the fleshy pillows in his hands. Mauling at her tits for a few seconds, Chad soon leaned his head up and took one of her succulent puffy nipples in his mouth and sucked happily as she moaned in pleasure and continued to grind against him.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Pete as he watched his friend suck on Mrs. Smith's tits. Pete's cock hardened instantly and he threw his blankets aside and began to jerk off as he admired Betty's toned curvy body.

Jeff followed Pete's example and was soon jerking off as well. He couldn't believe his eyes. Right in front of him was one of the sexiest women he'd ever seen and she was moaning as she wiggled her naked body on top of his friend.

Betty looked over and saw the other two boys and their hard young cocks just waiting for her. She opened Chad's sleeping bag and was very pleased to see that he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, his hard cock was pointing straight up through the flap in the front. She smiled at him as she pulled her hard nipples from the suction of his lips and slid her body slowly down his. Her huge tits squashed against him as she moved down and slid his boxers off at the same time.

After she threw Chad's boxers across the room, Betty crawled back up and straddled his waist. She sat up completely and gripped his shaft in both her hands as she aimed it at her hungry and wet cunt. Popping the head in first she soon slid down the entire length and sucked in air through her teeth as her pussy was stretched open by young horny meat. Resting her whole body weight on top of him she leaned forward to smother him with her breasts again while she slowly began to bounce her ass up and down. She looked over at the other two boys, both of which were vigorously pumping their hands up and down their dicks, and smiled. "Come on and join in boys. I've got two more holes to fill." She licked lips soft lips as she continued to fuck Chad's cock.

Pete and Jeff didn't need to be told twice. Standing up and taking off their boxers they took their positions. Jeff got behind her and Pete went to her front. Jeff knelt down behind Betty and stared in disbelief as he watched his Chad's cock disappear and reappear inside Mrs. Smith's tight wet cunt. Reaching out tentatively Jeff gripped her bouncing bubble butt in his hands and squeezed. He was surprised by how firm it was as it jiggled in his palms.

Not wasting another moment Jeff pushed her down completely onto the hard dick in her pussy to keep her steady for a moment. He spread her fleshy butt cheeks with his hands and nuzzled his own hard cock against the puckered little hole in between. At first he tried to just push it in but it kept glancing off to just rub between her cheeks, which felt amazing all by itself. After a couple of tries Jeff finally grabbed his cock with one hand and kept it pointed at her little asshole and pushed.

Betty moaned loudly as her ass was slowly filled with hard cock. She loved to get ass fucked and she always kept herself very clean just incase it ever came up. Soon Jeff had his whole shaft shoved upside her warm tight ass, and he squeezed her firm big butt in his hands as he groaned in pleasure.

Betty's eyes were closed at first as she enjoyed the feeling of the two shafts both shoved all the way inside her and Chad's hungry mouth licking and sucking all over her big tits. But suddenly both boys began to fuck her with enthusiasm and her eyes became wide in surprise. It wasn't a gradual build up of thrusting, both teenage cocks slid out almost their full lengths before slamming back in at the same time. Loud slapping noises filled the room as both boys had their way with her body.

"Oh y-yeah!" she screamed, her voice shaky, "F-Fuck me!...Fuck my ass and pussy!….Ugh!" Betty encouraged her two eager lovers as her hands balled into fists and her toes curled in pleasure. Something brushed her cheek just then and she turned her head to find the third senior kneeling in front of her and waiting for her to suck his cock. She happily complied and wrapped her soft lips around his shaft.

Pete groaned in pleasure as the sexy mom began to suck his cock with urgency. He was amazed to watch her take all three cocks at the same time with such skill. He'd heard rumors that she was an eager slut but he never imagined this would happen. He even heard that she fucked her own son. At first he thought that it was just an exaggerated joke but now, with her soft moist lips around his dick and getting both her ass and pussy stuffed just like a porn star, he couldn't doubt that it was a possibility. Pete gripped her short brown hair in his hands and leaned his head back as he enjoyed the incredible blowjob.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Jeff kept saying as he slapped his hips against Betty's ass cheeks. His heart raced and he started to sweat with exertion as his cock slid into her asshole again and again. He looked up and smiled at Pete as he continued to ass-fuck her. Pete gave him a thumb up before he closed his eyes and groaned as Betty sucked his cock noisily.

Chad was pumping his cock into Betty's very wet pussy in perfect timing with his friends' thrusts into her ass. She was tight before but now it was incredible. He truly had to fight to shove his cock into her again and again. Her cunt squeezed and massaged him with each pump of his hips. Both of his hands were squeezing her big fat tits while his mouth devoured as much tit flesh as it could.

Betty was in heaven as she was hit with orgasm after orgasm. She hadn't been in a gangbang sense college and she couldn't imagine why she hadn't kept on doing them. She'd have to convince Bobby to bring some of his friend's home sometime. That thought helped her build up to another orgasm as she enjoyed the feeling of Chad's mouth and hands on her tits while both cocks sawed in and out of her holes quickly. She moaned and hummed around the young cock in her mouth as she hungrily devoured it. Pete's cock was shiny with Betty's saliva as her mouth was forced onto him by the powerful thrusts of the other two horny teenagers.

"Ah! Hey C-Chad. Mind if I hit that pussy?" Pete asked, struggling to form the question as Betty slurped and sucked on him. She looked up at him with a hungry look in her eyes and sealed her lips around him tightly and sucked as hard as she could.

"Yeah sure man." Chad reached down and pulled his hard wet shaft out of the hot moms pussy and then slid out from under her. Her huge tits dragged across his chest and abs.

Jeff continued to pound into her firm, jiggling ass as his friend below him slipped out of her pussy with a wet sucking noise. After Chad pulled out of her Jeff reached down and hooked his arms under her thighs and then fell backwards, bringing her with him. Betty's large breasts wobbled on her chest as she lay back against him with his cock still imbedded into her tight anus.

Betty had her legs on either side of Jeff's and kept them bent while she propped herself up on her tiptoes and her hands on the floor. She looked down between her huge tits to watch Pete kneel between her spread thighs and aim his hard cock at her pussy. She was so wet that her juices ran down over Jeff's cock and balls. "Oh yeah put it in!" she moaned loudly as Pete nuzzled his cock into her pink pussy lips and groaned as he slid into her.

Pete hooked his arms under Betty's thighs and began to pound into her as he held her in place. Unlike before, Pete and Jeff took alternating turns pounding in the sexy moms pussy and butt. Pete leaned his head back and moaned as he pounded into her incredibly tight pussy.

Chad stood to the side and watched his other two friends DP the curvy sweaty mother. His cock was still ridged and pointing straight up. He reached down and began to pump his hand over his cock. It was still wet from being in side Betty's pussy. His eyes were wide as he watched her big tits bounce around wildly on her chest as the two big cocks fucked her hard and fast. Suddenly he got an idea and he smiled as he walked over and squatted over Betty's chest and placed his cock between her luscious tits.

Betty smiled up at him and squashed her large breasts around his wet cock creating a soft warm fuck tunnel around him. Her body was shiny with sweat as she moaned words of encouragement to the horny teenagers, "Oh my god!" she moaned as she leaned her head back and smiled, "F-Fuck me!...Ugh!…..Harder! Yes!" She continued to hold her tits around Chad's cock while Pete continued to hold her legs up and fuck her pussy. She clenched her butt cheeks around Jeff's cock as he continued to plow into her.

The intense pressure of her clenching finally sent Jeff over the edge as his cock exploded inside Betty while he continued to thrust into her. He groaned loudly as his vision filled with spots from the intense pleasure. He hands remained tight round her waist as he continued to squirt inside her.

Pete came right after his friend as he buried himself into her wet tight pussy. He arched his back as he held her thighs high in the air with his hands and his cock expanded and spurt into her with intense force. Sweat dripped off his body as he tried to catch his breath while he emptied his balls into her.

Hearing all the groaning and moaning finally sent Chad over the edge as he squeezed Betty's huge tits in his hands while he tittie fucked her. He quickly pulled out from her soft tit flesh and gripped his cock in his hands as his hot jizz shot from the tip and covered her breasts.

Betty squealed with pleasure as she felt all of the cum being shot into and onto her. She laid her full weight on top of Jeff as she rubbed Chad's cum into her big firm tits. All four of them were panting for breath in the musky room. The screen door to the balcony of the room had misted over from all the heat and moisture that radiated from all of their hot sweaty bodies.

"Well I don't think I'll be going to my room tonight after all." Betty thought to herself as she squirmed around between Pete and Jeff's sweaty bodies and continued to massage Chad's hot cum into her skin.

* * * * *

Time passed at the resort as everyone greatly enjoyed the winter vacation, some far more then others. Sarah Stevens was waiting at the top of one of the expert slopes for all of the students that were supposed to show up for an advanced lesson. Her friend and coworker Emily Williams decided to join her for the class so both chatted while they waited for the teenagers.

Sarah was wearing a thick red winter coat and matching snow pants. Her big tits pressed the coat out and couldn't hide the curves of her body at all. Her shoulder length blonde hair was designed in a pair of pigtails this morning and she had a black wool cap over her head.

Emily looked equally as sexy in her baby blue ski outfit. Her immense chest was straining the zipper of her coat and her matching snow pants still made her look sexy. Her rich black hair was draped down her back and was kept under a white wool beanie cap. Both were smiling and chatting about all of their romping adventures during the trip so far.

"So how did things go with that guy that you gave the note to?" Sarah asked as she bumped her hip against Emily's.

Emily rolled her eyes and bit her lower lip before she giggled and answered, "Oh my god it was so good!" She unconsciously squeezed her huge melons in her gloved hands as she thought back, "We didn't even wake up until noon." Emily glanced sideways at her friend and smiled. "But what about you. Rumors are that there were some unusual noises coming from your room as well."

Sarah blushed and looked away, "Oh that Cindy decided to surprise me and brought two of the guys to hang out with us." She looked back at Emily with a huge smile on her face before she continued, "I'm still kinda sore."

Emily laughed at Sarah and covered her mouth with her gloves. "Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having fun in this place."

"Oh here they come." Sarah said as the four boys came sliding down the hill. Only one was actually wearing skis while the other three were using snowboards. "Hey boys glad you could make it. This was supposed to be a lesson but I can't really teach you guys how to use snowboards." She said as she looked at them.

"Ah don't worry about it Miss Stevens. To tell you the truth all of us are pretty good. We just came to have an excuse to hang out with you." One of the snowboarders said as he smiled at her after he took his goggles off. He admired the two incredibly stacked and curvy women.

"Oh. Well, thanks." Sarah replied a little caught off guard, "Uh, this is Ms. Williams." Sarah introduced her friend to the seniors.

"Hi!" Emily said happily, "You can call me Emily. Calling me Ms. Williams makes me sound like one of your frumpy teachers." She bumped her sexy hip against Sarah's to make her point causing everyone to laugh except for Sarah who pouted a little. "So what are your names?" Emily asked as she looked over the four young studs.

"Oh right. I'm Scott." Said the snowboarder who was speaking earlier, "And this is Jack, Trevor, and Ben."

Each teenager said hi to the gorgeous women while they were introduced. Even with their thick winter clothes on the boys could still make out each woman's incredible curves. "Well should we get started?" asked Ben as he began to slide himself over to the slight incline of the slope."

"Are you sure you guys can handle this hill?" Sarah asked a little unsure. She really didn't believe that the boys where there just to check her out.

"Yeah this is no problem. All four of us go down this hill every winter." Jack replied as he planted his poles into the snow and pushed himself down the slope after his friend.

Emily looked over at Sarah and shrugged before she went down next. Jack and Scott admired her curvy body as she swung her hips from side to side as she traveled down the snow-covered mountain.

"Well alright then." Sarah said as she followed right after her friend, "See you two at the bottom!" she said to the other two boys just before she went down.

Jack and Scott weren't far behind as they all went down. It was already pretty late in the day and was turning to dusk by the time they all went down the hill for the second time.

"Well I think we better call it a night guys." Sarah said as Trevor came down the hill and joined the rest of them.

"Ah come on Miss Stevens! Lets go down one more time." Suggested Ben.

"I don't know, it's starting to get dark and I really don't know this hill that well." Sarah said a little unsure as she looked back towards the lifts.

"Lets go with them one more time Sarah." Emily said enthusiastically, "It'll be fun."

"Yeah come on." Scott pressed.

"Well…" Sarah looked up at the hill and decided she could go down one more time, "Ok, but you boys lead. I don't want to get lost."

"Yeah! Alright!" the boys cheered before they made their way to the lifts. Unbeknownst to Sarah and Emily the boys had been planning this from the start. Scott's family had a cabin that was just off of the hill if they took the right turn. They had hatched a plan to guide Sarah there after dark and spend the night. Having Emily along was an unexpected bonus that the boys also hoped to take advantage of.

They soon all made it back to the top of the advanced slope just as the beginnings of a snowstorm started to kick in. Taking their places the seniors quickly went over their plan before the two busty women came over to join them.

"Ok, you two just follow us down and then this will be our last run." Jack told Sarah and Emily before he turned and began to quickly travel down the hill. His friends were right behind him, their hearts racing with excitement and not just the exertions of speeding down the snow. Sarah and Emily soon followed the four boys down the winding hill.

Jack soon came to the very subtle turn and quickly made his way down a very similar path to the one they were on before. Soon all of them were sliding down the white snow towards Scott's cabin.

After awhile it became apparent that the weather was going to turn bad and it was getting darker by the minute. Sarah was about to say something when suddenly she stopped along side the others as they all found themselves in the backyard of someone's mountain cabin. "Uh, where are we?" she asked as she looked around confused.

"Got me." Said Scott as he faked ignorance and looked around.

"Shit, what happened?" Jack said as he smiled at Scott.

"Great, now how are we going to get back to the hotel?" Emily said, "It's starting to snow pretty bad and it's getting darker."

"Well, lets see if they've got a phone." Scott suggested as he unclipped his boots from his board and walked towards the dark cabin. He knocked twice but he knew no one was going to answer. "Hmmm, well lets let ourselves in I guess." He tried the doorknob but he knew it was locked also.

"Scott wait. We can't just go into someone's house." Sarah began to say as her blonde pigtails whipped around her face with a gust of wind.

"Well we can't stay out here. We won't break anything." Scott looked around at the doorframe and then at his feet. "I bet they've got a key out here somewhere." He ran his hands over the top of the doorframe as he said this but didn't find anything. Next he brushed the snow off of the doormat and looked under it but again there was nothing. He next looked over at two garden pots beside him. Knowing that the key was there he lifted the first one up and found it. Smiling back at his friends he turned around and unlocked the door to the spacious log cabin.

Everyone was eager to get out of the dark cold so they soon followed right behind him and shut the door. It was dark inside and chilly but nothing compared to outside. "Well let's start a fire first." Ben said as he looked around.

"I think I saw a fireplace over there someplace." Scott said and walked towards it. He piled some logs in and soon had a roaring fire going. Everyone got around the warm flames and placed their hands up to it. The boys were unusually close to the two gorgeous women but no one seemed to mind.

"We need to contact the hotel and let them know where we are." Sarah said as she reached into her coat and pulled out her cellular phone. She barely had a signal but eventually she got through to the resort. She explained their situation and described the cabin to them. The clerk at the front desk knew where they were but he explained that the storm was getting so bad that they couldn't send anyone out to them until the morning.

Sarah explained that they were ok and that they should be fine until morning. She asked the clerk to tell Ms. Schwartz of their situation. She thanked him soon after and closed her phone. "Well bad luck guys. Looks like we are staying here for the night."

"Really? Crap." The boys responded in their most tragic voices they could muster but they weren't very convincing.

"Well let's gather what blankets and pillows we can so we can all get comfortable." Scott suggested as he got up. Ben went to help him get everything that they could find. Soon they had piles of blankets around them and they were all cozy by the fire.

"Boy I'm starting to get hot." Trevor said after a few minutes and took off his hat, "I don't know about you guys but I'm getting out of these clothes."

"Good idea." Ben said as he stood up also. Soon all four boys had whipped off their clothes so all they were wearing were their t-shirts and boxers. All four boys were raging hard with excitement but didn't seem to notice as they took off their clothes.

Sarah's eyes got big as she watched the four teenagers take off their clothes. A familiar tingle began to stir between her thighs and she couldn't help but feel herself getting really hot as well.

"Yeah I'm roasting!" Emily said as she also stood up and began to take off her clothes as soon as she saw the horny teens strip to their underwear.

"Yeah me too." Sarah got up along with Emily and smiled at her playfully as she began to take off her clothes.

The boys were watching in wonder as the two unbelievably curvy sexy women threw their clothes across the room one after the other. Emily was soon standing before everyone in a white tank top and matching thong. Her thong was tied to her hips by the little strings on the sides and she stretched her arms over her head and stood on her tiptoes as she was finally freed of the bulky winter clothes. She was an absolute goddess as the fire gave her pale skin a golden glow. The muscles in her legs and arms were visible as she stretched. The huge fleshy mountains on her chest strained against the tube top and pushed it away from her body as her cleavage vaulted out of the top. Ben was close enough to look under her shirt and was very happy to see the naked underside of her huge tits.

Sarah saw what Emily was doing and decided to play along with her to give the boys a show. Finally taking off her sweatshirt, Sarah was now standing before the horny teenagers in a black sports bra and matching booty shorts. The bra did nothing to hide her firm boobs as they stood out from her chest. She bent nearly all the way down and ran her hands over her smooth naked legs. She was facing away from Scott at the time so he had a perfect view of her ass as the shorts sculpted it perfectly. She ran her fingers over the muscles in her flexible legs, as she remained bent over in front of the senior. "Mmmm this is much better." She said playfully.

Both women sat back down in front of the fire, pretending nothing was out of the ordinary, and covered themselves in separate blankets. Sarah closed her eyes and bit down on her lower lip to hold in a giggle as she imagined what the boy's faces looked like. A small gasp from her right made her glance over at Emily to see that Trevor was sitting behind her and had reached his hands under her blanket and then under her tank top to squeeze her tits in his hands. His hard cock was pointing up through the hole in his boxers as he happily played with the enormous melons. Emily was looking down at her chest as the teenager mauled her tits.

Just then Sarah felt a pair of hands lightly grip her waist and then travel up her sides before reaching up to squeeze her huge tits as well. She gasped in surprise and then looked back and smiled to see that Scott was the one behind her and playing with her chest. She gasped again in surprise as Scott suddenly pulled her sports bra up and over her tits to expose them completely to the air.

He immediately began to squeeze them again, feeling their firm weight in his hands as he explored every inch of them. Her large pink nipples rubbed against his sweaty palms.

Not wanting to be left out, Ben stood up and took off his clothes before he walked over to Sarah, his cock bouncing in front of him with each step, and stood completely naked in front of her.

Sarah turned her head to look at the young hard cock in front of her and smiled up at Ben before she leaned forward and kissed the tip with her pursed lips. She swirled her tongue around the tip a few times making him groan in pleasure, before she opened her mouth and slid her lips down his length.

Meanwhile, Emily giggled as Trevor pulled her tank top up and over her head to free her immense tits. She looked over to see Sarah sucking on one of the boy's cocks while another played with her tits as well. Suddenly Trevor pushed on her back to force her on her hands and knees and she looked back to see that both he and Jack had taken off all of their clothes and they were both as hard as can be. Jack walked over and kneeled before Emily so his cock was perfectly level with her plump soft lips. Emily smiled at him and leaned down to gently stick the tip of her tongue against the hole at the end. She lapped at the precum before she popped the head in and began to suck and slurp away.

Trevor reached to Emily's hips and undid the knots that held her small thong against her. Soon he had them undone and he threw the small piece of cloth over his shoulders. Her body was perfect and he explored her sexy back with his hands before he moved down and squeezed her firm pale butt cheeks. His cock was lined up perfectly to strike and he began to hump against her. He kept getting close but it just glanced off to rub against her thighs, clit, or between her luscious ass. After a few tries Emily reached below herself and guided him in. Trevor groaned in pleasure as he slowly sank his cock into her surprisingly tight pussy.

Sarah's blonde pigtails bounced around her shoulders as she bobbed her head on Ben's hard cock. She stuck her tongue out and rubbed it against the underside of his cock as she sucked and slurped noisily. Her nipples were hard and continued to poke into Scott's hands as he attacked her breasts.

Scott released Sarah's huge tits and quickly took off his clothes before he pulled her back against him so her crotch was rubbing against his hard cock. Instinct took over and he bagan to hump against her while he went back to squeezing her huge tits.

Sarah was so wet that she soaked the underside of her shorts while she felt Scott's cock rub against her. She reached up and pulled Ben's cock from her mouth and jacked it off while she looked back at Scott. "Put me on my knees and take off my shorts." She said breathlessly while she pumped both of her hands on Ben's cock.

Scott didn't need to be told twice as he pushed her down on her knees and immediately grabbed her skintight shorts. He peeled them off of her sexy hips and she raised her knees so he could take them all the way off. Getting behind her he aimed his eager cock at her wet pussy and pushed it in. "Ooooh yeah." He moaned as he leaned his head back and basked in the pleasure of finally being inside the famous Miss Stevens.

"Oh fuck me Sco-.." Sarah was about to say before Ben stuffed his cock back into her mouth.

Both of the sexy goddesses were on their hands and knees and each had a cock thrusting into her pussy and another in her mouth. The fire gave their skin a golden glow as both started to sweat with exertion and excitement. The cabin filled with the sounds of slapping flesh and muffled moans while the storm raged outside.

Trevor was humping against Emily fast as he gripped her trim waist in his hands and watched her ass jiggle with each thrust. Her pussy was making very audible wet sucking noises around his cock as it slid into her again and again. He balls swung and bounced in time with his pounding.

Jack was still moaning with excitement as she sucked on his cock like a straw in a milkshake. He reached down and squeezed the heavy weight of her huge pale globes. Her small dark nipples were poking out with excitement and kept scrapping against the rug.

Emily hadn't expected all of this to happen but she wasn't complaining as she had her hungry pussy stuffed with young cock. She reached one hand up and took Jack's cock out of her mouth before she whipped her long black hair over her back and looked over her shoulder to see Trevor's athletic body slapping against her. "Oh yes!" she encouraged, "Like that! Fuck me!" She turned back and gently sucked on Jack's balls while she jacked him.

Sarah hung her head down and watched between her hanging tits to see Scott's cum filled balls bounce against her while he fucked her tight pussy. She continued to jack Ben off while she got fucked. "Oh g-god. I can't…..I-I can't believe I'm doing this again!" she exclaimed in pleasure.

Scott slapped her ass and held her against him as he looked over at his other two friends fuck Ms. Williams. "Hey guys, mind if we give her a try?" he asked.

"Hell yeah! Lets trade up!" replied a very excited Jack.

All four boys extracted their hard and wet cocks from the two curvy sexy women and took up different positions. Both Emily and Sarah slumped their upper bodies down and gasped for breath while their huge tits stuck out from their sides. Their sexy asses were still high in the air and awaiting the next hard cock to slide into their pussy's. This time Jack got behind Sarah while Trevor knelt down in front of her. Beside them, Ben was about to get behind Emily when Scott suddenly got an idea. Lifting her up gently Scott took her to the couch that was nearby and sat down on it before he looked up at the unbelievably stacked woman and began to pump his hand lightly up and down his shaft. "Get on your knees and fuck me with those big fat tits while Ben fucks you from behind." He commanded.

Emily got on her knees obediently nuzzled Scott's cock between her big fleshy pillows while she held them up with her hands. She then stuck her ass out for Ben to fuck her soaking pussy. Ben just stared in amazement at first as she mooned him but soon he dropped to his knees, aimed his cock, and slipped inside the hot school secretary easily. Ben moaned at the same time as Scott as they both began to hump her, one taking her tight wet pussy while the other slide his cock between her sexy cleavage. Her tits were so big that the head of his cock just barely popped out between them with each thrust.

Back over by the fireplace Sarah was on her knees again and was about to take Trevor's cock into her mouth when he stopped her after he saw the tittie fucking that Scott was receiving. "Wait, I want to fuck your tits." He said as he lay down and slid under her. She smiled down at him while her pigtails hung down from either side of her face. She leaned her upper body down and scooped his cock between her tits. Her hard nipples rubbed against his thighs while he placed his arms behind his head to get comfortable. Sarah's sculpted ass was high in the air as she dug her toes into the rug she was on and waited for Jack's cock to thrust into her. Jack was more then happy to comply as he got on his knees behind the busty gym teacher and thrust his hard shaft into her wet cunt.

Sarah moaned and her face had a look of complete ecstasy as her warm pussy was finally stretched open and pummeled while she kept her soft yet firm tits wrapped around Trevor's cock below her. "Oh!...Oh f-fuck yes!...Ugh!…" she moaned and grunted as she humped back against Jacks big young cock.

Ben was fucking Emily hard and fast. His balls, wet from her juices running over his cock, were heavy and waiting to burst. She felt so tight and wet around him, he'd never felt anything like it before. He looked down to watch her ass jiggle as he pounded into her, forcing her body to move with his thrusts, which only increased the pleasure of Scott's tittie fuck. "Oh fuck I'm going to cum Ms. Williams!" Ben moaned as he squeezed his eyes tightly as he felt himself about to burst.

"Oh pull out baby!" Emily said as she looked over her shoulder to watch the horny teenager behind her. "Cum all over me!" she encouraged him before she put her attention back to fucking Scott's cock with her big fat tits.

"UUUUUGGGHHHH!!!" Ben groaned loudly as he pulled out right after she said that. His wet sloppy cock bounced up against her ass and started to shoot. He looked down and got a great idea as he looked at her sweaty pale butt. Squeezing her cheeks around his spurting cock he fucked them just like a titty fuck. He humped against her rear as his cock exploded all over her back. It didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon as he covered her sweaty back in his sticky cum.

"AAAAAGGGHHH FUCK!" exclaimed Scott as his cock gave out at the same time as Ben's. Emily kept on fucking him with her tits as she squealed with delight as his cum shot high into the air to land on top of her ample cleavage. Her tits jiggled while she continued to milk his cock for all it was worth.

Seeing his two friends fucking and cumming all over Ms. Williams sent Jack over the edge. "Oh Miss Stevens I'm gonna cum too!" he exclaimed as he looked down at her body with wide eyes as his cock jack hammered into her, his balls heavy with a built up load of cum.

Liking Emily's idea she kept her eyes closed as she moaned. "C-Cum all over me too!" she instructed him while she continued to fuck Trevor's cock below her. She looked down to see that he was about ready to cum too. She bit her lower lip and nodded her head that it was ok.

Jack slapped against her hard and fast, watching her pigtails fly around wildly, and then pulled out last minute. He gripped his cock in his hand and felt it jerk around wildly as his jizz shot out of the tip with great force to drench her wet pussy lips. A few shots came up I and covered her ass. He watched as his spunk ran down between her firm butt cheeks and sweaty thighs.

"OH YEAH!" Trevor exclaimed as he propped himself up on his elbows and watched as his cock exploded. Cum splattered all over Sarah's big tits and his stomach as he jerked around inside her cleavage.

The boys all slumped over or sat on their asses, their cocks still hard and sensitive, while both Sarah and Emily fell back to sit on their heels. Emily smiled as she looked back over her shoulder and rubbed warm cum into he back. Sarah was busy rubbing the cum that was splashed onto her pussy inside her with her fingers while her other hand reached up and rubbed the hot jizz into her breasts that were heaving up and down on her chest with each breath she took.

"Wait!" Emily said excitedly as she looked over at Sarah. She got up and then kneeled down in front of the busty gym teacher. Taking one of her cum covered nipples in her mouth Emily sucked happily while she cupped the other big tit in her hand. Sarah moaned and looked down to watch the other woman suck and lick all over her chest, cleaning all the cum that was sprayed over them.

The boys were back up to full mast and were jerking off in wide-eyed wonder as Sarah smiled and lifted Emily's mouth from her breasts. She then returned the favor and cupped both of Emily's immense tits in her hands and began to suck and lick all over her milky cleavage. Cleaning up all the cum that had sprayed over them. Emily cooed in pleasure as she looked down at Sarah's cute face and pigtails as she sucked on Emily's tiny nipples.

"Holy shit that is so hot!" Scott said, as he remained seated on the couch and jerked off watching the two women.

The two curvy faculty members looked at each other and giggled after Sarah released Emily's nipple with a loud pop. They looked around to see that the teenagers all had raging hardons again. "Ready to go again?" Sarah asked as she raised one eyebrow and regarded the boys while her hands continued to squeeze Emily's massive melons. Likewise Emily was biting her lower lip as she mauled Sarah's huge tits and squashed them against each other.

"Fuck yeah!" all four boys exclaimed at the same time.

Sarah and Emily giggled to each other again and stood up. "Ok you boys wait here while we clean up." Sarah said as she took Emily's hand and went to find a bathroom. All eyes were on the two busty curvy women as they walked past with their breasts bouncing and their asses jiggling.

A couple minutes later both ladies came walking back excitedly. They had cleaned themselves up with a couple wet towels so their skin was slightly moist and reflected the light of the fireplace. Both of the big tit faculty members hugged each other, squashing their breasts together and forcing their cleavage to almost reach their chins while they looked over at the excited teenagers.

"Are you boys ready for a special treat?" Emily asked as she admired their hard cocks pointing straight at the ceiling. She also greatly enjoyed having Sarah's firm body and soft tits against her own.

All four boys simply nodded their heads in agreement as they admired the goddesses. Sarah and Emily released each other and each took the hand of two boys. Sarah took Ben and Jack while Emily grabbed Scott and Trevor and brought them over near the warmth of the fire, which the boys had restocked.

"Ok Jack, lay down on you back." Sarah told him with a smile.

"And Scott you do the same." Emily told the horny teen.

Both teens did as they were told and laid on the rug almost right beside each other with their cocks sticking straight into the air. Sarah turned and looked at the other two boys before she spoke, "Ok you two wait until we say you can join in ok?"

Again they nodded their agreement while they casually pumped their hands on their cocks. Emily and Sarah smiled at each other again before they got down and straddled the seniors below them. Placing their thighs on either side of their lover's waists Sarah got on top of Jack while Emily got on top of Scott. Grabbing the hard cocks in their hands both women aimed them at their tight wet cunts and slowly sank down their lengths in unison. Both women groaned in pleasure as they were stretched open by the big young dicks.

"Oh yeah." "That's good." Both women said in unison after they laid their full body weight on top of their lovers. They looked at each other and smiled before they turned their attention to the teens between their thighs. They placed their hands on the teen's hard stomachs and began to bounce in unison up and down their hard cock.

Jack grabbed Sarah's trim waist in his hands and looked up to see her huge tits and blonde pigtails bounce around wildly as she fucked herself up and down his hard cock. She looked amazing as her melons bounced and jiggled on her chest. Her big pink nipples making random shapes in the air.

Not even a foot away was Emily vigorously bouncing her voluptuous body up and down Scott's pole. She whipped her hair around on onto her back as she leaned her head back and screamed and moaned passionately. If they were doing this at the hotel then everyone would have heard her because she was being so vocal. Scott kept his hands on her sweaty thighs as he watched with wide-eyed fascination as her immense tits went ballistic. "Oh y-yes!" she moaned as she fucked the teenager harder.

Sarah slowed down her movements slightly and moved her hips in wide circles, forcing Jacks cock to rub against every inch inside of her and smiled down at him while she playfully nibbled her lower lip and twirled a pigtail with a finger. Jack was so turned on by her "catholic school girl" look that he began to pump his thighs up to pump his cock into her faster while he kept his hands on her waist.

Scott couldn't take it anymore as he reached up and squeezed as much of Emily's massive tits in his hands as he could. Her firm tit flesh squeezed out between his fingers as they jiggled in his hands. Her small nipples dug into his palms as she looked down over the edge of her huge tits and smiled down at him as he mauled at her impressive chest. Scott could feel Emily's ass bounce and jiggle each time she hit his thighs.

Sarah leaned down and looked over her shoulder and she continued to move her hips in circles. "Ooooo yeah! I love this!" she moaned. Her huge tits dangled and jiggled a little in front of Jacks face. He couldn't take it anymore as he reached up and squeezed both of her tits and guided her big pink nipples into his mouth. He began to nurse on them contently while Sarah's pussy muscles massaged his cock.

Emily leaned forward as well and smothered Scott with her mountainous orbs. "Hey Sarah want to have them join in now?" she asked as she also began to rotate her hips and work Scott's cock expertly.

"Mmmm yeah." Sarah looked over her shoulder to see Trevor and Ben staring at them and jerking off franticly. She stopped moving and arched her back, forcing her tits into Jacks face and angling her perfect ass up in the air. "Come on boys and put those cocks in our asses!" she said smiling at them.

Emily followed Sarah's example perfectly and squashed her tits into Scott's face while she arched her back and forced her firm pale butt to stick out perfectly.

"No fucking way!" Ben said as he looked at Sarah's incredible ass. He didn't waste anytime though as he got on his knees behind the busty gym teacher and spread her butt cheeks to see her puckered asshole just waiting to get fucked.

Trevor was moving the same time as Ben and had his cock in hand as he nuzzled it against Emily's anus. He looked over at his friend and they both smiled before they pushed their hard cocks into the tight asses of each woman. It was a tight fit as both boys had to gradually slide their cocks in an inch at a time. The room filled with moaning from everyone as the teenagers double stuffed the two busty women of their school.

"OOOOH MYYY GOOOD!" Sarah screamed as she had both cocks shoved all the way into her. She was panting as she was sandwiched by the two horny teens. Ben gripped her waist in his sweaty hands and pulled out at the same time as Scott did below him. Then after Scott thrust back into her tight pussy, Ben thrust into her ass just as his friend was sliding back out. Ben couldn't believe that this was happening. Here he was DP'ing the schools hottest teacher while right next to him his friends were doing the exact same thing to the schools sexy secretary.

"AAAGGHH!…..Ugh!….F-Fuck!….Ugh!" Emily screamed and grunted as both Trevor and Scott fucked her tight cunt and puckered butthole with intensity. Unlike their friends Ben and Jack, they didn't start an alternating pace and instead were fucking and slapping against Emily like a pair of animals. Trevor gripped Emily's shoulders in his hands and pounding his cock between her soft buttcheeks. Below her Scott was in heaven as he gripped her thighs to keep her reasonably steady while he nibbled, licked, and sucked all over her huge tits that were all over his face.

Sarah moaned loudly as she looked down at Jack while he met her eyes while he sucked her nipples and as much of her tit flesh as he could into her mouth. Her small pigtails continued to bounce around as each cock thrust into her one after the other. "Oh g-god!…..AAAAAAA!....F-Fuck yes!" she moaned and screamed as she shut her eyes tightly and enjoyed the double stuffing she was getting.

"AAAAAAAHHH!!…..E-Easy boys!…Ugh!" Emily said as she also enjoyed her own double penetration, even if it was a bit hard and rough. She was sweating profusely and her body glowed in the light of the fireplace. Scott inhaled the smell of her sweaty skin and sucked one of her small nipples into his mouth. His twirled his tongue around it while it was in his mouth. He eased up a little bit from his relentless pounding and took it just a tad slower.

Both of the women's pussys were wet and made loud sucking noises as the hard horny cocks invaded their depths. At the same time their asses jiggled with each powerful thrust of the cock slamming into her butt. They moaned and screamed with pleasure as the teenagers had their way with their curvy sexy sweaty bodies.

Then suddenly each senior started to cum. Scott's groan was muffled as his face was still buried inside Emily's deep cleavage. He squeezed her thighs tightly and pumped his cock into her pussy with each shot of hot cum that came out. Trevor feeling his friends cock expand and making her ass even tighter lost it as he reached down and squeezed her luscious buttcheeks in his hands and exploded into her taboo hole. Emily shuddered with pleasure as she felt herself being filled to the brim with warm thick cum. She cradled Scott's head into her immense chest and held him their as she had her own orgasm.

Beside the trio Jack and Ben both thrust into Sarah at the same time so hard that she gasped in surprise. Both cocks expanded and jerked around wildly as both boys kept her pinned onto both of their shafts. Sarah curled her toes in pleasure and her thighs tightened and quivered as her orgasm overcame her.

After a few moments Sarah looked over at Emily while they were all gasping for breath and both of them were still sandwiched between the teens. "I think were going to have a long night." She joked as she blew one of her pigtails out of her face.

The End