The Diary Gradually Changes Ch. 02


This is part 1 on an alternate POV (The Brother's POV) of my other story 'The Diary Gradually Changes'. Read that story first if you haven't already.


The Diary Gradually Changes [Brother's diary]

Part 1

Tuesday, Jan 21

Dear Diary,

For the hundredth time, I went over the list of hypnotic suggestion I made for Mom.

Mom's Hypnotic tape:

Kevin is amazing

Kevin is good

Kevin is wonderful

Kevin is everything

Kevin is sexy

Kevin is attractive

I love Kevin

I want to touch Kevin

I get horny around Kevin

I think about Kevin

I get wet around Kevin

I want Kevin to touch me

I want to kiss Kevin

I want to have sex with Kevin

I want Kevin to fuck me

It was already way past my bedtime, and I just wanted to complete the damn thing. Was that all I wanted in her first tape? Would that get Mom to fuck me?

Only one way to find out.

Wednesday, Jan 22

Dear Diary,

Today was Kate's birthday. I had to wait all day at home for her to come back. She was celebrating with her friends and Mark, her stupid jock boyfriend. I honestly don't get what she sees in him. Just because he is athletic and handsome? I bet she wouldn't mind if HE went through her panties. Yesterday was terrifying, I didn't expect her to come home that early. She's still pissed off at me.

Well, not after she listen to her tape.

Kate finally came home when it was almost ten at night. She opened my present last, and looked kind of surprised to see an iPod. I really hope she would start listening to the recordings immediately, but my sister just muttered a thanks and said she would judge my taste in music the moment she had spare time.

Mom looked more surprised when I gave her a present, but accepted it with a forced smile. Hers was just a test tape—an experiment—for Kate. Her recordings had much, much more powerful hypnotic suggestions. If something happens to Mom, well, at least Kate is okay. My sister is way hotter anyway.

And if Mom's tape really did work, then I could tweak it for Kate. She would be my devoted sex slave soon. I was almost a hundred per cent sure of it. The people in the forum said it would work. They even showed me proof that they had turned their wives, girlfriends, crushes, co-workers into their slaves. But I just had to be sure, and Mom was my guinea pig.

Kate then went back to her room after thanking me again. To be honest, it felt really good. She never was nice to me.

I reminded Mom to listen to hers tonight before going back to my room and masturbating to Kate's Instagram. It was a daily ritual for me.

Kate's Hypnotic tape:

I like Kevin

I trust Kevin

I think Kevin is nice

I think about Kevin

I should treat Kevin nicely

I should get to know Kevin more

I feel guilty when I make Kevin feel bad

Thursday, Jan 23

Dear Diary,

Mom listened to the recordings!

She kept telling me that the playlist was 'super awesome,' and that she'd fallen asleep to the music. I believed her. She still had her earbuds on with the music blasting at almost full volume. I wondered how she could even hear me.

And I think the hypnotic suggestions work. She looked at me differently ever since today. I couldn't really explain it. Like, there was a naughty glint in her eye every time she glanced my way. I would look at her, and she would smile at me before looking away.

I told her that I was glad that she enjoyed it so much. I almost jumped when Mom suddenly hugged me. She certainly never done that before. I will be honest, I got a huge boner from that, especially with feeling her breasts against my chest. I never really fantasize about them since Kate's were better: perfect C-cup teardrop breasts.

But there was no denying Mom's one were great too. She hugged me for a long while and wouldn't let go.

I didn't want to risk anything then, so I didn't try to grope or touch her butt or anything, even though I really wanted to and it was blatantly obvious that she was horny. She was breathing heavily when she finally did let me go, and when I leaned forward a little bit, she closed her eyes and parted her lips, like she thought I was going to kiss her. I wasn't going to, I was just trying to get a better view of her breasts.

Thinking about it again...fuck... I am such an idiot. I should have done it. I will just do it tonight when she comes back home from work.

It would be better anyway since the hypnotic suggestions would be more firmly implemented in her mind by then — Mom told me that she was planning to listen to it the whole day in her office.


Mom came home later than usual. I didn't even notice. I was sitting on the living room couch, my phone in hand, when she walked up to me, lean down and kissed me on the lips.

It was so unexpected that I dropped my phone and pushed her back. That's when I noticed her eyes. They were wide with lust, and she was breathing heavily, practically panting.

Mom's face was a mixture of emotions when I shoved her back. She started stammering apologies, her hands on her own lips like she didn't believe she had just kissed me.

When I finally recovered from the initial shock, lust took over. My mom had just kissed me. The hypnotic suggestions worked.

She was still sputtering apologies when I pulled her back in and claimed her lips. It was my first time kissing a woman, so I didn't really know what I was doing. But it felt good. Mom started kissing me back furiously. It was all a blur, but I remembered my heart thundering in my eardrums, her body—with all those beautiful curves Kate must have inherited—being crushed against mine, then her hands being shoved at the back of my head, then her tongue... oh fuck her tongue.

Mom's hot. Like really hot. She takes very good care of her body by working out a lot and having a really strict diet regime, so she looks half her age. Because of that, she is basically a men's magnet and an expert on sex and pleasure. Now I knew why the all her ex-boyfriends were always so broken up when she broke things off with them. I was in heaven as she did all the work with her lips, tongue and fingers.

We kissed for what seemed like hours. She smelt really good, with her peach scented hair shampoo. Mom was the one to break this kiss, all the while maintaining eye contact as she drew back, still panting hard, her lips red and swollen.

That was when Kate came back home. We both heard her car in our driveway at the same time.

I thought Mom would run away or something, considering what we just did, but she quickly turned on the television and dropped down on the couch next to me. Kate came in and promptly sat on the couch opposite us, completely oblivious to what just happened. I could see that mom was still breathing hard, her breasts were rising and falling heavily. Kate should have seen that, or at least my raging boner, which I was trying to hide desperately, but she looked really tired, her attention fixed on the television.

I tried to distract myself about what just happened. I asked Kate if she had listened to the recording yet. She told me no, which really sucked, but there was nothing I could do about it. Mom then cut in and told her that it was really good and that she should listen to it. My sister just nodded thoughtfully.

That's when I noticed Mom was sitting close to me. Thoughts began to race through me again as her thigh touched mine. I looked over at Kate, but if she noticed it, she didn't say anything.

I really wished Kate would just go to bed because Mom leaned in and started whispering about how she eager she was to see my cock and that she couldn't wait to fuck me. For the first time in my life, I was actually more interested in my mom than my sister.

Kate finally excused herself and went back to her room. I told mom that I wanted her to 'do it' in her room, and she just giggled excitedly. I couldn't believe it. I was actually going to fuck my own mother. With Kate gone, I regained my confidence and squeezed mom's breasts, and that got her giggling even more. It felt so good. Firm, yet soft. Just overall amazing.

Mom then led me back to her room. I always fantasized about losing my virginity to my sister, but I couldn't wait anymore. I was hornier than I've ever been, and having sex with Mom was too good to pass up.

Mom started kissing me again the moment she locked her door. I didn't freeze up like just now. Instead, I started feeling up her breasts again, and when I felt I got enough of them, I moved down and groped her ass—which felt even better than her breasts.

Mom broke the kiss again and literally tore off her clothes. Before I could admire her body, she was on me, slipping her tongue past my lips, all the while unbuttoning my shirt, then my shorts.

Sex was NOTHING like I've imagined. Not like all the porn I've watched.

First off, it felt better than masturbating. Way, way better, Like a hundred times better. Second, I always visualised myself to be on top and taking control.

In reality, I didn't have a chance to do anything. I had no experience and all the porn in the world hadn't prepared me for this. I never expected the hypnotic suggestions to work this quickly. Everything happened so fast. Mom shoved me on to the bed, then climbed on top of me. She then took my throbbing cock in hand, and slipped it into her, producing a long drawn out moan from me and a sharp gasp from her.

She was incredibly wet, which I expected, but she was tight too. Extremely tight. Mom then started riding me like crazy, moaning throughout, telling me how good I felt. All I could do was moan back, then grab her bouncing breasts. I never imagine sex would feel THIS good.

I came within a minute of her doing that. Mom started moaning even louder as I did so, and seconds later she came too, her pussy gripping me even tighter, her walls closing in and squeezing around my spasming cock.

It was the longest orgasm in my life, and no doubt the best. Surprisingly, I was completely drained after that, and I guessed Mom was too because she slumped down beside me.

We stayed like that, with my cock still buried deep inside her. Mom smiled at me, nuzzled me close, then gave me a long, lingering kiss until sleep overtook both of us.

Friday, Jan 24

Dear Diary,

Mom never went to work today.

I woke up to the most divine feeling: my mother's lips on my cock. She gave me a superb blowjob, swallowing every drop, then proceeded to lick my cock clean. I then rushed back to my room (to her dismay, she still wanted to go down on me) to update her playlist.

I already knew that the hypnotic suggestion worked, so I just copied and paste the new suggestions on one of the popular post on the forum, then tweaked it to include my name. The people there used this specific programming as the first step to transform their desired subject into becoming their slave. And that's exactly what I was going to do to Mom. I didn't just wanted a sex partner, I didn't want to have to tell her that I love her and do all the things couples did; I wanted a sex slave, someone whose sole purpose was to get me off while not expecting anything in return.

Mom just gave me a confused look when I went back into her room and told her to listen to the updated playlist. But she did it anyway, and soon enough she went into this trance-like state—wide-eyed and unblinking. It freaked me out a little. After ensuring that she was okay, I went out to do some more research on the forum, but not before double checking that the room door was locked.

Mom's updated hypnotic tape:

I want to make Kevin happy

I feel happy when I make Kevin happy

All I want to do is to make Kevin happy

All I think about is Kevin

Kevin is always right

I love Kevin so much

I like to do what Kevin wants

It feels good to be submissive around Kevin

That ensured her loyalty towards me. Once I made it clear that I was only happy when she is on her knees in front of me, fulfilling my every need and catering to my every whim, then that's exactly what she would strive to do all day, every day.

I added a second part, just to reinforce her lust towards me. I figured it wouldn't hurt.

I want Kevin to touch me

I want to fuck Kevin

I want Kevin's cock inside me

I constantly have horny thoughts about Kevin

I love to ride Kevin

I love to kiss Kevin

I love it when Kevin feels me up

I love it when Kevin touches my breasts

I love it when Kevin touches my ass


The first thing Mom said when she 'woke' up (I had to take out the earpiece then shake her awake), was to beg me to fuck her. Mom certainly wasn't 'Mom' anymore. She actually lost her usual calm, collected demeanour and went down on her knees, telling me to 'please, please, please' fuck her, and that she would do anything. Had the programming changed her personality entirely? Or was it just because she was fresh off a trance, and that she wasn't thinking straight?

It hardly mattered.

I fucked Mom bareback. She was WILD, screaming and moaning at the top of her lungs. Unlike yesterday, she actually allowed me to dictate the pace. The submissive suggestion had already seemed to be taking effect.

I might have been a little rough with her— pulling her hair, squeezing her perfect tits and ramming my cock way too hard—because Mom started whimpering towards the end, but at least I finished inside of her. Mom hadn't orgasmed at the same time as me though, so she begged me to finger her until she did. I never fingered a woman before, but I did it anyway, more so out of curiosity than for her benefit. It must have felt good because she came fast and hard, moaning my name over and over. Mom thanked me after.

We showered together after that—or at least tried to—because Mom couldn't seem to keep her hands off me. Eventually, I let her go down on me. She gave me another amazing blowjob, swallowing every drop, then licked me clean with expert little strokes. I have no idea how to explain the major turn on, that is with a woman on her knees in front of you and dutifully licking your cock clean while making eye contact.

Mom seemed really eager to please me because she kept asking if I liked it and asked for comments on what could she have done better. I jokingly told her that she should just give me more blowjobs to improve. Mom nodded seriously, promising at least two blowjobs daily. One to wake me up and one to make me go to sleep. I had no idea how a blowjob was supposed to make me sleepy but I wasn't complaining.

After the shower, Mom called in for work to inform them that she was 'sick'. It was already late afternoon and Kate was coming back home in a couple of hours. We were in the same coach we sat on yesterday, and doing the same thing-watching some Netflix film, this time naked, and with her ass on my lap and my hands fondling her tits. Mom kept giggling like a schoolgirl and kept grinding her ass against my throbbing hard-on.

I decided to test out just how eager she was to make me happy. While squeezing Mom's breasts as hard as I could, I told her that I would like to start seeing her dressed up sexier. Mom barely registered my words—her moans were filling up the house. I told her that I would like her in revealing black lingerie, and also suggested her to start wearing strawberry lipstick, just because I always wondered how would it feel to taste a woman wearing one.

Mom said she would go shopping later, proving her new-found devotion towards me. I told her to bring Kate along. I was planning to slowly show my sister what I was doing to Mom. She would eventually realise what was happening but would be helpless to do anything while knowing the same was going to happen to her. I didn't know why, but it turned me on to make it happen that way.

We had some time to spare before my dear sister came back so I allowed Mom to ride me again. By the time we were done, my dick was sore and my cum was spilled on several spots on the couch and on the floor, but we (or at least Mom, with her tongue) didn't have time to clean because I was certain Kate was going to arrive anytime soon.

I gave Mom one final kiss—I was getting pretty good at kissing now, or so Mom kept telling me— before we both took a shower in our own rooms.

As expected, my sister came home at five sharp (still listening to her recordings), and not noticing anything wrong. I had sprayed an ungodly amount of perfume, so the living room didn't reek of sex, but the couch still had wet spots on it. Kate didn't notice though because Mom came out of her room, looking like my wet dreams. Her hair was done up stylishly and she obviously took my comment of wearing sexier to heart, because this was the first time she wore something that revealing. It was basically a jade green strapless dress that showed way too much cleavage and showed off her long, tanned, toned legs.

Kate must've been shocked too. She looked at Mom with wide eyes, then at me with the 'are you seeing what I am seeing' look. I didn't return back her look; I was too busy staring at Mom's bubble butt, which looked GREAT in that dress. Mom had also put on her earphones, blasting the music at full volume. Mom told Kate that she wanted to go out shopping and that she would love it if she went with her. Kate just gave a confused nod.

My sister dropped off her stuff then went to take the keys for the car. With her back turned, I used the opportunity to grab Mom's ass, squeezing them as hard as I did to her breasts just moments ago. Mom let out a small squeal, but she didn't stop me like I had expected her to. Of course, she didn't. Mom now loved it whenever I touch her, in whatever way I wanted.

She was going to be a perfect sex slave.

When they were gone, and even though my dick was sore, I masturbated to the memories of our sex sessions. Then a thought came to me. All I had were the memories. What if I... recorded them?

It would be so much better jacking off to my own sex tape, especially if my own mother is in it, moaning and groaning like crazy.

I could even show it to Kate too. Not the whole thing of course, just maybe a few seconds, just to taunt her. Would Mom even allow it? I didn't know. After all, she'd changed so much in such a short period of time, I doubted she even knew what was going in her head. I could just secretly record our sex session, but that would defeat the purpose. I still needed more confirmation of her devotion towards me. How much was the 'old' Mom still in there? The one who would slap me for grabbing her beautiful tits.

The old Mom would kill me if she knew I told her I would be recording. Then again, the old Mom would never even had thought of having sex with her own son.

My beautiful mother and sister came back just as I finished dinner that Mom personally cooked up for me, just because I told her that I would be pleased if she started being my personal chef. Mom was great in the kitchen but stopped due to the workload at her job. She even left me a note that smelt of peach, just basically telling me of the different sex position I could try on her tonight.

Mom came in the front door carrying a huge bag, and I quickly grabbed it off her hands, eager to inspect what my fuck toy bought. It must have been rude to do so because Kate swiped the bag from me then started yelling. Mom, yet again, proved her undying loyalty by shouting back, saying that I had every right to look. I was shocked. Mom NEVER shouts. Kate looked like she was about to cry. She sprinted towards her room before she actually did.

Mom looked at me after, probably for confirmation if I was pleased that she took my side for once. I just squeezed her left tit lovingly in response. Mom smiled, then leaned in to kiss me. I sighed happily when I tasted strawberry—sweet, light, and delicious.

Mom took me by hand to her room, then started stripping her clothes off in a seductive manner. I ordered her to stop, then told her of my plan to fuck her while I record it. Expecting her to get mad, I tensed up. Mom just shrugged and told me that she would do anything if it makes me happy. That was the moment when I knew that she was completely mine. I had the green light to further strengthened my control of her. I would update her playlist with the part two of the 'slave' playlist that was popular (obviously) on the forum.

But first, I needed to record ramming my cock into her, and I wanted to do it in a public place. It was always in my fantasy to fuck a woman in one, where we risk getting caught. As soon as I told Mom of what I wanted, she nodded and went out to get her car keys while I went to my room to retrieve my camera.

It was a blur that night, fucking my mother doggy style in a deserted car park (but still out in the open). I was only a tiny bit disappointed when we didn't get caught, but at least I had the recording now, and I was going to show it to Kate tomorrow.

Mom wanted me to sleep with her that night. I declined. Not because I didn't want to, but because I needed to work on her new programming.

This was what I came up with, first reinforcing her lust and devotion towards me, then implementing thoughts of servitude:

Mom's Hypnotic tape:

Kevin is sexy

Kevin is everything

Kevin is always right

I love Kevin

I love Kevin's cock

I love Kevin's cum

I love to fuck Kevin

I am loyal to Kevin

I am happy when I am around Kevin

I want to make Kevin happy

I want to make Kevin happy in any possible way

I will do anything for Kevin

I am happy when I do errands for Kevin

I let that play on repeat for the first five hours, then the second part of the recording would play on repeat, with the hypnotic suggestions tuned up tenfold. It was a risk since there had been complaints of the subject getting nauseous along with severe headaches. But I didn't care. As long it sped up her process of being my personal slave, fuck it.

I want Kevin to think for me

I want to be submissive towards Kevin

I want to serve Kevin

I am Kevin's fuck toy

My body belongs to Kevin

I want to serve Kevin

I can't say no to Kevin

I want to serve Kevin

Kevin is my Master

Part 3

Saturday, Jan 25

Dear Diary,

Mom listened to the hypnotic recordings for fourteen straight hours. By the time I woke her up, it was already early afternoon. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was a mess, and her body was thin and fragile from the lack of food and not getting any real sleep.

Did I feel bad?

A little bit, until she got on her knees and inserted my already erect cock into her mouth to get the first meal of her day. I didn't even need to tell her to do it. She didn't speak a single word. It was as if her first priority after getting out of the trance was to get me off.

I came hard and fast. Tired as she may be, Mom still gave the best blowjobs. I think. I only have received blowjobs from her, but it just felt so damn good. The wet swirl of her tongue... the way she looked up at me from her kneeling position, the groans she made as I pull her hair and bob her head up and down my cock, the feel of her warm fingertips on my balls... how they desperately squeeze them while I was coming, just to milk more out of me...

Fucking amazing. And this was just Mom. I would bet my life savings that Kate would be better. Kate's programming seemed to be going smoothly. She didn't shout at me as often anymore, the sour face that she always made whenever she caught me checking her out was completely gone now, and most importantly, she starting wearing less clothing around the house.

I was going to have her listen to Mom's programming soon. Life was going to be great. Two hot women at my beck and call. I could really get myself off just imagining the unlimited possibilities I could do to them once both women were mine.

I wanted to test out Mom's new programming. How far was she willing to go with my commands now? Would she literally do anything I told her? But after she swallowed my cum and dutifully licked me clean, Mom got up to her feet, staggered to bed, then passed out.

I checked to see she was okay. Mom had a higher than normal temperature, but otherwise, she should be fine. She seemed to be in a deep sleep, snoring softly, her breasts rising and falling heavily, her nipples still rock hard.

I inserted the earbuds back into her ears and played a less powerful hypnotic tape, so that she could actually get some sleep, and all the while reinforcing her devotion towards me. I locked the room door and allowed my beauty some time to rest.


Mom was still out cold when Kate came back home. Excitedly, I knocked on her door to show her the sex tape.

My sister opened the door looking like an angel. She must have just gotten out of the shower because her hair was still damp and she wearing a white bra that seemed to over exaggerate the size of her beautiful breasts, and she wore tight yoga pants that showed all those lush, sexy curves. I almost salivated.

I showed the sex tape to her. She was unamused (She couldn't make out Mom with the angle I was recording). Kate sarcastically congratulated me then asked me about the woman in the video. I just smirked. She would find out soon enough.

When I went back into Mom's room, she was whispering gibberish. It was creepy as hell. That was until I got close enough to make out what she was saying. Mom was repeating the words that were playing on the tape. Mostly the second part.

"I want to serve Kevin."

"I am Kevin's fuck toy."

"Kevin is my Master."

I immediately got hard just listening to her. It was so tempting to wake her up and fuck her then and there. I decided not to, though—at least not while she was in a trance. Mom was responding incredibly well to the tapes, and I didn't want to potentially mess that up.

I shouldn't be too surprised—from what I gathered, different people responded differently to every programming. I have even read cases where the woman completely broke just after the first tape, while others took six tapes to enslave.

I wonder how many tapes would it take for Kate? Was she mentally strong enough to resist at least four? (four was the average).

After waiting for a few more hours, I couldn't take it anymore. I was horny as fuck, and masturbating wasn't helping at all. I woke Mom up and fucked her (mental note: I was right, strawberry did taste AMAZING on her). After ordering her to go down on me once more, I put her back into a stronger trance and passed out on her bed. Mom wouldn't be getting much sleep today.

Sunday, Jan 26

Dear Diary,

I woke up to Mom moaning. She was fingering herself, enthusiastically plunging her fingers in and out of her soaking cunt, all the while moaning out the words on the tape. It was actually quite loud and I hoped Kate didn't notice anything. She should be at work by now.

Speaking of Kate, I needed to change her tape soon. Move her into the second stage of her programming. I have been neglecting her recently.

I took out Mom's earbuds and shook her awake. Mom seemed disorientated at first, shaking her head and rubbing her temples, but as soon as she noticed me, she smiled wide and immediately got into a kneeling position, as if that was the most natural thing to do. Mom took out my morning erection then started stroking it from root to tip with her tongue.

I was going to ask Mom if she was hungry since she hadn't eaten in more than a day, but I guess cum was going to be her breakfast.

Mom gave me her best blowjob yet. There was something different now... a wild desperation from her that wasn't previously there before. After my earth shattering orgasm, and after Mom swallowed everything, she asked if I was satisfied, adding a 'Sir?' at the end of her sentence. But what caught me off-guard was the tone of her voice—Mom was speaking in a high pitched girly tone. Why was she speaking like that? It wasn't in her programming. Well, whatever, it was kind of hot hearing her speak like a schoolgirl. I might even have her dress like one soon.

I told her I was satisfied, and she asked me what position I wanted her in next. My brain immediately visualised a hundred different positions, but I really needed to feed her first. I went to the kitchen to grill her a chicken sandwich (making sure Kate really was at work first and not in the house), while Mom made herself a warm bath.

The morning was a pure fuck fest. I was inside Mom more than I was out. I really pushed the limits too, degrading her in ways that were a bit extreme. Mom, though, seemed more than happy to comply with my demands. Why wouldn't she? She now believed that she was my slave and that her body belonged to me. It was only natural for a Master to use his slave in whatever way he desired.

By eleven, I had Mom bent over her bed, whimpering and begging, with her ass pointed towards me and glowing red. At first, I was beating Mom's ass with my palms, and it eventually escalated to a stick, then to my belt.

I wished Kate could see Mom now. I half hoped my sister would come home right then. No doubt she would freak out, but she would also realise how much power I had over our mother and Mom still had one more tape left for her (Just to be safe. I wanted the very thought of escaping my control repulsive to her. And increasing her submission towards me wouldn't hurt). Soon enough, Kate would be in the exact same position as Mom, with her beautiful ass pointed straight towards me and begging me to use it in whatever way I saw fit.

I only had an hour left before my sister came home since Sunday was a half day for her. I used fifty minutes to ram my cock into my mother's ass over and over until I came, then did it all over again. That was the moment when I realised I much prefer anal sex over the normal stuff. It was tighter, warmer, and overall just much fucking better. Mom begged me to stop after the sixth time..

I had Mom clean me up with her tongue then we took a shower together. I quickly outline what I expected of her now as my slave: thanking me every time she came, always being naked around the house whenever Kate wasn't home, and if she was, Mom was to wear lingerie, and also reinforcing the idea that I expected at least two blowjobs from her daily.

There was no doubt that I was on a power trip. But I couldn't help it. The wild exhilaration I received every time I look into Mom's blue eyes... the utter vision of submission in them... it was an incredible feeling. Nothing compares to it. Mom seemed very happy in her new role though (except when I was abusing her ass), so why shouldn't I continue?

Kate came home a bit late. By the time she opened the front door, we had already bathed and were sitting on the couch, watching Netflix. As expected, Mom chose to wear the black lingerie she had just bought. My sister joined us after she took a shower, checking Mom out with a 'what the fuck' look. I almost laughed.

Thanks to Kate's programming, my sister wasn't wearing much either (at least not much compared to what she usually wore). She was sporting a red tank top and matching red shorts. She should wear shorts more often. Her legs were amazing.

Mom must have noticed my throbbing boner because she started rubbing my erection with the back of her hand. I started to stop her but decided against it. Now was the perfect time to show her a glimpse of the new Mom. I encouraged Mom by snuggling closer to her and telling her how horny I was.

That must have pushed Mom over the edge. She got up and started dry humping me (well, it wasn't really dry because Mom was soaking wet by then).

Kate completely FREAKED out. She started yelling at Mom, and that got Mom yelling back at her causing my sister ran back to her room. I should feel bad for her since it was not her fault, but I couldn't help but admire how tight her shorts were and how great of an ass she had. Mom started apologising to me but I told her that it was okay. It obviously didn't go the way I expected but I will just use this opportunity to give Kate her new tape (basically Mom's first tape since I now know that it was 'safe' to use).

Kate was huddled in a corner of her room by the time I checked in on her. And holy fuck, she looked even hotter when crying.

I comforted her. Well, kind of. I did feel a little bad for her, but the only reason I hugged her was to feel her full breasts on me and to occasionally graze my hand across her curvy ass. Her hair also smelt really really good. After a couple of minutes, I eventually handed her the tape and made her promise to listen to it tonight.

Kate's second tape:

Kevin is amazing

Kevin is good

Kevin is wonderful

Kevin is everything

Kevin is sexy

Kevin is attractive

I love Kevin

I want to touch Kevin

I get horny around Kevin

I think about Kevin

I get wet around Kevin

I want Kevin to touch me

I want to kiss Kevin

I want to have sex with Kevin

I want Kevin to fuck me