Vacation with My Aunt Pt. 01


Shortly after my 21st birthday my mom's side of the family decided to have a group vacation in Florida. Most of the family came along for the trip, but the most exciting details involve myself, James, and my smoking hot aunt Holly. Holly is 40, about 5'8 with shoulder-length dirty blond hair, DD fake tits, a flat stomach, and amazing ass. Holly is divorced with a son, Caiden, and a daughter, Hannah, both of whom are two years younger than me.

The entire family is spread out across the country, so our plan was for everyone to meet up at the hotel that we booked, and catch up there. Most of our flights got in late, so we decided to spend the first day hanging out and resting, and start doing our activities the next day. When we went to check into the hotel, however, there was a problem (well, not much of a problem if you ask me...). Most of us had our own rooms booked, and since most of the family is made up of married couples, most of our rooms had two people per bed and, Caiden and Hannah shared a room with two beds, but somehow Aunt Holly's reservation didn't appear in the system, leaving her with no room for the trip. This wasn't a huge deal, as we had plenty of rooms, but everyone already had their own bed, so Holly was going to have to share with someone.

As Luck would have it, it was decided that sharing my bed would be the best bet, as I was one of the only people with a bed to myself. Holly's kids each had one bed, but she figured that it would be too crowded with three people in one room. I had to keep a straight face obviously, but I was beyond thrilled at the prospect of sleeping in the same bed as Aunt Holly. I had had a crush on her for years on account of her always wearing slightly too-revealing clothing and the way she liked to flirt with me, her "favorite nephew."

I spent the rest of the day in anxious anticipation of going to bed with Aunt Holly, desperately hoping that she would wear something "comfortable" to bed. As it stands she was already dressed very comfortably, braless in a tight black tank top that left little to the imagination and skin tight jeans that showed off her bubble butt. During this purgatory of waiting around and catching up with family Holly came over and immediately wrapped her arms around me, squeezing her big tits to my muscular chest.

"How's my favorite nephew! It's been so long! It's great to see you again!"

"It's great to see you again too, Aunt Holly, I'm excited to finally be on vacation," I said, trying unsuccessfully not to get a boner feeling her tits on my chest.

"Me too, it's going to be a lot of fun," she said as she released my from her soft embrace, sliding her hands to my arms in the process and looking me up and down. "Look how big you've gotten," she murmured quietly. I couldn't be sure, but I thought I saw her looking at the outline of my growing erection as she whispered this last line.

By this point my head was full of crazy thoughts, figuring that she must be horny, since she had been divorced for several years, and she was dressed less than conservatively. I didn't think that she would want to fuck her nephew, but I definitely wanted to fuck her. The next hour or so was absolutely brutal waiting to go up to my room with her while trying to make my erection disappear, but finally it was getting late and everyone wanted to call it a night.

On our way up to our room I made sure to walk behind Holly so that I could comfortably stare at her ass as she walked. She must have known what I was doing, because I swear she made herself jiggle more than she had to, and even remarked on what a great view we have up here, even though we were still in the hotel hallway. This was having an affect on me, and when I responded with "yeah, a killer view," I may have added a little too much husk to my voice, because she immediately turned her head and grinned at me.

When we got to our room and got ourselves situated, Holly said she was going to shower. "I really need to get these clothes off and get all soaped up" she added unnecessarily, and much to my amusement. She then started walking to the shower and my heart almost stopped when she peeled her tank top off, fully in my sight. Her back was to me, but there was no way she didn't know that I was able to catch an eyeful of the sides of her bare tits. She also neglected to close the shower door, which I found particularly thrilling, even if the shower curtains were shut.

While I waited for her to get out, I changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt. I normally sleep in my boxers, but I figured that I should at least pretend to not be excited about being half-naked in bed with my aunt. I need not have been so faux-prudish though given what she was wearing when she finished showering.

Holly casually walked out of the bathroom wearing a fuzzy pink bathrobe that hugged her curves very tightly, and she definitely noticed the dumb smile this brought to my face, and she smiled right back, blatantly checking me out. I had gotten pretty muscular since she had seen me last, and my shirt was pretty tight too.

"God kid, you've really done a lot of growing. You must be getting all those college girls wet," she said nonchalantly.

"Jesus Aunt Holly" I blurted out.

"What's the big deal, I might be a little older but I can still recognize a hot guy when I see one, even if he is my nephew," she said with a wink as she undid her bathrobe.

By the time the robe hit the floor I was ready to get down there with it and thank the Lord above. She was wearing nothing but a skin tight white crop top that left her too-small bra visible underneath and booty shorts that looked better on her than on most girls my age.

She smiled at seeing me dumbfounded, but she played it cool. "See, you can't say anything about me thinking my nephew's hot, now can you?"

"What do you mean," I asked, playing dumb.

"I see the way you're looking at my tits," she laughed, giving them both a healthy squeeze.

"I can't lie, you do look pretty sexy Aunt Holly," I stammered.

"Good, then you won't mind moving over and letting me climb in bed with you." Instead of climbing into bed, however, she more hopped into bed, making everything bounce and jiggle. I could feel my cock getting hard already, especially because she sat with her ass resting on the edge of my lap.

"This is going to be a fun vacation," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Definitely," she said, "but I am a little uncomfortable right now."

"Oh shit" I thought, "she realizes how hot she's making me!" "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Just that I'm uncomfortable in these clothes To tell you the truth I usually sleep in the nude."

My cock immediately stood at full attention. Luckily the way I was sitting with a sheet over me hid it form view. "Don't let me stop you," I said sarcastically but actually sincerely.

"Ha!" she laughed. "I don't know about that, but I will get a little more comfortable." With that she slowly peeled off her crop top, revealing her giant tits, just barely contained in her bra that was at least two sizes too small. Then she proceeded to wiggle out of her shorts, so that within a minute I was sitting next to my almost naked, way-too-fuckable Aunt Holly.

"Like what you see? I know you do, you don't need to be bashful, we're both adults."

"I mean, yeah Aunt Holly, you do look great. I never thought you would be in bed with me, pretty much naked."

"Hey, I'm just making myself comfortable. You should too, no point not being comfortable. Why don't you strip down too, you know you'll feel better." And with that she grabbed the bottom of my shirt and undressed me. When my shirt was off she just stayed there for a minute, with her hands resting on my shoulders, staring at my well toned torso. Incidentally, this also gave me an incredible view of her amazing tits literally spilling out of her bra. I was in heaved, and my 8-inch cock was no longer able to remain hidden.

Aunt Holly definitely noticed that I was rock hard, and I saw her smile get bigger as she looked down, but she didn't mention it yet. She did, however, grab the tops of my pajamas and say "let's get these off you too, I want you to be very comfortable tonight." And with that my pants were off and my cock was visibly straining against my boxers. "Isn't that better?' my barely clothed aunt asked me as she slid her hand up to my face, "accidentally" brushing against my cock and fully feeling my abs and chest. "I just can't believe how much you've grown," she added, looking deep into my eyes."

I started to say something, but she abruptly changed the topic. "Let me see the remote," she said. Luckily for me the remote was on the end table on the other side of me, so my half-naked aunt had to lean over me, pushing her tits first into my bare chest before sliding down to my throbbing cock. The feeling of her tits against my cock was more than I could stand, so when she eventually came back up I said "It's getting a little chilly in here with the AC, why don't you come closer."

"Sure, great idea!" my aunt said enthusiastically, and threw herself on my lap, with her fat ass grinding against my pulsating cock. "Does that feel good for you?"

"Feels great on my end," I answered truthfully as I instinctually grabbed her hips. "How about you?"

"It feels good," she answered lustily as she wigged her ass against my cock, "but I'm not fully comfortable."

Why not?" I asked confused.

"'Well, remember what I said about sleeping in the nude?" I couldn't believe where this was going. "It's just that these clothes are so restricting."

"Well, like you said, we're both adults here," I said, trying to keep my composure.

"That is a good point," she said. She pretended to think about it for a minute, then asked me the magic words: "Will you undue my bra?"

I did as I was told, and a second later she was throwing her bra across the room. Then she sat up a little and asked me to pull down her panties. I of course did, and may have let my hands linger on her ass a little too long, not that she cared.

She sat back down, again grinding her fat ass into my cock. "Did you ever think you would have your aunt sitting completely naked on your lap?" she asked with a laugh.

"No, but I can't say I mind," I said.

"You know, it's not really fair that I'm the only one this comfortable. Why don't you strip naked too." I wasn't about to argue. She lifted up again and I quickly pulled down my boxers and freed my legs. as she sat back down she reached behind and firmly grabbed my rock hard cock and pushed it back as she sat her ass back down.

"Damn, honey, this thing sure is big. Did you get hard with your own aunt sitting completely naked on your lap?" she asked, fully grinding me now.

"Yeah, I'm so turned on right now. I need to be inside you," I said, rubbing my cock against her ass.

"You want this monster inside me?" she asked with faux-incredulity. "I think that would be wrong," she said huskily as she leaned forward and began running her soaking wet pussy up and down my burning cock.

She continued doing this for several minutes, until I was about to thrust inside of her, when she said "anything sexual between us would be wrong, but there's nothing wrong with two adults exploring each others' bodies. Just for fun' ya know," and winked at me.

I said that was fine by me, and she said "Great, now let me look at this thing," and scooted to the side of me. "Jesus, this thing is fucking huge," she gasped as she reached over and wrapped her fingers around her nephew's big cock., and began stroking it.

"Do you like my cock Aunt Holly?" I asked, looking in her eyes.

"Baby, I love your cock," she replied, as she moved in close and kissed me, while still stroking my cock. First she just pressed her lips to mine, then she slid her tongue into my mouth, and I reciprocated. We were tasting and licking and sucking and biting each other in a along, passionate kiss for several minutes which she only broke once to whisper huskily "nothing sexual though," while she continued to slowly stroke my cock up and down, feeling every inch of me.

We continued our slow, passionate kiss for another ten minutes, until I couldn't take it. I pulled away and held her face and said "I'm so fucking hard for you Aunt Holly."

She didn't immediately respond. She looked down and watched herself tenderly rubbing my 8 inch cock for a few moments, and softly said "I can't believe I'm holding this part of you."

"You should taste this part of me."

"You know I can't suck my nephew's cock, no matter how big it is, that's wrong," she said matter-of-factly. My disappointment soon evaporated. She continued "but there's nothing wrong with just seeing if my nephew's giant cock will fit in my mouth."

And with that she lowered her head and licked my cock all the way up, and then began slowly kissing and nipping it and gently sucking the sides, "just to get it slippery first." Then she finally, slowly, took my throbbing cock into her, hot, wet, warm mouth, and started sucking and swirling her tongue around just the head at first, all the while looking me directly in the eyes.

I was ready to burst when she began lowering her head further and taking her nephew's big cock all the way down her throat, while still slowly sucking. The feeling was indescribable. I reached over and began groping and fondling her perfect tits, which caused her to suck me harder and faster, and harder and faster, and harder and faster, until I gripped the back of her head and began face fucking my own aunt.

I kept going harder and harder until her face and my cock were covered in her drool and tears. "You fucking slut" I breathed out, "you fucking piece of shit." By this time I was holding her head all the way down and fucking her face as hard as I could, and it was getting to be too much. "I'm gonna cum."

I blew my load all the way down my aunt's throat and kept thrusting away until I finally started to calm down and let her go. That didn't stop her though, she locked eyes with me again and kept sucking my head so slow and hard. It was more than I could stand, it felt so good it hurt, but I just let her keep going, looking in her eyes the whole time.

Finally she lifted her head off and immediately brought her lips to mine. She fell on top of me as we held each other in a long, passionate kiss, her tits pressed against my chest.

After several minutes in this embrace she broke the kiss and said "See? I told you we can have fun without doing anything wrong. I can't wait for tomorrow."

I woke up the next morning with my voluptuous aunt laying on me, both of us completely naked. As the memory of the night before came back to me, so did my erection and a smile. My aunt Holly seemed to be asleep still, and she murmured gently as I began squeezing her ass, and my cock began to grow against her thigh. I kept squeezing until she awoke completely and started kissing my chest and nuzzling my neck.

After a few minutes of this she sat up, which put her perfect DD tits in my face and my 8-inch cock between her thighs. She kissed me briefly as she wrapped her fingers around my cock and said "I had a lot of fun playing with this thing last night."

I started moving her ass back and forth, making her pussy grind on my cock and said "and sucking it."

"I did not suck my nephew's cock, I just wanted to see if it would fit in my mouth."

"You sucked it a little," I smirked.

"Maybe a little," she said with a wink, still grinding. "It's not my fault my nephew has such an amazing cock," she said as she spit on it and began jerking me off in earnest.

"And it's not my fault my aunt has such great tits," I replied as I began caressing them.

We kissed again and she said "then let's make it a rule: whenever the two of us are alone, on this vacation or in the future, we have to be naked."

"Deal! I mean, we're both adults, and we've already seen everything anyways, right?"

"Exactly! But for now let's get dressed and meet up with the rest of the family. I don't want them getting any ideas."

"I wanted to have some fun first," I said, pulling her closer. "I want you to be my slut again."

SLAP. She immediately slapped my cock hard, saying "don't ever talk to your aunt like that again. Now, we're going to meet up with the rest of the family and I'm going to tease you all day so your cock is nice and hard for me tonight!"


After having breakfast with the rest of the family (during which Aunt Holly fondled me under the table), some of my cousins and I decided we would hangout by the hotel's outdoor pool. As luck would have it, it was just myself, Holly's daughter Hannah, and my other cousins, sisters Jen and Taylor.

Hannah is an 18-year-old with short blonde hair and big, perky, D-cup tits. Jen is 32, very voluptuous, HH tits and an ass to match, with long blonde hair. Taylor is 29, taller and skinnier with shoulder-length light brown hair, creamy white skin, perky C-cups, and a nice ass. And all three of them were wearing bikinis that were too small, and I was of course in my swim trunks.

My three hot cousins wanted to give me a great big hug, and I made sure I was sitting down so that I got three faces full of giant, soft tit.

The four of us jumped in the pool, and I wasted no time "accidentally" brushing up against my beautiful cousins bountiful body parts, not that they seemed to mind. On more than one occasion I felt a hand linger over my cock, which was rock hard by this time.

I wanted to more openly grab my cousins, so I suggested that we play chicken, with Taylor on Jen's shoulders and Hannah on mine. I of course was openly squeezing her thighs and ass, and it wasn't long before chicken turned into "wrestling," a.k.a. a thinly veiled excuse to grope each other. I could have stayed here all day, but Taylor wanted to sunbathe, which disappointed me until Jen asked if I could apply her tanning oil. Before I could even agree she had her bikini off, and was laying face down on her chair, bare back and beautiful ass exposed, her enormous tits spilling out underneath her.

I wasted no time and squirted the oil on her legs and began working it up slowly, taking my time to feel every inch of her smooth, soft skin. I got to her thighs and slowly ran my hand up and down, up and down, before sliding up to her ass. She let out a quiet murmur as I began to squeeze and knead her delicious ass and that murmur grew to a soft moan as I groped her harder and harder. I then slid my hands up further and began massaging her back with the oil. She loved this even more, and continued to moan as I straddled her, my furious cock pressed against her ass.

Not one to miss an opportunity, I gently moved my hands down to her tits. I couldn't believe how good my cousin's tits felt in my hands, and all she said was "mmm I like that baby."

I spent the next few minutes massaging her tits and grinding against her ass and kissing the back of her neck. The only thing that stopped me was a familiar voice saying "what the fuck do you think you're doing?" We both sat up like a bolt of lightning to see Aunt Holly grinning, wearing a bikini that put the other girls to shame. It was way too small for her and her tits were literally spilling out over the top, and her cleavage was unbelievable.

"I was just coming down to see what you kids were doing," Holly began, "and I catch you two getting a little too well acquainted. Not that it didn't turn me on," she added, looking right at me. Holly then turned to Jen and said "he does have a nice cock, doesn't he?"

The girls were speechless, and I didn't want to say anything incriminating, so I was thankful that Holly kept talking: "since you are all so interested in getting to know each other, how about a little game of truth or dare?"

Hannah chipped in "I'll play, but we should do it in the hot tub. I've been looking forward to the hot tub all day and it's getting dark, it's perfect." We all agreed and made our way to the tub, and of course I stayed in the back to check out the four gorgeous women in front of me.

The hot tub was the perfect size for the five of us; we were in a circle: myself, Holly, Hannah, Jen, Taylor, and back to myself.

"Who goes first?" Taylor asked.

"I will," Holly began. "James, truth or dare?"


"Did it turn you on feeling up your cousin Jen's tits?" she asked abruptly.

A little taken aback, I admitted "Yeah, they were amazing, I'm sad I had to stop."

Jen giggled and said "the night is still young," which instantly got my cock started again.

My turn. "Jen, truth or dare."


"What did you think about my cock when it was buried in your ass?"

Jen giggled again and said "I didn't stop you did I. It felt really fucking big, to tell you the truth."

"Only for you," I said as I winked at her.

Holly laughed and Taylor asked her "Holly, truth or dare?"


"How do you know that your nephew has such a big cock?" All eyes were on her.

"She laughed again and said "Do you really want to know?" After some prodding from my three hot cousins, Holly told them the whole story.

"Mom! You sucked your nephew's cock? That's fucked up, but that's kind of hot too," Hannah was quick to add. I'm happy that this detail coming out brought about a little change in the atmosphere, and the game got a whole lot more interesting.

It was Jen's turn now. "Holly, truth or dare?"

"Me again? Dare this time."

"I dare you to make out with James again."

With no hesitation my aunt Holly leaned in to me and we started kissing. It was hotter than ever before, she kissed me deeper and more slowly and ran her hands through my hair. We would have kept this up if Hannah didn't say "okay, I think that's enough. It's my turn now. Taylor, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she answered nervously.

"I dare YOU to make out with James."

This was my lucky day. I knew she was nervous so I leaned in and initiated the kiss. It wasn't as passionate as Holly's, but it was amazing to run my hand over her tight body, and I took the liberty of kissing down to her chest.

Now it was Holly's turn. I had no idea where this might go. "Hannah, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh."

"I dare you to make out with James."

"Okay!" she said happily. "Kind of weird you're daring your daughter to do that though" she said with a smirk as she leaned over her mom to get to me.

"There's nothing wrong here, it's just a game," Holly retorted, as my cousin and I made out virtually on her lap, her hands in both of our hair. I of course took the opportunity to cop a feel of both mother and daughter.

Hannah didn't kiss as skillfully or as passionately as her mom, but she more than made up for it in enthusiasm, and by the time we were done my cock was so hard it hurt. Thankfully Aunt Holly just so happened to have her hand resting on it.

My turn. "Jen, truth or dare."

"I'll do dare this time."

"I dare you to sit on my lap," I said, looking her in the eyes.

"Of course," she replied with a smile as she got up and walked across the hot tub to me. She turned around and threw her fat ass down on my waiting lap, and on my throbbing cock. "Mmm, feels even bigger this time."

"My turn," interjected Taylor. "Jen, truth or dare again."

"Dare again."

"I dare you to get naked and sit on your cousin's lap."

"Oooh, now there's a dare. Babe," she said, turning to look at me, "undo your cousin's bikini pleaseee."

"Of course," I replied, taking my time running my hands over her body to get to the strings holding her outfit together. I quickly had my hot as fuck, voluptuous HH cousin sitting completely naked in my lap. I was ready to explode, I wanted to bend her over and fuck her big ass so badly.

It was now Jen's turn. "Hannah, truth or dare."

"Dare." I dare you to make out with... Holly," she said with an evil look at her barely legal cousin.

"With my mom?!" Hannah exclaimed, clearly unsure what to do.

"Whatever, it's just a game," Holly sighed as she grabbed her daughter's head and slipped her tongue in her mouth. Hannah resisted at first, but soon gave in and began to enjoy their incestuous kiss. Soon mother and daughter had their arms wrapped around each other, young, perky tits crushed against gigantic mature tits. I was in awe, this was the greatest thing I had ever seen, and I was openly groping Jen's enormous tits and rubbing against her ass at this point.

When my aunt and her daughter finally broke their kiss, it was Hannah's turn. "Uhhh, Taylor, truth or dare?"

"Dare, I guess." She was clearly more nervous than everyone else.

"Taylor, I dare you to strip naked."

She didn't want to at first, but after some peer pressure, especially from her sister Jen, Taylor relented and stripped off her bikini. She tried to cover her beautiful tits with her hands, but we all told her that was cheating. I now had one cousin sitting nude on my rock-hard cock and her sister sitting nude next to me. I was very excited to see what was going to happen next, especially since it was now Aunt Holly's turn again.

"James, truth or dare."

"Definitely dare."

"I dare you to take your trunks off."

"You're so bad Aunt Holly," Jen giggled as she sat up. I slid my trunks off, finally freeing my cock. Jen grabbed it as she sat back down on my lap and pushed it in place between her ass cheeks, saying "Jesus this thing is fucking huge." I noticed she kept it in her hand much longer than was necessary.

My turn again. "Hannah, I don't care about truths anymore. You're the only one I haven't seen naked. I dare you to strip."

Making out with her mom must have really got her going. "Okay!" she said excitedly as she stripped naked in front of us, finally revealing her amazing teenage body and giant perky tits. I could have thrown her to the ground and thrown her legs over my shoulders and fucked her bare pussy right there.

Taylor's turn. "Well, if we're only doing dares now, I dare Holly to get naked too."

"About time," Holly and I said simultaneously. She confidently stood up, reached behind her and unleashed her giant perfect tits to all of us. Now all five of us were completely naked in the hot tub together, and I had four sets of perfect tits all around me. I didn't think it could get better than this.

Jen spoke up as I was looking around at my smoking hot family. "Well we're all naked now and I have a big hard cock pressing into my ass. Now what?"

"Well, it is your turn," I said as I gave her tits a squeeze and started playing with her clit.

"I dare you James," she began as she got up off of me, "to sit on the edge of the hot tub and let everyone see your cock. It doesn't seem fair that you get to see all of our tits but only your aunt has actually seen your cock."

"No problem," I said as I sat up, revealing my throbbing 8-inch cock to my family.

"Oh my god," Hannah exclaimed, it's so big. You had that thing all the way in your mouth mom!? I wanna see that! Mom, I dare you to suck his cock again!"

Everyone was a little stunned at this exciting development, except for Aunt Holly, who just leaned over and took me into her mouth. She blew me fast and sloppy for a good five minutes, making sure I felt every inch of her mouth and throat. She finally sat up, much to my chagrin, and said "I would have done that without a dare. Now, for my turn, Hannah I dare you to suck his cock."

I didn't even wait for her to respond, I was so excited to fuck my teenage cousin's mouth that I pulled her to me and made out with her for a minute before I led her head down. She wasn't as good a cocksucker as her mom, but I enjoyed watching her head bob up and down on my big cock while I jiggled her tits. I wanted to cum right there, but after a couple minutes her mom grabbed the back of her head and lifted her up, leaving my dick alone and cold again. Of course now it was my turn, and I wasted no time with my 'dare.' "Jen, suck my cock."

"If you insist," she said with a seductive smirk as she walked back over to me and took me into her mouth. Jen was the most skillful yet, working her tongue all over my cock, tasting every inch of me. She only kept it up for a minute before she stopped and whispered "that was just a taste" in my ear.

Jen then said to Taylor "I don't care whose turn it is, I dare you to suck his cock."

"I don't know, this seems kind of weird..."

"Oh you'll be fine" her sister replied, as she put her hand on her back and lowered her so that her face was in my lap. "Just open up and take it" Jen said.

Once my cock was in her mouth she started slowly, clearly uncomfortable with having her cousin's cock in her mouth. I also knew how uncomfortable she was being naked in front of us so of course I made a show of feeling her amazing tits while she blew me. This must have got her going because she started sucking my cock in earnest, and it was incredible. Not too slow but not too fast, so soft and wet and warm, it was incredible, and she was getting lost in it. Eventually her sister knelt down beside her and grabbed her tits from behind, whispering "I knew you'd like it" in her ear. This unfortunately made Taylor come to her senses, because she stopped and sat back down, a full crimson blush on her face.

"That was incredible" I said.

"I have one more truth for you," Aunt Holly said. "Who gave you the best blowjob?"

"Damn, all of you were amazing, I wanted to cum in each of your mouths" I laughed, "but I got to give it to Taylor. That was a whole different level." Cue Taylor blushing a powerful red again.

"So now what?" Hannah asked innocently, "are we done with Truth or Dare?"

"I have one more dare" Jen announced. "James, I dare you to fuck me."


"You heard me. I dare you to fuck me."


"I want you to fuck me right now, in front of everyone."

"I want to see that" Holly chimed in.

"Then come back here and sit on my cock again."

Without another word my unbelievably hot cousin walked over, sat down, and guided my cock into her burning hot, soaking wet pussy with her hand. "Holy fuck baby," she said as she bottomed out and was fully sitting in my lap again, "this thing is fucking huge."

I started moving her hips back and forth while I rubbed her clit. "Mmmm god baby that feels fucking good."

"You like that?"

"Mmmhmm" she moaned.

I started moving her hips harder, "you like your cousin's cock?"

"God yes, I love my cousin's big hard cock, I love it I want more, give me more!" as I increased the speed.

Holly, Hannah and Taylor were looking on this whole time. All of them were rubbing their own clits, and Holly was fiercely holding on to Hannah's inner thigh.

I pushed Jen up so that she was bending over with her hands on the side of the hot tub and I started fucking her hard, gripping her hips and pulling her into me with every thrust. "OH GOD BABY just like that just like that! Don't stop baby don't stop please don't stop, UGHH Fuck baby!"

"You like that? You like getting fucked in front of your family?"

"Oh god yes I love it I love it just don't stop fucking me please baby don't stop fucking me I don't care if they see!"

"You like being my slut?" I said as I began fucking her even harder, hitting the end of her cervix with every thrust. "You like being a slut for my big cock in front of your family?"


I looked at Hannah, and saw she was watching us in a trance as she rubbed her own clit as fast as she could. I grabbed Jen and moved her over so that she was straddling her 18-year-old cousin.

Hannah audibly gasped and her body trembled. "Oh god oh god oh god" she moaned. Holly slid her hand over to her daughter's pussy and took her place rubbing her clit. "OH GOD YES god yes that feels so good mom that feels so fucking good don't stop don't stop!"

I grabbed Jen by the back of her head while fucking her really rough and pressed her mouth to Hannah's, making them kiss while their giant tits were crushed together. Their moans mingled together as they both approached orgasm.

I put my hand on the back of Aunt Holly's head and lowered her face down to her daughter's burning pussy. Hannah jumped when she felt her mom sucking her clit. Breaking her kiss and burying he hand in her mom's hair she screamed "OH GOD OH GOD MOM YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CUM OH FUCK MOMMY I'M GONNA CUM MOMMY I'M GONNA CUM IN MOMMY'S MOUTH GONNA FUCKING CUM!! OH GOD I'M CUMMING IN MOMMY'S MOUTH I'M CUMMING IN MOMMY'S MOUTH!!

"Are you mommy's little girl?" I asked, not believing what I was seeing.

"OH FUCK MOMMY'S LITTLE GIRL MOMMY'S LITTLE GIRL!!" she exclaimed as she came in her mother's mouth while Holly kept on sucking.


"Oh fuck Jen I'm gonna cum!"


"Fuck I'm cumming inside you Jen!"


I emptied my load deep inside her as she was still cumming, then we both collapsed on the edge of the hot tub. Hannah was still recovering from her explosive orgasm, and Holly and Taylor looked on in wonder and shock at what had just transpired.

After Jen, Hannah, and I recovered from our intense orgasms, the three of us, along with Aunt Holly, just kind of cuddled naked together in the hot tub, while Taylor looked on from the other side, clearly unsure what to think about seeing her sister get fucked by her cousin.

"Jesus Christ that was hot," Aunt Holly finally broke the silence.

"I can't believe you ate your daughter's pussy," I balked, "that was fucking hot."

"Yeah, I can't believe it either," Hannah replied, clearly still in a daze.

"It was just some quality family time, no big deal. It was pretty hot feeling my daughter cum in my mouth though," Holly said with a smirk as she leaned over and kissed her daughter.

"You guys think that's a big deal, I just got fucked by my cousin. And he came inside me!" Jen exclaimed, looking at me with a devilish grin.

"You know you liked it," I replied.

"Just a little..." Jen smirked.

Taylor finally chimed in, "Okay, this is getting a little weird, I'm going back to my room."

"It is getting late," Holly agreed. "Hannah get dressed and go back up to your room. James, I'm going to our room too. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you up there, I'm just going to enjoy the hot tub for a few more minutes."

"Okay, goodnight then, I'll probably be sleeping by the time you come in."

"Okay, goodnight Aunt Holly," I said, disappointed I wasn't going to have any more fun with my hot aunt tonight.

With Taylor, Hannah and Holly gone it was just Jen and myself in the hot tub, both of us still naked.

"So... that was fucking hot," Jen said.

"So you liked your cousin cumming deep inside you?" I quizzed.

"I loved it! I wish you lived closer to me, I'd make sure that big fucking cock of yours came inside me every single day."

"What about your husband," I asked, loving where this was going.

"What about him? Your cock is way bigger than his. I'd fuck you all over the house, I don't care if he catches us. It'd be hot if he did honestly. If he had to watch his wife cum on someone else's cock."

"Maybe I'll have to pay you guys a visit then," I said devilishly.

"Definitely," Jen replied, leaning over to give me a deep kiss. "But for now I have to go back to my room. My husband will probably want to fuck, but I'll be wishing it was you the whole time." And with that she started getting dressed and was out. Deciding it was time for me to go too, I found my trunks and started to make my way back to the room.

The whole walk back my head was swimming with images of everything that happened in the past two days. Aunt Holly sitting on my lap, both of us completely naked, Aunt Holly "seeing if my cock will fit in her mouth," face-fucking her as hard as I could, waking up to my aunt laying naked on top of me, having my three hot cousins and my aunt naked in the tub with me, getting a blowjob from all four, fucking Jen while Holly ate Hannah's pussy. I was in absolute amazement. Could this trip get any better? The only thing I was disappointed about was that Holly was going to be asleep by the time I got back.

Knowing this, I opened the door to our hotel room very softly, and quietly locked it behind me. The light from the TV was on, so the room wasn't completely dark. I turned the corner to the bed, and imagine my surprise when I found my aunt, not asleep, but completely naked on the bed, shoving a massive dildo in and out of her dripping wet pussy, looking me right in the eyes.

My heart pounded and my dick shot up instantly. "It's so big baby, it's so fucking big in my little pussy!" my naked, smoking hot aunt moaned. I just stood there for several moments, amazed and unsure what to do. "Oh my fucking god it feels so good baby," Holly continued.

I moved closer to the bed so that I was standing in front of her, practically between her legs. "It feels so fucking big in my little pussy baby!"

"That's fucking hot Aunt Holly."

"You like watching your aunt fuck herself in front of you? You like me acting like a slut in front of my own nephew?" she asked, not breaking eye contact for a second.

"I fucking love when you act like a slut, you fucking slut." This elicited a powerful moan from my horny aunt, and I leaned down and grabbed her giant, jiggling tits and kissed her hard as she moaned in my mouth.

"I'm imagining that it's your cock fucking me baby. I wish it was your cock so deep inside me right now, I want your cock so fucking bad," she told me, making my cock even harder. "Take that monster out baby, your aunty wants to see it."

I obediently did as I was told. "Oh god yes baby your cock is so fucking huge I want it baby I fucking want to fuck my nephew so bad!" she screamed, still fucking herself with total abandon. "You can't fuck your aunt but I want you to I want you to so fucking bad baby," she moaned, lost in her own pulsations of pleasure. I moved closer and placed my rock-hard cock on her clit and started rubbing it back and forth rapidly.


"Yeah? You like your nephew's cock?"


"You like being a slut for your own nephew Aunt Holly?" I asked, picking up the pace.


"Tell me you love my cock as you cum on it you fucking bitch."


My aunt's obscene screams soon devolved into incomprehensible babbling as she shook and convulsed on the bed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. It was one of the sexiest sights I had ever seen. As her orgasm broke, she started to slow down with her sex-toy and her convulsions eventually stopped, as did I. She was breathing heavily, and returned her dazed gaze to my eyes. She was about to say something when I suddenly grabbed the dildo and, at the same time that I started rubbing my still rock-hard cock on her clit faster than ever, I began shoving it in and out of her sore pussy as hard as I could.


"Oh you fucking bitch," I said. I was really getting into it at this point. "You're such a fucking slut."


"Shut the fuck up you slut!" I yelled to encourage her even more. I was giving her everything I had at this point.


This was too much for me. Seeing my own aunt in the heights of ecstasy with my hard cock on her clit, her giant fucking tits jiggling up and down, and hearing the filth she was saying made me cum too. As she was still writhing in pleasure and pain I blew my load on to her and it went everywhere. It landed on her perfect tits and got all over her face. Feeling this just made her cum harder "OH FUCK I'M CUMMING WITH MY NEPHEW'S CUM ON MY FACE OF FUCK!"

"You like my cum on your face you little bitch?"


Both of our orgasms were subsiding, and I collapsed on the bed beside her. Her face and tits were glistening with her nephew's cum. After several minutes of the two of us breathing heavily and regaining our composure, I said "so much for being asleep."

Holly turned over to me and said "I was going to go to bed, but I kept thinking about that huge fucking tool you have, and how fucking hot it was watching you fuck my niece with it."

"I knew you liked watching Jen get fucked," I laughed.

"I loved it, it was so hot I needed to cum. I got out my dildo and pretended it was you fucking my with that massive fucking cock," she explained as she kissed me deeply for a minute, "I was hoping that you would walk in and catch me fucking myself."

"So you planned this so you could get my cock?"

"No, that was even better, but I didn't plan that. I just wanted to look into your eyes as you watched your aunt act like a slut and fuck herself in front of you, moaning your name." She kissed me again.

"I'm glad you did, that was fucking hot." I paused for a moment. "So you do want me to fuck you, I knew it."

"Baby, I want you to fuck me so fucking bad, I want to feel your big, hard cock all the way in my pussy, but we can't, that would be incest," she said, kissing me again, harder this time, holding my head.

"So what we've been doing isn't incest?" I asked skeptically.

"No," she answered, "we're just two adults having some fun. But if you shoved this big, hard, hot thing" she said, grabbing my slowly deflating cock and giving it a couple hard squeezes, "deep, deep, inside your aunt's tight little pussy," kissing me again and rubbing my cock, "that would be wrong baby."

Aunt Holly and I woke up naked and covered in each other's bodily fluids for the second morning in a row. This was already the best vacation I've ever had!

"What do you want to do today, Aunt Holly?" I asked as I helped myself to her amazing DD tits.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed and play with this thing all day" Holly said as she gripped my growing cock, "I really do need to catch up with my sisters. And it wouldn't kill you to hangout with your cousins for a while without fucking them," she grinned as she slowly scraped her nails down my chest.

"I guess," I said as I moved in for a kiss. We kissed each other passionately and sloppily for a few minutes while she jerked off my 8-inch cock, before she broke the kiss and slapped me across the face.

"What was that for?" I questioned with a grin.

"For being such a bad boy. You shouldn't be making out with your own aunt," she answered as she kissed me briefly again.

"And you shouldn't be holding your nephew's hard cock in your hand," I replied, kissing her again.

"But I love it. It feels so good in my hand," she responded, stroking me faster, "so big, and hot, and heavy."

We kissed deeply for a few more minutes before she stood up abruptly and announced "I really have to get going" with an evil grin, "I hope you'll be okay without my helping hand."

"I'm sure I'll be okay," I smiled, "maybe I will take your advice and spend some quality time with my cousins."


That morning I had breakfast with some of the family. At the table were myself, Hannah, Jen, Taylor, and sundry relatives who quite frankly aren't relevant to this tale. I was trying to make plans for the day, but it was difficult to concentrate with my cousins' tits practically in my face. Hannah was wearing a very low cut tight pink shirt that left little of her perky 18-year-old D-cups to the imagination. Jen was wearing a skin tight white crop top, also very low cut which, coupled with the presence of her enormous, jiggly H-cup tits, left an impression altogether obscene. Taylor was predictably dressed a little more modestly, with a black t-shirt and jeans, but the outline of her cute C-cup tits were still visible.

Hannah wanted to hang out with her mom, so I figured she was a dead-end for today, and Jen had some plans with her husband (which of course brought a smile to both of our faces), so I turned my attention to Taylor.

"Well, I heard that that there's a nice nature walk off the beach a couple miles away. I was thinking about laying out on the beach for a while, and then going for a nice walk."

"That sounds pretty cool," I said, "I might have to join you."

"Well... uhh... I was actually thinking about going alone, to get some time to myself. Ya know, it's been kinda crazy lately, I need some time to proce-"

"Nonsense," I cut her off, knowing she wouldn't stick up for herself, "I'll go with you, it'll be great! I think everyone's done with breakfast, we can get ready and go right now."

"Uhh... okay I guess," she stammered, "I'll meet you out back by my car."


Taylor and I got to the beach about 20 minutes later. I had changed into another pair of trunks, she was wearing the same outfit. "How are you going to sunbathe wearing jeans and a shirt" I asked as we got out of the car.

"I'm sure you'd like to know" she teased. I had been able to get her into a slightly better mood on our way here. Instead of waiting for my response, she simply pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her cute, perky tits contained in a black bikini top only slightly too small. She followed this by taking her jeans off, and I didn't hesitate to take an eyeful of my gorgeous cousin standing there in her almost naked. "Stop looking at me like that your perv!" she giggled as she put her clothes in the car and shut the door."

"You weren't calling me a perv when you sucked my cock yesterday," I replied as we started walking.

"Shut up!" she said, punching my arm, "that was not my idea!"

"You didn't seem to mind though. In fact, I recall you getting pretty into it."

Taylor blushed a deep crimson again. "Well you did say I was the best out of anyone," she said this with a slight smile, her eyes glued to the ground.

"You definitely were," I replied truthfully. "I hope that wasn't the last time. Taylor made no reply, but her smile got bigger as we neared the entrance to the beach.

"Jesus," I said, "I didn't know it was going to be so crowded." The beach was infested with people from end to end, most of them unsightly looking with an aura that reminded one vaguely of expired milk. "There should be a section for the normal people here, and a section for us beautiful people," I joked.

"Shut up," Taylor said again, her smile returning to her face. I don't think she was used to compliments, despite being very cute with a rocking body. "But seriously, this place is crowded. I hope I can find a quiet spot to lay out for a while."

As we made our way through the sea of people, doing our best not to step on the oblivious beach-goers laying in the sun or the kids darting in front of us we were nauseated my the sights and smells of America's most unappealing citizens, all of whom seemed to be gathered at this very beach.

"Well this fucking sucks," I announced to the world.

"Yeah seriously," my cousin replied, "I was looking forward to a little peace and quiet."

"Let's just go straight to the nature walk you were talking about. It can't be any worse than this."

"Sure, the entrance should be just over there in that brush," she said, pointing to the edge of the nearby forest.

I was so relieved once we got to the forest, being surrounded by all that unseemly flesh was distracting me from my visions of all the dirty things I wanted to do to my hot cousin. "Ahh, this is much better," she said, "not a soul in sight." I'll leave it to the audience to make their own conclusions about what the overpopulation of the beach says about middle America when juxtaposed with the complete emptiness of the adjacent nature trail.

"Exactly what I was thinking," I said as I suddenly grabbed her ass.

She jolted and swatted my hand away, saying "Hey! Just because we all got carried away last night doesn't mean I want to do anything with my little cousin! You know I wanted to get away for the day because how uncomfortable everything made me."

"You're right" I lied, "I would hate to make you uncomfortable." I placed my hand on the small of her back, and quickly slid it down to her ass again, must to her visible annoyance. Too bad for her my cock was getting hard and she was looking good. So I decided to tell her. "But my cock is getting hard and you're looking good."

"Thanks" she said sarcastically, pushing my hand away again, "I'm really glad to know that my own cousin just looks at me as a piece of meat."

I brought my hand back to her tight ass with a smack. "Not just as a piece of meat. I think you're great cousin, an even better friend, an amazing person, and a beautiful young woman, but right now, like I said, my cock is hard and you're looking good."

Taylor didn't move my hand this time, and I even noticed her glancing down when I mentioned my hard cock. "You're a jerk, you know that."

"I don't care about that," I told her as I slid my hand under her bikini and gave her bare ass a nice squeeze. "I care about this."

"I don't know what you think is going to happen on this public trail in clear view."

"Well it's a good thing I see a nice little secluded spot down that trail," I said, pointing to a clearing about 50 feet down a side-trail."

Taylor didn't say anything as I led her deeper in the forest. When we got to the clearing I took the towel she had brought to lay out on and spread it on the ground. "I don't know what you're doing, I don't like being here right now, I want to go back."

I grabbed her hips and turned her to face me, smiling at the look of astonishment on her face. I pulled her in for a kiss, and held her there with one hand on the back of her head and the other on the small of her back as she tried to push me away. I sucked her tongue into my mouth and continued our kiss until she stopped pushing me and rested one hand on my muscular arm and the other on my equally muscular shoulder. I began using my hands to explore her body as I ground my raging cock into her pussy. She soon responded by gripping me harder and pressing her pelvis into mine. "Mmmmmm," she murmured into my mouth. I grabbed her ass and really pulled her into me. We were grinding hot and heavy now, her hands on my back and running through my hair, her soft, luscious tits pressed to my chest. I wanted more, so I sat down on the towel, and pulled Taylor down so that she was sitting in my lap, straddling me, my cock poking up between her thighs in my trunks. "James no, this is going to far..." she said as she started to grind on my cock again. I placed a hand on her ass to encourage her. I placed my other hand on the back of her head and guided her to me. We kissed deep and hard, and soon her hands were running through my hair again

I slid my hand up her back and undid her bikini top. She pulled back and said "No, we shouldn't..."

"Just trust me," placing my hands on her bikini, pushing my hands into her soft, yielding tits. "You know that I care about you Taylor, you've always been my favorite cousin."

"Really?" she asked innocently as I removed her bikini, exposing her perky, milk-white tits to my view, and my eager hands.

"Of course baby, I've always looked up to you and I have so much respect for you," I said, kissing her again, still groping her big, supple tits. "I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Mmmm I care about you, James."

"Do you love me?"

"Mmmmm I love you so much baby."

"I love you too Taylor," I said, happy that that it was so easy to get my shy, nervous cousin out of her clothes. I was enjoying toying with her feelings.

I undid the string holding her bottoms together. Taylor didn't say anything. Nor did she protest when I lifted her up and removed my trunks. I threw them to the side and made sure to fling the pieces of her bikini into opposite directions of the woods.

Once Taylor sat back down we instantly started grinding again, her soaking wet pussy against my rock-hard cock. "Mmm baby that feels good."

"You like my cock baby?"

"Yes James, it's so big and hard," she said as she continued grinding harder and harder.

"Yo know how good it would feel inside you?"

"Mmm so good baby, it would feel so good inside me," she breathed in between soft moans, "but it's wrong."

I gently but firmly grasped the back of Taylor's hair and turned her face up so I could look her in the eyes. "Taylor, I need you, I need to make love to you and I need you to feel from the inside how badly I need you. I don't want Jen, I don't want Holly, I only want you, I need you Taylor."

I could see tears forming in her eyes as she moaned "Yes baby, I need you too!"

"I love you Taylor" I whispered as I slid my throbbing cock all the way into her burning pussy.

"Oh god I love you to baby I love you so much," she gasped as she bit into my shoulder and dug her nails into my back.

I got into a rhythm of slow, deep movements that bottomed out in her wet pussy with every thrust.

"Oh baby that feels sooo fucking good, you're so deep inside me baby." I started to play with her clit in time with my thrusts. My cousin was beginning to lose herself in her ecstasy. "Oh fuck just like that baby just like that please don't stop baby please don't stop!"

She started bucking on my cock, fucking me harder and harder. "You haven't been touched in a while, have you?" I asked, an evil look in my eye that went unnoticed.

"No, it's been a long time since I've had anyone to touch me."

"You have me now and I promise that I won't ever hurt you, I need you every day."

"Oh god baby I need you! I need you so bad baby! Your cock feels so good inside of me please don't stop baby please don't stop!"

I knew she was getting close and I picked up my pace, saying "Are you going to cum on my cock baby? I want to feel you cum on my cock."

"Oh god yes baby you're going to make me cum on your cock! I love you so much baby, I love you so much!"

"I love you Taylor, you make my cock feel so fucking good! Now cum for me baby, cum for me while I cum in you."

"Oh fuck babe I'm so close, your cock feels so fucking big inside me, but you can't cum inside me, you have to pull out I'm not on the pill!"

"Of course I'll pull out baby, I promise, anything you want. I love you Taylor.. Oh fuck..I love you so fucking much Taylor so fucking much!"


I was feeling fucking amazing, especially because I knew what I was about to do to my sweet, innocent cousin. "Fuck I'm cumming Taylor, I'm cumming so deep inside you." She, still in the middle of her most heartfelt orgasm, opened her eyes in shock. SLAP! I brought my hand up and slapped her face, not as hard as I could, but definitely enough hard enough to hurt. "I can't believe you were stupid enough to believe that shit I said." Tears were already forming on her face. "I just needed a hole to fuck, and your sister wasn't around," I said, pulling her into me harder, "I'd rather be fucking Jen right now, you saw how much hotter she is than you." She could feel my cum shooting deep inside her womb at this point, and she was now sobbing while still cumming hard, hot tears running down her face, bucking uncontrollably and screaming "OH FUCK JAMES OH FUCK! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU AH AH AHHH!!"

We continued thrashing together for what felt like an eternity, until we slowed down and finally came to a stop. Both of us breathing heavily, her sobbing uncontrollably, I pushed her off of me and off the towel and into the bare forest floor. I got up and put on my trunks, gathered up the towel, and noticed that her black string bikini would be impossible to find in these woods. I smiled to myself as I looked at my poor cousin crying naked on the ground, her face in her hands, her body wracked with sobs and covered in dirt.

"Two down, two to go. Meet me by the car, you're my ride," I said as I walked back up the trail.