"Daniel entered into another safe house which made it the second already. He was still in the company of the same security agents from the beginning, they had become more of buddies than security guards. He checked the place out before sinking into the couch that looked so clean and smelt like lavender.

He had not been allowed to speak with anyone and had not been able to contact Rita. He was becoming sick of the video games and the food and the routine gist with the guys. He wanted more, he wanted his old life and he missed being in charge of something as big as the T. W Dockyard.

As the case with the former safe house, the blinds where down and he was cut out from the rest of the world.

"This is for your own good bro, your life have been dangerously threatened a couple of times and you must understand the need for you to stay underground." The guards around him will always say.

"I just want to know if she is fine." He had said one time looking so defeated.

"She is fine, we have our guys watching her." The bearded cop told him.

"If only i can get to hear her voice, that will be a whole lot of assurance."

"No you can't, bro." He was told.


Jason stood bewildered as he looked into space in thoughts.

"Boss, what is the matter, who was on the phone." Fin asked him.

Jason looked around and kept searching for what only him can explain, he moved to the extreme corner of the the little lawn in front of Sera's apartment and he couldn't see what he was looking for.

He beckoned on Fin who stood and observed Jason. First he didn't join Jason in the search for only-God-knows-what because if he had eventually seen what Jason was searching for he still would not recognize it because Jason had not mentioned exactly what he seek.

Secondly, he couldn't be moving his weight about like that except he would have twice the time spent on searching as a resting period too.

When Fin approached Jason, he was skeptical at first. He thought the detective had gone crazy from the hit he took during the explosion at the hospital. He really did not think Jason acted normal after receiving the call a few minutes ago.

"I just got a call from an anonymous caller, the voice was scrambled but I think I know who was on the phone." Jason said still turning his head to continue the search..

Fin just stood there not saying anything but still observing the man who was reported dead hours ago but by some unexplainable miracle he is alive and searching for UFO's.

"The voice said there was going to be a meeting at the warehouse called warehouse 46." Jason said and saw the look on Fin's face lighten up.

"Warehouse 46 is one of Don's properties and it has been out of use for a long time now. That was where he had his wine producing factory." Fin said now paying attention to Jason as he dragged his trousers up to his bulging tummy.

"The caller said it that it is the gathering of the guys I am looking for and that the one on a red cap will have to be granted immunity to walk away for giving me the tip." Jason said, "Do you know what this means?" Jason asked Fin.

Fin still stood there more confused than he had been earlier when he thought Jason was loosing it, now he wasn't sure anymore.

"I don't think i like it, what if it is an ambush?" Fin said gesturing with is hands open.

"The voice said, 'it's a gathering of the guys i am looking for', the guys we are looking for took Sera and they are in some way the same guys that killed Dora." Jason said establishing his point.

"Well, I still don't know mehn." Fin said trying to pull his trouser up again.

"Please don't do that and listen," Jason said stopping the hug guy from adjusting his trousers for the umpteenth time. "Either way it is a lead we have to explore, I need the Alpha team right away." Jason said looking behind him again. Just like we did at the dockyard we are going to hit there now and stay there till the time of the meeting." Jason said looking at his wrist watch and it read 6:45pm.

"Wait a minute, he gave you the time for this meeting too?" Fin said trying to drive his point that the idea was a terrible one.

"I never said it was a 'he', how did you assume it was a 'he'?" Jason asked with a serious countenance.

"When you said the voice was scrambled and that you knew who it might be I assumed you meant Cash, but why would he help you when he is like your worse enemy right now?" Fin asked confused.

"Fin, you and I are rolling out to 46 right now tell the team to meet us out there." Jason said and walked off towards Sera's apartment.

"Where are you going to?" Fin asked.

"To get Sera's guns, she will need it." Jason said without turning back.

Fin just stood looking at the once dead man walk away, he made a move to drag his trousers up but stopped himself. He grabbed his phone and punched in a few numbers and waited for it to be received, he had thought he had seen enough of gun battles but now it seems it just got started.


Sera came through and a sharp pain in her guts welcomed her back to reality, she felt pain on her forehead where she had came in contact with the door before passing out. She was tied to a wooden pool in a room that smelt like a chicken barn, she was seating on the ground with boot of her legs stretched out in front of her.

She tried to talk but she couldn't because she was gagged and who ever had tied her up had made sure that there was no way in hell that she would succeed in getting it off all by herself.

Different thoughts crossed her mind she couldn't figure out where she was and how she had gotten there, all she could remember was trying to open the door before someone knocked it into her face and she passed out. The thoughts of the whole ordeal of the day came rushing back into her subconsciously and she began to sob again, she could not believe that the man whose arms she had woken up today was now dead. She screamed but the gag didn't let one sound escape from her lips and she sobbed even more.

She looked around to see if she could see anything that could help, there was a knife on one of the stalk of hey and it was out of reach as she was tied to a wooden beam that served as pillar.

There was little she could do for herself, she decided to calm down and save her strength. Time passed and in her calmness the thoughts of Jason came rushing into her again. She reminisced on the times they had shared, when the had dinner by the beach, the numerous kiss they almost had and the other numerous kisses they had after. She smile at the thoughts of his gentleness, the realization amazed her, how can someone so strong be so soft at the same time?

Jason wasn't an expert in physical combat but he wasn't a push over either, he had a very good marksmanship status and very good at what he does. Being good at what he does includes making her feel very special like nothing else mattered.

Tears ran down her cheeks freely and the wooden door to the barn opened and five men stepped in.

"Hi Sera." Cash said as he approached her.

The day was already dark and the head lamp of the cars parked outside was shinning on the backs of the guys and it made seeing their faces difficult. She squinted trying to avoid the direct light that shown on her eyes.

"Sorry to disturb your quiet time honey, we are going for a ride." Cash said as he bent down beside her.

"Where are you taking me to, Cash." Sera asked looking at the man squatting in font of her. She could identify him now that he had gotten very close.

"Oh I see you know me." Cash said as he stood back up.

"Your reputation precedes you and you will pay for every bit of what you have done." Sera said with hate and strong hunger to avenge Jason's death.

"Well, Steve wasn't your partner why are you exhibiting such a pierce passion to do me?" Cash said as he walked out of the barn, "Get her, if she tries to resist, shoot her legs and carry her to the truck." He concluded and went ahead of the men.

Cash smiled to himself walking away, he knew Sera is in rage because she still doesn't know Jason did not die. He wouldn't be the one to break that news to her. he would allow her see a ghost at 46.

Sera looked at the retreating man and wondered if he doesn't know Jason was dead. He must not have been listening to the news because if he does, he would have heard the news flash and trending topic for the passed few hours.


"Why do I feel that i have seen too many combat situations in one week than i have seen my entire life." One sniper said through the coms.

He was well hidden in the north side of the warehouse, he lay down on the hug iron beams that was used to strengthen the roof and his cover was well protected.

"Something tells me this will be real quick." Another said and then a voice came from the comes.

"Maintain radio silence boys and be advised three vehicles just entered the premises.

Fin and Jason had arrived s soon as Jason got the call, he knew Cash would want to be the first to arrive at the premises but he made sure to beat that timing.

He had gone through the floor plan with Fin and they had positioned just one man at the entrance who will always give them a head start as soon as anyone enters the premises. The distance from the entrance to the warehouse was two times the size of a football pitch and the expanse of land the warehouse was seating on was about three times the size of a football pitch.

The place used to be a wine factory before it was short down by the past governor who was a strong competitor to the Don conglomerate. Power intoxicate, was the word Don had used at the time when it happen. He gradually lost interest in revitalizing the industry as he concentrated more on his illegal activities.

"I see four vehicles heading your way, Alpha." The one at the entrance radioed in.

"This is Alpha copy that, keep your eyes peeled. How many men are in the convoy?"

"First car four men, second car four men, third car three men forth car four men. I see fifteen men in all, Over."

Fin looked at Jason who seemed disappointed, he was expecting to her one female. If he was correct then she would have been in one of the vehicles.

"I see someone tied in the back of the third truck. I repeat I see Sera."

There was a cheer in the radio and Jason made to reposition from the top office in the second floor where he, Fin and one of the snipers where. Life came back to his face and he couldn't wait to see Sera with his own eyes.

"This is Alpha everybody listen up." Fins voice range in the ears of the entire team. "We don't know where they would position themselves in the facility that is why we are spread in all possible location, be advised that when they have fixed themselves you can reposition but be discrete." Fin ended.

"We have seen how dangerous this guys are, we have another shot at taking them in guys. Let's make it count and save our own." Jason said emotionally.

There was silence from everyone but he was sure the team is motivated to get Sera back in one piece.

Lights from the head lamp of the first vehicle filled the warehouse as it made a right turn and drove into the huge iron building. Others followed and they came to a stop in the middle of the warehouse where there was nothing to hide behind.

All the men came down and the check there rifles and began to look around.

"Two of you scout there, you and you go scout that corner." Bolt was issuing commands while Cash watch his men get to work.

"We have less than ten minutes before thy arrive move it boy's." Cash screamed and his men got to work to make sure they where alone.


"Alpha, this is Eagle. Be advised we have eight vehicles entering the premises and negative I cant see the occupants they are tinted windows?" The man on the look out said into the radio.

Jason froze at he mention of 8 vehicles. they had anticipated it will be a meeting of the key players and now it turns out that they came with there armies.

"Jason, we are out numbered." Fin said. "If each car has only three men in the it, which I strongly doubt we are face with 36 people." He complained.

"Yeah I know we are only 8 men and these guys don't trust themselves so we have to watch it play out."

The vehicles drove into the warehouse and like the other cars, the head lamps further brightened the entire place as they came to a halt blocking of the first 4 cars that drove in.

"Did you see that?" Jason asked Fin, "There is going to be trouble." He concluded.