"Ben, please here me out." Jason was saying as he rolled his eye's out of frustration.

"You embarked on a dangerous mission without an approval from me? You put the lives of the team in danger and you want me to give you a minute? If anything happens to any of my boys you will take full responsibility and I am not sending the cavalry." Ben said and the line dropped.

Ben was a quick tempered person, he is as cheerful as he is angry, same dose. Jason had weighed his option and couldn't have refused calling in for reinforcement.

It was true he had not followed due process to crash this meeting, but he had to because the life of his partner was at stake.

"You broke the chain of command to save you lover?" Ben had asked during the conversation and it baffled Jason even more. Why have everyone suddenly attributed his concern for Sera as sexually related? When Steve was in the same precarious situation he had gone all out, even putting his own life on the line to rescue Steve.

He turned to Fin who was looking defeated already.

"Our request was denied and we have to keep this between us or the boys will be demoralized.

"But how will they feel knowing we lied to them?"

"This won't be a lie, one day they will be in the capacity to make certain decisions that would appear as a lie but it is the decision that would help save live."

"So what are you saying Boss?"

Jason looked at the sniper beside him, he wondered if the young gunner shared the same opinion with him. He looked down at the approaching vehicles and the fear that appeared even on the faces of Cash and his team was undeniable.

Jason quickly realized that it would be very honorable to tell the men the state of affairs because if he would die today, he wants to die knowing he knew all the odds and yet choose to indulge. He turned on his radio and told the truth.

"We are on our own." Jason said. "But we can do this guys, we wont let our own down now when all she expects is to see us bursting into this warehouse and rescuing her. She would do the same for anyone of us and we all know that as the truth. We may be out numbered, we may be over powered but we have something they don't have, we have ourselves and we would do anything for ourselves. If you want to back down just stay where you are and watch but if you are in to rescue Sera and bring this murderfuckers to the book put your fingers on that trigger and wait for my command." Jason finished and dropped the radio. Nobody responded to what he said, he knew in their heads they would be thinking of different things including their wife's, children, friends and family. He wouldn't put anyone in danger, at least not intentionally but his is where they are and they need to make their personal decisions.

"We are stocked anyways," A voice came from the radio. The guy who was at the entrance spoke first. "We are here already and under their nose, if we make a move we die faster than when we put up a fight, I say we do it for Sera." when he was done a few seconds later every other person chorused in affirmation.


Cash saw the convoy and was dumb founded, he wasn't actually expecting a lot of company from Don. As he waited for Don and his team to approach him he turned on his radio, and a voice said check and he nodded.

"Hi Don, is nice to see you." Cash said not knowing what else to say.

Don lead the way towards Cash and Rahim followed but the rest of the 40 men Don came with surrounded both Don, Cash and Cash's men.

"Let's get to it Cash I have important things to do." Don said and came to a stop in front of Cash.

"I see you like it straight to the point." Cash said trying to be humorous as he laughed and turned to Bolt to see if he was at least funny to his own man, he saw a straight face looking back at him and he cut the laugh and faced Don again.

"So I am grateful you could make it and i wanted to say i am sorry business failed under my watch and I would like to make it work again." Cash wasn't looking Don in the face he was throwing his face about.

"Make it work how?" Don asked and stretched his hands towards Rahim who gave him a cigar, Rahim produced a lighter and Don puffed on the cigar absent mindedly.

"First I had to get the scum who led the law enforcement guy to each of our business location." Cash said and Don cut him off.

"You got Jason?" Don asked interestingly.

"No I don't have Jason, at that time I thought he was already dead and out of the way so i got his partner." Cash spoke proudly. He turned and nodded to Bolt who in turn snapped his fingers at one of his men. The man walked off to the back of the third truck and dragged a hooded captive and brought her to where Cash and Don stood.

"You mean you brought a cop to our meeting." Don asked when he saw the boys drag in the restless Sera.

"I wanted you to know I have been doing all i can to clean up my mess."

Do smiled for the first time, he turned and lowered himself into one of the crates beside him. He puffed a few times then focused his gaze on Cash.

"You are still damn stupid Cash, you kidnapped a cop and brought her to a meeting you have with me, if you so want me to see that you actually had her why not do a video call from her to wherever you have her?" Don asked Cash as he looked at him in disgust. "One thing you should know is that cops is that they are like flies, you will see them where ever there is shit, and this my friend is a stinking shit." Don pointed at Sera who by know was no longer wearing a hood.

"Yeah you are right, just let me go and we will forget this ever happened." Sera said as she adjusted herself on her knees.

"Shut up bitch." Cash said and Don extended his open palm at him to cut him off.

"You mean if we let you go, you will forget all about this?" Don asked with a smile.

"Yes i will." Sera replied.

"You just spoke like a true cop, full of shit." Don said smiling and he turned to Rahim who cut the laugh and the rest of the forty men joined in the laugh too. "You see my dear you where so funny with that line, you should consider being a comedian you know." Don said and looked straight into Cash's eye.

"You have jeopardized my business and now you have exposed me to the cops," Don turned to Rahim, " Kill them, kill them all."

Rahim produced a magnum revolver and pushed cocked it as he pointed the gun at Cash, cash began to beg.


Meanwhile Jason continued to tell his men to stand down as tempers began to rise. He was listening in on the conversation between Cash and Don. He had sent Cash a message to arm himself with a radio and tune to a designated channel so he too can here the conversations and also record the confessions.

"Do not engage, stand down boys." Jason informed his men again as he saw Rahim produce a gun and was about to shoot Cash.


"Don I have one more offering to give!" Cash said and Don waved his hand to stop Rahim.

"I was wondering when we will get to that point." Don said "You said you have something to tell me, am listening" Don said

"I have information about the death of your daughter." Cash said and the whole warehouse became quiet, enough to imagine if you have gone def all of a sudden.

"Talk." Don broke the silence.

"I will let Rahim do the talking." Cash said as he looked straight into Rahim's eyes.

He could see hate and betrayal as Rahim looked at him, he knew if the cops failed to get Rahim, he was a dead man.

Don turned and looked at his most trusted aid, his friend and the man in charge of virtually everything he does.

"You knew the killer all this while?" Don asked without emotions.

"Yea, unfortunately I do." Rahim said to the surprise of Don.

"Then who?" Don said impatiently.

"Don't you get? He has been the one all along, he sold you to you dead wife he made sure they didn't come back he injected her with the virus that killed her eventually. He brought you daughter to the Dockyard that night when we where receiving our consignment, he asked me to ship her to China and I had agreed but when I discovered who she was I became skeptical." Cash turned to look at Rahim who seemed to be enjoying the story and not showing any sign of fear whatsoever.

"She put up a fight and tried to run away and he hit her with my nephews base ball bat, she died and he zoomed off." Cash concluded as he saw the look on Don's face.

Don couldn't take his eyes from Rahim, he was beyond shock and all he wanted was for this to be one bad dream.

"Why, why did you do this to me Rahim, first my wife and then my only daughter?"

"Oh please Don, who have always watched your back? Me. Who made sure you stayed out of trouble? Me." Rahim said passing to and fro.

"When it was time to plan the transition of your estate you forgot about all my efforts and how much I have risked my life to keep you afloat and you want to recruit your ex wife and daughter to head to affairs while I slave for them as I have slaved for you?" Rahim asked waving his gun in Don's face.

"We should be partner's, I should be the next in line if you so wish to retire. I deserve it, I have labored for it." So you killed Dora because you wanted my wealth for yourself?"

"I killed her because she was stupid, I gave her a choice, I offered her freedom in China." Rahim said.

"You gave her a choice to be shipped abroad as a slave and a sex toy?" Don yelled at Rahim.

"What?" Rahim said amazed. he looked at Cash and back to Don, "You have a problem with that?", "You fucking make money using other peoples children for the same purpose." Rahim screamed.

Don looked pitiful and it was obvious he was going through some emotional warfare. First he had lost his relationship with his wife, all along he had thought it was due to what he does for a living but he just realized his most trusted aid was behind the breakup. He lost communications with his wife and kid, his wife died mysteriously and his daughter was murdered at the dockyard and now his most trusted aid has gone rogue on him.

"Well in the absence of much ado, I would say good bye." Rahim said and walked towards the car.

"Are you going to leave me here?" Don asked as he stood up to face the exiting new Boss.

"Well I have business to run and I feel you guys have nothing to offer anyways you will be dead soon." Rahim said and turned to walk away.

"No not me." Don replied

"What did you say?" Rahim asked facing the Don again.

"I said I will die surely because I am sick but not by your stinking hands." Don said with a smile.