Jason kept rapt attention on the happenings between Don and his aid Rahim. For some reason's he had thought Cash killed Dora but now it made much sense. If all this happened, how come they didn't dispose off the body? He thought to himself while he continued to look at the scene through a binoculars and listen to there words through he radio.

He took out his phone again and called Capt. Ben.

"I have told you i cant do anything about your radical way of running an operation." Capt. Ben said as soon as he picked up the call.

"I want you to listen to this." Jason said to shut his boss up. "I have on record the confessions of the murderer of Dora Kane and I also have verbal confession of drugs and trafficking deals, Don has just been mutiny by his strongest hand and if our cavalry don't get here now we will loose this evidence and our lives too."

"Give me a second, stay on the line." Capt. Ben's made another call and his voice was heard faintly on the other side.

"Jason I am back with you, I had put the Beta team together when you first called."

"Thank you Boss. I know you couldn't have left us out here." Jason replied smiling at Fin with a thumbs up.

"The problem is that they are fifteen minutes away, can you hold up till them?" Capt. Ben asked.

"We don't have any choice, we will try to stay alive."

"Good stay alive." Capt. Ben said and the line died.

Jason used the binoculars to look at Sera kneeling in front of the three men.


Rahim laughed and took out his gun, he walked back to where Don was standing and puffing his cigar.

"You stand here in front of me holding a gun and surrounded by forty of my men who are by the way armed and you tell me that you will not die by my hand?" Rahim came to a stop in front of his former boss. "Are you some sort of funny clown now?" He asked stretching his hand to point the gun at Don.

"Now they are holes in that statement you just made and permit me to correct you." Don said turning to face the men surrounding them. "You ae standing in front of me with a gun and surrounded by forty of my men who will not blink at shooting you down right now." Don said with a lopsided smile.

Rahim began to laugh, he was very engrossed in the laugh that he held his tummy.

"Don are you just stupid or your illness is getting the best of you already." Rahim turned to face three of the closest men around.

"Three of you, shoot them, the whole of them and make sure he gets the first bullet." Rahim dished out orders and pointed at Don to be the first victim of the assault.

Rahim turned and began to walk away when after a few seconds he noticed that nobody moved, he turned back and saw the men still standing where they were and looking at him.

"I gave you a direct order kill them all!" Rahim screamed and nothing happened.

Don puffed his cigar in-between his laugh, he was enjoying the look on Rahim's face he didn't expect his own team not to respond to his directives.

"Rahim, i made you what you are, i can undo it too." Don said sitting back on the crate. "You see when Cash called me he asked me to trust anyone, i got skeptical and wondered why he would say such a thing when he knows i only have dealings with you." Don puffed again before continuing. "I figured you are the somebody so I kept one last card from you."

"He has been a son of a bitch." Cash said as he looked at the almighty Rahim looking defeated.

"I made Pete the spearhead of this operation," Pete is one of the three guys standing very close to Don, he stepped forward to register that he was now in charge. "I gave all of them $500,000 each and they pledged there loyalty to me." Don said and puffed again. "You see son, I hold the four Ace's." Don said and gave Rahim a smile. "I will let you walk away for all your efforts in the business, i will give you back your life as a reward. Now shamefully walk away." Don said as he watched his best fiend for over the years like wounded lion seeking revenge.

"What? You are just going to let me go after all i did to you?" Rahim asked.

"Yes, I forgive you, I am closer to my grave anyways i wont let hate cloud my journey to the great beyond." Don said and waved him away.

Just them Rahim sprinted towards Don and his left hand grabbed the old man neck, his right hand holding the magnum came up beside him as he pointed the gun under Don's throat.

"Don't move assholes." Rahim said. "I am walking out of here and with Don as my ticket." Rahim said as he shoved the old man to his feet almost running him into Sera who was still on her knees.

"You are a foolish boy Rahim, I gave you freedom." Don said as he tried to pull Rahim's hand free to get a better breathing space.

"You are a trickish scum, I knew you would ask them to shoot me in the back." Rahim said as he dragged the old man to cover himself from the guns aimed at him.

Cash just stood there not moving he wondered if the cops where on ground or absent. The whole place seem to quiet and cops should have intervened at this point.

"Ask your men to drop there gun's or I will break your neck here and now." Rahim said and dragged don to cover the gun sight of Pete.

"It's ok guys drop your guns, he just wants to leave safely, I will walk him to the car." Don told his men.

"We are riding out of here together, Don." Rahim said.

"Okay, let do it, everybody back down." Don commanded

"Put your guns down, everybody." Pete told his men and Cash's men too. They all complied and stood down as Rahim began to walk don to the car gradually.


"Are we going to let him go?" Fin asked.

"Like hell we are." Jason said and stretched his hands at the sniper. "Hand me you rifle." The gunner looked at the detective and passed the rifle to him anyways.

Jason took the gun and checked his wrist watch and noticed that the 15 minutes was almost out.

"This is eagle eye, I see our back up pulling in." The man at the entrance said as he saw more than ten assaults' trucks carrying team Beta, rolling into the premises. soon two helicopter's where visible in the skies.

"Good timing." Jason said and took the shot.

A bullet flew from the rifle and passed through the open window of the office on the second floor where they where hiding. The bullet flew through the brackets of the iron beams holding the roof and passed over Cash, Sera, Bolt and the two men with Pete.

Nobody heard the gunshot because the rifle was silenced and it didn't take time to register as all eyes was on Rahim who eventually fell to the ground releasing his captive unconsciously. The bullet enter into the back of his head and escaped through his mouth.

Before the team would react a loud sound of helicopters flying above them was heard and a voice sounded from the trucks that rolled in to block the entrance of the warehouse.

"This is the police do not move, put your guns on the ground and step away." The voice of Ben came through as the Alpha team saw hope riding in as a knight in shiny amour.

"Drop your guns guys do as you are told and we will all be fine." Don said as he turned to see red laser coming from different corners of the roof of the warehouse.

"I knew cops are like flies always around where there is shit." Don said to the hearing of Cash who already had both of his hands up in the air.


Jason sat beside Sera on the back of one of the ambulance while she received first aid.

"I almost ran through the walls when i saw you." Sera told Jason as both of them stared at themselves lost fully.

"I would run after you." Jason said robbing Sera's right hand as he held onto it.

"You came back for me." I couldn't even leave if i wanted to, they said i had died." Jason said and went silent for a while.

"Did you?" She asked looking into his eyes.

"No way, I was only hibernating."

There where lots of siren blasting everywhere, the members of the press shouting questions from afar off to get answers about what had gone down in 46.

Cash and Don together with there men had been arrested and will be prosecuted given the amount of verbal confession gathered by the team.

Daniel was also arrested for conspiring with a murderer with the intention of disposing off the corpse of the diseased.

Fin was on the phone with his family reassuring his wife that he had yet again survive a shootout. The murder was solved and Jason was pleased with the fact that he had found closure for his dead partner. Cash would receive a pardon to serve only half of his jail sentence for helping the police to capture the murderer of the corpse that was found at the dockyard.

"Don't you ever do that again." Sera said as she place her head on Jason's chest.

"Do what?" Jason asked confused.

"Put your life on the line." She said as she held him tight.

"Oh, i thought that was my lines, it you who go charging into a gun fight like you are bullet proofed." Jason said as he walked with Sera towards a waiting cab.

"I wasn't the one who died, remember?" Sera said giving him a cute smile.

"Yeah, i didn't die either."

The end.