
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!"

He could make that into series of songs but that wasn't the best time for it. He was more than confused. He was trying not to be vexed. Even if he was vexed there was nothing he could had done about it. 

He was skeptical. Didn't they seem him. Alright, let's assume that they had been or were blinded by the rage of smoke, didn't they feel like they were trampling on something? How crazy and dimwitted they were. 

If he hadn't been conscious of his position on the floor, they would probably had crushed his testicles. He should probably be dead from the pain which did complement the horror of the aforementioned. 

He was more than vexed but there was simply nothing he could do about. He tried standing. He wasn't himself anymore. He was hoping that all would be well again with him. 

His legs were aching and his chest was hurting. He was also glad that his eyes hadn't been stepped on too. 

There was something always about the eyes. It always did have a special effect to it. Even if other parts of the body were affected, it wouldn't. It hardly would of course. 

He finally was able to stand. He flipped the curtain over his head and walked into the room. He was kind a confused. Confusion was fed off another stance. Was he in a dream?

The room he was in was a carbon copy of his. If he hadn't stood outside the hut for a while before the shit happened, he could had said that some force had swept him back into his own house. But that was far from the truth. 

He had no idea why the Nymph had made her own but look exactly like his. Probably she ran outta ideas or something close to that of course. He wouldn't blame her. There was no point in doing that. 

He dragged his way to the berth and sat. He needed to brace his legs. He thought he was going to fall quite the numbers of times before he would get there but hell wrong he was. He got to the berth and sat. 

He looked around. He wasn't seeing what he should be seeing. He was long gone in thoughts. He had drown in it. Twas more of a spell of the heart of course. 

He should be seeing the windows and stool and curtains and the scroll on the floor. The scroll? Yes! He could see that of course. He stood up from where he was and went to get the scroll. He picked it up. 

Before he would open it, he wanted to be sure if twas the same one he had seen. The one he had used back in his own hut. Did the lady take it with herself. Hell no! He remembered that he was with it few hours ago when Jimin came to meet him. Then there should be something else in it then. 

He let the rope holding the two ends of the scroll together slope and then he opened.


What the fuck was that. He didn't know whose body that had dropped. He wanted to think that twas from the Nymph. Of course it should be. Where was he? Of course in the house of the Nymph. And the Nymph seemed to had been vulnerable for sex and the likes. He wanted to draw an inference on that judgement but he wouldn't. Jimin also was there. 

He knew that Jimin also loved sex. He could never vouch for him whenever the topic on course was sex. Hell no! He wouldn't. 

He dumped his thoughts. There was no use of them. They only would make him brood. Just brood and wouldn't tell him what to do and what not to do. He wouldn't possibly put up with that of course. 

He continued reading the scroll. He seemed to had been able to read the title only. He couldn't see the content clearly. He had no idea what was happening. The smoke which had filled the room had waned. His vision should no longer be blur then. 


He could read that two. That was like few paragraphs into the content of the scroll. Twas written in Roman but he could read a little bit of it. 

He was damn sure that the lady was not a part of them. She didn't belong to their clan. How then would she be able to read from the scroll. 

That seemed to set the cart the right way then. Twasnt the lady who owned it. Twas Jimin. He would be the only one who could read the scroll. 

But the Nymph was not human. She should be able to read any human language whenever she did want. Like human languages should be a cake walk for her or should be at there mercy. 

Ja Lia didn't know if he was the one using his thoughts or the thoughts were using him. He kept tossing the ideas side by side to feel what he felt like he was missing out on. He wasn't so sure what that was but he wanted to be. But the more he did try the confused he was. He wouldn't try it out anymore. 

He went on his back. He didn't know what thought to nurse. He wished he did. Quite the numbers of things were happening. 

He tried concentrating on the scroll again but he lost his focus. He wasn't actually interest in reading it. He didn't want to taunt anyone with sex. Not at that moment. He was vexed and felt like he had been used. 

He wasn't sure by who though. Probably by his thoughts or his actions. Or by the Nymph or Jimin. Time would test everything that seemed sane and insane. He was sure about that. 

He thought of what to do at that moment. He was clueless. No! He wasn't. He had an idea but wasn't strong enough to build on it. He was strong enough though but wasn't considering himself that way. He was a little bit of what he used to be.