Still Havila.
"Get the fuck off me."
Jim struggled in vain as some guards from nowhere grabbed to restrain him. He was quite strong enough and was able to yank himself off the two. He had no idea where the strength came from.
But then he heard Tzu calling,
"Is that what you want? Is this how you want to get the revenge?"
Jim slowed down and stood before Lailah. He was fueling but what Tzu had said seemed to have the best of him.
Tzu hurried to where Jim was and whispered into his ear,
"Amongst what you heard deep in your consciousness, was there such thing as ambush?"
Jim shook his head free and eyed Tzu with detest. He hated Tzu. Tzu was always the coward in the name of observing some godforsaken rules and probably ethics. Ethics for such crazy lady.
Jim looked away to Lailah, she seemed to be enjoying the view. But one of the mysteries was why she wasn't feeling the effect of the vinegar yet.
Though neither Jim nor Tzu knew what next would happen. They had only bathed with vinegar and had headed to the palace.
What next now? Jim wanted to ask Tzu but that would rather be illogical. They wouldn't give out their plans to the psychotic lady.
"How lovely is it to have you two here. Do make yourself feel at home. There are quite the numbers of propositions for you two. You must be very lucky to had arrived point in time."
Lailah said as Tzu went to seat opposite Ja Lia who was standing with the question look.
Tzu was sure that he had heard Ja Lia ask the both of them many questions while the hassle was on going.
Then did the fact that that was the first time of seeing Ja Lia after a long time. Twas as if Tzu just snapped outta a spell.
Before he could speak, Jim had hurried to where Ja Lia was seated and sat next to him, ready to press answers out of him.
"What are you doing here?"
Jim shot. Tzu relaxed, Jim had seen through his own heart.
"I should ask you that. I've been around since over few weeks."
Ja Lia defended. Jim stood up immediately and began to pace the aisle between the two seats.
"This is becoming interesting. Know what, we thought you were dead. That was why we have been looking for a way to --"
Tzu called at Jim to help him watch his tongue. How could he let the plan out before the crazy bitch.
"No need for that, she already knows."
Ja shot at the Tzu who looked straight at Lailah. Lailah smiled.
"Now would you, Jim, have your seat."
Lailah urged.
"Don't you dare say that name again, whore!"
Jim hurled at her. Lailah did the usual smile thingy.
Jim didn't know why he should seat and listen to the bitch.
He looked at Tzu. He shouldn't had. He knew that the Tzu guy was a fucking coward. Tzu was wearing the persuasive look too.
Jim thought that he should had been the eldest of the three assholes and not the youngest. They all sucked.
"As huge as you are down there, that's as huge as you are up there."
Lailah said as soon as Jim settled into the chair. He didn't know if what Lailah had said was a compliment or some typical dimwitted Lailah-shit-talk.
He could see Ja Lia shooting her the fiery gaze but that didn't move him. Ja had been a dickwad too.
"Interesting we have the three brothers now present. But by quick thought, we have close to six kingdoms without rulers."
Lailah continued.
Jim noticed that she was beginning to be jumpy. But she was trying to control herself.
Jim looked at Tzu who obviously with the peace on his face had no idea of what he was feeling.
No point in looking at Ja too, they were cut from the same cloth.
But Jim was certain that Lailah was battling with something. He was the one who had sex with her more. She loved his big and long dick. He was familiar with the tune of her body.
Something was moving inside her, why couldn't those crazy folks see it. Damn!
He promised himself not to make a move. He by the way would be considered jumpy, impatient and way too forward.
"What do you think about each of you taking control of a kingdom. Then the remaining, I'd sort some ways out."
She stopped talking again, Ja Lia asked her.
"And how about you, which of the kingdoms would you take?"
Jim looked at Ja. He was very vexed. Vexed that Ja could still ask her a question knowing fully well that she was playing them and was at the same time saying trash.
Jim couldn't take it anymore. He was going to act anytime soon. Lailah spoke again,
"Don't you worry about that. I have few things to take care of. And by the way, Loe and your wife should have a part of --"
Jim stood up immediately and turned to Ja Lia,
"You have a wife?"
"No - N - ot officially, you kn-ow, why do I even feel responsible to you?"
Ja Lia tried to play around the words. Then they heard Lailah groaning.
They both turned to her. Tzu was already standing too. The only person still seating was Ja Lia and of course, Lailah.
Lailah was trying to stand up from the throne but she couldn't.
"Stop the charade, bitch!"
Ja Lia said standing up. He was finding it quite difficult to believe that Lailah could be trapped. After what he had seen her do to all the dukes.
He had been even thinking of telling his siblings to flee from her, by warning them with his own experience with her.
"She's not. She's stuck."
Jim said, more of a shout of victory than an affirmation. There was enthusiasm in his voice. There was life to it. Ja didn't understand.
Right before their eyes, the began to see black smokes dancing out of every hole in Lailah's body.
From her ears, nostrils and mouth. Twas hard to tell if some were coming from the holes between her butts and her private part.
Then soon, the heat of the smoke began to melt her. That was all it seemed to them. And Lailah began to disperse into thin air.
Some parts of her face had melted off, some swell of her boobs and her legs and all.
Immediately, every part of the untamed seductress melted away and she was no longer in sight.
The smoke lingered in the air for a while then dispersed.
"We did it!!!!"
Jim screamed on top of his voice, and ran to hug Tzu.
Ja only stood there, wondering what the heck had happened and was happening.
Then at once, they began to hear noise from outside the palace. A shout of protest or accompaniment.
Jim left Tzu and began to scramble his way to the door, he knew his brothers would follow.
Who wouldn't.
"Lailah gone?"
Jim heard one of his brothers say as they followed. He didn't care who said it.
There seemed to be another trouble.