
With his little sister's instruction that she had given to him, Licht immediately traverses the vast universe towards the Planet Quincy.

According to his little sister, Tanya, the detail of the mission was a man named Leon Lightbrigner, he's endangering the whole planet to all-out-war. Which probably not that much of a deal.

In most of the cases, they would just ignore this kind of issue and just saw through the end of the outcomes of the war.

However, this one is exceptional, because of Leon Lightbringer.

Base on the report of the scout, he was an "Irregular", categorize by themselves when a person is seriously a danger to live-existence of a certain planet.

Irregular could be some up by how they power-scale is, and Irregular isn't a joke to be left-ignored. They have powers to go against Immortal like, him...

Thus, he didn't idle for much longer and immediately took action to the issue. And on the bright side, Quincy Planet is somehow a special place to him, one of his last consort live there.

He still remembered her beautiful smile, red loving gaze, and sweet memories of her.

Even though he avoids a romantic relationship with his opposite sex, sometimes things are bound to happen, thus, she became his lover.

Remembering her, Licht couldn't help but smile but at the same time, it was bitter.

"She must be dead by now..." He uttered.

Although how much a douche bag he sounded was, it was the truth. She must be dead for some time now.

According to his memories, if not wrong, the last time he was there, his lover, Aqua Whiterose, is almost at the age of 400.

Almost 3/4 of her lifespan of being a seventeen-layers-warrior. And the last time he looks at the Immortal Federation calendar before he left, she must be dead for about 200 years ago now. All in all, for about 800 years if her death anniversary added.

He left her after he completed his task on that planet.

He remembered vividly their first night which also their last time before she left her sleeping with a smile.

She must be heartbroken when she wakes up in the morning without his presence. For almost 400 years of her fighting the darkest age of their planet, she finally found someone she could love and some she could settle for in life. In all hardship, she endured inside her, she finally free from her shackles of responsibility and lives with him for the end of her time. But no, he robbed her of her happiness by leaving her. She even changes her last name to Whiterose because she thought they would live happily ever after, but all of it is just wishful thinking of her.

"...I was really a douche bag, heh..."

Just because he's scared of loving someone with all of his whole beings, he left her. What a coward he was... A coward to no end.

"I should visit her graves... Maybe even live near there... Who am I kidding? My sins can't be condemned just for that."

He traveled towards the destination while feeling guilty for her sins to her.


Soon, he arrived at Planet Quincy.

He was now standing in the air between the planet's atmosphere and outer space.

As though he was traveling at a speed of light, his vision zooms in and in an instant, he was now standing on the planet's soil.

"Huuu~ What a great day!" Licht exclaimed inhaling and started walking.

His direction, at the capital of Lightbringer.

On the road, many vegetation he came across along the way, and people with a different business, like, merchants, nobles on their carriage, and common people.

Although Licht could be categorized as handsome, no one pays attention to him. They would just steal a glance at him and move on. He even sometimes caught some of the attention of the noble but sneer at him because of his lack of fashion.

For them, commoners like him, who wore cheap leather pants and common cotton shirts are not suitable for their sight.

Needless to say, Licht didn't encounter some attention and bothersome situation, he soon reaches the capital gate.

Paying the sums of 1 Silver coin, Licht got himself a temporary card to entered the city without worrying about breaking any law of the capital. The duration of his card could last for about 3 days, so he needs to get himself a permanent one if he wanted to stay for much longer.

Fortunately, he has no plans to stay much longer, all his intentions coming here is to find his target, Leon.

"Now where were you, mischievous little kid."

Suddenly, a sphere blasted onto his surrounding like impulses as it covered the whole capital. It was a detecting technique, and he was locating where Leon is.

"...Not here?" He muttered. "Then-"

Suddenly, he detected someone that he's very familiar with. It was very familiar that it was so impossible to happen.

It was Aqua! His lover on this planet!!


Great shock and disbelief all overwritten on his face.

"Are you really...alive?"

He needs to confirm it with his own eyes so he vanishes and arrived straight at the capital palace.