Emily walks home arm in arm of her friend , they walk along side the road making sure no one will accidentally hit them . "so about today " her friend starts , "boring " Emily stutter's as she continues to walk along side with her friend. "so I was think we go to my house today and watch this new ani-" she looks up to see Emily staring at a boy with a small group of friends all laughing and looking at them . "are you okay?" she asks Emily curiously. "yes "she mutters "wait isn't that the guy from dismorning " she says grabbing Emily's arm alittle tighter . "mhm" Emily mumbles softly as the boy walks their way he flashes a small smile then looks at at Emily into her eyes . "hello again " he said politely . "hey" Emily mutters as her friend trys to spin them in the other direction. "where are you going ?" he mutters while following them "I'm Zack by the way" he says pearing over their shoulders . "Emily .. " "Liz but I don't like going by anything " her friend mutters staring at the boy coldly . "so I was wondering" Emily puts her hand up "lemme stop you right their she is taken and isn't interested" she stammers to the boy confidently . "I just wanted to grab a coffee or-" "sure " Emily mutters as she continues to walk home "cool Saturday then " he mutters happily . "Emily did you really accept the offer?" she says thinking about how would Skyler feel . "what it's just coffee and I did run into him dismorning " she says alittle sad . "it wasn't your fault " her friend says , "so I wanna repay him" she says before walking ahead of her friend and for the rest of the walk was just silence.