Emily waves goodbye to her friend as she makes her way into Skyler's house ready to pick a outfit for the day . "ahh home finally" she mutters . "I wonder what type of clothes I have " she mutters before going to the room and looking threw everything ...
A couple hours later she finds a really cute outfit to go shopping in with her friend for the girls night . Emily smiles and hears the front door close before pearing out and seeing Skyler walk in hand on his head . "Skyler...?" she mutters softly walking out of the room , "sky .." she says looking around to find him leaning against the counter in the kitchen , he was sweating his blonde hair soaked ad dripping with sweat and messy his tatoos looked shiny and his eyes had a sharp tint to them as he stared down at his hands before glancing up at Emily kinda shocking her "Skyler what happened" she says before walking backwards softly and retreating to the room . "okay get dressed then tend to Skyler to see what's wrong " she mutters as she takes her top off and grabs the outfit from the bed and she hears a familiar -Click- (the door..) she thinks before turning around seeing Skyler pearing down at her . "I'm not done -...Skyler ?" she says before he creeps forward to her his eyes fixed on her neck . She trys to back up only to fall into the bed and Skyler falling ontop of her .