#Save the fish (1)

AN: This is told from the perspective of Whale, a character who will play a big role later on and will be a MC. This story will heavily focus on Spoofy who is the protagonist.

Spoofy was lying on the ground. The cold enveloped him. He was a warm water Fanas (a type of fish person).

Atlantis had ascended into the sky and it had seemed like a good idea after Poseidon died but the entire water was kind of cold.

The problem was that not being part of the planet earth had a downside, the natural creation of heat that earth has isn't that strong on a small piece of land and the lack of atmosphere caused the heat to immediately escape.

Now normally, that isn't a problem but Spoofy was Homeless and since you can't create a fire underwater he had a problem, he would probably freeze to death.

Now you might be thinking, how do those who have a home survive the cold water? Well they use special suits but those are pretty expensive. Spoofy had one and was wearing it but they used electricity to keep you warm and he was out of battery.

Getting up he sighed and went to the shopping streets. He would have never thought that he would one day have to beg for money, he would have scoffed at the idea even.

He came from money but had ran away and started his own business, he was very successful untill someone had improved his product and sold it for the same price.

What did he sell, why heat suits of course. That day was the day we would meet and boy did it lead to some interesting events.

Arriving in the shopping streets Spoofy sat down in the usual place and started begging for money, people swam past him in disgust and the odd tourist felt pity for him and gave him some money.

That's when I passed, seeing him there I did the one thing I knew to do, I asked him if I could buy him a meal.

Being a comrade made me a team player, unlike some of those from the order.

Ok, being honest, I didn't like the order but I also couldn't deny the good they did.

"Hey, dude, would you like me to buy you a meal?"

Spoofy hated this more than begging for money.

"I don't want someone to buy me something without being able to repay them."

I had met people like that plenty of times so I used the perfect retort.

"My payment will be hearing your story."

Yes, I know, I'm a genius.

We arrived at a cheap place that sold ramen and I ordered him the biggest bowl they had.

He started telling his tale between his vigorous slurps.

"So, I used to sell Heat suits for people of my race, the Fanas. I sold them as cheap as possible and they were a success making me a well of man even if I sold them for cheap.

That's when another company came along, said they had discovered a way to keep the heat for twice the length and at half the cost, they started selling their suits at the same price as mine and people bought them like crazy, in the end I was run into the ground."

That was the gist of his story. I felt for the guy and I also thought it was weird that it was necessary for certain sealife to use suits when this city had been here for a long time, you'd think they would've figured out something to keep them warm.

Heck, they'd figured out a way for anyone who isn't an Atlantean to get wet yet they couldn't figure out a way to keep a big part of the populace warm, that's suspicious.

I voiced this and after thinking for a while he agreed with me, especially since this was something that his grandparents had never struggled with.

And they hadn't had heat suits to keep them warm.

At that moment I decided something that would alter the course of my life forever.

"Spoofy, what would you say to us looking into this?"

"I'd call you a hero, but I guess I don't need to say that since I can see the ID hanging on your arm."

Thus I took him to the Tower, a breathtaking building, higher than any other in Atlantis and made of ice and obsidian.

The combination gave it this beautiful purple hue.

After taking it in like I always did we entered the place that would be the center of change in Atlantis.