The Armourer

The big boss was really tiny. When I first saw her I thought the dude was joking but he just turned around and left.

Her body was petite, she had auburn hair, an olive skin and brown eyes. She looked like a little girl nearing 10 but she had this weird air of maturity.

She was still working on something so I waited and that turned out to be a good choice, now I could see why she was the big boss.

She was forging a shortsword, when she took out her hamer I was baffled, it was massive, easily as big as me and I was twice the girls size. She lifted the thing with ease and started pounding away at the metal.

I thought that there was no pattern in her hits but 5 minutes later the sword came out beyond perfect, it was like she had used transmutation or something.

She put the sword away and started taking out bars, I realized she hadn't noticed me so I called out to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were there. Crafting really does take me somewhere else. What can I do for you?"

I pulled out the shattered gauntlets and I could suddenly feel a threatening aura moving through the room.

"What. Did. You. Do." Looking at her I could literally see some kind of reddish aura.

"I punched too hard, the gauntlets couldn't handle the strain."

"So a little girl like you can punch hard enough to shatter hardened magic iron. Well I guess I can forgive you for being able to shatter such an inferior product."

'What do you mean little girl, I'm twice your height and you call me tiny?'

I didn't say that out loud of course, this girl was fucking terrifying.

"If you can actually shatter this then I think it would be best to use Tanzanite steel. Could you show me your ID?"

I held it out and when she saw I was a student the bill was sent to my legal guardian, it needed to be paid for before I could get one of the quality she was proposing so I was worried but not even a minute later the payment came through and I got a message from Leo saying that he would only do this once.

I had actually expected Kirby to pay for it so when Leo paid I was surprised, also it had been very expensive, as in, 20 credits, so 20,000,000 plonks. that was a lot, especially when you think about the fact that most people only made 3,000 plonks a month.

The little girl started working on the gauntlet and I observed.

This time I gave myself the ability to understand what she was doing and when I looked again I saw that every movement she made was purposeful, her movements had this beauty to them that I hadn't noticed before.

I was entranced and didn't noticed that I had just observed for four hours. She had to actually snap me out of it by slapping me in the face.

"I like you, I've never met anyone as engrossed in crafting as myself, you know, if you want I can teach you a few things. Anyway, here are your new gauntlets, this time don't shatter then or I will seriously kill you."

She dropped them in my hands and I saw something so beautiful I couldn't describe it. This might very well have been the fact that the ability was still active or it might've also been the fact that they were my own weapons, whatever the case, they seemed like the most beautifully things in the world.

The gauntlets were made of a black steel, Their sides were rimmed with gold and they had a few hidden weapons.

They had foxes fighting each other carved into them.

The first hidden weapon I found was a hidden blade, meaning I could stab people without them suspecting it.

The second hidden function I found was actually the option to turn it into a shield.

After looking at every part closely I saw that I had something sent to me on my ID. It was a manual on how to activate every hidden function on the weapon, and there were alot. How she had made this in 4 hours was beyond me.

I also learned that her name was Heffy, and she was apparently a God-ranked individual.

That's when realization dawned on me, I had been offered training by a God-ranked individual. It might've been for crafting but that doesn't change the fact that she found me interesting enough to train. I was very proud of myself but went back to training.

After another 4 hours in the training hall I went to bed, sleep was also necessary for a tournament.