The family finds out

The next morning Megan woke up late as she was very exhausted from what had happened yesterday night. Knowing that she was late, Megan quickly got a ready and went downstairs.

"Oh look, it's the sleeping beauty. I'm guessing you came back late yesterday so you slept in today" her mother raised her eyebrows in suspicion.

"It was five minutes later mother, you exaggerated it!" Megan said as she hurriedly tied her hair into a bun and clipped it with her hair pin.

"Hmmmmm" Her mother narrowed her eyes.

Theodore saw Megan coming over with her head down. "You really can't lie HAHAHA."

"Shut up" Megan said her face full of embarrassment.

There was three days left until the day of the ball and everyone in the kingdom couldn't wait to attend. The nobles ordered new high-end dresses and suits, along with luxurious jewelries imported from exotic countries. Since the commoners are participating in this party, some nobles thought about flaunting their wealth. While other nobles tries to find different ways to earn the good graces of the royal family, and others expect to meet potential business partners. The common people tried to find the best dress they could find, along with the best jewelries and fine makeup. They were not going to miss an opportunity to step into the palace!

All hell will break loose when the night of the ball starts...


One day before the royal ball...

The sun shone through the windows of the Yvonne mansion. Waking up with a cute bed hair, Victon went to freshen up and get change. He walked and made his way to the dinning room to have breakfast. "Good morning mother, good morning father" Victon said as he took his seat.

"Good morning Victon" his mother replied back.

"Morning Victon" his father said as he cut his sausages.

The twins came in a bit later, said their greetings and took their seats. Desmond and Hendery grew up finely within the past seven years. They became as tall as 1.7 meters, though not as tall as Victon who was 1.87 meters.

"Victon! Will you spare some time to spar with me?" Desmond asked.

"What about me? I've asked Victon to spar for a week now, but he never fought with me yet!" Hendery said to his twin brother.

"How about the both of you come at me at the same time? I can take on the both of you" Victon said boldly and confidently.

"..." The twins didn't know if their older brother was looking down on them or not, because who can tell if he was joking through his icy demeanor?

"Are you looking down on us?" Desmond squinted his eyes looking at Victon.

"No, if you weren't my brothers, I would've broken your legs and arms when you have asked to spar with me" Victon said nonchalantly as he bit into the freshly baked bread.

"Well you won't be disappointed when we spar with you! We training a lot when you went into the war. Ask mother, we were on the grooveeeee!" Hendery boasted.

"Yes, yes, I can't forget when the two of you were so persistent that you trained in a rainy day and slipped in the mud. These fools here sprained their ankles and caught a fever for a week straight before resuming their sword practice." Their mother said to Victon while laughing at her twins. She wasn't done there as the Duchess revealed more stories of the twins during the time Victon had gone away.

The Duchess remembered something and asked Victon, "oh! Victon, do you have a partner for tomorrow's ball? If you don't I will ask one of my friends to have their daughter be your partner."

Victon froze, then shook his head in disagreement. "No thank you mother... the only reason why I'm going to the ball is because the Emperor insisted... and I'm going there to find my long time partner, so I don't need another partner with me."

"Long time partner?" His mother, father and brothers said simultaneously with a face of bewilderment.

"Who is it? Is it a girl?" His mother asked.

"Oh my god, my brother has a girl?" the twins looked at each other.

"My block of ice found the one and only?" His father questioned with a surprised face.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Victon thought. After a minute Victon opened his mouth to say, "yes, it's a girl."

His mother took her hand to cutch her chest as she coughed.

"Oh my god Honey, here's some water" the Duke gave his wife a glass of water.

After drinking the water the Duchess continued to dig for more information. "Who is she? What's her name? What does she look like?"

"..." Victon was bombarded with questions from his mother. She only stopped when her husband told her to calm down as she was freaking the boy out.

Victon sighed and said, "I will tell you when the time is right... and right now is not the time." The Duchess had a disappointed face, but didn't pry into this topic any further.

Later on as promised, Victon went to spar with the twins around noon. He gave the two a handicap by not using a weapon. The twins thought it was unfair for him not to use a weapon, but before they can even finished their setences, Victon reduce the distance between them by half.

Startled, the twins went into a defensive stance only for Victon to disarm them by kicking the swords out of their hands. The battle had ended before it could even start.

The twins didn't want to lose just like that, so they demanded a rematch. Desmond swung his sword to the left as Victon dodged, then Hendery swung his sword to the right. They started striking at Victon, but failed to even leave a scratch on him over and over again. The twin's synchronization was amazing when they fought as a pair, but even then they couldn't leave a scratch on Victon. The sparring was stretched into the afternoon and ended when the twins gave up.

The twins lay on the ground sweating and heavily panting with a defeated look. "How *wheezeee* how can you be so strong" Desmond said unbelievably.

"You're a fucking monster brother" Hendery said looking up at Victon.

"I know" Victon replied while giving his brothers water bottles. The twins, having been defeated didn't give up on sword practice, if anything they became more motivated and admired their older brother even more. 'Thank god Victon didn't use a sword, or else we will be as thin as a strand of hay' the twins thought.