Aaliyah's POV
Waking up in my dark room I smiled wondering when will I be of age to carry Tanya to bed like she's always been with me. Pushing my self up by my elbow, I got up feeling thirsty feeling for the switch to turn the light on. Once I found it, I turned it on turning my face away a bit from the light closing my eyes slowly opening them to welcome and adjust to the brightness.
Getting up I rushed to quickly my door taking the stairs two by two heading to the kitchen for water passing a sleepy Tanya on the couch, arriving at the fridge I took milk instead and went back in the hall watching Austin and Ally. I took up Tanya's phone checking the time, it was 11:18pm,I then heard the door opened so I jumped up shaking Tanya to get up. Growling like a hungry dog, I rolled my eyes smacking her hard in the head.
"The fuck yow!", she groaned from her sleep in pain rubbing her head giving me her death stare.
"If you had just gotten up when I was gentle then I wouldn't have to slap you now , would I?", I spoke mischievously watching my sister looking like she was about to rip my head off.
"Well this god damn house better be burning down or so help me -"
"Why are you guys up?", Mom inquired as she came into view with Mr. Johnson.
" I came downstairs to get water", I told her as I walk towards her and pulled her in a hug.
"Aaliyah woke me up", Tanya answered clear annoyance in her voice.
"Well sleeping beauty isn't sleeping beauty anymore with all that drooling covering the left side of her face..... No Prince would want to kiss that", Mom teased Tanya causing Mr. Johnson and I to laugh.
"Ha Ha Ha Very funny I forgot how to laugh", she replied unamused getting up from the couch kissing mom cheeks and smacking me in the back of my head. Looking up at her shocked, she smirked.
"Good Night you guys", she announced while making her way to the staircase.
Suddenly stopping everybody in their tracks, our head snapped all at once to the kitchen entrance.
"I'll go check that out", Mr Johnson spoke for the first time since he's came into the house. Watching Mom nod at him, I hugged mom's waist securely. Watching Mr. Johnson walked off what happened next didn't even give my body time to process whether to scream, run, cry or hide.
Counting quickly, seven men appeared, all dressed in full black with mask covering their face and guns in their hands pointing to us.
"On your knees",One of them said, slowly we obey.
Soon one of them went up the stairs returning and pulling a sleepy Katherine along,throwing her over to us.Tanya quickly grabbed her in her arms,stroking her hair whispering something in her ears since Katherine was clearly in fear and was crying.
" I'll give you anything, money, assets, just leave this family alone",Mr.Johnkson begged
Without hesitation I heard the trigger pulled knocking Mr. Johnson off his feet falling on his back holding his left shoulders groaning in pain.
"Does anyone want to grow another smart mouth and join this asshole on the ground ",A muscular top fit body spoke walking over to Mr. Johnson burying the Muzzle of the hot gun deep in to wound causing him to cry out in pain.
"Anyone? ", he repeated in a tormenting devious voice as he continued his torture.
When no one spoke, he got up stepping over Mr Johnson never mistaking to step in the wound as a reminder that he doesn't mind hurting us.
When he was out of reach, Mom ran to Mr.Johnson aid taking off her sweater pushing it down on his arm trying to stop the bleeding, her hands shaking.
"You cruel dirty man",she yelled at them.
"Seems we still have a smart mouth afterall huh? ", A next masked one spoke with a spanish accent grabbing her by the throat lifting her away from Mr. Johnson using the back of the gun to hit her in the forehead to the ground joining Mr. Johnson.
Without thinking about my consequences, I ran and kick the man right in his dick causing him to drop the gun holding on to balls dropping on both knees hissing under his breath in pain.
That's what you get bitch
Completely distracted by my small victory, I felt two hands grabbing me by the collar of my PJ shirt throwing me few feet's from where I was presently standing landing on my back only to witness another douche bag already wrapping a handful of her hair in his fist slamming her face in the wall. Fighting from his hold, she weakly elbow him turning around wasting no time to dig his fingers in his eye balls. In his defense he began pushing her head backwards lifting her just inches from the ground slamming her in the wall causing the picture frame above her head to crash down hitting her in the head. Soon she had the same guy stomping his boots in her tummy pulling out his gun to shoot her, I got up to help but was pulled forcefully in my hair and pressed down face ward in the tile stepping in my rib cage.
Don't tell my mom I swear, or am killing you mfs
Turning around harshly to face by my prosecutor, it was the asshole from previous encounter.
"I see your balls stop hurting ", I taunted only to have his fist meeting my face repeatedly pounding my head back and forth like a ping pong repeatedly meeting his brutal punch .
"Noooo",Tanya and Katherine cried out. From the corner of my blurry blood shot eyes, I saw Katherine got up to run to me when mom who I thought was unconscious had the strength to grab her legs causing her to tumble to the ground pulling her in her arms. Watching her loud continuous screaming, she railed with anger to get from mom's hold unsuccessfully.
Suddenly tasting blood roamed the inside of my mouth. I smiled inward knowing atleast Katherine was safe.
That was the sound of a deafening crack of thunder filling the room stopping the fist from my face with blood splattered all across my face and PJ's. Dropping to the ground, I watch Mr. Johnson held his left shoulder with his right hand, his face showing the pain he was feeling and a gun in the in the left hand pointing in my direction. Watching further as two men got a hold of him pushing him now on his knees, another came infront hitting him mercilessly.
"You son of a bitch", he kept yelling at him never easing up from hitting him.
Rolling over on my tummy with all my strength I began crawling over to Tanya to feel a next hulk boot in my back again stopping me in my tracks pressing down in my already hurting spine and ribs.
"Ahhhh", I screamed, closing my eyes giving in to whatever came next, I looked over to Tanya who grabbed out of piece of broken glass from the fallen picture frame stabbing her opponent in his neck trumbling with the little strength she had left hovering over me taking every kick I was supposed to have recieved.
Watching her face overed with her tears, blood coming up from the corner of her mouth, I was about to push her away to take some of the hits too but felt relief when I didn't have to because a voice spoke finally saying words I never expected to hear.
"That's enough boys", The douche bag spoke.
Tanya who was beyond weak fell directly on top of me. Turning my head I fought through my blurry vision to see a man casually coming in from the front door and standing in the living room well dress in his black suite.
"Can you move?"I asked turning back my attention to her.
Still on my back,she nod weakly indicating that she couldn't even stand.
I got up slowly sliding her off me and rest her head on the floor, I slowly wipe both mine and her tears away, I eased up a with the aid of my weak elbows look to see Mr Johnson laying on his face either dead or unconscious. Praying he was still breathing , Mom was still laying on the ground with Katherine beside her crying her eyes out.
"Why??"I asked.
The man didn't answered me,he only started commanding to take anything valuable away.
He then look at Tanya and I.
" Knock out the half unconscious one on the floor and take her", he command.
I couldn't believe they almost killed her and still wanted to take her way,I just had to do something and fast.
Hesitantly I did the unexpected . I tried fighting them off but was kicked in my ribs again to the floor, blood immediately spilling from my mouth. Katherine suddenly free from mom got up and was hit across the room hitting off a vase my dad bought mom for her 9th anniversary, and she fell right on it having it fell to the floor where it was broken in pieces and then with more bad luck,she fell in it having broken pieces stabbed her in the left side of her stomach, with open mouth, she tried screaming but the voice decides not to come out,I tried getting up and with very little strength I finally found I got up stumbling over to my little sister, pulling her in my arms I then looked over mom getting up to help us but was shot in her back returning her once more to the floor. With no pitty or regret from those dirty ass guys. The men took the stuff from the house along with Tanya unconscious body over their shoulder and with a loud bang from the front door,I knew they were gone leaving me with 3 wounded bodies. Pushing Katherine away, I crawled over to where the phone was at pulling off the table cloth so that the phone could fall off, weakly with trembling hands, I quickly dial the police number,anxious for it to be answered in which it did after the third rang.
" Yes,what's your emergency", a lady voice came on the line.
"My mm-,"
"Calm down sweetheart", the lady assure me
" My address is 23 kings Rd,Red house with a white BMW at the front", I spoke weakly fighting to stay awake.
"OK.. we are on our way",the lady spoke
Hanging up I went back slowly to my sister looking around over to my Mom. All I know I was confused,tears flowing down my face, I wanted so much to carry my feet to my chin and cry but knowing the pain I was already feeling and more, I object to the idea. Soon sirens was being heard and I didn't even have the strength to even get up if I wanted to.
Soon the front door was kicked opened and soon paramedic People came in giving Mom who seem to still be alive ,Katherine and Mr.Johnson who was still breathing was help to the ambulance. I on the other hand sit in the same position, noticing my surroundings and activities when a police came to take me away with them. I was so shocked that they were the one pulling me and that's was when I felt yet another sharp pain in my rib cage enough to make me block out completely consume by the darkness as it slowly elope causing me to not knowing anything else happening around me.
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