Chapter Three

Tanya's POV

Waking up,I couldn't move. My head was pounding heavily like a band playing a set of drum line. I tried raising my hands to slightly massage it but the pounding worsen.

"Shit.... Where the fuck am I? ", I murmur to myself as flashback of what happened at my house kept replaying like a broken record.

Turning my head slowly trying to ignore the pounding of my head to observed my surrounding. I saw only plain solid concrete wall, no windows, one small side table with a glass of water and the small bed I was laying down on.

Soon the door of the open and I quickly closed my eyes.

"You know... Even my daughter can do a better fake sleep than you", a soft female voice spoke which I ignored closing my eyes still pretending to sleep. Listening the foot steps coming over to the bed, the woman smashed me on the head.

"Holy Shit", I scream in pain rushing up from the bed too quickly stirring up the pain of my arching body, gripping my side groaning, I felt my chest growing heavy as I suddenly started coughing up.....


"Am dying.... Am gonna die", I screamed out of fright as the blood strained the sheet and the palms of my hands.

"Fucking drama Queen ", the voice spoke unamused

For the first time I slowly lifted my head to get a glimpse of this woman who was neatly attired in black jeans pants,a short tight white blouse with a knot tied above her navel showing her smooth flat belly and a black 6inch wedge heel shoes with red polished toenails with flowers pattern.

"When you feel like stop admiring me,feel free to inform me" she spoke again with a devious look of disinterested.

"You just look really nice", I reply trying to lighten the mood. She just nod, left without a word returning back with a rusty old tray.

"Don't let the fashion deceive you"

And that was all she said before pushing me to laying back as she lift my clothes up examining the bandages was covered in blood because my wound started to bleed again from my pervious rush.

Soon the door open again revealing a tall built muscular man carrying a tray of food. He closes the door , walked over to where I was putting it on the small table and walked off leaving the Lady and I alone in the room.

"Can you sit up? ",she question and I nodded to indicate I couldn't but it only affect the pounding to start again. Soon I felt the lady hands behind my waist with a bit of pressure helping to ease me in a sitting position but all this effort was enough to cause a striking pain in my rib cage, back and head which cause my eyes to get foggy and weak causing my weight to fall on the lady.

"I can't lift you all by myself child", she spoke harshly dropping me back on the bed.

"What the hell? ", I hissed in pain fighting to catch my breath wiping a bit of blood from the corner of my lips.

"You're pathetic hopeless bitch" she screamed in my face.

"How can you be so cold when I didn't put myself like this", I cried turning my head in her direction speaking through shaky voice. Watching her turning her back on me, I couldn't see her face to know if she had an emotion.

"I was here in your situation kid, determination and a fighting spirit got me to live.... But if you want to pity yourself, and feel fucking sorry for how you are now might as well stop wasting my time and let me have someone finish off your miserable life", She threatened with a death glare.

"You're a heartless bitch", I spit out bitterly.

"Am a survivor and you're a trash", she respond equally bitter walking off towards the door leaving me helpless.

"Wait", I begged.

"What? ", she barked annoyed stopping in her tracks with her hands on the door knob just moments to leave.

" What will they do to me? ", I asked through my tears.

"Human Trafficking but with your condition,you can't be sold tonight", she spoke like it was the best thing in the world to tell a injured girl.

"Sold",I shouted shocked at her coughing from the dryness of my throat, watching her walk back over to me, she knocked taking up a glass of water from the tray that the man carried in earlier placing it to my lips allowing me small sips.

"This is a club where Billionaire, Millionaire, Drug dealers, and all sorts come to buy girls like you",she informed me.

"Broken, Stolen , injured girls", I respond sarcasticly.

"If you want to put it that way then yeah", she replied casually.

"You're all sick motherfuckers", I told her in anger but she just smiled as if I said something funny placing the water down looking me up and down without another word.

"What happens to the girls when they are sold?",I question curious wanting to break this awkward silence.

" They go to the guy house and to be honest I don't know what happened after that",she told me again.

"So you take girls from their house, sold them to who ever... What if they actually get raped by the guy or killed ",I told her feeling anger dwelling up more inside of me.

"That's between the girls and the Buyers.... I get my cut and that's all that matters ", she told me with a blank mask of emotions unwrapping the bandage around my head to clean.

"Have anyone told you that you're a physco... You all are", I respond in fear.

"Look... I can't help,I was sold to the owner of this club. I can't do anything but obey, get the girls ready for whoever feels to buy them. I have been here living by force for 13 long years and my 4 years old daughter Linda is the only thing that will let me leave this place and get a different life", she spoke really anger pressing down a cotton of rubbing alcohol roughly on the bruise of my forehead.

"Fuck yow", I hissed in pain hitting her hands away looking at her murderously.

"Sorry", she spoke with pour sarcasm causing me to roll my eyes.

I hate this bitch

"13 years",I spoke in shocked.

"My aunty wanted money and she sold me when I was 12 years old and now am 25", She informed me.

I was speechless. That was hard to have been given away by your aunt. Your own family to this hell hole.

"Am sorry to hear this",I told her

"I don't need you pity. All I need is to get out of this damn place with my daughter",she barked at me.

"Look,I was taken by force, I don't know if my family is alive, I can't stand,my head is pounding off my body, so everyone is having it rough here you sick son of a bitch but it doesn't give you the right to rain your hell fire of problems and anger down on me because all I just wanna do is go home" I told her as anger lace through my voice suddenly loosing it , I broke down in tear.

"Go home to what?... you don't even know if your family is alive. Which I know these guys, its hardly unlikely they left them alive", she spoke now sitting beside me rewrapping a freshly new bandage around my head.

Suddenly the door fly open with a angry man,the same man that was dress in suit at my house of the accident.

"I send you in here to get her ready Maria, not babysit the fucking idiot", He barked at her angrily.

"Shawn,I would but your fucking asshole put her in a bad shape", She yelled standing to her feets in defense mood.

"So guess She's useless", He answered pulling out his gun pointing it out at me turning off the safety. Watching as Maria, guessing that's her name stepped infront the bed pulling her gun out too equally pissed, she glare him down challenging.

"Defending the Stray dog ", He barked

"You defended this Stray dog when my Aunty sold me here, and we have a deal. I sell you a percentage, you grant my daughter and I our freedom. It's business "she demanded pulling off her safety too.

"Getting prime I see", He spoke dangerously calm swiftly hitting the gun from her hands hitting her across her face with the gun causing her to stumble hitting over the tray of bandages and first aid kit. Watching Shawn walked over to her, I looked in her eyes desperately wanting to help her but she skillfully kicked him off his feet hitting his face left and right with the tray she grabbed when she was getting up to her feet. Watching him stumbled back, she gripped him effortlessly by his neck slamming in the wall drawing a blade from behind her back which was tucked into her waist pressing it to his throat with a bit of pressure letting blood run down his neck.

"We have a deal and even if she does go out there, its a 100% chance,she will be worth less and you don't want less amount of money do you?",she spoke confidently with a smirk place on her lips breathing heavily, though murderous.

Pushing her off him laughing like a miniac he began slapping his hands applauding as if he didn't just get his ass whopped but through it all, I realized he was a greedy man because I could swear I saw immediate grey hair forming at the mentioned of lost of money.

"Very well.... I hold my end of the bargain, Get her in shape and immediately after she is. She is being sold on the same night", He command her walking off, slamming the door shut behind him aggressively causing me to slightly jump. Turning towards me with a creepy smile she tucked her knife away taking up her gun putting it away as well walking back over to me cleaning up the stuff off the floor and began dressing the rest of my body.

Remind me never to get on her wrong side.

"My master from 12 years old and happily will be free from him in 6 months time if my percentage is met"she spoke out of the blue frightening me abit causing me to swallow harshly. She was scary.


Was all I managed to say trying to ignore the pain I was feeling during her cleaning and un dressing. Easing up she helped putting pillows to support my back. Without hesitation I pulled her in a hug.I was really a fucking idiot to be hugging a complete stranger.

"Thank you", I told her grateful that even if she only saved me to be sold only for her self gained, she didn't have to.

"I'll hug you back but I can feel you are still in pain" she said pulling away with the first emotion I've gotten since we met.


For the first time from the accident I Just laugh.

2 Months later

Sitting in my Ceil with Maria. We were eating ice-cream she stole from the kitchen. She has changed just a little bit she was still a complete bitch but I've gotten used to it. She ensured I got my checks, my ribs wasn't one hundred but they didn't hurt like hell anymore. Painkillers helped alot. I didn't leave my cell but I walked around the room to get exercise.


Looking over on her, I caught her looking at me with a ate but sadden look.

"What's wrong? ", I asked concerned.

"I won't be stealing ice cream for us anymore... Your times expired ", she warned me.

"Cou.. Cou.. Couldn't I have stayed here any longer", I stuttered tears dwelling in my eyes as I placed the ice cream on my lap.

"I tried but your face is healed.., ou're walking, Shawn knows your report from the doctors even if I try to hide it, and today I was away in his office, he threatened he'll take my daughter if I did get my head back in the game", She explained.

Placing my hands onto of hers, I squeezed it reassuringly smiling. I met her daughter, a complete princess and allowing her to loose her mother wasn't something I wanted even if me being sold or killed met saving her life.

Suddenly the door opened and we had to quickly throw the cream back in the container under the bed.

Standing at the door was the guy I first saw when I first came here. He walked over to us and throw down a light green bath suit and a 6inch silver platform front high heels and left. Looking over to her, I never made the smile left my face.

"Am ready ", I told her weakly.

C'mon who was I fooling, I was devastating not knowing my future. I didn't want to get rape, killed, drug or all the rest of manner of evil.

"Am so sorry Tanya but I guess, this is the last of our friendship",Maria spoke with clear sadness in her voice.

" I guess so too", I spoke pulling her in a hug.

And with that. Maria started her work to prepare me for my life to some rich asshole.

This chapter was boring yes but its coming in place because hey,she gonna meet her buyer and a very new adventure is gonna started for her too.