Tanya's POV
Laying comfortably on the bed.
Wait a bed!... I thoughts immediately
Waking up to a lady humming softly opening the blinders for the morning sunlight to enter, I quickly threw the comforter off looking down on myself neatly attired in a baggy blue shirt, the bath suit panty from last night still on but the bra missing. Feeling my cheeks heated up I began praying that however changed me was a female. Looking over at the lady, she continued humming ignoring the fact that I was awake.
"Good morning",I spoke softly enough for her to turn around and look at me.
"Sorry I have... I have... to.. go", She stuttered walking backwards towards the room door rushing out closing it leaving me alone.
"Hey... Wait", I screamed out after her.
Hissing a bit pissed, I decided I will have to do this by myself. Looking beside the bed were Crutches. Easing from the bed, I slowly slide to the edge lifting my injured legs one by one to hang off the edge of the bed. Sliding mord off the bed, I allowed my feet to touch the purple rug on the ground using my toes to enjoy the softness and comfort it brought to my feet's. Getting hold of the Crutches I got up placing each under my arm failing to keep my balance since this was the first time using one, I fell over on the bed. Exhaling heavily I pushed my self up from the bed again with the Crutches determining to get a better balance and fight the pain. Standing up smiling victoriously, it come to a closure suddenly when a sharp pain cut unbearably across my rib cage causing me fall thankful in this rug.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Hearing foot steps walking towards me,a muscular frame stand in all it's glory in front of me. Looking up seeing that it was Luke, I gave him a ugly stare.
"Didn't your parents tell you not to frightened a injured girl with a crutch ",I warned him.
"Actually no since you're the first crutched girl I've met.. Now answer my question", He spoke still serious from the day we've met.
"Bathroom okay damnmit. Now could you get me there I need to take a fucking pee",I demand
Raising his eyebrows at me, he turn away from me to sit in a sofa, reading the newspaper from the coffee table.
Is he being serious right now?.. Jeeeez
"I don't take orders. Ask nicely or just plan on urinating right there on the rug, I won't mind "he told me through his reading still not glancing on me as I managed to pushed myself off the rugs in a seated position facing him with my back against the bed for support. I wanted so bad to be stubborn and spiteful right now but I really needed to pee so I objected against it.
"Please take me to the bathroom ",I spoke through my teeth rolling my eyes.
"Say it like you meant it. With Respect ", He demand
This damn good for nothing asshole was pissing me off.
"Can... You... Take.. Me... To.. "-
"Hold up ", he injected placing the newspaper down finally looking back at me.
"I didn't say speak like a kindergarten child.. I said, say it like you mean it, now the longer you act like a stubborn brat, the longer you will be holding in your pee", he told me sternly.
Gritting my teeth frustrated closing my eyes trying to contain the anger from within, I just wanted to beat him unconscious. He was getting on my god damn nerve. Praying inwards I heard his stupid ass voice again.
"Am waiting "
"Please ok... I need to go to the restroom ", I forced from the pit of my stomach along with the best fake smile opening my eyes staring at him repulsively.
"Good girl ",he spoke getting up from the sofa walkinf over to where I was patting my head like a damn puppy.
Who the hell does this guy thinks he is, The President, my thought screamed out and I rolled my eyes in agreement.
"He not the president just some stupid ass millionaire",I anwered back my thoughts. No am not getting mad but its nice talking to yourself instead of going sane with thesw asshole or rather putting it out in action and in my situation, I definitely would lose.
"Did you say something?", He asked kneeling taking me up bridal style along with the crutches carrying me to the bathroom, wrapping my arms around his neck placing my face in his comfortable chest, I bite down on my low lips from answering him, shaking my head in a "No" motion.
"Of course I said something. You are just a fucking millionaire asshole",my thoughts screamed out inside my head.
"Shut the heck up",I mentally muttered to myself
"What's that?", He asked looking down on me as I held my head up to do the same, looking in my eyes damn he had beautiful eyes, I could stare in them all day if he wasn't such a pain in my ass. Not realizing my hold around his neck has tightened, I just couldn't believe men like this existed. I saw them in news papers, on model magazine covers and here I was hid by this Sexy Cute Ass mother fucker and all i kinda wanted to do was a happy dance with a scream.
"Why are you smiling? ", He asked pulling me away from my mood of admiration.
Oh God, He must have thought now that am a darn idiot. Tanya get a hold of yourself and think.
"You have beautiful eyes ",I blurt out
Shit!!.. Shit!!.. Shit!! Really Tanya,you couldn't think of anything better to say, I burryed my face in his chest from embrassment. It was all I could do.
"You have a beautiful smile ", Was his reply and I now wanted to scream, He just compliment me,I was so acting like a fan seeing Chris Brown or Beyonce right now. Inwardly ofcourse, it was all fireworks but outside my face was like "Thanks Bitch, I already knew that". Making a abrupt stop in front a brown door,he placed me down with my back pressing against the wall steadying my balance as he firmly placed the Crutches under my arms to support me, Smiling like a gratefully, I turned away from him slapping right in the door.
"Damn door",I screamed angrily falling back in his arms agaimst his chest to steady myself. Feeling his chest move up and down, I heard him laughing , holding my head upwards to glance at him, he quickly wiped it off replacing it with his strained dulled emotional expression. Walking off, this time ensuring to open the door, I went in closing it doing a happy dance stopping minutes after feeling the pain in my leg to trip falling over in the tub.
"Shit ",I screamed out watching the door flied opening, Luke rushing over by my side.
"Are you always this clumsy", He asked pulling me up.
"Suck your self Jackass",I told him pushing him off me causing me to lose my balance gripping his shirt pulling him down with me but with fast reflex he swap our positions allowing me to fall on top of him and tearing down the shower curtains.
"Am sorry ",I apologized rolling myself off him trying to get up instantly tangling and tippping again on the shower curtain because it was a slippery material. Gripping onto the pipe in my failed attempt to stand on my feet, I accidentally turned it allowing heavy pressure of water to come out soaking the both of us as I fell on top of him again.
Laying on his chest looking up on his face giving him my best apologically smile, He groaned annoyingly at me, easing up with me still laying on his chest, he turned the pipe off. Rolling me from off him a little rough ,he got up.
"I don't care if you need to Pee or Shit in a fucking garbage bag, pit latrine or even bathe outside the god damn Pacific Ocean, Civilized bathroom wasn't made for you and your Clumsiness ", He yelled, my reaction surprising him. Why?.. Well I was sitting on the floor laughing like a miniac. His face still held rage but amusement in his eyes, He shaked his head taking a towel from a rod leaving, slamming the door behind him.
"Sorry",I spoke more to the door since he was already gone. Well this wasn't how I wanted my morning to turn out, still laughing at my little incident , I did my business carefully returning to the room proud of myself for having a better handling with the Crutches. Sliding back on the bed, I sighed wondering what my day of new adventures will be.
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