Luke's POV
Settling in my room when I arrive, I lay on my bed thinking of how cute her face was when she was clumsily falling down.
You are such an idiot
I was thinking about someone in which I didn't even know the name of. my thoughts declared and it was right, closing my eyes a loud knock came on the door.
"Who is it" I asked loudly.
Not bothering to answer. The door flied was open, stepping in, a still pissed off Jason entering closing the door behind him.
"Is that Whore still there?" asked Jason angrily
Rolling my eyes not really want any more drama, I told him to stop being such a dick but he started Pacing the room muttering under his breath, things I couldn't hear to understand then suddenly without hesitation stopping, he took up a Flowers vase from the dresser and threw it at me. Quickly rolling off the bed, it smacked in the wall in pieces.
" Are you crazy ?",I shouted sitting up looking over at him.
Jason anger on the other hand was blind, deaf, and let me mention how stupid it will make him behave. He's like a mindless Zombie that didn't listen. Rushing over to me punching me in the face, I gripped him in the neck and kicked him in the stomach allowing him to fall on his knees face down to the floor. Ignoring his pain getting up, he grabbed me by the throat beginning to strangled me. Gripping his hands from around my neck, I grained my strength pushing myself on my feet, fisting him in the nose causing him to cried out in pain.
" You fucking idiot", He yelled falling back from me.
"What's your problem?"I asked gripping the bed walking over to Jason who now had a bleeding nose.
"You chose a stranger over your best friend" he yelled.
Stopping in my tracks, I began shaking my head at his behavior. Sitting on the floor in front of him motioning with my fingers for him to do the same, he growl at me but obeyed anyways settling himself infront of me still holding his bleeding nose
"I choose that girl over you because you know what you did was wrong, you hit a woman Jason and we don't hit women no matter what they do and you know this, you fucking know this, plus there is camera all over the fucking streets, you were gonna fuck your life up without even knowing so try blowing out your anger on something else" I informed him angrily suddenly hearing a knock came on the door once more.
"Who is it?"I yelled
"Tanya", Her beautiful soft voice answered and Jason expression darken.
Getting up opening the door, she standed resting her body weight on the Crutches exhaustedly.
"What are you doing out of your room? "
"I saw a lady and asked her where you were, she hesitatedly led me here but all I need is painkillers please", She explained
Well fine... I'll get some to you but stay in your room and don't come out",I command her getting a bit anger knowing anyone who had the nerves to not have sent her back to her room leading her to me would be facing consequences. Closing the door she stopped it with one of the clutches.
"Are you disobeying me", I yelled turning back to face her,she was still wet from pervious encounter which gave off a bit sexy look.
"I told you to"-
Hitting me in the knee shutting me up, I backed away from the door swearing like a little bitch, she pushed the door opened with her shoulders peaking in then walked passed me casually passing Jason who was minding his business using his phone.
"Jason stop her", I command hopping to get to her but damn those crutches hurt like hell.
"Oh.. You want me to... I thought you said she was your problem and not mine", He spoke in a provoking manner.
Glaring at him serious and deadly, he threw his hands in surrender getting up but Tanya was already in the bathroom bolting it shut. Reaching over there I started pounding on the door.
"Tanya ", I yelled furiously.
"If she was treated like the fucking slave she was,this wouldn't happened ", Jason declared from behind me.
"Shut the fuck up",I yelled at him still pounding heavily on the door. Hearing loud banging of cabinet doors in the bathroom,I pound the door harder.
"Tanya",I yelled pounding the door angry enough to maybe hit this shit from the hinges. Feeling the door swing away from my touch, I was about to shout at her when she placed a cotton of soaked rubbing alcohol on the bruises on my face.
"Hold it and don't move it",she ordered me limping off with just one crutch under her arm for support , the other I saw lending on the bathroom counter. Arriving in front of Jason holding down her face shyly , she raised her hands swiftly to his nose, he used his hands shielding his bleeding nose. Looking up at him sternly, she hit his hands away forcefully.
"Stop acting stubborn please",she begged but still bring cold-hearted he pushed her hands away once again.Shaking her head, she growled impatiently slamming the crutches in his right foot causing him to get remove his hands from his nose, holding his feet hissing with rage hopping on his left over to the bed, falling on top of it, she used the chance she had she pushed cottons up his nostrils.
"Fucking shit that burns",he yelled pulling them from his nostrils seconds after jumping up like a kangaroo.
"It's soak with rubbing alcohol just put them in your nostrils and hold your head backward the blood will stop running down",she spoke utterly close to his face which made me angry dropping the cotton from my face clutching my hands in a tight fist I growl lowly to myself.
"Why are you angry idiot... she is just some stupid disobedient bitch",my thoughts warned
"You directly disobey my orders and came in without my permission ",I scolded at her loud enough for her to take her attention from Jason and looking at me.
Standing shocked looking away fumbling with her nails, I got even pissed.
"Look at me when am talking to you", I demand causing her to snap her attention in my direction back quickly.
"Am I not doing something Luke? ",she answered with a forceful tune in her voice.
"Its Master Luke you little clumsy Rat ",I yelled.
Lord knows she was pushing her luck.
"Oh Master Luke ",she emphasized.
"Am sorry for being a concerned person but I don't go around beating people to death and leaving them hopelessly in pain... I have a heart unlike most of us so called humans ", She continued with attitude rolling her eyes.
"Get the heck out of my room or so help me God you'll be sorry ",I warned
She rolled her eyes again bursting in a fit of laughter coming up in my face.
"You're repulsive ", she snorted
"Go to hell",I blurted out in her face causing her to laugh more and trust me I was losing it.
"Do you need me to draw a map to find you hell entrance Master Luke ",she asked continuing to emphasize the master Luke part of it causing Jason to join in laugh out from behind us enjoying our little dispute.
"You both sound like a old married couple", He commented still laughing even harder than before. Ignoring Jason anyways,I looked down in Tanya's eyes who had a anger glare.
"Watch your tune",I warned her then what she said next, hit the nail right on the head.
"Go to hell Luke.. It's the best place for a stupid ass pathetic loser like you",she yelled in my face
Right there and then I didn't know if it was that fact that her words hurt or The fact that Jason was laughing even harder now in the room from her response or The fact that no woman ever stood up to me like she's doing right now but I lost it. I huffed so hard I gripped her in the waist roughly pulled her more to face me, our lips only a inch apart.
"Don't you dear speak to me like that again, Am your master, You listen to me, You fucking obey me",I screamed angrily in her face watching her painfully open her mouth to gasp for air from the pain.
"Please", She begged trying to pull my hands from her waist but all I did was dig my fingers more into her wound leaving her a little reminder to never pass her place with me ever again. Smiling wickedly as tears flow down both her cheeks, I continued having it all ended when strong arms pushed me from my hold of Tanya.
"Are you crazy, she'll bleeding badly, You could kill her"Jason yelled catching Tanya in his arms who was having dificulties breathing clutching her stomach tightly as blood soak and spread onto her blouse,her eyes getting weak.
"She needs to know her place and am teaching it to her",I told him heartlessly.
"Just get doctor Omish", He commanded taking up in his arms, bridal style a now unconscious Tanya carrying her from my room.