Chapter Nine

Tanya POV

A rushed of pain came in my side as I flinged trying to sit up. My head was pounding along with my eyelids that I kept forcing to stay open due to them feeling heavy. Sunlight brighten the room causing my vision to be foggy but as my eyes got used to the light, I turned my head slowly stopping in the directions of six pairs of eyes belonging to Luke, Jason and a unfamiliar man standing over by the far corner of the room staring at me.

"Hello... Ms. Tanya ", The unfamiliar man spoke politely walking over to my side sitting down placing his hand on my forehead to which I flinged away in pain.

"Am sorry... Am having a headache " I informed him, watching him nodding at the information, he took out various instructions checking my pressure, temperature and heart beat.

"Do you mind telling me what happened? ", He asked after finishing up with my vital. Looking at him puzzled, I eyed Luke over the doctor's shoulder watching him staring me threatenedly in the eyes. Looking back at the Doctor shifting uneasy, he inspected the new wrapped bandage around my waist.

"Miss Tanya? "

Looking directly in the Doctor's eyes, I swallowed nervously.

"I fell down the stairs,it was a very hard hit", I lied through my teeth praying he'll buy it. Turning his head suspiciously at me aching his eyebrows, I smiled.

"A very hard hit indeed ",Jason spoke out of the blue causing everyone to turn to him with Luke giving him a shut the fuck up look.

"I'll be fine",I informed him looking strianght in Luke's eyes which was serious and emotionless .

"I need to talk to Tanya alone",He then announced never breaking eye contact with me. Looking around, settling my eyes on Jason, I gave him a pleading look begging him not to leave me alone with Luke.

Yes Wow!....Laugh at me all you want but life is a funny thing begging a guy who hurted me and hated me over Luke was a chance am willing to take and don't ask why.

I didn't even know why.. Fuck!!

Feeling the inner me screaming in frustration, I was going to have a mental breakdown soon and very soon.

"Now",Luke barked

Slowly the Doctor and Jason began departing through the door leaving not even giving me a second look. Turning my head away from the now closed door over by Luke. He began walking over by me sitting in the near by sofa. Acting stubborn, I looked away through the beautiful light blue crystal windows.

"Tanya look at me ",he command softly

Ignoring him, he command once more.

"Tanya look at me when am talking to you"

"My eyes only see but my ears hear,I don't have to look at you ",I spoke softly with determination.

Suddenly I heard a loud sigh along with two strong arms turning me off the bed forcing my face upwards by my cheeks to look up at him.

"Tanya am sor.. Am Sooooooorrrrrry", His voice came out lowly sounding like someone consipatated which was not clear in the slightest.

Raising my eyebrows, I looked at him wierdly as if he just grew two head. Really? He was apologising. I guess he needed to work on that better. Looking at him,I swear he was battling in his head because the vines were popping out from the side of his neck.

"Oh", Was all I could say.

"Really? I am here apologizing and all you can say is oh",he yelled moving away from me.

"Well you didn't do much of an apology. How about; Tanya,what I did was wrong. I hurt you and I didn't meant to. My anger got in the way and thank you for lying to the Doctor so I couldn't get in trouble ",I spoke as calmly and respectively as possible to him.

All he did was stand, looking at me like a lunatic.

"Well guess what? That apology is as best as you are getting ", He told me folding those strong muscular arms staring down at me like a filthy insect.

"Well take it back. I don't need your pity",I told him clearly unbelievably shocked, rolling my eyes.

"Watch your tone",he warned me with his cold voice.

"You think because am your maid or your slave I don't have a say ",I spoke raising my voice a bit.

"No! you don't have a say. The day you put your self in that club. You are a whore, A trash, Your ambition falls... Am sure a worthless piece of shit like you could find other means to get money or you not educational enough to get a decent job", He spoke all serious and pitiful, joking at my life which he knew nothing about and spitting those horrible stuff in my face,I allow the tears to fall.


"What? Am not hearing that, Too uneducated to form a proper sentence ", He teased constantly laughing disgustedly at me.

"You don't know anything about me",I manage to throat out between my sobbing.

"And the best thing about it. I don't care. Nothing from that mouth of yours matters, It drop at the bottomless pit the moment I became your master", He spoke hissing his teeth at me spitting in my face turning on his heels leaving me in a deep misery.

Not even bothering to find the strength to wipe the nasty glu away from my face, I sat watching his retreating form leave the room closing the door upon his exit.

Sitting in the same position for what felt like hours but was rather couple minutes, I watched the door reopened with the doctor entering coming over to me with a sadden smile placing tissue wiping my tears away. Looking up, I muttered a Thank you causing him to smile slightly but I couldn't smile,I just held my head down not before giving Jason who was standing at the entrance of the door with his arm folded a sad small smiled which made him nods with a emotionless express like Luke walking off closing the door behind him.

"Kiddo, Trust me, I have been around those boys all my life and they are not easy people to deal with but be observant, quiet, use you words wisely because they are offensive easily and stayout of their way as much as possible especially Luke, Jason he isn't much of a problem, a very jovial person when you get to know him", The doctor advised me but I still didn't say anything.

Patting my shoulders, he helped my feet to get up on the bed then I heard the door opened and close indicating he was gone.

Sliding myself down carefully in a sleeping position ,wiping the tears harshly. I started thinking back on my family.

Did mom died?

Whose taking care of my beautiful sisters?

Did they hurt my sisters?

All these question ponder my mind until my eyes became heavily drifting off into a deep well needed sleep.

**********Aaliyah POV*********

It's been two month's since the incident happened and here I was in the police station being asked the same questions over once again.

"Can you remember anything else that happened the night of the accident? ", A police lady by the name Ms.Zed if I remember correctly asked.

"I told you everything, all I need is for you to find my sister,my mom to get out of the hospital and my life to be the same happy story it was",I spoke knowing I was partly lying.

I had to be smart not wanting to spill too much to have them finding them only for someone to escape killing us. I wouldn't be able to see Tanya again or Tanya wouldn't see us again since I have no idea if they still had her in hostage,they could kill her too.

"Are you sure?",she asked again which made me fold my hands in a fist under the table.

"I am sure. Can I go home now?",I spoke tears now falling down my cheeks at the thought of my big sister in torture.

"Sure",she spoke

Quickly getting up,I walk out the room to enter the waiting room to aunty Karty and Katherine who have been taking care of us since the incident. She flied down from the Netherlands the next day after hearing what happened. Walking slowly over to them I stopped in my tracks upon a conversation in the staff room.

"I think that little girl is lying, she knows something esle but maybe not saying anything, I dobt know, Maybe out of fear or Maybe they threatened her", A male voice spoke.

"I don't know but we have to find out though, We don't know what they wanted with the older daughter. And am curious ", She replied in a determining voice which causes goosebumps to formed on my hands. It wasn't the calm, sweet voice in the interrogation room. It was serious, filled with authority and not to mention scary.

"Hey.. Who are you?", A voice came from behind grabbing my hands roughly and tight.


"It's Aaliyah captain. Victim of the case filed two months ago with a missing sister,wounded mother and terrified small sister. I was just looking for her to return her back to guardian", Ms.Zed spoke with authority still in her voice now standing at the doorway that I was ease dropping at few minutes ago listening to her and the guy I think was a policeman. Feeling the captain gripped released, I rubbed the area gently.

"Am sorry Aaliyah ", He apologized

I on the other hand, didn't even want to be in front of him anymore. The man had the living look of Freddy from the movie : Freddy verses Jason. I remember watching it with Tanya and didnt sleep in my room for about a month.

"C'mon Aaliyah. Don't cry, let's get you to your Aunty and get you home", Ms. Zed spoke leading me to the waiting area while wiping away the tears I hadn't noticed was falling from my eyes.


Upon reaching home, I went straight to the shower with the aid of aunty taking off my clothes, since the incident I was still in constant pain now and then. Afterwards I went in the room laying in my bed, closing my eyes trying to sleep. Not listening much to my surrounding I jumped up frightened switching the lamp on when I felt soft hands rocking my shoulders. There stood I saw Katherine.

"Katherine what the hell? ... Don't scare me like that", I warned her

"Am afraid to sleep by myself ", She told me giving me an apologetic look.

Sighing softly,I rolled over on the other side turning my back to her to which she took as a hint to lay beside me because I felt the bed dipped a bit as she climbed up on the bed rolling under my blanket.

"Goodnight ",I told her

"God.. Please protect my sister, Tanya and carry her back to us safely " She began beside me.

Turning to face her,I saw tears flowing down her face,her eyes close. She was praying. Wiping the tears from her face, tears flowing down my own cheeks.

"Amen",she said softly

"Amen",I spoke afterwards.

Pulling her in a hug kissing her forehead.I started gushing her.

"Love you Katherine ",I told her as she turned her back to me and I put my hands over her waist tightly as though I'll lose her if I didn't hugged her tight enough.

"I love you too big sister " She replied yawning tiredly

That was the last thing I heard before drowsing off in sleep praying and hoping with all my heart that God heard Kathrine pray. That this was just a horrible dream and I'll wake up any minute where everything was normal. Mom was home and Tanya was playing pillow fight with us as usual. All I wanted to do was wake up from this god forsaking nightmare.

Reality hit though and I knew it wasn't a dream. It was all real.

I wanted it to be over.